#He pines after a guy for a whole 120 000 words novel (The Long Goodbye)
maybeitsalive · 9 months
Sam Spade vs Philip Marlowe
Learn the difference:
Iconic hard-boiled detectives from the 30-40ies
Drink and smoke waaay too much for one human being
Sharp, tough boys
Smartasses, too snarky for their own good
Don’t get along with the police
Lone wolves
Played by Bogart in movie adaptations
Sam Spade
Created by Dashiell Hammet, hero of the Maltese Falcon and other short stories
Smooth, charming, polite
Almost always in control
Keeps his head cool, a little cold
The third-person narration hides most of his thoughts and emotions to the reader
You’re not so sure about his morals (or if he has some) before the end
Solves the case even if there wasn’t really a case to begin with
Straight, sort of loves one (1) woman
Dashiell Hammet's style is cold, precise, eloquent yet simple, perfect
Philip Marlowe
Created by Raymond Chandler (fan of Hammet), figures in many novels and short stories
Begrudgingly stuck with morals
Has more compassion and emotions than he wishes
Heartbroken and tired
Worst luck ever
Gives very few fucks about what people thinks about him, including his clients
Homophobic repressed bi disaster; will thirst after any bad woman or man in his way, might fall in love with troubled women or men who are kinda nice to him
The first-person narration will show each of his thoughts in detail to the reader
Overpowered, outnumbered, constantly beaten up, drugged and/or kidnapped by half the city in every novel
Solves the case even if 50% of the characters die before the end and himself barely survives
Chandler's style is messy and should not work but will actually haunt you
In an actual fight: Marlowe would have the biggest crush on Spade, so Sam would win. Hope that clears things up.
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