kizuryuu-04 · 1 year
帰りの車で、今時ではないメロディを口遊む姐さん。それをたまたま聞いていたシドニー。もっかい、とリクエスト。なんだ起きてたのかと渋い顔をするけど、結局押し切られてもう一度口遊む姐さん。 「なんの歌?」「子守唄」みたいなやり取り。 「昔、盗みに入った家で、まだ家人が起きていてさ」 「仕方ないから別の家にしようと思った時、そこの母親が自分の子どもに歌っていたのが聞こえてきて」 「簡単な曲調だから、それだけで覚えちまった」 そうやって自嘲気味に笑う姐さんに少し思う所があるも、「もう一度」と強請るシドニー。 「ママの子守唄が懐かしいのかい?」とからかわれるけどリクエストを取り下げるつもりもなく、なんやかんやのやり取りの後に、姐さんがもう一度口遊む。
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saateco · 10 months
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pd3 gang
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the-vengeful · 27 days
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Slightly updated Dahlia and Clover, along with their possessive fellows (literal and metaphorical, sorta). Clover finally encountered Ivory Wraith somewhat, which was
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Bro just wanted to hang out with Sydney and got mildly disturbed instead.
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biframes · 1 year
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April Fools!
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reinapantera · 5 months
It's PayDay for me "Howdy!! Mate"
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Cause we look Good 👍 😏
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koyukoyukoyukoyu · 1 year
some payday doodles from over the months
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joy. joy joy joy. so pathetic and mid but she has entirely captured my whole heart. also we’re both 1st gen Asian Americans WOO
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sydney and sokol looking at some pictures of kid joy (locke had some kid pictures of joy and uses some of them as blackmail lmao)
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and a syd and joy :)
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houston in drag (or at least an attempt at drag)! took an idea from someone on discord and ran with it
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(sydney did his makeup. used Barbie pink eyeshadow just like his mask)
(and of course hox is there, making fun of him like always lmao)
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clover in a dress! (i saw this style of dress on ig and just. It fits her so much)
anyways might make more payday doodles dunno Toodles
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thelocalbozo · 1 year
Small headcanons - Payday gang
Silly little headcanons for some of the payday gang
He will stay overnight at the safehouse sometimes if someone else does [Wolf, Houston, ect]
Learned ASL when he was younger, uses it to communicate with Jacket sometimes
Very much physically affectionate [hugging, hand on shoulder, arm interlock, ect]
Brings everyone coffee a few days a week, has everyone's orders memorized
He is the father of the gang
He is the designated nurse
Also the father
Helps Wolf with panic attacks
Generally the one who breaks up Sokol and Jackets fights
Helps Houston in the garage sometimes
Wears tank tops a lot because it's hot in the basement
Has a tendency to go non-verbal
Ends up staying late because he loses track of time when he's fixing things
FREAK SQUAD [Him, Sydney, Jimmy, Jacket]
Also stays late because of Wolf
Let's certain people play with his hair
Buys lots of expensive gifts for everyone a lot
Helps Aldstone clean up a lot
Drinks a surprising amount of caffeine
Wears make up to cover his scars when he wants to go out, plus lets his hair down
Secretly likes the nickname 'Loverboy'
Likes helping Wolf in the Workshop
Has probably fought Rust over tools
Helps Sydney create designs for masks when he's not working on the van
Also physically affectionate
Takes masks for fun
Tried to learn ASL, failed miserably
The only place she didn't put a camera is Jacket's hangout
Watches certain cameras more than others, cause of the freak squad shenanigans
Knows ASL
Has hidden his masks so Houston couldn't take them
Also agrees it's hot in the basement, reminds him of miami
Has hidden multiple of Sokol's pucks, because Sokol has hidden his tapes
Hides Jackets tapes
Hangs out in Dallas' office a lot.
Fluffy hair when it's not slicked back
Cracks knuckles as a nervous tick
Does not like doing stealth heists [this might be canon actually]
Listens to hyperpop
Referee's Sokol & Jackets fights sometimes [Chains does not appreciate this]
Wears contacts
Tries to convince Bain and Dallas to let the freak squad go on heists together
Genuinely knows how to cook food
Has a nintendo switch, plays animal crossing
Not only is he addicted to coke but also caffeine
How this man hasn't overdosed yet I don't know
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slavagotchiz · 1 year
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manekinoodle · 1 year
There are many reasons why Dallas has to be the one talking to contacts, despite the danger it can bring to his person.
Rather than listing them here, let's look at the reasons almost nobody else is allowed to do it. (1/?)
Chains: Made a contact piss themselves in fear because he couldn't turn down his intimidating glare. Is now relegated to looking intimidating behind Dallas.
Hoxton: Lost his temper and slapped a contact for taking their tea with milk but no sugar. Is now relegated to being Dallas's backup or a sniper.
Wolf: Got distracted by a dance floor and got dragged off by Hoxton. Now requires supervision outside.
Houston: So invisible a contact couldn't see him. Now causes "coincidences" and "accidents" if needed ;)
Clover: Surprisingly okay, actually. Except when someone thinks she's English or Scottish. She steals things while Dallas is doing the talking now.
Bonnie: Keeps trying to gamble when negotiating or drinks on the job. Is now just allowed to do what she wants while Dallas gets business done.
Jacket: No. Is there to look intimidating if he has to be there now.
Jimmy: Are you really asking? A great decoy, but he's usually kept on a tight leash.
Sydney: Apparently her accent is incomprehensible to some people (us Aussies speak fast and slur our words). She also has the same temper problems as Hoxton. She's there doing her own thing to serve as backup if the deal goes south.
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shiftwux · 1 year
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i dont care if they make it into the 3rd game (i really really do)
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pigeonrocks · 1 year
WOAH!!!!!! me actually having a mini art dump to post? craaazy
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saateco · 10 months
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i love them
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the-vengeful · 2 months
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Heyo! Due to the nature of this game, I made a sideblog to do OC/love interest posting. The name’s Sy, he/him. And here’s my PCs, Clover and Dahlia. I thought it’d be funny to have both coexist at the same time, and a bit of story came naturally.
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Cya around!
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And an NPC important to the two of them. Let’s just say… she’s perhaps an opposite of Ivory Wraith.
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biframes · 1 year
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Girls’ night
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what-yadoking-likes · 2 years
In a crew as large as the Payday gang, it’s natural that there is a diverse mix of personalities; every crewmate has a very different attitude towards the festive period.
In no particular order, there are:
Heisters who have spreadsheets detailing expenditure on gifts, who they’re for & whether the gifts have been wrapped:
Clover, Houston, Wick
Heisters who don’t do the above but are still extremely organised in their heads:
Duke, Hoxton, Joy
Heisters who have the prettiest wrapping paper, tags etc. & wraps presents beautifully:
Duke, Jiro, Chains (doesn’t always have the nicest paper but can wrap presents extremely efficiently and neatly)
Heisters who debate paying one of the others to go Christmas shopping on their behalf:
Dallas (because too busy), Bonnie (because she cba), Wolf (because of decision-making anxiety)
Heisters who leave their Christmas shopping to the last minute (i.e. Christmas Eve):
Jimmy, Jacket
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neptune-knows · 10 months
part of my clover pcs relationship chart thing is that he and Robin have a weird codependent relationship with unclear boundaries but they aren't like, technically dating
and ive been thinking about how sydney would feel about that as he and clover started dating and he feels more and more possessive over his boyfriend (as well as part of my pcs story being kidnapped to the underground brothel and how sydney and Robin would cope with him going missing, and sydney having to suck up how he feels to work with Robin about it)
ahh I think I want to write more of yandere sydney x clover
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