#Hanzo just stroking his own ego
OH OH. That one ask totally makes me want love confession headcannons for the Kombat Krew. Even if its super short/lightning ones GIVE ME THAT FLUFF YO
Back from my hiatus. I had to take a break after the drama unfolded. Sorry about that guys, will get around to responding to asks/messages ASAP! These are pretty trashy and not that great, but quick lightening headcanons! They are under the cut because long post!
·        Kabal; Pre-Burns; Very confident and suave. He’s very open and to the point about it. If he likesyou he likes you. It’s all relaxed. He tries to make you laugh and smilebeforehand, it’s what attracted to him to you in the first place. He’s sorelaxed and laid back. Will playfully toy with anything on your desk. He iridatesconfidence. But not so much in an arrogant way that it’s off putting. Post-Burns; He’s a nervous wreck. He’s more awkward and almost feels guilty for askingyou out. He’s not confident at all. All of the confidence burnt away when theaccident happened. He’ll fiddle and tear up a receipt, looking down at thefloor and not making too much eye contact. He’s glad you cannot see under hismask so that brings him some solace. When you say yes, he swears he’s hearingshit. So, he’ll ask you to repeat just to make sure his hearing isn’t fucked.He’s over the moon bless him.
·        Sub Zero(Kuai Liang); Windows error noise starts playing. That’s how you know. Because he has no ideawhat the fuck to do or say. On a serious note, it’s a very formal confession,with him pointing out what attracts him to you. Such as your tenacity,strength, loyality… your eyes. What did he just say? Nothing. It’s very sweetbut very formal and awkward. Bless him, he is fucking trying!
·        Smoke;Will use a book quote or something. It worked in his novel, so it can work inreal life! He’s shy but that doesn’t translate to Kuai Liang level awkwardness.He plants it out and he’s a nervous wreck come the day he actually confesses. Alot of smiling, him trying to get his words out and stumbling. But with thequote to describe his feelings, it comes out so naturally. Not as cheesy as you’dhave expected either.
·        Scorpion(Hanzo Hasashi);He’s done this once before. So why does he feel so nervous. He feels guiltyand torn. But he knows he cannot allow these feelings to creep up on him.
·        Bi-Han; ‘I’m hot, you’re hot. I’m smart, you’re smart. Together we are Hort.’ Theperfect match. He basically butchered the English language and confirmed loveis actually dead. On a serious note, he would be very forward about hisattraction and feelings towards you. He isn’t as shy and as reserved as hisbrother. But it will be done in privacy.
·        Rain; Another smug piece of shit. He will literally confess his attraction toyou, by mentioning himself and how he deserves someone beautiful and smart, andhow he see’s that in you. So, sort of a compliment, whilst also stroking hisego. Will ask you to be his queen. How could you say no to a demi-god. Willremind you that he is a demi-god in case you missed the last one thousand timeshe said it.
·        Raiden;Speaking of gods. Raiden is very shy and unsure about what he is saying. Hewas in two minds about taking Johnny and Kung Lao’s ideas and tips to heart. Inthe end, he confesses that he wasn’t sure gods could fall in love with wellanyone. Well, not on a romantic level anyway. But once more, mortals have surprisedhim, and he has fallen hard for you. It’s actually very sweet and well spoken.
·        Fujin; Windows has crashed, clippy the paperclip is here to help! He has no ideawhat he’s doing. He takes some advice to heart. Such as using a line, but heinstead will reference something a little less cheesy. He admits he neverreally had time to fall in love, but you came along and literally knocked himoff his feet… that and you like to play with his hair, he loves that. He’ll usea LOT of metaphors. He’s fucking trying okay.
·        Havik;He’s very forward with his feelings and confessing his attraction right offthe bat. ‘Hi there are you…’ ‘You are water’ It’s a compliment don’t worry. Hewill explain it in time. He’s very much a judge of character, if he thinksyou’re attractive and he has feelings for you, you are in for a rollercoasterof a fucking ride. Expect odd gestures, non-conventional displays of love. Andflowers. They aren’t the best and you’re sure their actually weeds, but he didtry to understand your courting rituals. In Chaosrrealm things are differentand he realises that won’t fly up here. He’s fucking trying, the funky chaoticman.
·        Baraka; I am so unsure if I have done this before. But I have mentioned that I HCthat Tarkatan displays of affection and attraction, are extremely physical andan event. He will show you he is attracted to you and has feelings, by takingpart in a tournament. Trying to impress you and show you he is worthy of you. Whenhe admits it, it’s not very mushy and feely. It’s kind of blunt and to thepoint. He doesn’t do sweet gestures, but he does do things is own way.
·        Hotaru;Had to fill out a form to be able to confess his attraction to you. But ona serious note, I did read that Seidan’s have to request to have relationships.So, he’s filled in forms to be with you and confess said love to you. He wentthrough a bureaucratic nightmare for you. If that isn’t love, then I don’t knowwhat is… then again, he probably liked it. Expect a lot of frilly words, a lotof comparing you to things like ‘Neatly stacked paper’ Which happens to be hisfav smell and sight. Before moving onto nicer things like flowers.
·        Cassie; She isn’t very open with her feelings at first. She has no idea what to door say. Johnny is cheesy, and Sonya has the emotional capacity of a teaspoon.She goes with just admitting how she feels, a little begrudgingly and straightto the point. When she sees you smiling and being relaxed, she relaxes andstarts confessing more. Like how she likes how you can have a laugh and relaxtogether. How she loves your eyes and your personality. She becomes softer asshe opens up.
·        Geras;Actually, surprisingly sweet, to say he hasn’t had much interaction besideKronkia and Frost. Who, lets face it, aren’t the best at emotions. He instead,takes a leaf (Bad pun) out of Cetrion’s book, and uses lovely flower and naturemetaphors to assist him… before figuring that isn’t the best way to do so.Instead, he’s very open and to the point. He always thought he would beeternally alone, but you came along and now he does not fear that. He looksforward to exploring the future with you at his side.
·        Sonya; At first, she comes up to you very serious. It’ll be just the two of you,in a meeting room alone. She then lightens up and says she’s joking, beforepulling out a beer and telling you you’re both off duty. She’ll open up to you,admitting that after Johnny she never really thought about the concept of‘love’. But you changed that. She honestly wants to try and make things workwith you, because she feels its time to move on and accept, that she actuallyhas emotions.  
·        JohnnyCage; He will use his movie quotes at first, but if that doesn’t work he’ll turn onhis charm and charisma. Since he’s matured a lot over the years, he feels he’sready to have a full-blown relationship. He’ll pull you to the side and slowlystart confessing how after his first marriage, he never really thought aboutmoving on. But now you’re making him question that decision. He’ll ask you ifyou fancy dodging the paparazzi and making his fans jealous together. He’llalso ask if you fancy being Hollywood royalty.
·        ErronBlack; Let’s face it Erron is the smoothest talking one here. He’ll be very sweetwhen confessing his attraction to you. He’ll be also smooth and suave andfluent with his words. He’ll elude confidence, not so much that it’soff-putting. He’ll use a lot of pet-names, mainly using ‘Sugar’ and ‘Darlin’He’ll talk about how he’s lived a long life before asking if you fancy beingapart of the rest of it.
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vinodiriso · 5 years
DISCLAIMER: I am not a psychologist, nor I deal with neurodivergence at any rate. Medical terminology is used only as a reference to describe the mental state of the character, to give a general idea: in the following in-depth study I prefer to analyse the causes and the symptoms rather than the “terminology”. I tried to use the most fitting for my vision and my interpretation for how limited my knowledge of this subject is, no matter my research. Also, when referring to “Hanzo” I am speaking of my personal interpretation of Hanzo, which is my own personal muse; those are by no degrees standards of canon, just what I see most fitting for my own understanding of the muse. If you are a Hanzo roleplayer and disagree with my interpretation, you are totally entitled to follow your own.
Tl;dr: Hanzo is not a neurotypical subject. He struggles with undiagnosed DPDR, ADHD and PTSD.
Since infancy, Hanzo never had an easy time befriend people of his age. Hanzo has never been in an adequate mental state that allowed him to grow close to people he didn’t share a blood connection with, for he spent most of his time reviewing his life rather than living it. This behaviour forced him out of the carefreeness appropriate for young people and into a stoic approach to life that was, yes, praised by the adults, but was never healthy for a teenager. By the age of eleven, the only person Hanzo felt a connection with was his brother Genji, who managed to understand and adapt to the elder Shimada’s slow rhythms in developing friendship and trust.
Hanzo’s will was to follow his father’s and to prove to be a good heir for the Shimada empire. He held no other interests, aside for an undying love for martial arts and swordsmanship. Most of the times, Hanzo held a passive attitude towards his own life, acting rather based on what was expected from him, what was appropriate for him to like or enjoy, not what he truly wanted or wished. I cannot outstretch enough how Hanzo’s life was spent serving and never developing his own self. Hanzo does not know who he is, he doesn’t know the man he is, his personality is confused, which drives him to hold a more aggressive attitude towards life or, in some cases, a completely passive one. The flaunting of his abilities as an archer or the superiority of his craft are merely a coping mechanism, little strokes of self-appreciation from a man that struggles with heavy self-deprecation issues. The traumas of his father’s sudden death and Genji’s attempted murder have shaken his ego to a much darker place. His mind is plagued by terrible images of Hitsounayoru, the Blackwatch attack, the fear, but he fails in remembering consciously the moment he turned against his brother, his mind blocks it and deems it as something so alien to him it must be a fantasy; his mind keeps switching from the idea that everything can be restored to the idea that everything is lost and unacquirable. In simpler words: “This is the home of the Shimada clan, my home” vs “This was once my home. No longer”. Maybe the journey he has embarked in won’t give him redemption, maybe it is not an atonement for his sins... maybe it is retribution for his faults.
To return to the previous topic, one could say that Hanzo has a selective memory in the sense that he only remembers specific parts of his past, namely the best ones or the most impressive. While this is true, Hanzo’s memory, from the point of Genji’s assassination, has become incredibly blurry, both for his past and his present. Hanzo struggles a lot to remember faces, to recall events, even something as little as remembering what he had for dinner the day before, and this is even truer for when he is dissociating. Mirin, what do you mean by dissociating? Hanzo’s dissociation means an impossibility for Hanzo to rationalize his thoughts and his actions. He may sit, but he can’t really say why. He may say something, but he can’t really recall the reason why. He may eat, but he doesn’t really feel hungry. For him, dissociation is living his life sitting in the back of the theatre. He is not in control, his senses are clouded, he is not the protagonist, he is the spectator. During dissociative events, Hanzo’s memory is incredibly foggy and faulted. “Did I really say this?” “I am sorry, I forgot.” “I didn’t remember we had an appointment.” “We… went there? When?”
During a particularly intense dissociative event, Hanzo might become paranoic. The inability to regain control, to do what he needs and wants to do might lead him to fright: someone may take advantage of his weakness, someone may understand that he is not normal, he can’t trust the people around, it doesn’t matter what they say, they can’t understand him, they will harm him. More often than not, it causes him general anxiety and panic attacks. The inability to meet expectations is what haunts him the most and what will lead him into a dead end of nerves; generally, when he can at least pretend to behave normally, dissociative events tend to be not as crippling.
This is, however, a problem that started far back in the time. Since he was a kid Hanzo had those ‘blackouts’, as he usually calls them, where he couldn’t totally be in control. It has only worsened over time: now dissociative events are longer, more invalidating and exhausting than in the past.
One thing that affected him the most in school age was the impossibility for Hanzo to focus on a text for more than 30 minutes. He couldn’t bring himself to pay attention, in the back of his mind he was searching for a distraction, not just something more enjoyable, he wanted something different. This, paired with dyslexia and dysgraphia, led Hanzo to become a terrible student, no matter how actually talented and gifted he is (a proof of his normal, if not bright, intelligence is the ease with which Hanzo makes logic connections between several subjects and reaches often very clever conclusion).
(in constant development...)
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mistwolf-wanderer · 7 years
A Professional in a Team of Randos
Commission I did for @viceterships !
Genji Shimada contacts Hana Song to request that she join Overwatch. She turns him down, and tells him exactly why.
Genji Shimada sits across from Hana “D.Va” Song. Canned coffee and instant ramen sit on the table before him, neither impressive nor repulsive, staring him down with as much intensity as Hana’s stare. He carefully reaches over and takes the ramen and chopsticks in his hand and peels back the lid before stirring the contents around. He sniffs.
“Spicy flavor?” “I wanted to see you suffer.” “Thanks.”
He takes a long, careful sip of the broth, coughs, and nods before opening the coffee and taking a deep swig.
“I am suffering,” he remarks. “So you win.” “Always play to win,” Hana sighs, rolling her eyes.  “So why are you here, unannounced, shoving dusty-ass Overwatch flyers in my face?”  Genji swallows and takes a second to compose himself. She waits, crossing her arms.
“We have thirty minutes until my stream starts and I kick you out,” she comments. “I hope you’re aware.”
He nods.  “Of course. Friends though we are, I wouldn’t have you missing your stream for me.”
“Who said we’re friends?”
“I assumed we were, after all those games we played together, and the races we’ve had.”
“We are,” she grins.  “So continue.”  
Genji sets down his coffee and bows his head respectfully.  Hana snorts.
“I’ve come to ask you to join overwatch as D.Va.”
Hana looks at Genji for a beat, face neutral. She taps her chin.
“Yeah, I’m not doing that.”
Genji rubs his face.  “Are you bound by contract or something? I would think you of all people would jump at the challenge of saving the world from devastation.”
Hana clicks her tongue.  “It’s not an issue of ‘can’t’ or ‘not allowed,’ it’s an issue of ‘won’t’ and ‘this is stupid’.” She sits back. “Overwatch was disbanded―end of story. So why bring it back?”
“I told you, we believe the world needs heroes―”
“―And we are those heroes. But has it ever occurred to you that even all you guys put together won’t be enough?”
Genji looks at her quietly, curiously.  He waits for her to go on. Hana gestures to her symbol―the bunny that marks her mech as her own.
“The reason you’re here is for that, not me.” She gives him a once over. “You have master tacticians and military leaders at your back. So, check and check, you already have what Hana Song can give.” She sits back. “You need D.Va, and you need my MEKA. The strength. The armor. The bullets. But did you ever think to wonder where it comes from?”
Genji nods.  “MEKA is a branch of the Korean military, which uses human pilots instead of drones to fight hostile omnics.”
“Right,” Hana says.  “But MEKA doesn’t come from the military alone, specifically because of the people involved.”  She smiles and points to Genji. “You’re a gamer, Genji. You’re not pro, but I’m sure you’ve played enough competitive games to know what I mean when I say we’re not always exactly…”
“―Team players,” he finishes.
“A good shotcaller can bring a team together,” she says, bringing her fingers into a mesh, “but when you’re all pros, sometimes you all think you’re a shotcaller, and the team falls apart.”  She lets her hands fall back to the table, undone.  “We customize our MEKA with sponsorship money, not military funds. We’re barely qualified to be called military, if you look at the way we operate. No uniform, no ranks, no true military training.”  She points to the Overwatch flyer.  “You’ll be like us at level one.”
“A team of heroes from across the world have the diversity we need to tackle every obstacle, but…”
“You know they’ll be relatively untrained, with little to no chemistry at the first go, and the civilian casualties and environmental destruction will cost you millions when―not if―you get sued.”
Genji sits back, uncrossing his legs and leaning back and closing his eyes.
He can see in his mind’s eye a future where everyone is together.  The world’s best assembled before him.
And they are nothing like the team he knew years ago.
Half are gone, the other half is made of new recruits.  The one with the most military experience is Fareeha Amari, Ana Amari’s only daughter, and he can see the shadow cast behind her. Not nearly as tall as her mother’s.
Angela Ziegler has no incentive to return―not after what happened in Switzerland.
Reinhardt will answer the call, but the man is over sixty now, with a creaking back and old suit of armor.
Reyes and Morrison are dead, or they should be. But of course, Genji should be too.
He blinks.  The list of names goes on and on.  For a second, he thinks of Hanzo and sighs.  He rubs his eyes.  “So what do you propose we do, Ms. Song?”
Hana grimaces.  “Ew, don’t call me that, it makes me sound old.”
“You are nineteen.”
“And we’ve yet to move, as a society, from the idea that women should be married by 25. So don’t call me that.” She makes a face. “Or else I’ll start calling you Mr. Shimada.  Or maybe Shimada-sama?”
Genji grins and laughs lightly, putting a hand on his face. “Please, Hana, never call me that again.”
“Contract signed and honored, pal.” She grins.  It fades quickly.  She leans back on her hands and looks to the side, out the window to the city lights outside.
“That was quite the face journey you went on,” she comments.
“I was just thinking about how you’re right.”
“Overwatch being a bad idea.”
“I don’t think that making a group of heroes to address worldwide pain is bad, but we aren’t the Justice League. And they had their fair share of legal issues for obvious reasons.”
Genji sighs again.  “So what do you propose instead? The wheels are in motion, and I can’t just tell them to shut down alone.”
“I feel like the answer’s obvious.”
Genji cocks his head at her.  “How so?”
“MEKA only works because of three things, and it’s the same reason all pro-gaming teams do well.”  She counts off on her fingers.  “Team synergy, public support, and sponsorships.  Money.”  She looks at her symbol again.  “This icon is mine, not the military’s. And my fans recognize me for it. They don’t recognize me because I’m in MEKA, they recognize MEKA because I’m in it.”
Genji nods slowly.  “Overwatch was shut down for a reason,” he says, contemplative.  “I may have been one of those reasons, at some point.” He sits back up and looks at his hands.  “With these hands, I…” He sighs. “Let’s say I was angry back then. Overwatch gave me an outlet,” he closes his hands, “but it wasn’t what I needed.”
“Not what the public needed either, I assume.” She watches him think and crosses her arms.  “And now that Overwatch is disbanded, you’re fundsless.”
“Totally broke,” Genji agrees.  “And I’m dead to the world, so I’m not getting any of my inheritance.” They share a grim chuckle that falls swiftly into silence.
“I don’t have a solution,” Hana professes.  “Your name is wrecked. Brand name, I mean, and that’s what you’re selling.” She sighs. “Maybe for some of the members, it would be enough to call them back just to relive the glory days. But the public will see those faces and remember what happened. Meanwhile, your newbies will be disorganized and without a real common goal.”
“Isn’t saving the world a common goal?”
“Isn’t it always? Everyone wants to rule the world or save it―and those things aren’t mutually exclusive.”  She sighs.  “You see it, right? The issues an org like this has?”
“I do,” Genji says.  He gets up and stretches, servos whirring as he does.  He sighs.  “And here’s what I want to propose to you.”
He takes a second to breathe.  “Overwatch may not be able to offer you anything. Perhaps joining us would only bring you down.”  He looks back down at her, then bows at the waist. “But we need you. You said it yourself―you have the fans, the sponsors, and you know how to make a team work.  You have the platform that could make us work.” He stands up straight and smiles at her, hesitant and sincere.  “We may not know everyone who needs saving, or have the best history, or even have a lot of money, but I know that we could become better.  And I think you could help.”
Hana blinks at him slowly.  “That’s a lot of smooth talking,” she says slowly.  “Turning all my points on me like that and stroking my ego...you’re a real piece of work.”  She smiles.  She gets up and hands him his coffee and ramen, both gone cold.
“We’re friends,” she says.  “So for you? Maybe I’ll think about chasing something totally stupid, like an extralegal superpower organization with a shit ton of guns.”  She pats his back, then turns him around.  “But for now, I need you outta here.  I have a stream to do, and you’re in the way.”
Genji grins and puts his mask back on his face before saluting and climbing out her window.  She leans out the window and shakes a fist at him.  “Use the door next time!”  She sighs and stretches before settling before her computer and setting up her stream.
She settles into her persona as D.Va and begins her stream, interacting with the fans casually while she gets into the flow of the game.  On a whim, she glances back to look at the flyer Genji left on her desk.
Ana Amari’s valiant image stands clear on its faded-print surface.  She returns to the game, thoughtful.
“So what do you guys think about Overwatch?”
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Good Medicine
Hanzo takes the good doctor's order that he leave the medbay to let the patient rest under advisement, but that's not quite the same as following the order. 
Cross posted from AO3
               Hanzo shifts his grip on the ledge, worrying his lip ring as he plans his next move. There’s another window sill but there’s also a gap where the prefab units weren’t joined properly. The sea breeze blows up again, whipping his bangs across his eyes. He cannot wait until they’re long enough to tie back with the rest of his hair, though he supposes he’s lucky he didn’t lose the top of his skull when that lock was shorn short by a stray bullet. He still wishes he hadn’t forgotten to borrow a few bobby pins from Hana.
               He decides on the gap in favor of the window sill. There shouldn’t be anybody in that hallway to see him, but the risk isn’t worth it. He wedges his fingers in the gap, replacing his hand on the ledge for his foot, and then shoves off. Despite the sheer drop into the ocean below, he’s as confident on the outside of the building as he is walking inside it, and it doesn’t take him long to traverse the entire hangar to reach the outside of the medbay. It is an older section of the building, and the windows have a lip running around all four sides, perfect for standing on. He counts off windows under his breath until he reaches the right one.
               He reaches down and pulls up on the top of the lower sash, and it slides up almost noiselessly. He slips inside, taking a moment to survey the dark room. Medical equipment lines the walls, most of it off. A few plastic chairs (criminally uncomfortable) line the wall. The room is dominated by a single bed. Standard hospital supply, and currently occupied. Hanzo turns to retrieve the piece of paper he’d wedged into the window that afternoon to keep it from locking properly and stuffs it in his pocket, shutting the window after. He walks to the side of the bed.
              “Jesse?” he says softly. If Jesse’s asleep, he doesn’t want to wake him. He brushes his thumb across the back of Jesse’s hand.
               “’M awake,” he says. "'M watchin'."
               “Of course. You sound very alert.” Hanzo’s lips quirk as Jesse blinks up at him blearily.
               “Not fair. Angie let me have a crack at the happy bin since she locked me in here.”
               “I remember, I was there.”
              Hanzo reaches down to unbuckle his boots and then climbs into the bed with Jesse. It takes a little shuffling to get two grown men settled, and Jesse is especially uncoordinated with a full dose of painkillers in his system, but they manage. Jesse turns his head to look at Hanzo.
               “Hey, handsome,” Jesse says. “You come round here often?”
               Hanzo huffs, brushes some of Jesse’s hair out of his eyes.
               “Far too often. There’s this man, and he just won’t learn to be careful.”
               “He sounds like a handful.”
               “Yes. He’s lucky I find him charming.”
              Jesse hums, practically preening. Hanzo rolls his eyes. He knows better than to feed Jesse’s ego, but here he is doing it again. Maybe a little ego stroking is acceptable when he’s in the medbay.
               “You should get some rest.”
               “I’ve been restin’, I was laid up all day.”
               It’s hardly rest what Jesse’s been doing. He’d taken a piece of shrapnel in the meat of his thigh nine hours ago when things got hot on what was supposed to be some light recon in Turkey. He’d technically come off the Orca under his own power, but he was leaning pretty heavily on Lucio and Morrison, of all people. That right there told Hanzo how much pain he’d been in, if he’d let Morrison help him with anything. Dr. Ziegler had been furious, and for a brief moment Hanzo had thought she’d kill Jesse herself. She’d stared him onto the stretcher and then wheeled him into the medbay, muttering the whole way.
               The wound, while not superficial, wasn’t beyond a commercial biotic patch once Dr. Ziegler deemed it clean. She’d demanded Jesse stay in the medbay to monitor for inflection, though that struck Hanzo as more punitive than curative. She’d chased Hanzo out at precisely 2100, but, well, it hadn’t taken.   It hadn’t been a particularly close call, but Hanzo wasn’t inclined to let Jesse out of his sight just yet.
               “Sleep,” Hanzo says. Jesse sighs and closes his eyes. He’s still for a moment, but he starts to fidget and turn.
               “Bed sucks,” Jesse grumbles.
               “If you hadn’t been so stubborn, we could be sleeping in your bed.”
               “Could be your bed.”
               “No, yours, because you’re not bleeding on my sheets.”
               “Aw, I bet not. Let’s try and go for it. It’s prolly—”
               Hanzo’s hand darts out to grab Jesse’s. It had been a few scant inches from picking at the bandage.
               “Do not touch that.” Dr. Zeigler really would kill Jesse if she found it even a millimeter out of place. Hanzo pulls the hand to his chest, for safekeeping. Hopefully Jesse’s high enough to have forgotten about having two hands.
              Jesse pouts at him. It’s a dirty move, but Hanzo refuses to be swayed. He closes he eyes, hoping Jesse will follow his example. Jesse mutters something Hanzo refuses to acknowledge and curls into Hanzo’s chest, tucking his head under his chin. Hanzo relinquishes the arm, wrapping his around Jesse’s shoulders instead and tugging him closer. Jesse sighs contentedly, and starts to relax.
               For all his bold talk, Hanzo doesn’t want to sleep himself. He’ll have to leave soon, Dr. Zeigler will undoubtedly check in sometime in the night. He wants to savor this quiet contentedness while he has it. The infirmary bed is cozier than his own with Jesse in it.
              Angela shuffles down the hallway towards her medbay. Luckily, there’s only one room occupied, and if Jesse possessed even a modicum of self-preservation instinct it wouldn’t be. But since he’ll undoubtedly have pulled off the biotic patch by now, she’ll have to apply a fresh one. By morning the risk will have passed, and when he ignores her advice it’ll at worst leave him with a scar, rather than sepsis.
              She presses the button for the door to Jesse’s room, and it slides open soundlessly. It wouldn’t do to have squeaky doors waking her patients. She squints into the dark, wondering if she has to bother with a light or if she can get by with the moonlight, when a sound catches her attention. Or rather, two sounds. She stares hard at the bed, and now that she’s paying attention, she can see far more than one Jesse McCree’s worth of mass in that bed, and she can hear two very distinct snores.
               Hanzo. Naturally, he’d come back. Angela has half a mind to ream him right now, but she thinks back to how frightened he’d been when Jesse walked off the Orca covered in blood, and how he’d helplessly trailed behind the stretcher all the way to medbay. Jesse had been a much better patient than usual with Hanzo making himself sick with worry in the corner.
               She creeps closer to the bed, because she still has a job to do, and pulls back the blanket. The biotic patch is exactly where she’d left it, even though it must have started to itch. Angela turns a calculating eye to Hanzo.
               She thinks he can stay after all.
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macabrecabra · 8 years
Can you make a sequel to "Listening In"? I want Hanzo's embarrassed reaction like: "Oh no he understood all of it!?"
Embarrassed reaction? You mean 100%MORTIFIED reaction XD;;
for anon!Title: Bury Me in theBackyard for I Have Died of Shame
Rating: PG-13
Relationship: McHanzo McCreeknew he should never have admitted to having heard and understoodHanzo's praises for him in Japanese so long ago. He knew he shouldhave just come up with some excuse and taken that secret to hisgrave.
He was sometimes far too honest for hisown good and right now, he was paying for it by having to lean hisback against Hanzo's locked bedroom door and try to convince the manto come out.  All it had been was him saying a few words in Japanesewithout thinking and then telling the truth that he knew how to speakJapanese since his days in Blackwatch. The moment that realization hit Hanzo, his entire face hadfallen into a state of sheer horror.
The archer had stood there, rigid,looking as if someone had told him that all that he held dear to himhad turned up dead somewhere in a river and it was somehow all hisfault. It was an expression of pure humiliation, of Hanzo's honestlyrather fragile pride being shattered to bits.
“You understood me all this timewhen I was speaking to Genji,” Hanzo said in a near whisper, “Youunderstood- oh god,”
Then before McCree could say a wordHanzo had turned on his heels and walked as fast as he could to hisbedroom, nearly breaking into a sprint. McCree had watched him go, awhine building in his throat as both Genji and D.Va snickered tothemselves off to the side.
McCree was really regretting sayingany sort of phrase in Japanese that morning to greet his boyfriend.“Hanzo please come out? What you said wasn't even all thatbad in the past,” McCree grumbled, “You say worse things now thatwe are together!”
“You understood all this time! Youweren't suppose to hear all that before we were together!” Hanzopractically shouted back as if he had been scandalized somehow, “Thatwas, just, you were probably laughing at me the whole time on theinside! All those confessions I pieced together to you, you alreadyknew they were coming!”“I still acted surprised!”McCree protested.“Not the same!” Hanzo let out a groanlike a man slowly dying, “Our entire relationship is built on youjust ...humoring me!”
McCree grimaced slightly, “I didn'tknow about everything you were going to say and do Hanzo. Not tomention you have to humor me all the time with my terrible attemptsat being romantic,”There was a pause of silence beforeHanzo replied, his voice a tad bit calmer, “You aren't thatterrible to endure,”“Hanzo? I could see you slowly dyinginside and your smile becoming so strained on your face when we didthat rodeo photo and you were dressed up like a cowboy too. I couldsee your soul ascending but it still touched me you were willing to doall that just for me,” McCree retorted, a slight smile on his lips,“You put up with a lot from me and yet you still want me around.I'm the embarrassment, not you,”
“That is not true,” Hanzo huffed,“You aren't an embarrassment. You are confident and I envy that youcan be comfortable in whatever clothes you wear or event you takeplace in. You have no shame, aren't bound by it. It is …honestlyrather inspiring,”
McCree couldn't keep the smile off hisface as he moved off the door and turned around to properly face it,giving a small knock, “Well if you do find that inspiring, how about you go and openthis here door so I can properly thank you for that compliment?”
There was a long pause of silencebefore there was the click of the door and Hanzo edged it open,scowling and face still flushed as he stared at the ground. McCreecouldn't help the small chuckle that escaped him at the sight andignored the slight flicker of a glare shot his way, one that lackedany heat entirely. Not to mention when such a glare was accompanied bya pout, McCree couldn't take it seriously.
Instead he just smiled back and removedhis had from his head like a proper gentlemen  and gave a small bow,taking a hold of one of Hanzo's hands to press a kiss to it, “Thankyou darling. I'm glad there is one thing about me that can beinspiring,”“There is a lot more than that,” Hanzogrumbled, “But given I've said it all before in Japanese andyou heard it, no point in repeating it,”“I say there is areason to repeat it. I say I can't get enough of hearing you speakand the way you say things in Japanese is absolutely beautiful,”McCree returned, still holding onto Hanzo's hand, “And I love itwhen you tell me how great I am,”That earned the baresthint of an amused smile to Hano's features and a quirk of a singleeyebrow, “Oh? Is that why you keep me around? To stroke your ego?”
“You're the only one who strokes itjust right,” McCree smiled and leaned in to bump his nose to Hanzo,“At least now you know I can speak Japanese so you can tell me allthese things where no one else can listen,”“Genji canstill understand,” Hanzo murmured although he leaned in to steal aquick kiss, “And you and I both know he loves to gossip,”“I'lldeny everything,” McCree promised, “And I'll spout some dirtabout him if he so wants to talk about gossip,”That earnedanother slight twitch of a smirk from Hanzo and a chuckled as thearcher leaned against him, “And there are the fangs I love that youhave beneath all that charm,”“Can't be nice all thetime,” McCree answered back with a laugh, pulling Hanzo into a hug,“Now, how about you and I take the day off and go out and dosomething you like?”“Tea at the park sounds lovelytoday,” Hanzo suggested, stepping back just a bit to give McCreethat same slight smile that barely found its way onto his face, “Orshould it be coffee for you?”“Tea is fine if that is whatyou are having,” McCree answered, moving to wrap an arm aboutHanzo.
Maybe it would have been better not totell Hanzo at all he understood everything said before but at thevery least, it was still damn good to know that a little somethinglike that couldn't unhinge what they had built up this far.
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