trickstercaptain · 1 month
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       More often than not as of late, Jack and Billy had found themselves on the late shift together ( he didn't know what Billy had bribed the pool manager with to make that happen, and wasn't sure he wanted to know ), and that involved the inevitable task of closing up after all of the snotty little kids and their leering mothers had gone home for the day. The peace and quiet of that final hour was always a welcome reprieve, and in recent weeks the pool building after close had become the one place other than Billy's camaro where they could... indulge without fear of being caught or seen.
       Tonight they'd changed out of their red lifeguard shorts at least ( after all, Jack was getting picked up by Steve after his shift ended in... well, he didn't know the exact time, but it was at least another half an hour from now. definitely ), but Jack could still feel Billy's hand reaching up and under his t-shirt as he remained pinned against the wall of the shower room. He'd been there long enough that water was soaking through the back of the shirt and into his hair but, when the making out was this good, he really didn't care. Keys still in hand ( from where he really ought to have locked up this part of the pool ten minutes ago ), Jack's arms were wound eagerly around Billy's shoulders, keeping him close, moaning a little into the movement of the other boy's mouth on his own. Any moment now, he'd gently push Billy away and finish up the last few jobs before they left. Just as soon as he stopped doing that thing with his tongue, slow and deliberate and maddening all at the same time...
@hargrovetm & @harringtontm
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khrused-archived · 8 months
morning after starters : " 𝚜𝚘 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚘 𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎? "
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she rises from the sea of linen sheets like aphrodi'te ────── emerging from rolling waves and salted foam to reveal her beauty for all the world to see; but here, upon her bed with the morning sun setting her skin aglow ― she is revealed for his eyes only...
cheek props itself atop a hand, a smile blossoming across her cheeks as she resists a laugh. " i guess that depends... " hera teases, reaching across to the sheets to playfully tap the tip of @harringtontm's nose ― tag, you're it... " when are you going to ask me, hm? "
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lorelodge · 1 year
... asoiaf
meme // accepting // @harringtontm & @munsontm
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Both you and Frankenstein sent this one in. Feels like a bit of a message...can't imagine what kind though...
So I'm familiar with the books as a whole but never read the series in its entirety. The first two books were definitely enjoyable for me so it's not like I have much of an excuse beyond laziness .
My favourite characters from the series aren't the same as the ones I would likely choose to rp. I prefer choosing muses who may need a bit of a facelift. So, anyway, muses I would consider are: Joffrey Lannister, Ramsey Bolton, Rodrick Greyjoy, and Aeron Greyjoy. But I think the one that would inevitably win out is Balon Greyjoy. Messy, morally questionable parents are just my thing. Idk what to say other than I'm a simple bitch who loves drama.
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munsontm · 1 year
♦ for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.
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Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned / accepting / @harringtontm
"Darlin', I could never use just one word to describe you. I'd have to use a buncha words and turn em' into a song. But if I gotta choose, then... everythin'."
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immobiliter · 1 year
@harringtontm sent: what we do in the shadows, asoiaf, our flag means death ? → send me a fandom and I'll tell you what character I would RP from that fandom.
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okay i have already answered wwdits but i will move onto the other two!
asoiaf → this one is so hard. not just because nobody really spoke to me the first time around when i watched/read, but also because i can't even remember half of the characters from the series now lmaoo. so the big one i remember contemplating back in the day was tyrion, but tbh i was never a huge fan of book!tyrion when i read the books and now all these years later i have varric, who scratches that particular itch in terms of type of character ( and is honestly superior ). i am really struggling when it comes to anyone else though ?? lmao. idk i sat here for an hour thinking about it and there's just nobody. head empty. it's not meant to be i don't think.
our flag means death → okay this one is a little easier. there still isn't really anyone that i want to write, but the character who piqued my interest the most when i watched was lucius, so i think in a hypothetical scenario he is the one i would pick.
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thagantm · 1 year
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@harringtontm ; ❝  if  we  get  through  this,  is  there  a  thing  where  we,  like,  talk  to  each  other about  stuff…  normally?  ❞ ( x )
WHAT  DOES  A  HEART  ATTACK  FEEL  LIKE ? painful , he  wagers . a  stabbing , probably , or  a  slicing , cutting , something  like  that . he  tries  to  think  back  to  that  fun  night  at  ACJC  when  someone  had  felt  the  need  to  plunge  a  sharpened  tooth  brush  into  his  back  ( does  Steve  even  know  about  this ? probably  not )  and  wonders  if  it’s  a  little  like  that . adrenaline  rush , followed  by  a  feeling  he  can  only  describe  as  searing  and  hot  and  the  pain  doesn’t  actually  settle  in  until  the  stitches  are  done  and  the  high  wears  down . with  his  track  record , one  might  think  that  Tommy  is  a  sucker  for  pain , but  there’s  pain  and  then  there’s  pain  and  then  there’s  whatever  this  bullshit  is  that  goes  PANG  in  his  chest  when  Steve  asks  this  very  question  he  had  not  anticipated . he  feels  his  throat  dry  up ; tries  to  swallow  once , twice  but  fails  completely  and  only  manages  to  scrape  parched  skin  against  more  parched  skin , causing  another  source  of  friction . awesome . this  isn’t  supposed  to  feel  this  way . talking  to  somebody  one  loves  cares  about , despite  it  all , isn’t  supposed  to  feel  this  way .
Tommy  takes  another  drag  from  his  cigarette , hoping  that  Steve  can  neither  see  his  heart  pulsing  in  his  throat , nor  the  slight  tremble  of  his  fingers  when  he  brings  them  up  to  his  lips . this  may  be  the  single , one  moment  of  peace  they  might  have  before  something  new  and  excessively  shitty  happens  and  he’s  not  ready  to  talk  about  the  what  if’s  and  could  be’s  when  his  brain  hasn’t  even  tuned  in  on  the  present  moment  yet . it’s  not  fair  and  a  part  of  him  is  more  than  tempted  to  throw  exactly  that  at  Steve’s  head , but  he  heroically  resists  the  urge .
“ if  we  get  through  this , ” bright  green  eyes  look  at  Steve  then , his  face  betraying  that  he’s  the  opposite  of  happy , though  it  remains  unclear  as  to  why  exactly . “ I’m  gonna  kill  you . I’m  gonna  kill  you  so  hard  for  dragging  me  into  this  shit , Harrington , I  promise  you  that . ” he  licks  his  lips , takes  another  nervous  drag . “ now  if  you  happen  to  survive  that  somehow , I’ll  kill  you  again  and  if  you  also  happen  to  survive  that .  .  . ” a  pause .  almost  as  if  he  himself  isn’t  quite  sure  how  to  finish  the  sentence . a  touch  of  anger  has  built  up  on  his  face  while  talking , brows  knit  together , the  freckled  nose  scrunched  up  a  little . and  while  he  ponders  the  end  to  that  sentence , it  almost  seems  like  he  deflates ; tension  seeping  out  of  him , his  face  slowly  relaxing  again , and  Tommy eventually blinks  and  clears  his  throat . “ maybe . I  guess . whatever . ” well  done , Hagan . now  get  that  fucking  flutter  in  your  chest  to  stop .
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heatherbecker · 1 year
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she   doesn’t   know   at   what   point   it   happened.   but   she   got   swept   in   all   of   this,   she   could’ve   gone   a   day   without   some   stupid   movie,   she   could’ve   stopped   going   to   family   video   the   moment   she   figured   out   steve   was   there.   but   she   didn’t.   and   now   she’s   knee   deep   in   some   shit.   the   vibes   of   this   hell   hole   are   fucked   up.   her   nose   is   constantly   bleeding   everynow   and   then,   and   robin   freaking   out   and   everyone   freaking   out   is   a   disservice,   not   mentioning   how   she   somehow   feels   connected   to   all   of   this   in   some   way.   in   a   dream,   in   a   nightmare   so   long   ago.   and   she’s   freaked   out.   it’s   even   weirder   now   because   she’s   involved   with   so   many   more   people.   and   they’re   so   unbelievably   thick   and   intense   at   the   same   it.   it’s   only   now   that   robin   ran   off,   freaked   out   and   nancy   followed   her.   leaving   the   both   of   them   behind   that   she   feels   she   can   breathe.   just   a   little.   it’s   scary,   all   of   this,   and   it’s   scarier   how   normal   the   group   treat   this.   and   now   they’re   here.   the   inevitable.   the   unavoidable,   for   when   there’s   dark   there’s   a   light.   and   @harringtontm​   is   holding   it.   just   her   luck.  
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she   tries   to   roll   with   the   punches.   with   the   drumming   in   her   head.   with   the   worry   over   everyone   else.   but   she   walks,   steve   seemingly   taller,   since   she   ditched   the   boots.   practicality   or   something.   hands   slid   into   the   pockets   of   her   hoodie.   “-you   know   when   i   said   i   wanted   to   get   in   touch   with   the   darker   forces   of   the   universe,   this   isn’t   exactly   how   i   pictured   it   to   be.”   she   mentions   off-handedly,   because   they   talk   now.   they’re   on   talking   terms.   and   it’s   hard   to   ignore   the   strings   tugging   in   her   chest.   even   harder   to   ignore   them   when   she   can   feel   what   steve   is   feeling.   this   nervousness,   like   he   cares.   like   he   likes   her.   like   he   wants   to   say   the   right   things,   concerned   even.   so   different   from   that   boy   from   so   long   ago,   like   someone   else   dug   deep   inside   of   him   and   pulled   out   exactly   what   heather   had   seen   and   felt   a   long   time   ago,   she’s   never   wrong.   and   when   she   considered   steve   harrington   the   only   mistake   the   only   letter   she   read   where   she   had   missed   the   fine   print   well,   she’s   never   wrong.   bright   blue   eyes   turn   to   him.   looks   at   him,   hopeful.   and   there   is   still   this   terrible   possibility,   that   it   is   once   more   not   her.   that   it   is   nancy   wheeler   again.   and   isn’t   it   dreadful?   she   pushes   the   thought   aside.   “-for   once   i   was   expecting   some   terrifying   but   hot   demon   to   be   involved,   and   you   weren’t   exactly   in   the   picture,   harrington.   but,   circumstances   and   rude   wake  up  calls   a   side,   at   least   the   end   of   the   world   has   got   us   talking   again.   on   topics   other   than   movies   that   you   haven’t   watched.”  
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scoopstrooptm · 1 year
@harringtontm sent a meme: ❝ it isn’t fair, your age…having to deal with all of this. ❞ — from steve for dustin : ' )
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       At a certain point in the last couple of days, Dustin had run out of tears to shed — or at least they'd stopped falling. But that hadn't stopped the upset still leaving him in a chokehold, causing his bottom lip to wobble every now and then, giving him an almost permanent redness around his eyes, making his breath hitch ever occasionally when he spoke. The time itself had passed in a bit of a blur; Dustin could only remember flashes from the last two days. He remembered Steve pulling him away from Eddie. He remembered seeing government cars and helicopters piling into Hawkins. He remembered reuniting with Lucas and finding out what had happened to Max, even if he hadn't yet found the courage to go visit her at the hospital himself. That was where Eddie should have been, after all. That was where Dustin had promised to take him, in those final moments together under the stormy, reddened skies of the Upside Down.
       Dustin was pretty sure Steve hadn't left his side ever since then — it had either been him or Robin close by, keeping an eye on him. They'd told his mom that they'd all been caught up in the earthquake and had been lucky to get out alive — explaining his limp after falling through the trailer gate after Eddie — and that it had left him feeling shaken. They couldn't tell her the truth. She could never know what or who he'd lost. She'd been worried enough about a killer being on the loose in Hawkins as it was. Like the rest of this town, she'd never believe that Eddie was innocent.
       The silence between them this morning had been comfortable, sat on the bench outside on the front porch of his house, waiting on an update via the radio from Erica after their latest trip to the hospital. It was a surprise when Steve spoke. It felt like they'd barely said anything to each other over the last two days. Just having Steve around, someone who knew what had really happened, keeping him company, had been enough.
       “ I just keep thinking that... if I'd gotten him to the gate in time, if we'd gotten him through, then he might have been at the hospital with Max right now. ” It was nice to speak the thoughts out loud to someone, even if Dustin's eyes watered a little as he said it. “ There might have been a chance. ”
       He quickly rubbed his eyes, letting the quiet fall between them again. It stretched on a little while longer. “ You never got to play D&D with us. ” Dustin turned to look at Steve. Maybe it wasn't the most important thing to be thinking about right now, but there'd been a time not that long ago when all he'd wanted was for Steve and Eddie to stop being jealous of each other and just hang out. He turned the radio over in his hands. “ I really wanted you to play. I kept telling Eddie that one day you'd turn up to Hellfire when we needed a sub, and he never believed me. ”
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enclovir · 2 years
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 ❝  ──────  it means...our life sucks!!  ❞
@harringtontm​​  ,  𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎 :      𝚛𝚞𝚋𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚠𝚜
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trickstercaptain · 1 year
@harringtontm sent a meme: sleep. it's all right. i'll keep watch.
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       It was the first time he'd stopped to take a breath in at least four hours, maybe more. If he hadn't been up and down ladders, ensuring that hatches had indeed been battened down and that none of the torrential rain or ship-sized waves had pierced the hull, he was at the helm barking orders or in his cabin consulting his detailed, annotated charts. He couldn't afford to stop, particularly after nearly taking a tumble over the side of the ship ( after a rogue wave struck the Wicked Wench at an unexpected angle ), or else this would happen: he'd lean against the rail, his feet and legs would protest at the prospect of moving so much as another inch, and his eyes would slowly drift shut.
       Fortunately he did not get so far as to actually drift off, brought back to attention as Jack was by the sound of a soft voice beside him. He opened his eyes to the sight of Steve Harrington, looking as wet and bedraggled as he probably did — but he couldn't quite stop looking at him. It was still raining, even though the storm had passed, and Jack had to acknowledge that the distracting way in which the water clung to Steve's shirt was a sign, if he'd needed one, that he'd been at sea far too long.
       “ I'm fine. I'll manage a little longer. At least until the rain stops. ” Jack flashed what he hoped was a reassuring, grateful smile. Yet it wasn't just how Steve looked that was playing on his mind in that moment; it was the lightning fast way in which he'd jumped to attention and caught Jack before toppling over the side of the railing; it was the way he'd seen him helping out the other hands and mates on board in spite of his lack of experience; it was the stunning amount of maturity he'd displayed over the past few hours. Not even now, as the danger subsided, had Jack heard a single complaint from that direction.
       “ Thank you. ” He deserved to hear it. As much as Jack enjoyed the thrill of a good squall, it was always a taxing affair — even more so as a captain. “ Were it not for you, I'd be over the side right now wishing I'd grown a tail and fins. ” Jack smiled again, more teasingly this time. “ Turns out you're not so bad at this after all. ”
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cperkinstm · 1 year
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@harringtontm sent 🗣️for an incorrect quote Ft. Steve Harrington & Tommy Hagan ( @thagantm )
Mutuals may reblog
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khrused-archived · 2 years
COOKING PROMPTS   WITH: @harringtontm     ,    ... " 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚘𝚛 𝚠𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚌𝚞𝚙𝚌𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕! "
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mouth  is  left  agape  ──────  feigning  a  gasp  with  lips  freshly  wet  with  sweet  batter:  caught  red  handed.  "  i'm  not  gonna  eat  all  of  it!  "  she  whines  playfully,  reaching  for  the  wooden  spoon  he  had  so  skillfully  pulled  from  her  grasp.  lips  purse  into  a  pout  as  large,  vivid  eyes  plead  ―  tugging  at  the  delicate  strings  of  his  heart.  "  just  a  little  more,  pleeease?  "  oh,  she  knows  how  to  get  what  she  wants,  especially  from  a  man  as  doting  as  steve...
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mayfieldtm · 11 months
“we’re all a little damaged inside. pobody’s nerfect.”
Max squinted at Steve as if he'd grown a second head. "Your face looks like raw beef," and, of course, there was the visible bump where the metal rod had collided with his skull. She knew how to bandage up a scrapped knee and clean out a nasty cut, but brain damage was above her pay grade. Still, her hand was steady she gently whipped away the dried blood. "Your concussion is talking and it's not making any sense."
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munsontm · 1 year
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@harringtontm liked THIS for the husband.
There had been many occasions in Eddie's 28 years of life where he'd found himself in a strange bathroom reapplying his eyeliner. Although none of those times were at his wedding reception, that thought in itself was extraordinary. Eddie Mun--Harrington was married, actually hitched to a person, wild. Not legally, of course. But the law could get fucked. He lived by his own rules.
The red eyeshadow held up well and looked even better with a fresh coat of black liner. Eddie pouted seductively at himself in the mirror right as his new husband half-stumbled through the bathroom door with an open bottle of champagne in hand. He looked over the moon to have found him. It made Eddie smile while he drew neat lines around his other eye. "Hey, handsome. Couldn't go five minutes without me, huh?"
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immobiliter · 2 years
@harringtontm sent a meme: can you keep a secret ? — for aimee
       Aimee was reaching for one of the textbooks in her locker when Steve sidled up next to her in the corridor, all smiles and cocky confidence. Her curiosity was well and truly piqued as she shut the locker door and turned to face him, before her brows furrowed. “ OK but is this, like, a secret that’s actually gossip that Carol plans to make someone miserable with... or a secret secret? ” It was an important distinction to make. “ Like if you were harbouring a fugitive from Canada in your dad’s house or something, then of course I wouldn’t tell anyone about that. ”
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thagantm · 1 year
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@harringtontm ; ❝  we  should  be  good  people.  wouldn’t  it  be  nice  to  wake  up  in  the morning  and  not  feel  like  a  fucking  piece  of  shit?  ❞ ( x )
NINE IN THE FUCKING MORNING and there's an image slowly burning itself into Tommy's head ; it builds up piece by piece because , frankly , he still lacks the mental capacity to do anything faster than .2 miles per hour , but what steadily shows up is the picture of a sunshine-smiley idiot ( incidentally having Steve's face , funny how that works ) waking up in a bright bedroom , curtains wafting in the breeze , he stretches , sighs , tells himself what a lovely lovely day it will be and gets up , dressed in perfectly pressed , striped pajamas . there's coffee on the patio and a cheerful greeting for the equally stupidly dressed neighbor while he picks up the newspaper in a friggin' picket-fence neighborhood . clear-headed , awake , clean , filled with motivation for the day .
Tommy owlishly blinks against the morning sun , scratches the freckled chin . . .
. . . " eh , " and fishes around in his pocket for the shot bottle of bourbon to add to the thermos he'd nicked from his father . too much mental gymnastics at this hour . or any hour , for that matter . " that's what god invented counter-beer for . " fuck , his voice still sounds rough . and the only way to remedy that , apparently , is with a cigarette and a sip of bourbon-induced caffeine . to feeling like a fucking piece of shit . he shifts , sitting cross-legged on the hood of his pine-green Alfa Romeo , and lightly starts whacking the thermos to the side of Steve's head , shamelessly abusing the fact that the other boy's still flat on his back next to him and not looking like he intends to move anytime soon . fine by him . not like they got class in five minutes .
" drink up , sweetheart . you're not you when you're sober . "
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