#Cause of course I do; I get both monkeys too so BONUS
siixkiing · 2 years
Whelp, looks like I’ll have to order the Monkey Mech kit online somewhere...cause the stores I went to didn’t have them in stock BP
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 11 months
SABEZRA WEEK: Day 2 (Oct 24): Memories
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*Sabine remembers a uniquely bizarre yet entertaining day aboard the Ghost with Ezra. * 
She concluded that he was either doing a fantastic impression of a Kowakian monkey-lizard or had drunk too much caf before bed. Or both. Either way, the pose she found Ezra in in the lounge was enough to overcome her self-control and cause her to burst out laughing. The pile he fell into was an added bonus. 
“Chopper! How many times-?!” His retort was cut short when he realized it was not the troublemaking droid mocking him. “Wait, Sabine?” 
“The one and only.” she giggled. “What are you even doing?” 
Ezra brushed off his pants (and his embarrassment) and got to his feet. “It's a Jedi exercise. Kanan taught it to me. It’s supposed to help me hone my senses, feel the Force better.” 
“By jumping around like a baby nuna?” 
“Wha- it’s not- no...” Ezra stammered for a moment before shooting her a glare. Sabine chuckled again and put her hands up. 
“Easy, Loth-rat. I’m just teasing you.” 
Ezra deflated a bit. “Sorry, it’s just that Chopper gets in the way of this all the time. Believe it or not, I do try to take this stuff seriously.” 
Sabine’s smirk turned into a more genuine smile. As much of a pain as he could be at times, she always admired how determined he was to do well in his Jedi training. Sure, she, Zeb and Chopper occasionally poked fun at him and messed around with Kanan’s lessons at times, but it was always in good fun. The time she had Chopper lock down his feet quickly came to mind. 
Though that also reminded her why she and the others had been laying off on their teasing. With those two new Inquisitors on their tail, to say nothing of the Sith Lord they ran into on Lothal, Ezra was more determined than ever to continue his training and to be ready to fight. Having a burning red lightsaber blade to her throat was enough to make her appreciate how dangerous and cruel they could be. And here Ezra was, even if it wasn’t immediately on his mind, preparing to eventually fight them. There was a burden on him, one she knew she could never really help alleviate. Unless... 
“Think I could do them with you?” 
Ezra was so surprised by the question he nearly fell over again. “Huh?” 
“Your exercise. Maybe I can help you with them?” 
She wasn’t sure what made her jump at the idea. From what little she had seen, they seemed to be pretty standard physical calisthenics. And having an exercise buddy was always helpful. But the fact that they were Jedi exercises...that should have clued her in that this was a dumb thing to suggest. 
She felt the need to explain herself. “I’m no Jedi, but it looked like you were doing some kind of physical exercise routine. Mandalorians use the same things to help prepare ourselves for combat training. Maybe if you tell me some of the details, I can help you with the transitions.” She may have been rambling with the explanation for a bit, so she resigned herself to his cocky dismissal. 
“Okay, sure.” 
Now it was Sabine’s turn to be surprised. “Really?” 
“Hey, you help out with my training already. What’s one more thing?” He was right of course. Even if it was just as a supply of stun blasts for him to deflect, she had been part of his training process for a while now. 
Sabine scratched her head. “I just thought you wouldn’t been a little more,” she thought for a moment, “I don’t know, picky about your special Jedi techniques?” 
Ezra laughed a bit. “It’s no big deal. Kanan told me they’re pretty low-level stuff anyway. Nothing too advanced.” 
“You calling me a youngling?” 
“You said it, not me.” he quipped. 
“Do you want my help or not?” 
“Alright,” he chuckled, “over here.” 
Sabine made her way over to the center of the floor with Ezra, facing each other in a slight crouch. “Alright,” Ezra explained, “Kanan called these ‘Jedi Flow’. The idea is to let yourself be accustomed to the Force around you, moving around the Force rather than just bumping against it. The exercises are supposed to take the concept and apply it to physical actions. Breathing, moving, and alignment, moving from one point to the next. Make sense?” 
Surprisingly, it did. Not only that, but Sabine also seemed to pick up on what Ezra’s problem was earlier. “Try this,” she said. She walked over next to him and motioned him to take another stance. “Try to make your motions work when you breathe out, not in. Air’s expanding your body already, let it do the work for you.” 
Ezra nodded and tried again. This time, the motion was a lot smoother than it had been when she had walked in. “Thanks,” he smiled. 
Sabine returned the grin. “No problem. Shall we?” 
"We kept at it for a few hours afterwards. It’s hard to explain, but think of it as turning 2D to 3D. Moving around like that felt a lot more natural and, well, flowing than what he had been doing before. Of course, Zeb walked in on us and decided we were still looking ridiculous. Talk about embarrassing. But we got even. After the TIE fighter, I want to say the hair dye in his shampoo was one of my finest works. Ezra kept calling him the Rainbow Lasat for weeks after that!” 
Sabine laughed at the memory before looking across the table. She suddenly remembered she had a guest and felt her face heat up a bit. “Sorry,” she apologized, “you probably want me to get back to the Jedi stuff.” 
“No, no it’s fine, really.” The man across the table assured her, giving her a reassuring smile. “Honestly, the tangents are kind of refreshing.” 
Sabine gave him a sarcastic smirk. “Really? Alert the Holonet, Luke Skywalker likes to hear about pranking Lasats!” 
Giving a laugh of his own, the black-clad Jedi Knight took a sip from his mug. “I mean it. It’s good to hear about what Ezra was like himself. These conversations would be pretty boring if you were telling me about some Jedi droid.” 
“I do know about one, if that would help.” 
Once the laughter died down, Luke set his glass down. “All I’m saying is that it’s good that the Jedi are being remembered as the people they were. It’s important to rebuild what the Order practiced and preached, sure. But it’s just as important to remember their memories. Our legacy is more than our deeds. It’s also our character and the people we leave behind.” 
Sabine’s smile dripped a little as she took in Luke’s more sentimental words. Seeing this, he turned to conversation back to the present. “Besides, I can see that talking about him makes you feel better.” 
Sabine sighed. “It just hurts sometimes. You miss someone for so long that it feels better to just not bring it up.” 
“I get that.” said Luke. “Really, I do. But I also know how important it is to keep those memories alive. I’ve lost plenty of people, but I still hold them close.” He looked up at his host. “I know how much he means to you. Even if Hera didn’t tell me, I could tell.” 
Sabine fingered her mug before looking up, ignoring how her cheeks warmed up. “I’m going to find him.” 
Luke smiled warmly. “Then it sounds like we’ve all got something to look forward to.” 
The conversation broke off when Luke’s comlink beeped. Groaning slightly, Luke downed the rest of his drink before fishing out the device. “That’s probably Han telling me they’re done.” 
“Better get going then.” Sabine said as she collected the mugs. “And tell Leia I said hi.” 
“Will do.” Luke rose from the table and collected his cloak. 
“Hey, Luke.” Sabine called out. Luke turned around just as the door opened up. Sabine gave one more smile. “Thanks for coming to talk. Really, I mean it.” 
Coming to talk about Ezra was the unspoken part of it. He was right, she had to admit. Reminiscing about their time together, all the old memories. Talking about them- about him- really did make her feel better. 
“Any time, Sabine.” said Luke. “May the Force be with you.” 
(AN: Ezra and Sabine's exercises are from actual Star Wars lore. Kit Fisto teaches his ARC Troopers these same exercises in the novel the Cestus Deception @jedi-order-apologist has scans of the scene here)
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I might as well start a TikTok trend Masterlist lmao. But not a request, but I saw this the other day and I was dying imagining how the BSD characters would react lol. Let me know if you guys want another character or fandom (I already know I’m bout to do this with the Obey Me boys 😩) Reader is gender neutral!
CW: suggestive/spicy content but no NSFW. The challenge suggests nudity but you’re not naked (even if your man thinks you are 💀)
The Towel Prank (Tiktok Trend) with: Dazai, Kunikida, and Atsushi
So you two were just goofing off getting ready to go to bed. You just “got out of the shower” and was doing stupid stuff with him in the bathroom mirror: making faces, dancing, anything obnoxious that was making you both laugh
He was too distracted by your beauty to really ask why you had your phone out, but thought that you’re just saving this to look back on later as fun memories. He was playing right along with you-
His face morphed from smiling to in shock so QUICK
Remember how he looked in BSD Wan when Atsushi gave him flowers? That’s what he looked like lmao
Cue you being bearhugged and almost tackled to the ground, with his back facing your phone
You have never seen him move so fast in your life before
He would have wrapped you in his trench coat if he still had it on
When he expected to feel bare skin, he only felt…material?
And how you’re nearly in tears laughing at him while still being in his arms. He realizes now that you’ve planned this, that he’s been pranked
Now Dazai has never been one to be pranked, let alone tricked like this. He can’t have you one-upping him like this! So if it’s a prank war you want, he’ll be more than happy to oblige. But first-
You’re already getting up and reaching for your phone when he grabbed it before you, oddly quiet. “Oh c’mon Osamu you aren’t really mad at me are you? You gotta admit that it was a little funNY-“
You didn’t realize how severe the consequences of your actions were until you dropped on your shared bed with him towering over you
“You didn’t really think you would tease me like this and get away with it, do you?”
If that devious smirk was anything to go by, you’re gonna be in for a long night
Bonus: he definitely pulls the same prank on you, but instead in front of everyone and blames it on you! :D
You deal with a very angry Kunikida
He was not paying you any attention, instead just writing in his notebook as always, more than likely about work. It was finally time to relax for the both of you, and this is what he wanted to do?
Well that’s about to change
You have something that’ll get his attention no problem
Even when you set your phone up pointing right in his direction, he didn’t stop writing. Yeah that’s about to change real soon
Walking in front of him with nothing but a towel and looking back at him, he just sighed and shook his head, “Listen dear, I told you to give me five more minutes and then I’ll indulge you in whatever you want to do, and you whining isn’t going to change that.” And he still didn’t look up!
Looks like it’s time for drastic measures
“Fine. Looks like I have to give my attention elsewhere then.”
“(Y/N) what are you going on abo-”
It didn’t fully click to him that you’re only in a towel and he had to do a double take when it did. He felt his heart stop when you unraveled it with the camera sitting right there-
When I tell you that he launched himself at you
He was latching onto you like a spider monkey with the reddest face, trying to cover your whole body with his while
Idk if you guys remember this show called Hole in the Wall where they had to match the pose or fall in the water? He’s posing like that trying to cover you
Well your plan worked- his notebook was forgotten!
Bad news: he didn’t find it funny when it was revealed you had clothes on underneath. Relieved, but not amused, and his anger was steady rising the more you laughed
Which lead to now: him still latching onto you in bed, not having said a word since. His idea of a punishment (which it really wasn’t to you), hold you until you tire yourself out because he is so terrified that you’ll do something even more drastic if he lets you go
And he was already planning on holding you anyway once he was done writing, but of course your impatience got the best of you
“Oh Doppo-”
“Absolutely not. Since you showed that you can’t be without supervision, this is your punishment. I can’t write in my notebook peacefully, so you can’t go around causing mayhem. And you finally got what you wanted: my attention, correct?”
“Well, yeah but-”
“Alright then. Now go to sleep, you’ve already given me a headache.”
“But I’m not-"
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
He really didn’t let you go for the whole night, but this was fine. You liked being in each other arms any way
Also he watches you like a hawk every time you’re either on the app or using your camera. He does not trust you and that “abomination” together
Poor guy was just minding his business when you decided to do what you always do: cause chaos
You set up your phone and called your loving boyfriend into the room, claiming that you want to show him something exciting. He came in and was already blushing when he saw you in the towel, and his heart rate skyrocketed when he saw your phone recording
You aren’t about to do what he think you are…right? He’s just jumping to conclusions!…right?
“Um…honey, why are you recording- and why don’t you have clothes on yet?”
“Because of THIS-”
You have never heard him scream so loud before, you’re pretty sure he cracked a mirror and all of your windows. But that wasn’t what got you, no-
His arms (now as a weretiger) were trying to cover you while also getting you away from your phone. You’re grateful for his quick reflexes but also scared that he’s gonna faint at any second
He scanned over your clothed body to make sure he didn’t scratch you on accident- wait, clothed?! And why are you laughing?!
“What the hell?! That wasn’t funny you know, I thought you were really…”
As cute as Atsushi’s pout is, you didn’t want him to be upset, so you grabbed your phone and stopped the video. He looked more embarrassed than anything, so you had the perfect way to apologize to him
Crawling in his lap and peppering his face with one kiss after the next, you felt his resolve breaking bit by bit. You knew you were forgiven when he tightened his grip around your waist-
“Let me make it up to you At-su-shi~”
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the-night-writer1 · 3 years
Oh god prompt but maybe an AU where Wukong doesn't know he's pregnant until the very end. Attributes morning sickness and aches to stress and one too many bad fights, doesn't show much and again chalks up the weight gain to stress. Bonus points if he goes into labor while in a fight/argument with Mac and neither of them know what's going on
Wukong found himself sore once again as he sat up in bed. For the love of the gods why was he so sore. Was he really this stressed out? He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he got out of bed. Damn he really needed to figure out this stress thing, it had him throwing up, constantly sore, and he seemed to be easily overwhelmed by his own emotions.
Wukong walked into his kitchen and grabbed some stuff to make himself some breakfast. Not a big breakfast mind you, he was trying to cut down on the food as he had gotten slightly chonky. Which was a little odd with how much he'd been throwing up but he assumed it was another stress related issue like his pissed off back. His tail laid limp behind him as he started to cook himself a small bit of eggs.
The monkey king had a quiet breakfast and as he rubbed his back with one hand. He ate with the other. He must have jarred in his sleep.
"dammit" Wukong mumbled as he pushed the bowl away as he was getting green around the gills. He got up and went to the trash can to hurl. He had things to do today, hopefully this was it.
A hour or so later Wukong was walking through flower fruit mountain forest. Checking that all the monkeys' dens made it after last night's storm. He wasn't in his usual attire, more of a t shirt and sweatpants. He was too sore to put in the effort.
"pfft what's with the get up Wukong?" A familiar voice said mocking him from a nearby tree. Wukong rolled his eyes, not wanting to deal with the monkey at the moment. Macaque only continued to mock as he tried to walk away,"the great monkey king being lazy today?hm?"
"What do you want Macaque?" Wukong grumbled as he heard the other monkey laugh. He didn't hear what the monkey said before Macaque grabbed him back the tail and pulled him backwards.
This caused him a lot more pain than macaque was expecting. Wukong let out a yelp of pain as he pulled backwards. Macaque let go of his in surprise and was met with being kicked into a nearby tree. A very weak kick considering it was Wukong who kicked him.
Shortly after that kick Wukong crumbled, falling to the ground in pain. Macaque got himself out of the tree preparing to start the fight proper when he saw Wukong on the ground. Wukong had his arms wrapped around his stomach, curled up on the ground.
"Wukong what's wrong with you why are you on the ground" Macaque said as he ran over to the monkey king.
"I don't know" Wukong rasped as he laid there shaking. He was in so much sudden pain at the moment.what was wrong with him?
Macaque swatted down and tried to think of something. He couldn't fight Wukong like this, it wouldn't be a fair fight. He swallowed air as he placed a hand on Wukong's shoulder and asked," do you know what you need at all? Other than the pain to stop."
"H-home take me home" Wukong begged softly as he tried to push himself up but his body was screaming at him. Macaque nodded and careful scooped him up. Macaque moved quickly towards Wukong's house as the monkey king groaned in pain.
He had a nest in his living room surprisingly. Macaque could have sworn near of them used nests anymore but he could rethink about that later. He laid the worsening monkey king down in the nest and went to find pain killers.
Wukong turned on to his side as the pain continued. Something was in him, fuck something was in him causing this. What the hell could be in him, Wukong thought as he bit into his pillow.
"gotcha!" Macaque said as he finally found some ibuprofen. He rushed back over to the monkey king and sat beside the nest. He set the bottle down and brushed some hair out of Wukong's face. Wukong had a tight grip on the pillow he bit into as Macaque tried to look him over.
"Peaches be honest with me" the shadow monkey said calmly as he noticed something about Wukong's supposed extra weight seemed to be shifting,"do you think you could possibly be pregnant?"
"What!? Why would you- " Wukong hissed mostly out of pain before he gave a thought. Oh no, oh no no he messed up. Of course it wasn't fucking stress, how could he be that stupid? He buried his face in the pillow he'd been destroying with his teeth.
"hey hey you're not alone I'm right here okay" Macaque tried to reassure him. This way off from what either of them had expected to happen today. Macaque tried to figure out what to do now. He was a deer in head lights, fuck he had to do something.
To say the least there was definitely a few minutes of Macaque freaking out and spacing out at the same time as Wukong with some minor struggles managed to get his pants off and pulled Macaque down to bury his face into the others chest. Macaque wrapped his arms around Wukong trying to give him support.
He was soon proven right in his theory as the cries of a baby monkey filled his ears.he turned his head to see the little guy as Wukong panted and laid back in the nest. Macaque carefully picked the messy newborn up.
"hey little guy. You snuck up on us" macaque said softly as he wiped some gunk off the little one. They were just the cutest little chubby baby. He was surprised Wukong wasn't showing at all. He carefully placed the baby who's calming down on Wukong and said," I'm going to go get some stuff to clean you both up okay peaches."
"alright" Wukong mumbled softly as Macaque kissed his forehead. He wrapped his arms around the newborn gently.
This was going to be quite the time.
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 18
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 18: Spiders, Demons, and People, Oh My!
“Just one more hour-”
“No, I’m putting my foot down you workaholic, you are shutting down and enjoying this festival with the rest of us,” Tang firmly said with arms crossed.
“It just-”
“Love you too, but no.”
“Just give it up Pigsy, you know he’s not gonna budge,” Macaque called out as Wukong, in his human disguise snickered beside him.
“Shut it,” he barked back.
Tang decided to pull out the big guns as he clasped his hands together and said with wide eyes “If you don’t get your ass out of there and enjoy the festival, I will make sure you sleep on the couch for a week.”
“…fine!” He threw up his hands as everyone else cheered.
“Took you guys long enough,” Mei snorted.
“Just remember kids, threatening the couch is always a good way to get your partner in control,” the historian said with a wink.
“Don’t tell them that!” The pig demon shouted out.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have opened on a holiday!”
“I can’t help it!”
“I know you can’t sweetheart, but this is why I’m here to remind you,” he said as he gave a kiss to his partner when he closed down.
“Awww, aren’t you both sweet,” Wukong teased.
“Can it!” Pigsy embarrassedly yelled.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not true,” he grinned to Wukong. No one besides those that already met him, knew that the monkey in disguise was the Monkey King and not just some dude called Wukong. Cause if they did, then the whole world would have shortly known by Tang fanboy screeches.
“Now that Pigsy has finally given in,” MK grinned as he ducked a rolling pin to the head, “we can finally meet up with everyone else!” He cheered as his bright purple sash, which was tied securely around his bright red changshan pants, flew behind him as Mei, who wore something similar to MK, but with a green dragon art wrapped around her shirt, charged after him.
“Man they sure are excited,” Sandy chuckled as Tang and Pigsy also followed the two children.
“Is he always like that,” Wukong asked as both monkeys slowly trailed behind them, easily knowing where the group was at all times.
“In a nutshell, this isn’t even his first time trying to work on Lunar New Year,” the other simian commented.
“I can scarcely believe it,” he muttered under his breath, not that it stopped the black monkey from hearing, as he forced himself out of his memories. “Also, have I mentioned that I’m loving the hairdo.” He smirked as he grabbed one of the two long strands from the monkey twin buns he was sporting.
“Blame Emerald, she wanted the both of us to match for some reason,” he rolled his eyes as he adjusted his bright red qipao adorned with flowers.
“I certainly will,” he teased. He was in a changshan as well, but in bright yellow that had clouds littered all around the front and he too had a sash tied around his waist, but in red. “Thanks for letting me borrow your sash by the way.”
“You would think that in your multitudes of outfits, you would have a red sash somewhere tucked in there. It’s even your favorite color,” he fondly huffed.
“I’m just as surprised as you are, I could have sworn I had one,” he lied with a smile on his face. Of course, he has red sashes, that’s his signature look, but he’s not gonna say that he wanted a piece of his friend’s clothing outright.
“Sure,” he rolled his eyes. “Well, we better catch up to them before they blow up the fireworks again.”
“Fireworks? You mean the one used during the parade?”
“Nope, I mean the ones they accidentally cause sometimes when they’re bored together,” he deadpanned as Wukong started to burst out laughing. “Not funny dumbass, there’s a reason there are now fire extinguishers at every other street lamp this time around.” He began to pick up the pace as he jumped onto a rooftop.
“Now I really have to know the full story!” He quaffed as he followed right behind.
“Not from me you're not, I swear I still have myokymia every time I think about it.”
“Man, I had almost forgotten just how good food stalls are,” Wukong said with his face stuffed with buns.
“Rethinking the shut in life,” Mac joked as he bounced the youngest of Yanyu siblings, Yuzu, in his arms.
“Oh yeah,” he eagerly nodded.
“We’ll just sit here and stuff your face, I need to hand Yu Yu back to one of her siblings,” he said as he went over to the group.
And that is precisely what he did as he continued his eating as he gazed upon the crowd of people and demons all enjoying the festival. He could see children running all around as they waved their puppet zodiac animals in the air, some couples were holding close to each other as they ventured from stall to stall, he could even see some mother, father, or guardian holding their child on their shoulders to get a better look.
“I should have come out here sooner,” he mused as he fiddled with the skewer stick in his mouth. “Really is nice out.”
“It really is, especially when the fireworks start,” he stopped when Mei finally announced her presence and sat next to him. He knew she was there and watching him, but he decided it was best if she made the first move.
“Well, how do you do on this fine night, little Miss. Stalker,” though that doesn’t mean he won’t still tease the hell out of her. He may be wary of her, but she is still vastly a child compared to him.
“Could be better, but since you're here I’ll guess I’ll settle,” she shot back and sat next to him.
“Ha, I could almost laugh, moon cake?” He held out a tray filled with mooncakes to the girl, who nodded in thanks as she took one. “They’re not as good as Moonshine, but they are pretty good.”
“The only cooks that can ever rival Pops is the chef that cooked for me when I was young and Pigsy.”
“If you say so,” he shrugged as he finished off the tray. “So what brings you around here.”
“Other than the festival?”
“Oh, that was a given, I mean here, with me as of this moment in time. I thought you still didn’t like me.”
“Still don’t,” she automatically said, “buttttt not as much as before.”
This made Wukong pause in his snacking as he looked towards Mei, “Oh? What changed? Was it witnessing my badassery? Beholding my awesomeness in all its glory? Or was it-”
“None of the above,” she promptly stopped him before he could get any more cringier, “You make Pops happy.”
“Oh,” he has to say that he was both not surprised, but still taken aback by her comment. “That's it?”
“Well, and you have stuck by his side when that creepy ass fucker showed up, so bonus points for that.”
“You should have seen Dad's face when you went absolute ham on his ass,” MK interjected as he latched onto Mei's back. “When he wasn’t all disgusted with the creep from hell, he was grinning the entire time. Especially when you landed those blows on him.”
“He was,” he couldn't help but perk up.
“Ugh, you both have it so bad for each other,” Mei said as MK nodded.
“What?!” He nervously said as he shot a look towards Macaque, who was talking to both Sandy and Yanyu, “I don’t have a-”
“You always try to go near him and cuddle a lot of time, all the affectionate nicknames, the goo goo eyes, jealousy towards Shun and your quick deflection of any mention of Dad boyfriend, stealing Dad clothing even though you had some of your own, I can go all day,” MK smirked as he listed off all the obvious ways the Sage monkey had a crush on the Doctor monkey.
“Don’t lie to us, it's so obvious,” Mei shared the same look.
It looked for a second that Wukong was going to rebuttal, but he sighed in defeat. “Is it really that obvious?”
“To everyone but Dad,” he chuckled and patted the monkey on the back.
“Greeatttt,” he groaned and put his face in his hands. “That’s just peachy.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t get too much grief over it, well at least not from us. I don’t know about the rest,” she shrugged.
“Really?” He peeks through the cracks of his hands.
“The two of us have been keeping an eye on you,” she gestured to both her and MK.
“MK, you too,” the Monkey King held a mock wounded look.
“Sorry, but I have to look out for dear ol Dad,” he scratched the back of his neck. “And to be fair, a part of me really didn’t want him to date anyone anytime soon after Shun and I didn’t know how the both of you would be like after the whole fight and everything.”
“Oh,” was all he could utter.
“But I can say that I don’t think I have ever seen Dad so happy than when he’s around you.”
“Now that’s a lie,” Wukong interjected, “You should see the way he lights up when he’s with you guys, his tail always swishes behind him when you're with him.”
“Ladies ladies, we’re all pretty,” Mei butted in before the two boys could go on to fight over the stupidest thing. “But at the end of the day, you make Pops happy so maybe you're not so bad and I guess you wouldn't be so bad as a partner.”
“It would definitely be weird,” MK couldn’t stop the images from intruding in his head.
“Thanks,” he couldn’t stop himself fondly rolling his eyes, but he paused when the implications hit him, “Wait? Did I just get your approval to court Macaque?”
“Court, who even says court these days?” The dragon successor says to herself.
“Red,” said the monkey's successor, “But yeah, you did. Though when it does happen, I’ll just let future me worry about that.”
“Thanks for the boost of confidence and approval, but those aren’t really necessary, I doubt Mac sees me as nothing more than a friend,” he gave a sad smile.
Both teenagers exchanged a look at the sheer stupidity of the monkey before MK sighed and stepped forward. “Well, I never thought I would be ever giving love advice to the Legendary Monkey King when mine is none existent.”
“Your Portay clone on the other hand is a huge flirt,” Mei called out.
“I still don’t know how that works!” He yelled back, he still can’t believe that his own clone would flirt with both of his crushes when he doesn’t even have the guts to say anything. He turned his attention back to the Monkey, “But what I can say is that you should tell him that you love him before it’s too late.”
“Kid, thank you for trying to encourage me, but I’m not going to do it,” he ruffled his child’s hair, “I don’t want to ruin what we managed to scrounge back together.”
“Dude, Pops still consider you his friend even after your big ass fight that went down in history,” Wukong’s eyes slightly widen at Mei’s words.
“So, if you think that telling him would lead him to ditch you when not even physically fighting would? Then there is something seriously wrong with your head,” she bluntly finished.
The disguised monkey stayed quiet for a few more moments before grabbing both of their heads this time and fiercely ruffling it.
“Not again! I just did it!”
“I’ll think about it,” he smiled down at both of them then scoped them in his arms as he walked towards Macaque. “Hey Moonlight! I saw this shooting game a few stalls back, I bet I can beat your ass on it!”
“Try me,” he smirked as he waved bye to the group and eyed the two squirming kids in his arms. “We’re they acting up?”
“Nah, just decided they needed a better view.”
“Your ass is not a better view!” Mei yelled out.
“Being upside down technically counts as a worse view,” MK shouted as well.
“What are you talking about it’s an amazing view!” He teased.
“No, it’s not!”
The black furred simian let out a laugh, “Keep them like this, Gods know it would be easier to keep an eye on them from doing anything stupid.”
“Aye Aye captain!” He mocks saluted as he held them steady and began to walk towards the stand together.
“Put us down!”
“Stop this is really humiliating!”
“Do you hear anything?”
“Nope, just little kids complaining.”
“We’re not kids!”
Everyone cheered as the parade was starting and they all gathered around in hopes to get a better look at all the different floats, with an extra cheer for their own zodiac.
“They sure are excited about the floats,” Wukong chuckled as he watched his student, Mei, and a bunch of other children stand on Sandy’s shoulder to get a better view.
“You should have seen the other year, they almost got onto the float,” he smiled as the two of them sat on a rooftop a little ways away.
“I can believe it…thanks for dragging my ass out here,” he slightly nudged him. “I really have forgotten just how amazing the festival is and spending time with people can be on this day.”
“Anytime Peaches, and if you want you can join us next year, though it won’t be in the city, but rather in the forest. We’ll be just eating round the table and lighting up lanterns with the whole forest, unfortunately not as exciting as the festival here,” he said.
“I would be more than happy to join in,” he instantly said. “I haven’t lit up a lantern in years and besides, anything with you guys is nothing less than fun.”
“Well I’ll make sure to let comet know to bring your ass around then,” he smirked as he looked up in time to see the first firework go off. At moments like these, he’s glad to have durable headphones, it was pure torture back then with ears like his.
“Yeah!” The disguised Monkey King stood up and cheered before sitting back down. “Fireworks are awesome no matter when.”
“I give it a 6/10, now lanterns on the other hand,” he said as he leaned against his friend.
“Don’t disrespect my lights like that,” he lightly shoved him before wrapping an arm around him and putting his head on his as the two of them watched the lights explode.
Everything was truly beautiful at this moment in time.
Unfortunately, the moment couldn’t last as the fireworks were cut short and before either one of them could comment on it, they heard screams and a voice that dominated.
“This is the Year of the Spiders!”
Neither monkey needed them to exchange looks before they both rushed to the scene and saw hundreds of robotic spiders spread all across, chasing and capturing people as they went.
“Shit Mind control!” Macaque cussed as he saw their eyes glow green when the spiders managed to snag someone.
“How in the fuck is the Spider Queen able to do that?!” Wukong muttered to himself as he already dropped his disguise and began to attack any spiders in his way.
“I don’t know, but I think something like that will have the answers,” he pointed to a large spider robot emerging from the ground. “At least Daiyu gonna have a real good time with this.”
“Damn, it’s like Bull King all over again.”
“I’m sorry what,” the black monkey blurted out. He heard the Bull became huge, but he thought it was an exaggeration, so he shook his head. ��More on that later, I can already guess you're going to the spider robot of doom.”
“You know it,” he cracked his knuckles.
“You do that, I’ll try to find everyone else and destroy as many of these fuckers as I can,” he emphasized by breaking a few of the spiders on the humans and demons back. He summoned some clones and began to spread them out, “You better not get captured or mind controlled, I don’t feel like kicking your ass right now.”
“Trust me I won’t,” he cockily smirked as he summoned his cloud. “Be careful out there,” he yelled out as he flew off.
“I’m going to laugh in his face if he gets captured, now to find my kiddos and everyone else before I lose it” he muttered as his tail wrapped around the spider that tried to surprise attack him from behind and crushed it into pieces.
“Red!” Mei and MK rushed over to the fallen demon who had crashed land on their ship.
“That was a nasty fall you took there,” she continued as the both of them helped him up.
“What are you doing here?” MK asked once he was up.
“Escaping the Spider menace!” He hissed out to cover up the fact that his face was involuntarily heating up at his crushes arms holding him, “that Spider freak captured my father and she was going to do the same to me.”
“Shit she even captured the Bull King,” the Pig demon said.
“Yes, but luckily I know a way to cure the atrocious mind control that she had enslaved everyone in.”
“You do!” They all hopefully said.
“Yes, but I’ll need your help seeing that my own ride is currently,” he looked over towards the broken parts, “unavailable.”
“If it means saving them then count us in,” MK said determinately.
“But where are we going?” Sandy asked.
“The one place where we can only get the supplies,” he pointed upwards as everyone slowly realized what he meant.
“Space,” well almost everyone.
“No noodle brain! The Celestial Realm!” He loves him, but he can be a bit of an airhead at times.
“Fbiwbfowdjosbd The Celestial Realm! The home of heavenly deities and immortal beings!” Tang tried to go forward but was held back by his partner.
“Down Tang, down.”
“Yes,” he said unfazed, “so will you help me.”
They all exchanged looks with each other before MK stepped forward with a confident grin. “Guys, let’s help a demon steal from the Celestial Realm.”
“Macaque is so gonna laugh at me for this,” Wukong groaned as he tried to break free of the web. “So, so hard.”
“Seems there are things that even you can’t handle,” Spider Queen mocked as she stepped back into the room filled with tied up demons all being drained, some of them more tired than others.
“Can it little caterpillar!” Minsheng yelled out, they too were captured after they got surrounded. They're not as strong a fighter as everyone else, so it was needless to say they were hopelessly outgunned. “No one wants to hear you bitch! Seriously, I don’t know how Daiyu can even stand that voice!”
“You got that right!”
“I would rather die now than listen any longer!”
“Seriously just shut up!”
All the demons shouted out as they mouthed back to the Spider Queen.
“QUIET!” She yelled out in rage, “ Especially about that vulture. Lest you forget, you are all my prisoners now, you are nothing short of a battery for my darling. It’s best to remember that for the rest of your miserable lifespan.”
“I mean they're not wrong,” Wukong smirked, “You are getting really annoying.”
“I, unfortunately, can’t help but agree,” Bull King rolled his eyes at the supposed ‘Queen’ rage. “Your voice is grating enough that I wish to rip my horns from my head and seal them in my ears, but I know it wouldn’t be enough.”
“Why I outta-”
“And besides, you do know that this is not gonna work right?” Minsheng said.
“Now what are you blabbering on about now?” The spider demon was getting sick of this backtalk from these whelps.
“This plan, yeah it’s not gonna work.”
“Oh, now why is that? I suppose you mean of Monkey King protege and their needless efforts,” she smirked as she crawled up to him and leaned in close. “Well, I can assure you that those children are not prepared for my little spiders that are close behind ready to strike when they're down.” She backed up with that same malevolent smirk and was about to turn away when he spoke once more.
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about them.”
“What?” She turned back around, “Then who in the hell are you referring to?”
A series of crashes and explosions all happened simultaneously from the outside as it only subsided for a mere moment before continuing once more.
“What in the hell!” She cried out as she caught herself on the wall.
“That, that is who I am talking about,” the rabbit demon said as the spider raced towards the monitor. She pulls up the screen to see a sight that even frightens some of the captured demons. Because there on center screen was a tall malevolent violent monkey with eyes that glow bright purple as it took down some of the larger spiders that have sprouted out. But what they all noticed is that the titanic demon looked pissed as he screamed.
“What the sweet hell is that!?” She screeched out at the sight.
“Congratulations! You have completely pissed off one enraged papa!” Minsheng smiled at her horror. “Now he will happily introduce you to your execution if you don’t do as he says.”
“Hah, not even I would trifle so lightly when it comes to the Six Eared demon and his claims,” the Bull King laughed loudly at her foolish actions.
Some of the demons were even nodding in agreement.
“You're telling me.”
“Even we know not to fuck with him.”
“Oof, you're really gonna get it now,” Yin laughed.
“Better hope you have some blessing saved up somewhere in that shriveled up place you got a soul,” Jin snorted, “cause you're gonna need it!”
Wukong was staring at the monstrous form of his crush in all of his crush with a slight blush and said with a happy sigh, “Oh you’re so fucking screwed now.”
“That’s Macaque!?” She shrieked as she turned and couldn’t help but give a silent gulp as each and every demon looked at her, whether they were exhausted or not, with a malicious grin.
“You're done Spider Bitch,” Minsheng gleefully said.
She didn’t say anything else as she scurried out of there and went to look for the little girl.
“Bye Bye little spider,” they called out as the door closed behind them leaving them with only the sound of mechanical parts churning and the sizzling noise of their energies being drained remaining.
“Of course you would be infatuated with the Six Eared doctor,” Bull King couldn’t help but sigh, breaking the silence.
“Oh come on, even you!” Wukong shouted back, thus putting the room in a burst of laughter as the demons, whether civilians, criminals, or anywhere in between, began to gossip like middle aged wives at the market when they spotted an old friend.
“Oooo, is that so?”
“Of course you would go after doc, he is quite the catch.”
“Tell me everything!”
“Spill the tea!”
“Now that is something I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“If you have lived as long as I have, you would have long guessed that this was a long time coming.”
“I’m surprised that it wasn’t sooner.”
“Please someone just kill me,” he groaned as the chattering just continued. “Death would be kinder at this point.”
“Sorry, but fresh out of deaths today,” Sheng laughed.
“And didn’t you get yourself like four times immortal?” Yin asked.
“Five, remember the Yama book situation,” Jin said.
“Oh right, I keep forgetting.”
“I regret that so much,” he groaned even louder, it didn’t help that even the Bull King was laughing at his misery. “So, so much.”
Somewhere high in the sky
“What the hell is that!” Pigsy pointed out the giant transparent demon.
They all looked in shock as Tang said, “Please don’t tell me that the Spider Queen made an ally!” He groaned.
While the three adults began to panic at the new situation that popped up, three people, two humans, and one demon smiled widely.
“DAD/POPS/UNCLE!” MK, Mei, and Red all yelled out as they witnessed the scene.
“SAY WHAT!” The three other adults spun towards them in shock.
“Wait,” Sandy squinted his eyes, “Now I may be getting old, but is that giant demon Macaque?”
“What/Excuse me,” both Pig and historian deadpanned.
“ It is! And he’s kicking butt!” MK cheered as the titan stomped on a hoard of spiders.
“Kick that spider ass!” Mei yelled out with a savage grin as the monkey tail threw a giant spider down and obliterated it.
“Of course this would be nothing less than what he can do,” Red smirked at the chaos that was firmly putting the wretched spiders in place.
If anyone was paying close attention, they would have seen both titan and monkey ears twitch. They didn’t move from their position, but a sigh of relief did emerge.
“Found em,” Ahmed asked after he crushed a spider in his jaw.
“Yeah, I don’t know how the fuck they got out of my radius of hearing so quickly, but I found them,” Macaque, who was puppeting his larger version, smiled.
“That’s one worry crossed off.”
“You're telling me, now all we have left is to finish off this shit,” the monkey growled as the lion kept a close watch on his back. While it wasn’t difficult to control his larger version for a short time frame, it was difficult trying to maintain both forms and making sure that there would be no excessive collateral damage. He may be angry, but even he doesn’t want to hurt any innocent people, so it was shortly decided before he began his shadow puppet that the lion would keep guard while the rest helped everyone else. He can even hear Daiyu manically laughing off in the background where there’s the most spiders and can hear the slaughtering of mechanical parts.
Back on the ship, the others were slowly freaking out.
“I thought he was a doctor?!” Tang exclaimed as he watched the monkey decimate the eight legged cretins.
“I thought so too!” Pigsy was just as confused as his partner.
“Dad was a fighter long before he was a doctor, he just doesn’t do it as often anymore. I mean he used to have sparred with the monkey king a lot,” the teenage boy explained.
“You mean to tell me this is him going easy?” The pig demon could feel his eye twitch.
“I hate to see him at his peak,” the historian muttered, then he paused, “wait, he knows the monkey king?!”
“Uhhhhhh.” MK just realized what he had admitted and slowly began to back away.
“Oooo, you fucked up now,” Mei chortled while sporting a large grin.
It took a minute for it to fully sink in, but once it did, boy did Tang straighten up with his eyes blown wide as if he had just been electrocuted. “No way! No way! Is he the fucking Six Eared Macaque from the Journey to the west?!”
“Say what?!” Pigsy exclaimed.
“Is that a question or an answer!” Tang demanded as he stalked closer to him.
“Yes!” He was officially freaked out.
“Oh this is funny,” Red grinned.
“Right,” Mei happily agreed.
“Are you saying that he is the legendary deity that managed to help so many lives, but he is also the enemy of the great monkey king and I am just now learning that I’ve been hanging out with that same legend and dneirbowdubeodosbsudbksd!” The book loving man's mind has been blown as his words have long passed him.
“Great, you broke my partner.”
“I’m sorry!”
“Wait are you just now figuring that out,” Sandy blinked, “I thought it was obvious.”
“You knew!” Everyone on the ship snapped towards the giant in shock.
“Yes? It’s not like he was trying to hide it,” he pointed out.
“He really wasn’t,” the biker woman was on the floor dying of laughter at that.
“Hey look scary, creepy, too many legged spiders in need of decimating right ahead!” MK diverted the attention back to the city ahead. “Talk later!
“Oh ho ho, believe me, there will be many, many talks ahead,” Tang hissed and stomped his way to the front of the ship.
“Welp that’s going to be Dad's problem right there,” he said.
“Gonna pin the blame on dear old Pops,” Mei snorted.
“Yup! This is payback for the needless anxiety this caused me,” the monkey's successor eye twitch.
She may be outnumbered and her pawns may have been taken out, but she will not back down after all.
“All of you together can’t beat me! I am the Queen of Spiders!” Spider Queen declared in hysteria as she took a step forward towards the monkey brat.
“Oh yeah,” they all turned to see the Monkey King casually walking down the wall as he picked up the staff and with a spin he declared, “Well I’m the King,” and with that statement, he freed his student.
He bent down and helped pick him back up with a sheepish grin, “Well you already know I’m not too hot on some things, apparently spiders are one of them too.” Then they all stood tall against the Spider Queen as if daring her to try to make the next move.
“Well if I can’t have this world, then no one can!” She cried out as she slung herself up to the Spider mech. l and started it up once more as the ground began to violently shake. “I’ll level this whole city!”
Right when she did that though, both student and mentor jumped up in the air.
“It’s now or never!” Wukong cried out as MK grabbed hold of the staff.
“Right!” The two began to spin and spin and spin even faster until they were a golden pinwheel of light.
“Here comes Monkey Kid!” Right after that last work, Wukong flung MK forward as the student shouted out facing the enemy head on and the proud mentor whispered as he watched his kid take that final strike.
The machine broke as everything shut down at that moment in, but before MK could feel proud, he had noticed that he was currently free falling.
“Shit!” He yelled out and quickly looked around to find any sort of platform he could get a hold of.
“I got you!” He felt his collar then his body quickly stop free falling as quickly as Wukong in bird form was holding him up.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite fast enough to fly far away enough from the incoming explosion in his small form, but luckily there was another as he quickly grabbed the both of them in his hands and jumped far away enough. Just in time as everything explodes.
The machine shattered in millions of parts that it was spread far and wide throughout the city, finally bringing the Spider Queen's short, but deadly, reign to an end.
“Whew, thanks-DAD!” MK exclaimed as he finally noticed that he was in the hands of his father's titan form.
“Great catch Moonbeam!” Wukong beamed up when he got out of bird form.
The Monkey titan didn’t say a word as examined their bruised, injured, and bartered form and with a worried purr, he gently stood up and began to walk back to the group with them still cradled in his hands.
“Anddd I don’t think he is letting us go any time soon,” the student said as he slumped down, only to wince at his bruises.
“Nope,” Monkey King replied as he tried to relax, but both the memories and the wounds made it very hard to do so, it also didn’t help that there was a familiar smell in the air.
Their form eventually made its way to the rest of the group as they all stared up at the lumbering giant that towered over them all.
“I feel like I should be more frightened,” Tang mused as he stared up at the ominous titan with a glowing eye staring back at them.
“I don’t blame you,” Pigsy huffed as he had to stop him from instinctively standing in front of the group, even though the giant monkey was an ally.
“Just be glad he’s on our side,” Sandy smiled up.
“You're telling me,” Red nodded as he rubbed his hands from stopping the explosion alongside his father.
Bull King said nothing as he stared up at the titan.
“Hey guys!” MK shouted as he waved at them.
“Liking the view from up there!” Mei shouted back.
“It’s pretty nice! I never knew laying down on a giant monkey’s hand would feel good until now!”
“Maybe I’ll give you a ride on my war form then,” Wukong joked as he climbed up and sat on the titan's shoulder.
“Wait what?” Though he wasn’t able to ask anymore as the violent hand slowly came down and in front of the group.
“A ride! Count me in!” The dragon girl hopped in first as Sandy followed close behind.
“This might as well happen,” the pig demon sighed as he supported his partner's weight on him and sat down next to the others. But that didn't stop Tang from going starry eyed over the Monkey King and Macaque titan form.
“I’m not going,” Bull King growled when the hand still stood in front of both him and his son.
Red promptly halted in his step when he said that and looked almost longingly to his friends as he put his foot down.
The Bull demon saw his heir's morose expression and only took a moment before he sighed, “You may go if you wish…son.”
The Bull prince's eyes sparkled at his words and he lit up with glee as he rushed over to the rest of the group, getting one arm hugs from both his friends. Yet, the hand still hasn’t ascended.
“Nice teeth,” Mei commented as the Prince settled down and she noticed her other friend teeth.
“Huh?” MK saw her wordlessly take out her phone and show him his new sharpen teeth, his eyes sparkled with glee. “This is so cool! Hey Red, we match!”
“Indeed we do,” he gave a slight grin, “but mine are much more deadlier.”
“Give me a couple days to get used to this and we can find out,” he grinned back.
Before Red could shoot back a growl was heard.
“I said, I’m not going,” he emphasized his words and glared at the giant.
Giant Macaque only raised his brow as he used his free hand to pluck the Bull King firmly, but gently held him as he continued his way.
“Unhand me you insufferable cretin!” He yelled out as he tried to break free, but with him still being wounded and drained of his energy, the struggle was barely even noticeable.
“And you say I’m headstrong,” Monkey King snorted at the demon struggles.
“Oh I am so keeping this,” Mei smirked as she took so many photos.
“Send me that,” Pigsy and MK said.
“Will do!”
They were only put down when they finally reached their destination, which was Pigsy Noodle shop, and standing in front of the doors was a lion supporting a tired looking monkey.
“Thank fuck you all are alright,” he sighed as he released the titan puppet when everyone was off and he should probably be glad that Ahmed was supporting his sorry ass as he would have fallen straight down from the abrupt disperse of energy.
“Are you okay,” Wukong worriedly asked as he noticed his moon tired form and how the lion was helping him.
“Will be, but for now everyone gets your sorry asses inside so I can patch you up,” he pointed to some of the clones inside already holding materials in hand.
“I’ll help-” MK began to say, only to be stopped by his stare “-after I heal up,” he quickly added.
“Nice save,” Mei whispered as both of them and Red went inside.
“You and I are gonna have a long talk Mr. Six Eared Macaque,” Tang almost growled.
“Wasn’t really trying to hide it,” he smirked as the historian raised both his hands in exasperation.
“And that’s what’s pissing me off, ‘it came along the way,’ you weren’t even trying,” he huffed as he marched inside, but not before giving a stink eye to the lion. “And I bet you knew as well.”
“Guilty as charged,” he had to hold back his laughter as his friend gave another strangled yell.
“You're gonna have one hell of a lecture from him,” Pigsy smirked as he nudged the monkey.
“I have already accepted my fate,” he shrugged.
“Good call, also don’t really care about your past and whatnot, you have already shown me that you're a pretty decent demon no matter what history may say.”
“Thanks,” he gave a small smile.
The pig demon patted his shoulder and went inside as well. Macaque looked towards the blue giant who just smiled.
“I already knew.”
“And this is what makes you the smart one,” he smirked as the therapist gave a hearty laugh.
“You need help,” Wukong cautiously asked once more as he stepped forward.
“I am not doing shit except letting my clones do the bandaging and healing, I need to sit my ass down,” he grumbled before giving a slight smile, “but thanks for worrying about me dumbass.”
“Always,” he smiled back.
“Now go sit your ass inside before I make you,” he deadpanned.
“I mean I don’t really need it, you know I heal pretty-”
“I can easily tell that both you and Bull along over there had your energy drained,” Monkey King paled.
“Ah…so you know.”
“Oh I know,” he tail swished angrily behind him, “and I also know just how fucking dangerous energy transfers are when they’re not done properly! And I already know that it wasn’t really Spider Queen's main concern now is it?”
“Ummm,” he nervously hummed.
“Now, get your ass in there or else,” his eyes flickered.
“Aye Aye!” He quickly walked in and escaped the eyes of doom.
“So it seems that there is more to the story,” Tang muttered as he watched the interactions as a salve got put on his leg. “It seems that the two immortal monkeys aren’t enemies.”
“Oh there is a lot more,” MK wished he could rub his forehead, but his hands were currently occupied by the clone wrapping his hand. “So much more.”
No one could say anything else before they heard the Demon Bull speak.
“I’m not going in,” Bull King huffed, “I’m not so fragile that I need to worry about such items.”
“You know what no,” Bull demon raised his eyebrow at the doctor's tone. “I’m not even gonna argue with you, your ass is going in there and you are going to sit down and you are going to get checked over.”
“You dare speak to me like that!”
“Frankly I don’t care!” He barked out as he broke free of Ahmed’s hold and marched up to the larger demon. “I have long since run out of fucks to give and I simply don’t fucking care! I am already spread thin with clones all around making medicine, helping out at the hospital, checking for survivors, and other shit! I was spread thin when I made my Puppet Titan to obliterate the fucking spiders. I am so spread thin that even my own self control is waning as we fucking speak that it’s taking all in me not to just make your stupid ass go unconscious, just so I won’t have to fucking hear you! So. Go. In. The. Noodles. Shop!”
“You don’t have the power to stop me,” he growled and took a step forward, not even acknowledging the lion demon piercing eyes nor the monkey Sage's own ominous stare.
“If you don’t get your ass inside I will call Queen Iron Fan and tell her about your stupidity about your health,” he bluntly stated.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he took a step back in fear.
“Try me bitch.”
“…fine,” he let out a final huff and lumbered inside.
Mei whistled as the clone was getting some derbies out of her back, “Dannnggg, just one word of the mother and he just comes.”
“Mother does worry about our safety when she’s gone,” Red nodded.
“For good reason.”
“Okay!” Macaque said loudly as he plopped himself right next to Wukong, “While you guys are getting bandaged, how about you all tell me what the hell happened both inside the ship and how the hell did you get that antidote because I know the smell of immortal peaches from a mile away and that antidote had that in spades.”
“So that’s why the whole city smells like that,” the brown furred monkey eyes widened, “I thought I was going crazy.
“What is the point in that?” Bull King questioningly asked.
“Well, I thought that it would be better if we all figured out how not only she managed to get her hands on mind control potion that potent, but how almost all the demons, including you two, one of the strongest ones in the world, got captured by the Spider Queen.” He emphasized, it literally makes no sense how she was able to do that. Sure she may be strong with access to her minions that do her dirty work at times, but she’s not that strong to manage to take down so many villains, and she doesn’t have the connections to find a potion of that kind of caliber.”
“That is a fair point,” the Bull demon reluctantly agreed.
“Great! Now talk.”
“She caught the staff?” MK blurted out as he popped up from Mei's shoulder.
“I know! Caught me by surprise too,” Wukong huffed at his student surprise.
“To be fair, Lady Iron Fan did the same with me, but she had some sort of metal glove.”
“But not with pure energy,” Red leaned back into Mei side, “it took me countless centuries to find all the supplies to make that glove and the Spider Queen only used her energy, something is not adding up.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” she nodded as she subtly brought her two crushes, which she will happily keep to herself until both of them are comfortable, back to her. She could very much appreciate the fact that they both had very warm and comfortable bodies that she will happily take advantage of.
“So that’s where Minsheng was,” Ahmed hummed, “the others were worried about them.”
“He really did tell her off, but I saw him escape with the rest after they broke free,” the monkey explained.
“That’s one worry off then.”
“Son, how did you know the incantation and the symbol to enter the Celestial Realm?” Bull King asked when they got to the part where they were about to enter the realm.
“Umm well you see,” he nervously chuckled, “there are so many ways you can get inside the realm other than the main entrance and it’s not like it was hard to actually find another way once you know what the main one looks like. But don’t worry, I haven’t stepped foot inside the realm until today, so they shouldn’t know that it was me who entered!”
“To be honest I never knew that there were other ways you can get inside,” Wukong admitted, “Nice job.”
“Indeed, show me how exactly you managed this feat when we get home,” the giant Bull said. It is no easy task to accomplish something that no one else has done before, he didn’t acknowledge the pit of warm pride he felt.
“Yes father!” He excitedly said, not noticing that his two friends were eyeing the Bull King with disdain.
“Wait hold up, how the hell did you manage to sneak into the Celestial Realm almost undetected?” He questioned when his son finished telling them how they escaped the holy realm.
“Well there was like nobody there, the only real problem we encountered was the spiders, two lion statues that came to life, and perhaps my crippling anxiety,” he shrugged.
“Well get to that last bit later, but what do you mean no one?! You went to the Heavenly Orchard, Lao Tzu alchemy lab, the fucking Jade Emperor Throne Room! What the hell did you mean no one was there?!” His eyes twitch as he gets shrugs from almost everyone, he says almost as now Red son is realizing that what he said is true and is slightly paling at what that could mean. Even Wukong and Bull King are looking at the group in absolute confusion.
“That does raise a concerning question,” BK rumbled. “The Celestial Realm is never without the deities inside, especially the Jade Emperor himself. So if all the deities were gone on the same day then there must have been a deadly matter that needed to be taken care of…but everyone gone? That still makes no sense.”
“You're telling me, it wasn’t even that easy for me to cause havoc when I was up there. I had to disguise myself as so many people just to make it out to the courtyard,” Wukong nodded.
“It just doesn’t make sense on why-” he stopped himself as he looked towards the other monkey and then his son and a thought occurred. “No, that couldn’t be, hey flicker do they still have that Spirit detecting thing for when you enter the realm.”
“Indeed they still do,” he faces palmed as he completely had forgotten that they had been specially made after people, deities, and demons tried to break their way into the realm one too many times.
Macaque couldn’t stop his smile from growing as he finally realized what happened and he burst out into laughter. “No way! No fucking way! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
“Huh?” Everyone echoed as they watch the monkey burst out almost out of nowhere.
“Umm Dad?” He tried to call out, but he was too busy laughing.
“Pops? You good?” She tried, absolutely nothing in reply.
“Mango, moonlight, my other half,” Wukong grabbed him by the shoulder, which did make him pause, but still was sporting a wide grin. “What the hell did you figure out?”
“Srk, okay holy shit this is just way too funny,” he choked out and continued. “The reason why no one was there was because they sensed MK spirit energy and the staff, both of which had been imbued with your energy. I mean, I know that after sensing your energy was coiled around mine a few weeks ago, they did not want a second round with Wukong in any way shape, or form, especially his successor, so they just fucked off and left!”
Dead silence overtook the small restaurant as everyone's eyes slowly turned to the Monkey Sage, who was sporting both a cheeky and a sheepish grin.
“I feel like I should probably apologize to them one day.”
“The sad thing is that it sounds about right,” Red sighed. While he doesn't visit the celestial realm, he knows enough to know that many deities, including the Jade Emperor, would rather just up and leave than deal with Sun Wukong after what he last did no matter how many centuries may have passed. He does have to admit that out of everything he did, this may have been one of his biggest feats yet. “What is my life right now?”
“Let’s just continue,” Pigsy said as he was holding back his partner from asking so many questions.
“Evil laughter?”
“Shut up.”
“It was fun!”
“And highly entertaining.”
“Shut up!”
“And that’s all of it,” MK finished off.
“Crazy as usual, but that still doesn’t explain how she was able to do what she did,” he leaned back. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Wukong stiffen, but he kept that to himself. He will get it out of that monkey when they're alone.
“I heard the whispers again,” everyone's eyes whipped towards Bull King, but only Red son and Macaque knew what he was talking about.
“You mean the same ones that controlled you back then,” the doctor hissed out.
“You met Lady Bone Demon?!” Wukong blurted out but immediately regretted that as everyone's eyes were locked on him.
“You know that vile cretin!” Bull King growled.
“Wait Bone Demon! As in the same one you met in the Journey to the West! That one!” Tang wanted to lean forward, but both Pigsy and Sandy were holding him back.
Wukong said nothing as he gripped his fists under the table.
“Monkey King?” MK worriedly asked at the monkey's still expression.
“Sunbeam,” the monkey blinked at his friend's hand on his and looked up to see his concerned look, “what happened?”
“…okay,” he entwined his finger with his and looked at the group. “I met her on the ship.” He then began to explain his experience with the demon on the ship and the restaurant was silent as he talked.
“So,” Macaque broke the silence, “it seems that we were right on the idea that this was no ordinary spirit.”
“You’ve been investigating this?!” Wukong asked as everyone barring the Bull family and Ahmed looked in shock.
“Of course I have, Bull King got possessed and no one found that at all suspicious? I mean that’s why Queen Iron Fan is currently not even in the city right now, she is meeting some people over some enchanted artifacts and spells that will help. But now that we know who exactly we're dealing with, I think we can narrow that down by a lot. So, you’ll update her,” he said towards the Bull family.
“Already doing so,” Red’s son said as his eyes were glowing red.
“Good, now anything else you tell us?” He looked back to his dumbstruck friend.
“Just that I…encountered her a few times before and that there was a reason she was buried so deep underground,” he sighed as he rubbed his thumb on the black fur. “What she wants the most is to make herself known to the world and she wants to accomplish this by conquering the world, so she’ll be after me first and my powers.”
“And we will be ready,” MK determinedly said. “We know that she is alive and that she is probably planning something, but whatever it is, we'll be one step ahead of her.”
“You got that right, I mean who would ever expect this,” she gestured towards the room filled with people, demons, and immortals, “Wukong lives in isolation so in no way will he be interacting with mortals, supposed enemies with Pops and Bull family.”
“That part is still true,” Bull King grumbled.
“Mostly, but even then you can tolerate him and that is what she won’t be expecting!”
“But there still is the problem that we don’t know what she is planning after her plan failed,” Tang pointed out.
“Was it her plan at all?” They all turned to face Pigsy.
“What do you mean?” MK asked.
“Well, it just seems that with the whole spider theme going on, it was more of the Spider Queen plan and the Bone chick tagging along at the end, you know, like that one person in a group project. I always hated that guy, stupid Hans,” he growled.
“You…do make a point,” Red eyes flickered once he finished his talk. “And mother also said that she will be going to the highlands next after she’s finished dealing with the…unruly elves.”
“That’s one way to say it,” Bull King nodded.
“But since the plan with the Spider Queen failed, where would she go next?” Mei asked.
“We’ll hold on,” everyone looked to Sandy now as the giant looked at Wukong and Bull King, “You said that she was following the Spider Queen, right?”
“Well I may have only met the Spider Queen once, but it’s easily recognizable that she has a superiority complex that hinges more towards the self importance side, and judging by how you describe the Bone demon, she is very tactile and manipulative to use this to her advantage. So we already know it was Spider Queen's plan first, but it was the Bone demon who most likely approached her first as you said that the Queen was more hostile towards the other. But, even when the plan failed, I think that she will still stick with the Spider Queen as she is not only one of the strongest in the city, but maybe has the resources she needs at the moment,” he finished and took a sip of his tea.
“Holy shit,” Mei whispered out as MK nodded.
“Knew you were smart, but man you were hiding it in their big guy,” Pigsy smirked.
“Oh well just a guess based on what I know about their personality and actions,” he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“A well educated one it is,” Bull King said, “What is your profession?”
“I’m a therapist.”
“That makes sense,” he nodded.
“But for now, how about we hold this off until tomorrow,” Ahmed said as he looked at everyone’s bandaged bodies and drooping eyes, “I think we all deserve some shut eye.”
“Their invasion just failed and they won’t be staring back up any time soon,” he cut MK off, “this can wait until tomorrow, where our minds would be fresher and perhaps our bodies a little lighter.”
“Agreed,” Macaque nodded.
“…okay,” MK gave in.
“Good, now everyone upstairs,” most of them began to trudge back up, the doctor eyed the Bull family, “I assume you have the teleportation spell?”
“Yep, prepped and ready,” Red confirmed.
“Then have a safe trip back,” and with final goodbyes, the Bull family left the restaurant, and with a flash, they were gone. Macaque watched them leave and promptly grabbed hold of the back of Wukong collar “And where do you think you're going?”
“Back to the mountain?” He questioned.
“No you're not, you're staying here.”
“Look Mac I really don’t feel like talking more about her,” he sighed once he knew everyone else was gone.
“And that is fine, but you are not leaving my sight anytime soon, now come on,” he pulled him up, “there is a hoard of blankets and pillows calling our names. So just relax, you are safe.”
It didn’t impact the monkey until he felt the warm coil of violet energy gently brush against his vigilant golden aura, did he finally settled down, and his nerves slowly relaxed and the next thing he knows is he is sitting on the rooftop surrounded by blankets and pillows and he is currently snuggled on Macaque shoulder as he hums softly and felt his soft hands groom his fur.
“Sleep Sunshine, we can deal with it all tomorrow,” he whispered and tucked him further underneath his chin.
He wished he could thank him for doing this, for watching over him during his blackout, for keeping him calm, but the words eluded him, and instead, he cuddled further into the hold. He stiffed when he heard soft footsteps approach, but relaxed at the familiar energy of both of his kids approaching him.
“Mind if we join,” MK asked as he took in the sight.
“Would you be up for that Sunspot?” Mac looked down.
Wukong didn’t say anything once more and just wordlessly nodded.
“Alright, you both can join, but right to bed.” He firmly told them both.
“Oh don’t worry, even my bones feel tired,” Mei said as she cuddled next to the black furred monkey and MK softly laid next to the brown furred simian.
Then there’s was silence once more as only the bustling from the streets could be heard as people reunited with each other once again, the whistle of winds, the steady breathing of the small group, and the soft humming of a six eared monkey lullabying them further and further into a deep sleep. And as Wukong listened, felt, and saw everything, only one thought was left as he closed his eyes for a long slumber.
He really loved his family.
As to why Mac didn’t get captured? Easy, he doesn’t have the same kind of cocky ego that both BK and Wukong shared. He actually likes to think before he acts.
Also, hey yeah remember how I said my longest chapter was like two chapters ago, welll I made a freakin new one and guess what? IT’S OVER 9000!! Like holy shit I need to sleep, but damn am I proud of how long I can make these XD
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Angazhan, the Ravenous King
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Chaotic Evil Demon Lord of Apes, Tyrants, and Jungles
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Evil, Plant Subdomains: Decay, Demon, Fur, Growth
The Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 18~19
Obedience: Ingest hallucinogenic jungle plants and then beat a complex rhythm on a large drum made of human skin and bones while chanting prayers to Angazhan. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against diseases and poisons caused by exposure to the jungle or inflicted by creatures native to jungles.
Heurgh, Angazhan has some pretty restrictive requirements here, and his Benefit really only works against a single environment, making Angazhan one of the most environmentally-locked deities since Dagon! It’s fitting, considering Angazhan is basically only worshiped in Darkest Africa the Mwangi Expanse, a massive and terrifying jungle he’s had his six-fingered hands buried deep into ever since humanity began settling the land. Since worship rarely ever leaves a jungle home, any player character wanting to serve the Ravenous King had better make sure they’ll be sticking close to the vine-draped homeland, or they’re just completely out of luck! Not just because they lose out on the benefit above, but because they lose out on a good number of Boons too!
anyway, it’s a difficult alignment to set up for and keep a secret, if you’re trying to hide your worship of the Tyrant King. You COULD pass off the drum as being made of animal tissues, but the loud chanting to a known and famous Demon Lord and the fact you’re likely to be seeing stars and colors due to your Hearty Breakfast is much harder to explain if someone kicks your door in. The fact you need both jungle drugs and a drum means this Obedience is utterly ruined if you get robbed or have your equipment stolen, though at the very least it’s easy enough to replace your belongings... if you’re in a jungle. If you’re not, getting a new drum is simple, but a visit to the black market may be necessary to restock on your Hearty Breakfast.
The benefit is notably weaker than other benefits of a similar theme; a few deities are generous enough to give universal protections from poison and disease, but Angazhan punishes you for going where he cannot tread. Fitting for a tyrant who likes having people under his thumb, but annoying for someone trying to actually extend his reach. In a jungle area, however, it’s MUCH more impressive than it looks in a vacuum; many, many, many, MANY horrors within the deep and mysterious tangles rely on poisons or disease to fell their enemies and their prey, so the added protection will always come in handy!
Boons are acquired slowly: the first once you reach 12 hit dice, the second at 16, and the third at 20. However, the Evangelist, Exalted, and Sentinel Prestige Classes can be entered as early as level 7; doing so grants you the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Servants of demons may also take the Demoniac Prestige Class; you don’t get the Boons any faster than E/E/S, but you may select which Boon set you get, and you get cool demon-related powers!
------- EVANGELIST -------
Boon 1: The Jungle Consumes. Gain Pass Without Trace 3/day, Tree Shape 2/day, or Spike Growth 1/day.
‘Consumes’ indeed; Spike Growth can render a frankly offensive amount of terrain completely inhospitable (ten 20ft squares!), shredding 1d4 HP off every creature trying to pass through a single 5ft square and threatening to halve their movement speed for a full day every time they take damage. As anyone who’s played as or fought against a Druid can attest to, Spike Growth is useful for exactly two things (slowing an enemy’s retreat or advance) but it’s amazing at doing so. The sheer amount of terrain the spell covers and the length of time it covers for (an hour per level) makes useful for stopping everything from a charging dragon to a charging army... provided your foe has less than 4 DR. In order to halve someone’s movespeed they need to actually take damage from the growth AND fail a Reflex save, meaning even the meager DR 5 you’re likely to encounter at levels 10+ is enough to make Spike Growth completely irrelevant.
If you can use it against a foe who’s not immune to it, though, it’s absolutely stellar. Moving through even a single 20ft square triggers four separate Reflex saves to avoid having one’s movespeed halved for a full day, and--as written--the halved speed can’t be undone with Fast Healing or Regeneration, the victim MUST find a Cure spell. Perhaps the biggest downside is that using it to its fullest potential--that is, to cripple a charging swarm of foes--is unlikely to happen, delegating it to crowd control versus a small amount of enemies.
It’s leagues better than the niche Tree Shape, but Pass Without Trace also has its merits, hiding up to 10 people from sniffing noses and prying eyes for half a day, letting you and your allies effortlessly vanish into the foliage. Indeed, all three of these spells are extremely useful in the jungle setting Angazhan demands you remain in, so if you ARE actually hiding around in the Mwangi Expanse, all three of these can be genuine picks depending on if you plan to be a trapper, a stalker, or a sentree that day.
Boon 2: Canopy Crawler. Your feet become prehensile and apelike, allowing them to act as a second pair of hands for every purpose except wielding a shield or weapon, such as to execute somatic components, to aid in climbing, to hold objects, and to maintain your Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing. In addition, you gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed +10, and can attempt a Climb check in place of the following checks: Acrobatics checks to swing or leap between branches and vines; Stealth checks to remain hidden within trees, and you can move at full speed through them without penalty; and Stealth checks to snipe from trees, the penalty for doing so reduced by 10. 
The way this ability is written in the book is kind of a mess, so I tried my best to shuffle it into a more easily digestible form.
Anyway: Freaky monkey feet! For all your freaky monkey feet needs! One of the more unique Boons in the game, and unlike most highly unique Boons, this one is still highly useful! While your handfeet can’t wield weapons or shields, you can use them for more or less anything else while your actual human hands are occupied. Sleight of Hand? No, my friend, I’m on a completely different level.
The big star here is the free climb speed, which automatically gives you a meaty +8 to Climb checks, making the various skill checks it replaces much, much easier to exploit. You become an expert of gorilla... guerrilla... Gorilla Guerrilla Warfare, soundlessly moving from tree to tree and hurling spears or firing arrows with nary a peep but for the whoosh of the weapon through the branches and leaves, moving from position to position as easily as playing hopscotch. Even if you never invested in Stealth at all, you can suddenly pour ranks into Climb and become an ersatz Rogue for the party, leading a silent charge against the foes of the Ravenous King’s cult. 
Side note, this ability combines beautifully with all 3 of the spell-likes from The Jungle Consumes, as your brachiating movements put you above Spike Growth, Pass Without Trace makes you utterly impossible to nonmagically track if you attack at night, and Tree Shape lets you become a horror movie villain that vanishes the instant it appears you’re about to be ‘caught.’
Boon 3: One With The Jungle. While in the jungle, you gain blindsight to a range of 60 feet, you gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on saving throws, and you are never flat-footed or surprised. You ignore cover and concealment caused by natural features of the jungle, as the very plants and stones twist out of the path of your attacks and spells.
An eternal Diet Foresight if your reward for remaining in the Ravener King’s grip, but this ability--unlike Canopy Crawler--is entirely blank if you adventure outside of your god’s chosen locale, a punishing loss of an otherwise incredibly strong defensive ability. Being impossible to catch by surprise is good enough on its own, especially at levels where enemies can have Sneak Attacks exceeding +4d6, poisons that cause people to hemorrhage ability scores, or fatal grappling embraces, to say nothing of what happens if a spellcaster gets the drop on everyone. The +2 to AC and universal bonus to saving throws will struggle to make a difference, but it’s a rare insight bonus and will thus stack with all your existing bonuses... and, of course, it lasts forever so long as you remain in a jungle.
I enjoy that the jungle will shuffle aside to let you shoot and swat your enemies without penalty, making my ‘treetop sniper’ suggestion in Canopy Crawler even more viable. Now, as long as you can see even the smallest portion of your target, the natural world will bend and sway to avoid your blows so that they always strike true, letting you attack enemies without the possibility of them retaliating unless they begin cutting down the whole jungle... at which point they’ll have much bigger issues than just you.
------- EXALTED -------
Boon 1: Jungle’s Wrath. Entangle 3/day, Bull’s Strength 2/day, or Summon Monster III (1 fiendish ape, 1d3 fiendish advanced baboons, or 1d4+1 fiendish baboons) 1/day.
Bull’s Strength is always nice to have to give the beefy members of your party, giving them an extra +2 to attack and damage rolls for ten or so minutes at a time, among other bonuses. Strength bonuses are some of the most boring but practical things you can hand out, because you never know when you’ll just need to do something as simple as moving a large rock or hit something for 2 more points of damage than normal. Having it at twice a day means it’ll likely carry through the most important battles or puzzles you’ll face.
Entangle, however, tends to be the better option here. See everything I said above about Spike Growth? Paste that here, as well, but trade off the damage for the ability to grapple everything trying to move through the 40ft radius(!) of plantlife you’ve affected. In some ways it’s better than Spike Growth, utterly halting the movement of anyone heading through it if they fail their save rather than halving it, and being difficult terrain even if the victims succeed, which halves their speed anyway.
Seeing summoning abilities on a Boon is usually good, but the painful limitation of only being able to summon various demon apes means it severely lacks its normal Swiss Army application. It’s only really good if you need either a distraction, or something heavy moved, both of which could be accomplished with Entangle and Bull’s Strength without it being tied to a creature with subhuman intelligence. At the very least, apes have humanoid hands and can thus perform tasks very few other summoned creatures could do, such as wielding weapons.
Boon 2: Summon Child of Angazhan. 1/day as a swift action, you can summon an Advanced Fiendish Girallon, 1d3 Advanced Fiendish Dire Apes, or 1d4+1 Advanced Fiendish Apes as if you had cast Summon Monster VI.
In spite of my mockery of the Boon above, the ape restriction here is anything but painful. ... well, it’s painful for anyone who’s not you, mind. An Advanced Fiendish Girallon is a CR 8 monstrosity with enough damage output and resilience from the Fiendish template to punch above its weight class. A Girallon is a four-armed, Large-sized ape beast with five attacks (and Rend!) a round, with enough agility and maneuverability to run down fleeing foes or chase them through just about any terrain easily.
It’s also your best option among the summons; the Dire Apes and normal apes are nice, but the chance of summoning a single Dire Ape or a meager 2 fiend apes means a Girallon is the best go-to unless you need a lot of bodies rather than one large one. The Fiendish template is really what gives this ability the oomph it needs to shrug off most of my criticism of Jungle’s Wrath, granting even your normal apes a bit of Spell Resistance and elemental resistance to Fire and Acid... though, notable, both the normal ape and the Dire Ape have too few HD to gain the advanced benefits of the Fiendish template, and none of the creatures here have high enough Charisma to make the Smite Good ability granted to them useful, even with the +4 to all ability scores from Advanced.
Perhaps the biggest gold star this power has, however, is the fact that it can be used as a swift action. You can instantaneously flank an enemy with a murderous gorilla and then stab them in the back when they rightly turn around to look at said murderous gorilla in disbelief, or you can blast them with another spell, or you can do any number of other things with the distraction you’ve just created. Don’t forget that Summon Monster VI also has a range of Close, letting you hurl a demon gorilla at an enemy from 25+5ft/lvl away. The downside, however, is that SMVI also has a duration of a meager 1 round/lvl, meaning you’ll often run into the issue of saving the use of this ability, often until you no longer need it.
Boon 3: Jungle’s Might. You gain a +2 profane bonus to your Strength score and a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
Useful but boring. It’s moderately better than most stat-buffing Boons thanks to the additional Fortitude bonus, but final Boons typically give +4 bonuses, not +2. There’s no flash or pizazz here, nothing to really expand upon, so lets move on!
------- SENTINEL -------
Boon 1: Tyrant’s Roar. Gain Command 3/day, Sound Burst 2/day, or Suggestion 1/day.
I almost got mad because I mistook Sound Burst for a different, much worse spell. Nope! That was sonic scream or whatever, one I’m so unimpressed with I didn’t even bother looking it up. Sound Burst is significantly better, anyway, able to stun a small crowd of enemies in a single casting, which is exactly what you--as the Sentinel--want to happen. Either because you’re holding back an enemy(/ies) for your allies to get into place, or because you’re holding them still so you can get in close. The damage it deals is pitiful, but it’s automatic even if they succeed against the stun effect, and you never know when 8 damage to up to a crowd will make a difference!
Like most of Angazhan’s blessings, it gets better if you’re in a jungle, as the hostility of the Mwangi Expanse means invaders are likely to be clustered together as tightly as possible to prevent attacks from all angles. Punish them, hard.
Command is in-character for the Tyrant King, and it rewards creative uses beyond the ‘come,’ ‘stay,’ and ‘drop’ commands, though those serve their purpose well enough. I’m quite partial to KNEEL, which fits Angazhan rather well! The only problem is that its low saving throw scaling means it’s unlikely to affect enemies that matter, and in combat it’s often much better to just rush in and start slapping. Out of combat Suggestion is king, though it’s an odd choice for someone who tends to force people to follow his orders through violence and threats rather than relying on coercive and subtle magic. Personally, I’d let the Face of the party or the dedicated enchanter rely on Suggestion, and carry Sound Burst around for those times you need to explode people’s eardrums.
Boon 2: Reign of Terror. You add your Strength modifier to Intimidate checks (this does not stack with Intimidating Prowess or similar feats and abilities) as well as your Charisma modifier. Once per minute, you may use Intimidate to demoralize a single creature within 30ft as a swift action, or all creatures within 10ft as a move action. When using Intimidate to demoralize a creature in this way, if your result exceeds the DC by 5 or more, the creature is frightened for 1 round and then shaken for the normal duration; if your result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, the creature cowers for 1 round, then is frightened for 1 round, and then is shaken for the normal duration. When you use Intimidate to demoralize an ally, instead of being shaken, that creature gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls for the appropriate duration.
While normally Boons are built to be taken advantage of by any class within the margins of those who can enter the Prestige Classes in the first place, sometimes you get one that forces you into a specific path. This one highly, highly rewards having both a high Strength and a high (or at least neutral) Charisma, and focusing a feat or two into making your Intimidate as high as possible can see you sending squadrons of enemy combatants scattering and trampling one another to get away from you. I love, love, LOVE that there’s no per-day use restriction on this power, only that it can be used once per minute, meaning you can bring it out in more or less every fight you encounter.
Exceeding the victim’s Intimidation DC by 10 or more causes them to cower, a status affliction barely above paralysis in how terrible it is to be suffering, opening them up to a whole round of being beat on without any ability to retaliate. Even if they survive the round of helplessness, they’re forced to run from you and use whatever resources they have available to get as far away from you as possible... which can be a blessing or a curse depending on what they were carrying and how badly you wanted it.
Being able to Intimidate a single foe as a swift action or a whole crowd surrounding you as a move action is strong, especially if you can bolster your prowess enough to always score 10 higher than their DC (a challenge, but not an insurmountable one)... And even if your enemies are immune to being intimidated either because they’re mindless, starved, or immune to fear, you can use this ability to give your whole team +2 to attack rolls for 4+ rounds. It’s more of a consolation prize than anything else, but note that the final sentence does not say “in this way,” meaning you can use Intimidate normally without needing the 1/minute bolstering to give your allies a bit more accuracy! Wasteful, but viable!
Boon 3: Unchallenged Tyrant. When you perform your Obedience, designate a number of present and willing creatures equal to your Charisma modifier; these are your Thralls. This designation lasts for 24 hours or until you next perform your Obedience. 3/day, you can infuse all Thralls within 50 feet of you as a swift action, granting them a +4 bonus to their Strength and Constitution scores and a +2 bonus on initiative checks, and granting any teamwork feats you have as bonus feats *for an number of rounds equal to your hit dice. If a Thrall dies within 50 feet of you at any time, you gain the effects of Death Ward (CL = half the Thrall’s Hit Dice, to a maximum of CL 20th).
*this ability originally had no listed duration, making it quite awkward and insanely powerful. I’ve added one that makes sense.
Oh, not bad! Another reward for buffing up your Charisma! Even if it’s just to a +2 bonus! And it’s a fine one, too, letting you enchant your allies with a discounted Barbarian Rage, including a bonus to initiative checks to help them move before your enemies even know what’s happening! THREE TIMES a day!!! And--wait, wait, there’s more? You also transfer ALL your teamwork feats to your Thralls? Teamwork feats are pretty powerful but wholly rely on your allies being willing to give up their own feat slots for them, and they utterly fail to work if you aren’t working together or become separated by enemy shenanigans. This ability (along with the Inquisitor’s Solo Tactics) turns those empty feat slots into something truly game-changing due to applying them to all of your Thralls at once. This means that, even if you don’t or cannot join in the fight, they can still use teamwork with each other, and all you need is one of them to be nearby to make use of feats like Lookout (if one of you can act during the surprise round, all of you can), Precise Strikes (+1d6 damage if you’re flanking an enemy)... or, perhaps the most useful of them, Coordinated Charge, allowing you and your allies to all charge the same target.
It doesn’t take a genius to see why Coordinated Charge is one of the best you can use with this ability, as the +Strength and Con bonus means you can turn even the weakest member of the party into another source of damage however small. It also means all of your melee battlers can get into the fray immediately, and if used in combination with Lookout, it can turn an enemy ambush into a pile of severed limbs and broken armor before they even realize what they’re up against.
I also like that if any of your Thralls die, you get a free Death Ward. If you know you’re going up against a necromancer or an Undead with Energy Drain, making an incredibly weak but tasty-looking creature one of your Thralls and sending them in to die is one less spell slot your Divine caster needs to use on you. I’m amused by the idea of blessing one member of your Sack Of Rats and just crushing it in your hand if you ever need a ward. If you have the Charisma for it, definitely try it out!
You can enter Monkis World here.
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the-starless-sky · 4 years
The Cat’s Whiskers x Akan Yatsura / “JUSTICE” voice drama sample 1
Iori: Sigh...
(Iori types on the computer.)
Iori: Well, with this much sales, we're gonna do well this month. If only 'that' matter will go well too. They’re the opponents, after all. They wont show their true colors easily. What should I do, I wonder? Asking a maneki-neko's [1] useless, huh.
(Zen knocks the door.)
Zen: Young Master, excuse me.
Iori: Oh, Zen. Good job out there.
Zen: What's wrong, Young Master? Holding a maneki-neko like that.
Iori: I was asking consulting with Boss Cat about life, haha.
Zen: Haha. What's up with that? Here's today's sales reports.
Iori: Ah, thank you.
Zen: Please look inside! It's amazing!
Iori: Yeah, understood.
Zen: Anne-kun's got the shining first rank in both sales and number of calls [2] again.
Iori: Aah, that's great.
Zen: And! It's CANDY's new record!
Iori: Is that so.
Zen: Young Master! This is an amazing thing! Aren't you surprised?
Iori: Yeah. Anne-chan's seriously a hard-worker, huh. Impressive, impressive.
Zen: Young Master...? Are you feeling unwell?
Iori: No, no. It's nothin’ like that, but... I was just absorbed in my thoughts.
Zen: If you're fine with me, then please talk to me anytime. I might be able to be of help, if only a little.
Iori: Ah... you're right. Well then, shall I talk? Oh. Before that, would you lock the door? 'Cause this ain't something the youngsters should hear.
Zen: O-oh, understood.
(Zen locks the door.)
Zen: Then, Young Master... what did you mean by 'thoughts'?
Iori: Zen, what d’ya think about Paradox Live?
Zen: Yes! It's a fair-and-square earnest battle! I will definitely prove that us Akan Yatsura's number one!
Iori: Haha. That's merry in itself, but... that's not what I meant. I was talking about how something about it smells fishy.
Zen: I'm sorry... I don't quite understand.
Iori: Actually, behind this championship... Alter Trigger Company might be involved.
Zen: Alter Trigger Company, you say...!?
Iori: Yeah. Just as ya know, they might be the mastermind behind the attack on our group. I think they're the ones who conspired behind the scenesーー
Zen: If that's true, then... let's carry out a raid, right now! We have to avenge the deaths of Boss and our comrades...!
Iori: Calm down, Zen. I understand your feelings. But, it's not the time for that yet.
Zen: But...!
Iori: I told ya to calm down, didn't I? I haven't grasped a conclusive evidence yet, so it's still nothin’ more than a conjecture. If we're going to kill them... let's do it for certain.
Zen: Yes.
Iori: We'll pretend we don't know anything, win, and get closer to the organizers. That's the safest plan we have now. If we raided now withoutーー
(From outside the room.)
Masaki: It's... locked.
(Reo tries to open the door.)
Reo: Ah, you're right. Hey, Big Bro! What's wrong~?
Iori: Zen! You don't have to tell them anything we talked about just now, alright.
(In the background.)
Satsuki: Oi, Big Bro! Big Bro!
Zen: Understood.
Iori: ‘Sup, what's up~!? You guys’re bein’ noisy~! I'll open it now, stop makin’ a fuss!
(Zen opens the door.)
Reo: Hehe. Huh? Zen-nii, you're here too?
Satsuki: Big Bro! We finished cleaning up the club!
Reo: Aah! Even though I'd planned to report...!
Hokusai: We made the club... sparkly clean.
Iori: Oh! Good job, ya three. You guys're a huge help. Well then, shall we close up an' go home?
Reo: Okay~!
Satsuki: Why did you lock the door, though, Big Bro?
Reo: Aah, this is why children are hard to handle. Of course they were talking about important club stuff!
Satsuki: What's that, shitty brat!? Who'd you call a child!?
Reo: There's nobody else but Satsuki-chan, isn't it!?
Satsuki: I told you not to call me with -chan, didn't I!?
Reo: Ahaha, he's angry, he's angry!
Satsuki: Oi!!! Stop there!!!
Reo: Satsuki-chaaan, I'm here~
Zen: Oi! Don't fight in front of Young Master!
Satsuki: You bastard...! I hafta strangle this guy once or he'dーーUwah!
Iori: Oof...!
Hokusai: Satsuki... are you okay?
Reo: I'm sorry, Big Bro... Did the maneki-neko crack somewhere...? Is it okay...?
Hokusai: Satsuki, too... are you okay?
Satsuki: Ah, yeah, I'm all fine. Um, I'm really sorry!!
Iori: It's 'kay, it's 'kay. Doesn't seem like it's cracked anywhere.
Zen: Satsuki-kun and Reo-kun! Why do you guys always, always...! Won't you guys learn, for once!?
Satsuki: ...'Kay.
Zen: What, Satsuki-kun? You have anything you wanna say?
Satsuki: ...Nothing, Sir.
Zen: Reo-kun! I'm also talking to you!
Reo: Okaaay~
Iori: Cats, huh... if it's him, he might know something.
Zen: In any case! Reflect properly! Understand!?
Reo & Satsuki: Understood...
Iori: Now, now. Nobody got hurt, so just leave it at that.
Zen: No, that's not good! Come, you two, apologize properly to Young Master once again!
Reo & Satsuki: Big Bro... Sorry...
Iori: Come on...~ I hate it when the atmosphere's damp at the end of the day. Oh, yeah! To change the mood, shall we go out together?
Satsuki: Seriously!? I wanna go!
Reo: Me too!
Hokusai: If everyone goes, I want to go too...
Iori: Zen, of course ya'll join too, right?
Zen: It can't be helped, understood. I will go, too.
Reo: Yaay~ Night out~!
(Satsuki opens the door.)
Satsuki: Hey! We're coming in!
Shiki: Welcoー ah...!
Ryuu: Beep, beep! Shoo~! It's an enemy attack, a mob!
Yohei: Tch. You guys, huh? Sorry, but we're closed already. Go somewhere else.
Iori: You're so cold! Couldn't ya let us have a glass? Huh, danna? [3]
Shiki: W-why... is Akan Yatsura's members...?
Saimon: Shiki, step back.
Yohei: You... heh, it's been a while, hasn't it?
Iori: Hahaha! Danna, have ya been healthy? Ya even became a full-fledged bar master! Haha! We came here to greet y'all before the battle!
(Iori slaps Yohei's back.)
Yohei: O-oi! Stop that!
Hokusai: Ah... Ryuu...!
Ryuu: Hmm? Huh...? I feel like I've seen you guys somewhere... uhm... Oh, yeah! Monkey, pheasant, and dog! [4]
Satsuki: This ain’t Momotarou! And I'm not a monkey! Don't look down on me!
Hokusai: Ryuu... you haven't changed.
Yohei: Ryuu. Leave the cleaning and just bring in the signboard.
Ryuu: Okay~!!! Hey, hey, get outta the way!!! Ryuu-kun's coming through! Vroom, vro-ro-room, vroom, vroom!
Zen: Oops!
Ryuu: Get out, outta the way!!
Zen: Haha, he's really energetic.
Reo: So? Can we go in or what?
Saimon: Haha. Yes, of course. You've came all the way to greet us - there's no way we'll send you back.
Ryuu: Welcome to Bar 4/7.
Shiki: Please sit in the counter seat.
Zen: Well then, I'll have a lemon sour, please.
Yohei: Gotcha. Iori's gimlet, right?
(Yohei makes the drinks and put the glasses on the table.)
Iori: Yeah, thanks.
(Iori drinks.)
Iori: Ah-ha~ As I thought, alcohol hafta be this! Oh, yeah! Please serve something for our kids, too.
Reo: Then, I want a pudding a la mode!
Yohei: We have no such things.
Reo: Eeh, you don't!? Then, tapioca milk tea!
Yohei: Sigh...
Satsuki: I'll have... uh, that... I'll have bourbon.
Shiki: H-huh!? B-but...
Satsuki: Huuh!? What!?
Shiki: A-ah... um...
Zen: Hmph!
(Zen hits Satsuki.)
Satsuki: That hurts!! What's that for!?
Zen: Don't get carried away! You can drink alcohol after you're 20. Juice's enough for Satsuki-kun!
Satsuki: Tch. Fine!
Ryuu: You want some kibi-dango? [5]
Satsuki: I told you we're not Momotarou!
Ryuu: Even though you'd get a bonus of becoming Ryuu-kun's servant...
Satsuki: All the more reason for not needing it!
Ryuu: Then, Kuu-chan, what about you? [6]
Hokusai: Mm... I'm fine with anything.
Ryuu: You're fine with anything? Then, I'll give you Charismatic Bartender Ryuu-kun's Special Drink!
You are! The member of this drink! Become 100 times more cheerful! There's no choice but to drink this late in the game! Soda and coffee, tabasco, and oof, it's spicy! And to top it off, matcha, Kuu-chan's green!
Ryuu-kun's special drink for Kuu-chan... along with the smell of gutter.
(Ryuu-kun puts the glass on the counter.)
Hokusai: Thanks for the drink.
(Hokusai drinks.)
Hokusai: It's terrible. But good job for making it with all your might, Ryuu. There, there.
(Hokusai pats Ryuu.)
Ryuu: Riiight!? That's 'cause Ryuu-kun's a genius! I'm scared of my own talent~!
Yohei: Jeez... how'd he manage to make something like that?
Saimon: Haha. You're right.
(Satsuki's stomach grumbles.)
Satsuki: Aah... I'm kinda hungry. Hey, uncle! Don't you have anything to eat?
Yohei: Haa? Look, what do you think this place is?
Iori: Oh, then, Satsuki, I'll give you pocket money. Go and eat ramen or something with everyone else!
Satsuki: Huh!? Seriously!?
Iori: Yeah. 'Raimen' should still be open by now.
Ryuu: How nice~ Ryuu-kun wants to eat, too! With lots and lots and lots of garlic on top of the noodle~!
Iori: Ah, I see. Then go with them, with that kid, too.
Ryuu: Yaay! Yay, yay, yay! We gonna eat ramen! He said you can come too, Shiki! Nice, isn't it!?
Shiki: Ah... but, I'd feel bad...
Reo: You're coming, right, Ando-kun?
Hokusai: Let's go together...
Satsuki: Hm? 'Sup with you guys? How'd you know his name?
Reo: Haa? He's from the same school as us!
Satsuki: Seriously!?
Hokusai: Yeah... we're part time students, but Ando-kun's full-time. [7]
Shiki: Y-yes... we're from the same school... more or less.
Reo: We pass by him a lot on the way to school, don't tell me you didn't notice at all, Satsuki?
Satsuki: Huh... Ando, you bastard, what are you being reserved for? Are ya makin' fun of us, thinking 'I don't wanna eat with part time students'!? Ha!?
Shiki: A-ah, uh, I didn't mean...
Iori: Satsuki!
Satsuki: W-what!?
Iori: Stop pickin' strange fights, be good pals and go!
Satsuki: Eeh? Okay.
Saimon: Sorry for having you take care of our children as well.
Iori: 'skay, 'skay. Something like this's fine, once in a while.
Reo: Haha! Well then, we're going! Thank you, Big Bro!
Saimon: Everyone, be careful on the way.
(Reo opens the door and walks out with everyone.)
Ryuu: Happy and Macho, thank you, obbligato!
(Ryuu walks out.)
Iori: Happy... does he mean me?
Zen: Macho... hm... not bad.
Iori: Zen...
Yohei: Sigh... it's finally quiet.
Iori: Nah, I'm really s'prised! I knew you're working after leaving our group, but, haha, ya've mellowed down more than I thought!
Yohei: Hah. Even I'm not gonna be a child forever.
Saimon: Haha. Then, it'd be nice if you get even more mellower.
Yohei: Shut up. Don't say useless things.
Zen: Um, Kanbayashi-san, excuse me. May I get another cup?
Yohei: Yeah, of course. You want something different?
Zen: Well, since I'm here already, something low-sugar, please.
Yohei: Then, it's around tequila... gin, or brandy, huh?
Zen: Hm? This maneki-neko on the counter... it looks very similar to Young Master's.
Iori: Ah, that, huh? Not just similar, they're the exact same thing.
Zen: Eh, is that so...? Why is there the same thing here?
(Yohei lit his cigarette and smokes.)
Yohei: This maneki-neko... was given to me by the boss.
Saimon: 'Boss'? Who is that?
Yohei: Boss is... the head of Suiseki-group who I was indebted to.
Iori: There was a time when we worked as a pair, danna and I.
Yohei: Yeah, yeah. Back when we manage the cabaret club and became bodyguards.
Iori: What's up, danna? Piano's not your style, right? What's up suddenly? [8]
Yohei: Haha. I just thought I'd dabble in it a bit. 'Cause it seems I have the sense for it.
Iori: Who told you that kinda thing?
(From far away.)
Mob-AT: I'll order one more tower. [9]
Cabaret girls: Really? Yay~! Tower~!
Mob-AT: Let's go!
Cabaret girls: You're the best~!
Iori: Oh, my, my. Seems like that guy's being flashy today, too. Look, he keeps ordering the good bottles. If we said Boss-style, he's 'merry', isn't he. [10]
Yohei: Hm? Oh, it's the guys from Alter Trigger Company.
Iori: Seriously, they keep coming without getting bored at all. Well, that's a good thing for us, though.
(Sounds of glass breaking.)
Cabaret girls: Kya!? What's going on?
Iori: Huh?
Mobs: Oi, you there, stop fuckin' around! The fuck's with this club? What kinda shitty service is this, huh!?
Yohei: What's up with those guys...?
Mobs: Under whose permission is this shitty club operating!? Oi!?
Yohei: Is he some other group's guys?
Cabaret girls: Ah...!
Cabaret girls: Hey, what's wrong with everyone? Calm down...!
Iori: That doesn't matter right now. The Alter Trigger guys are currently drinking comfortably. Before the rating of the club drops, we’d better do something.
(Sounds of glass breaking and alarms going off.)
Cabaret girls: What...?
Iori: Customers, just now, a small fire started in the kitchen. Our staffs will lead the way, so please evacuate immediately! Cast members, please don't go out and show the way to the customers.
Yohei: This way! Please calm down.
Mobs: Oi, bastard, what's this-
Iori: You guys, stay here, alright?
Mobs: Stop fuckin'... around...
Iori: Alright?
Mobs: Ugh...
Yohei: Oi, Iori. I got them all out.
Iori: Yeah, thanks for that, danna. With this, there's only us around.
Yohei: What the hell are you guys planning? Messing around?
Iori & Yohei: Let's hear all about it.
[1] Maneki-neko or ‘beckoning cat’, said to invite customers and luck.
[2] Calls - since it’s cabaret club, essentially you can choose which hostess you want to accompany you drinking. So that means Anne gets called for by the customers the most times.
[3] Danna. There are a lot of ways to translate this, one of them being ‘master’ or ‘boss’ - the nuance is almost like ‘bro’, but more respectful. Since both ‘(gang) boss’ and ‘(bar) master’ has been used, to avoid confusion I opted for danna in italics.
[4] Monkey, pheasant, and dog are Momotarou’s companion in the folklore Momotarou. Google it up!
[5] Kibi-dango is the food Momotarou gave to the three animals that accompany him.
[6] Kuu-chan. I’m pretty sure this nickname comes from how Ryuu calls Masaki a ‘pheasant’, since birds cry ‘coo, coo’.
[7] Part-time schedule or teiji-sei is a school schedule that started in the evening for people who wants to get a high school diploma but has to work in the day for a living. Full-time, vice versa, is the usual schedule (school starts in the morning and ends in the evening).
[8] I don’t know if it shows in this translation, but in the flashback Iori speaks in a normal, unaccented way. So yes, he’s one million times cooler (in my opinion!).
[9] Tower, as in champagne tower. It’s likely the most expensive thing you can order in a club.
[10] Merry, or gokigen, is also Iori’s catchphrase in the current timeline of the series.
[*] Mob names. ‘Mob-AT’ is the guy from Alter Trigger. I don’t know where the other mobs are from unless specified.
I have no words except Iori... Iori, oh my god.
I’m sorry for being mean to you before. I love you. Not as much as I do Allen, but I love you.
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Stuck in reverse - playlist
You can find it on Spotify here. 
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Okay, let’s talk about it! 
Sam Smith – Fix you
I remember crying to the original song (by Coldplay) back in 2005. Whoo boy, lots of teenage feelings!
I’m not the biggest fan of Sam Smith’s music, but one day I was just driving home from work and this song began playing on the radio and by the end of it I could barely see the road.
// When you try your best, but you don’t succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can’t replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse? //
That one line – stuck in reverse – felt just so perfect for a story set in the universe where people invert themselves back and forth.
It became one of the three main songs that inspired me to write the whole damn thing, and also the only title in the story that is not a title of a song as well.
Chapter 1: Ben Platt – Ease my mind 
This is one of the songs I have on my daily playlist, I just love it, and the lyrics are so fitting:
//Most days I wake up with a pit in my chest There are thoughts that I can’t put to rest There’s a worry that I can’t place
Most nights, I am restless and quiet won’t come So I lay there and wait for the sun There’s a trouble that won’t show its face
You came out of nowhere and you cut through all the noise I make sense to the madness when I listen to your voice//
We learn more about the nightmares in the next chapters, but it all starts here. That melancholic vibe stuck with me for the rest of the story I guess.
Bonus song: Lewis Capaldi - Before you go
The combat scene in one song, or at least what I imagined was going through Reader’s mind at that point.
//I fell by the wayside like everyone else I hate you, I hate you, I hate you but I was just kidding myself Our every moment, I start to replace ‘Cause now that they’re gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say When you hurt under the surface Like troubled water running cold Well, time can heal but this won’t//
Have you ever felt that way? Trying to hide your broken heart under anger? I don’t know, it just resonated deeply.
The second part of the song kinda seeped into the next chapter:
//Was there something I could’ve said To make your heart beat better? If only I’d have known you had a storm to weather
//Would we be better off by now If I’d have let my walls come down? Maybe, I guess we’ll never know//
Chapter 2: Kaleo - I can’t go on without you
Another song from my daily playlists (side note – I saw Kaleo once live on a music festival and they were mind-blowing, you should really check out more of their work).
It worked with the story because of its desperate and painful mood.
Bonus: Calum Scott - Dancing on my own
Holy shit, I FELT this one. (Been there, done that). Of course I had to write it into Reader’s past. Actually, I wrote it first and then found the song, but it doesn’t matter, that’s the flashback scene right here:
//Somebody said you got a new friend Does she love you better than I can? And there’s a big black sky over my town I know where you’re at, I bet she’s around And yeah, I know it’s stupid But I just gotta see it for myself I’m in the corner, watching you kiss her, I’m right over here, why can’t you see me? And I’m giving it my all //
Chapter 3: Billie Eilish – Bad guy
No feels, pure bop. This song is so BADASS, I really needed to get that vibe into the undercover mission, I didn’t want Reader to be an emotional mess and nothing else, you know?
Bonus: Tones and I – Dance Monkey
I shit you not, I’ve had that one on repeat for the dance scene. There is something incredibly seductive in that beat, I just couldn’t get it out of my head.
Bonus: Kings of Leon – Closer
It just makes my heart clench and leaves me breathless.
Chapter 4: Ben Platt – Bad habit
Ah, that was the moment when I cursed at myself for using Ease my mind for chapter 1, but we already talked about it.
Even though this song is very emotional, it’s not that heartbreaking, you can hear a faint smile here and there and it just makes my heart sing.
And oh my god, those lyrics:
//You always said that I’d come back to you again ‘Cause everybody needs a friend, it’s true Someone to quiet the voices in my head Make ‘em sing to me instead, it’s you Hate to say that I love you Hate to say that I need you Hate to say that I want you But I do Bad habit, I know But I’m needin’ you right now Can you help me out? Can I lean on you? Been one of those days Sun don’t wanna come out Can you help me out? Can I lean on you?//
They just work with that plot, you know?
Bonus: Dodie – Sick of losing soulmates
Another song that just resonates with the story.
//What a strange being you are, God knows where I would be If you hadn’t found me, sitting all alone in the dark A dumb screenshot of youth Watch how a cold broken teen Will desperately lean on a superglued human of proof
What the hell would I be, without you (what the hell would I be) Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth (hide the truth)
'Cause I’m sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin I can finally see, you’re as fucked up as me So how do we win?//
Chapter 5: Adele – Someone like you
The whole damn sunset scene + this song on repeat = feels
The pain in her voice? God, it just reduces me to a puddle of tears.
Reader could just sing it at some point to Neil almost word for word.
Bonus: Passenger – Let her go
Okay, the case of that one is quite funny, because I kinda needed to figure out how to get from point A to point B of the chapter, and I was browsing Spotify looking for „campfire songs” or something like that. Of course I’ve heard this one before, but I’ve never actually focused on the lyrics.
And oh boy, suddenly it all became clear.
Headcanon time – in my head, Wheeler and Neil are close friends, she treats him a bit like a younger brother, I just can imagine they know each other very well at that point. Of course she knows hows about his past. Of course she heard about Reader. And she thinks they are both silly babies and they should just kiss, right? That’s why she chooses that song.
Those lyrics – they fit Neil’s backstory so damn well.
//Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go//
And he was stupid enough to let her go. Because his timing was off.
Those lyrics are also perfect to make Reader think about his ex-girlfriend, because of course that is what you’re gonna it’s all about.
Bonus: Del Amitri – Tell her this
Ahh, there it is – the second out of three main songs for Stuck in Reverse.
I remember the moment I found out that Rob Pattinson sings and writes music, then I listened to some of the songs and my heart went whoooosh. So I just had to make Neil play a guitar, I just needed to find out what song would be The One.
Do you remember that flashback about them both watching a tv show on his couch? Here, you’re welcome. 
I recently started rewatching Scrubs and when I got to that episode – ding, ding, ding!
This is the ultimate “hey, I fucked up, I shouldn’t have let you go, I’m an idiot and I love you.”
Chapter 6: Imagine Dragons – Next to me
I adore that song. It warms my heart. I think it fits Neil and Reader’s relationship.
And I needed all the fluffy feelings to switch the tone of the story to something lighter.
Bonus: Michelle Branch – Everywhere
This one is a silly bop, and it always puts me in a good mood. A nice song to listen to when you are happy, in love, and you are making breakfast.
Bonus: Ashlee Simpson – Pieces of me
This one (same as the one before) came to me from Zach Braff’s workout playlist, haha. I mean I almost forgot about it, but it makes me smile every time I hear it, and the lyrics work nicely:
//On a Monday I am waiting Tuesday I am fading And By Wednesday I can’t sleep Then the phone rings I hear you And the darkness is a clear view Cause you’ve come to rescue me
Fall, with you I fall so fast I can hardly catch my breath I hope it lasts
It seems like I can finally Rest my head on something real I like the way that feels It’s as if you know me better Than I ever knew myself I love how you can tell All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me//
Bonus: Kaleo – I want more
Is there such a thing as a warm melancholy? Because that is a vibe I get from that song.
//Turn back, leave all you had Forgive, I’ll forget 'Cause what we need is what we once had Time won’t stand still Just say you will 'Cause I need you there and now
If you leap, I’ll come falling too Running deep 'til that rivers through I don’t mind what you have to do 'Cause I won’t think less, less of you
Yes, I want more, more Looking for more I want more, more 'Cause I want more
Old grounds Feels like the weight has been lifted away So don’t you leave me there wanting more//
Chapter 7: Ben Platt – In case you don’t live forever
I mean it’s not my fault that Ben’s songs make me FEEL things, damn it.
The whole damn song = utter heartbreak when you think about Neil coming back to Reader before he goes back to Stalsk-12 to open that damn lock.
//I, I’ve carried this song in my mind Listen, it’s echoing in me But I haven’t helped you to hear it We, we’ve only got so much time I’m pretty sure it would kill me If you didn’t know the pieces of me are pieces of you
I’ve waited way too long to say Everything you mean to me
In case you don’t live forever, let me tell you now I love you more than you’ll ever wrap your head around In case you don’t live forever, let me tell you the truth I’m everything that I am because of you//
Bonus: Charlene Soraia – Wherever you will go
Why am I doing this to you? Because we all like pain.
This one is for the scene on the deck:
//So lately, been wondering Who will be there to take my place When I’m gone you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all Then between the sand and stone, could you make it on your own
If I could, then I would I’ll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low, I’ll go wherever you will go
And maybe, I’ll find out A way to make it back someday To watch you, to guide you through the darkest of your days If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all Then I hope there’s someone out there who can bring me back to you//
Bonus: Rhys Lewis – No right to love you
No light, only pain and suffering.
//'Cause I have no right to love you When I chose to walk away I have no right to miss you When I didn’t wanna stay And I have no right to need you And I knew what my heart was gonna lose I have no right to love you But I do, I still do Yeah, I still do//
Bonus: Knox Brown x Gallant – Reignite
This song is just so incredible, it makes my palms sweat and my mind going places. Yep, it was on repeat.
Oh you know which scene this one is for.
Bonus: Freya Ridings – Lost without you
The last dialogue. On repeat. Because this song breaks my heart and leaves me a sobbing mess.
//Strangers rushin’ past Just tryna get home But you were the only Safehaven that I’ve known Hits me at full speed Feel like I can’t breathe And nobody knows This pain inside me My world is crumbling I should never Let you go I think I’m lost without you//
Chapter 8: Florence + The Machine – Never let me go
I have only one thing to say:
Fuck you, Nolan.
Third out of three.
//And it’s over and I’m going under
But I’m not giving up I’m just giving in
Oh, slipping underneath So cold and so sweet
In the arms of the ocean, so sweet and so cold And all this devotion, well, I never knew at all And the questions I have for a sinner released In the arms of the ocean deliver me
(Never let me go, never let me go Never let me go, never let me go)//
Bonus: Sasha Sloan - Dancing with your ghost
Suffer with me.
//Yelling at the sky Screaming at the world Baby, why’d you go away? I’m still your girl Holding on too tight Head up in the clouds Heaven only knows Where you are now
How do I love How do I love again? How do I trust How do I trust again?
I stay up all night Tell myself I’m alright Baby, you’re just harder to see than most I put the record on Wait 'til I hear our song Every night I’m dancing with your ghost Every night I’m dancing with your ghost//
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kyoka-jirou · 4 years
Hi, I'd really like a Bakugo x reader or Tamaki x reader(I'm not picky though there's a soft spot for.tamaki) soulmate au where there's a 'spark'/tingle the first time you touch?
YES! This sounds so cute!!! Since I already have a Tamaki request in my inbox, I'll do a Bakugo one for you ;) [I did change the AU a bit.. for plot reasons.. 😂😂]
Bakugo Katsuki X Reader | Sparks
a soulmate au in which you first touch your soulmate you feel weird tingles. then, both of your quirks (if you have one) will never work against your soulmate.
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(Warning: Cursing, [it's Bakugo 😂])
You had been part of class 1-A for a while now. Transfering from Shiketsu High had been a bit weird, but they accepted you like you'd been there since day one.
It had been a bit rough, getting used to being attacked and targeted by villians twice a week, but eventually you just got used to it.
"Hey, Y/N!" you heard from besides you, "-you ok?"
Sighing, you replied, "Yeah I'm fine, Jirou."
The young girl bumped her shoulder against yours, pushing you to the side.
"No you aren't, Y/N." she deadpanned, "You've been holding that popsicle for so long it melted already."
Looking down, you realized that yes, you did have popsicle juice pooling on the table.
"Oh my god." Jirou sighed, laying her head against the table, "What are we going to do with you."
"You could throw me away in the garbage can?"
Jirou lifted her head and stared at you blankly.
"Alright, alright." You joked putting your hands in the air, "I was only kidding."
A few moments later, she asked, "So. When are you going to finally confess to Bak-"
"-Throw me away in the recycling bin instead."
Cue a large groan from your purple haired friend.
You laughed, "Sorry, Ji. It was too good to pass up."
She shook her head, a smile on her face.
You sighed, "I don't know, Ji. It's not like we could be soulmates. The chances of that happening are next to none."
She smiled, "Well, Y/N, you never know."
"Today we'll be pairing up in one-on-one battles. Your partner has been randomly selected. So it could be anyone." Mr. Aizawa stated blankly.
"Sensei!" Iida called out, not waiting for a response, "-There is an odd number in our class, how does that work out?"
He sighed, "The one left out will fight against Shinsou from the General studies course."
You smiled, already pumped for what was to come.
"L/N and Bakugo."
You froze. Ok, maybe you weren't as excited as before. Walking over, you clung to Jirou's arm and she sighed.
"Ok, I get why F/N is clinging to me like a monkey, but Momo? I get that we're soulmates, but seriously? We aren't even fighting each other."
Momo stiffened before backing away. "Sorry."
Ji oh-so-secretly grabbed her arm again.
"I didn't say to stop you weirdo."
You, however, could hardly pay attention to the rest of the conversation, as you were shaking with fear.
Your quirk was almost useless against his. Sure, you could turn into any feline, but avoiding explosions? What was your quirk good for then?
Wallowing in your terrible plans to evade his blasts, you didn't notice that the person in question was looking at you softly, intrest being the only thing on his mind.
Soon enough, it was your turn to fight against the powerhouse known as Bakugo Katsuki.
So, there you were, standing right across from your crush, who looked at you like you were some kind of prey.
Oh great. Is he gonna try to kill you too? At least let you confess first!
Actually, no, that was a bad idea.
"I'm gonna blow your ass to pieces!" He snarled.
"Kinky." You responded flatly.
Oh god. What did you just say?!
You looked up just in time to see him charging at you. Squeaking, your only instinct then was to evade.
Poofing into oblivion like a Thanos snap, you appeared twenty times smaller in the form of a small tabby cat.
'Run, run, run, run' was your only thought process.
So, you ran, and as speedy as a cat skidding away from a cucumber, you were gone.
"Stop running away you damn extra!" He roared.
'Hmm, let me think about that for a second.. oh wait nevermind, ain't nobody got time for that when you're about to be murdered.'
Yeah, sorry, but no.
Soon, you were playing a game of cat and mouse. But, ironically, he was playing as the cat.
'Oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw.'
"I got you you shitty Neko."
Releasing a horrific guttural scream, you transformed back into a human.
"Hell no!" you shouted, but it was too late. You tried to roll out of the way, but he already had a hold on your arm.
You tensed, bracing for the pain.
-but the pain never came. Instead it was a weird tingling sensation across your body.
Slowly, you opened you eyes, looking at your arm, seeing a whole bunch of explosions, then looking back at your arm.
Then, you exploded into laughter.
"T-That's all y-your q-quirk does??" You choked. "Pftt!"
He looked at you with confusion and anger.
"What do you mean 'that's all it does'? You shitty extra, you broke my fucking quirk!"
That's all it took, and you were a laughing mess. The almighty Bakugo's quirk was useless against your Neko powers!
"You little-" suddenly he froze. "-Holy shit."
Meanwhile, you were still laughing.
"Oh my god." He sighed.
You looked back up at him, still wheezing a bit. Trying to calm your heartbeat.
Until you met his eyes. They were- soft? He had a warm look on his face. AND WAS THAT A SMILE?!
Ok, now you knew you were dead. This was some kind of joke, right?
"L/N." he started. "You have no clue what just happened, do you?"
You slowly raised a brow.
"Well, I know that this is most likely a hallucination caused by me passed out after you most probably burnt the flesh from my arms, yes."
He stared at you blankly.
"No, that's not-"
"Or maybe," you pondered, "I'm dead, and I'm trapped with you soul for the rest of eternity. Oh my god I'm dead aren't I?"
"No, L/N-san that's not-"
"Oh my god I am dead, you just called me something other than extra-"
"L/N!" He shouted. Your gaze shot up to him.
Holy shit you forgot how hot he was.
"Yes..?" You replied meekly.
"You know that weird tingling feeling you just felt?"
"-oh my god, my arm is just gone now isn't it-"
"No!" he groaned, "Jesus Christ F/N we're soulmates!"
Then, without warning he pulled you in for a kiss.
He pulled away and you were both panting for breath.
"That was my first kiss you asshole." You gasped.
He stared at you. "Really? That's all you have to say right now?"
"No." You replied, "I wanted to tell you to get the fuck off of me, you smell awful."
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violetlunette · 4 years
BNHA Jumanji AU
So, for Halloween I wanted to write a Jumanji AU for BNHA, but was too busy with my other stuff and I don’t think I’ll be able to get to it, so here’s a summary for it below. Please share your thoughts and idea on it!
Content Warning!: Mentions of death and falsely being committed
The story starts with Hizashi, Shouta, and Oboro (is his family name Oboro or Shriakumo btw?) on their way home from school. Hizashi is nervous because come Monday he’s going to testify against a dangerous criminal. The other two are worried for their friend as well and decide that Hizashi should spend the night with one of them.
On the way Oboro hears drums at a construction site. There they dig out a trunk filled with ash—and a board game called “Jumanji.” Hizashi gets a super bad feeling while Shouta just finds it odd. Oboro on the other hands finds it exciting as hell. They take it with them and go to Shouta’s place.
The house is empty as Shouta’s parents are always working, or out of town. Oboro wants to play the game as he thinks it’s interesting. He also believes that it’ll take Hizashi’s mind off of things. Oboro chooses the monkey, Shouta the panther, and Hizashi chooses a bird. Oboro rolls first and a mysterious set of words appear on the green glass. Hizashi gets an EXTREMELY bad feeling, but rolls anyway. Next is Shouta who gets the unfortunate, “You will reside in Jumanji till someone rolls a 5 or 8” fate. To the horror of everyone Shouta is sucked into the game. Before the other two can do anything though a lion appears. Unfortunately Oboro accidentally summoned a hunter who shoots him dead right in front of the blond. Hizashi tries to ask what’s happening, but the hunter starts to vanish, having fullfilled his role. Before he disappears he tells Hizashi that he has other things to worry about as mosquitoes the size of birds attack. Hizashi is chased into the streets by them before he is stung.
Years pass and Izuku moves into Shouta’s old house with his mom. He accidentally gets on the bad side of a bully and gets beaten up a little, but makes a new friend named Ochaco. In a moment of bravery he invites the girl to his house where they hear the drums. They go to the attic where they find Jumanji and decide to play as there’s nothing else to do. Izuku chooses a crocodile while Ochaco chooses a rhino. They try to remove the panther and the bird, but can’t. Their pieces become stuck too.
They start to play and quickly realize the game is cursed as Izuku’s turn summons monkeys while Ochaco summons bats. Ochaco wants to stop, but the instructions say that the things won’t go away until the game is finished. Izuku rolls an 8 and summons a giant lion. Before it can eat the kids though a savage looking man scares it away. He asks who rolled a 5 or an 8 and then thanks Izuku, full of relief.
They talk about things and the man reveals that he’s Shouta Aizawa, the boy who was supposedly killed with with his friend Oboro. Shouta is shocked and heart broken to hear that Oboro is dead.
He asks about Hizashi and after some research discovers the sad truth; it turns out that after Hizashi was admitted to a hospital for a mysterious sting from a new breed of bugs. After which he tried to explain what happened, but no one believed him. They thought he was in shock from seeing two of his best friends murdered, one who’s body was missing. The crime boss Hizashi was going to testify against uses this as an opportunity to convince everyone that Hizashi was dangerously insane. He then uses his influence to have Hizashi locked away.
Shouta is appalled by this and immediately goes to rescue Hizashi. Ochaco and Izuku tag along. Along the way they see the damage the monkeys, the lion and bats are causing all over town. As an added bonus, thanks to the game becoming active the bugs Hizashi released in the past are starting to emerge.
They meet Nemuri who is shocked to say the least to see Shouta. Despite dealing with other emotions he is happy to see her. He then asks where Hizashi is and she tells him that he’s at the Asylum in the center of town, but no one’s allowed to visit. After Hizashi’s grandfather died the crime lord took custody of Hizashi and keeps him isolated. She’s been trying to get lawyers to help, but there’s been no luck yet.
While they talk Ochaco and Izuku try to continue the game, but nothing happens. Shouta comes over and after talking he realizes that it’s not her turn. It’s Hizashi’s and that the kids just continuing the game he and his friends started 15 years ago. Therefore if they want things to go back to normal they need Hizashi and both of them have to finish the game.
They find the asylum and after breaking in mission impossible style they find Hizashi locked up in a private room.
Hizashi is shocked to see Shouta and terrified that he really his losing his mind after all these years. Shouta convinces him that he’s real and everything that happened was also real. They have a tearful reunion with Hizashi apologizing for not being able to save him all these years. Shouta, who was hurt and angry all these years, immediately realizes it wasn’t his fault and tells him so. He still has complicated feeling though.
With the distraction of the monkeys driving a cop car into the building and wrecking havoc, the four escape.
They steal a car where they are attacked by the mosquitoes, making Hizashi hyper ventilate.  They manage to get away however and survive despite Shouta’s lack luster driving skills.
They go to Nemuri’s house who hides them from the police and gives Hizashi some clothes. Everything seems to be going okay until Izuku brings out the game. Hizashi of course panics at the sight of the thing and freaks out. Shouta has to calm him and tries to convince him they have to. Hizashi however wants nothing to do with the cursed game and throws down the dice in his hands without thinking. His old piece moves and he summons the giant spiders which vary from the size of cats to cars (yes, poor Hizashi is cursed).
They battle against the things and after getting to safety they decide they have to play. Hizashi reluctantly agrees. Shouta rolls and summons the hunter. Thanks to his years in the jungle he manages to escape the hunter easily enough. Ochaco takes her turn and summons a stampede. They almost lose the game thanks to a bird, but get it back.
Along the way they meet Yagi, an old cop who is forced to arrest Shouta for “kidnapping” Hizashi (who’s hiding at the time). Izuku tries to cheat and get turned into a monkey boy for his trouble.
The remaining three try to figure out how to save Shouta when the hunter steals the game as bait for Shouta.
Meanwhile, Shouta appeals to Yagi’s good nature as he was the cop who was supposed to protect Hizashi 15 years ago. Shouta then uses a distraction from the giant lion to escape. Hizashi and the others manage to get the game from the hunter with Ochaco pushing the paint aisle on him while Hizashi grabs the game.
They meet up with Shouta and go to an abandon part of town to finish the game. Hizashi rolls the dice and summons a lagoon filled with crocodiles.
Other things happen as they each take their turns and more and more dangers appear until it’s the final show down between Shouta and the hunter. This time though Hizashi saves Shouta by taking the bullet and Shouta ends the game by reaching the end and crying out, “Jumanji!”
Time rewinds itself to the past. Shouta and Hizashi are 15 again and Oboro’s alive. They both embrace the confused cloud boy and take the game away.
As soon as they can Hizashi and Shouta dump Jumanji into the ocean before confessing that they love each other.
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liannadonuts · 4 years
Dress up idea in Bakarina
You see, I had this weird idea that Katarina atleast played dress up with Keith and or Gerald once when they were kids cause she saw how cute and adorable hey were and would possibly pass a girls. So she had a big brain idea to dress them up once.
For Keith, she was probably able to persuade him much to Keith's disagreement but he couldn't really say no to his wonderful older sister.
For Gerald, that was totally a situation she had to think a lot about
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I totally believe in the idea that young Gerald (probably around 11 years old) didn't mind growing his hair out at some point.
Katarina saw this a great opportunity to dress him up and she had the perfect white but formal outfit for him ready.
She panicked when the one time he visited her that he was planning to cut of his hair
So in a rush, she had thus huge plan to make him atleast dress him up
Of course, it was no easy plan to persuade that prince
She then thought, what if she challenged him
Of course challenging that genius prince would be like a suicide mission
Then she thought
No one beated her a tree climbing, she was named as the wild monkey at her past life, this genius prince would't defeat her that easily
Katarina then planned everything on his next visit.
Prince Gerald arrived as usual in the parlor they have their talks
Katarina then talked about how amazing he was but of course he wasn't always amazing which kinda got the young prince interested
He suggests that was probably the case for Alan
Katarina thej says that there's one thing he can never beat her at and thats a fact
Smiling eerily he asks her what that was
Ahh, Gerald should've seen this coming
Katarina then says that as proof she challenges him today and the loser gets to do whatever the winner says
Not backing out in a challenge, the prince obliged in a scary smile that kinda worried Katarina, but she was determined! She was basically 17 years old plus 5 years, she can beat some 11-year-old kid nonetheless a pampered prince.
He wasn't as good as Alan probably is anyways
Though, she forgot of the genius part for Gerald actually
She got worried when the contest started (much to Anne's worry on what the heck was Katarina making the prince do also Keith's constant stress) that Gerald wasn't as bad when Alan first started and he started catching
In fear, she released her secret weapon
Then he fell and she realized her mistake
In fear being exiled, she immediately went down to check upon him, Anne also ran back to the mansion to get some first aid supplies. Katarina was worried when it took him a while for him to move as he winced at the pain at his head
"I'm really sorry! I shouldn't have made you climb trees!!!" She bowed in the form of a dogeza which kinda confused the 3rd prince but he simply chuckled at her form.
"It hurts, but a little rest will heal this away, though it wasn't quite fair that you were cheating"
"Your toy snake- that you just threw at me-"
"Ahh...that was...precaution" and he simply sighs
"Then this a draw then" and she gasped, she fears at whatever the prince had in mind for her, she didn't even prepare her stuff for her exile yet so soon.
"But I was still leading-"
"You cheated-"
"It's not my fault you're scared of snakes..."
"You didn't clarify the rules either way, and my fear of such reptiles is something you already knew, thus you used to your advantage" he smiles, but she shivers seeing that angelic smile.
"Fine then! It's a draw! We both get turns to let the other listen to what they say." She pouts and he thought it was adorable
"Then in all fairness, I'll let you tell me what to do first then, as you were leading" and she grins, he might have mistaken it for a smile but Gerald knows a grin when he sees one
"Then let's play dress up!"
"Dress up?"
"But you can't complain on how I dress you up"
"Isn't that another order-"
"It's part of the overall thing!"
So Katarina was satisfied to have her dress up time with her fiancee
At first Gerald thought it was normal dress up
He was wrong
He should've asked her to do something for him first when he had the chance
Katarina's unexpectedness was still always a mystery at him
So when she showed him a pretty white dress with red vest and light green ribbons matching his colors, he feared what would happen
But then, fair was fair
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He didn't like it really
But Katarina's face of pure adoration convinced him a little to bear with it.
Though he was gonna swear Keith to not tell anyone what happened or so help him his reputation is going to be questioned.
In fairness, Gerald then told her his order for Katarina
"I just want you to cling on me until I leave"
Katarina thought, that wasn't so bad, and he was so cute to be ignored so she gave him a big hug
Which resulted to red blushing mess of an angelic prince now princess
And Keith, Gerald, Katarina and Anne promised eachother to never speak of this day again
Though for Katarina, it might be one of her most favorite childhood memories.
Katarina: Keith! I have one here for you too!
Keith: No I-
Gerald: She's right, you should join in the fun
Keith: hahaha it's fine rea-
Katarina: PLEASEEEE?
Keith: ...dang it
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dewprisms · 4 years
After your binge-watching session, which would say is better: Kim Possible or Danny Phantom, and why?
Someone actually interested in my opinion for once?
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Well it depends, both have their pros and cons in regards to episode plots/arcs, characters and chara development, character designs etc. So I’ll suppose I’ll break them down into different categories. Under a cut as to not make scrolling a hassle.
Also I apologize in advance for my page theme, I know it’s kinda shitty and hard to read sometimes but I’m too busy to change it right now.
Designs/Art: I know Stephen Silver was the main designer for both shows (and his designs for a lot of the teenage girls has a uh, Obvious Pattern.) Ignoring my bias towards Vlad and Drakken, I think a lot of the ghosts have fun designs, but KP gets points for actually letting characters (esp Kim and Ron) wear other clothes in S2 and beyond, and between Phantom, S1 Kim and S4 Kim I think S4 Kim has the best “action” outfit. BUT the art style for DP is pretty stiff at times and KP style has a lot more range for animation, body types and faces.  Overall though, I say they’re pretty tied imo. Both have a lot of ups and downs that truly comes down to a personal pref, even though the Fartman’s style is the more iconic one. I think KP wins animation/art and DP wins for designs.
Characters: Again, the villains shine here more than the protags. KP as such a wide range of villains that I have have to give them the point for creativity and FUN in antagonists, (Duff Killigan is prob my favorite in absurdity followed by Monkey Fist, the Seniors and DNAmy all tied for second. I really like Motor Ed too, seriously.) but that’s not to say that DP doesn’t have them either. Vlad’s true motivations are really...unique compared to other DP villains and even KP ones, (seriously? How many bad guys you know who’s goal in life is “fuck the MC’s mom and also make MC your son”) who like KP are just “take over the world and/or cause tons of destruction” but with only half the fun. Sadly Dark Danny’s entire thing hinges on him being Danny But Evil who only wants...destruction??? Whereas Evil Ron actually does something interesting with the character, showing Ron’s true potential (see Evil Ron vs Electronique in “Stop Team Go” for example) and being in-character for him still. (Faux Take Over The World plot to cover his true goal of owning all the world’s Nacos? Of fucking course Ron would. Brilliant.) Evil Ron still has hints of Ron’s personality (”Boo-yahaHAHAHA!”) whereas Dark Danny is just... evil for evil’s sake, which can be good when actually done right, but in this case isn’t because the only thing that resembles Danny is his outfit. Shego’s backstory is great. DP’s new S3 enemies are very boring despite interesting powers. KP S4’s Camille Leon is great but Warmonga is just eh. Moving on to protags, KP’s protags are far, far more interesting than DP’s. Which brings us to the next point. (Also Mr. Barkin > Mr. Lancer, and Kim’s parents > Danny’s parents.) KP gets this one.
Chara Development: Gonna say it, DP almost has none, and straight up regresses in very end of S2 and most of S3. I swear the only real characters who have any are Vlad (for better or for worse, the latter imo), Jazz (when they remember her, and is good) and Valerie (whose is good too). Tucker gets 3 (three!!) fking episodes about him and they ALL carry the same theme of him not being able to responsibly handle having any kind of power, which is why him becoming the town mayor at the end is so BAD. There’s NO WAY Tucker of all people would make a good mayor. VALERIE got more episodes than him, JAZZ got more episodes than him, both with development that STUCK while he’s a MAIN CHARACTER. Sam never changes, def for worse. Sam is a Base-Breaking Character for a dang reason. She’s extremely pushy, acts like she’s lowkey better than everyone else, and never seems to consider how her actions affect other people, and the like 1 or 2 times she does it doesn’t fucking stick like she’s Hank Hill or something. Danny has no real development for his character. All that develops for him are his powers and nothing else. On the other hand, KP characters DO have development and it shows! Not just for the protags but for villains too! Kim is bossy and a lil controlling early on and stops during S2, whereas Ron was extremely cowardly and gets, not exactly braver but just less phased by it all, plus early he never quite liked going on missions but later on gets sad if he has to miss them, before he doesn’t like being distractions but later on very much takes pride in being one, and etc. Drakken and Shego get development too, esp their relationship with each other AND with Ron and Kim. Bonnie actually got an episode of development (but sadly regressed in time for the finale) whereas Pauline just...never changes whatsoever. Bonnie actually makes for a good rival and mean girl for Kim for the entire show whereas Paulina and her relationship with Danny and Sam are just....bland and doesn’t go anywhere. There’s nothing for Dash, though Ron doesn’t really have an equivalent. So, KP gets this one.
Episodes/Plots/Arcs: DP wins in the Lore department by far, KP wins in character arcs. A Sitch In Time answers the great questions of What Would Happen if the Villains Teamed Up AND Shego is a Better Villain than Drakken so Why isn’t She in Charge? ft Time Travel. The Ultimate Enemy answers What If Danny Went Evil and Is Vlad Completely Irredeemable? ft Time Travel. KP definitely does the “balancing Hero duties with School life” better than DP. You can definitely see her struggles with it whereas DP is just kinda there. I also very much like that Kim is girly but is never shamed for it both in-universe and out, whereas DP is known for the shitty “I’m not like other girls” fake feminist bullshit. A problem I have with DP is that time pretty much never changes, as if the show takes place within a year, and it seriously hampers the growth of the show could have. Time is also just out of whack, they take their big end-of-the-year test then it’s Christmas THEN it’s Summer Vacation but even in S3 they’re all still in the first year of high school like ??? What?? Whereas KP starts in Freshman year and ends with Senior Graduation. The arcs of Danny/Sam vs Kim/Ron are just...D/S was definitely teased a ton more but by S3 you just get tired of it, not to mention the hypocrisy regarding the character relationships. Personal opinion warning, but Danny/Valerie had a lot more development in such a short time and was super interesting. Kim/Ron didn’t have as many teasing esp in S1 and S2 (it’s there though) but it def picks up in S3 and I love how their new relationship was handled in S4. Back to episodes, my favorite episodes for both are Reign Storm and So The Drama, but while I might be biased toward Reign Storm I’m gonna have to ultimately give better episodes overall to KP. So The Drama has Drakken going back to his Actually Dangerous roots from early on and becoming the closest to anyone to actually winning on his own merit (Shego stole the Tempus Simia from Drakken/Duff/MF and relied on weird time shit of Kim being “lost in the time stream” ((actual canon explanation)) to travel to the future specifically to stop her, to actually win) and is SO good when Dr. D finally gets defeated, plus (personal bias here) Kim and Ron’s teased hook-up finally happens. I will say though, I’m not a fan of S4′s Hana Stoppable/The Han story. As both shows are action-oriented, they definitely have their fair share of good fights but I think KP also has better action and fight scenes. Humor is extremely subjective but I think KP made me laugh more. Finally, DP is infamous for S3 just being bad whereas KP just got better and better with each season, though I’d put S4 below S3 and above S2. So: Lore = DP. Arcs, Action and Eps = KP.
Fandom: Ignoring the super gross shipping aspects of some parts of the fandom (If ur a P*mpousP*p or K*go shipper pls go away from my stuff i’m fucking serious), I think DP wins for this one. Many great OCs, (I really haven’t seen any for KP aside from next gen?) the already interesting lore is def expanded so much by fans, I legitimately don’t care for “Wes Weston” but my god did the fandom do some serious work for this boy. I don’t know too much about KP since the fandom seems kinda dead aside from some shipping stuff and a very slight revival from the movie, whereas DP ended before KP and is still very very active. DP wins fandom.
(Bonus) Reboots/Redesigns: I’m gonna be honest, I’m not sure what could be done better for KP aside from the mess of Disney’s out-of-order airings, a more serious reboot wouldn’t work for the show at all, but DP could definitely use a reboot and fixes the disaster of S3. And reboots & character redesigns are def a hot topic for the DP fandom. So DP gets this one, though I’m not sure if this is a good thing.
Final: So over all, 4 for KP and 4 for DP, or if you add the little groups, 7 for KP and 4 for DP. Overall, I’ll say KP is the better show, but DP shines with the fandom. I also have a personal bias in favor of DP but it makes them even out for me. If you want interesting lore and good fandom content, go for DP. If you want fun and interesting characters, actual character development and more action and drama, KP is the way to go.
But instead of picking one, just watch both!
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Let’s Talk About Andross and His Plan in Adventures
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This post is brought to you by the fact that when I was doing my huge Venom headcanons post, I started critically analyzing Andross in Star Fox Adventures and came to the conclusion that his plan was perhaps more thought-out than I had originally realized.  I mean, of course it’s well thought-out, it’s a plan made by Andross, but when you really put a magnifying glass up to it, you begin to see that it was perhaps so well planned that by the time the game starts, Andross can’t really lose.  His revival is inevitable.  Except then, you know, Fox McCloud shows up and does his thing.
Disclaimer: Obviously, Andross’s inclusion in Adventures was very last minute, which caused a lot of plot points to get cut and story bits to get revised.  There’s a lot of evidence that implies that the Krazoa and Kamerians still had a hefty role to play in the story until very late into development but I still think it’s important that we really look at Andross and his absolutely off-the-wall plan because it can be kind of telling about both his desperation to be revived and other lore bits as well that often get overlooked.  Despite there being huge meta influences on why the game played out the way it did, it’s still fun to talk about and speculate over.  And y’know, we’re here to have fun, so let’s get into it.
To understand his plan, we need to go over what bits we know and don’t know about Sauria, the SpellStones, and the Krazoa:
Sauria has a huge amount of magic that’s constantly trying to rip the planet apart.
The SpellStones are guarded by GateKeepers and usually they sit at the planet’s core, brought there via a Force Point Temple.  
SpellStones can block the magic flow (presumably absorbing it) and cause the planet’s energy to stabilize.
If the SpellStones are removed, the planet will fall apart.
The GateKeepers have the ability to move the SpellStones in a time of need.
The Krazoa Spirits also somehow keep the planet together. 
The Krazoa Spirits live in Krazoa Palace but when things get perilous, they hide at their own shrines to await a person of pure heart to escort them back to the Palace.
Pure heart can mean pure good or pure evil.  This isn’t overtly stated but it’s implied because Scales has a Spirit in him.
With all of that being said, let’s look at Andross’s main goal-- revival.  Through means we don’t really know, he can revive himself using the Krazoa Spirits.  But to get to the Spirits, he would obviously need some form of army.  That’s where General Scales comes in.  
Scales is smarter than the average SharpClaw but we really don’t know if that’s because Andross got his hooks into him or if the Spirit he’s got his claws on has anything to do with it.  But Scales’s intelligence doesn’t really matter because he’s malleable and Andross understands this early on.  He convinces Scales to attack Krazoa Palace -- presumably to get the Krazoa Spirits.  At first, I thought Andross’s plan was to get the Krazoa to flee to their shrines but now that I really think on it, his plan from the start could have been to nab the Spirits in the first attack... but maybe he realized he couldn’t do that so easily?  I mean, how does a ghost nab... other ghosts... Unless he was hoping the SharpClaw would suffice?  
Anyways, if that was his plan, it wasn’t well-thought out and the Krazoa fled to their protective shrines all over the planet, which I’m sure he was just positively thrilled about.
Before, I’ve stated that I was pretty sure that Andross had led Krystal to Sauria for the express reason of collecting the Spirits but I think there’s a chance that he didn’t for that exact reason.  We already know Scales was able to ferry the Spirits around and was able to pass one of the tests.  Andross had his perfect pawn in Scales by him having a pure heart of evil and in being the leader of a dinosaur tribe. 
Krystal however, seems most definitely baited to Sauria because of her channeling powers.  I think her collecting the first Spirit was a bonus for Andross and that he only had her captured because he knew Scales would be up for the task.  And, you know, Krystal had her part to play in his plan as a sort of magic medium to put him back onto the mortal realm in a more corporeal state.  I think otherwise, he would’ve just let Krystal go around and collect all of the Spirits for him and then had her captured at the end.
Overall, I think this plan is ultimately a pretty good plan except for two glaring factors: 1) I don’t think it was common knowledge where the Shrines are located and 2) Fox McCloud shows up and begins wrecking the SharpClaw.
I kind of wonder if Andross hoped Star Fox would arrive so he could have his chance at revenge but ultimately, if you take into consideration that Scales could have just run around and done all of the Shrines then Fox showing up was actually kind of a thorn in Andross’s side.  After all, what are the odds that two people with pure heart would just happen to end up on Sauria in such a close time frame?
HOWEVER, I will say there’s a chance Andross was actually kind of happy about Fox showing up because of two big reasons: 1) Fox literally did all of the leg work for Scales, which actually kind of frees up Scales to do other things like ransack CloudRunner Fortress a bunch and expand his tyranny and 2) Fox would be close in proximity to the revival so Andross would have a quick chance at revenge.  
Okay, okay, at this point, you’re probably asking, “So... what about the SpellStones?  Isn’t Scales really just looking for those?”
The answer: Yes but also no.  I’m pretty sure the SpellStones are a distraction.
Now if you really look at his plan, Andross doesn’t really have a need for the SpellStones.  Having them get removed is just additional chaos to be added and if you notice, it’s the thing that both General Pepper and Star Fox hone in on.  Funnily enough, it’s implied that Scales didn’t even remove them all-- the CloudRunner Queen hid hers in the treasury of her fortress, Garunda Te hid his in the mines... the one at Walled City and the one at Dragon Rock seem to be the only ones Scales formally got his hands on.  But it didn’t matter because when the other two were removed, the Saurians just played into the chaos even more, giving further distraction.  I think maybe Andross’s initial plan was that while Fox was hyper-focused on the SpellStones, Scales would be trying to find the Shrines and getting the Spirits.
But then he realized that Fox was doing the exact thing he wanted Scales to do (and more efficiently) and honestly?  I would like to theorize he just lets Fox do it because the outcome is literally the same regardless.
I can only imagine how elated Andross must have been when he realized Fox was unwittingly playing right into his hands.  Because sure, Fox was doing the right thing.  He was saving the day.  But Andross had already been a couple steps ahead and had set the stage for his own arrival.  
I think Fox showing up made Andross realize he didn’t need Scales after all and that was why he was so quick to get rid of him at the end.  Because at the end of the day, it didn’t matter who brought the Spirits back, just that they were back.  And Andross would just let Fox do whatever with the SpellStones because they had no real value to him.  Andross, by the end, doesn’t care about Sauria being put together or pulled apart-- he wants everything to die, which is presumably part of his madness from being a lingering ghosty spirit for most of a decade. 
So Andross is revived because that’s the only inevitable outcome other than Sauria being destroyed.  He rises up, filled with Krazoa Spirits and vengeance.  And he... proceeds to fail in the fight that he ought to have won, if only because of Falco showing up to rescue Fox.  Falco, the wildcard.  Falco, who Andross did not account for, but, granted, no one else really did either.
Wow, that’s a lot of text.  Confused yet?  Here’s the recap of my making sense of Andross’s plan:
Andross picks Scales as a pawn because Scales is politically powerful and has the capabilities to take in Krazoa Spirits.
He lures a suitable channeling mechanism (Krystal) to Sauria to use as a medium.  She gets the first Spirit and Andross is pleasantly surprised but still captures her regardless as Scales and his buddies rampage across the planet, looking for Shrines and SpellStones both.
Star Fox gets called in.  Andross gets kinda spooked by this but realizes Fox is effectively doing what he wants anyways so he just keeps his eye on Fox and lets Scales continue his rampaging.  I think he’s figured he’s already won at this point anyways.
Andross gets all of the Spirits and his plan for revival effectively works...
... All up until he dies fighting Fox and Falco.
This does include a hefty bit of speculation but seeing as they leave only bits and pieces of lore to sink your teeth in, I feel like it’s within the realm of possibility. Of course, there’s other possible explanations, some of which I did poke at within my theorizing. However, this is the breakdown that I can make the most sense out of.  I know in the past my theories have been 1) Krystal being his chosen puppet to get the Spirits but then I realized he wouldn’t have just turned around and imprisoned her immediately if that was the case and then 2) Fox being his chosen puppet but then I realized that there would’ve been no point to Scales having a Spirit in the first place if that were even the case so it felt a little janky as a theory.  
Anyways, that’s my analysis of Andross’s crazy plot, thank you for reading the ramblings of a madwoman thinking way too hard about space dinos and space monkeys.
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namirotraeu · 4 years
Online Relationships
I know it took me a long time to finish this fic, but I hope you’ll still give it a try. I originally planned it to be longer. I had to delete several scenes since it does not match, maybe I’ll use it in my future fics. 
Please enjoy the final chapter and let me know your thoughts. 
“Personalities and relationships tend to differ offline. “
(Part 1) I (Part 2) I (Part 3)
Title: Online Relationships- Part 4
Pairing:Trafalgar Law X Nami
Genre: Romance / AU
Rating: T
Word Count: 1734
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece, they rightfully belong to Oda Eiichiro.
Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships because of her beauty. It was not her fault that she became the cause of a ten-year war. It was the Fates who were weaving her destiny. Nami liked the epics The Iliad and The Odyssey, which tells the story of Helen. She read the books all over again every time she finds time to do so. She loved how the story tells that we are rational beings and it is our actions that makes our fate. Helen chose to love and that love became the downfall of a lot of people. Nami, on the other hand chose, to leave a comment on Law's post. She never thought it would end up like this.
16 love reactions. 5 likes. 25 comment replies.
Luffy D. Monkey: Zoro, Sanji, Robin, Franky, Ussop, Chopper, Brook, Vivi and Shiraoishi. Look! Nami, we demand an explanation! Since when did you and Torao became too close?
'Ugh, why did Luffy have to be the first one to see this? He even tagged all our closest friends.' Nami thought in despair.
Sanji Vinsmoke: Is the shitty doctor your boyfriend, Nami-swan? T^T
Zoro Roronoa: Witch, I told you to behave. Law, better take care of her.
Nico Robin: My, my, I never knew that he stole your heart, Nami.
Chopper: So it was Law that Nami likes?
It was not only her friends that reacted and commented. Even Law's friends did.
Shachi: Captain! She commented. Hurray!
Penguin: Yay! Our captain is on his spring time.
Bepo: Sorry for not noticing it earlier. I'm rooting for the two of you. May your relationship be strong. Aye!
X-Drake: Hmm..
There are a lot of people who reacted which she did not know personally, but were mutual friends with Law in Facegram. At this point in time, she regretted what she did. It would be a big deal for his and her friends. She even read a comment conversation between Penguin and Luffy saying they should team up to match the two of them. What is done is done, so she decided just to meet up with her friends in Baratie's Food Joint. Luffy said that Robin and Franky will be joining them since they have no work for today.
Her friends have already placed their own orders when she came to their table. She ordered her favorite tangerine smoothie and the lunch special from the counter. Luckily for Nami, Law and his friends were seated far from their table. She is too ashamed to look at them, but her curiosity urged her to take a glimpse on his table. Even with the crowd their eyes always find each other. His lip draw into a smirk, then he waved at her. She smiled and waved back while her cheeks is slightly blushing. It felt like it was just the two of them in the food joint full of people. But they are not. Both their group of friends is observing the two of them.
Luffy, Chopper and Ussop was laughing out loud when they saw Nami coming back to their table.
"Why are you laughing?" Nami questioned. The trio continued to laugh till Ussop decided to answer her.
"Law sudden used his bag to hide his face after you smiled at him. He was so red."
"Eh? I don't believe you. We both know you're a liar." Nami taunts her friend.
“Shishi.Torao! Look over here. Nami wants to see your face" Luffy shouted. Nami hurriedly punched Luffy to silence him.
She subtly glanced and saw Law's friends looking at her while pointing at Law, who is burying his face on the bag. His friends was laughing and teasing him. He is obviously pretending to be sleeping, she knew he wasn't someone who can sleep in any place. She found this scene cute and she happily ate her lunch with her friends.
                             ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Marine duties in the town vary depending on which branch you are assigned. Being a Rear Admiral, Drake doesn’t have much to do than waiting for a new mission for him. He often uses his time off visiting museums to see dinosaur artifacts or collaborate with universities for dinosaur researches as a hobby. Today was he was supposed to meet Corazon, Law’s foster father, to fetch a package for his father. However, the old man called that he will be sending over his son because he has urgent matters to deal with his brother.
He knew the whole time him and Law would be together would be spent with them pissing off one another. That nerd really makes him tick. Just thinking that they would be meeting up in a few minutes made him exhausted.
While strolling in the park, he saw a familiar red head who was leisurely walking.
“This would be interesting.” He thought. He heard that Law tend to be quiet when she’s around.
“Nami!” He called out.
“Oh! Hey Drake. It’s been a long time since I last saw you. What’s up?”
“Nothing new really. I’m supposed to meet up with Law in Buggy’s Steak House for lunch. Join us.” He invited.
“It is your treat? You know I like free things.” The younger girl beamed.
“Of course, and you’ll get a bonus of seeing Law.” He teased.
“I see him almost every day in the campus or at Baratie. He should be the one getting a bonus of seeing a cute girl like me on weekends.”
“You should say that to him.” He chuckled.
They arrived shortly at the Steak House. Law was already grumpily waiting for Drake.
“You said you’d be here thirty minutes ago.” Law scoffed.
“My bad. I brought company.” Drake pointed at Nami.
“Nami-ya?” Law was shocked at the unexpected appearance of the girl.
Drake wanted to laugh out loud at the shocked state of Law. The rumors were indeed true. Maybe this lunch would be interesting.
“Hey Law!” Nami greeted.
Nami sat next to Drake while they are sitting in front of Law. Law ordered for Nami because Drake won't stop teasing him to pay for her.
"I never knew you were this close." Law stated as he looked at the two red heads conversing like its just the two of them.
"We knew each other for quite a long time and you know the thing about Robin." Nami explained. Drake and Robin used to date, however, things didn't proceed romantically as both have their priorities.
"Hn." Law quietly finished his meal.
The two red heads continued on talking. While he stayed quiet observing the two.
It didn't take too long for Drake to excuse himself. “I better go. We have emergency at the base. Walk her home or I’ll tell Cora-san that he did not raised you to be a gentleman. Surely, he will be disappointed.”
As a matter of fact, there was no emergency. He was just annoyed by Law’s state. He thought he would enjoy him squirm at the girl’s beauty, but it became boring since its not like his usual shitty attitude. Might as well give the two a little push. Maybe Nami could forgive some of his debts.
                             ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
"You don't really have to walk me home, Law. I'm going to the university to check on the progress of our team's prototype." Nami said.
"Nah. I'll walk you there. Could it be you're afraid of me?"
Nami was shocked by the question. She was quite shy that he is walking her to the university but not afraid.
"Nope. Why would I be afraid of you? I doubt a nerd could outrun me." She taunt.
"I don't think so. I may be a studious type of person but I have been athletic since I was middle school. I beat up Shachi and Penguin when I first met them."
"Being violent is not the same as athletic. Why would you even beat up your friends."
"It was their fault since they were bullying Bepo. We were all young back then." He argued.
She noticed he is awkwardly keeping distance between the two of them as they walk.  
"You know, sometimes I don't get what you are thinking. Online we are so close, but offline we're so awkward." She said bluntly. If she wanted to move forward they would have to break their barriers.
"Its just that I don't know. When I'm with you I feel like a different person, Nami-ya. Every plan I make to get close to you, seems won't work. I guess plans do not apply to you and your friends."
"Do you really like me? Or are you just pressured from the people around us?" She was embarrassed to ask, but decided to ask anyway.
"Why would I be pressured? When I met you before it was just you, not my friends nor your friends. At first I thought I was just an infatuation, but it grew on me. Nami-ya, I like you."
She leaned to gift a light kiss on his cheeks. "Let's take it slow until you are used to being around me. We should hang-out like today more."
He stared a her rosy cheeks and glorious smile. What happened today will surely change them.
"Oh! I think we should give them our response, Mr. Heart stealer."
                             ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Their friend's phone rang with a notification; it was a tagged comment from Law. He posted a photo of Nami drinking coffee from a cafe. From the photo, they could see Law's favorite hat on the table.
'I don't know about being a Heart stealer, but this girl clearly stole my heart.' This was the caption of the photo.
Before their friends could comment on the post, another notification rang. Again, they were tagged in the comment section, but this time it was by Nami. The photo she posted was from the same cafe. A booked covered the lower area of this face, while his golden eyes looked straight to the camera. Nami leaned her cheek on the top of his head, while giving a bright smile and peace sign.
'Oops! Exams are still ahead. Gotta keep this nerd Heart stealer focused on studying.'
Nami captioned it this way to show that even if they will be moving forward, their dreams would be their top priority.
It wasn't long until her and his phone began ringing. They friends wouldn’t stop until they heard the whole story. 
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eddiesasspbrak · 5 years
“I read your diary.”
Prompt inspired by one line of dialogue.
Read on AO3
Eddie reads a diary he believes to be Richie's and is pretty sure he just admitted to being in love with him.
3k+ words. Oneshot
That day at lunch, when Richie had announced that his parents would be out that evening, it was decided they would have a little Losers get together at his house. At least once a week they gathered at one of their houses for a game night or to view a movie or TV show they all wanted to watch. All seven of them squished on a couch, under blankets and just enjoying being with one another. Not having any parents around to yell at them when they got too loud was always a bonus.
Upon entering the Tozier home, they kicked off their shoes before going up to Richie’s room to peruse his collection of movies, ditching their backpacks by his bed. The only downside to being at Richie’s, for Stan and Eddie at least, was that most of his movies were of the horror genre and neither particularly liked them. There was a good chance Eddie would end up staying over at Richie’s so that his mom didn’t find out he’d watched something scary in case he woke up with nightmares.
Eddie sat on Richie’s bed while the rest looked, knowing that nothing he said about their choice of movie really mattered. Either way he’d be traumatized for the next week. He looked at the movie posters on his walls and the scattering of polaroids of the seven of them he’d taped up haphazardly. They’d spent so many years together and with their senior year coming to an end, Eddie couldn’t help the feelings of anxiety that gripped him whenever he thought about going their separate ways. Stan had asked once if they’d still be friends when they were older, and Eddie thought about that a lot now. He hoped so. He didn’t want to lose any of them, but they couldn’t be sure what would happen until they lived it.
“Eds, we picked a movie, let’s go.” Richie said with a grin that made Eddie fall in love all over again.
He looked to the door to see all of his friends were already leaving the room. When he stood to follow, he bumped their bags and knocked a few of them over, spilling the contents. He cursed under his breath and knelt down to pick up the things that had spilled while also mentally berating his friends for leaving their bags unzipped. Stuffing a textbook back into Bill’s bag, he went to stand only to stop when something under Richie’s bed caught his eye. Amongst the clutter that littered the floor beneath his bed was a blue notebook with a sticker of the hear, speak and see no evil monkeys on it.
Eddie glanced at the door to see he was alone, his friend’s voices carrying up the stairs. Reaching for the notebook, he felt like he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to. Sure, it crossed his mind that it could have just fallen from one of their backpacks when they fell, but it was far under the bed, partially covered by a sweatshirt. Given the number of things under his bed, there was a chance it had just been dropped and forgotten. Still, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking that it had been hidden there on purpose. Listening carefully for any of his friends coming back up the stairs, he cracked the notebook open and read at the very top “Dear diary”.
He let the cover fall from his fingers and close. There was no denying it then. Richie kept a diary, and this was it. Eddie knew he shouldn’t read it, but he was so, so curious. Richie was the last person he expected to keep a diary and he had to know what kind of things he wrote about. He’d honestly been expecting it to be filled with jokes he’d thought up.
Maybe it was because Eddie had been secretly in love with Richie for years, or maybe it was just curiosity getting the better of him, but he opened the notebook to the last entry and began to read.
“Dear diary, I’m in love with my best friend.”
Eddie inhaled sharply and read that first line over and over again. Who did Richie consider his best friend? Sure, Eddie wanted to say it was him, but there were six of them to choose from. He could mean any one of the Losers. He had to know, so he kept going.
“He was cute again today.” That ruled out Beverly.
“Everything about him is cute. He’s shorter than me, not by a lot, but enough to be adorable.” Richie and Bill were the tallest of the group, with Bill standing an inch taller, so that ruled him out too.
“At lunch there was a spider on the table, and he freaked out. It was so cute I couldn’t stop looking at him.” Eddie, Stan and Ben had all three been afraid of the spider, and Mike had been the one to kill it. So, not Mike either.
“His locker is by mine and I just stand there and stare at him when he gets his books. I don’t think he’s noticed.” Stan’s locker was in a separate hallway, down by Bill’s. Both Eddie and Ben had lockers near Richie’s.
“His locker is so organized and clean and precise, not at all like mine. I’m probably too messy for him.” Ben’s locker wasn’t a mess, but it was usually cluttered, and he often dropped things while trying to pull out books. Eddie’s on the other hand…
Eddie closed the notebook, unable to read anymore. He’d read enough to confirm that it was him that Richie was writing about. Richie was in love with him and Eddie didn’t know how to proceed. Did he tell him that he knew? Did he confess his own feelings and hope that he wouldn’t deny that he loved him too? Not in a million years did Eddie expect this. Richie was always talking about the girls in their classes that he liked and making vulgar jokes about them. Maybe he liked boys and girls. Or girls and Eddie.
“Eds! Are you coming?” Richie’s voice came from the stairs, causing Eddie to jump and throw the book back under his bed.
“Yea…I’m coming!” He shouted back.
Eddie stood and placed his hand to his chest, trying to calm himself down. He had to go downstairs, squish on the couch next to Richie and pretend like he didn’t know they were both in love with each other. Easy, right?
Occasionally Eddie was brave, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was a coward. He’d chosen not to stay at Richie’s that night, too afraid to have that conversation with him about what he’d read. Too scared to admit that he’d read what he wasn’t meant to. Instead, he let it torture him over the weekend, the words playing in his mind repeatedly. Every dream he had was about Richie, he invaded his every thought, causing his stomach to churn with a mix of butterflies and anxiety.
When Monday came and he could no longer avoid facing him, he thought he might actually become sick. He’d met his friends like he did every morning. He was the last one to pull up the bike rack, locking his bike up and avoiding eye contact. His first two classes of the morning he was alone, but by third hour he was with Richie again, sitting side by side and pretending like he wasn’t on edge. Apparently, he wasn’t doing a very good job of it as Richie noticed and stopped him after class when he tried to speed off.
“Eds, what’s going on with you?” He asked, pulling him to the side of the hallway by some lockers.
“Nothing.” Eddie answered too quickly.
“You’ve barely spoken all day and won’t look at me. Did I do something?”
The look on Richie’s face was worried and it made Eddie feel bad for making him make that face. He didn’t like a sad Richie. He liked when he was smiling and cracking lame jokes that made him laugh. It was his fault he was looking like that and he couldn’t keep it in any longer. Had to let him know what he’d seen and admit that he’d done something wrong. Betrayed his trust. Hopefully he wouldn’t be too upset when he told him he felt the same.
“I…read your diary.” Eddie lowered his voice, leaning in a bit so only Richie could hear.
“You did what now?” Richie cracked a confused smile as his eyebrows knit together.
“I’m sorry. I know it was wrong. I found it in your room and I only read one page, but it was where you were talking about your crush. Richie…I know…”
“You know what?” Richie was full on grinning now and it made Eddie nervous for some reason.
“I know who you like!” He said in a harsh whisper, darting his eyes around the hall to see if anyone was listening.
“How could you, Eds? That’s such an invasion of privacy.”
“I know. I’m really sorry, but I think we need to talk about what I read…”
“What did you read?”
“That you like m-.”
“Richie!” Eddie’s words were drowned out by Bill, who was rushing toward them.
“What’s up, Billy?” Richie asked, his eyes lingering on Eddie’s red face a moment longer before turning to their friend.
“I think I left s-something at your house last week. Can I come by after school to look for it?”
“Yea. What did you lose?”
“It’s my…um…noteb-book.” Bill said, his face flushing slightly.
“What’s it look like?”
“B-b-blue, with a monkey sticker on the f-front.”
Eddie felt like time slowed down around him as he came to a very abrupt realization. It was Bill’s dairy he’d read. He was talking about Stan. Stan was shorter than him, Stan had freaked out about the spider, Stan’s locker was by his, Stan was just as organized as Eddie was, if not more. He felt his cheeks heat up and felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. Just a minute ago, he’d been about to confess his feelings because he thought Richie felt the same. Now he felt sick and so, so stupid. God, he was so stupid! Of course, Richie didn’t keep a diary. He didn’t love Eddie.
“You ok, E-Eddie?” Bill asked.
When he focused on them again, they were both staring at him. His eyes met Richie’s and his fight or flight instinct kicked in. He chose the latter. Turning on his heel, he took off down the hall. He heard both boys yelling after him, but their voices only pushed him to run faster. He pushed through the doors that lead out to the fields where he made a beeline for one of the dugouts. They were well hidden and wouldn’t be in use this time of day. Sometimes other students made out there or smoked there, but usually not so early in the morning. He sat on one of the benches, dropping his bag by his feet, and put his head in his hands.
If Bill had interrupted them even a second later, Eddie would be in a much worse spot. At least this way he didn’t have to deal with rejection and messing up their friendship. He’d think of an excuse for why he’d ran away, think of what he was going to say to make up for the misunderstanding. For now, he was going to wallow and deal with his self-loathing in peace. Part of him wondered if he should call his mom, tell her he wasn’t feeling well so he could go hide out at home for the rest of the day. As it was, she was probably going to get a call that he had missed his fourth class of the day. He didn’t really care about that at the moment though. Her lecture would be a welcome distraction from the noise in his head.
Eddie heard the footsteps approaching and tried to make himself small so he wouldn’t be seen. There was a chance it was someone looking to use the dugout for some debauchery, but they could use the other one. This one was occupied, and he wasn’t leaving. It could also have been a teacher doing a scan for students breaking rules because of course they new what they were used for. What Eddie hadn’t been expecting was for the person to jump down and sit beside him on the bench.
He tilted his head to the side and looked up to see Richie sitting there, leaning back slightly on his hands and looking up and out at the sky. Eddie’s stomach sank as he kicked himself for not just going home where Richie wouldn’t be able to find him so easily. He dropped his hands from his face but stayed hunched over, his elbows on his knees.
“You ok?” Richie asked, still not looking at him.
Eddie nodded. It didn’t matter that it was a lie. He didn’t want to talk about what was going on in his head. Especially not with Richie.
“What happened back there?”
“Nothing. I made a mistake. Sorry.” Eddie pushed up off the bench and stood, but before he could walk away, Richie grabbed him by his wrist.
“You said you read my diary.”
“Yea. It was Bill’s. I know that now. Like I said, I made a mistake.”
“So, you aren’t upset anymore?”
“I wasn’t upset in the first place.”
“You can’t lie to me, Eds. You looked like you were about to cry. So, who did you think I liked that was so terrible and isn’t now that it’s Bill who has a crush?”
“I can’t tell you that. It would be betraying Bill.”
Richie huffed out a laugh and tugged lightly on Eddie’s wrist, willing him to sit back down. Eddie complied but kept a distance between them, gently twisting his wrist out of his grip. They were quiet for a moment and Eddie wondered why he wanted him to stay if he wasn’t going to speak. He still wanted to be alone, to be very far away from Richie. He could practically feel the heat radiating off the other boy and he was too hyper aware of every small move he made next to him.
“It’s Stan, right?” Richie finally said, startling Eddie out of his thoughts.
“Bill’s crush. It’s on Stan.”
“Yea.” Eddie said, because obviously they all knew.
“So, you thought I liked Stan?” Richie grinned.
“And it’s a bad thing if I do?”
Eddie’s throat went dry and he thought about bolting again. He didn’t want to hear Richie say he had a crush on anyone else. Especially not another boy, especially not their friend. It would kill him, and he definitely could not handle it.
“No…” His voice came out in the whisper.
“Well, I don’t.”
Eddie closed his eyes and let out a silent breath of relief, thanking whoever was listening.
“Eddie.” There was something in Richie’s voice that made all the hairs on Eddie’s arms stand on end. A softness when he said his name that was so laced with caring it made him want to cry. How could he not love this stupid mother fucker?
“Eddie. Look at me.” He said when he got no response.
“We have to get to class.” Eddie said, ignoring him and reaching for his bag.
“I love you.” Richie said as Eddie stood again, stopping him in his tracks.
Eddie opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Seconds turned to minutes, Eddie standing with his back to Richie, not responding to his confession. He screamed at himself inside his head, tried to will himself to move, to say anything instead of leaving Richie to sit there agonizing over what Eddie might be thinking. It wasn’t until he heard Richie move to stand up, that he finally snapped out of it and turned to face him. The frown on Richie’s face was enough to knock the wind from his lungs and make his heart hurt for him.
“Richie…” Eddie managed to say.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Richie said. “Just forget it.”
“No. No, I can’t. Richie…” The tears began to fall before Eddie could stop them. It was too overwhelming, too many thoughts racing through his head all at once. “Richie, I love you.”
His hands gripped the front of Richie’s shirt, his knuckles turning white against the fabric. Richie’s raised his hands to softly hold Eddie’s face between them. His expression was unreadable as his eyes searched Eddie’s face.
“You know I don’t mean as a friend, right?” Richie asked.
Eddie nodded, afraid to try to speak as the tears wouldn’t stop. He loved him so much. So much that it hurt sometimes. He was all he wanted, all he thought about. Knowing he felt the same was too much. Richie’s thumbs swiped at the tears that trailed down his cheeks as he continued to stare at him for a long moment. It made Eddie nervous but the look in Richie’s eyes was enough to push those feelings away. A look like he was gazing upon something so precious.
Richie leaned down and kissed him on his forehead before pressing his own against it. Letting his eyes drift close, Eddie let himself enjoy the moment of closeness with the person he loved. Let himself get lost in the feel of his hands on his face, the way he could feel his chest rise and fall beneath his hands as their breath mixed together between them. This, Eddie thought, was a little taste of what heaven must be like.
“You really love me?” Richie asked.
“Yes.” Eddie said without hesitation. “Only you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
Eddie nodded and a second later, their lips were pressed together causing his breath to catch. He released Richie’s shirt with one hand and trailed it up to rest against his neck. Richie brushed his fingers against Eddie’s cheek as he let go to grab Eddie’s other hand with his, lacing their fingers together. In this moment everything was perfect, and they felt indestructible. Together.
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This matchup is for @sevensfantasia
Let me know if you want me to include the request you sent in! (I don't automatically include them bc most of you put a lot of information in it and I'm not sure if you want that to be visible for everyone) - - - Here's what the boys think of you:
Belphegor loves the way you think, look and act. He just generally loves you for you. Over-sized T-Shirts & lazy days? YES. You're warm and comfy = the perfect cuddle buddy. Likes how easy-going you are. You don't try too hard to impress anyone and it's something he cherishes about you. After all he spends a lot of time around Lucifer (who likes to hide any sign of weakness or negative traits due to his pride), Asmo (who always puts a LOT of effort into his looks) and Mammon (who also likes to keep his true thoughts & feelings to himself. I mean there has to be a reason why his bond with Beelzebub seems to be the strongest out of all his brothers, and I think that's partly because Beel doesn't try to alter the way he appears to others. Belphie admires and respects both of you for that reason. The fact that you two are just so true and honest with yourselves and others.
Asmodeus would spoil you without even fully realizing it. Like the moment he learns that you're into jewellery and shopping he'll just naturally drag you along? I don't think money is a problem for him either so he just buys everything he likes for the both of you. He'll probably be a bit hurt if you don't wear the very revealing outfits he chose for you because he just knows you'd look so good in them!? Though when he sees you wearing some of the jewellery he's gotten you he gets all giddy again. Also loves to pull your cheek because you're so CUTE ~
Guide - How to befriend Satan: Step 1: Have 11 cats living with you. Srsly that fact alone will catch his interest and he absolutely doesn't mind if your pets are the main subject of all your conversations. Send him those cat photos at 3 am in the morning, he's awake and ready. Also, if you ever decide to create a social media account for your furballs Satan will be their number one follower! He already remembers every single one of their names the first time you mention them.
Mammon: Big girls make Mammon go creamies ok? I'm just gonna leave it at that -
Beelzebub definitely had his experience with self-doubt and insecurieties considering he had to choose between the two most important people in his life and counts himself responsible for not being able to safe both of them. It scarred him for sure and his gluttony surely doesn't make things easier for him. His brothers are accustomed to his appetite but Beel's aware of the weird looks others often give him. He knows how suffocating it feels to doubt yourself so if you're having one of those days where your self-esteem isn't up to snuff, he wants you to know you aren't alone and isn't afraid to let you know that you're awesome just the way you are.
Also: Beel noticing you liking one of his shirts will mostly result in said shirt ending up in your wardrobe. "I don't need it, you can have it if you want." *big happy smile* You're his lil panda now and he's gonna protect you ok?
Just like Beel I feel like Lucifer is just as aware of your feelings and therefore admires your emotional strenght a lot. He also likes that you're usually quiet and don't cause a lot of ruckus.
Simeon: With this guy around you'll never feel left out. He'll always try to include you in conversations and shows genuine interest in your opinions. Half of the reason he does so is because wants to get to know humans better, the other half is because he's good at making feel people important and it doesn't sit right with him to see you being left out. He won't force you into conversation of course, but if he feels like you're being left out too much Simeon is very good at directing the right amount of attention towards you.
Luke: If you like sweets, cakes or any other kind of pastries Luke will be over the moon! He's been into baking for 300+ years but getting positive feedback from an actual human would definitely mean a lot to him. Don't compliment him too much on it or the amount of baked goods he'll shove your way will increase continuously.
Barbatos is quick to notice your attempt to get along with everyone, including people that are very different from you. Being Diavolo's right-hand man he definitely knows how to appreciate your efforts, since he's in a similar position where he has to get along with certain people, no matter how much disdain he may hold against them.
Last but not least I ship you the most with
Being an INFP you're naturally good at listening to others and this shut-in Otaku really needs someone to pay attention to him. He's very touch starved as well so if you can provide him with cuddles and affection that'd be much appreciated. Kudos if you don't mind staying inside his room all day long. It would definitely help a lot with his jealousy, since hanging around the others more than him will surely put him in a sour mood. He's quite the pessimist when it comes to himself so if you make him feel enough or even loved then that's already a huge achievement. After all Asmo also seems to enjoy being around you very much and the fact that you'd rather spend your time with some yucky Otaku instead of going outside to have fun with the others really takes him aback, in a good way though.
It also doesn't really matter how you want to spend your time with him, you don't even have to interact with him at all as long as you're both in the same room he's already happy. Feel free to watch TV when he's playing videogames or sleep in his bedtube. He's totally fine with you doing your own thing as long as you're near him.
All in all it would be such a chill and sweet relationship. Help I'm jealous
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Instead of writing a scenario I decided to think of some conversations you two could have during one of your gaming sessions (I especially had Far Cry 4 in mind since you stated it as one of your favorite games! )
Levi: "Oi Normie, stop throwing stones at me." You: "Sry, I wasn't aiming for you!" You: *Throws another stone at him*
"Levi?" "Hnn?" "I think you pissed off the elephant." "I didn't, they're friendly." *One (1) very angry Elephant comes running towards you* "Levi I think I pissed off the elephant!!"
You: "Levi HELP! The skunk's trying to kill me!" Levi: "It's not a skunk, it's a honeybadger. You: "It's still trying to kill me though!" Levi (unimpressed): Kill it first then?" You: "I don't want to :( " Levi: *watches your character getting chased and killed by the feral animal* You: "Leviiiiiii !" Levi: *snickers*
Levi: *places landmines all over the enemies base strategically* You: *accidently steps one one, panics and sets off even more* Levi: *screams internally*
You: *gasps in awe* You: "Look Levi, there's a monkey!" Levi: *walks closer to your current location* Levi: "Kristen ...that's a person.
Bonus: You: *gets randomly attacked by an eagle and screams* Mammon: *walking past Levi's room* " ?! " You: *makes inaudible noises while trying to get rid of the bird * Mammon: "Oii Levi waddya doin' in there huh??" Levi: Q///Q
You're probably 80% of the reason you both die in this game but Levi wouldn't trade your company for anything else tbh. Playing any kind of singleplayer game just doesn't hold the same appeal after he gets used to your company and he also loves how invested you can get into videogames, no matter how good or bad you're at them. (In fact he probably prefers if your a little bit less skilled in videogames than he is cuz ya know jealous boi)
I hope you like your matchup! I really had a lot of fun doing it ~
I currently have 13 more matchups to do the next ones will be for: jinxed-rose bishie-haven daughter--of--bellona
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