#Have you guys seen Stitched in Style Frankie
wedding-shemp · 11 months
i should get a monthly stipend from the government to spend on collectible dolls because I am a very special girl
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Under Pressure
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This story can be found on AO3 here: http://www.archiveofourown.org/works/23570293/chapters/56548318
“Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.”
“You know the back of your t-shirt is all blood Robyn.” Joe had been completing a few extra test’s on Taron, recording vitals as he went, pleased to see that Taron’s pulse had returned almost to normal and the oxygen had immensely improved his breathing, when he noticed the dark red splotches on her shoulder. “Is that from Taron?”
“No that is actually my blood.”
“Do I need to check you over too? A head injury and now blood too?”
“Remember when I was telling you about my smart mouth earlier?” Joe nodded as he checked Taron’s IV bag. “Yeah I didn’t learn after the first time and was pushed up against a broken glass shelf.”
“Jesus Robyn.” Joe stopped what he was doing and turned to look at her, Robyn’s eyes still on Taron’s. “Any other hidden injuries I should know about?”
“Well… Might have got a few knocks off Frankie, the guy who robbed the store, when I made a dash to try and open the back door.”
“He hit you?” Asked Joe.
“Got one to my left cheek and one to my stomach.”
“Bastard.” Cursed Joe. “If you excuse my French.” He added. Satisfied that Taron was stable, warm and getting substantial pain relief, he sat down beside Richard with Robyn to his right. His concern for the young women, who seemed to have endless energy to burn, was growing as more details of the happenings inside the 7/11 came to light.
“Seriously Robyn?” Asked Richard. “You really are a magnet for danger.”
“In fairness I do tend to bring most of it on myself.” She admitted still focusing on Taron, her hand resting on the foil blanker over his chest, her own breathing falling time with his. “Only I can be blamed for what I did in the store.”
“We would still be in there if it wasn’t for you. Taron would be still under that shelf bleeding.” Spoke up Richard.
“Seems like you took a lot of risks in there, maybe some you didn’t need to take, resulting in those injuries you picked up. Mind if I take a look at that shoulder?” He asked as he pulled off the gloves he had on and put on a fresh pair.
“No go ahead and I don’t regret what I did in the store. If I hadn’t of argued and bargained and gave those smart remarks, the outcome would have been much different. I can take a bruise or two.” Robyn moved back a little so Joe could reach her but she could still reach Taron’s hand. It was a connection she felt she needed to keep with him.
“Or two.” Repeated Joe, seeing the blue and purple blemishes on her cheek as she turned her face for a moment as she moved to sit closer to him.
“I will just have to pull my t-shirt over my head.” She explained. “You won’t be able to get to my shoulder otherwise.”
“You sure that’s ok?” Asked Joe knowing she was sitting in an ambulance with three men.
“Well it was Taron and Richard who cleaned my shoulder so they have already seen my back and you’re a paramedic so I’m good to do this.” Robyn let go of Taron’s hand and pulled her t-shirt over her back and under her chin just as she had done before, taking his hand once again, feeling a little squeeze from him.
“Richard you cleaned her shoulder?” Asked Joe as he saw the same style of plasters on Robyn’s shoulder that he had seen on Taron’s forehead.
“Well Taron did but I put the plasters on. I had already helped Robyn with Taron’s head so I just copied what she did though she did explain as we went along.”
“Again, I commend your first aid skills Robyn. Bet the boys were surprised to have to use a sanitary pad.”
Robyn could hear Richard laughing behind her. “It was a definite first.”
“I will take these plasters off before I remove the pad.” Explained Joe as he started to lightly pull at the brown plaster. “You been out in the sun by any chance Robyn?” Asked Joe as he couldn’t help but notice how red her shoulders were.
“How did you guess?”
“You’re Irish, yeah?” He watched as Robyn nodded her head. “Pale Irish skin tends to burn. The sun in Florida is very dangerous and that sunburn is quite red and raw.” Joe carefully pulled the plasters from around the sanitary pad that Richard had put on her shoulder. 
Robyn winced as Joe pulled the last bit of plaster from her shoulder, feeling the sting as he carefully checked the scratches on her back.
“That one at the edge is going to need a stitch or two Robyn. It is a little deep. You said you were pushed against a glass shelf?”
“Yeah, pushed into it and then lifted a little too.”
“That would definitely cut into your skin” Said Joe as he examined the longest scratch. “What did you use to clean this out?”
“I made up a saline solution. Every cut and graze we cleaned were wiped with that salt water, on Taron and Richard too.”
Joe shook his head as he pulled a clean sterile wound dressing out from the drawers beside him and covered the wound on Robyn’s shoulder. “Once again Robyn you surprise me with your first aid tricks.” Joe sealed off the dressing with some surgical tape but took a look at her scorched shoulders, feeling the heat off them even through the glove on his hand. “You need to be very careful around the sun. You are going to feel that for a few days. We can get you some aloe vera gel in the hospital which will take the sting away. You can pull your t-shirt back down.”
“My skin was brown.”
“Well it’s red now.”
“Believe it or not, I actually have been careful.” Robyn fixed her t-shirt. “I was taking advantage of my last evening that I got to spent on the beach and just happened to fall asleep while doing it.”
“Do you always have an answer back for everything?” Laughed Joe.
“Why yes of course. You can see why I get into trouble sometimes.”
“Absolutely.” Joe turned to Richard. “Let me give you a quick check too.”
While Joe completed some tests on Richard, Robyn turned her attention back to Taron, who looked almost peaceful with his eyes closed and carefully took his hand again. She knew Joe had told her she could breathe and relax and she was more than grateful that Taron was now in the safe hands of professionals but she was still feeling the adrenaline running through her blood, especially after giving Taron CPR. It was the first time she ever had to use that skill and at the time she didn’t even think about it, but just did it and she had managed to get Taron breathing again and breathing again quickly. She could feel the ache in her shoulders and she knew she would have a bruise on her right hand from the pressure she had to use for the compressions on Taron’s chest. She could also feel a slight shake in her hands, one that hadn’t had the chance to appear until now as she was running on built up energy.
She felt someone take her left hand and looked to see Joe crouched down beside her.
“It’s ok to feel like this Robyn. Now that you are sitting and thinking, it’s just the effects of the traumatic experience you have been through. I’m starting to get a picture of what happened in that store and it is ok for you to feel overwhelmed and a sudden flood of emotions. It is natural. You have never had to do CPR before, have you?”
Robyn shook her head.
“It was probably a little easier as you don’t actually know Taron but that does not make it any less of a distressing experience. You did it brilliantly Robyn. You got him back breathing in a minute and that is not something I come across very often and you haven’t hurt him. Of course, he will be sore from the compressions but I am sure you are feeling it too, right?” He looked to her hand to see the bruising on the back of her hand. “You do bruise easily, don’t you? What you did, many people don’t have the balls to do even with their training but I have a feeling you just did it, without question. It’s not easy to do. You have someone’s life literally in your hands and believe me, even the professionals feel shaky afterwards. I will get someone to talk to you in the hospital, if you would like, just to talk through what happened but trust me, he is alive because of you and not just the CPR. Just don’t push the emotions to the side. It’s really important that you don’t do that. You’re going to be fine. That strong independent woman I see before me will just be more determined than before after all of this.”
“Thanks Joe.” Robyn felt him give her hand a rub between his two gloved hands.
“I have been there Robyn; many times, and it doesn’t get any easier. Just think about why you did what you did. You did it to save his life.” He gave her fingers a light squeeze and stood up. “I am going to check his vitals again.” He moved closer to Taron. “Good. He is getting some colour back and pulse is much stronger. We will be at the hospital soon. Hugh would have already called our case in so the doctors will be ready to take Taron in when we arrive.” Robyn nodded glad to be able to see for herself that a little pink tint had filled Taron’s previously paled cheeks, her hands steadier than before, so thankful for the paramedic for giving her a little encouraging pep talk which she needed badly. “And you and Richard will have to be checked over too by the doctors.”
Again, Robyn nodded not looking to Joe but keeping an eye on Taron’s closed eye lids as they fluttered and she automatically moved to brush her fingers through his hair, happy to see his face relax into her touch. Without thinking she started to gently hum, words soon following as she softly sang. “Blue jean baby, L.A lady, seamstress for the band, pretty eyed, pirate smile, you’ll marry a music man…”
She stopped when she saw Taron open his eyes, green tired eyes looking to her. He lifted his right hand and started to move the oxygen mask from his face but Robyn placed her two hands on his stopping him.
“Ah ah ah Taron. Don’t move, chicken. You need that.”
He shook his head at her and taking her hands away from his, she let him move it himself down to his chin. “You’re cheating.” He whispered. “We said no singing until I could hit the high notes.”
Robyn could only smile at his own little smirk, the tiniest of glints in his eyes and she took the mask from his hand and placed it back over his nose and mouth. “We can settle this later. No more talking.”
“Cheater.” Said Taron through his mask.
“You have no idea. Reverse phycology champion too.”
“Morphine has kicked in then Taron.” Commented Joe as he watched the verbal exchange between the two, accepting the nod he received from the young man. “How’s the pain?”
Taron pulled the mask down from his face again. “Still there but nowhere like it was.”
“Great. We’re nearly at the hospital. Leave that mask on and just rest.”
Doing as he was asked Taron put the mask back on, inhaling the fresh air into his lungs, the relief he felt from it almost unbelievable. He also knew the morphine he had been given was also the reason why he felt a little like he was floating but he would take floating over sinking in pain. It was the first time he had been somewhat aware of what was going on around him, words, sentences and voices drifting through his head before this, and the first time a single nudge didn’t cause a ripple of pain to travel through him. He had been vaguely aware of the paramedic speaking to Robyn beside him and he also knew she hadn’t let go of his hand once since he had been brought into the ambulance, in the same way that she had held his arm in the 7/11 and it was a touch of protection that he was very quickly getting used too. He had also very much cherished the verse of Tiny Dancer she had quietly sang beside his ear, her voice melodious, enjoying the easy banter she let him have with her over their singing. He couldn’t help the small sigh that left his lips, as something else he was getting used to was the feeling of her fingers running so lightly through his hair, the tips of her fingers massaging his scalp gently.
“Ok we are just pulling into the ambulance entrance now.” Joe double checked that Taron was ready to be transferred from the back of the ambulance and into the hospital. “We are going into the A&E department. Robyn they are going to take Taron straight to have a CT scan which will check for any internal injuries and concussion and then he will get an X-ray for his chest for those ribs just to be sure they are not broken. The doctors will then take a look at his arm and just clean him up. You won’t be able to go with him Robyn.”
“Yeah I kinda figured that.”
“You and Richard will go and get check out by a doctor. Is there any way we can contact Taron’s family to let them know what has happened?”
“They took our phones at the 7/11 and we haven’t gotten them back.”
“I am sure Officer Edwards will sort that out for you.”
“I won’t be able to go and see him once all of his tests are done, will I?” Asked Robyn sadly. “I am not family.”
“I think due to the circumstances Robyn, you will be able to see him. I would really like to get in contact with his family though. I will try and touch base with the Officer at the scene and see if he can bring your phones over here. Just so we can get his medical history.” The back doors of the ambulance opened. “Robyn can I get you and Richard to leave first and then we can get Taron out.”
“Yeah of course.” Robyn stood up and looked down to Taron, whose eyes were now open, looking wide at her. She gave his hand a squeeze. “Joe and Hugh are going to get you out of the ambulance. Richard and I will be out here waiting for you.”
She let go of his and, feeling Taron grip her fingers a little before he actually let go and she took Richard’s hand again as he helped her down the steps of the ambulance and the two stood to the side while the paramedics moved the stretcher out of the door and onto the ground, Hugh once again holding the IV line up.
“We can all go together and then the doctors will bring Taron to CT.”
The group walked into the doors of A&E, immediately met by a doctor in white coat and two nurses in blue scrubs.
“Hey Joe, is this Taron?” Asked the doctor.
“Yeah Steve. This is Taron and his friends Robyn and Richard.”
“Hey, I am Doctor Hart. So, Joe…”
“He was caught under a falling shelving unit from which many glass candles fell on top of him, the shelf itself not actually landing on him. He is responding well to the oxygen and we started an IV as he had no fluids. We also gave him some morphine which has helped with the pain but he is still in quite a lot. Bullet wound to the right arm, which I haven’t touched as it was bandaged and I didn’t want to open it and stop any blood clotting that had already started. He has badly bruised ribs and a deep head wound from a glass candle, possible concussion. He lost consciousness and stopped breathing for about thirty seconds before CPR was administered. After one full round of compression including two breathes, he regained consciousness and was breathing with a good pulse. He was out for about a minute. He has been alert in the ambulance, more than likely exhausted.”
“Ok great thanks Joe, we got it from here. Family been contacted? Medical history?”
“I am going to work on that now. Their phones were taken from them in the store so I am going to ring the cop’s station and try and get in contact with the Officer so I can get the phones and we can call his family. As far as his friends know, no allergies.”
While the paramedic and the doctor had been talking, Taron had been transferred to a hospital trolley bed with help from one of the nurses and two more doctors, while the other nurse was writing down on a fresh chart for Taron what Joe had been saying. His IV was hung on the bed, the oxygen mask removed from his face and the foil blanket pulled from his body.
Robyn could see the panic starting to build in Taron as his eyes flickered back and forth to all the people who were surrounding him and moving him, an upsetting groan leaving his lips when he was pulled from one bed to another. She moved beside him quick, making sure she was in his eye line.
“Shh its ok Taron.” She placed a hand on his chest, getting a quick flashback to earlier when she was pumping his heart, but shook the image from her head her other hand finding his. “Hey it’s ok.”
Taron felt pain building once again as he was jolted from one bed to another uncomfortably, his body shivering as the blanket was tugged off him but there was Robyn beside him, her hands warm on his cold body, her words soothing him.
“This his girlfriend?” Asked Doctor Hart as he came to stand beside Taron with Joe.
“No this is Robyn. She was the one who gave him CPR and kept him awake over the past few hours.”
“Hello Robyn. Doctor Hart.” He held out his hand to shake Robyn’s which she did. “We are going to take him for his CT now and his X-ray and get him cleaned up. While Taron is getting checked out, you and…”
“You and Richard will be seen by a doctor too.”
“Can I see him when he is done, please?” Robyn looked to the doctor. “I know I am not family but I have been with him since he was caught under the shelf.”
“Once he had been thoroughly examined and he is settled in a room, then of course you can. I will make sure you get to see him.”
“Richard too?” Asked Robyn.
“Yes, Richard too but now we really need to help Taron, Ok Ruth let’s get him to CT.”
The nurse who was holding Taron’s chart, clipped it to the bottom of the bed and with one of the other doctor’s help, started to push the bed towards two double doors down the corridor.
“No wait, wait, Robyn!”
It was such a heart-wrenching cry that Robyn didn’t even have to ask the doctor and nurse to stop pushing the bed, they did it automatically, Taron trying to get to his elbows, but falling back in pain as his upper right arm gave way in protest. She was by his side in seconds, her hands on his shoulders, pushing him down gently.
“Shh Taron, don’t move. You are going to pull our your IV. Taron you need to go and get your CT scan done. The doctors are going to bring you. Doctor Hart is going to go with you and look after you.” She could see that fear in his eyes once again. “You are in the best hands now Taron and when you have had all your scans and your arm has been seen too and you are on that cosy bed, I will come and see you. We have a singing deal remember? I am not letting you break that deal.” She placed two hands on his face and bending down, left a soft kiss on his forehead. “You are going to be just fine. It’s one more hurdle to cross but believe me, this one will be the easiest. I will see you soon. Ok.” Taron swallowed and nodded, seeing the promise she made in her eyes. “Ok. The doctors will take you now.”
Robyn ran her right thumb over his left cheek before she stepped away from the bed, Ruth and the other doctor along with Doctor Hart taking Taron through the double doors and out of her sight.
“You really have a way with people, Robyn, with Taron. He really is in the best hands.”
“Yeah I know that. He has just been through a lot and it’s just going into the unknown.”
“Without you.” Added Joe. “Taron has had you with him, by his side all night and suddenly you are not there.”
“So, these two need a check over too Joe?” The other doctor who had helped to move Taron onto the bed stood with the small group.
“Yes, please Phoebe. This is Robyn and Richard. Both need a check over. Richard has a few cuts on his arms from glass and he has had a bump to the head too. No concussion though.”
“Ok Richard this is Jenny.” Phoebe introduced the other nurse. “She is going to go and double check those cuts so if you want to go with her, Jenny you can to room three.”
Richard turned to look at Robyn, finding it just as uneasy as Taron at being separated from each other.
“When you guys are finished, there is a waiting room through the double doors and you can wait there until you can go and see Taron.” Explained the Doctor, seeing the apprehension in their body language at they looked to each other. “You can both wait together.”
“Go on Richard. I will see you in the waiting room.” Assured Robyn, feeling her own relief at knowing she didn’t have to wait alone and that she could sit with Richard.
Richard took a step to Robyn and engulfed her in a hug, gently rubbing her back, avoiding her shoulder, pleased to feel Robyn hugging him back just as tight.
“See you in the waiting room.” He said as he let her go.
“If you want to follow me Richard.”
The nurse turned to walk left down the corridor and Richard followed her.
“And Robyn here,” Continued Joe looking to Phoebe. “She will need a stitch or two in her left shoulder and has had a knock to the head, no concussion either. She had also had a blow to the face, that’s left a bruise. Robyn also gave Taron CPR.” Joe raised an eyebrow to Phoebe, hoping Robyn hadn’t noticed. “And she had a bruise on her right hand that could do with some ice. Robyn also mentioned getting punched in the stomach too and she spent too much time in the sun yesterday and needs a lot of aloe gel on her shoulders.”
“Thanks Joe.” Phoebe had quickly caught onto Joe’s raised eyebrow. As well as a doctor, Phoebe was a trained councillor and the signal she got from Joe meant Robyn needed a little pick me up. “Ok Robyn, if you want to follow me, we are going to go through the double doors, to exam room six.”
Before she left, Robyn turned to Joe and held out her hand for a handshake. “Thank you for everything you did for Taron.”
“You had better thank yourself too Robyn. You saved him.” Joe shook her hand. “Look after yourself. No more smart mouthing ok?”
Robyn smiled. “Yeah ok.”
“I am going to try and get your phones back. I will ring the cops and go from there”
“Thank you.”
Robyn watched as Joe walked away from her and out the A&E doors back to the ambulance.
“Robyn do you want to come with me and I have a look at you?”
“Yeah of course.”
Robyn followed the Doctor through the double doors and into examination room six beside the doors on the right. That adrenaline that had been keeping her on her toes had deflated and she suddenly felt drained as she took a seat on the bed in the room that the doctor directed her too, her thoughts constantly on Taron.  
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