hsyvers · 1 year
dis how ur anons hang out btw <3
so real and true my anons r the coolest (and r secretly all spider ppl apparently)
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
JL confronts Marinette
From bio!dad Strange au, where they made her kryptonian to keep her alive. This is post-Hawkmoth (debating using a random and revamping Gabriel altogether tbh)
“Don’t.” Marinette was tired of heroes, tired of being one. She had to handle hawkmoth’s fallout, keeping so many secret identities (hers, JL, miraculus team, her gotham family’s) and she just wanted to sleep.
Flash found her first, but Superman grabbed her and put her in the air for a ‘talk’.
“Don’t what?” She knew superman wasnt a detective. She knew he was a reporter though and she could see baiting and needling just under the surface. He’s an interrigator then, she decided.
“Don’t come in and try to fix what the miraculous team already handled. Paris was abbadonned by your league.”
She figured this was about Ladybug. Paris is always going off the the miraculous holders and ladybugs were always deemed the defacto leaders. She liked that Daesuqa (Talia) took over leading long term missions for the most part, handled meetings and politics so her and Chat and the others could be more like the teens they are in theory.
And everyone knew Marinette was Chat Noir’s favorite after she got how many akumatized people to release their akuma on their own? And that she supplied mirauclous users with kwami food (though it was common for many other civilians). It was common knowledge to all, but Hawkmoth apparently, that if Chat or his miraculous team or the entire team was needed, you went to Marinette.
Superman furrowed his brow at that though. “I didn’t know there was an active team here.”
So it wasn’t about the miraculous or years of magic terrorism her city endured?
“Been here for years. Hawkmoth’s sentencing is in a few hours.”
She hoped it was the kwami’s choice. Tikki murmured that people were surprised by what they could live through, and she is thw kwami of life. Tikki would make him wish he was dead routinely. He deserved it for regualrly slaughtering the city.
“No, that’s...” superman shook his head. “I came here to talk to you about...” he gestures to her then. She didn’t get it until she realized she was floating on her own.
When did he let her go?
“I know you’re Princess.”
Marinette’s blood stopped then. No. He can’t. They can’t.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know Chloe changed my handle to Princess of Paris a few years ago but indont think heroes can stalk teens for that.”
Good, play into that. Distract until someone you trust can come. She hit an alert on her phone while he wasnt looking.
Pegasus should be here soon.
“I know you know it only as the Chimera project.”
Wrong. It was the surgery that kept her alive.
“And i know you’ve been poisoning yourself to stay hidden.”
Antidotes came from venom. It was fone to ise the stickers, they kept her human. The crystals were for emergencies only.
“What I don’t get is why.”
Why would she want him to kidnap, or abduct her? Take her from her family? Her life?
Don’t show that you’re who he thinks, anvocie whispered. Keep being the Paris Marinette from social media. The savage who snarled Weredad into submission.
“I really think you have the wrong girl. Its listed under my file as a volunteer flyer that i’m a flying meta, like most of the flyers.” Good, keep it up.
“And superman, if I had to guess why some girl that i look like would supress their powers, its becuase this is France and until the Miraculous team came clean about some being meta, you were imprisoned on suspicions of being meta, even infants were, are in the rest of France. Paris is the only place you arent imprisoned for it.”
Superman paled at that. “I. I wasn’t aware.”
“why would you be?”
Superman did respond to that.
“And if this Princess of yours is still hiding, she might be protecting her loved ones. Or maybe she thinks you’d steal her away from her life and home? Everyone knows about the fortress of solitude and i dont think anyone besides you would like living there, especially so far from people.”
Marinette watched him process. As long as Red Robin didnt see her, didnt confirm her identity, she was in the clear.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’m needed to finish filling out a report on the final battle.”
That had superman’s attention.
“Final battle.”
“Yes, we just took down Hawkmoth a week ago.”
“He already has his trial, in a week.” Disbelief. Not worng either.
“It took the citizens of paris a week to finish voting. Finally tallies come in tonight if we try him as humans or if the kwami—gods of various concepts—are the ones to try him for his crimes. Afterall, he enslaved one kwami and abused another.”
Superman was not doing well, far too pale. Shock? No, they sent so many videos before the JL banned them.
Guilt. Regret, too. Probably.
“Now can you put me down somewhere? I’m not out as a meta and indont plan on being out anytime soon. Any supporting the miraculous teams do have their enemies too, and i dont want to be targetted.”
Superman nodded. Numb? Possible.
She let hersef be taken down.
Pegasus was there, Flash on his way. Another person who could make her.
She had to move fast.
“I hope I cleared things up?”
Superman nodded.
Max was ready to fight, glaring at the blue boyscout.
“Ready to go Miss DC?”
Marinette nodded, letting him guide her to the portal.
Flash didnt make it in, but he didnt see her face either. She’s take the narrow victory.
They exited in the Paris Grande Hotel. The Mayor had Batman and Red Robin with him. Crap.
“Is this...”
“Our civilian contact, Miss DC,” Pegasus stated almost too professionally. Great, now Red would know they know each other as friends. batman too.
“Batman, Red Robin, correct?”
“Yes. We, we just found your heroes videos and came to help. I see we’re too late too.”
Marientte nodded, avioding eye contact with Red. She wasnt sure if he learned to act infront of Batman yet, and wasnt risking it.
“I heard you came up with many of the emergency procedures and built the comms system with Pegasus.”
“As a flyer, yes. As Miss DC I just make sure the team stays fed and Chat doesnt forget to sleep.”
Batman shot Red Robin a look as he said, “I know the feeling.”
Marinette didnt fight the smile then. Yes, that was her Hero Stalker Tim alright.
“Would you two be interested in helping the league develop a better system to sort incoming messages?”
Pegasus moved first. “If we do, Miss DC is to be left alone. Her mother is very atrict about her not getting involved in science, and refuses to believe that her daughter has been actively helping the miraculous team.”
Batman turned his attention to Marinette then. “Is that so?”
Marinette nodded. “My birth father and her left on... terms i never got the jist of. He and his friends teach me in secret. Mama,” not maman, she forced herself to say, “she said something about it being destructive and dangerous, so she wants me to stick to the arts instead.”
Batman nodded. “Experiments can be, but that doesnt undercut the good you’ve done. I’ll tell the league you will work off-site should you accept.”
Marinette nodded along. “I can help where Pegasus gets stuck, and be contacted through him but otherwise would prefer not to be contacted by the League. I’m a civilian, and no offense, but there ahve been leaks before.”
“Understandable. The league thanks you for your help, and apoligizes for what you went through.”
Marinette could feel the hole Red Robin was burning into her. He earings. And the fox miraculous. Shit. He knew.
Marinette wanted to punch the league in their face collectively.
“All May i go now, i have a meeting to get to.”
“Of course.”
Pegasus opened the portal and escorted her out.
They both waited five minites, Max feeding Kaalki, for the call.
“So why didnt you tell me?” Tim was pissed.
“Media blackout. Any time i tried to call it was blocked.”
Tim swore. “Alfred!”
“You are so lucky Pegasus doesnt know anything about gotham.”
“He’s there?”
“I work with him alot.”
“So when you visited Gotham...”
“French government would know. Not hard to connect the dots of girl leaves to see gotham fmaily and suddenly the league shows up after banning all of Paris from contact.”
“I. When did it happen?”
“Before Chrismas. I would have had Nonna tell you but she didnt know either until after the fact and they said if she told anyone itd be me going to jail for her.”
“That’s. What hellscape do you live in?”
“I died so many times i don’t even know now.” She stopped keeping track after she got into the eighties. That wasn’t even a full year into being Ladybug.
“That’s not comforting.”
“Please tell me that you’re not outing me to Bats. I just got two leaguers off my tail.”
“I won’t tell him, but if the new Robin does i’m not stopping him.”
She almost forgot Talia’s son was a Robin. She didnt see him in uniform yet—as Damian (not wayne but damian who was mourning lost family, damian who didnt know how to talk to people his age). She knows he’s a bit thick with social cues, and his detective skills need work in her opinion but he’s skeptical and has good insticts. He might make her as Marinette if he’s there.
“Is he...”
“He’s with the Titans now, but theyre debating coming here to yell at the league.”
“Videoing it?”
“Obviously. Want a copy?”
“Ill make popcorn before watching.”
“Rkc are doing well by the way—stopped a human trafficking ring and i think they took the victims.”
“Harley’s working with them,” marientte got he update earlier. “Hood and zsasz took out the lower and mid tier that woudlnt snitch. The case should be smooth sailing—the sirens put out a blanket hit on anyone trying to touch the witnesses.”
“So managing two teams this whole time,” red murmured, almost... bitter, or disapointed in something—no someone. Himself?
“Just tweaking things. Daesuqa handles most the team since she found me and Chat. Apparently she was compatible enough to do a lot of the non-fighting work. I still did battle strategy and all but,” Marinette shrugged.
“She focused in survival aspects here, and long term stability for Gotham. Daesuqa has handled most of non-kwami work here outside of kwami and candidates,” Max added. “On top of her work as a student and designer and inventor.”
Red Robin groaned. “When do you sleep?”
Marinette hummed. “I have meds to make me. And angry family to make me take them.”
“Her... what are we calling him now?” Mac was asking about Felix, adiren’s gremlin cousin who’s mom isntryign to adopt her. Also a fellow reverse theif and possessive friend.
“Uh, gremlin.”
“Her gremlin calls to let is know if she does get rest on the weekends and we trade off on weekdays.”
Red robin hummed into the phone. “So staying to the shadows?”
Trixx and Tikki looked up at Marinette at that. tikki wanted her to be the Ladybug, the be seen and everywhere and she...
Trixx knew why Marinette liked the shadows and background. Trix understood that bit.
“Yeah, i’ll still play in between and have some kwami things for life now.” She and Chat were working out gaurdian duties still.
She wasnt interested in the JL.
@emeraldpuffguide @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @mystery-5-5 @weird-pale-blonde-person @dast218
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