#who best my mom and me just won the lottery : ) so I am going to take his money and probably also kill him’
ziraconarose · 2 years
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“Get in bitch we’re going to destroy someone”
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fantasylandloser · 1 year
Driving Lessons
pairing: bestie!rafe x reader
summary: Rafe teaches reader how to drive
A/N: I am well aware two people can not fit into the driver's side of a car, but this came from the deep crevices of my mind so let's just pretend that it's possible.
p.s: I really need to learn how to drive
You settle yourself in between Rafes muscular thighs, anxiously shifting as he explains everything to you. You try your best to focus on his instructions but you were already nervous and on the cusp of backing out. 
You were with Rafe on the driver's side of his truck. The expensive truck was large and had enough space in it to fit you and Rafe, snuggly. His thighs were open wide to give you enough space, but your thighs were practically melted to his due to the summer heat.
He had begged you to let him teach you how to drive, when he found out you didn’t know how. At first he’d been shocked, never knowing a nineteen year old who didn’t know how, but he was starting to often be reminded of the extent of his privilege and while usually it made him happy to know he had things other people didn’t, knowing it was you this time made him feel the opposite. It was your idea for him to be on the driver’s side with you, when he suggested his expensive truck, knowing that you did not want to ruin something you could not afford to pay for and you’d rather he be right there to fix a mistake rather than on the passenger side.
Topper had come with because he was always with the two of you, the three of you had all been unlikely friends, even though you were the only one that was unlikely. You grew up on the other side of the island until recently when your mom won the lottery and decided to go full kook. Rafe and his family came to greet you, and they invited your family to a dinner and the two of you had been joined at the hip since then.
“Okay, you ready now?” Rafe said after going through his long detailed explanation and you realized that he was terrible at explaining things. 
“Not at all.” You tell him, making Topper laugh.
“It’s easy really, you think they’d let this dumbass have a license if it wasn’t?” Topper jokes, knowing it would ease your nerves. And it does a bit, you laugh as well when Rafe raises his middle finger to Topper. 
“Okay…” You exhale a deep breath trying to shake your nerves out. “Topper put your seatbelt on.” You demand, to which he complies after raising his hands to surrender. 
You look behind you, checking to see if Rafe had his on, only to be met with blue eyes about one inch from your face. You try quickly to stop the goofy smile from growing on your face, when you see his cheeky little grin, but you fail like always.
“Here we go.” Topper says from the passenger seat, rolling his eyes. He was unsure why the two of you hadn’t gotten together already and he made sure to let Rafe know that he thought he was stupid every time you were gone.
“Put your seatbelt on too.” You say sassily. 
“It’s not gonna go around both of us.” He refuses, knowing you would hate it. 
“So?” You question. “I don’t know how to drive, like at all. So put it on.” You demand again, only for him to remain stubborn.
“If you don’t have one on, I won’t have one on.” He tells you, and you can tell he thinks he’s funny, and Topper seems to agree from the other seat as he watches with clear amusement. You roll your eyes not bothering to waste your breath, before you shift so that you’re facing him a little more. You reach up grabbing the seat belt and dragging it across his chest before clicking it in place. You quickly close the gap you created so that he wouldn’t have time to take it off, unknowingly pressing your ass further into his crotch than it was before.Rafe was hanging on by a thread really. 
“Okay now tell me what to do again.”
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rimouskis · 2 months
dude not to scuff my foot against the dirt about choices I made while fully knowing the consequences but also: my dad texted me saying that not only did he and my mom go meet my glamorous flew-in-from-LA movie-industry "aunt"*, her husband, and her dad at a swanky jazz cocktail bar to celebrate my "aunt's"* dad, who's 96 today(!!!), but also both of my sisters are there, both with their significant others 💔
*she's not my aunt, she's my mom's cousin, but "first cousin once removed" is a mouthful and also I call her my aunt lol
sometimes it's like man. the older I get the harder it is to live away from everyone.
it's dumb, because I love pittsburgh and I am very often so happy that I moved out here. something that's always stuck with me is my dad once told me he regretted how he and my mother never made the jump to live elsewhere. a huge part of him clearly wanted (and maybe still wants) to live out west. they honeymooned in colorado, and my dad said he wished they'd moved out there. but they both got jobs and just stayed, and now forty years later here they are, each only an hour from where they grew up.
so I'm glad I did it. I think I've gained a lot of life experience, and have gotten to know and love this city and its people. I could see this being a permanent home for me, sincerely. I have a wide network of friends across so many age groups, and I like the culture and the rolling hills and the greenness everywhere and of course the hockey ;)
but also I think about like, what if my sisters marry their boyfriends, both of whom I like. what if they settle down? I know my middle sister wants kids. I can't imagine not being around for that.
and then, on the flip side, I want to live so many places. I want to try out seattle so, so damn badly. I turned down a job offer out there a couple months ago and I don't regret it because it wasn't the right timing, but god. I want to be out there so badly.
but also every year feels closer to a year that my sisters really put down ROOTS. and it's like I can see the street lamps starting to flicker on, the universal signal for the kids out on the street to go home.
it's a complicated thing! and it's not a bad problem to have, not really. I have a lot of possibilities in front of me. there are good and bad consequences to any choice I could make. if I won the lottery I'd just have an apartment in each city and bounce between them, haha, but alas I've never bought a ticket.
anyways, I just think a lot about the lives of my sisters that I've missed out on, and my parents, and the people and family we have. but on the other hand I have a life I've lived and made and really, really enjoyed out here, so it's just a weighing of the scales, and I have to find some peace in balancing them because I feel like my story out-in-the-world isn't quite done yet.
this is getting rambly and off topic but I'm reminded of how my high school best friend once was surprised when I said I thought I'd wind up back home one day. she said I'd always been a bit drifty, a bit gone-where-the-wind-took-me, and she wasn't wrong. when I was in high school, I said I'd never move to the big city!!! I was going out west!!!
ah, how wrong I was, ahaha.
it's a complicated thing, feeling like you belong in many places at once. I belong home with my family and the city where all of our friends and family are. I belong here, in Pittsburgh, where I learned how to be an adult and where I have friends and colleagues and a million habits I enjoy and holes-in-the-wall I know and shopkeepers who wave hi to me in recognition and so many things I'd hate to give up. and every damn time I step foot in the PNW I just have a bone-deep feeling of "I belong here, I want to feel how I feel here all the time, I want to see these sights every day, I want to have the ocean and mountains and green green nature around me."
but there's only one me! and I certainly haven't ascended to the "live in three states for funsies" income bracket 😂😂😂
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Chapter 3: Moon
“He seemed nice!” Kinkajou said while her and Moon were walking outside the school building to the dorms.
“Yeah, he just seemed a little nervous. Not everyone is as extroverted like you, (I would know, I am standing right here).”
They walked in the dorm building and in the elevator.
“Yeah, so? We’re playing a question game so you’re going to HAVE to be more extroverted!”
“It’ll be FINE! Oh, also, we’re meeting up with my friend and his roommate for dinner tonight.”
“WHAT? Oh my god Kinkajou did you ask Turtle to dinner ALREADY?”
“Oh, no, but I should! Thank you for the suggestion!” Kinkajou said and pulled out her phone to text Turtle.
The elevator opened once she sent the text and they walked to their room.
Moon grabbed the key out of her pocket and opened the door where Kinkajou ran straight to her bag to pull out a pile of cards.
“ALRIGHT! For this just pull a card, it has a question, ask the other person so they can answer, and BOOM! It’ll seem like we’ve known each other our whole lives!”
“Um, okay.”
“I’LL GO FIRST!” She pulled a card. “What kind of music are you into?”
“I like classical stuff, instrumentals. It’s very calming, I like reading while listening to it, and also playing it.”
“AHHHH! THAT IS SO COOL! I LISTEN TO- wait I’m not supposed to answer the question, PULL A CARD!”
Moon pulled a card.
“Okay, what was the last thing you read?”
“OH MY GOD! My foster mom bought me this graphic novel to hype me up for band this year (not like I wasn’t already hype) but it was SO COOL! It was about these two girls who played trombones just being besties and I LOVED IT! Forgot what it was called, BUT IT WAS SO GOOD!”
Kinkajou pulled a card very quickly.
“What app do you use the most?”
“Pinterest. Pinterest is good.”
“OH! I LOVE PINTEREST! FOLLOW ME! Hold on I’ll give you my user can I type it in?”
Moon handed Kinkajou her phone and she instantly began typing.
“There we go! Your turn by the way!”
Moon listened to Kinkajou and pulled a card.
“How do you drink your coffee?”
“BLEH! I would NEVER drink coffee. First of all because it’s disgusting. Second of all because everyone says I shouldn’t be trusted on caffeine.”
“I can most definitely believe that last part.” Moon said with a sigh.
“MYYYYY TUUURN!!” Kinkajou yelled as she pulled a card. “Ooh, what would you buy if you won the lottery?”
“Many, many books.”
“Boring, but okay.” She heard Kinkajou mutter.
Moon pulled a card, rolling her eyes.
“Who is the one person who can always make you laugh?”
“OH! Definitely my best friend Qibli, he’s one of the people we’re eating with tonight! I’ve known him since I was like eight, since he’s the brother of one of my foster mom’s friends and they thought we would get along AND WE DO! You will DEFINITELY like him! He’s one of the easiest people to talk to about anything! Don’t be alarmed though if he seems a little distant to you at first, he’s got some trust issues because of the people he grew up with. I honestly feel really bad for the guy. You have to be nice to him, got it?”
“Kinkajou of course I’ll be nice to your friend, I’m not a monster.”
“Thanks, I’m sure he would appreciate another friend. He might sense that you’re a good person though, he is REALLY good at observing people. It’s kind of creepy sometimes.”
A ping went off.
“Yes, we will.”
Moon was starting to feel a lot less nervous.
Kinkajou seemed to be really kind and Moon enjoyed being around her.
For the first time besides her mother, she really felt a connection with someone.
This is what it feels like to have a friend. She thought.
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fatedwithmbc · 2 years
Embarrassments from this Weekend:
1. After trying every form of protein possibly on the market, I discovered it can make you very gassy. Not a problem if you’re not being social. Very BIG problem when you have an overnight at your romantic interests’ house. Thanks, Cancer, you slut.
2. I made a cake for my brother’s belated birthday dinner. The very first thing I stated was, “it’s flat”. The very first thing my brother said was, “it’s missing some height”.
3. Emotional posts on my social media accounts were abundant this weekend. Today marks 2 years since my Dad’s passing. I’m in full “grief” mode. It also makes me think about my own passing. I just keep thinking, I’m also Stage IV, I can’t have much time left… who knows.
4. Admitting to myself how much I missed, and actually crave physical touch from someone who cares about me. I mean hugs, spooning, holding hands; you know, PG-13, innocent PDA. It’s made me realize, you need to hug whoever you love. You need physical touch to feel loved; whether it’s a hug platonically, or a family member, or even romantically.
5. Confessing to “E” that he couldn’t buy a new Michigan hat because I already had — for him. Which in turn left me feeling as if I have put the cart before the horse. Is it too soon for gifts? I mean, his birthday is in 2 weeks and I am fully prepared, despite our lack of “status”. I care for him and this is how I’d behave for anyone I care for - and cutting the shit: I’m excited about where “we” could be headed.
Amazing Things from this Weekend:
1. Time with “E”. Seeing him in person definitely solidified things for me. We’re oddly comfortable around each other. We can be quiet without it being awkward. There’s banter. Which I love the most. His demeanor is serious, yet caring - hard and soft; a complete paradox that I somehow understand. We cuddled watching Unsolved Mysteries with “R” taking up the middle between us. We went to bed— and had deeply open conversations, like kids at a sleepover refusing to go to bed. Sleep finally came, and I could have stayed in the most intentional yet gentle embrace in his arms forever. I slept well, and without the aid of medicines for the first time in ages. He let me sleep later as he took care of “R”. I made his bed and readied to leave- but not before discussing plans to see each other soon. True gentleman that he is, he walked me out to my car, gave me the best hug in the world and said “Text me when you’re home”. That important line that means someone cares for you. I hope this continues to trend positively. We’ve not stopped talking since I left.
2. Celebrating my Brother; his happiness is my happiness. Knowing he loved his gifts, enjoyed the cake I made for him and is opening up with me again is more than I could ever ask for. I’ve missed him. We won’t ever be the same, but we’re healing and adapting. We’re making our family important.
3. Seeing my Nephew — including the best greeting: his smiling face and excited voice beaming “Asheley!” Our silly games, our hugs and our good-byes. All of it, with him, is special and precious to me.
4. Learning the Buttercream Frosting recipe from Mom-Mom
5. Selecting the flowers for Dad’s bouquet, ensuring the depth and meaning I am always looking for was accomplished. Red Roses - Love; White Roses - Loyalty; Amaranth - Admiration & Friendship.
6. A Georgia mug was added to my “You Are Here” collection from Starbucks; courtesy of my SIL and Brother.
7. Pep-talks from my amazing Bestie (also identifiable as “E”) really helped calm my nerves on Friday. And she is feeling better after having COVID. She’s in the top 3 of my biggest supporters/carers. I’m so glad I have a solid friendship to rely on and that makes me feel entirely supported.
8. I won $59 on random lottery winnings which coincided with Dad’s birth year on the day of his death date. It was a weird universe, coincidence thing. And I love those types of “signs”.
Random Ramblings:
MBC has totally stolen my appetite and desire for food. I’m dying from these daily protein in-take targets. “E” cares about my protein in-take. He asks about my goal and progress each day. Plant protein is very “dry”. “Whey” protein tastes awful. I have one item I bought that I have left to try. The bottom line is that I don’t know how I can force myself to eat. It’s so damn hard. Especially because once you haven’t eaten for awhile, not eating food seems natural.
I started feeling neuropathy, (thanks again, Cancer), for the first time since taking the Kisqali. It’s in my hand. Totally can’t feel the objects in my hand when I hold them (only periodically). It feels like pins and needles or like it’s “sleeping”.
I discovered a storefront that does Tarot Readings in a town nearby. I’m going this week since I’m on a forced LOA. Forced LOA definitely frees up ones’ calendar. I am super interested in how the reading will progress and what it will ultimately reveal. I also reached out to some relatives about a possible trip to NY state during my LOA.
I’m exhausted, but still not sleeping without the aid of pills.
I have a few appointments this week. Nothing major. No shots, no labs, no surgery.
I’m successfully avoiding the bathroom scale. But admittedly, I’ll weigh myself tomorrow.
The End.
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alaskasmonsters · 4 years
(Un)deserving | Nishinoya Yuu
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requested by @kyonsh​: Hii! I was wondering if you could write a Nishinoya angst with a fluff ending, in which they are childhood friends but Nishinoya feels he isnt enough for her. The plot can change if you feel like it! Thank u so much just for paying attention to my request!
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pairing: nishinoya yuu x fem!reader
w.c: 3.343
warnings: angst (with happy ending), noya being hella insecure
a.n: i wonder if i’ll ever manage to finish requests quickly...thank you for being so patient with me <3 i’m finally finished and i really hope it’s what you imagined and i hope you like it! :3 (it’s like 2 am lol (what is sleep).)
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If Nishinoya Yuu had to describe you in 10 words or less he’d say: “The most important person in my life.” And he’d say it with his whole chest.
Since early childhood you’ve been by Nishinoya’s side, as his best friend, and he couldn’t imagine you anywhere else other than beside him. You were his partner in crime, his ride and die, his...too precious to lose.
The two of you had met in kindergarten, at the playground. Little Nishinoya had made it his mission to become your best friend after he saw you punch another kid in the face for making fun of a girl who kept bringing her pacifier, seated in between her lips. The kid had called the girl a baby and mocked her making fake crying noises, fists wiping at his eyes as he pouted and frowned. He hadn’t stopped, not even after the girl had started sobbing, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. Nishinoya had gotten ready to be her knight in shining armor, standing to his feet tall with his chest puffed out, when you had already swept in. You hadn’t wasted any time and lunged at the boy, sucker punching him in the face.
Little Nishinoya had watched with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, the sight of a petite girl knocking down a boy older and taller than her had been absolutely world changing to him. In the matter of seconds, you had gone from “girl he goes to kindergarten with” to “most amazing person in the whole town” in his eyes.
You were cool! Not taking any shit from other kids, but you were kind and protective over your friends.
Ensuring your alliance had been of utmost importance to him, the top priority on his list of priorities. He hadn’t realized it back then, still too young and green behind his ears to understand the feelings already blooming in his chest, but he’d been smitten with you since then.
And when you’d agreed to be friends with him, because he was fun and you wanted to play pirates with him, little Nishinoya had lit up like a christmas tree. Since that day he’d stood a little bit taller than before.
That was the first of many times he’s received some kind of approval from you. You liked to give compliments, especially to him (and that wasn’t making him feel all warm and fuzzy inside! No!) But the feeling he’d get when you did, the warmth he’d feel enveloping his whole body and the feeling of growing a little taller with every nice word you fed him, nourishing to him like water to a plant, never dulled.
With you next to him he had felt like the tallest boy on the playground.
You’d been best friends ever since and still Nishinoya couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d won the lottery of life, whenever you’d show up to one of his volleyball games wearing his, his, sweater or every time you’d laugh at one of his joke and you’d laugh at all of them! Even the bad ones.
He felt so lucky that you’d chosen him back then and never gone back on it. Why you’d chosen him he had no idea, but he wouldn’t dare to question it...
If Nishinoya Yuu had to choose one reason why he’d fallen in love with you, he’d remain quiet.
It would have been a betrayal to his feelings for you if he’d spoken up since everything you did and everything you were, all your little tics and habits and quirks, everything that made you so blatantly you, was why he’d fallen so deeply he’d never be able to recover from it. There wasn’t a singular reason, it was all of them.
He’d fallen in love with your different smiles. The way your lips quirked up when you were watching their team train, the soft curve of your lips when the two of you were being silly with each other, the wide stretch of your mouth when you were so happy you could run and dance and scream. He knew what all of them meant and he thought of every single one of them as beautiful.
He loved your silliness. He loved your excitement. He loved your annoyance. He loved your frustration.
The face you made when Nishinoya let his indifference towards his grades show, all scrunched up and displeased, he loved that one, too. And then you’d scold him because if he was performing badly in school he wouldn’t get to participate in the training camps!
He loved that a single nudge to your side could turn you into a giggling mess.
He just loved you...
If Nishinoya Yuu had to name his biggest fear, something he was feared more than anything else, he’d say: “Losing Y/n.”
It was the same answer as to the question of why he hadn’t confessed his feelings to you, yet, told you how he felt, asked you to be his girlfriend.
Because he hadn’t.
What was he so afraid of? Nishinoya, the boy who’d chosen not to be afraid of anything because fear was a waste. Fear stopped people from learning and growing, gathering new experiences and gaining more knowledge. It’s a lesson his gramps had taught him.
So why did he let fear stop him this time?
Well, it was pretty simple.
You were you and Nishinoya was...Nishinoya.
You were well liked by everyone, since you were smart and pretty and honest and kind. You could probably get every boy you wanted in Karasuno High, there was no reason for you to choose him
He was too loud and too passionate, he knew that, and not exactly popular with girls either, partly because of that. Girls didn’t like him because of his height, being 5’3” wasn’t exactly what most girls imagined the ideal height for their boyfriend. They’d rather go for someone like Tsukkishima or Asahi, although those two were awfully awkward with receiving the affections.
You didn’t seem to mind his loud personality or his small built. After all, you were his best friend. Though, Nishinoya couldn't possibly imagine you found it endearing (in a romantic way) or dare he think even attractive.
You were cute, adorable actually, and he wasn’t on your level.
You were pretty, so beautiful and he wasn’t on your level.
You were the most amazing girl he’d ever had the honor to meet….and he wasn’t on your level.
He didn’t deserve you. Not in the way he wanted to deserve you.
He wanted to be good enough to be by your side, not just as your best friend but as something more. He wanted to hold your hand while walking home, kiss your cheek, call you his girlfriend.
He knew he stood no chance, Nishinoya was fairly optimistic and too ambitious for his own good, but he knew when it was time to back down. You would never see him as more than just your best friend and even if you did, you deserved better than him.
Realizing this hurt, a lot, the thought to never be with you...it ripped him apart. Thinking of you smiling or laughing at anybody elses jokes, wearing somebody else's sweater...it made anger swirl through him, hot and unsettling and ugly.
So he put a plan into work, a bad one admittedly, but it was better than no plan at all. He’d try to keep his distance, just for a little while, until those feelings he harbored for you eventually faded into nothingness. He hoped it would hurt less then, him and you, since he wouldn’t be pining after you anymore and you weren’t in danger of him possibly spilling his feelings to you and putting you into a situation where you were forced to reject him.
You wouldn’t like that, you were too kind, knowingly hurting him would end up hurting you just as bad. He wanted to prevent that.
Keeping his distance made sense. It would spare the both of you a lot of pain.
He’d been wrong about that, very wrong...
If Nishinoya Yuu regretted one decision he made in his life more than any other it would have been this one.
The look on your face was heartbreaking, as you stood before him, in front of his door. He couldn’t be all too happy to have you here after weeks of barely talking to each other. Your eyes were red and puffy and your lips were trembling, but you stood before him with your back straightened and your chest puffed out, just like you always did when you were afraid.
Nishinoya’s heart sunk in his chest when he noticed.
“Noya?” your voice was soft, almost swallowed by the wind.
He hated hearing you sound so scared, hated the crack in your voice. He couldn’t stand it.
“Why are you avoiding me? Is it something I did?”
So you noticed. Of course you noticed. You weren’t an idiot, no he was the idiot. For not being able to push those nasty feelings aside that were slowly eating away at him.
He averted his glance, shifting until he’d found a crack in the mural he could focus on, anything was better than having to look at your sad face.
He couldn’t stand it.
“I’m not avoiding you...”
He knew you wouldn’t buy it, not when he sounded this dishonest and looked all uncomfortable and clenched up. You were smarter than that.
You frowned at him, angered by his denial of what he’s so clearly done. Which was ignoring you, for weeks that was. And he hadn’t been very subtle either. No, Yuu had kept making up excuses, telling you he couldn’t hang out with you because he was busy with homework (not a very believable excuse), or he had to visit his gramps (usually you’d go with him?) or he had to help his mom with groceries or...there were too many too count. And all of them had been bad.
During school, he had talked to you less. He’d find excuses not to eat lunch with you as often or convince you it wasn’t necessary to watch the boy’s volleyball training all that often. Usually you’d stayed almost everyday after school, heck, you were an honorable manager at this point, before Yuu had started acting weirdly around you that was.
At first, you’d tried to push feelings of concern and worry away, thinking maybe Yuu was just having a weird day...or week maybe. But your best friend hadn’t stopped acting strange and he hadn’t stopped reducing the time you saw and spoke to each other to a bare minimum.
And now you were standing in front of his door and he was acting like nothing was wrong at all?
You wouldn’t just keep on ignoring this.
You pushed past him and inside the house, quickly throwing your shoes off and stomping to the kitchen, letting your bag drop to the ground near the counter. You turned around to see Yuu had followed you, looking at anything but you. Such a coward.
“Talk to me!” you urged him, your voice still hoarse from all the tears you’d shed because of him.
The boy let out a heavy sigh, scratching at his neck as he tried to find another excuse to tell you. You just knew it, you could see it in how his eyes still refused to meet yours.
“It’s nothing, Y/n. Look, I promise.”
New tears pricked at the inside of your eyes, daring to spill over because damn this was so frustrating.
“Yes, it is something! Tell me!”
“No, really it’s-”
“Tell me.”
“I swear it’s-”
“Tell me.”
The boy froze up, his eyes darting up to stare at you in shock. You held his glance, happy you had at least made him look at you properly, although the weight of his glance felt heavy as his eyes began to look glassy.
You had never called him by his last name before.
Nishinoya bit his lips, clearly distressed now that he realized how hurt you really were by his unjustified avoidance of you, that despite your silent submission to his distance you hadn’t been okay with it, in the slightest.
He reached out to you, the urge to be close to you and cheer you up again was huge, but you turned, denying his touch. He let his arm drop unceremoniously to his side again.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled because he was.
This had been a stupid plan. He should have never gone with avoiding you in the first place, not when he should have known it would probably lead to this…He thought he could prevent both of you from getting hurt, but his approach had achieved the complete opposite.
“Tell me what’s wrong, Yuu,” you started again, rubbing your cheeks to remove the wetness the tears had left behind.
He hated seeing you cry,
“I can’t.”
“Why not? We don’t usually keep secrets from each other.”
“I just can’t.”
Your shoulders dropped a little and you looked away, instead staring out of the window.
“Oh,” you sounded discouraged now, tired even.
Nishinoya was afraid of losing you, he’d rather hack off his arms and say goodbye to his healthy limbs than say goodbye to you. That’s why he would never tell you about his feelings, because if he did he’d end up losing you. Not immediately, but in the end he would. You didn’t return his feelings and although you’d surely be okay with staying friends it would soon become awkward between the two of you. You would hang out less, talk less until you were just strangers who were once best friends.
The thought was depressing but necessary to motivate Nishinoya to keep quiet.
“No, screw that!!
Your angry voice ripped him out of the spiral of dred he’d found himself in. He blinked, shaking himself out of his thoughts, eyes falling to your face automatically.
It was all scrunched up, your eyes twinkling with determination. It was the same face you had made just before you had punched that boy on the playground back there and for a second he was sure you’d do it again. Punch him for being so stupid and hurting you. He would have deserved that.
You didn’t.
“Even if you can’t tell me you still should! You’re my best friend, we always tell each other everything and i don’t want that to change!”
Your hands were clenched to fists as you stared him down, daring, no challenging him to respond. But Nishinoya found himself unable to.
Your words left him feeling cold, the dooming realization that whatever he’d do, refuse to talk or admit his feelings for you, the dynamic between the two of you would forever change, washed over him like icy water
You wouldn’t just take his silence. If he didn’t talk, didn’t tell you the reason, the real reason why he avoided you, you wouldn't forgive that. Not purposely, but a part of the trust you shared would forever be gone. On the other hand if Nishinoya spilled the beans and told you that he was in love with you for quite some while and had avoided you to try and make those feelings go away before they could ruin your friendship...he couldn’t even imagine how you’d react.
You wouldn't be happy. Would you be scared, sad, empathetic? He didn’t know which would be worse.
“Yuu, please!”
He didn’t have a choice. He had to tell you. That was the only possibility he had that might lead to a better outcome to the first one. He just had to be straightforward with you, you'd appreciate that.
“I love you.”
A little too straightforward.
You stared at him in silence, face blank. Before he could regret his words and paddle back Nsihinoya straightened his back and puffed out his chest, hoping he’d gain just as much bravery doing that than you always did.
“I love you and I have for a while,” he continued, standing a little bit taller than before, “I didn’t tell you because i didn’t want to pressure you or make you feel guilty for not feeling the same, so i avoided you. I thought maybe it would get rid of the feelings, but I still think you’re the most beautiful and smartest and kindest and funniest girl I've ever met and that probably won’t change either.”
You were still only staring at him so Nishinoya decided he’d just go on.
“Every time I'm with you I feel like I'm the tallest person on the planet. You make me feel strong and brave and like the best version of myself. I know i’m not your type and i know i don’t deserve being with you, that’s why i tried the avoidance thing, to make it less awkward but now-”
Nishinoya hadn’t caught you moving until suddenly you were standing right in front of him. The words died on his tongue as he was met with the look in your eyes, unshakable and sparkling with a confidence he’d never seen with you. It had rendered him speechless.
There was no hesitation in your movements as you reached up to twist your fingers into his shirt and pulled, no... yanked him down until his lips were tightly pressed against yours. His heart skipped a beat, no several beats, as he was frozen in his shock. Hot and cold shivers ran down his spine in time your lips started moving against his. Softly. Uncertain.
Then you pulled back again, just as his brain started catching up to what was happening. Your cheeks were flushed and when Nihsinoya tried to meet your eyes you lowered your head to stare at his chest instead.
“You’re such an idiot, Yuu. Saying stupid things like that,”you murmered and he saw the tips of your ears turn red.
“You kissed me,” he had blurted it out before he was able to stop himself.
You huffed, your fingers tightening their grip around his shirt and Nishinoya realized in amusement that you were embarrassed at your own straightforwardness.
“You kissed me!” he repeated, the confidence slowly returning to him at the premise that you must return his feeling to do something as bold as kissing him….on the lips!
“Shut up, I know,” you whined, hitting your forehead to his chest.
It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulder, like the invisible thread that had been separating you before, one only Nishinoya had been able to see had been severed. You had kissed him after he told you he loved you.
You returned his feelings!
Nishinoya hugged you, eyes wrapping around your form with ease and his head resting on top of yours, your face still hidden in his chest.
“I love you,” he repeated softly, testing the words once more and felt you visibly relaxing in his arms when his voice reached your ears.
“I love you, too,” you replied quietly, words muffled against the fabric of his shirt but still it was enough for him to hear.
He pulled back, just enough so you couldn’t hide your face away anymore and he grinned at you, a grin you’d return with just as much intensity. You really were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
“I can’t believe you kissed me just like that,” he teased you, remembering how bold of you that was.
You playfully hit him in the chest, whining once more, but Nishinoya just laughed gleefully at the blush gracing your cheeks, before he leaned closer again. Close enough so both of your noses almost touched. Your eyes went wide and he could swear you stopped breathing, too, for a second. Nishinoya watched your reaction in amusement.
“Do it again!” he whispered, the challenge made your face light up again.
And you didn’t let him tell you twice.
If there was one moment Nishinoya Yuu would never want to stop it was definitely this one.
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Taglist: @crystal-lilac​
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misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | read on AO3
Chapter 29 - Moose, Squirrel and the Chocolate Factory (1/3)
[ Sarah ]
On the day Felix asks me to set up what he thinks is a clever plan to annoy his dad but is actually the perfect opportunity for Operation Bullwinkle 2.0.
Is the little one serious? I couldn’t think of a better set-up myself if I tried. And he just does it so nonchalantly, too! I can’t wait to tell the girls!
Opportunity strikes after we’ve ridden home in the car together and D goes to call her mom to talk about their Christmas plans. They’re all very excited to have the family together over Christmas - even her uptight, very conservative brother Bill is coming this year. He’s the only one of the Scully clan us girls don’t get along with, Missy and Charlie are the fun eccentric ones, Mrs. Scully the caring one and the Captain’s just… well, the Captain.
“Girls, hold on to your socks cause I’m about to knock them off! Little moose came to me at recess today, with a suggestion so brilliant I want to make him an honorary member of Operation: Bullwinkle 2.0!” Holly and Alex are on the edge of their seat, so I don’t keep them hanging for long. “He suggested, because he doesn’t want to endure his dad’s watchful eye on our field trip, that we put his dad with another grade. Fourth grade!” Holly perks up at that, clapping her hands gleefully.
“Oooh this is good! It’ll make him rethink going on a field trip ever again, the bus ride with these kids will be wild.”
“I think this is the exact outcome that Felix wants to achieve, even though he pretends otherwise. Speaking of, do you remember the one and only time the Captain ever went on a field trip with us?” Alex laughs at the memory, it was way back when we were in elementary school ourselves.
“I remember we were too scared to breathe the whole time we were in the woods with him, I thought he’d just leave us there to fend for ourselves if we misbehaved! And then we’d get eaten by a bear for sure! It was a very traumatic experience for my sensitive little heart!”
“Yeah, it was awful. But he didn’t leave us in the forest after all and he showed us pretty neat survival tricks, too!”
“We’ll need those when D gets wind of who’s accompanying her on this field trip tomorrow morning at the briefing. She’ll suspect we have something to do with it, even though this time, we’re totally innocent!”
[ DS ]
The next day, huddling over my cup of coffee at the teacher’s lounge table, I’m barely listening to the safety briefing Skinner gives us before our field trip. It’s always the same, don’t lose any children, have them behave politely towards staff, don’t let them wander off, yada yada yada.
My ears perk up, however, when he reads out who’s chaperoning us.
“First grade: Anne’s mother, Second grade: David’s uncle, Third grade: Melanie’s mother, Fourth grade: Felix’s father.” I almost choke on my sip of coffee and shoot the girls an ugly glare.
They planned this, the little fuckers, I’m sure of it! Giving me her most innocent face, Sarah hands over the day passes for the Chocolate Factory, 25 kids, 2 adults. I want to murder them, a field day is by far the most stressful day a teacher can have and with their little scheme, they just upped the ante.
But a little - okay a big part - of me is also kind of (read: a lot) excited.
In the classroom, I give my kids a stern talking to, telling them that I expect them to be on their best behavior, just like I know they’re capable of in school. I stop short of threatening them with the wrath of hellfire if they so much as think about misbehaving.
In no time, we’re lining up to go outside, where our busses are already waiting. I give the kids one last warning stare before we head out.
My chaperone awaits next to the yellow bus that holds a number 4 sign, bundled up in a coat against the cold, his breath coming out in fogs. With a twist of my stomach I’m reminded that while we’ve been hanging out as friends the past few weeks, the feelings are still there, they’re just not riddled with anxiety anymore.
The anxiety has been replaced with a feeling of nervous, giddy excitement at the prospect of spending a whole day together.
I just hope the kids don’t embarrass me.
[ Felix ]
Ha! My evil genius plan has worked, dad is standing in front of the fourth grader’s line with Miss Scully, who is putting the lanyard with the ticket around my dad’s neck. I roll my eyes, he’s not a child, he can put the lanyard on himself! Sure, you’re laughing and smiling now, just wait until you get on that bus, hee hee.
The kids sadly behave themselves right now, though, and with nothing else to see, I turn back to Suzie, who’s my partner in our own line-up. She’s just as excited as I am, a whole day of eating nothing but chocolate, whee!
[ DS ]
My heart is racing a mile a minute when the kids and I reach the bus and with that, a widely grinning Mulder. “Hey, if it isn’t Willy Wonka and the Oompa-Loompas!” The kids chuckle at his joke and even I can’t hide a grin.
“Guess you won the Golden Ticket, Charlie, huh?” I put the lanyard with his real ticket to the Chocolate Factory around his neck. It’s not a gold one, and it seems like I’m the one who feels like she’s won the WillyWonka lottery.
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Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Anon asked: What about rough sex with Nestor in Miguel’s house? He makes you stay quiet and fucks you in the bathroom because he couldn’t wait to get you homeee ahhhh i love nestor
Word Count: 1.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @angels-reyes​.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Taking a last look in the mirror, turning on the high-heels, you sigh. You're pretty nervous 'cause finally Nestor is gonna introduce you to his boss, and also his best friend, Miguel. You want to make a good impression and you're not sure about the dress you chose, but you don't have time to change your outfit. So, going downstairs with shaky hands, you find your boyfriend waiting for you at the hall. He looks at you from top to down. Hundred times. You're doubting.
“What? Is that bad?” You ask with trembling voice.
Looking down and moving the skirt, you raise your gaze at him. The golden and sparkle dress is falling on you like a cascade with a pronounced neckline and bare back, with your long and curly hair place on it. You know it was a bad idea dressing something like that, but guessing that being Miguel's birthday the assistant should be ‘important’ people. Nestor doesn't say anything, till you're about to talk.
“You're fuckin' stunning”. He says walking towards you, holding and lifting one of your hand to make you go a full turn. “You're fuckin' beautiful, baby”.
His words makes you smile, leaning closer to kiss him softly. Offering you an arm, and taking it, he guides you to the car opening you the door. Even if he does what he does, when you two are together his attitude changes completely. You have seen him working, more or less, escorting Miguel's wife or his mother, and he looks so serious that sometimes surprises you when he laughs watching some tv-show with you lying on the sofa. 
Placing one hand on your leg, Nestor drives to the luxurious house of the boss Cartel, knowing the road by heart. Some music is playing in the car, trying to focus your mind on the lyrics, so you don't think about Miguel believing you're not enough for his brother.
“He will loves you”. He says, staring at you for a second. “And if he doesn't do, I love you and that's all it matters”.
You nod biting your inner lip, before licking it feeling somewhat relaxed, putting a hand on his nape to leave some caresses. You love him too, since the first moment you met. And your parents do too. They're delighted with Nestor.
Some minutes after, you finally arrive to the house, decorated according to the celebration, with a lot of people reunited at the entrance next to their own cars. Porsche, Maserati, BMW (...). God, you're enjoying the views as the good mechanic you are. It's like if you were a child on a candy store. Your boyfriend parks next to a black Cadillac, walking faster to your door so he can helps you to go out of it. Then he guides you to the front door, being greeted by some men, recognizing them as politician. Shit, your legs are shaking. 
“Brother!” Miguel walks towards you, hugging him and palming his back very lively.
“Are you already drunk, Mikey?” He laughs loud, infesting the older.
“No, not yet!” He shakes his head before turning to you. “Man, you won the lottery or something like, ah? Miguel Galindo, a pleasure”.
The boss Cartel holds your hand, pressing his lips on the back.
“Finally we meet”. He says then.
“Yeah, ahm... (Y/N), a pleasure too. Nestor talks a lot about you”. You reply with a kindly smile on your lips. 
“I hope only good things”.
“I actually told her you're a pain in the ass”.
“My father used to say the same, but here I am!” He laughs. And you're sure he's a little drunk. “Let's have a drink. I'm gonna introduce you to my lovely wife”.
You nod whilst Nestor tangles your fingers with yours, leaving a kiss on your cheek. It isn't that bad as you thought. Till a blonde woman hugs your man so dearly that makes you feel jealous. Just a little. 
“Hi! I'm Emily!” Now, you feel stupid when she hugs you too so happy to meet you. “So you're the one who stole Nestor' heart... I understand him”.
“Yes, more or less”. You chuckles, supporting your temple against his shoulder for a second.
“She's my wife”. Miguel says then, giving her a gently kiss.
“Come with me, it's kinda boring when they talk about business, even if they're not working”. Poisoned words covered by a friendly smile.
The woman grabs your hand, saying ‘bye’ with the other whilst she walks towards the swimming pool outside, having a seat on the garden sofa. Your gaze is traveling all around the place, really surprised about how huge the house is. You're sure you could get lost inside it. Miguel's wife serves you a glass of red wine, offering it with a smile.
“I was lookin' forward to meet you”. She says then.
“Yeah, me too. Nestor talks about you sometimes and I think we're similar”.
“Right? I told him!” You can't help but laugh cheering with both wines.
“It's good to have someone with I can complain about him”. Emily nods and laugh again because of your words.
“Yes... I feel you. Sometimes Miguel drives me crazy and not in the way I would enjoy it”. She says rolling his eyes and rubbing his forearm. “By the way, your dress is amazing. Where did you buy it?”
“Oh, ahm... My mom did it. It's her job”. You answer looking down for a second, before have a sip of the wine. “Don't you... think is ‘too much’? I was nervous about meeting ‘Nestor brother’”.
“What? Oh, no, no. It's perfect. And about my husband, you don't have to worry about. He gives an impression that it really is not”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
You're not sure how much time has passed by, nor how much wine you have drunk talking with Emily between laughs and complainings, when both men going outside have a seat next to you two.
“Having fun, uh?” Miguel asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep”. You nod, looking at your boyfriend with a goofy smile.
“I need to talk' you”. He whispers on your ear, making feel nervous from nowhere. He looks serious and it's not a good omen.
So, leaving your glass on the table and getting up holding his arm, you say goodbye for a few minutes. Crossing the big door to inside, you walk through the assistants worried and thinking that maybe Miguel said something about you. Now, you're about to cry making your own guesses in silence. Going upstairs, Nestor opens the door of a bathroom letting you come in.
“It's... everything ok? I'm sorry if I said som—”.
Before you're allowed to finish the sentence, he kisses you. You breathe heavy surrounding his neck with both arms, while he pushes you to the counter lifting you on.
“You scared me, asshole...” You grumble against his mouth.
“Yea', I know, it was kinda fun...” He laughs raising the skirt of your dress, nailing his hands tightly on your skin, touring your thighs till he finds the waistband of your panties.
“Nestor, they will hear us”. You try to say, with your hands moving faster to unzip the black pants of the suit.
“That's the game, babe. You have to be silent”. You know you can't. Not with him. Your boyfriend knows every weak point of your body, and how to push you to the sky. “Shit... It's 'cause you look so fuckin' hot I can't control myself”.
His lips travel to your neck, biting and sucking your skin being careful to not draw any bruise on it. You know how passionate he can be sometimes, and you always enjoy it, but you're ashamed of thinking that someone could hear you. He doesn't care. Not at all. And he's pretty hard when he spreads your legs to place his body into them.
“Let's see if you can be silent”. Nestor says challenging you with his gaze, pounding you with all his strength.
You're faster, covering your mouth with a hand and closing hard your eyes, containing a loud moan. You wrap his waist with both legs, pushing him deeper hitting your wetness once and again with the same pressure.
“Shit, babe... I love your pussy... It's so fuckin' tight, so fuckin' damp, my love...”. He gasps on your ear, drowning there his own growls.
“It's all yours, papi”. You say then, looking for his lips to sink your tongue between them till you find his.
It's a easy way to drown your moans and your curses, with every stroke making you squirm on his arms. The kiss goes filthy and rampant, heating your whole body and bristling your skin. You love him. So much. And even if sex it's not more important than that, he makes you feel you're in heaven with every hit rubbing your clit. The only thing you expect is that he doesn't ruin your outfit or it's gonna be even more embarrassing.
“Fuc'me harder, Nestor...” You beg almost huffing, knowing that you're close.
Wrapping tightly your legs and pushing him into you when he pounds you, drowning all your moans with your face sink on his neck, your boyfriend takes it as a command. He doesn't stop and he's not gonna do it till make you cum on his hard cock, making him feel proud to please you.
“My baby girl...” He groans chuckling, biting his neck softly as you can keep silent when you hear some steps outside walking closer.
You have to cover your mouth at the exact moment your body find the ecstasy, with his name stuck in your lips. It feels amazing. You kiss him, silencing some sobs of pleasure before he pull himself out, complaining about it.
“Kneel, my love”. He asks you, helping you to go down as he wants.
With a naughty smile on your face and letting him place his hands on your head, you leave a long lick with the toe of your tongue all over his cock, covered by your own taste. He pushes it into your mouth, groaning because of your warm breath wrapping his hardness. Nestor sets the pace, fucking your mouth with his head tilted back slightly. He thrusts your throat, keeping his glans pressing it for a second, before continue hitting it.
“You're like a fuckin' fantasy, holy fuck...” He mutters as he can, trying not to talk loud.
He fills your mouth without expecting, with a soft contained growl whilst you swallow without him asking for it. Your tongue runs all over his size, enjoying every gesture of his face, when he can't handle anything else. Nestor helps you to get up, before clean yourself and getting your clothes well on. He kisses you again more dearly, with his fingers caressing your back so lovely that makes you sigh.
“'Am not gonna do it now, but... wanna know what Mikey said 'bout you?” He asks then, from nowhere interrupting the needy kiss. You're not sure if you want to know it. “That I should marry you”.
Your heart stops for a second, pursing your lips because of the surprise.
“Would you like, uh? I mean, I'm not proposing you. Not now. That should be more special, than do it after fucking you in my boss' bathroom”. You laugh in silence, shaking your head full of lively.
“Yes, I would like”. You answers then, putting his tie on and smoothing the shirt with both hands.
“‘K, I'll keep it in mind”.
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slytherinbarnes · 4 years
Sub Rosa [57]
xii. the chosen
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x reader
Word Count: 5.7k
Warnings: violence, hitting people with vehicles, fighting, death, coughing up blood, language.
Summary: with praimfaya less than 24 hours away, the countdown is officially on. in the meantime, a rescue team is assembled to retrieve one of youw own, and things don’t go according to plan.
a/n: BELIEVE IT OR NOT, WE WILL BE FINISHING SEASON 4 ON MONDAY AHHHHHH!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT I AM SO EXCITED BUT SO NERVOUS TO SHARE THE NEXT FEW SEASONS!!! the taglist for this series is open! I hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think!!!
previous chapter // season masterlist // series masterlist
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March 30th, 2150; the Second Dawn Bunker; 24 hours until Praimfaya
Ultimately, the decision on how to get the Arkadians out of the bunker is made. 
Since nearly all of your people are sleeping, everyone agrees that it’s best to use some of the warriors from the Grounder clans to gather everyone in the atrium. Then the Grounders will close the doors and lock Skaikru out of the bunker until the 100 survivors are chosen.
Of course, the process doesn't go as smoothly as you’d all hoped. 
Instead, over 400 people are dragged from their beds, confused, and forced into the hallways, creating a thick stampede of people being funneled into the atrium. You, Bellamy, Clarke, and Jaha watch the chaos, as your mother and Kane stay inside the office, talking to Raven on the radio. It’s a tight squeeze getting everyone inside of the space, but eventually it’s done, and the Grounders close the doors behind them. This creates a collective cry of dissent, and throughout the crowd you can hear people yelling and questioning what’s happening. 
Jaha is still visibly upset, and he turns to you and Bellamy, trying to make you both feel guilty. “Three out of four of these people are going to die tonight. You still think you made the right choice?”
“Yes. Regardless of what you think, this isn't just about our people, Jaha, it’s about the survival of the human race. You and Clarke say that’s what you care about, but your actions tell me otherwise.” You find no joy or comfort in being responsible for the deaths in this room, but that doesn't matter. All 13 clans agreed to hold a Final Conclave for the bunker, winner takes all. Except when Octavia won, she chose to share the bunker. As the victor, you all have to honor her wishes. Besides, when this all began, Clarke wanted to save everyone, not just Skaikru. She may have lost sight of that, but you haven't. This may not save every person from every clan, but it gives the remaining 12 clans the chance to survive the death wave, and maybe your role in enforcing this decision will ease the death you have brought into the Grounder’s lives.
Bellamy nods towards the door to the office, and you follow him inside, Jaha and Clarke behind you. You and Bellamy come to a stop on the other side of the desk from your mom and Kane, and Clarke lingers near the door, aware that you want your space from her. Jaha steps into the room, getting close to the other adults, turning his sights on Kane. “Our people are scared, Marcus. We need to tell them something.”
“We just spoke with Raven. When she gets here, we'll have all our essential personnel.”
Clarke speaks up from her place near the door. “How many spots does that leave us with?”
“Including the essential personnel and the places that we're holding for the children under 16,” your mom pauses, looking between all of you, conveying the gravity of the situation. “That leaves us with 80.”
Jaha looks between all of you in disbelief. “I can't believe we're talking about sending 364 of our own people to their deaths.” 
Kane levels a look at the former Chancellor. “Look, I don't like it any more than you do.”
“Then let's fight this.”
“No. Any sort of resistance will cost us all our lives. Our best course of action is to hold a lottery for the remaining spots.”
Jaha shakes his head. “It's not going to work, Marcus.”
“It was your idea.”
“That was for the chance to survive.”
Your mom turns to Jaha, giving him a confused look. “And how is this any different?”
“Until 20 minutes ago, our people believed they were safe. They let down their guard, they picked their bunks, they unpacked their bags, they imagined their futures. You try to rip that from them now, and, believe me, they will fight.”
You turn on him, growing angrier with each passing second. “And whose fault is that, Jaha? Oh, that's right, it’s yours.”
Bellamy puts a comforting hand on your arm, and you turn to look at him. He gives you a small shake of his head, letting you know it’s not worth it to waste time arguing with Jaha, and you sigh. When he’s sure you’re letting it go, he turns to Kane and your mom. “Someone still needs to get Raven, I'd like to volunteer.”
You nod your head, “Me too.”
From behind you, Clarke reminds you of her presence for the first time in a few minutes. “And I'll join the two of you.”
As soon as your mom sees that both of you want to go, she shakes her head. “No. Someone else can go with him.”
You roll your eyes, not believing in the vision she’s so convinced is going to come true. “Mom, Raven needs our help and I know the way to the island. I’m going.”
Clarke’s agreement is quieter, her voice sounding slightly broken. “I need to do this.”
Kane steps closer to you and Bellamy, but his gaze bounces between all three of you. “Well, you be safe. There'll be a place for all three of you when you get back.”
You nod, and start to walk away, as your mom calls after you, “I'll meet you in the airlock.”
All three of you head to the airlock, stopping beside the wall of suits, looking for which one will fit you the best. Clarke keeps to herself, and once her suit is chosen, she goes to pull it on in the corner, leaving you and Bellamy to pull on your suits on the other side of the room. When your mom walks in, your pack is in her hand, and she passes it to you. You peek inside, most of your belongings now emptied out, only a few small items stuck inside. “That’s all we can spare you for your trip. The radiation levels will be too high when you get back, so you’ll have to leave your pack outside when you return.”
You nod and she hands you your knife and thigh strap, taken from you when they locked you up the day before. “The only weapon we can spare too.”
“Thank you.”
You start to pull the strap of the knife to the outside of your suit and she nods. She passes you and Bellamy watches with a countdown on them, along with the radiation levels, before she then walks over to Clarke. As you pull the countdown on and secure it to your wrist, she explains to all three of you. “At these radiation levels, any amount of exposure is harmful. Keep the suit sealed at all times. You have 23 hours until the death wave hits. On a good day, it takes 10 hours to get to the island and 10 hours to get back. That doesn't leave you much room for error.”
Clarke nods, “Mom, we know, okay? We'll be careful.”
She motions for you to walk over to her, and you do, coming to stand beside your twin. She lifts a hand to each of your faces and whispers, “I love you, my stars and my moon. Don't ever forget that.”
“This isn't goodbye. Mom, I know what you saw in that vision, but we’re Nightbloods now.”
She seems unconvinced, but she doesn't press any further, she just pulls each of you into a hug and whispers, “Take care of each other.”
You nod, and she turns to look at Bellamy. “Take care of my girls.”
“Yes, ma'am.”
Behind you, the door opens, and Murphy and Emori step inside, looking at your gathered group. “You got room for two more?”
Bellamy is clearly still angry at Murphy for not releasing the two of you when you were locked up because he snaps, “Murphy, what are you doing here?”
“We heard you were going after Raven, we just want to help.”
Emori adds, “I've been to that island dozens of times. No one knows the water better than me.”
You walk over to Bellamy, nodding at him, letting him know you should take her. You’re confident that between you and Clarke you can get back to Becca’s Island with no problems, but it doesn't hurt to have Emori’s guidance as well. He sighs and then nods, relenting. 
“Maybe it'll help our chances if we bring home the chosen ones.” 
Your mom looks at him, answering his quip with the reality of the situation. “There's a lottery. I'll make sure that your name is in it.”
“And Emori?”
“I'll do the best I can.” Your mom hugs Clarke one last time, then hugs you, before she turns and leaves the room. You help get Murphy and Emori suited up, and once you’re all ready, you grab your pack and follow Bellamy out of the bunker, your small group in tow. Once on the surface, Clarke nods towards the tunnel entrance. “This way.”
Clarke takes the lead and Emori follows her first, Murphy right behind her. Bellamy grabs his arm as he tries to walk off and pulls him to a stop. “What are you really up to, Murphy?”
“You killed us when you opened that door. You know that, right? Did you think our people are gonna waste a spot on Emori, on me? We were safe, and you screwed us. You want to know what we're up to? It's called surviving. There's a bunker on that island, you're our ride. That's it.”
You shake your head, “That bunker's not stocked, Murphy. You won't last 5 months, let alone 5 years in there.” 
“No, we probably won't. At least we'll survive the death wave.” He starts to step away, and then turns to look back at the two of you. “We can't all be essential personnel, or have a sister who's queen of the Grounders.”
He stalks off, following the rest of your group, and you and Belllamy exchange a look. You can see the guilt weighing on him, the deaths of all those that will be cast out weighing on his conscience. You reach out and squeeze his hand the best you can with the thick gloves, giving him a small smile. “We did the right thing, Bellamy. It might not feel like it, but we did.”
He nods, and then starts to follow the others. “C’mon. We don't want to get left behind.”
When you reach the large truck that once held hydrazine intended for a space mission, Emori and Murphy jump into the back and get themselves comfortable. You, Bellamy, and Clarke sit in the front, with Bellamy behind the wheel, you in the middle, and Clarke in the passenger seat. The sky outside is more golden than usual, looking more like sunset than the middle of the day, and that’s what you focus on as Bellamy drives you towards the island. You try to keep your mind off the awkward tension in the vehicle, and the anger that you feel for Clarke, but eventually, it’s all you can think about. You turn towards her, deciding to take a page from Bellamy’s book, and question her motives. “Why did you come on this mission, Clarke?”
“Raven's my friend.”
You snort, “Yesterday, you were fine leaving your friend out to die, Octavia and Kane too.”
Her jaw clenches and she turns towards you, glaring. “I wasn't fine with it, and you know that. I never meant to hurt you.”
“Aiming a gun at me and the love of my life is a strange way of showing it.”
“I didn't pull the trigger.”
You let out a short laugh, not quite sure what she’s trying to imply. “Is that supposed to make it okay?”
“Nothing is okay. Whatever choice I make, somebody always dies.”
You can hear the guilt in her voice, and you know that she means it. And though you’re still annoyed at her, you can't help but offer comfort to your twin, your other half. “Well, not shooting us, that was the right choice.”
She turns to look at you, hearing the lighter tone in your voice, catching onto your dissipating anger. She smiles at you, and you feel Bellamy turn towards the two of you, watching the exchange, before you see movement out of the corner of your eye. You look back towards the windshield, out in front of the vehicle, and see a man jumping into your path, and you yell, “Look out!”
Bellamy turns the wheel and tries to avoid him, but the vehicle hits him anyways, before sliding along on the snowy road, out of control. Bellamy yells, “Hold on!”
He tries to hit the brakes to slow you down, and it helps a little to decrease your momentum before the vehicle crashes into a tree, lurching all of you forwards. All three of you are panting, nerves running high, and Bellamy turns to you, completely worried. “Are you okay?”
He glances over your shoulder. “Clarke?”
“I’m okay.”
You look out the front, staring at the blood splattered on the hood and windshield, and you feel a wave of nausea. “He just jumped right out in front of us. It's like he wanted to die.”
Bellamy squeezes your hand, and starts to reach for the door handle. “Stay here. I'm gonna check the damage.”
He gets the door open and as soon as he does, he is yanked out of the truck and pulled to the ground. “Bellamy!” 
You have a flash of a memory, stuck in a rover in Azgeda territory, looking for Clarke, and you can only hope this Grounder is alone. But a second later you confirm that he isn't, because a second Grounder runs at Clarke’s door, and both of you scramble towards the open one, trying to get out and get away. You can hear Murphy yelling as your feet hit the snow, and you know this must be a small group attacking you for whatever reason. 
The man that pulled Bellamy out is pinning him down, and your boyfriend struggles against him, unable to fight as well in the clunky radiation suit. You run at him and knock him off Bellamy, both of you flying to the ground, and rolling away. You hear Clarke yell and then a thud, and you know someone’s got her. You turn and scramble to your feet and see that there are at least 6 Grounders surrounding you, fighting everyone in your group. They manage to pull Murphy and Emori from the back and they’re struggling nearby, but you don't have time to help them because the man that you knocked off Bellamy is now running towards you. 
He swings a punch at you as he approaches and you dodge it before punching back, the impact softened by your gloves. He’s able to recover from the blow much faster than usual. The man grabs you and pushes you backwards into a tree, and you feel your feet lift off the ground as he tries to choke you. You panic, your feet flailing, and the man drops you when he’s suddenly knocked away by Bellamy. You don't have time to thank him because two more men are now approaching the two of you and you yell out, “Bellamy!”
He turns just in time as one of the men reaches him, and you start to fight the other, your punches and kicks feeling clunkier than normal. The man you’re fighting manages to get you on the ground and starts to choke you, this one more successful than the other man’s attempts, and nearby you hear Emori scream, “They want our suits!”
You feel the air stutter in your throat, and panic sets in again, not wanting to die from radiation exposure or choking. You fumble around for a weapon, until you remember the knife strapped to the outside of your thigh, forgotten in the initial chaos of the fight. It’s harder to grab with your thick gloves, but you manage to get a good grip on it as you pull it out from your holster and plunge it into his neck. You pull the knife out just as fast, and the man falls to the side, holding his neck, and you scramble to your feet again. You see an arrow whiz past you, and you think it’s about to hit you, but instead it lands in someone behind you. You turn and see another Grounder, inches from you, now falling to the ground, dead. You run over to Bellamy, pulling the man he’s fighting away, before stabbing the Grounder twice in the chest, killing him. Bellamy doubles over, trying to catch his breath, and you turn around again, looking for others to kill. Instead, they are all dead, arrows sticking out of their backs, no longer a threat to you and your group. Clarke runs over to you and Bellamy, checking you over, and you mutter, “We’re okay.”
She nods and you shove your knife back in its holster as you all turn to look at your savior, watching in shock as they lower their bow and tug down the scarf covering their face. As soon as you see the Ice Nation spy, you feel a flare of anger, and you ask, “Echo, what are you doing here?”
“I know about your bunker on the island. I just saved your lives, I'm hoping you will return the favor.”
You turn to look at Bellamy, both of you shaking your head, not wanting to save her, but she’s right. She did just save all of your lives, whether you like it or not. Bellamy turns to look at the truck, wrecked beyond repair. “Unless we can get another ride, no one's making it to that island.”
You all think for a minute, trying to figure out your plans, when an idea hits you. “Monty. We left the rover at Arkadia.”
Bellamy nods, “You’re right. I’ll try to radio him.”
He jumps into the truck and grabs his radio, and you turn to look at Echo again, now seeing the patches of red that are starting to appear on her cheeks. You move closer to her, reaching up to tip back her hood, and she backs away. You give her a scolding look. “If I was going to kill you, I would have done it already.”
She grows still and you reach up again, pushing her hood back to reveal more of her face, small patches of radiation exposure darkening her porcelain skin. You turn back to Clarke. “She’s already getting  sick.”
“We have an extra suit in the back. I’ll go get it.”
When she returns with the suit, you and Clarke help her to get into it, securing it and making sure it’s put on correctly to keep her from getting any worse. You say as much as you help her pull the helmet on. “This suit will prevent you from getting worse. It's the best we can do right now.”
She nods, fidgeting in it, and Clarke adds, “You'll get used to it.”
Once she’s suited up, you nod at her, now realizing that you just helped to further save someone who has tried to kill you and the people you love multiple times. But maybe stuff like that doesn't matter at the end of the world, especially when you’re now stuck in the woods, too far from both Polis and the Island to walk and make it to safety. 
You go over to the door of the truck and stand with Bellamy as he calls Monty on the walkie talkie, sending out a message for help every few minutes. He calls for hours, the sun slowly setting in the sky and leaving all of you in darkness, guided by nothing other than the lights in the helmets of your suits. Finally, just as you’re starting to give up hope, Monty’s voice comes through the radio. “Bellamy, come in. Do you read me?”
“Yes, Monty, I read you. Where are you?”
You all gather around in a small circle, listening in on the radio call as Monty answers, “Two clicks outside Polis. Almost there.”
You all sigh, knowing that anything you ask at this point will put Monty at risk too. Monty must sense that something is wrong because he comes back on the radio. “Everything okay?”
Bellamy looks at you, silently asking if you should endanger him too, and you think on it for a second. Six of you abandoned in the woods, Raven still stuck on the Island, nuclear death wave on its way in less than 24 hours. And maybe it’s wrong to endanger Monty to save you, but maybe there are no other choices to be made. You nod and he lifts the radio. “Not exactly. Look Monty, I hate to ask you this, but we broke down on the way to the island to get Raven. We need you to come reel us in.”
Monty’s reaction is delayed, leaving all of you sitting on pins and needles, anxious for his answer. “We're on our way. Tell us exactly where you are.”
Bellamy lifts the radio to answer, but pauses when Emori starts violently coughing, forcing all of you to look her way. When you do, you catch the tinge of red inside her helmet, and you run over to her just as Murphy rushes to her side. You look her over, eyes falling on a red patch on her cheek, similar to the ones covering Echo’s face, and you look over at Clarke, who is walking your way. “She’s been exposed.”
Murphy starts to panic, looking between you and his girlfriend. “How's that possible? She's wearing a suit!”
You check her over, trying to find a point of exposure, your heart dropping when you see a tear in the fabric near her helmet. “The seal of her helmet's torn.”
Emori turns to look at you in a panic. “Can you fix it?”
You turn to your twin, “Clarke, go get my pack! Mom might have included something to help.”
She nods and turns to the back of the truck, grabbing your pack and digging through it frantically as she walks back towards you. “There’s nothing here! Just a first aid kit, but no tape or anything to help!”
Murphy snaps, “We give her the extra suit, then.”
“We don't have another suit.” 
“Yes, we do!” Murphy yells the words at Bellamy, not happy with his answer, before he turns his sights on Echo. “Take it off now.”
She glares at him, “I saved your life.”
“What were you gonna do if we didn't get attacked, huh? I mean, you guys seriously think she was following us out of the kindness of her own heart? No. She was gonna attack us the second that we stopped.” He dives at Echo, ready to attack and tear the suit off her the same way the Grounders tried to do to all of you. “Give me the suit!”
Bellamy jumps in between them, defending Echo, and Clarke yells, “You cut that suit, and it saves no one.”
He turns to look at Clarke, then at Emori, who is starting to look worse with every passing second. “I'm not letting her die.”
You think of Murphy’s panic over Emori’s near death experience in the lab, the fear that he would lose the only family he has left. Your promise to him then was that you wouldn't let them kill her, and you kept that promise by injecting yourself with Nightblood instead. You make the decision before you even realize there’s a decision to be made, and you tug off your helmet, telling him, “Neither am I.”
Bellamy runs towards you, now looking just as panicked as Murphy did, trying to push the helmet back onto your head. “What are you doing? Put your helmet on!”
“I’m making the tough decisions, Bell. I have Nightblood.”
“Untested Nightblood!” He pushes your helmet back towards you, completely uncaring that this could save Emori, unwilling to risk your life to do it.
“We're testing it now.” 
He gives you an exasperated look and turns to Clarke, looking to her for support. She starts to say something, but you shake your head. “It’s the right thing to do.”
Her mouth snaps shut, and Bellamy sighs, watching you closely. You turn to Murphy. “Take off her helmet.”
Murphy pulls off Emori’s helmet and switches it with yours as fast as he can, securing it on her head, keeping her safe again. They both turn to look at you, thankful, and you nod at them. The cool night air feels good on your face, cooling you down from the humidity inside your helmet, and though it’s possibly killing you slowly, you’re not sure how much you care. Bellamy is still staring at you in shock, unsure what to say, when Monty calls over the radio again. “Bellamy, you there? Come in.”
“Yeah, we're here. Head northeast from Polis, and, Monty,” He looks your way, watching your body pull in the poisonous air, worry etching deeper into the lines of his face. “Drive fast.”
As soon as Bellamy puts the radio down he ushers you over to the truck, muttering something about getting you inside and away from the radiation filled air the best he can. You don't bother to argue, knowing it won't help. You just allow him to usher you inside the vehicle and guide you into the driver's seat. There you sit, for hours, waiting for Monty’s arrival, the timer on your wrists counting down minute by minute, hour by hour, until eventually, there’s not enough time to make it to the Island and back. Clarke walks over to where you and Bellamy are when that happens, lifting her wrist, showing off the less than 12 hours that remain. “We have to talk about it.”
Bellamy looks back at you, and then over to her. “We missed the window, continue on to the island, we won't make it back.”
You nod towards Murphy and Emori, sitting together in the snow. “What about them? Do we just save ourselves? Because if we go back to Polis, there likely isn't a spot for them in that bunker.”
Clarke turns to look at you, watching you carefully, looking for any signs of radiation poisoning. Bellamy does the same, his worry still present, and Clarke glances over at him. “If Nightblood works, we need to get her to Polis. Them, too. We pull in as many people as we can before the death wave hits. If our mom can make us all Nightbloods, we only need to stay down there until it passes. We can still save everyone.”
You deadpan, “Just not Raven.”
The conversation ends when the rover pulls up, finally arriving to take you to your next destination. Monty and Harper jump out, and you wait to see Jasper, hoping that he changed his mind too. But he never appears, and you don't get the chance to contemplate what that means, because Monty makes a beeline for you, Bellamy, and Clarke. “We got here as fast as we could.”
It takes a second for him to register the lack of helmet on your head, but as soon as he does, he’s reaching out for you, trying to pull you to the rover. “You're exposed. Come on, let's get you into the rover.”
You wave him off, “No, Monty. I'm fine.”
Harper turns back towards the rover and yells, “I'll grab the extra helmet.”
You watch her leave, and Murphy suddenly walks past, half carrying, half guiding Emori to the back of the rover. “Guys, come on. Planet ain't getting any less irradiated.”
Echo starts to stumble past, following the couple, and Bellamy reaches out for her, catching her as she nearly falls. You feel a tinge of jealousy as she wraps her arm around him, but the moment is interrupted by Harper running back towards you. “The helmets don't match, I brought the whole suit.”
Monty takes the case from her hands, and nods over to Echo. “I got this, help the others into the Rover.”
You’re thankful for him breaking apart Echo and Bellamy, as irrational as it is, and you open your mouth to say something to him, surprised when a cough pulls to the surface instead. You cough hard, eyes widening in alarm when you feel liquid move up your throat, and you cough and spit into the snow, looking at the black liquid staining the bright landscape. You look up at Bellamy in alarm, and you see him panic a little, reaching out towards you. Clarke appears on your other side, grabbing your hand in comfort, and Monty holds the suit out towards you. “You need to put on the suit. It was for Jasper, at least now it'll do some good. Jasper would want you to. If we're still gonna make it to the island, we better-”
Bellamy cuts him off, “We're not going to the island.”
You turn to look at him, already making the decision in your head. “Yes, we are.”
He turns to look at you, surprised, ready to argue. “Natshana…”
“Nightblood doesn't work.”
His worry deepens, and he looks at you like he’s ready to convince you, and himself, of something. “We don't know that yet. Luna got sick before she got better.”
You shake your head, “Even if you're right, they won't let us all into the bunker if I'm still sick. It took days for Luna's resistance to kick in, and by that time, the death wave will already be here, and all our friends will be dead. Are you okay with that?”
His expression softens, “You know I'm not. But, unless I am missing something, there is no other way for all of us to survive.”
Clarke, always one step ahead of the rest of you, asks, “What if there is?”
You all turn to look at her, not understanding. “What are you talking about?”
As soon as she says it, you’re all in agreement, and you take off towards the rover, jumping inside, the time crunch ever present. You explain the plan to the others along the way, and they seem more than okay with it, given the unlikely fact any of them would be allowed in the bunker. 
It doesn't take long before you reach the boat, and ride it over to the island, struggling slightly from the clunky suits. As promised, Emori leads all of you through the woods, in the dark, straight to the lab without any problems, any hesitations, any missteps. You all file inside, one by one, stopping on the platform at the top of the stairs, looking down at a solitary figure in the middle of the lab. Her back is to you, staring at the Praimfaya countdown on the large screens in front of her. When she hears movement behind her, she turns around, looking up at all of you in shock. 
You all pull your helmets off in unison, looking down at Raven, as she shakes her head and starts to question, “What are you doing here?”
You smile at her, “We're not leaving you behind.”
Bellamy leads the way down the stairs, with you right behind him, followed by Clarke, then the others. When he reaches the bottom, he hugs her, but she barely hugs him back, still in shock. He steps away, and you hug her next, stepping back as she asks, “But there's no time to get back.”
You smirk at her, “We're not going back.” 
She looks at you, still confused, and Clarke finishes for you. “We're going up.”
Her confusion turns to shock, and Murphy jokes, “Oh, don't look so surprised. It was all your crazy idea to begin with.” 
“Space?” The rest of your group makes it down the stairs, spreading out slightly as she looks between all of you. “Uh, we don't have enough fuel to get down.”
Harper shrugs, “Sounds like a 5 year problem to me.” 
“You're talking about the ring.”
Bellamy glances over at the rocket, before turning back to your genius friend. “Seems like a shame to let a good rocket go to waste.”
“How do we live?”
Clarke, already prepared for the question, launches into the same speech she gave the rest of you in the rover. “They left a water reclamator there, and we know that Go-Sci has an algae farm. We just get those two things up and running, and we have food and water.”
“Algae salads and recycled urine, Sign me up.”
Emori flashes a look at her boyfriend. “Better than dying.”
“Yeah, you say that now.” 
“All right, slow down.” Raven waves her hand at them, stopping their banter. “Breathing's important, too. What's the plan for oxygen?”
Monty takes over for this one. “Based on what Murphy says about the lighthouse bunker, I'm guessing, make that praying, there's an oxygenator there. We take it with us, you hook it up. Bob's your uncle.”
Raven stares at him, brain still running through the plan, poking holes in it. “You're an engineer, Monty. You do know there's about a thousand things that could go wrong with that plan, right?”
“Yes, and every one of them kills us. Of course, staying here will kill us, too, so…”
He trails off, not sure what else to say to convince her to join you. Because you all know that without Raven, you’ll never get the rocket off the ground, let alone survive in space. Bellamy turns to her, almost pleading. “Raven, we need you to get us off the ground before the death wave hits. What do you say? Can you do it?” 
“What do I say?” She turns to look at the countdown for Praimfaya again, and then over to the rocket. You all wait with bated breath, unsure of her response, until she turns around with a smirk. “I say that the death wave can kiss my ass.”
Clarke smiles and then announces, “Good, it's settled, then. We're going back to the Ark.”
Words you’d never thought you'd hear in your lifetime, but words you’re thankful for, regardless. Maybe this time, things will be better. Maybe this time, everything will work out.
next chapter
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thebattlelost · 3 years
You know that lump on the back of your
throat you get when you know that when
you drop her off it will be the last time
you will ever say goodbye, wishing it would
have been different but knowing it was
the same, tired of all the games being played,
believing they were a friend or even
more ignoring all the signs, just giving
her a little more time it will be different
but it never is even someone you may have
known for a
very long time so what is so fucking wrong
with this world today people dying
more each day it seems as if this generation
is not gonna save the world they are
all to damn lazy to even get a job instead
living day by day begging everyone for
money drugs food and a place to stay never
paying for bills to busy frying their brains
with perks only looking for thier next fix
trying to pull all those licks stealing
anything they can lift lying about
everything they did do or done while the
girls are all looking for thier next tricks
what is going on with the world it seems
as if hell has opened its doors letting
go all their thieves addicts and whores
it makes me wanna board up the windows
and bolt all the doors I beg you please
somebody let me off Ozzies crazy train
as it has left its station filled with the
masters of malicious manipulations
narcissist of every shape of persuasive
perverted persuasion the bottom feeders of
corrupted corporate so called leaders
I feel like I am spinning out of control
going round and round looking all around
nothing to see but the destruction of
humanity stop stop stop hold on dammit
stop turn down that stupid music before I
throw up, everybody shut the fuck up,
time out would you please be quiet so I
can talk. thank you, now wait, let me
gather my thoughts. When I was
just a kid back when I was ten in nineteen
hundred and seventy six things were so much easier to me
do you all not agree? I have so many
questions yet nobody answers them
I feel out of sync just a few moments
off did I fall into a new reality is everyone
on TV are they only actors acting in a play
why is it so hard to sleep are they
controlling our minds to see watching us
act like mental patients who are laughing
at us hysterically smiling like they just won
the lottery, who? You know the ones
In washington DC. Our leaders that
care less about you and me only interested
in contributing to controlling us for
the new world order with all the conspiracy
theories maybe they are now a reality
I don't know about you but I want to go
back in time to when I was a teen knowing
what I know now stop doing drugs
and drinking alcohol get better grades
then I did and run for congress or
even the presidency so I could lock
away every political anyone I see
than throw away the key makes the
country the real home of the free so I
could end this nonsense and go back to my
youthful Innocence back to our two
parent families with brother sister
mom and dad instead of creating addiction
how about we all support curing it instead
eradicate all the race hate how about we
educate instead and why not instead of
starting world Wars we just knock on
their door and introduce ourselves by
shaking their hands becoming best
friends instead leave religion alone it's
okay to pray to anyone you want then
turn away from greed and lust and let peace
win for once and love let it all flow the
Way God intended from everyone and
that's all I got left to say
Except can I get
A amen now I am done.
Poet Richard M Knittle Jr.
A Poet's Journey
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spaceskam · 4 years
what’s it gonna be? (2/3)
previous | next
The difficult thing about approaching Alex Manes was that you couldn’t just talk to him.
He was closed off and boarded up, his dark clothes and edgy taste in music were loud indicators that he didn’t want to let anyone new in. That meant Michael was going to have to be creative. Which honestly wasn’t fair at all considering Liz was probably the easiest person in the world to talk to, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Michael clicked his pen against the table as he stared a few rows down where Alex was hunched over his guitar, gently strumming and scribbling down some things every once in a while. The whole prospect of Alex bringing his guitar to school in the first place already felt like a red flag and Michael was waiting for him to just break out into Wonderwall.
Still, Max apparently liked the guy and they made a deal, so he got up and walked over to him.
Michael stood in front of him, waiting for Alex to catch sight of him. And Alex did, starting at his feet and slowly following the length of his body up to his face. Michael flashed a smile.
"Play me a song, guitar boy."
Alex stared at him for a second before rolling his eyes, looking back down to his guitar. Michael sat down in front of him.
"I play guitar too, you know?" Michael went on. Alex hummed mindlessly, but he didn't tell him to go away. "Pretty good at it if I do say so myself."
"Good for you."
"Play me something," Michael prodded again. Alex sighed and looked at him.
"Why are you talking to me?" he asked. Michael blinked innocently. 
"Who else am I supposed to talk to?" Michael said, "Everyone else sucks."
"And I don't?" Alex said. He had a genuine curiosity in his tone, strands of hair falling from the bun at the nape of his neck and falling around his face. For a moment, Michael got a little overwhelmed. Dark hair, big dark eyes, nice lips, nice figure. He shook it away before he could think too hard about it.
"Well, I don't know you well enough to make an educated statement," Michael said, "So I guess I'm just gonna have to bother you until I figure it out."
Alex stared at him for a moment before a smile started to tug at his lips and he looked back down to his guitar. He seemed to hide behind his hair and Michael wondered how anyone thought he was scary. So what if he got in fights? He got flustered too easily to pass as scary.
"So, guitar boy, you should teach me some shit about music," Michael said, "After school, maybe?"
Alex looked back up to him, eyes a little wide as if he was actually shocked by the invite. Michael just stared unwaveringly at him. He nodded slowly.
"Yeah, okay," Alex agreed, "After school."
Michael grinned, climbing back to his feet. He gave Alex a parting salute and went back to his spot, not addressing the way he could feel Alex's eyes on him. This was going to be easy.
He could only imagine how easy it would be for Max.
When Max walked into English and saw that the seat beside Liz was open, he couldn’t help but feel like he won the damn lottery.
He easily strolled up to her, clutching his backpack as he watched her stare down at her notes. Her hair fell over her shoulders and onto the page like a waterfall and the end of her pen was between her teeth. Liz almost looked like a painting and he couldn’t help but think that his brother had good taste.
“Hey, Liz,” Max said. She lifted her eyes to him and dropped the pen to her notes, smiling that warm and welcoming smile that she always had.
“Max, hi.”
“Can I sit here or is this seat taken?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah, no, it's open. Sit," she said. 
Max nodded, taking the seat and pulling out his binder. He looked between it and her a couple times, trying to find a good thing to spark conversation with. He decided starting with science would be the best way since that was her speciality, the only one in the school who had taken every science the school had to offer.
"Hey, do you understand the whole balancing equations thing in Chem? It's still a little confusing to me," Max said, pulling out his thankfully unfinished homework. She nodded and leaned into his space. Her hair smelled nice.
"Yeah. So the best way to get the hang of it is to break it down in a visual way. So, like, the left has one carbon, four hydrogen, and two chlorine while the right has one carbon, one hydrogen, and five chlorine. So the right needs four hydrogen, but since it's paired with one chlorine, it makes the total on the right eight, and now you need to make the one on the left eight too, so you add a four," Liz explained. Admittedly, the information when in one ear and directly out the other. "Make sense?"
"Well… No, not really," he said. She laughed, pulling her hair over her shoulder and out of the way as she looked at him.
"Class is about to start, but if you want to study after school we can. I'll work on my explanation skills before then," Liz promised. Max smiled and nodded.
"Sounds good."
For the rest of the class, Liz whispered small comments and told him jokes. It was almost too easy. Max didn't understand what kept Michael from befriending her. It was the easiest thing he'd ever done.
Hopefully Michael wasn't as bad at approaching Alex as he was at approaching Liz. 
Okay. He got it. Alex was cool.
There was one record store left in Roswell and Alex wants to spin the afternoon there, so Michael followed. He'd shucked his flannel off at some point, leaving him in a tight black t-shirt and jeans with the flannel tied around his hips and knock-off docs on his feet. He flicked through a stack or rack of records before he found the one he wanted. Alex held it up for Michael to see, raising his eyebrows. 
“Elvis Presley? Really?” Michael asked, following him over to a record player that had a set of headphones at it. Alex unplugged it and plugged in his own pair.
“Yes, really,” he said, holding out one earbud to Michael to take, “I’d show you something cooler, but I always go easy on someone’s first time.”
Michael laughed, his skin feeling a little hot at the insinuation. Alex just kept that smug smile as his skillful fingers started the record. The smooth sound started up with a swing feel to it and Alex seemed to be watching him, waiting for his reaction.
"This is the first album he released after he was honorably discharged. And I mean right after. They rushed the shit out of it because they were scared he would lose his relevancy," Alex explained. Michael nodded, focusing more on his words than the sound of Elvis singing about trying to get someone to prove to him they wanted him. "It peaked at number two on the charts, but still had super mixed reviews. Which is weird, honestly, because his service in the army gave him a lot of support from an older audience."
"You know a lot about Elvis," Michael said. Alex shrugged.
"Not really, I know about his time in the army and that's about it," he explained, looking at Michael in a way he couldn't quite place. It was almost questioning, like he was testing the waters. Which didn't make fucking sense because he was Alex Manes. "I know a little bit about a lot of things."
"Like what?" Michael prodded. Alex stared at him in silence for a few seconds, his gaze intense and overwhelming. Michael's skin felt hot under it, his heart thudding in his chest. The only sound being Elvis singing along to snapping and a soft bass.
'You give me fever when you kiss me,' Elvis sang, 'what a lovely way to burn.'
"I guess you'll just have to stick around and see what I can teach you," Alex said. Michael nodded without even thinking, his body working on it's own accord.
Alex smiled and tucked his hair behind his ear and turned to search through a bin he was standing beside. He pulled out a new vinyl.
"Black Sabbath," Michael read, clearing his throat. Alex nodded.
"They've got good shit."
Was it wrong that Michael didn't ever want to leave? 
"Does that make sense?"
"Yeah, yeah, thanks."
It was a little weird, Max thought, that the first girl he had in his room that wasn't Isobel or his mom was Liz Ortecho. He'd never really pictured her there. He quite liked the sight.
"Knew you'd get it," Liz said, "It's not hard, just takes focus."
"Yeah, you're also just a good teacher," he said. It was a little bit of a lie. She rambled a lot, getting distracted by her own train of thought and assuming he knew more than he did, but he didn't mind. He liked listening to her talk even if he wasn’t sure what she was talking about. Max didn’t understand how Michael had even formed a crush in the first place if he hadn’t listened to her ramble.
“Thank you,” Liz said, smiling as she leaned back. 
They were sitting on his bedroom floor and her head was against his mattress. Would the smell of her hair linger on his sheets? Was that weird to think about? 
"So, you wanna be a scientist when you grow up?" Max asked, leaning his head against the wall. Liz shrugged.
"I think I'm going to go into biological engineering. I like knowing how all that stuff works and messing with things," Liz explained. Max nodded.
"My brother's like that," Max said. Liz furrowed her eyebrows. "Michael."
"Oh, wow, I didn't know he was your brother," Liz laughed. Max shrugged.
"Yeah, we just got separated wherever Iz and I got adopted," Max said. Liz nodded, pulling her leg up to her chest and resting her chin on her knee.
"Well, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Liz asked. Max laughed a little as he allowed Michael's name to disappear from the conversation. 
"I wanna be a writer," Max admitted. Liz had a knowing look on her face as she nodded. 
"I can see it, you got that whole," Liz paused and gestured to him, "Slightly pretentious vibe about you."
"Hey!" he laughed.
"What? It's not a bad thing as long as you don't let it overcome you. I'm a firm believer that you have to be a little pretentious to be a creator of any kind. The confidence helps you succeed," Liz insisted. Max shrugged slightly, but he couldn't help but smile. "Trust me. My friend Alex is totally pretentious about his music, but we love him for it."
The mention of Alex felt a little jarring as he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. But Liz didn't let that memory last long.
"Well, show me some of your writing," Liz said. Max's eyes widened. 
"What? I don't know if you'd wanna–"
"I do, c'mon, read me something," she prodded. Her eyes scanned the room before landing on the notebook on his nightstand. "Is there any in that?"
A mischievous smile crossed her face and she reached for it. Max didn't even think it through as he quickly went to grab it. He didn't want her to read anything in it. Each page was a different story, all disjointed and too many of them involving a love interest that were inspired by beautiful people he saw in school that he'd be embarrassed if she recognized.
Liz squealed in a joyous fashion as he tried to grab it first. She snatched it, her laughter contagious as he tried to grab it from her. She let go as he yanked it and he fell backwards. Liz took the opportunity of him being caught off guard to lean over him and grab it. Max caught her waist and flipped over. Suddenly, the book had slid a few feet away and he was just hovering over her.
Before he could really let it register, Liz grabbed his arms and locked her legs around his hips, flipping them over again and pinning his hands above his head. She had a victorious smile on her face, her long hair pooling around his head and making it impossible to look at anything but her. He swallowed harshly.
"Don't underestimate me just because you're tall, Max Evans," Liz told him. He nodded, probably a little too entranced by her, well, everything.
"Trust me," he said, "I wouldn't dare."
Alex was a master of saying something and meaning something else entirely. It left Michael feeling like he was starving and Alex's intentions were the only thing keeping him alive.
"What do you mean you haven't noticed?" Alex scoffed, shaking his head as they walked towards Michael's truck. It was Friday, four days into spending all his free time with Alex Manes and already he struggled to see a day he didn't do just that. "It's so obvious!"
"Obvious to who?" Michael laughed. Alex threw open the passenger side door without any hesitation, climbing it and dropping his messenger bag to the floor. He waited for Michael to get into the driver’s seat before answering.
“Anyone who claims to be interested in horror movies, Michael Guerin,” Alex said, giving a slightly dramatic sigh. Michael snorted as he started up the truck. 
“Look, man, when I watch a movie, I don’t really pay attention to the music,” Michael admitted, looking over his shoulder as he started to back out of the parking spot. 
“Oh my god, you’re speaking blasphemy, shut up,” Alex said, earning more laughter from Michael, “So horror at its peak in the 50s and 60s was heavy in strings, but once the synthesizer started gaining popularity in the 70s-ish‒by the way, did you know it was invented in the 50s?‒it took over. Just recently, like the last few years, they’ve been going back to strings, but like a distorted violin type of strings.”
“Okay, I think I see what you mean,” Michael said, nodding his head as he thought back to all the movies he’d seen in his lifetime. If he thought hard enough, he could think of movies that fit what Alex was talking about.
“Yeah, dude, it’s super obvious. Oh, shit, the drive-in is playing The Thing tonight at 8, that’s a perfect example of the mix between synth and orchestral since it’s, like, the early 80s,” Alex said. Michael looked over at him, seeing him looking down at his phone. His hair was down and shielding half of his face, but the sun was still hitting him like he was made for it. He was fucking gorgeous.
“Is that your subtle way of suggesting we go see a movie tonight?” Michael asked, glancing over at him again. Alex adjusted in his seat and looked up, tucking his hair behind his ear. 
“I mean, yeah, we can,” Alex said, “Wouldn’t mind an excuse to stay out of my house.”
“I feel that,” Michael laughed, “Yeah, let’s go.”
It was how Michael ended up at almost 9pm at the drive-in, shrouded in darkness and watching The Thing while undeniably close to Alex Manes.
“Listen, listen, listen,” Alex whispered, leaning so close that his lips were almost touching his ear as he pointed. Michael moved his eyes off the screen to look at Alex only to see his eyes attached to the screen, sheer wonder in his eyes. “During most of the true horror moments in this movie, there’s no music at all, usually just letting you feel the moment. But, but but…” Alex breathed. Michael watched him instead of it again. But, still, he heard the slow build of synth in time with Alex’s smile growing. “You feel it? It’s right before shit gets bad, it’s preparing you, but letting you still feel the actual moment. It’s fucking genius.” Just like that, the synth stopping, just the screams of the creature and the people. Alex breathed in and dropped his hand, smiling. “This whole movie is a masterpiece.”
“I was kinda expecting you to jump out of fear,” Michael whispered, trying to shake that absolute entranced feeling watching Alex like this. In the darkness of the night, his face only lit by the screen and the dim street lamps that were set up, his guard was completely down. It was incredible. 
“Jump scares are cool maybe once or twice a movie, but even that’s pushing it. Real horror lasts in your brain long after you watch it,” Alex said, looking at him for just a second, “All good shit should leave you unable to think about anything else.”
Michael nodded. “You’re right.”
“I know I am,” Alex said. His eyes flickered down and then back up to Michael’s eyes before he turned his gaze back to the movie. “Look, look, this is my favorite part.”
Michael looked and didn’t comment as Alex settled into his side. Alex’s best points were always unspoken and this felt like one of them.
“Let me see!”
“I am letting you see.”
Max laughed as Liz just glared at him, standing on her toes as she pulled on his arm. He continued holding the English paper he’d gotten back well over his head. Liz wanted to see his so they could compare them, but he found it much more enjoyable to hold it up and let her try to grab it.
“Stop,” Liz groaned. 
Liz ended up taking a fist full of his shirt, dragging him over to one of the booths in the Crashdown. Max kept laughing as she forced him to sit down, kneeling on his thighs to keep him in place as she plucked the paper out of his grasp. She stuck his tongue out at him and the smile on his face was impossible to get rid of.
“You could’ve asked,” he teased. Liz glared at him, still just staying there with her knee in his lap. She was looking at his paper and he was looking at her. She seemed to get more gorgeous by the day, slowly but surely becoming unbearably attractive.
He watched as her eyes skimmed his paper, reading quickly as she settled her weight against him. She flipped to the next page, reading over it more, but then her eyes widened as she caught sight of his grade. Max smiled.
“A 102?” she scoffed, looking at him with a faux-offended face, “How the hell? I just got a 100!”
“Bonus points for using vocabulary words and using more than three sources,” he said. Again, that adorable glare. “But a 100 is still great.”
“Mhm, we’ll just have to talk when I get a 103 on my science test and you get a 91,” Liz said. Max grinned, shrugging shoulders. He was well past the point of caring as long as she stayed this close and kept talking. Sadly, though, she got off his lap and stood up straight.
“I can help you on your next paper,” Max offered. Liz looked at him with a knowing smile, tilting her head to the side.
“Well, I would hope so. I helped you with your science test, you’re definitely not off the hook. Now sit right there, I’m gonna go get us fries,” she said, not even waiting for an answer as she spun and went into the back. Max took a moment to let himself melt a little into the seat.
Soon, Liz was coming back with a basket of fries and a milkshake. She sat on the other side of the booth, that sweet smile still on her face. 
“Only one?” Max asked playfully. She put her hand over her heart and gasped, giving an offended look.
“How dare you? Do I look like a woman who doesn’t share?” Liz asked. Max tilted his head and scrunched up his nose, enjoying the way it pulled laughter out of her. “Yeah, you’re right, but I’ll be nice today.”
Max watched as she pushed two straws into the shake. It felt a little too real and he looked at her to make sure she was actually okay with sharing. However, she didn’t even seem phased as she leaned forward to take a sip, marking her straw with a shiny stamp of lip gloss. Max, albeit hesitantly, leaned in and took a sip from the other one. She was still smiling.
He liked this.
“All things aside, though, I really like your paper,” Liz said, pointing at him with a fry, “If only you’d let me read something you wrote that you actually care about.”
“Maybe one day,” he offered. She raised her eyebrows, leaning closer.
“When is one day?”
“One day, I don’t know,” Max laughed. Liz shrugged a shoulder.
“Soon, I can feel it,” she stated firmly, “I’ve got a certain charm and I don’t think you’ll be able to resist.”
And Max had a feeling she was absolutely right.
Alex tilted his head back, breathing out a puff of smoke as he relaxed in the bed of Michael’s truck.
Michael’s lips parted as he watched him, his mouth feeling dry and his skin feeling too hot. He looked like a goddamn model at that moment. How the hell was anyone supposed to think straight? The weed definitely didn’t help.
“How many people have you slept with?” Alex asked, blunt and without preface. It only made Michael’s mind feel even more cloudy, the mix of wind and Elvis Presley’s Fever playing from his phone doing him no favors.
“Uh,” Michael said, stretching his legs out parallel to Alex’s, “Two?”
Alex nodded, not saying anything else as he leaned forward to pass the joint to Michael. He accepted it, his eyes still on Alex as he put it to his lips. Alex’s eyes lingered on his face before slowly scanning his entire body. When he got to his legs, Alex reached out and put his hand on his calf. His thumb rubbed small circles over his jeans. Michael’s brain was malfunctioning.
“Roswell has a population of a little over 6,000 people,” Alex said softly, his hand staying on his leg as he looked up to him. The joint was limply in Michael’s hand, too drunk on Alex’s existence to hold it properly. Alex plucked it from his grip, stubbing it out on the bottom of his shoe. Once it was completely out and done smoking, Alex moved even closer to tuck it behind Michael’s ear. “6,000 people and I can’t stand most of them, but I people-watch. I understand them and social cues and how to interact. I hate it, though, the uncertainty of it.”
“Yeah,” Michael breathed, agreeing with him on principle alone. Alex’s lips twitched up into a smile that didn’t last, his fingers letting go of the joint and tracing over his ear and his neck. Chills rose to his skin and his breathing got a little heavier. Alex’s eyes fluttered over his face again.
“I like certainty,” Alex said, “So I think I know what your goal is, but I’d really like you to spell it out for me.”
“My goal?” Michael clarified. Alex nodded, somehow even closer. He tilted his head to the side and he ditched all sense of preservation, his eyes on Michael’s lips and not moving. Which, maybe Michael was stupid, but he slowly let his eyes drift to Alex’s lips, focusing on that part of him in the same way. 
Alex leaned in a little more, their foreheads touching just a little. And, just as Michael was about to close the space, his phone went off. Michael jumped and looked away to search for it. Alex sighed, sitting down as Michael checked to see what had ruined his moment.
Max: tomorrow after church?
Michael swallowed harshly and looked up to Alex who’s focus had drifted to playing with a loose string on the hole in his jeans at his knee. He kind of forgot about Max and what the point was. He was supposed to be learning about Alex for Max, not for himself. Guilt slowly started filling his veins as he realized how selfish he’d been.
“God, Max, this is beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
There were a lot of nerves that went into letting a pretty girl read your inner most thoughts, but Liz was endlessly respectful of his feelings and didn’t insult him for being too sappy. She scrolled down on the long document that he typed his story in, still reading as she sat right beside him.
“Seriously, you should look into getting published,” Liz said, finally looking at him. They were in his room again. This time the door was closed. It felt good.
“I don’t know, I feel like that’s a lot harder than you’d think,” Max said, shrugging his shoulders. Liz rolled her eyes.
“Well, you won’t know until you try! And, who knows, all it’ll take is a little willpower. Or maybe you could self-publish. I could help you figure it all out,” Liz offered. Max furrowed his eyebrows, a disbelieving huff leaving his chest.
“Why would you do that?” he asked, “You’re far too nice to me, Liz Ortecho.”
“I’m a nice person,” she insisted, “And you’re way too talented to just let it go to waste.”
“I don’t know. I want to travel first, see stuff, get inspired by something real, you know?” Max said. Liz nodded without hesitation.
“Yeah, I want to travel too,” she said, looking down for a second before looking back at him, “Maybe we could travel together.”
His eyebrows shot up, blinking a couple times. “You’d want to travel with me?”
“Well, why not?” she said, “I’ve always wanted to and why not go with someone you like spending time with?”
“You really have that much fun spending time with me?” Max asked, really not buying that. She was so… and he was just…
“There’s just something about you, Max Evans,” Liz told him, fondness thick in her voice. It warmed his heart in a way he didn’t quite understand. No one had ever said something like that about him before. He always just assumed he was just Max. “I don’t know. I’ve known you all my life and sometimes… Reading this, I kinda feel like this is the first time I’m really seeing you. Seeing you and seeing how you see other people. It’s beautiful, Max.”
“I get that,” Max said, his chest feeling a little tight and his mind overwhelmed. She was way too good for him. “Sometimes I feel like you’re the only girl in the room.”
“Well,” she said, tilting to her head to the side, “Right now I am.”
Max smiled and bit his lip. It was too easy to get entranced by her, too easy to miss when she started to lean in, too easy to get obsessed the way her hand touched his cheek.
And too hard not to get pissed when Isobel busted inside before either of them could close the space.
“Hello,” Isobel said, clearly happy to ruin the moment, “Hate to break up the love fest going on in here, but your dad called, Liz. Said he tried calling you, but your phone was dead and he got worried. He wanted to know if you were going to make it home for dinner.”
“What time is it?” Liz asked, glancing down at the laptop and her eyes widening, “Oh, shoot, sorry, Max, I gotta go. I had fun.”
“Wait, I’ll drive you,” he offered as she got up quickly. She shook her head as she grabbed her bag.
“Don’t worry, the walk isn’t far. I’ll see you later?” Liz said. He nodded and she slipped past Isobel, hurrying down the stairs. Max sighed and leaned back.
“Way to ruin the moment, Iz,” he grumbled. Isobel raised an eyebrow.
“Way to move in on the girl Michael’s been staring at for a year,” Isobel pointed out, “Does he know that you’re doing that or is this just a fun way to get back at him for breathing too loud when he sleeps?”
Max couldn’t see himself, but he was sure his face paled as he was reminded of Michael. He’d forgotten that’s what he was doing. Hell, he’d forgotten everything that wasn’t Liz. Guilt overcame him too fast and he quickly pulled out his phone.
Max: tomorrow after church?
“Hope you enjoy telling him,” Isobel said in a sing-song voice as she walked away. Max swallowed and very quickly made the decision not to tell him. Michael didn’t have much, he deserved something. If that meant he couldn’t have Liz, then so be it. It would just be the worst.
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Song Challenge ~ SoonChan Campfire
"Chan? So why are you taking me on your family weekend? I mean, I love it, don't get me wrong, I always loved it. But doesn't this spot belong to Joshua now?" Soonyoung wondered as he put the last bags in to his car. Chan shrugged, "you always came with us. My family knows you, and you know them, I uhm, I don't think Joshua would like something like this." They both got in the car, Soonyoung in the drivers seat, Chan next to him, ready to drive to Chan's family cabin in the woods, out of town. "But don't you think its about time that Joshua should meet the rest of your family? I know atleast your mom is very find of him." Chan let out a sigh, "he wasn't ready, Soon." Was the last thing Chan said as he turned up the music, avoiding any further questions.
Once at the cabin, Chan's family happily greeted both of them. "Channie, my dear. Where is Joshua?" Chan' s mom asked as she pecked his cheeks. "He couldn't make it, sorry mom." She turned to greet Soonyoung with a warm hug, "its great to see you, dear. Its always a pleasure to have you here." Soonyoung smiled, "thank you for having me, miss. Lee."
After Soonyoung and Chan had moved their bags from the car to the cabin, they helped out with making dinner and setting the table. Chan had started to move around nervously, the first dinner at the cabin, always meant one, or more people came with big news. Everyone always waiting for Chan's father to open the dinner with a toast. "Chan, what's wrong? Why are you acting so weird? You know, you can still call Joshua, if you rather have him here then me, i'm sure he would change his mind." Chan shook his head, "no, Soonyoung. Its fine, I'll see him later, okay? Now, if we can focus on dinner? Father will be here soon." Soonyoung shrugged and quietly went on with preparing things for dinner.
"I am glad that everyone is here, and in perfect health. Ofcourse, I already heard some whispers going around about announcements. So come on, spill!" Chan's dad chanted friendly. Chan's cousin and her fiancée went first, they were expecting their first baby, everyone went around to wish them well. Some talk later, Chan's dad looked at Chan, "come on, son. I know you have some big news, you can tell." Chan shook his head, he already knew what his dad was refering to, but there was no big news to share. "Well, Chan. I know Joshua couldn't be here this weekend, but that doesn't mean you can't share the news." All eyes were on Chan, who was pretty sure all the colour had left his cheeks as he stared in to nowhere. "Chan, my boy. If you're too shy, I will share it. Everyone, my one and only son, Chan, is getting married! The gentleman came to ask for Chan's hand in marriage, and ofcourse, I gave him my blessing. I can only imagine how good he is for my son. So lets toast, to our family growing bigger in many different ways!" As he lifted his glass, Soonyoung was looking at Chan in disbelieve, upset that Chan didn't tell him about the engagement, but Chan felt like he was going to get sick, right at that moment. Quickly, Chan shove his plate away from him as he got up and stormed outside, eager for fresh air. Soonyoung excused himself as he quickly followed Chan outside.
"Chan, hey! Channie!" Soonyoung yelled as he got hold of Chan's arm. "You're getting married? Why didn't you tell me?" Chan tried to catch his breath as he shook his head. "Come on, Chan. Say something.." Chan didn't say anything, as he continued walking towards the open field, where they had already prepared a fire for later that weekend. "Chan.." Soonyoung whispered, but still no response. Chan started the fire, sitting close to it, so he could feel fhe heath. "You know that you can tell me anything, right? No judgement here." He sat down close to Chan, but not too close. "Soonyoung," Chan finally started. "You know, the reason why Joshua isn't here? Its because we are not together anymore." Soonyoung raised his eyebrows, many questions came to his mind, but he just looked at Chan, waiting for him to continue. "Look, my father didn't lie, okay? Joshua proposed to me. And yes, it was romantic and all, but I couldn't do it, Soon. I just couldn't." In his mind, Soonyoung was impatient, he wanted to know everything. He knew Joshua was a good guy, but truely, he had always felt slightly jealous towards him, because he too, was in love with Chan, but never dared to make a move. "He was so sweet, Soon. I hate myself, I fucking hate myself. I broke his heart." Chan was fully in tears by now, his face hiding in his arms, on his knees. "Channie.." Soonyoung moved closer, wrapping an arm around the younger, trying to comfort him. Chan tried to reject him and move away, only to lean in to the touch again and hug Soonyoung tightly. "Shh, hey. Its okay, Chan. Its gonna be okay." Soonyoung petted his back, moving small circles, as Chan was trying to calm down. "He was s-so upset and angry. He looked so broken. Soonyoung, I broke him. It would have all been better if I never got together with him in the first place." Chan slowly moved away from Soonyoung, looking at the fire again. "But you didn't do anything wrong, Chan. If you weren't ready, then its best to be honest about it." Chan sniffed, trying to hold back the tears that kept coming. "Its not that I wasn't ready, Soon. Its because I am in love with someone else. I broke his heart because I am in love with someone else. How fucking selfish is that?" Soonyoung took hold of Chan's hand, "Chan, hey. Look, would you rather have said yes, and be unhappy in a marriage because you're not fully commited to it, only because you want to protect Joshua's heart? Because I think you did the right thing. Yes, he's hurting now. But Joshua is a strong man, okay? He will eventually be alright again. But maybe you should reach out to that other person? Don't you want to find out if it was worth it? That you left Joshua, because you might have a shot with them?" Chan shook his head, "no, Soonyoung. I don't want to do that. I left Joshua because it didn't feel right to stay because of my feelings for someone else. But that doesn't mean I want to act on these feelings." Soonyoung nodded, understanding Chan and giving him space.
They sat it silence, both looking at the fire that was dancing in all directions. At one point, Chan's mother came to check up on them, knowing very well where her son went when he wasn't feeling well. Soonyoung had told her that Chan was feeling a bit under the weather, and that they just needed some time to talk about things before heading back. As she went back to the cabin, Chan felt even more guilty then before, but he stayed at the exact same spot.
After a while, Chan burst in to tears again, Soonyoung sat down next to him, wrapping his arms around him tightly, assuring him that it would be fine. "But Soonyoung, I-I'm such a fool.. Even thinking for a second that this person would have feelings for me too.." Soonyoung shook his head, "don't say that, little one. Whoever gets to spend the rest of their life with you, should consider themself the most lucky person walking around this earth, okay? And ofcourse, you take your time, whether or not you eventually want to tell them. But if I were them, I would definitly feel like the luckiest person in the universe." Chan looked up, looking in to Soonyoung's eyes, struggling with the words he wanted to say. "Maybe.. M-maybe you should consider yourself t-the luckiest person in the universe.." It took Soonyoung a moment to take in Chan's words, who went from having red cheeks from all the crying, to white as snow, as if he had seen a ghost. "Chan.. What are you saying?.." Soonyoung bit down on his bottom lip, if anything, he didn't want to misunderstand the situation. "That I'm in love with you, Soon.. I told you it was stupid.." Chan wanted to get up and walk away, but Soonyoung was quick to get hold of Chan's arm and make him turn around to face him again. Looking in to each others eyes, suddenly felt different then before, Chan felt nervous and wanted to run away and never look back, as Soonyoung felt like he had just won the lottery. Soonyoung was still holding on to Chan's arm, but he was lost for words, Chan felt like he could fall down any second, but something was keeping him from falling. That something being Soonyoung's lips against his own, soft, gentle, and a little unsure for both of them. But Chan finally relaxed under the touch and Soonyoung noticed, wrapping his arms around Chan's neck, not breaking the kiss for even a second. Chan had his arms around Soonyoung's waist, he could feel that a few tears still tried to escape his eyes. When they finally parted to catch some air again, Chan rested his head against Soonyoung's chest, while Soonyoung drew small circles on Chan's back.
They stood like that for a while, both wondering if what just happend, was in fact, real and not a dream. No words were needed, as the look in their eyes already said enough. They sat down again, Soonyoung had one arm around Chan, who rested calmly against Soonyoung. "Hey Chan-," Soonyoung started, but was immedeatly interrupted by Chan's lips against his, moving smoothly, as Chan made Soonyoung lay on his back, Chan resting right above Soonyoung's chest, as they kept kissing, deeper and more passionate then before. Their body's temparture rising, not only by their touches, but from the fire that was right next to them. They removed their shirts, immedeatly finding each others lips again, chest against chest, hands traveling up and down each others bodies, exploring each other like there was no tomorrow. Breaths were getting heavier as they both became super needy for each other, untill Chan pulled back slightly, making eye contact with the older. "Soonyoung, I-I'm sorry, I-," Soonyoung pushed himself up, kissing Chan gently, "its fine, I understand." Chan smiled, relieved, but couldn't help but tear up, once again. "Hey, its fine, okay? It really is." Soonyoung rested with one arm on the ground, as with his other hand, he wiped Chan's tears away. "I understand. You don't have to be sorry. Come on, lets get you dressed again before you catch a cold, okay?" Chan nodded slowly, getting off of Soonyoung, who collected their clothes so they could get dressed again. "Do you want to go back to the cabin?" Chan shook his head, "no, I'm not ready yet. I want to stay here a little longer, with you." Soonyoung smiled lightly, as he took the younger in to his arms, making sure he couldn't get cold. "Whatever you want, little one. I'm not leaving your side ever again." They shared a short kiss, Soonyoung wrapped his arms around Chan's waist as he leaned his head on Chan's shoulder. Chan leaning back in to the touch, leaning against Soonyoung's chest.
The next morning, they woke up from the sun brightly shining on them, as the fire had almost gone out by itself. "Shit, we were here the whole night?" Chan immedeatly sat up, Soonyoung following slowly. "Hey, calm down. Your mom knows we're here, its fine. Hey, look." Soonyoung pointed towards a paper bag that was sitting close to them. Chan went to grab the bag, "There are sandwiches in here and two bottles of juice. And a little note, -I know, its okay. We will tell father later. Love, mom.-" Chan smiled at the note as he sat down again. "See, it will be fine, there is no rush." Soonyoung said as he left a soft kiss on Chan's cheek. "No rush." Chan repeated, as he pressed their lips together, before they started eating their little breakfast.
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Survey #442
“the more you suffer, the more it shows you really care, right?”
Would you ever sell your soul? No. Do you believe that something is going to happen in 2012? Welp, clearly not. I never believed it. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No, but I'd love to! When was the last time you slept in someone else’s bed? Uhhh not since I visited Sara, I think. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? Loud, for sure. Louder than I should listen to. Did the last person you kiss have a tattoo? No. What’s the last song you heard? "The Bird and the Worm" by The Used. Has anyone told you they missed you lately? No. What are you most likely to do when you’re exhausted; take a nap, drink some coffee, or go for a run to get yourself pumped up again? Naps definitely win. What are you most likely to pick if you got to choose your topic on a research paper; drug abuse, mental illness, or the death penalty? Mental illness, for sure. What is your favorite month of the year and why? October, bc aesthetic. What’s your least favorite animal? Probably wasps. They're mean fuckers that kill bees. What was your class song when you graduated? Some super shitty country song. Have you ever had to spend the night outside (not camping)? No. What`s the scariest living animal that you`ve petted? A tarantula, I'd say. She was a sweet rose hair that I literally did pet, which you absolutely should not do to tarantulas, but I knew nothing about them at the time. The urticating hairs on their abdomens cause serious itching, and I tell ya, that sure happened. So did you play old school Nintendo or Atari or Sega? If so which one? We had an old Atari for a long time. When/where did you meet your first love? In the hallway, during my sophomore year of high school. Is there anyone you dislike, that you have to see/speak to regularly? Hm, what qualifies as "regularly," really? I don't like my sister's husband, who I see semi-regularly, but I don't really talk to him. Does your family eat any unique foods for Thanksgiving that aren’t the norm? If so, what are they? Nah, not that I can think of. If you eat oatmeal, do you add water or milk to it? What is your favorite flavor? Milk; I don't like it with water. I only eat the apples and cinnamon kind. Was the last video you watched on YouTube a music video? If not, what was it of? It's a let's play. Have you ever been brave enough to cut your hair in a very different way? If you have, did you regret your decision after? Yes, and I still love it. What was the last book you had to read for school? Did you enjoy it, or were you just trying to get through? The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I loved it. Has anyone you know personally ever won the lottery? If so, how much did they win? Would/have you ever play(ed) the lottery? No to both questions. I have a very addictive personality, so I don't really mess with dangerous things that might tempt that behavior. What band/celebrity/etc. do you know the most information about? Who would you like to learn more about? Markiplier, ha ha. As for who I'd like to know more about... hm. Have your friends met the last person you kissed? Girt has. Who has made the biggest difference in your life? Jason. You get a text from someone saying that they want to hang out - who would you most like it to be from? Also Jason. -_- What is the name on your birth certificate (feel free to withhold your last name for privacy reasons)? Brittany Marie is all you need to know. Even if shopping isn’t your favorite... every girl has a favorite store. What’s yours? My favorite physical store is Hot Topic, but my favorite store overall is Rebel's Market, which I'm pretty sure is just an online source. Which type of undies do you wear most: Thongs, bikini/briefs, bootyshorts, or granny panties? Don't you dare laugh, I prefer "granny panties" lmfao. They're what I'm comfortable in, okay. How many nail polishes do you have, if you were to take a guess? *I* have none. Idk about Mom, but I know not a lot. Are you on birth control? Do you use condoms? I use birth control to regulate my period and ease cramps. If I was sexually active though, both would be musts for me. When did you start your period? How did you react? Who did you tell first? When I got home from school sometime in middle school. I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I was EXTREMELY upset. Like, I cried, because I didn't feel like a kid anymore. My mom was the first to know. Have you ever had sex while on your period? If so, would you ever do it again? NO NO NO NO THAT SOUNDS SO GROSS LKASDFJ;AJW;LKERJA;WEJLRKQWLKE;JR. Which way do you swing (boys, girls, or both)? I'm bi. Or pan. I really don't know. Tell me ALL about your longest/most serious relationship. Are you still in that relationship? How about I don't, because doing that I'm sure will send me in a PTSD spiral. No, we're no longer together. Who is your ALL TIME best friend (don’t count your boyfriend, either, silly!)? Sara. I don't think I've been as close with any other best friend. Which one of your friends has the best singing voice? SARAAAAAAAAAAA. What shade are you in foundation or concealer? I don't have a clue. I don't wear either. Have you ever showered with someone? Boy or girl? Were you completely naked? "Were you completely naked." No, I shower with underwear on. I've showered with my little sister as well as my best friend as a kid. I've never shared a shower as an adult and don't want to. Do you think you’re good enough for the person you like? No. Are you a cuddler or no? If I'm really into you, YUP. And if it's not hot. Wouldn’t it be kinda annoying to have to share a bed every night? No. I miss it sometimes. Have you ever walked on a beach at night? Yes. It's beautiful. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? Pretty easily, yeah. Would you marry someone you didn’t love if you were paid 10 thousand dollars? No. I just wouldn't be able to stomach doing that. I'm solely marrying for love. Have you had sex today? I haven't in many years. Do you still care about your last ex? Very very much! Do you own more then one bathing suit? Nope. Is there any alcohol in the fridge? Yeah, but none I like. Who have you recently made up with after fighting? Nobody. Who do you WANT to make up with? Jason. Megan. Do you get scared easily? Hm. It really depends on the situation. Have you seen UP? Never the full movie, actually. I need to. How many coats of mascara do you use? I use it so rarely that I barely know. Two, maybe? What’s your favorite bracelet? The one Sara gave me. I used to always wear it, but it's worn down with time and is too loose for me now, so it's just with my jewelry. What color hair does your mom have? It's naturally gray now, but she dyes it black. Favorite song to listen to when you are mad? "Headache" by Motionless In White does it. What restaurant would you want to work at? NONE. I ain't working with hungry people. I don't want to work with people - period. When people ask “how are you?” do you say “good” even if you aren’t? Depends on who's asking. If it's a stranger or someone I barely know, odds are I'm just going to reply with "fine" or something like that. Were you honestly a good kid? Yes. Is anything wrong with your eyes? I have to wear glasses, so. Have you kissed or hugged anyone today? No. What is your mom’s and dad’s favorite TV show? I don't really know for either. Mom watches loads of shows, and I don't live with Dad, so. I know he really likes The Big Bang Theory, though, which Mom also loves. Have you ever suspected your mom or dad of having an affair? No, but ~supposedly~, Dad did with his now-wife. I don't know what the fuck is true between my parents, though. Do you think buying second hand clothes is gross? It depends on the type of clothing (ex., used underwear is a huge fucking no), as well as the state it's in. Does it gross you out when your parents kiss? They're divorced. That would be incredibly weird, uncomfortable, and impossible with how I know at least Mom feels towards Dad. Do you have a playlist made on YouTube? Yeah, multiple. Do you like dollar stores? I mean, sure? They have good deals occasionally and are a good option to stop for a quick snack or something. Mom doesn't actually *shop* in them, though. What’s the last thing you bought from one? I think a honeybun. Do you think it’s weird how babies are made? Well, yeah. Science can be crazy, though. Have you ever lost a friend over the opposite sex? No. Are you comfortable in a short skirt? I wouldn't be comfortable in ANY skirt. Do you and your family go on a vacation ever year? We essentially never do. Vacations cost money. We don't have money to spare. When you were going out with your last ex and you had the chance to date your celebrity crush, would you have left your bf/gf for them? No, because it's not like I know him personally, while I know her very deeply. Who was your most romantic moment with? Jason. Do you sweat easily? Like you wouldn't BELIEVE. A side effect of one (or even multiple) of my meds is hyperhidrosis, so I can sweat an ocean in two minutes, it seems. It's disgusting, and I am so self-conscious about it. What’s one memory you wish would just vanish? Just a specific moment with Jason that is particularly agonizing to recall. Are you in love with someone? No. Partying or watching a movie? Partying isn't my thing. I'd have more fun watching a movie with friends. What pisses you off the most? Child molesters/rapists, probably. Where do you want to be at a year from now? I just want a job by then, dude. I also hope I've lost a lot of weight. Do you like pickles? Only dill pickles. If you saw someone broken down on the side of the road, would you stop to help? Honestly, no. I don't trust people. What do you do with your plastic grocery bags after you unload your things? We put our plastic bags into one big bag for later use. Have you ever slept in a water bed? Yes. How often do you use Flickr? I don't. I only ever check my friend's for meerkat photos, ha ha. Share three nice memories you have of the person you fell hardest for. No, unless you want me to cry. Have you ever made any of your friends cry? Not deliberately of course, but yes. Do you look decent in your most recent photograph? God no, I look high. Out of all the guys you know, who would you trust to not cheat on you? Girt. I know he never would, especially because HE'S been cheated on. How do you plan on disciplining your children? NOT by physical means, I can tell you that much. If I actually had kids, I'd teach them through (hopefully) primarily deeply talking things out. If need be, there'd be time out, grounding, things like that. I do NOT support methods like spanking your kid, so that's a big no. If you could live in another country, would you? What country? Yes; Canada. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Quinn, probably. What’s one health problem you wish you didn’t have? It's a tie between depression and anxiety. What is your cure for hiccups? NOTHING works for me. It's the worst. Did you ever do anything in class that annoyed other students? I mean, I don't think so. Have you used a Ouija board and had a freaky experience with it? I've never messed with one, and I don't want to. I don't know if I believe in their supernatural abilities or not, but I ain't fuckin around and finding out. Do you stick with a political party, or vote for who you like best? I pick based on their policies and morals, not necessarily their party. Do you know anyone who is an albino? No. Word search or crossword puzzle? Word searches. When you watch a game show, do you like to see people win or lose? Aw, who wants to see them lose? It's great to see people win and be so excited. Do you have a pair of fake redneck, vampire, etc. teeth? No. What is your favorite Pixar film? Finding Nemo. Do you get really mad when you lose a game? Not at all. I'm not very competitive, and games are about having fun. When was the last time you used a pay phone? I actually don't think I ever have. Who did you have your most amazing kiss with? Jason. Do you go to church every Sunday? I never go to church as I'm not religious. If you had to get famous for one of the following, which would you choose: music, acting, writing, modeling? Writing. What do you think of girls with huge boobs that don’t wear bras in public? Who the fuck cares. If they're comfortable and at least have a shirt on, let 'em. Most women have breasts, big whoop. Do you even like politics? God no. What’s it like at raves? Oh god, I'd never go. Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone? lol yes
4 notes · View notes
aspiestvmusings · 4 years
WARNING: Super long post. 
Parallels & Similarities (and differences) between S1 & S2
Includes episodes 2x01, 2x02, 2x03: 
2x01 Zoeys Extraordinary Return
Wake-up songs/Zoey & Mo: Opening the season with Zoey being woken up by Mo singing "in real life" & waking her up. "Rise up" in 2x01 AND "Angel of the Morning/Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1x01. We first see Zoey in her bedroom. And the first two characters we meet are Zoey & Mo.
Zoey + baby: In both premieres Zoey has an encounter with a baby. In 2x01 we see her interact with her brother's son (the new baby, Miles) VS in 1x01 she encounters  new mom with a baby on the cable car during the first ever big musical number she experiences (Help!) #whenwillshestarttohearthebabysheartsongs 
Clarkeman & Coffee: The first Zoey/Max scene/interactions happens over "coffee break before work". In 2x01 we see them meting up for a coffee on a park bench before she heads over to work VS in 1x01 we see them getting coffee at the cofee bar on their way to work. In both scenes Max, her best friend, encourages/supports her (you will get the promotion VS it's a shield...to shield you from the world when you need it").
Jumping to conclusions: In 2x01 Zoey assumes that Max giving her the small jewelry box means he's proposing ("Relax, I'm not proposing") VS In 1x02 Zoey assumes that Max is asking her on a romantic dinner date, when he tells her he won the lottery to the restaurant they both love. ("Thursday night. Is it a date?" / "Is it a date?" "No! I just mean like can you go?")
Legs up!: Peoples legs getting close to Zoey's face during big musicals numbers: Leif's & Simon's during "Hello Dolly" in 2x01 at the 4th floor bullpen VS Joan's during "Satisfaction" in the elevator in 1x03. 
Promotion: In 1x01 Zoey wants the promotion & has an "interview" with Joan to get it VS in 2x01 she does not want the new job (added responsibility, when she jsut wants to "lay low") but Joan just asks her to take it. And by the end of the episode she gets the promotion/accepts the promotion, and we see her "first day at work on the new job". And in both episodes she has a competitor - Leif, who is also interested in a promotion. 
Interesting: In 2x01 Mo tells Zoey "So the powers are back - you're interesting again!" VS 1x01 when she tells him about her new superpower Mo tells Zoey: "This is the 1st thing I find remotely interesting about you". 
Mo is the honest friend: In 2x01 Mo speaks the honest truth... which is what Zoey actually needs to hear JUST LIKE he has been doing throughout S1. He might not always say the nicest things, but he's alwyas honest. And its what Zoey's character needs. (eg. Mo knows that she just lost her dad & it's a hard time for her, but her problems are still not bigger than everyone elses. Or like he calls her out on her chase/hesitation over the two teams in S1)
Tech-savvy Zoey to the rescue: In 2x01 Zoey uses her tech skills to "hack into Mitch's e-mail account" when her mom can't find the password & access it for info she needs (that dad left them) VS in1x03 Zoey comes up with a way to communicate with Mitch... (after David comes up with the Yes/No buzzer) & creates a computer program which allows him to type his answers using a mouse. 
Etsy: In 2x01 Joan tells Zoey "I like your sweater, its cute that you shop at Etsy" VS in 1x01 Tobin tells Zoey: "I thought you would be doing each others nails & buying matching tote-bags off Etsy in there."
Blessing or curse? In 1x12 Zoey told her dad that she has chosen to look at her musical power more like a "gift/blessing" (it allowed her to communicate with dad, helped her form bonds with others, help people...) and she said she's not minding the big musical numbers the way she used to. She even considers they're helpin g her instead. VS in 2x01 she tells Mo that she hopes the power won't return & when it does, she finds it "overwhelming" & cannot deal with any of it. 
Bottling it up: In 2x01 George sings "Don't cry out loud. Just keep it inside. And learn how to hide your feelings."  That song is as much about George's feelings about being the new guy, as it is another reference to Zoey's state of mind VS in 1x01 we learn that both Zoey & Simon keep their grief emotions bottled up (and they should not). As the dilogue from the Pilot already told us: Zoey: "Are you talking to anyone about this?" Simon: "Other than you? No. I've become a real expert of bottling my shame & pain, and hiding it from the world." Zoey: "I'm not an expert on this or anything, but you cant just keep it in."
Family & Grief: The Clarke family all singing "Carry on" & sitting down the table to eat dinner together at the end of 2x01... with a happy note about the future in their minds VS The Clarke family all singing "American Pie" on the funeral day at the end of 1x12, and all sitting at the living room (on the coach, chairs)...with a sad note about the present in their minds. 
The premiere episodes end with a "surprise" Max (and Zoey) "twist": ep 1x01 ends with a surprise heart song from Max which makes Zoey & the viewers aware of his feelings for her VS 2x01 ends with a surprise decision from Zoey where she "chooses Max". Also parallels to 1x12: in both 2x01 & 1x12 Zoey comes onto/kisses Max as he's telling her about his new outlook on life & business ideas. In both cases she's (partly) trying to forget grieving her dad, and needs him for the distraction. Both endings were "sudden" & "unexpected"
Family picture wall: In 2x01 Maggie is holding baby Miles (her grandson) & "showing him" the family photos on the wall VS in 1x01 Zoey sees her & dad's reflection on the picture on the wall...as Mitch first communictes with her... by singing his first heart song to her.  
Move forward: Zoey's words to Max about the business plans & their relationship actually apply as much to herself and her grief as they do for this situation: "You should absolutely move forward with it" & "You always have to move forward" 
2x02 Zoeys Extraordinary Distraction [+ (base)balls]
Hooking up: In 2x02 Zoey says to Max "we have been hooking up for the last 5 minutes" VS in 1x12 she tells her dad "I just hooked up with my best friend". In both cases Zoey makes the first move & kisses Max. In both hooking up scenes the popcorn is forgotten...
She/They both want to believe she's feeling the moment & is ready, but it is mostly just one coping mechanism... her way of distracting herself from the grief. Cause in no way has she shown signs of actually choosing him. [what dawned on the characters only 2 weeks later was obvious to viewers before they "got together" aka the moment she "chose him"] 
We saw her pick a team, but there have been no actual reasons or feelings expressed  by her why she chose him (the reasons she gave in "act five"  were about her needing him at the moment, not about why or how she really feels about him). The writing has still not included her POV & her sharing her feelings (cause she’s not ready for that...yet) They gave small glimpses during few scenes, but no real look into it. 
Get out!: Tobin being kicked out of the meeting by DMD/Zoey - "Get out, Tobin"/"Would you like to get out, Tobin?" AND Zoey getting kicked out from the makeover night by Mo - "Get out!" / "Girl, I don't care that you look like Rafiki. Get out!"
That came out wrong: Zoey told Simon in 2x02 about making his job not so easy "I am gonna ride you so...hard... Nope, that came out wrong"...She adds the last part as she hears herself say the words. VS Tobin was talking about being commited to work in 1x08 by saying "Hardworking, committed, serious. Watch how fast I nail this. Speaking of nailing... Nope, not gonna make the joke.." He adds the last part as he hears himself say the words
Food stealer: Zoey "I steal food from my best friends plate/bowl" Clarke. She ate from his plate during their dinner date at her place. And then she ate from his cereal bowl during the Clarke family breakfast "the morning after".
Older siblings: Jenna's is the less successful older sibling/sister (2x02) just like Leif is the less successful older sibling/brother (1x05). They both feel like "not enough" compared to their younger sibling(s), who they feel are more "perfect". 
Cardigan buddies: Leif & Zoey: cardigan buddies! Interestingly these two are the two 4th Floor Team members, who are most similar: both have a bike/like cycling (Leif often hs his bicyle helmet on his desk, so he rides a bike to work & Zoey has a bike in her apartment). Both love to wear cardigans, and the wardrobe department often has them in matching outfits/colours...Same this week. Both were/are the team members, who are in many ways "biggest messes" (most awkward), but both had/have the most ambition...they wanted and got the promotions. Both struggled in their new manager position..at first (and got help and good advice from their boss).
Team Leaders: Leif doing all the work alone (and exhausting himself...because he wants to be liked & hasn't yet settled into his new role as team leader... He has to learn to be their boss,  ot just their buddy...to get the team listen & for there to be teamwork) VS Zoey doing all the work alone (pre-S1 when she wanted the promotion +) during S1 when she had just become the boss: sending everyone home, cause they "didn't try hard enough", and fixing all the issues alone... VS Mo wanting to do it all alone in his early 20s (when he took over the project he had been working on with his best friend, cause "he's too good at goobyes") Both struggled with the new job, both got help/advice from their boss (Zoey from Joan & Leif from Zoey)
Sleeping at work:  Lief  being woken up by Zoey in 2x03 after he falls asleep when pulling an all-night at work (working  all night) VS Simon waking up Zoey in 1x02 after she falls asleep at work (behind her desk) after pulling an all-nighter alone. 
Leif's pants: In 2x02 Zoey tells Leif "Dust off your slim-fitting chinos" VS in S1 Joan makes a comment on Leif's pants. [I cannot remember the ep number right now] 
Go big or go home!: We found out Mitch's/Zoey’s dads motto in S1. It's "bigger moments, bigger memories" AND In 2x02 Zoey goes for the "bigger moment" - she tailors their first time together to suit Max's wishes (it should be special: the swan & rose petals are more for him than her) VS In 1x07 Max organizes a flash mob to confess his love for Zoey (something she as her dad's daughter secretly appreciates). She calls it unexpected & amazing & while she runs, its not cause she does not appreciate the "big gesture". The only reason she is overwhelmed & runs is because she is doing everything in her power to bottle up her feelings towards Max (1x06 ending proved she has feelings for him) & she did not want to deal with them at the moment. (the flashmob is more his style, but she is not opposed to it)
Come here: Max saying "Come here" to Zoey in the 2x02 dinner date scene at her place & during act five bedroom scene AND Max saying the same line "Come here" to Zoey in 1x12 during the "All of me/Pitbull" scene. 
Mix of songs: In 2x02 during the Z/M bedroom scene the scene switched between different songs & tones (romantic/ballad vs comic/neutral baseball song VS romantic mutual duet) VS in 1x12 during the Z/M movie night turned more scene the scene switched between different songs & tones (romantic/ballad vs comic/fast song) 
Dueting: In 2x02 Zoey joins Max for "A Moment Like This" during Act 5. She chooses to duet with him, becuase she feels the same way as he does. VS in 1x08 Max joins Zoey for "Pressure" at the CHIRP meeting... salvaging the presentation, when she involuntarely sings the songs (cause of the "glitch"). 
Opera songs + Sex: In 2x02 Zoey & Max are distracted by Mo singing opera & it's ruining the specialness of them trying to "do the nasty" VS in 1x04 Max sings opera the morning after he & Autumn "make their first love"
It’s a very not next-level move: In 2x02 during the morning after Max & Zoey are "caught" by her mom/family, and though it is awkward for a moment (because they seem to be surprised by the sudden change), meeting the family/parents does not seem such a next-level move, because Max has been kind-of part of the family for a while already. VS 1x05 where Max tells Zoey that meeting Autum's parents (he was dating her at the time) seems like such a next-level move, and she was not ready for any of it. VS all the times we saw Max interact with Zoeys family... in 1x02 with Mitch, in 1x06 helping the family with Mitch, in 1x12 with Maggie...
2x03 Zoeys Extraordinary Dreams [+ eggs]
NASA/Space theme: Zoey's NASA/space themed PJs and Tees + all the space references in both her childhood bedroom and her current apartment (telescope, posters, etc) 
Musical nightmares/Dreams: In 2x03 Zoey is having a recurring nightmare where in the end she faces herself while the song "Nowhere to Run" plays #allbymyself VS in 1x02 Zoey was having a much happier weird dream...with a twist ending while the song "I've Got the Music in Me" plays
A sad Emma Stone Halloween costume: Black PJs Zoey wears in the nightmare in 2x03 are the same ones she wears in 2x01 on the last day of her time off. The look Mo calls "a sad Emma Stone Halloween costume" (as he suggests she put on some colours instead)
Coach & Photo on the wall: Basically the only items in the empty Clarke house during Zoeys nightmare are the coach (where Mitch used to sit all the time & where Zoey/the family sat in S1 finale...the day the music died) & the picture on the wall (where she saw Mitch reflection the first time he sang to her/communicated with her). Her nightmare/dance are directed at those objects. 
Breaking glass: In 2x03 George breaks the glass wall/window of Zoey's/The bosses office when the team plays baseball at the office VS in 1x02 Zoey breaks the glass award/throphy in Simons office when she throws the american football ball. George & Zoey aka "I'm terrible around glass" people 
On repeat: Zoey being hunted by the same nightmare/dream throughout the episode in 2x03... until she stopped trying to avoid them and talked about them/did something about it VS Zoey being haunted by the same song "(I Can't get no) Satisfaction" thoughtout episode 1x03... until she  stopped avoiding it and helped Joan. 
I can't get no sleep: Zoey not sleeping because of the nigtmares she's having VS David/Emily not getting any sleep because of the baby (most new parents are sleep-deprived, because babies don't always have the same sleep-schedule as adults do) 
Mitch's/Zoey's spot on the coach: Zoey sitting on the coach with a blank look on her face at the end of "Nowhere to Run" nightmare VS Zoey sitting on the coach with a sad look on her face at the end of "American Pie" in 1x12 [in the nightmare shes sitting at MItch's spot, in s1 finale she's looking at the empty spot next to her] 
Red dress: The red dress the OTHER Zoey is wearing in her nightmare as she opens her door VS The (same) red dress Zoey is wearing as she & her dad dance as instrumental version of "True Colours" is playing in 1x12 (as he's dying). Same dress. 
Too much on her plate: Zoey taking on too many responsibilities and not being able to handle it. In S2 she is living the post-loss stage of grief + she's taken the new promotion and added jobs and responsibilities + she is avoiding dealing with her issues + she has started a new relationship (she is not ready for, actually) + she keeps hearing heart songs which kinda help her with knowing what others feel, but it's also distracting and overwhelming to her "reducing stress is a little tricky since I've taken over the 4th floor & have 10-times the respnsibility now"]  VS in S1 she is dealing with losing her father soon + she's taken the new promotion and added job responsibilities + she is avoiding dealing with her own issues ("face her father") + she is helping people whose heart songs she hears. In S2 it kinda culminates in ep 3, in S1 it kinda culminated  in ep 8. when she says "How do I do that? Because helping myself would mean taking a vacation from Sprk Point, or curing my father's disease."
Manager advice: In 2x03 Zoey asks Simon advice about how to manage all the extra work & he tells her about delegating work (sharing responsibiities) VS in 1x02  Zoey asks/gets help from Simon on how to manage the team (and still get to go home on time/get all the work done on time) 
Not the right person to help: In 2x03 Zoey wants to hep her mom, but she feels like she's not the right person to do that, because she has no insight into the topic (does not know anything about landscaping & art) + she would probbly not have the time or energy right now, cause she has so much other things going on... VS in 1x11 she wants to help her mom, but feels since she has no personal experience (has not lost a husband of 4-years), she is not the right person to help her. Both times a heart-song heps her find the right person (in her opinion) for the job. In 2x03 it's Jenna, in 1x11 it was Deb. 
No communication: In S2 & 2x03 Zoey is not really opening up to Max, but she is communicating her feelings to him...somewhat. Telling him about her nightmares/dreams, and that they're affecting her. Though not really going too much into the experience (because she hopes they will magically disappear if she wishes they will...) VS In S1 Zoey avoided opening up to Max & sharing her feelings with him more. Though she still uses the same tactics - trying to keep it all inside, and avoid dealing with her feelings and grief and everything related to it (hoping that if she avoids it then it doesn't exist...even if she probably knows that this is not how any of it works). She's trying to share a bit more with him, her best friend, but at the same time she is still bottling it all up inside...
My heart song does not mean what you think it means: In 2x03 Max says to Zoey after she hears a heart song from him (which he assumes might be that he is "jealous" that she talks to Simon, her grief-buddy at work about her personal life & nightmares) that "People can have a lot of thoughts in their heads without meaning them. / You can't read into it." VS Zoey's quote: "I don't know what that song is saying exactly what we think its saying" & "You can't be mad at me for singing a song I didn't mean to sing" in 1x08. 
Dinner Date gone wrong: In 2x03 Max tries to cook a home-made dinner for Zoey (at her mom's place), but when she hears him singing a heart song it leads to an "argument" between the two and he leaves VS in 1x10 Simon tries to cook a home-made dinner for Zoey (at his new place), but when she hears him singing a heart song it leads to an "argument" and her leaving. 
PS. Based on Zoey's reaction the song is either "Say Something" (because a person sings theei song until Zoey responds/helps..and she only did at the end of the episode) OR it's a reprise of a certain song fro S1 (but if I'm right not a song you'd expect) OR ... it's a completely different song... that we would not expect. And based on Zoeys reaction & the shows choice not to show/tell us the song... it has to be a "surprise", and if it would be simply "he's feeling jealous over Z/S grief connection" or if it was "Say Something"...that would  not be a twist, but since I expect this to be setting up a future story, it'd be not very creative writing if it was one of these options. Which is why I have a theory... (I'm not sure about the song... I'm not even sure the showrunner/writer has decided yet... but I have a guess on the "theme/feelings")
Timing is off: In 2x03 Zoey & Max decide to put their new relationship on hold until she is ready...to give her time to grieve and work through the emotions VS in 1x10 Zoey & Simon decide to put breaks on their relationshop-to-be until he is ready... to give him time to work through his emotions.
Say Something/Happier: In S2/2x03 Zoey & Max are in a relationhip, but they do  not communicate well. Because she does not open up to him about her grief & "he does  not know how to help cause he has not had the same experience" VS in S1/1x05-1x09 Simon & Jessica are in a relationship, but they do not communicate well. Because he does not open up to her about his grief & she does not know how to help cause she has not had the same experience. 
While there are similarieties in the storylines, there are also differences. S/J let the third party in the relationship, grief, get between them and it drove them apart, cause they stayed together until it broke them apart. Z/M came to a mature decision to not let the third party in the relationship defy them, they took a break so the grief would not end up breaking them apart. 
PS. While we've ony seen the start of this storyline, I do believe that this is where it's going. They're not gonna repeat S/Js mistake, but instead they will "learn from it", and by deciding to take some time now they will be ready to continue where they left off once she's ready. Cause they both made the false assumption in 2x01 that she was ready. They were heading toward S/J, but theyre kinda trying to avoid that by the decisoon in 2x03.
Grief therapist: In S2 Simon is Zoey's grief councelor/therapist... he gives solid advice to her about her grief and how to deal with her feelings/emotions VS In S1 Zoey was Simon's grief councelor/therapist...she gave him often pretty solid advice about grief and how to deal with the situations. The roles have reversed.
   Mind-reader: In 2x03 Max brings up the topic that he is unconfortable how Zoey can just "read his mind" and know everything he thinks & feels (have insight into how he feels...also about her), while he has no idea what she thinks/how she feels...because she won't really share. VS 2x02 When in Act 5 he says he'd like to know what she's thinking/feeling & she tells him what she's feeling VS 1x07 when Max bring up the fact that he is uncomfortable with her knowing how he thinks while he has no insight into her mind (after which she promises 100% honesty to him.... that she'll be open with him... which to this day she has not been able to really do) VS 1x04 when Mo expresses concern that she can read other people thoughts & he's not okay with her having insight into his private thoughts & feelings. 
Time apart: In 2x03 Zoey puts some space between herself & Max, when they agree to take a break, cause she's not done grieving/not ready for a relationship VS In 1x02 Zoey puts space between her & Max when she sets him up with their barista in the previous episode (because she is not ready to let herself even consider  romantic path between them, so she "fixes it")
THE END...for now
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jcsslyns · 3 years
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hi friends ! i’m red (she / her, 23) and i am so excited abt being in this group ! it’s been awhile since i’ve rped so pls be gentle with me and my baby jos — can’t wait to love up on all of you and your beautiful muses, feel free to like this and i’ll pop in ur ims for all the things c:
welcome aboard, josslyn matthews, student #2. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like florence pugh? according to our records, you hail from rochester, new york, prefer she/her/hers pronouns, are cis female and are here to study communications. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + tenacious, + effervescent, but also - mercurial. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the student lounge. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a blanket made from some of your mom’s t-shirts. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
name: josslyn drew matthews
nickname(s): jos, jossie
birthday: august 28
age: twenty-one
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
zodiac: virgo
sexuality: bisexual
hometown: rochester, ny
hogwarts house: slytherin
mbti: enfj
trigger warnings, mentions of: infidelity, cancer, death
josslyn had a pretty comfortable upbringing. realtor mom, dad who had a professor job at the local college, golden retriever sprinting around the lawn of their house with the white picket fence, dinners around the table every night, that sort of comfortable. she was a bubbly, happy-go-lucky child, and life hadn’t given her any reasons to resent the sun coming up every morning. and then when she was thirteen, her father had an Affair which turned into a whole Scandal that followed her to school, and josslyn was not used to being the center of attention on terms other than her own. josslyn’s mother was absolutely mortified at the whole situation and filed for a divorce faster than she could have said ‘bye.’ josslyn ended up taking her mom’s side in things and her relationship with her father pretty much ceased to exist the day that the divorce was official. 
it didn’t take long for her to find a groove and make herself at home in rochester, the new settling point for her and her mom post divorce. she played softball all through high school (gr8 anger management option) and ended up getting a scholarship to play in college.
she started her college career in one place and very quickly had to switch gears after her mom’s diagnosis. she took a year off to be with her mom and help out during treatments and surgeries — she’d applied for seas one day during a treatment just for laughs, never expecting anything to come of it. ultimately, things took a downward turn and never got better. her mom passed away a month before getting word that she’d won the online lottery. josslyn decided she had nothing left to lose, no strings holding her in place, and set off to carve out the newest chapter of her life
josslyn is not afraid to go after what she wants, and there are times when she finds herself in a morally ambiguous area where she’s not afraid to step on someone if she has to in order to get to her point
methodical but also very much ruled by her emotions, is susceptible to really just flipping shit with very little warning if she feels strongly enough about it (and most things, she has v strong opinions on)
has trust issues, not always the most trustworthy person
bad at prioritizing. bit too much of a perfectionist or a bit too on the path of “trying to relax” 
is very aesthetically and organizationally driven?? like she’s the queen of bullet journaling and having everything tick all the boxes of a sought out vibe. her shit is in Order (or at least, it is on paper)
she’s the girl you call if you want someone to sit with you and get wine drunk while getting over whatever shit life has served up. she is not the girl you call if you want someone to tell you everything you want to hear — if she thinks hurting your feelings will help you in the long run (even if it’s out of the best of intentions) then get ur tissues ready
has a stick and poke tattoo (among other professional ones) on her ribcage that she gave herself when she was sixteen. it’s a tiny smiley face. will gladly give u one as well
middle name came from her dad’s middle name (andrew). lowkey hates this about herself
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astriodd · 3 years
I’ve been drowning into several fandoms lately and never crossed on my mind that I would fall for 2D men. I’m still processing it tho hahaha and questioning myself like WHY. Yet my loves for Harry Styles, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch are still here - warm and demanding (the fact that these gentlemen rarely update their social media ffs), but just so you know that I’ve never read or into the fanfiction about them. But these 2Ds are just ... jesus lord have mercy on me.
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I was trying to remember when was the last time I felt this way - binge-watching my favourite series or re-run my go to movies (in couple of months I already watched Haikyuu twice, re-run several episode of Attack on Titan, watching Gintama and can’t decide I’m more into Gin or Hijikata, read some mangas, finished Jujutsu Kaisen in few days, crying out loud because of Given - I re-watch it several times of course, finished (and cry in few episodes) Hunter x Hunter in 1,5 month, and the list goes on). I try to dig deep down on my mind, but I can’t really tell, until my friend (thank you so much Day for sharing T_T) sent me this article:
The Delicate Relationship Between Grief and Fanfiction, Explained by A Psychologist
More people have been forcibly separated from their normal routines and coping mechanisms, and more people are experiencing loss and grief. Amid that maudlin atmosphere, a recurring theme I’ve observed is that there’s something uniquely soothing about fanfiction that allows readers to feel a sense of safety and calm.
I lost my dear old man on February - four days before my birthday, one-two months later the world was set on by a virus. This means that I can’t easily going back to Semarang-Jakarta to, you know, meet my mom, together with my family, having a nostalgic conversation about the past when my dad was still around - something like that. And of course all borders are closed, no travelling not even a concert. Of course my concert-goer ass was (AND STILL) in pain - I don’t have my usual coping mechanism to hold on to.
I think anything that is familiar to us right now is incredibly comforting. I mean, our brains are kind of wired to respond to familiarity. We feel safety from seeing the same faces and the same people again and again, whether in our workplace or our school or our neighborhood. 
Can’t really called myself as a big fan of Japan - either as a country or its culture - but surprisingly I visited Japan three (or four?) times already BUT MOSTLY because of music concerts or festivals, then maybe Japan started to have a place in my heart.
My sister won the lottery for Harry Styles’ concert in Tokyo - so I got the chance to see him live. My very first non-english country that I visited I guess, so it was quite challenging and thrilling to communicate there. Met my best friend in Tokyo twice (she was studying in Fukuoka), even just for a very short moment. Staying alive in Fuji Rock Festival with le boyfriend (little did I know that few of my friends were on bet whether we’re going to survive the relationship or not because of this ‘suffer trip’ LOL).
Maybe my brain started to think those few last trips are surreal. I was so sure to say “hey let’s do this again next year!”. I definitely took them for granted. Well here I am now, can’t turn back time - when papi was still around, when I still had the privilege to move around from one place to another, when I had plenty of choices to run, looking for somewhere safe, to escape the day-to-day.
Maybe watch anime, read manga and fanfiction are the closest and the easiest medium that my brain could think of. To let my mind breathe - at ease, so I can feel the warmth and excitement again, because Japan reminds me of the amazing moments that I had, before this almost-apocalypse-time hits. 
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It might be therapeutic to read something soft and fluffy and happy-making and to remember that there’s hope.
Maybe I didn’t realize that my head is in constant turmoil. Can I go to concert and festival ever again? When will I be able to travelling freely again? When this will be over? While I’m still longing for the normal era to be present, fanfiction slips into my swimming brain - help me to stay afloat and keep my sanity around.
But at the same time, I think we have a social responsibility to each other — to not completely escape and to push for that oscillation of whatever the individual person can handle. Because that’s the only way things ever change. And that’s the only way in the long run.
So after I read this article, I can say the last time I felt this way (non-stop reading fanfiction, keep watching my comfort series and movies) when I was on that particular miserable relationship, which certainly unhealthy and it killed my mental slowly (but I denied it over and over again, even ALL OF MY BANDUNG GURLS WERE TELLING ME RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE THAT I DESERVED BETTER HUHUHU LOVE YOU ALL).
Thank god I have a supportive boyfriend right now (te amo andinar) and surrounded by positive and loving fams and friends - BUT BUT BUT another unfortunate events strike, I have to deal with another grief - the pain of loss. Losing someone that I love, losing the freedom to travel around, losing the opportunity to meet strangers in a festival, losing beautiful moments that I might run into, and losing the possibility to learn something new that I have planned.
Let me say thank you to you all pretty human beings who wrote top-notch fanfics that can feed my soul. And I’m wishing myself, my families, my friends, and you beautiful people, are in a good health, mentally and physically.
Stay sane and safe.
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