#as she blew those raspberries
soulsballad · 10 months
@deathfavor: care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick. ( Horo & Earl LAST ONE I PROMISE )
the mission went horribly. absolutely, entirely horrible. when she woke up this morning she felt the ache in her throat and congestion in her head, but she's a warrior, and warriors don't put their blades down for something as pathetic as a sore throat and head. and so she pushed on, and it ended with her almost collapsing in front of corruptors. she was just lucky she wasn't alone, otherwise she would be dead.
the minute the team returns to their base horo is swiftly wandering off, squeezing her way through fellow legion members to escape what she knows is coming. one of them would snag her; but which one would get to her first?
earl. of course, he was quick. and commander zoya would have probably waited until horo got out of the way of other members. earl enjoyed his big brother role, that's why when he's grabbed her by the arm and tugging her towards the medical tent she was already rambling an excuse as to why she 'almost passed out'. but he's having none of it, no doubt because of how dangerous it could have been. the look he gives her confirms that, so she shuts up and just decides to sulk as he sits her down and a medic comes over to check her over.
she's got early symptoms of some sort of flu, she's told to stay put and rest for a while. of course, naturally, when the medic turns and leaves horo is right back up on her feet, reaching for her sword. but earl's metallic hand swoops in and grabs hers. " hey! " her voice is hoarse and scratchy, contradicting what she says next. " come on earl, i'm fine! i'm- " she's shoved back down onto the bed, and before she can protest and move to stand again, her brother pulls up a chair beside her and sits, resulting in her giving him a rather cheeky side-eye.
silence easily falls around them and horo knows what is happening. he'd keep her company, or he'd tie her to the bed to make sure she did as told. giving a soft roll of her eyes, the sinner shifts onto her side, facing the man and blowing him raspberries. you suck. love you.
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sleepypanda27 · 5 months
Bucky x reader
Summary: Bucky is bored filling out the paperwork. Luckily, you're there to distract him.
Words: 616
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Once or twice a week, Bucky worked in his office to handle the paperwork. This was one of those days. You softly knocked on Bucky's half-closed door to his office. His eyes looked up from the pile of paperwork in front of him. Honestly, you thought he had fallen asleep. 
"Hey, Buck." You smiled, shutting the door and walking to his desk.
"Hi, doll." He stretched his arms above his head, leaning back in the chair. 
"I brought you coffee." You pecked his cheek and placed the mug on the desk, leaning against the table in front of him.
"Thanks." Bucky rolled his chair closer to you, placing his head in your lap, and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm gonna take a nap." You tangled your fingers in his hair, softly massaging his head with your fingertips. "Sweetheart," He hummed in contentment. "That feels so good." He almost moaned. 
Bucky pulled you in his lap, nuzzling in the crook of your neck. You giggled as his scruff brushed over your skin. 
"I love this shirt on you." You brushed your palms over his chest, stopping at the buttons and rolling them between your fingers.
"I don't know, I think it looks better on you." His hands slid up your sides. "Especially if you're not wearing anything underneath it." He smirked, looking into your eyes with mischief sparkling in his blues. "And I've had my way with you." 
You chuckled at his statements.
"Ugh," He sighed. "I have so many things to do. I need to make a training schedule for new recruits and sort out this pile of papers, but all I want to do is you." He smiled playfully. 
"I would love that, but we're at work."
"So?" He quirked a brow.
"What if someone comes in?"
"I still don't see where's the problem." While Bucky's hands found their way under your shirt, he leaned closer to your neck, placing a soft kiss. 
"Bucky," You gasped, giggling as he blew raspberries against your neck. You laughed as you squirmed away from him.
He wrapped his vibranium arm firmly around your waist and stood up with his free hand, sweeping the papers and stationary off the table. Thankfully, the coffee mug survived, staying on the table.
"Bucky!" You giggled as he seated you on top of the table. 
"Yes, dear?" He smugly replied before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. 
His stationary phone rang. He ignored it the first time. The second time it called, he pulled away to look who was calling so persistently. "Oh no, it's Tony."
"I'm not here." You whispered, catching your breath.
Bucky nodded, pressing a button on the phone console and setting it on the loudspeaker. "Yes, Tony?"
"I need Y/n." Tony's voice rang through the speaker, filling the quiet room.
"Sorry, but she's not here," Bucky answered in all seriousness, looking at you, basically undressing you with his eyes.
"Yeah, right." He chuckled. "Y/n, come to my office in five." Tony knew where to find you when you weren't in your office. Either you would be with Nat or Sam. But most frequently, he could find you with Bucky.
"Okay, Tony." You rolled your eyes, ending the call. Getting off Bucky's table and straightening your clothes, you spotted the thing you were coming for in the first place. "I'm taking this." Smiling, you took the invoice from the floor. "Tony approved buying the knives you wanted."
"How did you manage that?"
"It's like you don't know me at all. You can thank me later." You winked at him as you turned to walk away.
"Oh, darlin', already can't wait." He said as he playfully slapped your backside. 
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Fic idea - Bucky’s family & time travel
You know how I keep proposing ideas, then adding it to my wips and then I stare at it while it stares at me. Heres another. I'm so sorry. Swear this will end in fluff, you'll just suffer in between. So imagine the most angstiest angst where Bucky gets married and has a child with his sweetheart before he’s sent to war. He's loved her his whole life and now they have a little one together; nothing could be more perfect. He promises he'll be back safe and sound with a kiss to her forehead and plenty of kisses for his baby girl.
Until Hydra captures him and turns him into the Winter Soldier. His first mission is to eliminate any familial ties. He doesn't feel anything when he pulls the trigger. He's successful and carries out hundreds of others kills, each searing itself in some part of his brain but he's constantly wiped before he can piece anything together.
But then he's rescued and he has to pick up the broken fragments of his memories and its too much of a fog for him to understand. At the very least he has his best friend by his side again and he's slowly starting to remember.
His first question is about his sweet y/n and his little girl.
His happiness is short-lived when Steve doesn't say anything. Bucky doesn't understand why he avoids his gaze, why he suddenly looks so distraught. No amount of pleading or begging works, his best friend doesn't breathe a word, asking Bucky to please let things be.
To learn to live with the way things were.
He can't do that though. He needs answers. When the team is away on a mission, he find a way to get into his records that SHIELD kept on him, wondering if they ever had anything on file about his life before he was captured. Every single detail about who he was before the war to after is written with details and camera footage.
He doesn't move from where he's seated, a blank expression on his face while everyone returns. Steve approaches Bucky first, worried about why the soldier looked so pale as if he'd aged 10 years in the past 3 days.
"I killed them?" His broken whisper of a voice breaks Steve's heart when he sees the file Bucky was looking at, a picture of him, his little girl on his shoulders and wife all smiling at the camera. The sheet he's clutching onto has their names along with deceased written write across the sheet.
Bucky is inconsolable.
His dreams are no longer about others he has killed. He's flooded with memories of her; the soft ivory dress she wore on their wedding day, the baby pink lace she had on when he undressed her that same night, the scent of her perfume, the sound of her laugh, the kicks of their baby, the sound of her happy squeals when he blew raspberries onto her chubby cheeks.
Those happy memories are quickly replaced with her pleading for him to remember. To just remember at least once.
Jamie, it's me, please, m'your y/n, Bucky, don't-
Baby, go to your room-Bucky no-
Please, not Bella, James, you love her baby, you love us- please remember me-
I-I love you
The pain of Bucky's cries are too much for anyone to handle. They're a different type of sadness. So much so, even Tony's starting to worry when he doesn't see Bucky for days on end. He begs to be put back in cyro, to have his memories wiped, to have his brain fried, anything to forget. He doesn't care about the pain, he just wants it all to end.
Imagine theres a mission that involves time travel. Steve and Sam stand on the platform, ready to enter the portal, setting their timers for a specific date in the past. When Sam catches Steve adding another date without telling him, he quietly adds it on his suit as well, piecing what the Captain plans on doing.
The mission takes a little longer than anticipated. Steve is surprised when Sam is beside him when he travels back to the 40's, the both of them now with a new mission in mind, alternating the future be damned. If they had a chance to give Bucky the life he deserved again, they would do it. Bucky doesn't ask for much. In fact he never asked for anything. He deserved this.
Imagine the shock everyone gets when the portal opens up at the compound and there are now 4 people on the platform. Steve, Sam, a woman and a little girl no older than 2. She's dressed in a simple dotted dress, still wearing an apron around her waist while her baby stays clinging around her, tucking her face into her mommas neck.
Imagine the way Bucky would collapse with her when he sees his family again, crying endlessly being able to hold his wife and child, something he thought he'd lost forever. Everyone gives the little family some privacy while he hugs and kisses them, cuddling them to his chest, still right on the lab floor. Explanations for everything can wait, right now he can't believe he has his angels back.
Imagine the way they'd fall asleep that night, sleeping in bed for once, now that he's reunited with his y/n and his Bella.
imagine the endless love he'd make to her while Bella spends time with her God Fathers, aka all the Avenger men.
Imagine she's pregnant soon after and they can continue being a family in the present, doing all the things they always dreamed of.
Anyway, just a thought.
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
no, i've never met you before in my life.
don't give me that look.
we could try being friends.
Sarah Cameron
Pronouns: He/Him/His
CW/TW: Underage drinking, sexual content, cheating
Got carried away with this one🧍🏻‍♀️
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Sparing a quick glance over her shoulder, Sarah unscrewed the cap of the flask while her friends huddled around her, subtly attempting to hide the flask from the adults around them. She took a quick swing of it and almost coughed at the burning sensation trickling down her throat before quickly passing the flask off to another friend. 
"Sarah! Come here a second, baby!"
She immediately straightened up at the sound of her father's voice, quickly wiping her lips dry before she spun around with a wide smile full of feigned innocence. Sarah shuffled through the crowd until she reached her father's side, her eyes flickering over to Wheezie questioningly but her little sister merely shrugged in return. "What is it?"
"I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine, sweetheart. We go-" Ward blew a raspberry, a hearty chuckle leaving him. The other two strangers present laughed as well, giving Sarah polite smiles when she glanced their way. "-way back. This is (F/N) and his wife, (M/N). They moved back a few weeks ago with their son, (Y/N). He's about Sarah's age, right?"
"Oh, yes, I think so." (M/N) nodded, dropping her arm from around her husband's waist and looking around the other guests bustling around until she spotted her son and waved him over. "He's currently studying online but it'd be great if you could introduce him to some of your friends, Sarah. Rafe has already been a pleasure showing him around."
Yikes. "Yeah, for sure! It'd be no problem." Sarah nodded, her fingers brushing back some blonde strands swaying with the light breeze passing by. Her attention turned onto the young familiar man who slinked up to stand beside his mother, offering her a quick peck on the temple before he turned to look at the Cameron. She stared at him, lips parted and eyes wide as he shook Ward and Rose's hands, his own body tensing when he finally looked at her. 
"I know you." Sarah blurted out because how on Earth could she forget him? When they'd met she thought he'd been just another touron visiting the island for the summer who'd manage to get invited to a Kook house party. (Y/N). The name rang a bell a little too late. Rose and Ward glanced between the two curiously.
"No, I've never met you before in my life. I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone else." (Y/N) gave a little forced laugh and she squinted at him, her brows dipping. "But, I'd be happy to get to know you better, Miss Cameron. Maybe while we walk to the dessert table? I've been craving a slice of that cake since I first saw it."
At his words, the adults shared a laugh and chuckles. Ward clapped his hand over (Y/N)'s shoulder a few times, his eyes crinkled with amusement and his lips pulled back into a wide smile. "He's all you, (F/N). Always making a beeline to the desserts everywhere you go!" The adults laughed again, although Rose continued glancing between the two with uncertainty. 
(Y/N) stepped forward and offered Sarah his arm, letting her loop hers around it before the two parted from the adults and made their way through the guests, avoiding those dancing and mingling. Sarah peeked back toward her father and stepmother, ensuring enough distance had been made before she slipped her arm away from his and swatted at his stomach with a scowl.
"Oh, don't give me that look." He huffed and stopped by the dessert table, taking a quick glance over the treats available before looking back at her. "What'd you want me to say? 'Oh, yeah, I know your daughter because we hooked up at a party' doesn't sound great to say to a man you've only met twice. Do you even remember half of what happened?" 
"Of course I do!" 
"So, tell me, Spiderman," Sarah spoke teasingly, bringing the beer bottle back up to her lips and taking a gulp of the last of the liquid swirling around in it. She swallowed and set the bottle down between her crossed legs, her gaze drifting away from the Kooks partying below near and in the pool to look at the teen beside her. "Do you always climb onto the roofs at parties?"
"Sometimes." He grinned, his head tilted back to gaze up at the twinkling stars above them. "It's... nice to take a breather every once in a while. Especially at night when it's too dark for someone to call the cops on you." 
Sarah giggled and tilted her head to the side, her blonde hair tumbling over her shoulder and resting over her jean jacket. "Have you ever fallen off?" She asked, glancing at the distance between them and the ground. She was no stranger to climbing on roofs but she'd hardly call it a habit like he did.
"Nah," He clicked his tongue and looked at her. "I know when it's a good idea and when it's not a good idea. But, if I ever did fall, it's all part of the risk of taking adventures. I might break a bone or two but at least I can say I had fun."
"So, you're like... a daredevil?"
"Eh, you'll never catch me jumping out of a plane but climbing a water tower or cliff diving? Been there, done that." (Y/N) shrugged and her brows raised, a soft hum leaving her throat. Sarah ran her thumb over the rim of the bottle, unable to wipe the smile off her lips as the two stared at each other. He was handsome, a fresh face in a sea of people she grew up with, and held a soul for adventure just as she did.
Topper lingered in the back of her mind with his boyish smile and brown curls, but he was... boring, at best. Predictable and almost puppy-like in the way he trailed after her and her brother hoping to get a taste of that Cameron attention. Figure Eight saw it as something big when the Camerons liked someone, like a symbol that person was worth something. It was nice to befriend others easily but Sarah always feared they were after one thing or another. But with new faces who had no idea who she was or how much money her family had? She could be whoever she wanted. 
(Y/N) broke eye contact first, pushing himself off his hands and wiping them on his pants. "Come on, buttercup," He said, lightly patting her hip and carefully pushing himself up onto his feet. He wobbled a bit but caught his balance in no time, his hand dropping down and extending toward her. Sarah held onto it as she got up, her head bowing semi-bashfully when (Y/N) kept a gentle grip on it as they carefully made their way toward the open window. "After you, madam."
"Thank you, kind sir." She laughed, her index finger and thumb tightly wrapped around the neck of the bottle while the others pressed over the top of the window. She stuck her foot in and bent the knee of her other leg, feeling around blindly for the window seat until she felt the top of her sneaker press into the cushion. 
Carefully, Sarah ducked and tightened her grip on his hand as she took a step onto the window seat and fully entered the game room of whoever had hosted the party. Sarah vaguely recognized it from a distant memory of gathering around the pool table with friends and a drink in hand but the memory proved too fuzzy to remember who actually lived in the house. She finally released his hand and hopped down from the window seat, setting the bottle aside and offering her hand in return as he followed in after her. He landed beside her with a louder thump, though the hip-hop song blaring through the speakers downstairs drowned it out. 
"What are you going to do now, Spiderman?" Sarah asked, her veins tingling with the buzz of drinks she'd ingested finally taking effect. She watched him brace his knee on the window seat and tug the window closed, his fingers fiddling with the latch until it locked. "Going back to being Peter Parker for the night? Pretending like you give a shit about any of the people downstairs?"
"Are you talking about me or talking about yourself?" (Y/N) arched a brow at her playfully and stepped back from the window seat, taking a proper look around the dark, barely lit room. She chuckled softly and released a soft hum, unable to deny that while she loved her friends, most of the time she could hardly stand to be around them for more than a few hours. Her teeth dug into the inside of her cheek when he checked the time on his phone. 
"Are you leaving?" She asked quietly, the disappointment surprising her. 
"Maybe," (Y/N) shrugged and stuffed the phone back into his back pocket, raising his head to look back at her. "Might grab another drink or two... see if anyone's started a game of beer pong. If not, you and I could always start one and see how well of a team we make, Gwen Stacy."
"Mm, I don't feel like drinking." She murmured, her head lolling to the side and lips stretching into a coy smile. Nerves danced along with desire, mixing with the buzz and euphoric feeling spreading through her body.
Something about being intimate with someone always frightened her, scared her into drawing away from her boyfriends whenever they tried taking it to the next level. Some were kind about it, others got huffy and annoyed. In the end, she always dropped them before things could fully get serious, even if part of her earned for the closeness of a partner. Her friends always said a one-time thing a stranger would ease things for her, take away the chance of coming face to face with the guy again and having to face the fact she'd allowed herself to be fully vulnerable with someone. 
"And what do you feel like doing, buttercup?" (Y/N) mimicked her, tilting his head to the side as well and giving a knowing grin. She pursed her lips, her fingertips brushing over the rips in her shorts in deliberation. She thought of Topper and how he definitely wouldn't know what he was doing versus cool and relaxed (Y/N) who seemed like the sort of guy you could lose yourself in. 
Without giving it further thought, Sarah stepped forward and reached out, her hands curling around the collar of his shirt and pulling him closer. She pressed her lips to his, glad to at least be well-versed in the art of kissing, and dragged her arms around his shoulders. He tasted like beer and the subtle scent of his cologne filled her nose. His hands landed on her waist, fingers lightly digging into her warm skin. They explored her bare stomach and back before his arm curled fully around her waist and his other hand dropped to grasp the back of her thigh and lift her leg. 
Sarah giggled against his lips, a soft squeak following when she found herself backed against the wall by the window. She felt breathless when he pulled away to press messy kisses along the side of her neck, the heat spreading across her face only darting down to her lower belly and gripping her gut like a vice. She gasped and sighed softly, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders and digging her nails into the fabric of it.
Her jean jacket slipped off her shoulders and with a small wiggle, it slipped further down her arms. She moved her arms and heard it flop softly on the floor by her feet, teeth catching her bottom lip when (Y/N) explored the newly exposed skin. Sarah dipped her hands beneath his shirt and ran her palms along his stomach and sides, her back arching slightly off the wall and against him with each delicate drag of his teeth along her shoulder. Definitely the sort of guy you could lose yourself in.
(Y/N)'s finger hooked around the middle of her floral bikini top and gave it a swift tug, the laces undoing with ease and the top falling to the floor alongside the jacket. She shivered, the instinct to cover herself abruptly fading when his lips latched onto one of her hardened and sensitive nubs, a strangled whine drawing from her throat when his hand fondled the other. His leg pushed itself between hers and her hips automatically rolled against his thigh, her head lolling back from the combination of sensations. Goosebumps rose along her skin, hairs raising with each graze of his tongue and teeth against her. 
"(Y/N)," She exhaled and whined again when he hummed, his hand lightly squeezing the delicate mound of flesh as he pulled away, a string of saliva connecting his lips to her chest. He chuckled at the sight of it and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes jumping up to her half-lidded ones. 
"I've got you, buttercup." He pressed a kiss to the tan line on her shoulder, his fingers undoing the button and zipper of her shorts and slowly dragging them down. (Y/N) moved his leg and pushed the shorts further down until they fell past her knees and down to her ankles along with the rest of her clothes, her phone thumping softly against the floor when it slid out of the pocket. 
Sarah's arms slipped around his shoulders again when he grabbed her thighs and lifted her, her brain growing more fuzzy from all the sensations rushing through her body. Her lips dragged along the side of his cheek, leaving butterfly kisses behind. He gently set her down on the edge of the pool table, her legs dangling down the sides and cool wood pressing against the underside of her thighs. She reached again for his shirt and pulled it upward, latching her mouth on his when he finally took it off. 
Her back arched automatically when he cupped her chest again, his thumb running over her perky nipple while her hips grinded down against the wood. Sarah's head tilted back again, strands of her hair beginning to stick to her skin from the sweat forming and soft pants escaping her semi-swollen, spit-slick lips. (Y/N) wrapped his fingers on each side of the laces keeping her bikini bottom fastened to her body and pulled on them, tugging the fabric out from underneath her. Sarah's cheeks flushed at the notable wet patch.
"Lay back." (Y/N) told her and her thighs clenched together, a shaky breath leaving her as she lied back, feeling the green fuzz of the baize beneath her on the pool table rub against the heated skin of her back. She took a deep inhale when (Y/N) pried her legs apart, his hands hooked underneath her knees and holding her legs up.
Sarah gasped, her hands flying down to the top of his head when his tongue pressed flat against her slick folds, the vibration of his chuckle enticing another strangled noise from her. She felt hot and woozy, every lick and suckle sending another wave of heat and pleasure through her body. He released one of her legs to rub his thumb against her most sensitive bundle of nerves, the repetitive action ripping a cry from her throat; luckily muffled by the loud singing and rap song playing through the house. Her back arched off the table, her hips raising and grinding against his face desperately. 
While Sarah had envisioned her first time plenty of times, she'd always ensured to lower her expectations with each story her friends told her about their disappointing first time, most of them warning her to keep her expectations low on guys and them preferring receiving over giving. But (Y/N) seemed to find her reactions amusing, almost purposefully seeking out new ways to get her thighs trembling and voice crying with pleas. Her expectations had certainly raised, as had her standards.
When (Y/N) replaced his thumb with his mouth, the agonizing knot that'd formed snapped suddenly, her hips stuttering and trembling legs instinctively clenching around his shoulders as another cry tore through her. He chuckled again and kept his mouth on her as she rode through her high, the overwhelming feeling leaving her lightheaded and bringing tears to her eyes until he leaned back with wet lips and a soaked chin. 
"You good, buttercup?" He asked teasingly as he wiped his mouth again, his voice dripping with amusement at her heaving form. She swallowed, still reeling and unable to form the proper words to respond. Sarah stared at the ceiling above her until she could form coherent thoughts and slowly pushed herself up onto her hands, her hair brushing along her skin. He tilted his head at her. 
"'m fine." Sarah breathed with a soft laugh, wiping away some drool that'd trickled out the corner of her mouth. She ran a hand through her hair to push it back before leaning forward to kiss him again, groaning lowly when she tasted herself on his lips and tongue. Her body pressed against his again, his hands running along her legs and back soothingly. 
She reached down to his jeans, clumsily working on unbuttoning and unzipping them with still trembling hands. (Y/N) hummed against her mouth and pulled back to look down at her hands, a quiet snort escaping him once she finally managed to pop the button and pull the zipper down. His fingers massaged into the fat of her hip, his head lolling to the side and his gaze lifting to meet Sarah's.
"I wasn't expecting to sleep with someone when I got here, Sarah," Somehow, hearing her name rolling off his tongue only made her flush even hotter. "I'm gonna assume you also don't have any condoms stored away either, and I don't think you'd like waiting around for me to find a towel or rag in this big ass house." Sarah internally thanked Rose for being insistent on getting her on birth control the second she entered high school despite the embarrassing conversation that led up to it with her father. 
"I'm on the pill, it'll be fine." Sarah exhaled, her thumbs hooking into the waistband of his briefs and pushing them down as far as she could. She swallowed at the sight of his length, her lips pressing together. She'd seen plenty in her life; dumb drawings on buildings and school property, nudes a select few of her friends would show each other and laugh about, among other things. Still, she felt the nervousness return. 
"Buttercup," (Y/N) pulled her attention back to his face, his brows furrowed and head still tilted. "Are you a virgin?"
She pursed her lips, contemplating lying or saying some sort of flimsy reason for her reaction but ultimately, her shoulders sagged and she gave a meek nod. "It-It's not, like... I've had chances, I just... it never felt like the right moment."
"And now it feels right? With a guy you just met? At a house party?" His brows raised with each question and Sarah swallowed again, pushing back some loose strands over her ear and leaning forward to kiss the corner of his mouth. "Sarah-"
"Yes, it feels right." She murmured, scooting closer to the edge of the table and slipping her legs loosely around his waist, her fingers running along his length and savoring the shudder that ran through him.
Sarah leaned back to look down again, experimenting as she curled her fingers around him and slowly jerked her hand, taking note of each reaction and noise he made. She licked her lips and quickened the pace of her hand with each pump, feeling a hint of pride trickle through her when he groaned and dropped his head on her shoulder. She continued experimenting; squeezing, jerking, and trying different paces while focusing on what earned her more reactions. Sarah grinned when his hips jerked and stuttered, practically beginning to hump into her hand. 
Sucking his teeth, (Y/N) pulled Sarah's hand away and lifted her up and off the table, spinning her around with ease. Sarah blinked, lips parting to question him but a strangled curse left her when (Y/N) pressed against her from behind, pinning her lightly against the pool table. His length pushed between the plushness of her thighs, dragging along her slick folds agonizingly slowly. Her body bent over, her arms bracing against the pool table and her head falling forward with her hair spilling over her face. 
(Y/N) moved his hips slowly, rubbing himself along her thighs and her heat before his hands returned to her hips and pulled her back, only leaving her arms on the table. He drew back and Sarah inhaled, a quiet whine dragging out of her lips when she felt the tip push against her, her mouth falling open as he slowly pushed inside. Her nails dug into her skin, eyes squeezing shut as she felt herself clench instinctively at the intrusion. (Y/N)'s hand ran along her side before cupping her tit again, massaging the flesh gently. 
"Breathe, sweetheart." (Y/N) cooed from behind her, coming to a stop and waiting for her to regain the ability to breathe, only for the air to be pulled from her lungs again when he continued. Her hand fell over his, fingers wrapping around his palm as he continued fondling her chest. The hand on her hip dug into her skin, keeping her steady.
She sighed heavily when he bottomed out, drool dripping from her parted lips that she wiped away once she grew used to the new feeling of being full. "Shit." She whispered when he slowly drew back to the tip, hands planting firmly against the wood of the table and a long, whiny grunt leaving her when he pushed back in, moving slowly while she adjusted once again. 
"Relax," (Y/N) leaned over to peck her shoulder, moving his hand away from her chest and back to her hip, digging his fingers in and slowly moving her hips forward as he drew back before pulling her backward when he drew forward. Sarah's arms trembled, her toes curling in the inside of her shoes and her head tilting back. 
Eventually, the careful pace slowly quickened and Sarah's mind grew jumbled once more, pleas and noises escaping her lips as (Y/N) began snapping his hips in and out of her drooling cunt, the hands on her hips keeping her jelly legs from giving out on her. Her body swayed and jiggled with his movements, the filthy sound of skin slapping together combined with the soft squelch and noises made her skin burst with heat. The knot formed again quickly, each passing second reducing her mind to a mess. 
"(Y/N)!" She cried out in a half-sob when his hand reached down to rub against her clit again, teeth digging into her lip and nearly breaking the skin when the knot burst again and ripped through her; her body practically convulsing and one foot lifting and slamming against the ground repeatedly. 
(Y/N) hardly relented, his arm sliding around her midsection and pulling her back flush against his chest. He mouthed at her neck, his own grunts and huffs muffled against her skin. Sarah raked her nails along his arm, unable to do much else other than release broken noises and incoherent babbling while he chased his own high in thursts that began turning sloppy. Her head dropped back against his shoulder, squirming at the feeling of him pulsing inside her before she released a gasp at the feeling of him pushing deep inside, the both of them nearly staggering when he released. 
"Jesus," (Y/N) murmured, stepping back with uneven breathing and slumping down on the window seat before they could fall. Sarah went limp against him, running her fingers over the scratch marks on his skin apologetically and tilting her head to peer downward. Desire tightened around her gut at the sight of his release oozing out of her slightly, releasing a shaky sigh. She certainly wouldn't forget him. 
"I remember everything," Sarah told him, thankful her long flowy dress hid the way her thighs clenched together involuntarily. She inhaled deeply and snatched a strawberry from a tray, dipping it under the chocolate fountain before biting into it to distract herself from her vivid memories. "You could have said we met at a party or something!" 
"Not a good first impression either," (Y/N) muttered under his breath, grabbing a small golden plate and getting himself a few sweets. 
"Why didn't you mention you moved here? And my brother's been showing you around this whole time?"
"He invited me to that party in the first place, Sarah. I knew he had two younger sisters but he never said their names or described them. Besides, you never mentioned your last name and this place is packed with rich white girls who vaguely look like Rafe." (Y/N) huffed again, taking a bite out of a brownie and glancing over his shoulder toward their parents. "I never said anything about visiting. You made an assumption." 
"An assumption you never bothered to clarify!"
"Okay, look," (Y/N) sighed. "We could try being friends or we pretend it never happened-"
"Oh, is that what you do with all the girls whose virginity you take?" Sarah dropped her voice to a harsh whisper. "You 'pretend it never happened' to avoid talking about it?"
"For the record, I was fine with not going all the way. No, I don't go around sleeping with virgins, Sarah. The only other virgin I've slept with is the one I lost my own virginity to and she's still my fucking girlfriend." (Y/N) snapped in an equally harsh whisper, shoving the rest of the brownie in his mouth and swallowing it down with a drink. Sarah blinked at him, her jaw going slack.
"You have a girlfriend?"
"And you have a boyfriend. So, I'd say we're in agreement on pretending it never happened, yeah?"
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nataliasquote · 8 months
Double the trouble | groceries | n romanoff
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Double the trouble AU
summary: Nat volunteers to do the weekly shop with two babies
Age: 7 months
warnings: none
pairings: WandaNat
note: I got inspired by a really cute baby I saw in the grocery store today
The large glass doors slid open to reveal the harsh lighting of the local grocery store. Sunday mornings weren’t too busy and being the early riser that she was, Natasha took it upon herself to complete this week’s grocery shopping. With Wanda’s carefully crafted list in one hand, cart handlebar in the other, she was armed and ready to conquer.
But she wasn’t alone. Babies didn’t understand the concept of sleeping in on weekends, so she was accompanied by two tiny terrors who were far too busy looking around from the vantage point of their seats. Nat and Wanda had purchased an extension of a car seat that clipped onto most grocery store shopping carts which made their lives ten times easier.
“Ok team, let’s do this,” Natasha muttered under her breath, eyes set on the vibrant display of vegetables located at the front.
As much as she loved any moment spent with her twins, they weren’t much company during this mundane task. Natasha still spoke to them, asking their opinion on the colour grapes she should get or how many bananas a family of four would need. Only the occasional gurgle or coo would emerge as a response, but what did she expect of two 6-month old babies?
“Mommy’s cooking up something special this week, I can sense it,” she once again mumbled, pushing the heavy cart down the next aisle. The bright coloured boxes caught Y/n’s eye and she waved her chubby fist, trying to wriggle out of the way and see. Her determined noises caught Natasha’s attention as she turned around with a bag of granola. Isla was chewing on the ear of her stuffed elephant, completely ignored her sister’s antics.
“What is it malyshka?” Nat placed her items in the cart and leaned down to hold Y/n’s hand, tiny fingers clasping around two of her own. She shook it gently, insides melting at the adorable baby giggles her movement elicited.
Y/n’s reply was incoherent but she blew a raspberry with her mouth and wiggled whilst looking at a bright box of fruit loops. She’d never tried them before but the bright characters and letters had captured her attention like that of a cartoon show. Nat followed her gaze and sighed, smoothing the fine red hairs on the top of her daughter’s head.
“You can have those when you’re older malyshka. For now, we stick to bananas for breakfast.” Y/n blew another raspberry in response, clearly fed up of eating mashed bananas every day. She kicked her feet in her onesie and wriggled from side to side, accidentally tapping her sister’s leg by accident.
One tiny nudge by a small socked foot and Isla started to cry, her tiny face screwed up, turning almost as red as the hair on her face. Natasha grimaced and smiled apologetically at an old lady who walked past, rather disturbed by the noise. Pulling the cart off to the side, Nat quickly leaned down and unclipped Isla from her seat, scooping her up in her arms and rocking her back and forth to try and quickly soothe her cries. Y/n watched them, her eyes big.
“It’s ok, big girl, you’re ok.” Natasha’s voice was soft and calm, turning the screams into whimpers in a matter of minutes. Wanda often joked she had the magic touch when it came to the girls, and although Natasha brushed it off, deep down she knew there was some truth in her words. “There’s no need for this fuss, you’re ok.” She leaned slightly against the shelving unit behind her, rubbing Isla’s back every time she felt her hiccup. “No more tears baby, no more tears.”
Y/n clearly couldn’t care less that she’d made her sister cry. She was much more interested in her feet, a new fascination she’d discovered in the last couple of days. Wanda found it thoroughly entertaining to watch Y/n just sit and stare at her foot, bewildered. With Isla more calm now, Nat carefully strapped her into her seat, offering the now soggy elephant plushie for her to cuddle. A kiss was pressed to each of their heads before Natasha sped through the last aisles, throwing in a couple of surprise snacks for Wanda to find later.
The middle aged woman at the checkout was gushing over the twins, which was nothing new to Natasha. Her twins were beautiful, both mothers loved to brag about it, and daily tasks took twice as long due to constantly being stopped.
Y/n was particularly chatty to Ruthie at the checkout, babbling away as Nat expertly packed the groceries. Isla was still slightly grumpy from earlier so she didn’t contribute to this “conversation” as she usually would.
Babies secured. Groceries packed away. Kesha playing quietly through the speakers. The drive home was relatively short and Natasha pulled into the drive after only 20 minutes on the road.
Her keys jangled in the door, alerting Wanda of her arrival. The Sokovian dropped her tea towel and rushed to the door, desperate to see her girls for the first time this morning.
“How were they?” She asked, taking the car seats from Nat and setting them on the kitchen table. Both twins giggled and held out their arms, wanting to be set free from their strapped in prisons.
“A few tears but mostly good,” Natasha called over her shoulder as she brought the last of the bags into the kitchen. “Isla will probably be grouchy all day, just as a warning.”
“What happened?” Wanda unclipped Isla and hauled her out of her seat, cuddling her close despite the pout she wore. “Hello grumpy butt.”
“Little miss over here accidentally kicked her.” Natasha mirrored Wanda’s actions with Y/n, settling her in one arm whilst she placed a bunch of bananas in the fruit bowl. “She wasn’t hurt, just crocodile tears.”
Wanda pouted at Isla, rubbing her little legs. “Oh babygirl, you’re ok now.”
Y/n started squirming in Natasha’s arms, clearly put out by the affection Isla was receiving. She reached out to Wanda and started whining, hands balling up into fists.
“Baby swap,” the mothers chorused with a laugh, switching the child they were holding with expertise. Y/n gurgled happily and kicked her legs, a movement that was becoming a habit with her.
“This one’s got some power behind those kicks,” Wanda commented, holding Y/n with her outstretched arms and watching the baby kick her legs like a jellyfish. “I spy a future dancer.”
“Or ninja.”
Wanda shot her wife a glare. “I’m sticking with dancer. Does this mean you’ll finally start a baby ballet class?”
Natasha couldn’t help but laugh at her wife. Wanda had fantasised about baby ballet classes all throughout her pregnancy, to which Natasha had said no. But with two girls of their own, it had crossed the Russian’s mind more than she cared to admit.
“You already know my answer.”
Wanda peered down at Y/n, softly stroking her cheek. “But how can you say no to this?” She tilted her arms down so Natasha could see the smiling face of the baby in her arms. Y/n’s attention turned from Wanda to Nat and she cooed, letting out a squeal at the sight of Natasha.
“Don’t start using our kids as bribery now!” Natasha Romanoff had very few weaknesses, but her daughters’ faces made her cave every single time.
“I’m not! I’m just-“ Natasha’s raised eyebrow made Wanda halt mid sentence, gulping down her words before busying herself with another task. “Ok! Who wants breakfast?”
“Want me to get their bottles sorted?” Wanda nodded and gestured to the bottles drying on the rack. Both twins were slotted into their high chairs, Isla’s frown still plastered on her face. Y/n babbled at her, the usual baby talk they communicate with now heavily one-sided. As the milk heated up in the microwave, Natasha watched the girls interact and almost laughed at how comically Isla ignored her sister.
“I think we’re gonna see a lot more of this when they’re older,” she muttered to Wanda, who turned around to view the scene. “She’s really taking those 11 minutes between them seriously.”
“Trust me, when you’re a twin, those minutes mean everything.”
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edenesth · 6 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
Dear Soulmate
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I'm sorry it took me so long, anon! I didn't know how to approach this and was waiting for a friend to do it first🙈
For my one and only, my pookie, @itstheghostofmypast💖
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Choi San — soulmate au (idiots to lovers)
In a world where soulmates exist, most people discover their other halves before reaching twenty-five, you struggle to find yours, even when he had been right in front of you all along. You've witnessed those around you revelling in the bliss of finding their destined partners, all the while blindly awaiting your own.
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"I cannot believe this, I'm dying alone!" you cried.
"Pooks, he'll come when the timing's right, I just know it," Eve, your closest friend and platonic soulmate, reassured you, wrapping you in a comforting embrace as you poured out your frustration. Despite being on the cusp of turning 26, your soulmate remained elusive.
"How did you and Hwa find each other again?" you asked, desperate for answers.
Eve sighed, "Whenever one of us gets hurt, a flower tattoo appears on the other in the same spot of their body. You know how clumsy I am, he found me through those blossoms. But each soulmate pair has their own unique connection. Haven't you felt anything special?"
See, in this world with soulmates, each pair discovers their connection in their own way. There's no universal formula, and you despised that fact vehemently. It only added unnecessary complexity to the already challenging quest for love.
Your parents had found each other through their inner voices, where their internal voices are the other's instead of their own. Your sister had found her soulmate through a compass on her body that led her to where her other half is.
And then there was you. Nothing. Nada. Niente. Absolutely nothing at all.
And as your birthday drew near this year, panic set in. You'd soon be a year older than the age when most people found their soulmates. Maybe you didn't have one, maybe he died, maybe he got aborted as a foetus, maybe—
"Woah, woah, just take a deep breath, everything will be okay," your friend reassured, trying her best to help in any way possible, "Hey, didn't you say you've been having a lot of dreams lately? And it's always that same dream?"
You blew a raspberry in frustration, "Yeah, but I doubt my recent dreams have anything to do with my soulmate, assuming I even have one. They're always about that art museum I go to on weekends. I think it's just because I spend so much time there."
She pondered for a moment, "Wait a minute, didn't you mention that San guy you always see there? What if—"
"Oh, hell no," you exclaimed, shuddering at the possibility of that annoyingly gorgeous mountain of a man being your destined lover, "I'd rather be alone forever than end up with someone like him."
It all happened on a day when you sought solace at the museum after a taxing week at school. Exhausted from dealing with incompetent classmates and antagonistic professors, you longed for a moment of peace as you approached your cherished spot in the corner. But to your dismay, you discovered an ignorant man occupying not just one seat, but the entire bench with his belongings. And not just any bench, your bench, the one everyone knew better than to occupy.
So you did the first thing that came to mind, you might have uttered some unkind words out of irritation. Looking back, you acknowledge it was all very unnecessary, considering it was likely his first visit to the museum and he clearly didn't realise it was your spot. However, your pride prevented you from admitting fault.
Consequently, he responded with equal unpleasantness. Even the museum guards had to intervene before things escalated into a fight. Like dealing with children, they persuaded both of you to share the bench since there was clearly more than enough space for two.
You adamantly refused to yield your spot and relocate, asserting your presence since you were here first. Similarly, it seemed his foolish pride prevented him from budging as well; thus, you both found yourselves locked in a silent standoff, exchanging wary glances as you engaged in a weekly silent war.
"Ugh, was hoping I wouldn't have to see your face today," San sneered, earning a glare from you as you settled down beside him. You were running slightly late, having trouble getting up after yet another frustrating dream, one slightly more annoying than usual.
Deliberately nudging his bag aside with irritation, you narrowed your eyes, "You wish, loser. This spot is mine, and it's staying that way."
He smirked in response, "Someone's in a foul mood, but then again, when are you not? Hope it's not because of that dream where your precious bench gets snatched away for good."
"Shut the hell up—"
You stopped short, a sudden realisation hitting you like a ton of bricks. You hadn't shared that dream with anyone, not even Eve. No one should know about it except... No freaking way. He couldn't possibly be the one you've been waiting for all this time. It seemed too absurd to be true. Why, out of all people, would fate pair you with this insufferable, infuriating, irksome yet undeniably attractive, bastard?
"Surprise, genius. It's me, your soulmate."
"I knew," he confessed, his voice carrying frustration and resignation, "I knew from the moment I saw you that you were my other half. That's why I came here in the first place, why I was in this exact spot."
Your breath hitched as his words sank in. All this time, he had known, yet he had still chosen to engage in your petty conflicts.
"But when I met you," he continued, "I was excited, hopeful even. But your attitude, your stubbornness... it's unbearable. As much as I feel the pull towards you, I can't ignore how immensely annoyed I am by your behaviour."
His words landed like a punch to the gut.
"I know that if I had a choice in who my soulmate is," he admitted, his gaze intense, "it would never be you."
After a moment of processing his words, you gritted your teeth in anger, "Well, joke's on you, buddy. I don't want you either. Maybe it would be best for both of us if you stop showing up here from now on."
Days turned into weeks, and true to your request, San ceased his visits to the museum. At first, you felt a strange sense of relief, but soon, that relief morphed into a tumult of conflicting emotions.
You didn't know how to feel. Did you truly mean what you said, or were those words simply born out of anger? Your emotions were a tangled mess. On one hand, you had just turned away your soulmate after yearning for his presence for so long. On the other hand, you couldn't shake the resentment that it had to be him, of all people. Part of you longed to be near him, to reconcile and embrace your destiny. But another part recoiled at the thought, recoiled at the frustration his presence brought.
Unbeknownst to you, San wasn't doing much better. His heart felt hollow, the absence of your presence leaving a gaping void. He tried to carry on with his life as before, but the weight of your rejection hung heavy on his shoulders. But his pride also kept him from reaching out to you.
He suppressed the pull towards you, buried it beneath layers of denial and indifference. But no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, your essence lingered in his dreams, haunting him with visions of what could have been.
Then, one day, fate intervened in a way neither of you could have predicted. You fell ill with food poisoning and ended up in the hospital. In a panic, San saw it in his dream, a vision of you lying pale and weak in a hospital bed. Without hesitation, he raced to your side, his heart pounding with fear. As he stood in the hospital room, watching over you, he realised the depth of his feelings. Despite everything, he couldn't deny the truth any longer. You were his soulmate, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing you.
You furrowed your brows at his unexpected appearance, "What the hell are you doing here? Who invited you?"
His heart sank at your coldness, but before he could form a response, Eve intervened, giving you a playful smack on the shoulder, "Stop it, you! He came all this way, and you're still going to be mean to him?" Turning to San with a warm smile, she continued, "You must be San! I'm Eve, her best friend. It's nice to finally meet you. Oh, and please don't take her words to heart. She likes to pretend as if she hadn't been dying to see you again."
Blushing furiously at her blunt revelation, you shot her a glare, but she simply tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "Behave yourself. I'll be back shortly after settling the bill with Hwa," she said, brushing past San. As she passed him, she gave a polite nod, "Please take care of her for me, won't you?"
"Of course, Eve," he replied, nodding in return.
As soon as your friend left the room, he took a step closer, his tone serious, "Listen, I'm tired of playing games. I came here because I realised I can't bear to lose you again. So, tell me if you feel the same right now. If you still want me gone, I'll leave and never show my face around you ever again."
His words struck a chord, and you couldn't hold back the tears any longer. He couldn't resist the pull any longer, sitting down beside you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you. Relief flooded through him as he felt you relax in his embrace.
"I don't want to lose you again either. I'm sorry I was an idiot," you whispered.
"You should be," he teased, planting a kiss on your hair, "But I'm sorry too. Perhaps I should have told you who I was from the start. Let's just... not say things we don't mean and hurt each other again, okay?"
You nodded, squeezing him tightly, "Okay, Sannie."
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Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Dean gets back at you for a prank
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“What the…” Dean’s jaw dropped as he approached the Impala. “What is this? Sam?”
“Don’t look at me,” Sam couldn’t hide his chuckle as he picked at one of the many glittery stickers covering Baby. “I wish I could take credit for this.”
“Dude, this is not funny! Who-“ Dean froze, examining the stickers carefully.
“What?” Sam noticed the change.
“Do you see how these are placed?” A slow smirk spread across Dean’s face. “Every single one is low on the car, and there’s not one towards the middle of the hood.”
“So?” Sam asked, before he realized. “Y/N. She couldn’t reach.”
“I’m gonna kill her.”
“Dean, she’s five. She didn’t know-“
“Not to put stickers on my Baby? The heck she didn’t know, she-“
A muffled giggle cut off the rest of Dean’s statement. He turned, trying to find where you were hiding.
“Alright, come on out kiddo,” Dean demanded. When you went silent, he sighed. “I won’t be mad if you come out now.” Still nothing. “I won’t tell dad,” he coaxed, and finally your head popped out from behind a nearby vending machine.
“Hey there,” Dean smirked, and you didn’t have time to run before he snatched you up, carrying you into the motel room. Sam followed hesitantly.
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna bring out an old enemy to show our baby sister here a lesson,” Dean said as he dropped you onto his bed.
“The tickle m—uh…spider?” Sam questioned with a grin.
“Dude, we can use the M word when talking about the tickle monster,” Dean whispered.
Since you were only five, the boys had been forced to develop a sort of code language whenever they talked about hunts. Your current dislike of spiders let the boys to use that word instead of “monsters”, since you never wanted to listen to them talk about “spiders”.
“What are you doing?” You giggled, wriggling around in a futile attempt to get out of Dean’s arms.
“Uh-uh,” Dean said, pinning you down. “You asked for this, and you’re not getting out of it.”
“I’m sorry!” You whined.
“No no no, those puppy dog eyes work in Sammy, not on me, kid.”
Your whining turned suddenly to shrieking as Dean jabbed at your ribs.
“Whoa, easy tiger,” Dean laughed. The people next door are gonna think we’re torturing you.”
“Yo-hou are!” You squealed, struggling as Dean continued scratch at your stomach.
“No baby, what you did to the Impala was torture, this is just having a little fun.”
“Sa-ha-ammy, help!”
Sam shook his head, trying to hide his grin.
“You messed with the Impala, sweetheart, you shoulda known better.”
Dean continued his assault, digging his fingers between your ribs as you struggled helplessly. Sam elbowed his brother when your laughter went silent.
“I think she’s had enough.”
“Just one more thing,” Dean chuckled. He leaned down to where your shirt had ridden up, and you found your voice again, squealing loudly as Dean blew a raspberry on your stomach. “Now I’m done.”
Dean lifted you into his arms, and you giggled softly against the side of his neck.
“No more,” you insisted.
“Hey, stay away from Baby and we have a deal,” Dean said.
“Ok,” you were silent for a moment, then- “I didn’t mean to make you mad, I’m sorry. I thought it was funny.”
“It was!” Sam called from the side of the room. Dean shot him a glare before turning away, reaching a hand up to cradle your head.
“I’m not mad, baby. Just don’t do it again.”
“Do you think they’ll come off?”
“How about this?” Dean said as he carried you towards the door. “How about you and me go and find out, then once they’re all off the car we’ll call it even. That sound like a plan, baby?”
You giggled as Dean lightly tickled your side.
“It’s a plan, Dean-o.”
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rebouks · 7 months
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Previous // Next
[wind rustling] Alex: I don’t know what it is, or what’s inside. [Robin smirked teasingly, correctly implying that she’d been too afraid to venture inside alone] Alex: The last kid I brought here wouldn’t come with me, so… [Robin blew a raspberry, what a loser] Alex: Right?! C’mon, I wanna uncover some mysteries! [Alex took off, leaving Robin with no choice but to follow as she slammed through the gates with reckless abandon] Alex: Wow, this is-… [Robin yawned with exaggerated phoniness] Alex: Yeah, it’s way more boring than I imagined-.. lame. Alex: What do you think it used to be? [Robin shrugged; his guess was as good as hers] Alex: Let’s see what’s downstairs! There’s got to be something good in here. [Alex and Robin stared at the vault door helplessly; their attempts to open it had been brief, pathetic, and in vain] Alex: What do you reckon-.. treasure? A secret lab? Zombies?! [Robin lunged forward with an abrupt grunt, aka his best zombie impression, causing Alex to squeal shrilly] Alex: Geeez-.. that’s not even funny! [Robin giggled, shoving Alex playfully; it totally was] Alex: Okay, maybe it was a little funny-.. but you’re still a butthead! … Alex: I wish you didn’t have to go so soon… [Alex’s sudden vulnerability almost compelled Robin to say me too, though she hastily added to her sentence…] Alex: Y’know-.. ‘cause I bet we’d eventually get those doors open if we had more time. [Robin shrugged; maybe they would, maybe they wouldn’t-.. that wasn’t what she was getting at though and Robin gave her a quick but pointed look, suggesting he knew as much] Alex: You don’t think I’m annoying, do you? [Robin shook his head vehemently, wishing he could explain to Alex that whoever called her that was probably just projecting-.. not that she’d believe him, how could he know for sure?] Alex: I wanna know what you sound like-.. say something, anything. [Alex frowned with dismay as Robin chuckled and rolled his eyes, once again ignoring her demands-.. she didn’t understand why it wasn’t working on him, it always worked] Alex: Fine. I guess you can keep your secrets, for now.
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queenofhearts7378 · 2 months
Tucker and Spud Appreciation: An essay by me apparently.
Tucker leaned back in his chair, “-and that's why we're no longer welcome at that gas station.”
Spud had a wide eyed look of wonder, “Woah man…….That takes some skill.”
“Thank you!” Tucker gestured wildly on his side of the screen. “Sam called me and Danny menaces but she's the one who brought the mace!”
Spud nodded. “It really was a team effort.” He flipped through his notebook, “Anyways how’s the progress on your side? I managed to crack into some uh, supplies and shipment invoices?”
Spud wrote down some notes, before clicking through a couple of the unlocked files on his computer, squinting at the screen.
Tucker groaned as his chair hit the ground, “Man I keep telling the guys hacking isn't like the movies make it out to be. Like yeah, if I got a back door planted I can get in and out no problem. But straight up hacking a new system?”
“The problems with being the smart ones on the team,” Spud said.
“I managed to get some payroll documents, and some employee work times I think?” Tucker blew a raspberry as he typed a few more lines of code, “All fake names. I doubt a place employs 23 different J. Doe's.”
“John, Jane, Janet, Jake, Joseph, Josie,” Spud recited.
Tucker snorted, “Yeah pretty much.”
Spud hummed before something dinged on his side, “Huh. That might be something.”
Tucker cracked his knuckles, “Share with me?”
Spud copied a few of the files before sending them over. “Hang on, I gotta check something.”
Tucker saw Spud disappear off the side of the screen, but could hear him rooting through some papers.
He looked over the information, scrolling through the various invoices. “Dude what are you seeing that I'm not? It's just the shipping invoices for a bunch of different places.”
Spud came back carrying five different notebooks, of varying sizes. “You may be better at hacking, but I'm better with the information man.”
He waved one of the notebooks, “I started helping Jake keep track of the various magic communities around, you know, to help with his duties when they kicked up.”
“Dude, that is so baller of you.”
“Heh, thanks.” He cracked open the notebook and pulled a highlighter out of a cup. He started marking the notebook as he scrolled through the files. “Anyways, I thought I recognized a couple of the areas some of the buildings were placed in annnnnnnd…..”
Spud furrowed his brow and grabbed another notebook, flipping it through it real quick. “What are some of those shipments carrying?”
Tucker started scrolling through his own files, “Uhhhh looks like…..lots of metal and rubber. Toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, and a frankly concerning amount of coffee. Office supplies, like so much office supplies and-”
Tucker winced. “Oh man, and a lot of chemicals I recognize from the Fenton's lab.”
“Yeah but see this?” Spud frowned as he tapped the screen, “These shipments are labeled as various different glass equipment shipments. And it's doubled every other month or so.”
“Could be they're using a lot of the equipment.” Tucker said, “We know they're testing facilities. But you wouldn't be singling those out if that were the case.”
“It's the fact it's double shipments of glass, so the handling of them would be different from most supplies to handle the fragile equipment. And the extra shipments have different weights to them as opposed to the originals they're copying.”
“That sounds super sus.”
“Yeah. What makes it more sus is the fact that the sketchy glass shipments originate from B.U.G.S facilities, rather than outside suppliers like the office supplies and the original glass shipments. Now it could be explained as them having the shipments sent to a warehouse, before dishing it out to other nearby facilities, but there's no record or paper trail that shows that. From what I can tell, the sketchy shipments just appear in the records, before being sent out to a different facility, where it immediately disappears.”
Tucker leaned back, suddenly aware that they were stumbling over something bad. “And considering what we know about them, after the guys stumbled across that one……”
Spud stared at the files on screen, “It could just be magical artifacts. But the more likely explanation is they're catching magical creatures.”
The two of them sat in a heavy silence for a moment.
“How sure of this are you?” Tucker asked. “I mean, the magical world would notice the disappearances right? They would have got a hold of Jake or Lao Shi or someone.”
Spud shook his head and held up his notebook. “All the facilities manage to fall near a cluster of magical communities, that's what I was checking. And like I said, the shipments originate in one facility and then get shipped to a completely different one. Never the same one consecutively, and it's spaced out over years. If a bunch of creatures goes missing, yeah someone's going to notice.”
“But if just one goes missing,” Tucker continued, “It's just an unrelated tragedy.”
Spud set down his highlighter and rubbed his eyes, “And it's not impossible. The Huntsclan has managed to kidnap several magical creatures at once for years for their hunting games.”
“Ugh!” Tucker shuddered. “I do not like the implications of that.”
“Yeah, Jake got caught once. There were about four or five others with him, and they were all misfits to their species, and not well liked so most of their neighbors and families just assumed they ran off or had unfortunate accidents.”
Tucker stared at his computer, something twisting in his stomach as he stared at all the locked files he still hadn't managed to get into.
“We can't tell them.”
Spud snapped his head up to look at Tucker incredulously, “What?!?! We have to!”
Tucker shook his head frantically, “We can't. You know the guys as well as I do, we tell them what we found and they're going to go tackle the places right away. This is so much bigger than we thought and in so many places. They barely got out last time and that was with the element of surprise and them not knowing about what they can do.”
“It's basically the same as the GIW! You guys deal with them all the time!”
“It's not the same! The GIW have a single base, with maybe 20 guys working there! I've been tracking them and their branch since they first showed up in Amity and they don't go anywhere else. This is the only branch of the GIW. They barely manage to capture the little blobs or ectopusses, and even then those ghosts escape on their own before I even get the alert about them!”
Tucker pushed away from the desk to start pacing across his floor. “These guys have buildings across the country! That one building had about 50 people working for it and that's not even going into all their bosses. They've been operating for years without anybody catching on! And we don't know what they're capable of! They had something that blocked Danny’s powers, and we still don't know what did it. This is so much bigger than what we usually deal with. We have to wait, get some more information, get some more help-”
“Yeah, like telling everybody!” Spud yelled, “This shouldn't even be an argument, Tucker!”
Tucker stared at the floor, pulling his hat down to where Spud couldn't see his eyes. He was silent for a moment.
“......If we tell them right now, they'll get in over their heads and they'll get hurt and I can't-” Tucker's voice broke.
He took a breath, rubbing his face before looking back at Spud. “I am not sending Danny into a place where they'd turn him into a lab rat.”
“All I'm saying is we have to wait.” Tucker interrupted. “We wait, we get more info, we try and get the magical communities more wary around those areas.”
“I don't want to lie to them.”
“I know. Ancients, I know.” Tucker crossed his arms, “But we gotta be smart about this. Are you with me Spud?”
Spud let out a sigh as he slumped in his chair. “... Yeah. Yeah I'm with ya. Let the record show I hate this though.”
“You and me both.” Tucker muttered, “Anyways, plans?”
“You keep hacking into the information.” Spud said. “Send me everything you get and I'll start cross-referencing with the known magical communities when I get them. In the meantime I'll talk to Fu Dawg. He's got a ton of connections and can start spreading the word.”
“What about Lao Shi?”
“I'll talk to him, but I want some more information first.”
“You don't think he'll believe you?”
“No he will. But he'll want to take it straight to the Dragon Council.” Spud scoffed, “It's them I'm worried about.”
The two of them sat there for a moment before Spud said, “This sucks.”
Tucker started giggling, “Understatement man. But we got this. Someone has to protect those losers.”
“Heck yeah man!” Spud held up a fist to the camera, and Tucker did the same as the two of them did their virtual secret handshake.
Someone had to have the heroes’ backs after all.
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retrolvr4 · 3 months
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Gal you’re on my mind
Darry Curtis x Female Reader
Summary: After spending the night with Darry, you help him make breakfast.
Warnings: implications of sex, some cursing, lots of fluff!
A/n Patrick Swayze is the loml 😩
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You felt a soft kiss on your cheek as Darry pulled you in closer to him. Your eyes were still closed and sleep nearly overtook you again when Darry spoke tiredly
“Doll we gotta get up, I need your help makin’ breakfast and I can hear that everyone is up already”
You groaned and attempted to roll over but Darry’s arm wrapped firmly around you now wouldn't allow it.
“It's like 6 i'm not getting up this early on my day off” you grumbled
“It's like 9 miss grumpy, they let us sleep in” He mimicked you and poked your waist
You squirmed at the touch and smacked his hand away. “Darry I don’t wanna-” you started to complain but he quickly cut you off by rolling you over onto your back and tickling you. You shrieked through laughter as he lifted your shirt up and blew raspberries on your stomach.
“Okay, enough, enough, I'm up” you said through gasps and attempts to push Darry off you.
“Perfect, get up” Darry said and rolled out of bed, awaiting you to follow.
You crawled out of bed, still slightly out of breath, and dug through the drawer in Darry’s room that you had filled with your own clothes, since you began to sleep over so frequently.
You fished out a pair of shorts, having only worn one of Darrys shirts to bed, you needed pants.
“Those undies are cute honey,” Darry told you with a smile.
“Thank you, you told me that last night though” you smirked at him and a light blush dusted across both of your faces. The recollection of the events from last night crossing both of your minds.
You walked up to Darry and wrapped your arms around his waist, looking up at him “I’m sure everyone is starving, we should get out there”
The two of you walked out to the living room, greeted by a variety of good mornings and a “cute shirt” from Soda.
“What was Y/n hootin and hollerin about” Pony asked
You automatically assumed he was referencing last night and quickly uttered a “i'm gonna go make breakfast” and scurried off to the kitchen. Leaving Darry to deal with the situation.
“Well Pony, when two people really love each other, they sometimes-'' Darry started awkwardly, everyone's eyes now on him. But he was quickly cut off by Two Bit’s remark of “Damn Darry gets down” Followed by Dally hollering at you with a laugh and asking “is he any good y/n?”
“Yes, fuck you Dally” you yelled back from the kitchen.
“What- Christ- Ew, I meant like two minutes ago she was screaming and laughin’, I couldn't tell if you were trying to kill her or what' Pony cut in.
Darry’s face turned red over the misunderstanding “oh I was just tickling her trying to get her up so you hooligans can have something to eat” He desperately tried to change the subject, face burning from all the remarks, especially the one from you.
Darry cut his losses and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a pan and placing it on the stovetop then grabbing the carton of eggs from the fridge.
“I’m good huh” He quipped
“You know good and well you are” you said back in a hushed voice “I didn't know I was being so loud last night”
“You weren't doll, pony was talking about how I got you up this morning”
You worked on making pancake mix while Darry cooked the eggs. You hummed ‘corrina corrina’ by Bob Dylan as you whisked the ingredients together.
Darry watched you quietly, gazing with so much admiration for you. He loved every single thing about you. Body, mind, and soul. He knew how hard it was to only get occasional time with him due to his work, he knew he was stubborn and sometimes overbearing, he knew he loved you with everything in him. He loved how you were always willing to help his brothers and around the house. He didn't expect it of you but he always appreciated it. He loved the way you unconsciously swayed as you hummed, he loved how smart and how selfless you were.
“I love you so much my sweet girl” he said, still admiring you.
“Aw, Darry, I love you more” You cooed back and continued to hum.
“y/n, y/n, Gal you're on my mind” Darry sang out of tune, replacing Corrina's name with yours.
You gave him a crooked smile and flicked flour at him “you're a dork”
“Don't you start” he replied, moving over to you to give you a quick but loving kiss.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:
I apologize if this is bad, i haven’t written in a while and need to get back into it!
I will write for pretty much any 80s or 90s movie so feel free to leave requests. Cobra kai and Top gun Maverick I will also write for!
I’ve seen a lot of movies so if you’re not sure about requesting something just ask!
I also love Keanu reeves and Paul Dano so feel free to send in requests of their characters!
I will write smut but nothing too freaky
Please do not request anything involving self harm, ED’s, domestic violence, etc . I am not comfortable writing about that.
I’ll create another post with repeated and further information about requests. 💗
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 6)
Mrs. Rayn was making her rounds in the nursery the next day, checking each crib and droneling dutifully, making sure each were plugged into their cribs and charging, there were only two, one in for an overnight stay… nervous new parents fretting over nothing. And little Tera.
She was running hot again. And Rayn wasn't sure if it was her own fault; her filters getting too old to do their job properly, or something else, as the other dronelings didn't seem to have the same problem.
Regardless, she sighed and picked up the excitable baby, who was awake and rolling around in her arms happily.
“Alright… time for a-” She heard the front door open and two pairs of footsteps step in warily. Probably those new parents, ugh, they needed to chill out.
“I told you two already, visor glitches are completely normal until the AI… settles…” She came hobbling to the door with Tera in her arms, still giggling happily with being held. But she didn't see who she expected.
Uzi and her murder drone “friend”. Both looking slightly embarrassed to be here.
“Oh? What are you two doing back here?” She asked, eyes glancing between them, slightly worried, she hoped they weren't going through oil that fast.
“Uhm… we wanted to check on Tera, Uzi-” The girl in question elbowed him roughly, although it didn't look like enough to truly hurt, and he started again. “-We didn't want her to feel abandoned, so we came to visit!” N explained, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
Rayn smiled, Uzi worrying over a baby was something she'd seen often believe it or not. When Nori was still alive they'd both be here, almost every other day, making the rounds with her. Uzi had always been doting, she was glad to see that hadn't changed, as so much about her had.
“Well that's real nice of you… I was just about to feed her since she's running hot again. Would you like to-."
“Yeah, I can do it.” Uzi immediately offered, and Rayn sat the droneling in her arms, Tera squealed as if she remembered them and rolled around excitedly.
“Hey, we're back. Hope you didn't miss us.” Her voice once more immediately fell softer, Rayn caught N's smile get larger out of the corner of her eye, and his tail began to wag.
For a murder drone the boy was ferociously polite, bowing slightly in greeting, although it looked like something in his programming was forcing him, as he winced while in the action. She wondered how he'd managed to hurt anyone with how friendly he seemed.
She watched as they made their way into the observation room, Uzi walking briskly and N walking behind her, eyes trained intently on the both of them.
She really did wonder how a hybrid child would look, she had the feeling she might live long enough to find out.
Uzi smiled down at the baby drone, already seeming to put down her shields in favor of being soft for the little one. Tera rolled into her chest, the pillbaby equivalent to a hug.
She totally didn't feel her core split in two with how adorable it was, nope.
“Here N, can you hold her while I get the bottle ready?” Uzi asked, looking up from the baby and turning around to face him, he looked out of it, but seemed to immediately reign himself in.
“Oh! Yeah! I can!” He nearly vibrated a hole in the floor, he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't excited to be holding the baby again. He'd been slightly perturbed after his thoughts last night, but being here seemed to ease them.
Tera looked at him curiously before giving him a wide smile, N smiled back, and he lifted his hand to steady the little one, before she rolled out of his arms with how excited she was.
“Don't get too excited buddy, you don't have any arms to catch yourself!” He laughed, and his hand rested on top of the soft silicon. Tera blew another raspberry at him.
Did that…tickle?
Without thinking his fingers danced lightly across her silicone, and Tera exploded with a peel of laughter, eyelights squeezed shut and rolling around uncontrollably.
He grinned even wider, stopping his assault and finally holding her steady, looking up at Uzi.
She'd just finished filling another small bottle, because he saw her rubbing her side with gritted teeth. Concern danced in his core for a moment, showing on his visor.
“You good?” He asked out of habit, and Uzi rolled her eyes but still nodded with a smile, looking back up at him.
“Do you wanna feed her?” Was her next question. Holding out the tiny bottle that was only slightly longer then the full length of one of his fingers, he stared at it for a moment, before slowly taking it in his hands.
The bottle was slightly warm, and Tera looked up at him expectantly, eyes looking curious. He felt a little strange, holding a bottle full of his best freinds oil, but he quickly pushed the thought away.
He found the panel Uzi had opened before, and the small opening that was slightly stained with oil, he felt nerves creep up his back, and his eyes flashed up to meet Uzi's again.
“You're doing fine N.” She assured him, an amused smile on her face and her arms crossed. But he still wasn't assured enough.
“Do I squeeze it or just let it drain?” He asked, not wanting to hurt the droneling or look stupid in front of Uzi- no what?
“Here.” She came to his side, adjusting his hold on the baby by lifting his arm before laying her hand over his.
Her hand is so small…
She led his hand down to the port and gently squeezed, he copied the pressure into his own hand and watched as Tera’s eyelights fluttered shut, and he felt her core hum slightly louder.
“Like this.” Uzi finished, although she didn't remove her hand, instead watching as the bottle was slowly drained, he idly realized her other hand had gripped his arm. He felt an unfamiliar tugging on his core.
His eyes drifted from the baby to his best freind, she had a small smile on her face, and seemed to be in a trance before snapping out of it, her eyes then locked with his and if anything her smile got wider, before she seemed to fluster and looked away.
Had her smile always been so bright?
“Why are you looking at me like that dude?”
“What do you mean?” He asked, he wasn't looking at her any differently then he always did, right?
“N-nothing.” Was all she said, making him even more confused, was he being weird without realizing? He hoped not!
But he had no time to dwell, Tera had finished the bottle and was back to babbling up at him, distracting them both from whatever had just happened.
“I've never seen a baby so happy.” Uzi laughed, booping the little ones visor gently, sending ripples through it and causing another bout of laughter from the droneling.
“Feel better?” He asked her softly, surprising himself, and apparently Uzi too, as she seemed to look away from him again before she answered with a silent nod.
“We should probably put her back on charge, babies are power hungry.” She informed, leading him by the arm to Tera’s crib.
“Do you want to set her down or do you want me to?” She asked, cocking her head slightly, making her look somewhat like a curious cat.
“Uh, I can.” He replied dumbly, holding the little one close to his chest for a moment before laying her gently in the crib, he felt Uzi reach in with him.
“And you plug them in with this.” Her body was pressed tightly against his side, legs hanging off the side of the crib, holding a small charger in her fingers and looking at the baby instead of him.
He took it from her hand as she gently rolled the baby onto it's side, revealing the smallest charge port he'd ever seen in his life.
“She keeps getting cuter…” N hummed, making a soft laugh bubble out of his freind. He felt heat rush to his visor breifly, had he forgotten to top up this morning?
“Priorities, N.”
He plugged in the pillbaby, causing her eyelights to glow slightly brighter with the power surge. Tera giggled, rolling around.
“Do babies normally roll around that much?” N asked, feeling concerned that she was going to unplug herself.
“Not normally at this age… if she's moving around so much it might be better to get her a toddler body so she can make use of all that energy…” She trailed off, sliding off the side of the crib after double-checking she wouldn't unplug.
“Of course, that's up to her parents to decide when she gets adopted.” Uzi added, almost as if she was reluctant to. That he understood, he really hoped whoever adopted her was as knowledgeable as Uzi was.
“Maybe we could mention that, to the new parents I mean.” N suggested, fidgeting with his hands.
“I'm sure Rayn’s already noticed. There's probably no need.” Uzi's voiced changed, closing herself back off to the world. Which meant was about to sugges-
“We should head out. If you want, we can go out scavenging? I still need parts for my railgun.” N was dissapointed, but at the prospect of spending another day hanging out with his best friend, he lightened up.
“Yeah! Sure! I love doing anything!”
Next ->
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marvelfanfics1 · 2 years
Hey babes! Can you guys possibly do a daddy stucky little reader where their little gets her period for the first time. They are super cuddly and overbearing, but she loves it ❤️
Period Cuddles
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Pairing: daddy!stucky x little!reader
Warnings: Age Regression, period, mentions of blood, many kisses, fluff, this is not really proofread 😬
Whining you turned to your other side, the light that was shining through the curtains blinding you a little.
You rubbed your tired eyes and pout, you felt miserable. Sitting up you pulled the bed covers off your body, gasping when you saw a bloodstain on the white sheets.
Tears were already building up in your eyes and you let out a whimper.
When Steve heard you through the baby monitor he stopped what he was doing and went to your room.
He frowned when he found you sniffling on your bed, your knees pulled up to your chest and a stuffie clutched close.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he cooed. When he got closer he saw the reason you were crying, instantly starting to comfort you. "It's okay, little doll. Don't be scared, daddy is here."
"Let's get you in a nice bath, yeah?" you only nod holding your arms up for him.
Steve gently picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bathroom, on the way there he crossed paths with Bucky, who was worried because of your tear-strained face.
The blonde whispered something to him that you didn't really understand and Bucky pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
In the bathroom the water was already filling the tub while Steve helped you out of your jammies, throwing them in the laundry basket. He picked you up again and lowered you into the warm water, your muscles finally relaxing.
"There we go. Does that feel nice?" he chuckled when you closed your eyes.
While Steve gave you your bath, Bucky was changing your bedsheets and preparing his and Steve's bed for you to sleep in the next days, both knowing you wouldn't want to leave their side.
The Super Soldiers know it's your first time having your period and want it to be as comfortable as possible for you, they both had to ask Natasha for advice.
You giggled a little when Steve slightly blew air into your face with the hair dryer.
"Silly daddy!"
"Oh, I'm silly you say?" he smiled and kissed your cheek, reaching out to grab a pull-up. "You should wear those for the next few days, ok doll? You don't have to use them! They are just for the blood."
You nod and let him slip on the pull-up, your jammies followed next. Steve picked you up and got to the master bedroom where you saw Bucky moving around.
Your head perked up at what Bucky prepared for you. "I can sleep here?"
"Yes, Doll. You can sleep here with us the next few days." your dada announced happily and took you from Steve's arms, blowing raspberries to your cheek and placing you in the middle of their bed.
You quickly got comfortable and your eyes went wide at all the snacks that were stacked on the nightstand, making a grabby hand for your sippy that Steve gladly handed to you.
Bucky handed you a pill before you could drink. "Here, Doll, it's for the pain." he winked.
"Fank you." you quickly swallowed the painkiller and laid down.
A few moments later you saw both of your daddies coming out of the attached bathroom, both dressed in their famous snuggle outfits. You were squealing on the inside with glee, you get to cuddle with them the whole day! Not only today though.
The super soldiers got quickly on each side of you, squishing you in between them.
"Everything is okay, daddies are here doll," Bucky whispered and kissed your head.
"How are you feeling? Or do you need anything else?" Steve asked worried that you might not be comfortable.
Bucky chuckled that his boyfriend went into mama bear mode. Steve is protective in general but when he's in that mode he won't even leave your side, constantly making sure you're alright.
"M good, thank you daddy" you smiled and sat up a little. "Can we watch 'toons? And eat some snacks?" you hesitantly asked the last part.
"Sure doll" Bucky smirked and handed you your favorite candy first.
Next, he reached out for his phone to answer Natasha's messages, telling her that everything worked and thanking her for the bits of advice. He put his phone away, Bluey was already playing on the TV and they could hear you humming to the intro.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other with proud smiles and leaned in to kiss each other softly.
"Bluey!" you giggled and they both got comfortable, all wrapped around you.
For everything:
@my-river-lilly @pauntedblacknails @fanfictioniseverything @devilslilbabysblog @buckymydarlingangel @hallecarey1 @daybreakwinter @loveshineslikethesky @wandaslittlewhore @vase-of-lilies @white-wolf1940 @simpingbutch @mischiefsemimanaged @alina02 @teddybearsgrr @doozywoozy @angelbabydoll28 @glxwingrxse @lilymurphy03 @veryvaughnny @lokigirlszendaya @youngstarfishdinosaur @little--baby--bear @minideathgoddess @rach2602 @aagn360 @gh0stgurl @flourishandblotts-inc @fluffyblanketgecko @lovelyy-moonlight
For Stucky:
@almostcontentcreator @stuckysgirl27
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hellfire--cult · 10 months
Baring Teeth {Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader} - Ch. 13
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Edit of Eddie: pitifulbaby
Chapters: Masterlist (Go here to see list of chapters, plotline and general warnings.)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Non-Traditional Omegaverse, Slow burn, Modern!AU, Mechanic!Eddie
⚠️This chapter contains: Angst, billy x reader, nervousness, allusions to homophobia, hurt
wc: 6.4k
A/N: Sorry for taking so long. I took a little break because november was a pretty messy month for me. I had complete writer's block, and I am slowly coming back to writing.
Anyways, Enjoy! ❤️ And don't forget to always support me by hitting the reblog button or leave a comment!
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“Am I interrupting?”
Your eyes snapped open as you turned to look at Robin who walked right into your office with a smirk to her face. You rolled your eyes, turning back to look at your phone with a shake of your head, the male on the other side laughing.
“You know what Buckley, you are.” Eddie said and you saw his smile spreading as he also earned another roll of your eyes. 
“Eddie is just showing me what else needs replacing in my car.”
“Cause you took it to Rick’s all this time, and everything in it is garbage–”
“Don’t insult my car Munson.” You glared at the phone this time and he raised one hand up in defense.
It’s been two weeks since you talked with Eddie… And since then, you two have grown close… Very close. How you didn’t talk to Eddie before? You had no idea. When you all get together at the bar or at someone’s house, you two always end up in your own world. You assumed that you were both trying to catch up on eachother, learning about one another still, and you were surprised each day by how easy and normal it was to talk to him.
“To me, it sounds like you are replacing me.” Robin pouted as she walked over to you to come into frame and glare at Eddie through the camera and the man only smirked at her with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Aw, you’re scared I’m going to steal your best friend status Buckley?”
“That’s never happening.” You said in a deadpan expression which made Eddie pull an offended frown on his eyebrows.
“Seriously? I give you friendly discounts at my shop!” He yelled at you and you couldn’t help but snort at how he tried to sound hurt from it, but it only came out as a comical act.
“You can’t buy my friendship Munson, and even if you handed me a billion dollars, Robin will always be first.” At your words, Robin blew a raspberry towards the phone, throwing a fart sound at Eddie. Robin’s arms wrapped around your waist and she rested her head on your shoulder while looking at Eddie, a grin to her face.
“You wish this was you, huh.” For some reason, those words Robin let out of her mouth gave you a feeling of embarrassment? They just simply made your belly twist in a way that wasn’t comfortable but it wasn’t unpleasant. 
Eddie on the other side shook his head, yet he felt his jaw clenching slightly, which he dismissed immediately. 
“Sure. Anyways, I gotta go, the new brake discs are coming in next week. We really need to put those in at least before you cause an accident.” You rolled your eyes at him and before you could say anything against that, “No comebacks. I am surprised you didn’t die yet.”
“I drive safely.” You retorted, almost offended, but Robin was amused and let out a snort out of her mouth. Your head snapped to look at her with a death glare and she backed away from you with her hands up in the air in defense.
“I’ll believe it when I see it. Talk to you later.”
“Sure– Oh, about the payment–”
“Next month is okay.” You sighed at his words and you shook your head at him.
“I can do a check.” It was his turn to snort.
“No, it’s fine, seriously Peach.” Eddie sucked in his right cheek as he looked at you and his brows twitched slightly when you sent a smile his way. It was still new, this friendship you two have, and it seems he is still a little weirded out that you smile at him so easily. Not that he is any different. 
“Alright, if you insist, I will take advantage of your kindness.” You heard a commotion behind him as he squatted slightly as if ducking and he just yelled at someone before turning back at you.
“I gotta go before these fuckers do something– FUCKING CHRIST, GARETH–!” And then the call ended. You were left laughing at the whole ordeal, putting the phone down to go back to your laptop, only to feel a presence behind you and you remembered your best friend came into the room a few minutes ago. You turned your chair to look at her, and Robin had her arms crossed over her chest as she looked at you.
“Well, I see you’re slowly changing me.” Robin has always been known for over exaggerating things, and this was one of them. You rolled your eyes and turned again to type on your computer.
“I am not Robs.” You defended yourself but it was true you and Eddie had become very close, but it wasn’t as nearly as how you and Robin are. 
“You talk to him everyday, be it because of a TikTok or a Reel, or just simply messaging.” Robin walked towards you and leaned her butt against the edge to rest there as she looked down at you. 
“We just… We clicked. Putting the past behind us.”
“Which still sounds fucking crazy to me. To everyone really– I mean, you two really hated each other.” And you didn’t need a reminder of that. 
“It was very pitiful. We were hurting each other when we could have helped one another. I hurt him and he hurt me, and all for nothing.” Robin nodded at you, and she agreed with you on that. You had told her about what you and Eddie talked about, and you even bared to her how guilty you felt about so many things you said to him. 
Robin explained that everyone’s stories are private, so you didn’t really blame her for not telling you stuff about Eddie’s life, just like she didn’t tell Eddie anything about you.
“I know… I am glad though. You two seem to be enjoying one another’s company so… that’s good.” Robin said sincerely and you smiled up at her. “And what about Billy? How do you think everything will go once they meet?”
“Well, I think they will hit it off instantly.” In all honesty, you didn’t know if that was true. Eddie and Billy had different yet alike personalities in some sense. Aloof, cheeky, yet attentive if needed. It would be the first time you were going to introduce Eddie to him, and Billy only knows Eddie as the friend who sends you memes all the time.
He doesn’t even know his name is Eddie. You will introduce them tomorrow night.
And you were hoping everything turns out okay.
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Things with Billy have been…
Ever since meeting your friends, your boyfriend has been a little bit weirder than usual. You wanted to have an all together with his friends and yours, so that the two groups would collide and meet, but all you received from your boyfriend was a talk on how his friends are known figures, and they cannot be seen going out at all.
That felt weird in some sense because you distinctly remember them saying something about going out to a club whenever they get a chance to do so. They didn’t look like the type of people that would avoid the public eye, but rather, seek it. Always seeking it.
Today, you and your boyfriend would go to Robin and Steve’s home, get some drinks, spend time with your friends, but sometimes now you just want to be alone with them. Your boyfriend, even if at the beginning was not very friendly with your group, he now seems to want to be included at every gathering.
You didn’t want to be a bitch about it, cause maybe he does like talking to Argyle a lot. But, they can just message each other to get together by themselves, right? No need for Billy to always be on an outing with you, yet, he sticks with you like a leech. 
You wonder how tonight everything will go with Eddie. Hopefully, he is the one that makes your boyfriend finally have some fun inside the group. You’re pretty sure they will get along nicely… hopefully.
You were in the bathroom, throwing the curtain to the side in order to open it as steam floods the entire tiled room. You step out of the tub after turning off the scorching water, just how you like it. Hot showers always help with your nerves, they never miss it. You sigh in contentment only to be struck with the fact that you didn’t bring a towel inside. 
You groaned as your body started shivering slightly as the air hit your wet skin. You didn’t want to yell so much in respect for your neighbors, so you leaned and opened the door, opening your mouth to call out to your boyfriend, only to stop when you heard his muffled voice behind the bedroom door. 
“I told you I don’t want to do it!”
“I don’t want to be part of something I don’t see right.”
Silence again. What is he talking about?
“I know it’s for publicity, I know, and I don’t care what the voting polls in social media say, I won’t stand for something I don’t believe is right.”
Polls? Social media?
“Okay, okay, fine. Fine. I will say I stand by it.”
You were blinking, trying to understand what your boyfriend was talking about just now. A publicity stunt? Agree to what? A belief of his? You heard footsteps and immediately closed the door of the bathroom as quietly as possible and you felt your heart beating loudly in your chest. You jumped in your place when he knocked on the door.
“Baby? You okay in there?” Fuck, he can’t know you were eavesdropping.
“Y-Yeah! I was calling you to get me a towel but you weren’t listening to me Billy! I am freezing over here!” You tried to put on that whiny voice he loves when you get a little bit angry at him. You heard him chuckle but wince at your tone.
“Shit honey, I’m sorry. I’ll get it for you!” You heard his steps walk away from the bathroom and you let out the air you were holding in.
Something’s not right.
Something is definitely not right.
You don’t know what it is, but there is just this feeling in your gut that something will happen, that something is not what it seems, that there is this idea in your head you are afraid that is true but you don’t want to believe it. Not from him. Not when you started to feel more and more for him each day.
Only to be starting to wash away the more and more you learn from him.
“Billy!” You yelled again and the door opened completely, revealing a smirking Billy Hargrove on the other side while holding a white towel in hand. 
“You want it?” He aimed to hand it to you, but as soon as you were going to catch it, he snatched it away with his teeth showing. “Come get it.”
And that’s how you end up chasing your stupid boyfriend through the whole apartment, completely naked while he runs around, laughing in delight, towel in hand. 
You didn’t want to believe it.
So when you finally get to dry yourself off, and get some clothes on for tonight is when your nerves start settling in, harder than before. Something in your gut was turning, uncomfortably, nervously, knowing that something was not right, that something was going to happen, that something had been happening all this time that you decided to simply look away from.
You looked at him, at your splendid boyfriend and you still don’t know how he chose someone like you. How he decided it was you the one he was going to risk his fame for. He was choosing a red button-up shirt today, his hair in a small ponytail in the back. You don’t know how you two came to be.
And yet, you still haven’t told him your story. You haven’t told him a few parts of yourself you didn’t feel ready to tell him, but will that time ever come? Why is it so hard to open up to him?
“You ready to go?” Billy asked you as he walked towards you after checking himself in the mirror one last time. You smiled up at him and gave him a nod.
“Yeah. Let’s go.”
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“You finally made it, Jesus.” Robin greeted you as she opened the door for you, and you rolled your eyes at your friend’s comment. You were late, yes… but it was because Billy took his sweet time always getting ready. You scolded him a few times for it, but he always tells you he has to keep his skincare routine intact. 
“What a greeting.” You heard Billy mutter under his voice as you two walked into the house, music already invading your ears and the chattering of your friends, making your nerves go away a little, only for confusion and disappointment to fill your gut. You turned your head as Robin came back from closing the door behind you both.
“Where’s Eddie?” You asked, and your boyfriend’s head snapped to you and then back at Robin.
“I think he is running late! What, already missing your NEW best friend?” Robin answered with a huff, and you could only giggle at her jealousy, not noticing the storm that was brewing inside your boyfriend’s chest. 
“Quit that Robs.”
“Who’s Eddie?” 
Robin looked at your boyfriend for a second with a confused frown on her face and then back at you. For some reason, there was a turn in your stomach because you realized you never told Billy about Eddie. He just knew there was a friend missing from the group he still hadn’t met yet.
“Um, the last friend you don’t know.” You looked at him and his blue orbs were not very helpful. You couldn’t quite read his eyes as they looked at you, but a twitch in the eyebrow told you he was thinking. 
“Why did she call him your best friend?” And Robin was looking panicked between you and your boyfriend, and you simply smiled at Billy, shaking your head.
“It’s Robin being dramatic.”
“Why did she call him that? I mean–” And you could see the moment Billy’s head clicked, an eyebrow raised up. “Is he the one you’ve been talking to for the past few weeks?”
“Okay, you say we talked, we mostly sent memes to one another.” You tried to defend yourself, but against what? You didn’t do anything wrong. So why do you feel the need to explain yourself?
“Right.” You could see the change in mood in Billy’s body language. This night was already turning in a way that you didn’t expect, or you wanted to avoid. Robin shot you a look with a worried frown and you turned to go into the living room where everyone else was. 
“Billy! My man!” You could hear Argyle yell and god fucking bless Argyle. You saw how he rushed towards you both as Robin walked towards Nancy and whispered into her ear. You knew she was going to tell Nancy about what just happened at the front door with Billy. There is an uneasiness in your throat as Argyle hands you a beer and Billy another. 
“Hi, Argyle.” Billy spoke and you took a sip out of your beer as you felt Billy’s arm wrap around your waist, pulling you close. You raised an eyebrow at that, looking at him. Why did he trap you with him? You wanted to go say hi to Steve and Jonathan, but you guessed you could do that in a few minutes.
“I have so much to tell you Billy man, I tried that shampoo and conditioner you recommended and it left my hair perfectly smooth, but curly man!” You couldn’t help but giggle at Argyle’s commentary and Billy followed through, shaking his head at your friend.
“I told you to get that brand but for straight hair. Not curly.” You looked at Argyle’s hair and sure enough, there were some waves at the end of his long hair. Billy smiled but there was a hint of something hidden behind it as he talked to Argyle once more, “Who is this Eddie guy?”
“Ah, my brochacho, we met way back in California, and then I followed him here.” Argyle replied with a genuine smile and Billy for some reason let out a sigh of relief, making you frown in confusion. 
“Oh, that’s nice. You two are close then.” 
“Yeah, very!” You felt the tightness on your waist loosen up, and Billy shot a smile your way, kissing the top of your head. You blinked in confusion and you stepped away to finally go greet Steve and Jonathan who were looking at you with worried faces.
“What was that all about?” Steve asked and you shook your head, taking a long sip out of your beer. There was a pit in your stomach, a nervousness you couldn’t quite describe, a sense of deja vu of some sort.
“I have no clue, but…” You didn’t want to worry your friends with these things going on inside your head. They would question your boyfriend and you don’t want that but at the same time, you want to tell someone about these feelings you’ve been having lately, or the realization of these feelings. 
It’s not like you didn’t notice the drastic changes in Billy over the past months, and it all started when he met your friends, but it got better… Yet, you couldn’t help but notice certain aspects and your feelings started swaying from side to side. A sense of dread, of being afraid to know the truth.
“But?” Jonathan asked and you opened your mouth to then close it once again when the doorbell rang, making your head turn to the direction of the door. You were feeling your heart in your throat, and excitement grew in your stomach.
Nancy was the one who walked to get the door this time, and you looked over at Argyle and Billy talking excitedly. You saw how Argyle was gesturing as he talked, and you saw how your boyfriend laughed at his commentary. Maybe he and Eddie will get along. You were worrying about nothing.
And then Nancy stepped aside to let Eddie walk in. 
You felt some heat coming up on your cheeks, across your body, but you shook it off as the beer kicking in your system. Your eyes scanned his outfit now. Dark jeans, ripped in some parts, a tight Slayer T-Shirt with a jean vest on top. His hair was in a low bun like always, and the stubble was neatly done. 
You wondered what cologne he was using today.
Your mind was snapped back in reality when Eddie approached you, putting the six-pack on the table. He had a warm smile on his face as he flicked your forehead with his middle finger. You winced at the sudden pain, rubbing your skin while glaring up at him.
“What was that for!?” You whined at him and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“For making me watch the stupidest movie ever.”
“Did you just call ‘When Harry Met Sally’ stupid!?” You couldn’t help but be slightly upset by that. It was one of your favorites, and you also liked watching Eddie’s movie suggestion, ‘Armageddon’.
“I am not a fan of those kinds of movies sweetheart.” He was looking at you as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, but there was a sly smile in his lips, tugging up, making you smile at him.
“You’re a lying piece of shit. You liked the movie.” He chuckled and shook his head at you, but you knew he liked it. He was just messing with you to get a rise out of you.
“I’m not lying.”
“Yes you are! You loved that cheesy crap, admit it.” You poked his side, which made him chuckle, moving away from you.
“This is still too weird.” You heard Jonathan talk and you lifted your head to ask what he meant only for your waist to suddenly be grabbed, fingers digging into the skin making you wince just slightly. You turned your head to see Billy looking at Eddie with a grin on his face.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” The voice your boyfriend let out was not friendly. It was strained as if it pained him talking right now. Eddie glanced at you for just a second, and you cleared your throat as your nerves tried to get the best of you.
“Right, Billy, this is Eddie.” Eddie gave your boyfriend a forced smile, and you could feel the tension in the air as the light blue eyes clashed with the brown ones. 
“Yeah. You’re Argyle’s boyfriend, right?”
Oh. Oh god. It’s happening again. Eddie’s eyebrow twitched and gave you a questioning look and he could see the confused frown on your face. He looked at his friend and sighed, knowing that Argyle probably made it sound that way. Just like he did last year with you and you mistook it all as well.
“Fucking christ– No. He is just my friend.”
“Oh?” Billy’s eye twitched as he kept looking at Eddie, and you could feel him tugging you closer to him as he kept looking at the dark-haired man. “Then you aren’t dating?”
“No. I am straight.”
And for some reason, you felt the whole air shift. Eddie’s face suddenly fell into a confused frown, and then into an annoyed one instantly, as Billy’s gaze hardened. 
“Right. He is the friend you’ve been messaging all the time?”
Billy’s eyes now landed on you and you looked at him to only have a sinking feeling in your stomach. You felt your throat closing up at his gaze, and you knew. You simply knew what was going on in his mind. Eddie was looking back and forth in between you and Billy, and he could see how your boyfriend’s jaw clenched.
“I– um–” 
“Billy! You promised to help me with the drinks!” You heard Argyle yell from the kitchen and Billy groaned as he closed his eyes in annoyance. You felt a slight grip on your waist again and then he let go of you, almost unwillingly, giving Eddie one last look before he left. You were staring at his retreating back as he headed to the kitchen, with a confused frown on your face.
“He’s… charming.” Eddie said with not an ounce of likeness in his tone, almost in disgust. He had a bad feeling in his stomach, but he wasn’t going to tell you that. He didn’t want to alarm you in any way, but you looked already confused and nervous. He didn’t want to add more wood to the fire.
“I– I need a smoke.” You stated and immediately rushed out to the backyard, fumbling with the pack of cigarettes in the pocket of your purse. What was going on? Why did Billy’s demeanor change so suddenly? You never told him it was Eddie the one you were messaging, but did it really matter?
You put the cigarette in your mouth, and now you were fumbling to get the lighter out, but you couldn’t find it. Billy doesn’t like it when you smoke, but he smokes as well. You don’t understand that train of thought, but you don't care right now. A flame appeared in front of you from a red lighter and you knew who it was without even looking at him. You leaned forward and lit the cigarette, taking a long puff.
“You look nervous.” Eddie lit his own stick, mimicking the long puff like you did, and you both let out the smoke out of your lungs.
“I just… don’t understand why he is being… this possessive?”
“Well, he might be overwhelmed by how much more of a man I am.” He joked and you snorted, shaking your head at him. He gave you a small grin and took another puff of his cigarette. “You also look pretty today, people tend to become protective when their partner shines.”
You were taken aback by his response. Did you hear him right?
“Oh Munson thinks I am pretty.” You joked, taking another swig of your stick, turning to look at him, but he wasn’t laughing as he looked to the distance.
“No denying there.”
He was just being friendly. Steve complimented you before, Nancy did too, so it should be fine. He was just being a nice friend, telling you that you look nice tonight, that is all. So why do you feel your hands sweating?
“Are you not going to say I look pretty too? C’mon, I even put a red shirt on today, not a black one.” He chuckled to lose the tension but inside, Eddie was a little nervous. The compliment slipped out of his tongue with ease, too much ease. You giggled, the tension going away, and shook your head at him.
“The red and the black go hand in hand with you, it’s not new.” 
“What do you want me to wear? A pink shirt? A baby blue crop top?” You exploded with laughter at the image that came to your head, making him face you with a smile to his face.
“With the care bears at the front!” At that, he too let out a laugh. It was easy being with Eddie, carefree, natural even. You were still amazed by that fact, and cannot even remember how you two disliked each other before. 
You both smoked your cigarettes, sharing jokes with one another, laughing, making the nervousness in your belly leave to a faraway place.
“It’s crazy to think I almost beat the shit out of you out here and now we are laughing together.” You put the cigarette out in the small ashtray that was on the garden table and Eddie followed suit with a chuckle.
“You? Beating the shit out of me? Are you sure about that Peach?” He stood in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest as he inspected you with a squint of his eyes. You copied his stance, and his eyes diverted for a second to your cleavage and went back up to your eyes.
“You think I can’t?” He barked out a laugh at that.
“Sweetheart, if I wanted to, I could pin you to the floor using only one hand.”
And oh, that didn’t cause the reaction you thought it would. It was friendly, it was him telling you he is stronger than you… Yet your stomach did a flip at the thought. He could definitely pin you down, and you know that because of his height and the arms that are big and filled with tattoos. 
He looked at you when you didn’t answer him back, and he noticed the look your face had as if processing a thought, and he felt a shockwave run down his spine. His thoughts were cut off when he sensed a pair of eyes looking his way, and he raised his head up to see Billy glaring at him as he leaned over the doorframe of the sliding doors with his arms crossed over his chest.
You blinked and quickly turned around to see your boyfriend with a stern look on his face. Now you realize how fast your heart was beating into your chest, and now you felt the nervousness creep up on you again as you stared at Billy’s piercing gaze.
“Can I talk to you for a second? Privately?”
You slowly nodded at that, giving Eddie one look telling him sorry you’re leaving, and turned to go with Billy. He didn’t grab you or hold your hand, simply turned away, guiding you toward the kitchen. You could sense your friend’s eyes following you as you walked into the kitchen, Billy closing the door behind you.
“Um… is everything okay?” 
“You think everything is fucking okay?”
You were stunned at his aggressiveness, never had heard him this way before. You didn’t know what could have possibly happened tonight, but you might have just a slight idea of what and why.
“What is wrong with you?”
“You fucked him, didn’t you?”
And your mouth fell agape at that. Did you hear him right?
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“For fuck sake, you fucked him, didn’t you?”
So you did hear right. Was he talking about Eddie? Why would he come up with that conclusion? What made him believe such a thing between you two?
“I was hoping I heard wrong William, what the fuck are you talking about?” Billy only scoffed with a fake smile on his lips as he leaned against the counter.
“Don’t you dare lie to me! I know you fucked him. That is not just a friend, calling you 'sweetheart'? Giggling together like middle schoolers?”
Was he serious right now? You were feeling your heart breaking, thrumming in your chest in an aggressive manner, and you wanted to run away, you did, but you had to face him. You had to talk to him, once and for all.
“He is my friend! I act that way with Steve, Jonathan!”
“Yeah, well, they’re gay! I don’t care about them!” You could hear the anger in his voice, the way the vein in his forehead was popping out. Your throat was trying to close as a lump was beginning to form, but you weren’t going to back down from this.
“What about Argyle!? He is straight and my friend!” You yelled back at him and he ran a hand through his hair as his nostrils started flaring up from anger.
“I don’t buy for a second he is straight. He is all over me, all the time.”
And the reality of it all hits you like a brick to the face. You remained quiet for a second, feeling your past months with him slip away from your fingers. The image you had of him had been tainted for a while, but this completely smeared the picture.
“And is there a problem if he is?”
And that made Billy look at you, defying you to keep going, almost warning you to shut up, but no… not with this. You liked Billy. You really did.
“What are you saying–”
“You do know that I’m bisexual, right?”
And silence fell in the kitchen. And you saw it. You saw how his eyes turned from anger to complete confusion, to then frown as he looked at you. It was your turn now to scoff, tears filling your eyes as you started pacing around the kitchen, trying to gather your thoughts.
“You…” He couldn’t even speak, and you didn’t want him to. He shouldn’t speak now.
“I thought I was fucking wrong, I seriously didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe that my boyfriend… that my boyfriend is–” You cannot even say the word. You can’t. You choked on your own sob as you covered your mouth with your hand. Billy’s face softened and he walked towards you, trying to put a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You swung his hand away with the back of yours and you stepped away, your face displaying the rage that your heart wanted to let out. “Let me ask you a fucking question, Billy. Are you for or against same-sex couples adopting?” 
And he realized it. You saw how his face turned into an angry one again, his eyes squinting at you as he remembered earlier today.
“You eavesdropped.” 
“You bet the fuck I did. And you, Billy Hargrove, are a homophobic asshole.” 
It was like a knife. Those words coming out of your mouth were stabbing you more than they stabbed him. You should have realized it when some of the dark jokes he and his friends did involved… you can’t even think about it. How could he? Why?
“Just because I do not share the same ideals, doesn’t make me homophobic. If I were, I wouldn’t be able to even talk to your friends for fuck sake!” He defended himself but what was the point? There wasn���t any, your heart couldn’t take it anymore, it really couldn’t. You could feel the tears sliding down your cheeks, shaking your head at him, taking a step back from him.
“I want you to leave.” Your words came out like venom, and he frowned at you, shaking his head.
“If I leave, you are coming with me, we need to talk this out–”
“There is nothing to talk about! Fucking leave!” Your voice was loud, his voice was loud, and everything was static around you, your vision clouding as he came close to you once more, trying to get hold of your hands.
“Baby, baby, come on, don’t be like that… We’ll go home and we’ll talk about this–” His voice sounded desperate now, and your tears were still running down your cheeks, your mind shutting him out completely as you shook your head again, desperate for him to leave. You didn’t want him near you. You were disgusted, completely disgusted.
“N-No!” Billy’s face crumbled into a stern look once more and he quickly got hold of your bicep in a tight grip, snapping you back into reality as he glared down at you.
“I am not leaving you alone here, with him. So if I leave, you are coming with me.” You tried to yank your arm away from his grip but he kept his hand tight on your arm, and you were feeling his digits digging more and more onto your skin, making your fear grow at each second.
“Let go of me Billy!” You tried again only to be pulled against him and you felt as if your heart were in your throat, his touch completely burning you, wanting it away from you. He wasn’t physical, never, and this is the first time he ever touched you in this way. 
“Please sweets, listen to me!” He was desperate for you, trying to get you to talk to him but you shook your head again and as he tried to move you once more, he felt the back of his shirt be yanked harshly, making him let go of your arm as he stumbled backward.
“What the actual fuck do you think you are doing?” 
Your eyes widened as you saw a broad back stepping before you, and the smell of wooden cologne immediately invaded your nostrils. You rubbed onto your arm as you straightened up to take a step to the side to see Billy looking at Eddie with a glare in his eyes.
“This doesn’t concern you. It involves me, and my girlfriend.” 
“From what I heard it seems she doesn’t hold that title anymore.” Eddie was almost snarling at Billy, completely blocking him from you in a defensive stance. Billy’s eyes caught yours, shaking his head.
“You– You’re still my girl, right?”
You felt the lump in your throat again, memories of the good times you spent with him flashing in front of your eyes. Memories that made you want to go around Eddie to get to him and hug him and kiss him. But then you saw your friends, looking at the scene at the doorway. Your friends. The ones who wouldn’t hurt you, and if they did, never intentionally.
And even if your heart breaks, even if your body trembles with need of him, with the need of his lips, with the need of his eyes on you…
You slowly shook your head at him.
“Bye Billy.” 
The room fell silent, and you could see Billy’s eyes filled with tears as he looked at you. What the both of you had was genuine, and it was growing to something even more beautiful, but this is not something you can accept from him. Ever. No matter if he tells you he can change because an ideal never changes that easily.
But his saddened frown turned into a sour one, rage filling his features as his gaze turned to Eddie and then back at you.
“You didn’t answer my first question, but I guess it was true then? You remain friends with guys you fuck darling?”
Your heart shattered at his coldness, at him insulting you this way, almost as if he were calling you ‘slut’ in a very indirect way. A tear rolled down your cheek as you looked at him with shock filled eyes. 
And it all happened too quickly. Suddenly Billy was face to face with Eddie, as the dark haired man gripped the front of his shirt while he glared down at your now ex-boyfriend. Ex. Another ex.
“Get the fuck out or I will ruin your only source of income pretty boy.” Eddie growled at Billy and pushed him away roughly, making Billy tumble slightly, almost hitting the counter behind him. 
His eyes searched for yours one last time, and you could see the hurt in them, reflecting your own. You didn’t doubt his caring for you, not even a second. It was genuine, all of it, but you cannot forgive him for what he did, and does for publicity. You looked away from him and you heard him sigh, followed by steps that were going towards the doorway where all your friends moved away from so he could go through.
“I’ll get my manager to pick my things up from your house. He’ll return yours.”
More steps. More. The front door opening. And then, a slam.
And you broke down.
You were hurt, disgusted, in pain, feeling helpless because of this situation that couldn’t be fixed now. Never. No matter if you have feelings for him, if you will miss the days and nights spent with him. Tears ran down your cheeks as you sobbed into your hands, two arms wrapping around you as a lavender scent filled your nostrils.
Robin was cooing at you, rubbing your head, holding you like a baby to her chest. Your hands gripped her shirt as you cried onto it. Yes… Even if you are hurting you would never choose someone that hates your friends for their orientation. 
You wouldn’t choose them over Robin who is holding you tenderly and has held you this way many times before. You will hurt. You will cry. You will need time alone and space to gather and piece yourself back together again.
But they will all help you through it. Even Eddie who is behind Robin with a frown in his face, Steve next to him with the same look but his hand was on Eddie’s shoulder, pressing on it. 
It will be okay.
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End of Chapter 13
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 ℐ ℒℴ𝓈ℯ ℳ𝓎 ℬ𝓇ℯ𝒶𝓉𝒽
Relationship: amazon!lawyer Natasha Romanoff x petite!curvy female reader (Big Red and Peach, NLLYL AU)
Words: ~5.2k
Summary: You and Nat don’t even realize how badly you need each other until you finally meet. But even then, you don’t take the plunge without meddling from your asshole friends.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (f/f sex, f receiving oral sex, multiple orgasms, mommy kink), idiots in love, meet cute, slow burn, drunk awkward flirting, age gap (not explicitly stated but it’s there), size difference, fluff, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: YAAAAAHHH! They are adorable and stupid and sweet and I need all of you to love them as much as I do, they are so precious. This new branch of the NLLYL AU is gonna kill me, just wait until we meet Thor…
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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You grumbled to yourself as you downed another shot of tequila, glaring at the bottom of the glass and then at Sam when he tried to walk away with the bottle.
“Hey… uh oh.” Darcy’s smile fell when she wandered up to you and saw the look on your face, eyeing Sam warily when he poured you another shot and shrugged at her. “I was hoping to meet that date of yours, where’d he wander off to?”
“Dunno.” You took another shot and frowned to yourself as you adjusted the front of your costume. “But some leggy blonde bitch was with him.”
“Oh no…” Darcy decided to forego the ‘told you so’ for now since you were drunk, but she had warned you that dudes that were willing to admit they might have overlapped the relationship they had before with yours probably shouldn’t be trusted. “Fuck him, honey.”
“Fuck all men.” You toasted no one and tossed back another shot, nodding to Sam when you slammed your glass on the bar and leaning on Darcy pretty heavily as you waited for him to refill you. “Except you, Sammy, you’re great. And so is Bucky. That big sweetheart.”
“Uh-huh.” Sam reached out whip fast to catch you before you toppled off your bar stool, sighing when you giggled and tried to disguise a heave as a cough. “Maybe you should slow down, baby girl.”
“Hey.” You scowled adorably as you pawed at his chest, slapping his cheek in what you had meant to be an affectionate pat before sighing deeply. “You wanna end up on my shitlist? No? Then keep ‘em coming. Where is Bucky?”
“He’s over in the hall but maybe…” Darcy hissed when you started wobbling away, chasing after you as you sang to yourself and shooting an exasperated look at Sam. “Baby, you need to drink some water.”
“I’m fine, shut up.” You saw Bucky and clapped, pushing Darcy away when she attempted to corral you. “Hiya Buck! I missed you.”
“Did you… wow.” Bucky caught you when you stumbled, chuckling when you breathed a tequila thick cloud right in his face and giving you a moment to find your feet. “I think you took the drunk pirate costume a little too close to heart, honey. Where’s your date?”
“God, it’s like being at a party with my parents.” You rolled your eyes and tried to remain steady when you felt the shots starting to really hit you. “Probably sucking the face off some blonde bitch, we’ve decided he sucks.”
“I’m sorry, honey.” Bucky tweaked your nose when you blew a raspberry at him, turning his head when someone walked up and making you huff at the lack of attention. “Hey Nat.”
“Hi Buck, brought you another beer.”
You were fully prepared to tell whoever was taking up your much needed Bucky time to fuck off, but then you came face to… chest with the most incredible set of tits you’d ever seen in your life. There was only a moment for you to drunkenly scold yourself for that thought, because then you were looking up and up and up and…
“Wow, you’re pretty.” You forgot all about Bucky, grinning sloppily and almost careening over so your face really was in those amazing breasts before her hand was on your waist and you were giggling. “Really really pretty. Why haven’t I met you?”
“Oh, Bucky’s been hiding me, I’m shy.” Nat grinned at her friend over your shoulder when you tried to bat your eyelashes at her but it didn’t quite work since your eyelids were drooping, shaking her head when he gave her an inquisitive look and steadying you with a firm grip on your shoulders. “But he’s been hiding you too, I think. Look at how fucking cute you are.”
Your laugh almost hurt your ears, it was much more shrill than you had intended, a cackle really. Nat didn’t seem to mind though, beaming at you when you slapped her chest then apologized for feeling her up while you tried to step even closer to her.
“Stop, you can’t call me cute.” And she smelled amazing, she was like the warrior princess of your dreams. “Not when you’re walking around like a fucking wet dream. Seriously, why haven’t I met you?”
“Cutie, you’re gonna make me blush.” Nat shushed you when you giggled even more, taking a glass of water when Darcy handed it to her and holding it up to your lips. “I’ve just been busy. Now, why don’t you be a good girl for me and drink some water?”
“Mmmm, you call me a good girl and I’ll do whatever you want.” You gulped down water as she looked at you expectantly, leaning into her touch and sighing heavily when she took the glass away. “Oh my god, let’s go do karaoke!”
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“Good morning!” Darcy dropped the greasy burrito bag in front of you and chuckled when you heaved and buried your head in your arms. “How are we feeling today?”
“I shouldn’t be at work.” You winced when you picked your head up and the lights made your brain throb, grumbling as you pulled your breakfast out of the bag and started unwrapping it. “Why did you let me have tequila?”
“You forget that no one ‘lets’ you do anything.” Darcy sank into the chair next to yours and logged on, still giving you that shit eating grin that you hated. “All of us tried numerous times to get the tequila away from you and you always tried to scratch our eyes out. How much of last night do you remember?”
“I remember Troy being a fucking douchebag, setting up at the bar, and then…” you froze with a mouthful of burrito when panic started to set in, heat flushing through your whole body as you barely remembered to swallow your food and images from last night flashed through your head. “Did… did I hit on Bucky’s best friend?”
“Oh, you did more than that.” You didn’t even notice Darcy’s chuckling, too horrified at yourself to smack her like you normally would. “You serenaded her. You practically gave her a lap dance while you sang ‘Do You Wanna Touch’, I have it on video if you want to see.”
“Nooooooooo…” you were going to run away and become a mountain hermit, you could not believe you had made such an ass out of yourself in front of probably the most beautiful woman on the planet who was so much older than you and tall and put together and that was it, your life was over.
“Yes, it was a great time, everyone enjoyed it.” Darcy gave you a pat on the back when you sobbed and banged your head against the desk. “It’s fine, everyone will call you Joan Jett for a couple of weeks and then one of the guys will do something stupider and they’ll forget all about it.”
“But I won’t forget, oh my fucking god!” You vaguely remembered the gorgeous redhead helping you into your Uber and smiling at you when you told her you were going to climb her like a tree and call her mommy, and suddenly it felt like your burrito was about to come back up. “How the fuck am I supposed to face Bucky?!?!?”
“Hi Joan!” Damn it, it was like you’d summoned him, at least his smile was tinged with sympathy when he handed you a bottle of Gatorade. “How’s your head?”
“Who cares, Bucky!” You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you. “Please tell me I didn’t sexually harass your friend to the point where she never wants to see you again.”
“Nat? Don’t worry about her, she had a great time.” You couldn’t decide if that should make you feel better or worse. “Said if all my parties with coworkers are like that she’s gonna have to try to make it to every single one of them.”
“Of course she did.” You hated your life, you were going to give up drinking and sex and only get your enjoyment from food from now on. “Who wouldn’t have a good time watching someone make an absolute buffoon out of themselves while they’re shit faced? Please tell me I never have to face that woman?”
Bucky was about to reassure you when the door behind him opened suddenly and you squeaked and dove under the desk, looking over his shoulder and sighing when Nat was there. She looked relaxed and incredibly pleased with herself, nodding at Bucky when he sighed with exasperation and coming to lean on the counter right above where you were hiding while she chuckled as you asked if she was gone yet.
“Hey, cutie?” Nat was trying not to laugh too much when you squeaked again then whined when the table thumped after you cracked your head against it. “Sweetheart, I think you might be missing your wallet.”
You were, you hadn’t been able to find it this morning and ended up hopping the turnstile so you could make it to work on time. Nat was giving you what you could only describe as a look of warm amusement when you finally crawled out from underneath the desk to face her, she was so gorgeous, and you looked like warmed over vomit, this was potentially the worst day of your life. She was holding your wallet between two fingers as she smirked at you, watching you closely while you took it from her and biting her lip in a way that didn’t make you feel anything.
“Where did you find it?” She was freaking you out, you couldn’t get a read on her.
“Hmm, you gave it to me.” You had shoved it down the front of her costume, but seeing how small you looked right now made her think it might not be the best idea to bring that fact up. “You said you were going to give me your card and told me to call you, then gave me the whole wallet.”
“My card? It’s not the nineties.” You hated your life. “Thank you for bringing it back, you could’ve just given it to Bucky, though.”
“But then I couldn’t have seen you again.” That smile was going to knock you on your ass, she was so unnerving. “And I’d take any excuse to see a pretty thing like you.”
“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes and scoffed when she winked at you, what a fucking tease. “Don’t flirt with me, I already feel like shit.”
“That’s not what I want, sweetheart.” She couldn’t get enough of that sassy look on your face, just wanted to eat you up. “You should feel good all the time.”
“Bucky, tell your friend I have to work.” You tried not to feel too warm and bubbly when she kept grinning at you, play flirting was not what you needed right now. “But thank her for bringing my wallet back.”
“You are so very welcome, sweet girl.” She shook her head as she straightened back up. “Pretty as a peach. Let’s go get some coffee, Barnes. You ladies want anything?”
“No thanks.” Darcy still had that damn grin on her face once they were gone and now you were itching to smack her. “Um, why were you rude to someone who was clearly hitting on you?”
“She was not hitting on me.” You snorted as you started digging back into your burrito and focusing on your screen. “Have you seen her? She’s an amazon sex goddess, she’s not going to hit on me.”
“You… oh my god, you’re so fucking stupid.” Darcy wanted to bang her head against the wall, you were too stubborn for your own good. “She’s into you.”
“No she’s not.”
“She is, you fucking moron.”
“She is not, you balloon chested bimbo.”
“Hey!” Darcy balled up a tissue and threw it at you, sticking her tongue out when you scowled at her. “That was mean, you lollipop guild reject. And yes she is.”
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“You wanna tell me what exactly you’ve been doing these past few months?” Bucky frowned at Nat when she tried to act like she was paying attention to the game behind him and sipped her beer innocently.”
“Not quite sure what you mean.” She knew exactly what he meant, but she wasn’t going to admit to anything when he was giving her that stern father look.
“Uh-huh.” Bucky loved her, but getting the woman to open up was like trying to crack a walnut with his bare hands. “Don’t think I’ve seen you around the precinct so much since I started there.”
“I’m just helping my clients.” She should’ve ordered vodka if she knew the conversation was heading this way. “It’s my job.”
“Every single client that comes through the 82?” Bucky tapped the bar top while she still avoided his gaze. “Because I seem to remember Matt and Maria handling most of them, since you’re the face of the firm.”
“Excuse me for taking a more hands on approach.” Nat managed to flag down the bartender and finally ordered her vodka. “I’m a philanthropist.”
“You’re full of shit.” Bucky rolled his eyes when she just shrugged. “You need to spend so much time at the front desk every time you come in?”
“I have to fill out paperwork.” She sipped on her new drink and sighed as she finally turned her attention to him. “And it’s nice chatting with the girls.”
“Both of them?” He tried not to grin when she blushed and stared at the bottom of her glass, reaching out to cover her hand with his and giving her a small squeeze. “Natasha, you haven’t slept with anyone in two months.”
Nat hated when Bucky looked at her like that, like he knew all her secrets better than she did. Of course she’d been hanging around the precinct and flirting like an idiot, she couldn’t stop thinking about you. Feisty, sassy, ‘take no shit from anyone’ you. Everything about you was so fucking cute, especially when you gave her that massive fucking attitude whenever she flirted with you. All she wanted was to pick you up and kiss you stupid to get you to quit running that smart mouth. She thought she’d done a good job of hiding her feelings, though.
Damn Bucky for being able to read her like a damn book.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” It meant everything, she loved sex, but she didn’t want to have it with anyone else. “I’m busy.”
“Would you quit lying.” Bucky leaned forward and bonked her head with his, smiling when she pouted at him and kissing her cheek. “You have big feelings for the little lady, so why don’t you admit it and finally ask her out?”
All she wanted was to ask you out, but it fucking terrified her.
Which was ridiculous. She could have anyone she wanted with the crook of her finger. Men and women fell on their fucking knees for the chance at just one night with her. They would eat out of the palm of her hand and they would thank her when she sent them on their way with just a cup of coffee and a fancy pastry in the morning.
But you?
You weren’t interested. Every time she flirted you would just dismiss her and tell her you had too much to do, even when you called her beautiful. You would always call her mean for being such a tease and tell her the only reason you let her get away with that shit is because she was so gorgeous. Even after so many months she hadn’t worn you down at all, which was kind of cute, but also ridiculously frustrating. All she had managed was to glean some small kernels of personal information from you and hold onto them like they were the most precious things in the world, because damn it, she wanted to know everything about you.
“It’s just nice right now.” Nat rested her head on Bucky’s shoulder and blew out an exasperated breath. “If I don’t ask, she can’t say no.”
“That’s what you’re scared of?” Bucky kissed the top of her head when she nodded. “Holy shit, babe. I don’t think you’ve ever even considered rejection a possibility, this is one for the books.”
“Shut up.” Nat scrunched up her face when he wound his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. “She’s so fucking cute, it freaks me out.”
“Yeah.” He took a sip of his beer while he thought things over, rubbing her shoulder absentmindedly and chewing on his lips. “You’ve gotta ask though, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
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“You’re in such a fucking snit.” Darcy frowned at you after you snapped at her for nothing, rolling her eyes when you just sniffed and ignored her. “Just because your crush hasn’t been here in a whole week, you giant sap.”
“I’m not a sap, shut up.” You huffed and crossed your arms under your breasts with a pout. “I’m PMSing.”
“God, you’re a liar.” She tapped her fingers against the desk irritably when you just kept up the petulant facade. “You want to see her, you’re mad she hasn’t been around, admit it.”
“I. Said. Shut. Up.” You wanted to kick her under the desk, she was so annoying. “I admit nothing.”
“Ugh, whatever, brat.” Darcy turned away from you when someone came up to the desk, grinning when she saw it was Bucky and ignoring your grumbling. “Hiya Bucky! Why hasn’t your friend stopped by in such a long time? It’s annoying my girl, and she’s starting to piss me off with her attitude.”
“My friend… Nat?” Bucky smiled and snuck a peek at you when Darcy nodded, the petulant look on your face a reminder of the friend they were talking about who was also ridiculously stubborn. “She was out of the city for a case, but she’s back now.”
“Oh really?” Darcy did not miss the way you straightened up a little at that, keeping her focus on Bucky while you tried to act like you weren’t listening. “Will she be stopping by anytime soon?”
“She’s actually coming by for lunch and should be here…” both of the meddlers grins got even wider when the door opened and the redhead walked in, ignoring her intrigued stare and turning back to each other. “Speak of the devil. Yours gonna quit being so snotty now?”
“Probably not.” Your squawked ‘snotty?’ was not acknowledged, Darcy still focused on Bucky and decidedly fed up with you being such a stubborn ass. “Don’t think she’ll quit being such a whiny little asshole until yours actually goes on a date with her.”
“Well, Nat was supposed to go out for drinks with me Friday but, gosh, I just remembered I have to wash my hair.” Now Bucky was ignoring Nat when she sighed indignantly. “So her night just freed up, isn’t yours off work?”
“Yes she is.” You were making so many offended noises but Darcy was past caring. “Seven o’clock should work well. Gimme her phone.”
“Yep.” Bucky managed to snatch it out of Nat’s hand before she could react, unlocking it and handing it to Darcy while she grabbed yours and did the same. “I’ll make sure she texts.”
“Me too.” Darcy winked when Bucky gave your phone back to her, waving when he ushered Nat out before she had a chance to protest then turning to beam at you while you just blinked stupidly. “You’re welcome, dumbass.”
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Nat had been staring at your door for three minutes.
Her nerves were being ridiculous. This was just a date. She went on dates all the time.
But this was with you.
It had taken a day for her to finally text you the word hi, then another day for you to text her hi back. And then it was like the floodgates had opened. The next three days the two of you were constantly talking whenever you had a moment, finding out everything about each other that you could and Nat smiling whenever a notification popped up like she was a fucking schoolgirl. She was utterly infatuated with you, it was freaking her out. And she loved it.
She finally knocked, holding her breath while she waited for you and grinning when she heard you trip over something and curse. As soon as the door opened she felt like her heart was going to burst through her chest, you looked so fucking beautiful.
The look on her face was making you feel faint, like your tongue was too thick for your mouth and your brain couldn’t function while you gazed up at her and tried not to swoon. You couldn’t believe it was actually happening, that the last few months hadn’t been some colossal joke at your expense. This woman actually wanted to go out with you.
“Hi.” Her voice sounded so fucking sexy, she was going to kill you.
“Hi.” You couldn’t think of anything else to say, licking your lips and trying not to whine when she growled softly.
Next thing you knew you were pinned to the wall in your tiny little entryway with the plushest set of lips you’d ever felt smashed against yours, barely registering your apartment door slamming closed as you whined at the way your toes were barely brushing the floor as Nat wound her arms around your waist. Even when she started kissing down the curve of your neck, you could still hardly breathe, whining when she purred against your skin and trying to focus your eyes but failing miserably.
“Wait, Nat.” You whined when she ducked even lower to gently kiss along the tops of your breasts, gasping when she gave you a hungry look as she sucked a bruise against your skin. “Don’t we have a reservation?”
“Yeah… yeah we do. You say the word and we’ll go right now.” She smiled when you whimpered as she stood back up to her full height, resting her forehead against yours and breathing deeply as she settled her eyes on yours. “But the only thing I want to eat right now is that warm, wet prize between your legs, pretty thing.”
“Oh… wow.” You were pretty sure she was going to kill you, but you were absolutely fine with that. “We can stay.”
“Good girl.”
Natasha pressed her lips to yours and swallowed your yelp when she lifted you to wrap around her, her fingers digging into your hips while she carried you over to the couch. Her grin grew even wider when you let out a surprised huff at her dropping you onto the sofa, your breath getting shallow when she climbed on top of you and slipped her warm palms up your thighs and under your skirt.
“God, you’re so fucking soft.” She curled over you again and sucked on your lips until you moaned, slowly peeling your dress off you and biting her lip when you were finally bare to her gaze. “Beautiful.”
“Shut up.” You couldn’t help but giggle when she laughed at you trying to act coquettish while she had you at her mercy, sighing when she just kissed you and running your fingers up her spine. “Do I get to see you too and call you pretty?”
“When I’m done with my meal.” Nat bit your lip playfully before starting to kiss and lick every inch of your breasts, sucking on your nipples and tugging at them with her teeth while you could only make pathetic noises. “Wanna taste every fucking inch of you.”
“O-kay.” You hiccuped when she nuzzled at your stomach and squeezed your hips with a groan, your eyes fluttering closed when she trailed kisses along your curves. “Sounds great.”
“Mmhm.” She growled playfully and bit your thigh before smacking the side of your ass. “Flip over.”
You did what she asked, slowly rolling onto your stomach and whining when she grabbed two handfuls of your ass and squeezed. Then she smacked it again and you could have screamed, you throbbed so hard, her lips and teeth and tongue marking your sensitive skin until your eyes rolled back in your head.
“Nat…” you whimpered when she kept rubbing your ass and purring against your skin, arching your back and spreading your legs as she pulled your cheeks apart so she could stare at you. “Oh fuck, don’t stop.”
“Never. Fuck, you smell so good.” Nat buried her face between your thighs and groaned when she breathed you in deep, dragging her tongue over your slit agonizingly slow so she could taste all of you. “Jesus Christ, fucking peaches.”
There was no answer you could give her except a desperate mewl, letting yourself sink into the cushions when she slid her tongue inside your cunt and curled it. You feel like you were already losing your mind, panting like an idiot while she rubbed her nose against your cute little asshole and digging your fingers into the couch while she tongue fucked you until your whole body felt like one big spring that was wound too tight.
Your pussy was so fucking wet, Nat couldn’t seem to work her mouth fast enough to suck up everything that was dripping out of you, even with her lips wrapped around you so she didn’t miss anything. And the fact that you could hear all the obscene wet sloshes and slurps was not helping, your muscles spasming wildly as you felt it building up insanely fast.
“Fuck… oh fuck.” All you could do was let out a thin, high whine when you fell apart, your cunt fluttering against her lips and gushing into her mouth while she groaned at the taste of your cum. “Mommy…”
“Shit. You had me thinking you were never gonna actually say it, peach.” Nat grinned against you and hummed as she kept kissing your pussy like she could live off it. “Knew you’d be a good girl for mommy, knew this pussy would be so sweet for me. Why don’t you fuck it on my face, pretty girl? Make a goddamn mess out of me, mommy needs it.”
Yeah, she was definitely going to kill you. You reached back and buried your fingers in her hair as you started grinding your ass back into her face, biting the pillow under your face and whimpering when her tongue flicked against your clit. Then her thumb teased against your asshole and your brain broke, your hips writhing wildly when she sucked on your clit until you almost came before she pulled back with a wicked grin.
“Knew you’d like that, just look at you.” Nat bit her lip when she watched your little hole wink at her as she spat on it, her thumb circling the tight ring of muscle slowly and listening to your pathetic sounds as she kept flicking her tongue over your slit like a tease. “These are all mommy’s holes now, peachy girl. Gonna spoil the shit out of you.”
The way you gasped when she slid her thumb into your ass and started flitting her tongue around it was making Natasha clench, her thighs squeezing together when you shoved your hips back even more and yanked on her hair so she was practically suffocating you. She didn’t realize how much she was going to enjoy you completely losing it for you and using her just so you could get off, deciding very quickly that she was going to need to turn you into a mess all the time.
You were going to come again. All the buildup and how fucking sexy she sounded when she moaned and slurped and spat and just, all of it. Damn her and her incredible mouth and how fucking hot she was. And damn you for turning into such a fucking melty mess for her, though who could really blame you for that.
“Mommy please.” You whimpered when she kept fucking your ass with her thumb as her other hand began playing with your clit and you couldn’t help but kick your feet as you felt yourself teetering on the edge again. “Please, wanna come for mommy, need it.”
“Mmm, mommy needs it too, pretty baby.” Nat nipped at the soft skin that was twitching around her thumb while her other hand pinched your clit until you squeaked. “Come for me, sweet girl, let mommy drink from this perfect little pussy, oh my fucking god.”
You almost screamed when she ducked low to suck on your swollen clit, pulling on her hair and screwing your eyes closed while your body started shaking uncontrollably. Nat groaned when you started gushing all over her face, wrapping her mouth around your soft lips and swallowing everything you gave her with a low moan that sent a shiver up your spine. She loved that you couldn’t stop moving against her face as you rode it out, determined to be able to watch your face the next time she made you come and every single time after that.
Her lips spread in a slow smile when you kept shivering as she pulled back from your sex, moving her hands to knead your cheeks deeply while she rested her head against your hip and watched you ride it out. You couldn’t do anything except chirp and let your body sink into the couch, barely having the energy to turn your face and peek over your shoulder at her while a sloppy grin split your face.
“Hiiiiiiii.” Again, you couldn’t think of what else to say, especially since your brain was still mostly offline after two incredible orgasms that were better than anything any man had ever given you.
“Hey baby.” She couldn’t stop smiling as she crawled up your body and nuzzled at your cheek, purring happily when you let out a small sound of satisfaction and wrapping her arms around your waist to hold you as close as possible. “My sweet girl. I do feel a little bad about us missing dinner, but I couldn’t control myself.”
“Listen, that’s fiiiiiine with me.” You let her flip you onto your back and pulled her face to yours so you could lose yourself even more in kissing her. “You can kill me with orgasms tonight and it will be a very happy death.”
“You might be fine with that, but I’m not.” Nat chuckled into your mouth when you just gave her a pitiful little whimper. “Sorry, I’m kinda addicted to that pussy now, sweet peach. I’d get all bummed out if I didn’t have access to it for the rest of my life.”
“Oh, well.” You were not used to this level of attention, and it was even worse when you were in such a state of euphoria. “That’s okay too.”
“Good.” She pecked you once more before sitting up over you, gushing you when you whined at the lack of contact before winking when you swallowed audibly at the sight of her body when she pulled her dress over her head. “Now, should we take a bath before or after I rub my pussy all over yours until I come inside you?”
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glitteredrry · 2 years
how to lose a guy in 10 days
hello, welcome to the beginning of my romcom h series where i’m just writing harry in to iconic romantic comedies. now it won’t be verbatim (although some iconic quotes are used), so don’t expect that. it has the same plot though. i hope that you love the start of this series. thank you for reading. 💌
summary: a journalist who is in desperate need of a promotion has only has one simple task, lose a guy in ten days. what happens when Y/N meets a man named Harry that she can fool? Oh, but the only thing is he has his own promotion task to complete…he needs to make a woman fall in love with him in ten days.
warning: fluff, angst, & good ole cheesy romance.
wc: 9.2k (grab a snack)
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“I’ve acted batshit crazy with this guy, he’s not budging,” Y/N complained to her friends in her living room.
She was at a loss, her only task for promotion was to lose a guy in 10 days. She wanted this promotion not just to have bragging rights that she did in fact lose a guy, but to be taken more seriously as a journalist.
Living in New York, it was hard to get out of the pool of writing small dating articles. Y/N was over these small sections about topics that weren’t going to change the world.
She wanted something more serious. Perhaps covering world news or something in politics. Her dream of being a journalist surely wasn’t where she is at right now. She wasn’t one of those people who were unappreciative of her opportunity, just a woman looking for a change.
So, when her boss opened up the opportunity of getting to write more serious topics, she was willing to do anything. Even if it was using some guy as a pawn. Sitting with her closest friends sharing a bottle of wine, they talked about her journey so far with the task at hand.
“Well tell us about everything that you’ve done, list it from crazy to out of this world,” Miranda spoke up feeling entertained by this situation her friend was in.
Y/N blew raspberries, “well the least is that I made him take care of these nearly dead roses I bought at the store. I told him that they were a representation of our relationship; if they died it meant he wanted our relationship to die.” She said with an evil smile.
“Once I gave him the flowers I then dedicated a song to him.” Laughter filled the small living room.
“What song?”
“You’re so vain.”
“You didn’t!”
“Even added his name in while I was singing. He looked mortified.” She said finishing off her glass of wine and then going to refill it.
“That’s the least? How crazy did you get?”
”Oh I’ve been terrible, you think that he would have blocked me by now. Listen to this one, we were at a game- oh a basketball game. The game was intense, I mean it might have been the best game of the season. I looked over at him,” she looked at her friend Kendra reenacting what she did.
“And said I don’t think I feel so well. The look on his face was something I’ll never forget. He quite literally looked as if he would have rather told me to go to hell than leave the game, but we left.” She laughed. Y/N knew that the actions were cruel, but she also knew that this would be a great story to tell her grandkids one day.
“What else?” Her friends asked on the edge of their seats.
“Well, a small thing is jealousy. Which I thought guys hated but he just takes it and reassures me. I’ve accused him of dating other girls, and looking at other girls; I’ve made him get into a fight with a guy at a fair.”
“Then right when I was about to have sex with him I called his dick princess Sofia. That didn’t go over well but we agreed on another name. I honestly thought that would have done it. It didn’t.” Y/N said reaching inside their popcorn as her friends just looked shocked.
“I called his Mom too.”
A gasp filled the room because they couldn’t believe how far their friend was going.
“Told him that I cared about having an important relationship with her.”
“And that didn’t steer him away?”
“Nope. Nada. Nothing. He just was okay with it! Sometimes I can just see this look in his eyes that he wants to lose it on me, but he doesn’t.” She said in disbelief herself.
“He will break soon, I feel it.”
“Well, what about today?” Her friend spoke up to ask.
“He plays cards with his friends, it’s my day off.”
“That was before he met you.” Y/N looked over at her friend confused.
“He played cards with his friends before he met you. You need to go, ruin boys' night. There is nothing more that men hate than when their friend's girlfriend comes to crash the party.”
It was as if a lightbulb went up in Y/N’s head as her friend Linda was in disagreeing with it all.
“What’s his name?
“Harry must be a sweet boy why are you trying to break his heart?”
“He’ll get over me, Linda. It’s only 10 days.”
Harry was sitting in his apartment passing around a joint with friends. He had finally gotten the chance to breathe without Y/N breathing down his neck. All the nicknames, baby voices, and constant need for his attention were put on pause.
The Y/N he met on night one was a complete 180 of the Y/N he was currently dealing with. The woman he met was this beautiful woman. Someone who was intelligent and witty, it was someone whom he would have felt bad for making fall in love with him just for his personal benefit. The version he was dealing with now was a demon.
Although she did have her moments where he had a glimpse of the person that he originally met; Like when she would hug him and her fluorescent perfume would mix with his beautifully. Or when they decided to watch a game together in his apartment and she was cheering at the screen with him. She did have her good moments, but then again the bad outweighed the good.
He couldn’t complain much because he needed her. She was his only way of being able to move up at the fashion company he worked for. For him to lead the campaign for the new season of the women’s collection, he needed to get a woman to fall in love with him. Harry told his boss that women love him and that he understood women. So, his boss wanted to challenge that by having only one simple request. Getting a random woman to fall in love with him. He was nailing the assignment since Y/N was still around.
“So, Styles. Do you think that girl is in love with you yet?”
“I’ve got her wrapped around my finger. She’s hooked.”
“Have you fucked her yet?”
“There’s no way that he hasn’t.” One of his friends added in.
“Don’t ask me a question like that. She isn’t a piece of meat.” Harry said in all seriousness. He might have not been trying to date the girl, but he wouldn’t let his friends disrespect her. They all knew what she looked like since she had come up to his job…several times.
“Fine…but have you?”
“Well…no I haven’t.” He said while looking at his hand of cards.
“So, you have to deal with her craziness and get nothing in return?”
“I’m getting something in return, and that’s a campaign.” At his words, keys rattled from outside making all the men at the table turn around.
“Booboo bear,” Y/N called out entering with their cat she got them as practice for their future child in hand.
“Oh, hell.” He said under his breath going to stand as all his friends mocked the nickname while trying to conceal their laughs. Y/N let down their cat whom she named Muffin to the ground.
“Honey,” he said opening his arms as she walked inside them. Hugging momentarily, Harry breathed in her scent that he was becoming all too familiar with.
“What are you doing here?” Harry asked breaking away from her and looking down as she smiled up at him. That smile that he was kind of cute…kind of.
“I just happened to be in the area, then Muffin started meowing when I walked in the direction of your apartment. So, I think that she was telling me to come here. She must have missed her, Daddy.” She turned away from Harry to pick up the cat, “you missed your Daddy, sweet girl.” Y/N’s baby voice was on, and the only thing encouraging her to continue was his friends dying of laughter in the back.
“Continue your game. I’ll be like a ghost you won’t know that I’m here. Just dropping off some things.” Pressing a kiss to his cheek, she turned and headed to the kitchen to laugh to herself.
Harry sat back down at the table daring his friends to say another word. Just when he thought that Y/N was going to be true to her word, out she walked with a platter of vegetables no one asked for nor wanted.
“Excuse me, just wanted to bring healthier options,” she looked over to one of his friends who had a wing in his mouth. Staring it down, she took her fingers and yanked it out his mouth, and all of the men gawked at her actions. “Healthy celery, healthy carrot look how yummy.” She said to Harry’s friends as if he was a toddler.
All of his friends looked around at each other not believing how crazy this girl genuinely was.
His friend slowly let her place the vegetable in his mouth and she patted his head, “good boy.”
Harry couldn’t even find the words to say right now. He placed the joint back in his mouth trying to calm his nerves that Y/N was trying to drive through the roof.
Then coughs began to start as she stared down Harry. They progressed from small ones as if she was clearing her throat to overdramatic ones as if she could not breathe. He knew she was being over dramatic, she stopped in the middle of it all, eyeing him down one more telepathically telling him to put it out.. He put it out with a forced smile.
“Thank you, my sweet honeybun.” She cooed.
Then the drama came as she directed her eyes to something across the room.
A blood-curdling scream came from her lips as if someone had stabbed her, making all the men join her not knowing what they were screaming. “Harry, our roses. You killed them, you monster.” Y/N said theatrically moving across the room to hold the nearly dead roses.
“They’re just roses, I can buy you more,” Harry said rushing over trying to calm her. He was not expecting her to have this kind of reaction…well he had planned for this to happen actually. Tomorrow before he came back from work, he had wanted to go buy fresh roses to replace them. His plan failed…clearly.
“What did you just say?” She looked at him with a twitch in her eye. He thought that he could only see something like this in a movie. His mind couldn’t wrap around that this was his life. Out of all the women in the world that he could have picked for this bet, he picked the worst nut in the package.
“These roses were a symbol of our love. Our young, beautiful, festering love. Do you want our relationship to die?” She said with accusation.
“No, honey. I don’t want our relationship to die. Wait-”
“I don’t want to hear another word.” She said huffing as she began to stomp back to the kitchen with the rest of the roses in hand. She took a moment to collect herself. This was slowly driving her to insanity, but she couldn’t help to admit how fun it was to see the different reactions across the room to her antics.
Just as she walked back into the room with a platter full of pretzels, her eyes were on the back of Harry’s head as he motioned to his friend that she was crazy.
Back into character, I goes.
All of Harry’s friends were trying to silently motion to him that she was behind him. As Harry slowly turned around, he watched her slow stride as she approached the table. All of Harry’s friends watched anxiously because this girl was unpredictable.
“Are you saying, I’m some kind of mental person?” Pretzels flew up in the air and came down like confetti. All of Harry’s friends jumped back as they began to vouch for him.
“No, he didn’t say that.”
“He told us he loved you.”
“Right, Harry?”
“I’m in a room full of liars and snakes. If you would lie to me then you would steal from me, and if you would steal from me then you would cheat on me. Are you cheating on me, Harry?” Y/N said with a small fake sob beginning to spill from her mouth. Every man in the room looked at each other confused. It was as if she was flipping through several personalities.
“No, I wouldn’t lie, steal, or cheat on you. Where did you even get that phrase from?” Harry said, going to stand feeling more confused than ever.
“Quite frankly, Harry you would.” She said immediately cutting off her sobs and going back to normal only making the men in the room question her sanity even more.
“I know that you did cheat, I just can’t prove it. First, you let our love roses die, and now I’m a mental person. I don’t want to be with someone who thinks I’m a mental person.” She said moving to collect her purse and the nearly dead roses.
“Goodbye, Harry. I’m the best thing that ever happened to you.” As soon as her back was turned to the men, she smiled. Walking out the door and hearing it shut she felt victorious.
Her assignment was done for good.
There was no way that after that Harry would be trying to come back. Y/N nearly felt bad for all the pretzels that he would have to clean up.
“You can’t let her go, Harry.” His friend spoke up not forgetting about his promotion. Harry on the other hand had the promotion in the farthest part of his mind. He was happy to no longer deal with her shenanigans.
“Let her leave, I’m in hell. I can’t deal with that,” Harry said feeling slight relief at her finally leaving. Her random meltdowns, phone calls, and popping up where he was were over with.
“The promotion.” His friend reminded him. Harry forgot about the task at hand, and he needed that promotion. Jumping up, he began to run out his door. He was wishing on a star right now that he could catch her.
She had finally gotten rid of him.
“Y/N, wait.”
Or so she thought.
She turned her head to see Harry running down the fire escape in search of her. What was it going to take for this guy to leave me alone? She thought. Turning around to face him, she jumped right back into acting mode making her face screw up as if she was pissed off.
“What do you want, Harry? Why are you running back to talk to a mental person?” She asked. Yes, she was acting, but she truly wanted to know why he would decide to come back to find her. Either this guy was falling for her or just like the crazy within her.
“I’m here to apologize. It was cruel of me to call you mental. You just care. I’m willing to do anything to fix it. I messed up. Please, forgive me.” Harry looked down at her with puppy dog eyes that made Y/N’s stomach curl a bit. She felt a slight blush on her cheeks looking at him in this vicinity. It was the same feelings from the first night that they met. Quickly, she broke eye contact trying to push those feelings down.
“I’m not sure that I can forgive this.” Harry watched her lips and how she kept a prominent pout as she said the words to him. It was cute. She was cute. Harry broke himself out of fonding over her and those beautiful lips.
“I’m willing to do anything,” he slowly dropping to his knees on the New York sidewalk, and she couldn’t figure out whether to find this enduring or disgusting. He kept his green eyes on her as he lowered himself to the ground. “Anything, Y/N.”
“Couples therapy?” She asked knowing that there was no way in hell he would agree to that.
“If that will make you forgive me then, yes. I’ll go.” He rose off the ground going to hug her as she twisted her face in confusion as soon as his head was tucked into her neck. Harry breathed in her scent that the wind was trying to blow away, but he could still smell it.
When they broke contact, she looked at him sternly.
“I love you Harrypie, but I don’t have to like you right now.”
With that said she continued her walk down the street until she was able to fetch a cab ride home. Harry watched her disappear in the night, walking back up to his apartment he ended the boys' night. He was left in a room filled with scattered pretzels and a grumpy cat looking back at him. His dreams were filled with a messy girl with pouty lips and a scream that could wake up the world.
Couples therapy was hell…well for Harry it was hell. Y/N seemed to enjoy throwing him under the bus at any moment, not only throwing him under the bus but weirdly partnering up with the therapist against him; At the same time, she accused him of trying to sleep with the therapist.
To say the least he left the session with a happy woman, a major headache, and a dent in his wallet. He honestly had a gut feeling the therapist was a fake one she found off the internet. One thing that he wasn’t expecting the therapist to suggest was taking her away for the weekend to go visit his family.
His family was originally from England, but when his Mom remarried they settled in a small town in Connecticut. He felt calm bringing her because Y/N had already formed a bit of a relationship with his Mom. He could tell that Y/N was nervous.
As he turned down the street where he had spent the majority of his childhood, he watched Y/N’s leg shake as the anxiety was creeping down her body. Maybe this was too far? She thought about pulling into the driveway of Harry’s childhood home.
She tried to calm herself with the fact that this relationship was just to get her ahead in life. It was just three more days, and they would both move on with their lives. Once Harry cut off the car, they both climbed out. Harry grabbed their bags to go inside the house. Before they could even step through the door, Harry’s Mom was greeting them with a smile. “My boy,” she called out, going to kiss his cheek.
“Mom this is Y/N. Y/N this is Anne. I shouldn’t even be introducing you two, I forgot that you already have talked.” He said with a smart-ass tone causing Anne to hit him with a small rag she had in her hand.
“Nothing wrong with a little girl talk. Go drop the bags off in your room. Leave Y/N to me.” Harry walked away up the stairs to his room. Anne moved closer to Y/N with a low voice as soon as the coast was clear.
“You know you’re the first girl that Harry has brought home. You’re too are cute. Come on, let’s go introduce you to the whole family!”
Harry’s family was so loving. She loved the dynamic that they had. Anne introduced Y/N to his sister who had much to tell her about the childhood she shared with Harry. Then his grandfather was currently teaching Y/N how to play poker. It was beautiful scenery too with a hidden lake out back.
“When you fold, that means you’re surrendering. Pretty much you’re throwing the towel in before it even starts.” Harry’s grandfather spoke to her.
“Your cards won’t be able to be played.” She was nodding her head trying to wrap her hand around the game's entire concept.
On cue, Harry walked out the back door and immediately found Y/N. He was happy to see her fitting in with his family. He found it cute.
“Look at the poker champion,” his uncle called out making Harry claim the title loud and proud.
“I don’t think you’ll be winning today, Harry. Your girl is becoming a poker pro.” Y/N blushed at Gemma calling her out.
“Is that so?” Harry asked Y/N as he sat down right next to her.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders at him hiding her cards. “I think I can steal that title from you.”
“We’ll see about that. Deal me in.”
With the help of Harry’s family, Y/N just so happened to win over Harry. The night was filled with laughter and accusations of cheating...which she was. Y/N felt something inside of her brewing but she couldn’t tell what it exactly was.
She loved when Harry called her name out each time he accused her of cheating. She loved how he chased her around the backyard when he found out she was indeed cheating. That night she went to sleep with a charming boy, who had a dazzling smile in mind.
Today was peaceful. Outside of the city, it felt to Harry as if their energy shifted. His emotions with this girl have been up and down. Right now he felt so infatuated with her that it was overwhelming. He would find something about her each hour that made him laugh harder or smile a bit brighter. They were practically attached at the hip, only separating when needing to go to the bathroom.
Everything was feeling like the first night that he met her. It was something more personal. He wasn’t sure if it was because of them getting to be by themselves or the fact that he had finally brought a girl to his family, and they loved her. He just knew that as of right now he didn’t want to let go of her.
Right now, the pair were cuddled on the couch watching a movie as Harry’s family were running around doing other things. Suddenly, an idea came into his head as he looked at Y/N laughing at a scene.
“Want to go get naked?” He said randomly in her ear causing her to shoot up giving him a wild stare.
Without a doubt, she knew that she was sexually attracted to Harry, but his just randomly saying it caused panic to run through her.
Harry laughed at her reaction purposely teasing her, he watched as her eyes dilated while holding shock in them.
“Sorry, what I meant to say is would you like to go by the lake? We’ll be in swimsuits, I assure you.” Y/N held a hand to her chest blowing out air that she had been holding in.
“Although, if you would like to get naked, I wouldn’t stop you.” Y/N let out that loud laugh that was music to Harry’s ears.
“You’re such an ass.”
“You love it. Are we going?”
“Show me the way.”
The cool air hit Y/N’s legs as Harry walked in front of her leading her to the lake. They had a small picnic basket filled with goodies that Harry had decided to pack. Harry turned his head multiple times to ensure she was okay, and she gave him a kind smile right back each time.
They walked down the passageway until they hit the hidden area. Harry turned to face her feeling a bit shy about bringing her here. It was a sacred oasis for him when he would come to visit. It was something that he had to himself since he was a teen. “Welcome,” he said to her as she took in the location.
She never grew up in a small, close-knit town like this. It was a complete contrast from what she was used to. It was always loud noises coming from the city or the busy streets of New York that she had to walk down bumping into people; Here it was silence.
Just the sounds of nature flooding her ears. She felt at peace. “This is gorgeous, H.” Harry felt his face burn. He wasn’t sure if it was because of how soft her voice was while being dripped in pure adoration or because of the nickname she just assigned to him. He was going to just go with the latter.
“Early in the morning, it’s even better believe it or not.”
They sat down their belongings and undressed. While peeling off their clothes, the both of them stole secret glances at each other. Once they were settled in their swimsuits, Harry overlooked her body as her swimsuit hugged her curves.
She was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
His tattoos were melting into his tanned toned skin as she tried not to let her stare linger for too long. “I’m going to head in, you can keep making googly eyes at me.” Harry teased running into the water. This time Y/N was the one to blush. She chased after him not letting him get too far away.
They played innocently in the water, it was childish splashes shared between them, and a game of marco polo. After getting tired of the water, the both of them watched as the sun was gradually setting. Harry was laid across Y/N’s plush thighs as she was snacking on some grapes. As their bodies dried, Harry was in a deep thinking process.
Harry didn’t know how to describe the way that he felt. It was a weird set of emotions for him. He had never had a serious relationship, then when he happens to meet someone that has driven him mad in all of the ways one can imagine; It happens that he is using her for a bet.
He looked up at her as she unknowingly was stuffing her mouth with grapes. “You look like the cutest chipmunk ever,” she looked down at him, as Harry flashed those bunny teeth that caused her heart to throb.
Hitting him playfully, he sat up moving away from her attack. After she finished chewing she began to speak, “they were really good grapes I swear.”
Harry turned his head up focusing on how the sky had become a little gloomy, “Hey, Y/N, I think that we should head out now. I think that it’s going to-” Before he could finish his sentence, the weather did a 180 causing them the laugh at the small sprinkles of water that began to hit them. Sprinkles the turned to hard rain hitting their skin
Quickly gathering their thing, they ran in the direction of his family home as their laughs got lost in the pouring rain. Once, they made it inside they ran upstairs into the bathroom together and locked the door.
“Let me get the shower for you, if you hear someone flush a toilet be sure to jump out,” he laughed to her as he turned on the water. He turned to face her with a smile on his face.
“Who knew things would change so fast,” Harry said with a laugh shaking water out of his hair. Y/N knew that he was talking about the weather, but she couldn’t help but feel emotion spark within her with his choice of words.
This was all supposed to be a silly bet for her to promote to a higher position, she didn’t know that she would have ended up feeling these kinds of emotions about him. She turned from him as guilty tears ran down her face. Harry immediately noticed a shift in the air as she sat on the toilet lid in distress.
”Hey, hey what’s wrong?” Harry cooed kneeling infront of her and moving her wet hair behind her ears, wanting to get a better look at her face.
Y/N looked up at him with red eyes as she tried to explain her emotions without fully giving them away the reason behind her tears. “It’s just this weekend has been so nice, hasn’t it? Your mom is so kind and it’s just your family is so nice. It w-” she cut herself off with a deep breath before she was about to reveal herself.
“My family loves you and I- yes it has been a great weekend. One of the best I’ve had in a while.” Harry moved his hand to her thigh and she looked down at when he was touching her. There was a connection and both of them questioned if the other could feel it.
“A beautiful girl like you is never meant to cry. Can you show me your smile? I love your smile.” Harry spoke to her with a slight rasp in his voice.
“C’mon, you know you want to smile for me.” He said poking her cheek and teasing her as she tried to contain the blush rising on her cheeks.
She showed him a smile…just not the normal one. “That’s a scary smile, I want my girl’s smile.” She pursed her lips before showing her natural smile.
“There we go, think you have some spinach in your teeth though.”
“I do not.”
“You don’t, I just wanted to mess with you,” Harry said laughing as he moved closer.
He wanted to kiss her.
She wanted him to kiss her.
As if they could read each other’s minds, their lips connected in a way they had not before. It was an overwhelming feeling for both of them. They couldn’t understand when the line started to merge.
They both tried their best to keep their lips connected as clothes began to fly off. By the time they hit the shower, they explored each other in the same way how they wanted to on the first night they met. It was the same burning desire running in them, only now they were both in love with each other without fully admitting it to themselves.
Saying goodbye was always bittersweet, but it shouldn’t feel like this. After a weekend together like this he wanted it to stay for good, they were infront of her apartment lingering outside not wanting to say goodbye.  
“Well, this is me…” she said not wanting to leave but knowing she would have to.
“I know, kiss goodbye?” She nodded her head wanting the same thing. Pressing a kiss to his lips she moved to move away.
“Bye Harrybooboo,” she said with a laugh using the nickname not to annoy him this time, but just to tease him.
“Bye, honey bear,” Harry teased right back.
Y/N laughed stepping away and walked to the door of her building but stopped hearing Harry shout her name.
“Tomorrow my job is hosting a gala, will you be my date?”
“I would love to. What time?”
“8 on the dot.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Harry looked down at his leather boots while he waited for Y/N to come downstairs. It was finally the night of the gala and he was dressed to impress, not only because he was a representation of the company. He wanted to impress Y/N. He was dressed in one of the suits from the newest collection coming out soon.
Harry waited for her patiently not wanting to rush her but knowing that they were cutting it close. His body leaned against the chauffeured car that he had gotten for them. His nerves were an absolute wreck, he was doing every single thing that he could to distract himself; He fidgeted with each one of his rings and tossed his hair in every which way.
“Hello, Harrybooboo,” all of the nerves fell away before his eyes could even look at her. Just by being able to hear her voice, he felt a calmness.
Looking up at her, he felt as if someone had physically punched him in his chest knocking all of the wind out of him. She was beautiful. He held his right hand over his heart to calm how rapidly it had started beating.
Y/N stood on top of the stairs feeling a bit timid, she had spent all of the time trying to look her best. It was all worth it to see him looking at her as if she was the most prized possession in the world.
Harry observed the yellow silk dress that matched her perfectly. It clings to her body, the body that he had fallen for so fast. Her hair was in an updo showing off her beautiful face. He was completely and utterly gone for her.  As she walked down the stairs he opened the door for her to climb in first.  
“You clean up nice,” she said with a smile before going to greet him with a hug.
“You’re not too shabby either,” Harry said flashing her a toothy grin.
“I’m going to head in, you can keep making googly eyes at me.” She said to him with a teasing smile climbing into the car. Harry laughed at her repeating his words from two days ago.
The gala was beautiful, and the designs from the upcoming collection were on display. Ranging from jewelry pieces to styled outfits. Y/N was in awe.
She was happy to be here with Harry…although he wasn’t right by her right now. This was still a work event for him so he couldn’t be by her side through it all. They had gotten separated somewhere along the way. She was now looking at one of the styled outfits on display that caught her eye.
“Y/N,” she heard her name called by an unfamiliar voice.
Turning her head, she made out the face to be Harry’s boss from one of her too many visits to his job. “Mr. Bardot, you’re Harry’s boss. Hello.”
“That I am, and you’re his…”
She was never asked this question before, they weren’t technically anything official. It had only been ten days for goodness sake.
“I’m his date.”
“Right, but I’ve seen you lingering around my office more than once. You can’t be just a date.” She swallowed nervously not knowing what to exactly say.
“I guess you could say that I’m more than just a date. Harry and I have a weird dynamic.” She ended her sentence with a peal of nervous laughter hoping that his nosy boss would catch a hint, and go meddle in someone else’s business. Turning back to look at the styled piece, she nearly spits out her champagne at his next sentence.
“Right, I guess things do become weird once you fall in love with someone.” He said nonchalantly.
Turning her head back to him, “l-love? I didn’t say that.”
“Well, that’s what would make it a weird dynamic, right? I mean I’ve been looking at you both since you walked in together. That looked like love.”
Y/N felt as if she was having some kind of existential crisis, it was if she had started questioning everything. She knew that her feelings for Harry were growing rapidly without her even knowing. But love? It was as if everything had come crashing down on her at once.
Even though all the silly gimmicks that she pulled, she had gotten to know him on a personal level. There were real feelings and moments between them. Moments that caused her to have butterflies in her stomach anytime she thought of them. Y/N looked at his boss while she stumbled on her words.
“I think you know deep down. For what it is worth, I believe he feels the same.” With that said he was gone leaving her alone in her thoughts. Swallowing her emotions that were trying to come up, she downed the rest of her drink.
Harry was having a rather sociable night. He’s talked to every important person here that would only further his career. Even an older woman who got a bit too handsy with him. Through it all, he just had one person missing by his side. Harry was on his way to go find her because everyone was soon to be seated.
“Styles,” he heard his name being called. He knew who it was immediately because his boss was the only person to call his last name instead of Harry.
“I met her. The girl is in love with you. Congratulations, the campaign is all yours.”
With that said his boss disappeared into the crowd as Harry stood there trying to process what he had said.
“Y/N is in love with me,” he whispered to himself. Scanning the room for his girl in the yellow dress, his eyes spotted her sitting at a table near the front of the stage.
“She’s in love with me,” Harry said in disbelief. Just as he was about to pick up his heart off the floor and head to her, someone else got in between them.
“Oh, you’re looking at, Y/N.”
He turned to see an older woman watching Y/N along with him. “You know her?” He asked still staring her down.
“I’m her boss, she is one of the star journalists at my company. Right now, I asked her to work on this assignment of making some unlucky guy out there fall in love with her. She had ten days to fool someone, and the stories she has told us are ridiculous. We actually kind of feel for the guy.”
Harry felt his heart drop hearing her boss speak about this unlucky guy. He was the unlucky guy. Her boss kept talking in his ear, repeating all of the things that Y/N had done to him. So, many emotions crashed into his body at once. He felt embarrassed that he was the laughing stock in her life, he felt stupid for not seeing through her behavior then getting played by her, and lastly, he felt betrayed for falling in love with a girl who clearly never felt those feelings.
Walking away from Y/N’s boss in the middle of her talking, he walked to the bar in desperate need of a moment to collect his thoughts.
Little did he know Y/N was across the gala with a smile on her face waiting for Harry as the dinner was about to start, she felt the presence of someone behind her thinking that it was Harry, only for it to be his two friends from work.
“Hey, guys,” she said as they sat down confused as to why they were here.
“Hi, Y/N. We just wanted to ask you something. Harry has worked really hard in the company to finally get where he is; So, if you could just keep playing along with our boss and pretending that you’re in love with him that would be great.” Y/N’s face dropped at his words.
“Yes, he doesn’t need to know anything about the bet. Just smile and convince him that you’re in love.” Harry’s other coworker added in.
Y/N picked up her champagne glass swallowing the remains. She agreed so that they could leave the table and leave her the hell alone.
It was hard to pinpoint one emotion that was running through her body but the main one was at herself. She felt foolish for falling for Harry. All his chivalry, and how she looked at her were all fake. A surge of anger ran through her, ad a person is never more vulnerable than when they’re angry. Anger is only a protective shield to protect the sadness she didn’t feel like showing yet.
It was as if she could feel a burning stare in her neck. When she turned, she could see Harry watching her from across the room. Both of them have hardening stares. Harry’s jaw was clenched as he tried to control himself since this was a work event. Y/N scoffed at him turning away, not even wanting to look at him.
What reason does he have to be mad?
What reason does she have to be mad?
Both of them thought at the same time.
The lights in the room began to dim signaling that it was time to pay attention to the stage. Harry moved through the dining area but ended up getting stopped by the same older woman from before who didn’t know how to keep her hands to herself.
He tried to move away as he heard the announcer introduce the performer for tonight. Just as he thought his night couldn’t get more dramatic, he heard the sweet voice that he is the most upset with right now.
“Yes, let’s all give a hand for this. I’m sorry to impose but I just needed to give a special shout-out to someone. Harry Styles is a hard-working man, a great swimmer, and a real charmer. He cares deeply about his job and is willing to do anything to succeed.” Y/N and Harry stared each other down as if they had become sworn enemies in their short time here.
“I must say, that even though he has many great attributes. Out of all of his many great talents is that he is a hell of a singer. And he has decided tonight to perform for you all. Harry, come on stage and sing your song.” She said with a fake smile as a spotlight found Harry standing in the middle of the room.
Harry couldn’t believe her, clearly, she had found out about his bet and wanted to make a spectacle. He would give her what she wanted. Everyone in the room clapped, encouraging Harry to go.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Harry Styles.” She said with an artificial voice. Adjusting his double-breasted jacket, he moved through the crowd keeping his eyes on her as he walked onto the stage. She placed the mic down on a stool, and began to make her escape. Harry dashed to the stage picking up the mic as she tried to leave.
“Y/N. Y/N don’t leave. You couldn’t dare walk out and not show the world that beautiful voice of yours.” If looks could kill Harry would have passed out on that stage. “Doesn’t everyone want to hear a duet tonight?” The crowd went wild wanting more than ever for the pair to do a song together.
Y/N flashed an awkward smile at the cheers. “Everyone please, give a warm welcome to, Y/N.”
Harry grabbed a mic that wasn’t in use and held it out for her to grab, Y/N wasn’t going to back down at him challenging her right now. So, with a smile on her face, she walked right back up to the stage. As Harry turned to the band asking if they could play a certain song for them.
As the instrumental for You’re So Vain began to play. Y/N was now on stage as Harry nodded his head to the beat. “Oh, that’s nice,” he said on the mic turning to face her.
“You walked into the party like you were walking onto a yacht.” He said emphasizing his words as he sang. Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed the free mic from his hand aggressively.
He continued going, taunting her and not really knowing any of the words. This only further upset her because now she needed to correct him. Getting sick of his antics she went to go sing.
“And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner,” she said in a mocking tone really giving the audience a show. Not one that they expected but one filled with drama and tension.
“Harry’s so vain,” she sang into the mic off-key.
“You probably think this song is about you. Harry Styles, you’re so vain.” She dragged out her singing as Harry attempted to talk over her muttering that she was the vain one.
Getting sick of being up here she stopped in the middle to direct her attention to him as if they were in the room alone. The instrumental of the song kept playing as they talked in the mic letting everyone hear them. “You tricked me into falling in love with you. Do you have an ounce of shame?”
“And what did you do? You trashed my place and took me to some fake ass couples therapy so that you, you Y/N could have a promotion. You also made me miss the biggest game of the season.” He said on the mic arguing his side of things.
“Do we hear that ladies and gentlemen, Harry missed a game? I want everyone to know that your sex is lame.” She said in a singsong voice.
“You named my dick princess Sofia,” Harry said arguing back as the audience gasped at the back and forth between them.
“Well, why did you have to bring that up?” Y/N said as the crowd now began to laugh at them. It was a hot mess and everyone was eating up the drama of it all.
“You’re so vain.”
“No, you’re so vain!” Y/N finished off getting sick of all of this back and forth, and threw her mic down to exit stage left.
“There she goes, ladies and gentlemen. Running away, good job, Y/N.” Harry yelled on the mic. As she tried to run through the gala, Harry dropped his mic and immediately ran after her. He wasn’t going to let her get away this easily.
Pushing through the bulky doors of the gala, she ran down the steps trying not to trip on her dress.
Harry was right on her tail, and as he watched her approach the bottom of the stairs he called out for her. “Y/N, just wait. We’re not done here.” He said losing his breath because he just had to catch her.
“No, we are done.” She said turning around. Pointing to him in anger, Harry walked right up to her with a scowl on his face.
“You played me, just to get a campaign. You’re a backstabber!”
“Oh, so you’re innocent? Coming into my life and turning it upside down for a fucking article. Was it worth it?” Harry said in complete anger. He was in love with her, he knew this for certain. Now it all meant nothing. It wasn’t going to go anywhere because she doesn’t have the same feelings as him.
The both of them looked away from each other, Harry had to walk away for a moment gathering this anger inside of him. He didn’t want to yell at her or act this way toward her. He couldn’t help the feeling of betrayal. He didn’t like this feeling. That anger that Y/N started to have was melting down to just pure sadness. Harry wasn’t in love with her. He only had one goal in mind and accomplished it.
“So that’s all I was to you?” Harry said turning around to face her again. Instead of anger being laced through his voice, it was low and full of sorrow. “Just some project to you. Something for you and your coworkers to get a good laugh at?”
“I guess I was just some random girl that you picked out.”
“Your readers are going to love this. What a beautiful twist for you, truly, I hope they love the article.” Harry said with sarcasm dripping in his voice.
“I wonder what the odds are of them liking it, want to bet on it?” She said with a sour tone. Tears began to fill her eyes, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of crying infront of him.
“Bravo, Y/N. Your job was to lose a guy in ten days, and guess what? You just lost him. Congratulations.” Harry attempted to walk away from her for good wanting to have the last word.
“How can I lose a man that I never had, Harry?” With that said she turned around no longer wanting to be here. Harry watched with a heavy heart as the woman that he loved walked away from him for the last time.
The last few days for Y/N have been hard. She had ended up writing, and turning in the article wanting to finish her assignment. When she turned in her article, she also notified her boss that she would be resigning. This place no longer served what she needed, and she could see that even though she had completed her boss’ task, her boss wasn’t willing to give her what she had promised. Walking out of the office building for the last time was bittersweet, but it was the next step in her life. Heading to her apartment, she was beginning to pack for her move across the country.
Harry had thrown himself into work. Yes, he loved that he had gotten the campaign, but at what cost? It was as if the world was mocking him each time he had to go into his job. Right now, he was giving his opinion on one of the fabrics as his friend approached him.
“Harry, I think that you would like to see this.”
He turned around only to be faced with a magazine. A magazine with his girl right on the front. Well, it wasn’t his girl. She never truly was. Taking it from his hands. He started lipping through the pages, he found her article and began to read it. Once he got to the bottom, what he read shocked him. It was almost as if he could hear her voice.
When I began to write this article, it was to call out all the silly dating faux pas. In the end, I ended up losing someone special to me.
Those same emotions hit Harry. It wasn’t one of anger but what he had initially felt for her. Love. He needed to get to her. Harry refused to go on another day without her because of the mistakes that they both made.
“I need you to look over this, I need to go get my girl.”
Rushing out of his office building, Harry grabbed the helmet to his motorcycle he pulled out of storage to ride trying to get Y/N off his mind. He was thankful that he had it because New York traffic was a bitch. Speeding down the streets of Manhattan. He first arrived at her job hoping that she would be there.
He needed her to be there.
“Sorry, she is not here. Y/N quit two days ago, she is heading to the airport right now to go to an interview across the country.” Her coworkers told him as he cursed himself.
Looking more at her coworker's face he noticed her, “I knew that you weren’t a real therapist.” He said walking away from her and grabbing their love roses that Y/N happened to leave behind.
“She made me do it.” Her friend said smiling at him.
“You owe me money,” Harry called out exiting the building.
He hopped right back on his bike and began his journey to her apartment. Just as he approached her could see her hair as she climbed into the back of a cab. Due to the noises in the city, there was no way for her to hear him calling out her name.
“Shit, I’m not giving up on you,” he said to himself. Revving his bike, he dodged in and out of traffic tracking her cab. Even almost getting her cab mixed up with a sea of yellow cabs. He gained speed as they approached a bridge. Harry could see the silhouette of her head in the back of the cab. Pulling up to the side of her cab, he hit the window, startling her.
“Harry? What are you doing?” She said in disbelief as she lowered her window.
“Pull over, Y/N we need to talk.” He screamed in the wind. He pointed to an area where technically it would be illegal to stop but would make them not stop traffic. Not wanting Harry to die, Y/N kindly asked her driver to pull over. Even though it was an inconvenience, he pulled over. Y/N hopped out of the car as Harry took off his helmet.
“If you’re trying to get yourself killed then you’re on the right track,” Y/N told him crossing her arms.
“Is this true?” He asked in distress holding up the magazine. He needed to hear these words from her. He needed to know that this wasn’t for her to sell some articles and that what she wrote were her true emotions.
“Harry, please. I have an interview-”
“Is this true, Y/N? Please, just answer the question and I’ll walk away forever if you want me to.”
Y/N swallowed her pride and for once put down the shield that she would have normally had up. “Everything that I wrote is real. I would never be that vulnerable if it wasn’t how I felt, Harry.” She said feeling herself get choked up.
“Then why are you leaving me?”
“I need to find a job, Harry. I want to be a journalist, writing real stories with meaning. I can’t do that here.” She said wiping the stray tear that decided to escape.
“I know you have an interview. A journalist like you doesn’t need to travel across the country to find something. You fit in right here. You deserve to be right here. There isn’t a job in New York you could find to love every single part of you.” Harry spoke to her wanting her to see, and understand the talent that she had inside of her.
“Where are you going?” He asked the same question only different this time. Y/N bit her lip because she was at a loss for words. Here was this beautiful soul she had known, and got to love practically begging her to stay.
“I told you it’s the only place I can go if I want to be a real journalist.”
“Well, I think that you’re running away.”
“You can keep these thoughts for the next girl you want to bet on, I’m not running away?” She said going to turn and climb right back in the car.
“Are you going to fold?”
Y/N stops in her tracks.
“If you tell me right now that this, this between us, is a risk for you; And you don’t want to take that risk. I want you to tell me. I need you to look me in my eyes and tell me. Tell me you fold. Because for me, you’re worth every risk. Time and time again I would choose you.” Y/N turned around to face him taking in every emotion across his face.
He wanted this. He wanted them together.
Harry stepped closer to her getting into her space, they were so close yet miles apart. He wanted to taste her lips again. He wanted to breathe in that scent that he fell in love with.
“Lady, what are you going to do? I have places to be.” Her cab driver asked. Harry could look into her eyes and tell that she wanted to say yes. They were worth the risk. His stubborn girl wanted him just as much as he needed her.
Pulling out his wallet, Harry pulled out a large bill and handed it to the driver while keeping his eyes on her. “Take her stuff back to the apartment. She will be riding with me.”
“How do you know what I’ll say?” She asked with a smile dancing on her lips.
“I’m calling your bluff, baby.” At those words, Harry took her face in between his hands, and connected their lips together. He never knew that he could miss a person this much. Y/N was elated at this feeling inside of her. Love was hard and consuming but it was all worth it. She wouldn’t change one thing that happened to lead them to this moment.
Breaking away from the kiss, they held hands as they walked toward his motorcycle. “Look who tagged along.”
“Our love roses. I love you so much, Harrybooboo.” She teased pinching his cheek with one hand as she went to go pick up the roses with the other.
“I love you more, honey. I’m never letting this relationship die again.”
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yopossum · 7 days
SURPRISE (to me, most of all!)
It’s something new!!! 🥰
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Wash Day
A “Not Anyone Who Says” universe fluffy flashback ficlet with young dad Joel and toddler Sarah. Can be read as a standalone. No warnings.
(I intentionally write exclusively Black biracial Sarah. Photo of bb Nico)
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Joel spread the faded bath towel over the counter and gave it a pat. “Alright, babygirl, salon is open. C’mere!” With a whoosh he swept the giggling little girl from her place at his feet and laid her down on her back in the spot he’d just prepared.
“Want a towel roll for under your neck, baby?”
“Yes pwease!” squeaked the wriggling Sarah. Joel grabbed a dish towel from a drawer and rolled it up, tucking it around his daughter’s neck and shoulders.
“How’s that feelin’? Y’ cozy?”
“Yes Daddy! Fank you!” She grinned up at Joel with a wide, gummy smile. “My hair’s all yucky, Daddy?”
Joel smiled softly and shook his head reassuringly. “Not yucky, darlin’, never. Y’ got beautiful hair, don’t ever let somebody tell you different. You just did a lot of good playin’ and runnin’ round all week so I’m gonna get it nice and clean, get those tangles out.” He ran a thumb over her chubby cheek and she wrinkled her nose at him.
“I don’t wike the bwush, Daddy.” Her big brown eyes, a mirror of his own, went wide and wet with concern. He pressed a comforting kiss to her forehead.
“I know y’ don’t, princess, but it’s important to keep that lovely crown ‘a yours healthy. I promise I’ll be gentle as I can, jus’ like every week. How’s that sound?” Joel turned on the faucet to let the water warm, one hand rubbing his daughter’s shoulder.
Sarah breathed out an exceptionally heavy sigh for such a small girl. “Ooohkay, Daddy. And Uncle Tommy’s tenduh….tenduhhead…?”
Joel chuckled. “That’s right, babygirl. Uncle Tommy’s tender-headed, too. And you’re way tougher than him, aren’tcha?” She nodded seriously in agreement. He checked the water temperature, perfectly warm. “Ready, Sarah?” She nodded again and tilted her head back as Joel gathered her hair in his broad palms in the sink, watching with a contented grin when the tension in her little body melted away as the warm water saturated her curls.
He squeezed a generous amount of shampoo into the well of his palm and lathered it meticulously through the length of her hair, massaging at her scalp and teasing his fingers through the childhood trademark snarls. Dirt, sand, sunscreen, sweat, sticky popsicle remnants, and an errant oak leaf swirled down the drain in a sudsy stream. He rinsed until the water ran clear, then spun the handle to turn it off.
“Conditionin’ time, curly girly. Y’ ready?”
“Yes Daddy,” she said in as stern a voice as she could manage. “Pwomise you gonna be gentle?” she added cautiously.
“I promise, babygirl.”
Joel twisted off the lid of the jar and scooped out a pile of the thick custard before working it into Sarah’s dripping hair. He separated her locks out into sections and began to run the brush carefully through each, starting at the ends and working his way up. After half an hour or so, which was punctuated with the occasional whine of protest and several tickle breaks, his fingers slid easily through the sandy slippery coils. Joel turned the warm water back on and rinsed.
When he’d finished, he pressed his lips to the stretch of Sarah’s soft round tummy peeking out from under her purple butterfly pajama top and blew an enormous raspberry, eliciting a loud squeal.
“All done! Up we go, sweetheart,” Joel said with a clap of his hands. He helped his little girl to sit upright on the counter, shielding her head from the sharp corner of the upper cabinet. He grabbed the rolled up towel and wrapped it around Sarah’s hair, squeezing out the excess water gently to avoid fuzzing it.
“Now, what style are we thinkin’ for this week, hm?” He rested his hands on his hips and kicked out a lazy leg.
Sarah pursed her pouty pink lips in thought for a second before exclaiming, “BWAIDS!”
Joel let out a loud laugh. “Braids it is, then! How many, and which hair thingies y’ want?”
“I want fwee bwaids, cuz I’m fwee years old! Anddddd… wed fwowers! Wike Susie!” she cheered.
“That’s right, ain’t it. You are three! Lil’ Miss Susie Carmichael comin’ right up. Let me get the red flower ties from y’ bedroom, alright?” He turned and started down the hall.
“Kay! Fank you Daddy. Susie’s my favowite.” Joel looked back to see his baby beaming up at him, dimples deep and darling on her peachy golden cheeks.
“Don’t I know it, y’ little rugrat. And you know who my favorite is?”
Sarah wiggled in anticipation. She barely chirped out a “who?” before her father bent down and lifted her with his strong hands, tossing her up to the ceiling as she shrieked with glee.
“It’s you, babygirl,” Joel hummed happily, smooching her face and running his palm over her dampened back. “Sarah’s my favorite.”
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