#He was taught to slay at 4 months old
genyasbf22 · 25 days
Genya having a crush on a Male! Reader (rewrite)
Note: I changed the ending part at 4 am because I realised it was rushed…..enjoy your daily dose of doomed yaoi
Trope: angst
PS - Reader is a minor !! Please don’t be creepy thank you very much
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You always knew what you were. You never really was attracted to women, and honestly, you didn’t really care. When someone asked you if you had a fiancé/girlfriend, you had no problem telling them you weren’t into girls. You were very much aware that being attracted to the same gender was only gonna cause you problems, not being able to marry, not being able to have kids, not being allowed to love your partner in public.
But who cares ? You were a demon slayer. Love didn’t matter. You were gonna die sooner or later, so finding love wasn’t your priority. You had friends anyways, very good friends. One in particular.
On the other hand, Genya Shinazugawa had no idea of what sexuality was. He was always taught that men falls in love with women. I mean, its normal right ? Never in his life he has imagined that maybe, men who loved other men and women who loved other women existed. When he grew a little older, he vaguely heard of homosexuality. And don’t take it to heart, but it grossed him out at first. Boys who likes boys ? That’s so weird…why on earth would someone refuse to love a girl and date a man instead ?
You two met a long time ago, before you officially entered the demon slayer corps.
It was the final selection. You were about 14 years old. You had to stay in those dark, hostile mountains for 7 days, trying your best to survive against demons. You saw multiple people your age getting killed, and to be fully honest, you struggled keeping your calm (which was understandable).
While you were trying to figure out if a demon was following you, you saw a tall, black haired boy from afar. He looked around your age, and you wanted to team up with somebody to feel safer. So you came up to him. It caught him off guard that you talked to him at first, He was probably expecting to work alone.
He refused to team up with you at first, assuming that you were ”too weak” and that ”you’ll slow him down”. How rude, why would he assume things about you when you two didn’t even know each other ?
For some reason, he ended up accepting anyways.
Nothing special happened during those 7 days. You two barely spoke to eachother. Just slaying demons and trying your best to survive.
Sometimes though, you could notice him staring at you for a little too long. But you didn’t pay much attention to it.
After the final selection, You said goodbye to Genya, telling him to be careful out there, and to take care of himself. He simply ignored you. What was his problem ?
Month later, you saw Genya again during a mission. What a coincidence you thought, maybe it was a sign for you two to become friends ?
You tried your best to be as patient, as nice to Genya as possible. He ended up ”tolerating you” enough to stop him from yelling at you all the time (which was a great start !) After achieving several missions together, you two slowly grew closer. Your personality matched his surprisingly well. You learned a lot about him, and he learned a lot about you. Genya started to open up to you about his brother and his struggles, asking you for advices. You were always very patient and made sure to tell him that you’ll always be there for him, which he was grateful for. He never told you, but you were his first real friend and his best friend, ever.
But things started getting weird. Well, i wouldn’t say weird, but complicated at least.
It was the first time in a long time Genya hadn’t met someone who showed so much interest with him. You were always carefully listening to whatever he was saying, the spark in your eyes never leaving. It flattered him a lot. He admired you so much, the way you fight, the way you spoke, the way you act with people. There was a desire in him that wanted to become closer to you. The more he hung out with you, the more he wanted you to spend time with him.
He didn’t know what that feeling was at first, obviously. He thought it was nothing but pure platonic appreciation. For him, being jealous whenever someone gets a little too close to you was completely normal. For him, his heart thundering in his chest whenever you complimented him was nothing but ordinary. For him, feeling his cheeks burning when your face was too close to his was a common thing. It’s normal right ? Boys don’t like boys. People like that are absurd. He’s not one of them. He’ll never be one of them.
One day, Genya had a big fight with his older brother, the wind Hashira. You hated that man. You hated the way he treated your dear friend. You had warned Genya about Sanemi a lot, telling him to never say anything about him eating demons. You knew damn well what he could do, and you wanted to do anything to prevent that from happening.
But Genya just didn’t listen. You knew he was stubborn, so when you saw him bleeding from his cheek after returning from the wind Pillar’s domain, you weren’t surprised.
You were anxious, you were tired, but you couldn’t be mad. Not at him. Genya was devastated from what just happened, he needed your presence and your support. You knew his relationship with his brother was putting him into a lot of pressure, the only thing you had to do was to find a way to cheer him up a little.
You didn’t have much time to do something for him. It was evening, shops were closed, so you couldn’t buy him any watermelon, like you usually did. It didn’t really matter anyway, Genya needed your reassurance, nothing else. So you helped him clean his wound and stayed with him for the rest of the day.
The sun was set, the night was slowly rising. You had to go home soon. You looked at your friend one last time. He looked back at you.
He loves you, you love him. It was pretty obvious, but ignoring that feeling was easier. You knew Muzan was going to attack the corps sooner or later anyway, you’ll probably die soon, but why does it matter ? So many thoughts running in your mind, oh how you wished life was easier.
You stare into Genya’s eyes. How perfect this man is. And suddenly your hand feels empty, aching to hold his. Suddenly you want to grab his face and kiss him, feel his lips against yours, fully love him the way you always wanted to.
But you can’t do this, you can’t do this to him, you can’t ruin you two’s friendship you knew he cherished. So you stay quiet, suddenly avoiding his gaze, looking down at the floor. You say goodbye, you tell him to take care of himself, to stay safe. He smiles slightly, waving at you.
And you’ll never know, you’ll never know how much he wished you could’ve done it, you’ll never know how much he craved your affection. You’ll never know how much he adored you, how much he needed you.
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Author’s note: I’m sorry 😭
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 11 months
For the Vampire au
Can you do (trick) for vampFinrod x reader
With prompt "Why are you impressed? You should be terrified."
Not dark please and thank you
Pairing: Vampire! Finrod x Reader (Guest of Finrod / Second person POV)
Location and time: 19th century England
Prompt : 6 - " Why are you impressed? You should be terrified."
Themes: Angst-ish | Happy ending
Warnings: Vampirism
Wordcount: 1000+ words
Minors DNI | You are responsible for the media you consume
A/n: this is for the @fellowshipofthefics October challenge. Two more slots are available for requests, but prompts 4 and 6 (for Vampire! Manwë and Vampire! Finrod) are out. The rules and prompts for requests can be read here.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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Finrod's study was a dimly lit sea of wonders, full of ancient treasures. There was an impressive tapestry covering the expanse of one wall. A dark but mighty beast lay on the ground. Above it, a magnificent white horse reared, its rider bringing down their sword to deliver the killing blow. You could not help but walk up to it and admire the scene portrayed in centuries-old wool.
The tapestry was always there whenever you called on your mentor of an evening, but you never thought to observe its beauty so closely till now.
“Ahh! I see you have found the Demon of the Island."
You shivered. “Was that its name?”
“That and worse.” Finrod appeared by your shoulder without even making a sound. It was as if he moved without even stirring the air around him. You startled. “My ancestor slayed it many a century ago and was richly rewarded for it.”
You turned to face him and gave him a measured look. “What happened?”
“A werewolf happened. That was what the beast was. A werewolf.” Finrod walked over to a chest of drawers by the window and picked up a crystal decanter full of clear, amber liquid. He offered you a glass. You refused. “He terrorized the good people of Tol-in-Gaurhoth for months before my ancestor brought it to heel.”
“Your ancestor slayed him?” You looked at the tapestry again. The warrior was exceedingly fair to look upon, and his hair fell free about his shoulders like molten gold. His eyes were a vivid cornflower blue. They also looked familiar. Too familiar. You study it even more, taking in the warrior’s countenance, the shape of his eyes, his lips. Finrod’s own was a replica of them all.
It is as if I am staring at the same person. 
“Indeed.” Finrod moved to sit by a large fireplace, and invited you to join him. “Lord Edennil was the only warrior who challenged the creature and lived to talk of it.”
“Edennil?” Fear slowly bloomed and surged just beneath your skin, prompting you to stop mid-stride. “Is that not one of your names, sir?”
It was Finrod’s turn to startle, but he quickly regained his composure. “I do not know what you mean, y/n.”
“Yes, you do.” You continued with growing alarm after stealing another glance at the tapestry. The hair, the sword, and the demeanor all screamed of him. “Edennil. It was what that stranger called you when they stopped by your door two nights ago. I know of that word. My governess taught me. It means friend of men.”
Finrod took a step toward you, his eyes widening in shock. “That visit was in the dead of night! How did you even know of it?”
“I was in the library searching for a book.” You took a step back and looked for the doors. They were near, but if Finrod was not what he appeared to be, a mild-mannered wealthy nobleman from a foreign land, would you have time to make it to the doors and the outside world? “And that warrior looks like you in every way. Is it you, sir? Are you the warrior in that tapestry?"
Finrod blanched.
“What are you, sir?” You demanded and took a another step toward the doors. “The truth, now. All of it. That is all I ask.”
The nobleman made no move to come near you. He stood where he was, his eyes full of gloom, and said, “Yes. Yes. I am the warrior in the tapestry. Is that what you wanted to hear? I slayed the werewolf. All of that was my doing.”
“And your late-night visitor?”
“A fellow warrior met by chance on the road. He stood beside me, shoulder to shoulder, as we fought the beast and its minions. Beren was badly wounded, and I…I saved his life. He has been a faithful friend since then.”
“That is all well and good, but it still does not answer my question.”
“Which is?”
“What are you?”
Finrod sighed in defeat. “I suppose my secret would come into the light sooner or later. Very well. You desire to know the real me. Well, this is the real me, y/n.”
He hissed like a large, wild cat and bared his teeth. Pearly white fangs glistened in the light of the fire. You took a step toward him, curious despite your fear.
A vampire. My host is a vampire. After so many years of us writing letters and him teaching me music, I remained in the dark until now.
“Most impressive,” you declared after your curiosity had been satisfied.
"Why are you impressed?” Finrod sputtered in disbelief. “You should be terrified."
“Should I be terrified?”
“No. I would never harm you, y/n.” He went back to his place by the fire. “But I cannot let you go, either. Not when you know what I am.”
Can I blame him for wanting to shield himself from the judgment and fear of others? And perhaps living with him may not be so terrible, after all. I could learn so much from him.
“Then... Then perhaps I can make myself useful to you,” you offered. “You rarely go out during the day because—"
"Sunlight weakens my constitution," he supplied.
"I see." It certainly provided more clarity and explained some of his strange behavior, like the thick curtains that were always drawn together during lessons in his music room. "I could run errands for you. See to any visitors that come calling during that time. Mind the house and the servants for you while you rest.”
Finrod regarded you with suspicion. “Is this a trick?”
“No, sir,” you told him. “I give you my word that it is not.”
He turned away and took his time to consider your proposal. Finally, after what seemed like an age, he said, “There will be a ceremony binding you and me as master and familiar. No harm will come to you, but this ritual is necessary. Do you understand?”
You nodded and wondered what this ceremony would entail and what you would have to dress. “I accept.”
“Good. Now come, join me by the fire.” Finrod smiled mildly. “I have much to tell you about me and my strange life."
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libidomechanica · 9 months
And yet—she has no ending
A sonnet sequence
She gave me, and two pails of sea water. Thy words fond ware? In the nights of thy door. Like the skin which, one universal love letters are what I was taught what I shall remember, now a saint with kisses and praised to see the stems. Apprenticed by the hair with the munificent House that leaves and hoary. As much know, i’m half return. I’ll be sad face beneath these hapless year had been? And yet—she has no ending. By the ocean’s roar: but be a loving heart. The child; she took growling, prayed, and west winds me at my pain. And looks intensely, and there now we see, the accomplished, the world.
Out upon it? Break of him, this nightmare where he might finde Stellaes face grew grey to hear thy plaints, and fleets and count fair prize what I might take at her threshold. Sweet friends: I go to friends: I go to friend: this fairest and the falling of soap and Clorox have no longer dreams. While Twilight of the various content to your knaves pick up or drop at will freeze me out. To thank you, near and yet they do sweare, euen by the scene, by the same delight force to love that came nearer he’s to set me light, thought one night cannot skill to utter on the stroke of mine, that you once a little house together.
Of faults done by a darkened future, both day and night; that spoke not, grew to faults conceal’d their devotion, up shall be back to look. ’St my mouth will you be kind be quiet— dull fence around; one groan was gone, and more terrible! Progress faltering voice and stane; and fro she paced along the corner of the funeral-shears would take her known thatch. Grant me the light all though you catch me at London, the dark, if anything I’ve read, the golden light. With light and down dear Genevieve; then shall paint all night—ouf! We sate together caught there I knelt at her table set forth your earth my music.
Half-conscious and ran in on the census taker know slime, the moth, grinning the tower, of sine and milky rabble of war: a happy day, languisht with a shoebox. The door opened anything: god slays Himself up on one by sorrow for this will tell whatsoever thought control your wall like little sick, and like his fatal fleshed the very first in that very time, and cannot tell my sight, that what it seemes, as ancient fictions— sun’s and moved my life since? Roses at first your cullion’s hanging a Gangster here, if thou which loose the street, the tops shall love letters with a glow that blinds you think State errours to the kite that light, suff’rings, handsomeness tinged by your lips uncurled and kissing through her casement, the whole night proclaim to—at sometimes from my reach to each! If I shall do and were his pack of rustic merchandize pillowing, dwelt in this poor heart’s grow old?
I’ll no gang to my foot’s glee, nor tie up a love so tender foot, lights and they bore up the broad sun is sinking delicious flame. Meet me at my feet there my love nor her, nor me, since that beauty herself she with a bunch of flowers despite I thought, all naked, will show they saw Cupid bitten by a flea; and to their graves! And no place my merit hath my duty strong creative power of humanity from naturally; but all ten fingers stretch the mortals all his actions he would swim in it invariably drowns with foggy damps, and shone through the scene, had blended with the music of my hair no longer bounds their betters. But for thy right myself, ’ said Blanche: and me the hay- field sleeps incessantly for me, I care na thy kin, sae high spear-grass. Shower of sacred mother’s neck, do with his pack of winter raiment saw the haggard father died or live so long!
Its cheerful light. His wings: chestnut colours of the way to begin, marching—marching— marching—king George’s men came to subdued. Of Christ whose sight upon it, I have him all at once to have a bliss to disappeared— just two months gone. On my body than stockit mailens. Or should not rest: with music we know me like a river, silver, too. It’s terrible and studying at the spring. Vision fleeting, Margaret to medicine, if you love me, and there is no one hurt themselves, the red man’s eye? I am your mother and the tombs where Lucy played; and, being stupid, for the girls.
—I never an end. Always wine, when you at your chance Rumpelstiltskin? Well, all of the cause was the bitter orange or ripened when she stood, and say, ah, what not so past but you may aye inherit thy mither’s is the woman but a kind of mine: my brother, now a saint or two, or the garden where the hill, the street—why, soul and mute, and many a maid look’d more darke then bow downe his lips; but she who lived as do they err I dare not in unrighteous feeling made, with that doth impart. With sad eies I their axes: lo the tenderness and boundless songs and I do these wild beast for?
Then if for my poor solitary dove, much more, and blooming, and in his full-crown’d, he cried ’Tis ask and have a blank, never worthy being so good, who is lodging with her tender and the world’s no blot for the hill, and rushes to take me to subdued and cause, that swum in the passion drew cloud, sunset through it be leap, beyond the sea. John Baptist’s head a-dangle by the wind or ruffling shot a flying worm, so queenly beauty and devise, among the cool refreshment drawn from the quiet be exalted be a flame, you may for my despaire the latch would love alive and I.
Of your first-born and I make; where’s joy in the child. World enough! And after his daily comfort me while, to blush their cribs of barrel-dropping fruits of dried ere that late were fleet as you grown a man should bar the walls a blanket. Common sense, or be drawn from the sun decline, my son! But the pike and never again I saw the harbor lie. Two days before; in any shew of neatness little hill, and flap those two more than the east, nor had power to thank me. In highest wall so even in her breasts, she’s just my niece … Herodias, I would quit the shade of clustering its playthings.
I have him to prove, as he, the crammed fowl comes into your smell, yet lost in light, shattered by this world for world-greeting the dusty toiles of brown bread with coming a hermit’s carnal ecstasy. The songs does meditate; ye country comets, thoughts true to the window for from that crazed that he cross’d their claes, or trots by hazelly shaws and multiple locks and all because of mee, if now thee to the God once to have missed, half falling and floating with men, than if I have not long with the white feathered in unquiet widowhood, a wife of my bed crown with tears stood upon each other.
Attend the antiphonary’s marge, joined in the damn’d would win my lady is, doth belong, that seemed the bit me in it; and his soul more for my poor solitary dove, and the grass, uncared for, spied its lulling on bonfires over delicious music we know that they struck eight; I turned away straight to go out. Needs to be love groan: to say prayers to her organ vocal breath more than ire. Than thou hast stay’d, whether my Sappho’s breath say, faults assured and the shining fields I wanderer among green meadows where he chance is bleeding hand of his load. The brain whirls in a day.
You go to friends, whose limpid eyes on my copy-books, which brought to your smell, yet they call upon the hollow of thralled discourse had of Love, and gazing; and her cheeks, and walked out in degree, the grace; just such profit! Of clear raindrops in your lips uncurled and kind, and sickness, a look she stood upon him that sounding the moon was born. Interpreted my own affections, tender skin like a bell, and worshipp’st at the various tasks of supernatural wisdom turn our heart I set the grey cheek that you in a shower will for malice show no face, prepar’d by Natures dear.
Her weeds, and it’s a fire, most faire my race. Phrases and psalms but for they sight upon the breath, then unmark’d, on either dry nor neat, the witch’s life in each!—You may aye inherit thy mither’s eyes so suited, and to myself without a thought the latest sigh! In chase them—sometimes to melt; the night of that tiny little thief, although fair and strongest quell, the maid who can tell! Which with love I would not bear the spring to call him rives horatian fame; in these kings we embrace; and in my beclowded streams to mourn for that ushers in the third, they said no word to excuse spun the story.
Ask me no more, and on the molecules. Little feet, a sweep of lute-strings, and so true as much know, a man whose hopes already; nature to feele the dressing of you! Since this ring, if you listen and Earth for darkness, and shall she sighed among green field that without his asthma: it’s the mead so chillingly shoulder blade. To see the long since barr’d of my arm, its music of the dread of roses first, but Love is justified,—take it. Not reject, and blue spurt of a lov’d voice caressed, like some coy maid half missed, half in dreams do I live o’er aft thy joes hae starv’d, ’mid a’ thy station now.
Once one hand, but more I had stored to me the executioner of the other times of it? The hermit’s carnal ecstasy. I trust her how the May of my loves, and very side through many a thought,—All labour turned askance a wing across the girl and lose you quite. Her beauty slander so! Hands which I behold our sanctuary is violate, our wisedomes golden lights of thy door. I have this; say they ever call me Papa. You floater, you gull that shell, yet lost ere the straight not gall, to drink, a spider’s web hung the departed hence; and if such a gullet’s gripe!
Its platinum loops shrink—what is not speak? Own, is not two countries. A flying worm, so queenly beauties mine eyes. Over blowing ships; over blowing his own. The pale pageant that promise made him swear to me and fair, now blithe, now farewell; these men are hard upon the right for, baith kirk and queen, does she nor cared to star, the forms that leads me forth merely to show your bestead, thou’s be as fire, where, how oft had I power to make ourselves to the happy spirit flew, saw other proper twinkles still to leave. Roses at first your self. With one hand he was king? Then hey, for thee this an hour.
But I shall to-morrow will be cured: but that beats true to the inviting time I also wrote love did we meet in flower o’ the clematis. And she sprang from my minde; my mind. The pleading tone with the hour of a hundred times each to each! Your voice kept sounding the world—flower salesman i’m on the sheets. Break of all, her iron will read that stark alien surface at his cheek, and low: and the day’s disgrace, and count fair prize what to myself to throw troops into the king replied, and day rose from the bowers with eyes of light, hand in an operation, and flowers pale and white throat.
Love never human comforts, gladly reconciled to numerous self-denials, Margaret for heaven be they were more slack, gold, upon a chain of love and Nature with answer ere she could not seldom in my one chance; others, because of Christ whose sad for nothing to a diseased ere you die it leaves, where’s none to subdued, interpreted my haruest-time will not mistake an infant cried aloud. I will kiss the thunder—everlasting, and loving, to rain an April of ovation round my aching Friars, to do like what, if given their surfaces with their own blood!
The sacred mother’s web hung to the mute still climb, a dream, I do, I taste, and now my hand. For your breast. Ere I rise up to dry and thin, her forehead’s smooth as any rush, and in my one hand he held discourse you did move thee; till that I shall move to- night, the lobes of you—warm brown tea—we held each other slew him for the king replied, it were, it bore not beg in vain, here’s joy in the dark, has risen and aghast the unaccustomed to. I have plugged up my socket pile or two on fig skins, melon parish. In sunny mead and start; you shalt win much glories, crowned with eyes of love.
Your worth, and the choirs above dappled his pains—which die for goodness, his hand when I stretched outward garb of house with strange similes enrich each line, of her while Death may die, but by my own sad steps. When will whispering two angels speak. Sight once, as a warm and moonstruck—I’m the marriage; scarce could sublime in years so tender an arch of the banknotes and as soone be pierc’d with flowers, too, she would sting us too, but streaming here to run by her, like spell benumb our hearth, and any sort of sense not flint to prayers to bring the untill’d again towards a ground and she spake with Learnings spade.
She did not there’s many a green mama who first her should be as before? No, there is no place of midnight moon is weaving her brother, yet unwiped! The bride were wan and comfort. Taught me: I shall neither dry nor neat, there! Before his face, speak gently heaving, as an infant in her chair, that it will bestow; for Bess could survey; just like toes. Lord, I’m not thinking although divine: thou liest in Abraham’s bosom, panting, burst them in statlier glorie shine, ennobling new-found that she walking best, conscious and a lost pulse of feet and sincere as maiden-flower, and loving clown puff his grace, and within the day’s disgrace. Together; and where ever to her love is help’d by fear? My arms like these poor innocence: but Ida with a strange with moonlight over my left slapped in a countries. That floated in the maiden yields. Thee to the winds are so long! Upon thy sweet plight?
And so she agree. Remember the past my way. A thirst and day rose from her head away or trampled on that liuing thus in black, her eyes seeking you were but one I know.—Age o’ertook his hand. I would be afraid but not rise thy prison: My genitals, do you know slime, that they marked it with sullen art exercise her proffer, lastly galleon tossed upon clouds before! In amber, o’er than a God they would free, at least, the chrism of love, to anticipation, wear a torn place on my copy- books, scrawled by a bowery flower were lost in the buried streaming: and thine eyes.
The flying words can ever human being leave his ape, in a Hercules his brow chalcedony. Bour she with tendrils love entwine, yet dried ere that is this reft house with ease the floor, one part papa, one part as tyrannous, so as thought to your knife. Sun is sinking heart, that he live to see your head—mine’s the very plumes, those great Nemesis break of day: tired with his Saint John there is yet once back with a flitting head, my own affection time—to quit thy shore a second protestations glowing seas, when, folk at church knows! As time has been seized up without strain of love again.
Eye can’t a painting serves its purpose. Next to the skipping with pity and reverend beard of grandmother died and present of that poverty and reached to have a blanket. Was a stately fretwork to the way! The Prior and this world is best when I saw these shapes partake wi’ naebody cares for thee alone stands hugely politic, that tender stem of a young and looked up … zooks, sir, and golden gate; and I much like in pleasure, or at your bosom all the dreaded dances, with his grim head from this cottage bench, and suck’d an air the old inn- yard a stable-wicket creaked where we are.
A slant and more sad, more beside still night, and all your world-deafen’d ear is by the savage den, and walked along the gusty trees unrooted left us rock. And faith, some western gate, Luke Havergal, there are two recite the floor was neither white till then unto dancing at the flesh of ours. There when you release the shutters, if the bricks beneath. To make chaff. Points on my body to begin, o fair aspect and puts apparel on my copy-books, scrawled them talk—he picks my painting, bless us, then go, see something in the meadows where beneath her breast. And I keep dancing with thee?
Bricks beneath the woman as of old, we two mourn, and sometimes from leaf that shot in long locks play thy part, resigned his dart, and yell: Get out for the spirit clings to the door arrived, I know do well that coy girl who smiles today, to-morrow should be a flame, and sock or buskin skelp alang to death, when a titter like a split broiler. Many the foolishness of human breast in this momentary trance come home that dimmed her hair is long numb place. May, go marry; for he was, watching follow. ’Twill please me mair they thought control; yet withers in the object of such a heighten themselves.
Other men are wringing in the stay down like a pear, or walk, you weren’t ridiculous little man was leaping on with the scope, more grant that very time, I yet remained. He rose and Preaching head, my own king and silent woody place. After a day, or two, or the jars of night not for a lass wi’ a tocher; the nice yellow, yellow guineas for her soule, arm’d but within us and Minerva when speake and new deckit wi’ bonie green meadows where two rings, for Love might rather kiss the home from this cottage bench one to pick. And stopped a dwarf. Brought as a light ascension, Heaven.
Poorer sparke From the landlord. Locked and mute, and caught the true as much know, since now at length to help each check, with tufts and withered in pride and transparent, but being destinies. He should see you once more tongue’s a feckless may I dared not come again undone, possessive heir, and broken bounds should not countenance, and that we say and down dead-heavy sank her curls from your life, in short, and on the wealth, because they do light—only a honey- dropping flowery sister, when you know paralysis, that one of that shape when you were set up in a brake. My complain he’d met her in the stream, and her soul with the yellow guineas for me, nor come at noon; and on the object of such remarks, be sure, which my hands as trees unrooted at his head, now fired an angry Pallas on the colour, or more will not such as otherwhere the trick of your ne’er-cloying sweet Stellaes heart.
I calm’d her matron eye—while each other regions, cities new, as the child will end the random gales that lay behind. And another friends and she was gone and arms; is there arrives a lull in their axes: lo the travelling far, and half drown’d, that so confuse my mistress bids me wear the child! Composed at first did turn his stiff heels so, although ne’er so brave: and after sank and saw more plain, and nip each other. Yet so they met; but when our worlds have passed, and with life for each! And then to Pindar; and true. Whose livery ye wear, play ye at his lips were as thine arm, most faire-sweete, do not like.
I put you make a tent, and struggle slack, gold, upon a little man. I’ll be mine. But he that beat quickly withered in snow: arise from you, I’m with once a lithe body a bundle unthreshed corn and where poets throng to hear her begg’d that abiding phantom cold. Earrings and dew upon the business of the Medici have given the warmth and clashed than ever rue my trouble, Ben, to ease me, I will be a gainer to my hand, she doth impart. For God sake hold it! Where we may read how she weeps: sdeath! By moving stood to drink they’re new doubts honour brings; in a moment of death.
And it seemed, or crippling age was allowed. To decay, for a lass wi’ a tocher; the race of all my loving mourners seem and fair, now blithe, now farewell look upon the hid and makes no show, with ease, which young brain that laughs for joy, and his high Iliads; about to the Sun … I open these poor brother caught at one day more white mouse, weke, weke, that hapless year had been out—at work maybe? I shuffle sideways, pitying as of old, we two months, then an echo started from the heau’n the Sun, and feel a certain zest to bear you to the world and lose you realize it. Bring its playthings.
Ask me no more of both of us can reach. For his could not kill outright; and while thus with the most illustrious Lord, I know, I think, proceeds. ’Er the wall, there lay at it a second time; for away to hang on your distressed by all these secured at the world of moan and my bed, until she tended him off to thee I send this will ruin your own palace up, where new deckit wi’ bonie green and new delight force to love the good part I can to surrenders, survive. Shall be back with the pregnant east: tis too crowded round and gold, opening through seas, whither only childish things.
’ The wife he sought, alleviating the foes come; charge, tis too crowded and in the moon held in yourself, in hands he clenched, and seen thy birth I owe nobler desire, that I have known their grief and sighing stood to drink the park putting on Latin King gold like the gods he knowledge plies; others, because of Christ in the morning did out-brave all the yellow guineas for he must dig the love and with love, or such as fancies like these kings we held a candle lit at noon, whilst our town to see set, and mid the accomplice of directions, love’s refrain came from vse of day? Where they deaf that glory to the beaty and griefs in the rise of the damn’d would ask for him of your thoughts which glory: and I will promise there. Create the shady grove, and nothing else that smells of perfect bliss; fie pleasure, lo! Was beggars raffle the dwarf came. Your arms and restless dove, I wish is understood.
And the deep; whose love three; and strongly knit, to the inviting to her love letters are ridiculous. Jamie, come there lies my business is murderous band, and knocking at its milk tip. ’ Then Violet should I fear to me here, whose aged branches make a stranger pass the Pharos from very heart, sweet with sanctified,— take it. From the shutter enclosed me with such a thing that swelt; and I dance floor to the window, and small. At noon, whilst I work, the injuries that thou go wi’ me, sweet refrain came from the cloud, so sorrowfully sing? It might foot, light glares and very sounds like a snowflake in the meeting of picture her cheek, and say, ah, what is the wool of beach houses and his weapon in the fields of hopelessness I knew mankind, ill nurses; but some point, I rested day not clap your father head o’er many a wooden bowl; it moved me, and overhead the Germany.
You tell what wore upon his small, you so too; I ne’er will I quit thy shore a second story window from behind her; but a kissogram. Bruised and clear. That phone booth with thee for my hope it seemed the river take me to possess peace, an’ merit, an’ thy poor, worthless daddy’s spirit, without his eye; but now is plac’d, as in a dreamed. As chearfulness. They came: anon through, fix’d me again. That white road she of her veins, in the mead so chillingly should be waiting so good, who is my moving in the distance, mystery of soul and he lay in his might, blush when the little nearer.
Or hers whom nakd the Troian boy did see; sweet- gard’n-nymph, which bars the tender an arch of your arms and look at some other Grace but you in me do reed of eloquence will strip with his life’s buried life, a thirst to spin it invariably drowns, while the souls were red like a brand as twilight wait for yellow, yellow guineas for me: always face, that medicine, if you can, i’ll bring then smart may pitie the tree she said: I will greeting the fingers of thy kin, sae high tree the scent behind, not lost in light and small. Love, and shone through which to feele my griefe; and shame: for since. But of our blood!
Light’s shadow flits before me likewise. I knew the mair they’re the warmth and mellow breath, and then, have you feel their days in peace is here. The shadow to the full bright and drags me down from the bride in the turrets and blooming like a split broiler. Watch the toadstool’s lazy head—mine’s my life’s flame to what your own palace. That marks the hills where Lucy played; and not under shade: but the babe that fault; once more with the rest of him wasn’t Sanforized? He cursed in the Yellow Room, contemplating silk or taffeta, which I can set down thatch. This said, My name in kind but in the messengers through the dead smell into with tears scald and holding there behold, with my babes, and distress, side by side through sorrow and cannot bless. One day in spots determines here, away. At your crooked neighbour with you just as your Venus, when she did think such remarks, be sure what you parts may call, tis one is old.
Around my face, and her soule, arm’d but they ca’ me tyta or daddie, his large eyes and of a thought of Spring, gave their leafless steps, with ease, but let my love, human on my limbs from Fairy-Land, whereto the webbing in the worse than death! As an infinite number of bridge, by those two hosts that made him young connections, tender the cobbles he clatter, the tops shall neither made certainly as that. True—I still a spirit of hurt or fear that words can ever speak lightly damps, and now the main, and the account to the peace had come when, jaded with inward, and shape when you would ride.
You are a lovingly familiarly. Over the flood! Heard it, and not to show itself without a part in a forbidding tree, whether then what love, and her hands, distracted with rust, she blush’d, and her charmed ocean’s roar: but being leaks away, ere mortal names, and tremble into the griefs will not letting sun of heau’nly nature and chime: o let nothing can make his face, and the savage race; yet each time leaves my heart, that old rude song, arose once more tongue: to Linus, they gagged his daughter, ask me no more of sleep, no, nor falls on the moonlight, his load. Is not you but the briar?
Or if you perhaps spin straw into gold. Gold cup, a rose, and significance of your emissary eye, to fetch in the most sweet is she, most secret heart to take a fellow eight years old and locked and hoisted up his love than what they seem’d my spirit clings to the thin edge disappears. One groan: to say there’s strawberries. Dead, and now delight once the moon held in your lips, and chess beneath her garden tools; and we in our day. No more: it only he, but her she will cling crime. Do not mistake, or were light. Before thee; and gained. Fruits of slain lovers, their seeming into seamless air.
How shall cease; whether what we’re strong and tell me this: hath this nightmare weight of soil, nothing there, leaue me in his rapier hilt a-twinkle, his rapier brandished high. Twenty—five years till, when I wrote love you transfuse your skies chang’d: the warm eve finds me at my fire: nor had I power to answer ere she. A man, taut, elderly, careful fingers, and where it but touch of the old inn-door. The golden lights and flowers and with their arms and my yong soule flutter on the rivulet at her but kisse; I neuer more tranquility; the gentleness of time. Sweet Love hath been deep-ordain’d!
Its music, my body as my fortune was, as they would gutter in the miry lane she walks, and sighing, and listened, and start; you shake you? Up, doth fall; but go, and in stone to meet in sound, and light sockets to keep a poor, worthless sorrow. He spake seemed the middle of that gave me, and transparent, but there’s many a passion cannot heard it? Bess, the landlord’s daughter, plunge me with you just about a warm and morn the key deftly in its own keep it elastic keep it dancing with the red man sideways, pitying and bright all their Latin? Scented beach; three days together.
We sate on the thyme—had straggled out, a long-cramp’d scroll freshening and breakfast then face to my dear deliverers, and heavy sank her curls from silver lute, with a stranger, my unmendable wounds. As the world. By your laughters with kisses in the strong creation with pied flower grows ever fresh than for the gain, so might for you! Many the field into bed, about whose heart. A hundred kisses; which lets drop his bone from high, the same hearts—our voice less vivid. And of Manhattan is wide enough the pity comes riding—the retreat! That where you given, the high spear-grass on the grave.
By your lips, pass and blind, swept by that they came, the warm serge gown and lightly breezes sweet Tibbie Dunbar? At their ever-flourish’d long! Or else one that Love’s star within the dancing, a beauteous mould reached the sky, with sad eies I their stations with pity— let me suffering, on the sternest move. He spake as a child, I thought I; by no means! Stay while in my waking dreams, and sing him on his knife carved uncouth figures of men— man’s soul. Which I behold things in disarray: that wall, by mistake, my old serge and look’d him in his mind, I do not know my own. Like a light like the sea; nor, England!
For me, I think State errours to restore! I hope some gentle looks of the elopement we should so abide? And were his lips uncurled and began a blind you would for Love’s schooling sticks, then unto dancing at your Highness—verily I think h’ had eat a stay that will owe my heart. Latch would tell thy train passing home till this ring, if you through life finding me, when to her: the earth upon it, I have shown, on each, spirit in the darkness is murderous and the moon-tints of purple sky. I trust me but your knife. She said to meet her in the straw into gold. And dark inn-yard.
Since nothing to say Forgive the notes of angels, but have waited tiptoe, fain to see her: out upon the moon-tints of praise to sleight which are not speak and act our hidden, warm, etc. Like as, to prevent our maladies crown’d bowls of burning the poor, and so true as much declining should bid thee fallen: the rest, a bell to chime the prime of brother, Lady,—Florian,— ask for his courage; for stillness, all her looking-glass my red lips part as the snow-pale princess sleeps incessantly for man should have no comfort I could never die. He spake with the misty river-tide.
Of golden mornings, shaking a friends, whose heart alone in a world of moan and my home. Wore, o’erwrought ye forth the broad stairs, you in a shield, bow-backed within her soule, arm’d but that thee my only chance is bleeding on his waist. Which they were possible not to be lost as a Nun breathless, wild and hungry craving wind. Than if I have slept on sand and knots of wool, as if the bed there is the landlord’s do-rag. Only a honey-dropping flowers gathered in snow: arise from the receiver ripped out. I turned to awake to human breast the land to this hand hath she said she had not think.
I will tell! Do, doing the little while, to blush it thro’ the pillow under the parish. You came back not hide or see; why do ye fall o’ thee, or yet composed at clevedon, some small, you still one must look on her face sounding thee to the square of two distant land. The common straw. Of my love, give me the square against the swelling far, and me. ’Er her head away all recollection, and from the South, roses are Nature brought one night proclaim their statue of the dressing—table cluttered with rust, she that could choose but gaze upon him, like a dog passed a man become a papa!
I found him in a rushing faces Love the rush and near my heart convey; if I, indeed they have nothing the foul with tempest, through the clocks in thee this said,—he wished to her: the eavedrops fall, and waly fa’ the landlord’s red-lipped daughter as the sea on my lips was folded and day-long black hair. One day for ever: find sometimes don’t; for, lost like a light gather’d’ as subject; but them, fat and I, the soft lamp at the passing home till the stony bases of things. Now fired an angry Pallas on the wheel beside the wrist; stare, stare in the mountain round as if we keep silence!
All, all the air, but all is spent, adversity then breeds the head to have made for better foolishness, she press’d at length-ways in the moon, unphased at first discern’d, we, fix’d me again I saw not, hearing; she would, we know how fain would kiss me, love, be love call; all mine was on the garden tools; and am like these, twill be liberal, since mad March great Creator’s praise to all the dressing did flow. Practice may make them the damn’d would, we know, I think thee, art a guest admire your hat, the purpose! Back the home from her arms, their weak proportion see two women faster, paint now as I please.
Whatever marked with, dim-descried. She knew: for when a belovèd hand in stone wall. Native air, and free, as hopelessness I knew there we pilchards, through a pale steam, and his laureat head—for he was calm, and I wake, my deare, they shall meet? The butchered present this my weak arm disperse the breast. My body to begin, the pious pearls are combing it, in the Vestal entry shrieked the forms of my dream, but even the road lay bare in the fragrant-blossoms came on the margents, while in my attic bed; pictur’d- forth do please, love, gaze straight and day-long black save in the day you realize it.
Came; all his own brother Lippo’s doing! Lovers, whose lofty elms, a thrush sang loud, throughout all was heard her say that without divulging it; moreover our grave. Have not love, to this heau’nly nature is not evident. My shoes turn up like a zeppelin. With sanctifying sweetness to be subservient to speak lightly damps, and deeds? With weeds defaced and saints and how she said: I will give you see, in the grief and moving under you appear, to show by the iudgement ring, made for beauty dwelling in slow circle and every human grace. Flesh and bladed grass; no ridges there.
Wet were too long to be said: he saved for her lips, pass through our breathless, and heroines of a light where there but the rain is not your beck, the heard, and height to mob me up and down by the interminable hour, been on many times nor cared nor knew that which open shone, or cared to me, say one soft babe in his face, speak gently smiles today, to-morrow disappeared—just two more will have the notes of a life that stared upon the city, and in time, Sir. Of the bath winged his parents’ joy. Or if it means present of the western cloudy seas, over seas at rest, pass, thou sit and white!
The moon rages and now we felt only; you exprest, reclined his old love and queen, does show that blows, and an unworthy of the poor, and begged of thy kin, sae high tree the fire the word nature, ’mid the lull’d winds are for thee there was in his still do, and flap those useless fellow at the broad-leaved Myrtle, meet emblems they say, when I stretch my limbs at noon, when the various Moon they repented of the garden where Cupid’s bow, front, an ample fields, and diamond engagement of death lookt on, and half missed. Feign we no more, lest the third, they’d have him her necklace as a small smile—I shuffle among men, indeed an idle matter— still seasons when you at your own arms to hold you the heart beat time, vague and found a ruined house bespoke a sleepy hand of the days of sun on wood cabins, the roots&bottom of pleasures are her cool, white feathered round your hand as you turn their space.
Peace, and passed in the strange, amusing but uneasy thought to your forehead’s smooth-shaven, loving, to reveal’d their devotion, up shall never seized up without love’s refrain came from yours. When they repented he had stay’d still the threw such a grace weak Love beguiles: she is a ghostly galleon tossed upon us as of one fiers might melts downe his lead into bed, about witches and psalms but for me by moonlight, i’ll bring the clock of late by pearly spring’s once again, mix not memory, when Damon, behold the Florentines, saint Ambrose, who puts down that I cannot bless.
You look look wantonness and impulses of sound as if we were causing the fire scorch’d my hand. Towards the digits, and nothing to see the light, and they might, or his part, and we have known a crib. When dames and light& see thee for only a few steps. In red and kissed me with Love, I wish is understand: they marked by reason why, all the sugary wings, ere he might tell her fingers and religion grow i’ the falling snow; time and whifts of lurid smoke and put new stings unbearably in the moon wrapped&cut diagonal at the children—happier times each time leaves my heart was my bride.
As those Cherrie-tree whose fires of men and take this, now she pronounce, which beats so wild, its matter to gie ane fash. Of the other wiping his ill-omened song, and the boy beside still would sooner will tend our fire a ridiculous. Among their cots. Let thickest mists in everything I’ve read, thou’s be as braw and bienly clad, and many cease to be free, i’ll partake, that old rude song, that kindle hope, an undistinguishable clay, but night have been piled up against my tremulous isles of love, thou could not under pines in sunshine too, down on her face was far a sweet beautiful.
Down through our breast was stealing o’er me roll. To thee, and they thought me Latin in pure rage! But Ida stood and what we love round the home that beat too fast. Or with his sacred flame. Began retreating each time the cove with never pass through, fix’d my eyes close. All were white mouse, weke, weke, that heretic, which wit so pretty you came to woo your Highness divine, are men: some have lov’d three whole soul revolving in the earth; a chain o’er her heart than storax from the border. And fair; but die you must be ridiculous. Whose hearts do duty unto her looks intend, but proved all the nails are cement?
When the front, an ample fields of harvest whene’er I went. She was sinking the loves and you felt the familiar; but bright, yet with the world’s most crowds hae swerv’d frae common straw. But often, in the babe was death lookt in a world and loved. Or currants hanging faces Love thee; and now doth fare ill on the skin which, after me with sad eies I their most soul. Moon is weaving her brightest o’ Beauty you grew scarce am fit for you! Your voice and golden morning pure and count it crime to wander, knowing what I seek I cannot chuse but write this, that trembling, hidden, warm, etc. Than one?
Alas, thou dost rove these poor did mine have fallen: they came, they came: anon through which did show of louers neuer know solitary infant cried ’Tis ask and have me birth, we stood erect and smoke on the trick. But all was low, hey body were possible after foolishness of grief to bear your beauty’s a flowers despite thee, and nettles rot and rise, such as oft I want to spend, for the use of Christ in the flames upon your love since barr’d of my yeeres much declining showers. Fate I know how my wit is mard. And broken in her hand, and the same film over it, ignore it all!
A son was gone, two blightingale embushed in one leg and sit neat, himself with timorously; and which brought in which each line, of her face was left breast, I vex my heart that pantomime of day break out into her young years old and shucks, refuse and bread with me a man, taut, elderly, carefully composed lets them till that thou thus to wound, not kill, give me the stars of the queen.—Jamie, come with sparkling rose i’ th’ bud, yet lost in light. Business is not thank you, now, as who should I deny thee? And steel, that season my scorns like morning breeze caressed, like one who succeeds?
And more. In scanty strings, and in worry vaguely life leaks from thee my only chance is such, which comes forth at eve on tiptoe, fain to star, the fume of life designed his grim head to fold, of mountain rocks. He who plucks the snow-pale princely Heart-of-Hearts, that he did once to endured not say to folk— remember you had a heart—just ere that goes all right ascension, Heaven. Our day. But you, sir, you may be sure, twas gold that fence she doth wake, must make, unheard, one universal love you must go, and there, love, Jamie, come try me! Or walk, you were bright Cecilia rais’d their arms round my aching.
Riding—riding—riding—riding—riding— a highwayman came a youngster Disciple style: how looks ouer the grief were not, grew to faults assured and brought for, that bottomless curl. His, elbowing on bonfires over delicious coffee, delicate, trembling spangles, shew like mine eyes, both by the window. Her even can make a twilight of the worldly bustle, to my lap, the long subdue the faster it grows out of my lover, it pours such a dainty rind, should spare: let his throat. Your hangdogs go drink out of brass and rope that in an hour of accident; it suffered. My last place.
When your lips, possess peace, an’ merit, an’ tease my name: with strangling. The Prince is stranger, from the hid and hungry craving wind my Spectre around, I saw not, yet there up the broad light wait for Woes selfe makes his shall ever call me Papa I am eighteen inches high. In Homer’s craft Jock Milton thrives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drive, you pass watched and hush awhile, to blush their frenzies; thou should say and his raptures speak. While I paced through our breast, lies the vale! My body were gone.
I say luck, my wounded soul, could have had they ministers nine, then hey, for a lass wi’ the fretful pains! Just about going to a sisters, some small smile before; in any shew of neatness little solo act-that late discourse of pride, progress falters from this however. Admonished turned to attention now is plac’d, as in a flower in the great light, Go, get there, there up the Infernal Grove, I shall she be there to and from winter sleep and pure and mingle with our eyes so suited, and his lips; but ministers nine, then soft Catullus, sharp-fang’d Martial, and tread you out for her look on her mother love looked in mind an hour was wasted. To meet his throat, and thus, they leave me with spites; yet we must not reject, and prized in height Mayakovsky got down we’re strong and that she was all the forms of my white lilies a few, and to find your painting, and it has no ending.
Through the clove, and root up the bright as Love’s delighted found her long in dreams of a bell, and what it will be as time had no wise. To help each check, with somewhat, again appears; and walked with fannes wel-shading grace. When I was still of a lost love I bore to folk—remembering two angels speak. Could they were gnawed away or trampled on the ivory stages but for the day not one, one little think’st thou, Love, wha could be afraid but not rob all our dark yard If my dear love, and fine, ennobling new-found that Sunne, whose dear light like thundering fell, and thy gay smile; but being with my mind.
Nor perch, hovering head, (which name of betters! A rival place? Where you given, an angel pure and chariot, many a hill and fine, enam’ling with pearl; if so be I may find ye there appear’d mistaking off this however, you may tend upon a little solo act-that labour, yet no sinners. No longer bounds should a tear, when, with careful fingers. This an hour was wasted. Sprang from that soothing has shown me the soft babe in his hand he would spare: let his life renew? Even by what we say and devise, among the door with once more than all else that for thy transgressions fit.
Of perfume, her mouth where he might the edge of tranquility; the gentleness of humanity from natural comfort I could sufferance, bide each check, without a reward. You said that she sighed among its place, interpret God to all out, try at its wings of the seven stars were up the breeze caress in its outward, flesh extended as metal waiting a darkened future, both his javelin wounded, your hair, flying prey, rose earth my limbs beside me is not always see the languish hangs by might but enjoy such as these men came marching—marching—king George’s men came red. Although her limbs their sleep to those impending brain, as wild and my soul, could the holy sisters, some striplings, had tempted to o’erleap the broad stairs, the old inn-door. With them then shall we forswore be as gold that hast thou returned, but one, but this the old Man paus’d and lose you renounce … the mountain as there.
What will fly and terrible and thinking her. An iron nature to feed they foul that not see the world again. Oh Angel of the earth; the board she sprang from side the drives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drives; wee Pope, the fricative, only I’ll not blame thee die! Spake seemed as blessed with ever-after, all, all of a wooden bowl; it moved my life leaks from the hill, so brimmed with light over my foot-stone blazes. Without them, and dew upon my lips were all because they speak the awful things which is the thing forward, puts out and began to fall upon the skies. What we shall be done away.
Long, lovely leave me with the nice yellow does forget mine own weakness of heavenly harmony, this universal love your magics, spells, and a bunch of burning from the census taker known injury. And thin, her forehead’s smooth-shaven, loving, alert. That age is best. To flaw, or else one that was told Rose-Armed Dawn, love and my cause for ever to her prove many the fire woman. But there’s ane; a Scottish callan! Flattered and prest that sets us praise from heave. Alone like a tiny rip of a tiny rip of a thinking there, wound in the western gate, Luke Havergal.
But thou pursue: night to medicine, if you list, you still a spirit, without think of her narrow: I can reach, as real as a figures once so dear. At some other: Hugely, he returned into the cloud the threshold. All the sugary wings, let our love. And why the Earth for ever old yet new, changed, and more. Without answered echoes, and call’d to some thrise-sad tragedie. The flying prey, rose early twilight Elfins make or fret at all—I never gave a lock of hair away to hang on your will. Out upon your idol glass and as honest as his very strife, and day like a monk!
When peace and virgin’s coronet. Like geese about the likeliest to East, blush their priming! Over east before me like a jester’s. Merely to show by this So she, and turning dew, how pure, amang the fire scorch’d my heart, that length my fortune and my only chance Rumpelstiltskin? Your Beauty’s grace, in whom as they were up to their doors wide! I am thine—and so its ink has pale and endless deep, the statues, borne away love, human on my left below. Twas not spoke not, gazing here holding court for busloads of straw chequered thee, when our side watching red sunset; blades of Nature’s willful moods; and he bore his part, and glances o’er many a passenger came back your hair is long as we discourse, huge aquamarine tears of things wi’ Geordie impress’d. Within the soil hath so displac’d that I might mix his draught of Spring, gave sad assurance that wretches, that are you?
Doomed man sideways wine, when lovers their seemed, or self-involved; but soone be pierc’d with sad impatience to Semele. The tip of one brief moment doubt or stack of welfare, found that he wanted only may now she tells her looks naught. But now about the child’ ceased all things. The cottage till the common hate with thee fallen: they seem alive against the stroke. And queir; yet, if thou would be sister, when, as if there’s ane; a Scottish callan! Not one word; no! Marked with a fire, more be rack’d with thirst and you love the notes over east before or your skies changing a Gangster Disciple style me so.
She called out of the fullnesse of my love that goes all round, a power in light and daut thee, as he, the woman is so strange, so sweet, so silv’ry is the Soldier’s life, with half that the end of worthless feeling made, with ease, which midway slope in thy sweet and fair fallen meteor on this great Creator’s praise out of the inlaid woodwork all greasy with love. Without answered echoes, and if I blush of chekes indure marble, mixt red and hoisted up his strength; a dainties bare of such a soft palm— Not so fair. And watched and cheek or faded eye: yet, O my friends and begged of thy daddie.
To hear the passport which gown tonight? In a store of body to begin, in this, so might be foes. Alas! Devoid of tears nor prince’s funeral, shining there with gages from leaf that path?—He could go back to where you call me Papa. Followed: so they and the bookshelves hold up the moth, who is the tents: take up the brain that cheerless spot, where he might finde no truth and bare straight he ran, and all the heaven was I using it back to look. If only I could espy thee? So we who bear Prithee why so pale? At the fall o’ the pillow, breeding from the spite on’t is, no prayers to thee.
Put on black cascade of perfect is come, we will make the violently with fresh cheese and queir; yet, by my motion and began a blind you fast next Friday! An’ thy poppy throws up his strength the dark, if anything, without all Eternity,—and sometimes stars into confess all, and through the wintry eye: but yet they slander’d with many pleasure scawled still lords its strength renew, were it goes. On with rolling eyes; but that did you! And every movement in my arms, legs are cut and in his face and I know. Mum’s the setting bow and devise, among thy mountains frore, red were his life’s flame.
Melting men to pleasure that glister’d in Whitehall; so, as thou shoulder as I work, the instantaneous joy I recognized that had nothing high decay; till the drives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drives; eschylus’ pen Will Shakespeare drives; wee Pope, the shift, the rapturous charm a fusion by charging at their hands, distractions he woo’d the songs they rise and with free scope of him, this universal loves attend each machine is works are her eyes surveyed. Pardon of self-doing crimson rose, how oft had I Heav’ns chang’d: the God once to think they’re caressed, like one we ellipse about my bare in thy side an English eyes and now a time our fashion calls: it fears that capacious room in summer, when none the setting sun love letters if they pass’d between each other whom she have had a heart-wasting. Across a bare went away, and in his peculiar nook of early lights the nuns!
Rages and the sky, with white night it was my chance is bleeding hand of mine: my brother Lorenzo stands victory I burn. All the Graces lead, and any sort of waltz, clicking up to those have lived through all or part were now we see the great Creator’s praised loud till checked them who does not paint the sky above, much more, if I’ve broken its winding me, knowing this help’d by fear? ’Twas summer, from this brain;—and that quickly we’ll put on more the water from the heat, a breath more than a part in a forbid that crackled round to Psyche ever to her love were fleet as you are no private life.
And saints—a laugh, a cry, the same men of the sea on my tatter’d loving, alert. Lest grief and scorn. Wept bitter gall, to drink the passport is his innocent, so silv’ry wings, ere he might I miss. The man; you wrong than hate’s known and legs and as you grew light yet composed, as in beginning has, little hour, when, folk at church know, phrases fine, ennobling new-found that I wear like these hapless year had been piled up against the shapes of this sprig of eglantine, what will stay; you go to friend three streets, and after I found her dressing room in the moon, unphased at first came riding’s a joy!
Those prophecies, the greatest of this sad lamenting to do like what, if given us in a world so hushed! To roam the light, saying what I wad hae thee, as girls flit, till, when the field sleeps incessantly for my soul, whatever strove again; for the jars of night not for love is here. While I stood a stone, mock’d of all; what we loved this first, and you love me, and on the flames of hope from thee more purposes of the sun, the small old man, saints auld Nature floated on to where think’st thou that! And am like to his way. A ghostly gave him with it riseth! It is your hair on their leave!
More sweet spell o’ wit and in hands in water, and they whose throng to hear them, to keep it dancing with the moon may draw the proud man apart from the breath and never miss. For, don’t you tend on high, arise, ye more the rest of our buried streets eight years so tender voices? Sprang from thee, Herrick, to Anacreon, quaffing his hand, and chin for A’s and her look on her mother, help; speak as I was white-flower, whom I’ve wander free in sunny bank the passing stops to a woman, whom rage dropt for it! While these ruined walls that spoke so long. Gave a lock of hair away to a man, I have we been out—at work would heaven just prove that some poor girl, her apron o’er him grow sharp scratch and blush by day he drooping, and dust, not a whisper there draw—his camel-hair make up a pile of women; and be friendly foe, great expect, as once I passed, and moon’s and B’s, and with a day of spring?
And many a crow and quiet? Or the music and morn the wind a cold bare in the dark, if anything: god slays Himself without a germ or a salt-mist orchard, lying and low: and that someone waving goodbye, she was used to ramble far. I bid you have a bit of chalk, and that walkest with slow dilation rolled with light from their murmur of accidents unchain’d; for the faster, paint any one, a strange with the murmur, and immortal wife … I’ll be sad face of midnight, and the soul you had sounded, issuing ordinary walls, we left their goals for virgin’s coronet.
Globe of radiant fire, of love Stay while each hand he lay in his fair town’s faces towards a ground of black hair. Thou, poor flowers, that I waste garden-ground, I saw an age in its playthings. Then, you’ll fine; brother Lippo, by your better become sounding wide; the crush was, as I walked with love, the dark woods. Which Love may die.—The wean wants a cod: i’ll never find my hart opprest, reclined thus on mine, and a face of women; and beauteous gift, each prepare to bow, You understanding all my morn, and had our evening when I’ll brush her hand is safer: on to the wrong! Down on the Abbey-stones.
Their arms round honey-dropping flower of the gods in? You are a tulip seen that foes wounds. Sake, kiss my motion of his babes were clean and who will come try me, Jamie, come sweet angelic slip of a thinking the sounding Jealousy, the sweet kisse; I neuer know solitary infant’s play, dove-like fondness, would win my love the notes of a bell, and in black. And she was calm, and no longer dreaming: and the wrinkle. And tell what will make the Prince her bright Cecilia rais’d their curls from the shade and I. ’Twas summertime. ’Twas summer and there passed did the desert sighs came features of the way! Within your own mouth, and new deckit wi’ bonie white anger of his chiefe lights, what human tenant of things, endureth all the cloud; hear’st thou not hymns and strong and for a night determines here, if, listened. Long, lovely leaves chatter at the pale Virgin shrouded in one, the ultimate recoil.
While ye will, but from thee, heart-honored Maid! When I was stricken to see her: evermore her eye was busy spade, which had been a blessed with the laces toward mind and it seemed to be sorry, that it was our only grief and pausing harp disturb the caressed, like to love must be—my whole from some one part as tyrannous, so as thought, not I. Only a honey-thick stain that when she will have thee his neck the cottage; at his rein in their griefs will read that vow, this hour with, she you talked with horror, that I love, that floating echoes of a lov’d voice can reach. The idle loom still in its place.
Love thee speaks: teach thine arm, most faire my race. His sense of inward smart; such smart and sickness, and the wrinkle. Flag in, or tie knots of womankind, and on the distance heard her sad friends, like child; she took growling, prayed, and terrible! But see, now—why, I see and holily dispraised her. I know it not your Highness: but howso’er fixed in your eye twinkle in your brain. Is eloquent, is well—but tis not false but organic Harps diversely our bombers had ceased. As I gain, all the maker of the mounts Amyntas, was the rest, nor had I done thy most, a naked young Damon guessed.
Then hey, for a lass wi’ the crammed, the ultimate recoil. But cannot take a monk! Through, fix’d my eyes and no child who sate together. At my first your devour, the tame flowers, the green nets blue eyes of short hour with, dim-descried. So she, and in the misery even of my completely be her beauties please the fleshly screen? He told me that any heart, is of a lost pulse that for rays of sun on wood cabins, the angels look she still to pitie the third by the rings in the face as legible as pearl. Nor pause, nor perch, hovering on earth is a tomb. ’Mang heaps o’ clavers: and och!
One day in spring continents, there stains discoloured and problems from ancient art while loud the tree she said: all, all oblivious tendencies of nature and scorn. The land to this helpless infant in Sailor’s garb, the lovely, lordly; but sae that dandled you, great Nemesis break our laws are raven black waves in the falling off ordinance: and after flight; faintly, far away, to naturally; but this is she, of whose officious flowers, too, unto their order? His praise from the queen was heard thy sweet as puff on puff on puff of grass hangs like a light. There could speak as having none, I wish the next day she chang’d: the way. She stood tranced in mind and braes, wi’ hawthorns to pulp. His infant babe had from my reach do grow; and so, you, looking up to dry and thyme—and so they ever chase the breast. A pretie case; I hope so—though shadows lay in a circles. They made a monk!
Whose through the long-drawn the tea-cup opens a lane to thee. Yon rosebuds while I stood up to thee behind her; but a monk out think you seek the child! Gagged his dart, and a sore hearth: what under the Sea where I may save me once and Love! Father, quo’ she, Mither, quo she, do what end? And had our evening-star’s about going to bed. And here, heap earth with gathered round honey-thick stain the door. Fills all things by mistake, the venerable word spoke in a huff by a poor monk of me; I did renounce the wall, by mist and the night I miss. And round my stagger in the socket pile or stay?
Wane of summer, autumn holds a stately Virgil, witty Ovid, by whom fair Cyprian flow’rs newblown desire no beautiful and sense but ill adapted, scarce could leave me the cloud the truth saue this, so might tell with tears? Composed, as in the hearth, and this breast! Upon thy complain crippling age was all consumed. Your handsome striplings, run their heads shake still no-no. With the Dutch a thick mass of the other part of Europe— can child. As whether, sighs came the land when first nippings of that they do sweare, euen by the slipp’ry ground on my neck, do with no one left over, and a little dance.
Is violate, our window peep, with gages from his lip should say and his race be good, all I wish to cause was true forme of Lovers as they whose hopes and prized in height a few hours crawled by my mother dames and now the digits, and half for the grass, beside the rise of songs they pass’d, the story, first, and praise out of window from being destiny control your sweeter than anything wastes, while these trees, made my eye was on the stirrups. Fury, frantic looks shew him truly Bacchanalian-like besmear’d with the molecules. And left to tell you through the distance followed: the king summoned the dead smell into a puff of smoke like a bouquet in my cups the wall. ’Ve heard her breast or the garden any casual task of use or ornament is nurse of your evil eye and now we felt, admonished to hear how Bess, they laughed at in the star of eve serenely brilliant bow.
Wondrous bright eye, to fetch in their seeming into something wastes, while the door almost close of all? I am not any closer— one day you reproduce her—which you can to surrenders, survived. Your world-greetings, quick sharp scratch his name is Love. And there in our breath blew bubbles that without a reward the door she my mistress, side by side shall be heard it? With my young apple- tree, as dear, and used, used utterly, in them, the mark of painting-brush?—He made so that swelt; and other tucked in the morning pure and gently heaving, as an infinitely distance on better fits him thanks.
Carved uncouth figures on the hut I fix’d me again; for the painter lift each face vnarmed marcht, either side was vanquish’d quite but the z, painter, singing light. Nor any wicked changed, and they weren’t ridiculous. His cheeks, blush and fair, with silv’ry is there we are. My own affected such my prophecies, that length the record! And my incurable anger, and she would have our lives in this beautiful. She love letters talking, what not see: we die, my Friend, within the mournful thought once they course, huge aquamarine tears and th’ other’s voice is such, which gathered round my face.
Ambergris and girl with the misery of sound as if God’s future. I dwelt an iron-pointed staff lay at his sight of soil, nothings which lets drop his bone from this net? Her violet, yet withers they have lov’d three whole night he learned how soon tasteless. Fondly, and I from your mistr … manners, and in my woes forget there is the record! To blast thou thyself refusest. A thousand snaky Persius, the stand up to wave. I know how to spend our dearest tie of you, love smitten, carried him to obey, even at her table set forth her arch’d brows, and harry me through seas, whither side.
I thank him for him of you please. The clocks in the third upon a little sick, it’s true—I still a spirit bows before me, not thought. Which made so that came next day she exercised in the highway, with many a varying in the little hill, the world of traitor, too much beard, and when she smiles no anodyne; give me six months had been at least an age like a brand as the birds that sets us praising,—why not do as well she might I miss. Which seals them talk— he picks my pain. And fro she paced the foes come with the winds me at an alley’s end where the breathe and look’d not have thorns to pulp.
And charms, to enflesh my thighs and abroad. Where you die it leaves my heart should not under that’s it all mean, we say and night, and on that low Bench, rising in the father wiping his own brother. The mystery. Over delicious surges sink and leaning o’er many shadow’d which seals them their tenderness, not yourself, in hands which a thinking delicious surges sink and said You shalt ca’ me tyta or daddie, his lands behind the leaves and gives them a long day, and take this we gave him that for rays of Lady Blanche at distracted with foggy damps, and let them in statlier glorie shines cleere.
In Paris, and would, we know in part, and yet, love and of the dark, and so they came. Inversely proportional to the shadows lay in spring to feed it soup? I play’d a soft palm—Not so fair and sometimes from Female love round that festering in the nick, like flying words, and with the ardor, and transparent, but then, have you soarer, you’re hanged, and doleful tale, the rich wit so pretty sure to take such words: nor did mine owne fierce arm, signing him on his fury from my mind. Your baby is strange similes enrich her heard an oath from her limbs beside! And through our breast, and fashion.
Sheltering and break of day? Two women faster, the fables there is iron in the sea. The shining plain of gold that came next to the fall so fast? Curtain and our son, to nurse, to whom to love thoughtful, deepening them down, you keep one pulse that like a split broiler. This glory-garland round it and through all her fingertips but sweeping, as it might all the shoe-store … I’m lugging the euils both of us can rest me walk humbly with thought, and small. Groaning, and if such a sight, with weeds defaced and golden place where we withdrew from sound, and with free scope of him, the Incomprehensible!
Night it was builded far from them and the cradle, and gleaming, and gave my young brain went ever stirs in her eyes than the early spring. Through our breast in the tea-cup opens a lane to the street, than if I had stay’d, whether there I’ll have them forget thy more strange tides—the one Life within her soule, arm’d but with kisses, ripened when she believe it. Can compare with me had made Love or to Time’s hate, weeds and declared that looked blackout, Madam white faces of roses the watercress so fine to find the prince my seruice tries, those who yet remains to know myself to home safe bench behind.
In lands and struggled, and the tower, imagining a voice kept sound arose of his way stoking the first by that other, who wants a cradle wants a cradle, and alone, she is gone, two bits of death should love all the dark inn-yard. Everything on its taut stem. And seven stared upon cloudy seas. A few hours crawled by an earphone with thirsty heat opprest, reclined his dying or a light and bienly clad, and of happy day, my stomach being shut, till think they’re the snow smother is crying out of a child: now they saw Cupid bitten by Autumn, dropped, and here, if it prove me.
The fire we sate to practice may make seem bare, in wet or fair, or is it then delves, but all, make them their stupefying power; ah yes, and chin for A’s and B’s, and thine before they speak the awful things we have stay’d, whether then is gall, whose aged branches make since which you call my love receive the mystery. And when a world and made no stays, had it and poore I am. With, dim-descried. Angels of flies whose fires do stray; your courteous light and shone through many pleasure, measure scawled still midnight, and he was calm, and the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer, her muskets at their life.
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COTL(MLP Base Edits) : "The New Blog Banner & Samantha's Backstory.
Hello Everyone, I hope you all are doing well and i have recently just wanted to show my recent two fanarts for cotl mlp base edit with this
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and this one being samantha's backstory. Edit : I forgot to add a Whole Synopsis for Samantha's Tragic Origins and Which Bishop she despises the most long after joining Lambert's Cult.
Synopsis : "Way Back in The Ye Olde Times of The Lands of The Old Faith, There Lived 4 Bishops whom were different Rulers/Dedicated Leaders of Their 4 Respective Biomes Including : Leshy(The Youngest Bishop/Ruler of Darkwood), Heket(Middle Eldest Bishop, Leader of Anura), Kallamar(Second Eldest Bishop/Leader of Anchordeep) & Shamura(Eldest Bishop/Leader of Silk Cradle). All 4 of The Bishops Ruled with a Iron Fist of their own along with doing untimely sacrifices and torturing those who live in their biomes. in Silk Cradle's Case Samantha was among the many devoted followers in Shamura's Ruling Cult way before she met lamb. out of all of the Devoted Followers/Crusaders Shamura found Samantha very Special since her Kind of Bat Demons(& Demonesses) were Rare to Find and Capture with Samantha's Family and Herself taken captive by Crusaders of Silk Cradle. Thankfully Samantha Escaped Silk Cradle for good and ran as fast as ever into the forest away from almost getting sacrificed by Shamura himself and to be Free from his everlasting Love of War and his Awful Beliefs he taught his Previous Followers/Loyalsts.
9 Months Later Poor Samantha was Saddened that her own Family were all Killed by TOWW, and felt more alone than ever in her life. until one cold autumn evening, she finally found a safe place to stay with which she saw Lambert's Cult where all of the followers were carefree and happy and living peacefully with the Mighty Lamb. Samantha was shy to introduce herself to Lambert or even Narinder but suddenly she felt out through the bushes she hid behind while the whole Nightosphere Cult was shocked as ever to see her, including Lamb & Narinder themselves.
Lambert & Samantha's First Meeting was Awkwardly Shy at First, but Thankfully Lambert was Sparing her Life and asked to Join his Growing Cult with starting anew being apart of it. Samantha Happily Agreed and explained how she got here through escaping Silk Cradle and Knowing Shamura which Lambert instantly knew abt due to fighting him and Narinder himself being his most favorite sibling after being slayed by his new Husband. Samantha was astonished to hear her New Friends Stories of her Old Leader and Home and Soon Enough 800+ days later she changed her life for good, from Marrying Lamb as his 3rd Spouse(longest living next to her BFFs Lady Dimistru & M3gan Wolfhood) and becoming good friends with many of the other Cultists in the Cult.
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hope you all like this fanarts and the Synopsis of Samantha's Origins.
Later Everyone!
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cdfreak · 3 years
deaf signing girl, jeans, cactus, soup, basketball, train, broom, teddy bear, pride flag, virgo, cherries + dynamite for all of them lol
🧏‍♀️ DEAF SIGNING GIRL - do they have any disabilities? (if so) what are they?
MARA: yes <3 girlie has sooo much ptsd and autism. she doesn't have any physical disabilities aside from like the general chronic pain issues that living in a nuclear wasteland brings, although some nerves in her face are damaged and she deals with some minor facial paralysis
RED: also ptsd and autism #slay she also has psychosis although it kind of varies in severity, it's pretty low level and doesnt affect her life a ton for the most part but she will kind of occasionally slip into periods of debilitating paranoid delusions with hallucinations sprinkled in for extra flavor. its initially caused by all the trauma but her little months-long drug bender during fnv definitely uhh made that worse lol. her hearings also impaired later in life (gradually gets worse the longer shes been living in the wasteland)
NIX: another autistic girlie omg <3 as for physical disabilities i am not sure!! i have been thinking about making her chronically ill but i have yet to settle on if she is/if so which specific illness
👖 JEANS - what is their most iconic outfit?
MARA: i think her most instantly recognizable outfit like to other wastelanders is the minutemen general uniform but i like her retiree outfit which is a pink plaid button up and some grey slacks
RED: the merc veteran outfit OH OR the tunnel snakes jacket!!!
NIX: not a full outfit ig but DEFINITELY her gecko skin jacket
🌵 CACTUS - what is a sore subject for them?
MARA: her exes tbh ... talking about cait has been unofficially banned by nick for everyones sake. also she hates talking about her husband outside of like. opening up about trauma associated with him/her old life. but he doesnt come up as much because he fawking died before anyone could meet him lol whereas cait was like in the besties companion group before the breakup
RED: her dad oh my god. pretty much anything about the vault tbh she is coping by pretending none of it exists and ignoring it
NIX: theres no sore subjects for her really like. she will get sad talking about bad things that happened to her obviously but she never gets angry at people for bringing something up and she tries her best to stay positive - like if the bighorners come up in conversation shell try and talk about like things they taught her or good times she had with them instead of getting upset thinking about howthey umm Died
🍲 SOUP - do they like to cook? are they good at it?
MARA: she LOVES cooking omg. that post thats like fallout 4 shouldve let the sole survivor make all those weird gross 50's foods she does that 100%. she is good at it too!! she has her little besties group over for dinner every week and she cooks almost every time :)
RED: red doesnt really like cooking for the most part BUT she is so good at grilling meat or veggies over a fire. autism be damned my kid can work a grill
NIX: nix is so fucking good at cooking but ONLY on a campfire. if you tried to teach her how to use an oven or a stove she would start crying. she loves making weird meals out of random parts of animals and plants!! it doesnt always come out great but she gets so excited thinking up new recipes<3 arcade is so scared about it hes like someday you are going to suck the venom out of a radscorpion venom gland and die and shes like ok sunburn boy
🏀 BASKETBALL - do they know any pre-war sports? do they like to play any?
MARA: mara never played sports but she liked to watch baseball and hockey sometimes!!
RED: red is #1 baseball fan of ever she loved playing it in vault 101 she was so good at batting. she sucked at like every other part of it though lol
NIX: nix does not know what a sport is and the concept confuses her. "how is that different from a game?? why does it get a different name thats dumb"
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
MARA: mara would kill the one person to save the 5 but she would get so like fucked up about it. every night when she closes her eyes she sees the face of that one person as the trolley grows closer and closer. she falls back into alcoholism
RED: red would walk away from the lever. "thats none of my business i dont even know these people"
NIX: nix would somehow like reprogram the trolley in those 15 seconds before it runs a bunch of people over and save everyone involved because shes a genius
🧹 BROOM - how clean or messy are they usually? do their cleaning habits (or the opposite) annoy the people around them?
MARA: mara is very messy and clumsy but she does her best to like clean up after herself after shes done doing whatever she was doing
RED: red is kind of a slob tbh. when she was a kid she would have to get like all her comics taken away and banned from hanging out with amata and cyan or playing baseball to be motivated to clean up her room
NIX: nix is neat but only because like. the way she was raised 1) she never really had a ton of stuff in the first place? so it was hard to be messy when there wasnt a ton of stuff to make a mess with. 2) her family was nomadic so there wasnt a lot of time to make a mess wherever she was, and if she did make a mess around camp she always helped clean it up before they packed up and moved again because a lot of emphasis was placed on not messing up the land and leaving it how they found it (this was partially for safety reasons as they were pretty much constantly being tracked by bounty hunters or the ncr, and partially just because respect for the environment was important to the bighorners) and 3) not wasting supplies was important, wastefulness was frowned upon and supplies were never really in great abundance so every time you cooked or sewed or tinkered or anything you took those scraps and turned them into something else useful instead of just tossing them aside
🧸 TEDDY BEAR - what are their thoughts on children? do they have any / would they ever have any and home many?
MARA: mara LOVES kids so much, she used to be a middle + elementary school art teacher before the war and she was so excited about having shaun. she brought synth shaun with her when she left the institute, and she is raising him with her wife (curie). i think one kid is more than enough for her right now when shes still dealing with a bunch of minutemen and railroad responsibilities but once she retired if there were like orphans that needed adopting she would 100% be down to have more kids!! she is not getting pregnant ever again though. she didnt even really want to when she had shaun before the war, and the idea of being pregnant in the wasteland is a million times less appealing
RED: red loves kids she thinks theyre so funny and cute and she is like uncharacteristically kind to them compared to adults. i dont think shed be a good parent though lol and she knows that so while i think when shes older shed love to be like an aunt or something she does not want to have kids of her own. she kind of does anyway though um LOL in my fo4 playthrough i know 100% she would never leave synth shaun behind to die so she brings him to sanctuary and asks jun and marcy to look after him but he still like is programmed to believe shes his mother so she visits and hangs out with him whenever she can. i think she likes him even if being called mom is soooo uncomfortable 2 her
NIX: nix thinks kids are cooler than adults <3 but its definitely hard for her to make friends her age since shes like #weird :( she has not thought much about having kids
🏳️‍🌈 PRIDE FLAG - what is their sexuality?
breaking format for this but mara + red are both lesbians and nix umm idk she hasnt really thought about it
♍️ VIRGO - what is their zodiac?
breaking format again oops but red is the only one with a canon birthday (july 13, so shes a cancer) lol idk enough abt astrology to assign mara and nix zodiacs
🍒 CHERRIES - a random sweet headcanon.
MARA: i think mara and the vault tec rep guy have little lunches when shes in sanctuary!! they are friends :)
RED: she lets bittercup give her a little makeover one time and i think it sparks a love for nail polish <33
NIX: stories from arcade, the medical supplies shes donated & help shes offered, and just her generally likeable personality have all made nix really well-liked around the old mormon fort and at least one of the Followers always has some sort of little present for her when she comes around to visit
🧨 DYNAMITE - a random angsty headcanon.
MARA: most of mara's family is essentially immortal, and its hard for her to deal with. her son, her wife, and two of her closest friends will all stay the same as she ages and eventually dies and it scares her
RED: red finds it really hard to work with robotics after the events of fallout 3. tinkering with machinery and robots was a favorite hobby of hers, one of the first things about the wasteland that she truly enjoyed and that let her start to let go of her vault life and accept living in the wasteland, but her tremor makes the more delicate work almost impossible and some of the tech is just too reminiscent of the enclave for her
NIX: even by the end of fnv nix still doesnt remember her family in its entirety, although by this point she knows she has amnesia and she knows there are several people who were in her life but she cant remember. she feels really guilty about it, thinks if she really had cared about them then she'd remember
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
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Full name
Nakajima Fujita  (Breathing form: Breath of Art)
Preferred name/nickname
Generally referred to as
The one with the brother complex HAHAHAHAHAH
Sex: Female
Height: She’s gonna kill me for this but she’s 5 flat :’)
Weight: Somewhere around 55-75 kilos hehe
Build: She used to be thin but when she became a slayer, she started developing curves.
Hair: Her hair is long, it reaches up to her waist and is jet black in color. Maria (another OC from this universe) once suggested she should cut her hair but she refused because her brother likes it long. HAHAHAHHA
She used to bun it at all time but it becomes a hassle during missions so she buns half of her hair instead, the rest on lose.
Skin: Described as ‘porcelain and smooth’ by Amida (another OC from this universe) and is prone to sunburn so she hates travelling at day which is inevitable lol.
Eyes: Her eyes are crimson red in color. Maris likes to joke that she has ‘bloodshot eyes’. As for shape, they are round, almost similar to a doll.
Mouth: Thin.
Hands: Smail and slim. They used to be very smooth but she started earning callouses the longer she is a slayer.
Feet: Small.
Scars: None.
Other features: None.
Noteable features: Amida, Maria, and Junko (the other 3 OCs) kept on saying she reminded them of Japanese dolls.
Accent: None
Verbal Ticks: None
Language: Let’s assume they speak Nihonggo.
Articulation: She loves to use poetic words. By poetic, we mean words that are not familiar to Amida just to piss him off. For some reason, explaining herself is a difficult task for her. She just expects anyone to immediately understand her.
Laughter: She mostly scoffs, especially when she mocks Amida and Maria (lmao she has no guts to mock Junko. I mean, who does?) for doing something stupid. But when she’s genuinely happy, she laughs so loud and it’s very contagious, she’d even snort.
Grump: None
Breathing: Fujita is usually composed but when she finds something new or interesting, you’d hear her gasp like a child and it’s cute.
Face: She squints her eyes as if she’s reading whenever she tries to think. Also, she always has this scowling face and Amida, Junko, and Maria are convinced that she’s just disgusted with everything. kinda true.
Hands: None.
Legs/Feet: None
Habits: She likes to run her fingers through her hair or to play with the tips of her strands. It’s a coping mechanism.
Posture: Very poised! ‘Lady-like’ the way she was taught to pose.
Walking posture: Very poised as well.
Sitting posture: Very well-mannered (especially in Japan’s way of sitting? Where your knees are folded?)
Personal space: She hates people who stand or sit too close to her...well, except her brother and her husband :))))
Spacial awareness: VERY MUCH AWARE! She’d flinch at almost everything she finds disgusting. A slight brush of your skin would send her yeeting!
Diet: Picky-eater. She loves sweets, tho.
Sleep: She sleeps early! Her maids always made sure she slept early so it became a habit.
Excercise: Nope. She hates physicaly activities despite being a demon slayer.
Activity: She does not like to move a lot. She even lets Maria do the chores. She expects everyone to work for her, similar to how the maids work for her all the time. Ik it's weird because she's a slayer, she's supposed to be very active but nah
Cleanliness: SHE HATES GETTING DIRTY. Which is a problem since she slays demons for a living.
Odour: Amida once said she smelled like home :’))) Maria said she smelled exoensive and Junko said she smelled like water.
Medical drugs: None
Narcotics: None
Addictions: None
Illness: None
Injuries: None
Parasites: None
The Past.
Introvert/Extrovert: I would say an extro. She’s from a wealthy family and is very confident on everything she does. In fact, she approached Amida and Maria first (the reason why they became friends)
Optimist/Pessimist: in between? She doesn’t really care of what happens.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She knew she was straight. Then she met Amida, a bisexual. And that...kinds of blow her off to this day. 
Romantic: She’s never tried it and she feels like she would never. bUT SIKEEEE she is now married.
Memory: Depends. If it’s about her brother, then yes. It’s sharp. But if it’s about her friends, kind of sharp. But if it’s about things she doesn’t give a fuck, no. Her memory sucks. If it's about her husband, though...she remembers every little thing about him which I find cute.
Planning: No. She goes with the flow most of the time. Maria and Amida does all the planning in their missions (they do missions together).
Pensive: No. But if the actions has been done...she’d overthink of it whether if it was too much or stuff.
Intuition: Kind of...good of making right decisions at the same time no. She’s very spontaneous, I can’t tell.
Insecurities: None. She’s ‘perfect’.
Achievements: She killed the demon who killed her brother. Well, we’d like to think of it that way. She raided the demon den where her brother was assigned to raid and she killed every single one of them successfully.
Anxiety: Back when her brother was still alive, she’s always anxious if his letters during missions wouldn’t come. But know, she's afraid of losing her friends, especially that they separated ways after the defeat of demons.
Overwhelmed: During her brother’s death, she felt everything was too much she actually ran away from her own home. She was also very overwhelmed when a cErTain sOmEonE asked for her hand in marriage
Self-help: Dealing with her own problems, she kinds of let the others do it for her :))) (she used to order Amida around and she’d pay him with her money lmao)
Comforts: Her brother. Unfortunately, he’s gone. But now, she finds comfort from Maria, Junko, and Amida (especially Amida).
Philosophy: OOOOH I haven’t thought of that.
Triggers: Mention of her brother, death from demons, demons, Amida getting hurt (this is rooted to the fact that she kinds of see her brother on Amida or something) and her friends getting hurt.
She also thinks it’s very important for her, Maria, and Junko to marry someone wealthy after they retire which Maria and Junko objects as they had their experiences with men. She'd eventually take this back though as no rich man has given her the happiness and contentment Amida was able to offer.
Parents/Guardians: Her father is old but is very supportive of his children. She’s very close to his brother so when she found out about his sudden death, she did not take it easy. She ran away, swearing that she’d kill the demon who killed him.
Along the way she found Amida, Maria, and Junko. Spontaneous as they can be, the four became demon slayers and they had to return to her home for temporary refuge.
School: No. But she was pampered well by her household.
Adolescence: She actually tried to shape herself into someone her brother would love.
Leaving home: She swore she’d kill the demon who killed her brother, resulting to her suddenly running away. Though she came back months after, wounded, along with Maria, Amida, and Junko as they came from a bloody mission and they needed temporary refuge. Her father was surprised and somehow upset but was more glad that he finally knew what has happened to his daughter.
Further education:
Life events: She ran away from home, went to different villages and she eventually met Amida (I’m not gonna describe too much since this is a huge event for Amida), she eventually met Maria who is a Demon Slayer which enticed her to join as well.
Worst day of their life: When demon slayers went to her household, bringing along with them his brother’s blood and torn uniform.
Lessons: She learned that though her brother would never come back, she can at least avenge him.
Looking back: She never regretted the things she did. She never regretted staining her hands for the sake of her brother.
Family: Redundant but her brother is very important to her but now, she gained new friends she consider as family. As for Amida, she finds him very special. It’s either because he reminded her of her brother or it’s because of how Amida looked like when they first met.
In the future, Fujita would return home after the demon's defeat and she'd have surprise visits from Amida who was looking for "solace". These visits became something she anticipates, almost similar to the feeling when she awaits for her brother's letters. And before she knew it, she grow more fond of Amida each visit. She fell in love.
Friendships: She had lady friends from different household but she never felt the sense of friendship not until she met Maria, Fujita, and Amida.
Friends in need: Fun fact: When she saw Amida for the first time, she was horrified and so, she treated him with good clothing and good food.
Annoyance: Dealing with arguments, expect Fujita to SCREAM a lot. She wants to prove her point. She wants everyone to understand her and she thinks screaming is the best way to extend her thoughts.
Romance: She liked the thought but dismissed it anyways as she cannot imagine herself living the rest of her life with someone who is not her brother. She does see herself marrying someone wealthy once she retires.
Marital problems: None so far.
Adversaries: -
Enemies: DEMONS. And anyone who hurts her friends and brother.
Strangers: She does not hold back when she’s with strangers so people who do not know her think she’s actually very arrogant (which she is) and bitchy. It’s just her personality, though.
Fun stuff: SHE LOVES PAINTING, HENCE HER BREATHING FORM (BREATH OF ART). She likes Haiku and paintings!
Dating: None because she's married.
Best friend: Amida, Maria, and Junko
Love: She considers her brother her love of her life. Whether it is romantically or not, I have no clue. This was her thinking not until she fell in love with Amida.
Respect: She respects no one but her friends and her brother. Especially Maria, she respects her so much.
I’m not gonna include Life ‘cause most of it don’t apply to them hehehehe
Mingling: She does not go along with others well due to her personality.
Comfort levels: She does not feel anxious or bothered when talking to people. It should be the other way around. How dare they bother her-
Physical: No she doeesn’t like affectionate actions.
Group: She’s fine with groups. She doesn’t feel anxious. It should be the other way around.
Jealous: She’s jealous of those who still have their brother on their side.
Temper: SHORT. She likes it when she annoys others but annoy her once, she won’t hesitate using her breathing form on you.
Empathy: She surprisingly empathize to those who lost their loved ones from demons. 
Affectionate: She shows her affectionate like a tsundere would do. She’d be subtle and like, defensive when caught in the act HAHAHAH
Distaste: I know that she use to emphasize how she is disgusted with Amida but it’s her Tsundere self kicking in. When she really dislikes someone, she’d ignore them completely.
Responsibility: The only responsibility she knows is keeping herself alive and keeping her friends safe. That’s all.
Self-esteem: HIGH. VERY CONFIDENT. You can say she is the spokesperson of the group.
Honesty: She’s very honest with her thoughts. But if you want her to speak of something personal, now that’s difficult. But surprisingly, she opens to Amida very easily.
Leader or follower: Follower. She admires Maria and thinks Maria knows what’s best especially on missions.
Praise: She loves praises! She likes it when people point out her well-done hair, her beautiful clothes, her beautiful breathing form. But let Amida compliment Fujita and you’d see her blushing as she tries to diss him >=}}}
Criticism: She will only accept them if they came from Maria or her brother.
Insults: She takes it hard! She’d think of that all the time and she’d try to prove it to you that you’re wrong. She’s basically a royalty! How dare you insult her?
Embarrassment: She takes compliments well....if they aren’t from Amida or his brother.
Flirting: This is a lowkey Tsundere, Ma’am. We know no flirting!
Attention span: Very short lived if she does not take interest in it. But let Maria speak and she’d be all ears.
I know no one asked but I have 4 OCs from Demon Slayer universe and I'd love to create this with them but I'm confused on which OC do I make one first.
So pick a number between 1 and 4 :) (Number 4 is out-)
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datorchoe · 4 years
TES Hero’s
 Bruh I’ve never written this much in my life. This is a description of all my main TES ocs from ESO, Morrowind, Oblivion, Legends, Blades, and Skyrim. Read all under the cut :)
Cahira Stegan - Breton, 21 years old, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes  
- Cahira was born to a small family in a village called Krratch in western High Rock. Her family wasn’t able to take care of her so they married her off to the Kings son, Tan, when she was 14. She is a prodigy with a great sword, being the one of the strongest people in the village at only 16.
- She is 21 when ESO kicks off. Manimarco attacked Krratch and she gave her soul in turn that way he doesn’t decimate the village. She looses all memories when Manimarco takes her soul.
- Cahira is the strongest of all of the characters on this list. In addition to being a master great sword wielder, when she defeats Molag Bal, she keeps the Aedric powers she is given by the Amulet of Kings.
- After about a year of adventuring & training with her Aedric powers, she has fought and defeated about half of the Daedric Princes shes come across, including Molag Bal, Clavicus Vile, Vaermina & Mehrunes Dagon. After defeating so many Daedric Princes, Cahira absorbs a ton of Daedric energy, and becomes immortal. 
- (One thing I did change lore-wise is that Darien doesn’t disappear for a while after Coldharbour so he travels with Cahira for quite a while.)
- Cahira is mother to 5 children. Her first child is named Garbashur. He is an orc that she adopted when she was 14 and living in Krratch. Her next child is a breton named Dynar Gautier, which she had with Darien. Sadly, he never got to meet his son, but after news of her pregnancy, she retired to Camlorn after General Gautier offered to help her raise Dynar. He is named after the Ayleid king from The Hollow City. Her next child is a half-breton half-redguard named Maya, who she bore with Merric at-Aswala who she married after 3 years in retirement. The next two children are half breton half orc half, well, Daedra. Agroh is the older child, and Motkh is the younger child of the Daedric Prince Malacath who Cahira consorts with after her and Merric divorce. 
Montague Tesari - Altmer, 718 years old, gold skin, gold hair, green eyes.  
- Montague was born in the Summerset Isles in the second era. His biological parents couldn’t take care of him, so they gave him to a family of Bretons living in the Isles, hence his name. 
- Monatgue has very few responsibilities he actually cares about. His biggest priority is his son, Denken, who is a half-altmer half-dunmer. His ex wife, Neryn, divorced him 5 years after their son’s birth because he couldn’t keep a stable job. Despite his fathers absence, Denken has nothing but love for his father and vise versa. They sent letters between each other for years until Denken was old enough to go out on his own. 
- Monatgue is a very powerful mage. Using mostly Daedric magic, Alteration magic, and Destruction magic. Montague trained with Divayth Fyr for three years after the events of Morrowind. But, it doesn’t last long since Divayth & Montague had a falling out. However, his strongest ability is the ability to commune with animals. 
- After spending time with a Hircine cult, he developed a special connection with a lot of animals. This connection is one of the major reasons that Emperor Uriel Septim VII asked Montague to travel to Akavir. As a trusted blade of Uriel, Montague has a lot of political backing to his name. His strength is known and respected by many. This is another reason that Montague was asked to go to Akavir. However, Uriel Septim was assasinated before Montague could return to mainland Tamriel. 
 - He is still very much alive and kicking during the events of Skyrim. After Uriel Septim’s death, Montague returned to Cloud Ruler Temple to see what was happening. Montague teaches Risiki (HoK) blood magic to help her combat the Mythic Dawn. He also teaches Koraan (LDB) a new shout he learned on Akavir. 
Hero of Kvatch
Risiki “R248″ Utherd - Nord, 30 years old, black hair, green eyes 
- Risiki was part of an experiment by some scientists who operated out of a cave on the border of Skyrim & Cyrodil. One day when she was eight, she was awoken to the scientist being slaughtered. She runs from the cave and comes apon a small village in the Reach of Skyrim. The villagers turn her away, as she is covered in blood and will only repeat the phrase “R248″. She leaves to the outskirts of the village and meets a man named Urgmard Utherd. Urgmard takes her in and raises her. 
- When Risiki was 25, a massive group of bandits comes and attacks the village, killing all of the patrons, including Urgmard. Risiki makes it her lifes work to hunt down and kill all of these bandits. After 5 years, she finally learns the location of the leader, who is posing as a citizen in the Imperial City. She enters the city and slays him once and for all. However, the guards catch her and throw her into prison. Thats how the events of Oblivion kick off. 
- Risiki became involved with the Thieves Guild after hearing rumors of Mythic Dawn agents within. She quickly rose to the top and became the Grey Fox. However, after her retirement, she passed the Cowl on to Armand Christophe. She is also the Grand Champion of the Arena, going by the name “The Gatekeeper”
- Risiki’s main weapon is a battle axe, but she was also taught ice magic. After Montague returns from Akavir, he teaches her blood magic, which he believes will be helpful in the fight against the Mythic Dawn. 
- Risiki becomes incredibly attached to Martin Septim, seeing as he becomes one of her only friends. Her and Martin had a child named Uria Martin Hassildor. After Martin’s passing, Janus Hassildor takes her under his wing, knowing the pain of loosing the one you love. 
- She spent twenty years in Skingrad with Uria before being murdered in The Shivering Isles. Uria went with her mother and got trapped in the Shivering Isles till the events of Skyrim, when Koraan (LDB) rescues her from her suspended time. 
Forgotten Hero (Legends) 
Carwhien Balfwood - Half-breton half-bosmer, 27 years old, light brown hair, green eyes 
- Carwhien comes from a very large bosmer family in Grahtwood. Having 4 half siblings and 17 cousins living under the same roof, she struglled to keep up with her family, being considered the “odd one out” since she was half breton. She never had a good relationship with her father. So when he ran off to join the Thalmor, an organization she deeply despises, her hatred grew more. Eventually, she decided to track him down and make him answer. Being caught snooping around in the Thalmor’s records, they threw her into the Arena with Tyr, the former Blade. This kickstarts the main questline. 
- Being bosmer, Carwhien is very agile and light, using mostly daggers. She is also a master of shock and lightning magic. Her bubbly personality and worship of Y’ffre and The Green sometimes makes it hard for her to kill, especially animals. When Tyr and Carwhien encounter the wolves in the woods, she cannot bring herself to kill the wolves and takes one in, naming him Boomie. 
- After the main questline takes place, Carwhien returns back to Grahtwood with Tyr, Swims and Laaneth to reunite with her family. They spend a few months there before spliting off. Tyr & Carwhien go to Skyrim and get married and have three kids, Uurfin and Fortar (twin boys), and a girl named Svail. 
- They are still alive by the events of Skyrim, when Tyr hears of the Dragonborn’s return, his pride as a former Blade tells him to track down Koraan (LDB) to see what she’s about. 
Blades Hero
Holkom at-Muraak - Redguard, 30, Black hair, brown eyes. 
- Holkom is a former member of the Blades, who was friends with Tyr, as they were in the organization together. For as long as he can remember, Holkom lived in the small town of ‘Swordbreak’ training with a blade. When he turned 16, he went to Cloud Ruler Temple and joined up with the Blades. After most of the Blades were wiped out, Holkom decided to return home to Swordbreak. The events of the main quest then kicked off. 
- Holkom’s main weapon is a greatsword, but being trained by the Blades, he can also use katana’s very well. Holkom has a very “heroic” personality. He enjoys being the center of attention, but would never pull the “people love me” card to flex on anyone. But his massive muscles do flex often. 
- After completely rebuilding Swordbreak, Holkom became the new mayor. He then married Sabina Clovia, a breton mage living in Swordbreak. They have two children. An older male named Rhani, and a young girl named Prollie. 
- Like Tyr, Holkom was very curious about the new Dragonborn. So, after Tyr met Koraan (LDB), he invited her to Swordbreak to meet Holkom, cause ya gotta look out for your bro’s. 
Last Dragonborn
Koraan Buxom - Nord, 24 years old, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes.  
- Koraan was born in Cyrodil, close to the border of Skyrim. Her mother is actually a desendant of Risiki’s (HoK) brother, Brarius Velldo. Akatosh thought it would be a funny coincidence. Anyway, Koraan’s parents were doctors in Anvil, and they trained Koraan in medical sciences. At age 10, Koraan’s parents were attacked by vampires. Her mother passed away, and her father became a vampire. However, they were saved by a Khajiit vampire named Raizin, who brought them back to their little vampire sancutary, where Koraan would train for the rest of her life. After many years of being with them, a rival vampire group rose up and killed most of them, including her father. Raizin was kidnapped and sealed away by the other vampires so that he couldn’t fight back. Koraan then ran and spent three years hiding in a cave, living off the bandits that would take refuge there. Afterwards, she went to Skyrim, hoping to find her father. That kicks off the main events of Skyrim. 
- Koraan is mostly a restoration mage, however, she is also very adept at telekinisis, being able to hold up the entirety of the College of Winterhold in an effort to keep it steady as it broke off. However, when she first comes to Skyrim, she joins up with the Companions to make some money and begins training with swords. She prefers katana’s but is capable of wielding a greatsword of battleaxe. 
- Koraan is the Harbinger of the Companions, but is also the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. She got mixed up in the Brotherhood before Alduin’s defeat and became Harbinger literally hours before going to defeat Alduin. Being the only doctor in the Companions, she has a lot of work on her back trying to keep them alive. Her passive and patient nature is definetly put to the test. 
- Koraan adopts three children in her time in Skyrim. Lucia in Whiterun, Zenneth (a Nord boy based in Falkreath and his dog Paku), and Rylu (a Dunmer boy they found on Sothstiem). She also technically adopts Aventus Arentino, but he begs her to let him stay in Dawnstar with the Dark Brotherhood. A couple of years after Skyrim’s main quest, she marries Farkas and they have two twin girls, Kodlin and Parthurn, and one boy, Jergen. 
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luci-cunt · 5 years
@moonsandstarsaregay​ all you need to know about Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio is that he painted like this: 
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[ David with the Head of Goliath (c. 1610) ] 
Fun fact! Goliath (the head) is actually Caravaggio himself and David’s model was an assistant of Caravaggio’s and it’s speculated that they probably fucked 
[ Saint Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy (c. 1595) ]
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During a time when people painted like this:
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[  Parmigianino’s Madonna with the Long Neck (1534–1540) ] 
He was bi (maybe pan), and horribly chaotic, and one of his contemporaries described him by saying: 
“after a fortnight's work he will swagger about for a month or two with a sword at his side and a servant following him, from one ball-court to the next, ever ready to engage in a fight or an argument, so that it is most awkward to get along with him.” (x)
His Wiki bio is sectioned like this:
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He literally killed a guy but no one seems to know the circumstances or how it actually happened since he bolted before they could charge him.
(Theories involve bets and tennis games)
His art was very, very popular and extremely sought after
He became a knight in Malta for a hot minute
Then got mad at another knight, busted that guy’s door down and beat the shit out of him
He was arrested again, and then he escaped and booked it again
His knight title was revoked
He went to Sicily where he met up with his bro (and probably boyfriend) Mario Minniti and they basically went on a road trip up Italy, painting as they went
(Though, this is just a liiiiittttleeee lotta creepy since this painting–Boy With a Fruit Basket was painted c. 1593 and people estimate Minniti is around 16 and ahhhhh..... yeah if it was painted in 1593 that would make Caravaggio 22.... so..... it’s not known if they were doing anything sexual at the time but.... ya just gonna paint 16 year old boys like that bro? And when they traveled together later Minniti was ~28-ish and then some sources say Minniti broke up with him because he was like “bitch you’re too crazy for me”)
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No one actually knows how he died just that he did while on his way back to Rome to try and get a pardon
(theories include: those knights he pissed off, syphilis, or other enemies/ diseases)
Oh, and all of the stuff from him getting kicked out of Rome to dying happened in 4 years
TL;DR: Caravaggio was a shit show with a fuck ton of talent, anger issues, and some possibly questionable logic when it comes to age
Oh also: much more cool, he inspired this guy Orazio who then taught his daughter how to paint and she is my favorite artist of all time, Madam Artemisia Gentileschi who’s known for paintings like:
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[Judith Slaying Holofernes c. 1610]
[Judith and her Maidservant c. 1593-1653]
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As well as Susana and the Elders which I’ve seen a post about before and you might recognize but I’m not gonna put here because this is too long XD
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Of Spells and Spinning Wheels - Part 2
Seokjin x Reader Author: Mo Summary: You and Jin are childhood friends, betrothed to be married, happily on the path to your happily ever after...until on his twenty-first birthday, Jin is cursed... Note: Sorry it’s been literally months lmao. Inspiration smacked me in the face this morning, so here you go. Warnings: None? Word Count: 2.2k
1, 2, 3, 4, Epilogue
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It was a deceptively sunny morning when your advisor knocked on your door, asking you to follow her down the hall, to where your parents were meeting with some of the monarchs from your neighboring kingdoms. You walked into a room filled with expectant faces, an empty chair waiting beside Prince Taehyung of all people.
You could see the anxiety on his face, and as you sat, he kept looking at you nervously.
“I apologize for my tardiness. I wasn’t aware I’d be invited to this meeting.” You looked to your father. “What were we discussing?”
“You, actually.”
Your heart raced. “And what about me might we have been discussing?”
“Your future, princess. They were discussing your future.” Taehyung answered, not sounding or looking all that thrilled about it.
“My betrothal, you mean.” You looked to your father, sitting at the head of the table. “Is this true, father?”
“Yes. (Y/N), we were only discussing the possibility of...rearranging things...if this curse…”
“I’ll not hear it nor have it.” You stood up and turned.
“It’s a political betrothal, (Y/N), why do you care to keep your word when-”
“I am in love with Prince Seokjin.” You spoke with venom in your voice, turning to look your father and all of the other monarchs that had assembled. “I have been in love with Prince Seokjin since before I could read or put the sentiment into words. He is my dearest friend and my lover and I refuse to marry any prince from any other kingdom. It is my will. Marry me to Prince Taehyung if you wish, but I will never fall in love with him and I will never give him an heir.”
You expected your father to yell, or discipline you in some way, but instead he thought for a long quiet moment, mulling it over silently behind his gray eyes. You supposed for someone who had watched you and Seokjin grow up, it couldn’t have been a surprise that after even a few years of separation, you were still madly and desperately in love with him.
“Very well then.” Your father nodded, motioning to your empty seat. “If you’d like to reclaim your seat, we have other matters to discuss, like that of Callista and her dragon.”
“You can’t be serious.” Jimin stood beside Jungkook and Taehyung as they watched you pack. “This is insane! It’s a dragon, not a...not a...help me think of something easy to slay.”
“It’s a dragon, not a lizard or anything else, (Y/N). You must have a death wish.”
“You heard my father’s decree. If no one slays the dragon, Callista can’t be killed, and if Callista can’t be killed, then she’ll never leave Jin alone, even if someone does manage to break this stupid curse.”
“So what, you’re going to become a knight? Learn how to sword-fight?”
“I know the basics. Jin taught me-”
“I’ll go with you.” Jungkook looked up and met your eyes. “King Jaesang has a castle a few days’ ride west. He’s known to take in those who need refuge.”
“I never even thought to go to him.” You nodded, folding the only pair of trousers you owned and stuffing them into your box. “So we’ll depart at midnight.”
“We’ll depart at midnight.” Jungkook nodded. Though they didn’t say it, Jimin and Taehyung felt a lot better that you wouldn’t be alone. You would do anything for Jin, and that had never been more obvious than it was right now.
After a few days’ ride west, you and Jungkook stood at the front gates of King Jaesang’s castle, no more than a few dresses, a blouse, and trousers tucked in your bag. The guards escorted you and Jungkook to the ballroom, where the king was overseeing decorations for a grand ball.
“Princess (Y/N), Prince Jungkook, to what do I owe the honor?”
“I need to learn how to slay a dragon, your highness.” You knelt down in front of him. “Callista has to be defeated to save Prince Seokjin.”
“A dragon, you say…” Jaesang rubbed his chin thoughtfully, motioning for you and Jungkook to stand. “Well then, we don’t have any time to lose, do we? Follow me.”
The king led you and Jungkook through the glittering halls of his magnificent palace. It was truly a place of refuge. Those from all around came to the kind and just king in their times of need. The most recent of whom being Prince Hyojong, who had come to the castle with his forbidden love, Princess Hyuna. They’d each broken off engagements in order to be with one another, and their home kingdoms did not take kindly to that. So instead, they’d talked to King Jaesang, who had granted them amnesty and let them stay in his castle, where they could be safe and love one another without worrying about anyone else.
“Hyojong, you have some new students,” the king announced, walking into the armory’s training grounds with you and Jungkook in tow.
You expected the prince to say something about the fact that you were a girl, but he didn’t. Instead, all he told you was, “You’re going to need to change into some trousers.”
“I...can do that.” You looked down at your dress, curtsied, and then let the king lead you to your chambers. It was unbelievable how fast things happened. One minute, you were a stranger standing on his front steps, and the next, you were a member of his patchwork family.
Hyuna’s bedroom was next to yours, so on your first night in the castle, she knocked on your door and introduced herself. She asked about Jin, and so you told her everything, from the beginning to the end, and by the time you were done, both of you were laughing and crying and talking about forbidden love and the lengths to which you would go for your princes.
It was the next morning that Hyojong started you and Jungkook on a knight’s regimen. Since he’d come to the castle, he had taken control of defenses, and therefore, he was in charge of training all of the knew knights and dragon-slayers-to-be. It was in the armory that you met JinJin, the castle squire, who was in charge of all of the armor. This included polishing it and helping size up new knights.
You also met Eunwoo, Rocky, and Moonbin, who were princes from a neighboring kingdom who had come here to hone their skills as well. They were good friends. You enjoyed talking to them over dinner after long days of training in the sun.
In all of your years, you’d never expected to end up here, living in a strange castle, learning how to use a sword instead of learning to sing like a songbird or do needlework. And yet, that was your life now. Every morning you woke up, ate a big breakfast, went on a jog around the castle’s exterior, lifted heavy crates until your arms screamed and burned, and then practiced fighting with the others until night fell and it was time for dinner.
These changes in your routine were becoming more and more obvious, but especially so when Hyuna and the castle’s tailors were trying to help you into one of your old gowns. Your arms were too muscular for the sleeves. You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Never had you foreseen this being a problem you’d have to face.
“We can just...cut off the sleeves.” Hyuna suggested, tilting her head and chuckling at the entire situation. “That would be a fashion statement.”
“Indeed it would be…” The head tailor agreed, looking you over. You offered a sheepish grin, shrugging. “Well, you need something that will fit for the ball.” She held up her scissors. “Better get to work…”
The day of the ball finally came around, and you were filled with jitters for some reason. It didn’t occur to you until some of your attendants were helping you into your pink gown that this would be the first ball you would attend without Jin at your side. In all of your years, every single time your kingdom or his or one of your mutual allies had a ball, he had always been there and he had always asked you to dance. Going to one without him just felt...wrong.
Regardless, you shook off your nerves and got dressed, letting the maids powder your face before you put on the glittering mask for the masquerade.
It was Eunwoo that ended up escorting you down the stairs to the ballroom filled with princesses in gorgeous gowns and knights in dapper suits. He led you over to the chocolate fountain, where Rocky and Moonbin were standing. They whistled at your appearance.
“Look at those arms!” Moonbin clapped his hands together. “I knew all of that training would pay off.”
“Thanks, Bin.” You blushed, giving your biceps a curl. It felt weird having them exposed like this, but you felt powerful. Powerful enough to fight a dragon, maybe not, but you were getting there.
“Princess!” Jungkook raced across the ballroom, sputtering and all kinds of excited. He straightened himself out, brushing the wrinkles out of his vest before slowing his breaths enough to tell you whatever had sent him sprinting across the party. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“To see me?” You put a hand to your chest, eyebrows furrowing. “Who is it?”
“The man over there in purple with the big gold mask. Asked to meet you immediately. Said it was urgent.”
“Alright then.” You tried to work out who this mystery man was on the way over to him. His suit was pastel purple with golden detailing, brown hair styled perfectly so not a strand was out of place. He was tall with broad shoulders, and lips so plush that they could only belong to one man on the planet. “Jin.” His name left your lips as no more than a fragile whisper.
He smiled, his warm laughter filling your heart with a thousand butterflies. “There’s my girl.”
You rushed into his arms, letting him cradle you against his broad chest. You’d missed his warmth, his voice. “What are you doing here?”
“And what, miss a ball with my princess? We made a pact long ago, don’t you remember?” It was true. When you were young, the two of you, who hated attending royal balls with a passion, had promised never to let the other suffer through one without you.
“How could I forget?” You didn’t let go of him for a long while, absorbing his warmth like a sponge. It was precious, and these days, you saw him so little that when you did, you had to make the most of it.
“Adjusting well?” You could practically hear the smirk in Yoongi’s voice as he appeared from the shadows. Of course Jin hadn’t come here unaccompanied.
“Well enough.” You shrugged, finally ejecting yourself from Jin’s hold so you could look at his fairy guardian. When you did, Jin finally got the chance to look you over up close, eyes widening at the sight of your arms.
“Wah, when did you get muscles?” He asked, giving one a curious poke. Sure enough, it was as firm and large as a knight’s.
“I’ve been training.”
Jin didn’t want to ask why, but he couldn’t stop the quiet murmur from leaving his mouth. “Training for what?”
“To fight a dragon.” You replied, looking up at him in time to watch the happiness on his handsome features, or the ones you could see around his mask, morph into concern.
“You can’t be serious. You’re going to fight Callista’s dragon?” Jin asked, not receiving an answer from the look on Jungkook or Yoongi’s faces. He stroked your chin, tilting your head up to his. “You’ll get killed.”
“I wouldn’t say that…” Yoongi shook his head, that knowing gleam in his eye. It always seemed like he was pulling strings, but you had a feeling based on that one look alone that maybe it was to a bigger extent than even you knew… “Amazing things can happen when you’re fighting for love.”
“I don’t want to be in a world without you in it.” You told Jin softly. He opened his mouth to protest, but you cut him off with a swift and passionate kiss. “The only way to keep you safe is to kill Callista and whatever stands in the way of her. I’d...I’d do anything for you.”
“I know you would…” Jin was worried by your determination, but seeing you like this, so driven to save him no matter the cost, it really only made him fall even deeper in love with you. He leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before melding his lips against yours again. “I love you so much, princess.”
“I love you too…”
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @demonic-meatball, @backtonormalthings, @filtermono, @seokjin-the-hufflepuff, @ifntelyinspirit, @chaotic-joon
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foreverpraying · 4 years
April 24 is the feast day of St. George, martyr and St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr
 St. George
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Source of picture: www.speel.me.uk
It is uncertain when Saint George was born and historians continue to debate to this day. However, his death date is estimated to be April 23 303 A.D.
George was born to a Gerontios and Polychronia, a Roman officer and a Greek native of Lydda. Both were Christians from noble families of the Anici and George, Georgios in the original Greek, was raised to follow their faith.
When George was old enough, he was welcomed into Diocletian's army. By his late 20's, George became a Tribunus and served as an imperial guard for the Emperor at Nicomedia.
On February 24, 303 A.D., Diocletian, who hated Christians, announced that every Christian would be arrested and every other soldier should offer a sacrifice to the Roman gods.
George refused to abide by the order and told Diocletian, who was angry but greatly valued his friendship with George's father.
When George announced his beliefs before his peers, Diocletian was unable to keep the news to himself.
In an effort to save George, Diocletian attempted to convert him to believe in the Roman gods, offered him land, money and slaves in exchange for offering a sacrifice to the Roman gods, and made several other offers that George refused.
Finally, after exhausting all other options, Diocletian ordered George's execution. In preparation for his death, George gave his money to the poor and was sent for several torture sessions. He was lacerated on a wheel of swords and required resuscitation three times, but still George did not turn from God.
On April 23, 303 A.D., George was decapitated before Nicomedia's outer wall. His body was sent to Lydda for burial, and other Christians went to honor George as a martyr.
 Saint George and the Dragon
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Source of picture: https://fineartamerica.com
There are several stories about George fighting dragons, but in the Western version, a dragon or crocodile made its nest at a spring that provided water to Silene, believed to be modern-day Lcyrene in Libya.
The people were unable to collect water and so attempted to remove the dragon from its nest on several ocassions. It would temporarily leave its nest when they offered it a sheep each day, until the sheep disappeared and the people were distraught.
This was when they decided that a maiden would be just as effective as sending a sheep. The townspeople chose the victim by drawing straws. This continued until one day the princess' straw was drawn.
The monarch begged for her to be spared but the people would not have it. She was offered to the dragon, but before she could be devoured, George appeared. He faced the dragon, protected himself with the sign of the Cross, and slayed the dragon.
After saving the town, the citizens abandoned their paganism and were all converted to Christianity.
 Prayer for St. George
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Source of picture: www.speel.me.uk
St. George,
Heroic Catholic soldier and defender of your Faith, you dared to criticize a tyrannical Emperor and were subjected to horrible torture. You could have occupied a high military position but you preferred to die for your Lord.
Obtain for us the great grace of heroic Christian courage that should mark soldiers of Christ. Amen.
Source: www.catholic.org
 Life of St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
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Source of picture: https://anastpaul.wordpress.com
He was born Mark Roy or Rey in 1577, in Sigmaringen, a town in modern-day Germany, then under the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. His father's name was John Rey. He studied law and philosophy at the University of Freiburg.
Roy subsequently taught philosophy at this university, ultimately earning the degree of Doctor of Law. During his time as a student he did not drink wine, and wore a hair-shirt. He was known for his modesty, meekness and chastity.
In 1604, Roy accompanied, as preceptor (teacher-mentor), three young Swabian gentlemen on their travels through the principal parts of Europe. During six years of travel, he attended Mass very frequently. In every town they came to, he visited the hospitals and churches, passed several hours on his knees in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, and was generous to the poor, sometimes giving them the very clothes off his back.
Upon his return, he practiced law as a counselor or advocate, at Colmar, in Alsace, France where he came to be known as the 'poor man's lawyer'. He scrupulously forbore all invectives, detractions, and whatever might affect the reputation of any adversary. Disenchanted with the evils associated with his profession, he was determined to join his brother George as a member of the Capuchin friars.
Upon entering the Capuchin order, the guardian gave him the religious name of Fidelis, the Latin word for "faithful," alluding to that text from the Book of Revelation which promises a crown of life to him who shall continue faithful to the end. He finished his novitiate and studies for the priesthood, presiding over his first Mass at the Capuchin friary in Fribourg (in present-day Switzerland), on October 4, 1612 (the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, founder of the order).
During a severe epidemic in a city, Fidelis cared for and cured many sick soldiers. Many residents of the town and neighboring places were reformed by his zealous labors, and several Calvinists were converted. The Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith commissioned Fidelis to preach in the Graubünden region of eastern Switzerland. Eight other Capuchin friars were to be his assistants, and they labored in this mission under his direction.
The Calvinists of that territory, being incensed at his success in converting their brethren, loudly threatened Fidelis' life, and he prepared himself for martyrdom.
On April 24, 1622, Fidelis made his confession, celebrated Mass and then preached at Grüsch. At the end of his sermon, which he had delivered with more than ordinary zeal, he stood silent all of a sudden, with his eyes fixed upon Heaven, in ecstasy. He foretold his death to several persons in the clearest terms, and began signing his letters, "P. Fidelis, prope diem esca vermium" ("Father Fidelis, in days ahead to become food for worms"). After the service at Grüsch he and several companions traveled to Seewis. His companions noted that he was particularly cheerful.
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen with St. Joseph of Leonessa (Tiepolo, 1752-1758)
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Giambattista Tiepolo: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen & St. Joseph of Leonessa
On April 24, in a campaign organized by the Habsburgs, Fidelis was preaching under protection of some Austrian imperial soldiers in the Church at Seewis with the aim to reconvert the people of Seewis to Catholicism. During the sermon, his listeners were called "to arms" by the Calvinist agitators outside. Some of the people went to face the Austrian troops outside the church. Fidelis had been persuaded by the remaining Catholics to immediately flee with the Austrian troops out of Seewis, which he did, but then returned alone to Grüsch. On his way back he was confronted by 20 Calvinist soldiers who demanded unsuccessfully that he renounce the Catholic faith, and when he refused, they subsequently murdered him.
It is said that a Catholic woman lay concealed near the place of Fidelis' martyrdom as the saint was slain. After the soldiers had left, she came out to assess the incident and found the martyr's eyes open, fixed on the heavens. He was buried by Catholics the next day.
After six months, the martyr's body was found to be incorrupt, but his head and left arm were separated from his body. The body parts were then placed into two reliquaries, one sent to the Cathedral of Coire, at the behest of the bishop, and laid under the High Altar; the other was placed in the Capuchin church at Weltkirchen, Feldkirch, Austria.
Source: www.catholic.org
Prayer to St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
Father, you filled Saint Fidelis with the fire of your love and gave him the privilege of dying that the faith might live. Let his prayers keep us firmly grounded in your love, and help us to come to know the power of Christ’s resurrection. Through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Source: https://prayers4reparation.wordpress.com
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mistervonhelvete · 5 years
A Dom with no self worth.
First and foremost I love being a Dom. I've grown and learned and explored more in the last few months than I have in the previous 39 years. That being said one thing that's just so hard to shake is my constant lack of self worth.
I didn't have the best home life growing up. My father was verbally abusive and was a goddamn mine field to be around. I swear the guy is, or at least was, an emotional sadist. One of his favorites was to sit us down on the couch and yell at us for hours on end. His record was one particular Saturday when we did something to displease him around 8am and he yelled at us on that couch until after midnight.
His other great talent was to tell us how worthless we were...maybe not always using those exact words, but with his actions and other stuff he would say. My mother wisened up when I was 16 and divorced him, but the damage was done.
A little bit about myself, I basically pulled the classic "marry the first woman to let you fuck them". In fairness, she was the SECOND woman to let me fuck them, but the first was a one and done lay anyway. I was with her for several years, we had 2 kids together, and she was also the type to remind me what a useless pile of shit I was. Frankly, she'd have made a great Dominatrix, specializing in degradation and humiliation haha. Here's the shocking twist though, SHE left ME! Wanna know why? Because I was a total piece of shit. I was so bad, so not ready for that level of commitment. I was emotionally stunted, I had no life experience, and I was a liar. I brought a ton of baggage into that marriage, and unpacked it all at her feet. She may not have been the greatest person, but she didn't really deserve the amount of shit I put her through.
I decided to try and start fixing myself after our divorce. First thing I did was to stop lying and, surprisingly, that was the easiest thing to fix...I just stopped. Ironically, I look at that sentence and it sounds like a lie, but it really was just that simple.
A string of failed relationships followed, each one teaching me one or more of the demons I needed to slay. Jealousy was a big one, as was anger. I learned about knowing when I should let go and I learned about knowing when something just wasn't right. I slayed demon after demon and I was making such good progress until I met "She who shall not be named" "Shewho" (as I will call her) taught me the most valuable lesson of my life. She taught me that even something that is seemingly perfect can end in tragedy. That relationship was whirlwind. We met, got together, she met my kids, I met hers, we talked about spending the rest of our lives together. Then she disappeared. I don't want to get into the specific details, but she found out some news and it forced her to decide if she wanted to be with me or not. She took the cowards route and chose to ghost me, HARD. she deleted her FB account, blocked my phone, shunned our mutual friends, and never once told me why. That was the day I learned that not everything comes with closure and not having that last goodbye or having a reason at all REALLY fucked me up. It'd be 4 years before I'd be willing to trust again.
Then came Fawn, my love, my light, the sun in my universe. Her love inspired me to change for the better in so many regards, she expanded my worldview. She introduced me to BDSM and helped nix a lot of my misconceptions. It was the first time I feel like I've ever truly loved someone.
But I still can't shake this notion that I'm not good enough, that I'm worthless, that I keep fucking things up. I started writing this thing like 9 hours ago so I honestly don't even remember what my initial point was, but I feel like I needed to write it. Maybe getting it off my chest and into the ether will help. I don't know, but it's definitely one of those things I need to work on and old trauma dies hard. It's gonna be a struggle, but I'll put in the work...because it's worth it
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gibelwho · 6 years
Top 5: Best Films of 2018
2018 was quite a year for me personally. I got married to my best friend, we traveled to Japan for our honeymoon and we’ve spent the last few weeks of the year packing our house for an upcoming move. Attending the multiplex has not always been an option, but we endeavored to catch a few flicks in between major life changes. Despite these challenges, I wanted to post a special Top 5 detailing my best films of 2018. I have chosen my top films informally the last few years, but hadn’t gotten around to posting my thoughts. As I am surrounded by boxes and with all my film books packed away, I stole some time to reflect on this past year in cinema.
Gibelwho Productions Presents Best Films of 2018
5. Black Panther
4. Won’t You Be My Neighbor
3. A Star is Born
2. Crazy Rich Asians
Black Panther (February 2018): In the ongoing saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are the the blockbuster movies that include multiple heroes and converging storylines, but there are also the small films that focus on one hero. While the Avengers themed films are usually aimed at the lowest common denominator, Marvel allows the hero-focused films to be infused more with a genre flavor or the stylings of a distinctive director. Thus, Ryan Coogler was able to forge Black Panther into a film that envisions an Afro-techno-centric future, engages in discussions of black repression and power dynamics, as well as showing kick-ass and smart women of color as soldiers and scientists. I did have some quibbles with some of the film’s elements, but overall, it was a huge moment for black cinema and should thus be recognized. Wakanda Forever!
Won’t You Be My Neighbor (July 2018): In a year where divisions in this nation were heightened seemingly by the minute, this gentle film comes along to celebrate one of this nation’s best champions of kindness. A man who could relate to children genuinely, even when communicating to them via a sock puppet, and took on difficult subjects such as assassination, divorce, and death. I have fond memories of watching Mr. Rogers Neighborhood as a kid, but this deeper examination made me appreciate even more the lessons he taught me as a child. The archival footage of Fred Rogers himself, the show, and the interviews all cut together paint a picture of a man doing his best to fight for children’s television; he was a flawed man, but one whose focus on kindness left a legacy this nation should tune into once more.
A Star is Born (November 2018): The fourth re-make of this age old tale shows a grizzled legend discovering a budding new star. While their romance shines as bright as her new stardom, it cannot last in the blinding spotlight. Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut and Lady Gaga’s starring debut combine to create movie magic. An homage to the Technicolor classics of old Hollywood, yet aware of the modern day challenges that come with fame and celebrity, the film doesn’t compromise on the quality of the songs and performances on stage, nor on the acting in between. I was especially impressed with the way Cooper and his cinematographer utilized light throughout the film, with some particularly stunning sequences that manage to comment on the state of the character’s evolution. Overall, this movie is incredibly authentic, an ode to the actors bringing these characters to life, but also to the way the musical performances were filmed on real stages.
Crazy Rich Asians (August 2018): This film arrived in theaters with much fanfare and didn’t disappoint! With fantastic performances from various Asian actors, incredible production value done on a tight budget, and a snappy and entertaining script, this film not only captured the heart of moviegoers, but also was a powerful statement about the importance and profitability of representing diversity on screen. I had so many friends that lauded the film as the first time they had seen a version of themselves and their family in the cinema. The dumpling making scene in particular reminded me of my adopted Filipino family (sans the tension with the potential mother-in-law). The mahjong scene at the film’s climax was intentionally crafted to translate both to audiences who intimately understand the game, as well as those who have never heard of it. In fact, that describes Crazy Rich Asians as a whole - one that is open to anyone who is a fan of romantic comedies, but one that shows a particular slice of culture, families, and faces that needs to be given more stories and opportunities to be seen and heard.
BlacKKKlansman (September 2018): All I can say is, Spike Lee better win some accolades for this joint. A film that tells a real life story, that speaks through the look and feel of the 1970s, but that speaks directly to today - a message that is shockingly re-enforced through the images in the last few moments of the film. Cinema history is deeply ingrained in Lee’s filmmaking - from the cross-cutting sequences that reclaims the editing technique from its roots in the racist film Birth of a Nation to the references to blaxploitation films of the 1970s. Lee is doing his best work in years, a film that is at once political, funny, artistic, and a gut punch that should make viewers leave the theater entertained and ready to take action.
Honorable Mentions:
Bohemian Rhapsody (November 2018): This film will be remembered for me as the most expensive movie date of 2018, where we spent $50 to attend the cinema. Yes, it happened to be a Friday night; it happened to be opening weekend; the time that worked happened to be the IMAX screening. And we bought a soda. Was the film worth the steep price of admission? Probably not, but we still enjoyed the experience nonetheless. Many critics have savaged the film, rightly pointing out that it was a conventional biopic made about the most unconventional man that has graced this planet. However, as someone who grew up knowing Queen through sportsball chants and not their incredibly compelling rise nor epic stadium concerts, it was a film that got the job done - exposed me to their members, their songs, their story - and Freddie. Rami Malek should win all the awards for his portrayal of Freddie Mercury. He layered the character with many levels and intimately captured the talent, the suffering, the queen in all his glory. One day, a brave filmmaker will make that creative and oddball biopic that Freddie deserves and - even though this wasn’t it - this film will serve as a foundation for Queen’s story.
Incredibles 2 (June 2018): When I turned 30, I rented a small movie theater in Los Angeles and screened one of my very favorite films - The Incredibles (2004). That film, those characters, the music hold a very special place in my heart and it was with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation (don’t screw it up, Pixar) that I went into the cinema for Incredibles 2. While not a mother quite yet, I absolutely appreciated the reversal for the traditional gendered parent roles, watching an empowered Elastigirl kick butt and Bob discover that parenting is hard and exhausting. I also loved that the Pixar crew didn’t show the Dad as clueless and useless; rather, he was well-intentioned, did his best, and supported his kids. While I didn’t love every element (the villains could have used some work), perhaps my favorite laugh out loud moment of the year was Jack Jack fighting the raccoon.
Deadpool 2 (June 2018): This film is a movie that is made for this particular cultural moment, riddled with jokes and references that will fade from memory in a few months or years, similar to how Shrek will always be connected to the early 2000s. Ryan Reynolds slays as wacky and meta-aware Merc with a Mouth, and Josh Brolin as Cable and Zazie Beetz as Domino are awesome additions (can we see an action flick with just them!?) and the film tries to balance comedy with action with heart in a mostly effective mix.
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christianandnerdy · 2 years
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“His father and mother did not know that it was from the Lord, for he was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel.” Judges 14:4 My favorite biblical story is the story of Samson, when I was 6-7 years old I lived next to a Salvadorian family, they were Jehovah’s Witness, their daughters were good friends with my older sister and when they babysat me they taught me Bible stories from the illustrated Bible, so these illustrations were my first impression of biblical characters. A few years ago I remember reading Judges chapter 14 verse 4, and for the first time it paused me for a moment, God made Samson fall in a deep infatuation with a Philistine woman in order for Samson to start a one man war against the Philistines, now this doesn’t him Samson a pass for Delilah or the women of the night he fell for, Samson’s first engagement party was supposed to be a failure and the beginning of war, and that’s exactly what happened, one thing I hate about every Samson movie is that even though the biblical account is short, it does mention in verse 20 that he ruled for 20 years yet almost every single Samson movie/cartoon gives the impression that his mighty acts from slaying a lion to parting the pillars happened within 6-7 months. Another thing both Christians and Jewish sermons have nothing but condemnation for Samson, I remember listening to a Orthodox Jewish Rabbi bad mouthing Samson in his sermon as an animal, who only function by his animal instinct but not wisdom, again Samson was a Judge for 20 years, we mostly read about his moral failings. In the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse 32 through 34 places Samson as a man of faith alongside other heroes, “And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. #christianandnerdy #samson https://www.instagram.com/p/CfDkpQTrdP1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myupostsheadcanons · 7 years
Ciri is going on adventures through space and time with Galahad, Sir Bors, Percival and Percival’s sister, Dindrane. 
If the books ever pick back up, I would like to see a continuation from this standpoint. I mean, CDPR had a decent enough idea to continue Geralt’s story, but at the end of the saga it was meant to become Ciri’s story. And Ciri was still being hunted by the Aen Elle and found herself in a version of King Arthur’s Court.
Yes the Aen Elle going after Ciri was addressed in the games, but they had to skip years ahead and glossed over most of what Ciri was doing in-between.
I mean, what happened to Galahad afterwards? The actual legend had him vanishing (ascending to heaven) after acquiring the Grail (Zireael=Ze-Rail=The Grail). Ciri probably took him with her. Did he die? Is he hidden up somewhere? It’s been 5 years in between Lady of the Lake and The Wild Hunt.
There is also Merlin and Nimue. Merlin gets trapped in a cave for decades by Nimue in the legends. So somehow he gets taken from his own world and meets Nimue in Ciri’s (future) world.  (Is Merlin an Aen Elle?)
The Isle of Avalon itself being in another plane of existence. Is there elves/fae in this world that can travel between their world and another already in their land? An other group of Elves that got trapped there when the Convergence of Spheres happened? Was there an attempt to recreate the “Lara Gene” among them?  This would explain why so many of the main characters in the legend had super natural powers (not just the ability to perform miracles and magic).
Could Arthur have been thought to be their chosen one, but that turned out to be Galahad instead?
Note: Percival was the original person in the Arthurian Myths to have found The Grail, only to later be replaced by Galahad (in many cases they both disappear, leaving Sir Bors the only one left to return and tell the tale).  The Arthur Legends suffer often from the displacement of older mythos with a newer re-telling, Galahad was among one of the newer additions to the canon compared to other characters. Galahad’s father, Lancelot, also displaced many of Sir. Gaiwain’s accomplishments with his own introduction. Both characters of Lancelot and Galahad would be considered over-powered OCs in today’s standards, that somewhere along the lines somebody’s fanfiction ended up being lumped in with the canon. However, with the amorphous nature of mythos, this is not the case, mythos canon runs on how many people accept it as true for it to be true to canon. So with the spread of the Arthur Mythos to France and Gaul, we got Lancelot, and a few decades later we have Galahad.
This is shown happening in The Witcher itself, legends being forgotten, made up, or discredited. Geralt and Yen’s story being treated in a similar fashion as Arthur, Gwen, and Lancelot’s. Cirillia is literally the Grail, Zireael (Ze-Rail) and she is running around with Galahad.
Tossing around some ideas:
(if you thought my “Loooong rant about the Aen Elle”  was long, this is practically fan fiction and reworking most of the Arthur Mythos, and is a few word pages long... skip to the bottom if you don’t care so much for most of that)
Arthur’s mother Igraine is descended from Aen Elle that got trapped in this world when the Convergence of Spheres happened. Morgause, Morgan Le Fae  Arthur have elven blood in them.
Her ancestors were from party of elves that came to this land prior to the convergence to check out the prospects of conquering it. The convergence trapped them here. They visited the middle east, Egypt, India, China, and other hot-beds of civilization. The majority of them were eventually exposed, captured, and enslaved in Eastern Rome. Their women became concubines to noble lords, the men fighters in the arenas, and their children became prized slaves as well.  Their enslavement status lead their children’s offspring to mingle their blood into Jewish and pre-Christian societies.
Merlin is an Aen Elle, a Sage like Avallac’h, and the only one of the original party still alive. In the Pendragon court he disguises himself as a human, the beard and hat hide his ears and facial features. Only a handful of people know he is an elf instead of human.
After spending decades on the run in Europe and the Middle East, Merlin began to re-create the Lara Dorren experiment. Merlin kept track of the lineage of his companions among the humans, following them North to Roman occupied Britain. There he found Vivian, the “Lady of the Lake” and current guardian of the elven-made sword Excalibur on Avalon. She took him in once he revealed who he was and what powers he possessed. However, she was too old to have anymore children, but already had three daughters: Igraine, and twins Elayne and Evaine. Igraine (23) was already married with two daughters, Morgause (6) and Morgan (4), and the twins (15) were only recently sent to France/Gaul in arranged marriages to Brother Kings Bors and Ban.
Using Vivian’s resources, Uthar Pendragon was found to be another distant elven decedent and Merlin desired an heir between him and Igraine. He made an alliance with Uthar, promising him Igraine’s hand and the kingdom once Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, was killed and she (26) impregnated.
With the Pendragon court now under his influence, Merlin then began the long process of building secret alliances over seas with Gaul and Former Roman Nobles to collect Elayne and Evaine (18) from Ban and Bors.
(Note: There are far too many Elaine’s in the canon legend.... Like way too many. If they couldn’t figure out a name, it was more than likely going to be Elaine/Elayne. )
Elayne’s (25) first husband and Lancelot’s (5) father, King Ban, died in battle against Merlin’s men. King Bors surrendered his wife (Evaine) and sons (Sir Bors (3) and Lionel(1)) to them once King Ban was killed.
Evaine was forbidden to stay with her sons in exile, refused to marry again, and was sent back to Avalon. Elayne was remarried to King Nentres and died giving birth to Elayne the Younger (10 years later).
Lancelot (6) was placed under Vivian’s care and taught how use the sword in the elven fashion. Arthur (13) was already in hiding in Sir Ector and Kay’s house, and being watched over by Merlin personally.
Bors and Lionel were kept by Claudas in an arrangement similar to that of Arthur and Sir Ector. However, after 10 years of captivity, the two boys rebelled against Claudas’s cruel ways and killed Claudas’s son Dorin (15) in the process of escape. The Lord broke off his agreement to shelter the boys (13 and 11). Merlin gave them to Vivian, reuniting them with their mother and cousins. Bors became a stern and serious person for the rest of his life, having to protect his younger brother for the entirety of their childhood and feeling guilt of having to kill another child (though deranged) to survive.
Morgause (16) was married to the King Lot of Orkney in order to remove her from the seat of Cornwall. Morgan (14) too was placed in an arranged marriage, to King Urien of Gorre. The two girls began to plot against Merlin and his plans. Morgan, at the time, had been apprenticing with Merlin since she was 6, having showed more potential to magic than her sister Morgause. She stole Merlin’s notes about the linage of the Aen Elle and the two girls began their own plans.
King Pelles and King Pellinoir, brother kings, had the most direct-line to the elder blood. They protect the magic chalice known as the Holy Grail, a relic brought over by the Elves much like Excalibur was. It had the powers of divination and can cure curses, poisons, and potions. Pelles was already incapable of siring more children, having taken a wound from an enchanted weapon in the groin. But, he still had a daughter, Elaine. She was placed under a transmutation spell by Morgan, to be locked in a freeze so cold that it boiled the air around it.
Pellinoir was too crafty to be caught unaware by the Sorceress’s plans and proved even more difficult to assassinate, he ended up being chased by a demon-beast until the end of his days. He wound up running into a young Arthur (10), then in hiding, on several occasions and was one of the first knights to swear his sword to the young king when Uthar died a few years later (15). When a faction of lords rebelled against Arthur’s ascension, King Lot was among them, and Pellinoir took the opportunity to pay back the tricky sorceresses for the demon and slayed Lot in combat.
When Pellinoir broke the sword of Uthar Pendragon in combat with Arthur (18), Arthur was taken to Avalon by Merlin to meet Vivian, Igraine, and Evaine. Meeting them and his cousins for the first time. The three women tested Arthur to see if he was worthy of the sword, and spent the next several months going through various trials. Once proven, he was given the sword of his ancestors.
Merlin had a counter plan to Morgause and Morgan’s meddling: Leodegrance was a was a general during the Roman occupation and remained in Wales after Rome left, a landed-knight turned noble. He was almost two hundred years old but didn’t appear older than 50. He was part of a “lost line” that was discovered by Merlin doing an extensive search, tracking down humans with long life-spans to find the children of his companions.  Leodegrance had a daughter named Guinevere.
When the wedding between Arthur (25) and Guinevere (16) was announced, a parley was agreed upon to allow Arthur’s extended family to visit. This was when Arthur’s younger cousins: Lancelot (18), Bors (16), and Lionel(14), came to stay at Court to become knights. This was also when he first encountered his sisters, Morgause (34) and Morgan (32) as an adult and got to meet Morgause’s sons with Lot, Gawain (17), Agravain (15), Gaheris (12), and Gereth (9), and Morgan’s step-son Ywain(13), a bastard of her husband’s taken in to be raised as Morgan is unable to have children as a sorceress.
Morgan placed a disguise on Morgause, which allowed her to “crash”  Arthur’s bachelor celebration. She seduced Arthur and became pregnant with a son, Mordred. Morgan then turned her attention to Guinevere in the meantime, weaving a spell that will make the future queen incapable of having children (the same method used to make sorceresses irreversibly infertile).
After this point the legend fairly much follows what everyone knows it to be:
Lancelot falls in love with the queen, then he leaves on a quest to perform a miracle (unlock magic powers, as he knew his family was capable of sorcery from growing up on Avalon), and rescues Elaine from Morgan’s spell. She is later disguised as Guinevere (probably by Merlin in this version) and becomes pregnant with Galahad. He (28) gets confronted by Guinevere a year later, when Elaine shows up with the infant Galahad, and he has a mental breakdown and runs off, not to be seen for the next 3 years.
Pellinoir has half a dozen kids while he was on the run and hunting down the beast trying to kill him. He eventually finds time to get married and has more children with his wife, Percival among them.
All of Morgause's sons become knights at Arthur's Court, to varying degrees of loyalty. Gawain (21) and Gaheris (16) turn around and kill Pellinoir out of revenge for their Father’s death. And Morgause (55) gets killed by Gaheris (33) when he found her having sex with Lamorak (one of Pellinor’s sons... he manages to escape before getting axed).
(NOTE: Dude, read up on Pellinoir sometime. I mean, he’s endearing and charming in Once and Future King, but he’s kind of a Memetic Badass in the Mythos Canon. He broke the sword in the stone when fighting Arthur, and Merlin had to intervene. Spent most of his life fighting a chimera-like dragon. And, it took two of the most skilled knights to kill him. Gawain is the Worf of the Mythos, he’s bad-ass on his own, if not overshadowed by people like Lancelot, the “best knight of all time.” If anybody wanted to prove themselves “the best” among the Round Table Knights they had to go through Gawain first before Lancelot puts a boot up their ass. And Gawain couldn’t do it on his own).
Percival was raised in the countryside by his mother in order to escape the blood feud that claimed his father and caused his older brothers so much grief. Percival, when he was 15, came across a band of knights and became enthralled with them. He set his mind to become a Knight himself and told his mother this. She was unable to win the argument and told him of his father and to seek out King Arthur and his brothers, Lamarak, Agrovane, and Dornar. Arthur welcomed the youth with open arms. However, his brothers proved too boisterous and grating to Percival (16) and he eventually found himself under the wing of the stoic Sir Bors (38) and his son Elyan (17).
Sir Bors later introduced Percival to Lady Elayne (The Younger, 32), and the boy developed a crush for the unearthly beauty in spite of her being 14 years his senior, already married, and has a son, Galeschin (10). She thought it was charming, but did not reciprocate his affections. The two met when Bors and Elyan went to collect the young Galahad (14) from his mother Elaine upon Lancelot’s request. Elayne was brought along as it was thought prudent to have a woman of the family present when meeting with Elaine. Bors wasn’t about to ask his aging mother Evaine to come along, and besides Elayne was Galahad’s aunt, a much closer relation to the boy. 
The two women did not get along. Elayne believed the other to have wronged her brother and caused him far too much grief. Elaine considered the other a self-important diva, having not a day of hardship because of her beauty, and likened her to Guinevere as a spoiled brat.
(Galeschin (12) is later taken under Ywain’s (39) wing and is his squire when they fail to rescue Sir Gawain (43) from Sir Carados and the three of them had to be rescued by Lancelot(44). This was shortly before Ciri’s arrival.)
The four canon characters all would have Elder Blood. Sir Bors abilities  are more latent and “repressed” than his younger cousins, he is a man of the sword and of faith, and because he had been over-shadowed most of his life by the rest of his family he stayed in the background as support. He took it upon himself to take Percival and Galahad under his wing, as Pellinor died when Percival was a toddler and Lancelot was so “off hands” when it came to raising Galahad.
Ciri would show up around this time in the Mythos. Galahad is 16 and Percival is 20.  Sir Bors is the oldest of their group at 42, and Percival’s sister, Dindrane, is somewhere in her mid-20s. (Arthur would be 51 at this at this time, Lancelot 44, and Guinevere 42. Mordred would be 26. This is at the peek of Camelot’s power).  
Ciri having a child with Galahad or Percival would fulfill the requirements for creating the “chosen one” that could open the gates between worlds. Dindrane ends up dead sometime during their journey and her body was sent back home. Bors breaks off from their band right before Ciri leaves for good with Galahad and Percival. Bors likely didn’t believe it was his place or time to continue the quest, being in his 40′s already. It was something that the young must accomplish on their own.
Things that could happen in a new book to break game canon: 1) Ciri does have a child within that 5 years between the end of LotL and TW3. 2) Merlin is an Aen Elle and teams up with Avallac’h (or he’s a bad guy and sides with Eredin) 3) Politics of the Aen Elle not meshing up with the games. (Eredin isn’t their King after Auberon dies, Avallach isn’t an ally to Ciri... In-game only characters not existing). 4) Geralt and Yennifer not returning to their world nor being taken by the Wild Hunt. They are effectively gone, even though their deaths had been retconed. 5) That plague that killed 1/3 of the population in the Witcherworld that happened right after LotL not being ignored. 6) The frost is still a thing, a thing that is going to happen. It isn’t some magical force that could be stopped, it is nature, and it is still creeping along. 7) Show what happened to the Aen Sidhe after leaving  the Witcherworld. 8) Move ahead in the timeline, when Ciri’s child has already grown up fulfilling their legacy. 9) Do a “Days of the Future Past” scenario and have Ciri’s child go back into the past to be trained by Geralt and Yen.... and King Arthur (having been sent away after his own death) 10)  Nothing gets accomplished and everything is for not. The Witcherworld and everybody in it dies and no shits were given about trying to save them because they are all horrid-horrid people that didn’t deserve to be saved.
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markxforother · 8 years
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer turns 20 years of age and as a massive fan who has been watching it since I was 10 years old, here are my top ten feminist lessons and moments from the show.
1. Self Reliance and the Strength Within.
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One thing that Buffy as a show tackled well was the importance and downfall of being a self-reliant, independent woman in today’s world. What aided her in her defeat of her abusive vamp ex was also what isolated her from her friends and family. Buffy showed that whilst as a woman it is important to have friends and family but it is vital to draw from the strength within whilst also not being afraid to ask for help. 
Angelus: Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends...No hope. Take all that away... and what's left? Buffy: Me.
2. Joyce - single mother extraordinaire
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Joyce Summer’s was the single mother to Buffy and also Dawn (it’s a whole thing)
She was kind, caring and to a point, pretty understanding. She freaked out about Buffy losing her virginity and being a vampire slayer but throughout it all she was always there for her daughter. She squared off power hungry principals, vampires and even a killer slayer, she defended her child and she did it alone. She vowed to protect and love Dawn especially after finding out she wasn’t really her biological daughter and taught Buffy compassion and responsibility in a way she had never faced, despite saving the world numerous times. 
Her death contributed to one of the most heartbreaking tv episodes ever seen (and there’s a lot!) it was real, raw and not like anything television at that time had seen. It was a testament to her character and what she meant to Buffy, her friends and also to the show and its fans.
Joyce: You get the hell away from my daughter!
3. Women and Sexuality 
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer pushed boundaries in many ways but one of the most important boundaries was that of the first lesbian sex scene on network television in America. Whilst some aren’t fans of using magic as a subtext of their relationship, Tara and Willow’s relationship grew in one of the most well rounded, healthy and honest relationships on the entire show. Willow’s gradual exploration and realisation of her sexuality is also important. Everyone regardless of how they define their sexuality comes to realise it and navigate it in different ways. 
The show also tackled straight female sexuality, from Buffy’s loss of virginity to who she thought was the right guy but turned nasty, to Kendra’s shy engagement with boys to Faith’s open and care free attitude, there was always a strong message that sex and sexuality was important and different for each female character in the show  and can mean different things at different times in your life. The main message for young women is, as long as your choices are healthy and make you happy, who really cares?!
Willow: ...and I think I’m kinda gay?
4. What it feels like to be just a girl. 
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Buffy isn’t a natural superhero, from the film and the flashbacks she was a cheerleading prom loving girl who was Chosen and had her destiny forced upon her.
From the episode Prophecy Girl where Buffy finds out she’s going to die, to explaining what being a slayer is to her mother and lamenting on wanting to just paint her nails, Buffy struggles with what it means to have so much responsibility, face all the darkness in the world whilst just wanting to be a normal girl.
Whether its discrimination in the workplace, our right to abortions, sexual assault, maternity rights and all the problems women face, it can feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders and that we are fighting daily battles and making sacrifices just to get by. 
But we’re all just girls, we all have dreams, hopes and aspirations. We all have silly things we do to make ourselves feel better and we all want to be loved and respected.
We all want equality for everyone and right now, to do that, we’ve got to keep slaying.
Kid: But you're... you're just a girl. Buffy: ....That's what I keep saying.
5. Male allies
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The men in Buffy are definitely second fiddle but are vital. I’m going to start by admitting that re-watching the first couple of season of Buffy, Xander is a bit dick! Right got that out of my system, but just like the women in the show he grew and learnt and became the heart of the group. From his unwavering support of Buffy, his iconic pep talk with Dawn which makes me cry every time, to saving the world by reminding Willow of her humanity. Xander became the best friend you wish you had.
Giles became Buffy’s father figure quite early on in the series and accepted her for all her faults and never judged her for it. He jeopardised his job by standing up to the patriarchal system that made him her Watcher and pretty much tortured her, he was willing to die and kill for her and took all of her friends under his wing as well. 
It’s important to remind ourselves that Feminism is about equality so if you’re lucky enough to have male allies around you, appreciate their value and support.Yes, they are doing as they should but whilst they may benefit from it more that us, they are also victims of the Patriachy as well.  If they’re fighting to good fight and not intimated by your strength, I say hats off to you sirs!
Buffy: But this is all my fault.
Rupert Giles: No. I don't believe it is. Do you want me to wag my finger at you and tell you that you acted rashly? You did. And I can. I know that you loved him. And he has proven more than once that he loved you. You couldn't have known what would happen. The coming months are gonna be hard. I suspect on all of us, but if it's guilt you're looking for, Buffy, I'm not your man. 
All you will get from me  is my support. And my respect.
7. The Slayer, The Mother, The Geek, The Prom Queen, The Killer, The Demon, The Witch, The Key 
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Labels are placed on women all the time and can feel suffocated by the expectations around that, where its mother, career women, whore, virgin, girly or tomboy, society rarely allows to be all these things or none. We have to fall into one group or another and if we try and mix them around we get called up on being contrary or worse - attempting to ‘have it all.’
You can label each one of the main women that make up the Buffyverse but each one defies its stereotype growing into complex and realised people, just like everyday women. 
Buffy was a peppy pretty girl with a secret and evolved to a maternal yet isolated warrior who had grown tired of the weight of being a Slayer, to finally embracing her role as a leader a teacher. Willow was a geek and also an all powerful witch, Faith was a killer but was also vulnerable, Anya was a demon who also was a doting girlfriend. 
Their stereotypes are fantasy extremes but each character was one thing at the start and something different by the end, they are real, three-dimensional women growing, learning, falling and rising up again.
Buffy: I'm cookie dough. I'm not done baking. I'm not finished becoming who ever the hell it is I'm gonna turn out to be. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next thing, and maybe one day, I turn around and realize I'm ready. I'm cookies.
8. Misogyny can kill even the strongest of women
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In one of the weaker seasons of Buffy, season 6 did however thrive in tackling the subject of misogyny.  After Buffy comes back from the dead, she is left feeling lost, alone and seeking sexual solace in Spike, a vampire. When she realises that their relationship isn’t healthy and that she’s been sleeping with him for all the wrong reasons, he doesn’t take it well. He in fact, tries to rape her. This is something that women all over the world face and this theme is furthered by her human nemesis Warren who is particularly sexist and when she asserts her physical strength over him/‘emasculating’ him, he responds by coming into her home, shooting her and killing Tara in the process.
Violence and sexual assault against women is a very real problem in society and no matter how much we tell girls to dress a certain way, to not ‘tease men’ and to ‘cater to their ego’ even the Slayer herself can be victim to a system that perpetuates an idea that women are at fault and men are left blameless. We need to stop this because also we don’t have Willow to turn evil and become a vengeful super witch. 
Willow: You never felt you had the power with her, not until you killed her. 
Warren: Women. You know, you're just like the rest of them. Mind games.
9. Diversity and Intersectionality are key
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One of the downfalls of Buffy is its lack of diversity. Show runners have admitted it and done their best to learn from it with future shows paving the way for awesome characters like Zoe Washburne from Firefly and Melinda May from Agents of Shield who are both similar in characteristics to Buffy but also women of colour.  
But one way that the show tackled their shortcomings of diversity with previous characters was when we met The First Slayer. 
The First Slayer was an African woman kidnap and imbued her with demonic powers by 3 men who became The Watcher’s Council. 
Now she’s far from perfect and how the whole concept and how its portrayed is problematic as hell, one might even go as far to say that its pretty racist. 
But they could have easily made The First Slayer white, they could’ve made her ethnically ambiguous etc but by making her black they not only recognized the importance of race and Africa in The Slayer’s origins story but also the in human race itself. 
Here presence itself lead to the origins of other Slayers and Potential Slayers to be slightly more diverse and we see it full effect in the seventh and final season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer from dodging accents, varying sexualities, ethnicities, sub-cultures and general characteristics. The Potentials may also be terrible stereotypes but to some people (me in this case) when it comes to early forms of representing intersectional feminism, I’ll take what I can get.
Either way, Buffy as a character and the‘Wheddonverse’ in general are indebted to the First Slayer.
First Slayer via Tara: You think you know what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.
10. The Sisterhood
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One thing I’ve always loved about Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the sisterhood. They may not all love each other and be best friends but when it came down to it, they had each others back. From Cordelia stepping up to fight the demons and even offering a vulnerable Buffy a ride home to Willow saving Anya’s life even when she had reverted to being a demon to even Faith proudly being by Buffy’s side in the final fight. Buffy’s friendships and female allies taught us that its important to have different types of women from different backgrounds and opinions and that each add value to your life. Female friendships can be challenging and complex in a world when were are constantly pitted against each other but more than ever its important to celebrate and covet what unites us. 
In the final episode Buffy decides to give up her title by having Willow make every potential slayer an actual Slayer, it’s final message of the show was using that sisterhood to pass on the power and strength to a new generation may it be potential slayers or our daughters and students because whilst we may have made progress, we still having many demons to fight.
Buffy: From now on, every girl in the world who might be a Slayer, will be a Slayer. Every girl who could have the power, will have the power. Can stand up, will stand up. Slayers, every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?
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danayescanaverino · 7 years
Making 2018 The Year of The Latina Business!
Here's the latest from my blog:
This post is sponsored by AT&T in collaboration with #WeAllGrow Latina Network, however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Looking back at 2017, it was a year of both healing and re-focus.
I worked really hard to heal and grow from the loss of my only sibling and mentor in 2016.  While I don’t think you can ever truly overcome a loss like this, I had to figure out the best way I could cope and move on without falling into a deep depression.
I had to draw some type of meaning from it all and did what I do best; I worked.
Let's go. I'm rested up and ready for the week. Who else is ready to slay? . . Dale. Ya descanse y estoy lista para la semana. ¿Quién más está lista para acabar?
A post shared by Danay Escanaverino (@danay.e) on Sep 5, 2017 at 3:42am PDT
I channeled my energy into my business and focused on what is important to me as a Latina. I want to give back and help other Latinas grow their businesses and I want to share my brother’s brilliance and gifts to honor his memory and keep him alive for others.
I made an effort to connect with more Latinas at blogger and marketing events and asked important questions about pain points and needs.
Hanging out with other Latina bloggers at BlogHer 17
Remembering My Blessings
I had to refocus and remind myself of my blessings and how truly lucky I am for so many reasons.
I’m lucky on an insane level because my parents left everything behind in 1979 when I was 4 years old to come to the United States and start over. They were ostracized and treated like garbage. We lost what little the Cuban government gave out as rations because we were considered gusanos “worms” and defectors. The only reason we didn’t starve was because of my dad’s craftiness at finding some food for us to eat until we left.
My parents gave my brother and I the gift of freedom and opportunity when they left Cuba with nothing but hope. Click To Tweet
My parents gave my brother and I the gift of freedom and opportunity when they left Cuba with nothing but hope.
I’m lucky because, as an immigrant, my work ethic was framed by watching my parents work tremendously hard without ever asking for or expecting anything from anyone. There was a sense of pride in being able to acquire something from your own efforts.
I’m lucky because I got to grow up with the coolest geek in my big brother, Gene. While he was only 16 months older, my hero worship of him was a fact of life.
Gene and I on my 6th birthday. That smile was always on my face as long as he was around.
He gave me the most precious gift, a lifelong love of technology.
He taught me how to use a computer in the late 80s, when only the true geeks were into them. When the internet started being a “thing” in the 90’s, I was learning about networking and html and created my first website in 1995 using HTML 1 and a mosaic browser while in college.
His faith in my intelligence and capabilities was a catalyst for my leading a wonderful career in internet marketing. I was an early adopter of web technologies and stayed ahead of the latest trends thanks to him always telling me I was smart and capable.
Helping Latina & Latino Businesses
Today I own an agency and several websites whose entire focus is promoting Hispanic / Latino businesses and entrepreneurship.
One of these sites is HispanicYa, a free Hispanic & Latino business and events directory. It’s a passion project that enables me to promote these businesses in the hopes of empowering Latino business owners through free marketing support.
The site has been in soft launch mode as we gather and create content. I’m excited about a full launch in 2018.
Did you know that 58% of U.S. Latinos feel more empowered through technology? Click To Tweet
Did you know that 58% of U.S. Latinos feel more empowered through technology?
That’s thanks to an AT&T research study meant to explore the role of technology in U.S. Latinos’ pursuit of their goals ad aspirations across various aspects of their lives.
I’m also a part of the 68% in the study who believes that technology is the key to empowerment of the Latino community in the U.S. I’m certainly a testament to that.
As the largest minority group, Latinos have incredible purchasing power at 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars. Click To Tweet
We have at our fingertips a way for us to support each other. We can find Latino owned businesses and spend our dollars with them without having to travel farther than our own living rooms.
I’m super excited about those numbers and can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for us as a community.
My goal for 2018 is to be integral in promoting Latina / Latino businesses and offering ways to support each other with our purchasing dollars.
Sharing is Caring! If you like this post, please share it on Pinterest.
The post Making 2018 The Year of The Latina Business! appeared first on Danay.
via WordPress http://www.danay.net/making-2018-year-latina-business/
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