#Halifax Waterfront
Halifax, Nova Scotia 🇨🇦🇨🇦.....bustling waterfront 🇨🇦🤗
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corvidist · 10 months
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Halifax waterfront
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jenlynnemc · 7 months
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Evergreen Festival
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irclay · 2 years
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Two massive cruise ships tied up at the seaport market - thousands of people milling about on emancipation day #halifax #novascotia #waterfront #seaport #farmersmarket #boardwalk #cruiseships (at Halifax, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgzFZduAuBa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zochrome · 4 months
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sassafras-manson · 1 year
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Medium - Garage Inspiration for a mid-sized coastal attached two-car garage remodel
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jossarisfoto · 1 year
Halifax | Dartmouth en Discovery Centre
Zaterdag, 25 maart 2023 | Vandaag maken we onze laatste wandeling door Halifax. De wandeling begint bij de Historic Properties, een prachtig gerestaureerde wijk met veel oude gebouwen en historische charme. Vervolgens nemen de veerboot naar Dartmouth, waar we genieten van het prachtige uitzicht op de haven van Halifax en de omliggende heuvels. Vervolgens nemen we de veerboot terug naar…
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urbanhalifax · 1 year
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The Cunard (1475 Lower Water)
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09/21/22 - Halifax, NS - CALM BEFORE FIONA - We have had a great time wandering around Halifax near the waterfront with my brother and his wife. It’s sure been nice to experience a warm sunny day after all the wet and gray we’ve endured the last couple of days. You would never know it from this pic, but Hurricane Fiona is supposed to blow through here in a couple of days which means we will have to change our plans and instead, take evasive action. We’ll be spending the next couple of days driving north and then west to escape what’s forecast to be a powerful storm with much damage expected. This is one of those times when our nomadic life style comes in real handy. Goodbye Nova Scotia: you’ve been great place to visit and spend some quality time. Hope you can escape the brunt of Fiona’s wrath with minimal damage.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Halifax was almost completely destroyed by fire on July 11, 1750.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
for adam fantilli x hughes sister can you do luke finding out about them and being pissed
Luke finds out—
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Au Masterlist!!
Luke had been completely oblivious to your and Adam's relationship up until World Juniors.
It was actually comical, to the point that most of the team knew, and he stayed unaware
No one other than him and Dylan was left out of the know (let's be so real, Dylan is even more clueless than Lu)
The two of you portrayed yourselves as simply platonic.
Luke sensed some sort of tension between Adam and you but thought that it wasn't something to worry over.
When in reality your relationship consisted of fleeting stares and friendly touches in front of him but was filled with sickly sweet romance behind closed doors
Adam was such a sweetheart though, he understood the dilemma with your relationship and still wanted to try (the payoff was *chefs kiss*)
And every warm smile or gentle kiss was so worth the struggle of hiding it from your brother.
You had told Quinn a few weeks after your guy's first kiss
He was the only Hughes family member that you trusted to not tell another soul, and he kept his promise
World Juniors had been literal torture, you were struggling to juggle your double life
With trying to keep the other Umich players (bitches) on the USA team from telling your brother
And being so close to Adam at all times but not being allowed to speak or associate with him was even worse.
Jim had been the first to clue in after you had asked to attend one of the Canada games (specifically the one where Adam scored his first goal of the tournament) with him
Your father had been watching as your breath hitched the moment you saw him gain possession of the puck, biting back a loud celebration as the puck hit the back of the net.
Jimmy gave you a knowing look as he watched you glance over to him, wanting to see if he had caught the slip-up.
"I've always liked Adam" "he's really sweet to me" "that's all I ask for" and that's where the conversation ended, never brought up again.
Jack and Ellen were next to see it all, Team USA and Canada had both been staying in the same hotel (the universe was just teasing you at this point)
The three of you had decided to explore the Halifax waterfront (If ever in town do this, I love downtown Halifax!!)
While leaving the lobby you quite literally ran into Team Canada, a quick apology leaving your mouth as you looked up to see Brandt Clarke, a laugh leaving his mouth at the panic in your eyes
That's when you caught the eyes of Adam whose face was now a bright shade of pink, a smile on his lips as the two of you hugged shortly
You slowly glanced at his appearance, clad in his game-day suit you smiled, "you look very handsome" you spoke quietly before leaving to join your brother and mother once again
Jack had a smug look on his face as he watched your return, a grin on your face before you met Jack's suggestive stare, "you and Fants?"
Ellen was over the moon
The two of them had an obscene amount of questions about the two of you (which obviously you spilled your entire guts to your mother cause she's literally your best friend and you've been bottling this up)
Luke was last to find out, team USA had won bronze, and their heads still hung high even if it wasn't the outcome they had wished
The Umich boys decided to go and watch the gold medal game in support of Adam, the six of you (consisting of You, Rut, Dylan, Gavin, Seamus, and Luke) in the stands as you watched Canada take home the gold.
The cheers were deafening in the barn as the boys celebrated their win
The six of you decided to go down to where the Fantilli family sat, right in front of the glass, a grin on your face as your boyfriend skated over to see his family.
You guys made short eye contact through the glass, his adrenaline high as he winked at you while signing the jersey of the girl standing next to you
Luke's brows furrowed as he watched the two of you communicate through stares (eye-fucking as he would call it)
His jaw dropped as he pulled you away from the celebrating group, his blood boiling as he made it outside of the arena
"You're sleeping with him?" "I have no idea what your talking about Luke" "this has to be a joke" he scoffed before walking away from you
Luke left the arena by himself, taking your parent's rental car and leaving you to find your own ride back to the hotel (the Duke's being the sweethearts they are gave you a lift after you lied about Luke's absence)
You showed back up to the hotel room to find the entire Hughes family sitting tensely on the beds
"They all knew, I can't believe you" he spat as you stood defenceless in the doorframe of the room.
"I'm sorry" you croaked as you looked around the room at your other family members who stared awkwardly at you
"I need to take a walk" he pushed past you as you watched him leave the room fuming.
A frown worked its way to your face as Quinn pulled you into his chest, "I'm fine" you said fighting his touch as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head, "it's fine really" tears staring as you stood there and just shook.
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st-just · 21 days
hi I like your blog. I have a question that may be too personal so no hard feelings if you don't answer but could you talk a little bit about more about what you like/don't like about Halifax? im considering Dalhousie for grad school but have never been! and would like to have as much information about where I might spend the next 2 years of my life. thank you!
Oh sure! Though like, it depends on where you're coming from? Everything here is very relative. And also I'm absolutely certain I will forget numemrous vital things, do ask followup questions.
Most important thing is that the housing market is horrifying - the city's population started booming during COVID and the zoning and construction is only really starting to catch up now. Especially within walking distance of Dal getting a place to live at anything approaching affordable is going to be vicious. (This has unsurprisingly coincided with a large uptick in homelessness. Unremarkable to walk by a tent in a corner of some public park now).
Relatedly, the bus system is like - okay I'm not sure it's notably bad for a mid-sized-ish north american city, but it's damn sure not any better. You can get by bussing around on the peninsula, anywhere beyond 20 minute drives turn into 40-60 minute rides.
You will not have a family doctor, figure out the nearest walk-in clinic you can use for anything non-emergency.
The city's economy runs on some combination of students, tourists, sailors and soldiers. There are as many bars as you might expect (had the most per capita in the country for a while, don't know if we still do). Some of them are actually very good!
Relatedly, weed and liquor are both only legally sold by the crown corporation monopoly and a few weird specialty places.
None of them are massive, but there is a very nice amount of parkland and green space scattered throughout the city. The public (botanical) gardens are really beautiful in the spring-summer, and most are well-maintained (they just renovated and expanded the outdoor pool on the city Commons last year, even).
The waterfront has been thoroughly gentrified for the cruise ships over the course of my lifetime, but it's all still open to the public and grabbing one of the armchairs or hammocks to read in during the summer is lovely.
Provincially the government is the most thoroughly domesticated/red tory party in the country (they fairly literally ran to the left of the liberals). Full of corrupt backslapping, constantly getting into pissing matches with the municipal government, will probably govern for the next decade.
For reasons that I assume are downstream of all the students and having the closest thing to a regional theater scene east of Quebec, the whole city is IME very queer-friendly. For reasons I absolutely not understand, pride is in August here.
The public library system is basically the only part of the municipal government I think anyone involved should be unequivocally proud of, but it is great.
I don't really know the crime stats offhand but like, I left my apartment door unlocked probably 7 times in 10 through all of undergrad and it never bit me in the ass?
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himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
the insane thing(s) that happened to me yesterday
god uh where to begin uhhhh right. okay. so.
I have lived in Nova Scotia, within an hour of Halifax, my entire life. and of the four(?) Stanley Cup parades that have occurred in the city within that time, due to a variety of circumstances I've never gotten to attend a damn one. I've never so much as laid eyes on the damn thing in person. this has vexed me mildly for years
originally, I lamented that Nate had scheduled his parade on a deeply inconvenient day for me personally, but then schedules changed and it turns out there was actually a good chance I would, potentially, be free at the time of the parade, albeit stuck on the wrong side of the harbour. sure enough, my boss was an absolute g and let us all leave when we ran out of things to do in the morning, so I immediately beelined it across the harbour via transit (including a VERY crowded ferry) just in time to meet my roommate at the library and watch Nate’s parade go by from the air-conditioned third floor window, because my roommate is a genius.
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there he is all tiny and holding the thing! wow! and also saw Cogs and Landy in their horse-drawn cart lol. alright well that took two seconds, bucket list item complete, time to go I guess!
I then split off from roommate, who wants to save money by making lunch at home, and head further downtown to get a burger and a vodka soda from Five Guys. then I wander over to Grand Parade to catch the end of Nate’s little speech, and yet another distant glimpse of the man and his Cup!
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again, emphasis on distant.
alright well that’s done, now time to go find a spot to eat my burger and finish this drink. on impulse, I decide to wander slowly down to the waterfront to my favourite snack shack to get a slushie and try to find a seat by the water. it’s eight million degrees out so everyone on earth has the same idea and the line is super duper long and the area is incredibly crowded. but whatever, I have no place better to be today. I'll wait.
while I’m standing in line is when I start to notice the people moving through the crowd carrying columns of burgundy, blue and white balloons.
at first I think that they must have swiped them from the festivities on Grand Parade, which is an amusing thought. but then I realize they’re taking them into the staff entrance at the back of a large boardwalk patio restaurant, the Salt Box Beer Garden. watching them, I also start to notice that an entire half of the restaurant has been tarped off, is visibly empty of patrons (during a very busy boardwalk lunch hour on a beautiful Saturday afternoon), and has a small portable washroom trailer like the kind you can rent for nice weddings set up inside the cordon. as I watch, I can see employees moving the balloon towers around and hanging up some Avalanche jerseys around the patio, and doing wild things like polishing the handrails and going after cobwebs in corners nobody will ever look in with a broom. the kind of stuff you do when you have important guests coming over.
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slushie in hand, I am now intrigued, and beginning to suspect what this is - the Beer Garden must be rented out for whatever post-parade party is gonna be held once Nate and the Cup are done touring the city later today. it's mid-afternoon, absolutely lovely down here by the water, and I have no obligations, so I set up at a picnic table with a decent view, pour the rest of the vodka soda into my slushie, dig into the burger, and amuse myself with observing the goings-on and relaying what I'm seeing to a few friends. this is an area of town that I often hang around in on warm days anyway, so even if I sit here all day and see nothing, that's by no means a waste of an afternoon. maybe if I stick around long enough, I can get a little closer glimpse of some of the NHLers over the tarp, or of the Cup! perhaps even the so-far-elusive Sid the Kid...
several very chill boardwalk hours later, it's a bit after five, the band has started up inside, and the security guys who showed up a while ago have begun letting people who show up and say the right things in through a gate to the left of those trash cans. I've gone through a second slushie, had my picnic table stolen by a family of tourists while I was sitting at it (leading me to move down onto the steps in front of it, which are closer to the gate and comfier anyway), and had a very relaxing afternoon. I'm clearly not the only person who has caught on and started hanging around, either, as by now there are a lot of other people standing about on the steps. my portable battery pack has finally died and I'm starting to do the math on how much longer I can stick around before I have to leave.
then, while fiddling with my phone, I hear a kid on the steps to my left shriek "OH MY GOD IT'S HIM!!" as the crowd breaks into excited murmurs.
I look up, then look down the boardwalk to my right.
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reader, if I'd stood up and taken four steps forward, I could've touched the damn thing.
(and then presumably been tackled by that large bearded man, who seemed to be some kind of security)
Nate raised the Cup for the little gathered crowd as we whooped, and then took it into the already-started party to the sound of delighted welcoming cheers. those of us on the boardwalk mostly stood around murmuring to each other, like, "wow, did that really just happen?" and then we all sorta dispersed our separate ways. I went to buy a Beavertail pastry and find a power outlet, and then departed into the warm summer night.
and to think, a week ago, I hadn't even expected to make it to the damn parade!! I'll never resist the urge to go buy a slushie again
(the second insane thing that happened to me actually deserves its own post, but let's just say I also had a little cryptid sighting...)
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jenlynnemc · 11 months
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Halifax & Dartmouth Murals
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irclay · 2 years
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New development in the Halifax waterfront boardwalk in emancipationday #halifax #waterfront #boardwalk #novascotia #emancipationday (at Halifax, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgwLdCdu3iR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zochrome · 5 months
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