tyetknot · 1 year
I am shocked and delighted that the distasteful display of regressive ideology that we were subjected to at Hamilton PPD on Sunday actually made it to the Wild Hunt. I have been to every HPPD since its founding and have been one of the organizers for the last two years, and this was the first time we've had someone set up with a megaphone. Usually people just walk through and yell.
Fortunately the guy could not project to save his life, and could barely be understood from where I was working my booth, but he did disturb many festival patrons. This kind of activity is merely the death-throes of a regressive ideology that is struggling for relevance in a society that is moving on from such hateful views, but it can still be very upsetting to deal with and we are already planning what to do next year should this person or any others try to interfere with our Pagan Pride Day in this fashion.
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tyetknot · 1 year
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Scenes from a pagan festival.
I am indescribably tired, my feet hurt, my neck is sore, but I sold LOTS of things to lots of people, had my most profitable event EVER, and some local assholes didn't even bother showing.
Being the ritual/workshop co-ordinator is a lot of work on top of being a vendor, but it contributes to the event and I'm very proud that I got some really great workshop leaders for Hamilton Pagan Pride Day 2023. Lots of great feedback and lots of happy people and I'm glad everything went so well.
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