watchoutforintellect · 4 months
late afternoon and the air dissolves to luminous and elongated molecules. A heartfelt mercury as delicate as compelling as the melted movements of your lips
June Jordan, from the Foreword of Haruku/Love Poems
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yunmew · 1 year
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dieselocelot · 1 year
It does make me wince to see people reduce Yonoi down to his relationship with Jack when he is a literal fascist. He was stationed in Manchuria ffs theres no sidestepping his incredibly violent, active participation in the imperial japanese war machine. How his driving goal in the film was the construction of the airstrip to assist in the IJA's efforts in Indonesia (which he wants to have the POWs build). How he's desperately ashamed he wasn't able to assist in the Ni Ni Roku incident or at least had a 'valiant' death alongside his compatriots. theres no avoiding it. but it's never talked about.
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pabrikinterlockfutsal · 4 months
0896-5297-9519 (WA), Pabrik Interlock Basket P. Haruku
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0896-5297-9519 (WA), Pabrik Interlock Basket P. Haruku
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6289652979519 , Pabrik Interlock Basket P. Haruku, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Futsal Bonehau, Pabrik Interlock Badminton Serbajadi, Produsen Interlock Voly Serengan, Supplier Lantai Interlock Futsal Seri Kuala Lobam, Pabrik Lantai Interlock Basket Seribu Riam, Produsen Lantai Interlock Badminton Seririt, Supplier Lantai Interlock Voly Serpong, Pabrik Interlock Lapangan Futsal Serpong Utara
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Nomor Hp Bu Diana: 0896-5297-9519 (Nomor Whatsapp)
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boss-the-goofball · 6 months
I am so close to being done with the character details of this original project I've been working on, I can taste it
So far I don't have any planned limb-loss, but that is subject to change, naturally.
Feel free to ask me for details about the following:
The Main Adventuring Party (Haruku, Syun'ya, Kappei, and Tomoe) The Four Assassins (Taiki, Yuka, Akaya, and Moto) Two of the Four Major Antagonists (Hisago and Shiryuu) Three out of the Four Minor Allies (Touri, Yuugiri, and Yoshiki) Two out of the Three Non-Assassin Minor Antagonists (Etsuji and Eito)
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tremaghi · 7 months
I gatti dimostrano di avere un'assoluta onestà emotiva (Ernest Hemingway)
Se non fosse per un azzeccassimo regalo che ha ricevuto mio marito per il suo compleanno, non avrei mai trovato questo libro. Difficilmente l’avrei scovato sugli scaffali di una libreria e tanto meno online.Il mio amore per i gatti mi ha portato nel tempo a leggere parecchi libri su questi meravigliosi felini, sempre bellissime storie con un’unico protagonista e del suo rapporto con chi ha avuto…
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commetombeunarbre · 9 months
Ik wil neuken tot mijn hersenmassa smelt.
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0823-3000-6040 (WA), Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah P. HarukuLangsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282330006040 , Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah P. Haruku, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah P. Haruku, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Kuluk Leleng, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Rangan Burih, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Rangan Surai, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Rangan Tangko, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Sebaung, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang Bemban, Pusat Grosir Kaos Kaki Muslimah Tumbang DakeiKami adalah Distributor Kaos Kaki Muslimah Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Kami sudah berpengalaman sejak 2008 melayani penjualan secara online, melayani pembelian dari luar pulau hingga ke luar negeri.Kami Sedang Mencari mitra bisnis yang ingin menjual kaos kaki Muslimah dari kami.Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Kemitraan silahkan di Hubungi di Sini:Nomor HP Ibu Tiva : 0823-3000-6040#PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahP.Haruku, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahP.Haruku, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahKulukLeleng, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahRanganBurih, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahRanganSurai, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahRanganTangko, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahSebaung, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangBemban, #PusatGrosirKaosKakiMuslimahTumbangDakei
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love1kimono · 25 days
Haruko of Tokyo 1913
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Geigi (geisha) Haruku of Tokyo at the beginning of the Taishō period.
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legofanguy1999 · 2 months
AU August 2024 Inuyasha canon diveregence
A Inuyasha fanfiction for @augustwritingchallenge event AU August 2024 day 1 canon divergence, which tell a alternate universe in which Naraku was not created and Inuaysha married Kikyo. This story is a sequel to a story that I did for Inuvember. Their daughters are based on @nattikay joke Inukag children.
Inuyasha wake up to the smell of his wife Kikyo sleeping by his side as morning comes and he smile that he has a happy life since he and Kikyo married ten years ago, and he was afraid that all of this was some kind of dream and Inuyasha may have give in to his needs of being human or become a full demon. Right now, his wife started to wake up, with her blue eyes looking right at Inuyasha's golden orbs and give a smile. Just then, two little girls run inside their bedroom and call out as they jump onto Inuyasha, "Papa! Mama! It's morning!" and Inuyasha groans as he is hugged by his two dog ear daughters Sakura, whose look like a little girl version of her father with her mother Kikyo eyes and wearing a blue kimono, and Haruku, whose have gray hair with black ears along with golden eyes and wearing a green kimono, as they look up to him. Kikyou sigh as she pick up their white hair baby son Arashi and give him his morning milk while saying to her and Inuyasha girls, "Good morning, dears."
Outside Inuyasha and Kikyo house, Sakura and Haruku run up to their twenty years old aunt Kaede, whose is a miko like their mother, as she said to them, "Hello, Sakura, Haruku. You two are growing up so fast."
As Inuyasha watch his daughters played with the other village kids, he feel something from a old cave. There was a feeling of hate that give Inuyasha a uneasy feeling and he walk inside the cave, where he find a patch of glass and what remains of a human body, which is the source of this feeling. "So, you sense it, Inuyasha." Kaede call out from behind which Inuyasha turn to face her and the miko explains to Inuyasha, "This was where a bandit named Onigumo, whose was betrayed and badly burnt by his comrades, lay in his final days. During those times, when Omigumo was unable to move due to his injuries, Kikyo take care of him and he fall madly in love with her that Onigumo threated my life when I come to take care of for Kikyo one night, revealing his lust for her in the process. I warned Kikyo about Onigumo wanting her, but she think nothing of it. When I told him that Kikyo has eyes only for you, Inuyasha, it has appear to broken his wrecked heart and he die in this very cave, but we can sense his dark spirit, so filled with hate on you, haunt this cave, waiting for Kikyo to this day." and Inuyasha said, "I see. I don't even remember why I come to the village in the first time, and Kikyo taught me about love." Kaede said, "I recall that it was something about some kind of jewel that can empowered demons." and Inuyasha said, "Yeah, that was it." which Kaede reply, "I think that it is just a legend such my sister told me she has no idea what jewel people are asking her for." The two leave the cave.
As night falls and Inuyasha and Kikyo as well their family head to bed, a spirit of a young woman watch them and said to herself, "So... this is a reality that was created by my wish for the Shikon Jewel to never exist." and she return to her reality, and to her Inuyasha.
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searenbound · 3 months
Haruku Sakura is a good name for him actually
Haruka means something along the lines of faraway or distant, and a sakura can symbolize life and death, beauty, or violence
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Kanji meets Rise's old friend and learns about her parents Unko and Haruku.
Shu tags along for grief counseling.
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pokejstor · 1 year
Excerpt from Story and Song: The Hisuian Yukar
Part of the Sinnoh Historical Society Digital Records.
Aulus Haruku
Journal of world music and cultures, vol. 43, no. 2
While the people of Hisui had very little traditional recorded history before the arrival of the Galaxy Team, it should not be said that they lacked any way of passing information from generation to generation. Most historical accounts are oral, and of these, the most highly honored is the yukar. Traditionally, these are songs sung by both men and women, although in the late Hisuian era, the duty of both creating and performing the yukar fell primarily to women.
While the contents and styles of these sagas can vary, all share a few common traits, the most unique of which being that they are performed from the point of view of some part of nature, often a Pokemon. For example, in "The Story of a Girl Who Forgot Her Life," much of the story is told from the perspective of Uxie, rather than the girl herself. There are many common themes in the yukar as well, such as the loss of family, the importance of trade, and the war between the Diamond and Pearl Clans. Typically, they involve either a god or a Noble Pokemon as well, who frequently serves as a secondary protagonist to the story.
An important thing to note about the yukar is that it is not a literal retelling of the story- many events are mythologized in the song, as can be seen with "The Story of a Warden Who Defended Her Noble's Son." When comparing the yukar to surviving historical records of its subject, Warden Garana of the Pearl Clan, it is clear that the yukar is not meant to be taken literally, such as when the Growlithe who would become Lord Arcanine describes her as turning into light to rescue his companion from shadows trying to consume him. This is a more poetic way of stating that Warden Garana thwarted an attempt at kidnapping the future Lord of the Isles- there are no historical documents implying that Warden Garana or any other Warden possessed magical abilities of any kind.
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ceritata · 1 year
Impian Kecil
Ga tau lagi gimana cara mengungkapkannya, aku sangat amat bersyukur dikasih kesempatan buat memenuhi wishlistku yang dua ini. Ketika bingung pilih salah satu jalan-jalan di Wonosobo atau ndaki Gunung Prau, tapi Allah kasih kesempatan memenuhi keduanya, plus dapet bonus ke Temanggung dan dibersamakan dengan orang orang baik yang bantu ngejaga aku. Ya begitulah, aku minta dua tapi Allah kasih banyakkk. Maasyaa Allah Alhamdulillah🥹🤍
Terimakasih teman-teman perjalananku yang gak ku sangka sama sekali, dengan perencanaan yang singkat tapi jelas. Aku gak tau sebenarnya apa yang buat mereka tergerak untuk mau ikut perjalanan ini, tapi ku anggap sajalah mereka memang mau menemaniku memenuhi impian-impian kecilku yang dua ini hehe. Bener benar sayang, beribu ungkapan terimakasih juga kayanya ga bakal mewakilkan rasa haruku sama mereka, ini jujur, tapi terlalu gengsi untuk mengungkapkan secara langsung hahahaha🥹 Suatu saat pasti aku bakal rinduw momen ini hahaha love you guys!🤍
Batam, 30 Juli 2023
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kierrasreads · 12 days
Haruku Murakami Manga Stories: The Second Bakery Attack, Samsa in Love, and Thailand (Haruki Murakami Manga Stories #2) by Jean-Christophe Deveney (Adapter), Haruki Murakami, PMGL (Illustrator) Review
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With their trademark mix of realism and fantasy, centering around Murakami's signature themes of loss, remorse and confusion, the three stories in this volume are:
The Second Bakery Attack: A newlywed couple lie in bed, hungry. The man tells his wife that ten years earlier, he and his friend tried to rob a bakery. The baker told them that if they listened to Wagner's Tannhauser and The Flying Dutchman with him, they could take what they wanted. They did so and left with enough bread to feed them for two days. On hearing this story, the woman suggests they try the same thing. They drive around Tokyo looking for a bakery, but the only place open is a McDonald's. With a shotgun they demand 30 Big Macs. They find an empty parking lot where they eat until their fill. The man feels calm and satisfied after this experience.
Samsa in Love: is an extension of the tale of Gregor Samsa in Kafka's Metamorphosis. The main character wakes up finding himself transformed into someone named Samsa, and then falls in love with a hunchback woman who comes to fix the lock on his door.
Thailand: A middle-aged woman takes a break from her job as a doctor to go on holiday in Thailand. She learns from a spirit doctor that her sterile life and inability to forgive have created a rock in her gut, which will be all that remains of her after she is dead.
These new graphic versions of classic Murakami short stories will be devoured by his fans and will provide a new window onto his work for younger readers not yet familiar with it!
I would say that this one is on-tier with the first one! These were definitely different stories, and I have to admit I like them more than the ones in the first volume. Of these three, Thailand is my favorite, with Samsa in Love coming in second.
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koval-ptaki-birds · 2 months
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206) Eulipoa wallacei; nogal molucki, Moluccan megapode (megapod molucki), Wallace's scrubfowl (kurak zaroślowy Wallace'a), Moluccan scrubfowl (kurak zaroślowy molucki), painted megapode (megapod malowany) - mały, około 31 cm długości, oliwkowobrązowy megapod. Rodzaj Eulipoa jest monotypowy, ale molucki megapod jest czasami umieszczany w Megapodius. Obie płcie są podobne, mają oliwkowobrązowe upierzenie, niebieskawo-szare spód, białe pokrywy podogonowe, brązową tęczówkę, nagą różową skórę twarzy, niebieskawo-żółty dziób i ciemnooliwkowe nogi. Na grzbiecie ma jasnoszare paski na czerwono-bordowych piórach. Młode osobniki mają brązowawe upierzenie, czarny dziób, nogi i orzechową tęczówkę. Molucki megapod, endemiczny gatunek indonezyjski, występuje w lasach górskich i pagórkowatych na wyspach Moluki: Halmahera, Buru, Seram, Ambon, Ternate, Haruku i Bacan. Występuje również na wyspie Misool w prowincji Papua Zachodnia. Molucki megapod jest jedynym znanym megapodem, który składa jaja nocą. Tereny l��gowe znajdują się zazwyczaj na nasłonecznionych plażach lub glebach wulkanicznych. Ze względu na trwającą utratę siedlisk, ograniczony zasięg i nadmierne polowania w niektórych obszarach, molucki megapod jest oceniany jako narażony na wyginięcie na Czerwonej Liście Gatunków Zagrożonych IUCN.
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