#Hada yamare
kiame-sama · 10 months
The Yandere OCs having a nightmare where they harm/kill reader
Warnings; yandere, yandere relationship, violence (nightmare), death (nightmare), reader centered gore (nightmare)
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Walter Woods;
A body lay open on the operating table, the constant drone of an EKG whining out the flatline. Another patient lost because he wasn't good enough to keep them alive. Another patient gone because Walter let them down.
The sorrow weighed heavily upon his shoulders, a harsh reminder of his failure squealing in his ears as his eyes slowly trailed up the lifeless figure. A painful stab seemed to rip into his chest as he realized it wasn't just any lifeless corpse laying there, it was your lifeless corpse.
- Walter wakes with a startle, enough to disturb you from your peaceful sleep. He is breathing hard and shaking due to the nightmare that was still fresh in his mind. Walter is on the verge of tears at this point.
- "What's wrong?" Your voice is what snaps him out of the stupor he is in and gets him to return to the present. Truly, he is just glad you're alive and that his horrible nightmare was just another nightmare.
- "Nothing, love. Nothing's wrong." He will hold you close and kiss your forehead, relieved that his nightmare was not reality. He is likely going to stay awake for a while on account of the fright he received.
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Evan Rothchester;
The satisfying squish of human flesh beneath his hand met his blade as he sank the knife deep into the person's stomach. Red blood seemed to burst forth like a fountain where the knife was sunken in. Another body for the pile that was Evan's life.
He sighed as he wiped the blood from his skin, using a hand to rip the black hood off of his victim's head. Evan's blood ran cold when he saw just who it was beneath the hood. Your eyes slowly drifted up to look at him, the betrayal clear in your expression before your eyes rolled back. The second your body went limp Evan rushed forward to catch you, to try and undo what he had done.
It was too late.
Your lifeless figure leaned forward against his chest, laying limply in his arms. How could he? How could he have done this to you? How could he live with himself?
- His eyes shot open as he sat upright with a small shout of fear. The shout quickly raising you from your slumber as you also shot up, wondering what the problem was and why Evan responded in such a way.
- "What's going on? Are you okay, Evan?" You are clearly concerned as you question your Mafioso lover, startled and disoriented by the sudden way Evan woke the both of you.
- Evan is panting and looking around in confusion, but as soon as he sees you next to him and safe in bed, he pulls you close into an almost crushing hug. He is shaking and gasping as he holds you close, trying to confirm to himself that you are still there and there is no way he could have done such an unforgivable thing to you.
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Carlos Vargas;
Carlos stares in a bored way as his hapless victim squirms within their binds, seeming to struggle for freedom. Just another day feeding the animals at his sanctuary and today it was human on the chopping block. The body tumbled and fell down, landing with a sickening thud as the tigers closed in.
He was about to turn away to continue his work when a familiar voice screamed out to him, "Carlos, please!"
The voice made him whirl around in time to see the tigers close in, your frightened and pleasing eyes begging for him to help you. He rushed forwards towards the fence, but there was no way he would reach you fast enough. Your cry was cut off sharply as fangs closed around your neck, silencing you permanently.
- "NO!" Carlos wakes with a loud yell, trying desperately to stop his beloved tigers from killing his dear darling. The shout startles you awake just as quickly, trying to find whatever it was that Carlos had screamed about.
- As soon as it dawns upon Carlos that you are not being mauled by tigers and it was all a nightmare, he will actually begin to cry. He will hold you and kiss you and just try to calm himself before anything else.
Jackson Locklear;
- Once Carlos calms down, he will insist on holding you while the two of you return to sleep. Even if you get back to sleep, Carlos will be awake for a while yet, trying to stay calm and keep himself from having another nightmare.
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Your limp body lay in Jackson's trembling arms. His body wracked with sobs as he tried to get you to not leave him. There was nothing he wouldn't give or do to have you come back to him.
Your eyes stared in an empty way up above you, as if looking to the stars you would no longer see. Though you had once been so full of life, you didn't respond to anything Jackson did in an attempt to rouse you. It seemed there truly was no saving you.
With your death, Jackson's world crumbled away into nothingness, swallowing him whole into despair. The awkward way your body lay only made your tragic fall all the more heartbreaking to poor Jackson.
"I'm so sorry.... Please, don't leave me... Please..."
- Jackson wakes slowly, sobbing and trying to take a moment to breathe despite the absolute sorrow in him. He can barely hold himself together as he gasps and shakes in distress and anxiety. It felt so real to sit there and hold you in his arms, leaving him disoriented in a way he had not expected.
- You woke to the sound of heavy and heart wrenching sobs, seeing him sitting with his head in his hands. Jackson is near inconsolable at that moment. In his mind, he may as well have actually done it despite it all being a nightmare.
- Only when he actually takes a moment does he register the sound of your voice as you try to soothe him despite not knowing what was wrong. Upon hearing you and realizing you are still alive, Jackson will immediately grab you and hold you close. He will be so thankful that it was just a horrible nightmare and not actually reality.
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Orion Medici;
Another snoop digging through his drafts looking for ideas to steal. Soon to be yet another body under Orion's belt. He had always prided himself on his quick wit and his even quicker skill with a blade.
The figure turned around only to have their throat meet the sharp end of his blade, a clean cut from one side to the next suddenly adorning their soft skin. What Orion didn't expect was the shocked and familiar face he was met with.
The knife fell from his hand with a loud clatter as the world seemed to pause, your throat gurgling where you had been cut. He barely had time to catch you in his arms as you convulsed, trying to stop the rapid loss of blood despite the clear futility of your efforts. Orion was no better as he tried and failed to staunch the flow, hyperventilating as he made continuous attempts to help you.
"Wh- Why, Orion..?"
- Orion woke with a sharp gasp, the blankets balled in his fists and damp with cold sweat. It takes him a moment to orient himself despite being somewhere very familiar to him. He will look around in bewilderment before seeing you and feeling his entire being relax with the sheer relief running through him.
- You are still asleep and resting peacefully beside him as he gets his breathing under control, watching you sleep for a moment. It has felt so real to him that he honestly thought he had killed you, and that thought alone made his heart ache with an intense pain.
- He will be able to return to sleep, but he will likely hold onto you rather tightly just to make sure you are still there with him. He will continue to hold you even while he sleeps, effectively trapping you until he wakes up again and releases you.
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Hahne Yamare;
Hahne was a good right hand man. A damn good one. He would be damned if he didn't carry out Evan's orders to the exact, and this was no different. It was just another target he had to eliminate and Hahne would make sure he followed through.
The crack of a rifle went off, the body not too far from him collapsing to the ground with a pained wheeze.
Hahne was no monster, despite his more than monstrous actions. He would not leave the soul lying there to die slowly and in pain. But as he drew closer to the figure, a hollow thud seemed to resonate in his chest when he saw the frightened and dying eyes that he had once loved staring into.
"No! No, this wasn't supposed to happen!" He cried out as he picked up your body, watching the light fade from your terrified eyes, "please! I didn't mean to, please!"
Despite his desperate begging, there was nothing Hahne could do as the light faded from your gaze and left you laying there with an empty stare.
- Hahne jolted as he woke, falling from the bed in a confused panic. His panic woke you, making you look over to where he was on the floor in concern as he struggled against the blankets. When he finally managed to free himself, he was panting and frantically looking around for any sign of you.
- When he does finally catch sight of you, he wraps you up in his arms, trying to just hold you and make sure you were truly there with him. The thought of having been the one to kill you nearly drove him mad, and he needed to know you were alright.
- When he calms down he will tell you about the nightmare he had and he may start to choke up just a bit. The only way he can get back to sleep is if you hold him and let him hold you until he manages to drift off again.
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Amira Woods;
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!"
Amira cries out as you collapse into her arms, the clear safety shank she keeps on her person protruding from your neck. She can't help but focus on the way that it seems to move and twitch with every beat of your heart, spilling more and more of your precious lifeblood.
Truly, she thought you had been a stranger trying to grab her, not her beloved. She was in tears as she held you, trying to keep the bleeding contained despite having hit your jugular. If she could just get her brother Walter on the phone-
The choking cough that rattled from you broke off that line of thought as your eyes began to roll back, a clear sign that you were not long for this world.
- "Wait!" Amira wakes up with a shrill scream, tears pouring down her face as she practically flies out of bed and onto her feet. Her sudden awakening startles you awake as well, looking around in a panic to find whatever has set Amira off. When you don't see anything immediately, you look to her for answers.
- When Amira takes a moment to take a breath, she realizes that she is standing in your shared room and you are completely safe in bed. She will start crying all over again as she looks to you to comfort her following the nightmare that still held dominion over her mind.
(Didn't realize I pushed post, so I will reblog with Julie, Kaya, Hada, and Ollpheist added on)
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kiame-sama · 1 month
Hi there, I was wondering who were your oc's first in terms of intimacy?
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Walter's first was one of his fellow moonlighters in the middle of Med-School. He was stressed one evening and his fellow student suggested intimacy to blow off some steam.
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Evan's first was his favorite Nanny on his 18th birthday. Even has always had a thing for the more 'mommy' types and absolutely was down bad for his Nanny for a while.
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Carlos' first was when he was in Guatemala studying the feeding habits of Jaguars. One of the ladies he worked with on the trip propositioned him and he was happy to take the offer.
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Jackson is a Virgin.
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VIRGIN. Amira is very intimidated by the idea of intimacy and believes she should only be intimate with someone she loves.
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Kaya's first was her partner of the time while she was defending her thesis. They went their separate ways not long after due to conflicting views on fracking.
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Julie's first was while was on a trip to Venice. A random handsome stranger propositioned and she didn't refuse.
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Hada's first was one of her classmates when she first started education in marine biology. She was already in America at this point but did have a few past significant others get close.
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Hahne is a virgin. He didn't lose his virginity before he transitioned because he felt like he was uncomfortable in his own skin. He hasn't really been interested/confident enough with anyone after his transition. The only person he would consider hooking up with just to get the experience (other than his beloved) is Evan and even then it makes Hahne squirm at the thought.
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Orion's first was when he was in his late teens and took interest in a feisty Italian hooker. His wealthy background was enough to convince her to hook up with him.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Can I get yandere oc’s reaction to darling randomly introducing the oc’s as their husband/wife?
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Walter Woods;
"Oh? So it wasn't a dream I had last night? What a wish come true."
- He will take it in stride and go along with it, immediately acting as if the two of you are married. Agreeing that he is your husband and you are his spouse. Walter will be over the top about it and try and make it as attractive of an option as it could be.
- It is honestly something he has dreamed about and he is proud as can be to be Dr. Woods with his amazing spouse. His hope is that you will enjoy trying out his last name and agree to marry him when he finally asks. This may be part of giving him the encouragement he needs to actually ask the big question.
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Evan Rothchester;
"Bout time you got used to it!"
- Evan may be cautious of wedding events, but that doesn't mean he didn't have all of the official paperwork done and ready to be filed. If anything, he is just waiting for you to accept the fact that you belong exclusively to him and he is happy you are aware of that fact.
- Weddings are a sore subject for Evan, but the idea of being your husband and introduced as your husband is just giving him a confidence boost. He likes the sound of being your husband and he will happily take up the title as soon as you give it to him.
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Carlos Vargas;
"I didn't even have to ask or nothin'!"
- He already sees the two of you as married anyway, so he is more surprised that you were the one to do it first. He already talks about you as if you are married anyway, and it's not like he is going to just let you leave before he has a chance to make it reality.
- Carlos will 100% tease you for the casual introduction and may insist to have you call him your husband at all times. It will be an inside joke for the two of you and he loves the idea of being legally bound to you so you stay with him.
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Jackson Locklear;
"R-really? Are you sure? I'm so happy!"
- Jackson sincerely hopes you aren't joking or just playing with his feelings. He is so ready to give you his heart the moment you ask him and he would love for nothing more than to share his love with you.
- It makes him genuinely so happy to hear you call him your husband and he will wear the newly appointed title while beaming with absolute pride. All he wants is to have that be his accurate title at all times.
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Orion Medici;
"Ah, did the paperwork already go through?"
- Let's be honest, Orion was already somehow tricking you into marrying him in some way, shape, or form. He has done his searching and all he wants now is to settle down with you regardless of how fast you may think he is moving. Unless you two marry that first night he gets you into his bed, it will not be soon enough for him.
- Orion has had plenty of flings, but he'll be damned if he lets you get away from him. Out of all of the experience he has, you are his preference and he is certain beyond all reason that you are his ideal choice. Better to not question him, and as he sees it, you already call him your husband, may as well make it a reality.
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Hahne Yamare;
"Aww, you could have asked me first! I'll always say yes for you."
- It flusters him for a moment to hear you call him your husband. Truth be told, he likes the way it sounds coming from you way more than he would like it from anyone else. He IS your husband and he would like you to say it as often as possible even if it is just the two of you.
- You calling him your husband is the first time he has felt completely confident with who he is. He knows his identity, he knows his found family and sister love him, he knows he loves you, he is truly at peace with everything and he loves that you add to his peace of mind.
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Amira Woods;
"E-eh? Really??"
- She will become immediately shy and flustered if you ever call her your wife. She certainly likes the sound of being your wife, but she may need a moment to process everything before she can respond to you.
- When her brain does catch up to what you are saying, she will be a nervous wreck. One would think you said something incredibly dirty to her based off of her shy and flustered response to your words. Amira does like the sound of your voice calling her your wife, likely to trigger her flustered response all over again.
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Kaya Braziel;
"That's Dr. Braziel, to you. I'm (y/n)'s wife."
- She will emphasize the doctor part, but she will also make sure that you know she is completely on board to marry you. You may not be able to tell just by looking at her, but she is all flustered and excited. Calling her your wife is like casually stating that you reciprocate her feelings.
- The moment you casually call her your wife is the moment she is planning out what flowers she wants at the wedding and what arrangement they should be in. Kaya is excited at the prospect of being married to you and basically having her name on you as if you belong to her.
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Julie Winter;
"I do! I do! I do!"
- She is completely and utterly thrilled that you want her to be your wife. Secretly, she has been preparing wedding plans for a very long time and has a book put together for what she has considered as a theme for the wedding. Not only has she prepared a book of wedding plans, she has also been making custom wedding pottery in preparation.
- She will also begin to introduce herself as your wife and will hear no argument against it. Her excitement basically puts you on the spot and forces you to choose breaking her heart (which she will absolutely snap) or keep digging the hole you have already put yourself in.
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Hada Yamare;
"I accept."
- Hada takes you calling her your wife as your proposal. You don't need a ring, but she will want to have couples pajamas and to have a more traditional Japanese wedding. She loves her heritage and the culture she grew up with, so she will want to honor the heritage however she can.
- Don't try to back out of it now, she desperately wants to marry you and play the role as your loving tall sea-woman. As far as she is concerned, you trying to back out is just pre-wedding jitters and she won't let you run off. In her mind, you proposed first so you had better follow through.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Yandere OC's during your darling's pregnancy
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Walter Woods;
"I'm so excited for this next chapter in our lives. Do you think they'll be interested in medicine?"
- Walter is thrilled to have this next part of your lives together. He is happy to spend countless hours thinking of names and planning out early life activities to do as a family. It is clear that Walter is going to give you the best at home care and he will try to do everything in his power to keep you happy.
- Whatever you are craving or wanting, he will happily go get it for you regardless of what time it is. He has all of the maternity items you will need to be comfortable during your pregnancy. Walter is a doctor and will be obsessing over your health at all times, you should just let him because it is his way of showing his love.
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Evan Rothchester;
"Fuck, I don't think I'm gonna survive this."
- Brings a whole new meaning to the saying "we're pregnant". Evan is so stressed over the pregnancy that he is worrying himself sick. Odds are this is the first time since his father's death that anyone has seen him this distressed and emotionally worn.
- Don't get him wrong, he's thrilled that you're pregnant, but there is so much to worry about when it comes to pregnancies. Blood and family means more than anyone would admit when it comes to mafia families. Evan had been the sole head of the family since his father was killed, now he is the patron of the family. He has to emotionally mature rather quickly, so the stress is getting to him.
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Carlos Vargas;
"Kid's gonna grow up with a zoo for a family."
- Carlos is excited to have a family with you and wants to make sure that the fur-children are nice to the human-child. He knows the kid will grow up feeding elephants and watching their father lounge with the tigers. There is little doubt the house serval, Mimis, will be able to resist the baby crib and will be the most excellent babysitter to the infant.
- The elephants somehow know you are pregnant and the matriarch will be using her trunk to examine your belly often. The dogs will sit with their noses to your stomach and guard you fiercely. Carlos is keen to remind you that even if you guys can't get to a hospital quickly due to living in a wildlife rescue, he can still help you deliver your infant.
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Jackson Locklear;
"I couldn't be happier!"
- Jackson loves the idea of having a kid with you, being able to teach the kid about his culture. It does make him sad to not have his tribe with him to share in the birth of his child, but he will do what he can to stay strong. There is a chance Jackson could fix things with his community through his child, but all he wants is for the kid to be happy and helpful.
- Jackson will make whatever you are craving and is the kind of guy to give you a massage and take care of you every day. He will be sure to get you to your appointments and checkups on time. Whatever he can do to help you, he will.
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Orion Medici;
"Our very own star. They are destined for great things."
- Orion is proud as a blackbird and will be so thrilled to meet his child. No doubt he will try to keep the family naming theme going, so expect a bunch of star themed names for your kid. Since Orion is a powerful and proud man, he will no doubt hold his child to high standards and will do what he can to give them the world.
- You are going to have to be the one to scold or punish your child because, in Orion's eyes, your kid can do nothing wrong. He will never oppose to how you want to raise your child, but he will spoil them and always dote on them. Even if he is wealthy, he will insist to be part of his child's life and let them know he loves them.
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Hahne Yamare;
"Do you think they'll want to learn about the mafia?"
- Hahne is only joking... Kinda. He won't expose your kid to the mafia until they grow up a bit more. Sometimes he will bring home work, but he will still do what he can to spare the kid from dealing with anything illegal.
- Whatever you may be craving or you may want, he will make sure to get it for you as soon as he can. He may have to leave you alone for a bit to do his job, but his boss- Evan- is quite understanding about the whole thing. You can always bet that Hahne is going to be doting to you the entire pregnancy.
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Amira Woods;
"Okay, I scheduled the consultation appointment for between my Business in Environment lecture and my Finance IV class."
- Have no fear, Amira has amazing planning and organizational skills. She will be excited to plan out appointments and classes, but she may be a bit more stressed during this time. Amira is working quite hard on her education, but she sees you and the life you carry as far more important. She won't choose if she doesn't have to, but she will always choose you.
- Amira will likely call her big brother for help because she trusts him and knows he will drop everything to help if he isn't working. She wants to be present for everything she can be present for, but please try to be flexible since she is balancing education and parental rolls.
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Kaya Braziel;
"The most rare and stunning flower in the garden."
- Kaya is a bit new to this whole parent thing, but she will happily face it head on because it means she can spend more time with you and help raise the life growing inside of you. The house will change practically overnight as she puts the dangerous or toxic plants in the locked greenhouse and makes sure the plants in the house are safe or out of reach. Every corner of the house will be baby-proofed long before it needs to be.
- Many of the names Kaya suggests will be plant names or have some kind of horticulture importance and meaning. Every book on properly taking care of you and the infant will be read cover to cover. Expect for Kaya to be quite the mother-hen about the whole situation.
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Julie Winter;
"How is our little clay-pot in the kiln?"
- Julie is excited and draws great inspiration from the prospect of raising a family with you. She will swoon and coo over your stomach, talking to it frequently while praising you endlessly. More of her recent pieces have to do with maternity and the potential that new life carries, some of her most abstract ideas yet!
- When the kid is born they are likely going to be a very creative soul as any art material they could want is right in their own home. She will likely suggest names more common in European countries as opposed to artists or famous people. She wants the kid to make their own name have meaning instead of being assigned meaning due to relation with famous artists or otherwise.
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Hada Yamare;
"Goodness, our little shark certainly is restless today!"
- Hada absolutely LOVES talking to your stomach and she fondly refers to the life inside of you as a 'little shark'. It is her kind of endearment and affection as she adores sharks in their many forms. She wants to talk about a water birth as there are many benefits to it as opposed to a normal birth, but she recognizes that it is completely up to you and not her.
- Hada goes into extreme protection mode when it comes to you and she will certainly send any hecklers or general jerks right into the hospital. She will hover and try to take good care of you even if she is a little lacking in personal space with you. Good luck trying to do anything without her insisting that she can take care of it for you even if it is something simple like watering plants.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
So I know your doing anime headcanons right now but I've been dying to know the relationships that your OC's have with their parents! Like I want to know about Evan's mom or Walter's parents. Btw I've been a huge fan of your blog for a long time and I really love your work!
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Walter's mother and father both passed in a car accident. It was while Walter was near the end of his formal medical education. Around this time, Amira was still in high school and was not handling the loss of their parents well. Walter had to learn to juggle medical school, his own mental health, his sister's mental and physical health, Amira's education, finishing his fellowship with the hospital he was studying at, and making enough to survive.
- This is the time Walter started taking a few under the table jobs to make ends meet and met Evan. He is somewhat of an on-call doctor for Evan's miscellaneous adventures.
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- Evan was raised as a mafioso's son from a very young age. His grandmother on his father's side is his only living relative besides a spare few cousins. Evan got along well with his father, and it was clear Evan had absolute respect for his father in almost all regards. His mother was not a prominent part of his life and tried to walk out on the family when Evan was six, he never saw her afterwards but knew better than to question his father about a traitor.
- When Evan's father was killed during Evan's first wedding, Evan lost almost all of his young and reckless outlook on life. He became much more intimidating and serious after the death of his father and his impromptu accelerated promotion to head of the family. Only Evan's Grandmother is allowed to get on him for any behavior without Evan becoming angered. He's used to her harping and nagging.
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- Carlos is still close with his family, though they are rather spread out world wide. Carlos' father was a renowned medical practitioner who specializes in pulmonary procedures. Carlos' mother travels with his father to various communities to aid in treatment of mycoorganisms and Tuberculosis. His uncles and aunts range from professors to large land owners with various ranches.
- Carlos loves when his mother and father come to visit because he loves cooking dinner with his mother. Carlos has two sisters, one of whom is already doing well with her thriving family and the other is working on the conservation of Asian Elephants.
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- Jackson... Misses his family with almost every part of his soul. Family and heritage is important to a Native American and the true unity that came with being in an established tribe gave him a sense of belonging. He no longer has access to that sense of belonging or support due to his unofficial excommunication from his home.
- Jackson got along best with his mother who was always there for him in the hardest of times. Despite the potential repercussions, she still occasionally reaches out to check in on Jackson, though she can't talk with him for long.
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- Hahne only has his sister, Hada. He learned long ago that he would have to find his family instead of living with the ones he was related to by blood. Hahne's parents were rather absent if they weren't busy trying to overwork Hahne and ride on his success in swimming. Hahne raised Hada from a young age as his parents were always busy with work.
- After Hahne's parents disowned him, he moved with Hada to escape the persecution the family brought on him. He found a family in Evan and the mafia, but still cares deeply for his little sister.
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- Orion still speaks with his parents frequently. They returned to a villa in Tuscany where they live comfortably and happily. His father still thinks Orion is one hell of an author and can do no wrong. Orion's mother always sees him as a scrawny lad who needs more supper and a nice lover.
- They have brunch every other month when Orion flies out to visit them.
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- Amira is close with her older brother and sees him as her primary support after their parents died. They were not very close when their parents were alive but the simultaneous passing of their family brought the siblings together to support one another in grief.
- Amira still misses her family every day.
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- Maya's father was a professional surfer before he got into an accident during a competition and lost his legs. Kaya's mother takes care of her father most of the time and the two are hobby farmers. Kaya does what she can to help them enjoy their more self sustaining lifestyle.
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- Julie never met her father but always was told that he was a good man who had some hard choices in life to make. Very close with her mother and has little art get-togethers with her mother almost every week. Julie inherited the shop from her mother and grew up painting along side her.
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- Hada has not spoken with her parents ever since her brother was kicked out for being trans. She decided to cut all ties with everyone other than Hahne because he had always been the one who was there for her when she needed him to be.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
What pet names do your oc's call their darlings? Does it change if they're in a bad mood?
(It will only let me add 10 pics max, so Ollphéist is not on this one)
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- 'Dearest' and 'Love' are the regulars for Walter. He makes no bones about the fact he adores you and he has always been the kind to tell his feelings plainly. He does not change the pet names if he is irritated and unless he is truly distressed- ie. Life or death situation- he will never call you by your name and instead uses those terms of endearment.
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- 'Babe' and 'Doll'/'Doll-face' are the usual ways Evan refers to his beloved in typical conversation. He only calls his darling by their name when he is being serious with them. If his darling is getting on his nerves by being a brat, he will call them 'Brat'.
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- 'Kitten' or 'Puppy' are mainly what Carlos calls his darling and which one it is depends on his darling's preference between the two. If they are being sassy or spicy, he will call them 'Hell cat' or 'Hell hound'.
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- 'My heart' and 'My Treasure', are usually what Jackson calls his darling. He primarily tries to make his darling know how much they mean to him based off of what he calls them because they are his treasure and they hold his heart. Jackson would never raise his voice at his darling or even show he is irate with them so his names for them don't change.
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- 'Cutie' and 'Sweetheart' are Hahne's go to names whenever Hahne is talking to or about his darling. He thinks that his dearest is always cute- especially when his dearest is angry- and he reminds his darling as often as he can of this fact.
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- 'Starlight' and 'Amoré' are Orion's go to pet names because they are his love and- like him- they are an absolute star that he adores. He doesn't call them something different when he is angry, but he does have different names for his dearest when he is aroused. When aroused he calls his darling 'Minx' or 'Vixen' despite the gender of his darling.
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- 'Honey-Bunnie' and 'Sweetie Pie' are usually what Amira calls her beloved at any given time. She can get frazzled and frustrated to which she calls her darling 'Meanie' or 'Jerk' if they are teasing her.
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- 'Saxifrage' and 'Honey Bee' are her go to pet names. Purple Saxifrage is the hardiest and strongest plant that grows in the arctic as well as being a lovely purple flower and honey bee because they are top pollinators. Her pet names are nerdy and they make her happy.
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- 'My muse' and 'Lyubov' are her go to pet names. Muse because you inspire her to do so many different works of art and she loves how you bring out her creativity. Lyubov' because it means 'Love' in Russian.
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- 'Darling' and 'Sweetie' are Hada's go to pet names. She is her usual yandere self and just loves calling her significant other Darling and she enjoys when her lover is sweet with her.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Would hada and carlos ever cross paths?
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It is very unlikely the two would ever cross paths unless they are after the same darling. Where they share a passion for animal life and the welfare of animals, Carlos is more focused on land mammals and Hada focuses more on the oceanic life. This is a meeting of two yandere who will stare each other down before reaching a mutual tolerance. They can share a darling, but darling will have to keep them from getting too annoyed by one another.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Did you change the appearance of some of some of your ocs? I saw in one of your posts that there were picrews of them and they looked different
picrews can update and change depending on what the author of the picrew wants. Carlos' picrew- for example- no longer has his skin-tone, so the few I made of Carlos (9 different emotions) are all I have for him because I can't fully recreate him in that skin-tone and I refuse to white-wash my ocs.
Some may have been updated since I list visited and now look or function differently. I have no control over that and respect the artist's wishes to change what they want.
Also, you could be referencing my beta versions of them, to which I had many different designs in mind and later scrapped them for the current design. Jackson and evan look vastly different fron their beta designs.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
How would Evan react if his darling became best friends with his right-hand man?
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- Surprisingly, Evan will be quite alright with it. Evan's right hand man is the one person Evan trusts with anything and everything. Evan was the one who recruited his right hand man- Hahne Yamare- into the mafia fold. Hahne has saved Evan's ass 10x over and adores his boss a good level. If anything, Hahne is the safest person for you to be around when you are not with Evan.
- As some of you may have noticed, Hahne is actually Hada's older sibling. Hahne was one of Japan's top Olympic women's team swimmers before he decided to leave it all behind and embrace his truth of being trans. Hahne's parents were furious and unfortunately very transphobic, so they kicked Hahne out when he came out to them and began his transition. Hada was mainly raised by Hahne since their parents were always busy with work, so when Hahne was kicked out, Hada went with him.
- Evan actually has been the one paying for Hahne's hormone injections and helped Hahne get his top and bottom surgery. Hahne is very loyal to Evan and he knows that Evan is a bit of a twat when it comes to aftercare, so Hahne is most likely the one to help Evan's darling when they are sore the next day. Hahne looks up to Evan quite a bit and is quite similar to Evan in terms of strength, height, and general musculature. Some mafia members tried to shame Hahne for being trans only to have Evan and Hahne kick their asses.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Since hahne is almost a full fledged oc of yours
may i ask for an introduction of him? maybe some general hcs of him or him and evan sharing a darling
he just seems so lovely my little dangerous meow meow
(Tried to keep my ocs number under 10 since tumblr will only let 10 pics be used and it makes it hard to do all of them in one post, but oh well.)
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Hahne Yamare
Male, Japanese, Right hand man of Evan,
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Hahne is the older brother of Hada, transitioned from female to male and has fought his way through the ranks in Evan's crew. His monetary exploits in the mafia mostly go to His little sister, Hada. (Hiari Yamare is his dead-name and guaranteed to make him murderously angry if someone calls him by his dead-name). Kicked out of his home by his parents who refused to accept him being trans, a truly terrifying man who can do every ounce of Evan's dirty work as needed.
Hahne is a swimming champion and was on the Women's Japanese Olympic team for swimming before he decided to be his true self and transition to male. His parents didn't accept his truth and refuse to call him Hahne, choosing to dead-name him instead and to kick him out of their home. Hahne is zero contact with his parents but is still very close with his younger sister Hada.
Hahne is blind in his left eye after Evan's past fiancée killed Evan's father and tried to kill Evan as well. Hahne managed to save Evan's life, but in doing so he got injured instead and it took his sight in his left eye. Evan trusts Hahne with his life and sees Hahne as a brother given all they have gone through together.
Hahne is a brilliant sharpshooter even without a scope and can kill using almost anything he can get his hands on. He is more lethal than Evan in terms of just how easy it is for him to kill others with everyday objects.
Much like his younger sister, Hahne is brilliant and has a wide wealth of knowledge on just about anything. He avoided others at school due to bullies and instead threw himself into his studies and swim-practice, hence his impressive intelligence and swimming ability. Hahne taught Hada how to swim and is the main reason Hada wanted to be a marine biologist in the first place. He primarily raised Hada as their parents were rarely home due to work, so he and Hada are very close. He is protective of Hada, but he knows she can handle herself quite well and doesn't need his protection.
Hahne is very much a collector and stalking kind of yandere. He gets quite flustered when he encounters his darling and will always get into a spat with Evan as Evan tries to get Hahne to man-up and talk to said darling. Hahne will collect things from his darling and is the kind that will fetch thrown items if they blong to his darling. He very much wants his darling's affection and attention, quite eager to prove himself to his darling however he can.
He has a soft-spot for cats and is often the one saving kittens off the street. He is very skilled at caring for neonatal kittens. He is also the kind that if he sees someone kick or hurt a cat, he will kill them. He has a three-legged, scruffy, scarred, intersex cat he saved from a kill shelter named Scraps and Hahne will kill people who insult his dear Scraps.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Tumblr has something against having more than 10 characters, so if you would rather Ollpheist, Speak up in the comments. Poor Ollpheist can't get included in most asks because there is a 10 picture or link limit. Do y'all even want Ollpheist content?
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Could I request your yandere OC's with an autistic darling? Or maybe with ADHD? I have both and I love how included I feel when I read those things (I love your chrollo with an autistic darling) like the whole jumping through topics easily and being too loud and the snide comments others make really hit home with me (although these days I just snap back with the snark but it really hurt my feelings as a kid)
Sorry I got on a ramble there
Oh and can I be added to your taglist? Just in general for whatever you write please, I love your works they make me happy
(Sure! First I need to make a tag list and finally update the master lists since it has been at least a year...)
Warnings; yandere, yandere relationships, yandere behavior, autistic reader, the world is not very kind to neurodivergent folk,
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- Evan cares very deeply for you and enjoys your bouncing mind. He may not always get what you mean when you jump to a different topic, but he can usually pick up on it fairly quickly.
- Evan will sit and listen to you talk about whatever it is that you have fixated on whenever you start going on a tangent about it. He will also get you whatever it is you need in order to satisfy your fixated behavior, regardless of if it is expensive or not. Only the best quality things for his darling dearest.
- he may sometimes feel a bit frustrated when you don't pick up on his flirting, but he also knows that you aren't doing it with the intent of frustrating him, so he lets it go quickly.
- If any of his underlings say anything or do anything to make you upset or to mock you, he will torture them as an example so the others see just how bad of an idea it is.
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- Walter is a doctor of physical health and not mental health, but that doesn't mean he won't make an effort to understand you. He knows that he may never fully be able to keep up with your mind, but he also knows that he adores you and refuses to let you go.
- Any random injuries you may get during the day will be treated with as much seriousness as a large injury. It may feel overbearing at times, but he is showing his love through acts of service and his desire to keep you safe.
- Whenever you become over stimulated he is there to help keep you calm and to help you get somewhere a little less stimulating. He also knows that you need space at times to calm down, so though it makes his chest hurt to keep his distance while you are so clearly distraught, he also knows to give you that space. Just let him know when he can hold you again.
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- The best part about living with Carlos is the amount of animals you can ramble to about anything and everything. He owns a wildlife sanctuary and he likes to talk to the critters as well, so he can't judge. The best listeners out of all the creatures he cares for are either the elephants, or Mimis. The elephants because they are very gentle with you, Mimis because she is not particularly bothered by whatever volume you talk at and doesn't care if you get loud. Mimis will also talk back when you talk to her, yowling, purring, and whining.
- Carlos already doesn't like others, so you are able to get away from situations rather easily. It isn't hard to convince Carlos to leave the group of talking people and to take you to a less crowded area just to help soothe you.
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- Jackson is an anthropologist and as an anthropologist, he will be so damn fascinated by all that you do and the way your brain works. Anthropologists don't always work with long departed people, but also in the study of living communities. You are a fascinating human and he wants to learn as much as he possibly can about you.
- He will pick up on your behavioral ticks and on your typical behavior and responses to things. He isn't a psychologist but he does know how to observe people and learn about them and their culture through observation.
- He already has extreme patience and tolerance, this will be most apparent if you even have a moment of overstimulation or a complete breakdown. Very little can ruffle this man or upset him, so he will be the steady one in almost all situations and he will be the one who automatically picks up on your behaviors.
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- Amira has ADHD and is more on the hyperactive scale than females typically tend to be. She will easily be able to pick up on how your brain works and can sympathize the best with problems you may be facing.
- She is busy and working on her degree, so she does need to get her school work done, but any free moment she has, she will spend it with you.
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- Julie- as an artist- tends to think about things in abstract and concrete ways. She will actually find your jumbled brain to be fantastic inspiration. If you hyperfixate on something, she will be happy to help you learn more about your fixation.
- Julie loves all mediums of art and she is so thrilled to introduce you to them if you need them as an escape. She understands your space the most out of the others because she is very touch-sensitive due to her upbringing. She can and will help you any way that she can, going above and beyond to make you happy.
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- Kaya is a brilliant botanist because she has a 'mild' form of autism, though her behaviors are much more muted. Plants are her usual fixation, but she will happily turn that desire for knowledge and understanding towards you. She will do her best to share what she knows and entertain any fixations you may get.
- Kaya understands what it is like to be different from others and to seek out those that understand her. She will understand your struggles and interests because she also has to live as neurodivergent in a world that looks down upon her for just being herself.
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- Hada works with very unpredictable animals that many people are actually afraid of. She won't find your morbid thoughts disturbing or a cause of concern. If anything she can read your mental state from your physical behavior better than anyone else.
- Hada is the type of woman to befriend sharks of all kinds and can read their temperament through nothing more than body position. She will have no trouble learning to read you and may even be able to notice your emotions before you do. She is also no stranger to staring down hecklers and getting into intense physical altercations, so if anyone says a damn thing to upset you, she is ready to sign their death warrant. Woman wrestles dugongs and has been bitten by 25ft+ sharks, still being the victor of any fight she has, people are easy for her to deal with.
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- Ollphéist is an old God and really never understood humans much to begin with, but they will try to understand you and your needs. They can easily become whatever you wish and will happily adhere to your wants. If anything, Ollphéist sees you as the most entertaining human they have met.
- Ollphéist understands most things in the planet and even in the universe, so they will likely have knowledge on whatever you may be seeking. They don't understand basic human interaction so they are the least likely to ever become frustrated with you. You are their human and they treat their interests well.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Heal quickly :( I'm sorry that happened to you. Was it a clean break? If so, it should heal back stronger!
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Because I am being moody and I want to wallow in my own self-pity, have my yandere Oc's taking care of a darling with a broken ankle. (Fun fact: I have to wait a full WEEK to get an actual cast instead of the hastily put on temp cast because insurance is a bitch even though I've had the X-rays done and they know exactly what kind of break it is. This means I have a week to not mess up my bones further but I can feel them separate with every step)
Thank you for the well-wishes.
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He is truly, deeply, honestly so sorry, love. It hurts him to see you in such pain and know there is nothing he can do about it to help you heal faster. Strict medicine regiment that he adheres to no matter what. He is sorry for waking you, love, but he needs to make sure you get ahead of the pain in terms of medicine and you take it exactly as he instructs. He will be frantic if you ever try to get out of bed yourself, let him carry you to and from the bathroom, let him feed you, let him spoil you in every way, shape, and form. He will call out of work (the first time he has ever done so in his career, so he can take care of you). Let him be a good doctor to you.
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He knows you have to stay off your leg and when it comes to treating your injuries versus the animals, he can actually keep you off of your feet and in bed. He will bring you everything he possibly can and he will ensure you don't lift a finger. He will carry you and he will help you bathe and he will baby you entirely until you have healed. Don't fight him on it, you will not win. This man naps with tigers and has made friends with hyenas, you won't win that fight.
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Evan is quite literally worried sick. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't leave your side. He is the one who gives you all of your meals and insists on feeding you just to make sure you eat. His right hand man will be dealing with any and all family or mafia affairs while Evan takes care of you. Don't try to argue or resist his help, he just needs to fuss over you. You mean the world to him and you being hurt makes his world crumble to bits. He needs to take care of you.
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He is not handling it well at all. He will cook, clean, work, take care of you, and do anything he possibly can in order to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Please tell him how to help, he needs to do what he can for you because acts of service are his primary love language. He wants to help you keep your leg elevated and to keep you off of it for as long as you possibly can. You may need to comfort him because he will go into a full blown panic attack the moment he thinks you are in any discomfort.
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Amira will cry because that is her primary way of venting emotion. She is worried about you and practically begs her big brother to come take a look at your leg and help you get proper care. She may also beg him to give you the good meds that will take any ounce of pain you may have away. Unless you stop her, she will skip classes just so she can stay home and take care of you. Please don't let her skip too many classes, she will stress over her grade.
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Kaya will put her research on hold and will go out of her way to help you however she can. If that means she is the one keeping track of your meds, then she will happily do it for you. She will do all she can to make sure you stay in bed and stay off of your leg, helping you to and from the bathroom as needed. Kaya can be quite gentle when it comes to taking care of you and she will ensure that every single one of your needs are met. Say the word and she will go get you whatever you need to be comfortable again.
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Julie is going to keep you on strict bed-rest and she will not let up until you have healed. Certainly you get a better cast than the one you had temporarily placed on, but that doesn't make her any more likely to let you get up and do things. She isn't the best at remembering when you need to take which meds, but she does try and that is the important part. She tries quite hard.
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Hada is no stranger to broken bones, so she knows how important it is to stay off of your feet and to keep your leg elevated. Don't make her tie you down to the bed because she will do it to make sure you rest. She can and will carry you to wherever you want to go, so tell her if you need the bathroom or anything else.
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Just flat out heals your leg. They don't like seeing you in pain unless it has something to do with the bedroom.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
I don't know if anyone has asked this yet or not, but how did your OCs ask their darlings out or if they did at all? And they did ask them out,I would love to know what the date was like.
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Walter can be quite the romantic at heart and will do all in his power to convince his darling to be with him.
Once he has established a generally positive relationship with his darling, he will begin gently prompting and prodding. "Would you like to get dinner with me one of these nights?" If his darling doesn't pick up on the hints, he will progressively become more forward and to the point. "I would love to take you on a date, or several." "We should date." "I want us to be in a romantic relationship."
He will do what best fits his darling when it comes to dating. Would you like to go somewhere fancy and get all dressed up? He can do that for you, let him make the reservations. Would you like to have a small date of food and watching a meteor shower? Walter will religiously check for the next meteorological event and will plan all you need in advance. Just let him show you his devotion to you, please.
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He will do what he can to insert himself into your life and will suggest things like play-dates for your pets all so he can win you over. Ideally you have just as intense of a respect for life as he does, and he will try to interest you in walking around the research and rehabilitation center that is his countless acres of land. "You know, it is fun to feed the tigers when they are being playful." "Do you know many people don't realize the care needed for wolf-dogs?"
He will do as promised and take you on your first date by visiting the different creatures he takes care of. From the tigers, to the mustangs, to the elephants, even all the way to Mimis the house serval. He will introduce you and- depending on the animal + their mood- let you be up-close and personal with the animals. The elephants love you and the matriarch of the herd grows a particular fondness towards you.
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Really, it all depends on if he has already kidnapped you or not. If he has kidnapped you already, you are basically forced to attend your dates with him, every exit blocked by armed guards and your captor watching every bite you take with a bit too much interest.
If he has not yet kidnapped you, he goes about it more of a traditional way. Exchange numbers, text and get to know each other- even though he already knows most if not all there is to know about you- and then asks you on a date to a nice little restaurant that he owns. It is there he suggests a longer relationship with you, your answer determining if he keeps up the docile approach or flat out kidnaps you.
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Jackson tries very hard to get you to like him before he suggests a date, not wanting to push you into anything too quickly and risk the chance that he could lose you. When he does manage to get you on a date with him, he will take you out to go star-gazing and to have a little picnic dinner with him. The date is crashed by a group of drunk men who take too much of an interest in you. Jackson will try to stay calm, but the moment they try to touch you is the moment he snaps. After he has finished dealing with the trash that is the drunk men, he will apologize, legitimately upset with himself that they managed to ruin the date. He practically begs you to let him take you on another date and try again, wanting the picture-perfect date he has dreamed of taking you on.
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Amira will actually ask you to attend a hockey game or a football game at her university with her, trying to make it seem like leas of a big deal than it actually is to her. She will have a great time with you and is happy to talk with you during the entire game if you get bored with whatever sport is being played. She would prefer hockey because that gives her an excuse to stay cuddled close to you seeing as it is very cold in the stands of an ice-rink. Kiss cam will put you on the spot and will only encourage her to just take her chance and go for it.
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To Kaya, a date is studying the unique stress response of a rare island plant when presented with a plant-eating insect or parasite. She really finds those kinds of subjects to be the most fascinating way to have a date. Tea, anyone? Botanical gardens and letting her spout off the random facts she knows about whichever plant has her attention at that moment. She is so excited to show you everything she knows that she may even forget it is supposed to be a date and not a botany lesson. Her love of plants is clear and she wants to show you that she has the same love- maybe even stronger- for you.
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Julie is an artist and she loves seeing the personality of a person in their art. Even if you are not particularly artistic or have only had a few moments to actually focus on art, she will do her best to make sure you have something you've made yourself come the end of the date. A painting, a clay figurine, glass work, anything you choose to work on, she will cherish and help you through the process. If you are an old art pro, she is just as happy to give you the materials and let you create. The joy of expression through medium such as art is Julie's ideal date.
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Aquarium time! Ever been behind the scenes at an aquarium and allowed to play with the dugongs? Well, you can now. Hada is a fairly respected marine biologist despite her younger age from those who have dedicated their lives to the research they conduct. She will get everything set up before asking you on the date, making sure you say yes so she can show off her intelligence and research that she has conducted herself. She is proud to share this knowledge with you and share as many experiences as possible with you.
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What is this "dating" thing you speak of? Ollphéist is an elder God and sees no point in restraining themselves from you and the joy your presence alone brings them great comfort. You are the main object of this elder God's affections and you will have to live with that because they will kidnap you the moment they get the chance. Better to just let yourself become removed from it all and let Ollphéist do as they wish.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Which of your yanderes are doms or subs? (Or switches now that I think about it)
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Evan is a dom through and through. His preference is a darling he can man-handle and squeeze in his big hands. He loves making his darling squeal and beg for him, it just gives him one hell of a power trip.
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Hada is a dom just due to her temper and her height. She just exudes dom behavior. Sharks are respectful of her, and full grown men on crab-trawlers cower in fear of her. She is a dom.
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Walter is a sweet dom, but a dom regardless. If he had things his way, he would come home from a long shift at work and relax into his couch with his darling between his legs telling him how much they love him while going down on him.
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Amira is 100% a sub and will blush so hard if she is ever put on top. She will cover her face and babble about how she doesn't know if she can do it and she will need to be guided as much as possible in that scenario. She is a sub and happy to stay a sub.
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Want to be pounded into the bed? Carlos can do that for you. Want to pound him into the bed? Carlos is happy to let you. Honestly, so long as he is getting some kind of pleasure or pain from it, Carlos is happy.
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Jackson is a switch who leans more towards sub. When he doms, he is a service dom and is absolutely whipped for whatever his darling wants. As a sub all he needs to know is that his darling is pleased with him and he will be in complete bliss.
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Kaya is a switch in every sense of the word. Some days, she wants to be put on her back and pleasured until she can't speak. Some days, she wants you on your back and pleasured until you can't speak. It is a 50/50 with her.
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Julie is a switch who leans more towards being a sub. She is small and likes to be treated delicately, but she can also put a 6ft 250lbs man on his knees with his face in the ground if she needs to. Want her to be the dom? Ask. She would do anything for her darling.
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