mallovamp · 6 months
cuphead headcanon #1
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this trio right here is known throughout inkwell isle as the three beasts 🙏🙏🙏
grim is the least aggressive/is the least threatening of the three and doesn't nearly attack people as much, or at least not on purpose. he's actually mad nice and actually kinda likes talking to people (including some citizens, not just the other debtors)😇😇 the only reason he became known as a beast is because he had a really bad temper tantrum once and lit parts of inkwell on fire with his other two heads.... anddd because inkwell residents saw him and were like "OH MY GOD HES A DRAGON!!! WHAT DO WE DO??? YO HE GOT THREE HEADS!! WE DONE!!"
cala actually isn't the most aggressive, but she's not nice, and doesn't really talk to as many people as the other two. she'll usually only attack people if she's upset by them but sometimes she'll just get mean bc she feels like it 😭 she was dubbed one of the three after an increasing number of sailors ventured in search of her and never returned + some of em were found as stone statues around the areas near her cove. out of the huge number of em only one lived to tell the tale, and she eventually became more and more infamous ‼️ she's also the oldest :))
cagney is the most aggressive of the three. he gets upset VERY easily and will sometimes attack for absolutely no reason at all 😕 he doesn't like people he doesn't know in his forest and will eventually attack you if you wind up in there. he became known as a beast when he started spontaneously attacking people who went into the forest in his third form (yk his last phase when u fight him? that one) and was spotted by someone near one of the openings. people usually find him in his passive form so they're like "how can this cute lil flower be a beast??" yea then they find out 💀🙏
they've only attacked inkwell as a trio once, and that's bc cagney was like "guys wouldn't it be so funny if we caused absolute terror and chaos in this peaceful lil isle??" what a comedian
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triple-pupil · 2 years
Whoops, forgot to post this on mu usual schedule.
Thanks @doodzoodz and @boo-topia for the inspiration.
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When Elder Kettle, Cagney Carnation and Werner Werman definetely went to WW1.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Yay requests are open!!! Could I please get Cagney x sheep reader where he slowly befriends reader and falls in love. Then he learns the reader's dad is the devil (but they're completely different from their dad and is a sweetheart!) And learns they hid who they were because they didn't want him to hate them
When you first meet Cagney, he's in his "cute" form and asks what you're doing in his garden.
To his surprise, you’re just there to admire the flowers, even bringing water for them.
He’s used to scaring off trespassers, but bc you're so kind he welcomes you back to the garden whenever you want.
He does show you his actual form and his snarky attitude. Neither deter you from becoming his friend.
Then as time goes on, you both start to catch feelings for one another.
Cagney's garden friends notice and tease him for being in love (to which he just huffs and tugs his petals, flustered bc he knows they're right).
So one sunny day, he springs up into your backyard with a bouquet and a (rather awkward) confession.
But you accept! 
You did love the handsome and charming flower with all your heart, though you had a secret that you kept from most residents of Inkwell.
That being..the one Cagney and many others sold their souls to was none other than your father: Devil.
As he ranted to you about being double-crossed, you could only frown in worry. Not only because of the debt he was in, but because of how much scorn he had for your father and how he’d rip him apart in a heartbeat.
You’ve seen him become more irrational, more violent, more territorial..especially when one of Devil’s henchmen find you and ask you to return to Hell.
Cagney practically yeets them out of his garden before looking at you and asking why they said it was your "home".
Regretfully, you tell him the truth. You’re Devil’s family, but you swear on your life that you’re nothing like him and don’t ever want to be like him.
That’s why you lived on the surface for so long, haven't said a word about your bloodline, and refused to visit the casino..no matter how much it enticed you or your friends.
Cagney’s confused and hurt, nearly throwing a big fit, but he soon understands why you’d separate yourself from that fiend.
He reassures you that he doesn't hate you at all.
You try telling him that you could convince your father to return his soul--though he’s worried about losing the power he was given.
And he admits he gambled for it so he could protect both his garden and you.
But if Devil were to ever come back and claim his contract, he’ll fight tooth and leaf to defend you.
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Can you please write headcanons for how Cagney Carnation from Cuphead acts when he has a crush?
Hi dear 💖, thanks for your request.
If cagney carnation had a crush on you from cuphead🌻😍
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You were travelling with cuphead and mugman when you stumbled across the flower.
Caphead and mugman were surprised to see an innocent flower until suddenly it turned into its true self.
You were the first to spot the flower and it blushed when it spotted you.
Cagney decided to hatch a plan to kidnap you and use you against cuphead.
You were really good with plants yet you couldn't identify cagneys type.
Cageny would kidnap you and try to scare you unfortunately he was super nervous when looking at you.
His face would go red alot.
Cagney would be super attached to you.
He would be protective over you.
He wouldn't stop thinking about you.
When cuphead came he tried to save you but you didn't let him destroy the flower since you cared for it too.
Anyways that's all i have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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what’s your height headcanon for cagney? like compared to a humanoid? the cup brothers heights are inconsistent in the boss fights so idk how to picture it
Hey there, Anon!
While requests are currently closed, I actually answered this sort of question a while ago! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/love-minor-poltergeist/190688657279?source=share
If you would like to save yourself a click: I envision Cagney to be quite tall! Standing (...wait, can you really say you're standing if you're rooted to the ground?) at a nice 13'0'' tall to be exact. 
In other words, he’s definitely going to be the designated person to grab things off the highest shelf for you. Unless you piss him off-- then he’s just going to keep it out of reach to spite you.
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feastfic · 2 years
👀 hell yea cuphead rqs
In that case, can i request a snippet/drabble for Cagney swooning over and/or falling for the reader please? I am Suffering TM rn and I'd love to see your interpretation of the big guy himself, esp him potentially getting stupid goofy teehee giggly abt someone
TEEHEE YEAS I CAN DO THIS I love Cagney so much it's unreal. Funky big flower man :)
Well weren't you just the talk of the isle! Someone who'd virtually stepped out of the shadows, the wake of those two cup brothers. Bringing a kind of solace to those who'd lost their contracts to the kids that they would still be alright. That the Devil could still be stopped, if those boys have a change of heart.
Cagney had heard of you days before you came by, and oh, did you not disappoint. In the time since his contract had been taken, he'd grown more listless and unkempt. Then you just helped him. Unprompted, out of the goodness of your heart. That you clipped his leaves, with a precision so sharp, he mused to himself if you'd worked with plants before. He truly was not all that different from your average everyday flower.
Thus your presence was much welcomed, and once you left again to tend to the needs of others, he caught himself wishing for you to come back. There were the plants to listen to in his garden, sure. And the animals that skittered by were certainly amusing. But he couldn't hold a meaningful conversation with the roots growing alongside him, his much simpler brethren who only thought and spoke of what their instincts demanded. Food, water, the need to expand. They couldn't understand things such as souls or loss. Or yearning.
You were so new, a breath of fresh air for him. Just that one single meetup with you already left him wanting to follow you, to get to know you better. How did playful banter sound? He was sure he'd love a few bouts of that with you.
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sweetstarart · 2 years
They're buddies, Goopy told me so : P
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Headcanon: Cuphead
Once the brothers had defeated Hilda Berg, she almost landed on top of Cagney.
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belamcandas · 4 months
headcanon 001.
her first valentines day with her girlfriend was spent on an overnight shift. wren, her partner, had gotten off and immediately gone to the whatever fast food place was open, which in the end, had been a carls junior -- the problem? ivy was vegetarian and the only thing she could really eat was the fries, but wren had got her the criss cut and the buffalo sauce and ranch to dip it in with a large doctor pepper. after valentines day, midnight, ivy and wren had celebrated valentines day with dogs barking in the background and cats meowing, and her coworkers chatting about the day, but despite it all -- it had been perfect. she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with wren. it didn't seem fair that she only got a few years with her and their unconventional dates. but every year, up until recently she's gone to carls junior and ordered the same meal that wren had got for her. being in valpo is different now, but she knows that she'll find some place to eat some fries, and pet the local street cats. it's almost like coming home.
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rock--lobster · 9 days
Monkees Headcanons
Davy has killed several people and takes their teeth so they cannot be identified via dental records. He keeps the teeth in his maracas. 
Mike is secretly coquette. He actually wears a little pink bow under his green hat but vehemently denies it to anyone who asks him. It’s his prized possession (the bow, not the hat)
Peter’s cooking has given everyone food poisoning at least once but they all refuse to cook instead of him because “a man’s place is not the kitchen”
Micky's wives keep leaving him because he will not stop doing his James Cagney impression in bed
Peter punched Davy that time because he (Peter) had been wearing clothes for too long and the sensory issues were causing him to act up
Mike contracted leprosy from eating armadillo in Texas 
Susan pike is not a real person, but an elaborate publicity stunt set up by Davys PR team gone horribly wrong
Micky is actually short for Michard 
Mike saw brokeback mountain in theaters and cried so hard he threw up on the person sitting in front of him 
None of peters socks match because he does not buy them, he just keeps the ones he finds at his house after his parties 
One time Peter was drinking ice water and an ice cube slid down his throat and he started choking and he didn’t tell anyone he stood there not being able to breathe pretending to be fine until the ice cube melted enough that it could slide down his gullet. He does not drink ice water anymore.
Once micky got really high and wanted to see if the skillet face thing was true and put a raw egg on his face and laid out in the sun to see if it would cook. He got salmonella poisoning 
Mike has his dogs trained to attack Peter and Don Kirshner on sight
Davy once saw an add for “height improvement surgery for the vertically challenged” and went to get it but it was botched and that’s why he looks like that
they hide their drugs inside Mr schneider 
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flimflamfandom · 1 year
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-Ivy gets disciplined by Mitzi a few times about PDA. At least, PDA on the clock. She obviously doesn’t mind if two consenting individuals *gasp* hold hands and *double gasp* smooch sometimes, but Ivy has a nasty habit of doing this while Calvin is...’observing the patrons’ (staking someone out).
-Calvin is the one who cooks. Ivy is a very clever woman - stellar actress, brilliant mathematician, Always more up to date on science and technology than Cal - but one time Calvin asked her to cook dinner because he was gonna be staying late at the Daisy and she nearly burned down their tiny apartment. Trying to boil water. So yeah Cal does the cooking.
-Ivy is the smart one. That’s right! Sure, Calvin ends up being a real fluffy language type writer, but Ivy is the one who’s considered smart. She handles finances, she majored in mathematics, she had a subscription to Science AND the American Journal of Mathematics, AND she knew how to fly planes. Calvin wrote silly little books.
-They’re both very romantic, but in different ways. Ivy was, as previously discussed, physical. She liked to touch. But Calvin (who was also kinda physical) was a giver. He would give her things, write her poems, sing her songs, all sorts of stuff. She LOVED every bit of it.
-The two wrote each other ALL. THE. TIME. Like, seriously, there are THOUSANDS of letters. Calvin wrote more per letter, but Ivy wrote more letters. Specifically, she sent a metric shit load of post cards to Calvin. Calvin, in turn, would write these very flowery (and sometimes raunchy) love letters. They both traveled frequently for work, so writing was a good way to stay together!
-Calvin kept many secrets. He NEVER told her why he got into the business, not truthfully. He never told her about the horrible dreams, the truth behind his outbursts, the visions, the screams...she was also suspicious he had something to do with some sort of job in Ireland but she could never tell for sure.
-Ivy and Calvin slept better with each other. NO, NOT LIKE THAT. I mean to say that they were always more comfortable with one another, and that Calvin only really got sleep when Ivy was there...this is mostly because Ivy would drag him by the ear to bed if she had to!
-Ivy liked that he wasn’t super intimidating. Seriously, every other NIGHT when business picked up again, some weirdly frightening dude would try and hit on her all dangerous gangster ‘Peeky Blinders’ style, not knowing that her type was really soft spoken lads who wore flat caps and smiled gently when they saw you. She didn’t want these James Cagney types, she wanted Calvin! And lucky her, she tended to get what she wanted~!
-Calvin was not a jealous man. Calvin was mostly too much of a pushover to be jealous of anyone, but also, he’d seen Ivy reject so many people in favor of him that he just...started to figure that maybe, just maybe, she DID like him!
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mallovamp · 4 months
cuphead headcanon #3
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ABSOLUTE enemies.
they met when hilda tried to introduce rumor to cagney bc she thought "dude a bee and a flower! they'd be friends for sure!" ANKKK WRONGGG 🚨🚨
they'll (rarely) have calm convos with each other and will even seem to get along from time to time but don't mistake that for a friendship. when i say hate i mean HATE
only things they have in common personality-wise are that they like pollen, hate people, and want world domination
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bored-person28 · 4 months
Casino cups headcanons 2
The Devil has been avoiding walking around inkwell isles so that he won’t get spotted by heaven and get sent back to his pit in Hell, mostly because it can a take from a few decades to a century or two before he can break out again (And he worries that when he does, Dice won’t be alive anymore)
King Dice refuses to wear short sleeve shirts no matter how hot it gets inside the casino.
Cuphead used to mess with Mugman by put small pebbles and rocks into his head when he was sleeping.
Devil first time meeting Samuel after he faked his death was just him going “wait a second, Bitch didn’t you die?!” and Samuel just ended up laughing at him.
The original plan of killing the cup brothers or turning them into demons didn’t last longer than a month after they started working at the casino.
Cagney genuinely think that the Devil did something to the brothers in order to get them to work for him, doesn’t help that he promised Elder Kettle that he would keep them out of trouble after he died.
Tuli is actively making those thoughts worse by telling him that King Dice pulled Mugman away when they were talking to each other when she had visited the Casino , (she worded so that it sounded like they were only talking for about two minutes in total).
King Dice has been feeling like he is being watched when he is running errands in Inkwell.
Devil knows that he’s a crybaby, he just doesn’t enjoy being reminded and mocked about it.
Cuphead was shocked when he realized that the Daisy had snuck into his coat, considering that it had previously refused to go outside (He’s wondering why Gabriel made it so uncomfortable it would rather be outside then near him).
Chalice isn’t going anywhere in the Astral plane because Heaven wants to wait until whatever is going on with the Cup brothers is over.
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lostloveletters · 4 months
do you have any other headcanons about michael?
Thank you for your patience on this, I do have some! Most just general headcanons, and a bonus Bruised Fruit related one.
Michael’s definitely a huge history nerd, I think that’s generally agreed upon, but he’s a really good numbers guy too, especially statistics. Between that and his natural poker face, he’d kill it at the casino if he actually cared about gambling. But he doesn’t, and only shows the bare minimum interest whenever he has to participate for one reason or another
He’s a really good cook. I can see him taking the time to learn from his mom, maybe Connie was learning because she’s a girl so she has to, and Michael hung around out of curiosity and found he genuinely enjoyed it. Later on in life it’s one of his favorite memories with his mom and Connie
Vito and Carmela definitely complained that he spent too much time at the movies growing up. It's something he misses doing as he gets older, but re-runs on TV help. Huge Cagney fan. Doesn't get the hype around Citizen Kane. Complicated feelings about Hitchcock but ultimately likes his movies more than he doesn't. Not a fan of musicals but will sit through a Disney movie for his kids
He's a dog guy! In the draft script for Part II, he and Kay actually have two Irish Setters, which as far as I know are typically hunting dogs. But with the kids they'd probably be kept as pets. I feel like he'd be the type to be all "I don't want the dogs in the house!" and then feed them from the table
Keeps all of his kids' drawings and notes and stuff for him. If they're not on the fridge, they're in one of his offices. He knows there's gonna be a time where they're not going to make him construction paper Father's Day cards or weird macaroni art anymore so he really treasures them (even if it means there's perpetually glitter in one of his desk drawers)
He “ended things” with Gloria 3 times in the first year of their affair. Typically, he'd feel guilty after a while. Ends things on a decent note but emphasizes it's over over. (The first time, he expected waterworks and was a little offended when Gloria was like "yeah, I get it. See you around!") Does well for a few weeks to months. Goes back to the casino and inevitably sees her. Obviously she doesn't acknowledge him beyond a cordial greeting when seating his table because why would she. Hears about her latest fling in passing. Gets jealous. Subsequently gets annoyed at himself for getting jealous. Tells himself he can talk to her like a normal person because they're both adults and were never even dating and it's ridiculous to act the way he is. Talks to her. Isn't normal about it at all. Ends up inviting her somewhere more private to talk. Wait, shit, that wasn't supposed to happen. Repeat
🦇 Battie
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Hello!!! I would love request one of my favorite ships! If not a ship, then them as best friends!! Cagney Carnation and Hilda Berg please! 🌙🏵️🫶
Here you go!
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my personal headcanon is that Cagney is Hilda's adopted son, so obviously I don't romantically pair these two. But if you ship them, that's great! More power to you! ^ v ^
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valentinbelleyh505 · 1 year
Koopalings headcanons (FULL AND UPDATED)
1 • Ludwig Von Koopa
— autistic trans boy
— The oldest
— he Has 19-21 old
— His birthday is in March 7th
— Bisexual / heteroromantic
— His likes: His family, His friends, Classical Musics, piano, France, Pom Pom, white Chocolate, Vocaloid, Romance, Hugs (secretly)
— His Dislikes: lose notes, The BFFs (The trio From Bowser Jr journey), calling him ''Luddy'' (Formerly), Clowns
— he Is in Best Friend With Spewart, boom boom, and His brother larry
— he Is in great Friend With Vivian and Dimentio
— he Is in good friend With Hariet and motley
— he is neutral With Beldam
— he Is Dating and in love With Pom Pom
— His Favorite Character Are Zavok (From Sonic), Meta Knight (From Kirby), Sea Fairy Cookie (From cookie run), Cagney Carnation (From Cuphead), and beast (From Disney)
2 • Roy Koopa
— Second Oldest
— he Has 19 old
— His birthday is in octuber 16th
— Pansexual / Panromantic
— His likes: Himself, His family, His friends
— His Dislikes: The BFFs, Losing Glases
— he Is in Best Friend With His brother iggy
— he Is in good friend With Pom Pom, Hariet, Motley and Vivian
— he Is in love With Himself
— His Favorite Character Are Johnny Bravo, Fire Spirit Cookie (From cookie run), knuckles (From Sonic), and Goopy le grande (From Cuphead)
3 • Lemmy Koopa
— Autistic clown boy
— he Has 17 old
— His birthday is in february 14th
— Pansexual / heteroromantic
— His likes: His family, His friends, Circus, clown, Playing With motley and Topper, motley bossblob, Comedy, Fantasy
— His Dislikes: The BFFs, horror Movies
— he Is in Best Friend With motley and Topper
— he Is in good friend With Pom Pom, Hariet and vivian
— he Has a small Crush on motley
— His Favorite Character Are Master Zik (From Sonic), beppi The Clown (From Cuphead), Pietro The Clown (From animal crossing) and Ice juggler cookie (From cookie run)
4 • iggy Koopa
— autistic mad boy
— he Has 17 old
— His birthday is in february 14th
— ace / heteroromantic
— His likes: His family, His Friends, Roller-Coaster, His Pet, Hariet, Comedy
— His Dislikes: The BFFs, Losing Glases
— he Is in Best Friend With Rango and His brother Roy
— he Is in good friend With Pom Pom and Vivian
— he Has a Crush on hariet
— His Favorite Character Are Tails Miles prower & Zazz (From Sonic), goofy (From Disney), And timekeeper cookie (From cookie run)
5 • Wendy Orlean Koopa
— only Girl
— her Has 16 old
— her birthday is in june 2th
— Straight / heteroromantic
— her likes: her family, her friends, Hugs, shopping, Tea, cooking, Cotton Candy
— her Dislikes: The BFFs, Roller-Coaster
— her Is in Best Friend With hariet
— her Is in great Friend With Pom Pom and Vivian
— her Favorite Character Are Zeena (From Sonic), shining glitter cookie (From cookie run), rarity (From My Little pony), and Sally Stageplay (From Cuphead)
6 • Morton Koopa junior
— autistic hammer boy
— Second Youngest
— tanookis simp
— He Has 15 old
— His birthday is in may 4th
— Ace
— His likes: His family, His friends, tanookis, Hugs, his hammer, cookie
— His Dislikes: The BFFs, horror Story
— he is in great Friend With Marilyn
— he Is in good friend With Spewart, Pom Pom, and Vivian
— His Favorite Character Are Zomom (From Sonic), Greg (From Steven Universe), and pilot Bulldog (From Cuphead DLC)
7 • Larry Koopa
— The baby
— Youngest
— he Has 13 old
— His birthday is in April 17th
— Straight / heteroromantic
— His likes: His family, His friends, Vivian, chocolate, play friday night funkin', looking at ludwig and Pom Pom With Jr
— His Dislikes: The BFFs, Losing, ludwig angry With he and/or jr
— he Is in Best Friend With His brothers ludwig and Jr
— he Is in Good friend With Spewart, Pom Pom and Hariet
— he Has a Crush on Vivian But Pom Pom don't like It
— His Favorite Character Are zor (From Sonic), licorice cookie (From cookie run), and CJ (From Friday night funkin' starlight mayhem mod)
• General •
— Lemmy and iggy are twins
— ludwig, Lemmy, iggy and morton Are autistics
— Roy and Lemmy Are Pansexual
— iggy and morton Are Ace
— Wendy and Larry Are Straight
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