cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
same design as the last one, I just gave him a different pose! He's old man chillin
Character Bio:
Tom; he/him
-died before first arc-
Title meaning: -pelt = a tough cat, often emotionally tough; “nothing gets through this cat’s pelt”
Warrior -> Elder of Thunder Order
Kits (w/ Fogtalon): Mousebite; Birdflight
Grandkits:  Sandstorm; Flint; Poppy
Other notable kin: Squirrelflight (grandkit); Leafpool (grandkit); Foxleap (grandkit); Icecloud (grandkit)
Character Summary:
I was going to have him be an Elder in the first arc, but now I plan to have Leopardfoot replace him in the elder's den... sorry Sparrow :P
Sparrow passed before the beginning of the first arc, he was Fogtalon's best friend and they chose to have kits together as they both wanted them. Birdflight was raised more so by Fog and her mate Leopard though!
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Sparrowpelt an AU version of Halftail from Warrior Cats. He is laying down with at an angle where his flank is closer, his left side is showing and he has a contented closed eye expression with a smile. He is a scruffy, medium furred, large, dark brown tabby tom with a short, half length, tail. He has several scars on his body, and a torn ear, both his scars and inner ears are a dark dusty pink. he has gray fur around his muzzle, chest and on his paws from old age./End ID]
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bisexualgraystripe · 1 year
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broad shouldered dark tabby
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warriorcatsideas · 4 months
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bastart13 · 13 days
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Again, making Whitestorm white carries up way too far so now Windflight and Eaglestorm are also white cats
Something a little fun is making Rosetail silver so she can seem grey and ginger (vs cream) as well as making Leopardfoot a ghost black cat with hidden silvery patterns.
Then, classic ginger > tortie, Rainfur and Frecklewish now have to show some brown
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airocats · 1 month
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wc-confessions · 2 months
Since it's disability pride month I am dedicating this confession to lesser known/underrated disabled WC characters!
Everyone knows and loves cats like Briarlight and Brightheart, but there's quite a few others that aren't talked about as much
First off, One-Eye and Halftail, the two first arc elders. They don't show up much due to being in the Elder's Den, but when they do, they're a delight to see. I love One-Eye's bickering with Smallear and how she helps Brightheart a bit in A Dangerous Path! They're also the parents of Mousefur and Runningwind! One of whom dies fighting Tigerclaw in the same book Halftail dies of smoke inhalation after the fire. I like to think Runningwind rushed into battle against Tigerclaw impulsively since his father had died not long ago. Mousefur, on the other hand, takes after her mom in the new prophecy and onwards as a grumpy old lady lol. Very great characters, I love them a lot!
Speaking of the 1st arc, Brokenstar. He's honestly a really entertaining and threatening villain, and people don't talk about him much or his disability. Him and other cats with damaged tails like Berrynose and Finleap aren't really talked about in conversations about disabled characters. I find Brokenstar very interesting, not because of his motivation (or lack there of lol) which is pretty generic, but because of his lasting effects on the clans. His reign directly or indirectly led to several key events in the first arc or beyond. Tigerclaw becoming the deputy of ThunderClan was caused by Brokenstar killing Lionheart (canonically, we don't know who killed Lion, but I think it was Brokenstar), him being still alive led to Nightstar not getting nine lives and dying in Rising Storm. Which led directly to Tigerstar taking power. He directly killed several cats, but his orders and actions led to many more that wouldn't have happened had he not been leader, which I will not list out because this confession would be way too long. Another thing I like about him is that he is a fantastic villain in OOTS. People often depict the main leader of the Dark Forest being Tigerstar or Mapleshade, but in reality, it's actually Brokenstar. Tigerstar is more of a secondary leader to him. Brokenstar was the first Dark Forest cat to cross into the living world, and he later seemingly detects StarClan cats at the border to the Dark Forest somehow and confronts them, so Jayfeather and Spottedleaf have to sneak in, and he leads Flametail into the Dark Forest so Ivypool can ghost kill him (but this plan was foiled by Tigerheart), and in The Darkest Hour, Ivypool refers to the plans as "What Brokenstar is plotting". So yeah, he's the leader of the DF, not Tigerstar, and Tiger wouldn't have gotten very far without him lol. Crazy how we got multiple disabled leaders and deputies in the first arc and then not ever again, unless you count Berrynose lol
Next is Volewhisper! Who has quite a few parallels with Cinderpelt! One of their back legs were both injured by a villain's scheming (Tigerclaw's trap for Bluestar and Brokenstar making kits fight rats), they were both then inspired by a senior clanmate (Yellowfang and Nightpelt), and Cinderpelt chooses to become a medicine cat while Volewhisper chooses to be a warrior instead. I find him very fun and he's one of my favourite characters in Exile From ShadowClan!
The next cat I wanna talk about is a bit controversial due to some pretty bad writing choices by the team. Finleap. I really really loved him in Darkest Night and River of Fire. He and Twigbranch had a really sweet relationship, and I love how he follows her to ThunderClan. I also hate Sandynose, but that's besides the point. They were really cute and I liked them a lot... but then The Raging Storm happened. Where instead of focusing on the actually interesting plot of Twigbranch struggling to be a mentor, they decide to make her nice, sweet, and sort of goofy boyfriend... a jerk. He's rude he gives her the cold shoulder, it's awful, and so out of character. At least he actually does apologize for it and improve his behaviour, which I admit was a sweet moment in an otherwise pretty bad plotline. Then, after that, he's sort of a background cat. He briefly stands up to The Impostor after Twiggy is punished. In Sky he has a sort of friendship with Nightheart. He and Lionblaze laugh at Nightheart after he gets bit by a Squirrel, but later in the book Nightheart thinks of him in a positive light and he's one of the first cats that Night thinks of telling about Sunbeam. Overall fun guy, nice character despite one really bad book (which is basically every warriors character lol)
Some other underrated disabled cats who I don't really have as much to say about:
Fallowfern (deaf)
Shrewtooth (PTSD)
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firestarishomophobic · 8 months
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i rlly like these guys and im quite happy with these designs
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magicdungeon · 9 months
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Halftail and Runningwind
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frostsuff · 6 months
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mousetoe-wc · 5 months
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New Squirrelwhisker family tree!!
Ok so now what I’ve changed is that Sandstorm + Featherkit and Cricketkit are now the kits of Runningbreeze (Runningwind) and a Rouge/Bloodclan cat Tess (she’s a character in Ravenpaw’s Path), they were both young at the time, it was a very non serious relationship and ended when she got pregnant. Tess asked Runningbreeze to take them back to his clan as Tess didn’t have the means to take care of them, nor did she want kits, and Runningbreeze had a community of cats to raise them, he agreed and before they were born he asked Dapplecloud (Dappletail) to take them.
More Character backstory below
Dapplecloud had wanted kits for a very long time, she was mates with Stormtail for a time when she was a younger warrior but she couldn’t have kits, which was definitely hard on her. At some point she’d broken up with Stormtail realising their relationship was not healthy and tried to focus on spending more time on her family, she absolutely loved her niece and nephew, she and her brother were very close with Mouseburr and Runningbreeze, they were Auntie Dapplecloud and Uncle Thrushpelt and great warriors the two of them looked up to.
So when Runningbreeze came to her asking for her help, Dapplecloud agreed, no warrior would turn down kits in need, especially family. Sometime in the future a part of Dapplecloud would regret this decision.
In the first two months every thing was fine, the kits were little angels, Rodinwing’s litter was taking a liking to the three new little kits and Willowpelt was settling into the nursery. Rosetail, the caretaker of the nursery was going to have her paws full.
But as the months of winter went on, the prey became increasingly more scarce then others, so many cats died that winter. Her brother, Leopardfoot, two of Robinwing’s kits along with her mate and herself… and so many more….
Cricketkit and then Featherkit included… Cricketkit early on and Featherkit so close to being apprenticed, he was born deaf but that never stopped him, he and his family had developed their own language built on clan cats own limited sign language used in patrols and other clan activities. Featherkit was a determined and kind kit. But the harsh winter does not care about the lives of mortals.
The loss affected her deeply… But Sandkit and the rest of the clan continued on.
One of the things that brings Sandstorm and Fireheart together is Cloudkit, in my rewrite Cloudtail and Snowkit are the same character. When Fireheart brings Cloudkit and asks Bluestar to let him stay in the clan, amongst the many voices saying not to let another “weak” kittypet in, Sandstorm surprises Fireheart by advocating for Cloudkit (the little white kit reminds her of her brother) and when Cloudkit is discovered to be hard of hearing Sandstorm and Dapplecloud help Fireheart and Brindleface with different signs and signals.
Cloudtail goes on to help Brightheart when she becomes hard of hearing after the dog attack and their daughter Whitewing, while not hard of hearing is a fantastic sign language teacher and goes on to teach many young cats in Thunderclan and even some cats in other clans the more developed sign language.
Other family tree’s that relate to this one:
SandFire // Mumblefoot
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The One-eye fam <3
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gingerakao · 2 months
One-eye-Halftail Family Tree
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| Masterpost |
| Harepounce-Stagleap Family Tree |
| Speckletail-Smallear Family Tree |
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artaintfartwarriors · 9 months
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lemnnshark · 5 months
"Halftail is a big, broad-shouldered, dark brown tabby tom with patchy fur, yellow eyes, and part of his tail missing."
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rookwcdesigns · 1 month
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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Sparrowpelt (aka. Halftail)! he’s just a scruffy old guy. 
I decided that in RoC his name is never changed to Halftail since that’s just mean. 
I do like the idea that he and Fogtalon (One-eye) are a power couple and were powerful warriors in their prime :)
Now they are simply old people being lazy grandparents. 
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Sparrowpelt (aka. Halftail) from warrior cats. He is standing with his right side showing, and he has a happy expression with his eyes closed. He is a bulky, dark brown tabby tom with grey around his muzzle, chest and paws. He has big bushy eyebrows, several old scars and a torn ear. His inner ears and scars are a dark grey purply red./End ID]
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