#He also has some stickers and bracelet i gave to him cause why not?
chewysgummies · 5 months
Ay bro- *Dropped a WIP of my humanized robo alarm clock and dipped.*
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shari-berri · 4 years
TR James x reader
Your POV
My boyfriend James is gone again to "work". I am curious to what he does for a living. I guess I can't be suspicious of him, I never told him my last name or anything about my family.
My name is Y/N Ketchum, older sister of Ash Ketchum who wants to be a Pokémon master.
While he got his Pikachu as a partner who didn't like him at first, my partner liked me immediately, becoming overprotective. My starter Pokémon that I first received was a male Riolu. Along the way, Riolu evolved into Lucario. We ended up bumping into Korrina, a gym leader and we became friends. She was about to give me another Lucario with Lucarionite but she saw my Lucario and just gave me the mega stone. Of course, I had to get one for myself and then something to put them in. I ended up getting Lucario a bracelet like Korrina's Lucario, and I got a ring. Anyways, today I am going to investigate, okay spy on my boyfriend to see what he does. My Lucario is coming along also, like he always does. Like my little bro's Pikachu, Lucario also doesn't like his pokeball.
Time skip
I see James getting together with Jessie and Meowth. I never liked Jessie simply because she is always around my boyfriend. Meowth was alright but he has an attitude. Seeing them grabbing a net, I pull Lucario and myself closer into the bushes. They start to creep up behind a group of trainers and then they threw the net on top of their Pokémon, trapping them and stealing them. Gasping, I look closer at the trainers. Spotting a familiar hat, I narrow my eyes.
Squeezing Lucario's wrist, I point to the boy who I found out to be my brother, Ash. Coming to a realization that I should help, I step out of the bushes, Lucario at my side, ready to protect me if necessary. “James! What on earth do you think you're doing?!" I screech, running to my brother's side and pulling him into a hug, glaring at my boyfriend. Looking at James, I see him shocked. Ash seems surprised that I am here and that I know who James is, and this ugly blonde girl is glaring at me for hugging Ash. “Ash are you okay?! Do you need help getting Pikachu back?" I ask, gripping my brother closer. Blondie just glares at me harder and I glare back. It seems James has recovered in the amount of time it took me to reassure Ash. “Y/N! What are you doing here?! And why are you defending that twerp!" He screams. I rest my chin on Ash's shoulder and sigh, waiting for Ash to say for me. “She's my sister." He says plainly. James falls to the floor along with Jessie and Meowth in shock.
Blondie is no longer glaring at me so that's good, I still hate her though. “James! Leave him alone! All of you stop doing this. I understand now that this is your job that you've been leaving to, but stop." I calmly stare. James and his friends just look back, grab the net, and release the Pokémon, feeling ashamed. “James, I still love you, but leave. I need to talk and catch up with Ash." I command. They nod and James runs up to me, kisses me, and runs off.
“You have some explaining to do." Ash says, half glaring at me. “Sooooo hekindasortamightbemyboyfriendthatihabebeentalkingabout." I rush. Ash's eyes harden and he reaches for his pokeball. “Alright bro, battle me to release tension. Oh and make it a double battle with Blondie on your side. You two against me." I confidently state. Ash just nods and Blondie glares at me. “You know, we're going to beat you. Ash is really strong and will defeat you." She whines. I just glare. “Who do you think taught him?" I counter. Ash's other friend, I believe Clemont is his name, took his stance and began reffing. “You are each allowed 3 Pokémon!" Clemont announces. I nod and wait to see what Pokémon my opponents send. Ash sends out a Talonflame and Blondie, or Serena sends out a Braixen. I sigh and look at my pokeballs. Grabbing one, I kiss it before I throw it onto the field. The red and white capsule bursts open and a Pokémon appears. Feraligatr lands on the ground with a thud, dust flying up. When the dust clears, Ash and Serena look at my giant crocodilian Pokémon. Both of their jaws drop and their Pokémon shake in fear. I forgot to tell Ash that I have more Pokémon than just Lucario. Feraligatr smirks and looks at me, nodding. “Feraligatr! Quickly use surf to get both of them!" I scream. He nods and a giant wave floods the field. It hits the opposing Pokémon and with a super effective type advantage, they are barely standing. “This is just sad!" I snicker. Feraligatr snorts and grunts in agreement. That seems to have triggered Ash since be called out an attack. “Talonflame don't be intimidated! We can still win this. It's two against one. Use double team and then steel wing!" He commands. Talonflame then becomes many and they all dive at Feraligatr, wings shining. “Focus! Find the real one and grab it in your jaws. Don't let go!" I say. Ash and Serena just laugh. “There's too many, your pokemon won't be able to tell." They say sneakily. “Just watch." I growl. Feraligatr looks around before settling his eyes on one Talonflame. As it gets closer, he jumps up and grabs it in his mouth, locking his jaw. Serena panics and commands Braixen to use ember. “Feraligatr, just ignore the stupid fox and use hydro pump." I yawn.
I smile as I see Serena get mad. Feraligatr nods and releases a giant stream of water onto Talonflame who is still in his jaws. Feraligatr then releases the bird and it falls to the floor, swirls in its eyes. Feraligatr looks at me for another command.
I just point my finger at Braixen. Feraligatr nods and knocks it out with another hydro pump.
Ash and Serena call back their Pokémon.
Ash sends out Pikachu and Serena sends out a Pancham.
Despite the disadvantage, I keep Feraligatr in.
“Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!" Ash screams.
“Dodge it!" I try to call out but I am too late. Feraligatr got hit. He struggles to get up but manages to, only to be hit with electro ball and faint.
Returning Feraligatr, I grab a pokeball with a cat sticker. Kissing it, I throw it out. Out pops a pink flying cat, shocking everybody. “T-that's a Mew!" Serena stutters. “Yeah, obviously. What, are you blind or what? Have you never seen a legendary before? Oh wait, I forgot you have trash Pokémon." I retort. Serena turns red with anger and pouts. “Mew we have to make this quick, I want to bring out the big guns soon. Use rock slide on Pikachu!" I scream.
Mew unleashed a landslide of rocks onto Pikachu, type disadvantage hurting him and making him trapped under the rocks. “Alright! Good work! Now use dazzling gleam on the panda!" I command. Mew unleashed a beam of pink at Pancham, causing it to stagger back. “Again." I say, flicking my wrist. Mew complied and hits Pancham again. Pancham falls to the ground, fainted. Turning my attention back to Pikachu, I think. “Use confusion." I say. Pikachu gets hit and becomes confused. “Pikachu! Snap out of it and use thunderbolt!" Ash strains. Pikachu only hits himself with the thunderbolt, hurting it further. “Mew, lets finish this with brick break." I nod. Mew hits Pikachu and he faints as well. Ash sends out a Hawlucha and Serena sends out a Sylveon. I call back Mew and both of them look confused. Nodding to Lucario, he steps up to the field. “Lucario, lets start with using flash cannon on that Sylveon." I state. Lucario puts his paws out and a flash of light launches at the eeveelution. Sylveon cries out in pain and falls. “We need to wait longer, use psychic on Hawlucha." I say. Hawlucha is hit but isn't hurt that much. “Hawlucha! Use high jump kick!" Ash calls out. Hawlucha launches into the air and kicks Lucario in the face. Lucario growls and gets into his stance once more. Sylveon uses fairy wind but it doesn't do much. Karate chop!" Ash says. Lucario is hit once more in the head. He turns to me with that certain glint in his eyes. Holding my hand out, Lucario grabs his bracelet. “Lucario! Connect our souls and hearts. Make our bond greater together and mega evolve!" I scream out. Ash and Serena look shocked but excited to see Mega Lucario. “Lucario! Car!" He cries as he comes out in mega form. “Okay buddy, use psychic on Hawlucha and then throw him into Sylveon. Then use flash cannon!" I command, sweat dripping down my forehead. Lucario lifts Hawlucha into the air before yeeting him into Sylveon. He then holds out his palms as they both get hit with a enhanced flash cannon. Ash and Serena cry out for their Pokémon. When the light clears, they both have swirly eyes. Lucario returns back to normal and walks over to my side. “Thanks for that. But I have to go see my boo." I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I am suddenly pushed to the ground. I hear Lucario grunt. Looking up, I see Serena in Lucario's arms trapped. It seems that she was the one who pushed me. Her intense glare in her eyes makes it even more evident. “You know, I always wanted to know what happens if a human is hit by a Pokémon move. I wanted to test it but didn't have the right circumstances. However, you just volunteered. Lucario, hit this bimbo with a full power power-up punch." I screech. Lucario's paw glows orange before he punches Serena, causing her to fly a few yards away before hitting the ground and not getting up. I hear Ash sprint towards her as I just walk away. “Thanks bro for not caring about me!" I call. Time skip cuz idk what else to do. As the sun goes down, I am content cuddling in bed with my James, even if he is a thief, Ash and his friends deserve it. James is playing with my hair, calming me before sleep overtook my vision, my last image being my lovely boyfriend.
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thebridgelee-blog · 7 years
Architecture Student’s Style Tips
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Photo above: Me holding a prototype of my first scale model
Hello everyone! One thing I have never mentioned in this blog is that I am currently an architecture student in the University of Santo Tomas. Yes, it is true what they say-- this is definitely the college that never sleeps. Unfortunately, not having enough sleep causes most of us the lack of capacity to think straight early in the morning. Luckily however, having been here for quite a while, I have collected a few tips and tricks to be able to dress well early in the morning and look good in school whilst make my life easier in general; and today, I will be sharing them with you.
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Tip#1- Get your ID and coat ready for the next day
If you are an architecture student studying in UST, you’d know it is extremely important to have your coats and ID with you at all times, upon entering the building being the most significant. However, being given tasks to work on every day, we tend to lack sleep and therefore lack the capacity to think the next day. Needless to say, it becomes extremely hard to remember what to wear, and often times, we forget to bring the essentials like our coats and ID, so an easy hack is to have your ID tied to your bag and your coat on top of your bag. This way, as you pick your bag up the next day, you are sure to have everything important with you without having to think about it.
Tip#2-Prepare your outfit for the next day
This does not always seem practical as sometimes taking that extra minute to get your clothes out the closet and hanging it up may seem dreadful because you would rather use that minute to get ready for bed. However, if you do happen to have the time, it is always helpful to have your outfit laid out for the next day as it minimizes the brain work requirement for the next day.
Bonus tip: In the event that you do not remember to prepare your outfit, know that aside from your undies, which I doubt you will forget to wear, and your ID and coat, which should already be with your bag for easy grab and go the next day, the only thing left in your closet to remember is your pants and polo shirt. Just remember those, and you should be fine.
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Tip#3-Download the ClassUp app, and keep your schedule within easy reach
As a part of the world of style, I believe it is more than just looking good but also a way of living, and one way to maximize your resources and make your life easier is to download ClassUp, which is an app that allows you to create a timetable for your classes and save it as wallpaper for your phone. This way, it is easier for you to track down your schedule as well as get ready for the day.
Bonus tip: I am sure, it may come across as a hassle to type down every single schedule in the app, but luckily for the people like us, the app has got your back. The app has this feature wherein you can copy the schedule of someone else that shares the same class as you. All you have to do is search for the class, and if someone you know’s name appears as a student of that class, just click their name, add them as a friend, and copy their schedule! Since the app is pretty well-known (like everyone I know uses this), this feature is definitely effective.
Tip#4- Check your schedule for the next day and prepare
In line with my last tip, be sure to check your schedule for the following day to make sure you have everything needed in your bag for the day. This also goes with LEAVING UNNECESSARY THINGS BEHIND. Do not bring things that will only clutter your bag just because it is convenient to have everything in there “just in case.” Be a man of decision and stick with them. Decide what to do and execute. Plus, I really do not believe you would want to carry a kilo more when you already have your Durer bag and T-square with you, which leads me to my next tip.
Tip #5- Invest in a Durer bag (available in Joli’s)
I have seen so many of my peers use a canister as a way to hold big thick sheets of buff paper. While definitely, it does lessen the burden of carrying anything 15x20 inches, I highly discourage it as it curls up the paper and may lead to irreparable damage that no one wants. Instead, I believe you should invest in a good 15x20 case. Mine is by a brand called Durer. Not only can this contain your papers, it can also hold your triangles and other tools, which is always a plus!
Bonus tip: Being in a school filled with people who use a Durer bag, it is very easy to mistaken mine from others’. A quick remedy for this is to add your name or a sticker, but let’s be real-- that’s boring. What I did for mine is that I added the oh-so trendy embroidery patches using my trusty UHU glue.
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Bonus bonus tip: get UHU glue. I do not care if you’re a high school student, an elementary student, or a student studying Commerce. I do not care. Walk over to Joli’s and get yourself a tube of UHU glue. It holds really well! Like I can have a piece of card stock paper and hold it against another perpendicularly so that the first paper’s edge (with UHU glue applied) touches the face of the second paper for five to ten seconds, and it will hold forever! Easy and strong!
Bonus bonus bonus tip: Now, you have your Durer and your t-square. Such a hassle! Something I learned from some of my friends is that they put their t-square in between the flap of the Durer bag and the body of the bag itself having the sling of the t-square case outside of the bag. This way one can hold the sling with the handle of the Durer bag with only one hand. Guaranteed your t-square will not bend as well!
Tip#6- Carry your coat properly
It may be the smallest of details. It is not even of any relation to what goes in your outfit for the day. However, I have always believed, more than what you wear is how you wear it. Being an architecture student, I found that the coat being a part of the complete uniform can sometimes be impractical in some cases (including being outside of the building). Sometimes, it gets very warm that it becomes very uncomfortable to wear it. I am very grateful that a number of teachers allow their student to simply sport the Type B uniform in times of discomfort. However, being a student, it is still our responsibility to wear the said uniform when we can, so it is important that we have it with us at all times. With that being said, I find that it is important to hold your coat properly. Gentlemen, while it is a trend to tie your outerwear around your waists, I extremely discourage this as it simply does not flatter anyone. It just looks messy, and it just shows that you do not care about the garments you own. What I recommend is to hold your coat with your arm. Fold your coat in half lengthwise, and fold the arms lengthwise once more, so that you end up with the whole length of your coat with a shorter width that can easy lay over your arm. Below are photos of how I personally like to fold it, and what I do not recommend doing. See the difference? Doesn’t folding it and holding it right make you look way smarter and more responsible?
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Tip#7- Wear a watch and a bracelet
If you know me, I love beautiful watches and beautiful accessories that complement each other. I highly encourage investing in a good watch like an Ingersoll. However, I believe that not all of us are fortunate enough to be able to afford luxury, which is also one of the reasons why I created this blog-- to inspire looks and not to sell products. Instead, I believe that getting a watch from SM Accessories, while I do not deem it the best of qualities, is a good place to get your own watch. Afterall, they will still work and tell the time. Some of them even tell dates! I have had a few watches from SM Accessories, and one of them, I even gave to my cousin and he still wears it up until today. I feel quite ashamed to have given him a second hand, but he really wanted the look of a Daniel Wellington watch, and I just so happened to have a watch that looks similar. Anyway, as I said, investing on a good watch will help in telling the time as well as create the impression that you are responsible and you care about your time and potentially other’s time as well. As for the bracelet, I just always love adding a piece to give me more of that stylish vibe. For more information about how to accessories without overdoing it, here is a blog post.
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Tip#8- Wear comfortable shoes.
In our building, we are privileged to have the choice to wear any shoe we want as long as it is black. Take the advantage and wear something comfortable! Your feet will thank you after that long walk to your favorite lunch place. My boots above are by Dr. Martens.
Tip#9- Take a bath!
For my last tip, I urge everyone to quit the excuses and take a bath! Yes, we all have a lot of things to do, but let me remind you that a bath only takes five minutes if you are in a hurry and ten minutes if you are slow. Seems illogical to skip it, doesn’t it? Taking that extra five minutes to bathe wi ll not only freshen you, it will also awaken your brain and make it easier to do your tasks for the day.
Bonus tip: In the event that you really cannot take a bath, at the very least wash your face. Never ever sleep without bathing or at least washing your face. It is gross to sleep with all that dirt from the world outside the four corners of your house, Remember that.
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purrincesskittens · 7 years
Miraculous Ladybug: Adventures Of Lupine Alpha and Corvus. Chapter 10
Summery: A new girl has started at Adrien’s school. One whose elder brother is just as rich and famous as his father. Adrien gets to know the girl more as his father works with her brother on a new project and finds she is a lot like him. As Chat Noir he continues to work along side Ladybug to keep Paris safe when a new Miraculous Holder appears along with a new enemy. Just who is Lupine Alpha? As their knowledge changes and expands more and more information about the Miraculouses comes to light. As do more miraculous holders.
The pharmacist at the drug store couldn't help but feel like this was the strangest day of their lives. After all it wasn't everyday four superheroes walked in wanting to buy the strongest non-prescription allergy medicine there was. The wolf's face was red especially around the nose but not as red as the cat's was. 
The crow and ladybug hung back a bit which suddenly made sense when the crow extended an arm pointing out a specific brand of medicine and one of the feathers on his arm brushed against the cat's face causing him to go into a sneezing fit. The wolf gave a sigh and offered up a sheepish smile. "Sorry Chat Noir is allergic to my partner it seems."
"You have got to be kidding me?!" The pharmacist exclaims in disbelief. Ladybug and Lupine Alpha shook their heads while Chat Noir looked to be in pure utter misery and Corvus gave Chat an apologetic look. The pharmacist grimanced in sympathy for the poor boy turning to retrieve the medicine Corvus had pointed out and set it before them before casting them a doubtful look.
"I don't suppose any of you are over the age of 18?" Lupine and Corvus simply looked at the other two who shook their heads. "We are." They both said in unison. The pharmacist nodded in relief. "Now I don't suppose either of you have an I.D. on you?" He questions hopefully this was making his job far more interesting as it was he hoped not to have it made anymore complected at the very least.
Both shook their heads. "Secret Identity and all." Lupine explains a bit gruffly. "Umm can I at least get a date of birth to enter in then?" Lupine hesitated a moment, Corvus was the one who spoke up screwing up his face as he spoke. "December 12th. I'm 18 as of last December do the math." He states his dark eyes giving the poor guy the creeps what with no whites just all glossy blackness.
The pharmacist entered in the date of birth and scanned the medicine a second time telling them their total. All four looked at each other. "Anyone got any money on them?" Lupine asks patting her sides to show she had no pockets so no where to keep money. Ladybug shook her head doing the same thing as Lupine had.
Chat who did have pockets emptied them of all the random junk he had in them which included a white lily flower which caused Lupine to start sneezing herself. "Why do you have a lily Chaton?" Ladybug asks exasperated with her own partner. "I was going to give it to a furend later." He says flashing his lady a smile like that of a cat who got into the cream.
"Sorry I only have Yen on me not Euros." Corvus replied when all eyes turned to him. "Why?" Ladybug questions somewhat curious as to why he actually had money on him in the first place. "Because that's what I had in my pockets the last time I transformed." He answers playfully giving her a slight smile and a shrug. Chat didn't know how to feel about this new guy just yet other then Lupine seemed to really like and trust him he was her partner after all.
"I'll pay for it." A citizen says from behind them causing them all to turn and peer at the man holding the hand of an over excited little girl her other arm in a pink cast covered in stickers. "Really you don't have to..." Ladybug starts to say raising her hands to wave off his offer. "No it's fine I want to besides my little girl here wants to know if you would sign her cast for her." The father says pulling out his wallet to pay for the medicine.
All four melted at the hopeful look the little girl gave them. Her arm broken and being stuck in a cast is never fun but getting to decorate it and have people sign it makes it better. As the father payed for the medicine each hero took a different colored marker from the little girl and signed their names on it. Ladybug in red, Chat in green, Lupine in brown and Corvus in purple.
They even let the father take pictures of them with the girl who babbled on and on about how much she loved Ladybug and Chat Noir and was now fans of Lupine Alpha and Corvus as well. Chat gave the girl the lily as a parting gift earning a squeal of delight and her little arms being thrown around his neck in a tight hug.
The girl waved to them from the street below as they took to the rooftops once more. "Okay she was totally adorable you can't deny it." Lupine laughs as she swung herself onto the next roof with her whip. Corvus flew beside her the long gloves that covered his arms acting as wings with the attached feathers allowing him to actually fly or rather glide through the air.
The two miraculous holders with allergies stopped to take the medicine they had just gotten each gulping down the pills desperate for it to take affect so they could breathe again. Ladybug took the time to talk to Corvus. "You're the Crow Miraculous Holder?" She asks. "Yeah my miraculous," He held up his wrist showing her the bangle like bracelet that hung from it, "is from the same set as Lupine's is."
"What's your power if you don't mind me asking. I have the power of creation while my partner Chat Noir has the power of destruction and we know your partner Lupine has the power of Protection." Ladybug questions remembering how Lupine said something about him having the power of Choas or something like that.
"I have the power of Chaos. It's somewhat like Chat's destruction but instead of physical mine works differently more on a mental emotional level. It causes things to go out of control. It can cause people to go out of control." He states simply but his voice seemed to hold a power in it that suggested he knew all of what his power did exactly to people around him when he used it. That was something that freaked Ladybug out but also something she could respect. He knew his power was dangerous and knew exactly how to use it the best he could.
"Bugnette if you're done flirting with my partner can we continue with our discussion from earlier before Chat started being allergic to my partner?" Lupine growls softly her gold eyes hot with jealousy. Chat was glad in a way that he wasn't the only one jealous. If Lupine liked Corvus the way he liked Ladybug then he felt better about the crow hanging around with the female there to keep him in line. Her comment caused them all to remember what had transpired not to long ago.
"Corvus! You get back here! I'm so going to kill you when I get my paws on you!" Lupine Alpha howls in furry using her whip to try and grab Corvus's legs and pull him down out of the air as he flew over her head keeping out of reach and only landing when he had to to get another running start to take to the air once more.
His costume at first seemed to be all black but upon closer examination the only true black thing about him was one his eyes and two his hair. His sleeveless shirt with feather trim on the bottom, was blue black just like his pants. His arms were covered almost completely by a pair of long gloves that were black with a tinge of purple to them like his feathers that extended out from the gloves and going up and down the length of them.
The boots that covered his feet that went up to his calves had a green tinge to them like his mask. His eyes were black and had no whites to them or pupils just pure black. His hair was a soft black compared to the glossy black of his eyes. At the base of his throat was a gem pinned to the collar of his shirt. A string was tied across his chest which held a four winged boomerang on his back. A bracelet or bangle hung from his wrist a thick heavy metallic black metal with five purple crows feet marks on it.
He was avoiding getting caught by the furious female he called his partner to the best of his abilities not wanting to face her wrath given the choice. But eventually she was going to win their little spat as persistent as she was. She lunged and tackled him to the roof top landing on top of some of the lilies causing her to start sneezing while she tried to grab him by the shirt front and shake him.
She was growling at him between sneezes yelling at him in another language speaking to rapidly for them to even get an idea of what she was saying. After a while of letting her yell at him Corvus sat up seizing the girls hands to keep her from beating on him and scooping her up with his other arm drawing her waist in close to his so he could maneuver them away from the lilies.
Her face was bright red not just from sneezing but because of his actions. "Deep breaths Hime and then I'll explain myself okay?" He asks the wolf getting a shy nod from her and a few more mutters in a strange mix of whatever language she was speaking earlier and English. They were able to pick out a few words from it that were English and some names but not much else. Chat Noir perched on the far edge of the roof farthest from where the two other superheroes where.
Ladybug sat down beside him listening an watching the two. After a few breaths Lupine Alpha was able to calm down enough and breathe somewhat clearly enough to talk clearly. "Corvus what on earth are you doing here?I left you in charge of Tokyo I told you I was coming here. That's why I left you in charge I figured the city would be safe as long as you where there." She questions worriedly her gold eyes brimming with it.
"That's part of why I'm here Lupine. After you left it got quiet all of a sudden. Very quiet." Corvus explains releasing his grip on her waist but still holding her hands not quite trusting her not to hit him again. She was stronger then she looked. Lupine paled and yanked her hands free of his grasp to clutch the front of his shirt tightly her eyes wide and desperate. "Tell me everything!"
"Not long after you left another possession occurred and I went to handle it. It got rather long and drawn out without you being there but eventually I got it under control. Then another possession happened shortly afterwards with in the same day. Again I took care of it. For three days possessions happened one after the other it was exhausting. But then it grew quiet. Very quiet. The thing that really bothered me was the first one took place on the day you left. Just after you left. And then it stopped everything was completely quiet and no signs of her at all. I got some news from my family that involved me having to go away for a while and with how quiet it had gotten I got worried so I choose to come here and find you. By the way did you know you are all over the internet along with Ladybug and Chat Noir?"
Lupine sank down ignoring the last bit of what he said rolling her eyes though at his playful jesting tone. She started to bite her talons on her hands before her hand was knocked away by Corvus. "She hasn't shown up at all since the last attack?" She asks looking up to meet Corvus's solemn eyes as he nodded. "It got quiet the possessions decreased in strength and got spaced out before dropping off abruptly. I've been checking the news and the Howler for anything regarding incidents or possessions and nothing. Not even regular crime its too quiet Lupine. Way to quiet." His playful smirk had fallen away as he met her worried gaze.
"Who are you guys talking about if you don't mind me asking? And what's this about possessions?" Ladybug questions stepping towards them. "And what's a Howler?" Chat asks hopping down from his perch to walk over to them. "Like you guys have someone you face off against so do we. You have Hawkmoth who from my understanding has a miraculous and is using it for evil. Well we have someone too. Her name is Deer Woman. She to got a hold of a miraculous that does not belong to her and is using it for evil." Lupine Alpha explains.
Corvus shifted positions while his partner did the explaining scratching at his neck where the feathers around his shirt collar itched his skin. Chat was standing across from him and suddenly wrinkled his nose as one of Corvus's longer feathers on his arms stretched across the distance getting in Chat's face. Chat sneezed suddenly unable to hold it back. The suddenness of it caused Corvus to start his feathers ruffling. This caused Chat to sneeze again and again. The sneezing fit finally ended when Corvus backed away enough coupled with Chat backing away there was enough room between the two males that Chat did have a reaction to Corvus's feathers.
"What was that about?!" Lupine Alpha exclaims in surprise her eyes wide and darting between her partner and Ladybug's who was currently groaning and looking like she would rather be else where. "I forgot dammit." Ladybug curses going over to her partner to make sure he was okay. "Chat Noir is allergic to feathers." She explains somewhat sheepishly. "You have got to be kidding?" Lupine mutters her eye brows raised or rather the top of her mask raised. Ladybug shook her head while Chat regained his breath. "No. Chat really is allergic to feathers." "So basically what you are saying is Chat Noir is allergic to my partner?Ohh this is just too good."
All three settled themselves down in comfortable positions on the Eiffel Tower having chosen that place to sit and discus what was going on. "Okay first question." Lupine directs with a nod towards them telling them to begin. "What's a Howler?" Chat Noir asks quickly before his lady could get in her question. She had already gotten part of an answer earlier while he didn't so he felt it was only fair to be answered first since he had starting sneezing due to Corvus not that it was his fault.
"The Howler is a social media page. A blog run by a fan who follows the fights and tries to get interviews with us any chance he gets." Corvus explains pulling his boomerang off from his back and gave a tug on two of the wings pulling them apart from the rest so the middle slide open reveling a screen. A few quick taps and a page was pulled up. The top of the page had two large prints on it. One in English reading The Howler, and the other is kanji characters.
He handed the boomerang to Chat letting him scroll through the pages curiously while Ladybug finally got the chance to ask her question. "What is this Deer Women's powers?" Ladybug asks directing her question to Lupine while the guys browsed the blog. "Deer Women has the power to brain wash and posses men and children. She takes over their minds and controls them. Her power works best on men especially those who have been unfaithful or are promiscuous. Children it's not as strong with I've found and the connection is easily broken."
"That explains the child during the Skin Walker and Wendigo incident as well as the native american theme with them. If this Deer Women is here in Paris somehow and is now working with Hawkmoth then that explains these last few akumas. She is using her powers to weaken the people and make them vulnerable to Hawkmoth's control and then strengthening them once they are Akumatized controlling them and using children and others involved."
Lupine and Ladybug continued discussing Deer Woman their faces grim as they hashed out the last few akumas and how things had differed from normal. Their growing heated argument over how to handle things. (Lupine wanted to handle Deer Woman herself with Corvus since she was their enemy and let Ladybug and Chat Noir handle Hawkmoth. But Ladybug opposed splitting up arguing two separate teams working on two different but possibly connected things wasn't going to work they should stick together)
Chat Noir let out a surprised shout interrupting the two females causing Lupine to drop her growling that she had been doing. Her teeth bared and a low rumbling growl rising from her throat as the two dominate females clashed over how to handle things. They turned to the males to see what had caused the commotion. "Who is that?" Chat asks his eyes wide pointing to a picture that had appeared on the screen having been posted on the blog some time ago.
In the picture a tall lanky dark haired dark eyed male stood there frowning seemingly disinterested as a perky smiling girl hung off his back her arms wrapped around his neck her head resting on his shoulder her green eyes light with happiness her long dirty blonde hair pulled into a pony tail laying draped over the guy's shoulder. He should no annoyance by having the girl cling and hang off him the way she was in the picture at all. "That is Itsuki and J.J. they are friends of the owner of the blog."
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