#Had originally planned on using Acacia by Bump of Chicken
kettouryuujin · 2 years
Nobility AU - Arezu
[Inspired by @monsoon-of-art's Pokerus AU and @jade-nargacuga's Pokerus: Ghosts. Song included is KISEKI, the ending theme of Pokemon X/Y. Lyrics are here, video of English performance is here.]
“So… what do you want me here for?” the graying Warden asked, looking up at the tall form of her Lady.
“Lil.” A small push, encouraging Arezu to the center of Brava Arena. The sun was high in the sky, its rays warming both Warden and Noble.
“That…doesn’t answer my question?”
“Lil. Lil-i!” The Lilligant did a small pirouette, twirling around their red-haired keeper.
“Oh, you want me to dance with you?” 
A cheerful “Li!” and a nod was the only reply. She should’ve known - Lady Lilligant was quite a fan of song and dance, and oftentimes would have her Warden follow along. Truthfully, every Warden of the Lady of the Ridge would dance with their charge some - it was the best way to learn for the Rite of the Sun, after all.
Given that Arezu was verging on becoming a quadrupedal Purugly (or Glameow… it wasn’t easy to tell yet), it was safe to assume that her Lady wanted one last dance before any paws started forming or the like. “Well, alright. Shall we?”
As the Warden went to the center of the Arena, Lady Lilligant made to join her - before stopping, heading over to a spot off to the side. “M’Lady?”
The Diamond Clan warden could only stare as the Lilligant brought out a…small rectangular block, connected via a strange string to a strange mesh-fronted thing. A small tap on the smaller thing, and music - music Arezu had never heard the likes of before - began to play. Another tap, and it stopped. “Did that come from the rift?”
“Gan.” Nod. “Ga-lil.”
“...well, if you’re sure it’s safe.” Some more nodding before the Lady tapped the small box a couple more times. Once done, she scurried into position with Arezu. The pair shared a look and a smiling nod before the music began…
And as the sounds of a piano emerged from the ether, the steps just came to mind. One, two, step. Two, three, step. One, two, step. Two, three, four, step.
You and I were born  Slowly walk around the Arena,
right here in the same world. Two, three, four.
For this one brief life,  Continue the circle,
we're beneath the same sky. Hands joined, eyes locked.
The great flow of time... Step apart...
The wide expanse of space. And bow.
We are lucky enough to  Rise up,
share this lifetime we get. Looking each other in the eye.
We can gain more if we give. Advance.
By taking, we only lose. Join hands.
Let us make this a new age, Step left, two-three-four.
where we show our gratitude. Step right, two-three-four.
There's a fragile bud of hope, Shift hands and step back,
blooming in each of our hearts. And glide along the diagonal.
Don't you take that away. Back and glide again,
Our dreams are meant to be shared. Continuing the waltz.
Let it grow. Let it live. One-two-step (Wait, was it her...),
Let us see what it will bring. Two-three-step (or did the Lady seem shorter?)
When we share in our love, Three-four-step,
we make a beautiful world. Four-five-bow.
Search it out, and find the way: Come together once more,
the point where we can all meet. And the Lady let her Warden twirl.
The point where we're all the same. Lock eyes (when were they at the same eye level?),
There it lies: the future we seek. Bow once more (How odd...).
Start from there, and then we'll forge Together again,
a world where all can be free. And Warden let Lady twirl.
Free to dream, and free to smile. Once again, eyes locked (was Arezu the taller one now?)
Free to be who we will be. One more bow.
Let's make sure we create... Let go of each other...
A world of our hopes and dreams. And each to one side.
In our brief lives, Jump in the air and pirouette,
we've managed to meet. (She felt so light!)
Treasure this gift, Land squarely on her feet,
this precious time that we have. One-two-step.
In our brief lives, Jump in the air and pirouette,
we've managed to meet. (So swift!)
Treasure this gift, Land on the tips of her toes,
this precious time that we have. And go into one last twirl.
As the music continued, Arezu spun and spun, feeling so light and swift and amazing. She couldn’t help herself - she leaped out of the spin into a flying leap, arms behind her. Land, two-three-four-step, and fly forth once more, arms spread with one leg ahead, one behind. Touch down once more, one-two-a small leap and then a twirl, arms out and a leg in the air, looking down as the song came to a close. 
And to end the performance, Arezu gave a small curtsy and flourish with her skirt. Odd, it felt a bit funny... 
Before she could work out what was wrong with her skirt, she heard the sound of a Petilil clapping - something she’d grown used to after seeing the Lady’s past performances in front of her children. And indeed, there was a small Bulb Pokémon on the other side of the arena.
“Bravo! Bravo! Encore! En-oh, whoops!” Arezu fell out of her dancing posture, staring as the tiny lady (the voice didn’t sound quite like a girl’s, even if it was young) jumped over to where La...La...Lilligant had placed the odd thin brick-thing. Jumping up, a small face-tap was all it took to cease the next song’s opening notes. “Phew...sorry about that.”
“You...you talked?” Ah yes. That was the...Copperajah in the room, according to those Galaxy Team folk. Pointing one finger at the Grass-type in shock, Arez-That was a leaf. That was a leaf she was pointing with.
That was a leaf, not a finger thatwasaleafnotafingerthatwasaleaf-
“Arezu! Please! C-calm down!” Oh...she’d been saying that out loud, hadn’t she? Still, between hearing a Pokémon talk and suddenly having a leaf instead of an arm, the “Warden” (huh??) felt like her freak-out was at least somewhat justified.
Wait, that leaf... she’d seen it before. It...wasn’t that her la-ergh. Wasn’t that a Lilligant’s arm?
And come to think of it, that last move she did - it was the same way Victory Dance ended... No. It couldn’t be.
...could it?
Best to ask the possible witness ~~(and hopefully not participant)~~. “Erm... miss Petilil?” Oh, this felt weird.
“Oh! What’s wrong, Lady Arezu?”
“Did I just participate in the-” And that’s when the words sunk in. Well, one of them - “Lady”.
The ex-Warden’s mind felt like a collision had just taken place. Two carts named “reality” and “logic” had met head-on, sending wood and metal and various carried goods this way and that.
“...Ohhhh. You were asking if that was the Dance of the Sun, weren’tcha? Wellll...
it was!” The little thing was so peppy and joyful that it almost cleared Arezu’s blocked mindscape with just the one answer.
As it was, the “apparently-a” Lady asked the most poignant question she could right now:
“Yep! See, that...Glameow or Purugly thing you were dealing with... it was gonna get bad. Reaaal bad. And I didn’t want to see you go through that! So I had to pass my Title to you.” 
*thunk* Yeah. Sit down. Good idea. “Are...are you saying I’m actually Lady Lilligant now?”
“Preeeety much.” A nod before the youngling hopped over, getting in the former Warden’s lap.
“And...you were originally my Lady?”
“Uh-huh. Don’t worry, I remember everything despite bein’ all younger now. So I can help you Lady and Noble and all that.”
The Lilligant absent-mindedly patted the Petilil’s head with a leaf. This...alright. This was a thing. And a whole lot more responsibility. Not to mention a rather young-acting trainer. “Well...alright. Any other world-changing news?”
“Yep!” What? “Both you Clans are wrong about Sinnoh!” What? “You’re really worshiping his son and daughter!”
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