#Had a check-up today with the doctor; went to two stores to find the Lego Monkey Kid Monkey King Mech
siixkiing · 2 years
Whelp, looks like I’ll have to order the Monkey Mech kit online somewhere...cause the stores I went to didn’t have them in stock BP
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krissewrites · 7 years
Single Father!Taehyung - BTS Imagine
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requested. this is the best concept i’ve ever heard. let’s go.
first of all
has two kids
twins, in fact (a girl, taegeuk and a boy, taekwon.  5 1/2 years old)
he loves them so much
they’re all he ever talks about
he was not married before
the mother of his kids gave him full custody
she isn’t in their lives
so he has actively taken the role of mother and father
“no, don’t eat that!”
“okay... but just a little?”
“that’s not a little taegeuk no--”
dresses them in matching outfits
an example being taegeuk in a sailor dress and taekwon in a sailor suit
actively forces bangtan to love his kids as much as he does
“jin look at my baby girl she is sweet and adorable and all i care about”
“taehyung i just want to eat”
“yoongi look at my baby girl she is sweet and adorable and all i care--”
his kids are just as rowdy and goofy as him
but his son is a little more introverted
tries his hardest to get his son out of his shell but never really gets anywhere with it
just let him play with his legos taehyung god
taehyung is convinced his daughter loves jimin more than him
“say daddy!”
*googles how to change his name legally*
they were born in july
so every july taehyung refuses to focus on anything other than his kids
his favorite game to play with them is hide and seek
but his own little version
he’ll wear a tie around his eyes to hide his vision and tell his kids to run off and hide
and ends up searching through the house listening closely for their little giggles
which only makes him giggle
okay but is that not the cutest picture you’ve ever imagined
he always finds his daughter first
and she’ll rat out taekwon
“where is he?”
“i’ll never tell!”
“how will i ever... make you... tell me...”
insert taehyung tickling his daughter to death
when he finally finds taekwon he smothers him with kisses
and his daughter is clinging to his back
“i’ll save you taekwon!”
my heart
you can’t pay him enough to leave his kids
but unfortunately, the time comes when bangtan has another comeback
and he is forced to part with his life source for a few hours each day
and when those days comes he searches the ends of the earth for the best babysitter
nothing less than the best is acceptable for his babies
so he goes through extensive background checks and weeds it down to maybe, if hes lucky, three people
where from there yoongi and namjoon will have to choose for him
“they’re all qualified for the job taehyung”
“nope. no they’re not. i can’t do this they’re coming with me”
and it was that time of year for taehyung once more
and you were one of the three who were considered to care for his pride and joys
and yoongi ended up choosing you
“why’d you choose her?”
“... seemed nice.”
“that’s not good enough oh my g--”
you were given a schedule that day
you were to be at the house at 3 am so he could leave for the mv filming
and you were exhausted
you didn’t bother to do anything to your hair or wear makeup
so you just showed up at his doorstep in a giant hoodie and leggings
and when he opened the door he was a little anxious
he was busy putting on his shoes as he kept telling you everything about his kids
while you roamed around the living room, looking at all the toys he’d spoiled them with
“taekwon likes seafood but he’s allergic to it so don’t--”
“they need to rest at some point during the day so make sure--”
“they love the park down the street so please--”
you’d finally assured him you’d do everything you could to take care of them and pushed him out of the house
where he reluctantly got into a car and made his way to the film site
and it was finally quiet
day after day you’d come to his house at odd times, one day never being the same as the other
you’d have dance parties with them
and play “superhero” with them
in which you were the villain
thus leading to two toddlers tackling you to the floor and refusing to let you up in “the name of victory”
some days taehyung would even come home to his kids cuddled up to you on the couch
with a book on your chest
and all three of your snoring
and it warmed his heart so much to see his kids comfortable around someone
one day in particular
it was around noon when taehyung was getting ready to head to the studio with yoongi
he opened the door and greeted you
by now it has come to where you just walk right in
and that day you walked in to the toddlers playing doctor in the floor together
in which taegeuk was the doctor and taekwon, reluctantly and against his will, the patient
taehyung was trying to stick a pin to his tee shirt that his son got for him for fathers day
when the two toddlers came running to you
“mommy’s here!”
and taehyung pierces the needle into his chest
immediate falling onto the couch and yelling
“oh my god taehyung”
“bring me some napkins!”
“i’m fine, i promise i’m just--”
taehyung literally never looked at you the same way after that
before you were just a good baby sitter who he (quite frankly) couldn’t wait to get rid of
because that meant he could be with his kids again
but now he wanted you around as much as possible
“hey, y/n, could you be here by three?”
“aren’t you off today?”
“taegeuk has been crying over you all day”
she hadn’t been crying over you all day
she mentioned you once and then went back to playing with a totoro doll
so you gather up a small backpack, throw on a hoodie and trek to tae’s
after about an hour of playing hide and seek with taehyung, taeguk, and taekwon you end up putting taekwon to sleep while tae put taegeuk to sleep
and taegeuk was quite the hugger so she was attached to taehyung by the hip
so imagine taehyung on a small twin sized bed, surrounded in stuffed animals and sharing a cover that only took up the length of his calfs
playing with his daughters small hands 
thankfully taekwon wasn’t a hugger 
so that meant you were free to go
“i’m working next week, right? i’ll see you th--”
taehyung had jerked upright, his daughter clinging to his neck
so now hes sitting up right holding his daughter against his chest
i wish i was dead
“did you make them call you that?”
“call me what?”
you promptly tell him you had nothing to do with it
and you really just assumed that you looked like her
which opened a whole other topic
so you made yourself comfortable by sitting on the small bed in front of tae
“where is she, anyway?”
“their mom.”
“we don’t talk about her.”
taehyung then began to tell you about the whole ordeal
how they were high school sweethearts
and had children out of wedlock
and they didn’t have any intentions of marrying each other either
she eventually gave birth to them
and although the original plan was for them to share custody
a month into their life she just packed up and left without an address
taehyung hated when their little faces grew solemn as they saw kids with two parents in the parks, grocery stores, etc.
and they’d always ask why taehyung was the only on they had
and where their other parent had gone
it broke his heart
so when he saw them growing attached to you 
he couldn’t help but grow attached as well
“they’re sweet kids, tae.”
“they mean the world to me.”
and at some point in the night
during the lengthy conversation you had started with taehyung
you fell asleep against his shoulder
so now not only did he have his daughter wrapped around his neck
but now he had a grown woman leaning on his shoulder
but it didnt bother him too much because he fell asleep too
you ended up waking up to the screaming of two toddlers
taegeuk, crawling onto her fathers bed in clothes she dressed herself in
aka a mix-matched mess with taekwon’s shirt on (backward) and shoes on the wrong feet
and taekwon poking your cheeks
“daddy! mommy! wake up!”
“taegeuk let mommy sleep”
taehyung slowly ends up waking up, trapped in the weight of three people simultaneously
“taegeuk, why are you up so early?”
“did you and mommy sleep good?”
although taehyung wasn’t keen on the fact his twins decided to call you mom
he wasn’t against them being happy
“yes, we did.”
comeback season had come and gone and taehyung was back at home daily
but he always made sure you were there before the kids woke up
because he loved seeing them wake up smiling to you every morning
it actually became a full-time job for you
taehyung never actively tried to pursue a relationship with you
but he did have cute pet names for you
“honey, where’s my favorite hat?”
“how about takeout for lunch, love?”
“darling, we should go to the beach.”
and the kids ate it up
you got to see them grow up a lot, too
on their sixth birthday you got to put the candles on their cake
“make a wish!” and they did
taehyung, being the pup he is, badgered them about what they wished for
“did you wish for a car? a dog? a kiss?”
and taekwon piped up
“i wished for mom&dad to kiss”
“i wished for them to get married”
“my wish was better”
“mine was!”
taehyungs face got so red when he looked at you
“did you tell them to say that?”
“no. did you?”
“... lets get married”
“stop joking i hate you taehyung--”
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