#Harringroveson bingo
writer-in-theory · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Eddie Munson — steddie.
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Summary: Steve meant to slip the birthday card into Tina's locker, but the smile on Eddie Munson's face made it all worth it—even if he forgot to sign the card. Prompt: C1 - Secret Admirer Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 5.4k Content Warnings: Language, Minor Self-deprecation, Hospitals Read On AO3: Here A/N: This is another fill for @harringroveson-bingo !!
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When Eddie was fifteen, he had a secret admirer.
It was simple and unexpected, just a birthday card slipped into his locker the week of his birthday. It was one of those corny ones from the general store, with a little bumblebee on the front with text that read ‘Hap-Bee Birthday’. The inside had a handwritten note tucked in the corner, the words shaky and curved like the writer had been in a rush.
Happy birthday, gorgeous. I hope you have a day as sweet as you are, you deserve it.
There was no name, no hint as to who would have bothered wishing Eddie “The Freak” Munson a happy birthday when no one had seemed to care before. He’d tried to look at every face in his graduating class that day, searching for a smile or nod, even a pen streak in the same bright blue that had been used on the card. Yet, no one had given him anything. In fact, besides Uncle Wayne, the only person who’d even acknowledged his birthday at all was that secret admirer with their silly little card that Eddie would treasure. All Eddie could do was tuck the card into his locker for safekeeping, leaving it there front and center for two weeks before he finally took it home to stash in his room. 
The next year, when Eddie had grown older and a little meaner, hardened by the crueler words his classmates had learned through high school, he hadn’t been expecting anything. And yet, despite his worries, when he opened his locker on November 5th another card was waiting for him. It was the same dorky kind of card, this time with a pair of otters holding hands and a caption that read ‘Happy birthday to my otter half’. 
Immediately he was grinning, looking down either side of the hallway in an attempt to find whoever had left the card behind. When no one stood out obviously, he turned his attention back to the card, hands shaking as he opened the card in search of another handwritten note from his admirer. Sure enough, in the same blue ink was another note. Eddie couldn’t help but think that his admirer was working on their handwriting since this one seemed more intentional with far fewer shaky lines and near-illegible letters. 
Happy birthday, gorgeous. If today is half as wonderful as you are, then it’ll be a damn good one.
Still no signature. There still wasn’t anything else to go off of, except for the fact that they were clearly still in school too. With only one note per year though, Eddie knew it would be near impossible to find out who was sending him birthday cards. So he’d hold onto the ones he had, keeping them close for the reminder that there was someone in the school who understood him. There was someone—though they were obviously too scared to admit it—that saw Eddie as lovable. 
He wanted to know all about them. He kept the cards in a box in his room, occasionally pulling them both out to re-read. Maybe he could find some clue hidden within the words, something that would give him a hint as to what his admirer was like. Eddie didn’t even need to know their name yet, but longed to know anything that might explain why they’d chosen him. What kind of music did they listen to, and what did they want to do after school? Were they in the marching band? Did he already talk to them?
The cards continued. Senior year, he had another, resting on top of the books stacked in his locker as usual. 
Happy birthday, gorgeous. If being like you means being a freak, then I want in. Don’t let Hawkins High get you down, you’ll show them someday.
Then, more curiously, his first repeat year came with another birthday card on the 5th of November. Considering he’d been the only one who’d been held back (and only because the teachers were refusing to help the “poor damaged Munson boy”), that meant his admirer had to be in the year below his.
It also meant that when May rolled around and Eddie didn’t graduate again, he inevitably had to say goodbye to his admirer forever. He still held onto the slim hope that somehow, his admirer would find a way to sneak a birthday card to him. It never came though, not even when Eddie had spent the night before wishing on every plane in the sky he’d call a shooting star, wishing for just one more chance to find this person.
By the time March rolled around, Eddie had forgotten entirely about his admirer. Between cheerleaders dying in his trailer, and pretty ex-jocks storming into his hideout yelling about magical wizards and a girl who can move things with her mind, an anonymous birthday wish seemed like the last of Eddie’s worries. 
But when he lay on the ground of the Upside Down being torn into by demon bats from Hell, all Eddie could think about was that he hoped his secret admirer would find happiness. They deserved it, for ever thinking that Eddie Munson could be more than what Hawkins made him out to be.
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When Eddie was thirteen and Uncle Wayne’s old dog died, Wayne had told him that death was sometimes the peaceful thing. It could be a good thing, it allowed those who had lived all the life they needed to rest. That seemed like a load of bullshit when Eddie woke up after dying, because nearly every square inch of his body felt like it was on fire. It also felt much colder than what he assumed it would be, given where everyone in Hawkins told him he was going after. 
Death also looked like a hospital, for some fucking reason.
“Eddie?” Turning his head, Eddie was met with the sight of his Uncle Wayne slumped over in a stiff hospital chair, looking like he hadn’t slept in days. It looked like he was seconds from melding right into the chair, exhaustion carried in every joint. 
Eddie had half expected to see the kids if he ever survived any of this, all of them gathered around him in the hospital. He’d at least assumed Henderson would be there, with Steve Harrington in tow like the ex-jock never had anything better to do than drive Dustin where he needed to be. Harrington, who was every bit as sweet, charming, and funny as Henderson had claimed he’d become, who’d made Eddie shamefully wish for even one more day of the Upside Down shit if only it meant spending more time with him. Eddie might’ve even hoped for Buckley and Wheeler, who’d begun to worm their way into his heart too, the bastards. 
He supposed it only made sense that it was just him and Wayne again, together against the world as it had always been. 
“Hey, Wayne,” Eddie tried to laugh through the scratchiness in his throat, sending himself into a coughing fit severe enough to have him sitting up and clutching his chest for relief from the burn. Wayne simply sat with him through it, reaching out to rub his back until the coughing subsided. “Sorry,” Eddie winced once it was over, not oblivious to the worry in Wayne’s eyes.
“Don’t you pull that shit ever again, you hear me?” Wayne stared at him seriously, not even trying to hide the tears making his eyes glassy. 
Suddenly Eddie felt twelve again, sitting in a hospital bed exactly like this one while his Uncle Wayne told him that he was moving to Hawkins, Indiana. He’d felt small in the massive bed then too, squirming against the itchy sheets and tight bandages, wondering when he’d be able to smell fresh air that didn’t make his throat itch again. Wayne had held his hand then too, finally answering the questions with blunt honesty that no other adult ever gave him. He’d been the first to tell Eddie that the way his dear old dad had taken him on jobs, how he’d tried a getaway chase with little Eddie in the front seat could have ended with a greater tragedy than being bored in a hospital for three days.
He wondered how much anyone had told Wayne about what happened. This wasn’t the face of someone whose entire world had been turned around with admissions of monsters and hellscapes, but then again Wayne Munson was one of the strongest people Eddie had ever met in his entire life. Nothing would ever surprise him about Wayne, not even if he’d admitted he’d known about the Upside Down all this time.
“Sorry, Wayne,” was the only thing Eddie could even think to say. His head rolled to the side, squishing half of it on the pillow so he could properly face his uncle. “I’m sorry.”
“You should be,” Wayne forced out, though his entire body language relaxed after scrubbing his face harshly with his hands. His next sentence was spoken much softer like he was finally coming to terms with what had happened. “Putting yourself in harm's way, risking yourself for those kids...I’m proud of you, son.”
It wasn’t the first time Wayne had told him that. No, it was like he’d heard it somewhere in some self-help book on how to raise traumatized nephews because the man seemed to tell him it every day. Washed the dishes while Wayne was working? Proud father moment. Failed high school a second time but hey, his grade point average had actually gone up from the last attempt? He might as well have earned his degree that day with the way Wayne had whooped and hollered and shone in pride. 
It was far too much to hear now though, remembering far too plainly what it had felt like to be eaten alive, to know that those moments could have been his last. He didn’t want to spend any time considering what it would have been like if the group hadn’t gotten him out quickly enough, or consider what Wayne would have been telling the group instead if he’d died a hero. Would he still be proud of him?
“No more hero moves, cross my heart,” Eddie answered, trying to give that same cheeky smile that used to make his uncle howl with laughter. “Everyone’s okay?”
“They were worried somethin’ terrible about you,” Wayne told him, gesturing to the other side of the hospital room. 
Eddie wanted to cry when he turned his head. It was all cheesy stuff—little stuffed bears and balloons, and even a crayon drawing signed by Holly Wheeler. They all cared enough to leave him something, to wish that he’d get better even if they couldn’t be in the room when he’d woken up. There was one, though, that stood out to him even from the collection of items gathering on the counters on that side. 
“Is that a birthday card?” he asked, turning to face Wayne again. “Who left a birthday card?”
Had his secret admirer really heard about what had happened already? Had they come by, leaving behind the card that had been missing the last November?
“So many of those kids’ve been in here, I have no idea who left what,” Wayne admitted, though did stand to hand Eddie the card. It was the same silly kind he might have found at Melvald’s, this time with a little strawberry and a caption telling Eddie to have a berry happy birthday. It was the note written inside of the card, though, that had Eddie blushing furiously.
Get well soon, gorgeous. I know it’s not your birthday yet, but I couldn’t stand the thought of not being able to wish you a happy one ever again. Stick around for quite a few more, for me.
Eddie kept the card close to him, right there next to the pillow on the bed. Even when the nurses came in to check on him, and Wayne had left to get ready for work, the card had stayed there to help him through every bit of his hospital stay. It was a lifeboat in the vastness that was his hospital stay, contingent on how well nightmare-inducing monster wounds healed over the next few days. Even when everyone else had to go back to their own responsibilities, his secret admirer remained there for him. 
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In the morning, he had a new visitor. 
“Eddie!” the familiar voice screeched as the boy sprinted into the room, quickly followed by a pair of white Nikes and another voice calling after the first, “Hey, no! He could be sleeping, don’t yell.”
 Nothing could ever prepare him for the speed at which Henderson rushed to his bedside, immediately wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug. “You’re awake! You can’t scare us like that, Eddie, it’s not cool,” Dustin said after pulling from the hug. 
“Hey, couldn’t let Harrington be the only hero,” Eddie teased, sending a pointed look to the man standing in the doorway of the hospital room. “You can come in, I don’t bite. Or maybe I do now, d’you think this is how vampires are created?”
“You’re not a vampire,” Dustin scolded, though he was laughing too.
“You’re feeling better, Munson?” Steve asked when he finally moved away from the doorframe, eyes tracking the hospital bed like something might attack him if he dared turn away.
“I’m feeling about twenty pounds lighter,” Eddie teased, “I’d highly recommend the demobat diet.”
There was something so odd about making Steve Harrington laugh. The sound snorted out of him at first, like a burst of water from behind a dam as though he hadn’t truly intended to let it out in the first place. Then he’d seem to realize where he was, or rather, whom he was with, and then he’d grow red in the face and the laugh would peter out. Steve would wipe his hand over his mouth like he might be able to stuff the laugh right back in. 
Eddie found himself longing to hear the sound in all its glory. He’ll add that one on the checklist after ‘graduate from Hawkins High’ and ‘clear his name of murder’.
“You’re a hero, Eddie!” Dustin told him as if being able to read his thoughts. “Hopper and Owens’ team of freaky government people—no, I know, trust me—spent all weekend working on a story. No one thinks you’re a suspect.”
“Just like that? Some government suits wave their hands and I’m just fine?” Eddie questioned, instinctively looking to Steve for some kind of confirmation of what Dustin had said.
“Yeah. Some people in town aren’t taking it too well, but mostly...you’re free,” Steve confirmed, smiling brightly. 
Apparently, they’d told the town it was an earthquake and not the death of an interdimensional monster that had been created in Hawkin’s very own freaky ass lab. Wayne had been told a little of what happened after he’d questioned the whole cover story, but mostly they left it for Eddie to explain when he was ready. 
Though there was some damage to the town, it wasn’t enough to completely destroy the town’s functions. School was still continuing, and as much as the Party begged to stay home so they could visit Eddie, their parents said no. Dustin had wanted to come sooner, he’d told Eddie about four times the entire visit, but their lives were all hectic after the final battle.
It made sense, it did. It didn’t help Eddie’s loneliness in the moment, but he’d get through it. He was used to pushing through the tough moments on his own. 
“What’s that?” Dustin asked, not bothering to wait for approval before he was snatching the card from under Eddie’s pillow. “Birthday? I thought it was in November.”
“It is, you nosey little brat,” Eddie laughed, reaching out for the card again. “I’ll have you know, I have a secret admirer.”
“Seriously? Who is it?”
“If I knew that, they wouldn’t be very secret, would they?” Eddie said. “I don’t know. Went to high school with them. I’ll find them eventually, if they want me to.”
Dustin change the topics quickly when the idea of romance and secret love grew to be too boring for him. It was easy to listen to the kid talk, every once in awhile throwing in a comment that would reroute the conversation more often than not. It was nice, relaxing. If Eddie closed his eyes, he could almost imagine the Upside Down had never happened and he was sitting back at Hellfire Club with all of his friends.
Dustin stayed until Steve was reminding him of the curfew his mother had set for him. He’d hugged Eddie tight then hurried out of the room, leaving Steve to awkwardly raise a hand in goodbye with the promise to be back again soon.
Eddie hoped Steve kept his promise.
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The birthday cards kept appearing. Eddie tried to stay awake to catch the suspect but time and again, he’d inevitably succumb to the pain medications pumped through the drip line, waking up to a new cheesy card. No one on the staff seemed to want to tell him who it was either, either saying they hadn’t seen anyone drop it off or that there’d been a handful of people his age who came to visit and it could’ve realistically been any one of them.
“I’m starting to think it’s a joke,” Eddie explained, setting the wooden box Wayne had brought over for the cards back on the side table. “Harrington, have you seen anyone else coming in here?”
That was the other odd change. Steve Harrington came to visit him nearly every day, even if it was a quick visit before or after his shift at the Family Video. He told Eddie it was because the others were busy with their families, and weren’t allowed out of the house after disappearing for a day and being accused of being in a cult, but Eddie couldn’t help but think it was because he was a hair lonely, too.
“Me? No, haven’t...haven’t seen whoever it is,” Steve answered, rubbing at the back of his neck and tugging at the hair there. “Do you have any ideas?”
“That’s the thing!” Eddie shouted, feeling the excitement building in him at the chance to talk about this with someone. No one else had seemed to understand the significance of it all, that they were more than just birthday cards but promises of something good and worthwhile being in Hawkins. It was the promise that, somewhere out there, someone had looked past all the rumors and dramatic gestures and had seen him. They’d seen him and wanted to stay.
Apparently, Steve Harrington understood it too. The Harrington-Wheeler breakup scandal had been well-known throughout the school, and it hadn’t been difficult to see the downward progression in the jock’s moods after the infamous scene—so it was easy to figure that Harrington understood deeply what it meant to not be wanted. 
“He doesn’t leave many clues. I know he graduated in ‘85 but that’s all I can figure out.” With little to do in the hospital, it had been the perfect time-consuming activity for Eddie to pour over each and every card, searching for anything that would tell him more about this person.
“How do you know it’s a ‘he’?” Steve asked, hands fidgeting with themselves in his lap. He’d said it out loud, hadn’t he? Eddie hadn’t meant to reveal his second theory, especially not to the King of Hawkins himself who might’ve once beaten him up for such a confession.
“The handwriting, mostly,” Eddie conceded. “Don’t worry, big boy, just ‘cause I like guys doesn’t mean I’ll come onto you too.”
“No! No, I know that Eddie, I do,” Steve rushed to correct, even lifting off the chair a little in his seriousness. “I—Shit, I’m...I like guys too. And girls. I just like people, I guess.”
There weren’t many things that could leave Eddie speechless. The time he saw Judas Priest in concert, the first time a guy had ever kissed him when they were high in his van, and now Steve Harrington telling him that he was bisexual. All Eddie could do was stare, even when Steve began to blush and curl his shoulders inward under the look. 
“It’s not that big a deal, man,” Steve tried to brush it off, rubbing at the back of his neck again as if to broadcast his nervousness.
“Jesus H. Christ, this is a huge deal, Steve!” Eddie shouted excitedly, moving as well as he could to sit cross-legged on the bed, facing the chair Steve was bent over in. “This is the hugest fucking deal. You, Steve “The Hair” Harrington, like to suck dick with the rest of us. You know what this means?”
“What does this mean?” Steve asked, with the sort of fond exasperated look that made Eddie want to take a picture and keep it close, forever. 
“It means you’re a certified, genuine freak!” Eddie cheered, hardly minding the strain in some of his healing wounds when he raised his arms in the air to cheer. “Welcome to the team, Stevie, how’s it feel?”
“Honestly?” Steve asked, tugging his hand through the front swoop of his hair. It was almost irritating how often he could stick his hands in the mop and still have it look devastatingly perfect. “It feels pretty good, man. If I’d known this is what it was like? I would’ve been a freak a long time ago.”
Then the man seemed to realize what they were talking about. He shook his head a little, head dipping like it was too much to make eye contact with Eddie at that moment. “Anyway, your secret note guy. You’re really serious about finding him?”
“He’s remembered to wish me a happy birthday every year for four years, Steve,” Eddie answered nearly immediately. “He remembers me, every year, and always takes time out of his day to let me know that. Of course, I want to find him.”
“But what if...what if he’s not what you’re expecting? What if you get disappointed?”
It was a possibility, Eddie supposed. It could end up being all a joke, or just someone who wanted to pay kindness to someone who needed it without really wanting any kind of relationship in the end. It could all still be a dream, too, and he’d wake up back in Hawkins High without having anyone in his corner. 
“As long as they’re real, I can’t be disappointed,” Eddie admitted, hoping it didn’t sound as cheesy or desperate as he felt.
They didn’t talk about his secret admirer again. Instead, they talked about plans after school and how all the kids were doing now that they knew with absolute certainty that this Upside Down shit was done for good. Steve stayed until sunset and one of the nurses came in to remind him that he still had to follow visiting hour rules too.
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A week after the Upside Down, something went wrong.
They were calling it some kind of infection, and it had spread too quickly to stop it early. By the time they had any idea what was going on, Eddie was sweaty and gross, too out of it to understand anything. In brief flashes of consciousness, he thought he heard the staff telling Wayne that this was scary serious, that there was a chance he wouldn’t pull through after all.
It felt a little like he was on another planet, in those days when his body was fighting off some strange bacteria. There was no pain, no town of people to worry about when he recovered, just simple blissful nothingness.
And then he recovered. 
It was like a rope was connected to his belly button, yanking him harshly back into his body with a pained groan. They were clearly still pumping him full of pain medication, but the overwhelming soreness that came from days spent in a stiff hospital bed still hadn’t eased.
“Eddie? Are you awake?” a voice sniffed out to his left, followed by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor and hurried footsteps over to his side of the bed. “Eddie?”
The room was too bright, as always. He wished hospitals had a dimmer switch or at least some way to turn off the fucking lights that were clearly trying to blind every patient in the whole damn building. Eddie winced, blinking through the blurriness that came from having his eyes closed for however many days he’d been out. Still, he wasn’t wholly convinced that he wasn’t still out, considering the sight before him now.
Steve Harrington was on his knees by the bed, holding onto one of Eddie’s hands between both of his own like it was a lifeline. Those big brown doe eyes were glassy and full of tears, letting some of them slip down in glossy tracks down his cheeks. The sight reminded Eddie of those Greek paintings he’d seen on a field trip to a museum in middle school, where the tragic hero looked absolutely gorgeous in their complete and utter sorrow. He hadn’t understood at the time why anyone would want to capture people in their grief forever, but looking at Steve’s fragile expression now, he almost understood.
“God, Eddie, I thought you were gonna d—” Steve winced, cutting himself off before he could say the word they both were thinking.
“Hey, can’t get rid of me that easy,” Eddie chuckled, voice a little deeper and rougher from disuse. “Please don’t cry, Steve, I’m not worth all those tears.”
“Stop, please,” Steve suddenly begged, eyebrows drawing together in near frustration even as a new wave of tears fell over his lower eyelids. “I wish you’d stop talking about yourself like that.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie told him, shrugging his shoulders as best he could in bed. “It’s really okay.”
“It’s not okay, Eddie, it’s not!” Steve pressed, using his free hand to scrub harshly at the tears on his face before reaching behind him on the chair for something. “It’s not okay. You keep letting everyone around you act like you’re not the kindest, funniest, most badass person in all of Hawkins. Like, for some reason you don’t think you’re worth the effort either and that...that fucking sucks, man.”
Eddie’s pretty sure he died and went to some version of heaven, because after the kind of speech he thought only existed in the cheesy romance films Wayne liked to watch when he thought Eddie was asleep, Steve pulled out a birthday card.
A fucking birthday card. 
“I’ve wanted to tell you for so long, but every time I try to talk I just mess it up,” Steve continued, holding out the card with a shaky hand for Eddie to take. “I’m no good with my words but...but I can do this, so...”
The inside of the card was filled to the brim with writing, the words as small as possible while still being legible. Eddie’s hands quivered as he tried to read, having to rest the card on the bed finally to make it even possible for him to focus.
Happy birthday, gorgeous.
I know your birthday is November 5th, but somehow I can only find the courage to tell you how I feel in these cards.
It was an accident, the first time. I meant to put it in Tina’s locker next to yours, and then even worse I forgot to sign it. But maybe it was for the best I had because you never would have thought it was something good if you’d known it was me, back then. I wasn’t going to do it again, but I saw that smile when you read it. I saw it when you opened your locker days later, I saw how your entire face would soften like it was the most prized possession you’d ever had, and I knew then I was hooked.
I looked forward to November every year after that. I wanted to be the one to make you smile, to bring you some sort of happiness. There was so much I wanted that I never thought I could have, but most of all it was you. I wanted to know everything about you, wanted to see what you kept hidden away from everyone else in the school. I wanted to know who Eddie Munson was.
And hell, I did. The Upside Down never did anything good, but maybe just this once I can say something good came out of being involved: I got to know you. 
Then you almost died, Eddie. Twice. You almost died twice and I thought I’d never get the chance to tell you everything. I thought you’d die never knowing that you’re the most radiant person I know, and that every moment I get to spend with you I feel like the luckiest person on Earth. 
I really like you, Eddie, and I knew maybe from the moment I first saw that smile that I would love you too. 
Eddie read over the words once, twice, three times as if to make sure they actually existed and wouldn’t change on him. It didn’t seem real that after all this time, it was Steve who’d been his hope for so long. It was Steve Harrington who’d been able to see right through him from the start and didn’t run from what he saw. It was Steve Harrington who was the first person who made him feel entirely capable of being loved in that way.
“What the fuck,” Eddie hissed out, fingers running gently over the words like that might help him take them in better. “Steve, what the hell.”
The slight crumple in Steve’s expression should’ve clued Eddie into how his statement was perceived, but all he could do was stare with wild eyes at the man who’d just poured his heart out to him. 
“I’m sorry, Eddie. It doesn’t have to mean anything, we can pretend it didn’t happen. But I needed you to know, I just needed you to know,” Steve hurried out, the tears beginning to build being the only thing that snapped Eddie out of his complete shock.
“Like hell, we can pretend,” Eddie returned just as quickly, “I don’t wanna pretend. Stevie, you...it was you.”
“It was me...surprise,” Steve said, voice lilting oddly like it was dripping with every ounce of self-deprecation that existed in the man.
“Steve, I really want to kiss you but I can’t move, help me out?”
It was Eddie’s turn to shock Steve then. He nearly laughed at the way Steve’s eyes widened impossibly further, eyebrows reaching as far up his forehead as they’d go. Even his lips parted at the statement, leaving him looking like he might combust if Eddie said another word. 
Then, all at once, Steve was rushing to his feet and leaning over the bed. Large hands were grabbing at either side of Eddie’s face and Steve’s lips were pressed to his own. He was gentle at first, hesitant to give Eddie time to back away from the move. When no such thing happened, Steve pressed harder, one hand moving further back to tangle in Eddie’s unruly hair. 
It was magical and impossible and absolutely glorious all at once. Eddie never wanted the kiss to stop, wanted to remain in this moment for however long the universe would allow him to.
He’d blame the breathlessness and the shock for what he said after.
“It’s November 7th. My birthday, it’s November 7th.”
Steve was still leaning over him, face so close Eddie had to go slightly cross-eyed to focus on him. The proximity allowed him to see every minute change in Steve’s face as the confusion set in, however. The little wrinkle between his eyebrows, the slight downturn to his lips as he thought about what Eddie had said.
“But...I gave the first one to you on the 5th. You knew I was getting your birthday wrong and it never upset you?”
Eddie shrugged a little. “It was close enough.”
“Well,” Steve started, laughing as he tossed the latest birthday card toward the end of the bed so he wouldn’t crush it as he leaned further onto the bed. “I’ll get it right this year, gorgeous, I promise.”
“You better, I’m looking forward to it,” Eddie teased through the burning feeling that washed over his cheeks. 
Their second kiss was somehow even better than the first, as magical as Eddie’d been dreaming about for years. 
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TAGLIST: @alessiamargaux @minispice-1 @shadetea @emily19990 @alexxavicry @raven2008 @whoringrove @strangerleaves @blackpanzy @goodproofingwater @greetings-and-salutations @doralovesit @lesbianpinkhairedjughead @kerlypride @singmeyoursimpsong @im-sam-fucking-winchester @angel_wings_and_tattoos @itch-my-b0nez
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tittie-lattes · 2 years
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I’m Just Dying to Be Him (18+)
Pairing: bottom/sub!Steve x top/dom!Billy x switch/sub!Eddie
Summary: While Steve and Billy are in the midst of a rendez-vous in the woods, none other than Eddie Munson catches them, and maybe he watches longer than he should. 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood and a fight. 18+ smut: anal sex, sir kink?, masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, threesome (technically) and cum eating. (Eddie’s a perv in this but for now, Billy and Steve will allow it.)
Word Count: 2001
A/N: For my C1 square “Accidental Voyeurism” for @billyhargrovebingo and A3 Square “secret desire” for @harringroveson-bingo . Title taken from the second verse of “Sugar We’re Goin’ Down” by Fall Out Boy. Tbh, the minute a title of a fic I write isn’t inspired by a song will be the day we’re in the apocalypse. As always, kisses to @writer-in-theory for hyping me up and being the best beta reader. <3
Follow me on my main: @serenity-lattes
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Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington were the rivalry of the century. Steve was the reigning king of Hawkins, the keg king, the most sought after guy in town… until Hargrove moved into town. After that, Billy managed to snatch every golden crown from Steve’s head and make him look like just another ordinary guy. It started with an argument in the locker room after everyone had left the showers.
“Every time you speak, my brain gets angry,” Steve shouts, smacking the handle of the shower into the off position. Billy was still washing the suds from his blonde locks and simply looked at Steve, amused, which seemed to piss Harrington off more. 
“What?” he grumbles, taking a towel to dry the water droplets from his chest.
Billy shuts the water off and steps into Steve’s space, gently pushing his shoulder, walking them backwards until Steve’s back is pressed against the chilly tiles. He drew his lower lip between his teeth, murmuring, “Maybe so, but it would seem your body is very attracted to me.”
Steve glares at Billy, ignoring the way the blood rushed straight to his cock with Billy’s mouth just mere inches away from  his own. His eyes flicker over Billy’s face and he groans, “fuck it,” just before practically crashing their lips together. It’s all teeth and tongue, but it’s steamy and probably the hottest thing he’s ever felt. Billy’s grasping at his waist, his ass, his thighs, and Steve can not stop from moaning, despite the potential of someone walking in. 
Billy breaks the kiss far too soon for Steve’s liking and he smirks, brushing his thumb along Steve’s lower lip, “Meet me in the woods by the Quarry tonight, we can pick up where we left off.”
And that was how Steve found himself being bent over the front of the Camaro that night.
Just nearby, Eddie Munson was closing out a drug sale to some guy on the swim team. Normally he would have done this near the picnic bench behind the school, but the guy seemed too nervous and felt like doing it at night in the middle of the woods. It felt more suspicious, but his wallet was forty dollars fuller. Though, just as he was about to open the door to his van, a drawn out groan caught his attention, and against his better judgment, Eddie decided to go investigate. 
Eddie furrowed his brows, slowly navigating the brush as he got closer to the noise. The first thing he could see was a familiar burgundy BMW and blue Camaro. What the hell were Harrington and Hargrove doing out here, let alone out here together? They were rivals, the talk of the school, of the town. He could hear a loud grunt, making his heart rate pick up. Were they fighting? Poor Harrington. He lost in a fight to Jonathan Byers, how was he going to fare against Billy Hargrove?
“Fuck!” Eddie just barely picked up on Harrington’s voice above the blood rushing in his ears. He inched closer to the cars, not wanting to make a sound yet. If this was a fight, he wanted the advantage. He caught a glimpse of Hargrove’s golden locks illuminated in the moonlight.
“Shut up, Harrington,” Hargrove grunted, followed by the sound of a slap. 
Oh, boy.
Eddie moved even closer, so he could see just what was going on between the two cars. He expected to see Harrington beaten bloody on the ground, not bent over the hood of Hargrove’s precious Camaro, Hargrove’s fist in his chestnut locks, tugging his head back as he thrust his cock into his ass. 
“Billy, please,” Steve gasped, clenching his fists, as there was nothing for him to grab on to. Billy’s cock stretched him out perfectly, hit all the right spots, and all Steve wanted to do was watch Billy’s face, see the way he scrunched his eyebrows and set his jaw. 
Billy could not conceal the smirk, he knew the effect he had on the fallen king. He slapped Steve’s asscheek again and jerked his head back a little more, “please, what?”
Eddie knew he should walk away, but god damn, there was something about the scene before him. Without even realizing it, he was palming himself over his jeans, stifling a gasp. At this moment, he did not know if he was more jealous of Harrington or Hargrove.
The sound heard next was something akin to a cry, enough to make any guy cream his pants, “please, sir,” Steve licked at his drying lips and reached back to grasp Billy’s hand, “Wa- Wanna see you,” Steve whined, making the tent in Eddie’s pants harden even more.
Billy smirked, pulling out of Steve long enough for the man to lay on his back against the Camaro. He grabbed ahold of Steve’s legs, lifting them up to rest on either of his shoulders before pressing a kiss to his right calf.
“What do you think they’d say if they found out you were such a cock slut for me, huh?” Billy’s tongue darted out, wetting his lips as he grabbed ahold of his cock with his other hand and slowly slid back into Steve’s ass before grabbing hold of his muscular thighs.
Steve gasped, head falling back against the cool hood of Billy’s car as Billy bottomed out into him. 
“Ah, shit,” he grasped at Billy’s hand, fingertips turning white from the grip, “do not care.”
Eddie carefully unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his jeans before pulling his cock out. He wrapped a fist around it, stroking it slowly as he imagined he was fucking Harrington’s little asshole. Fuck, this was filthy. Eddie put his free hand over his mouth, stifling any noises threatening to spill from his lips. He knew this was wrong. He knew he should just get the hell out of there and rub one out in his van or wait until he got back to the trailer, but this was doing far more for him than his imagination could ever.
There were so many times after Steve and Billy had it out for each other during basketball days in gym class, Eddie would go home and jerk off to the thought. He would close his eyes and picture being above Steve like that, the pretty boy sweaty and frustrated, and whining. Meanwhile, beside them was Billy pressing sloppy, open-mouthed kisses to Eddie’s shoulder while he went down on Steve. 
But now? He could be ashamed later. This is the next best thing and he can commit this scene to memory forever. He pumped his cock in time with Billy’s thrusts and it felt so good, too good, in fact. Just as Eddie was about to cum, his stomach sank for a completely different reason. Billy Hargrove’s baby blues were staring into his own. Eddie’s fist stilled, orgasm running for the hills. Fuck.
He quickly shoves his cock back into his underwear and prepares to run, but before he does, Billy winks at him. He fucking winks. 
Billy only smirks, bending down to capture Steve’s lips in a kiss. It was not sweet and tender, but sloppy and desperate, showing Eddie what he could not have. He stops thrusting into Steve, causing him to let out a lewd whine. He then whispers something to Steve that Eddie can not hear. Steve startles a bit, looking around until his eyes land on Eddie hiding behind the brush of the woods. 
Double fuck.
Steve turns back to Billy, nodding slowly. For what, Eddie has no idea. 
“Hey Munson, c’mere,” Billy calls out, tone commanding. 
Great. Either Eddie faces the consequences of his own actions right this moment, by getting scolded for watching, beat up, or both, or he just waits until tomorrow at school. Well. Best get it over with, then. 
“God dammit,” Eddie mutters, walking out from behind the brush to the clearing where Hargrove and Harrington were parked, “Look, I’m-”
Billy interrupts him with a tsk, merely beckoning him over with a motion of his hand, “I said come here. Do not make me ask again.”
Eddie picks up the pace and walks over to Billy, pretending the blush on his cheeks does not exist. He’s mortified he got caught, but something about it being by Billy Hargrove made it worse. He was dead meat. “You wanna watch so badly, all ya had to do was ask,” Billy snaps his hips forward, making Steve gasp, “Wanna watch me fuck Stevie here?”
Eddie swallows the lump in his throat and simply nods, not trusting his voice. Billy seems satisfied enough with his answer and begins thrusting into Steve again, working himself back up to his previous rhythm. He grunts, ready to cum with the way Steve keeps clenching around him. 
Steve peers into Billy's eyes, moaning with each thrust, each one getting more broken. Eddie bites his lip and tilts his head a little to watch the way Billy’s cock keeps disappearing into Steve’s ass. It’s a wonder how Steve takes the whole thing. 
“You wanna touch him, Munson?” Billy hums, feeling himself get closer to his own climax, as he watches Steve’s face scrunch tighter with each passing moment, “That okay with you, baby?”
Steve nods his head, reaching out to dig his fingertips into Billy’s hands as they held onto his thighs, “Jerk me off, Munson.”
Eddie did not have to be told twice. He stepped closer, taking Steve’s cock in his hand. It was pretty, just like him- shaven, smooth, and pink. Eddie jerked Steve off slowly at first, not wanting to overstimulate him so quickly. What an experience it was, though, watching King Steve be fucked like this, watching him slowly fall apart by the hands of Billy Hargrove and Eddie “the freak” Munson.
“Fuck! Don’t- don’t stop,” Steve moans loudly, head falling back against the hood of the car, knowing damn well he was spurring Billy on. Eddie’s own cock was straining against his pants more than it already was. Watching this up close? This was going to ruin his porn mags forever. Seeing the way Steve’s cheeks were pink, feeling his warm, leaking cock in his hand, and seeing each and every little mole that kissed his skin. Then Billy… his tone, tanned chest he always galivanted around gym class, his thick cock fucking Steve Harrington senseless. 
Eddie whimpered quietly as Steve came undone beneath them. He shuttered, spilling cum all over Eddie’s hand, clenching around Billy’s cock. Billy was close behind, grunting for a few more thrusts before stilling as he moaned lowly. He pulled out of Steve, cum seeping out of Steve’s ass. Eddie lets go of Steve, ready to wipe Steve’s cum on the hem of his shirt, but Billy catches his wrist. 
“You’re gonna be filthy, you’re gonna act the part,” Billy smirks, “lick up every. last. drop.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, but he complies, licking up Steve’s warm release, his dark eyes boring into Billy’s. 
“Good. Now fuck off, if I catch you pulling a stunt like this again, I’ll pound you until you’re seeing stars. Got it?”
Eddie nods stiffly and scurries off, disappearing into the brush to head back to his van. He was most certainly going to jerk off the moment he got to his van. Billy glares at his disappearing form and finally pulls out of Steve, cock slowly softening. Steve whines at the loss of contact and reaches out for Billy, pulling him in for a needy kiss. 
“Christ on a cross, it’s not everyday you learn somethin’ new ‘bout yourself,” he mumbles, climbing up onto the car so he could lay between Steve’s thighs while they made out. Steve made a non-committal noise, but he was not registering words, still in the post-orgasm haze.  Tonight was certainly a new discovery. Billy was more less trying to psych Munson out, he hadn’t expected the sex to be that much hotter. They may just have to invite Munson to join more often.
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NSFW: Masterlist
SFW: Masterlist
Harringroveson Bingo Masterlist
Billy Hargrove Bingo Masterlist
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billyharringson · 1 year
Harringroveson Bingo Ultimate Masterlist
So I'm going to see if I can fit all my fills into one masterlist for the @harringroveson-bingo
Card 1
A1 – I rescue the helpless – 'The Alternative Rescue Agency' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy
A2 – PTSD – 'The Island of Broken Toys' - Steve/Billy/Eddie
A3 – Mindflayer – 'Live Fast, Die Beautiful' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy
B1 - Billy isn’t aware that he had powers. Eddie and Steve suspect – Shaking The Room - Steve/Billy/Eddie
B2 – Free Space – 'Shotgun' - Steve/Billy/Eddie
B3 – Flaga – 'The Man In The Mirror' - Billy/Eddie
C1 – Confession – 'Last night I dreamt you loved me' - Billy/Eddie
C2 – Identity Porn – 'The Prince’s Babysitter' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy
C3 – Alpha Steve – 'The Old-Fashioned Way' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy
Card 2
A1 – It wasn’t you – 'When Your Blood Sings To Me' Chapter 1 - Billy/Eddie
A2 – Drowning - Love Me When I Don’t Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
A3 – Detective - 'The Prince’s Babysitter' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy
B1 – Hand Feeding - 'The Old-Fashioned Way' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy
B2 – Free Space – 'Soft Pink' - Steve/Billy/Eddie
B3 – Rough Sex – 'A picture paints a thousand words' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
C1 – Sexting – 'Love Me When I Don’t' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
C2 – Bar Fight - 'When Your Blood Sings To Me' Chapter 2 - Billy/Eddie
C3 – It’s forced conforming. That’s what’s killing the kids – that’s the real monster. – 'Killing Me Softly' - Billy/Eddie
Card 3
A1 – Nose Kisses – 'I Love You, I’m Sorry' - Steve/Billy
A2 – Semi-public Sex – 'On your knees and in my bed' - Steve/Billy
A3 – Trust Me - 'Live Fast, Die Beautiful' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy
B1 – Alpha Eddie – 'Wrapped in the scent of you' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
B2 – Free Space – 'Bubblegum' - Billy/Eddie
B3 – Crime/Mafia - 'The Prince’s Babysitter' Chapter 3 - Steve/Billy
C1 – Claiming – 'I ache when you’re near me' - Billy/Eddie
C2 – Coma - 'When Your Blood Sings To Me' Chapter 3 - Billy/Eddie
C3 – Poker Night – 'The Stolen Sapphire' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
Card 4
A1 – Feral – 'A blue eyed cat and a brown eyed boy' Chapter 1 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
A2 – Sex Tape - 'A picture paints a thousand words' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
A3 – Blind – 'A blue eyed cat and a brown eyed boy' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
B1 – Steampunk – 'Lazy Mornings' - Steve/Billy
B2 – Free Space – 'Baby, Let Me In' - Steve/Billy
B3 – Riot - 'Live Fast, Die Beautiful' Chapter 3 - Steve/Billy
C1 – Mpreg - 'Wrapped in the scent of you' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
C2 – Hugs - 'When Your Blood Sings To Me' Chapter 4 - Billy/Eddie
C3 – Flashback – 'The Prince’s Babysitter' Chapter 4 - Steve/Billy
Card 5
A3 – Single parent - 'Little and Broken, but still good' Chapter 1 - Billy/Eddie
B1 – Reunion - 'I’m sorry, I love you' - Steve/Billy
B2 – Free Space – 'Best tits in town' - Steve/Billy/Eddie
B3 – Somnophilia - 'Daddy’s Home' - Steve/Billy
C1 – Pets – 'A blue eyed cat and a brown eyed boy' Chapter 3 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
C2 – Trust Issues – 'The Stolen Sapphire' Chapter 2 - Steve/Billy/Eddie
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midnightmare-fics · 2 years
Locker Room Antics
Ship: Harringrove (Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,034
Warnings: pwp, smut, porn, boys being idiots, anal sex, anal fingering, (a lot of smut okay), steve and billy have crushes on each other and are stupid, locker room sex, semi-public sex, anal virgin steve, experienced billy, horny teenagers
Just as he was about to take another swing for Hargrove's face, Steve found his wrist caught in a large hand, his back against the metal lockers, and his lips pressed against another pair. He grunted, protesting for maybe ten seconds before he was grabbing Billy's hair with his free hand, and kissed him back.
Kissing Billy was nothing like kissing a girl. It was a dangerous combination of teeth and tongue locked in a battle for dominance. And he hated himself for backing down.
"I want to fuck you," Billy said against his lips before beginning to suck and bite down his jaw. Steve let out an involuntary moan, suddenly finding his jeans far too tight. ..
Bingo: @harringroveson-bingo
Card Two, B3 - "Not sure if I need sex, sleep, or to punch someone in the face"
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gonegrove · 1 year
Mutually Assured Satisfaction
Rating: E Ships: Mungrove (Billy Hargrove/Eddie Munson) Additional Tags:  Almost Caught, Showers, Locker Room, Hand Jobs, No Proofreading We Die Like Men            
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Billy didn’t hang out with Tommy and his crew because he genuinely enjoyed them, he hung out with them because they were convenient. He was on teams with most of them and they all knew where the parties were at first. Sometimes he didn’t mind Tommy’s bullshit. Sometimes he wanted to kill him over it.
Billy stopped in his tracks at the end of the hall as he made the turn. About 20 feet further down was about half the basketball team circling Eddie Munson like a pack of jackals. Eddie was on the list of people Billy actually gave a fuck about in this shithole town. He had the potential to be interesting. To get out of here. Be someone. He was off limits. Billy made it clear more than once that he was off fucking limits. And here they were pulling this shit behind his back like he wouldn’t find out and pull their guts out through their throats.
Read it HERE
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Second fill for  @harringroveson-bingo​​ finally out because I’m still That Fucking Guy™.
Square: A3- Almost Caught
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: No warnings except smut Category: M/M Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Original male character Tags: Tattoos, Harringrove, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Boys Kissing, Gay Sex, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Billy Hargrove Redemption Words: 1538
Summary: Steve gives Billy a special gift for their 10th anniversary.
Authors note: This is my entry to @harringroveson-bingo 2022, Round 1, C3: Tattoos
Steve looked at the drawings on the tattoo parlor's wall.
"See anything you like?" the tattooist asked.
"Um...not really."
"I can draw you a piece if you want. You can't get it today though, you have to wait for a few days."
"I'm afraid I don't have the time. I have to get it today or not at all."
"Ok. My clients aren't usually in that much of a hurry. So, what is so urgent that you want it done right now?"
"It's a gift to someone. For an anniversary."
"Tattoo on your skin as a gift to someone else? Are you sure you want to do that? These babies are permanent and in most cases outlast the relationship."
"Well, I want it to be small and in a place that no one else can see but me and them. And I don't want a name. Something cute."
The artist nodded. "Alright. So, what might the place be? Because there are some limitations on those areas."
Steve pointed to his hip.
"On the hip or closer to your bellybutton?"
Steve blushed.
The tattooist understood Steve's unintentional hint. "So, closer to there? Son, that's a delicate area. I can do a piece there, but only if you can take it."
Steve pursed his lips. "Can I try it first? How it feels?"
The tattooist sighed. "It's either I do it or I don't. If you can't take it you'll have a speck of a tattoo in your skin forever in any case. But you have to either take it or leave it."
Steve nodded. "Ok. So, uh, I want it to be hidden unless I...you know...take off all my clothes."
"Can do. So, what picture do you want me to do?"
Steve told him.
The tattooist thought for a while. Then he went to the backroom and came soon back with a folder. "I have this one picture I drew for a client a while ago. They decided not to have the tattoo in the end, so it's available and no one else has it." After browsing through the folder, he found what he was looking for and handed Steve the picture. "It's simple and I can make it small. Would that work?"
Steve smiled. "It's perfect."
“Hey, I’m home!” Steve shouted after he closed the door to his and Billy’s house. It was small, but it was all theirs, had been for the last five years. And today was their tenth anniversary.
“Yeah,” came a tired groan from the bedroom.
After a while Steve sat on the bed next to Billy and leaned over him to kiss his neck. “Hey, firecracker, time to wake up. It’s already afternoon.”
“It’s Saturday,” Billy mumbled after a while.
“Yeah, but not just any Saturday.”
“Don’t tell me you don’t remember what day it is today.”
“You woke me up literally a minute ago. Give me some slack.”
Steve laughed and curled around Billy as a big spoon, pulling Billy against him and hugging him. “Happy anniversary babe.”
“Oh, right,” Billy said. “Shit.” He kissed Steve’s palm, and turned around smiling. “Happy anniversary. What was it...ten?”
Steve grinned and set his forehead against Billy’s. “You remember something at least.”
“How could I not?” he said. Then his smile faltered a little. He didn’t want to think about how it all started, not really. After he woke up in the sterile white of a hospital, hurting all over all the fucking time. But Steve had been there since the faithful day, by his side, hoping that he would wake up even though the doctors hadn’t really given him much hope. He’d been there when no one else than he and Max had even really cared if he lived or died. And when Steve had come to stay with him after work, day after day, eventually they’d started to talk about deeper things, happy and sad things, regrets and all, and Steve being there became really important to him too. That Steve really cared what happened to him, cared that he’d get better and heal when he didn't matter to the rest of the world. “I remember the day vividly. You suddenly deciding...”
“It wasn’t ‘suddenly’. I’d spend almost three months by your side and thought it was time to get it over with because I knew you wanted it too. Even when you hadn't said it with..."
Billy put his finger on Steve's mouth to silence him. "As I was saying, you sitting on the bed, telling me to scoot over, and leaning in to kiss me. Even though I was a pathetic mess.”
“You weren’t pathetic or a mess,” Steve said softly, pushing a strand of hair behind Billy’s ear. “You were healing. And you were beautiful. Just like you are now.”
Billy smiled and kissed Steve, and Steve returned it the way he always did. Pulling Billy closer and kissing him breathless. The kisses heated up quickly, and soon they were all small bites of lips and tongues lapping against each other.
Steve pushed Billy on his back and underneath him, and because Billy always slept naked, he had easy access to his whole body. He trailed small kisses down from Billy’s neck to his chest. He gently kissed each and every scar on Billy’s body as he moved lower, making Billy let out deep sighs each time for the area around the scars remained more sensitive than the rest of his skin.
Steve kissed his way down the trail of tiny blond curls on Billy’s abdomen, meeting his erect cock. “I have a gift for you,” he said, brushing his cheek against it as he kissed his way lower on Billy’s groin and to the very base of the hard-on.
“Is it this?" Billy asked and moaned when Steve took his balls into his hand and kissed his way up towards the tip on the front of Billy's cock.
“Nope," Steve said, raising his gaze up to meet Billy’s. After licking the salty pre-cum away from the tip he continued: “Well, I guess this could be a prelude to it’s unwrapping.”
“Mhmm,” Billy groaned as Steve took his cock into his mouth, pushing his tongue against the front of it as he took it deeper. “Please unwrap this first.”
Steve kneaded Billy's balls in his hand while he lazily moved his mouth back and forth on his cock.
After a while Billy started to take deeper breaths and put his hands on Steve's head to control his pace. When he got closer to his orgasm, he started to gently fuck Steve's mouth in addition, and moaned loudly when he came. He took deep breaths as he kept Steve’s head in place and thrust in his mouth until he was fully spent.
When Billy let go, Steve looked up at him and swallowed his cum, wiping the corners of his mouth with a finger and licking it to savor it all.
“So, what’s the gift?” Billy asked when Steve laid next to him.
Billy got up to lean on his elbow and looked at Steve. “Where is it?”
Steve grinned. “Somewhere only you can see it.”
“Oh,” Billy said and a mischievous smile painted his face. “Back or front?”
“Find out,” Steve said and opened his belt buckle.
Billy kissed Steve hungrily, getting aroused again by tasting himself on his mouth, and didn’t spend too much time to wander down to Steve’s groin. When Steve winced, Billy froze.
“What did I do?” he asked concerned.
“Uh, I didn’t expect it to be that, um, sensitive.”
Billy let out a breath. “What have you done, naughty boy?” he said slowly with a smirk.
Steve smiled. “Go ahead, unwrap it,” he urged.
Billy pulled Steve’s slacks off of him, throwing them on the floor.
“Be gentle, it’s fresh,” Steve said.
Billy pulled carefully Steve’s boxers down a little, first just on the right side. When he didn’t see anything there, he pulled them off, and moved Steve’s cock to see what was hidden on the other side of it. His jaw dropped open. “Oh princess...” he whispered, “it’s pretty.” He moved his hand gently over the plastic wrapping that protected a small tattoo of a tiara. “You got it for me?”
“Yeah, just for you to see.”
Billy had to swallow to control the lump that suddenly swell in his throat. “Babe, this is the best gift anyone has ever given me.”
"There's just one but," Steve said. "I think we need to keep it to blowjobs on my part for a while. It’s too sensitive for anything else. And the tattooist told me to keep it very clean for a few weeks before it heals properly.”
“I don’t mind. I already love to just look at it. And seeing it while giving you a head...” Billy said licking his lips, “I'm sure I won’t ever get tired of it.”
"Maybe you want to get one on this side too?" Steve asked. "For me to look at while..."
"Don't get greedy, princess," Billy interrupted Steve, "you already got one."
Steve grinned. "Well, ok, 'Bad Boy' written on right above your buttocks is kinda nice to look at..."
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
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Hit the Lights
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Billy Hargrove
Summary: Billy lived after the s3 finale and became part of the party, and Eddie lived after the s4 finale. The party all gathers at Steve’s to rest and well... there may only be one bed left for the two of them.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injuries and one night stands, brief insecurities. They’re idiots, your honor.
Word Count: 1293
A/N: For my @harringroveson-bingo card, I’m completing my A2 Square, "Only One Bed". As always, thanks to @writer-in-theory for being the best beta in the world!
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“Just shut the fuck up and get in the bed, Hargrove,” Eddie groaned, refusing to let Billy sleep on the floor.
Billy raised a hand toward Eddie in a dismissive wave, “No and I’m not gonna argue with you, Munson. Harrington’s got more pillows in this room than there are in my whole house. I’m fine.”
Eddie huffed and got out of the bed, tugging on Billy’s arm, “We had a scary day, you fought like a fuckin’ brute, you deserve a bed. I know I’m pretty, but I think we can keep our hands off each other long enough to get a decent sleep, don’t you?”
Billy merely blinked, he felt like the tv static when the antennas weren’t placed right. Sure, Eddie Munson was pretty, it wasn’t that at all. He just hadn’t shared a bed with anyone since he was like twelve… before his mom left. And those one night stands? No one stayed over at his, and he certainly didn’t stay at theirs, either. So the fact that Eddie Munson was suggesting they share a bed in Steve Harrington’s house, he wasn’t quite sure how to react.
He shrugged Eddie’s hand off and regained his composure, a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips, “You think so, huh?”
Thirty minutes ago…
The party piled into Steve’s empty house, dirty, exhausted, and just worse for wear. Eddie and Steve were sporting matching wounds on their sides, then there was Steve, Robin, and Nancy with matching bruises around their necks, Lucas’ eye was swollen shut, Dustin’s leg nearly broke, Billy had his own set of scrapes and bruises, and Max… she was in the hospital and no one knew if she was going to make it.
Everyone was incredibly drained emotionally and physically, but no one wanted to be alone, either.
Everyone took turns in the bathrooms, washing off what they could, getting clean clothes from Steve. Billy helped patch Eddie up the best he could with what they had, and Nancy made snacks so everyone could start to regain some of their strength before going to bed.
Dustin and Lucas were on the couches, Nancy slept in Mr. and Mrs. Harrington’s room, Robin and Steve shared his bed, which left Eddie and Billy in the guest room. He didn’t mind sharing a room, but the only problem was, there was one bed. Two guys, one bed.
“I’ll take the floor,” Billy said immediately, grabbing two pillows off the bed before going to search for an extra blanket in the closet, “You got really hurt tonight, you need to get a proper rest, Munson.”
“What? No!”
“Well, if I didn’t know any better, it almost sounded like you were trying to seduce me and get me in the bed with you,” Billy smirked, silently enjoying the blush creeping up Eddie’s cheeks.
“That- that i-is not,” Eddie stammered, scandalized, “at all what I was trying to do. I was just saying that we both had quite the night and I’m not gonna have you sleep on the floor when this bed is massive and very comfortable.”
Billy’s smirk only stretched further across his face, threatening to be a proper smile. Getting a rise out of Harrington was undoubtedly fun, but getting a rise out of Eddie Munson? Why, nothing could make him happier right now.
“Okay,” Billy hummed, pushing back the covers, “let’s do this.”
He slid into the bed, leaving ample space for Eddie to get in once he picked his jaw up off the floor.
“Hit the lights,” Billy added.
Eddie sucked in a breath and shut off the light before climbing into the most comfortable bed ever. His mattress at the trailer was the same one his uncle had used for years before taking him in. To not feel the springs? Delightful.
Eddie shut his eyes, taking in the situation. Had someone asked him two years ago if he would ever be fighting monsters alongside Billy Hargrove, he never would have believed them, let alone sharing a bed with him in Steve Harrington’s house.
“I can hear you thinking, Munson,” Billy murmured, slowly turning over to face him, “penny for your thoughts?”
Eddie chuckled, raising a hand to cover his red cheeks, despite the dark concealing them quite well, “Just never thought I would be in the same bed with Billy Hargrove, like, at all.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“No,” Eddie shook his head, “it’s just a little amusing, is all.”
Billy smiled, thankful the dark could shield his fondness.
“Uh, thank you, by the way,” Eddie whispered, “probably would have been a goner back there without you. So, yeah, thanks.”
“I’d do it again, too,” Billy’s voice lowered slightly, to match Eddie’s, “I haven’t been that scared in a long time. You tell anyone that and I'll throw you back out there, got it?”
A laugh bubbled from Eddie’s chest. Billy Hargrove scared? No, there’s no way, because that would mean that he cared about him. And there’s no way Billy cared about Eddie.
“Got it,” Eddie hummed, turning to face Billy, “my lips are sealed.”
Billy lifted a hand and tugged on a chestnut curl, “smart ass.”
“Oh, but you love it,” Eddie quipped mindlessly.
Billy licked his lips, “If I do?”
Great. To be the ass of yet another joke. The popular kids always found it hilarious to ask “The Freak” out on a date, just to have their friend group burst out laughing when Eddie’s eyes brightened at the thought of someone else actually wanting him. And to this day, he has never had a serious relationship, just people curious about what kind of lay he would be followed by them leaving without so much as a ‘goodbye.’
Eddie furrowed his brows, “Okay, you can quick fucking with me now. It’s fun to mess with the freak, I know.”
“I mean, yeah, but it wasn’t the kind of messing around I wanted to do,” Billy murmured, inching closer to Eddie.
Okay, now this was just cruel.
“Get real,” Eddie moved to shove one of the pillows between them but Billy caught Eddie’s wrist before leaning in to kiss him. It wasn’t his best work, it was rushed and all teeth, but he still adored it. Eddie’s lips were so soft and he made the sweetest sound before pulling back with a gasp.
“That was low, even for you,” Eddie grumbled, sitting up.
Billy rolled his eyes, pushing himself up too, “Now what the hell are you on about, now?”
“Fucking kissing me!” Eddie hissed, finally getting ahold of that pillow and walloping him with it, “It would have been one thing if you actually liked me, but making fun of me, man?”
“Actually, I wasn’t making fun of you,” Billy leaned across the bed to turn on the lamp on the end table. He needed to see Eddie’s face and so Eddie could see he was being genuine, “I was flirting with you, Eddie.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. He’d never once heard his name fall from Billy’s lips. He sat there and blinked stupidly for a minute.
“Woah, woah, woah, you mean to tell me that you,” Eddie pointed a finger at Billy before turning it in toward himself, “like me?”
Billy looked at him as if Eddie had just asked him if the grass was green.
“Yeah, has it not been obvious?” Billy chuckled, reaching over to push a curl out of Eddie’s face. How had it not been evident Billy had a soft spot for the party’s guitar slashing DM?
Eddie gaped again, shocked, incredulous, and incredibly happy.
“So, can we try that kissing thing again?” Eddie whispered.
And well… Billy didn’t need to be told twice.
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Harringroveson Bingo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Title: Baby, I Got Sick This Morning (Heal Me, My Darling)
My second fill for @harringroveson-bingo and second story for the Stranger Things fandom!
Square: B1 (Magical Healing Cock)
Rating: Explicit
Ships: Harringrove (Future Steddie & Future Harringroveson)
Word Count: 6000k- on going
Notes: not all of Steve's chronic issues will be healed. He will always have some disabilities because I ain't about about that 'cure all' shit. They're just saving his life here.
For the magical pregnancy bit later: it is a ways off and I'll likely break this into this and a sequel, so you'll be able to read this as a stand alone if it's a squick for you. I gotchu buddies
Summary: Steve is dying, but what hurts the most is watching how it's affecting his family, his friends, everyone around him.
Nothing seems to be helping - not his community rallying around him, not magic itself, and not the devoted attention of Eddie Munson. Eddie is a rock and a hurricane in Steve's life. Steve might also be a little bit in love with him.
Then, one day when all other options run out, Eddie introduces him to one Billy Hargrove, and Steve's already-screwed-up life might be taking a turn. But is it for the better or for the more dangerous?
Additional Tags: 
Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington's Parents, Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, The Party (Stranger Things), Jim "Chief" Hopper
Terminal Illnesses, Chronic Illness, Fantasy, What If Stranger Things Was More Like Buffy The Vampire Slayer?, Magic Shit, Mentioned Malpractice, Magic Practice, Magical Healing Cock, Future Magical Pregnancy? It's all complicated and Fairy Tale Rumplestiltskin bullshit, Magical Creatures, Demodogs are Hellhounds, Steve is bad sick from an injury, head injuries, Head Injury, Past Torture, Past Relationship(s), past Stancy, Tinnitus, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Chrissy lived and is living her best life somewhere, mention of cults, Steve's having a bad time but it improves, Steve Needs a Hug, he's gonna get one and more, Billy Hargrove is Bad at Feelings, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Steve with long hair, I'm running out of ideas for tags so I'll add more later, please suggest tags if you like, slow updates but please comment it helps so much
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uglynavel · 2 years
Another sqaure finished for @harringroveson-bingo!! (B3 Firebird)
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Au where Billy survives being flayed, meets Eddie and graduates. His Blue Camaro was completely totaled but he used his government hush money to buy a blue Pontiac Firebird (he was going to buy another Camaro but there's too many negative memories with that model of car unfortunately) and he and Eddie and road-trip to California!
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eddiebillysteve · 2 years
end of beginning
Square: C3 – Friends To Lovers @harringroveson-bingo Title: End Of Beginning  Rating: M Word Count: 2,630 Ship: harringrove Major Tags: su*cide, su*cide attempt, interrupted/stopped su*cide, trauma, gun mention, ptsd Additional Tags: post s4/5, billy and eddie are alive <3, everyone is traumatized as fuck, steve's got ptsd really bad and is hiding it from everyone, billy saves him, they become friends, and love blooms <3 Summary: ^^ basically what is said in the tags, PLEASE READ FULL TRIGGER WARNINGS AND AUTHOR'S NOTE ON AO3, stay safe out there friends <3 Link, if full work is posted elsewhere: here
Steve wasn’t afraid of death.  He’d looked creatures scarier than death itself in the eye.  And now that it was over and the monsters had all been slain, he knew he’d be okay to die. He knew the kids (who weren’t even kids anymore) would be okay without him. His role as protector was over; all of them could stand on their own two feet now, he wasn’t needed anymore, not by them, not by anyone. 
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
Aftershocks — steddie.
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Summary: After the Russian interrogation takes a greater toll on Steve than expected, he tries to hide the seizures from Eddie. Everything is fine until the Upside Down comes back. Prompt: A2 - “I am not a role model” Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: Teen Word Count: 3.6k Content Warnings: Descriptions of seizures, Mild language Also Read On AO3: Here A/N: Am I back with another completely self-indulgent fic where I put my own problems on a comfort character? Maybe. Regardless, this is another fill for @harringroveson-bingo ! A huge huge thanks to @serenity-lattes because once again, this wouldn't have gotten done without them. Between headcanoning, encouring me to write it, helping to write a bit of it, and beta-ing? Yeah, basically a co-writer over here. Also a huge thanks to @lcvingprentjss for encouraging this to be written and beta-ing, and as always, for putting up with the incessant screaming while this was a work in progress. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy!
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The first time it happened, Steve wasn’t sure what to think.
Five nights after the battle at Starcourt, when the bruises were beginning to fade and the cuts were scabbed over, Steve woke up in the middle of the night. It felt like his body was fighting an invisible enemy—his limbs moving against his own accord and his back arching then relaxing in such a stilted way he struggled to catch his breath. It only lasted a few seconds, not even half a minute, but Steve was sure it had been hours. 
He didn’t get back to sleep that night, preferring instead to sit awake on the couch with a book in his lap he’d never read. He sat guard against whatever it was that made his body move that way, keeping every light in the living room on to warn against some Upside Down force that was capable of taking over him the way it had taken over Will and Billy. 
The next morning when Robin slipped into the Beemer and asked why he looked so tired, Steve almost told her. The words got caught though, sticking to the roof of his mouth like caramel as he fought to let her in. Everyone always thought there was something wrong with his head because of failing school so badly, why prove them right?
So even when it happened again a week and a half later, then again two weeks after that, Steve didn’t say a word. He got better at managing it—learning to sleep with several pillows around him so he stopped smacking his arm against the wall so harshly it bruised, always disappearing to his own room when the Party, Nancy, Jon, and Robin would sleep piled up in the living room lest they all get scared by it. Even when Eddie would come over to help them both get some sleep, Steve would disappear into the bathroom when he could feel the warning signs, dragging as many pillows and blankets as he could out of the closet without waking up the other man.
Steve did what he always did: he managed on his own. 
There didn’t seem to be any one obvious trigger. Sometimes he woke up in the middle of one, other times, a sound would hit the right pitch for just enough time to send him straight to the ground. Though, the ones that terrified him the most, came out of nowhere, with little warning. 
It had been one of those that almost spoiled his secret for him, during one of his and Robin’s shifts at the Family Video. It had been a good day, for all intents and purposes. Tuesdays were never particularly busy, but there was a big enough rush when the high school let out that kept them both from total boredom. 
Except as Steve leaned against the main counter, he could feel a pressure building in the back of his head. It was an odd tugging sensation, one that gave him a sense of what stars must feel like when they curl in on themselves and become a black hole. Almost immediately his heart rate picked up, eyes scanning for a good enough escape. Running out the front door would be too obvious, and would inherently produce a handful of worried phone calls after Robin told all of their friends, and worse, his boyfriend. The only other spot for any sort of privacy was the backroom where they took their breaks, consisting of only an old table and a barely functioning TV. There was no padding there, nothing to protect himself from whatever his body did while he lost control, but it was his only option if he didn’t want Robin to find out.
“I’m taking a break,” Steve choked out, wincing at the way his voice shook involuntarily. 
“What? Hey, dingus, I don’t know if you forgot but you took your break twe—Fine! You owe me!” Robin shouted after him, not sounding particularly angry but annoyed enough that Steve was sure he’d hear it later.
It was the closest call he’d had in a while. Nearly the second Steve turned the lock on the door, his knees were crumpling under the weight of him. He had just enough sense to grab haphazardly at the edge of the table, slowing his fall just enough so he wouldn’t hit his head again. 
There were varying degrees of these episodes. Sometimes Steve wouldn’t fully jerk around oddly but would lose time without much warning. Others, he’d clench up and jerk so badly his joints would ache for days afterward, sometimes straining his muscles like he’d gotten injured playing sports. This was one of those other times, as nearly every muscle locked up painfully the second he hit the ground. Steve was never sure how long they lasted, but by the time he could pick himself up and swipe the tears off of his face, Robin was making a joke about how only Steve Harrington could get lost in the backroom.
Eventually, Steve began to figure out how to handle it. He knew that when the lights on the TV began flashing too much to close his eyes tight and knew all of the excuses for the bruises and scrapes that would work on the others. And though Steve knew he’d never quite be as okay as he was before the Russians, he found a system that worked well enough. It wasn’t perfect—there were still moments in time when it grew tough to hide how much he was hurting, how scared he was when a string of episodes happened too close to one another. These were the moments that threatened to destroy all the work he’d put in to seem okay because with one look Robin seemed to see right through him on those days. 
She knew something was wrong. After everything they’d gone through together, after all of the painful days post-Starcourt they’d spent reassuring each other that they were fine, that no one was coming after them, it was impossible for her to not see the fear lingering in his eyes. Robin always asked him, sometimes with a look far more effective than any words could have been, but Steve would shrug it off, distracting her with another joke or topic change. 
It worked on Eddie too. He hated making him worry, especially after Eddie had spent so much time helping him recover from the “mall fire” Steve had been caught in. After so many late nights Eddie spent holding onto Steve, promising that whatever it was that had happened in the mall was over, Eddie recognized the signs of hurt. Steve was struggling again, his hair more unkempt and those dark circles reappearing under his eyes as he feared sleep again, scared to wake up without control again. He hated it, hated that even after surviving everything it still wasn’t over for him, but he would hate bringing Eddie into this even more than he already had. Eddie got to be free from the Upside Down and all of its horrors, and like hell would Steve ever be the one to ruin that for him.
Except, sometimes there really never was a choice, it seemed. Because months later, when Steve had begun to get into a rhythm with his episodes, everything turned on its head. Suddenly he was getting a phone call in the middle of the night from Wayne Munson, saying that there was a dead body in the trailer and Eddie was missing, that the cops thought he did it no matter how many times Wayne said that their Eddie couldn’t have.
How many times would they defeat the Upside Down only to have it return again? They keep sacrificing everything, only for it to come back even stronger a year later. There was nothing worse than seeing that haunted look on Eddie’s face: the one Steve was sure he’d given once, when he was sure the demodogs would have taken him out in the tunnels what felt like decades ago. But there was no real time to explain everything, only giving bits and pieces of the years they’d spent at war with this thing so Eddie would know what they were facing. 
Steve supposed, after everything, it only made sense for the Upside Down to take this from him too, this secret he’d kept carefully wrapped up now exposed for his friends to see.
It happened after he’d been pulled through the bottom of Lover’s Lake into the Upside Down. After struggling for breath in the water, and then having to fight his way out of the hold of dozens of weird demobats with sharp claws and even sharper teeth, Steve wasn’t surprised when he felt that familiar tugging at the base of his skull.
“Oh, shit,” he hissed after spitting out the gluey blood from one of the bats. 
The second Steve was on the ground, the others’ attention was pulled away from the strange world around them to focus on him. The convulsing wasn’t as bad as it had been in the past, though Steve could feel his muscles locked up so tightly he was sure something would tear if his body moved wrong. What made this one the worst, though, was that he had three of the most important people in his life standing over him now.
“Steve?” Nancy asked, face contorting into pure concern.
Robin laughed at first, even nudging his hip a little with the tip of her shoe. “C’mon, dingus, very funny. Rabies doesn’t even do that until 24 hours aft—Shit, Steve, Steve are you okay?” The amusement quickly morphed into panic as Steve didn’t get back up off the ground. “What’s happening?”
“He’s seizing,” Nancy spoke up, instantly taking the lead once she recognized what was happening. “Quick, we have to get him on his side so he doesn’t hurt himself.”
Steve could feel hands on him, Nancy’s smaller ones pushing his legs while Eddie’s moved his torso into the right position, holding onto him as tightly as he dared to keep his body from moving back to the supine position. 
“Stevie, baby, it’s gonna be okay,” Eddie choked out, not even bothering to hide the tears building and falling from his eyes. The past few days had been like his own personal preview of Hell, but this? Seeing the love of his life suffering without being able to do anything but hold onto him? Eddie was sure nothing else could ever be as terrible. “You’re gonna be okay.”
Eddie repeated it for the full episode, using his free hand to brush through Steve’s hair as his body began to relax under Eddie’s hands. “What was that, baby?” Eddie dared to ask after Steve had time to catch his breath, instinctively turning further on his side to hide his face from Eddie. 
It wasn’t that he was ashamed, but the idea of Eddie, Robin, and Nancy having to see him like that made his chest hurt worse than the lack of oxygen. It made him hiccup, his chest stuttering harshly as he fought off the tears he so badly wanted to let out.
“No, ‘s fine. I’m fine,” Steve answered as he began to force his breathing into something that resembled normal, sitting up and pointedly staring at the ground between him and Eddie. “It’s just a thing that happens sometimes, it’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal? What the hell, Harrington!” It was Robin who lashed out first, standing a few steps away from where the other three were huddled together on the ground. Her hands were pulling on her hair harshly, tears streaking down her face, and the kind of fear that Steve hadn’t seen since they were being interrogated in the mall basement was written clearly in her eyes. “That is the opposite of not a big deal. You collapsed. I thought you were dying.”
Steve picked at the cuff of one of his pant legs, mourning the way he’d have to ditch his favorite pair of jeans when all of this was over. It was better than seeing the distress on all of his friends' faces, seeing everything he’d fought so hard to avoid.
“How long has this been happening, Steve?” Nancy asked, her voice gentle like she was scared anything more than a whisper would spook him. Steve shrugged, working his jaw as if he might eventually answer even when he had no intention to. “You could’ve told us. We could’ve helped.”
“Didn’t want you to,” Steve murmured, suddenly shaking his head and climbing to his feet. He brushed off the three pairs of worried hands that immediately reached for him, taking a large step back so they couldn’t stop him. “Don’t. Let’s just get moving, okay? We have to find a way outta here.”
“Stevie, we have to ta—” Eddie began, and Steve would hate himself for it later but he couldn’t help but turn on him, cheeks burning with all of the frustration, fear, and humiliation he was feeling after making his friends witness that.
“Just drop it, Eddie. I’m not talking about it, not when we have better things to do,” Steve snapped, picking a direction and immediately starting off toward the horizon, not bothering to check if anyone else was following.
No one said anything for a long time. It wasn’t until Robin and Nancy walked ahead of them in the weird forest that Eddie spoke again. They were walking so close that Eddie’s shoulder brushed Steve’s, still exposed to the chill despite the vest that Eddie had wrapped him up in moments before. It wasn’t the first time Steve had worn something of Eddie’s, but it was the first time Eddie ever let anyone but himself touch his battle vest. 
Steve didn’t have the brain power to consider the implications of that.
“Are you really okay?” Eddie asked when it was just the two of them, watching where he was walking but stealing glances at Steve every second he could like if he didn’t then Steve would collapse again.
“I’d be better if everyone stopped asking me that,” Steve huffed, looking up at the red-tinged sky like it might hold the answers he was looking for. The annoyance felt odd on his tongue, barbed and misfitting as he lobbed it harshly at Eddie. The man was just worried, Steve knew that, but already he could see how everyone was treating him differently. Eddie, as close as possible, like he could catch Steve if he collapsed again, and Nancy, who glanced back at him every so often to make sure he was still upright. Even Robin, not once making fun of him since it happened despite having had plenty of opportunities to do so.
“Stevie,” Eddie pressed, finally stopping completely so he could focus his attention on Steve. “We’re worried, that’s it.”
“I know, I know that,” Steve groaned, “I just...”
“I don’t know, okay? I don’t know,” Steve let out, running a hand roughly through his hair. “If there’s something wrong with me, if everyone knows I could do that at any second...You don’t get it, Eds, you can’t.”
“Try me, big boy,” Eddie continued, no judgment in his eyes at all, “Before today, I wouldn’t have believed a lot of things. But evil wizards and portal dimensions kinda changed that.” Steve knew he could trust Eddie, and knew that he had been there for him in ways no one else had before. Still, he could feel panic clawing in his throat as he tried to get the words out. 
“In all this shit...I don’t know, protecting the kids? That’s always been my job, the one thing I was good at. If I can’t be trusted to do that then...what the hell am I here for?” Steve tried to get out, pointedly not looking at Eddie as he spoke.
“Hey, hey, who said anything about not trusting you?” Eddie instantly spoke, moving around so he could stand in front of Steve. He pressed in close, making it impossible for Steve to avoid looking at him. “Stevie.”
He couldn’t help the little smile that pulled on his lips, just having Eddie this close to him. So Steve looked up, his vision swallowed up by expressive brown eyes. 
“Stevie, you’re the damn kids’ hero. They won’t stop talking about you. It was almost getting annoying how much I had to hear about how great you are. I think you’re Dustin’s role model for life,” Eddie spoke.
“I’m not a role model,” Steve answered automatically, cheeks heating up at the thought that he’d really made such a good impression on them. He wanted to be a good support source for them, to help them get through all of these awful experiences they’d all had together. If he could make Dustin’s high school life a little better, if he could be the big brother he’d always wanted to be and the one Dustin had once said he’d dreamed of for years, then everything would be worth it.
“Please, you’d think Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington turned into the goddamn Mother Theresa,” Eddie teased, fingers brushing over the makeshift bandage wrapped around Steve’s middle. “This won’t change how anyone sees you. If anything, seeing you fight through this shit will make them look up to you more, they’ll be insufferable. We just want to help, Stevie, you shouldn’t be doing this all alone.”
And that, well.
“Whatever, Eds,” Steve scoffed, a soft smile clear on his lips as he pulled from Eddie’s grasp and started walking. “C’mon, the girls are getting ahead of us.”
“What, not even a thank you kiss?” Eddie called after him, pulling a startled laugh from Steve.
“Ask me after we’re back in the Rightside Up.”
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Steve had almost forgotten about it, after.
After nearly losing Eddie—“What happened to not pulling any hero moves?”—and narrowly saving Max from Vecna, all Steve wanted to do was to sleep for about a week. The entire group gathered at his house, all feeling similarly that it would be much worse to spend this first night alone.
The first night was always the worst, after. When the shadows were still fresh, when he could still hear all the nightmarish sounds and feel the lingering fear of imminent death, the idea of being alone made Steve want to curl up and cry.
That was how he ended up on the floor of his living room piled on top of pillows and blankets while the Party and teens all spread out around the space. He ended up between Eddie and Robin, with his back pressed to Eddie’s front while one of his hands reached out to hold onto Robin’s arm in front of him like he was making sure she wouldn’t disappear in the middle of the night.
It was easy to fall asleep. It was much harder waking up.
It wasn’t a bad one by any means, as it seemed even his body was too exhausted to fully go through the motions. And yet Steve was still startled away by his body tensing, hands curled up painfully toward his chest as his legs twitched and kicked out at Eddie.
This time, though, he didn’t wake up alone. Instead, he came to on his side, with Eddie pressed up close to his back and nose pressed into Steve’s neck, whispering gentle words into his skin. Robin was holding him too, arms wrapped around him from the front and telling him that everything was going to be fine. They were quiet about it, voices barely over a whisper so they didn’t wake the entire group and prompt an explanation Steve was too tired to give.
But God, they were there. 
His heart ached in a way it hadn’t ever done before, the feeling swelling in his chest as he let himself be held by the love of his life and his best friend in the entire world. All at once, the past several months of pain rushed up on him, forcing a choked-out sob from Steve’s lips. The tears kept coming once one had been allowed, one hand curling tightly into Robin’s shirt while the other reached out to hold tightly to Eddie’s hand. So Steve cried, allowing himself to take comfort where he never had before. 
Steve wasn’t sure how long he cried, just that by the time the sounds eased into something resembling a whimper, he felt more exhausted than he had in ages. It was bone deep, running right through him like all of the tears had caused an outpouring of the last energy reserves Steve had been holding onto. Like, one hug from Eddie and Robin shocked him out of the adrenaline state he’d been living in since the first seizure.
“Thank you,” Steve whispered, voice watery with tears he didn’t have the energy to feel embarrassed about, “thank you.”
“That’s what we’re here for, dingus,” Robin answered, her own cheeks wet with tears.
“Go back to sleep, Stevie, we have you,” Eddie promised, pressing a kiss to Steve’s jaw as his hand started rubbing comforting circles into his hip. “You don’t have to deal with this alone anymore. We’re here.”
Maybe it wasn’t perfect. There would be more episodes, and more tears, and more tough conversations Steve wouldn’t always be ready for. But through it all, he’ll know he had this—people who cared about him, people who loved him.
That knowledge alone made everything feel like it would be okay again for the first time in months.
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TAGLIST: @alessiamargaux @minispice-1 @shadetea @emily19990 @alexxavicry @raven2008 @whoringrove @strangerleaves @blackpanzy @goodproofingwater @greetings-and-salutations @lesbianpinkhairedjughead @kerlypride @singmeyoursimpsong @im-sam-fucking-winchester @angel_wings_and_tattoos
wanna join the taglist?
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billyharringson · 1 year
So a few months back I wrote an angst with a sad ending fic called 'I Love You, I'm Sorry'. I've now used one of my last @harringroveson-bingo prompts to write a companion piece that kind of fixes it (with a bunch of angst thrown in anyway)
Square: B1 - reunion
Rating: Mature
Ship: Harringrove
Additional tags: Abusive Relationships, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Gaslighting, Cheating, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Billy Hargrove Needs a Hug, Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington in Love, Steve Harrington is Bad at Feelings, College, Angst with a Happy Ending, Breaking out of an abusive relationship, Billy Hargrove & Maxine "Max" Mayfield Have a Good Relationship
Summary: Billy escapes Hawkins to attend college in California. In an attempt to forget the pretty boy he left behind he begins dating someone new, someone who may look like Steve but acts a lot more like Neil. Feeling trapped and unable to leave Billy has resigned himself to this new way of life, then one day Steve turns up on his doorstep.
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midnightmare-fics · 2 years
Shower Antics
Ship: Harringrove (Steve Harrington/Billy Hargrove)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7,054
Warnings: top billy, bottom steve, smut, pwp (we're starting to add plot), first time blow jobs, almost caught, anal, billy is a tease and a shit, steve is already whipped and in love with that dick, billy is also kinda sweet, dirty talk, name-calling, a new type of relationship
It's been a long week.
Billy's been nothing short of a total dick, ignoring him or picking on him - just generally acting like nothing happened between them. He hasn't shown up, hasn't cornered him, hasn't given him an ounce of pleasure after leaving him literally aching for his cock. Steve's pissed now, aching from a weekend of empty, half-assed orgasms that just aren't satisfying.
And then... Everything flips on its head again.
~ Sequel to Locker Room Antics - Now A Series! ~
Bingo: @harringroveson-bingo
Card Three, Prompt C2 - Shower Sex
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gonegrove · 1 year
Yeah That’s Not Coming Out
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Rating: PG-ish Ships: Mungrove (Billy Hargrove/Eddie Munson) Additional Tags: Harringroveson If You Squint, Death Industry AU, Forensic Cleaning It's Honestly Pretty G-Rated But Also It's About Death and the Grim and Gorey Aftermath, Mortuary Practices Casual Attitudes to Death   
Billy’s life had a routine now. He woke up in the trailer he lived in his with ex-step-mom and ex-step-sister. He ate and dressed. He got Max to school everyday then came home to wake up Eddie. He chatted with Wayne while he made breakfast and Eddie stumbled around in the background. He handled some business and admin work while Eddie ate. If they didn’t have a job they’d handle some work errands, whatever random life shit they needed to do and get in some music practice. When they had a job they’d pile their equipment into Eddie’s van and head out.
Today they had a job.
Billy sat in the passenger seat with his head tilted back and his eyes closed, letting the wind hit his face and Eddie’s mixtape wash over him. The van smelled of smoke (cigarette and weed) and bleach and their shit jangled around in the back of it in a way Eddie would never allow with the instruments.
Eddie tapped on the steering wheel. “So we got any idea how gory this one’s gonna be?”
Billy kept his eyes closed and shrugged.
Read it HERE
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Third fill and realistically last fill for @harringroveson-bingo​​​ because I’m still That Fucking Guy™.
Square: B2- Free Space
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Cat in Heat
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Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con Category: M/M Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Oral Sex, Non-Consensual Oral Sex, Exhibitionism, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Boys Kissing, Non-Consensual Turns Consensual, Non-consensual Exhibitionism, Harringrove
Summary: Steve tries to find a way to ease Billy's neverending lust, but it comes with a price. A juicy one.
Author notes: This is my fourth entry to @harringroveson-bingo 2022, Round 1, A2: Oral sex. Note that the work includes non-consentual sex and non-concentual exhibitionism. Please move on if this kind of content disturbs you.
Another basketball practice, another day being teased by Billy throughout it. Steve liked it - and hated it. Because Billy just wouldn’t stop.
Steve definitely hadn’t known what he had gotten himself into when he started dating Billy. He was annoying at best at school, but whenever they were together alone, he was like a cat in heat at first. Sure, he was nice and gentle if Steve so wanted, but getting him to chill without having sex was just not gonna happen. Billy had so much energy, created by all kinds of negative feelings and experiences old and new built up inside, that when he could let his guard down, it all poured on Steve, and sex was Billy’s preferred choice of releasing it.
Steve had suggested that they’d taken a run in the woods, or gone swimming - though it was getting a bit chilly for that - or done any physical activities other than sex. They’d tried but it had just made Billy crave sex more.
Now, Steve liked to have sex with Billy. A lot. They had a perfect dynamic for it, him wanting to be on top and Billy wanting to submit when he felt safe, and Billy’s willingness to do anything Steve wanted - aaand Billy being the right size to give extra kicks for Steve.
And Steve really liked Billy. He was abrasive when they were at school or around other people, but in private the sharp angles settled, and he was molten wax in Steve's hands. And Steve got to be his caring and protective self with Billy, because it made him feel safe.
But at some point Steve started to feel like he was a sex toy. He had the stamina and eagerness, sure, but slowly he had started to understand why Nancy hadn’t been so eager to have sex on every date. Having it too much took something away from their budding relationship.
“Billy?” Steve asked when they were laying on his bed after having yet another session of very satisfying sex. “Steve?” “Have you ever thought of having sex in a way that might double the release of energy for you at once?” “What do you mean?” “I don’t know, something that might give you even more kicks out of it?” “More? You want more?” Billy asked chuckling incredulously. “No. I don’t want more, I want less. No. That’s not correct. I want the same amount - less often. Sometimes I just would like to talk with you instead of having sex.” “But we do talk.” “We do. After having sex.” “Doesn’t that count?”
Steve sighed, and turned on his side, leaning to his elbow, to look at Billy. “I liked the date at the fair. I know we can’t go on dates like that often, even though the kids agreed to come as a disguise whenever we want to have a date like that again, but we had fun without having sex - and I really liked it. I like having sex with you, but it’s not all I want from you. In addition to the lower head, I want the insides of this upper head of yours, too,” he said, tapping Billy’s forehead with his index finger. “I’d like to have just that sometimes.”
Billy frowned. “I haven’t ever had to think about that. Everyone’s always been very happy with my wantings.” “I’m not everyone, remember?” Steve murmured. “To get some, you have to give some.” Billy thought for a moment. He bit his lower lip, and turned on his side to face Steve. “I do have something I’d like to try. But I don’t know if you’re up for it.” “I assure you, I’m up for pretty much anything if it keeps your sex drive at bay little better.” “Uh...It might not be so if you’d know what it was.” “Ok...Does it involve other bodily fluids than cum?” “No!” “Ok, then I’m cool with it.” “Without me telling you what it is?” “Uh...Ok, why not. Just hit me with it when you feel like it.” Billy looked at Steve now with a serious expression. “Are you absolutely and positively sure?” “Yeah. Absolutely.” Billy chuckled. “Ok then.”
So - they were at the basketball practice. Steve was once again starting to get very frustrated and antsy with Billy, who was on his skin whenever Steve had the ball. The frustration broke out for Steve him being more physical towards everyone else in the game, and he didn’t like it. When there was a break in the game, Steve walked to Billy, and hit him on his arm with his fist, quite hard too. “Cut it, Hargrove! I’m this full of your bullshit,” Steve hissed keeping his hand way above his head to demonstrate the level of his frustration. Billy grinned the wide shit eating grin Steve had gotten so used to over the months in practices. Billy didn’t waste time on saying anything, instead he pushed Steve, who fell on the floor from the force of it. “Alright you two! Out, now!” the coach exasperated. “I won’t tolerate that here. We’ll talk about it tomorrow when you’re both calmed down a little.”
Steve walked out of the court, Billy close in tow. Steve could feel Billy’s eyes on his back, getting ready to unleash insults once they got into the locker rooms. “What the actual fuck was that?” Steve asked when he opened his locker door to get rid of his sweaty clothes and get his towel. Billy didn’t answer, he grabbed his towel from his locker, and just had a smug grin on his face when he walked by Steve towards the showers. Steve shook his head taking a deep sigh, and followed Billy.
Steve was so annoyed with Billy that he went into a single shower stall. He didn’t even want to see the fucker right now. Suddenly Billy barged in, took Steve’s head in his hands, and kissed him. Not in a nice, gentle and subtle way, but hard and messy, full of tongue and moans. Steve wasn’t ready for it, and in fact, couldn’t have wanted it less at the moment. So he tried to push Billy away. But Billy was determined, and pushed Steve against the tiled wall, pinning him against it, and kept kissing him despite Steve’s tries, albeit pretty weak, to push him away. Steve felt his cock totally betraying his wants to refuse Billy’s determination, and after a while of Billy's eager persuasion he gave in. Which in turn made Billy push himself against him even harder and moaning louder.
Then Steve remembered where they were. “Billy, stop!” he managed to gasp in between kisses. “Not here!”
“You wanted me to have the kind of sex with you that would drain me better of my drive, remember?” Billy whispered. “This is me doing exactly that.” Steve’s eyes widened and he looked at Billy in horror. “You want to get caught doing it in here?” “Well, I don’t want to get caught, but there’s a chance of it. That’s the point.” Billy put his finger on Steve’s mouth to silence him and grinned. “So, you have to be very quiet boy now.”
Steve tried to lean to the tile wall even harder as Billy kneeled down in front of him, keeping his eyes on Steve’s the whole time. When he was on his knees, he looked at Steve’s very hard cock, and licked his lips. Steve closed his eyes, his heartbeats thundering in his ears, scared shitless - but also aroused like he’d never been before.
When Steve felt Billy cup his balls in his hand squeezing them gently, and then licking the length of his cock from bottom to the slit and tip, that was already dripping with precum, he couldn’t help a whimper escape his mouth. “Shhh, quiet!” Billy whispered, squeezing Steve’s balls a bit tighter. Having his family jewels held so tightly made Steve submit without further noise.
Billy licked the slit again, teasing the rim of the hole, and ran his tongue around the whole tip, slowly. Steve let out gasp, and deep breaths came out of him in the rhythm Billy teased him. Finally he glanced down, and his gaze was met with Billy looking up at him with a wicked smile. Billy chuckled quietly with the eye contact as if he’d been waiting for it before proceeding to take the whole tip into his mouth. Steve melted at the gentle way Billy pushed his tongue against his cock as he took it into his mouth, slowly working its way in deeper, relaxing his throat more on each down move of his head to accommodate it in full. Steve put his hand on Billy’s head, and tucked his hair. Billy let out a muffled whimper, and Steve guided his up and down moves gently with his hand on the back of Billy’s head, feeling the glorious pressure starting to build up in his groin.
That’s when Steve heard voices from the locker room, and froze his hand, making Billy stop too.
Billy had Steve almost in full in his mouth, and of all things, he let out a muffled laugh. Steve let go of Billy's hair and glared down at him. “Get off me,” he pleaded quietly. But Billy shook his head slightly, and returned to work, and Steve couldn’t do anything else but to give in into the bliss that was Billy’s mouth on him. Now Billy was faster, tightening his grip on Steve’s balls, pushing his tongue tighter against the cock, and putting his other hand on Steve’s ass to pull him closer.
Steve realized, that Billy was going to make him come while their teammates were in the locker room. Or worse – in the showers just a few feet away. And him coming wouldn’t take long anymore. “I’m...” Steve whispered as quietly as he could, knowing Billy would get his drift. Billy let go of Steve’s ass, and took his own cock in his hand, and started jacking it at a furious pace.
Steve heard the showers being turned on, and almost instantly with them, he came. He'd never come so hard so quietly. Billy’s load flew on his shin a moment later with Billy letting out a small muffled groan.
Billy let go, and Steve looked down, gasping of pleasure when he saw his own cum dripping from the corner of Billy’s mouth on his chin. “Swallow it,” Steve whispered, and Billy licked what he could of the cum from his chin, and did just that.
Billy got up and leaned on Steve, both of them listening for any voices that would tell them where the others were. More voices came closer, and more showers were turned on. After a time that had felt like eternity, last voices vanished from the shower room and into the locker room.
Some time later Billy stepped out of the shower as if he’d been in there alone, leaving Steve to hide in the corner that wasn’t visible straight from the shower space. “It’s clear,” Billy shouted to Steve once everyone else was gone.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Steve exasperated as he walked to his locker. “That’s the last time we did that!” “You liked it, don’t deny it! I could feel it!” Billy laughed. “Well, can we at least now talk tonight and not have sex as the first thing?” Steve asked. Billy glanced at him and grinned. “Maybe. We’ll see.” “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Steve sighed, but then shook his head with a laughter. ”The things I do for you...”
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serenity-lattes · 2 years
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It’s All Coming Back to Me
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove
Summary: The sauna scene from 3x04 and the scene with El in 3x08 got mixed together with a little ✨spice✨. Billy is flayed and Steve’s on a mission with Robin, Dustin, and Erica to bring him back. And maybe this time it isn’t as difficult as they thought it would be.
Warnings: Mind Flayer’s icky veins, breaking a window and door, attempt to hurt others with a sharp object, choking someone.  
Word Count: 1371
A/N: I was gonna wait for Halloween to post this, but I’m too excited to wait. It’s just a little snapshot fic for my C2 square “Let me out! I’ll fucking gut you!” on my @harringroveson-bingo​ card. As always, thanks to @writer-in-theory for being my beta.
Also, check out this fan art by @valsyngur because it fits perfectly. Jay sent it to me while I was writing it and asdfghjkl I fell in love with it.
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Three days. Billy had been fighting for control of his body for three entire days and Steve felt like an idiot because he didn’t realize it until after El told him what she saw in the void. He should have known better, known to call.
Billy didn’t show up to their date. For any other couple, this would normally be a reason to worry, but Steve didn’t. Billy’s home life wasn’t easy, which forced them to tip toe around Neil, making sure to not get caught. Because of that, there were many canceled dates, especially if Neil was home and in a bad mood, ready to take it out on Billy.
Which is why it was killing Steve to lock Billy up in the sauna. Listening to Billy sob was the worst thing he could imagine right now, next to the thought of losing him to this thing. Thankfully Robin was next to him, trying to remind him that by doing this, they’ll coax Billy back into control and force The Mind Flayer out. 
“It's not my fault, okay? Steve, please. Please, believe me, Stevie, it's not my fault. I tried to stop him, okay? I did,” Billy cried, rubbing his hands together like he always does when he’s nervous.
Steve sniffled, watching Billy rock back and forth, trying to calm himself down. God, he wanted to open the door and pull him into his arms, but he knew he couldn’t. Not right at this moment, anyway.
“Billy,” he whimpered, “It’s gonna be okay, baby.”
“Steve, be careful, step back,” Robin called out, anxiety growing with Steve’s proximity to the window. Steve turned back, about to argue just before there was a loud crack and pieces of glass clattering to the ground. 
Everyone yelped in surprise and jumped back, getting into fighting stances, ready to attack if need be. 
“Let me out! Let me out, I’ll fucking gut you!” Billy shouted, swinging a shard of porcelain tile around the window in an attempt to hurt anyone nearby. Steve held up the pool net, hoping he didn’t have to use it as a weapon against Billy. Even if that thing was taking control, it was still Billy, his Billy. He was still inside there somewhere.
It was a good plan in theory, up until Dustin chucked a chlorine floater right at Billy’s face.
Well, shit. 
“Steve, we gotta go!” Robin shouted, tugging at the sleeve of his uniform, scared and ready to get to safety. Steve didn’t budge, watching the window for Billy, his Billy, to stand up and ask what had happened. Except… that’s not what happened. The lights were flickering and he could hear Billy thrashing around and screaming gutterly, making his heart wrench. He was struggling, in agony, fighting for control of his body. Billy was suffering and Steve wasn’t brave enough to make his way over to the window to see what exactly was going on, given what just happened last time he approached. Dustin and Erica joined in, begging him to leave but he couldn’t. Not when Billy was in there and needed their help. 
Then Billy stood up, veins blackened and raised, and began ramming his body against the door in an attempt to open it. Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Robin gasped and tried pushing Steve away, but he shook his head.
“Are you shitting me?” Dustin screamed, “You’re coming with us, Harrington.”
Steve turned to look at Dustin, eyes glistening with tears, “Go help the others, I’m going to save him.” He wasn’t sure he would walk away from this, but he would be damned if he didn’t try. 
Robin knew there was no talking Steve out of this, but she wasn’t so sure he was going to succeed in his plan, either. After meeting his eyes, they shared a minute nod, a silent goodbye. She grabbed hold of Dustin and pulled him away, and just in time, too, as the sauna door flew off its frame, the chain links clattering everywhere.
“Shit, come on, Henderson” Erica finally yelled, pulling him away by his vest, refusing to let Billy hurt him too.
Billy rushed toward Steve, forcing him to swing that pool net in an attempt to get him away, but Billy and this thing were far too strong. Next thing Steve knew, he was pushed against the brick wall, Billy’s hands around his neck, squeezing. Steve grasped at Billy’s hands, struggling for air as Billy began to lift him off the floor.
“Oh, god,” Robin gasped, her and Erica pulling Dustin around to the other side of the fence. They should run far, far away from here, but they couldn’t leave Steve, not yet anyway. Steve had to pull this off. He just had to.
“Billy- this- isn’t- you-“ Steve struggled as Billy tightened his grip around his neck. The man before him right now wasn’t the man he fell for in gym class. He clawed at Billy’s hand, desperate to be out of the chokehold. Billy’s eyes looked into his, hardened and hollow. Steve couldn’t see Billy in those eyes he had fallen in love with. He had to bring him back. 
“You-You’re Billy Hargrove, you’re eighteen, and were born in C-California. You graduated from Hawkins High School and got your first job here as a lifeguard. You listen to Metallica after every fight with your dad and lift weights as an outlet. You only smoke Marlboro reds because you say the golds are for moms and the menthols are for old people,” he squirmed under Billy’s grip, terrified that if he couldn’t bring Billy back, not only would everyone here at the pool die, but all of Hawkins with them. 
Steve’s eyes burned with tears as he reached up to touch Billy’s cheek, as he had done thousands of times. Billy’s gaze softened, and he slowly lowered Steve back to the ground, hands still around his neck.
“You love to surf and you miss the ocean because,” he swallowed, trying to catch his breath, “be-because it reminds you of your mom. You miss her every day and that’s why you never take off her necklace, so a part of her is always close. We were in your Camaro with the seats down while we ate McDonald’s and you told me all about her,” his thumb brushed over Billy’s cheekbone, careful to avoid the healing wound, “You dropped me off at my house later that night, an-and you kissed me for the first time. When we played basketball the next day, I fell and scraped my knee even after you told me to plant my feet, but you patched it up anyway, then you asked me to be yours.”
Steve smiled at the memory, relaxing as he saw Billy’s eyes well with tears also. He was coming back to him slowly, remembering. 
“You are Billy Hargrove, a flawed human being. You are Billy Hargrove, an amazing person who is always trying to be better despite what life has thrown your way,” Billy’s knees buckled and they both fell, Steve catching Billy the best he could given their current position. Billy held himself up by his palms, vaguely aware he shouldn’t crush Steve. Steve cradled Billy’s face in his hands, tears sliding down his face, into his hair, “You are Billy Hargrove and you are the love of my life.”
He leaned forward and kissed Billy with all the love he could muster, not stopping until he felt Billy release his neck and slide his arms around his waist. Steve pulled back to look into Billy’s eyes, the baby blues that he had fallen in love with. 
Billy nodded his head tentatively, still attempting to ground himself. 
Steve let out a sob and threw his arms around Billy in a bone crushing hug, thankful he hadn’t lost him forever. He didn’t even care that Robin and the kids were around to see this. Billy was back and they were both alive. 
“I’m sorry,” Billy whispered, face buried in Steve’s neck, “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to- he made me. You know me, I-I would never.”
Steve pressed a kiss to Billy’s shoulder, “I know, it’s okay. I’ve got you.”
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