#He got a mustache at the start of s4 I believe
girlablaze · 5 years
❛ moths aren’t even scary! people say ‘ mothman ’ and i don’t - i don’t shiver. ❜ 
❛ do you believe me now when i say that maybe we’re both demon proof? ❜
❛ so you’re threatening to take the treasure  .  .  .  if he doesn’t tell you where the treasure is? ❜
❛ sure, you’re welcome to fuck around with the boys, but please know this — once you do, the whole world’s gonna know ! ❜
❛ forget about the richard gere movie for a second — ❜
❛ what the fuck, is all i have to say to that. ❜
❛ it’s weird, he only moves if he wants to. ❜
❛ is that all you know how to say? four years of german and you could only say ‘ my name is — ’. ❜
❛ i have a pocket bible with me this time. ❜
❛ it is possible that i’m dead right now. ❜
❛ i remember i used to think cannonballs were hilarious, until i saw the patriot, and that thing goes rolling through the field — just knocks people’s legs off ! ❜
❛ he's a fucking creature, he can do what he wants. ❜
❛ you tend to go, ‘ well here’s a thousand things it could likely be, put a big X over those, even thought they’re fairly logical. ❜
❛ i’ve only got a couple more minutes — shit or get off the pot. ❜
❛ you get some of the devil’s juice in someone, you know . . . things happen. ❜
❛ he’s like a george clooney batman ! ❜
❛ one time, i cut up an avocado and there was a lot of meat left on the pit, and i put the avocado pit in my mouth, and i started to just — eat the meat off of it, and in that moment i was like ‘ if i sneeze right now, this thing would lodge into my throat ’ —  and ever since then i’ve kinda been terrified of avocados. ❜
❛ i was born in the darkness. ❜
❛ maybe a dark entity would like to possess me — i’m a pretty good candidate. ❜
❛ sandhill cranes  —  look ‘em up, fascinating bird. i’m going to own one, someday, a taxidermied one, and it will be in my room. ❜
❛ like i said, this guy — this guy was kind of a dildo. ❜
❛ if he can jump between dimensions, why not fuck around a little bit? ❜
❛ this chair looks fucking stupid in the middle of the room. ❜
❛ if you’re trying to make us go to sleep and feel safe so you can start fucking with us when we’re asleep — pretty uncool ! ❜
❛ well, you think we’re going to have fun everywhere, you could go into a building that’s on fire and you’d be like ‘ this is a blast ’. ❜
❛ i gotta be honest, telescope people are weird. ❜
❛ well demon, you thought you had me in your clutches, but not today, demon, not today. ❜
❛ i don’t think aliens have money. ❜
❛ maybe he was just taking a walk, what’s it to you? ❜
❛ it’s been a lovely stay in this quiet, quiet uneventful house. ❜
❛ if you’re possessed, i’m not taking you home. ❜
❛ — i got a bubble — i got an air bubble in my throat right now. you hear that? you ever get that? this is scary, i don’t sound like myself. ❜
❛ you don’t have to bring up the mustache. ❜
❛ you have a very different definition of fun. ❜
❛ you can walk into the room, just don’t go inside me, y’know? ❜
❛ he’s gonna’ come back with some new technology — that thing that they put the dynamite in like in jurrassic park. ❜
❛ i gotta say it does look as imposing in person as it does online. ❜
❛ is it like a character creator in the sims? like they pick out a little pink frilly dress and they’re like ‘ hm. i don’t like that one, maybe some overalls  .  .  . ’ ❜
❛ i’m going to go ahead and cut you off right there, because i don’t give a shit. ❜
❛ well, once again i have gotten myself into quite the pickle, haven’t i? ❜ 
❛ ( wheeze ) ❜
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Finished s1 ep5 again.
Some random thoughts as the episode progressed:
That’s a lotta walkers... 
Is it weird that my first thought was, “Boy, James could stuff a whole bunch of barns with that many walkers!”
Oh, piss off, Stranger.
Kenny over here tryin’ to make me feel better...
Aaaaaaaaand Lee’s down. Great.
Fuck it. I’m cuttin’ it off. I never cut it off because I know it won’t work and I don’t exactly love seeing Lee get his arm sawed off buuuuuuut... I’ve been making a few different choices this time around so... 
*This is going to hurt
Yeah, no shit game thanks
No no no no nononononnononononoooooaaaaack
yeah, that wasn’t fun.
I don’t know what’s worse: Ben saying he peed himself as we’re climbing the damn ladder or that fact that I no longer have two hands. 
Lee’s already starting to look paler. It’s amazing that I’ve played this game several times, but I still get anxious seeing Lee get paler and weaker. I’ve grown so attached to him throughout all my playthroughs and it actually hurts worse every single time I have to watch him slowly die throughout this episode.
I made a post about this before, but the idea of Ben surviving and being the one to take care of Clementine rather than Christa and Omid is such a fascinating idea given how much of a screw up he’s been. He could’ve seen this as a way to atone for inadvertently getting Duck killed, y’know? 
I know I’ve yelled at him a lot because he does a lot of things that make me mad, but I do feel real sympathy for his character. The poor kid is constantly shit on and he’s just so lanky and sad looking with that teenage mustache... how do you not feel bad?
I really like Omid’s voice acting. Something about his voice is very... soothing.
Kenny is so supportive I’m still dumbfounded at that
The boat is gone and now Kenny and his fisherman shirt are throwing a tantrum.
Ben’s freak out is one of my favorite scenes this episode. It’s very humanizing and it’s nice to see someone, especially someone like Ben, put Kenny in his place. This is also a great place where Ben’s voice acting is really good. His voice cracks and the emotion feels real. 
Oh hai Brie
“You ruined that dude’s face.”
“Shut up, sweetie.”
Christa and Omid are the otp of this season I stg
“You still with us, Ben?”
“Yeah, Lee. I just want to help.”
The fact that Ben doesn’t even realize that he’s been impaled...
Ben’s dead, Kenny’s “dead”, and I’m doing my longest, deepest of sighs.
Seriously, though, I don’t know if it exists, but if someone did an AU of Ben being the one to take care of Clementine and him surviving to the final season I would cry. Imagine him running into Kenny again, and then Lilly in s4. Think of the character growth he could’ve gotten helping take care of Clem, and then AJ. And then him ending up being the oldest person, literally the “adult”, at Ericson? 
Lee is such a badass. The dude has only one arm and he is taking out these walkers left and right and fighting his way through this goddamn herd and this music is so damn epic AH
Another one of my favorite scenes, hands down.
Oh hai Stranger
Yeah yeah, guilt me about what a bad dude I am and how I personally ruined your life blah blah blah
This guy has to be the most boring final antagonist ever. Like, I can’t help but laugh at him, really. His story is sad, yeah, and I feel for him, but it’s still not my favorite. 
I stick by what I said, this would’ve been so epic and very full circle if Jolene had been the one to kidnap Clementine. Hell, you just tone down some of the “crazy” and throw in a few more hints about her and boom!
 But, nah, we got this skinny, dead-looking Mr. Rodgers knock off. 
It’s fine.
“You abandoned a defenseless, grieving woman!”
Oh don’t you even go down that road with me, mister-
“I’m gonna hurt you so bad.”
Oh no. I’m shaking in my boots. My stump is quaking. Please. Don’t do it.
Aaaaaaaand you’re dead. Good job.
Cue the obligatory cover-ourselves-in-walker-guts scene.
Oh, Clem, sweetie, don’t worry. You’ll be doing this plenty of times in the next eight years. 
Oh... this truly is the worst day of Clementine’s life. 
Lee’s too fucking weak to even stand. I could sit here mashing A all day and he just... can’t.
 How does this manage to make me cry every time I play it...?
“Keep that hair short.”
😭😭😭*distressed chihuahua squeaks of sorrow*😭😭😭
“I’ll miss you.”
“Me, too...”
Such a damn good episode. Such a damn good game.
If I had to criticize some things, I’d say that the gun controls are shit, but I believe that they improve over the other games. There's also the good ol’ complaint about choices not really mattering, but that’s just old news at this point.
Seeing Clementine’s beginnings again after knowing how her story ends is really a strange, but good[?] feeling. Can’t wait to make more questionable with her in s2, my favorite season oh boy
Looking at the end cards now, I’m fucking wheezing at my Lilly one. 
You called her a bitch when you first met.
You called her crazy when supplies went missing.
You left her on the side of the road.
I should probably feel bad because you could argue that my harshness sent her down the path to the delta, but... it didn’t. It really didn’t, guys. I could’ve kissed her ass every chance I got. She’ll still be kidnapping kids and murdering my son Mitch later down the road. AND she killed my girlfriend, so... there. 
But Kenny fucking loved me this time around which was... strange, to say the least. Like I’ve said, he always is Mr. Grumpy Pants with me because I tried to save Larry but damn... “Pal,” just wow. 
Playing as Lee again is always a treat. He’s one of my favorite playable protagonists in any game. He’s funny, he’s strong, he loves Clementine to death.
 He didn’t have to take care of her. He could’ve just left her there, or left her with someone else. But, he didn’t.  
And I love him. 
Goodbye, Lee. 
You beautiful man. 
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gch1995 · 5 years
Hook/CS Fan in response to me on Reddit that CS ruined this show: As I recall the writers gave plenty of support to CS, even before Nealfire died. You can’t blame one ship for everything that the characters end up doing later.
Me: I do think that a big part of it was A&E and these writers sheer lazy inability in coming up with any sort of new organic character development after two-and-a-half seasons (the Neverland arc), and their total inability to stick to their own rules of magic in favor of their contrived magical prophecies, macguffins, and twists. Recycled arcs (Aesop’s Amnesia) via cheaply shocking, forced, nonsensical, and/or wildly ooc derailment to achieve re-railment through bizarre contrivances and plot twists became a major problem in the writing for every remaining main character that lasted on this show past season three ish. It was not just a problem in the writing with Rumple and Belle post S3 ish, but Emma, Regina, Snow, David, Henry, and even and even Hook, Kitsowitz and these writers favorite, as well. They clearly ran out of story to tell after the Neverland arc, and they didn’t know where else to go from there after they achieved the ultimate endgame arcs they always intended for these main characters to have in a relatively consistent, dynamic, and relatable way from S1-3A. Instead of letting the story unfold in a way that incorporated compelling, organic, and relatable growth from there, they kept trying to retread the stories they had already told for Emma, Regina, Rumple, Belle, Snow, David, Henry, and even Hook throughout 3B-S7 over and over and over again in increasingly contrived, repetitive, and ridiculous ways.
However, I also feel a lot of the injustice done to Nealfire, Rumple, Belle, Rumbelle, Emma, and even Hook himself from 3B-S7 had to do with the writers wanting to prop up Hook onto a pedestal since they were too lazy to actually develop him into a better person, who was genuinely worthy of redemption.
You just cannot convince me that there was any other reason why Nealfire “had” to die than the fact that the writers “needed” for Hook to be in the place of Emma’s main love interest and Rumple’s son in the narrative because the writers were too lazy to develop/redeem Hook organically as an individual character without demonizing Rumple and/or getting rid of Swanfire competition.
If they were good writers then they could have found a way to easily keep Bae alive, while also having CS at the same time. Rumple could either RIP on the show after his well-earned redemption in 3x11, and/or Rumple could have had more time with his son and Belle, while also struggling with this whole “love versus power” thing in a more consistent, in-character, organic, and sympathetic manner from 3B-S6, rather than having him die selflessly to save everyone in the 3A finale.
You just cannot convince me that they suddenly started framing Rumple as a wildly OOC bizarre cartoon mustache twirler villain, who supposedly wanted power for its own sake “because it’s who he was” and “world domination” when he was sitting besides Hook the whole time in 4A, and his big schemes with magic had always been framed as family oriented and sympathetic beforehand, even if they were selfish and shortsighted.
Rumple had just gone through a horrific ordeal with Zelena, and he’d just lost the son he spent three centuries searching for, and A&E the writers pretended it never happened because it didn’t matter to them as writers since it got in the way of how terrible Rumple “had” to be made to look to make Hook look better.
Even more than that, the entire remaining main cast, including Belle his true love, just suddenly began to get away with treating Rumple as less than a human being, but a monster who was unworthy of compassion, emotional support, empathy, mercy, and understanding, even when he reached out for it from S4-S6 now when David used to be buddies with him, and Belle used to tell him that he could tell her anything back in S2.
From S4-S6, no one cared when he reached our for understanding and emotional support about his fears on Once Upon A Hook, including Belle, who was suddenly such a “hero” for needlessly making a choice to recklessly endangering her true love’s life by banishing her crippled husband with nothing for what was supposed to be forever to make Hook look better when just in the episode before of “Family Business” the narrative had made it clear that it was morally wrong for Belle or anyone else on this show to use the dagger on Rumple when it was used in a needlessly cruel, controlling, reckless, and hurtful manner. So why was it suddenly “okay” now for Belle to get deemed as “heroic” and “strong” for needlessly making a choice to recklessly endanger Rumple’s life by forcibly banishing him from his home with nothing when he could have, and almost did, die out there because she left him without any means to protect himself? Why?
Belle forcibly banishing Rumple from his home with nothing was not heroic and strong of her to put Rumple through because she was angry he deceived her. It was a needlessly cruel act that would technically qualify as an act of domestic violence via reckless endangerment of his life by forcibly throwing him out of his home with nothing in real life. She could have even gotten charged with manslaughter via reckless endangerment of his life/abandonment, if Rumple had actually died out in New York because she left him with nothing in real life. So yeah, it was wildly ooc and incredibly fucked up for Belle to banish Rumple with nothing like that. Sure, Rumple deserved to be dumped by Belle for being a shady shit behind her back, and not letting her in on what he was planning to do by taking her and Henry from SB, only to leave behind the rest of the town under a curse cast by Ingrid that made everyone else see the worst in each other. I was expecting and even hoping Belle would dump Rumple for awhile after he deceived her like that, even if Rumple was my favorite character, and Rumbelle was my favorite ship. But to recklessly endanger Rumple’s life by forcibly banishing him with nothing, and then to get written off as “heroic” and “strong” for it in the narrative? Completely fucked up and wrong.
And why was it suddenly “okay” to for the other characters to mistreat Rumple from the end of 4A onwards, including Belle? Was it because Hook became Rumple’s victim in 4A after getting away with being a douche, so suddenly treating Rumple with this bizarre and unfair set of moral double standards was “okay” now.
Hook was literally being no better in this situation than Rumple in 4A when he was the one who needlessly blackmailed Rumple to give him his hand back by threatening to tell Belle about the dagger when a true friend would have just told Belle the truth either way about her newly wed husband being a shady little shit.
You cannot ever convince me that Rumple would disguise himself as Hook to get the dagger from Belle, and that Belle would give it to him, just like that, as if it was no big deal that she could have sold out her true love and her own safety to one of Rumple’s worst enemies.
You cannot ever convince me that Belle would just stand there passively while her “friends” insensitively talked about killing Rumple in 4B instead of defending her true love.
You cannot convince me that Belle would just stay on Hook’s ship when she was fully convinced that it would hurt Rumple if he found out the truth about Hook letting her stay on his ship, sit there and trash talk about him like it was no big deal because of a dream, and refuse to hear him out when he initially tried to reason with her gently when she was in danger from Hyde by verbally bitchslapping him with needlessly bitchy, cruel, and spiteful belittlements about how she and their child didn’t need his protection because she had her “friends” protection because of what a dream said. She basically was acting like his say didn’t matter in their child’s life, so he could fuck off, even before he started losing it. Rumple overreacted with the ship spell, Belle had every right to be wary of him after that in 6A, but she was not a needlessly cruel, petty, spiteful, or stupid bitch.
You cannot convince me that Belle would actually let it slide when Hook let it slip that it would be an “added benefit” for him to get back at Rumple. Belle has self-respect. This was not self-respect or strength. This was Belle deliberately enabling a douche who didn’t respect her or her loved ones, and being a petty bitch to Rumple. Belle is neither of those things when she is in character.
Rumple had lied to Belle in 4A, which was awful, but you cannot convince me that he would ever so much as threaten to recklessly harm her in a needless panic over a dream zygote for a pair of scissors he plotted to use that he’d never been seen using before on the show in the past FTL flashbacks before without looking for any concrete evidence first, doing research, and asking obvious questions about how bizarre and stupid his whole thing was with the baby before losing his shit over it. This was even more ridiculously ooc and stupid than that dumb hat plot he had back in 4A, and at the very least then there was legitimate concrete evidence in flashbacks that he had used it before, and so it was easy to believe he knew what he was doing with it. At least, it made some sense that he wouldn’t want to be controlled again after the fact that Zelena controlled and imprisoned him with the dagger for a year, though the framing of his motives came off as very bizarrely and uncharacteristically cartoonishly evil and unsympathetic.
In 6A, he just decided, “I’m going to take these random scissors from the EQ to brainwash my son to love me to save my family, even though I’ve legitimately never been shown using them before in the past, and this is probably the most bizarre and stupid idea the writers ever forced me to have for the PLOT with magic to cartoon vilify me?”
You cannot convince me Rumple would ever say shit to Belle like “Call it what you will, but everything I do, I do out of love for you” in response to her getting angry over him putting that bracelet to trap her to keep her from attempting to run away their unborn baby in 6x08.
Rumple seemed just fine in the UW after taking back the curse a few weeks ago in the timeline, he had never so much as considered harming Belle even when his heart was almost pitch black and we were supposed to believe this was literally the same dude who wept over her calling him a “Pathetic dog, begging for scraps” in 4B when Regina pulled out her heart to get leverage over him.
Rumple had never tried to use magic to “make someone love them.”
His entire thing was that “All magic comes with a price, but love is free.” He had never been cold or scary to Belle in their present day relationship, and even back in the Dark Castle, it had been increasingly obvious that it was a playful joke the more he fell in love with her, but now they were suddenly framing him as a wildly OOC cold, controlling, restrictive, reckless, threatening, and borderline manipulative deranged jackass? This was literally the entire opposite of five previous seasons and three episodes of established characterization for Rumple, and it was obvious A&E and the writers were deliberately tainting the one last consistently credible sympathetic thing about his characterization in the narrative that they hadn’t ruined yet from S4-S6 with the purity of his true love for Belle from 6x04-6x09 to make Hook/CS look better after 5A.
And I do get that Rumple’s biggest flaw is that he believes he’s unworthy of love, but the writers had flanderdized it to ridiculous lengths now that made him seemingly oblivious to all common sense and obvious solutions to bizarre magical shit and problems when he was supposed to be a mad genuis. Now, he was just acting like a deranged and reckless idiot in 6A.
Yet wasn’t it convenient that they were having Rumple suddenly go off the rails in 6A after how far they had taken CS in 5A the season before, and now Hook was the “good guy” in a “healthy” place with Emma a season later, in spite of still being a douche himself and getting away with it?
And Emma...Don’t get me started on Emma...She started out being a badass, compassionate, selfless, and empathetic heroic young woman who stuck up for the underdog, helped people out, even if she didn’t trust them, and put Henry and her family before everyone and everything else in her life...By the end of 5A, however, she was selfish, petty, and only interested in Hook.
In short, I don’t think that CS was the entire downfall of this show. However, I do think it was a part of it, especially in regards to the character assassinations for Rumple, Belle, Emma, and even Hook himself from 3B-S6 (and even S7), and Nealfire’s death.
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