#Hanna is just sunshine incarnite
eppidid · 6 months
Alright class yall get to listen to me infodump about some of my ocs because someone needs to know them
Let’s start with a personal favorite, Damien
Damien is just a silly little very stoic guy who is definitely autistic but passes well. He also kills and eats people. Not for fun. Not really. His first kill was a coworker, whose name I cannot be bothered to remember. He killed him due to the fact that he was gonna do some bad things to Regina, who will be talked about in a bit. After that he’s forced to eat dead guy by his employer who is also Regina’s mother and a bitch. Throughout his story he becomes more and more numb to the things he’s doing to the point where he finds some sort of comfort from it.
Next is Regina, who never deserves anything bad to happen to her but because all my trauma is forced onto my characters she gets the ✨horrors✨. She was the one before that was being treated bad by the now dead guy, and is Damien’s main responsibility as a butler. She’s 6, has negligent parents who forget about her all the time and can’t even remember her name, and has a teacher who abuses her. Regina also has a crush on Damien that is really only formed because he is the only person in her life who is really there for her. (I do not ship Damien and Regina. No one should ship Damien and Regina. There is a nine year age difference, 15 and 6.) Regina is what is known as a ‘mature for their age’ aka just fucking traumatized, and it’s understandable due to the fact that she is an accessory to murder and also a cannibal without her consent.
Amelia is the bitch mother mentioned earlier, and also Damien’s employer. She’s forgetful as fuck, especially with names. Since the murder of the other housekeeper she has become a heavy drinker. Her and her husband are very wealthy (not sure how) and they spend most of their time away on trips, which is where she first tried human meat and why she suggested cooking Arnold (that’s his fucking name!).
Onto some different characters with less sad stories to them:)
Let’s start with Issac, who is very dear to me and I based him off the vibes I get from ranfren. He doesn’t use his emotions outwardly a lot unless it’s to get what he wants, and he likes to find bad people and torture them because hey, why not. But then he met his wonderful girlfriend and he is so fucking good to her I cannot stress that enough. He fucking loves Hanna with all his heart and is not afraid to show it. When they first met and were planning out a date he protected her from her slightly abusive ex by bashing his head with a crowbar (he lived). Sadly that’s all I’ve got for his story so far.
Now let’s talk about Hanna, his wonderful girlfriend who is amazing. She is the sweetest person you’ll ever meet, and no one knows why she fell for Issac but her and me. She’s clumsy, cheerful, a horrible cook, a wonderful artist, and likes to be outside in nature. She met Issac walking to work one day and decided to call in sick so she could shoot her shot. More than a little oblivious to social cues she didn’t notice that he was annoyed by her at first, but she didn’t miss it when Issac gave her his number. Now they live happily ever after and Issac still does his incredibly illegal activities but it’s ok because Hanna finds his sense of justice charming.
But anyways yeah that's my infodump for today. Soon yall can get some art for Damien and Regina and maybe one day I'll draw Issac and Hanna. One day.
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