#Haruna Kojima cat nap
liyatv · 10 days
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小嶋陽菜: 【完全公開】こじはるヒップの秘密🍑尻トレ/ 愛用ガードル/ボディケア
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kei139-line · 3 years
「#小嶋陽菜 まとめ」小嶋陽菜、超ミニのボディコンワンピ姿に絶賛の嵐!「とても素敵 ...・小嶋陽菜、ボディラインくっきりの大胆ミニワンピに反響「お尻の
「#小嶋陽菜 まとめ」小嶋陽菜、超ミニのボディコンワンピ姿に絶賛の嵐!「とても素敵 …・小嶋陽菜、ボディラインくっきりの大胆ミニワンピに反響「お尻の
「小嶋陽菜」に関する情報をまとめています。お探しの「小嶋陽菜」は、見つかりましたか? 小嶋陽菜1stフォトブック こじはる (講談社 MOOK) ムック – 2013/12 … や 小嶋 陽菜: 本 – Amazon.co.jp などもあるんですね。少しはお役に立ちましたでしょうか? 小嶋陽菜 第 1 位 小嶋陽菜、超ミニのボディコンワンピ姿に絶賛の嵐!「とても素敵 … 小嶋陽菜、超ミニのボディコンワンピ姿に絶賛の嵐!「とても素敵 …:Google 2021/10/26 … 元AKB48のタレント・小嶋陽菜が26日に自身のインスタグラムを更新し、ミニワンピースの私服ショットを公開した。 HARUNA KOJIMA’s cat nap – YouTube:Youtube こんにちは小嶋陽菜です cat napにようこそ メイクやファッション、私の日常VLOGをシェアしていきます…
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iidolediits · 4 years
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HARUNA KOJIMA’s cat nap 【2020】こじはるハワイ🥥🌺購入品や最新スポット
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facarous · 8 years
By Facarous & Sophcaro
ENGLISH VERSION – Revised by Sophcaro.
Matsui Rena was walking down the street with hurried steps, followed enthusiastically and closely by the officer Matsui Jurina who was all eyes, ears and nose alert to any danger. It had been an impossible task to dissuade her from not walking Rena home. The young police officer seemed to ignore completely the meaning of the word no.
Occasionally, Rena would look back, trying to convince herself that Jurina was really still there escorting her, and whenever that happened the officer caught her gaze and smiled playfully, wagging her tail cheerfully. Rena massaged her temple. God, she was still a puppy. A cute puppy, she had to admit.
"Ne, Rena-chan?"
"Yes, officer Matsui?"
"Jurina! Ju-ri-na..."
"Never mind, let's start again! I'll say: Rena-chan, and you shall answer: yes, Jurina-chan or Juritan or Juri…"
"Yes, yes... got it," Rena sighed resignedly. This must be a joke.
"Ne, Rena-chan?"
"Yes... Ju-ri-na..." she heard a snort behind her. An amused smile formed on her lips. "Yes, Jurina?" She asked again at the lack of response.
"Would you like to go for an ice cream?"
"Huh?" Rena looked up at the cloudy sky. "Officer... I mean, Jurina... I don’t think the weather is right for an ice cream, not to mention you are on duty."
"It’s always a good time for an ice cream and I'm doing my job. My job is to escort you home and if by any chance your route diverges to buy an ice cream, what can I do? I cannot leave you alone..."
Even though Rena had her back turned, she was sure the officer had a smirk on her face. She was incredible. Was she really thinking of using her as an excuse to go and buy ice cream?
"Sounds like you are trying to manipulate me, officer Matsui."
"Ju-ri-na... and no. Rena-chan, I’m only taking care of your safety and wellbeing and I think an ice cream would do you some good." Rena turned to face the police officer, not believing what she was hearing. What a mischievous girl! And Jurina had such a beaming smile on her face. "It’s on me."
Rena blinked, not understanding why on earth she was about to give a positive answer. She chuckled; the puppy was smart. Cute, smart and sassy... Kami, she couldn’t find it in her to say no to those imploring eyes that were staring back at her.
"Okay, Jurina. You win."
"Yeah!" The young officer jumped in joy. "You will not regret it, Rena-chan."
Rena was starting to get worried. That smile of victory on Jurina’s face suddenly seemed absurdly appealing.
Inside her head, a red light turned on in warning... this was not right.
Kojima Haruna was terrified.
Completely terrified.
Outside her apartment, was standing and adjusting her hair the officer who helped her save Brandy. Haruna knew she should have moved out, left the city and changed her name the moment she had followed her here after she had taken the kitten out of the sewer. Now, two days later, the officer was standing in front of her apartment in civilian clothes, in accordance with her wish to have a date with her.
What should she do? Pretend dementia? Refuse to open?
She cast a panicked look at her living room, where a dozen of cats was doing their mandatory 18-hour nap. She looked towards the shelves of her small kitchen; shelves that were full of cat food. Cat food that she had stolen.
The bell rang again. One of her cats yawned lazily and shot her an annoyed look, silently complaining that she was not stopping the terrible noise preventing him from sleeping peacefully.
"Kojima-san?" This time it was a couple of knocks on the door. "Kojima-san, I know that you are in here... Are you alright? I heard something falling."
Haruna cursed her clumsy feet.
"Y-Yeah... it's just that I'm... putting away... umbrellas!" She smacked herself. She did not even have umbrellas! Hurriedly and without thinking twice she opened the door, stepping out to face the police officer. She made sure to close the door behind her carefully. "H-Hello, officer Oshima,” she smiled as best as she could.
"Hello, Kojima-san..." Yuko arched an eyebrow. "Are you going to leave like that? It’s not that you don’t look cute, but... don’t you think you should at least put… shoes on?"
Haruna realized that she was still barefoot, and wearing pajamas. It was not that she had forgotten about the date, but until the last minute she had hoped she could escape from it. The neat appearance of the officer standing in front of her was a sharp contrast with her pair of pink pants and her red sleeveless shirt decorated with heart patterns.
The officer was wearing a beige coat above a neat, white shirt, along with a pair of tight jeans and sneakers. Haruna concluded that it was a nice outfit for an innocent date between friends. Except for the fact that they were not friends. In fact, technically, she was going on a date with the enemy.
"Oshima-san… I don’t think we should go on a date."
"Is it because of the coat? I knew it was a bad choice!"
"No, no, no... it's not that. It's just that I can’t accept your invitation." Yuko, who was checking her coat, stopped moving immediately. Her ears dropped a little in disappointment.
"Do you already have someone you like? Sorry, it was very selfish of me to invite you the way I did." Yuko slipped her hands into the pockets of her pants, her tail completely immobile behind her back. Haruna almost felt sorry for not meeting her expectations. "So... well... have a nice afternoon, Kojima-san..."
"Thank you for your understanding, Oshima-san."
The police officer nodded and turned around. She walked away with all the dignity she could; it was not every day someone canceled a date with her like that.
"Eh... Oshima-san?" Yuko immediately turned, her tail wagging in anticipation.
"Y-Yeah?" She showed her best smile.
“Er... what's behind your back?"
"Huh? My tail?" Yuko blinked in confusion.
"No. Inside your coat..." Haruna smiled in amusement.
"Ah... that..." Yuko reached inside her coat, arranged her clothes a little until she could take out what she had hidden. "I thought you'd like it."
It was a small bouquet of flowers, which had been awfully uncomfortable to hold in place. She didn’t want to appear with a hand behind her back - that would be very predictable - so she had managed to put the bouquet of roses strung by her belt and hidden under the coat. She must have looked very comical with that bump in her back all the way to the apartment of the girl-cat, but she thought it was worth it.
"Oh, they're beautiful," Haruna approached the officer, now feeling a little remorseful. "Are they really for me?" She was speechless and looked into the officer's eyes, suppressing the urge to take the bouquet. To be honest, she found the officer cute from the first moment she saw her in that alley trying to desperately catch her after stealing the cat food.
"They are, if you accept them."
"Let me go out with you today, as friends!" Haruna shook her head. "Then, at least, accept the roses..." Yuko placed the bouquet in the girl-cat's hands, but before she could turn around, those same hands stopped her.
"Actually, Oshima-san... I called you for another matter."
"I left my keys inside the apartment. I can’t get in."
And here was Kojima Haruna, stuck outside her apartment, asking help from the last person she should.
Jurina smiled warmly as the vanilla flavor flooded her mouth. Her ears fluttered cheerfully as she cupped her cheeks with her hands. That ice cream stick was her favorite and the only thing better than eating ice cream was undoubtedly having Matsui Rena sitting next to her on that little table.
"You really like ice cream, don't you?" Rena said amusingly.
"These are the best ice cream in town!" The officer raised her hands to the sky to emphasize what she said.
Rena’s day had started like any normal day of the week.
She woke up a little late that morning, trying to take advantage of the fact that her presence in the store wasn't necessary until the afternoon, when she was in charge of counting the money and checking that everything was in order.
With nothing else planned she had decided to take a seat in front of the TV to watch a marathon of her favorite anime for the rest of the day, but for now she headed towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
However, she soon understood things were not going to go according to her plans when out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a certain silhouette in her front yard.
The shopkeeper had spent a few minutes watching amusingly the young officer Matsui trying to ask her to go out. She looked tense and nervous, and had difficulty finding the right words. In the end, it was Rena who suggested to have breakfast outside, then go for an ice cream.
"The next time you want to come and visit me, it would be a good idea to knock on the door instead of standing in the middle of my yard for hours," Rena said playfully before looking at her companion who was sitting with her at a small table inside the ice cream shop.
"Mou, Rena-chan," Jurina looked embarrassed. "I was afraid you wouldn’t accept my invitation."
"And not taste the best ice cream in town?" The girl-dog raised her hands to the sky mimicking Jurina’s previous action. "However, I was surprised to see you outside my house. How long had you been there?"
The officer played nervously with her ice cream, trying to hide her blush.
"Quite some time." The truth was that Jurina's feet had led her to that house without her consent. Her initial plan was to go out for a morning jog, and she was now sitting inside her favorite ice cream shop enjoying the company of the older dog like-girl. "I wasn't sure whether to ring the bell or not."
"And I was not sure if I should call the police or not. After all, there was someone suspicious in my yard."
Rena laughed in amusement.
The officer’s behavior contrasted so much with her attitude the previous days. Today, the dog like-girl was shy and a bit nervous, and seeing her without her uniform was a strange thing for Rena, who had already grown accustomed to seeing the young police officer always following her behind. Her playful spirit and that air of self-confidence stunned the shop keeper who had always been characterized by a more composed personality.
Maybe that was what Rena found so appealing. At first, it was the young officer who couldn’t detach her eyes from her and took every opportunity to flirt with her. However, Rena soon found herself stealing quick glances at the other dog like-girl, or eagerly awaiting the moment when the doorbell of her shop would ring, announcing the arrival of Jurina.
After the previous ice cream that the shopkeeper had accepted a bit reluctantly, things had begun to change, slowly but surely.
Jurina's laugh brought her out of her thoughts. The officer seemed to have said something funny but she had not paid attention, too busy watching her features and analyzing even the smallest of her gestures. The shop keeper smiled. She extended her hand to wipe off some ice cream that had fallen next to the younger girl's lips.
The laughter ceased at once.
Both remained motionless, Jurina not understanding why suddenly all that surrounded her seemed to have disappeared. Rena’s heart was now pounding fast.
"Did you like your ice cream?" Jurina asked, not knowing what else to say in the close proximity of the other dog like-girl.
"It's very good," Rena replied, taking a bit of her strawberry ice cream that was almost finished. "You want to try?"
"Of course...”
Rena cut the distance between them and joined her lips with those of the officer, the kiss being immediately reciprocated.
"I..." Jurina suddenly seemed unable to coordinate properly. "I think I'll need to try it again.  Did you say it's cherry flavored?"
"No, it's strawberry," Rena replied with a smile, moving forward to connect their lips again.
Takahashi Minami had the privilege of having her desk next to the one of the officer Oshima Yuko. Sometimes that was very entertaining, some others, very exasperating; but today... today was a peculiar day. Yuko was quiet.
There was no fuss. There was no usual attempt to grab officer Watanabe's butt; she wasn’t either playing any silly prank on any of the other cops. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Yuko sat staring into space with her ears down. A huge contrast with the officer Matsui.
Matsui Jurina was a very promising young talent. The youngest cadet to graduate from the academy. She was restless, but she learned fast and had a strong will to do the right thing, which made her a reliable partner.
Today, the young Matsui had her head in the clouds. She was humming a song that Minami didn’t know, but she suspected was part of the repertoire of a certain idol group the dog-girl was obsessed with.
What the hell had happened to those two?
She cleared her throat, trying to get the attention of the two officers... without much success.
"What the heck?!" Yuko jumped out of her seat when Minami hit her on the head with a newspaper.
"Did you read the paper today?" The officer moved her mustaches in irritation. "There is an article about your case... the Nyan Nyan Kamen."
"And that's why you hit me on the head?"
"They’re making fun of your work!"
"They are?" Jurina approached them, trying to take a peek at the paper. "But we've been working on that case for weeks."
"Exactly. Weeks without any result."
"Put your cat’s nose elsewhere, Takamina," Yuko waved her hand at her, trying to dismiss the matter.
"Hey! This case may affect your career..."
"I have a plan," Jurina and Minami looked at her in disbelief. "We're going to catch her... then the newspapers will stop writing nonsense about us."
"What kind of plan?" Yuko smirked at Minami's question.
"Puppy!" She turned to Jurina, who winced in disgust at the nickname. "Are you still in touch with the pretty owner of that store?"
"No, I’m not."
"Don’t play dumb with me," Yuko frowned.
"I don’t know what your plan is, but I don’t think it's a good idea to involve Rena-chan."
"Rena-chan?" Yuko huffed. "Let no one see you wasting your time during working hours, it may affect your career." This time, it was Jurina who frowned. Minami looked at both officers, afraid a fight would start at any second in the middle of the police station.
"That's enough," the cat officer intervened and separated them. "Why don’t you explain us your plan? That way we can see if it's a good idea or not to involve civilians."
The sun looked shy behind the clouds, seemed undecided on whether or not to warm the wet streets after the morning rain. On the edge of a window layed two black cats with yellow eyes, moving their tails lazily as they tried to find a good position to receive a small sunbath. One of them yawned, stretching his body as best as he could before looking disinterestedly at the girl-cat who was laying on a couch next to them.
A sigh came from the girl-cat's lips... the thousandth of the day. She looked at a vase on the table containing a few red roses. She felt discouraged, and although she didn’t understand the reason for her distress, she knew it had something to do with the officer whom she had rejected the day before.
"Stop thinking about her!" She scolded herself.
The girl-dog looked attractive, yes. But she was Nyan Nyan Kamen, a thief who worried about the safety of homeless cats, whereas Oshima-san was a police officer who had tried on more than one occasion to catch her.
She looked at the flowers once more. It had to be a joke.
Yuko had a beautiful dimpled smile on her cheeks. She was kind; of that she had no doubt. Because, who gives you the number of a locksmith to help you enter your apartment after just being rejected? Not only had she given her the number, she had also let her use her phone to call the locksmith. The officer had remained by her side until she was able to enter her apartment again, before silently leaving.
Oshima Yuko knew how to get on her good side.
Her thoughts about the cute, attractive, and nice Oshima Yuko were interrupted by a mewling.  Brandy and three other cats were staring at her with their big and mesmerizing eyes, which could only mean one thing: It was time to eat.
Haruna was making her way to the kitchen when her feet suddenly slipped, causing her to fall backward on the floor. Disoriented and not understanding what had happened, she was progressively surrounded by several small hairy heads with pointed ears.
All of them mewled at the same time.
Standing up, Haruna realized there was a pool of water on the floor. One of her adopted children had knocked over a jar of water from the dining table, and she had walked directly into the slippery trap without realizing it.
"Guys... what did we say about knocking things over?" As she cleared the mess, she caught a familiar voice coming from the television. Her ears perked in recognition. It was Oshima-san. She directed her attention towards the television that had been on for hours, but ignored until now. The news was on.
They were interviewing the officer about the arrival of a new shipment of cat food, and the probability that Nyan Nyan Kamen might try to steal it. Haruna smiled; she had enough food for the rest of the week. She had no intention of stealing it. However, it was good to know that the stores were soon going to receive more supplies.
"Do you think it’s wise importing luxury food when there is a thief on the loose?" The reporter interviewed the officer Oshima, who appeared to be in the commercial district of the city.
"It’s a request from the Chamber of Commerce. Whether we believe it relevant or not, it is not our place to say. Our job is to protect this shipment." The officer looked seriously towards the camera.
"When will the shipment arrive?"
"It is planned to supply stores with food at the end of the week."
"Do you think it’s wise to give this kind of information so easily? What if the fearsome Nyan Nyan Kamen is watching this interview?"
"I count on it. I hereby publicly challenge that thief. I want her to know that we will not let her get away with it."
The interview ended after that. Haruna stood still for a moment. Fancy food? A public challenge? The officer was taunting her. The police were expecting her to be here at the time of the food delivery. She let out a laugh. Officer Oshima was not very intelligent if she thought she would fall into her trap.
"We have enough food, guys. We're not going to follow their silly games," she stroked Brandy. "Now, who's hungry?"
She would not go; she would not expose herself. She was the only hope for those cats. If the police caught her, her cats would have to wander in the streets again to look for food, and take the risk of endangering themselves.
It didn’t matter how fancy or expensive that food was, or how famous she could become if she once again ridiculed the police.
Although... She might as well give a lesson to that officer and the whole police department too. She scratched her head thoughtfully, hesitating between being cautious or playing a little prank to the police.
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