#I want my monkeys dangit
siixkiing · 2 years
Whelp, looks like I’ll have to order the Monkey Mech kit online somewhere...cause the stores I went to didn’t have them in stock BP
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mislamicpearl · 2 months
Monkie Kid S5 first two episodes thoughts
It's 1 AM but I wanna get my thoughts down quick before I forget (but likely this will just turn into a list of my favorite moments and with a whole lot of squealing because omg the FLUFF in these episodes alone!)
SPOILERS under the cut:
Nooooo MK isn't sleeping, Lego stop punishing your boys with sleep-depriving trauma! T_T
Wukong is really trying harder to be a better mentor to MK ;_;
And just... how far we've come, with Macaque genuinely caring about MK this much.
But also stop deflecting Macaque!
AwwwWWWW everyone building Wukong a house was so sweet!
And of course we gotta cover the walls with adorable pictures~ My favorite was the Mei and Wukong one, omg if I don't see anyone redraw that I definitely will!
Holy FUDGE the DADSY content! It just wouldn't stop!! He sat with MK, gave him some fatherly advice/life lesson, and knew exactly what would put the kid to sleep, and then carried him to bed... and then we get-
"I don't know how I ended up with you, but I'm so glad I did" "I love you, son"
Me during that scene:
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Wukong fixing the origami figures of his friends was so cute DX
And the baby monkeys still being all clingy to Macaque ahahaha!
Just... loving Wukong and Macaque being in the same room together with MK and not fighting tbh, their expressions throughout his whole lawyer routine were hilarious XD
I will never get tired of Wukong treating Nezha like a little brother/cousin that he constantly makes fun of XD
So of course I knew about the circlet angst but WOW I did not expect Macaque to have that big a reaction to it, he sincerely doesn't want Wukong to get hurt, UGH THESE MONKEYS ARE KILLING ME!
Yoooo that little look exchanged between Wukong and Macaque after he sends out the hairs, these guys are totally back in sync again like nothing happened and I LOVE it!
Bahaha Wukong doing the Tang story-telling was great!
MK kicking his legs during the story, why is this boy so adorable dangit-
Nezha's utter confusion at MK's antics was probably the funniest bit of the episode for me ahahaha
Also the three clones just going "I'm a clone" in unison XD
Again, the teasing-the-younger-cousin behavior with them double faking Nezha was so on point, and his angry "WU KOOONG!!" was just the icing on the cake.
"Why is it always like this when you come here?!" Seriously, nothing to add besides that I just LOVE seeing the monkeys together, like their teamplay in taking out the head guard - I saw that smile Macaque!
Macaque or Nezha angrily shouting Wu Kong's name will never get old
"Only thing I know for sure is that I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here right now." MACAQUE'S LOOK AT THAT PART! YES HE'S INCLUDING YOU BUD!
Is... is this the first time we hear Wu Kong say Macaque's name outside of a flashback without ire??
Also NOOOO MACAQUE!! (He's fine, I just don't want him disappearing for the whole season but I'm sure he'll turn up again. Also, proud of him for being the hero in this scene :')
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drkineildwicks · 8 months
Palworld 2/4/2024 – Bootleg Pokémon (affectionate)
So finally got around to playing Palworld
Hopefully I don’t get hit with the save file glitch
And yes Bootleg Pokémon (affectionate) is my world name XD
I can totally get why people get sucked into this game it’s got a great gameplay loop
Played six hours today and could totally play more but for the fact that I could feel my eyes burning
Pals are cute
I love that they help out around the base I’ve been working very hard to make sure my little dudes have all the amenities
Also I need to figure out stairs because this dip keeps getting up there on my roof and going hungry
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Also the one platypus Pal’s name XD
No Fuacks were given
My main goal is to get a birb horde and as such my first capture was chikin
And then first night in I get my first Lucky, which is a Lamball:
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Named the girl Baalalala XD
My second Lucky was also a Lamball, so now I have two massive sheep wandering around
Love my girl Baalalala she protects me
Don’t even have to use Fluffy Shield just duck behind her
Tempted to boost her defense so she’s even tankier
Also the monkey is a menace
Specifically my monkey is a menace boi starts fights and ends them too and I don’t think I trust it with a gun
Also I say “boi” but in reality most of my captures have ended up being female
Apparently my base has accidentally become a girls only club
But the feedback loop is nice because you want to build stuff and craft stuff so you have to go out and get items and then you have to go back to the base when you find the fast-travel points because of the encumbrance mechanic and in wandering you also have new Pals to catch (or hunt, aced a lot of Teaphants(?) for pal fluid because dangit my purple deer needed a hot tub)
And also there’s stuff to see in the distance that makes you go I want to get over there what is that
Also there’s a level cap where if you somehow manage to catch stronger Pals—or, more likely, level up the ones you have past your current level—the levels sync down to your current level
Which is nice because it gives further incentive to level up beyond unlocking new crafting recipes
Plus you level up by gathering and crafting in addition to battle so you can just wander around and level up you and your team just picking up rocks it’s like a more advanced form of Legends Arceus
Your Pals also level up when they're doing stuff around base so you're kind of encouraged to rotate your guys so they level up evenly
Also you do want to level up
There’s these mammoths roaming around, one walked clean through my base and I let it because it’s level 35 and my level when I quit for the night was 12
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And as it turns out if a Pal is 5 or so levels above you it can and will hand your head to you
Still haven’t caught the llama, the Nitewing and the flower dinosaur and a bush goat all took two tries because they were level 11-17 and went oh no you don’t
Me: oh yes I do
You’re actually encouraged to keep from fainting your Pals because of the recovery system, my fire fox is currently on ice in the box and had a cooldown timer of about five minutes when I looked
So if you let them faint then you don’t have them for a while and that’s a penalty on you
Got attacked by syndicate guys
Dudes were coming for my pals and I might be hesitating on killing Pals or catching too many but you come shooting and I’ll headshot you back
As for the designs…when you’re in the thick of the game you really don’t care
Yeah sure some I saw and went “oh that’s the bootleg Raichu” or something like that but for the most part the energy has been new Pal let’s get it
Although everyone’s bawling about Cremis being the Eevee knockoff and I’ve heard no one talk about this guy:
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Saw him the first night, tried to catch and failed, haven’t seen one since
Also this one forever amuses me and makes me squint because I designed a fakemon for Renegades and same vibes:
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Although there’s probably a limit on what you can do with the design concept of “ice ferret”
So I’m definitely playing this some more but not tonight, it’s one of those I gotta block out a few hours for but it’s fun
“But Kineil—” Cease.  Whining about Hogwarts Legacy didn’t stop people and neither will whining about this game, it’s fun, which is what a game should be, the accusations were debunked, if you want to tell me what to do then go to my Patreon and dump a big fat paycheck on me per month
Until then, I gotta plan for when I can go pet my Pals some more
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boywonderfuls · 5 years
I usually prefer strictly canon-compliant fanfiction as far as relationship dynamics are concerned except for in the batfam fandom where I definitely prefer canon divergent and I feel like that says something about canon
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lazywolfwanted · 2 years
MKR x Ink!Demon![Y/N]
[Chapter 1]
I have no idea why I always use MKR ( ゚ ▽ ゚ ;), I think I'm obsessed with the movie to much for unknown reason.
But anyway,you are Bendy.
Yeah, you the Bendy the dancing demon, of course you have that power.
Oh and you don't have a neck, wearing a black tuxedo with a coat. It's for your disguised and a hat.
[Y/N] is gender neutral, I ain't like choosing gender so I make S/O use they/them.
English is not my first language, so there might be a bad grammars and wrong spelling.
"...." they look around the place, trees, hills and other nature.
How did they get here? Well, they have no idea. They were just buying groceries and then someone call them from the back, of course they be a 'nice' person they are turn around only to see no one.
Turned back forward and there they are, standing in the middle of unknown forest or whatever.
They still have their groceries tho, glancing down at it. It was just a pack of fruits and vegetables as well as candies.
There are also meat but haven't cooked yet, 'How did I get here?' they thought.
Sighing in defeats, they start to walk randomly on each directions. Sitting under one of the tree, feeling tired of walking. 'Wait I can just teleport...but I don't know where I am right now..' they thought.
Rubbing their face, they sigh. "A nap was ok I guess.." they lean on the log, their were about to close their eyes but then they heard one of the tree or anything around them move.
Sitting straight, a bunch of demon appeared. 'What in the...' one of them attacked, they quickly move away from the tree as the demon hit their heads to the log. Wincing, 'Oh dear...' they dodge the incoming attacked.
Now that without their knowledge, the infamous trickster god arrived and watched the events unfolded.
After the fight, they look at where their stuff was. 'Aww what?' they thought, the stuff was all ripped or dirty. "Dangit...but at least the candies was fine." they muttered and picked up the bags of sweets.
Sighing, they went back under the tree and lay down. Leaning their heads on the log and look up at the branch only to met a hazel brown eyes.
Black eyes turned into small dot, 'What the heck??' they gave a squinted face. "Yeah I am not dealing with this..." they mumbled and sat up and stand on their feet.
Walking away with their hands in their pockets, yawning. Turning around and still met the hazel brown eyes.
Giving an annoyed groan they ignore the stare and continued their track, scratched their cheek. Feeling the same presence behind them, they grunt silently and glanced from their shoulder.
"Ok, what in the name of god you want?" they ask in annoyance, their British accent was sharp.
"You are quite interest person, not afraid?" they fully turn as their face show annoyance, "Not afraid of what?" they ask with their brow lifted, "Aren't you afraid of me?" they gave a confused look.
Looking up and down at the figure, "Afraid of you? With that adorable face of yours I bet even a child think you're not scary." they state and turn around and walk away.
"Ok listen here you little-" "Listen to what? To you, little monkey?" they ask sarcastically. Continued their walked, "I am not. A little monkey." was the response they got.
Glancing from their shoulder, "Hmm...you are." they said, said monkey went in front of them with a small glare. They stop to get a better look, "Aww..what is this? Little monkey is mad?" they joked.
Growling, "What's wrong?" having their devil tail appeared and lift his chin with it, "Can't take a little joke?" they grin.
"Thought.." leaning backwards, they gave a shrugged. "You still look adorable." they smirk.
Dodging the hand that try to get them, "You know, I'm not in a mood." they turn around. "So Bye!" they gave a piece sign before leaping through the inks.
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
003 natsu
My sooooonnnnn :D
How I feel about this character: I love Natsu dearly, and I fell in love with him pretty quickly. He’s a chaotic bean that manages to be a found-family-seeking cinnamon roll and a pugnacious gremlin at the same time, he loves his dragon dad and he has strong opinions about protecting friends, and I think that’s great. He’s straightforward but clever, and unlike most protagonists, he’s more concerned with the local stuff than he is global justice or whatever, and I’ve always found that more engaging than the cookie cutter Lawful Good Protag boi. (Well, technically, he’s the deuteragonist even if everyone including Mashima forgets. Boi got mad Monkey King syndrome.) 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Nobody :)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gaaahhhh there’s so many. I’ll have to go with the classic answer of Igneel and Natsu though. Natsu wholeheartedly believes in Igneel, that he is both still out there and still loves him, and Igneel (even though he keeping the whole “half-dead inside of you, son” thing close to his chest) wants the best for Natsu and believes in him in turn. Also, the little snippets we get of them actually interacting in the past? They strike me as the parent-child relationship where the dad would beat his son up at video games, no mercy, but they’re both open and honest and having a great time. I wanted to see more of them ;-;
My unpopular opinion about this character: This is definitely just headcanon territory (though honestly Mashima seems to be inconsistent about this) but my straightforward family-adopting boy is totes aroace. He’s got no idea about this romance business but he’ll hug you and make sure you don’t die, because nakama is family and his family just be getting bigger. Dude doesn’t care about decency and he literally has no precept of what might be considered flirting; heck, in the first episode, the mad lad walks past a charm magic zone meant to make the love-button go stir crazy and literally nothing happens to him. (That, and the way he bestows the family sticker like a gold star of relationship status just reminds me of me, so I’m definitely projecting, but I’m having fun in my headcanon land and that’s okay. :D)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh man there’s so many. I wish he was written consistently and didn’t suffer random airhead moments when two arcs ago he was strategic, albeit in a reckless way. I think the main thing I wanted to see happen, throughout the series, was just for him to look for Igneel dangit. The anime-only Daphne arc kind of did, and I appreciate it except it did Gray dirty so I’m still not thrilled with it; plus, the search was more of a segue way so I dunno. Even if it was just little nods that he was still asking around. On a similar note, more nods to his knowledge about dragons when everyone in the world seems to think dragons are a myth would have been fun. Like, someone makes an assumption that Natsu was just themed or whatever and goes “oh like those flying lizards from the stories?” and the team has to physically restrain Natsu from going ham. Just little things to remember that Natsu was introduced in the show as being strongly connected to his roots with Igneel. 
Favorite friendship for this character: Picking favorites is so hard. Grrrrrrr. I think one of my favorites and the one I want to see more of, though, is Natsu and Erza. (Natsu and Gray have a fun dynamic too, especially later on when they chill a bit, but they also stubborn af.) Both Natsu and Erza are pretty blunt, and they have such a small concept of shame, and they both tend to be the supportive type. However, being that they are normally the ones getting other people out of trouble, they can have that ability to encourage each other in the few moments they need a boost. Plus, their similarities sort of drive the honestly out of each other? They would both avoid their problems until kingdom come, but they can call each other out and not deny it if it’s the other saying it. For instance, that scene at the end of the Tower of Heaven arc when Natsu has his first breakdown in the series over Erza’s attempt at self-sacrifice, and he gets through to her that way? Beautiful. One of my favorites. I wish those two got more.
My crossover ship brotp: He and Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact) share the same brain cell and they absolutely would be the best of buds. They would get into a bunch of random competitions, but also they are the co-presidents of the “don’t you dare sacrifice yourself” club. On a broader note, I’d like to think that Natsu could sharpen up Itto a bit, as Natsu is more observant, and Itto would unabashedly support all of Natsu’s dragon and/or demon traits, no questions asked. (Plus they both have a species rep of going berserk despite being Soft okay and pugnacious Bois, and that’s something to bond over I guess.) And you couldn’t convince me that, given the event that Natsu does get demon horn rights, that Itto wouldn’t immediately be down to have a horn-painting party, because he would.) 
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arcanetrivia · 3 years
Dangit after a very long dry spell I somehow poured out a 22k Monkey Island fanfic over about 7 weeks and I thought, maybe, hey? somehow Guybrush did to my brain what no other fictional bae could in 10 years and I could start writing again? and do more than just lurk in a fandom, even though this is a very tiny one? and just got it back from the beta the second time and all my attempts to fix what they said were weaknesses have just introduced more problems and I feel like Bart Simpson getting an F on his paper when this time he really really tried and man I just wanted to do something out of love for one (1) mighty pirate
I mean I knew when I saw it getting that long that I was getting into dangerous waters because it’s more than triple the next longest thing I ever wrote, and I wasn’t sure I could keep it together, not to mention handling a complex interlocking puzzle chain locked room scenario when what I thought I was writing when it started was conversational sitcom. and it seems that I couldn’t, in fact, hack it but I should have abandoned it sooner because now I’m really emotionally invested in this mess that apparently is not good enough for public consumption and argh
(it’s not the beta’s fault, they’ve been nothing but polite and helpful, not mean or anything. and like. they’re just doing the job I engaged them to do. but I still feel like a complete failure. I got excited and made something and apparently had no business doing so, guess that'll teach me to have feels about something)
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hyenahunt · 3 years
Beast Survival - 4
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP & ENG)
Leo: I'm sorry I got carried away! I'm not a monkey! But I am a primate!
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[Location: Starmony Hall Courtyard]
Leo: Hmhmhm~m ♪
...Hm? Mm? This sucks!
Let's try this instead. Hmhmhmhmm~m ♪
Wahaha! Got it! I'm a genius, just as I thought~! The gods of music adore me!
Thanks for loving me! I love ya loads right back!
Let the music guide me along for one more song! After all, I'm a genius! Wahahaha ☆!
There's a sudden weight on my back!? Gwehhh~!
Wait, is something like that happening!? Like right outta Journey to the West! The scene where Wukong gets trapped under a rock by Buddha after he gets up to no good!
I'm sorry I got carried away! I'm not a monkey! But I am a primate!
I didn't do anything wrong either! I just got told off by Keito for composing on the walls of ES!
It'd be a huge loss to the world if my melodies were to disappear, so please forgive me—!
Gwehhh~...! It's not letting up!!!
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[Location: Seisou Hall Dorm Room (Tatsumi & Koga)]
Aira: Tattsun-senpaaai~ Tattsun-senpai, are you home~?
Jun: Heya, what's up~! Kazehaya-senpai, sorry to bother you!
Tatsumi: Oh? Aira-san. Thank you for all your hard work with the meeting earlier. And you're here too, Jun-san? What brings the both of you here together?
Dear me. On that note, this is the first time we meet in the dorms over here, isn't it?
You've just moved in the other day, didn't you? How are things? Have you grown accustomed to living here yet?
Jun: Yep. Though dorm life's the same pretty much anywhere. It's not a huge difference between here and Reimei.
Tatsumi: Is that so? That's good to hear. There are some who struggle with getting used to settling into new surroundings, after all.
Some even break down both physically and mentally... such tragic tales.
Oh dear, at this rate we'll all get off track.
How can I help the two of you? I'd initially believed you were here for your housewarming greetings, but then I reasoned it would be strange for Aira-san to be here too. [1]
Aira: Mm, sorry 'bout that. So like, a little while ago you told me about how your roommate Oogami-senpai's got a dog, right?
Since we're looking to chat with people who have pets, we were wondering if you could put us in touch with him.
I did meet him when he moved in, but since we're not quite friends it'd be kinda weird to call him up all of a sudden, wouldn't it?
So... pretty please!
Tatsumi: Is that so... Of course I wouldn't mind getting in touch with him, but...
Ahh, no. I'm afraid it's not quite possible right now.
Aira: Whaaat!? Why's that~?
Tatsumi: I'd dearly love to introduce you all, but Koga-san himself is away for quite some time due to work.
Aira: Aw maaan...
Jun: Dangit~... A case of bad timing, huh. Well, if he's gone for a while then there's no way around it.
Tatsumi: By the way, why are the two of you looking to talk with him?
Jun: Oh. That's... well, the truth is, stuff happened and to cut a long story short, I wanted to chat with Oogami-san 'bout his dog for help playing a role I got.
Tatsumi: Hmm, I see. Playing a role... In that case, this is indeed quite the fix.
Aira: Ah, I got it! If we're looking for dog owners then there's one more person living 'round here who fits the bill!
I remember reading in a magazine interview that Akehoshi-senpai has a dog, too!
Jun: Ohhh, yeah. I think it's got some kinda lucky name, like Omikuji, or Daifukumochi, or something...? [2]
Aira: Akehoshi-senpai's dog is called Daikichi! It's definitely a lucky name, though!
Jun: Ahh, that's right. It's Daikichi. Well then, let's head on over to Akehoshi-san's place and—
Tatsumi: Ah. My apologies for bursting your bubble, but that is most likely impossible as well.
Aira: Hweh?
Tatsumi: I mentioned that Koga-san would be away for a while due to work, but I'd also heard that it just so happens to be a joint collaboration between Undead and Trickstar.
Aira: Which... means that...
Tatsumi: Subaru-san, too, will be absent for quite some time.
Aira: Seriously!?
Man, what a bummer~ I guess that means we gotta go back to the drawing board.
Jun: So we've got bad timing with this too, huh... You could say that's just my luck, or something... But oh well, no point in moping over it.
Standing 'round here hanging our heads is a waste of time, so we'll just have to come up with something else. Thanks so much for your time, Kazehaya-senpai!
Aira: That's too bad...
But thank you, Tattsun-senpai. We'll figure something out~
Tatsumi: Oh, think nothing of it. My apologies that I couldn't be of more help, you two.
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[Location: Starmony Hall Courtyard]
Aira: Ah, geez... And here I thought it was such a good idea, too~....
Jun: Well, we can't always have it all.
But even if we say we'll think up another plan, they don't exactly pop outta thin air... If it was that simple then I'd have come up with loads while I was mulling over it alone.
So other than that, what can we do...
Aira: Mmm... you've got a point there...
Jun: ...Hm? Didja just hear a 'help me'...?
Aira: Y-yeah. I definitely heard that too! Did something happen?
Jun: Let's go check it out. It came from that direction, yeah?
Aira: Yep. I am a little scared, but we can't pretend we didn't hear anything. Let's go, Sazanami-senpai!
Translation Notes:
[1]: Daikichi's name means "great luck" and Jun misremembers it as similarly luck-related names: Omikuji (small random fortunes in which daikichi is the luckiest outcome) and Daifukumochi ("great luck mochi")
[2]:  引っ越しの挨拶 - it's a typical custom in Japan to greet and introduce yourself to your new neighbours right after you move into a new place
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Moriarty 5 - 7 | HypMic 10 - 11
Moriarty 5
Saito’s Moriarty and Gentaro voices are quite similar, now that I compare them.
“…he’s a good egg at heart.” – LOL, never thought I’d be reading subtitles that said that.
Oh, so that was Frida on the bridge?
I wonder, is Moriarty like Bon and nursing a weak leg with that cane? Or is the cane just a symbol of nobility?
Moriarty 6
The Titanic? Wasn’t there a Black Butler arc based on it?
LOL, these people in the foreground are CGI.
…is that the grapefruit guy? (Beats me, I haven’t watched this in weeks and am only returning to it because Scott keeps mentioning spoilers. The only thing I’m keeping up with properly is HypMic and my Kanon watch with #AniTwitWatches…and soon I’ll add the final episodes of Sailor Moon to it.)
Found him! Sherlock Holmes! I sort of triangulated from buzz around me that he appears in this episode.
What’s with the skull ring Holmes wears?
…ah, the golden ratio!
…Oh, this is gonna get interesting! You can tell this Holmes is adept in fighting due to his build, but…how did Moriarty figure out Holmes played the violin? Calluses on his hands?
Is this Holmes a womaniser…? I thought the guy was often characterised as an asexual, or at the very least aromantic. That’s part of what makes the guy so intriguing to me - because he still has Irene.
A colliery is a coal mine. It’s been a while since I heard that word.
Moriarty 7
The anime’s sense of colour is probably one of the most striking parts of this. Not just red, but blue and green where it counts too.
Not a fan of the 1st person cam…
That knife came out pretty clean for something so blood-stained.
I wanted to say “’Right,’ said Fred”…but Fred didn’t talk, so I can’t do that. (Dangit!)
I somehow found it slightly funny that France was ahead of Britain (America?) in forensic pathology, although I dunno what made it funny exactly.
I squealed (…just a little bit) when the iconic quote came up: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” I have it memorised from my Detective Conan days still, see?
Next time: A Study in S (according to stuff I read, the S stands for Sherlock this time).
HypMic 10
…I can’t believe it’s almost over already. I’ve basically been in a dream this entire season…but then what happens once the anime is over…? Waiting for the 2nd DRB to happen, I guess.
I didn’t even realise, but Jiro’s varsity jacket has an owl on the bottom of the logo.
…”[H]it the head”? Wassat mean? *checks up* Oh, so it means to go to the bathroom…Right. It’s US slang, which might explain a thing.
Notice Ramuda uses “Jakurai” and not “jijii” or something like that during his time with Ichijiku. Also, there’s a lot of his deep voice going around…
You can see MTR on the poster behind Ramuda at one point.
*anguished noises* Ramuda!!! Please don’t do this!!!
LOL, Sadamezuka and Kazuha.
Is “bum-rush” even an appropriate word for this situation…? US slang is weird…
…Doppo’s performance almost seems like a Rosho foreshadowing. Also, I love how Doppo’s screens disappear with his motivation.
…I saw a spoiler today on Twitter regarding Dice and meat…now I get it.
“detarame” – I know this word means “nonsense”, but for some reason I memorised it as meaning “s***” at one point due to the context of Scenario Liar. I find it interesting Hifumi used a word from Scenario Liar in the first place, even though it’s not necessarily meant to be taken in that context.
“the King of Normies” – For some reason, that made me laugh pretty hard. That is an accurate translation of “riajyuu no ousama” though.
Gentaro’s smile puts a smile on my face as well.
“colours you’ve dyed” – Note Shibuya is constantly referred to by colours, including how PCCS (in the Shibuya 1st DRB team song) apparently means “practical colour coordinate system”.
I find it interesting that Saburo was the one who mentioned holding hands as a sign of camaraderie first in the anime and then the Funi translation makes Ramuda use the same symbolism here. It may have been unintentional, though.
…the subbers keep using “OMG” and I’m like ????. Is OMG outdated slang in 2020?
…wow, that holy imagery…they really went all-in on Jakurai’s godliness there.
…even when knocked down, Jakurai’s hair is still 100% gorgeous.
I noticed one of the lyrics the translators cut out of Doppo’s rap was “borderline”.
Ahhhhhhhhhh! This anime just kicked me where it hurts! (<- As in, it used the trope I love so much – where the underdog causes a sudden turn-around in the battle and they’re not even aware of it!) This is why I love you, Doppo!
LOL, FP spent their countdown gossiping. That’s such a FP thing to do.
Hifumi seems to carry the beat in MTR’s Kizuna. Jakurai gets drowned out quite a bit, although Riou (who has a similar voice) was less drowned out.
“No pain, no gain.” – That’s a good saying.
HypMic 11
2 episodes until the end! (Yikes!)
I still take some issue with subbing the laughing. Well, then again I’ve been half-deaf lately with my ears being clogged (accidentally clogged my ear up again…), so I guess I shouldn’t complain.
If I’m hearing it right, Ramuda goes “nee-san” and not particularly anything to do with “Beauties” or “Beasts”, which seems to be exclusive to the subs.
Stone guardian? I guess this has to do with jizo in Japanese. Hifumi does go “namu” (short for “namu amida butsu”) towards Doppo at the end there.
That bed is…why is it so empty if it’s meant to be the room someone’s staying in?
Is Jyuto’s hair black or brown? I’ve been colouring it a deep brown because I think that looks nice, but it might actually be black…
I have a newfound respect for Komada ever since I found out his birthday is [secret censored – maybe if you follow the hints I leave behind, you might find out what I mean].
LOL, I spotted the fire extinguisher in one corner and was immediately reminded of how someone once translated “fire extinguisher” to “hand grenade”.
…how does Jakurai’s hair work from the back? There’s this coil of hair that seems to go places it shouldn’t be…
For some reason, the subbers keep translating “sensei” as “the good doctor”…or is that the first and only time it happened?
I think it’s appropriate they discuss bonds on the day Kizuna (the ED) goes out on streaming.
…*thinks about 2nd DRB, where BB vs. DH is going to happen next month* …Yeah, you better pay attention or your daddy’s gonna come spank you boys.
Jakurai summoning his mic is always freakin’ cool. Aspire to be like this elegant man.
The wolf hand sign again.
There’s a pun between kizukizu (wounds) and kizuna (bonds). Update: The phrase is actually gisugisusa (stiffness, unsociability, coldness [of atmosphere] etc.), but...there’s the same rhyming scheme, so it’s not wrong.
Doppo’s bit about Jakurai(-sensei) being a kasugai (hemostat) is, surprisingly, quite faithful, as you can tell from how those words rhyme. Hifumi’s verse mentions a monkey wrench, though.
…kasumitai ore ga yoi… - that translates to “…[Jakurai is] better than us, who are like scum…” It’s a very Doppo sort of line, noting that kasu literally means “residue”.
I didn’t realise this until now, but Riou has a piercing in one ear (his right). It’s just in an unconventional place in the upper curve, so I never spotted it.
Samatoki’s death aesthetic really contrasts against Jakurai’s healing one. I can see why people really liked the MTC vs. MTR fight now.
It seems the strategy to win in this series is to keep spamming your attacks. It seems hugely suitable for my pseudo-Pokemon AU, which emphasises attack over defence.
Oh! I never noticed the blue gem on Jakurai’s mic!
Note how Samatoki said “lightning rod” – Jakurai’s name means “lonely thunder”. It’s one reason why I fell head over heels for the guy – his stupidly awesome name.
“horse/rabbit/bush warbler” – These refer to MTC. Samatoki, Jyuto, Riou. On that note, ARB currently has an event where Ramuda hangs out with MTC and he calls Jyuto “usa-chan” as a pun. I find that so darn cute!
“And the winner is…Matenro!” - *cue the song, The Champion*
Notice how they put BB and FP before MTC and MTR in the ED…it’s foreshadowing!
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tornrose24 · 4 years
EtoCU IN SPACE! Thoughts and complaints (Spoilers!)
So I too decided to watch all the episodes of season 4 in one day. I had... mixed reactions. More so compared to other seasons. Here are my thoughts:
-I KNEW Krupp went to school in the 90s! Even better, they gave us an exact year on his yearbook! (1993 to be exact! That was the year ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ came out!)
-Krupp was less of an asshole and more of an idiot the entire season, wasn’t he? There were too many examples to list. To no one’s surprise, he did to take over more than once, but I’m glad it didn’t go anywhere.
-I liked that Moxie was the most realistic adult on the show to date. I also liked how she could barely stand Krupp and not even Fitzgibbons cared for him.
-I feel that George and Harold’s enthusiasm and history with adults did make things a lot harder when it came to listening to Moxie and Fitzgibbons.
-CU is WAY more competent in this season! Holy crap that was nice!
-Also the boys cried when they thought he died! That was sad, heartwarming, and harsher in hindsight all in one (These incarnations would NOT take it well if they had to go through book 12 or the movie).
-Melvin’s rapping was both hilarious and awesome!
-Him and Erica REALLY don’t want to be on the show anymore due to being fed up with the toilet humor, LOL. Oh boy I think they’d prefer She-Ra or Kipo and the age of Wonderbeasts in that case.
-I want to see Erica and Moxie hang out more. She seems like someone Erica would more than look up to.
-So does Sean Astin actually have a daughter?
-When they were dissing shows that took place in Space, I was thinking ‘Doctor Who is good’ before I saw that it was a fourth wall joke.
-That Hamilton reference was hilarious as is, but then someone hating the actor enough to hurl a fruit at him made me think of why its controversial at the moment (coincidence?)
-Having Krupp be part of the Misfarts was... unexpected. Funny, but unexpected.
-I KNEW we’d get a Planet of the Apes reference! But it went so fast.
-Oh George and Harold... if kids ruling things is a bad idea, wait until you read ‘Lord of the Flies.’
-We ended up getting a Passengers reference of all things. Unlike Passengers, it’s actually entertaining and not creepy. (Don’t watch Passengers–look up the plot to know why). I can’t believe Krupp thought that waking up the boys would be a good thing–he should have known better by that point. I would have been down for JUST him being awake, but what we got was funny.
Ok now for my complaints.
-SO MUCH WASTED POTENTIAL! Where were the aliens from the last few seasons?! And I don’t mean for that one gag! I thought they were going to play a part! What where the producers/writers thinking?!
-I was expecting Dupe Plicitous to be an alien in disguise. Sadly that would have made the show far more interesting compared to some of the things we got instead.
-Oh great, another new science teacher we get to know little about.
-It’s cool that we got to see Dressy as a bad guy, but not only did they make it way too obvious, but the boys drew her as the monster in the comic before they even knew. 
-So... Krupp actually.... he really did go in his space outfit, didn’t he? They ACTUALLY made that joke. 
-I have a few reasons as to why I think they cut this season short. But I now think that they could have done more episodes because we could have gone to another planet or two.
-Oh hey, it’s another ‘let’s show how much Krupp desires having a girlfriend while still refusing to bring in Edith’ gag in episode 3.  *SCREAMS INTO OBLIVION* I WAS PREPARED TO ACCEPT HER BEING AN ALIEN IN THE SERIES!VERSE THIS SEASON FOR A REASON YOU COWARDS!
-I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like the ‘kids rule everything on this planet’ episode. I was right in a few ways. For one thing, this is the closest we’ll get to having CU and Krupp together and it wasn’t how any of us would have wanted it. ALSO this was another example of ‘this could have been book 8 COMPLETE with an evil version of CU’ but we got denied YET AGAIN!
-Oh yeah, if you read books 2, 3, and 11, you’ll know what could have been adapted too.
-When I saw episode 4 and saw Krupp being with his blue counterpart, I KNEW we’d get fan stuff of those two later on. Honestly, I’m not thrilled about it.... ugh... yeah. No.
-Oh great, Melvin is evil again. Sarcastic whoopie.
-So we SAW Krupp turn into CU right in front of George and Harold’s friends. The fact that he went with them should have tipped some of them off. So do they know now or....? ANSWERS DANGIT!
-The last episode having that big fight was cool, but then the space cops turned out to be real and I just... ugh.
-The planet of the Apes references was... too fast. I thought the monkeys being part of P.O.O.P.S.I.E. would tie into it. And then the Back to the Future reference at the very end felt squeezed in. Also–HOW THE HELL DID CU GET A TIME TOAD ON HIS OWN?!
-So... did season 4 NOT happen at all? If the boys undid the entire season at the very end, then that was a huge let down for many reasons.
So overall, this season had it’s merits, but it COULD have been better with better writing in a few episodes, a couple more episodes, etc. Its never a good sign when you think back and know that the fandom could have done it better. I highly doubt the Coronavirus played a part, considering how long it must have taken to make this half of the show.
I’m guessing that we’ll have to wait until February (or longer, considering what happened this year) for the next season since they didn’t confirm or deny a season 5. If season 5 is the last season, it better be more than six episodes and it better be an improvement to season 4.
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots
Got even further today! And here’s the running commentary! Under the cut again for spoilers!
Okay! Time to get back to it!!
Aww we found the nephews!
And another hidden mickey!
Aaaand I think we’re about to find Remy too
Let me in I want to cook with my rat friend!!
Oops looks like we stumbled into the woods anyway
Awww yes I got the roaring rapids kinda ride deal!
I can’t save you right now Roxas, I HAVE TO COLLECT PARSLEY FOR THIS RAT
Aaand we’re back at Ira’s mansion!
Ienzo: I could smell your computer incompetence from across the worlds
Told you guys virtual reality is just magical bullshit!!
Oh geez someone get this poor boy a cot and a pillow
Sora: I don’t computer good, please help
Uh oh Even got Norted didn’t he
Suspiciously no music here
Hiiiii Norty Guys
Press X to doubt on that, Xemnas
Gotta say that attraction flow is kinda OP
Donald is always making a menace of himself, Scrooge, that’s normal
OMG I want cake now too
Remy no longer cooks for the love for food, he’s HOOKED INTO CAPITALISM
No I love Remy Ratatouille is a good movie
Oh I see Bee Swatting Alley has turned into a little drive-in theater
There was a hole here…it’s gone now
Roxas has to collect Nobody emblems, I get to collect chocolate and caviar. SUCKS TO BE YOU, ROXAS
“Skateboarding is passe now” INCORRECT
Scrooge is just like I RUN THIS TOWN NOW
If we wish for Roxas with all our hearts and clap our hands HE’LL COME BACK TO LIFE
Ansem: Just look at them…COOKING…PASTRIES…
Another vessel? Don’t you guys already have like fourteen??
I just realized: are the loading screens just. KH Instagram
Okay, I THIIIINK the thing to do now is head on to the next world!…
The Twilight Town trio ice cream music ohhh noooo
just pulls the damn ice cream out of his back pockets IT’S FINE
ooooooo nooooo
Lea: I’m not crying there’s just extra testosterone leaking out of my eyeballs
LEA WHAT we just got used to Lea now back to Axel MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND
Riku and Mickey doing more investigatin’
Eeeeeexposition time~
Well thank goodness these two finally got a case of the Smarts
It looks like Toy Story is the better choice so I’ll do that first!
After I snag hidden mickeys in Olympustown, anyway!
Okay, those are all the ones I could remember for now, guess we’ll move on to advance the story!
Yikes I absolutely stumbled into a gummi boss battle that I was not ready for
I am so so so bad at the gummi missions in this game, sheesh
OMG is this the game that Rex thinks Sora is from
so fukkin Squeenix
Oh wow the music here is so fun
Watch out Sora you gonna get laser’d
Sora: I am not Noctis but I know it’s easy to get confused
I love how all this nonsense is basically in canon in the Toy Story universe, thank you Squeenix
Oh wait the humans are missing too that’s a problem
I thought he was just regular size
Guess Al’s Toy Barn went under
Buzz is so dang suspicious
DANGIT we ALMOST had parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme outside the house here!
That is a honkin huge toy store WTF
HIIII Youngnort
Okay this is a pretty fun take on Shrouding Dark Cloud
“Oh that’s right, you’re from a video game, where the rules are BULLSHIT”
Buzz is being such a stick
EXCUSE U but before we rescue our friends I need to find various selfie spots/weird rocks/groceries
sheesh I don’t even care if using Antiform ends up being bad it’s so much fun to do
Oh no I forgot to take out the security cameras, WE’RE DOOMED
OMG if you hit a helium can it makes Sora’s voice all squeaky I CANNOT B E L I E V E
All these bigass dragon toys have me like 
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I popped out of Antiform for the cutscene and then popped back into it??
Why are there such nice dolls in Babies and Toddlers?? You don’t give dolls this nice to babies!
Everybody’s playin’ his theme song!
Corporal: I can’t believe…I got tuba’d…
OH I don’t like that, NO SIR
Yes just give this horrible doll to your baby, that’s fine
FINALLY high jump!!
Sora never say never on horrible things like that!!
The claaaaaaaww
“Nirvana will not be reached” o o p s
Oh gosh what is this game where I’m stacking flans…
The video game section is just labeled 999999999 FLOWEY I KNOW YOU’RE HERE
Sora: Actually I think this is Riku on the cover
Oh Rex I wish they still made strategy guides :(
Ohh I knew the bad thing that they mentioned would happen would happen!
Okay I wanna play Space Cats tho
No Sora you are the videogaems
Well that took way too long but I ended up beating KING ROBOT in antiform
Wreck-it Ralph summon!! YAAAAY
I can’t believe that Buzz Lightyear got Norted
At last, we’ve reached baby jail
This isn’t a friggin toy store it’s Discovery Zone!
We just fuggin cactaur’d our way up here
Oh well this looks like a boss battle spot
Now we’re in what? Lego hell??
Woody: So you were never loved as a child, were ya
These are things you already knew Youngnort!!
That was an appropriately epic battle music for DEFEAT UFO TOY IN TOYSPACE
You’re really not, Donald
Okay we have! Finished that world! And YAAAY new Keyblade!!
~~The Perfect Body~~
It’s cloning, Riku, it’s basically cloning.
Oh okay thank goodness they’re actually KEEPING EACH OTHER UPDATED SOMETIMES
OKAY I think I’m going to need to stop here because I’m starting to go crosseyed and my thumbs are sore
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ohifonlyx33 · 6 years
oh boy 1491 would not be fun... it's not even after the Reformation. And this guy is full of superstition. Poor primary. ooooor maybe NOT poor primary. creepy traitor primary (unless he's playing her???) uh-oh modern gun left in a barn in 1491... im sure that won't turn out badly. "salutations... hello goat... I come in peace." have i mentioned i LOVE HEr? Yikes. Dialogue's just a bit... yikes. "Ye Olde.... Navy..." YUP I LOVE HER. WITCH. Of course. *sigh* what would a trip to 1491 be without a primary being burnt at the stake as a witch. Honestly, I feel stupid for not thinking of it immediately. Sweet primary girl helping Jennifer... hmmm YEEEEEEEEES Cassie and Cole with THAT ENTRANCE YESSSS. oh, the dialogue is getting a bit better too. back to 2009. Super duper. I was just getting used to 1491. "You're not a better shot" "yes I am." SO MARRIED... AWWwww Jennifer running to hug Deacon is so cute! Kinda like brother/sister? Jennifer had to make the LOTr meme joke that Deacon doesn't appreciate. (ugh! I can't believe it either Jennifer) ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY SLEEP THROUGH LOTR. Awww, Deacon is concerned about Jennifer. He presented his knife to her theatrically and everything. He's gonna want the knife back... I bet he's gonna die. :( Yeah.... I'm wondering the same as Cole... what's gotten into Deacon? Olivia at the campfire... we've Seen this Before... and im still SCREAMING. *slow clap* this old monkey man is spitting truth and pouring into my soul with his gaze. BOYYYYYY. THEY'RE CLIMBING THE STEPS TO RING THE BELL BUT OLD JENIFER HAD A FLASHBACK MEMORY AND WHY WHY WHY DOES HE NEED TO HURRY??? ahhhh!!! ohh my gosh this ruined castle cathedral aesthetic is everythinggggg. IM SHAKING WHAT NOW. WHAT A SPLINTER MACHINE JUSt TURNED ON???? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. so is the weapon a trap? to splinter olivia out of existence?? do you need to cause a paradox with the bells??? Maybe to lure her there?? I HAVE SO MUCH CURIOSITY. DANGIT TITAN NO. Not NOW. J...JENNIFER JUST RANG THE BELL. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. IT’S HAPPENING. IS THIS HOW CASSIE GETS HER GREY STREAK? I CAN'T BREATH. Ahhh GRANDMA STOP TRYING TO KILL YOUR GRANDSON. OH NO DEACON. OH MY GOSH THO.  NO. NONONONONO. T.T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STOP DON'T TOUCH COLE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE.... CASSIE.... HER FACE.... COME ON VEST... YES HE GETS THE VEST NOW. AND... HE BECOMES FUTURE JAMES. AND HE'S GOING BACK FOR DEACON! YAS!!! NO MORE LEAVING HIM BEHIND. But something tells me it won't be so simple. Noooooooo. Deacon :( no :( "don't you forget about me" OH THAT HIT RIGHT IN THE FEELER. AH OHMYGOSH this episode is 10/10 stars, 12 out of 12 monkeys. and I AM SO SHOOK.
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drkineildwicks · 5 years
Temtem first thoughts - 1/24/2020
Okay, starting Temtem, let’s see how this goes….
Oh dear it’s at capacity I’m going to have to wait
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Is there a way to make it windowed I don’t much care for full screen
I can get out because I have two screens but I want to be able to jot down my thoughts if I’m going to be discussing this and maybe game blogging?
Oh my queue went down a thousand while typing this
Okay, so I’ll write up some of my stories while I wait….
Still misspelling Muirahara as Murihara dangit
Need to catch up with that show but I have concerns
Down to 4999…
Okay now we’re down to 3277…
Went down about a thousand in five minutes that’s not bad
Reading through what I wrote last night it’s basically prepper guys
I should find a local prepper group it’s not like it’s useless stuff to know
Character design
One or two…one or two….
So much character design….
I’m going with the Lena haircut
Or how I do Obake in Obake Itoko
IDK have to think on it
Do I go with my usual name or….
Usual name I’ll go with like, a Lena-Obake name mashup for the inevitable fanfiction
Wait how many characters am I allowed I could do one for me and then—
We’ll stick with Kineil for now
Love how it acts like we know what we’re doing
Love the art nice and clean
Oh that’s how you talk and interact press F to pay respects
Oh now I gotta pick one
Looks like…a little dinosaur, a monkey, and a floaty thing….
The floaty thing matches my current color scheme….
Aw who am I kidding little turtle guy wins
Turtlinni I regret nothing
Love the move descriptions
“Mirror, mirror in my hand, who’s the best tamer in the Archipelago?” “No idea, but you get SPDEF”
Okay don’t like Max at all
Do I go with punny names or pop culture references….
Meet Tikitu!
So they’re stored in cards it’s like Pokémon meets Yu-Gi-Oh!
“Keep an eye on Max please?”  Sure, whatever
Pff everyone’s poking around in the buildings
Okay catching time
Not sure what this is
Another girl though
Okay next one
Oh you can make them hold off on attacking that’s nice
It’s a friendly little bird…with star-shaped hair….
Oh good you can heal them at your house
Props to whomever is named Tomato Ketchup
Okay caught a Tateru
Another girl Yugi’s going to be the token boy
Hmm, looks like a hamster….
Tay-toe I need a life
Aww that’s a cute thing!
Kaku it’s a boy Yugi can have a male friend
Hmm, likes to poison people….
So Hypnosis works just as well here as it does in Pokémon….
All right Tay-toe knows an offensive move!
Okay rotate some tems around to give them a break and share XP
So I’m not sure what happens when you catch more than six
Okay this one’s a little bug thing…Snuggie
So we’ve got Yugi and Nightshade as the two boys, the rest are girls, girl power is at the max
Yugi and Nightshade are nice little guys too so they’re happy to hang with the girls :D
Had to run back home and heal again
Semi-Brock you go dude XD
And Easy-Bake Oven I love this
So I guess I found the first checkpoint I can heal from here
And store temtem
But I had to break for dinner so got off so other people could play gonna finish up my writing for the day and then get back on this game is FUN
I don't even mind the full window just put my doc in the second screen and type
In the meantime, the squad:
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So far it’s worth every penny nice and polished and pretty haven’t encountered any bugs the only problem is the queue but THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF A PROBLEM
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rakushasa · 7 years
Conquest cult voice chat Sentence starters
"Are rockets pigeons?"
"Who missed me?"
"No one."
"What's in here? Stuff? No stuff? Good stuff?"
"I don't want to bite where you bit."
"Well this is creepy as shit."
"You do know you're androids, right?"
"Fuck you give me my treasure."
*Loud gasping* "Dog."
"I'm playing on super mega piss baby easy mode."
"Is this dangit-rompa?"
"I gotta go save my floof boy."
"Well if you were a good commander, no one would die."
"Just do it man. Just fucking do it. Fuck the law."
"This sounds like a job for a real man."
"He's not a cripple, he's just dying. There's a difference."
"Borb. Borb. Bird orb. Borb."
"Gun doesn't work that way. Gun do not."
"Be nice to the kid; he had to kill his own dad."
"Hey I get to kick my own ass!"
"Can we not discuss?"
"That egg shaped pillow is....eggcellent."
"You're fucking blocked."
"Is the monkey guy running through the hallway again?"
"Hey you little fucker."
"So you set him on fire?"
"The tea kettle is screaming."
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ohifonlyx33 · 6 years
12 Monkeys 4x04
me, everytime 12 monkeys starts with a philosophical monologue: wow oh wow wow WOW amazing. ooooooh look Jones and her ex-hubby creating the mini red forest WOW HANNAH YOU ARE SO INSIGHFUL (I am saying this sarcastically, as if no one was able to catch the metaphor of the ouroboros). Uuhhh, they jumped back into mission mode pretty quickly, I guess... But Jennifer, now would be a good time to speak up about your primary powers... I bet she can't see because they're in the final loop. The fact that Cole wouldn't tell anyone how he knew the story, but he comes out straight with Cassie about his mom having written it... MY BOY. After everything, I reallly am amazed by how they just know how much trust they have with each other. She doesn't even press him, but he chooses to tell her. "I can't point another gun"  He's scared of getting another answer he doesn't like. Being in another situation like he was with Aethan. Even if she's a stranger, it's his MOM. And Cassie should understand that from having Aethan... I think it's something Cole understands from pointing a gun at Aethan and being wrong. And he is SO done trying to change the past by killing people. And he can't go through this cycle causing pain and getting it wrong again. He just wants to end it. T.T YES WILD WEST HERE WE COME! YEE-HAWWW. I CAN'T WAIT. Wait... that is a forest... in Montana..... it could.... become red..... LOL Jennifer hiding her graphic tee. Oh Cole... Cole you're a terrible persuader.  Just let the little ladies do the shooting. Except... they shouldn't have had to die. Also these costumes are not that... eh :/ and Cassie's still in jeans but sure denim was soooo a thing... this music is distracting me tho... it's like pretty, but there's something about it that's just so Hallmark-Western. Love Comes Softly? IDK, I feel like the setting is taking some time to adjust to... like maybe the writers weren't super comfortable writing this setting so they leaned extra on cliches and whatnot. Jennifer wants a costume ASAP. She feels left out. COLE STOP CALLING PEOPLE LITTLE LADY IT'S WEIRD AND UNNATURAL. OH... IT GETS WORSE. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE I LOVE YOU BUT WHYYYYYYYYYY. hAHAHAHAHAHA 2 time travellers, a primary, and a daughter walk into a saloon and asks for a whiskey sour... stop me if you've heard this one. Everything is kinda a Westworld Ohhh kayyyy. Yeah, these folks ain't from 'round here. It's cliche by design then. Huh. Elliot Jones and the Tall Man. HMMMMMMMMMMMM. TIME FER A SHOOTOUT. Oh, yup. It's Titan. He built Titan. Good job, idijit. But Kelliot is real. "James." OKAY BUT WHEN SHE GETS ALL FIRST NAME. "you should REALLY do movie trailers" hehehehe titan is the red forest... in montana.... i mean it's not that shocking since that’s basically been the army's goal since season 1. JENNIFER NO DON'T. The answer is still climb the steps ring the bell, but now the witness knows of a weapon and.... WHAT? What's that primary Jedi doing? oh no he told the pallid man he has a daughter. that means he's gon' DIE. FREAKING DEACON WHAT NOOOOOOOOOO nonono... Hannah: *violently murders bad guy* Her dad: *so proud*
Dangit Deacon.  So much for your redemption arc. It's all gone now. Unless you were shooting the architect to keep him from getting caught by the witness... hmm?? KAT YOUR CHARACTER ARC IS SHOWING. How beautiful that she's come to love her splinter family. AND SHE JUST WANTS UNITY BEFORE SHE DIES. EMMA... I DO NOT TRUST EMMA AT ALL... IS EMMA COLE'S MOTHER??? I don't even know anymore. Dangit Emma is With Titan... IS SHE THE WITNESS BABY? SHE IS THE WITNESS BABY ISN'T SHE??? She's the plan that's been put in place for a long time. OF COURSE!  ...Yup... but why is she british now?
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Princess Principal 3 | Saiyuki Reload Blast 4 | Boku no Hero Academia 30 | Katsugeki 5 | Reflection 2
I’ve been kinda busy lately and there’s been minimal Boueibu news as we gear up for the OVA, but the “Chesarka watches ________” tags are now on this post and should be rolled out to other posts.
Princess Principal 3
Gah? Is this a yuri? Or is it just two girls talking as spies?
I thought we didn’t need this commentary. We had it in ep 1.
Nuwara Eliya appears to be a Sri Lankan tea type.
Okay, there’s a dude dressed like a sailor but wearing goggles. What is this, a flying fishmobile??? (reference to Galilei Donna, which I’ve never seen but I’ve heard of the fish airship)
I’m…not sure what Kalinga tea is. It could be some made-up name for a tea brand or something.
I bet Beatrice’s mechanism will save her…Nope, turns out I was wrong…
Saiyuki 4
The OP blood splatter effect is still fairly tasteless…
The “salmon” joke does kind of work in both English and Japanese, as “salmon” in Japanese is sake.
I think the kon bit of Konzen’s name has something to do with gold, or else his hair colour is an aesthetic choice by Minekura. (Oh? You’re asking me why I know Kazuya Minekura’s name? Well, for one, it’s in the OP, and the second thing is I found an old manga magazine preserved online that talked about her (Animefringe), dated about 2004 at last issue. That’s why it’s interesting to take on Saiyuki Reload Blast from a rookie perspective.)
Well, at least now we understand why Goku can deal with Gojyo and Genzo so much.
I’m not sure if Nataku has been mentioned previously in this series, but hey. Diamond head is probably him.
Well, I guessed right. It really was Nataku.
Can’t throw around the name Son Goku (Sun Wukong) lightly now, kiddo. Saiyuki is based off Journey to the West, and of course Son Goku is the monkey king in that. I’m not completely up to scratch on my Journey to the West mythology though, so here…a link which should detail Goku’s history roughly as it should be. *sighs exasperatedly* I thought I was done with my Chinese studies…
Is it just me, or is this pan starting and stopping?
I’m always one for the bishie fests with a small teasing of yaoi, but no real yaoi. Of course, Saiyuki is perfect for me, ain’t it?
“I’m rowdy down there too.” – Hehehe, LOL.
Otayori? The word these days is tegami, or otegami if you want to be polite, so otayori must be an old term.
…yeah, I don’t get the Urasai.
Boku no Hero Academia 30
Ah, having to live up to expectations. Now there’s something I know well.
Interesting to note Iida’s now taken on a more Midoriya approach to things, including and up to “throwing away his arm”.
Hey wait, the Iida/Stain eyecatch combo happened last ep too. Dangit, recycling.
Shouto’s outfit looks a lot like Endeavour’s. maybe someday I should analyse how Shouto’s becoming more comfortable with being in his father’s shadow…but I guess someone’s already done it, eh?
I guess I should say Endeavour’s blue flame was a type of “boom, headshot!” thing, but…yeah, it doesn’t quite qualify.
Deku talking to Native is just so adorable! It completely sets off my version of the moe radar!
“…if he gets too high…”
So…wow. The hero killer gets done in by his own bones. That’s kinda anticlimactic…
Katsugeki 5
Nobunaga no Shinobi said oodachis can be about 2 metres long…eesh. I’d hate to be on the end of an enemy oodachi…
Ufotable’s visuals look really lifelike, it’s crazy…
Oh…my gosh. Tonbokiri!
Okay, okay. Seriously, are there any Mutsu/Kane-san shippers out there? I thought Horikawa/Kane-san shippers were more common.
Eyyyyyyy! It’s Jiji (Mikazuki)! Jiji’s any Touken Ranbu player’s dream sword, in regards to sword rarity. Dangit, Saniwa, you’re making me jealous.
I’m so worried for Tonbokiri…
Reflection 2
Well, they do call New York “the city that never sleeps”…
Masda (sic) is on one of the boards...chyrons…oh whatever. I don’t really know what to call the electronic screens, aside from that very name.
That cop looks kinda sleepy…(sarcastic->) not.
Okay, if I got this straight…Stan Lee is a psychic bad guy! Hahaha, that’s great!
Uh, hey. This guy with the power of Itsuka Kendou (BnHA)? Isn’t he basically a racist stereotype, if not a cliche? Stan Lee, what are you doing to my anime?
Stan Lee does kabedons. Never thought I’d see the day where that happened.
Here’s Spider-X-on again, LOL. Spider-dude, spider-dude, does whatever a spider-dude can…haha.
I think I saw I-Guy pass a Hard Rock Café as he flew. Stan Lee, please stop infringing on other people’s copyrights.
O-Oh, I never thought this, but if you can get air sickness from planes, why can’t you get it from mechanised suits too? I guess that’s what Stan Lee wants us to think.
So basically Tiger and Bunny: Stan Lee version? Hmph. I’ve read 6 volumes of the T & B manga, so I know most of the drift, but actually getting to see even a cheap version of it feels great.
Ah, I didn’t think they’d control the screens from LA. No wonder I-Guy had the perfect backgrounds.
Seriously, Ian? What’s your power???
Of course the Reflected become criminals. If you had a power you didn’t understand and people didn’t understand you, you’d turn evil too.
I never saw what was so good about tomato juice. Then again, I dislike tomatoes for absolutely no reason at all, so…yeah.
Seriously, what was so good about that little old blob, Eleanor? The footage was taken too far to discern whether that was Wraith or not.
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