#Happy Birthweek Little Nightmares
internalchickens · 1 year
Happy Birthweek, Little Nightmares!
Mono watched in horror as Six, the only friend he’s ever known, screeched wildly into the static filled air. He wanted to cover his ears, but he didn’t want to seem like a coward. His heart raced as a disgusting pulse ran down her arms, controlling them with little accuracy. The floor creaked under her weight, and he gripped the axe tighter as he became aware of the joints in places they shouldn’t have been. Bile rose in his throat, and he cringed at himself. He didn’t need to save her, he wanted to say, but he did. He needed to save her. He needed her. He couldn’t be all alone again.
Sweat ran down his forehead as he approached, and he fought back tears. All he needed to do was destroy her music box, and it would all be over. No more monster, no more suffering, just peace. After that, they could run away together and be as awful as they wanted. They could stomp on all the flowers and eat all the bread they wanted after he destroyed that horrid music box.
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baenxietydad · 5 years
16th Anniversary Of The Best Day Ever || The Baes
Summary: Nemo’s 16th birthday!!!
Dated: October 9th, 2019
Best day of the year, best day of the year! October 9th was Mu-yeol’s favorite holiday. Not because of Ecuadorian Independence Day, or Leif Erikson Day, but because it was the 16th Anniversary of the Best Day of His Life. Or, if you want to be boring, Nam-min’s 16th birthday. 
He didn’t care for his own birthday, but his son’s was special. On October 9th, 2003, Nam-min came into the world a little over a month early, giving his parents a scare, but they both immediately adored him. He was the child they tried for three years just to conceive, and from his first breath was their entire world. Now with just himself, Mu-yeol had to love him enough for two people. 
And he did. He sometimes got all choked up just thinking about how much he loved his son and how wonderful and beautiful his baby boy had become. 
He loved him so damn much. That’s why he treated his birthday like a national holiday. 
Like every year he got up early to make seaweed soup and to place his presents on the table. Once that was ready, he crept into Nemo’s room and slipped under his covers for the yearly birthday waking up ritual. 
“Nam-min ah. Nam-miiiin, wake up,” he said gently as he pulled Nemo in for snuggles. He played with his hair as he kept coaxing him awake. “Wake up, you know what day it is. It’s the best day! It’s your birthday! My baby is sixteen already.”
“Wake up,” Mu-yeol said, kissing his forehead and snuggling him closer. “So I can annoy you with my love.”
Nemo had always loved his birthday. A whole day dedicated to him? Who wouldn’t love that? But he loved it not so much because he got presents, or because of yummy seaweed soup, or the nut-cake, or the fact he got to decide everything that happened on his birthday--
He loved it cuz Appa loved it. He loved it cuz Appa was always in such a good mood. No nightmares, no grouchiness, no extra paranoia. Just him, just Appa. 
And this year, his birthday meant the end of Nemo’s grounding. So it was the best day ever.
Despite that, Nemo was solid as a rock in bed that morning, his covers pulled over his head. It’d started gettin’ chilly like it always did, and a little chill always made it harder to get up in the mornings, even for someone like Nemo who was gogogo. His toes curled under his blankets and he fisted the blanket too, holding it tighter at the creaking of his door. Oooo, there’s Appa, he thought to himself, barely stifling a smile, as he pretended to still be sleeping deeply.
Part of that was cuz….well-- no sixteen-year-old should want cuddles from his Appa.
But Nemo still did. 
So he pretended. And when Appa dragged him close, he played at a groan and wiggled half-heartedly. “Appaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” he groaned with sleepiness. “Wahhhhh, gerroff!” he wiggled more.
“Nope, not allowed. It’s the sixteenth anniversary of the best day of my life, so that’s forbidden.” Mu-yeol said to letting go of Nemo. 
He carded his fingers through Nemo’s hair and smiled down at him all gross and affectionate as Nemo refused to open his eyes. Rude— how are they going to celebrate his birthday if he’s asleep? Ah, kids. Occasionally he’d press another soft kiss to the top of his head. 
“Do you want to skip school for your birthday?” He asked quietly as he continued to play with Nemo’s hair. “Or do you want to be stuck hanging out with your dumb embarrassing dad one of your weekend days instead?”
Playfully, he poked Nemo’s side where he was ticklish. 
Skip school? He could do that?!
Nemo’s eyes finally opened, blinking all the tired outta them as he looked up at his dad incredulously, like he was waitin’ for him to change his mind. Plus, didn’t his Appa have to work? It was Grow-day, not to mention still a couple of days before the Full Moon Dance, which meant the Hollow fluttered, flittered, twittered, and buzzed with all sorts of activity. Though Nemo didn’t have talent class this week cuz all the fast-flying talents were getting ready for the Windy Day Race on October 13. 
So… he didn’t have talent class. And he didn’t have dance on Wednesdays either…
“Wh-- this isn’t a test, is it?” he squinted at his Appa suspiciously. “I can actually skip school if I want?”
“아니 (ani). I wouldn’t set a trap. Mm, not on your birthday anyway. 그냥 (keunyang)...I just wanted to hangout with you on your birthday like we always do. And since you’re in school now that would take up your entire day.” And anyway, Mu-yeol knew he wouldn’t be in this good of a mood come the weekend. It was Nemo’s birthday not his birthweek that always (almost) restores him to him old self. 
He smiled down at Nemo in his arms as he narrowed his eyes at him. “You can skip school. Only when I offer it though; if I get a call you’re absent without my permission you’re gonna die.”
Mu-yeol punctuated the death threat with his warmest smile. 
“Aigoo, my baby’s growing up. You won’t need me anymore pretty soon.”
 It was a bittersweet thought. Nam-min not needing him anymore meant he wouldn’t have anything left to silence the worst thoughts in the back of his brain; live to take care of Nam-min didn’t apply once his baby boy became an adult, and it was the only thing keeping him breathing most days. It was the only thing that was enough and that terrified him. 
Most days, anyway, it terrified him. But on October 9th, nothing ever mattered but the fact that X number of years ago, his son was born on that day, and it was the one truly good day of the year. 
“You were so small.” He sighed, patting the space between his shoulder blades. “You came earlier than we thought, you dramatic jerk.”
Wow, he really was gonna get to miss school. 
Which meant-- his friends.
Nemo hadn’t expected the sharp, quick stab of yearning, nor what followed after: guilt. Cuz he obviously couldn’t tell Appa that maybe he did wanna go to school after all. First of all, that was stupid. What kid wanted to go to school on his birthday? Sure, he’d get to see his mates and they’d all tell him happy birthday, but he’d only get a couple of minutes before class, and then lunch, and then that was really all…and in between, he’d sit through awful French and confusing History and didn’t he have a quiz in English which he didn’t study for? 
And wasn’t his birthday kinda his and Appa’s...thing? 
Nemo swallowed down that feeling then, cuz goin’ to school just wasn’t a real option, and did what he did every year as Marlin started in on his tirade. He grooooooooaned and wiggled some more, finally pushing Marlin off and sitting up. “Heeeeere we go again, next you’ll tell me about Eomma counting all my fingers and toes and fighting the healing-talents to hold me just five more minutes--” and though he was acting annoyed at the Same Old Story, the one Marlin told Every Single Year, he was grinning. 
Cuz he liked it. He wanted to hear it. 
“And if I do?” Mu-yeol challenged, reaching up to poke Nemo’s forehead. 
He hummed and sat up next to Nemo, wincing as sunlight got him right in the eyeballs. “She punched one of them, you know. Your mother was scary and always ready to...throw hands? Is that what it is? Especially when it was about you.”
He didn’t tell him how she had to take an exam at university the day after giving birth— and yes, she did go and ace that exam, and when her professor found out he scolded Mu-yeol for ‘letting your wife do that.’ But So-yeon did whatever the hell So-yeon wanted to do, Always. There was no allowing, forbidding, or talking her out of anything. She was determined to finish her masters’ on time to shut up all of the men in the program who talked about how STEM was no place for a wife and mother and said she should drop out and raise her child. 
Not for the first time, he wanted to tell him. 
“She always said having you was the best decision we ever made.” He said instead. “So the verdict on skipping school? If you really want to go we can do your birthday on Sunday.”
He hopped out of Nemo’s bed. “There’s seaweed soup ready, with pickled shriiiimps.”
He only really had a couple of birthdays left before he really would be too old to celebrate with Appa and let him baby Nemo like this. This could even be the last one. Nemo would be well into his apprenticeship when next October swung around, after all. Who knew what his life was gonna be like then? What he’d be training in, what kinda time he’d have? 
Maybe he was already too old for this stuff now but… 
He wanted at least one more. 
So Nemo grinned. “Skipping, definitely!” he rolled out of bed too and then scampered past Appa. “SEAWEED SOOOOOOUP!” He called, giggling. 
He felt tension he didn’t even know he was holding in his shoulders ease. What a relief it was that his baby hadn’t outgrown him just yet! Even if Nam-min was away from him more this year, he still wanted to hangout with his dad. That was enough. 
“Eat as much as you want,” Mu-yeol said as a laddled out a bowl for Nemo. “You have to eat a lot if you hope to grow any taller.”
NEMO:  Nemo plopped down in his chair, drawing up both his legs so he was criss-cross, then reached for his spoon. Course before he even got a spoonful, he shot a look at Appa, sour as elderberries. Because yeah, Nemo was small-- even for a pixie he was small, and especially for a fast-flying talent. Fast-flyers were usually some of the taller talents around actually, cept for maybe scout talents. Nemo was small the way a pollen-talent fairy was normally small-- or a bee-herding-talent was small. 
“Aish,” he sucked his teeth at his Appa and shook his head. “I’m not that small! I mean, I got long legs y’know,” he added hotly. And that was true. Nemo was nearly all legs, which helped with his lines in dance. (It didn’t do much for fast-flying though.) 
He scooped some soup into his mouth, and then grabbed the bowl and lifted the whole thing to his lips. “Here, I’ll eat the whole thing, so you can’t have any!” 
And he slurped half his bowl down to prove it. 
Mu-yeol playfully stuck his tongue out at Nam-min as he slid him a cup of elderflower juice. “It's not your fault, your mother’s human-size height was only 162 cm. She was the tiniest fast-flying fairy in both Hollows we’d lived in. Blame her for those genes.”
He barely stifled a snort as Nemo slurped his soup up like it was room temperature water and not hot soup.
“알았어, 알았어 (arasseo, arasseo). Go ahead, eo? I’m full watching you eat anyway.” He said, though he quickly ate a few spoonfuls himself in case Nemo swiped his bowl. Because he would. 
“What’s on the birthday festivities agenda?” Mu-yeol asked, spooning some kimchi onto some rice. “We can do whatever you want except hard drugs. Cocaine might be negotiable-- no, wait. That’s the last thing you need.”
First, Nemo just gargled through his soup, still slurping it down. It really was kinda too hot to do so, but Nemo had already started so it meant he had to commit to it. And commit he did, until it was all done and he let out an “Ahhhhh,” plopping his bowl down and smirking at Appa. He said he’d do it. And Nemo could never resist a challenge. 
He rolled his eyes next though. “Appa, you’re really not funny,” he told him, shaking his head. Appa and his dad jokes. “Mmmm can we…. Oooooh, Appa, can we go dragonfly racing? Please. Pleeeeeeeeeeease, it’s my birthday! I’m 16, that’s plenty old enough!”  
Dragonfly racing was, of course, when fairies skittered across the Kohaku River on the back of dragonflies. Appa always forbid Nemo because dragonflies could be a bit, er, moody-- prone to 360-degree spins, or dipping real close to the water. He’d always been terrified Nemo would fall off and drown. 
Why was Nemo even asking? Well! He asked at least once a year, and a 16th birthday felt like a good time when Appa might not be able to say no. 
“We can go toooogetheer,” Nemo sing-songed. 
“Watch your mouth before I glue it shut, you little brat,” Mu-yeol said in response to being told he wasn’t a comedic genius, of course while pinching Nemo’s cheek while calling him a little brat. “What’s the number one lesson of life? Always laugh when your dad, your employer, or father-in-law makes a joke.”
Another spoonful of soup had almost made it to his mouth when Nemo made his birthday proposal, and the spoon fell from his hand, landing in the bowl with a plonk! Dragonfly racing!? Let him repeat, DRAGONFLY RACING!?!?
Was he trying to make sure this was his last birthday?
Mu-yeol clasped his hands in his lap to keep from wildly gesturing. In the spirit of Nemo’s birthday, he wasn’t going to give an immediate hard no. Today, and today only, he would hear him out about dragonfly racing. Maybe even say yes, and deal with the panic in his chest the entire time.
He taught Nemo to swim in Atlantis Lake in human size, without wings that couldn’t get wet, of course. Logically he knew that Nemo could probably tread water with wet wings long enough to drift toward an aquatic plant to hold onto until he could be pulled out of the river by a fairy with dry wings. It was still risky.
And yet, at Nemo’s age, Mu-yeol had been dragonfly racing for years. His dongsaeng-dul* would compete with him and the other fairies their age for prizes of anything from found objects teenage fairies used for bartering, to ₩5,000 notes the kids whose parents had human jobs would throw in the prize pot.
*reader’s note: dongsaeng = younger sibling; -dul is a particle to add to make any noun plural 
His last two logical brain cells reminded him that he was much more stupid than Nemo at his age, and that he survived. His father wasn’t half as protective as he was, so of course Nemo would be fine.
The other hundred billion weren’t half as reasonable.
“Nam-min…” before he could say no though, he cleared his throat to stop himself. He was gonna give him a chance, remember? “Only if you can tell me the procedure for if you fall off. Repeat it to me three times, then we will seriously consider it.”
Appa didn’t say no right away. Whoa.
This was already a win. It was also not completely expected, and so Nemo found himself wide-eyed and leaning forward. “Really?” he responded at first. He had to absorb that Appa hadn’t immediately laughed off the idea like he had done all of Nemo’s life, before patting Nemo on the head and saying something about how hilarious Nemo was with that persistent death wish of his! And did he want to give his dear old Appa a heart attack?!
Maybe sixteen really did make the difference.
Maybe sixteen was going to be his year, after all. 
Nemo swallowed and leaned back, adjusting in his seat and then crackling his knuckles as he prepared to answer Appa’s test. He was pretty sure he knew about the procedures...even if he’d never really gotten to try them out. All the other fast-flying-talents though talked about dragonfly racing all the time (it’s why he wanted to do it so badly.) 
“Number 1--” he held up a finger, “--don’t panic. Number 2, get your head above water and your feet under you, so your wings don’t drag you down. Number 3, tread water in direction of the current toward the shore! Don’t fight the current, cuz you’ll get too tired too fast.” 
That was right...right? Right! 
Mu-yeol watched Nemo carefully as he ran through the DON'T DROWN protocols. Careful to eye him for any signs of bullshitting or hesitation, and satisfied when he found none that his son actually understood how to not drown, he supposed he now had to actually consider dragonfly racing. 
Maybe if he let Nemo do this once, let him have this one thing, he won’t do things like sneaking out with that awful kid Louie. This is exactly why he didn’t want to send Nemo to school, he knew he’d be too preoccupied with looking cool and being popular to actually care about school. He knew he wouldn’t understand that what mattered was finding your group of friends and being cool to them. It was the same for fairies in school, and fairies like Mu-yeol who didn’t go to school. Why couldn’t Nemo be like his mother was and only care what her friends thought of her?
Nemo was like him. Insecure and soft. 
Maybe dragonfly racing and the panic attack he’d be pushing down the entire time would be worth it. Maybe Nemo would take the victory and be satisfied. 
“Good. So...dragonfly racing. Are you sure there’s...nothing else?”
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imaginexhobbit · 7 years
Mega Ask Post!
Since the blog has been dead for six months and there have been quite a few asks sent in that are questions, I figured there should be a giant post answering them to the best of my abilities. I’ll be going from the top, so most recent asks will come first.
Everyone that wished me a happy birthday, thank you! It was indeed a wonderful birthday (and birthweek).
Now let’s go!
@sebastianbride​ asks:
Hi, I was wondering if you had a master list or master post. I love the work that in on this blog, yet it is hard to find all of the imagines. Thank you for reading this.
Considering we have 8500+ posts, most of which are imagines, a master post would be a nightmare for me to create. We will have a drabble request specific page sometime in the near future and we do have a navigation and a tag (”imagine”) for just imagines.
Anon asks:
Hi there! Sorry but the submit button doesn't work! I wanted to submit a fic but I couldn't... If you have temporarily closed both imagines and submission sorry, i didn't know! :)
The submit is down for a reason! Thank you for letting me know, though. I will make a post specifically for when the ask and submit are open once again.
@punkfandomtrashprincess​ asks:
Was looking for some inspiration, I'm curious why there are only two pages of drabble requests? Have all of the other drabble requests already been filled?
I’m not sure why there are only two pages - I did delete a few old ones waaaaay in the beginning, but there should still have quite a few. Once the drabble request page has been created, though, all of the asks will be deleted.
Anon asks:
How many admins run this blog together at this time?
Considering this was posted four months ago, I don’t know for sure. Right now, however, it’s just little ol’ me.
Anon asks:
Do you allow the imagines sent in to be used as story bases or scenarios for fanfiction?
Absolutely! If our imagines somehow inspire you to write some original fiction, or even fanfiction, go ahead and use it! We’d appreciate a credit and a link so we can read it, but it isn’t necessary.
Anon asks:
Hey I have my own little blog from imagines and everything (inspired by y'all) and I was wondering how you got your followers to actually talk to you. I've made posts about it and I got nothing.... Help?
It took me...two weeks? To get people to send in imagines. We’ve had four years (I think...don’t quote me on that) to accumulate followers and plenty of them are chatty with us, but it wasn’t instantaneous. Give it some time, be persistent, and you’ll have folks chatting you up in no time!
Anon asks:
Do you have a mobile masterlist?
We do not, but a mobile navigation is on my to-do list!
Anon asks:
Imagine being part of Mairon's Hamilsquad  
You can all be a part of my hamilsquad!
And, of course, the anon love! <3 <3 <3
I have been like binge stalking this blog and just wanted to say this blog makes me happy. Keep up the good work, love! 💞💞💞💞 
I love your blog and I am so happy because even after all this time from Botfa you are still so active. Thank you so much for this, your blog is some kind of escape for me and I always love to come here. Keep going this way.♡♡♡ 
OMG someone understands the Hamilton love!!!!!!! Yall are fantastic, I hope all of your lives are going well, that you find something valuable this week, and that you have good dreams with restful sleep :333 love from a fan :) 
Thank you for being so sweet!
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internalchickens · 1 year
Happy Birthweek, Little Nightmares >:]
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internalchickens · 1 year
Happy Birthweek, Little Nightmares!!!
(Sorry if this doesn't make sense, had to rush💀)
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