axemassacre · 2 years
A Bitterer Taste
(Unrequited Sydney/Clover) The safehouse is empty. Sydney and Clover share a few drinks.
The taste of cheap alcohol lingered thick and warm on her tongue. The warmth should have been pooling in her throat by now, but Sydney found it hard to swallow when she caught Clover’s eye, a sly grin running shivers up her spine. Suddenly she felt lucky that her hair stood on end by default. “Nice to have the place to ourselves, eh?” “Yeah. Shit, yeah. Feels weird seeing it so empty.” “Mm. Don’t know about you but I’ve never appreciated having lived alone so much.” Sydney nodded, chucking back another swig from her bottle. There was something different about the atmosphere in the safehouse that night. Most of the gang were out heisting; nighttime hits, quick in-and-out jobs under the cover of darkness. Those that weren’t were enjoying their own respite - as far as Sydney could tell, they’d all already migrated back to their respective personal areas, allowing her and Clover to commandeer Jimmy’s bar (minus the cocaine - that could wait for another day). Clover lifted her glass, whiskey slipping past her lips with practised ease. Sydney watched each movement, painfully aware of the light-pink smudge her lips had left on the rim. She never usually wore makeup, she thought, or certainly was either so conservative or so skilled with it that it never seemed apparent. Why had she chosen tonight? Don’t get your hopes up, Kelli. You know that never ends well. “Well, much as I like the alone time, I’d rather not be alone while drinking” “Yeah? Sure it’s not that you’re hooked on my winning personality? Don’t blame you, I’m a real spunk.” Clover chuckled at that, locking eyes with her impromptu drinking buddy once more. Sydney’s short-lived confidence drained in seconds, trying to convince herself the heat rising to her cheeks was the alcohol slowly catching up to her. “You’re good craic. Don’t see much of anyone but the lads upstairs otherwise, holed up with the cameras.” “Yeah. S’pose so.” She paused, breaking eye contact for a moment, and opened another bottle. Clover grinned incredulously at her. “You’re having a good night.” “Mmh. Need it.” Another pause. “So, uh… Do you ever watch people on ‘em? The cameras, I mean. Like, in a non-security way. I don’t judge.” Clover scoffed, thankful for having swallowed her last intake of whiskey before the question was breached. She’d had it up her nose before - not fun. “Will I get fired if I admit to this?” “I don’t snitch. Pinky promise.” “Hm… Sometimes. Not often - hate to say it but you’re all a bit boring when you’re off doing your own things - but sometimes.” “Yeah? D’you ever watch me?” It took Sydney a moment to realise what she’d just asked. Shit. Shit, that was obvious. Come on, get your shit together, Kelli. She’s your fucking coworker, nothing more.“Why d’you ask? Hope I’ve gone sweet on you?” Shit. Fuck. Was that a joke? Does she know? Goddamnit. Bloody fucking hell. Sydney forced a chuckle, breaking eye contact to suck down more of her drink than was wise, staring straight ahead. What you don’t see can’t hurt you. “Hey, look - if you don’t like the whole joke flirtation thing, that’s fine. Just say the word and I’ll stop, alright?” “No, no, it’s-” She swallowed her words along with the alcohol. “It’s fine, I’m good. No worries.” “Yeah?” “Yeah.”
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