#Haven’t drawn kaijus in awhile
averagemysticchaos · 7 months
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Some Kaiju gals
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alexdrawsagain · 6 years
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I often love talking about comics but rarely get to do so with others. It was really fun to write about my favorites awhile back due to that twitter prompt. So I wanted to share 5 other favorites of mine.
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Spider-man Epic Collection: With Great Power
When I was 8 years old i was obsessed with Spider-man, where i devoured everything that had to do with him. As i got older, I had fallen completely out of love with Spider-man for a variety of reasons. These comics reminded me of everything i loved about him. It’s pure fun. It’s fun watching Peter Parker grow out of the kind of self centered asshole he is at the beginning. It’s fun seeing this comic be both a send up of both superman conventions and archie love triangles . It’s fun seeing this poor kid way way way over his head and blunder into things horribly but still come out on top. And it’s fun to see how friggin’ colorful and b-movie monster the series can be. But most importantly, it’s “Amazing” to see Steve Ditko really drawing his heart out. There are pages in this comic that if i could i’d frame on my wall.  Damn it’s friggin’ beautful.
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King City/Multiple Warheads
People who know me know how massive a fan of Brandon Graham i am. It’s rather embarrassing. But it’s mostly because his works opened up a whole world of possibilities for me and i haven’t looked back since. Ask me on different days and i’ll tell give you a different answer as to which is my favorite. What draws me to this stuff is the incredible world building, the artstyle which is still unlike anything i’ve ever seen before (a blend of european/japanese/underground/graffiti), the wonderful exotic weirdness for the works, and the writing which can be equal parts minimal, insightful, and pun heavy. There just really isn’t anything like it. But most of all it’s cool. From cool characters, cool fashion, cool lingo, it’s a breath of fresh air in a sea of comics that play it safe.
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Death: The High Cost of Living
Neil Gaiman was an author i only knew from an episode of Arthur and that time he wrote “the death of batman“. Since then i’ve dove right into his works and fell in love with the sandman universe. And to this day, Death the High Cost of Living is one of my favorite works. I love it for the high concept “one day every century, death becomes mortal“, the pacing, and how lovingly illustrated it is. It’s a brilliant look at mortality but it’s also such an enjoyable read because Gaiman gives Death a wonderful personality. And of course i fell in love with her instantly.
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Atomic Robo Vol. 4: Other Strangeness
“If under Iron Man’s armor beat the heart of Indiana Jones, you’d get an idea of what Atomic Robo is like“ This was on the back of one of the TPB’s and it’s entirely accurate. The first 5 or so volumes are my cherished possessions. Because it had everything. Comedy, action, adventure, robots, dinosaurs, and super science gone mad. It was fun with a capital F and pulp with a capital P. I specifically chose this volume because it’s Robo at his best and it includes adventures involving the ghost of Thomas Edison, a mad scientist dinosaur who is stupid, a kaiju rampage in japan, and a dimension filled with vampires.
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Ai Yori Aoshi: Vol. 1
I’m a hopeless romantic at heart and I like wholesome love stories. Ai Yori Aoshi fits that bill perfectly.  It’s a beautiful love story of 2 people who really need the other but first have to understand each other as people. Who have to give things up in life and decide what’s really important; each other. It’s sweet, awkward, funny, and full of feels. The series is kinda weird because it starts off as well written/well drawn if outlandish love story then turns into a crummy harem comedy for most of its run before going back to what it was at the beginning. For that reason i treat the first volume as a stand alone manga.
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