#HORO.   /   v. path to nowhere
soulsballad · 10 months
@deathfavor: care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. ( Horo & Earl LAST ONE I PROMISE )
the mission went horribly. absolutely, entirely horrible. when she woke up this morning she felt the ache in her throat and congestion in her head, but she's a warrior, and warriors don't put their blades down for something as pathetic as a sore throat and head. and so she pushed on, and it ended with her almost collapsing in front of corruptors. she was just lucky she wasn't alone, otherwise she would be dead.
the minute the team returns to their base horo is swiftly wandering off, squeezing her way through fellow legion members to escape what she knows is coming. one of them would snag her; but which one would get to her first?
earl. of course, he was quick. and commander zoya would have probably waited until horo got out of the way of other members. earl enjoyed his big brother role, that's why when he's grabbed her by the arm and tugging her towards the medical tent she was already rambling an excuse as to why she 'almost passed out'. but he's having none of it, no doubt because of how dangerous it could have been. the look he gives her confirms that, so she shuts up and just decides to sulk as he sits her down and a medic comes over to check her over.
she's got early symptoms of some sort of flu, she's told to stay put and rest for a while. of course, naturally, when the medic turns and leaves horo is right back up on her feet, reaching for her sword. but earl's metallic hand swoops in and grabs hers. " hey! " her voice is hoarse and scratchy, contradicting what she says next. " come on earl, i'm fine! i'm- " she's shoved back down onto the bed, and before she can protest and move to stand again, her brother pulls up a chair beside her and sits, resulting in her giving him a rather cheeky side-eye.
silence easily falls around them and horo knows what is happening. he'd keep her company, or he'd tie her to the bed to make sure she did as told. giving a soft roll of her eyes, the sinner shifts onto her side, facing the man and blowing him raspberries. you suck. love you.
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soulsballad · 10 months
tag drop; path to nowhere. ( p. 3 )
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