#Harmon the Horologist
harmon-the-horologist · 3 months
Lie to Me*- Cal Lightman
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The inverted triangle at the 12 immediately identifies this as a Rolex Submariner or Tudor. I think the hour hand is a 'Mercedes', which would be Rolex. (Tudor has the 'Snowflake' symbol.) Would have to take a closer look, but I'd go with Rolex.
Would Mark Harmon Wear It Scale: Not that I think he's got anything against Rolex, but he's a hard Omega man. 3/10
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This watch is driving me crazy. Black on black with straight white hands, ticks at the 12, 3, 6 and 9 but dots for the rest of the numbers. Crown at the 3.
I could come up with 5 different watches that fit at least one of those criteria, but not one watch that fits all 5.
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
1) I love all of your answers to the steampunk questions but 2) while I understand what the sides are, and I've heard the term before, what exactly is "steampunk"
*cracks knuckles* MY TIME HAS COME! Get ready for a long post.
a genre of science fiction that has a historical setting and typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology.
a style of design and fashion that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction. “the essence of steampunk is homage to vintage fashion with a modern, sassy twist”
It’s a genre and fashion style under the idea of “what would have happened if steam power had gone further? Common traits include:
Copper wiring
Victorian fashion sensibilities (though I love making it more modern or 50s-esque dresses because that’s fun)
Awesome mechanics that tend to lean towards a mix of robotics and nature (hence a roomba that looks like a snail)
Technology that is far more advanced than what should be common or possible for the setting but done through the gear listed above
Personal augmentation with AMAZINGLY cool gear-mechanical prosthetics
Gondolas (for both land and sea)
Really cool air fliers and hoverboard tech
Smoky sepia scenery
Gold, brass, copper and silver decor
Unique and heavily styled circuitry
Alchemists and glowing alchemy aesthetic
Goggles, belts, buckles, straps, top hats, canes, bustles, corsets, boots, waistcoats, vests, pocket watches
Steam engines (cause duh)
World Fair where new and amazing inventions are shown off
Plague doctors with their big goggles
Common jobs people often talk about include: Horologists (clockmakers), mechanics, airship captains and their pirates, pilots, jewelers, alchemists, circus performers, factory workers, scholars, locomotive conductors, non-working nobility, servants, zookeepers, archaeologists, cartographers, explorers, adventurers, museum curators, candy makers, etc. 
Marry Shelly’s Frankenstein is considered a very early (if not the earliest) Steampunk story. 
Visual Examples of Steampunk worlds: 
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Examples of fashion: 
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Examples of Steampunk aesthetic in modern media: 
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire. This one is LITERALLY set in Victorian-esque times if the women’s fashion in the beginning of the movie is anything to go by, also the boiler on the steam engine he whacked.
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Treasure Planet is one of my personal favourite examples because it takes Steampunk which is usually set in Virtorian times and plunks it IN FUTURISTIC SPACE and it works SO well together..
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9. I freaking LOVE this movie ok. 
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Howl’s Moving Castle. It’s not entirely steampunk but his moving house sure is. 
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Sherlock Holmes (movie). Self-explanatory. 
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Hugo (movie and I believe the book is too?) 
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Mad Max:Fury Road. Some consider it Steampunk but others consider it more Dieselpunk (which is like Steampunk but more modern and with heavy post WWII machine aesthetics) but the Steampunk influence is definitely there.
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Time Machine. Again, obvious.
Modern Steampunk-based Awesomeness: 
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(Yes this is real, it’s in France and it walks!)
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 Steampunk music I happen to listen to: 
Clockwork Quartet - The Doctor’s Wife
A Steampunk Opera - New Albion (the steampunk opera is very good)
Abney Park - Herr Drosslemeyer’s Doll featuring the Clockwork Ballerina *cough*Virgil*cough*. 
Steam-Powered Giraffe - Automatonic Electronic Harmonics. They are a really fun band who makes goofy but enjoyable music and each character is a robot from a different time period (The silver one, “The Spine” is Dieselpunk,The gold one, ”The Jon”, is Art Deco, and “Bunny” is regular Steampunk and I die because her makeup is always so freaking amazing).
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goodnightwatch · 7 years
An Horological Psychologist’s Magnum Opus, or How a Lowly Graduate Student Amassed a World-Class Collection of Fine Timepieces.
By: Andrew Lawrence Smith
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Part 1
You might think it’s easy to collect watches, but I’ll have you know that even if you’re the richest person in the world, you simply cannot know what to buy and when and where and why to buy it until you have put in an insane amount of work. In some ways it really evens the playing field between the rich and the working class because it’s not about money, it’s about achieving a holistic collection that balances and harmonizes everything from wrist-time to occasion. Collecting is as much of an art as the watches themselves. Some people get lucky, sure, but then again some people win the lottery and if you’re reading this, that is not going to happen to you, probably ;).
Hi there. My name is Andrew and I am a 37 year old PhD student and Jungian Depth Psychology Consultant finishing a dissertation in Jungian & Archetypal Studies and Horology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Do they offer the horology part? No. I created that after being unable to separate my depth psychological research from wristwatches. This is what we deem a vocational call. When you spend hours observing the least and the greatest of watches under magnification to understand what “fine” means and when you press each watch against your ear to hear every tick and tone made by the watch, you’re just barely beginning to be on the path. My research discusses how timepieces, the wristwatch in particular, might function as a modern mandala, having a real connection to the unconscious archetypal Self, but that goes way beyond the scope of this essay. To understand some of the terms I use, you might need to dip into Jungian depth psychology, and for the most important definitions, they can be found here: http://www.psychceu.com/jung/sharplexicon.html
Many arrive at a collection that fits them by procuring countless timepieces and then throwing them back into the abyss in order to please their peers (fashion watches and status pieces) and have the experience that refines one’s taste, some of which I’ve done, but the serious collector will lie in wait like a dragon observing from atop a mountain of gold; the gold being serious knowledge, in the vein of attempting to acquire an horological and psychological philosophers’ stone. When all variables align—after months and years of reading and discussing and visiting boutiques and second-hand shops either brick-and-mortar or online—only then will one receive the full satisfaction of the perfect watch for them, the perfect complete set, and the perfect price to once again return to one’s perch fully satisfied with the catch/game of a lifetime. Needless to say I will not be discussing the auction world at all. Auctions are for rich people. Although the rich or super-rich should go through the process that I have gone through, they really don’t have to. Their loss. Then again, they hire guys like me to pick out their watches! This is a story for the ultra-conservative (no politics implied) watch collector. The metaphor of the miserly, yet punctilious dragon, represents the foundation of the composition of an horological psychologist. Horology is cool, psychology is cool, but I contend that it is only when the whole process of being an horologist is twinned with the knowledge and experience of depth psychology that one can truly enter into this deeper world of alchemical achievement, understanding, and appreciation.
Put another way, what I have found from studying wristwatches—as they relate to universal mandala symbols—is that the image of the timepiece, especially the wristwatch (in my own psyche) replaces every single religious symbol with a unified and integral symbol of the height of human consciousness and beyond. I’m more than just your average atheist, I am an horological psychologist who has integrated world mythologies into a knowledge and gnosis of being that connects the alchemically perfect timepiece and the supreme meaning of the individual and collective psyche; Jung’s notion of the archetype of the Self, the whole being of the individual. For more on that, you can hold out for my completed dissertation, and in the meantime read C.G. Jung’s “Memories Dreams Reflections.”
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The image above was taken by me and is from C.G. Jung’s “The Red Book: Liber Novus.” It is one of many mandala images that Jung created to symbolize the whole Self archetype. A perfect watch on the wrist does not fall short of the feelings evoked through this depiction of presentiating origin: becoming fully integrated into the purest harmony of consciousness.
Part 2
It was by accident, or rather synchronicity, that on the 28th of June, 2012 I found myself attracted to a cheap, skeletonized mechanical wristwatch that was glaringly out of place amid items I was perusing to fill a few needs for my San Francisco apartment. I had been studying Nikola Tesla in depth and was possessed by the genius of his inventions and notions of free electricity. I thought that using/wearing a watch, which would need no battery replacement, was/is an ecologically responsible and very cool thing to do. At $120, it seemed expensive, but I was overcome by a strange feeling of passion and curiosity in the name of the great Tesla (best human who ever lived) and so I ordered it. Full disclosure, I sweat bullets on the MUNI back then thinking someone would mug me for that watch. Now I ride the bus with a Rolex hanging out like IDGAF x). But I digress.
Upon removing the watch from its box for the first time after it arrived at my door, little did I know that I would from that day forward never go another day without enjoying a mechanical watch on my wrist. Case and point, at this very moment I am wearing my Breguet 5327. Thus commenced hours upon days of winding, listening, and viewing the watch under magnification so that I could figure out how everything worked. It might’ve been a poor excuse for a watch, but I could not stop staring at all of the moving parts, which had me mesmerized as if I was flying through the clockwork at the train station in the film Hugo.
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Even in this bottom-of-the-barrel movement that had been manufactured in a place with vastly lower standards than Switzerland, I could see motion and beauty that had/has me transfixed on a level that was/is far greater than any basic aesthetic, technical, or functional appeal. I purchased a few loupes—5x, 10x, and 30x—to get a closer look. Since I still have this watch, I do not have to imagine what it feels like to dive into the minute details of every stationary and moving part. I can gaze upon, and through, the synthetic rubies right now and see a universe of possibility in an instrument that is only meant to tell us where the sun in the sky might be at any given moment so that we will know when to perform certain socially agreed upon human rituals. That said, with each of my watches I often engage in Active Imagination (a Jungian method by which one re-members or discovers knowledge sourced from the collective unconscious) and the imaginal entities that animate in my own mind, inspired by the wristwatch, tell endless, fascinating stories.
Two years after encountering that initiatory watch, owning cheap mechanical watches of various designs and complications (my experience of horology exposure 101), I finally took the plunge and bought my first fine timepiece. Now to be fair, I must mention that I spent a lot of time during those years defending my cheap watches as if owning something that costs more than a few hundred dollars US would never be necessary, like some poor souls still do, but eventually I grew up and made the sacrifices necessary to possess something serious. You need a thick skin in the watch world in order to interface with other Modern Day Watch Enthusiasts who are worth talking to. Surviving your own ignorance to become horologically knowledgeable is a noble and brutal journey through the underworld. And as Jung would have it, emerging from this underworld is simply another stage of individuation; an expansion of consciousness improving the abilities and life of the individual.
My first fine watch was the Omega Speedmaster Professional ref. 3577.50 “from the Moon to Mars” purchased on the 2nd of January in 2014. Obsessed with Elon Musk’s dream to travel to and terraform Mars, as a byproduct of being equally obsessed with Nikola Tesla, this was a watch that not only met all of my horological desires but also instantly possessed a multiverse of meaning for me. I imagined that one day I would take this watch with me on a public transport to the Red Planet. Elon wants to die on Mars, and quite frankly, so do I. To me this watch was so expensive (for me at the time) and so perfect that there would never be a reason to own anything else. Again, little did I know that I would be very wrong about that. Enter the “Coke.”
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The Rolex GMT-Master II 16710 Coke began to burrow into my mind as I continued to scour the internet for the best deals on fine watches of all kinds. Every single day I was on eBay, Chrono24, watchestobuy, watchuwant, Crown & Caliber, Jomashop, The RealReal… You name it, if the site was selling fine watches, I was keeping tabs. Apologies to anyone I missed. By this time I was reading magazines, blogs, and watching all sorts of videos that were giving me a fairly exhaustive exposure to what was out there and who was buying/selling certain kinds of timepieces in certain categorical brackets. My aim was/is to understand watches on a deep psychological level as they affect the experiences of others and of course my own Self. Not just to be a numbers guy who can flash the timepiecs but say almost nothing meaningful about them. I must confess that it is important to know that, in regards to my personality type (INFP), I operate heavily by listening to my own intuition, and I could not shake this watch; just as I could not shake the Mars. There was more than just the analysis and process of elimination, it was something like a powerfully religious magnetism. The Coke was coming to me in my dreams. I have the dream journal to prove it! However, that’s in my dissertation. On a number of occasions I placed offers on a Coke, but came up with nothing because either a) the seller was shady, or b) I just couldn’t get the price or set where I wanted it. Dealing with watch sellers can be tricky, unlike being face to face with your local AD, so it’s important to be patient and cautious; to not be so excited about that exact watch you’re hunting that you get taken for a ride.
Then finally the day came when I saw a great deal for a clearly authentic Coke (gotta have that paperwork) in amazing condition and I made an offer that stuck. Again, I thought I was going to be done forever. That this was the collection of a lifetime. I had unique Speedmaster that almost no one else had and I had a Coke, which is a highly respected and desired timepiece across the globe. I chose the GMT because I could use it to track 3 time zones more efficiently than on any other timepiece, including world timers, and this came in very handy with all of the traveling and international communicating that I do. Not to mention, the whole design of the watch and color scheme is unusually attractive and versatile (still my favorite Rolex, aside from material objections), but I had not ever seen one in the metal. On a flight home from Cyprus I ran into a guy who was wearing one. I asked him if I could see it and of course he obliged. I have pictures to prove it (see below). I was wearing my Moon to Mars and just knew that the Coke would complete the circle for me. The one thing that I did not really take into account until my own Coke arrived was the size, which didn't register on that agonizing flight back to the US from Cyprus, where I had attended an amazing conference on Time and the Psyche. The conference was a magical experience, but I do not recommend that anyone fly a cumulative 44 hours just to have 5 days on the ground, no matter where you are going.
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I ordered my 16710 from 1989 at a great price in pristine condition with papers and when it came, I was bewildered. It seemed so small! Was it actually fake? Did I get bamboozled? Impossible. All of this time I had been looking at huge blown up pictures of the watch and assumed it had the same presence as a Submariner, but there it was, 100% authentic and smaller than I expected. I wanted that Submariner-style crown, big and chunky, but after a while the size of the 16710 crown began to make sense and the tasteful nature of this specific piece became clearer from one day to the next.
I spent so much time examining this Coke, to make sure that it I hadn’t made a mistake, that synchronistically every aspect of its charm became powerfully apparent and intoxicating beyond belief. I had been wearing obnoxiously large watches with Chinese tourbillons that dwarfed even my Speedmaster and now finally the curse was lifting. I saw the light. Praise the gods! Certain watches worked for certain wrist sizes and certain moments in life. Wearing a watch that is too big for you is simply childish and lacking in discipline and taste, just like believing that there is a god that is literally real. This Rolex functioned as training wheels for wearing watches that actually fit properly and looked correct for my physical build and personality type. I remember thinking that the bracelet was too narrow and that the case of the watch only covered the surface area of my wrist, which made it feel like there wasn’t enough watch there, but in reality it was a match made in mythological, alchemical heaven. To this day I still think that the textural design and character of that vintage Oyster bracelet is better than the new 904L iteration and that the 116710 is right on the line of just barely being not too big. Unless you’re deliberately trying to be a clown, a dinner plate on the wrist is no bueno.
In all of my idealism, I thought that the Coke and the Mars were going to be my life companions, but alas we never really do finish growing and developing. Especially when we finally meet that special someone! Enter the Kwan.
Part 3
It was my great fortune to synchronistically meet (a story for another time), date, and ultimately marry my wife, the magnificent Jane Kwan, who for better or for worse has supported me through this transformational journey that is watch collecting. She was kind enough to be fascinated at first, and is now at least tolerant, but when I began to show her how you could actually store value or even potentially make a little money with the acquisition and sale of certain timepieces, she started to pay attention. Chinese people, like those of my Jewish heritage, love a reliable investment opportunity. I made it my goal to abandon hunting “good deals” on a wide range of watches and began hunting the exact watches that I would personally want to own and wear (not just stick in a vault), but only if the price was extraordinary or unusually fair. The Internet has made this relatively easy, if you’re willing to put in the time, and so I scoured the entire visible market for what I felt would be the perfect watch. Long story short, I discovered and then began to obsess over and follow/hunt the Patek Philippe Calatrava 5153G-001. Believe me when I tell you that I have written many pages about why this watch is, to me, the perfect dress watch, if not the perfect watch all around, aside from not being as durable as a Rolex, but again I digress. To be honest, this watch was my holy grail (a subject that I have expounded upon in other places as possibly the single most abused horology term aside from “in-house”) and I thought that I would never get to see it in my lifetime.
One day I found the Calatrava for sale online at a price that was unbelievable. My wife is almost painfully patient, and so we watched the piece sit on the website for nearly a month, while I nearly fell apart with anxiety waiting for her to make a choice. In the end, her instincts were right because the price continued to go down. But I really could not comprehend why no one was buying it. When we made the phone call to see about a best offer, we were able to take the price down even lower and so acquired the watch well below value thanks to my wife’s belief and investment in me, your humble watch hunter. Blasting into the side of this mountain precipitated a landslide to follow.
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Not long after that my wife wanted something that she could wear every day. I had been hunting the Rolex Datejust 116234 with black dial, because it is my favorite iteration of the DJ and was able to find that watch well below value also. I thought it might be a bit large for her, but when it arrived it was a perfect fit at 36mm. While the watch is very cool, and occasionally I’ll sneak it away from her to wear it for a little while, it doesn’t make the cut for a perfect collection for me. I needed my watch collection to devour the catalogue of essential horological functions and representations.
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However, I was jealous of the almost white-gold looking oyster bracelet and thus I faced a dilemma. The call to adventure was back! I realized that I could own both my Mars and Coke or I could sell them and own the singular Rolex GMT-Master II 116710 BLNR as basically an even trade (at the time), a watch that I still think is slightly less appealing aesthetically than the Coke as it at that time pertained to my personality, but possesses the ultimate in materials ever released from Rolex. I needed some time to think about this. Rolex’s alchemy game had become massively stronger than where it was in 1989. A few weeks later, in Honolulu, I was flipping through one of the tour books and when I turned it over to look at the back, there it was: the BLNR. Synchronicity, as usual, was determined to prevail. Now, I know that this watch is heavily advertised, possibly more than Tag or Hublot if that’s possible, but at that moment I felt like I was looking at a picture of a long-lost friend. The time had come to pull the trigger. I had spent several lovely days swimming in the ocean with my Coke, and now it was time to let it go.
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The beach I frequented during my stay in Honolulu. Anyone who has been there knows where it is ;).
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A shot of my Coke in Honolulu on the way to get some Spam Musubi!
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The rosary bracelt pictured here was acquired in Cyprus, gifted to me by the great Angeliki Yiassemides (author of “Time & Timelessness”), not long before I managed to acquire my Coke. The meaning is strong in this image…
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The book in the hotel room demanding that I trade up.
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Horology boutiques... Always calling me…
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Impossible to find one with black dial in a boutique, I spent some time admiring this beauty in white before that time came when my wife made a dream become reality.
With a heavy heart, I managed to part with my first fine watch and my first Rolex, selling them for fair market prices. Finding the BLNR for a steal is basically impossible, especially if you’re looking to buy within a relatively tight timeframe (aiming to acquire the watch mere months before moving to Copenhagen), so I found the best deal I could with a complete set and as planned basically traded about the same amount of money for those two watches to buy the one BLNR. This was good enough for me and my wife because it is still holding around the same value I invested and I basically had the experience of buying a brand new Rolex with a complete set minus stepping foot inside of an Authorized Dealer, an experience that is not at all important to a watch hunter like me; at least not at this time of life, but maybe later when I have established myself and I can afford that level of treat.
I honestly thought that I wouldn’t be as happy with the BLNR, as with the Coke, because black and red is so much more “me” along with other reasons and qualities (yadda yadda yadda, as Jane is fond of saying), but when it came I was filled with excitement. I opened the box and there it was: my long-lost friend whom I had been missing for the gods know how long. Most call it the Batman, I knew immediately that this was to be my R2D2. It doesn't matter that so many others own it or that the adverts were drilling into my brain. Consolidating to this watch was possibly the best horological decision I’ve ever made because although there was still a lingering color objection, I suddenly had a monstrously better watch to wear every day that met every single other checkpoint I felt one could demand from a daily-wear: 1. 904L steel, which really does feel like wearing white gold, but not quite as heavy a. Something that can take the hits and scratches and will withstand polishing dramatically better 2. White gold hands and indices, which contrast perfectly against the black dial 3. Blindingly bright blue lume, which my wife prefers to her green lume and makes it easy to tell the time under any circumstances aside from maybe actual blindness 4. The blued Breguet overcoil hairspring in the tried and true 3186 movement, something I don't even need to see to appreciate 5. The 5mm comfort link, which is a huge design leap forward compared to the oversized and floppy comfort extension on the original Oyster bracelet 6. GMT aligned clicks, which didn’t really ever seem to line up perfectly with the 16710 7. And most important of all, the very first two-color Cerachrom bezel, completing, to me, the most wearable, useful, and legible timepiece ever made 8. When you consider that this watch not only embodies everything you’d want and nothing you don’t, it’s easy to excuse the blue and simply hope for the red to come through someday 9. Finally, in review, this watch contains the best of every Rolex white metal: 904L steel, white gold, and platinum. As such, it is an alchemical masterpiece; and it has that chunky Submariner-style Triplock crown! Now I like both crowns for different reasons.
People have been calling it the Batman, and I get that. I’m a huge Batman fan and wouldn’t try to change the moniker even if I could, but for me it is the R2D2 riding along with me as I pilot this time machine we call a human body. My consciousness is the Luke inside of this Incom T-65 X-wing Starfighter and my 116710 R2D2 is the choice navigator, always down to take a beating for the rebellion ;).
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So now I had a BLNR and a Calatrava shared with my wife (plus her 116234 to enjoy when she isn’t wearing it), completing two out of four watches of a complete set that I call “a holy quaternity.” What more could a man ever hope for? Would I really ever need to break a sweat over more than these two watches to complete the ultimate collection? I even had access to my favorite Datejust when my wife wasn’t wearing it, even though it does not fit the bill for my personal living symbol of wholeness of Self. My little wrist R2D2 and our white gold Darth Vader seemed like a complete set all by themselves. And yet, there was more to come, and rightly so!
My wife and I moved to Copenhagen so that she could attend DTU to earn her MA in Architecture. Being the unreasonably lucky guy that I am, I got to tag along and spend my days exploring one of the coolest (and happiest) cities in the world whilst writing my dissertation on psychology and horology. Several months in, after spending day after day chatting with awesome folks on MDWE, a gentleman put a Speedmaster “Legendary Moon Watch” ref. 311. complete set in basically new condition up for sale. A discussion about how this boilerplate design was so perfect it’s boring was going around and so at first I wasn’t too keen on the watch. I remembered my Mars and thought that the original Moon Watch was too plain and too common. However, the more I looked at it the more I realized what it had to offer. So many guys were/are going in for that vintage chronograph with the running seconds and 30 minute register without the hour register, which is a great and classic and traditional watch concept/discipline, but I need the hours! Even if it challenges aesthetics and purity. Honestly, purity has never really been my thing ;). Authenticity is a whole other kettle of fish! So then what I realized was, this was not going to be a watch that I spent time looking at during the day. This was a Good Night Watch that needed/needs to be useful in the dark. What better watch for darkness and time writing/recording/chrono-scoping than a boilerplate Speedmaster?!
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The price was fair and I could certainly get most if not all of my money back if I needed to sell it, so I figured, why not experience the moon watch as a complete package in all of its boring glory. Sure, it’s no Moon to Mars and the literature won’t come in Japanese with a dedication to one of the world’s greatest artists, Leiji Matsumoto, but it would still be qualified by NASA for space missions and there were lots of other very cool accessories that would be fun to explore. Not to mention the history, which I must say ought to be valued well above just one spectacular artist. I pulled the trigger and the watch and its enormous packaging were at my Danish door within a few days. Upon opening the display box, a feeling came over me that I did not expect. The watch was/is so much nicer than the Moon to Mars, so much more sober and less cartoonish (not really an insult, actually accurate), and it instantly felt like it belonged on my wrist and that it would blend in like some kind of chameleon-like symbiotic creature. Almost instantly I finally knew what this watch was for.
While the Speedmaster had been and is still being used for outer space missions, I would be and am using this watch for INNER space missions. I sized the bracelet, which was a joy because it came/comes with screw end-caps rather than the basic link pins, placed the watch on my wrist and then started the chronograph right before going to sleep. When I woke up in the middle of the night to journal my dreams, I knew almost exactly how long I had been asleep, which really helped me to prioritize my time so that I wouldn’t wake up so much that I wouldn’t be able to return to slumberland. After finishing my journaling, I started the chronograph again, went back to sleep, and when I woke up I could see that I had gotten the eight-ish hours I needed to be rested enough for the day. I’m sure some of you go through the process of sleeping for eight hours without even thinking about it, but my dream life is so active that it is easy for me to lose track of how long I’ve been asleep, so this watch became an instantly useful tool that I can’t live without, just like the BLNR. And because it’s manually wound, I don’t have to stress out the winding train of an automatic chronograph; plus I have the pleasure of winding a watch every morning as the third thing I do after photographing the dial and resetting the chronograph. What a sweet ritual for a watch enthusiast!
My collection was complete. Right? I had my R2D2, which would go with me everywhere during the day, and I had my Good NIght Watch, which would track my sleep intervals and follow me into my dreams. And when it came time to celebrate something special, the Darth Vader (Calatrava) would take its place on my wrist under a cuff. Who could ask for anything more? There was only one slight problem. A large part of my journey after receiving that first mechanical wristwatch was exploring RGM in depth, which led me to Breguet. While I wasn’t sold on the idea of spending big money for a tourbillon since the science shows that it essentially has no real effect on accuracy, there was an element to watchmaking that I had fallen in love with before I even considered owning a fine watch of my own: guilloché.
RGM makes a killer tourbillon (reminiscent of a Speake Marin/Hamilton hybrid), let’s not mince words, only paralleled by the likes of Breguet, Patek Philippe, and Greubel Forsey (honorable mentions, Louis Moinet and Jaeger-LeCoultre - that one’s for Tim Mosso), and does some outstanding guilloché work with their own rose machine/lathe in Lancaster, PA. However, if you’re going to really tighten the restraints on a collection that is meant to be perfect (a true holy quaternity), there’s really no other choice than to go with the godfather of the practice: Breguet; arguably the most important historical figure/alchemist in watchmaking, and the inventor of many components that even the so-called “holy trinity” (lame designation, because Christianity is for people who don’t want to read more books—funny/not funny) still benefit from today. Hence I controversially argue that Breguet completes the holy quaternity and in many ways is still on top of PP, VC, and AP as the senex manufacturer (Harlan MDWE, bless his heart, will of course agree–love you, mean it). By this time I had visited so many boutiques, Tourbillon SF being one of my favorites, that I was saturated with the knowledge of what Breguet and other top-end (not just high-end) watch companies had to offer. Out from behind the stormy clouds of tourbillons and Jacquet Droz and Blancpain and A. Lange & Sohne and De Bethune and Ulysse Nardin came a piece that on any other day I would’ve ignored.
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The Calatrava that was/is already in our possession does in fact have a guilloché black sunburst dial, but I wanted something that had/has/emanates the vibrant, timeless energy of 18th century watchmaking tradition, radiating from its finely crafted alchemical masterpiece of a dial and case. I had the opportunity to experience the skeletonized Breguet perpetual calendar tourbillon, but there was something missing even with that watch. Again, size and money are meaningless and relative. It was when I finally had a chance to take a close look at the 5327 that I saw that in any class for any money, this watch had/has it all. It has one of the most extraordinary complications ever invented, the perpetual calendar. It has moon phase, which is hugely important in psychology as a principle of divine consciousness. It has power reserve, which is arguably unnecessary on an automatic watch, but with the layout of the power reserve, moon phase, and date register at six o’clock, the 5327 pays perfect homage to the notorious automatic (perpétuelle) quarter-repeating watch with dumb (à toc) repeater from the late 18th century. This was/is the Breguet to own! Sitting in an office piled with books, including volumes about Breguet and the lovely publication that was created for The Legion of Honor in San Francisco, when they had their Breguet exhibition and lectures, I found myself having a full experience of awakening to the truth of yet another wristwatch. Except this time it was THE ONE. The only... This time, without a doubt, it was THE watch to end all watches, for me. I had done the work. I had read the books, scoured the Internet, been to the boutiques, met or at least studied the people, and in the end the Breguet Perpetual Calendar Classique 5327 presented itself as the answer I was looking for from both the multiverses of horology and psychology: all of the craftsmanship, all of the technology, all of the meaning, and all of the enjoyment from wearing one could ever ask for. Period, paragraph, life mission accomplished. Except, I didn't have the money x). That solution, which came later, was the real blessing.
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Before I get into that, on a more somber note, I would like to mention that compared to Breguet’s latest QP, the ref. 5447, Breguet made an unfortunate design decision that is not in keeping with the more traditional layout. Maybe it’s great for marketing, but it does two things: departs from the classique tradition in a way that is unbearably modern, and treads dangerously toward cheapening the name of A.L. Breguet. Swapping power reserve for retrograde month was a particularly unfortunate decision, almost as undesirable as the choice to switch the angle of the moon phase to a less interesting and, I would contend, invasive vertical position. While that dial might be slightly more efficient in terms of the flow of reference and legibility, it is far from an upgrade and has lost that original 18th century charm. I’d wager that Breguet himself might agree. As such, this specific reference, the 5327, continues to wear the crown (pun intended) as what I feel is the greatest Breguet QP wristwatch ever made. That being said, I have dubbed the watch my Holy Grail, together with the Speedmaster, the GMT, and the Calatrava, this completes my personal Holy Quaternity. However, there is always a “fifth element,” intentionally playing on a reference to the film of the same name from 1997. That fifth element (the eternal energy of love and passion) to me is the transcendent holy grail, which is a watch that is so extraordinary and so perfect for the individual that it doesn’t even exist yet. The super rich uber-collectors will know what I’m talking about: a subscription piece that perhaps one’s preferred watchmaker doesn’t even know how to make. For me, in all seriousness, this would be the currently imaginary and absurd Greubel Forsey Quantième Perpétuel Chronograph Grande Sonnerie in a 41mm platinum case. Although, I’d take a GF chronograph, as long as it’s hand-wound. Could it ever possibly get any better than that? I seriously doubt it. At least for an individual like myself.
And so recently I found this perfect Breguet at a ridiculously low price. I mean a price that normally only dealers get from other dealers. This watch needed to be procured. My wife was not about to invest another substantial sum into a wristwatch since she felt that she had already diversified in that direction far enough with the Patek. And so she suggested that I ask my father if he would be interested in making the investment. After lengthy explanations over email and handling some obvious objections that a non-horology scholar might have, he generously agreed to help me make the investment to both aid in my research and hold value that only presents itself once in a lifetime. Due to this generosity and collective cooperation, it is my privilege and responsibility to care for this Breguet as the final piece to my horological individuation puzzle. The mandalas to complete the supreme mandala of the current manifestation of my own archetypal Self have been assembled like Voltron. And now that the collection is complete, my mission is to take exhaustive photographs, engage in active imagination (alchemical hermeneutics) with each piece and the whole collection for my research, and to cook it all down in the vas alembic of consciousness to create my very own horological opus.
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Here’s an example of what enters my imagination when I engage in reverie (Active Imagination or Alchemical Hermeneutics) around one of the watches (often including its literature), offering a lingering (reverie) around or daydreaming into the Breguet dial: The guilloché pattern for the power reserve looks like the waves of the sea or the ocean. I am reminded of the image of the solar barge in Liber Novus p. 55. Aptly placed, it is above the other complications, next to the moon phase, which is obscured by a hand carved cloud pattern: the essence of the imagination. So the heavens and the waters, forged in fire and carved into earth or metal. The pattern in the date register is that of a waterfall or descending cliffs, reaching down into the underworld. All of these being supported by the primary dial hand carved rose lathe or rose machined pyramids (clou de paris). The pyramids or sacred geometry of transcendent consciousness. Within the big mandala that is the watch dial are 5 smaller mandalas: the moon phase, which embodies our human-centric lunar story and mythology; the leap year, which makes it possible for me to see the accurate date for the rest of my life without adjusting the timepiece; the month, a centered indicator of the positions of the gods; the day, a de-centered indicator of the positions of other gods; and finally, the date, a concept invented by people who want to control time and other people, to no avail one hopes. Might be best to simply let go of that craving for control, let people be peaceful unto themselves and allow time to flow with the Force of Nature. A dream within a dream... The watch does have Breguet’s signature coin edge or fluted sides, so the watch is to be treated as a sort of super sacred coin. This coinage or coin edge appears to be symbolic of the archetypal pillar: the pillars that held Samson, the pillars of Rome, and the pillars of current modern civilization. However, even after this current human experiment is dust and rubble, the pillars of time will stand as strong as they always have and it will never have mattered that humans were a part of it. A testament from the Antikythera mechanism.
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It is possible that I may actually have to sell the Breguet after I am finished with my research sometime next year, unless by some miracle I make enough money to completely own the whole thing by myself, but that is not important because all that matters is that for a time in my life I had, in my possession, a perfect collection. The Holy Quaternity! “For a few minutes, they were mine. That is enough.” https://youtu.be/c9O1VVeMzhc Charade (8/10) Movie CLIP - The Most Valuable Stamp (1963) HD.
It doesn’t matter how it got there and it doesn’t matter if I don’t get to keep it. What matters is that, since we can’t take any of this with us to the grave anyway, I have the priceless gift of the experience. This was a group effort. My sacrifices and investment were/are largely those of time, obsessive research, and unearthing opportunities, which in reality is just as valuable as the money others allowed me to use to assemble this project. From the depths of passion, love, and family, I have been made individuated and whole, for now. Through psychology and horology I have healed myself in ways most people cannot imagine and have had the great fortune to inspire others. Countering the cruel trick of the perpetual calendar complication (never being able to live long enough to see it need an adjustment), I am filled with gratitude for what I have had the privilege to do with the time I have been given. Through bringing all of these elements together, I have found true happiness and may for a time be with this imperfect, perfect collection to remind myself of the cost involved in striving to create something truly special: a genuine opus, if not magnum opus. No one can do it alone. We require relationships to individuate, as Jung said, and at the ripe age of 37, I know that my watch collection and my Self are at last in harmony.
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Watch collecting is not just some silly thing men do with their extra money, nor is it about amassing a monstrous volume of different examples for the sake of becoming your own museum. Watch collecting is as much an art as is watchmaking itself or the creation of any sculpture or painting. It requires focus, dedication, precision of craft, and most of all it requires a determination to produce the best possible result from the knowledge that has been gained and the resources—people or otherwise—that have been procured.
I am continuing to work on my dissertation on psychology and horology while figuring out where I want to focus my career from here on out. It seems like Tesla, Inc. is the most logical choice, so we’ll see if they or a watch boutique will have me. As far as this collection goes, what I know is that I will always have my R2D2 because it is the one watch that I can’t live without that can go anywhere: land, sea, air, and space. Depending on what the future holds for me career-wise, I might have to live without the Speedmaster and just use a beater chrono until I rebuild my value strength, since it takes quite a bit more to hold a collection like this all on one’s own. The Calatrava will be here because it is my wife’s investment and my privilege to enjoy as part of our partnership. However, it is worth bearing in mind that none of these things are permanent and that any amount of time being in ownership of the completed holy quaternity set is ultimately more than enough of an accomplishment no matter how long you keep it together. It takes a lot of work to learn about all of these manufacturers and iterations and value propositions. It’s even harder to get clear which ones matter to you on a profound level to the point that you would choose four and exclude all others; especially when considering that owning these watches is a choice that was made at the exclusion of any other products, such as cars, houses, hoarding currency, and any other type of man-made creation. And then to have them all just sort of casually ticking away on your desk is a luxury that very few people will ever know/experience. For that I cannot thank the people who believed/believe in me enough. I am lucky, I am grateful, I have my wife and family to thank for everything, in addition to other friends and enthusiasts who were willing to engage my passion, and I hope that what I have learned and my story will be something that is paying my fortune forward: giving back to the collective community of folks who simply wish to be their best selves; to be good citizens, as Plato might’ve imagined it.
In review and in final conclusion, this is an imperfect watch collection that to me is perfect, in my estimation from the research I’ve done and the experiences that I have had:
It is my personal gnosis, based on my research in depth psychology and horology, that there are two kinds of quaternities (not trinities, because a trinity is really just an incomplete system, lacking the feminine principle, among other things) in the horological universe: 1. The top four watchmakers in the Swiss watchmaking industry a. Breguet b. Patek Philippe c. Vacheron Constantin d. Audemars Piguet 2. The top four timepieces in an individual collection a. The Good Night Watch i. A chronograph worn to bed to time sleep intervals ii. An instrument that centers one’s being between sleeping and waking b. The R2D2 i. The most essential and sturdy of all of the timepieces ii. A trusty companion for all of life’s terrains c. The Darth Vader i. The finest example of elegant simplicity with a touch of violence ii. A watch that possesses a seemingly invisible and powerful Force d. The Holy Grail i. The watch you will wear on your deathbed that will outlast you ii. The QP is a cruel trick because it offers a feature that you will never live to enjoy: not having to adjust the watch for over 150 years. iii. A watch that satisfies one from ever wanting to buy anything better, for now ;).
Quick note: I’ve mythologized part of this collection with Star Wars metaphors because that is the best story I grew up with: the futuristic mythological vision of Joseph Campbell only barely understood by George Lucas (as is evident in his prequel trilogy), based on his seminal “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” One could easily substitute other similar archetypes for the designations that I have commandeered. Whatever gets you there. It’s all imaginal, but inarguably objective in terms of the archetypes.
As for the selected manufacturers, my opinion here is highly controversial. Breguet should be at the top, Swatch or no Swatch, because Breguet is the Grandfather of all of these other innovators. A Breguet watch lacks nothing in quality and discovery that these other companies are engaged in and in fact, in addition to the legacy/pedigree/history of invention, Breguet is still making timepieces that exceed the expectations of any connoisseur. Every little detail is given the utmost care and contemplation. This does not, of course, take into account watchmaking in other regions. Germany, A. Lange & Sohne in particular, is making watches that appear to be exceeding even the Swiss standards of excellence. This also does not take into account even conceivably more exciting independent watchmakers and inventors like Greubel Forsey, Roger W. Smith, nor even the late George Daniels.
Final thoughts, for now:
There’s a point at which, once you’ve hunted your favorite watch for it’s best price, you stop thinking about what the watch is worth and you begin to think more in terms of what the watch is. For example, I could stand outside in shorts and a t-shirt sipping a beer while admiring a watch that retailed once for $65-70k, but what I’m really thinking about is, 1. how does it fit my wrist? 2. how long will it last? 3. when will it need service? 4. how legible is this dial really? 5. do I like the weight and the fit of the band (strap or bracelet)? 6. could this have been designed better in terms of how it handles a diverse set of lighting situations? 7. was this really the right choice for the lug length? Cheers, Marc Goldberg ;). 8. could the moon phase have been tooled to be more accurate. 9. why isn’t the power reserve exact? 10. Are there any flaws in the guilloché? I’m looking at you, FPJ! 11. Why did they design the clasp like this as opposed to the Patek clasp method? 12. And sure, this dial is amazing with all of the guilloche patterns, but I can’t really see them without magnification because a) I’m getting old and my eyesight isn’t what it used to be and b) the beauty and contrast is only apparent under certain lighting, which makes the dial look washed out at all other times; not nearly as aesthetically pleasing as the Patek, which always looks good even when its sunburst guilloché pattern disappears into the black. 13. However, the most important question of all is four-fold: a. what did/does this watch and the work mean to the watchmaker? b. what did/does this watch mean to the manufacturer? c. what did/does this watch mean to the boutique collective? d. and what does this watch mean to the consumer in every sense: aesthetically, spiritually, historically, and depth psychologically?  
What’s next?
There are many watches that I still find attractive and many watches to come from the various great houses that might cause me to fall in love with one watch more than another, but to be honest I seriously doubt it. I mean, the only watch I want more than my BLNR in its category is a Coke version. The only watch I want more than my Speedmaster in its category is another Speedmaster of far rarer origin and pedigree, a vintage example maybe or who knows. As far as the Patek and Breguet are concerned, there are no better iterations of those watches and there never will be. Finally, for the ultimate grail watch, I believe that it has to be something so amazing that it doesn’t even exist yet. It has to be a dream or a fantasy that one chases and pines over until one’s heart is so broken that one cannot even leave the house without wishing it was either already on the wrist or to finally acquire the watch. As mentioned before, for me, that would be a Greubel Forsey QP chrono with moon phase and grand sonnerie; or yeah, I’ll simply take a GF chronograph, because that is what would replace the super boring yet perfect Speedmaster. Yes, the only thing that will replace the Speedmaster for me is the currently non-existent, fantasy hand-wound Greubel Forsey Chronograph. Sadly, as far as I know, it’s just not going to happen and that hurts me deeply. I want, after I’ve amassed an impossible amount of wealth near the end of my life, well beyond having had the opportunity to help others, to fund what I believe to be the greatest wristwatch ever made and while I may not be the man to do it, it is the fact that I want this for the whole of humanity and my Self that I put this energy out into the world and wish it will happen to someone someday. What you buy is a vote. When you make a purchase, it casts a ballot. I vote for fine horology all day every day. Everything else is an accessory to horology and life, even psychology and fancy electric cars, in spite of my obsession with Tesla’s inventions and values.
The argument could be made that this is not a perfect watch collection because not all complications are represented. For example, I do not have a minute repeater, much less a grande sonnerie. To that I say, I’m not dead yet. At this time of life I can still see (you know, literally, with my physical eyes) and there is this amazing thing, lume, you’ve heard of it, that makes it possible for me to tell the time in the blackest of darkness, so sure, I would love to own a chiming watch, but they’re not only way out of reach, but I don’t have any real use for them in the same way that there is value and use for the watches that I have selected (see what is of value and of use in Liber Novus). Will I ever own a QP chrono minute repeater grande sonnerie, with all of the bells and whistles like power reserve, moon phase, and sunrise sunset and equation of time someday? I certainly hope so!
P.S. Synchronistically, after finishing this essay, I went downstairs and found this puzzle to solve for my horological and mildly intellectual enjoyment :).
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Okay, I swear this is it:
Some might ask, “so then what are your values, exactly, spending all of that time, and yours and other people's’ money, on wristwatches?” Don’t you have a job, a house, kids, a car, money, etc.? The answer is this: 1. I’m courting the job that I want to do until my heart stops: Tesla, a watch boutique, or something like that. 2. Having a house is not important to me, but maybe someday we’ll have one. Until then, my time and value will always be dedicated to horology in some way/shape/form. 3. Kids are just more people. People die. Watches are forever. 4. Cars are for suckers, unless you own a Tesla or a really sweet mechanical car, as is essentially the same case with watches. I ride a bike, and not a nice one, a cheap one, because I’d rather spend the money on timepieces.   5. I’d rather have the watch of my dreams than any amount of money. Money is just an imaginary number. The right watch is an instant and immortal best friend. a. To further make this case, look at the gentlemen at auction who are spending more more money with reckless abandon to own the perfect watch for them. Money is essentially meaningless outside of holding value to acquire goods and services. A watch is a deeply psychological and spiritual enterprise for those who really get it, and so it makes sense that one would spend it all to acquire the ultimate alchemical composition that bridges one’s “I” with the Self archetype—via an horological mandala—through the chain of watchmaker, to manufacturer, to dealer, to owner; or as Patek Philippe would have it, caretaker.
Thank you for reading.
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The super sacred Holy Quaternity in all of its gorgeous horolgical glory!
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Top 10 Watches for Successful Men That You Can Actually Buy!
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Every successful man needs a stylish, elegant, and classy watch to match. But that doesn't mean you have to go bust the bank and purchase a watch that shares the price of a new car! Out there exists an incredibly wide array of stylish and functional watches that will definitely make you stand out in your next business meeting. And in this article, we will take a look at (10) of them.
1. TAG Heuer WAZ1110.FT8023 Formula 1
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(Image source) This is a brilliant timepiece that was clearly inspired by a Formula 1 car. The colors used in the design were based on common colors that Formula 1 cars have, such as the racing red which can be seen on the Heuer logo on the brilliantly designed dial. The majority of the watch is in a deep, jet-black color, with white, red and green details, making this a watch that will perfectly match your best black suit. The watch runs on a Swiss quartz movement that is known for its prestige and incredibly accurate timekeeping capabilities. While the unidirectional bezel adds a touch functionality and a lot of style to the watch's design. This timepiece from TAG Heuer is the perfect companion for a man who wants a sleek, classy look without being too formal; a look that will definitely stand out at your next lunch meeting. Further reading: Ultimate Guide to the TAG Heuer Formula 1
2. Omega Seamaster
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(Image source) Even for those new to the world of horology, the Omega brand almost needs no introduction. It has been a trusted sponsor for major sports events around the world, due to the incredible timekeeping ability that their watches are known for. This Seamaster model is one that screams success. The subtle details on the dial complement the simplicity of the stainless steel case and bracelet perfectly. The Seamaster comes in a beautiful silver-colored stainless steel case, that both complements and harmonizes with the black dial with white details in a way that not a lot of other brands can match. This watch would look great with a three-piece black suit, while also being flexible enough to be worn with casual business wear that's worn almost every day. The flexibility, functionality, and prestige that comes with this watch is one that can only be matched by the best of watch brands. Further reading: The Complete History of the Omega Seamaster
3. Rolex Submariner Black Dial 114060
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(Image source) Rolex needs no introduction. For decades on end, they have been the go-to brand for successful men and women around the world. Owning a Rolex means owning a luxurious and prestigious work of art that will be passed down for generations to come. And when it comes to Rolex timepieces, it doesn't get much better than the Submariner. This particular line is legendary and for good reason. As can be seen with this particular Submariner, the design is as close to perfect as it gets. The dial uses the white dot and dash hour markers perfectly as a complement to the white hour and minute hands, with a perfectly designed triangle marker for the 12'oclock position. As this is a diving watch, it also comes with 300-meter water resistance, a sapphire crystal, and a unidirectional bezel that looks incredible. This watch will without a doubt make you stand out when interacting with the top-dogs.
4. Cartier W6701011 Ronde Solo
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(Image source) Cartier is yet another brand that belongs in the top tier of watches. For ages, they have been regarded as one of the most prestigious brands on the planet. This piece is beautiful, modern looking watch with clear inspirations and tributes to the past. The main markers on the slightly off white dial are Roman numerals with a font reminiscent of old-school luxury watches, while the 24-hour time markers are in the standard Arabic numbers, but in a similar font. To match the markers perfectly and contrast the dial beautifully are a set of blue-colored hands that match the iconic Cartier logo placed underneath the 12 o'clock position in an incredible fashion. This is a piece that will turn heads at even the most important of meetings, or at the most formal of events.
5. Tissot Le Locle Powermatic 80
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(Image source) Tissot is another brand that has, over the years, become synonymous with luxury. They are famous for their watches ability to keep accurate time while being one of the most stylish timepieces a man can wear. This specific piece is a sophisticated bright silver watch that will catch the eye of even the snobbiest of horologists. The white dial has a great textured detail at the center that looks incredible, despite its subtlety. The Tissot logo rests perfectly beneath the 12 o'clock marker, while a beautifully printed Le Locle text rests slightly above the 6 o'clock position. With success, comes style and taste, and this Tissot piece is the epitome of style and quality taste. Further reading: Vintage Tissot Information – Something You Should Bookmark
6. Breitling Superocean II 42 A17365C9/BD67-161A
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(Image source) This Breitling piece is a beautiful diver's watch with details to die for. The large, Arabic markers are designed in a way that reading it under the water will be a breeze. While also being able to catch the attention of everyone in the room when worn above the water. The stainless steel case hosts a beautiful, black unidirectional bezel to match the black dial with white details. This is a very masculine watch, that will look perfect in a great fitting, dark colored suit.
7. Hamilton HML H-70455533 Khaki Field
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(Image source) The designs of the past host some of the greatest watch designs that were ever released, and this Hamilton piece is definitely an homage to that, while also looking sleek and modern. This field watch is the perfect piece to accompany a brown suit or a nicely tailored navy blue business suit. The brown leather strap with white stitching is of prestigious quality and will definitely make every other man in the room jealous of your taste in watches. Further reading: Introducing The Hamilton Khaki Field Mechanical In New Colors (Live Pics & Pricing)
8. Stuhrling Original 371.01 Luxury Skeleton Watch
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(Image source) Skeleton watches have always had an appeal that can hardly be matched by other designs. This skeleton watch features a strikingly beautiful moon phase indicator on the 12 o'clock position, while also incorporating the gears in the design perfectly. Despite the complexity of the dial, the blue hands and stick markers make reading the time a breeze. This a piece that would give any man an incredible air of prestige.
9. Citizen Eco-Drive AT4010-50E
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(Image source) Citizen has always been known to provide quality modern watches for the modern man of success. This piece has a titanium case and bracelet that give off a very powerful and masculine appearance. And that is complemented further by the gray dial, with three subdials to control the tachymeter and to display the 24-hour time. So not only will this watch be a great piece to wear with your everyday business attire, but it also has a great deal of functionality.
10. Apple Watch Series 3
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(Image source) Nothing screams success like a man who can keep up with modern technology. The Apple Watch Series 3 is a luxurious smartwatch from Apple that now comes in an aluminum casing that will match whatever suit you choose to wear. Not only is it incredibly stylish, but it also connects to your phone to give you an easier time managing everything that keeps you busy during the day. This is a sleek piece that will definitely be noticed and complimented by your peers, be it during a game of golf, or an important business meeting.
Wrapping up
As the saying goes, it's the man who makes the watch, not the watch that makes the man. So whatever watch you choose to wear will always look great, as long as you feel comfortable and happy with your choice. Related resources: How To Match A Watch With Your Outfit | 5 Tips On Matching Watches With Clothes The GQ Guide to Watches Read the full article
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watchilove · 4 years
For the 20th anniversary of the F.P.Journe Chronomètre à Résonance, the brands released a new timepiece. A redesigned case and new position of the crown but the same resonance design with Remontoirs d’Égalités.
The first observations pertaining to the natural resonance phenomenon were made by 17th-century Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens, followed by 18th-century horologists Antide Janvier and Abraham-Louis Breguet, who developed timepieces based upon this principle. Since then, François-Paul Journe is the first and only watchmaker to manufacture wristwatches that perform through acoustic resonance.
When he presented his first Résonance wristwatch in 2000, it was baptized Résonance under the patented brand name Résonance®. The F.P.Journe Chronomètre à Résonance is the only wristwatch in the world that utilizes the physical natural resonance without any mechanical transmission phenomenon, previously known as double pendulum or double balance.
Conceived, developed and built to meet the demands of actual wear on the wrist and thereby provide chronometric performance-driven to extremes, this watch represents one of the wildest challenges in the field of mechanical watches! Each of the two balances alternately serves as exciter and resonator. When the two balances are in movement, they enter into harmony thanks to the resonance phenomenon and begin to beat naturally in opposition. The two balances then support each other, giving more inertia to their movement. This result is possible only if the difference of the frequency from one to the other does not exceed 5 seconds per day cumulated on six positions. Their setting is an extremely delicate task.
Whereas an external disturbance affects the running of a traditional mechanical watch, the same disturbance, for the Chronomètre à Résonance,produces an effect that accelerates one of the balances as much as it slows down the other. Little by little, the two balances come back towards each other to find their point of harmony, thus eliminating the disturbance, and beating in perfect synchronization.
This emblematic watch that distinctively signs François-Paul Journe’s horological research on precision was awarded “Montre à Grande Complication” at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève in 2010. François-Paul Journe has conceived several versions of his wristwatch throughout the last 20 years; the first 20 by Subscription (2000), the first collection series (2001), the Ruthenium series (2001-2002), with movement in 18 K rose Gold (2005), the digital 24 hours Résonance (2010), the analogic 24 hours Résonance (2019), and the new Chronomètre à Résonance (2020).
Moving towards more precision, always!
“The new Chronomètre à Résonance has only one single barrel spring to provide power for the two movements. A differential placed on the first wheel, visible in the centre of the dial, transmits, independently, the energy of the barrel spring towards the two secondary gear trains. Each secondary gear train is equipped with a Remontoir d’Egalité of a frequency of 1 second. Working in such a way, the force received by the escapements remains linear and assures isochronism throughout 28 hours.“
The Chronomètre à Résonance features a redesigned case with a crown now placed at 2 o’clock easing the winding of the watch in position 0 and the time setting in position 2, clockwise for the left dial and anti-clockwise for the right dial. The pulling of the crown at 4 o’clock simultaneously resets both seconds.
On the movement side, 2 «Remontoirs d’Égalités» (constant-force device) provide a linear force to each of the two balance springs to remain isochronous during 28 hours.
This model is available with a case in Platinum or in 18K 6N Gold in 40 or 42 mm diameter. The dial is proposed in white Gold or 5N Gold with 2 hour subdials in whitened Silver Guilloché clous de Paris. Leather strap or Platinum or 18K 6N Gold bracelet.
The resonance phenomenon
Resonance is a natural acoustic phenomenon. Any animate body transmits a vibration to its environment. When another body picks up this vibration at the same frequency, it absorbs its energy. In watchmaking it pertains to two independent movements set side by side that get in synchronization.
Few examples: a soprano’s voice. She delicately sings into a glass until she hears to which frequency the glass replies and then, she emits a stentorian sound at that same frequency. The glass then vibrates in sympathy. If the energy provided is sufficient, the glass will not be able to tolerate it and will break.
Musicians who play wind and stringed instruments also know about the resonance phenomenon, as Keith Jarrett mentioned in the first catalogue of F.P.Journe. Certain strings on lutes and sitars, for example, are not made to be touched; they vibrate by resonance when the musician plucks the strings in close proximity to them.
All radio communication systems, transmitters and receivers, use resonators to “filter” the frequencies of the signals they use. When we are looking for a program on the radio, it crackles until the chosen wavelengths meet those of the transmitter: only then do they harmonize to begin resonating together. A bridge is subjected to vertical and transversal oscillations or torsion. In 1850, a troop that was crossing a bridge suspended over the Maine River in Angers, and that was marching in step to the same rhythm, caused the bridge to rupture, leading to the death of 226 soldiers. Military regulations forbid them to walk in step across a bridge.
Magnetic resonance imaging, MRI, uses the resonance of a body’s protons to produce images. An automobile, with its suspension system, is an oscillator! Shock absorbers prevent the vehicle from resonating sharply.
Large buildings subjected to earthquakes are protected by installing an oscillator (a large pendulum) that is suspended above the building and whose own frequency is similar to that of the building. In this manner, the pendulum absorbs the energy, preventing the building from collapsing.
F.P.Journe Chronomètre à Résonance Technical Specifications
Calibre 1520 in 18 K rose Gold
Manual winding / 31 turns of crown
Overall diameter: 34.60 mm
Casing-up diameter: 34.20 mm
Overall height: 7.97 mm
Height of winding stem: 3.39 mm
Diameter of stem thread: S1.20 mm
2 Independent linear escapements, 15 teeth
2 Independent balances with 4 inertia weights
2 Flat micro-flamed Anachron balance springs
2 Mobile stud carriers
Free sprung
2 Springs laser pinned to Nivatronic collets
2 Pinned GE studs
Frequency: 21’600 v/h, 3Hz
Inertia: 10.10 mg*cm2
Angle of lift: 52°
Amplitude: 0 h dial up: > 260° / 24 h dial up: > 260°
Main Characteristics
2 Remontoirs d’Égalités
2-position winding crown at 2h
Manual winding in position 0
Time adjustment in position 2: clockwise for the left dial and anti-clockwise for the right dial
Resetting the seconds to zero by pulling the crown at 4h
Double time display:
Left analog – indicating 24 hours
Right analog – indicating 12 hours
2 small seconds at 6h
Power reserve at 12h
Total Autonomy
42 hours
Efficient running time: 28 hours ± 2
High quality
Partial circular graining on baseplate
Geneva waves on bridges
Screw heads polished and beveled, with chamfered slots
Pegs with polished rounded ends
Steel components hand-finished
18 K white or 6N Gold and whitened Silver hour dials with guilloché clous de Paris
Platinum or 18 K 6N Gold
Diameter: 40 or 42 mm
Total height: 11 mm
Number of parts
Movement: 378
Cased up with strap: 427
Jewels: 62
F.P.Journe Chronomètre à Résonance celebrates its 20th anniversary For the 20th anniversary of the F.P.Journe Chronomètre à Résonance, the brands released a new timepiece.
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Omega Seamaster 75th Anniversary Releases
In honour of the 75th anniversary of the Seamaster, Omega has released 3 beautiful updated versions of 2 classics and a modern inclusion in the Omega family.
(Photos from the wonderful Fratello website. Please do check them out for all the in-depth information on not just these watches, but so many others.)
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Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean-, approx. $7300US Omega PloProf 1200m-, approx. $14,000US Omega Seamaster Ultra Deep-, approx. $12,800US
I might do a post about the PO and the UD later, but anyone who knows me will know which of the three I ooo’d and ahhh’d over. (Though I will mention the cool Easter egg on the Ultra Deep. Because the original model was the one that made it down to the Mariana’s Trench, if you shine a UV light on the UD’s face, you’ll see this:)
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But let’s get to (for me) the jewel of the trio-
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Ref.# Approx. $14,000 Product sheet
This is a re-introduction of the steel version that was discontinued in 2019. They also brought the monobloc case back, which is a case built entirely of one piece to prevent water from leaking in, if you actually use this watch for its intended purpose! 
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Omega has a new proprietary steel called O-megasteel, first introduced on the Ultra Deep in 2022, which gives the steel its shine. The blue dial is a throwback to the 1971 version, and the other notable difference from the previous version is its size, shaving off 3mm from lug to lug and 2.8mm in thickness.
Just an aside, for those who might not be clear on watch dimensions, here is an example:
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So this watch is 45mm x 55mm x 15.5mm (lug to lug x diameter x thickness).
There’s so much to this watch, and again, I can’t recommend Fratellowatches.com highly enough. They’re a big source of info for me, as well as Hodinkee.com. Check them out!
Would Mark Harmon Wear This Watch? Scale of 1-10: Absolute 10. He already owns a PloProf, which was the whole reason I started this blog in the first place. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if he already owns this one.
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Omega Speedmaster X-33 Marstimer
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Omega Speedmaster X-33 Marstimer Product sheet Ref. # 318. Approx. $6400
Beautiful rendition of the Speedmaster, with digital time-keeping as well as analog. The bezel is in a red hematite to represent the dust on Mars. Look closer at the second hand and it transitions from black to the same red. (Also highlights the top left pusher which helps the user choose the various settings. And there are many, but let’s be real, the biggest, geekiest one is the fact you can choose digital Earth time or Mars time! C’mon! Even the rollcase is gorgeous.
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Would Mark Harmon Wear It?
He doesn’t seem to be generally inclined to go for something that’s primarily a novelty watch (in fact, Omega has it listed exactly as such on their website), but he does love the Speedmasters and this is standard enough that I think he’d be tempted. 8/10
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Harmon Watch Chronology
It was only a matter of time (no pun) that I tried to put together just how many watches Mark Harmon wore on NCIS. I wish I’d saved many of these images with the season and episode number (I only started doing that recently); it would’ve helped me figure out the length in which he wore each watch. But we’ll do what we can and maybe come back and edit it as I figure it out. Or maybe you can send the info my way! 
Okay, let’s give this a shot:
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S1E1 “Yankee White”
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S1E9 “Marine Down”
I dunno, the more I look at the top and middle pic, the more I think they’re 2 different watches. But the middle is definitely a Sinn 144 St Sa due to the red second hand.
Then we get this watch:
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S2E1 “See No Evil”
The mystery digital watch that he only wore once, and on the right hand. 
He then changes to this one:
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S2E13 “The Meat Puzzle”
Pretty sure that’s a standard white Omega Seamaster with a black band.
And yet another watch in season 3:
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S3E19 “Iced” (And if those aren’t quarterback hands, I don’t know what are.) I’ll have to go back and check out this season more to see if I can get a better shot of this watch, because I’m not sure what it is right now.
Then this monstrosity in season 4:
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S4E7 “Sandblast” Unidentified ugly watch. Only wears it once. Can’t say I blame him.
Thankfully, he moves back into the Omegas in season 5:
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S5E5 “Leap of Faith”
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S6E6 “Murder 2.0″
Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean.
But by season 7, he’s changed again. We finally get to see my favourite:
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S7E19 “Guilty Pleasure”
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S8E11 “False Witness” (and a can of beans)
What I love about this episode is, at the very beginning, he’s wearing the watch outside his jacket cuff. There’s a rumour that Mark had a friendly contest with Michael Weatherly about who could get their watch on camera. This was clearly Mark taking any advantage he could. Lol!
But then, he’s back to the trusty Omega Seamaster in season 9:
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S9E11 “Newborn King”
Oh, no wait. The return of my favourite in season 10:
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S10E11 “Devil’s Trifecta”
Oh, what’s this in season 11?
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S11E16 “Dressed to Kill” 
Hmmm. There are more watches with the crown at 4 o’clock than you might think, but unless he bought the compass band separately, there are few watches with both. Honestly, my first answer is a Bertucci or a Fossil! But considering both are under $100 and the number dial looks like a classic font, I’ll have to come back to this one in the future to say for sure.
Now, the second worst watch he’s worn in the series:
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S12E11 “Check”
The Breitling Bentley Super Sports Limited Edition Lightweight Titanium 49mm. He wore this for only a handful of episodes, which makes me wonder if it was some kind of product placement. Blech.
Because he changes it by episode 18:
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S12E18 “Status Update”
Classic Omega Seamaster, white face, black bezel.
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Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean
I just posted about the Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra and my thoughts on whether or not Mark Harmon would wear it. (Answer: No.) But as I checked on the information on the Omega site, I scrolled past this one, and it’s a beauty-
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Ref. # Approx. $8000 Product sheet
This is simply gorgeous. What more is there to say? Look at it. *chef’s kiss*
The ‘Would Mark Harmon Wear This’ Scale: 10/10 
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Omega CK 859
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Ref # 511. Product Sheet Approx. $6500.00 (Unfortunately, production started in March 2022 and quickly sold out.)
WMHWI*? He’s not above wearing a dress watch, and this is just gorgeous. The blue accents are just the right amount, and the leather band is perfect in its simplicity. I’d say 9/10. The only drawback is the size, which is 39mm. Now, for a dress watch, that’s actually a bit big, but his Omegas are generally around 43.5-45.5mm.
(*WMHWI- Would Mark Harmon Wear It?)
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Omega Seamaster Planet Ocean
They often do some blatant product placement, but as we know, this is actually Mark Harmon’s watch, so it’s less of a “Look at this product that we’ve paid for the main character to wear” and more of a “How does the main character actually afford a $5000 watch with 3 ex-wives?” This is Mark’s go-to watch for several years. 
From S6E6 “Murder 2.0″:
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Ref.# Approx. $5900
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UVW- Ugly, Very Wank
Okay, maybe I shouldn’t judge, but for a man/character who has worn Breitlings and Omegas and Rescos, what in the world was he doing wearing this thing?
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(Season 4, Episode 7- “Sandblast”)
UVW= Ultra Violet Watch (?) There is so little information on this particular watch that the best I could do was find a similar one, with a black face and black dial, on ebay. For $47.00. Looks like this brand (?) generally goes new for about $149.00.
I suppose the good thing about this (pretty unnecessary) shot is, we get what might be the closest look at his bracelet.
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US Army Air Force insignia. Mark Harmon wears it to honour his father, Tom, who served as a pilot in World War II. Couldn’t track down any information on who “George” is (Mark’s father full name is Thomas Dudley Harmon). The 325911 is likely the first 6 digits of his 8 digit service number. ‘3′ meaning he enlisted and ‘2′ meaning he enlisted in either Delaware, New Jersey or New York.
Wonderful chain next to a godawful watch.
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Timex Carhartt WIP
The two companies first got together in 2017 for their first watch collaboration. A simple take on a Timex classic, it’s a 40mm face (so fairly unisex in its size) with a 50m water resistance. The bonus is, it’s EXTREMELY affordable. Less than $100 if you can find it. Available with two nylon straps, in olive green and black.
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This is their second collaboration, the Camper MK1, which came out in 2018.  This is strictly a functional watch, with only a 30m water resistance and is a tiny face at 36mm. Again, still in the $100 range.
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The latest one -the Range C Allied Chronograph- comes out this month, adding an Indigo Night Light and a glow-in-the-dark graphic print. It’s a little bigger at 42mm and increases its water resistance to 100m. Comes with 2 straps, as shown. These things basically double the price of the watch, but it’s still a very reasonable $190. 
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Doesn’t seem rugged enough for Mark Harmon to wear, even though it’s Carhartt. :p So my rating of whether or not he’d wear this? 1/10. Me? 8/10 on the price alone!
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Hamilton Khaki Field Titanium
This is the watch that is featured in the Ubisoft game, Far Cry 6. 
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Ref. # H70645533 42mm titanium case Limited to 1983
Price: $1195.00
Just a nice, clean, classic looking watch with a leather band that will look better the longer you wear it. (Click HERE for more pics and details.)
Would Mark Harmon wear it? Not a diver’s watch, but 1. he’s been wearing a Resco for the last 2 years, and 2. this is a nice, casual dress watch. And he owns a Hamilton (albeit an OLD one). So my guess is... 8/10
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Omega Seamaster 300m White
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Season 14, Episode 1. Pretty sure this is the Omega Seamaster White. (The line across the face at the bottom is likely a shadow.)
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Ref. #:21030422004001 Approx. $5400
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