#Havenfall is for family
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 months
Hizashi would HATE this.
It’s why Inko does it.
“How much for the truck?” She asks the old man. He frowns.
“It’s a heap of junk ma’am,” he says cautiously, adjusting his hat. “Not worth much cept as scrap.”
“My dearly departed,” Inko says with the utmost disdain in her voice, “husband would have hated me having this.”
“… four hundred dollars. It’s gonna break down in two years.”
The truck is old. Inko isn’t knowledgeable about any type of vehicle other then ‘that vaguely looks like a sedan’ and even then it’s spotty. (What is the difference between a Jeep and a Wrangler? What makes a sports car different from the ‘four door’ car? Why does it matter?) Yet even she can tell this rust bucket is old. It’s got peeling paint, there’s a hole in the bed from age and it makes a horrific noise when she climbs in to turn it on.
She grins, imagining Hizashi’s face if he saw her drive this thing. It’s gross, it’s old and he’d hate the idea of his wife in anything that didn’t fit the mould he’d tried to shove her into since she was seventeen years old being wooed by a 28-year-old man.
She wonders if JD can point her at a piercer or a tattoo shop to. She imagines Hizashi again and chuckles as she drives off.
She needs to make sure she can make an appointment.
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Baby Teddy who loves Alpha Mac, who when it's safe changes to look like her or sometimes like Razi/JD/Diego and it's just so cute.
I feel like Harry just becomes so comfortable there, all his power flickering. And when his friends come, maybe they show something similar. (Blood, flesh, love and will. Mixed together into three. Siblings sworn, and promises on their lips they will never let go.) It's funny to image everyone not knowing what the others are but getting along. Debates about history with Diego. Cheerful recipe swapping between Razi and Mrs. Weasley (who thinks he's to thin). JD and George! Percy and Mac!
Bill Weasley who has a pack to run with to if he wants it.
Just all of this.
I feel like Teddy changing to look like them would hit them all hard but it would hit Diego the hardest. Like if having a hellhound liking him completely made his entire life better imagine a small child that looks like they could be his. man would be lost and completely wrapped around Teddy’s finger.
When his family comes to see him they are all stunned for a moment by how happy Harry looks. He was happy around them before of course but there was a weight in England something that dragged him down and kept him chained to what he was. That made it impossible for him to accept what he had become. But here, laughing with JD and getting his hair ruffled by Razi without flinching (something that only Ron and Hermione can manage consistently), Harry looks more free than he has since he was eleven.
(“It’s a relief” Hermione later admits to Diego with haunted eyes as she watches Harry teaching Ron how to bowl with tendrils of green power tracing over his arms and sparks flashing in his hair. “He used to shove it down, to not show it. I thought… well it’s a lot of power isn’t it? Like trying to hold the ocean in a balloon.”
Diego hums, taking a long drink from his glass as he nods. He does understand. Had seen it himself when Harry had first arrived in Havenfall, all that world ending power wound so tightly around himself that it was a wonder he wasn’t bursting a the seams. “Sometimes a change of scenery helps. Particularly after a traumatic event.”
He doesn’t ask what the event was. Hermione doesn’t offer an explanation. She does however clink her glass against his and settle close enough to his side that he can feel her warmth. “I’m glad he has friends like you.”)
None of Havenfall’s Finest on the other hand were not prepared for just how Like That™️ Harry and his friends are. The trio admitting they had used blood magic to essentially adopt each other as siblings was the least concerning thing they learned frankly. JD however is far more interested in how the three of them stole an actual fucking dragon and not a shifter
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Hi Aqua! I'm thinking of downloading IkeSen before the anime expo and anniversary brouhaha. Is it like Prince where I should read routes and endings in a specific order? Do you have any starter route recommendations? I definitely want to play Yoshimoto, but other than that I'm a blank slate. Thank you in advance for your advice, friend! :D
Ahhhhhh!!!!!! Is this my chance to get you into another Ikemen Series game? Okay, let's see if I can do this in a not so confusing manner - you'll see what I mean in a minute.
While Sen is maybe my second favorite game (at the moment), I have a serious love/hate relationship with it's game play. While it's similar in setup as Rev, Vamp and Prince in that you get 5 chapter tickets per day, there's intimacy and avatar challenges, there's love battles - ok, i know i am calling some of these by their names in Prince, I'm just more familiar with Prince than the other games - there are also some MAJOR differences in this game that are not present in the others.
Be careful which suitor you select to read. Sen is different from the other games in that you cannot freely switch suitors. In the other games, if you pick a suitor and you find his route not to your likes, or a new route just got released it is easy peasy to go to the change character selection screen and switch. Not so in Sen! To start a new route, you either need to finish the route you are currently reading or use a suitor key which they sometimes gift you when a new route is released or you can buy one. Once you switch routes with a suitor key and you decide to go back to the other route at a later date, you start from the beginning.
There is no free premium currency. In the other games, you can earn free diamonds by logging in daily or by playing collection events. Not so in Sen. The only way to get "coins" in Sen is to purchase them for money. (They do have something similar to Vamp where you can watch ads and get 10 coins per day, I think. But when you need a lot of coins for an avatar challenge or story event, good luck.)
Story events are expensive. If I grind daily, I can usually read 2 endings in Vamp and Prince. Not so in Sen. I've played the 2 story events that Kicho was in, and I'm not going to say what I spent - but it was a lot.
Now that I got the negatives out of the way, on to the fun stuff.
Monthly attire. Every month, there is a card you get stamps for daily login. Login 12, 21 and 28 days and you get yourself free attire like kimonos and obis.
Castle gacha. Sen does not have the typical card gacha that the other games have. Their main gacha is the castle gacha where you can win items to go into your castle - but if you're lucky, you can win the suitor's POV (similar to Vamp/Sen where you get the option to purchase the Suitor's POV). So play this daily.
I suppose I should now answer the bulk of your question you asked - order of routes.
I personally don't think there's a necessary order to routes like you have in IkePri. The first route I started with was Motonari. And I didn't find myself lost or confused while reading his route. After him, I've read Keiji, Shingen, Kenshin, Masamune (both main and sequel), Yukimura (both main and sequel), Mitsuhide, Yoshimoto and Kanetsugu. I'm currently reading Ieyasu's main route.
I loved Yoshimoto's route - he is a lovely suitor with a beautiful but wounded soul. Found family plays a huge part in his route - definitely gives off Queen of Thieves/Havenfall vibes (yes, I'm mentioning my old fandom here).
As always, I'm here to answer any questions you may have. Happy reading!
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reacty · 11 months
OK before we follow the end of the journey of our beloved byronic heroine and wives Yvette and MC i need to do some announcements:
I'm very busy with fanfic so once i finish Yvette route, i will write the other routes in the same way i did with Yvette initial: seasons reactions instead of episode for episode.
Don't worry i will not stop writing reactions, indeed I announce that after this i will write the reaction of Wrath[SWM].
And after her you can vote which route i should write reactions. Here the choices:
With this 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1.
Let's go with Yvette Holte S7(and the last season) E1:
After the calm before the storm Yvette made her choice, so MC did her choice as well...
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she pondered her life post love-removal will, she will feel empty? Stil herself but unable to romantical love? Before she can mull over further, Joice always the best mom ask her if she is sick, bad, someone hurt her(Vuzass even in the death is still causing trouble), that her loved one left her, Joyce reassure that while she loved MC father it's also true that she love other man as well and did her best to give MC all the love she needed and she know future is scary but she must marry Yvette because she is a keeper!
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Me: Yvette, best wife ever!!!
After the sweet mom and daughter talk, MC go the deadly sin to decide the next moves, Vinca grumbles about bad news, Trudy talk about ice creams while Lazareth ask Yvette what is it. Yvette say that she must master her control on fire while being careful to not messed up the smothering the fire. They start the training MC noticed that the fire are lured by her.
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MC: I'll give Vinca a club.
Me: I love them!!!
Yvette training isn't going well until MC incourage her and Lazareth remember her that she is in control of the fire not the contrary...but then an earthquake literaly shake the things up and Vinca save MC ftom a bad fall, yo both surprise (Vinca finally consider her a friend eh? Our tsundere😁☺). Vinca and MC proced to have a pivate chat and bluntly say she know her plan and MC caustically answer back that Yvette plan is unacceptable only for Vinca to counter she would do her plan the heck that will accept MC plan and suggest that if MC wish to go through her plan must plan it PERFECTLY!!!
After the long day Yvette and MC do a well deserve cuddle.
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While MC is planning her next moves, Yvette is enjoy this moment (their typical day is the calm before the storm....), since happiness love to avoid.
They made love since they didn't know what will happen tommorow, they become one as their worries dissapear for now.
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Me: Enjoy this moment my byronic wives!🤤
Yvette call MC her dream becoming reality just for her, MC ask to make her dream a reality so Yvette feel her skin to skin, of all MC sound dhe made for Yvette to hear, teasing MC to frustation and to Yvette amusement, to touch her in any ways: fingers, lips, tongue while saying MC to be a good girl, to see the end of this ordeal of a journey and enjoy a peaceful journey, to make love everyday,
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They fall asleep....only to MC to see Yvette frailing in her sleep!!! MC wake her up asking what's going on...
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Me: Oh no.....😭😭😭😱😱😱😰😰😰.
Alright! S7 EP2: 3, 2, 1, here we go!
We left our byronic heroine with Yvette wake up from a nightmare and with the omnimous words of something bad was on its way.
Me: The Not-demon i'm afraid.
MC comfort Yvette and to coax from what is going on, but Yvetts is too agitated to give an sensate answer, throught she's successful able to calm Yvette down and fell asleep.
Its morning and the lovebirds are tempted to be lazy cats but MC promised to her mother that she'll not worry her, Yvette stated MC mother is the only one she's willingly to share since family are a true treasure...
Me: Oh Yvette, are you thinking about your parents 🥲?
While she knew that her friends×family Vinca and Laz will do anything for her, she miss all things that are supposed to be unconditional.
Me: Vuzgamad, dam youuuuuuuuuuu!!!
MC comfort her saying her love is uncodintional and Yvette reciprocated her words with hers: MC is her home now.Then she asked if she can go MC home with her
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and of course MC agree. So once at Mc home, Joyce being Joyce take Yvette and work together to prepare an earthquake kit: mother and daughter in-law (i said it correctly?) bonding time 😊. Joyce grab Yvette hands 😱 but luckly our badass is in control and the best mom admire Yvette's nails and she should take care of it, only for Yvettd smugly saying that she can buy helps if needed. Joyce wisely stated that having many people willingly to help (her) but
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megatraven · 2 years
How do you think the HIFL and VN MCs would get on if they ever met?
is that villainous nights CANONICALLY happens like 20 years after havenfall via HIFL MC and Razi meeting a young Renzei with his family when they're in California.
so HIFL MC would be probably immortal at this point (idk if she ended up immortal in vanessa's hence the probably) but like. also in her 40s in comparison to VN MC
and honestly how she acts might depend on what LI she ended up with. but i can imagine HIFL MC thinking VN MC's powers are super awesome and mentioning something about her pyrokinesis reminds her of a certain someone.
VN MC would be like. wow i wonder what this lady's powers are : ) but not quite understanding that HIFL MC isn't superpowered in the same way.
anyways ultimately i think they'd get along okay but HIFL MC would absolutely be like. This kid shouldn't have to go through this shit. as she should.
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Damien: How dumb do they think we are?
JD: Sometimes Razi leaves me a power point presentation with just images instead of a shopping list.
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Havenfall x Supernatural Cross-Over Edit
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lovechoices · 5 years
Look at our family!! I love all of them!! Omg, and they are all taller than mc lol 😂
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schattenfell-yuri · 5 years
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Hello I'm soft
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
Tokoyami would so be into the supernatural for HIFF. Like come on this guy would hear ‘witch’ and go FERAL about Izuku. Like 10/10 he'd be all over that.
So many questions and BEGGING to help make the spell ingredients. Also learning his own form of magic cause he fucking WOULD.
Man i was like not thinking of Izuku pairings but holy shit this works.
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lioras · 5 years
As happy as I am for a vegan alpha werewolf I'm also feeling sorry for Twyla. It's obvious that she feels isolated and different for being a werewolf and now on top of that she's also different from her siblings. I hope this doesn't bring more drama in the family, the poor girl doesn't deserve that.
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tumblmelovestruck · 5 years
fucking. gold.
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rahimnassar · 6 years
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↪ the djinns 🔮
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struckbilovestruck · 6 years
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👏🏼 I 👏🏼 LOVE 👏🏼 THE 👏🏼 FOUND 👏🏼 FAMILY 👏🏼 TROPE 👏🏼 AND 👏🏼 WILL 👏🏼 DIE 👏🏼 FOR 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼
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megatraven · 2 years
Spy x Family but it's Alex and MC.
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ALEX AS LOID I THINK.... MC AS YORU........ BUT EITHER WORKS REALLY WELL TBH........... JASON AS ANYA...... clearly Cerberus has to be Bond.. or we can borrow Spike from Havenfall......
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tapchaka-senpai · 6 years
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Hey kids, you wouldn’t be hiding something from me...would you
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