#Heck Inc HQ
beepbeepbeepjeep · 1 year
Story details !!
Take 2 . smh. this one is super long so we’ll keep the additional things under the cut !!
The Magic School Jeep takes place a little over a decade after the original events of Ride the Cyclone. It follows the story of Savannah and five other strangers who just so happened to be in the same tragic road accident. Post-revival, Savannah still has ghosts of the past (and the present) haunting her. How will she deal with going from feeling as if she knows nothing, to suddenly feeling like she knows too much?
We’re also given the chance to explore the eventful lives and interpersonal issues of a whole new cast of characters, each carrying their own form of emotional baggage. 
Join them on a jeepney journey through space as they recount their lives through detailed flashbacks, touching heart-to-hearts, and a healthy-ish amount of trauma dumping. <3
By the end, they’re faced with the same dilemma. Who do they bring back? 
What will they do once presented with this decision? Why does it feel like there’s something (or someone) watching and waiting in the wings? How does this game of life and death really work? Is it worth it, in the end?
All these questions we hope to answer in a story about acceptance and healing, with a dash of humor and a sprinkling of queerness (as all narratives should have) (it's. way more than a sprinkling tbh. it's like a whole truckload of queerness). Thank you for indulging us in this already extremely self-indulgent story! We are cringe, but we are free.
additional notes!
there are different ways / iterations of the life games across time. this is important !!
even though this story is built off the events of ride the cyclone, we of course will NOT be maintagging any of these posts as rtc or ride the cyclone for obvious reasons
we view jane doe, savannah, and penny lamb as separate (but interconnected) individuals. this is for the sake of avoiding confusion.
yes, they are in a filipino jeepney. yes, this story is still set in Uranium City, Saskatchewan which is canonically located in Canada. How does this make any modicum of sense? Good question. Anyways.
Silly Interview-style Character Intros
+ ref pics! made with hellosunnycore's toon me! picrews :3 more accurate drawn ref pics coming soon ,, hopefully,, @ pastaboy. (he's the one typing this)
🌔 savannah dean (19)
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July 17
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Ah. Yes, I had my dollies. They sit above my bed and they all have names. Sometimes the names feel... familiar, but I lose my string of thought before I can figure out how.
Favorite musical?
It's been a while since I've listened to a musical, or music in general, but Phantom of the Opera is lovely.
What helps you sleep at night?
Uh, I don't get as much sleep as I used to, unfortunately. I know that doesn't answer the question, sorry.
🐛 beau balquenn (18)
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(his hair is supposed to be bleached at the ends sob)
January 11
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Uh. Well... there's these, I guess. Butterfly earrings. They're really old. I painted them years ago. The very few who talked to me asked where I got them... I never came up with an answer.
Favorite musical?
... I am not proud of this answer but it's Be More Chill.
Can ghosts be gay?
Like the song? I'm gay and kind of a ghost, so... yeah, I guess?
🍂 tauny hep (18)
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November 1
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Do I really have to answer this? Fine. I still carry an old pick around in the back of my phone. It's kinda funny cuz it's not even mine. I borrowed it from. Someone. A long time ago. Shit hit the fan before I thought to return it. It's a little scuffed now but, I don't know, I never bothered getting rid of it.
Favorite musical?
I don't LIKE musicals >:( ... Jesus Christ Superstar
First song you learned on the guitar?
There's this song, uh, Good Kid? It's pretty easy to play. I think that was the first. I don't know where it's from though. (Voice offscreen: Hey, you know that's from a musical, right?) ... FUCK OFF.
🍄 ascot mosbirm (18)
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August 15
Favourite keepsake from when you were alive?
I remember this one time I went downtown to buy a bottle of booze. I didn't really mean to, it was a-... spur of the moment thing, you know? Not like it mattered anyway since drinking laws in this shithole are stupid. I was going to save it for the day of my 19th but. I suppose that's out of the question now, hm?
(yes i know that's wine next to them in the pic shhhh - pastaboy)
Favourite musical?
Coldplay. (That's just... not a musical.) Is it not? They make music, don't they? (... well. yes. but-)
Do you get a lot of comments on your accent?
[Sigh] Unfortunately yeah. It gets a wee bit annoying at times, especially if people are being weird. Though once in a while it earns a laugh, so if it's funny I'll put up with it.
🌷 lizabel mayam (18)
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June 4
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Oh! Well, I don't know if this is a keepsake? But ever since I was around seven, I've carried around this little tote bag. It has all the essentials— water, first aid, stuff like that. It was pretty much a necessity back then since my younger siblings were always getting into some kind of trouble. My parents weren't always present either, with their work and other things so, I've just hanged onto it and haven't really stopped.
Favorite musical?
Do Disney movies count? (On a technicality, I suppose they have to. Any specific favorite?) Oh, I don't know, there are a lot of good ones. Um, Tangled? If I had to pick. (... Alright. At least it's not Coldplay-) Wait, who said Coldplay? (Ascot.) Awwh, of course they would. :)
Are you... you know?
... um no? I do not know? I really don’t understand what you mean.
📘 cato linn (19)
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August 28
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
... I don't like this question. But since I'm being forced to answer; I have this pen I received as a birthday present when I was 10. I still keep it in my pocket as a good luck charm and for— memories, I guess. It doesn’t even write anymore, it ran out of ink years ago. Nevermind, it’s stupid. I should throw it away.
Favorite musical?
I saw a local production of Lés Miserables when I was a kid. I can’t recall much but I know I enjoyed it. I don’t have time to see many musicals nowadays.
Favorite bone in the human body?
??? This one is just strange. Of all the medical questions you could’ve asked, why this one? Nevermind. If I absolutely had to pick, I’d say the... pelvis? It’s a rather important bone. I don’t know if that qualifies as a favourite but I’m not sure how else to answer.
☂️ “The Mannequin” (?)
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
I was never alive. Though if you're asking for a keepsake, I'll have to say my hat. I can't exactly take it off, but if I could, I would feel bald. So.
Favorite musical?
The Muppets.
Favorite Muppet?
I would just like to say first that I AM NOT A MUPPET... however. I am particularly fond towards the purple one. With the schnozz.
🌒 “The Child” (10)
Favorite keepsake from when you were alive?
Sticker sheets!! I love stickers. Especially colorful ones. I think they’re Neat.
Favorite musical?
Starship! (By starkid?) Uh, yeah? What about it? (Is that appropriate for your age?) Ummmm, no. (How’d you even find that? That’s so out of your age range.) Ummmmmm-
Favorite ice cream flavor?
The purple one! :D
Yippee! That's all, I think. If you couldn't already tell, this is all very self-indulgent. We are cringe, but we are free. :3 Speaking of We!!! Admin Introductions coming soon! probably! maybe. It's pride month and we're officially heading into summer break, so they have no excuse. 😇
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organic-lure-trees · 2 years
(Quick drabble made on the spot with just a phone. Little proofreading. Angsty as heck.)
Samuel’s fingers dug into the newspaper that caused it to crinkle on the papery edges. News was written of the Chief Justice’s resignation and how he told off the Chairman with his final, parting words before leaving completely the company for good. Although the reporters weren’t able to get a word from Mr. John Robolts himself, as he’s quickly disappeared from the premises before the crew arrived, they did get from his former superior,
The entire section was cutoff as it was too explicit to placed in a public article, but it did paraphrase his words as basically wanting the retired judge dead. The rest detailed about John’s career for his beginning to the end with his retirement from law completely. The question remains as who will take his place for now.
But in the meantime. a spokesperson of C.O.G.S. Inc. had this to say.
“We are looking to hire someone temporary to take Mr. Robolts place until we can find a suitable candidate. Operations will continue as normal despite the increasing threat of toons overtaking Lawbot HQ.”
The articles ends with some final words about the whole situation and to look forward to read the next part of news where the corporate drama unfolds.
Blasts of steam came fuming right around Samuel’s head, and with no hesitation did he throw the newspaper to the ground. Unbridled rage ran through every fiber of his circuits as he clenched his fists in seething anger. “Incompetent! Unreliable!” He then stomped his foot down on the paper and dug his sole straight into the ground. “Nothing more than pathetic, hypocritical coward!”
Words couldn’t bring to describe how he felt about the former judge just leaving out of the blue. It felt like a slap in the face of all the troubles he went through. The fact that John could leave this hellish place felt unfair and simply indefensible. In his eyes, running away from here is but a simple privilege. To be able leave everything behind without regret while everyone else had to clean up the mess left in the wake of the growing deconstruction and chaos.
“I’ll show you! I’ll stay here and prove my worth!”
His head faced up towards the dim light of the office ceiling. “I won’t ever leave this place! Not while others still suffer and cry for help!” He clenched his right hand into a fist with a furious scowl. “I won’t ever take a rest! Not until I can declare for certain that I can rest knowing all will be well within this world!”
Samuel stood still, and only a couple minutes did lower his head and look towards the ground with a miserable frown. “Until then... nothing can be done about me... and never will...”
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
Bitcoin Storms Back From Dip Below $10,000 in White-Knuckle Ride
Bitcoins wild start to 2018 turned breakneck on Wednesday, with the largest cryptocurrency plunging below $10,000 for the first time in six weeks before staging a rally to trade virtually unchanged.
The gyrations took the digital token across a trading range of more than $2,600 over 18 hours. Its tumble to a low of $9,186 pushed a monthlong rout past 50 percent and raised the specter that last years 1,400 percent rally was giving way to what many considered an inevitable bursting of the bubble. 
Bitcoin rebounded $1,600 in the next four hours to trade at $10,780 as of 3:44 p.m. in New York, according to consolidated pricing data collated by Bloomberg.
The drama Wednesday was sparked by increased scrutiny from regulators around the world that spread across the digital-coin realm in recent days, wiping out more than $300 billion in value just since Jan. 13. Bitcoins losses reached $140 billion from its record of $19,511 on Dec. 18. Its still higher by 1,000 percent in the past year. “Bitcoin was overbought and sentiment was ecstatic,” said Ari Paul, chief investment officer of BlockTower Capital Advisors. “This is an overdue correction triggered by South Korean regulation fears.”
In South Korea, a hotbed of trading, regulators warned they may shut down cryptocurrency exchanges completely after limiting their operations. China is said to have intensified its curbs on trading of the digital coins, extending restrictions to over-the-counter and peer-to-peer platforms after banning exchanges last year. In the U.S., the Securities and Exchange Commission asked at least 15 funds to pull applications this month for bitcoin-related exchange-traded funds.
For more Bitcoin news: Did Bitcoin Just Burst? How It Compares to Historys Biggest Bubbles Bitcoin Resilience Tested as Traders Ponder What May Pop Bubble Bitcoin Fall Extends to 25% as Fears of Crypto Crackdown Linger BitConnect Closes Exchange as States Warn of Unregulated Sales
Thats left speculators across the globe struggling to determine when or how market watchdogs may rein in an industry that is decentralized and derives much of its value from anonymous ownership.
“We get sell offs like this fairly regularly. I think this one is more pronounced and press-worthy since it is affecting more people and the dollars at stake are greater,” said Joe Van Hecke, managing partner at Chicago-based Grace Hall Trading LLC. “Its a great time to evaluate which of these coins have staying power, actually have utility going forward, and invest in those.”
Souring the mood in the market, cryptocurrency exchange Bitconnect said its shutting down after receiving two cease-and-desist letters from state authorities for the unauthorized sale of securities and suffering from denial-of-service attacks, while one of the biggest trading platforms, Kraken, was offline for over a day last week as a scheduled update went awry.
In addition, some are blaming part of the rout on the Lunar New Year, as Asian traders cash out their cryptocurrencies to travel and buy gifts for the holiday that starts Feb. 16 this year.
The sell-off has been amid relatively high trading volume, with around 400,000 bitcoin exchanging hands on Jan. 15, the highest since Dec. 21, according to the latest data on Bitcoinity.org.
It wasnt supposed to happen that way. When bitcoin futures started trading last month on CME Group Inc. and Cboe Global Markets Inc. exchanges, it triggered speculation that there would soon be a range of crypto ETF and mutual fund offerings. That in turn would draw hordes of new investors and lift bitcoin even higher.
For more on cryptocurrencies, check out the podcast:
Many assertions that digital coins represent a bubble have triggered double-digit selloffs over the past year, often to be followed by rebounds. It fell 26 percent in a week after reaching its peak in mid-December, only to rally 21 percent in the next 10 days. Since then, its posted only two gains in eight sessions.
Bitcoins market value has dropped to about $170 billion from a peak north of $310 billion. The December surge began after the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission agreed to allow trading in bitcoin futures. The digital coin is still higher by almost 1,000 percent from a year ago.
"There are a great many investors that are excited to see Bitcoin below $10k as a second opportunity to enter at a price they feared theyd never see again," BlockTowers Paul said.
For related news and information: XBT Curncy GP for bitcoin VCCY for a cryptocurrency monitor
Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-17/bitcoin-steadies-from-26-slump-as-traders-brave-volatility
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2DukfT8 via Viral News HQ
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beepbeepbeepjeep · 1 year
hello it's pastaboy . i'm currently trying (struggling) to finish chapter 4 and this piece of dialogue has never rung more true hdhhshs
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our silliness is directly proportional to our seriousness and we are Very Silly . i'm gonna add content warnings to the chapters and the masterpost so yk what exactly what to watch out for
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beepbeepbeepjeep · 1 year
If a story is about life, does it ever truly end?
hellooooo! welcome to the Official The Magic School Jeep blog on tumblr!! for context, you don't need context. :)
this is just a silly little blog we made for a semi-original story we're writing. we r srs in the sense that the story is meaningful-ish but we're also unsrs in the sense that
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^^ these are only some of the Riveting snippets from this Professionally Written story by Us
speaking of Us, here's a list of the Evil Masterminds behind this:
asphalt (@twoturtlesinatubetop) - she/he
pastaboy (@februarytodeath) - he/they
cakegirl (@skylarquantity) - she/they
nicocaine (@probablyprobablynot) - she/he
pussyoreos (@realtaunymuahahaha) - they/he
sauceza (@discounttaunywow) - he/him
(it's rlly only asphalt and pastaboy behind this. the others are just here idk . we love them though !! except for sauceza /j
edit: you know I colorcode and proofread the text before i post the chapters right =m= -cakegirl
we ly for that - pastaboy)
things you can expect from us:
debatably copyright-able content
snippets i guess
art question mark
it all depends on whether pastaboy will actually do his (unpaid) job
important srs PSAs : we are all minors, we are all queer (yippee), we are all esteemed scholars (real not clickbait), we are unfortunately filipino. dni if yu (<- inside joke,, 3/4 the things we say are inside jokes actually), but also dni if you're like . a bad fucky wucky person :3
here's a more srs introduction focusing more on story details!
aaaand our story masterpost :3
taglist under cut!
bold Franklin Gothic - important things
now I know my ABCs - actual story
Heck Inc HQ - story discussion
mindmaps - out-of-story chr discussion
weewoo machine - shitposting
read ol abowt it - extra ficlets
summoning circle - asks
🔺 bermuda triangle - art
shoutout to my music teacher - playlists
AND relationship/character tags 👀
ann without an e - savannah
bbq - beau
catholic school hasbeen - tauny
says things like ciao bella - ascot
kissed a girl and liked it - liza
doctor doctor - cato
starchild - [WHO IS THAT KID]
gingerbitch - beau/tauny
hairdye and pronouns - ascot/liza
flower arrangement is my passion - beau/cato
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How to Find a Mentor That Help Fast-Track Your Career Success
It takes some courage to venture into the employment world and start building a career or maybe a business. Your education will certainly help, as well as your previous experience. However, to truly shine, you will need a guide to show you the way. Sheryl Sandberg[1] says that women who have mentors are more accomplished and have more confidence in the workplace. The same could probably be said for men, too.
Mentorship is important because starting out can be overwhelming and scary. But finding the right mentor doesn’t come so easily. It is not an answer to the yes or no question or luck. Finding a mentor needs hard work, ambition and persistence. Here’s how you can put that to task and find yourself a great mentor.
Be Clear about What Help You Need from Your Mentor
Before you go looking, sit down and think hard about what you want and need from your mentor. Ask yourself whether you want help with a current project or someone for the long-run who knows the insides and outs of your field.
Perhaps you are starting a clothing line and you want to put your company and brand on the map. Asking a fellow company can be a nice idea but not the best one. What works for them might not be applicable to your brand, market, and what if your finances can’t support that plan? Checking in with a similar brand but from a different branch could be better. Because of the similarities, they will understand you, you will feel closer to them, and some great ideas might be born out of that collaboration.
With that said, prior to seeking help, know what your end game is. Having some kind of a starting point could lead you in the right direction. Once that is set up, everything else will come into place naturally.
Demonstrate Your Potential to Your Mentor
Approaching someone and saying, “Hey, will you be my mentor?” is not the way to go. This is not a store where you can walk in and ask if they have those jeans in size 12. Acquiring a mentor takes work. Instead of going from person to person asking, why don’t you show them what you can do? Demonstrate your potential. Show them your previous projects, or, if you’ve been following their work, why not show them how you would have done it. Your mentor will want to know what you are capable of. Just saying it is not convincing enough.
It’s Better to Find Someone You Know to be Your Mentor
Your mentor will not be just any random stranger. It will, and should, be someone you are familiar with. This might mean someone you are working with or an acquaintance. Heck, it might be a person outside of work, or outside of your career field. It can be your neighbour, for all you know. But if that is not the case, if no one on your contact list fits the description, you need to go out and find them. Polish your networking skills and learn how to win someone over.[2]
Contribute Something in Return to Show You’re Not Only a Taker
The relationship you are about to start should be a two-way street. Don’t be selfish and expect not to give anything in return. Actually, by showcasing that you can be beneficial to the potential mentor only increases your chancing of getting one. Not a single person will be willing to work for nothing. Use your skills to help on something they are working on, support them, share your thoughts and opinions. This way they will know that they can count on you and that you are not here just to use their knowledge without giving back.
Careers can be tough to make, but holding your ground and keeping your ambition should get you through the rough patch. Just think of those you admire — they had to start somewhere, too. Accept that you will have bad moments, but don’t let that drag you down. Stand firmly on your feet, keep your head high and have tenacity — just like those mentors. After all, isn’t that what made them?
[1]^Time: Sheryl Sandberg Explains Why Young Women Should Mentor Each Other[2]^Inc.: How to Network Like You Really Mean It
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The post How to Find a Mentor That Help Fast-Track Your Career Success appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2qoT1pE via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How to Find a Mentor That Help Fast-Track Your Career Success
It takes some courage to venture into the employment world and start building a career or maybe a business. Your education will certainly help, as well as your previous experience. However, to truly shine, you will need a guide to show you the way. Sheryl Sandberg[1] says that women who have mentors are more accomplished and have more confidence in the workplace. The same could probably be said for men, too.
Mentorship is important because starting out can be overwhelming and scary. But finding the right mentor doesn’t come so easily. It is not an answer to the yes or no question or luck. Finding a mentor needs hard work, ambition and persistence. Here’s how you can put that to task and find yourself a great mentor.
Be Clear about What Help You Need from Your Mentor
Before you go looking, sit down and think hard about what you want and need from your mentor. Ask yourself whether you want help with a current project or someone for the long-run who knows the insides and outs of your field.
Perhaps you are starting a clothing line and you want to put your company and brand on the map. Asking a fellow company can be a nice idea but not the best one. What works for them might not be applicable to your brand, market, and what if your finances can’t support that plan? Checking in with a similar brand but from a different branch could be better. Because of the similarities, they will understand you, you will feel closer to them, and some great ideas might be born out of that collaboration.
With that said, prior to seeking help, know what your end game is. Having some kind of a starting point could lead you in the right direction. Once that is set up, everything else will come into place naturally.
Demonstrate Your Potential to Your Mentor
Approaching someone and saying, “Hey, will you be my mentor?” is not the way to go. This is not a store where you can walk in and ask if they have those jeans in size 12. Acquiring a mentor takes work. Instead of going from person to person asking, why don’t you show them what you can do? Demonstrate your potential. Show them your previous projects, or, if you’ve been following their work, why not show them how you would have done it. Your mentor will want to know what you are capable of. Just saying it is not convincing enough.
It’s Better to Find Someone You Know to be Your Mentor
Your mentor will not be just any random stranger. It will, and should, be someone you are familiar with. This might mean someone you are working with or an acquaintance. Heck, it might be a person outside of work, or outside of your career field. It can be your neighbour, for all you know. But if that is not the case, if no one on your contact list fits the description, you need to go out and find them. Polish your networking skills and learn how to win someone over.[2]
Contribute Something in Return to Show You’re Not Only a Taker
The relationship you are about to start should be a two-way street. Don’t be selfish and expect not to give anything in return. Actually, by showcasing that you can be beneficial to the potential mentor only increases your chancing of getting one. Not a single person will be willing to work for nothing. Use your skills to help on something they are working on, support them, share your thoughts and opinions. This way they will know that they can count on you and that you are not here just to use their knowledge without giving back.
Careers can be tough to make, but holding your ground and keeping your ambition should get you through the rough patch. Just think of those you admire — they had to start somewhere, too. Accept that you will have bad moments, but don’t let that drag you down. Stand firmly on your feet, keep your head high and have tenacity — just like those mentors. After all, isn’t that what made them?
[1]^Time: Sheryl Sandberg Explains Why Young Women Should Mentor Each Other[2]^Inc.: How to Network Like You Really Mean It
function footnote_expand_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).show(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“-“); } function footnote_collapse_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).hide(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“+”); } function footnote_expand_collapse_reference_container() { if (jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).is(“:hidden”)) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); } else { footnote_collapse_reference_container(); } } function footnote_moveToAnchor(p_str_TargetID) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); var l_obj_Target = jQuery(“#” + p_str_TargetID); if(l_obj_Target.length) { jQuery(‘html, body’).animate({ scrollTop: l_obj_Target.offset().top – window.innerHeight/2 }, 1000); } }
The post How to Find a Mentor That Help Fast-Track Your Career Success appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2qoT1pE via Viral News HQ
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