#He’s a caspian turtle
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wait forgot caps lock
-case :)
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marsmaniac · 10 months
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decided to finally post about my rottmnt OC, Artemis! She's still a work in progress, so I'll just list about what I have about her so far
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She's a Caspian Pond Turtle
She was raised by Baron Draxum under his teachings and ways
She was mutated in the same ooze that was used to mutate Splinter and the turtles, but after Draxum's lab was destroyed she was technically abandoned for a while. But after Draxum revisited his lab to attempt to recover what he'd lost he discovered her
gets separated from Draxum at some point and meets and befriends the turtles like I said, she's still a WIP, so yea stay tuned for more Artemis! :D additional drawings + a full body of her
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Hi! Congratulations!!
I have actually just found your account and I couldn't find a character list but I checked someone of your asks and I think you write for all of these fandoms but if you don't I'm sorry.
⚓ - Send this with a description of yourself with the fandom(s) you want a ship for! Could I get this with Harry Potter (lighting era please), Narnia, Stanger Things, and Shadow and Bone, please?
I'm a straight female.
Physical: I'm 5'3 and a bit on the chubby side. I have blue eyes and light brown hair with blonde highlights. I have pale skin and freckles under my eyes and across my nose and I wear glasses.
Hobbies: reading, learning, archery, being outside, and spending time with my family.
Personality: I'm kind but I can be blunt and kind of rude without meaning to. I'm very sarcastic and sassy. I can get on people's nerves easily because I don't really get upset when someone says something about me and I'm a peacemaker. I'm an introvert and my harry potter house is Ravenclaw. I'm quiet but I'm not shy. I'm a major homebody. I hate drama, it always gives me anxiety.
Likes: Learning (especially history), music, candles, animals, my stuffed animals, this one scrunchie that I have used for the last four years, Disney, reading, cuddling with my cat, sleeping, going on walks/hikes
random facts:
snakes are my biggest fear. whenever I see them I laugh and cry at the same time.
I laugh when I'm freaked out
I'm homeschooled and I'm Christian
I treat my cat like he is my child
I use jokes (my sarcasm) as a coping thing and a few people thought that I was super rude for it
Yes! I write for the first three! Here they are dear!
First I ship you with Ron Weasley! 🧡
He is a bit alarmed about you laughing when you are freaked out from the spider you find in the forest during detention in your 2nd year to when you saw thestrals for the first time but he gets used to it
He loves seeing you with animals especially your cat seeing how attached and how much you truly care for him always taking pictures when he sees you holding or petting an animal most of the pictures are you asleep with your cat on you or just the two of you with your cat on your lap playing with him
He likes how despite being quiet a lot of the time you talk quite a bit when you're with him and his friends always talking, laughing, and smiling with the three
He always makes sure if there is a snake somewhere even in the greenhouse garden he always carefully takes it outside mostly near the fountains despite him being scared so you wouldn't find it due to your fear of snakes
He likes to share his snacks with you even getting a little extra from lunch and dinner feasts so before you go to bed you meet up and go to your hideout near and the Gryffindor common room and eat together for a couple of minutes
He always meets you next to the gardens or the great hall to study helping each other especially with the subjects you have trouble with
Next I ship you with Prince Caspian! 🩵
He likes to watch you accept people as they are being true friends to them and being such a wonderful human
He always brings flowers to you even small ones around Narnia he is always making a big bouquet of them and giving them to you
He likes to take you to the beach known as the spot always enjoying how you watch the ocean and swim freely getting shells and helping turtles get in the water
He always feels his heart soar when he stops to see your eyes light up in the sun especially when you're on the beach standing in front of the ocean
He likes to see you wear his shirts always smiling when he walks in your shared bedroom after being away to see you asleep under the covers in his shirt
He likes to bathe with you always just holding you to him enjoying and cherishing the skin to skin contact every time never wanting to let you go until the water runs cold
Finally I ship you with Eddie Munson! 🖤
He never judges or is offended by your sarcasm and jokes actually laughing and following with a joke after leaving you both a laughing mess
He is at first apprehensive when he finds out he has feelings for you due to your christian background after being together for a bit and meeting your family he realizes not only people who are religious are crazy or scary
He brings you candles he finds at a store, his uncle's house, or from one of his friends giving them to you leading to a long collection of many scents of candles in your bedroom and his
He likes to put your glasses on himself if you're sad or having a bad day just to look over and see him making some face with your glasses making you laugh everytime
He likes watching movies with you from the horror movies that he likes that scare you sometimes and the disney movies you love and he soon grows to love with you
He likes to watch you play his guitars whether you know how to play or not he will teach you and just lay next to you listening to you strum a song on his guitar
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ya-boi-haru · 1 year
A crossover no one asked for:
What Miraculous i would assign Fable SMP characters + Headcannons
(This is set so they have the ability more than the costumes)
• Rae: Ladybug - Creation
• Sherbert: Cat - Destruction
• Wil: Ox - Determination
• Momboo: Peacock - Emotion
• Centross: Goat - Passion
• Athena: Pig - Jubilation
• Ven: Bee - Subjection
• Seven: Snake - Intuition
• Easton: Mouse - Multiplication
• Ocie: Tiger - Elation
• Caspian: Horse - Teleportation
• Chaos: Monkey - Derision
• Hayley: Rabbit - Evolution (temporarily)
• Ulysses (From Telkins): Butterfly - Transmission
• Arisanna: Turtle - Protection
• Aax: Dragon - Perfection
• Wolf: Dog - Adoration
• Jamie: Rooster - Pretension
• Rae would risk wielding multiple miraculous at a time, even if they couldn't handle it or one was broken
• Caspian got his miraculous later. When they found it, Rae wanted to give it to Cas so if he was ever in a situation like the prison again, he'd have a safe way out back home. Also he could stop getting lost.
• After his work with Enderian, Centross didn't use his miraculous often and after he accidentally killed Chaos, he renounced ownership of it. He wore it again once he learned the truth and for the Warden fight but went back to not using it much after the reset.
• Sherbert would be the one to figure out how to make the "power-ups"
• Momboo made sentimonsters to watch over her kids and friends
• Will was given his miraculous by his dad to help protect him
• Athena and Jamie are making all the best food for the kwamis
• Sherbert renounced their miraculous after Corruption. It took them a while to wear it again, but they didnt use it. After they got their memories back in S2 they didn't want to use their miraculous again for a while.
• The Rabbit miraculous fell with the Aether and Hayley found it in Purgatory. She didn't come back with it though
• During Season one, (corrupted) Sherbert tried to "task" Seven with using Second Chance during the tower fight. He made the decision not to.
• Parts of the Grimoire are scattered in libraries
• Athena's miraculous broke, thus making them get sick. They were able to repair the miraculous and heal them in time, but Athena still needs a cane to walk.
• Perix had the Fox miraculous and would offer its power to those that helped her. After they defeated her, everyone agreed to keep it safe, only wearing for times of complete necessary. It remains inactive.
• To make sure Sherbert couldn't Cataclysm their way out of prison (season 1) Seven temporarily held the Dog miraculous and used its power to take Sherberts ring.
• Even though he wouldn't have used it, Sherbert took Centross' miraculous off him during his Prison 2.0 time.
• Caspian uses his miraculous to take Rae and Aax to cute fate places.
• Caspian still isn't good with directions and using the horse miraculous actually makes it worse, since he's going straight from A to B rather than knowing where to go to get there
• Rae attempted to fix the End Islands with the Ladybug miraculous, but had to learn that it doesn't work like that
• Will's miraculous was one of the main reasons he was able to survive attacks in the Ominous Bane fight.
• Sherbert is a secondary/ temporary holder of the Rooster miraculous and used the Monkey to try Quixes research
• Momboo confiscated Jamie's miraculous when going into the bunker
• They had only heard of the Butterfly miraculous but when they met Ulysses they finally got to see it
• Arisanna uses her miraculous a little aggressively (trapped Rae in it when they first met)
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artsolarsash · 2 years
Okay guys, I almost finished Donatello but I drew two style of his pattern
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#1- in the first one, he usually has a spots as like the other turtles
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#2- in the second one he has liners like Rise!Leo from his character design but actually he’s a caspian turtle (inspired by Rise of teenage mutant ninja turtles lol)
So which one is best? put #1 or #2 in comment and describe why, I’ll like to read it. Maybe I should change their species? It seems very boring
@kawaiibunga @narwals14 @janna-the-breaker @sivy-chan-blog @turtlesmakemehappy and others
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rodrigoliviafan · 1 year
Olivia Rodrigo's generational influence
Jay Caspian Kang writes an article for The New Yorker titled ‘Why Gen X Dads Can Appreciate Olivia Rodrigo’. He initially introduces the connection he has with his daughter, as they both are able to enjoy the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) movie in a way that is relevant to both of their individual childhoods, despite their childhoods having taken place decades apart, due to what he would describe as ‘era-hopping’. By ‘era-hopping’ he’s referring to when media bounces between time periods, the TMNT franchise has continuously produced media since the release of the original 1987 series, therefore, remaining relevant to the younger generations of the past and present. Olivia Rodrigo achieves this same ‘era-hopping’, however, in a little bit of a different way, which I will outline throughout this text.
Kang makes this same link to Olivia Rodrigo’s music as her Sophomore Album ‘Guts’ has just released this past Friday (8th September 2023). He describes listening to the album as “the feeling of being sprayed with a nostalgia hose”, for those born between 1972 and 1985. Due to the album’s likeness to artists such as Wheezer, Bikini Kill, No Doubt, Green Day, and Blondie. Kang also addresses that fact that while other modern artists also draw inspiration from the past of music, Rodrigo does it in a way that makes you wonder if it was her intention or not. He also suggests, many artists are compared to a single other musician or band such a Greta Van Fleet who are constantly compared to Led Zeppelin. Whereas Rodrigo seems to draw inspiration from a plethora of artists, both across the entire album and within individual songs.
While Rodrigo has a talent for creating music that draws upon artists and music of the past, this is a double-edged sword for her career and credibility. Following the release of Rodrigo’s debut album Sour she later added additional writing credits onto the songs ‘Déjà vu’, ‘1 step forward, 3 steps back’, and ‘Good 4 u’. Taylor Swift and her co-writers (Jack Antonoff and St. Vincent) claimed that ‘Déjà vu’ shared similarities to Swift’s ‘Cruel Summer’ and the same for ‘1 step forward, 3 steps back’ and Swift’s ‘New Year’s Day’, which they were awarded writing credit for. Hayley William’s Paramore did the same for the song ‘Good 4 u’ claiming its similarity to ‘Misery Business’, which she too was awarded credits for (and Paramore ex-guitarist Josh Farro).
Contrastingly, upon accusations that Rodrigo included a guitar riff in her song ‘Brutal’ from Elvis Costello’s ‘Pump It Up’, Costello chose not to pursue claims. He stated on Twitter “This is fine by me” and “It’s how rock & roll works. You take the broken pieces of another thrill and make a brand-new toy”. Which is an opinion that many agreed with, particularly as people found the accusations made about Rodrigo’s music to be unfairly preying on the success of a young and upcoming artist. While credit should be given where it is due, I think there is a lot to debate about where the line should be drawn.
While Rodrigo’s music does not remind me of the music that was popularly on the radio throughout my childhood, it does remind me of the music my parents played as I was growing up. So, while I was not alive during the time periods that Rodrigo’s music references (nor was she), I am able to recognise the nostalgia that Kang references in his article. The article itself also pulls on my heart strings a little, as Kang discusses his experience listening as a father to a young girl, something that is bittersweet for me as I lost my father at a young age. Kang has allowed me to imagine that my dad and I would have been able to listen to the album Guts together, through the commonality we could find in her music’s sound and lyricism.
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siennaditbot · 2 years
Kept forgetting the lil dude's name and wasn't satisfied with the concept anyway so ended up reworking Riker, the lil gecko boy!
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He's now called Cas for the Caspian sea and he's a sea turtle! Still a pirate fan, though (I absolutely adore the idea of Espio's kid preferring pirates over ninjas. Also him being a turtle is definitely not a turtles joke)
(Can already imagine Espio going "Don't you think that 'ninja turtle' has a nice ring to it?" lol)
Also Imma leave his background ambiguous, they just kinda find him doing small robberies or something around town and end up adopting him. Might also drop the blind eye thing, idk yet.
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The couple's adult designs are most likely gonna change later but at least the idea's out there. Kiddo happens around 10 years into the future. Also kinda wanna think what a chameleon-arctic fox hybrid would look like. Fluffy or scaley? Both? I am intrigued
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ofswannsx · 2 years
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                      CASPIAN MCQUEEN.
when they say like father like son they were talking about caspian mcqueen. caspian, like his dad in his younger years, is an absolute menace. he’s a troubled kid to his core. not because of his parents’ divorce or middle kid syndrome, but because of his powers. for year he spent time running away from his problems, only to cause problems in the long run. he’s now learning that facing them head on the bravest ( and smartest ) thing he can do. when he’s not playing with the band you’ll find him out at sea with the love of his life, hallie. 
INSPIRED  BY  : danny fenton / phantom ( danny phantom ) , percy jackson  (  percy jackson  ) ,  leonardo (  rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles  )  ,  shawn hunter ( boy meets world ) , stiles stilinski ( teen wolf ) ,  steve harrington  (  stranger things  )  ,  klaus hargreeves ( the umbrella academy  ) , denki kamanari (  my hero academia  )
BIRTH NAME.  caspian sawyer mcqueen NICKNAMES.  cas DATE OF BIRTH.   may 27. AGE.     twenty-six. GENDER.   cis male. PRONOUNS.  he/him SPECIES.  human. POWERS.   ability to speak to and see ghosts. full powers here.  SEXUALITY.   bisexual PLACE OF BIRTH.    elias, california. CURRENT RESIDENCE.   elias, california. OCCUPATION.   bass player for paradise on the horizon
HEIGHT. 5'9" BUILD. toned. HAIR COLOUR/STYLE. brunette and curly when it grows out.  EYE COLOUR.  blue. PIERCINGS.  right ear. he wears a little sword earring.  TATTOOS. x. NOTABLE MARKINGS.   white streak in his hair he gained from dying and coming back to life. GLASSES/CONTACTS ?  neither. FACECLAIM.  brandon flynn. VOICECLAIM. brandon flynn with like a slight british dialect. ( X )
PHYSICAL AILMENTS.   none. ALLERGIES.    none. SLEEPING HABITS. his sleeping habits are terrible. EXERCISE HABITS.  he surfs, boxes, swims and skateboards. EMOTIONAL STABILITY. 6/10. BODY TEMPERATURE.  he’s ice cold. DOMINANT HAND.    right. DRUGS / SMOKE / ALCOHOL ?  no / weed / yes
POSITIVE TRAITS. witty, funny, compassionate, laid-back, passionate NEGATIVE TRAITS.  refuses to take things seriously, immature, sarcastic, easily checks out. USUAL MOOD.  energized. LIKES.  sharks, skateboarding, gummy snacks, giving dante gray hair, being out at sea, his mother’s adventure stories, pirates, surfing with his dad, making pasta with mama and then eating it, nail polish, pirates, traveling with hallie, jam sessions with the band, swords DISLIKES.  feeling uncomfortable in any sense, disappointing the people he loves, when dante humbles him, when nina reads his mind, being lectured, having to be a big brother ( that’s what dante’s for ), living in his father’s and brother’s shadow, sunburns, when ghosts bother him at inconvenient times, ectoplasm episodes  BAD HABITS.  going awol without telling anyone, being inconsiderate of others feelings, not dealing with problems, doesn’t apply himself
MOTHER.   elizabeth swann, step mom fran bernoulli FATHER.      montgomery mcqueen SIBLINGS.   dante, elise, nina, athena, stefan, enzo & serafina mcqueen CHILDREN.   none. BIRTH ORDER.   third of too many kids // first child of monty & lizzie. SIGNIFICANT OTHER.  hallie santucci, partner in holy matrimony  CLOSEST FRIENDS. percy hawkins, flynn fitzherbert, katrina skellington, sofia paguro-scrofano, this could be you !
ZODIAC SIGN. gemini.  MBTI. entp TEMPERAMENT.   sagninue-melanholic. HOGWARTS HOUSE.    gryffindor. MORAL ALIGNMENT.   chaotic good.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN.   english, italian & spanish. DRIVE ?        yes, speed he is speed. JUMP START A CAR ?        yes. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE ?        yes. RIDE A BICYCLE ?        yes .... but motorcycles are cooler don’t tell his dad.  SWIM ?       yes, are you joking me he lives in the ocean basically. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT ?       yes, it’s like his profession. PLAY CHESS ?       no. BRAID HAIR ?      yes, his sisters forced him to. TIE A TIE ?          yes. PICK A LOCK ?          yes. SEW ?        no.
COMPASSION.          8/10.
EMPATHY.         7/10.
CREATIVITY.         7/10.
MENTAL FLEXIBILITY.          6/10.
PASSION.          10/10.
LUCK.         5/10.
EDUCATION.          10/10.
INTELLIGENCE.          7/10.
CHARISMA.         9/10.
REFLEXES.          7/10.
WILLPOWER.          5/10.
STAMINA.         8/10.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH.          7/10.
BATTLE SKILL.          5/10.
INITIATIVE.         5/10.
RESTRAINT.         5/10.
STRATEGY.         4/10.
TEAM WORK.         5/10.
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fatefought · 1 year
@seasaltsurvivor sent: [ stare ] while receiver gazes out a window, sender comes up from behind and embraces them
the summer solstice has barely gone as the beginning of july entraps panem. tomorrow is the day that is circled on everyone's calendar. capitolites begin their countdown until twenty-four fight to the death ; people from districts simply observe as a state of mourning is unavoidable and dashing at them. at twenty-five, it still rattles annie cresta. not even the summer sun bleeding into the soft pink and blue horizon that eventually meets the sea can steer her attention from the impending dread. there's a small comfort though in seeing a group of young friends frolicking in the corner of her eye. they're safe this year. maybe these joyful strangers will be aged out by the seventy-sixth. annie only hopes.
parents don't need to hold their children extra tight tonight. mind saunters like a sea breeze to a house only a few doors down to the one exception. if she knows of rose's intention of volunteering, natalia definitely does. ( does finn know ? ) being one of two people who can draw her thoughts away in a moment, it's unsurprising that odair wanders into the room just as effortlessly as he does into annie's mind. his arms wrap around her frame, and she welcomes it. " hey, " she greets softly. the sun might still be flickering above the water, but it's close to nine. their son is fast asleep. and even if walls are thick made from fine materials provided by the government, she'll always be mindful of their little cas.
finnick is warm as his skin had been kissed by the sun's rays today. father, mother, and son enjoyed the beach together today. caspian looked for shells and attempted to help baby turtles. ( babbles of encouragement and grabby toddler hands are best means of getting the animals to the loch ! ) giggles and grins galore trailed out of him, blissfully unaware of what tomorrow brings. annie prays he keeps those rose colored glasses to match his cheeks for as long as possible.
breathing finn in, it's like the ocean clung to him knowing that he leaves for the city tomorrow. the waters are a cruel mistress, incredibly jealous unlike her. ( though annie is guilty of wanting to keep him near to her and far from the capitol. ) specifically, it's the freshness of the salt that sprays over land from the tide that nips at the shore. it smells of home in the same way her better half and their sweet son felt like home. she leans into his embrace. " do you think he'll do okay ? cas hasn't had us both gone for this long before, " she openly ponders. the hands that will cradle the little guppy are safe and trusted ones. but if the young parents blink, what will they miss in that time away from caspian ? ( if only either knew what was to come. )
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I wrote this instead of paying attention in class today
@atomic-rattz @rawcherrycake @splatting-stampede
(This is kinda lazy/bad so mb gang 😭🙏)
“...I’m fine.” 
DNA growled dangerously, glowering at the other three turtles in the room. His lips were curled up into a snarl and he was quite visibly annoyed. “I can take care of myself.”
Cyclone quickly interjected, her tail swishing in irritation. “DeeDee, it doesn’t matter if you can ‘take care of yourself’, you’re not in the best physical state and you need to rest. You don’t have to do this. Just lay the fuck back down and let us handle it.”
D growled, his annoyance morphing into frustration. “Let you guys ‘handle’ it?? Last time I did that, it ended catastrophically! I can’t have that happening again. I’ll do it myself, because I’m OKAY and you guys SERIOUSLY need to STOP WORRYING ABOUT ME-”
“But you could die!!” Gal interrupted, his forehead knit in worry. “It’s too dangerous… I swear we’ll be more careful this time! Please, just listen to us and let yourself recover.”
Cy nodded. “Right. It’s not safe for you to handle that sort of hazardous equipment in your current state. You really just need to lay your ass down and let us take care of this.”
“Jesus Christ- GUYS.” 
D groaned, dragging his hands down his face. He was completely over this debate. “PUH-LEASE. Stop making this sound like a life threatening situation. IT’S JUST THE GODDAMN FLU.”
“And flus can be lethal!!” Gal and Cy retorted in unison. “It said so on Wikipedia!!” Gal added unhelpfully, though Cy once again nodded in agreement.
D massaged his temples, exasperated. “I think this stupid flu isn’t as lethal as you dumbasses setting the kitchen on fire.” He said flatly.
“That was only one time…” Cy muttered sourly. “It wasn’t our fault our stove is stronger than the one the recipe used…”
“Besides, you know I can cook decently!” Gal crossed his arms, pouting slightly. “Sure, we nearly burned down the whole place last time you got sick, but like! That was just an accident!! It won’t happen again!”
D let out another groan. He cast a glance at Mari, who was as silent as ever but looked just as done with this conversation as he was. “Yo. Mars.” He called, causing the indigo-clad turtle to perk up slightly. “Do you think I should let these two imbeciles cook dinner again.”
Mari immediately shook their head no, cringing at the memory of the pink and orange turtles’ last attempt at making a meal. Sure, it had gone smoothly for the most part, but the miscalculation of the stove’s strength and an accidental topple of kitchen utensils gave way to catastrophe and destruction. Never again.
D looked pointedly at Cy and Gal, who were both averting their gazes guiltily. “The child has given their input.” D announced, ignoring Mari’s piercing glare at being called a child. “I’m the one who’s cooking tonig- cOUGH COUGH CCKRKJDLSKLSODOKSKADK OUGH GOD-”
“D!!” The three terrapins immediately rushed to D’s side, who started coughing uncontrollably and hacking up mucus. The flu was NOT treating him nicely.
It took a moment for the coughs to die down, but eventually the mutant caspian turtle got ahold of himself. He leaned back on the bedroom wall and sighed, gritting his teeth in visible irritation.
“...While I’m perfectly capable of preparing a meal, I don’t think I wanna get you guys sick.” He finally said after a few minutes. “So I think me taking charge of the cooking is also not optimal.”
Cy sighed. “Alright. Well if you don’t want us to cook and you aren’t gonna cook either, the fuck are we supposed to do??”
Mari raised a hand and the other three turned to face the youngest. They had their phone in their hand and the screen shined bright with a website saying they ordered a meal for four online.
“...Oh.” The older turtles said dumbly. They all got so used to home cooking that ordering food had escaped them as a viable option.
“Crisis averted, I guess??” Gal grinned awkwardly, reaching over to give Mari an affectionate noogie. “Thanks kid.”
Mari only huffed, rolling their eyes and pulling up Subway Surfers on their phone. How they got stuck with absolute idiots, they did not know. But hey!! They were going to eat Chinese takeout soon so everything was okay, they supposed.
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twilitkingzant · 2 years
Thoughts about Paladin Characters.
Androxus - Meh, just meh.
Ash - She's alright.
Atlas - Annoying to go against his rewinding time crap.
Azaan - Love his design and his ultimate ability.
Barik - He's just a Scottish Torbjorn, so- He gets an "okay" from me.
Betty La Bomba - No comment...
Bomb King - I don't know much about him, but I like his design.
Buck - I like him.
Caspian - I like him, too.
Cassie - I wanna pet her birb bird.
Corvus - I like his design. I didn't know he was a support character until now. XD
Dredge - Cervantes with the mind flayer gun? Right- Uh, he's alright.
Drogoz - Drake Pharah? I like draconic creatures, so he's pretty cool to me.
Evie - No.
Fernando - Ehh.
Furia - I like her design.
Grohk - He's pretty cool.
Grover - Oh, you mean "Groot" right? He's alright.
Imani - I love playing as her! I really need to practice getting her ultimate ability right.
Inara - Oh, the stone lady with 1,000,000 HP? Her design looks cool, but she's annoying to fight against.
Io - Never played as her, but she's alright.
Jenos - Yeeeah, buddy. He's great. I love him. He's my main anyway.
Khan - Reinhardt with a gun. Alright, cool. Next-
Kinessa - She's cool. I guess.
Koga - I don't even know. He's a ninja guy with Vega's claw and Sombra's gun... He's okay???
Lex - Never played as him, but he's alright.
Lian - Her design is cool, but her gun design looks weird to me. I don't know why.
Lillith - I love her and her design. I might try to play as her next.
Maeve - Small, but dangerous.
Makoa - Turtle Winston and Roadhog hybrid. That's all I have to say for this guy.
Mal'Damba - Secondary main. Love him, too.
Moji - Cute, but no. Super annoying to go against.
Octavia - Nice design.
Pip - Never played as him, but he's alright.
Raum - YES. He's my favorite front-line champion.
Rei - I like her design.
Ruckus - Ah yes, the goblin D.Va. He gets a "meh" from me.
Saati - She's pretty cool.
Seris - She's cute. I like her design. I see a lot of people playing as her.
Sha Lin - Nobody plays as this dude. Let's be real here.
Skye - She's pretty cool.
Strix - Male, non-support Ana? Cool. Next.
Talus - I like the little Ska'drin boyo. I haven't played as him for a while...
Terminus - He looks like he's from that part of Undermountain.
Tiberius - I mean, he's alright.
Torvald - Save the old man with his prototype infinity gauntlet!!
Tyra - Meh.
VII - Oh yes. He's difficult to play as, but he's definitely one of my favorites. The Pandemonium skin is amazing.
Vatu - Mayhem Vatu is the best Vatu!!
Viktor - I almost put "Soldier 76" on here. Whoops. He's okay.
Vivian - That outfit she's wearing does not look uncomfortable, especially her top. Her boobs are like pushed all the way up to her chin!
Vora - Cool. Next-
Willo - Cute, but annoying.
Yagorath - Let me pet him. I see a lot of people playing as him, too.
Ying - No.
Zhin - ASDFGHJKLKJH. (That means "no" as well.)
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oceantrust01 · 3 months
50+ Ocean Names for Scuba Babies | Aquatic Baby Names
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Do you have a bun in the oven or a new arrival to the family? If you, like us, are an ocean lover, you might like to name your new addition after another one of your great loves: the sea.  If so, we’re here to help! Here’s a list of all the ocean-inspired names you can think about for your future scuba diver!  Ocean Names Based on Myth and Folklore - Poseidon - An oldie but a goodie, Poseidon is the Greek God of the sea. One of the Twelve Olympians in ancient Greek mythology, he presided over the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses (whaaat?) - Neptune - Poseidon’s Roman counterpart, Neptune was originally the God of freshwater but the Romans identified him with Poseidon, so he took on the same characteristics. Both Neptune and Poseidon are depicted as a bearded man holding a trident. - Triton - The Greek messenger God of the sea, Triton was the son of Poseidon and the sea nymph Amphitrite. With the torso of a man and the tail of a fish, he ruled the waters with some of his brothers.  - Rhodos - The wife of the sun God Helios and sister of Triton, Rhodos was the personification of the Greek island Rhodes.  - Caspian - Inspired by the Caspian Sea. - Varuna - Hindu god of the oceans. - Moana - Not quite myth or folklore, but Moana the movie created such a stir that we would be inconsiderate not to include this child of the ocean.  - Mazu - Chinese sea goddess. You can also use Maz for the boys!  - Enki - Sumerian god of water and wisdom. - Dylan - Son of  Gwydion and Arianrhod and Welsh god of the sea.  - Calypso - Nymph who lived on an island in Greek mythology. - Ariel - Spirit of the air and sea in Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Also the name of the beloved Little Mermaid!  - Sirena - Inspired by the sirens of Greek mythology. - Cordelia - Meaning "daughter of the sea" in Celtic. - Viviane - Another name for the Lady of the Lake. Ocean Names That Sound and Feel Like the Sea You know how some names and words evoke memories and feelings that make you reminisce about the great blue ocean? Here are some of them!  - Gale - A unisex name, gale refers to hurricane force winds, and certainly not someone you want to cross!  - Eddy - A circular current of water, an eddy can be deceptively calm on the surface while an underwater tornado brews beneath its depths.  - Haven - When all hell breaks loose, head to a safe haven for shelter, comfort, and warmth.  - Misty - Misty mornings are the best when at sea. Just be sure your visibility improves before you pick up speed!  - Pearl - The gems of the underwater world, pearls are few and far between.  - Rain - With the ocean comes rain. Lots of it!  - Sandy - What’s a beach without gorgeous, white sand?  - Tsunami - We’re not sure whether you want to name your child after a destructive force, but perhaps “Sue” will be more apt. Only YOU would know the hidden meaning!  - Reef - Coral reefs are a crucial part of our ecosystem, whether underwater or above.  - Jetty - Not only are jetties vital for marine activities, but they are also incredibly fun to jump off of!  - Brook - Not quite the ocean, but a calm, peaceful brook deserves a spot on our favorite name list. - Drift - Whether it is a quiet, gentle current that you peacefully drift on, or an exciting drift dive that advanced divers do, drift definitely reminds most of the ocean. Unless you’re a race car driver. - Cove - Magical and mysterious, hidden coves are one of the funnest things to find on your ocean expeditions!  - Crystal - Whether turquoise blue or emerald green, crystal clear waters all over the world get ocean lovers excited!  - Coral - The ocean is infinitely more boring without coral reefs. Where would you swim with turtles and reef fish?!  Ocean Life Baby Names - Sailor - Whether or not your kiddo becomes a waterbaby, you can hope!  - Marina - If you’re a boater, chances are that you spend more time when you’re awake at the marina than at home. - Isla - A tranquil name meaning “island”, island is also a little-known river in Scotland.  - Oceana - A spin off of the word “ocean”, Oceana would likely suit a girl more.  - Shelley - We sell seashells by the sea shore! Tongue twisters aside, seashells are an integral part of the ocean. Just don’t take too many of them home. Each seashell can be someone’s home and is an important part of the ecosystem.  - Mira - Sanskrit for ocean, Mira also has various different meanings in other languages, like “peace” in Slavic.  - Meredith - Thought to mean "guardian of the sea" or “protector of the sea” in Welsh. - Coraline - Loosely spun off from “coral”, Coraline is a popular female name.  - Kai - Kai is a Japanese name that means “ocean” or “shell”. In Estonian, it also means “pier” or “quay”.  - Fisher - A name usually given to males, Fisher is a nice little tribute to our underwater friends, the FISH!  - Finn - Another popular male name, fins are what help our fishy friends get by.  - Beck - Old Norse for “stream”, Beck can also be turned into “Becca”. - Drake - The name Drake comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “Draca”, which means sea serpent or dragon.  - Wade - Before you start swimmin’, you gotta start wading!  - Murphy - Irish for “sea warrior”, Murphy is the most common surname in Ireland and the 105th most common surname in the UK.  - Skip or Skipper - A nickname for “captain”, your little Skip or Skipper might just become one!  - Marlin - Intimidatingly large, super fast, and extremely powerful, the marlin is a predatory fish that’s one of the most recognizable in the world due to its rounded spear extending from its snout.  - Nemo - The world’s most beloved clownfish, don’t let his size fool you. Clownfish are one of the most fearless, aggressive fish in the world and are known for defending their families and homes against animals (and people!) hundreds of times their size.  - Dory - Nemo’s devoted companion, Dory also deserves a mention on this list.  - Morgan - A gender-neutral name of Welsh origin, Morgan means “white sea dweller”.  Final Thoughts - What is a Good Ocean Name  There you have it! Plenty of names to give to your little one that will reflect on your deep love for the ocean. When the time’s right, perhaps scuba diving lessons are on the cards and with these names, your kid might just be the instructor’s favorite! Read the full article
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drunk-writing-nights · 10 months
The Crown Prince of Mondavia
Story prompt from cincinnatus_c: there's a turkey in the house, get it out! --
Caspian Theodore Damingale the Fifth of House Damingale, Crown Prince of Mondavia, was having the worst day of his life.
First his bodyguards has abandoned him out there in the woods. Honestly, dredful dereliction of duty there, he would ensure his father heard all about it once he finally got home. Then he had eaten that apple and the old hag who claimed she owned the tree had been completely unreasonable about it. Refused to listen to his entirely correct explanation that actually his father owned all the trees in Mondavia. And then, to add insult to injury she had turned him into a turkey! A turkey! At least a frog would have had the weight of tradition behind it, but no. A turkey. The very thought!
There would be a stern talking to in her future once he got home.
Once he got home. That was going to be the difficult bit. Turkeys did not have very long legs, it turned out. And even before he was a turkey, he was not somebody who walked a lot.
Evenutally, tired, dusty, and thirsty, his trudging brought him to a village. He spotted what looked to be an inn or a pub of some kind and hurried towards it. It took a couple of tries, but with some determined hopping and fluttering he managed to get up the steps and pushed his way through the front door.
He found himself in a room filled with tables and chairs with a bar lining the far wall. A man behind the bar glanced behind him.
“Sam,” he yelled. “There's a turkey in the house, get it out!”
“Oh no,” said Caspian. “I’m not really a turkey. I am the Prince of Mondavia, enchanted by a terrible witch! You must help me!”
“A Prince is it,” The woman who had entered the room exchanged a glance with the bartender. “Well it so happens we have some experience with Princes who come into town after being enchanted by terrible witches. Come with me.”
She held the door for him and he followed her down the steps and around the back of the building. A short walk and she led him to a small fenced in meadow. There was a wooden shelter and a cluster of willows trailing their leaves into an enclosed pond. She closed the gate behind him and gestured to a trough and water station.
“There’s clean food and water every day. And plenty of company. Make yourself at home.”
“Wait, wait,” Caspian shouted after her retreating back. “You must tell my father. He needs to know what happend to me. I’m the Crown Prince, it’s very important!”
“You aren’t the Crown Prince,” grumped a voice behind him. “I’m the Crown Prince.”
Caspian spun around. “Who said that?” he demanded.
The gander that slid around the feeding station and advanced on him had beady red eyes and hissed as he approached. “I am Prince Caspian Batholemew Damingale the Forth,” he hissed. “And I am the Crown Prince of Mondavia.”
“You can’t be,” said Caspian. “That’s my father’s name.”
“How dare you!” The hissing increased in volume and the gander opened his wings. “I don’t know who you are, but I will teach you a lesson once I get back to the castle. Nobody disrespects Prince Caspian…”
“You’re both full of shit.” Another voice entered the conversation and both turned towards a fat frog that sat on a huge lilypad in the poind. The bullfrog blinked at them. “I’m Caspian Frederick Damingale the Third. And if that sweet blonde kisses me, I’ll turn back into a Prince.” The frog opened it’s wide mouth and swept a thick tongue across it’s face. “Think she’s up for it?”
“You all need to shut up,” a turtle stuck it’s head out from under a patch of leaves. “I’m trying to sleep. I command you.”
“You are always sleeping!” The goose hisssed and stomped towards the turtle, who promptly pulled his head into his shell. The goose tried to flip him into the pond while the frog laughed himself silly.
“I don’t understand,” Caspian wailed at the sky.
Meanwhile back in the bar, Sam had returned to her work. A few people had already come in to grab a pint and bite and she busied herself with serving them.
“I hear we have a new Prince,” one of the villagers said to her.
“Yep. And this one’s stupid,” she said. A few in the room laughed.
“You’d think it would be easier to change the rules of succession than to keep dumping them off by Agatha’s orchard,” said the bartender.
“I think they tried that over in Hapatia,” said another villager. “They ended up with a nasty civil war, both sons fighting for the crown. No, this way’s better. The smart, sober, hard-working kid gets the crown and the king sends us a few coins to take care of the sots and the dunderheads. Who’s second in line this time, anyone know?”
The bartender paused. “Doesn’t he have a daughter? Princess… Margot? I think?”
“Oh that will be nice.” Sam was pleased. “My grandmother told me about life under our last queen, it was very prosperous and peaceful. That will do just fine.”
And they all lived happily ever after.
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More subnautica children au stuff
More context on the main scientist and the science project that made the kids
She was hired for a project that involved the study of other dinentions for the betterment of their world. The idea of using dna from the creatures of those worlds was so that way the explorers would be better suited for the enviroment. Of course this meant they had to be born with them which is where she came in shed already been researching artfical birth due to reasons and needed funding for her projects. This project so in happened to aligne with her ideas and such when she was first hired on...then she learned a darker truth and rushed to save as many of the kids as she could. Several lived but she only truely rescued 9 of them at first.
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The next sibling Hudson!
Hes a aligator snapping turtle ice worm hybrid, one whos genetics were manipulated so the blade would end up on his tail not his face like the actual ice worm. Unlike Tiberius and Caspian he is not bioluminecint but he still does glow due to the fact his tail has a superheated natural weapon at the end of it. This means he has to be very very careful with it. Donnie actually made a cover for it he wears when not on missions that lets him do normal things without worry of accidently slicing or burning anyone.
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artgroves · 6 years
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Bucky telling Bert about his date and Bert’s like let me off this crazy ride, I just wanna sweep the apartment for bugs
for the wonderful Under the Bridges of Fame by <3 @notlucy <3 and @cabigbang
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
@husbandtotomurashigaraki since I can’t give you an actual tour 🥺👉👈
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That’s Ruby and she’s a Red-eared slider turtle I’m pretty sure. My brother made a pretty good 3D replica of her. Mf got her a 6 x 3 foot tank that I could fuckin lay down in
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That’s Caspian and he’s a Crested gecko. He’s the newest pet I’ve gotten (that isn’t a fish or mantis). He jumps a lot and sometimes he makes little chirps. He’s very soft and sometimes he wraps his tail around my finger when I hold him 🥺
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This is Connor. He’s a mini Aussie who was sold as a toy Aussie. Ngl he’s my favorite dog. He acts all brave and tough but the second someone new looks at him he runs 💀
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That’s Lexie, the actual toy Aussie. She’s a good guard dog but you can’t get her to stfu once she starts barking 😔
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That’s Jeffery. He’s a hognose snake, and the second newest pet. He borrows a lot so it’s kinda rare to see him up like that fbb
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And then that’s Henry. She’s a girl but I let my brother name her and now he won’t let me change it. She’s the oldest pet I have and the first gecko I’ve had. She’s a leopard gecko, and I’d guess she’s 5 or 6 years old
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