#Haurchefant x WoL
dainesanddaffodils · 3 months
Thinking about how I’d known Haurchefant died from early on (I wasn’t spoiled-spoiled - I just had a feeling from Reactions I’d gotten when mentioning that my wol loved him) and it was so still much worse than I thought it would be
Because, since I knew it was coming I started looking for signs of the when’s and how’s of it. And the lead up to The Vault was pretty fucking obvious with that in mind.
So I’m listening to Haurchefant make his impassioned speeches after Aymeric is captured. How it’s his Knightly Duty to Aid Those in Need and Rescue a Good Honorable Man like Ser Aymeric etc etc
And I go “oh yeah okay he’s going to have his big Knight Moment and die saving Aymeric gotcha gotcha”
And then. he doesn’t.
He dies saving the Warrior of Light.
And I’m sure it’s a different read if you don’t ship your WoL with him but boy fucking howdy if, like me, you do!!
It’s Haurchefant, who has put so much of his fucking identity into knighthood and serving Ishgard and all that jazz, in the single emotional instant of the Warrior of Light being in peril - throwing all of that away to protect them. because in that instant that is all that matters to him. they are all that matters to him.
it's there in his final words, how he says "forgive me, i could not bear the thought [of you being harmed]"
he loved the Warrior of Light so much that for a second it eclipsed everything else. and thats what killed him.
anyways my WoL is real fucked up about this everyone have a nice night
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stars-and-clouds · 11 months
You know what makes Aymeric and Haurchefant special?
Despite having every reason to be cold, vengeful, mean and selfish people-being bastards, living in a house they weren't born to, growing up in an environment as hostile as Ishgard, having inherent beliefs different to everyone around them- they still chose to be kind.
I think it takes something away from them if we assume they were simply born with a kinder deposition.
Haurchefant was bullied by all of Ishgard, including his step mother, for being a Greystone. Aymeric was adopted and has really low self esteem because he probably grew up hearing how ill deserving he is of everything he got by being adopted into house Borel. Yet they both made a conscious choice to be better. They wanted to treat others the way they wanted to be treated themselves. They wanted to love and invite change when Ishgard taught hate and stagnation.
This is why the warrior of light would've failed in doing everything they did if it wasn't for Haurchefant and Aymeric. How many warriors of light have tried helping Ishgard before us? Over hundreds of years of war, this revolution can't have been the only one. Yet it was during our lifetime that the stars aligned perfectly to have Haurchefant aid us and Aymeric lead us into changing Ishgard for the better and bring about peace.
Without Haurchefant, we'd have ended up in prison and possibly executed (he saves us again by taking a blow meant for us) and we wouldn't have been let into Ishgard. And without Aymeric's trust over his best friend he wouldn't have let us go to Dravania and afterwards, invite the reality shattering truth about his ancestors' actions and usher Ishgard to peace and unity.
Everyone hails the Warrior of Light as the antithesis to bad with absolute power. That, if they're there, everything is solved. But without Haurchefants and Aymerics, the Warrior of Light would be nothing and would not be able to solve half the problems they have solved.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 6 months
do u ever think that Haurchefant is just a horny bitch ranting about how badly he wants to fuck WOL to Francel who is just a normal guyTM and it’s just:
Haurchefant: By Halone I want them to sit on my face
Francel: Please stop I beg of you
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froggercube · 3 months
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I'm your biggest fan!!
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frankenhoez · 4 months
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"There will be more warriors of light after me, but only one Haurchefant."
Alternative vault cutscene aka i got an idea and I had to make it everyone else's problem
[c♡mmissions open here and here]
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yasuosexual · 4 months
How would the ff14 best boys sleep non-sexually 👀
(I have healthy thoughts about Aymeric I SWEAR)
as someone with 0 healthy thoughts about aymeric, thank you for bringing some into my head 🫶🏼
warnings: drunk thancred, swearing, suggestive hint
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- sleeps like a fucking rock
- once he finds a position that he’s comfortable in, thancred is NOT moving. you can try everything within your power to get him to budge but you’re shit outta luck lol
- snores loud as fuck too so get ready for those earplugs. he got that dad snore bro
- 75% of the time he’s sprawled out like a starfish, taking up the majority of the bed. 25% of the time he cuddles you to sleep. you won’t be moving for the entire night so i hope you’re comfy:)
BONUS: when he’s drunk he’s extra clingy so he will pull you on top of him and death grip you so moving is harder than before (which is somehow possible)
- he’s a back sleeper and loves it when you lay on his chest
- won’t grip you to death like thancred will, but gets grouchy when you try to move. he will try to stop you, whether he’s awake or asleep, but won’t keep you from moving when you’re uncomfortable.
- aymeric won’t sleep unless you’re literally on top of him lol. he uses you like a weighted blanket!
- will play with your hair until he passes out. aymeric will keep himself awake to see that you’re asleep first and won’t ever let himself fall asleep without kissing your forehead first.
- haurchefant on some big spoon little spoon type shit like he wants every inch of your body lining his like …
- he just wants to hold you all night long!!! like aymeric, he will try his best to make sure that he’s holding you safely from behind, but will let go if you are uncomfortable.
- wakes up when you stir too much and makes sure that you have enough blankets to cover you
- if you do wake up in the middle of the night, he’s right beside you to make sure everything is okay. will get you a glass of water if you’re thirsty or another blanket to cover up… although he’d rather warm you up in another way ;)
- i feel like he sleeps like a victorian child
- estinien actually loves to cuddle before he goes to bed!!! come here pookie ~ like he wants to hold you and give you a kissy and then hopefully fall asleep like that (you on top of him)
- if you get uncomfortable and roll away, however, be warned that he is not nearly as nice as the others.
- hogs ALL of the covers so you have to fight him throughout the night for warmth. you moved away from him so now you play the price.
- even though he can be a meanie pants… if he senses that you’re having a tough time sleeping or a nightmare, estinien will bring you close to him and hold you to his chest, giving you a light kiss and a ‘i love you’ so you know it’s okay.
thank you again, anon, for this awesome rq! so much fun to write and inspired me for the next thing i’d like to do!
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ubejamjar · 1 month
wondrous tails // twelve kisses
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"Has anyone seen the Warrior of Light? Actually, now that I think about it, has anyone seen Lord Haurchefant?" ~ Alphinaud, probably
[My Other Wondrous Tails]
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kana7o · 2 months
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cute-sweet-corgo · 3 months
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dogicrimsonofficial · 4 months
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I've fallen into the FFXIV rabbit hole, and my friends are not helping. Nay, they are enabling me, by not only writing stories with me, but by also shipping my WOL with Haurchefant and feeding my brainrot.
(Legally) blind miqo'te is completely smitten with a local lord. More at eleven.
[Please do not give any spoilers, I've barely stepped into Heavensward!]
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misswarrioroflight · 3 months
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Have you seen the WOL they are wanted in Eozea for murder?
*stares in french*
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dainesanddaffodils · 4 months
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Meeting on the Turret Stairs (Ishgard Version)
Happy Valentine’s Day is anyone else really normal about Haurchefant and Knighthood and Medieval Courtly Love or is that just me?
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stars-and-clouds · 1 year
All of Coerthas Map (pre-calamity)
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I was using this as a reference in my fanfic for Estinien’s backstory and thought it might help others too!
The picture is from this blog page. It is not mine. The blog also has some 1.0 information that might be useful for some writers.
Map is originally by: @chrysalisthoughts
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watanabes-cum-dump · 7 months
Count Edmont meeting WOL for the first time probably: Edmont: *leans over to Haurchefant, whispers* I want grand children, plural. Haurchefant: Father-! Wol: ?
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valeriedufromage · 25 days
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I'm new here, ready to share my love for Haurchefant...
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yarpell · 1 year
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elezen ears blushing, you agree
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