#Harvey Dent’s mind when when like his wife is in trouble or his dad is there: *beacons lighting scene from lotr or smth*
ziraconarose · 2 years
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“Get in bitch we’re going to destroy someone”
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lfthinkerwrites · 5 years
The Day Arrives
Title: Tales from Gotham Academy
Previous chapters: 1/2/3
Summary: The day of the field trip arrives. Pray for these poor, damned souls.
Friday, May 5th, 2019
The Day of the Field Trip
The Day of Infamy
It was a bright, sunny morning at Gotham Academy. In the parking lot in front of the school, two long buses were pulled up, with a crowd of freshmen students and their parents milling about, preparing to board. As usual, Jonathan and Jervis were among the first of the faculty to arrive, standing in front of a bus and waiting for the others to show.
"Well, here we are, old friend," Jervis said, shuffling a bit. "Another year, another horrifying trip. How bad do you suppose it's going to be this time?"
Jonathan shrugged his bony shoulders. "Well, Kerr ain't here. That's a plus."
"I'm more worried about Dormouse," Jervis muttered. "He's been in such a mood about this trip the whole week. I'm half expecting he won't show up."
"Well, you'd be wrong," Jonathan said, pointing behind them. "Here he comes now."
Indeed, Edward and Ellen walked through the growing mob of people, Ellen wearing her knapsack on her back and shaking her head. "Do you have to wear socks with your sandals, Dad? You look like a dork!"
Edward sniffed. "Well, you know how I feel about bare feet!" The father and daughter came to a stop in front of Jonathan and Jervis, and Edward gave them a nod. "Gentlemen."
Jervis politely greeted him, while Jonathan took a critical look at the tacky Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts his friend was wearing. "Which way to Margaritaville?"
"Oh, har har," Edward bit out. He pointed at Jonathan's own chicken legs, exposed as they were thanks to his own shorts. "When was the last time those saw sunlight? The Reagan administration?"
Almost on cue, the Dent family showed up next to the Nashtons, Harvey, Gilda, and Duela. Duela made a beeline to Ellen and the girls started whispering to each other. "Jesus Christ," Harvey growled. "We're not even on the bus yet and you're already starting a fight Nashton?"
"Oh, who asked you, Harv?" Edward asked, rolling his eyes.
Harvey growled again, but Gilda put a hand on his shoulder. "Sweetheart," she said. "Mind your blood pressure."
Harvey's face softened as it only did around his wife. "I'm fine, honey."
Edward turned his attention back to his daughter. "Ellen, did you put sunscreen on before we left the house?"
Ellen looked away from her best friend to look at her father. "You saw me put some on!"
"Well, you need to put on more! You're already turning pink!" Edward pulled a bottle of sunscreen out of his pocket and squeezed some onto his hand. "Come here!"
Ellen groaned but came forward. "I hate my ginger genes," she complained. She moved to take the bottle from her father, only for him to slather it on her face himself. "Dad!" Ellen wailed. "Do you have to do this here!?"
"Oh, how horrible! A father doing his best to make sure his only child doesn't get skin cancer! Someone call the media!"
Ellen looked beseechingly at Jonathan. "Uncle Jon! Make Dad leave me alone!"
"Edward, leave the child be," Jonathan chided. "You're embarrassin' her."
Edward finished and Ellen scurried off back to Duela, who was trying and failing to stifle a laugh.
"Duela," Gilda called out. "You be sure to wear sunscreen too."
"But Mom, I tan!" Duela protested.
"Doesn't matter," Harvey said. "Put it on when we get on the bus."
"When are we getting on the buses?" Jervis asked, taking a look at the ever-growing mob. Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown appeared by Ellen and Duela and became involved in whatever conversation the girls were having. "I think all of the freshmen are just about here."
"Just waiting on Gordon to show," Jonathan said. By the other bus, he saw Victor Fries and Miguel trying to get the kids lined up. "It's damn near nine now. Aren't we supposed to leave at 9:30?"
"Jim's going over the plans for the day with the teachers who are staying at the school," Harvey explained. "He's also probably telling Bolton to go easy on the discipline."
Edward snorted. "That'll be a first!
You might as well ask Goodman to stop being over-dramatic, or Karlo to stop being pretentious-"
"Or you to stop being such an obnoxious pain in the ass!" Harvey interrupted.
Edward's face darkened, but immediately lit up when he caught sight of someone approaching. "Darling!" Penelope came up to the small group, her usual serious expression only just softening as she approached her boyfriend. "Did you come to see me off?" Edward asked.
"Yes," she admitted. "Actually, I also wanted to ask you to-"
"'Try to have a good time'? That's not happening and we know it," Edward glowered.
Penelope rolled her eyes. "Actually, I was going to ask you to try not to get into any trouble today."
"Me? Get into trouble? I am a paragon of virtue! A role model for the children to aspire to!"
"You threw a big hissy tantrum the other day when the vending machine in the teacher's lounge ran out of orange soda," Jonathan drawled.
"After it already ate my money, Jonathan!"
Penelope shook her head, then grabbed gently onto Edward's hand, drawing him away from the group a few feet. "If you're right and this Mockridge is at the park," she said in a low tone. "Than he's probably going to try to bait you into a fight. Just for today, ignore it. Be the bigger man."
Edward huffed. "Fine. For you and Ellen, I'll try."
Penelope smiled softly at him then. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you? I'm sure Jonathan or Jervis would be more than happy to trade places."
"No," Edward said, kissing her hand. "One of us deserves to get through this day with their sanity intact. Just promise me that you won't get involved in whatever mischief the Sirens have planned for the day."
"Have I ever?" she asked with a bemused expression on her face.
"No, but they'll try."
While the two had their conversation, Ellen watched them with an intent expression on her face. Duela gently elbowed her. "You think she might become your stepmom?"
Ellen shrugged. "Maybe."
"Where are you on the little brother or sister front?"
"I asked Dad again on Christmas if I could have one for my Birthday and he turned really pink and wouldn't talk about it." Ellen pouted. "I'm probably not gonna get one until college at this rate."
Tim scoffed. "Ellen, trust me. Siblings are overrated."
"Nashton!" Harvey called. "Jim's coming! Get back here!"
Edward's face darkened, but he and Penelope came to rejoin the group just as Gordon, trailed as always by Kristen, made his way through the crowd. As soon as got to the front of the bus, he cleared his throat and began to speak. "Good morning everybody! In just a few minutes, we'll be taking off, so we need all students to line up single file in front of one of these buses."
"Speaking of," Jervis pointed out, turning to his friends and colleagues. "We're all getting on this bus, right?"
"As long as Neil isn't on it we are," Jonathan replied.
"Where is Neil?" Jervis asked, taking a quick look around. "I haven't seen him or Basil yet."
"Maybe we got lucky and they called out," Harvey muttered. "Or they murdered each other."
"Harvey," Gilda lightly scolded.
Penelope shook her head. "Neil and Karlo on the trip together? What was Gordon thinking allowing that to happen?"
A loud whistle blew, interrupting Gordon while he was still addressing the crowd of students and their parents. The crowd turned as one and saw Neil at the school's entrance, in front of a portion of the school's marching band, dressed in a spiffy summer outfit and waving a baton around. He led out the band to an instrumental rendition of 76 Trombones, a wide smile on his face the whole time.
Jonathan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Jesus. Tap-dancing. Christ."
"Well," Edward said. "If nothing else, Neil certainly knows how to make an entrance."
Neil continued up to the second bus, the children falling into a single-file line behind him. As soon as he was at the front, he turned and bowed to the marching band. "Thank you, boys and girls! Enjoy your day today!" The band dispersed and the assembled crowd broke out into loud applause.
Basil Karlo chose that moment to make his appearance. He walked up next to Neil, looked at his outfit and sniffed. "Not bad. For a rank amateur."
Neil's face turned bright red. He looked like he was about to say something when Gordon spoke up again. "Anyway. We'll be arriving back on campus at 5 pm. Parents, please be here to pick up your kids. That being said, it's time to board." The students by the first bus finally began to line up after saying their goodbyes to their parents and guardians.
Ellen and Duela, by virtue of being daughters of faculty members, were the first to board. "Save me a window seat, Duela!" Ellen called after her friend as they scrambled aboard.
"Ellen, don't run!" Edward called after her. Tim and Stephanie followed their friends onto the bus. Soon, the last students had boarded and it was time for the staff to go. Jonathan and Jervis climbed aboard, while Edward and Harvey both turned to their significant others for their final goodbyes.
"Great. A day at a theme park with these nuts," Harvey grumbled.
Gilda leaned up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. "Don't let it get too you too much, Harvey. Try to have fun with Duela today."
Harvey smiled at his wife, then got aboard.
"Remember what we talked about, Edward," Penelope said, lightly squeezing his hand. "Try not to get into trouble."
"Well, I can't speak for my illustrious colleagues, but I promise that I won't start anything," he said. He leaned in a bit closer. "In the meantime, I had a few more ideas of what you could do to reward me."
Penelope fondly rolled her eyes. "Reward you for behaving like you're supposed to? Really?"
Edward mock-pouted, only to catch someone approaching from the corner of his eye. "Oh no."
Penelope was about to ask him what was wrong, only for Harley's voice to interrupt. "Hiya, Eddie!" She bounded up to give him a hug. Selina and Pamela showed up as well, both of them looking at the bus with a smirk.
Edward groaned. "What are you three doing here? Come to rub it in one last time?"
"Actually, I needed to speak to them," Gordon said. He turned to address Selina. "So we're all clear on the schedule for the day?"
"Half-day classes, final bell at 12:30, kids in detention out by 2:30, clubs and activities out by 3:00, stay on campus until you get back and help with pickup," Selina rattled off. "Crystal clear."
Gordon nodded. "Good. Remember, Strange will be leaving campus at 12:30 for a meeting with members of the school board. Kristen, of course, will help out with anything you might need." His look turned grave. "Keep an eye on Bolton, but don't start anything with him. Understand?"
Pamela scoffed. "You should be telling him not to start anything with us."
"I did, as a matter of fact," Gordon said. "Alright, I think that's everything. Kristen, give me status updates every hour until school's out. Ladies, try not to have too much fun." He turned and walked towards the second bus to help them with boarding, leaving Edward with the Sirens.
"This is gonna be great!" Harley said, throwing her arms around Kristen and Penelope's shoulders. "After Strange leaves, we're gonna have a girl's day in the chem lab!"
Edward grimaced. "And just what nonsense does that entail?"
Pamela let out a cold laugh. "Wouldn't you like to know."
Edward's face fell, and Penelope shook off Harley's grip to reassure him. "I'm sure it'll be fine," she said.
"Relax Eddie, we'll take care of your girl," Selina teased.
"That's what I'm afraid of," Edward ground out.
Penelope rolled her eyes. "You're all ridiculous."
"Edward!" Jonathan called out. "Are you getting on board or do Dent and I have to drag your ass on?"
"I'm coming!" Edward snapped. He took one last look at his girlfriend and the Sirens and shuddered. "Remember me fondly."
Harley just gave him a cheeky wave. "Bye, Eddie! See you in the funny papers!"
Edward waved back, then took a deep breath and boarded. Gordon came back to the bus and gave the women a wave before he climbed on. The bus door closed and the remaining crowd of people took a step back as the buses started. The first bus pulled out of the parking lot, followed by the second bus. In a matter of moments, the buses had passed the main gate and were on their way to Mt. Olympus theme park.
God help them all.
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