#and fell asleep like 20 seconds later
soulsballad · 10 months
@deathfavor: care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. ( Horo & Earl LAST ONE I PROMISE )
the mission went horribly. absolutely, entirely horrible. when she woke up this morning she felt the ache in her throat and congestion in her head, but she's a warrior, and warriors don't put their blades down for something as pathetic as a sore throat and head. and so she pushed on, and it ended with her almost collapsing in front of corruptors. she was just lucky she wasn't alone, otherwise she would be dead.
the minute the team returns to their base horo is swiftly wandering off, squeezing her way through fellow legion members to escape what she knows is coming. one of them would snag her; but which one would get to her first?
earl. of course, he was quick. and commander zoya would have probably waited until horo got out of the way of other members. earl enjoyed his big brother role, that's why when he's grabbed her by the arm and tugging her towards the medical tent she was already rambling an excuse as to why she 'almost passed out'. but he's having none of it, no doubt because of how dangerous it could have been. the look he gives her confirms that, so she shuts up and just decides to sulk as he sits her down and a medic comes over to check her over.
she's got early symptoms of some sort of flu, she's told to stay put and rest for a while. of course, naturally, when the medic turns and leaves horo is right back up on her feet, reaching for her sword. but earl's metallic hand swoops in and grabs hers. " hey! " her voice is hoarse and scratchy, contradicting what she says next. " come on earl, i'm fine! i'm- " she's shoved back down onto the bed, and before she can protest and move to stand again, her brother pulls up a chair beside her and sits, resulting in her giving him a rather cheeky side-eye.
silence easily falls around them and horo knows what is happening. he'd keep her company, or he'd tie her to the bed to make sure she did as told. giving a soft roll of her eyes, the sinner shifts onto her side, facing the man and blowing him raspberries. you suck. love you.
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sluttysnowangel666 · 2 months
The Woman Beyond the Wall
Cregan Stark x Wilding!Fem reader
Summary: Cregan must go beyond the wall to aid Castle Black after a large group of Nights Watch men are killed under strange circumstances, only for him to discover the “strange circumstance” is a beautiful and mysterious wilding woman that will make him forget everything he thought he knew.
not proof read yet!!
cw: angst, smut, dom fem reader, dom cregan, freaky cregan, reader is kind of odd 😭
word count: long af
part 2 , masterlist
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Cregan sat, contemplating the decision before him.
“Forgive me, sirs. The kingdom greatly appreciates the sacrifice you men have made to serve the Nights Watch, but I cannot abandon my duties as a lord to go beyond the wall for Gods knows how long.” He tells them, hoping they won’t take offense to his declination to participate.
“We wouldn’t ask if we were not desperate, my lord.” The maester says, “But 15 men have disappeared just in this past exhibition. The Nights Watch grows scarce of fighters the more men beyond the wall continue to disappear.”
Cregan sighs, not wanting to go beyond the wall and leave his kingdom without a lord, but also not wanting to leave the Watch vulnerable.
“Alright, Maester Devron.” Cregan sighs, “We owe you men a great debt… I need to know what are these strange circumstances you speak of?”
“Men have reported finding the abandoned bodies with arrows in both their eyes, perfectly positioned every time. It’s rather… unusual how perfectly calculated the shot is. It never changes. Then, the bodies are positioned in circles, with no footsteps left behind. We fear it to be witching.”
A shiver ran up Cregan’s spine, but he hid it well. Witches were almost always stories told by Septs to children in an attempt to get them to behave, so to hear a maester say it was unnerving.
“Don’t be ridiculous, maester.”
“I am not jesting, my lord. When you find the group of men who disappeared only a fortnight ago, you’ll see.”
“When? Not if? How can you be so sure I’ll find them?” Cregan asks.
“She leaves them in the same place every time. About 20 miles beyond the wall, facing north.” The maester says.
Cregan sighs, already frustrated with the venture, and eager to kill a wildling.
3 days later, 15 miles beyond the wall, and alone in the blistering cold, Cregan couldn’t help but contemplate his decision. Although he was miserable, he knew it was the honorable thing to do. He wouldn’t have done it, if otherwise.
His horse stopped suddenly, its hair raising and body becoming stiff.
“Dusk.” He said her name. “Move.”
His horse ignored him, standing her ground. “Dusk!” He yelled at her.
She sensed something, but he didn’t know what.
They sat there for what felt like hours, but what was merely seconds.
Finally, the horse began to tredge forward… very, very, slowly. Cregan groaned in frustration, his hands gripping the reins.
They walked like that for miles. No matter how much Cregan tugged the reins, Dusk maintained her slow pace, as if anticipating something was nearby, ready to pounce on them at any given moment.
Night eventually came, and Cregan was forced to set up camp.
“Bloody horse.” He mumbled to himself as he tied her to a nearby tree.
He set up a fire nearby Dusk, then leaned against the tree she was tied to. He fidgeted with the dagger he kept in his armor, carving little dire wolves in the bark. He spoke to Dusk, hoping the already timid horse would comfort his feeling of isolation in the barren icy landscape. It didn’t help.
He eventually fell asleep standing up, leaning his weight against the tree, too on edge to leave himself vulnerable on the ground.
The fire near him had gone out, leaving nothing but the red glowing embers.
The wildling who had been following them for miles used this to her advantage.
She stalked quietly, her boots making no noise or crunch as if she weren’t even there, floating like a ghost.
She made no attempt to immediately kill him, but kept her bow poised, ready to grab an arrow and fly it into his eye if he woke. Normally, any crow out here would’ve been dead miles ago, but this man wasn’t a crow.
She believed him to be a lord, and when her fingers grazed the dire wolf on his chest she knew him to be a Stark. Excitement fueled the fire burning in her veins. She had never seen a lord, especially one so handsome.
Her fingers twirled one of his brown locks, but when he shuffled in his sleep she quickly backed away like a scared bunny.
She decided she would let the cold kill the handsome man, but not before taking a souvenir to remember him.
Her slim, dainty fingers wove into his furs, silently snagging the dagger strapped to his chest. She twirled it in her fingers, admiring the craftsmanship. No smith she had ever met was as talented as the one who made this dagger. She traced the wolf sigil on the handle, then ran the sharp tip of the blade along her finger. A drop of blood hit the snow in front of their feet, and then she ran, snow immediately falling to cover her tracks.
When Cregan awoke, he immediately knew someone had been in the camp. But, how? How could someone have even passed through without him waking?
He looked down, and picked up the snow with the drop of blood on it. His blood immediately ran cold, colder than it already was. There were no footprints. Where could this have even come from?
He checked himself, but was free of any cuts. It was here he noticed… his dagger.
“What in Gods…” He mumbled, feeling all around his body to make sure he hadn’t misplaced it.
He angrily yells into the trees, cursing and violently threatening the woman who stole his dagger, hoping she heard him.
And she does. She quietly giggles in a nearby tree at his brutish behavior. He kicks the burnt wood from the fire, startling his horse.
He mounts the horse, slowly trekking onward to find the bodies of the missing men.
Within the hour, he finds himself at the base of the men’s camp, their bodies positioned like how the maester said they would be.
Cregan sighs, dismounting his horse and staring at the corpses, their bodies frozen and not yet decomposed from the harsh cold.
He was, for the first time in his life, unsure of what to do. He knew the woman had already found him, but how was he to find her? He assumed she left him alive out of mercy, but he knew there was no chance of finding her unless she wanted him to.
“Fuck.” He mumbled, slightly embarrassed at his desperation. “Alright, witch! I know you’re out there!” He yelled into the trees, not actually knowing if she was out there.
She was, and she paid attention as he continued.
“I don’t know your goal, if you even have one!” He paused, not even knowing what else to say. “Stop killing these men!” He said, lacking in confidence. She giggled again. Quite an entertaining man he was.
He gave up, tired of feeling foolish. He began dragging the bodies into a pile, preparing to burn them. It took nearly half of his day, and when he was done he finally sat, sweating, despite the cold.
After his brief rest, he burnt them, saying the custom words, “And now their watch is ended.”
He watched, silently mourning the fallen men who gave their life.
Afterwards, he mounted his horse and started his journey back to the wall. There would be no finding the woman. She was rogue, didn’t run in a pack. He’d be searching for the rest of his life if he stayed.
He didn’t make it far, only a few miles before night fell upon him and his horse. He didn’t want to rest, but he had no choice. The day had worn him, and traveling at night was unwise when he couldn’t see his surroundings.
He set a fire again, and sat down, forcing himself to stay awake.
Suddenly, his horse whined. He whipped his head around, standing to his feet quickly.
“Whoa, whoa. Calm down.” He said, trying to shush the mare. The horse bucked, breaking its reins from the tree before scurrying off.
“Fuck!” Cregan cursed, angrily. What in Gods names was he to do now?
A voice rang out behind him.
“Pretty little beast you’ve got there.”
He whipped around again, unsheathing his sword.
A woman knelt across the fire, her bow and arrow already drawn. She wore gray, thick pelts and gloves, and a pair of fur clad boots. No wonder she was so silent. She pulled her thick hood off, revealing the most beautiful set of eyes Cregan had ever seen. The woman was gorgeous, ethereal. She literally took his breath away.
“Suppose I should say had there.” She teases.
“It’s you.” He finally says, after a moment of silence.
“Mm.” She hums in response. “And who might you be?”
“I think you already know, given you raided my camp last night.”
She laughs. “Raided? You southerners.”
“You’d do well to mind your tongue, witch.” Cregan spits at her, tightening his grip on his sword.
She notices and stands, raising her bow, “And you’d do well to mind yours, crow.”
“I’m not a crow.”
“And I’m not a witch.” She pauses, tilting her head. “Sharp little tongue on you. Ain’t you lords supposed to treat ladies with respect?”
“What kind of lady are you? Killing good men and desecrating their bodies?”
“I never desecrated them. In fact, I left them better than I found them.”
“Those were noble men.”
“Please.” She laughs. “Those crows were rapists and thieves. The north is better without them coming into our land.”
Cregan says nothing, so she continues. “I suggest you watch how you speak to me, Lord Stark. I could shoot this arrow right through those pretty gray eyes before you’d even realize what happened.”
“Try it, witch.”
“I already told you. I’m no witch!” She lets the arrow fly, only intending to let it kiss his ear and hit the tree behind him, but he raises his sword, and the arrow shatters against the Valyrian steel.
She lowers her bow, shocked, before her features return to their stoic form.
“It appears I’ve met my match.” She smirks, impressed.
“Perhaps you have. For that reason, I’d suggest returning my dagger.”
She pulls it out. “Oh, this pretty thing? I think I’ll keep it… Unless you’re brave enough to come take it from me.”
Heat flushed through his stomach. For the first time in his life, a woman repeatedly left him at a loss for words. He did not know how to approach her, or how to respond.
“You obviously walk these woods often. How do I get back to the wall?”
“Simple.” She smiles, “South.”
Cregan stomps towards her. She nervously laughs, backing into a tree as he presses himself against her, his height towering above her own.
“Show me the way or I’ll put your pretty little head above my mantel.”
She breathlessly chuckles, “All you have to do is ask nicely, Stark.” She places her hand on his broad chest, giving it a light push yet keeping her hands entangled in his armor straps. He grabs her wrist, pulling it from him. He removes her quiver from her back, tossing it on the ground. He takes her bow from her other hand, going to give it the same treatment before she stops him.
“No, wait, please don’t leave my bow.” She asks, genuineness in her voice for the first time. He searches her eyes, but finds no answer there.
“You won’t need it where you’re going.” He responds.
“Leave my bow and you’ll die in these woods. And trust me, southerner, you’ll die long before I do.” He looks at the darkness that clouds her eyes, then grunts and puts the large bow around his body.
She smirks as he ties her wrists together, dragging her along behind him. “We’re going now? These woods aren’t safe at night.”
“The sooner you’re no longer my problem, the better.”
She stops in her place, but he gives her a yank that pulls her to the ground, dragging her body behind him. “I’m serious! We need to stay at your sad little camp.”
“One more word out of you and I’ll cut out your tongue.” He says. He takes a few more steps, still dragging her, before stopping. He knows she’s right, but refuses to admit it. He growls in frustration, turning back towards the camp.
She laughs, still being dragged on the ground. What a strange woman. He thinks to himself.
He sits back in front of the fire, still holding the rope attached to her wrist as she crawls towards him.
“Do you have any food?” She asks. He sighs, taking out a little sack of dried meat. He holds a piece out to her, and not moving from her knees, takes it from his hand with her mouth.
“You’re bloody off.” He mumbles to himself. She laughs, a strange and wicked laugh in an attempt to scare him, as well as mock him for thinking she was a witch.
It works, as it startles him into giving her a confused look. He picks up a big pile of snow, throwing it into the fire to put it out.
He lays down on the snow, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. She crawls towards him, opening his arms and lying against his chest.
“Get off me, woman.” He says, pushing her.
“I’m cold! You’re telling me an honorable Stark is going to let a woman freeze to death?”
“Witches don’t get cold. Your blood runs with fire.”
“You southerners and your silly little-“ He pulls her into him, wrapping his big arms around her. He hates to admit it, but her warmth comforted him from the cold.
“I’ll keep you warm if you shut up.”
She listens for once, saying nothing and nuzzling her head into his chest. He sighs, not having the strength to push her away… but not really wanting to either.
Her knee forces his legs apart to push her leg between his, slowly lifting it towards his crotch. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing?” She says, playing dumb. He doesn’t respond. She wiggles her knee more, rubbing her thigh against the leather covering his manhood.
“Stop. Moving.” He says.
“Was I? Sorry, didn’t notice.”
He shifts, trying to keep her from noticing the bulge growing in his leathers.
Cregan awakes before her. He stares down at the woman against his chest, her cheeks are tinted from the cold, and her lips are parted slightly. He admires her for a long time before she stirs. He pushes her away, thinking she’s awake.
“Ow.” She grumbles, sleepily. “Why’d you do that?”
“We need to get moving.” He stands, brushing the snow off him.
“Can’t we just lay a bit longer? I didn’t sleep well with you poking me with that thing all night.” She says, running her hand up his knee.
“I wasn’t.” He responds quickly, pushing her hand down. She stands, stretching as best as she can with her hands tied.
They begin walking for a few miles, with her trying to make conversation with him.
“You’re a rather quiet man.” She says, when her previous questions get no response.
“I just don’t have many words for a woman like you.”
“I leave you speechless?” She says, with a smirk.
“Try annoyed.” He responds flatly.
She steps close to him, pressing her chest into his back.
“What are you-“ Before he can realize what she’s doing, she cuts the rope on her wrists on his sword.
He whips around, prepared to knock her unconscious, but she’s too quick. She ducks, kicking his ankle and sweeping him down.
He hits the ground hard, but is back on his feet almost instantly. She runs, fast, beyond him.
He chases after her.
“Witch!” He yells, turning to look for her in every direction after she seemingly vanished.
“I told you I’m not a witch.” She says, stepping from behind a tree.
He stomps towards her, grabbing her by both of her arms, itching to give her a good smack across the face.
He looks down at her, that sly little smirk on her face, her cheeks red and flush, staring back up at him through her wet eyelashes.
She moves her arms from his grip, tracing her skinny fingers up his armor.
“You’re…” He whispers, starting to lose his strength. “Unlike any woman I’ve ever met.”
She grabs him by his neck, and he gasps in shock, but it’s quickly cut off as she pulls him down to meet her lips. Her kiss is harsh and fierce. Cregan had known women, but never one so blatantly unapologetic to be herself. She growls like an animal, ripping to get off his furs and leathers.
He matches her intensity, kissing her with the same energy. He lets the anger she ignited in him release itself unto her by biting and kissing her neck. She tugs at his hair, grinding her hips into his.
“Are you a virgin?” He asks.
“Don’t be stupid.” She responds, taking a step back to remove her own furs. He steps back towards her, pulling them off her himself.
“I only ask for your comfort.” He growls, frustrated with her attitude.
“Comfort? This isn’t the south.” She pushes him back, standing before him naked and unashamed. He breathes in the sight before him, his length growing at her beauty.
She practically pounces on him, pushing him to the snow before he’s even fully undressed.
“You are a fucking witch.” He moans, as she crawls her way up his body to rest her wetness above his face.
“Are you hungry, wolf?” She asks him.
“Starving.” He whines, wanting to taste her.
Her grip on his hair pulls him towards her, finally bringing his mouth to taste her sweet cunt. He can’t help but look at her as he eats her. Her nose and cheeks are so red from the cold, all he wants to do is warm her up. His large arms have a hold on her thighs, his fingers resting between them. She pulls off his gloves, letting his fingers grip into her warm legs.
She moans and whines in ecstasy. The sound turns him into a wreck, clawing and gripping at her thighs to the point he draws blood. She doesn’t even care, relishing the sweet pain.
She pulls and tugs on his hair so harshly, forcing his face so deep into her cunt. If he even thought of stopping, she’d kill him herself. She grinds her hips into his tongue, crying and whining into the cold air. It seems as if everything has gone silent, even the winds, the world around them stopping to hear her sweet ecstasy. He moans her name into her cunt every time she pulls his hair, wanting to be her release. He’s desperate to taste her release, she’s desperate to give it to him.
Cregan, the man he was, never having been with a woman so lust driven, couldn’t help but urge his own desires to see her writhe in his arms. One of his hands left her bloody thigh, grabbing a cold chunk of snow to rub against her warm cunt. She gasped at the feeling, whining from the cold. He rubbed his fingers against her sweet spot. Her nails dug into the arm still on her leg, moaning his name as she finally let herself go onto his tongue.
He swallowed every drop, only wanting to taste her sweetness for the rest of his life.
When she came down, he shoved her off him, mounting her and positioning himself between her legs.
Her body was growing red from touching the bitter snow, but it seems like she hadn’t even noticed.
Cregan wrapped his hands around her throat, leaning in and giving her a deep kiss. “I could kill you right now if I wanted, get this whole mess you’ve caused for me over with.” He whispered into her lips.
“You won’t.” She whispered back. “Not before you get to even fuck my sweet cunt.” She reaches her cold hand down, snaking it into his breeches and rubbing his length.
“You’re right.” He kisses her again. “I want all of you.” She unlaces his breeches, pushing it down along with his soft clothes.
She glides him along her wet entrance, and Cregan groans. He pushes himself into her, eliciting a sweet gasp from her lips. He gives her no time to adjust, immediately thrusting his hips back and forth.
She moans, tears brimming her eyes, having never been fucked by a man so large as Cregan.
“What? Why are you crying? Never been fucked like how you deserve?” He growls. She does nothing but nod.
“Nothing?” He asks. “Have I finally shut you up?” He fucks her harder, and she pulls on his brown curls, using her other hand to scratch all along his back. Cregan loved the thought of it, coming home with battle scars from her. He kisses her jaw, licking her salty tears.
He stands and picks her up, worried about the cold getting to her skin. He pins her to a tree, her back scraping against the bark. It hurts in such a sweet way, better than the cold snow. She cries out his name so loud as he fucks her against it. His hands roam her body, wanting to feel all of her but also wanting to warm her up.
“Tell me it true, Cregan.” She moans, her naughty attitude returning with a smirk. “Are you going to kill me?”
She knows his answer before he even does. He growls as a response, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing that sweet cunt bested the Lord of Winterfell.
“I hate you.” He growls, fucking her even harder so she shuts up. “You killed innocent men.”
She laughs and moans at the same time, “I killed crows, My Lord.” He moans at ‘My Lord’ “I’d never… fuck… harm an innocent man. That’s why you’re here now, fucking my dripping cunt.”
He wraps one of his hands around her throat, the other holding her up, his thrusts growing sloppy as he nears his peak. “Fucking witch.”
To his surprise, her hand finds his throat too, but he loves it. He loves her aggressiveness. She matches him, she’s practically a savage wolf herself.
He wants to pull out, knows he should pull out, but he can’t find the strength. All he can focus on is the wetness surrounding his length. His hands grip her waist in such a harsh way it’s bound to bruise, and he relishes in the thought of marking her so those other wildlings knew she was his now. He had claimed her, and any other man who dared try to touch her would meet the Gods.
He grabs her and pushes her back into the snow, falling on her hands and knees. His hand takes a grip in her hair, pulling her head back toward him and forcing her to arch her back. He fucks her in such a shameful way. If any lady in Winterfell were fucked like this, she’d nearly be a whore. But she was not a lady, so he felt no guilt fucking her how she deserved, and how she eagerly wanted. Her hips bucked into him, matching his rhythm.
She cried such sweet moans at the pleasure, finding her peak so close. Her fingers spread into the snow, shaking, and she released onto him again, and he growled, fucking into her until he found his own peak.
His spilled into her so deep it touched her womb. She rested her face in the snow, panting. He pushed her off of his length, her body falling into the cold. Cregan stood, out of breath, staring down at the woman in the snow, her body curled into a fetal position as she laid there catching her breath. He was hooked. Obsessed with her beauty and madness, even as she laid there sweaty and cold.
He grabbed his furs and sat beside her, pulling her into his lap and wrapping the warm furs around her.
“You might catch a chill.” He whispered, slightly worried now that their lust had subsided.
“I’m a witch, right? My blood runs with fire.” She breathed. He laughed softly.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile, Lord Stark.” She smiled, a soft and sweet smile. His heart nearly melted.
After dressing, they began walking again.
“Can we make a quick stop?” She asked, not letting him answer before she ran towards a cave in the not far off distance.
He sighs, not making an effort to chase her.
He walks into the dimly lit cave. It appeared lived in. He eyed the area, while pulling at his collar, due to the heat in the cave.
“Is this where you live?” He asked, his voice echoed back to him, making him feel alone.
She nodded, undressing herself again. “It’s a hot spring.”
She jumped into the water, moaning at the warmth. He twitched.
“You gonna just stand there lookin’ pretty?” She asked, her thick northern accent appearing. He sighed, slowly taking off his furs and armor before stepping into the hot water. She spit some of the water at him with a little smirk. He tried to hide his smile, but couldn’t. He grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him and into his lap. She curled her legs up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Let’s stay here.” She said, voice unsure. “You’re a wolf. You belong out here, not in the south.”
He took her hand in his. “My place is in Winterfell.”
“Then stay with me just for tonight.” She said. He sighed, pressing a soft kiss to her hand and nodding. She rested her wet head against his chest.
“I won’t cause any more trouble for you, Lord Stark.”
He sighed, knowing what it meant.
He yearned to bring her back to Winterfell, to give her a place in the castle, and to take her in his bed at night, but she was too wild. She would cause too much trouble for the servants and handmaidens. She would never be happy either.
He made it count, fucking her over and over again in that cave. When they slept, he held her close to him, refusing to even let her roll over. Her head fit perfectly against his neck. It felt like a crime to let her go.
They had been walking for three days to return to the wall, only growing closer and closer with each moment they spent together.
“I thought you said it was a day’s journey.” Cregan said.
“On horse.” He shot her a look, frustrated with the forgotten mention. She only smirked. He didn’t want to part from her just yet anyway.
“Lord Stark!” A voice yelled. He quickly pushed her behind him, unsheathing his sword and searching for where the voice came from. He was terrified for her, but she showed no fear. He knew if they seen her, they would kill her immediately.
4 men in black, all on horses trotted up besides them, encircling them.
“Gods, I can’t believe it.” The Lord Commander said, “You Starks, damn it. You put the rest of the North to shame. I can’t believe you found the witch.”
“I’m not a witch.” She said, but Cregan only grabbed her and wrapped his hand around her mouth, preventing her from starting a fight. She kicked and growled into his hand, but eventually submitted.
“Why is she still alive, m’lord? You should have taken her head the moment you found her.” A boy said.
“It’s not that easy. She’s strong, more useful alive.” Cregan said.
She kicked her foot back into his shin, stealing his sword from his hand. Cregan yelled and grabbed his leg. He grabbed her arm with his other hand with a harsh grip. Her elbow met his face, knocking him on the ground as blood pooled from his nose.
“Took you long enough to find your own way back here, crow.” She said, looking at the Lord Commander specifically, the heavy valyrian steel sword dragging from her hands onto the ground.
He only snickered at her.
“Don’t hurt yourself trying to lift that sword. I’d rather watch Stark behead you himself.”
“Can’t do your own dirty work?” She sneers.
Cregan sensed the tension but said nothing. He stood and grabbed her by the back of her neck, pulling her back and taking his sword from her. He stared her down, breathing angrily, his eyes fuming with rage. He wanted to take her on the snow again as revenge for breaking his nose, but restrained himself.
She looked back up at him, anger in her own eyes, his hand lingered on the back of her neck.
Cregan turned back around to face the Lord Commander. “I will not behead her. She is a prisoner of Winterfell.”
The Lord Commander fumed. “She’s killed half our men-“
“You killed half your men when you sent them searching for me.” She spits.
“Enough!” Cregan yelled, but she ignored him. She broke from his grip and ran at the Lord Commander. The horses spooked, bucking the other men off them and scattering.
She jumped, using the stirs of the saddle of his horse to mount it. She pulled out the dagger she stole from Cregan earlier, and slit the Lord Commander’s neck.
Hot blood spewed onto her face as he weakly grabbed at her throat. She smiled, that wicked smile again, licking the blood that spat across her face, her eyes wide with madness.
“Goodnight, crow.” She whispered.
Cregan ripped her off the horse, throwing her onto the ground.
“Do you understand what you have just done?!” He screamed at her. She smiled up at him, blood staining her teeth. She kissed him, the blood on their faces smearing. He briefly matched her love with the kiss, before pulling away.
He tried snatching the dagger back from her, “No, it’s mine!” She yelled.
He pulled her by her collar close to his face, “You have to go now… or I’ll kill you.”
Sadness swept across her face, her lip trembling like a scorned child.
“Keep your fucking dagger, then!” She yelled, stabbing it into his shoulder.
Cregan cried out, letting her go, and falling to the ground. He ripped the dagger from his shoulder. She used this as an opportunity to take her bow back from his body.
She reached into her boot, pulling out an arrow. She knocked it and drew it back. Cregan weakly jumped on the Lord Commander’s horse. The other Night’s Watch men were returning on their horses, having calmed and gathered them.
“Back to the wall!” Cregan commanded them. He didn’t turn to look at her. He knew if he had, she would’ve shot the arrow right through his eye. Instead, she hit him in his rib, perfectly hitting where it would hurt, but wouldn’t kill him. Cregan yelled in pain again.
The men rode off, not stopping until they made it to the wall. Cregan passed out multiple times on the way, visions of her flooding his thoughts as the men had to drag him to the maester.
She stayed in the same place for hours, sobbing and sobbing, as the icy cold froze her tears. Only when night fell then did she turn and leave, knowing she would never see the Lord again.
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daxerian · 1 year
Mama y Papa
Carlos Sainz x Reader x Lando Norris
Warnings: my grammar😻, sickness and fluff
Words: around 4k I think
A/n: I am so sorry I was gone for a month but girlie was sick and wanted to spend time with her friends and family🤞🏼
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Y/N was talking to Carmen about life you know? Work, their relationships, family, etc.
It was a pretty deep conversation until they heard "Y/nnnnn?"
Of course, it was Lando asking his 'grid mum' for something to help him with, which was no problem from her side but when she saw Lando holding a bottle of water and looking a bit annoyed, she couldn't help but chuckle.
"Oh, Lando what's wrong?" Carmen asked smiling knowing that the 2 had a mother/son bond that will never be broken.
"I can't open the bottle and I couldn't find Carlos" Lando answered Carmen. "Hand me the bottle darling" Y/N said while waiting for Lando to give her the bottle. She opened it like nothing and handed it back to him, "There you go" Lando just looked at the bottle for a few seconds and then took it, "Thank you Y/N" "No problem Lando"
It was around 1 am when Y/N found herself looking at the wall cursing herself out for drinking coffee at 7 pm. At least Carlos is having the time of his life sleeping and clinging to her body.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when somebody decided to call her. She only wondered, who the hell would want to call at this hour? Surprisingly it was Lando, she went into an instant worry in seconds and picked up almost immediately.
"Lando, are you okay?" The worry in her voice was incredible because people wouldn't worry like that when their friends called at night, well that was not the case for Y/N and Carlos Sainz.
"Can you pick me up? I'm near the coffee shop you like and it's freezing and I don't have a jacket or a sweatshirt" Lando answered her, "I'll be there" She hung up the phone a started to wake Carlos up. "Carlos, wake up! Carlos!" once he did wake up he asked his wife "What's wrong mi amor?"
"It's Lando" and that sentence was all it took for Carlos to fully wake up. "Well, why are you still laying in bed? Let's go" Carlos hurried his wife out of bed because if something would happen to Lando he wouldn't survive it. He promised himself that he would take care of him the second he met him.
It was the day after the British GP and Lando wasn’t feeling well, was it because he went out clubbing to celebrate? Probably yes.
He tried calling Carlos and Y/N but they weren't picking up, that was the moment Lando accepted his fate. He had to go through the pain alone. Until a miracle happened. Carlos called back.
"Lando, are you okay?" Carlos asked curious, "No, I feel horrible and I've been throwing up" Lando admitted, "You've been what?" it was Y/N's time to ask Lando questions, "Have you taken any sort of medication? You know what, we'll go to the pharmacy and grocery shop so I can make you soup okay?"
Y/N told Lando the plan she created in seconds because there was no way she would let Lando deal with it by himself. Carlos hung up the phone and followed his wife asking her more questions like 'What do we need?' type of questions.
20 minutes later the couple was in Lando's apartment. Y/N made some soup while Carlos had Lando laying in his lap talking to him on the couch. "Lando you will take this after you eat okay?" Y/N showed him the medicine, "Mhm" he answered with this tired tone to his voice which Carlos or Y/N didn't like.
Lando fell asleep on Carlos' lap, and the couple was now having this genuine conversation. "He's like a few years younger than us but acts like a teenager" Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the last part, "Oy mi amor, he's our son at this point no?" and Carlos was right "Our firstborn!" Y/N added.
Carlos, Y/N decided to take Lando with them for their vacation. They decided to visit New Zealand first, and after that, Carlos and Y/N will be going on a big family vacation to Ibiza.
They went to a restaurant because they got hungry and when they arrived Y/N was ready for this;
"Y/N can you please order for me?" Lando asked politely, "Tell me what you want to eat then". "This pasta and this mixed drink please" Lando pointed at the menu while telling Y/N his order, Carlos just sat back and quietly enjoyed the moment because even though Lando is old enough to be enjoying life on his own, he would rather spend it with the people he idolizes. Carlos and Y/N Sainz.
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mj0702 · 8 months
The other Bronze – Pt.4
This is basically a filler part... I promise in the next part (if you guys want that) there will be more action again 😅
Also... thanks to the high and depressed @samkerrworshipper and to @valewosomtb for having my back with this
The drive home was quiet with you being mentally exhausted. Lucy and Ona spoke quietly in the front while you fought to stay awake. Lucy checked on you regularly through the back mirror smiling slightly. When Lucy finally pulled into the driveway you actually did fall asleep on the backseat snoring lightly your head against the window. To your defence – it was a very eventful day. Your sister turned in her seat after she killed the engine immediately her face softening at your sleeping form.
“Just like old times” she mumbled smiling as Ona turned in her seat as well
“She looks so... pequeño” the Spaniard whispered
“She is... even with 16 she's still a little kid... she hasn't had it easy” Lucy said quietly as she unbuckled herself and opened her door.
Lucy signalled Ona to follow her inside while she grabbed the trainings bags from the trunk. Ona threw a last concerned look at you before following her girlfriend inside
“Are you just going to leave her out there?” the small blonde asked a little outraged by Lucys actions
“Of course not... I just wanted to get her bed ready – once she's out, she's out... I swear, there could explode a bomb right next to her – she would just sleep through it” the dark haired laughed quietly “But since I'm not planning to let her sleep on the couch nor in our bed I have to set up the guest bedroom”
“Oh” Ona said finally catching up immediately springing into action helping Lucy setting up the second bedroom.
About 20 minutes later everything was ready and Lucy walked outside to retrieve you from the car. Just as she thought you were still fast asleep a little bit of drool leaving your mouth. Your sister chuckled quietly while she carefully opened the door supporting your body as you slumped outside through the open door. She held your body upright with her legs while unbuckling your seatbelt before carefully picking you up and carrying you inside. You – even dead to the world – laid your head on your sisters shoulder seeking her comfort and safety. Since you were a little girl being held by Lucy always made you feel safe. When you fell at the playground and scratched open your knee – Lucy was there picking you up telling you everything will be okay. When you got in a fight in kinder garden with some stupid boys – Lucy was there talking to you about it and then pulled you into her embrance. When you started to play football, “trained” a little with her and fell over your own feet and face first into the grass – she picked you up dusted you off and told you you're good. So it was just a normal thing for you to relax completely in Lucys arms. Ona held the door open for Lucy to carry you inside and your sister walked straight through to the guest bedroom. In there she carefully laid you down on the bed and started to undress you. You stirred a little as Lucy pulled your pants down your legs.
“Hush” Lucy smiled softly “Can't let you sleep in jeans now, can I?”
As she finally got rid of your trousers Ona offered Lucy a pair of sweat pants just for your sister shake her head.
“She doesn't like to sleep in pants... never has” your sister said quietly as she put a thin blanket over you and signalled Ona to leave you sleep.
Back in the living room Lucy plopped down on the couch with a exhausted sigh. This Day was a lot – even for her. Physically and mentally. She rubbed her hands over her face as Ona appeared with two glasses of red wine holding one out for Lucy to take before sitting down next to her. A calming silence filled the room as the to women slowly drinking their wine.
“I can feel you thinking” Lucy said into the dim lit room not looking at Ona
“I... do have a question but I don't know if I'm overstepping” the Spaniard answered carefully.
“Pregunta” Lucy smiled visible proud about her spanish pronouncing.
“Was that spanish or a poor attempt in catalan?” Ona teased grinning
“Spanish” the dark haired woman mumbled “No one is teaching me catalan”
“Oh babe... we can change that in a second... què va passar amb els genolls de les teves germanes” the smaller woman grinned
“THAT was not spanish” Lucy exclaimed but grinned noneless
“That was catalan” Onas grin widened “You said you wanted to learn”
“No... I said no one is teaching me” your sister clarified “So your question in English? Please?”
“I asked what happened to her knees” Ona got serious again “I saw a lot of scars... If I overstep, please don't answer... I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable”
“You don't... I didn't think you would notice them... just promise me you won't pity her because then she'll get seriously mad... at me and you.. and there's nothing to pity her about because she's strong... so so strong” your sister said looking over at her girlfriend
“I promise” Ona says sincerely
“Answer is actually quiet simple... ACL tears... two right, one left... that's why she's not playing.. it hurt seeing her forced to stop playing – she was so good Ona... she had a feeling in her foot, a ball control and a football IQ I've never experienced before. She tore her ACL in her right knee when she was 11... she fought her way back – I helped as much as I could with her rehab trying to make her understand why she's doing certain things or why it would be stupid to do other exercises. She was so good and professional for an eleven year old girl... just as she was ready to go back out there again she slipped on some ice, twisted her left knee very badly trying to not damage her right one ended in hospital and surgery again... fought back again... there where a lot of downs too, but she fought... then we had her at the academy at City finally training with the ball again... she blossomed again – never lost her touch.. they had a 5 a side and an other girl went in for a tackle and caught her in a weird way... I heard her through the whole training ground and I never ran so fast and jumped barriers so quickly like that day... back in hospital again – ACL no.3... doc said she can repair it but it won't hold the pressure of a professional career... she went off the rails after that diagnosis... I'm pretty sure that's why mom send her over here... to get her away for a bit” Lucy said starring at the opposite wall while recalling your medical history.
“I'm so sorry...” Ona said quietly laying her hand carefully on Lucys knee
“She would have been so good... better than me, better than all of us... she would have made us work so hard... she had a control of the ball like Aitana... the IQ of Caro, Keira and Alexia combined... and her final touch was a mix from Salma, Meado and Sam Kerr... She was 11 and made world class players look like amateurs dribbling around them with such ease and playfulness... it was mesmerizing...” Lucy telling her girlfriend and a small smile played around her lips “I don't even know if she ever touched a ball since that day in hospital”
“Maybe we can get her to kick around a bit... just for fun” the Spaniard suggested
“I don't think so... I think she's still hurting” the Englishwoman said a little sadly
“Then we'll just be there for her and if the occasion presents itself she'll feel different about it” the blonde shrugged her shoulders and smiled
“Thank you” Lucy said looking Ona straight in the eye
“For what?” the catalan asked confused
“For being you... for keeping me calm with her... for not pushing her to like you... for just everything” your sisters said honestly “You don't know how much that means to me... and to her... she might be a devils spawn but she likes you – otherwise she would have done something against you already”
“Ehrm.. you're welcome? I'm not really doing anything” Ona said a little embarrassed.
“You do... more than you realize” Lucy smiled pulling Ona towards her connecting their lips in a sweet kiss.
“Bed?” the english asked “Just for sleep... she has the habit to interrupt... certain... activities”
This time Ona laughed “I noticed... yesterday...”
“Oh gooooood” Lucy groaned embarrassed getting reminded about it “I was so close too...”
“I noticed that too” the Spaniard smirked
You woke up still kind of groggy and grumpy hearing clatter in the kitchen. You were about to push yourself off the bed as you got painfully reminded of your accident. You swore loudly as you shook your arm to get rid of the pain – which ended in more pain.
“Stop moving it” Lucy said strict as she entered your (her) room after hearing you swear loudly
“It hurts” you whined
“It won't get better when you shake it around, you spanner” your sister said as she grabbed your arm to still it “get ready and then we'll ice it, okay? Ona made breakfast and if you're good I let you have a coffee”
“It's called Cortado.. you should know that by now... you live here for ages” you grumble before shuffling towards the bathroom as Lucy left towards the kitchen
“Fair warning... she isn't in a good mood” your sister announced walking into her kitchen looking at Ona, Alexia, Mapí and Ingrid
“She's probably in pain... she slept through the night without an extra dose of painkillers” Ona replied
“Then better get the painkillers ready” Lucy sighed as she heard another swear word coming from the bathroom “YOU ALRIGHT IN THERE??” she yelled towards you
“PEACHY” you yelled back trying to get your socks on “LUCE!!! HELP PLEASE”
A minute later the door opened and your sister came inside looking at you blankly
“What do you need help with?” she asks a little softer as she sees you struggle
“Can't get my socks on” you mumbled a little bit embarrassed
“Sit down” she instructed while she already gets on her knees grabbing the sock from your hand
You did as you were told sitting down on the bathtub holding up your foot for her. It didn't take her long and she looked up at you “Anything else?”
“No” you mumbled again not looking at her
“Oi... it's okay – I know we're stubborn and hate to ask for help... but you're okay.. I'm proud of you for asking” she said softly exactly knowing why you wouldn't meet her eyes
“So.... about that breakfast” you huffed out hoping your sister would take the bait for the sudden topic change
“I've known for a fact that you can be smoother than that....” Lucy laughed but stood up and turned to leave “... but okay... I'll bite... yes, breakfast is ready”
You walked behind her when you heard laughter coming from the kitchen, you pulled on Lucys shirt bringing her to a halt
“Either your girlfriend lost her plot or there are people in there” you said slightly anxious
“Got company” your sister shrugged
“Nope” you simply said before turning around again walking towards the guestroom again
“Y/n wait” your sister was quick to catch up to you grabbing your good wrist “What's the matter?”
“Not in the mood for company” you answered feeling insecure
“It's Alexia, Mapí and Ingrid” Lucy started to explain slowly watching your reaction carefully “Alexia lives nearby and after yesterday she just came over to see how you're doing... Mapí and Ingrid came over for the same reason... they just want to make sure you're okay”
“Why?” you asked curious yet still reserved
“They're Catalonians...” Lucy shrugged “That's how they are”
“Ingrid is Norwegian” you said blandly
“She's dating a Catalonian... same thing... potato potatoes” your sister waved off carefully pulling you towards the kitchen
“Is Catalonian a real word? It sounds made up” you mustered but letting her pull you along
“It is” Lucy quickly said and you knew it was a made up word
“Bullshit” you smile as you two enter the kitchen
Immediately there was a cup of coffee and a plate full of food placed in front of you. You looked confused as four pair of eyes where looking at you
“Do I have something on my face?” you said taken aback
“Catalonian welcome” your sister mumbled next to you “I had to go through it too...”
“Difference... I'm not dating one” you hissed back under your breath as you grab the cup of coffee
“Speaking of... who ARE you dating?” your sister grinned widely
“Nice try... not telling you” you grinned back
“Baby Bronze is dating?” Mapí exclaimed excited
“Baby Bronze?” you questioned baffled
“You... you are baby bronze” the Spaniard pointed at you “And you are apparently dating... who... who are you dating?”
“I saw you three times now... first time where you “taught” me spanish I'm not allowed to use, second time where you claimed you reserved a seat before you were even physically there and then yesterday where you just hid behind your girlfriend... tell me please what makes you think I would tell you whom I dating?!” you answered her smiling sweetly – and fake.
“Ehrm...” the tattooed woman started as now all eyes were turned to her “... sometimes it's easy to speak to a random person?”
“No yeah no” you said shaking your head
“No yeah no... what's that supposed to mean?” Lucy asked confused
“It's “No” in Canadian” you shrugged as you looked over your plate what Ona dished up for you deciding on a piece of pineapple, popping it happily in your mouth
“Since when do you use Canadian phrases?” your sister asked even more confused
“JFlem” you answered still chewing on the pineapple
“What?” Lucy looked at you like you lost it
“Went to visit Mills and she took me with her to training... met Jessie and we talked... she's funny” you explained nonchalantly looking over the plate again
“OH MY GOD!!!” Mapí exclaimed suddenly “THAT'S the girlfriend!!! It is, am I right?!!”
Your sisters eyes widen as she looked at you shocked
“No” you snorted “Miles off”
“Damnit” the tattooed Spaniard snipped her fingers disappointed
“Stop it, María” Alexia interfered now “She doesn't want to tell, so leave it alone”
Mapí sunk back in her chair getting scolded by her friend pouting a little bit
“Fuck!” you suddenly exclaimed jumping up from your seat running into the living room “Where's my phone?????”
“Language” your sister now scolded you “Charger by the side table... you're welcome”
“Love you” you shouted from your place on the couch where you jumped on to get to your phone faster.
“I see she's doing well” Alexia said a little taken aback by your sudden outburst
“It's hard to say” Lucy admitted “She won't get emotional around you guys... she didn't want to come out when she noticed there were people around – she's not easy in that way... she's pretending”
“Why would she do that?” Ingrid asked looking over at you as you tried to text as fast as possible with one hand as your injured wrist is still splinted up
“You're strangers to her...” your sister shrugged “... don't take it personal – she needs time to come to terms with stuff”
“I can talk to Jonatan if you want to stay home with her today” Alexia offered “Maybe it would do you both some good”
“No thank you... We'll just take her with us...” Lucy smiled thankful at her captains offer
“I can look after her... I think my... my... my... hamstring is acting up” Mapí said sounding like an excited puppy
“No” three voices shutting her idea down immediately while Ona just chuckled
“I just wanted to offer my help” the blonde Spaniard pouted
“I told you before... you two won't be alone unsupervised... god only knows what the two of you would come up with” Alexia said sternly
“You're such a... what's the word??” Mapí was wrecking her brain.
“Buzzkill... spoilsport... grouch.. sourpuss” you offered from your spot on the couch listening to the conversation with one ear while smiling at your phone
“All of that” the blonde pointed accusing at Alexia
“Call me whatever you want – no to the two of you being unsupervised” Alexia rolled her eyes before standing up “gràcies per l'esmorzar, Ona”
“Cap problema” your sisters girlfriend smiled back
“This is an english speaking household” you said distracted by your phone “so please speak english”
“Excuse me?” your sister blinked rapidly
“You're english, I'm english... english it is” you shrugged your shoulders
“And as far as I remember you are guest in our country... isn't it just a polite thing to do to try and fit in a little bit?” now Alexia smirked at you
“Shouldn't you be a good host and try and make me feel welcome?” you raised your eyebrow at her
“Oooookay...” Lucy interrupted your little banter “... time for some painkillers”
“I can always teach you catalan if you're interested?” Alexia smiled her eyebrow raised too
“So I understand what my sister and her missus are talking about.... no thank you” you pulled a face thinking about it
“I don't speak catalan” Lucy rolled her eyes handing you two pills and a glass of water “Bottoms up”
You raised your glass at the group “Here's to love, here's to honour... if you can't come in her, come on her... cheers” you threw the two pills into your mouth drowning it with half the glass of water
Your sister eyes popped out of her head looking at you disbelief open and closing her mouth like a goldfish on dry land while Ingrid choked on her coffee being the only one who's speaking well enough english to understand as the rest of the group – the spanish part of it - looking at you confused
“Where... what... how... who... why...?” Lucy try to form a coherent sentence while the not english speaking people try to figure out what threw Lucy off
“What?” you looked at her innocently
“Do you know what you just said?!” she asked you incredulously
“I'm 16... nearly 17... yes... I know” you nodded your head grinning
“I don't get it” Mapí huffed out given up on understanding the fuss which made you burst out laughing
“Let's see how good your spanish is, Lucia” you teased your sister “translate it for them”
“I will most certainly not translate that” she exclaimed “And you're a baby... you're not allowed to know or say things like... THAT”
“I'm not a baby” you huffed
“You're always a baby to me... you're my baby sister” she said softly
“But even baby sisters grow up Luce” you said truthfully as you feel the painkillers kick in “Damn... This stuff is making me feel loopy reeeaaally quickly”
“Take a nap then... when you're unloopy again we going to talk about some stuff” Lucy said as she pushed you into lying down already a blanket nearby draping it over you
“Yeah... rest for the high and depressed” you slurred tiredly
“You're high as a kite but not depressed” your sister said but smiled down at you
“I am depressed... I miss her Luce” you mumbled tiredly as your eyes fall shut not really grabbing what you're about to spill
“Really...?” Lucy grinned taking her chance “What's her name, Bubs? We could call her”
“Lucy no” Ona interfered “You won't do that to her... you won't use her current state against her... this painkillers are heavy stuff and you won't use that to your advantage”
Unknown to the group you weren't completely out just awake enough to hear the conversation and to comprehend – with a little delay since your brain wasn't fully there – what was going on. You decided that it wasn't so bad to have Ona around. Your fuzzy brain registered your phone vibrating in your hand but you couldn't be bothered to really react to it. Lucy on the other hand tried to snatch the item out of your hand hoping for some clearance about the mysterious girlfriend
“Lucia” Ona warned her when she caught on what Lucy was up to
“Uh oh” Mapí said awkwardly “And here I am thinking Lucy called the shots – how wrong I was”
“Pff please amor” Ingrid snorted “You know Ona... she's all sweet smiling but she has a evil petty soul that one”
“Yeah... I always forget about that” the tattooed woman said thoughtfully “She always looks so... puppy-ish”
“She is right here” Ona huffed
“And we're leaving now...” Alexia decided for all three of them putting her cup in the sink looking expectantly at Mapí to follow her lead
“But I wanna stay here till Baby Bronze wakes up” the younger Spaniard whined
“Move or Laps again... you saw her, you saw that she's okay and now we're leaving and not take up more of Onas time” Alexia said as she raised an eyebrow towards Mapí
“Nice to know that my time matters as well” Lucy mumbled as she ate your breakfast since you just picked some fruit of the plate.
Alexia rolled her eyes as she ushered the other two towards the door
“You can leave her with me at the Gym later” she said to your sister “I'm working with Valeria on my knee”
“Thanks Ale... if she feels up to it you're free to let her do some weights or something” Lucy smiled knowing that you most likely need some persuasion but if Alexia would play her cards right she'd have a great trainings partner
“I will... see you later” the captain smiled as she pushed a waving Mapí through the door
“And what are we doing with all the free time on our hands?” Lucy smirked at Ona and suddenly you wished you were out cold.
“No” the Spaniard shut down any plans her girlfriend was implying
“Why?” your sister whined as Ona pointed towards the couch as an answer.
“That's why... I'm not having sex with you with her right there”
“I'm gonna park her at Keiras tonight” Lucy grumbled
“No you're not... we had all of your birthday night to ourselves...” the Spaniard chuckled knowing your sister wasn't serious
“Not my fault you're irresistible” your sister shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed Onas hand pulling her towards herself
“I am, ain't I” the small blonde grinned while pressing a soft kiss to your sisters lips.
“Question still stands... what are we doing with our free time” Lucy grinned back after she ended the kiss – and the breakfast.
“You could work on your spanish while I relax?” the Spaniard grinned
“¿Tengo que?” your sister whined pitifully
“I mean... it's not thaaaat bad... but it's developable” Ona chuckled
“Oi” Lucy acted hurt “I do my best”
“As usual, but still... I'm pretty sure she won't be up for at least an hour... be good and study and I'll make it worth a while later.. you remember you always wanted to try this... thing in locker room...” the blonde smirked seeing how Lucys eyes widen and she jumped up running to get her spanish stuff. Ona grinned as she herself went out on the balcony laying down on the sunbed enjoying the warm Barcelonan sun.
Just about an hour later Ona was woken up by a crashing sound and a loud swear which turned into a whine. The Spaniard lifted her sunglasses off her eyes looking inside the living room seeing Lucy standing beside the couch.
“I swear this two...” the blonde mumbled under her breath before standing up walking inside “Lucy I swear if you woke her up to get your way...” she started to scold your sister just to stop when she saw tears running down your cheeks
“I didn't, I swear” Lucy desperately said looking at her girlfriend for help “She turned in her sleep and hit her wrist on the edge of the table.... now she won't let me touch her”
“Get ice... and get Keira on the phone” Ona instructed as she sat herself in one of the armchairs opposite from you having an eye on you but not invading your space
Lucy basically ran into the kitchen to get a cooling pack for you fumbling with her phone to call her fellow english teammate. She came back wanting to put the Ice on your wrist for you to shuffle away from her – your brain still hasn't catched on what was happening and still was very foggy which caused you in shying away from your sister. Lucy looked hurt by your actions just as Ona started to speak
“I think she can't comprehend what's happening right now... she's on heavy pain medication for her to being awoken abruptly by pain... give her a minute” the small blonde said calmly
“But it's me... she never shied away from ME” Lucy said sadly
“She's not in a familiar environment...” Ona kept her voice low to not startle you any further “Get Keira here – I think it would help if you both talk to her”
“She needs to realize that Keira isn't always an option... One, Keira would need at least 20 minutes to get here and two, you're here now... yes, Keira played – plays – a big role in her life but Keira and I are in the past”
“You don't have to justify anything Luce... you told me she always struggled with change and this is big on her... It's okay if you need Keiras help for things... we're friends too, you know...” Ona smiled
“Still... 20 minutes is too long... could you try call her?” Lucy mumbled looking concerned at your crying form on the couch before deciding to try the scared dog tactic
“Hey Bubs... It's me, you're safe here... we're in Barcelona, that's why it's so bright and warm” Lucy said quietly her voice barely louder than a whisper “You hurt your wrist and just now you hit it on the table... is it okay if I put something cool on it?”
Your clouded brain started to realize that Lucy doesn't mean any harm so you simply nodded as your sister carefully took your hand in hers and ever so carefully laid the ice pack on your wrist which was still in the splint. You immediately sighed out relived as you felt the cooling on your throbbing wrist
“Better now?” Lucy asked you her voice still low
“Thanks Luce” you mumbled (slurred) as you nodded your brain still mushed up
“Keira wants to talk to you” Ona appeared beside Lucy holding out her phone
“Not good talking” you slurred again trying to keep up
“Not with you, Bebita... with Lucy” the Spaniard grinned warmly
“Uh oh... someone's in trouble” you grinned loopy
Your sister rolled her eyes at you but also smiling “Am not... didn't do anything.. you stay here with Ona, okay... keep that ice pack on your wrist... I'm just gonna be a minute”
“M'kay” you mumbled “trying” to hold the pack in place by grabbing your elbow.
“Shit... you're really high as kite” Lucy chuckled as she took your good hand and laid it on the ice pack “There you go Bubs... be good for Ona”
“Okay... I like Ona... Ona is nice... even if Ona is a strange name” you mumbled as you concentrated on keeping your hand from “flying away”
“You think so? Why is my name strange?” the Spaniard laughed as she signalled Lucy to go talk to Keira while she keeps you entertained
“It means Organizational Network Analysis... it's strange to be named an analysis” you slurred fully focused on your splint
Ona bursted out laughing at your drugged induced way of thinking “It also means “Wave” in catalan” she said as she calmed down a little bit “I'm a 100% positive my parents went with the Catalan meaning instead of some analysis”
“You're pregnant??” you looked at her eyes wide mouth hanging open totally misunderstanding what the Spaniard was saying
“I'm what?” Ona asked confused
“Pregnant... oh my god” you whispered shocked “I'm gonna get niblings... I'm their aunt, right?”
“Ehrm... hold on... back up a little bit, Bebita” Ona calmed you down “No pregnancy... how did you come to that conclusion?”
“You said 100% positive... I'm smart... I never had 100% in a test... so you must talk peestick test...” you explained your “logic”
“Oooookay” Ona looked very lost not knowing how to answer. Thankfully Lucy decided unknowingly to help her girlfriend out in entering the living room again the phone still pressed to her ear
“I swear Keira... she's so out of it – she didn't recognize me... yeah” she spoke smirking into the phone before kneeling down in front of you “Hey Bubs... Keira wants to talk to you”
“Oh...” you said confused before trying to stand up “I'll get her”
“No no no no no” Lucy stopped you quickly holding the phone in front of your face “She's on the phone”
“Keira doesn't like it when you interrupt her calls” you looked at your sister confused
“Oh god... this is just as painfully as read my lips with Jordan” Lucy smacked her forehead “Keira is on the phone... she's calling you”
You looked down on your phone bewildered “It didn't ring...”
“Here Bubs... take this phone, hm... it's Onas but it works just as yours... can you say hi for me?” Lucy tried a different approach offering Onas phone to you
“Ona is pregnant, did you know? Of course you knew... it's yours... how did you do that?” you look at your sister with glassy eyes crooking your head to the side
“Excuse me what?” Lucy couldn't follow your line of thought but still couldn't stop herself looking at Ona baffled
“You knocked the Spaniard up... respect” you grinned comical
“Oh god...” Ona groaned embarrassed hiding her face in her hands
“Okay.... one thing at a time... here.. speak with Keira...” Lucy tried to defuse the situation by pushing Onas phone into your face
“Hi.. Kei... I feel really good” you grinned into the phone while listening to your sisters ex
“You are WHAT?” Lucy whisper yelled as she was sure you were occupied
“I am NOT pregnant... her brain is not functioning normally right now... she said my name was weird and I asked her why and she answered something about some analysis and I told her that it's also a Catalonian word and I'm a 100% positive that my parents chose the name after the catalan meaning and not after some analysis... she concluded that I'm pregnant after I said 100% positive” the Spaniard explained
“Oh my god... there's no way I'm gonna make it to training today... I can't leave her with how high she is...” Lucy said desperately
“I never thought she would react to the painkillers that badly” Ona looked sorry
“Me neither... she has a high tolerance with meds...” your sister mumbled “... I just gave her two”
“You gave her TWO?? Lucy... DAILY dose is ONE” Ona exclaimed shocked “No wonder she's out of it”
“Why one... it says on the package 1 to 2 mornings and evenings.. since she slept through the night I thought I'll give her two...” Lucy answered confused getting your pain medication showing it to her girlfriend
“It say a HALF mornings and evenings” the Spaniard pressed “That's ½ … not 1 to 2”
“Dear Jesus lord have mercy... WHY would you write that like this... a half is .5 or 0.5” Lucy massaged her temples “I'll call Alexia and explain the situation”
You were still fully engrossed in your “conversation” with Keira as Lucy and Ona tried to figure out what the next steps would be
“She should sleep it off” your sister mused “I can't park her with Alexia at the gym... she's nearly uncontrollable when sober but like this... no way I could ask capi to look after her and fuck off to train”
“Jonatan won't say anything if you skip a training... this is like a family emergency” Ona said seriously “She really shouldn't be left alone”
“Luce?” you whined suddenly “Keira doesn't want to talk to me anymore”
“Give me the phone Bubs... I'll tell her off” your sister said trying to calm you down “Keira Fae Walsh... how DARE you...”
Lucy saw that you occupied yourself with Onas hand and focused on the call again “... okay she's inspecting Onas hand... what's your thought on her?”
Lucy nodded as she listened closely to Keiras assessment of your state while you were totally engrossed by Onas hands. Even if she was really concerned about you she still smiled at your actions and was secretly relieved that you get on with her new girlfriend. The small blonde let you move her hand in different directions as you were so stunned about her – normal – flexibility.
“Keira said to take her with us and leave her at Ales... she thinks a change of scene might help to clear her brain up – I still think I should just stay home with her but Kei knows her... and I trust her judgement on that” Lucy said once she entered the living room area again seeing you still very much occupied with Onas hands
“Then we should get ready... as soon as I get my hand back” the Spaniard smiled trying to pull her hand from yours. You looked at her like you were about to cry until Lucy stepped in offering you a random fidget toy that was laying around for weeks now. You happily started to play with the toy uninterested in your surroundings which gave the couple enough time to pack their kit bags and a bag for yourself.
“Hey Bubs” Lucy said softly as she sat down in front of you “We need to leave for training soon... anything you want to take with you?”
“Can I keep this?” you asked as you held up the toy
“Sure thing... anything else?” your sister answered trying to figure out how high you still were.
“Can we stop for pizza on the way there? I'm hungry” you said after you thought about it for a second
“I bet you are... you just had some fruit for breakfast... but sadly we can't stop for pizza – at least not on our way there... on our way back we could if you're still up for it”
“Do I have to wear the kiddi-leash again?” you asked sadly
“No” Lucy laughed “You stay with Alexia in the gym – that's safe enough”
“Okay... then we can go” you shrugged your shoulders and tried to stand up but swaying dangerously
“Woah... slowly dopey” your sister was quickly on her feet steadying you before turning to Ona who was standing at the door waiting for the two of you “I think it's better if you drive and I stay with dopey here in the back”
“I can drive” you grinned proudly
“You're high as fuck and 16... you're not allowed to drive” Lucy shot your “idea” down quickly
“I didn't say I'm allowed to – I said I can... Mills and Rach taught me” you grinned and it was evident that you have no clue what you're talking about
“They what????? When???” your sister looked at you shocked
“Just after the Euros... you fecked off to god knows where... I stayed with Mills and Rach and they taught me how to drive... it was fun driving that golf cart” you smiled at the memory you clearly didn't realise you had
“Golf cart????” Lucy tried to follow your thoughts but decided right there and then to give up on it
“Yes... it's pretty easy... press pedal down... drive... so I can drive if you don't want to” you smiled at her with glassy eyes
“Did you just compare my Cupra to a golf cart?” your sister exclaimed annoyed while Ona started laughing
“Press pedal down – drive... it's not hard Lucia Robertita... please do keep up” you said rolling your eyes and started to sway towards Ona determent to drive them to training
“Grab the Keys – don't give her the keys to my Cupra” Lucy instructed Ona quickly a slight panic in her voice.
Ona already thought ahead and pocketed the item you were now looking for holding out a keyring with several keys to you “Here you go Bebita... your Keys”
“Thank you Spaniard... you're a good friend” you smiled at her grabbing the Keys and turning towards the door
“Shoes Bubs....” your sister sighed “Come back...”
You turned right back around and walked (stumbled) towards the guestroom to get your shoes
“Do you think Barcelona will fire me after I bring her to the training ground today? Like cancel my contract for bringing in a safety hazard?” Lucy mused as she watched you stumble down the hallway your shoes in her hand
“It's not her fault you overdosed her” Ona laughed loudly at her girlfriends guilty face
“I really didn't mean to...” your sister said sheepishly
“I know... and it will wear off – what else is going to get off is our heads if we don't get going in the next 3 minutes” the Spaniard ushered Lucy
“On it... BUBS!!!” she yelled down the hallway “Found your shoes”
“They were in your hand the whole time” Ona said nonchalantly
“She doesn't need to know... she'll forget it anyway in 5 seconds” your sister whispered as you stumbled back towards her
“Thank god... I thought I lost them...” you sighed out relieved as you put them on and get ushered out the door by your sister who had a good hold on you while you continue to stumble due to your condition
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Play with fire- LN4 X Fem reader
Pairing: Lando x Y/n Fewtrell Warnings: None, pretty much just fluff. Notes: Quick blurb that just came to mind. As always, feedback is really appreciated and receiving requests,
"Ugh, you actually have to be here?" Max was 24 but when he talked to you it was as if you were 8 and 12 again.
"You didn't have to put your streaming shit on the tv room"
"You're not even watching the tv"
"You make me miss my siblings." Lando said as he leaned against the door with his hand full of chocolate chip cookies.
"Why did you have to move to Monaco, mate?" Max rolled his eyes and walked to his streaming set. He had moved back to the family home, claiming it was easier since he didn't have to clean, wash, or make his own meals, but you all knew it was because he didn't like to be alone, and when Lando decided to move, it took him a couple of weeks to realize the bachelor's life wasn't for him.
Max was busy getting everything ready for the stream, unaware of how Lando was making eyes with you as he walked towards his friend.
They started their stream, and you kept your attention on your phone.
"Hey, chat, you missed me?" Lando proudly smiled as tons of messages welcomed him back.
BobCat: I've missed you so much, Lan.
"Miss you too, BobCat"
BobCat: Those cookies look yummy.
"They're, want some?" a cheeky smile on his face.
BobCat: Sure, bring some 😏.
"Lando, you need to stop flirting with chat. How about we do some video reactions? Chat start sending videos so we can react to them, remember, keep it pg13!"
A couple minutes later, Lando stood up.
"Pause it"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm out of cookies." Lando said showing his empty hands innocently, and rushed to the kitchen.
When Lando came back, Max was too invested in laughing at a video where a poor puppy was rolling down some stairs, he didn't notice his friend approaching the gray sofa, his olive eyes focused on your figure warmly covered with a matching gray throw blanket.
"As promised" he lowly said as he stretched his arm to offer you cookies.
"Thanks" You took one, your hand softly brushing against his.
"Any time" he winked at you, and then walked to take his place next to your brother who started searching for another funny video to watch.
BobCat: Cookies are good.
A cheeky smile on Lando's face.
"Playing with fire, chat" Was all Lando said. Max was too used to chat making weird comments when Lando was around, so he just ignored it and clicked on a video from the list.
They continued with their stream, it had been almost two hours now.
"Lando, are you staying tonight" Your dad's voice made you all turn towards the door.
"Oh, no, I'm going home, thanks"
You felt a little pain in your chest at his answer.
You stayed for 20 more minutes and then decided it was time to go to bed.
"Keep it low, fart face" you said loud enough for it to be heard on stream, making everyone burst out laughing, including Lando.
"See you, Lan" You winked his way and walked to your room.
You were almost asleep when your window suddenly opened, a big black figure entered through it and a second later it fell on your floor.
"What the fuck?" You ran to the bedroom door when his voice stopped you.
"It's me, y/n, it's me" his voice was a low whisper but you recognized it immediately.
"Lando, what the fuck? You almost gave me a heart attack!" you rushed towards him to help him up.
"Sorry, climbing through windows, is definitely not my thing" he said rubbing his knee.
"Amongst other things"
"Hey!" The offended look on his face melted your heart.
"I'm kidding" You wrapped your arms around his waist as he wrapped his around your shoulders, placing a soft kiss on your hair.
"Ugh, I've waited all night for this." He inhaled deeply, the sweet smell of your shampoo was like a drug to him.
"I thought you were going home" you whispered against his chest.
"If I had said I was staying, I wouldn't be able to be here with you in my arms, instead I would've stayed next door... and your brother is not as soft as you, and he snores a lot."
"Lan, stop!" You slapped his chest softly "I'm already having a hard time believing you two are not secretly dating, and that you're just using me as a beard"
His breathy laugh made your head bounce over his chest.
"As much as I like your brother." he said kissing your forehead "You" then moved to kiss your temple "Are" a kiss to the corner of your eye " The" a kiss on your nose "Only" a kiss on your cheek "One" a kiss on your jaw "I" a kiss on your neck "Love" he finished his sentence against your lips, his words and his soft lips melting you in his arms.
The kiss quickly changed from soft and sweet to intense and needy.
He placed his hands strongly on your waist and you got the message, you jumped circling his waist with your legs.
Never stopping the tongue fight inside your mouths, Lando walked towards your bed, when he felt the mattress hit his knees he placed you softly over it.
You watched him get rid of his sweatshirt and his shirt as you did the same with your pajamas.
"Fucking gorgeous" his voice a bit too loud, as he admired your half-naked body.
"Shhh, they'll catch us!"
"Oh you're the one to talk, BobCat" he finished the sentence with a deep kiss.
"Please, Max it's completely oblivious, and I do like playing with fire"
"You know that we have to tell him, right?"
"Lan, my brother is the last thing I want to talk about when I'm about to have sex with my boyfriend"
"Right, my mistake" He said, climbing over your bed and settling between your legs, his favorite place in the world.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Blurbs: Kiss an Angel Good Mornin’
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Summary: Morning vibes. Just enjoying alone time with each other in the early morning while the twins are asleep.
Warnings: fluffy
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*20 weeks pregnant*
Waking up pregnant and not getting sick is something I will never take for granted.
Especially after getting sick all the time while pregnant with twins.
This morning, what woke me up was the beautiful sun shining through the open blinds.
I admired Joe peacefully sleeping next to me. He had somehow ended up on his stomach, and the sheet was barely covering his waist.
Joe’s mouth was slightly hung open as he snored, and after I watched him shiver, I grabbed one of the throw blankets from the foot of the bed and draped it over him.
A smile formed on my lips when he started snuggling himself into the blanket but started reaching around for something.
“Baby…” - Joe mumbled
His gorgeous blue eyes slowly revealed themselves, and Joe scooted closer to me to lay his head on my pillow.
“You’re far away.” - Joe
“I’m right here, Joey.” - you laid your head on his chest
“Stay here.” - Joe
“I’m not going anywhere, baby.” - you
“Good.” - Joe
A few minutes later, I wanted to say something but I was worried that Joe was asleep again.
“Are you awake?” - you
“Mhm.” - Joe
“I say we don't get out of bed till Tyson or Miles comes in here to wake us up.” - you
“Sounds good to me.” - Joe rubbed a large hand over your bump
“I'm still amazed that I don't have any morning sickness with her.” - you
“Baby Girl wants to keep her mama feeling good.” - Joe
“How very kind of her.” - you giggled
It fell silent once again, the only sounds you could hear were of the sheets rustling because Joe was trying to get even closer to me.
“Babe. I don't think you can get any closer to me.” - you laughed
Joe wasn't stopping and entangled my legs with his as he pressed his entire body against mine. The only thing he wasn't pushed up against was my belly because he was fully aware of the precious cargo stored inside.
“There.” - Joe mumbled
He slowly traced shapes on my bare forearm and let out a content sigh.
“I think it's funny how someone who hates PDA is such a cuddler behind closed doors.” - you laughed
“Next time we are in a public event where a bed is present, I promise to cuddle you.” - Joe deadpanned
“Rude.” - you
I looked up at his face to find him smiling with sleepy eyes.
Rolling my eyes got me nowhere except getting held tighter by Joe, which I didn't think was possible.
Just a few seconds later there were a few little knocks on the bedroom door.
“Mommy?” - Miles
Joe groaned as his alone time with his wife was being whisked away from him.
“I'll be right there!” - you started to get up from the bed but Joe wouldn't budge
Joe was full-blown wrapped around me like a koala right now.
“Babe. Let go.” - you
“5 more minutes.” - Joe whined
“I have to get up and change now.” - you
It took me probably more than five minutes to pry Joe off of me, but even when I did and was on my way to the closet, he followed behind me.
“Yes?” - you
“Please come back to bed. I want to cuddle, and you know I never ask for that.” - Joe
He was right. When Joe asked to be cuddled it was because he truly wanted it.
“You know I can't say no to you.” - you cupped his cheeks in your hands
Joe smiled big and took my hands to guide me back to the bed.
I wasn't even fully lying down and Joe was already wrapping himself around me.
“Joe.” - you laughed
He buried his face into my neck and slowly stroked my bump with his thumb.
“I love-” - Joe
“Daddy!” - Tyson banged on the door
“Oh my god.” - Joe groaned
Joe grabbed the comforter and pulled it over our heads as he heard the door creak open.
“Where’d they gwo?” - Tyson
“They gone!” - Miles gasped
One hand covered Joe’s mouth and my other covered mine to try to silence our laughs.
“Mama… Dada?” - Tyson gasped
“Twy… where are they…” - Miles
One… two… three…
Me and Joe jumped out of bed and ran after the twins who were by now screaming and laughing.
Life with Joe and these boys could never be boring, and that was perfectly fine with me.
Authors note: bonus fic for today! 💕
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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nikka-v · 2 years
Apocalypse - Joel Miller x fem! Reader smut
Summary: y/n is raised by Bill and Frank and since they found her they always protected her. Then when two guests arrive, she found a herself crushing on the handsome, older man.
Warnings: nsfw, swearing?, smut, first time (p in v), oral (fem! receiving), age gap! (reader is in her 20s), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys)
Minors DNI, please!!
Hope you like it and I really hope that there won't be many mistakes because I'm not from English speaking country so the grammar is sometimes a bit complicated ♥️
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When you first met Joel you were only a child and you technically did not meet him, you just saw him through your window. Bill did not want Tess or Joel to see you or even know about you even though the second thing quickly happened as Frank told them accidentally.
"Have you met any other people around here?" Tess asked Frank who was the only one mainly talking. Bill was his usual self, sitting quietly and carefully watching the two newcomers while slowly drinking his glass of wine.
“Except y/n no. Not even any raiders actually." firstly he did not even realize that he talked about you but Bill quickly shot him a displeasing look. He was extremely protective of you even when you were not his kid. He was the one who found you and brought you home to Frank so he felt the need to protect you all the time.
"y/n? Who is that?" Tess was curious, well who would not be in a world like that when the only 'people' you mainly meet are these undead creatures or people who are trying to rob you? Frank looked at Bill as if he was asking for his permission to tell them about you but even if he shook his head it would not make difference as Frank already started talking.
"She is like our daughter. Well, obviously not by blood but we are raising her like that. Bill found her when he went to see one of the towns a few miles away, it was completely burned but he found there some of the infected hoarding around a small wooden cottage. The parents left their kid there to die because they could not handle taking care of her anymore when she broke her ankle. They even told her that and then said that she will manage on her own better, that the raiders won't kill, they did not think about infected at all." Frank was explaining and surprisingly both Tess and Joel were hanging on to all of his words. "That happened two years ago, she was seven at that time and let me tell you, she was stubborn and had a heart of a fighter, which is making her really hard to raise but we love her. Actually, it would be fun to show her some new people, don't you think?" that question was meant for Bill who quickly rose from the table and shook his head at Frank.
"Not a chance. We do not know these people at all Frank, they will not see her!" Bill was almost screaming at Frank which made him feel really bad later that day but at that moment he thought it would be the only thing stopping him from showing his little girl to some strangers. They did not see you standing near the window, watching the whole situation, carefully so no one would notice you took your small polaroid camera, taking a quick photo of the strangers who were just quietly watching your two guardians arguing. As you looked at the photo and then back at them you felt the man's gaze on you, he could not see you properly, just saw a figure but you quickly hid anyway and stayed hidden until they left, looking at the polaroid photo you took.
You've seen them a few more times but they never saw you, as Bill was strictly against it. So when they stopped coming over you were not that mad but kept the photo anyway, just so you could maybe one day recognize them.
Years went by, during days you helped both Bill and Frank when they needed and later when they fell asleep you disabled the security system and sneaked out. You were walking outside of the fence, waiting for something to happen, for some infected to show or a person to show but for such a long time nothing happened so you kinda started to wish you could go explore other towns and cities. Just to escape the boring life, even though the boring life kept you alive, or at least that's what Frank told you when you confessed to him about your small trips and the wish of going away. He was not angry, that was the difference between Bill and him, Bill would scream and say some nasty stuff but Frank just stared at you blankly and then told you to be careful and take a gun with you. You felt terrible and that's maybe the reason why you stopped thinking about leaving for another few months. Until Joel came at least.
It was one of the calm days, you just celebrated your twenty-second birthday few days ago so you were sitting on a roof with camera that you got from Frank. You got there from the window of your room, watching the area through the scope of your rifle which Bill gave you so you could train shooting and you were surprisingly good. At first, you did not want to believe it, thinking it was maybe just a lost infected but later you realized it was in fact a human being. Actually two of them. Taking your walkie in your hand you quickly informed Bill and Frank who were cooking lunch together.
"Dads? We may have a problem here." you started to call them that when you were twelve. They saved your life and took you in as if you were their kid so it was not a huge surprise that you felt like they were fathers to you.
"What is it y/n? Are you okay?" Bill answered worriedly and you heard him run out. You quickly got down from the roof thanks to a rope you had there from your night walks (a few weeks ago you said to Bill that it was there for emergencies if something happened) and pointed to the horizon where walked the two figures, letting him take your rifle to look through the scope.
"Son of a bitch, get inside y/n and do not come out until I tell you so." you hesitantly looked at Bill who gave you back the rifle and murmured quietly 'please' which made you get back on the roof and to your room. You wanted to know what was going on so you hid behind a curtain and looked through a small hole. You expected Bill to take another gun but he walked closer to the fence, Frank right behind him and opened the gate. Because of the distance, you could not hear what they were telling the other two people but when you took your binoculars to at least look at these people, you recognized them. They were the people from the photo you kept in your nightstand. Joel and Tess. You remembered their name only because Frank told you and you wrote it on the back side of the photo.
"Come in, oh my God Tess, it is so nice to see you again. And the same goes for you Joel." you finally heard Frank's voice as the four of them got closer to the house.
"We are travelling to find Tommy. He's not communicating so we just wanted to stop by and ask if we could stay here one night and tomorrow get going again." Tess explained carefully, probably not to upset Bill but Frank immediately stepped into the conversation.
"Of course, it will not be a problem, right Bill?" he looked at Bill with a stern look which he rarely had to use, mainly because Bill listened to almost everything that Frank wanted.
"Thank you so much, look, we have some new seeds which of course won't be enough to pay for your generosity, but we are willing to give your also some of our supplies and help you with anything you want of course." Tessa was now talking to Bill who just nodded and they all started to walk towards the house again. You leaned towards the window a bit more as you could not see them too much, knocking over a box with some vinyl which you kept in your room. Before you could hide again, Joel's head looked up, making quick eye contact before hiding again. On his face appeared a small smirk as he saw you for a brief moment. He immediately knew who you were.
"No, you can't take her there to meet them." you heard after few minutes Bill's voice behind your door, so you quickly skipped towards them and leaned your ear on it so you would hear the conversation.
"They proved themselves to you many times before, why would they all of sudden do something to us?" Frank was speaking quietly so you barely heard him but they were really close to your room.
"We have not seen them for many years and all of sudden they show up here, that is strange." you tried to remember when you saw them for the last time and it was really a long time ago.
"That is not strange, we were communicating through the radio once in a few months, they are our friends or at least mine, so I am sure it is going to be okay." there was silence behind the door for what felt like few minutes, you already started to think that they left but then a knock on your door startled you, making you jump from the door a bit.
"Yes?" you opened it, seeing Frank who was smiling almost as much as when you first told him to teach you how to play piano.
"We want you to meet someone if you are up for it." it did not take even two seconds for you to nod.
"Yes, of course." Frank led you downstairs, where in the kitchen were sitting the only other people you've ever seen in the house.
"We thought that now when you will be here for the night it would be good to introduce you. This is y/n, the girl I've been telling you about a few years back. Y/N, this is Tess and the grumpy man is Joel." you smiled at them, shaking hands with Tess who smiled at you as well and then when you turned to shake hands with Joel, he was completely and absolutely captivated by you. His lips were parted a little, looking into your eyes as if he saw a miracle. You felt the heat in your cheeks as you smiled at him again and then quickly turned to Frank who was setting up the table meanwhile.
"Can I help you somehow?" you asked him, wishing for him to send you for some stuff but he just shook his head.
"It's all set actually, so no need, but thank you." Frank poured wine into the five glasses on the table and after a few more minutes, when you all sat at the table and were waiting for Bill to bring the food, he brought some fish he caught in the morning that day. The whole time when you were listening to Tess and Frank talking you felt Joel's gaze on you. It was not uncomfortable, not at all, you wanted that man to watch you and maybe even touch you. He was trying so hard not to look at you but he was failing so hard, he just could not help it. You were sitting opposite him, next to Tess so he could pretend to just look at her but actually, it was you and you were aware of that.
"Could you show Joel one of the guest bedrooms? I am going to take Tess to see the garden, so I will show her the other one later." Frank asked you nicely after lunch when Bill was cleaning up alone from the table and then in the kitchen even though both of the guests and you offered your help.
"Sure." that was the only thing you managed to get out of you as you stood up and started walking towards the stairs where you waited for Joel. You could not help yourself but look properly at him, almost scanning him with your eyes.
"Thank you for showing it to me, darling." you had to take a deep breath when he called you that. You basically knew him for only like an hour, so you did not want to show him how attracted you were towards him but let's be honest, after so many years with only your 'fathers' you were horny as fuck and could not handle men affecting properly.
"Here it is, we do not use it normally but the bathroom works and some men's clothes are in the closet, so you can take shower and then change if you want." you tried not to make eye contact by opening the curtains and looking out of the window but after few seconds you looked anyway.
"Thank you again, you really are a good girl." that almost made your knees stop working so you quickly smiled and walked to the door, before saying quick 'bye' and sliding to your own room which was just a few steps from the one where he was. Leaning your back on the door you almost shouted from the feelings that were screaming inside your head.
For the rest of the day you were in your room, hiding from everyone, mainly the brown-eyed man who made you want to have sex with him so much. You thought that maybe he did not do it on purpose, that maybe you were imagining all these things but that was not true at all. He was thinking about you the whole day when he was helping Bill around the fence and the house. He could not get you out of his head. You were an angel sent from heaven, that's what he thought.
You wished that they would not have to leave the next day and somehow your wishes came true. Tess fell from a ladder when she was trying to help Frank pick fruits from his tree garden. She did not break her ankle but she bruised it really badly so it was hard for her to walk, so they had to stay for another few days. Both you and Frank were thrilled, even though you did not show it that much but Bill was almost ready to kick them out. It was only because you said to him, that you like the company, that he let it be and let them stay longer.
Joel was always trying to be close to you when it was possible. Helping you carry heavy stuff, even though you were more than capable to do it by yourself, sitting next to you at the table and more importantly leaving small touches on your body when walking around. For example, on your waist, as he was walking around you in tight spaces or just leaving his hand on yours for a brief second when you gave him his coffee or some tools when he asked you to bring him something.
It all happened two days before he and Tess were supposed to leave. Everybody was already in their bedrooms sleeping, that's what you thought when suddenly you heard a quiet knock. You were on the roof but the window was opened so you called on whoever was behind the door to come in. When you saw Joel, you almost wished you could jump from the roof because of how much chemistry was built between you two in the previous days. You could not take any more of it. You were planning on telling him everything the next day so if he laughed at you, he would leave the next day and you would not have to see him again for a long time.
"Can I come in?" he asked as if he did not already close the door behind himself and walked closer to the window.
"Sure, you can come out here as well." you offered and watched how he hesitated for a second but then got out of the window and sat next to you. You were wearing only a long shirt and shorts so your naked legs were touching his because he was wearing just shorts and some hoodie which he found in the closet. You immediately felt goosebumps all over your body so you took a sip of a wine which you brought from the kitchen. Bill did not like you to drink alone but what he does not know does not hurt him, right?
"Why are you sitting here?" he asked nonchalantly and drank from the bottle which you handed him. You had to think about what to tell him but the silence between you was comfortable so you were not in a rush with your answer.
"I like when the world is dark and quiet like this. I can freely think about anything, for example, how is the world out of here. It is such a long time since I've been out there with Bill and saw other places." you explained, looking at the moon which came out from behind the clouds. Of course, you've done a fair amount of exploring by yourself but you were curious about bigger cities and other groups.
"The world is beautiful but terrifying out there. Infected are almost like the smallest problem there. Raiders who are killing anyone in their way and doing other bad things." you knew what he meant by that. Both Bill and Frank told you that many raiders would take advantage of finding a girl like you out in the world.
"I would love to see the world, I don't want to be stuck out here. I love Bill and Frank and I know they want the best for me but I just can't stay here my whole life." you were not complaining but you somehow knew that Joel would understand you.
"I get it, I really do, but let's be honest, even if you could fight and shoot like a pro, it is so hard to survive out there by yourself. You can't leave alone." even though you were looking at the sky, you knew that he was watching you. He was so scared that you would be by yourself and some people would come and kill you or hurt you any other way.
"I know, I am not leaving today if that's what you want to hear." he did not say it out loud, but he felt relieved because of that.
"Okay, that's good to hear, I am sure Bill and Frank would be devastated if you left without saying goodbye." he said instead, making you feel a little hurt because you thought that he did not care about you at all and just was thinking about how your 'dads' would feel, but you quickly shook your head when he was not watching you, to make yourself think straight.
"You and Tess are leaving in two days, right? It is nice to see a couple like you." you still were not sure what exactly was the deal between them. Were they a couple? Friends with benefits? Just friends or partners? You were hoping he would correct you.
"Yeah, that's right." again the hurting somewhere close to your heart before he spoke again. "And we are not a couple. There were some moments where we could be called a couple but we are just friends," he added, watching closely your reaction which you tried to hide but you breathed out with relief anyway.
"Okay, sorry if I am snooping too much." he laughed, quietly but you heard it anyway. His hand on which he was leaning was dangerously close to yours and you started to realize that and moved it a bit closer. Just a few millimetres so he would not realize it, but he did. He was studying all of your moves, wanting to know what was going on in your head.
"Don't worry about it, I don't mind." the bottle in your hand was quickly empty so you put it away next to a few other bottles which you hid so Bill would not find out about you drinking alone.
"I will probably head to bed," you said quietly and looked into his eyes while starting to get inside, where you waited for him to get in, and then you closed the window, making sure to close the curtains as well. Joel was watching you curiously and before you realized he was behind you, you stepped back and bumped into him. "I am so sorry!" you quickly turned to him but did not step away and neither did he. Your faces just were just a few centimetres away from each other and his hands gently touched your waist.
"That's okay, actually I really like to have you so close," he whispered, his eyes jumping from your eyes to your lips. But you were the one who broke the distance, connecting your lips to his. Your hands moved from his chest where they were resting to his shoulders and then behind his neck, pulling him closer to you. He immediately kissed you back, not hesitating for even a second his hands moved to your cheeks, holding you as if you wanted to run away.
So many emotions in just one kiss. You could not believe that this was happening and neither did Joel who for a split second thought that it could have been a dream. He dreamed about you almost every night. You, in his bed or in the shower with him, touching him all over and him doing the same before pressing himself against you and fucking you senseless. But then he realized what was happening and pulled you away just a few centimetres, looking straight into your eyes.
"y/n is this your first time doing anything?" you were a bit scared of this question, thinking that if you said 'yes' he would not want to have anything with you.
"Well, yes but I want it." you had to look away so that if he said something bad you would not have to see his face. But he took your chin with his fingers, making you look at him.
"If you really want it, I can give it to you. I would do anything for you. I can not tell how much I wanted this to happen." as he was speaking you felt sort of relieved that he was saying that but still you were a bit scared. No of the act itself or that it would hurt but because he would think that you are bad at it or something but all these worries melted away as he kissed you again. Slowly his hands travelled down your body, searching for the hem of your shirt which you helped him pull over your head. As he saw your naked body with just shorts on, he had to stop himself from hurrying, he wanted to make it nice for you, wanted to be gentle as much as possible so you would enjoy it.
You put your hands on your breast, shy a bit because of how he was watching you even though the room was kinda dark, just two candles lit at your nightstands. Joel quietly laughed, kissing your forehead before putting his hands on yours, pulling them away so he could see you.
"You are so pretty, baby," he whispered, kissing your neck suddenly, making you whimper quietly as he touched your ribs and then his hands travelled to your chest, caressing your breast. His hands were gentle but rough at the same time and he started to move lower with his kisses, stopping at your stomach as he kneeled in front of you. He then touched the hem of your shorts, questioningly looking at you, asking for permission, which made it even more erotic more you.
"Please, Joel, just touch me somehow." you were needy and who wouldn't if someone like Joel would kneel in front of them? On his face appeared a small smile again, he loved finally seeing you from this perspective. Slowly pulling down the shorts along with your thongs which you stole in a lingerie shop on one of your night runs to the small town nearby.
"Oh god, so beautiful." all these compliments he was giving you caused you to get wetter every second. He looked you in your eyes, waiting again for any sign of discomfort but you gave him the type of look which told him every reassurance he needed. You were absolutely devoted to him, wanting to go all the way with this man who you properly knew for only a few days.
Before you could beg for his touch again, his hand move to your thighs, making your legs spread a little and as you looked at him, he moved closer to you, gently with one stroke licking your clit. You were thinking about one thing, if this felt this good, how will the sex feel? Can it be even better? You could not think much more, he started to suck on your clit, his hands still on your thighs, thumbs rubbing small circles on your skin.
"Joel, that feels so good." you moaned, maybe a bit too loudly, but lucky for you, no one was in the room next to yours. You almost did not notice one of his hands disappear from your wast, entering you with one finger.
"Do you touch yourself, love?" he moved just a few centimetres away from your clit, looking up at you, provoking you with the naughty smirk he had on his lips. Of course, you did, lately more than ever, but who could judge you, it was an apocalypse and you could not be sure if you would ever meet men or women with who you could be sexual.
"Sometimes." you definitely did not want to lie, but why would you tell him how often, right? He probably believed you or if he did not, he did not show it on his face, instead, he put his mouth to use again, hitting the important spot with his finger to which he added one more. You were trying to get steady as your knees started to buckle under the rush of pleasure you were feeling. Joel probably noticed that, as he pushed you a little, so you could have leaned back on the window sill, at least gaining a bit of balance.
One of your hands was in Joel's hair, gently pulling so you would not hurt him but instead of it to show him how good he was making you feel. Of course, you were moaning more loudly because of how close to your first orgasm of the night you were but you were all in for physical contact as it was really important for you.
"Come on baby, cum for me." the hoarse voice of Joel, made you realize how close you really were. As you tried to contain your moans, you bit your lower lip, your head tilted back and the knuckles on your hand with which you were holding the window sill, got white as a result of how much you pressed it.
When you once read about women's orgasms, you found the book in the library, you read about the stars in front of the woman's eyes when it was really good. Well, Joel was definitely good at what he was doing as you really saw stars and it took you a few minutes to calm yourself down. These few minutes Joel was holding you in his arms, letting you lean on him with his full weight.
"That was amazing," you whispered to his chest, your hands on his stomach under his hoodie, He was looking down at you, a tender smile on his face, contemplating how beautiful you were with red cheeks, a bit teary eyes and chewed lips.
"Do you still have energy?" he asked, softly kissing your forehead. You looked into his eyes from under your lashes and smiled as if you still had the energy to do anything. He slowly picked you up and let you put your legs around his waist as he brought you to your bed, where he gently, so he would not hurt you, laid you down and then leaned above you to kiss you on your lips. The kiss lasted probably a few seconds but you wanted it to last forever.
Joel kneeled above you, took off the hoodie and threw it somewhere next to the bed. You already saw him without his shirt when he was helping outside in the sun and was too hot in his usual shirt but now it was much more erotic. He noticed you looking at him and kissed you again, he could not resist you, and probably would do anything you would ask him to at that moment.
"You sure, you wanna do it?" he asked you and somehow that made you more aroused. You liked how he wanted your permission, it was important to you.
"More than anything right now." your voice was more like a whisper as you were starting to get a bit nervous but man, you wanted him to do it immediately. You wanted to feel him inside you, you needed it.
"Look, I am going to be careful, if something was too much, just tell me okay? I will stop immediately." he was a bit worried, you could have heard it in his voice.
"I am sure, it's gonna be okay. No need to worry." you smiled at him, trying to make him feel better, which helped as he smiled back and raised from the bed to take off his shorts and boxers which he had underneath. Before you could properly look at his naked body, he already was above you, between your knees, massaging your sensitive clit again to make you wet, but that was not a problem at all so continued with himself.
He stroke himself a few times but he was already rock hard for some time now. He had to relieve himself the day before just because he saw your side boob in one of your shirts before you went to sleep, so he could not get more aroused by you. He guided the tip of his cock to your entrance, slowly pushing himself into you, not wanting to make it painful.
It was okay for a few seconds but Joel was a lot bigger than you thought, making you stretch around him. You rigged your nails in his shoulders, chewing your lips again, your eyes closed.
"Slowly, please," you whispered to his ear as he lean closer to your neck to kiss you. He tried, he really did and it was really hard given the fact that it was a long time since he had sex and you were so damn tight. It took you some time to get adjusted to him but it was still not enough.
"It's okay baby, we can leave it be, we can try tomorrow, I can prepare you better." he was trying to talk you out of it so he would not hurt you but you were stubborn and too needy for this. You shook your head, not wanting to give up.
"I can try to sit on you." just this sentence almost made Joel cum, you were just so innocent. He pulled himself out, laying on his back, helping you to get above him. You weren't scared, you knew that if he hunted you like this, it would not be his fault but yours because of how stubborn you were, but you just wanted it, needed it.
"Slowly okay? No need to hurry." he tried to calm your movements and hold you by your waist as you took his cock to your hand to guide yourself to it. Slowly you started to lower above him, stretching more than before. The soothing words that Joel was whispering, like 'it's okay, take your time my love' and 'you can do it baby' helped you a lot with the pain which started to disappear. You did not sit at him properly, you both knew that Joel will have to do the last movement but he wanted to wait for your signal.
He turned you both so he could be again above you and with a long kiss on your lips he thrust into you, making you moan and cry out a little.
"So brave for me," he whispered after a few seconds before he started to move a little. The pain was slowly fully replaced by pleasure and you could not hold the moans anymore, kissing Joel to silence yours and his whimpers.
One of your hands was on his shoulder, the other you moved to his waist and then lower, to his ass, pulling him closer to you with each thrust. The little whimpers he made when you moved to kiss his neck made you feel so good, hearing that he was also enjoying that.
"I don't think I will last any longer, my love." when he called you like that a few times, you started to feel this nice feeling in your stomach and now it really affected you a lot more. And in just a few more seconds you felt his fingers on your clit, rubbing circles on it to make you cum along with him. And you did. As you got closer, you tightened around him, making him grunt a little and accompanied by your loud moan you felt him filling you. It was like ecstasy, you thought that you've never experienced such a good feeling as sex with Joel.
The only noises in the room were your deep breaths. Joel lay next to you, pulling you into his arms, which made you feel really good. You needed someone to hold you for so long. All the nice feelings made you suddenly realise that he was supposed to leave soon and leave you there only with Bill and Frank. You looked at Joel with tears in your eyes which scared him a little.
"What is it, baby? Are you okay, is something hurting you?" he asked with concern in his voice but you shook your head to reassure him, that you were okay like physically.
"You are leaving soon." in his eyes appeared the sudden realization of the fact that he still was planning to leave to find his brother. He loved his brother and needed to know that he was okay but he really cared about you and did not want to leave you. He wanted you by his side, actually no, he needed you.
"I need to know my brother is okay." he wanted to take you with him but did not want to risk your life even though you would have him and Tess to protect you. He was not sure what to do.
"I will go with you," you suggested immediately, knowing that he was already thinking about it from the look on his face.
"You know I would love to have you with me, but what if something happened? Your dads would kill me." he tried to joke a little but you just wanted to go with him, not caring about what they would think. You knew they would be doing just fine without you.
"I do not care, Joel, please, let me come. I know how to fight and shoot, I can take care of myself and help you and Tess." you were looking into his eyes, almost begging him to take you with them. Not only that you would be with him but you could explore the world and finally see the proper cities you wanted.
"We will talk about it tomorrow, yes?" he asked, kissing your forehead, and making you close your eyes. "We will try to think of something," he added as if he was convincing himself more than you.
And as you nodded and started to slowly fall asleep, the last thought you had in your mind was, that he could disappear before you wake up and come back only if he will find his brother and survive.
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elizabethsnuts · 8 months
My idea is winterwidow's daughter meeting Clint's children‼️‼️‼️or maybe staying with uncle Clint while mom and dad going on a mission‼️‼️‼️
Uncle Clint
WinterWidow x Daughter!reader
Summary: Your Mama and Daddy had to go on a mission but Uncle Clint is there to take care of you.
Natasha and Bucky were getting ready to leave for their mission, their gear on and their stuff packed. They were standing at the front door of the Barton homestead, their little 2-year-old daughter Y/N clinging onto Natasha's leg.
Your little lip wobbled as you looked up at Natasha, your big blue eyes filled with tears. “No Mama no! Don’t go!” You couldn’t understand why your parents had to leave you. Of course, you loved your uncle Clint and his family it’s just that you did miss your mama and daddy when they went away on missions.
Natasha looked down at you and frowned. “I know sweetheart but Mama and Daddy have to go. We’ll be back soon, I promise.”
About 10 minutes of screaming and crying later, you eventually let go of Natasha and said goodbye to her and Bucky. Clint picked you up and put you on his hip, hoping that Lila would cheer you up.
Clint looked down at you and rubbed your back. “Would you like to go play dollies with Lila? would that make you feel better?”
You nodded your head and Clint put you down onto your two feet. You hesitated for a second but made your climb up the stairs and towards Lila’s room.
You stood at the door of Lila’s room, your little hands grasping your jumper while you shifted from foot to foot in nervousness.
“Lila, I play dollies with you?” Your little voice asked from the doorway.
Lila looked up from her spot on her floor, dolls in hand. She nodded her head eagerly “Of course! You can be this dollie!” Lila held up a blonde-haired doll with green eyes and a red dress. Your face lit up with a smile
“Okay!” You grinned and sat down next to Lila, gently taking the doll from her hands
Dinner time was a breeze, you sat next to Cooper and Lila at the table. You had steak and vegetables, the steak was cut into little pieces so it was easier for your little teeth to chew. You ate it all with no problem except for the broccoli which took you a bit longer to eat.
When you finished your bath and bedtime arrived, Clint took you into the spare room where the crib he had put back together for when you came to visit and your overnight bag was. You opened up your bag and were expecting to find your stuffed giraffe and other bedtime comforters but only saw your baby blanket and pacifier. You looked up a Clint with an upset frown.
“Where’s Gigi?” You whimpered and tipped your bag over, hoping she was buried somewhere under your clothes but she wasn’t.
Tears started forming in your eyes as your beloved friend wasn’t in sight. “Uncle Clint! Can’t find Gigi!” You cried
Clint quickly picked you up and started to search the bag. “It’s alright Y/N, we’ll find her. She’ll be here somewhere.”
You and Clint spent about 20 minutes looking for Gigi until Laura came into the room with a clean and fluffy stuffed giraffe, she smiled at you.
“Sorry sweetheart, I just washed her for you. She got all dirty when you were playing outside today, but she’s all clean now and ready for bed!”
Your blue eyes lit up with relief and excitement, you cuddled Gigi tightly to your chest. “Thanks, Aunty Laura!”
Clint tucked you into the crib, your pacifier in your mouth along with your baby blanket and of course, Gigi. You fell asleep peacefully knowing that your Mama and Daddy would be back tomorrow to come pick you up.
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accio-victuuri · 24 days
cpn o’clock: tea or coffee 🍵☕️
treat this as my clowning post for episode 2 of exploring the unknown. hahahahahaha! though i have mentioned the relation about tea in my previous post, let me explain more and include the thing about coffee.
so people were panic buying the tea yibo packed during his prep for the trip— which turns out to be calming tea that helps with sleep ( he said so himself ) . which now that i think about it, he shouldn’t have any problem sleeping cause he is beyond exhausted every damn day on this show.
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and i don’t wanna act like i have him on speed-dial, like everyone, i observe his habits and personality via public means. i have never seen him talk about or act like he has problems sleeping or even needing that help. we all saw summer surf shop — he was out like a light. he mentioned sleeping in planes and taking short naps. you have photos of him sleeping or probably have his eyes closed but whatever — you get the point.
now who do we know has problems sleeping?
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p1 is yibo in richora event where he mentions having no trouble sleeping and one time fell asleep in seconds + he goes on deep sleep.
p2 gege saying sleeping is now more stressful.
p3 mentioned that his sleep is not stable, sometimes good and sometimes bad.
p4 when you have insomnia, it’s good to download rain sounds to help with sleep. which lowkey is the same logic as yibo saying the sound of the jungle us good for sleep.
p5 is an article that says:
When he goes to different cities, Xiao Zhan will bring the same type of pillows and quilts. I will bring anything that can help me sleep well. "He also tried aromatheeapy lamps, lavender essential oil, various medicines that will make you fall asleep when applied on your body. Spray it on your pillow to make you fall asleep, melatonin, meditation music. Later I found out that the best way for him to sleep was eye mask, earplugs (….)
CPN is XZ probably asked him to bring the tea along so WYB can sleep better. thinking that he may have a hard time since he is in a different environment. They are just too sweet!!!!!
people have also pointed out how xz packed tea in his luggage before but this was 2019/20 and the type of tea is different. the examples above are much much recent. but i guess this is fans saying that “tea” is something XZ will pack with him too.
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plus we are aware of the green tea connection during untamed filming which is one of the favorite cpns out there 🍵
… now let’s move on to Coffee ☕️😋
everyone’s favorite beverage! people picked this up in episode 2 when wyb was joking around having the coffee he brought soaked so now you can drink it directly. also how he shared that he drinks coffee in the morning. look, we’ve known for some time that he likes coffee especially when he goes camping. we also had another cpn of xz bringing some coffee home etc.
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if we’re gonna start with CQL, xz was the one who drinks coffee and in interviews continues to say he does. sure, wyb is free to change his preference on his own and have a new found love for coffee but as a cpf, we cannot ignore the fact that this is an “xz thing” and one of a couple of “things” they have in common. from something as mundane as this to more specific ones.
thinking about them waking up together and having their morning coffee is making me happy 😌😌😌
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nedtylue · 1 month
Hellooo!! im sure you know why im here (hehehe),
May i please request some lucifer fluff, like how mc would have to go about (lovingly) forcing him to take a damn break, (mans may know he doesn't need as much sleep as a human but he still needs the normal amount of sleep a demon does) and i know the first idea is kind of overused when it comes to luci fics and headcannons buuuuuuut it could be reversed so that its mc who overworks themself (tbh relateable) and luci has to (attempt to) help them to relax and during his attempts hes like 'am I this bad when I overwork myself' (and a mc who overworks themself could be a prompt for all the bros if yoou wanted to write something with them all)
(also i may return with another request if i get anymore ideas your writing is very good (20/10 would eat if possible/hj) the second idea kind of sounds like im trying to sell you a car or smth lol i promise im not)
sorry if its alot i started ranting a lil bit (btw me mentioning 2 ideas usually means i had one and then it split as i was typing and my brain went maybe they want a choice)
(feel like i've typed too much) thank you for reading the ramble thing if you read all of it feel free to write it hw you want and have a good day/night (morning, evening, midday, lunch, breakfast???)
Hey sweetheart! I love this especially since I've been working on an angsty fic for a while so I really appreciate the fluff! Anyway I decided to just make it a full fic with only Lucifer, hope you enjoy!!
Please take a break
“Lucifer, could you please take a break? Just a quick nap, or even fetching a snack from the kitchen will do”
“I will, dear“ Lucifer replies, not looking up from his work “Just after I finish this paper”
And Mc sighs. They refrain from telling Lucifer that this is the fifth time he said that today. Saying so will only make him more stubborn
So Mc just settles in their chair and tries to get cozy. They check their DDD, knowing that it's way past their bedtime, and they're met with the clock mocking them that they'll have to be at RAD in four hours. Exhaustion washes over them, and they silently beg their future self to forgive them for the suffering they'll bestow on them
They put away their DDD, and when they feel their eyes droop shut, they feel a bit of defeat settle in their heart. This won't be the first time they fall asleep in Luci's study, and they know Lucifer will stop his work soon, will carry them to their bed, and will make sure they're well tucked and cozy.
They just hoped the break they give him this time wouldn't be the five-minute walk from his study to their room
But Mc still begrudgingly counts that as a win, because if this doesn't count as a way to distract Lucifer from his work for at least five measly minutes, then Mc might just go mad from watching this man work his life away
And soon enough, when Mc fell asleep and soft snores accompanied the sound of pen on paper, Lucifer would look up at his beloved darling. A small smile will appear on his face as he admires Mc and how peaceful they look while they're asleep. He still feels a sense of wonder every time Mc falls asleep in his presence, amazed by how at ease Mc is in his company that they'd let themselves be so vulnerable.
He'd admire their beauty for a long time, pen still in hand as if he could snap himself out of his trance anytime and continue working, but he knows he won't. Not when Mc is sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. He would sooner or later get up, and carry Mc in his arms to their bed. He would lay gently, throw the covers over them, and watch them. His hand would lightly move a few strands of hair from their cheek and would stay there, gently cupping his beloved's cheek, lightly caressing them when the love and adoration in his chest became too much for him to handle.
He sees the dark circles under their eyes and he winces, feeling a pang of guilt stab at his chest. Mc is just too stubborn. He's already told them that he's fine, that he doesn't need to sleep as much or eat as often as humans, but they still try to get him to take a break from his work. He even urges them to go and rest, knowing that humans should sleep for eight hours a day, but they refuse, saying that they'll rest once Lucifer takes a break.
He can't believe he fell for such a stubborn human
And yet, he smiles like a lovesick fool as he watches them sleep.
Lucifer feels a stir in the house. Satan must've woke up, and is making his way to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Lucifer checks the time and sees that Mc will have to wake up in an hour. He knows he must leave now, he's still got work to do before he has to make sure that his brothers are up and ready for school.
But then exam season rolls in, and something they didn't expect happened
He leans in, his lips briefly touching his beloved's hair, then he slowly gets up and leaves Mc's room, throwing one last glance their way, watching how their chest slowly moves with every breath, before he finally shuts the door behind him and makes his way to his study.
The brothers have seen how often Mc tries to get Lucifer to take a break no matter how much he refuses, and they let them. Soon, Mc will realise that there's no getting Lucifer away from his work (Unless there's an emergency, of course) They just gotta wait for Mc to make this realisation on their own
Mc now refuses to stop studying.
It was funny the first two days, exams haven't even started yet, they're going to start a whole week from now, and yet anywhere you see Mc, there's a book in their hands, or notes, or flashcards, or-
The point is, wherever you see Mc, they're studying. They'd get startled whenever anyone tries to talk to them, and if they agree to go somewhere or do something with the brothers to, you know, give themselves a break, they would agree. And show up with something to study with
Slowly, this stopped being funny when Mc and turned concerning very quickly stopped showing up at the dinner table, opting to eat in their room surrounded by their books. When whenever anyone would ask them anything they'd say 'Sorry, not now, maybe after I'm done studying' Even if they asked Mc what day it was, that's their answer!!
And they're never done studying! Even if you catch them without a book, they're mumbling to themselves various formulas, answering imaginary questions, and generally not beinh fully there! Their eyebags became so deep Belphie tried knocking them out one time, but Mc just sidestepped him. Their hair is disheveled Asmo tried taking them on a spa day, but the workers were so unnerved by Mc's constant mumbling and suddenly moving to check a lesson, a spell, or an answer on their DDD
It was also unnerving everyone they knew, the brothers, Diavolo and Barbatos, the angels, and even Solomon. They all tried getting Mc to take a break, but Mc refused. They keep telling them that they're fine, that they've slept enough, that they eat and take regular breaks (never mind that they barely sleep for one hour before they wake up for RAD, and take a half-hour nap max if they really, really feel like shit. never mind that all their food is snacks or that their 'regular breaks' are their bathroom breaks)
And Lucifer of course isn't just idly watching Mc wither away like this. He tries to take them on dates, tries to convince Mc to sleep at a reasonable time, and tries to make them eat anything that doesn't come pre-packaged
He's never seen them push themselves like this
“Well of course they will,” Asmo tells him as all the brothers look at him accusingly “that's all they see you do!”
“Yeah, you hypocrite” Mammon crosses his arms and shakes his head “How are they supposed to listen to a word you say if you do the exact same thing?”
“I'm a demon” Lucifer defends himself. He won't keel over if he works too much for a while, Mc will
“It doesn't matter to them,” Satan says “You showed them that overworking oneself is normal, now they're going to work until they burn themselves out”
Mammon rushes for the water-
“Not literally, Mammon”
Lucifer lets out a sigh
“I'll talk to them”
“That's not gonna cut it” Belphie glares at Lucifer
“You need to take care of yourself, Lucifer, and once they see you do that, they'll follow”
Lucifer stares at Beel, then slowly turns to look at the rest of his brothers. They all seem to agree, and that makes him sigh. He'll try, of course. For Mc, he's ready to do anything.
The tic-ticking of the clock stopped bothering Mc a long time ago. They stopped checking the time, watching the time pass makes them feel so nervous. Instead, they rely on the numerous alarms they set up on their DDD to tell them when they should sleep, wake up, eat, and check if there's anything they've put off doing for too long
“hmm?” They ask, still reciting under their breath how an Angel's muscles replicate the movement of a diaphragm when a human is near-
Something in the back of their mind tingles. They think they may have heard a knock on the door, and they might have mumbled “Come in” but they aren't entirely sure. They've been way too focused on memorizing the difference between angels' and demons' respiratory systems to notice the door opening and closing, to hear the footsteps, or sense their favorite demon coming up behind them. They only slightly turn their head when they feel a hand on their shoulder gently shaking them
“Mc? Could you leave your books for a moment?”
“I'm busy now. Maybe after I-”
“It's four in the morning, Mc”
Mc tilts their head slightly, looking at Lucifer in confusion before turning to look at the clock. There's no way it's four already, it was just one like half an hour ago-
But the hands of the clock show that it is four fifteen now. Shit, now they don't have time to revise the spells in chapter five before they go to sleep, and the General Spells exam is in three days-
“Mc, please look at me” A touches Mc's cheek and gently guides them until they look into Lucifer's eyes. He looks so sadly at them. It makes Mc wanna cry
“You've been pushing yourself far too much, my darling. What happened?” He asks, and something in how soft he sounds makes Mc lean into his hand until it's the only thing supporting their body
“It's just been a hard semester” Mc mumbles as they stare into his eyes. They shine so beautifully in the soft glow
“I see” Lucifer replies, feeling a bit of relief spreading through him. He's so glad Mc is actually looking at him, actually replying to him, and not just repeating that empty promise they've been saying for the past week-
Mc suddenly pushes themselves away from his hand and tries to go back to the book
“I have to study. I'm behind, I was supposed to be done with anatomy three hours ago. Can we talk later, Luci?”
A hand again guides their face, the other slowly turns the chair until Mc is facing at Lucifer. He’s kneeling on the ground and looking so gentle and tender and warm that Mc wants nothing to do but sink into his arms
But if they do so they might fail their classes, and Lucifer will be so disappointed in them
“Lucifer, please, leave me alone. It'll just be for one week, then I'll spend time with you all you want” Mc was now looking at Lucifer, a hint of frustration could be seen in their eyes. They really just need to get past this week, only this week, just one more week then they can rest
But their voice was laced with a hint of desperation. They can't let their grades slip, they can't
And something in Lucifer just breaks at seeing his darling like this.
His brothers' words echoed in his ears
He really is the one to blame for Mc's state here. How could he call himself a deserving partner when he's let Mc slip from him like this?
“No, Mc,” Lucifer whispers so tenderly as he takes their hand into his
“You need to rest, to eat. Come on, love”
He gets up and pulls Mc until they're standing up, then starts guiding them out of the room.
Mc resists weakly. They really feel tired, and they've been ignoring their hunger for-for… how long now?
“But Luci…” They still try protesting, hoping that he could at least let them study while they eat “I'm not done yet with todays studies”
“No, love” Firmness. He opens the door, and continues guiding Mc towards the kitchen “That's enough studying for today, and for tomorrow, if we can help it-”
“No!” Mc turns around so quickly and looks at Lucifer in panic “I can rest for today, but not tomorrow!”
Lucifer just chuckles lightly, feeling amused by their reaction and kisses their forehead
“Alright, you'll rest for today, and then we'll see what happens tomorrow”
Mc just sags and hums, closing their eyes and lean into the kiss, and Lucifer could feel his heart swell in his chest
His Mc is just so adorable
And so Lucifer makes them sit in the kitchen while he makes them a light snack, and watches them eat it. He guides his beloved to his room, where there's nothing they can use to study, and lays them in his bed, joining them so he can engulf them in his embrace.
He watches them as their eyes droop and shut, as their breathing evens out, and their body goes slack in his arms. He watches them for a long time, until sleep gets a hold of him too, and he finds himself drifting away into the land of sleep.
He wakes up to his beloved trying to get up, to leave his arms and go to RAD, but he just shushes them and holds them closer
“Shh, you're not going today. We can ask Satan for notes late. Rest for now, love”
And Mc goes back to sleep in mere minutes, and Lucifer decides to just follow them. He hasn't been around Mc for a whole week, would it be that bad to spend the morning drifting in bed with them?
Soon, Mc stirs and wakes up, and Lucifer feeling them stir opens his eyes. After a quick look at the clock to check how long they've been asleep for, he relents and lets Mc get up
“Where are you going” He squints at them suspiciously as he sees them move towards the door, and they look back sheepishly, like they've just been caught doing something they know they're not supposed to be doing
“I'm going to my room?” Lucifer shakes his head
Mc pouts at Lucifer but obliges, muttering under their breath a quick “Do I really?”
“No, go to the bathroom and take a bath. A long one, Mc. You deserve one”
“Yes, you do” Lucifer sighs and gets off the bed. He moves towards Mc and gently cups their cheeks in his hands
“You deserve to rest, Mc, you've been studying non-stop this past week” He leans forward and kisses their forehead “Now, go take a shower. I saw Asmo sneak in some products for you to use. I'll go prepare some breakfast for us, and we could eat in the garden, how does that sound?”
Mc nods, and Lucifer lets go of them. He goes to prepare some french toast- one of Mc's favorite breakfasts- along with various sweet fruits for them to eat and goes to prepare their little picnic in the garden
Soon, Mc joins him looking far more relaxed than before. He hugs them, his fingers combing through their soft hair as the smell of the strawberry shampoo wafts through the air
“How do you feel love?” He feels Mc's arms around him tighten as Mc snuggles just a bit closer, then they release him. It takes him a moment to release them too
“Better” They say, their voice so soft and they smile so warmly at him, Lucifer almost wants to pull them back into his arms
But he knows that his love hasn't been eating well, and he'd hate for their breakfast to run cold, so instead, he holds their hand and pulls them towards the table he's prepared for them
They eat in silence, enjoying the serenity of the moment, the presence of each other. Lucifer basks in the peace and quiet only the absence of his brothers give him, while Mc's enjoys how calm and silent their mind has become after their rest.
Lucifer seems to notice Mc's mind wandering back to their studies, and he frowns slightly at that
But exams aren't done yet, they still have a week of suffering before it's over. They really should be studying right now
...But they could have this nice morning for themselves. Just this once, as a treat
He lowers his cutlery, and looks at Mc, his expression serious yet soft as he calls for them
“Yes?” They know what Lucifer will try to say, and they know how to respond. They really need to study hard, or else their grades will slip-
Mc turns to look at Lucifer as they pop a bloodshade into their mouth, enjoying the sweet-sour taste of the fruit
“would you stop pushing yourself too hard if I stop too?” Mc startles at this question
“…what?” They stare at Lucifer, tilting their head in confusion. Where did that come from?
He puts his hand over theirs, and Mc sees guilt in his eyes. It's not a good look on him. Mc wants to squish it out of existence
“My love, you're always trying to get me to take a break, and I've always brushed off your concerns. I feel so foolish now,”
“You were acting like a fool, Luci” He huffs out, but mirrors the smile on Mc's face
“Yes, I suppose I was, but if watching me made you feel even half as worried as watching you study, then I ought to apologize to you. I'm truly sorry for brushing off your concerns, Mc, and making you worry about my well-being, and will take as many breaks as you want from me, dear, if you promise to stop overworking yourself"
He brings Mc's hands to his lips and kisses his knuckles, sending a wave of warmth travelling through Mc until it rests in their cheeks
"How does that sound, darling?” he asks and looks at Mc so sincerely that it almost makes them feel overwhelmed
So Mc smiles brightly at Lucifer. They nod, agreeing with this deal, and feel their heart skip a beat at the smile that appeared on Lucifer's face
Mc has known that they were overworking themselves, and maybe the thought that 'if Lucifer can do it then they can too' have crossed their mind once or twice, but they didn't think that Lucifer would get so worried. Worried to they point that he'd put his work aside, basically put Diavolo aside just for them.
Maybe they've pushed themselves too much. Maybe they need to slow down a bit, if only to stop the others from worrying, to stop their boyfriend from worrying.
And this sounds like a pretty sweet deal. Mc is not going to look a gift horse in the mouth
Yes, this is quite the sweet deal they have
Welp, this was fun! Sorry it took me more time than I thought it would, it was supposed to be a quick thing but, oh well
Also dw I also rant a lot it's like my brain just screams mid-writing You Know What Would Sound Better??!!! So yeah I enjoyed writing this and I really hope you enjoy reading it ^^
Also I really love your energy and I hope you have a fun day/night!!! (Brunch/ lunch /dinner??) :>
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daniyummy · 6 months
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Simon Riley fucking you vs Ghost fucking you. (I know they're the same person, but he's Simon at home, Ghost at work)
This idea has me in a chokehold it's not even funny anymore. Obvi nsfw, don't like don't read, degrading, rough, breeding kink, marking kink, slight possessive!Ghost
Gentle!Simon, Rough!Ghost
Simon Riley who'd make sure you came at least once before he indulges in what he wants.
Simon Riley who'd coo praises in your ear while he thrusts into you deep.
"Such a good girl f'me, yeah?" "That's it, dove, nice and deep.."
Simon Riley who would never wear the mask while fucking you as it takes away some of the intimacy.
Simon Riley who has a slight breeding kink, filing you up with his cum until his balls are empty and your shaking from overstim.
Simon Riley who'd watch the mix of his and your cum drip out of your used cunt before taking two fingers and collecting the juices that fell out then pushing them back in as you whine from overstimulation.
Ghost fucking you though..
Ghost who will fuck your throat until your crying and he cums on your face, painting you with his cum.
Ghost who will finger you, yet the second you need to cum he pulls his fingers out and slaps your poor cunt.
Ghost who will thrust into you, giving you a few seconds to adjust to his cock before he destroys your cunt.
"Such a fucking whore for me. Impatient slut, couldn't wait until we got home."
Ghost who will never not fuck you with the mask on, Ghost doesn't care about the intimacy, he just needs to get off.
Ghost who will roll the mask up to his nose to nip at your neck, marking you as his.
"Nobody can fuck you like me, you're mine, slut. Say it."
Ghost who would turn into Simon the minute you guys finish give you aftercare, depending on if he has to be somewhere soon, or if he has the day off.
Has to be somewhere: He'll run you a quick bath, and while your bathing, he'll set out some clothes for you, a water and some snacks with a note that says something like, "I'll be back later. Get some rest, dove, I love you." And then he leaves.
Has the day off: He will immediately kiss you all over, mumbling praises before he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom, sets you on the toilet as he fills the bath, he'll place you in the bath before he washes you, asking if he was too rough (he asks like 20 times, just to be sure). He'll lift you out of the bath, dry you with a fluffy towel, he'll slide on boxers on you and him, yet leaves your chest bare for skin to skin contact, he cuddle you until you fall asleep and then he'll follow shortly after, snoring softly.
First post, tell me if you like it or if it sucks, I'm okay with some criticism just give me the benefit of the doubt, I haven't wrote stuff like this since my wattpad and heartstopper days 😭
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niki-phoria · 9 months
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pairing: taehyun x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 580
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the morning is quiet when taehyun slowly stirs awake. the sun has just barely begun to rise - golden rays threatening to break through thick clouds hanging in the sky. birds chirping quietly outside of your window serve as a pseudo alarm clock that somehow never seems to wake you. 
taehyun smiles when he registers your arm gently resting over his stomach, your hand rests gently wrapped around his waist. he can feel the weight of your head pressed against his chest, resting just on top of his heartbeat.
your legs are still intertwined beneath your blankets; your bodies molded together in almost the exact same position that you were in when you both fell asleep. despite your bedhead and the quiet snores that occasionally escape from your lips, you still look beautiful.
relaxing against the sheets once again, taehyun lets his eyes flutter closed for just a second longer. he waits until the sunlight begins to sneak into your bedroom, illuminating the room in a beautiful golden glow. he sighs, rolling onto his side to grab his phone. the device feels heavier than normal in his still overly tired state. the light is almost blinding as he switches it on, squinting at small numbers now shining brightly back at him. 06:07. 
taehyun quietly groans, letting his phone dramatically fall back onto your bedside table. in the silence, his mind begins to drift. dance practice is scheduled to begin at 07:00. soobin - ever the responsible leader - is likely already awake and preparing breakfast for the others. yeonjun will be the next to stumble out of bed before collapsing onto one of the couches, sleepily scrolling through his phone or slowly trying to prepare for the day ahead. kai will follow some time later, either clumsily helping soobin with breakfast or joining yeonjun in sleeping on the couch. beomgyu will be the last to leave his bedroom, quickly scarfing down some food before herding the others into the car.
glancing down at you once again, taehyun raises a hand to cup your face. his touch is feather light as he trails his fingers against your skin before brushing a stray strand of hair away from your eyes. he carefully shifts, doing his best to move out from underneath the covers without waking you  - but his plans are quickly thwarted. 
“tae,” you sleepily whine, nuzzling yourself even closer to his body. your hands grip the fabric of his shirt between his fingers as if he’ll slip out of your grasp the moment you let go. the feeling of your breath ghosting against his exposed skin sends shivers down taehyun’s spine. “don’t leave yet. five more minutes.”
he knows it’s wrong. he knows that your shared apartment is thirty minutes away from the hybe building and that it’ll take at least 20 minutes to get ready. he knows that the longer he spends curled up in your arms, the less he’ll want to leave - even at the risk of being scolded by his manager for being late. he knows that your “five minutes” really mean waiting until your alarm begins blaring from your phone or your body naturally decides it’s gotten enough rest. 
but, laying in your shared bed, with your head resting against his chest, watching the steady rise and fall of your chest, taehyun can’t bring himself to care. 
“okay,” he nods. he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead, softly smiling down at you. “five more minutes.”
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notes: supposed to be written in taehyun's pov, honestly not super happy with this lol, not proofread pls forgive any mistakes
if you liked this fic, please consider leaving a like, comment, feedback, or rebloging !! and if you want to support me, check out my txt materlist <33
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natashaslesbian · 6 months
How about Scarlett being busy with work and R missing her mama while trying to get her attention
Math Test
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Word Count: 1.3k
Parings: Mom!ScarlettJohansson x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: none I believe :)
A/N• eeeee I’m gonna be writing for Scarlett! I’m likely to only do platonic fics for Scar as I’m not sure about writing anything else for an actual person
You sat facing the window while the phone was ringing. Following the raindrops down the glass until your mom finally picked up. “Hey y/n what’s up?” Scarlett asked, “Hi mom, I was just wondering when you’d be home, you said we could have our movie night today” you replied into your mobile. “Oh hunny I’m so sorry I completely forgot, I’m still gonna be at the office for a few hours, we’ll do it another night sweetie” you weren’t really disappointed, you had expected that she forgot. Before you could reply your mother cut you off “y/n I’ve got to go okay I’ll see you later, love you!” You listened to the call disconnect, at least you knew she still loved you, if only she would show you that.
You were asleep by the time Scarlett got home, and she was out before you woke up the next morning. The CEO hadn’t had time to prepare your lunch so she left $20 on the kitchen island for you. You stuffed it into your purse and headed off to school. It was a regular day, the stares and quiet hushes of your peers, the Johansson name hung over you like a dark cloud. It was the second lesson of the day, math, and you had been preparing for your test for the last week. The class fell silent as pens hit paper and you got through the first few questions quickly.
Scarlett was at her desk when her phone rang, your schools number appearing on her screen. “Hello” she said sceptically as she answered. “Hi Ms Johansson, it’s Mr Chan from Bridgewater high, we need you to come and collect y/n immediately. I’m afraid there’s been an incident and she’s been suspended for a week” your principal said. Scarlett was shocked, you had never been in any trouble at school “what’s happened!” She said down the phone. “I’m afraid her teacher caught her cheating on a test, are you available to come and collect her?” Your mother was mortified, she collected her things, asked Kate to hold the fort and stormed out of the office.
Scarlett didn’t say one word to you when she arrived at the school. She stomped back to the car with you half jogging behind to keep up with her. “Mom” you called again, “get in the car” she hissed. “Mom!” You shouted, “y/n get in the car! We’ll talk at home” Scarlett said. The journey felt longer than usual, the uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere and your leg had began to bounce with anxiety. Scarlett’s grip was tight on the steering wheel, and she made a point of reving the engine to make sure you knew she was angry.
Your mom had you sat at the kitchen table the second you were inside, she remained on her feet and you realised how much trouble you were in. “Why?” Scarlett said “why on earth would you cheat on a test? I don’t understand y/n your one of the smartest kids in that school what the hell where you thinking!” She shouted. “I knew all the answers I just….” You whispered. “You what?” Scarlett said as she slammed her fists on the table “y/n like it or not you are a Johansson and I will not have you drag down the name, I have worked to damn hard!” Your mom screamed. “Well maybe you should stop working so hard!” You sobbed “maybe you should stop working and come home and be with me!” you cried.
Absolute silence fell across the room. Your mom had never heard you shout so loud, never seen you fight so hard to hold back tears. It seemed all at once she realised how you must be feeling “sweetheart” she whispered, a stark contrast from the noise moments before. “You were trying to get caught?” She asked as she came and sat on a nearby chair. “I didn’t know what else to do” you sniffled. “Baby you should’ve talked to me” Scarlett said, a hint of guilt coating her voice. “I tried, but you’re always so busy at the office and filming and now directing” you said as you used your sleeve to wipe your nose.
Your mom had never felt more ashamed. How had she been ignoring the one thing that mattered most to her, gotten so wrapped up in her work life that she hadn’t even noticed how desperate you were for her attention. “Y/n I’m so sorry. You’re right I’ve been so busy and I thought that it would help you in the long run but I completely missed what was happening right in front of me” Scarlett said as she began to softly cry. “I just wanna spend time with you mama” you whimpered. “Oh baby, come here, can I give you a cuddle?” Your mom asked.
You didn’t waste a second as you shuffled over to your mom, settling in her lap and wrapping yourself around her. You cried into her shoulder, soaking her shirt as Scarlett continued to whisper apologies into your ear. “Look at me baby” Your mom said as she gently held your face on her hands “I’m gonna take some time off work okay, it’s just gonna be me and you.” She said. You nodded as she wiped your teary eyes and lent forward to kiss you on the forehead. “Why don’t you go jump in the shower, I’ll order some food and then we’ll watch Toy Story” Scarlett said. “Pizza?” You whispered “of course baby” your mom smiled.
No less than an hour later you were curled up in your mom’s lap nibbling on your beloved pepperoni pizza. You promised not to quote too much of the film but Scarlett knew that was never going to happen. Toy Story was your absolute comfort film, you watched it after a bad day or when you were sick, even if you were just tired it was your go to. Your mom was gently carding her fingers across your scalp, the two of you were wrapped up in a big fuzzy blanket and Scarlett insisted that you were to lie still while she took care of you. Holding the pizza for you to eat and wiping up the sauce that dribbled down your cheek. You would never admit it, but you were enjoying your moms affection even though to others it may have seemed childlike.
When the first film had ended, Scarlett moved to grab the remote but when your head fell limp against her she realised you were fast asleep. “My baby” Scarlett cooed as she twisted you into her arms and stood up to carry you to bed. She waddled into your room and gentle placed you on the mattress. “Mama” you whined when you felt her let go “mamas bed?” You innocently asked “you wanna sleep with mommy tonight?” Scarlett asked, you nodded sleepily and your mom scooped you back up into her embrace, not forgetting to grab your stuffed bunny. You instantly rolled onto your moms side of the bed when she set you down, already missing her even though she was only across the room getting changed.
Your eyes fluttered open when you felt the bed dip behind you, you rolled over straight away to find her waiting with her arms open. You inhaled her scent, a gorgeous smell of cotton and lilies filled your nose. “‘M sorry for cheating on my test mama” you whispered “am I in trouble?” You asked. You felt Scarlett sigh heavily “I think we can let this one slide baby girl” your mom said “we may still have to deal with Mr Chan when you go back to school though” you groaned into your moms neck “he’s a dick” you said “he sure is” your mom agreed. Scarlett switched off the bedside lamp and pulled the duvet up to cover you both. “I love you so much y/n” she said as she began to trace her fingers up and down her back “I love you too mommy” you said with a smile.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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lizzieislife94x · 10 months
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The Babysitter (w.m)
Wanda maximoff x G!P reader 
Legal age gap reader is just say 22
If you don't like the g!p let me know what you want to read. 
"Oh don't worry about it miss maximoff the boys are asleep you don't have to rush home everything is fine here" I reassure the older woman "ok ill see you when you get home have fun" I laugh as I hang up to hide the pain, you see the woman who I babysit for is so fucking sexy and when she leaves lingering touches on my arm or leans a little to close for a little to long it's so hard to control my little friend downstairs I don't think she's noticed, I'm kinda bummed though because she's on a date since she lost her husband a while back she's decided to get back into the dating world, I've been her go to Babysitter since i was 19 almost 20 and she needed a little help plus it helped me save money for when I travel the world, I decide to sneak up to her room and lay in her bed just to feel a little closer to her the pillow smells like her and it brings comfort to me.
 2 hours later
"Y/n hey y/n" I wake up slowly with what sounds like miss Maximoffs voice fuck I fell asleep on the couch, after a second the fear kicks in and my eyes shoot open oh fuck "miss Maximoff I'm sooo sorry I was uh looking for a pacifier for tommy I must have sat down and fell asleep I uh oh god I'm sorry" I rant while looking anywhere bar the redhead infront of me "y/n calm down its ok I get it the boys can be tirering it's OK honey" I sigh in relief and sit up getting off the bed "can I do anything before I leave ?" I ask my boss "could you help me with the laundry please it's been a rough day the guy I went on a date with total douchbag can you believe he wouldn't accept no for an answer I almost had to punch him luckily the manager came to the rescue" she let's out a deep sigh and looks at me with a sad smile
"of course miss Maximoff anything I can do to help ill gladly help" as I finish my sentence she winches in pain and I take a step towards her "miss Maximoff are you ok? what's wrong do I need to call someone" she giggles and rests her hand on my arm "you're sweet it's nothing its just I need to pump I haven't done it all day and they are extremely sore and sensitive so could you be a doll and hand me the pump please" I feel my face heat up instantly fuck I'm so dumb I fumble around grabbing the breast pump and hand it to her "I uh ill wait outside let me know when your done" I walk outside the bedroom and close the door fuck I'm such a idiot of course she had to pump so stupid y/n I giggle quietly after 5 minutes I hear a angry sounding Wanda and a thump I automatically run inside not thinking "hey are you woahhhhh" I instantly turn and trip still covering my eyes "awwh fuck that hurt are you ok miss Maximoff I heard a bang and thought something happened?" I hear her giggle and feel her eyes on me "y/n for the millionth time it's wanda and you don't have to hide it's just boobs you have them it's not like you've not seen boobs before" her giggle gets louder and I stand up and turn trying to keep my eyes on her but I won't lie I did stare at her tits they where huge and so fucking perfect
"I uh is there's anything I can do to help you miss Maximoff " she shakes her head and looks at me "unless your one of my 2 years who's awake at this time in the morning and hungry for milk then no" as the words left her mouth my not so little friend downstairs decided to wake up as I raised my eyebrow not realising my bulge was visible "wait y/n did you like the idea of drinking my milk", she says with a flirtatious tone "I uhhhh" I can't find the words to speak as she walks towards me walking around me slowly and leaning down to whisper in my ear "your little friend down there is giving you away if you want to taste mommy's milk just say so it would be a big help to my poor sore and sensitive tits" I let out a moan and nod unable to speak "words y/n words" I gulp and clear my throat "I.. I wanna taste your milk" she laughs somethings  missing honey "I want to taste your milk mommy"
fuck that was strangely a turn on "come here honey"she sits on the bed and tells me to lay in her lap and I do as she says Holy fuck this is happening I see her perfect tits tight in my face and latch my lips around her nipple and start sucking waiting for the sweet taste of her milk "oh fuck oh fuck" she breaths out rubbing my face "so good honey that feels so good your doing so well" I smirk and suck harder draining the milk from her left tit as she moans above me I switch to her right nipple and start sucking till there's nothing left my cock has never been harder "that was like nothing I've ever experienced the pleasure was so intense" she confesses rubbing my cheek "if you ever need help again please please let me do that because your milk was so fucking good" I blush I stand up and turn to try and fix my solid member fuck I'm gonna bust so hard when I get home "y/n please don't try and hide from me do you think I haven't noticed all the boners you've had around me" I turn and look at her in shock fuck I thought she didn't notice "fuck" is all I can manage "why do you think I said no to the creep that took me on a date because I didn't want his cock coming anywhere near me the only cock I want is yours" Holy shit wait when did she get naked my eyes instantly travel her body as I bite my lip "fuck Wanda youre so sexy" I walk over crashing my lips against hers sliding my tounge into her mouth as she undresses me how did she get my clothes off so quick "fuck" she states looking down at my little friend standing at attention "you're fucking huge y/n" I gently push her on the bed and she spreads her legs I automatically lean down and lick a strip from her entrance to her clit taking it into my mouth and sucking harshly earning loud moans from the redhead I kitten lick her till her legs are shaking and sit up crawling over her letting my dick tease  her entrance "fuck y/n just fuck me already I need you inside me I need you till fill me" she begs and I do as I'm told I slide my dick past her entrance and groan and the sensation fuck she's so fucking tight I start to thrust hard and fast looking deep into her eyes "fuck Wanda youre so fucking tight your taking my cock so well" I moan as does she and the marks my back is gonna have totally worth it though I continue fucking her tight cunt at  an ungodly speed as I feel the coil building I slam a few more times as I feel my cum shooting deep inside her cunt "fuckkkk Wanda" I moan loudly as she cums at the same time I slow my thrusts to help us both ride out our orgasms as I slide out of her and she moans at the movement I lay on my back trying to breath properly "Holy fuck that was amazing " I giggle and she looks at me in shock "y/n are you still hard how the fuck is that possible " I hide my face and giggle "because my little friend likes you alot and you make it stand at attention " she bites her lip and smirks "fuck" is all she managed to say 
 AN: not sure how I feel about this lactating kink I've read stuff like this never wrote it tho so let me know what you think.......again just trying new stuff lmaoooooo word count almost 1.5k  (update since i wrote this last year i very much do enjoy writing the lactating kink its hot, sue me lmao remember drink water and stay hydrated babes)
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serqphites · 10 months
hiii i saw u needed requests to blurbs/ headcanons so here i am 🤭 could u write julien x reader where julien has a crush on a random youtuber (that like talks about books and stuff) and phoebe and lucy makes fun of julien bc she wasn’t this type of person before and then one day this bookworm youtuber says that she’s going to a boygenius show and julien tries everything to meet reader?
pls and thank u
i hope this isn’t too long
julien baker x yt!crush ღ
format: blurb
warnings: none!
a/n: i literally fell in love with this the second i saw it omg it’s so cute<3 been working on some anxiety comfort ideas but can’t choose a member of muna or boygenius to do first so if there’s one anyone would like to be first please do request it!! thank you so much for all the likes on my stuff it means the world 💞
okay so, the boys are on tour but tonight is a very special night for them becauseeeee… they have a night off!! they go out, have some nice dinner then decide to just chill in the tour bus for the rest of the night because they don’t need to wake up extra early to go to their next tour destination
so julien is in her lil bunk (pls i can just imagine how snuggled up she is) and she is so beyond bored
so what do you do when you’re bored? you browse tiktok until you fry your brain!!
she’s scrolling on her fyp not really bothering to actually watch through any of the tiktoks she's starting, that is until she sees…you
she mutters a barely audible “woah”
within a minute she’s followed you and is now stalking your whole account
cut to around 20 minutes later and she’s holding her phone sideways (pretty close to her face but not that close that she can’t see) watching one of your youtube videos.
this spiral continues until she is that exhausted she physically can’t keep her eyes open anymore
for the next few weeks this is her new routine: getting ready for shows watching your videos, buying your favourite books online and reading them on her phone when she gets the chance. she never falls asleep without watching at least one of your videos & a few tiktoks
one time she’s watching your newest video after having to wait a whole excruciatingly long day, she’s got headphones in, she’s never been so relaxed until…
you say you HATE people who read books online
“just buy the real book? why can’t people put down their screens anymore” and you’re clearly not being serious as you laugh and continue to joke about how all millennials are just taller ipad kids
but julien? it is no joke to her. in an instant she has removed her online books and has planned to go to the nearest bookstore when she’s next free and buy them all ‘for real’
i feel like the moment phoebe and lucy find out is SO FUNNY like i can picture them all sat together before a show, lucy just talking about the most recent book she’s been reading when julien chimes in with “oh yeah i just finished reading that, so good”
silence fills the entire room… phoebe and lucy share a look of horror
“where’s julien and what have you done with her??” phoebe would joke absolutely cackling with lucy about it
this is where the ‘bullying’ starts and never ends!
somehow they manage to convince julien to give them your name so now all of boygenius + katie gavin follow you on tiktok AND instagram
after seeing this you obviously have to make a tiktok about it. your favourite band members of all time just followed you back! you continue to rant and rave about it in your tiktok, also choosing to mention that you are seeing boygenius the following week and how crazyyy it is that they have followed you for a reason unbeknownst to you
this causes julien to go into panic mode. she was going to be performing to you NEXT WEEK
jump forward a week to the show, it’s going great! julien spent the whole day checking your instagram to see where you were at and when you’d be arriving. there’s barely and service in the venue, so unfortunately, her last update was a photo of you in the queue (she definitely took a screenshot because you look amazing)
so, they’re around 5 songs into the show, then she spots you. you’re standing only one row back from the barrier. julien can’t help but stare because you look beautiful
phoebe and lucy take notice of this but play it off cool. they share a menacing look before phoebe leans into the mic and says, “so, anyone got a crush right now?”
julien swears she nearly puked the second she heard that.
the conversation drags on for what feels like hours to julien when in reality it was only really around 5 minutes, majority of it being taken up by the crowd screaming in response to their several questions about crushes
it goes quiet for a second
“jb has a crush… she’s actually here tonight” the crowd starts SCREAMINGGG. people literally praying it’s them (so real)
julien has now sat on the floor of the stage with her face completely buried in her knees, lucy is still standing in front of her microphone dying with laughter over how embarrassed julien is getting.
little did she know though, it was about to get so much worse!!
lucy had dmed you the night before and basically just told you that julien had like changed her whole personality because of her crush on you. she also very sneakily organised for you to come backstage after the show and meet for the first time ever!
PLEASEEE imagine LUCY DACUS messaging you randomly and telling you that JULIEN MF BAKER HAS A CRUSH ON YOU.
lil time skip to that but imagine julien stood there fiddling with her fingers while she waits for you because she’s so nervous
you asking her the best books she’s read because of you<33
i can perfectly picture lucy and phoebe just stood there like ‘😁’ before having an “oh shit” moment and realising they’re intruding LMAO
your first date is to your favourite bookstore btw
I LOVE SOFT MASCS. (i am one)
a/n: this is my first blurb ever 😮 i’m so sorry i didn’t see this until now! hope you liked it :) again please feel free to send any other requests you have i love munagenius 🫶
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aneveningsword · 10 months
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pairing: Jordan Li x gn!reader warnings: not proofread words: 852 summary: Jordan tends to overwork themselves, good thing they have someone to care for them
Everyone knew Jordan strived to be the best, to try and get the number one spot on the rankings no matter how unrealistic it might be for them. Yet, this goal to be the best often meant there were times that they neglected their own needs. Going days with next to no sleep, forgetting to drink water or skipping meals in favour of getting work done. In their goal to be the best, they forget to look after themselves.
You had taken notice of the bags forming under their eyes, their sluggish movements and the way they were seemingly zoned out all the time. At first, you didn't mention it, hoping it would just be for a short period of time. You didn't wish to pounce on them with concern for something everyone did now and then when school got tough. But then it continued and only seemed to be getting worse. No longer could you sit by them in worry, watching them get worse and worse.
You knew if you just cornered them out of the blue they would deny it, and get snappy with you before stopping off. They were too proud to admit when they needed help or were not doing their best, believing they could do everything by themselves. While their independence and determination are qualities you admire, they always tended to be a pain in the ass.
That is why you had to be sneaky with it, inviting them to your dorm for a study session when in reality you were going to get them to eat some decent food and sleep for more than a couple of hours. You believed the plan to be foolproof, you'd make the place quite and dark, having soft music playing, snuggle up with them. They would have no choice but to fall asleep.
What you didn't expect was the amount of energy drinks they were consuming on the daily. "What's that?" Looking up from your food, your eyes fall on the drink Jordan had pulled from their bag. Giving you a small glance they hummed before answering. "Redbull." Their answer was short and simple, the confession made your smile turn into a small pout.
"But I made us tea." There was a small attempt to get them to forgo the energy drink in exchange for something with much less caffeine. Though they shook their head at the suggestion "It won't help keep me awake." You could hear the underlying annoyance in their voice that they were trying so hard not to release. Realising you weren't going to get through to them you frowned before going back to studying.
It was only around 20 minutes later when Jordan stood up, heading to the door. "Where you going?" Your voice rang out, eyes moving from the textbook to their figure, confusion in your voice and features. "It's too dark, I can't see shit." You're plan was crumbling at the seams and there was nothing you could do about it without giving it away.
"But I like it like this, don't you think it is cosy?" You attempt to coax them away from the light switch, anything so they would not turn on the big light. Yet, your silent pleas fell on deaf ears and the light was switched on with a scoff from Jordan. Snuggling into the blankets wrapped around you, you could not grow more annoyed with your partner. They were ruining everything you had tried so hard to do without knowing it.
It was getting late, the sun no longer pushing through your closed curtains and sleep began invading your system. You wanted to stay awake, you truly did, but unlike Jordan who was on their second redbull, you had no energy to keep you up. Slowly you began to drift off, head resting on Jordan's shoulder as your eyes droop. You tried to fight it, wanting to stay away from them, but you just couldn't and before you knew it you were asleep.
It only took Jordan a few moments to realise you had fallen asleep. They were glad you were no longer trying to stay awake with them not wishing you to forgo sleep for their sake. Unlike you had thought, they knew exactly what you were doing but were simply too stubborn to let it work. Though now you were asleep there was no reason to pretend they had not been wishing to cuddle up with you and fall asleep.
Moving the textbooks and pen out of the way, Jordan would carefully move you around, hoping not to wake you. With a huff they would move you to your bed, waiting a moment as you snuggled into your pillow before they switched off the lights. Darkness enveloped the room, as Jordan shuffled back to your bed, climbing in to be with you. Their arms pull you to them as they place a kiss on your temple.
"Thank you," Their voice was soft so as to not wake you before they too fell asleep. It seemed your plan did work after all, just not how you envisioned it.
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