kawaiisdisaster · 1 year
Heyyy, are you guys ready to hear about an Animaniacs and Pinky And The Brain Swap AU idea i came up with? Yes? Okay so basically in this AU, everything in Animaniacs is almost the same... Except all the characters are replaced with PATB ones!
The only exception would be the Pinky and Brain segment itself which instead of them, it would be starring... Minerva Mink and Hello Nurse! Yeah that's right, it's MY AU so i can do whatever i want hehe! /hj Anywho, here are all the character roles:
Darky (Dark Pinky) as Yakko Warner
Pinks (OG Pinky) as Wakko Warner
Suavy (Pinky Suavo) as Dot Warner
The Brain as Hello Nurse and viceversa
Minerva Mink as Pinky
Billie as Minerva Mink
Floyd Nesbitt (that rude guy from the "Fly" episode) as Thaddeus Plotz
Julia as Nora Rita Norita (I'm thinking of making her be with Billie in this, altought I don't ship Minerva with Nora. Nothing against anyone that those, tho!)
Snowball as Dr. Scratchansniff
Larry as Ralph T. Guard
Egwind as Ralph's wife
Cupcake (Snowball's sister) as Jürgen Scratchansniff
Dark Brain as Nurse Doom (he's Brain's twin brother in this)
Precious as Mindy
Bobby-Bob Yokel as Buttons
All three versions of Pinky are triplets in this and everyone has their original age, including them!
Still figuring out roles for the other characters and i might change some of the already chosen ones, but here's the plot:
Pinks, Darky and Suavy were first created with the purpose of being the new toon stars but as they came to life, they brought nothing but chaos to the studio.
Darky was an extreme trouble-maker and would cause mayhem just to get a laugh out of it, Suavy was considereted to be too sensual as he had way too many people swooning over him on a daily basis, and Pinks was too dump as he would unintetionally cause a few messes here and there aswell as annoying a handful of the producers.
Technically speaking Darky should have been the only one to get locked up, but we're talking about the same people who willingly locked up three literal children in the original show... so all three of them were sent to the tower. That, or perhaps Pinks and Suavy didn't wanna leave their brother alone which is why they joined him inside the WB Water Tower.
Anyways you know how the rest goes: after a few years the Pinkies escape the Water Tower and brought chaos back to their world. So Mr. Nesbitt orders for Dr. Snowball to get them to behave themselves or make them act more "normal", which Snowball is very mad about but has no choice but to do it as it his job.
Incase that doesn't work, Nesbitt orders Larry to chase the Pinkies around to catch them and get them locked back in the tower. Meanwhile Pinks and Suavy take an interest in Hello Brainy, the studio medic and Dr. Snowball's assistant, whom Darky dislikes for some reason. After a few years pass Nesbitt retires and Julia takes his place as CEO.
There's more but i still need to figure it out! In the mean time, here's a drawing of Hello Brainy:
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 9 months
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(Minerva and Hello Nurse)
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