#Julia x Billie
thunderlina · 8 months
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Saw an Ace Attorney meme and immediately had to do this
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kawaiisdisaster · 1 year
Almost forgot to upload these here- Happy Pride Month, everyone! Remember, you are all valid no matter what!
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pinkydoggy83 · 1 year
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♦️ 🌿— Some actual art of them interacting <3 Julia’s first design near the top is based on tuesdaysart’s design
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nastya-sokolova-2002 · 11 months
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1)My art
2)Art belongs to one artist from Twitter
Although I don’t ship Julia and Billie, but they look pretty cute🤍💙
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screamm1996 · 10 months
Billy Loomis and his golden retriever boyfriend
(I’m so normal about them)
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coneyislandbabey · 1 year
well, my boyfriend's in a band. -> e.roundtree
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WARNINGS: maybe some profanities
SYNOPSIS: Nobody thinks the thing between you and Eddie can be as pure and real as you say it is. word count: 1,323
NOTES: written for this request!
A lot of people talked about you and Eddie, now that you were publicly together, but none of them knew what they were saying. They spun the story like it was as old as time, unchangeable, inevitable, as sure a disaster as whatever or whoever they were comparing you to in the moment. Him, a rockstar, high on the enormous tide of fame and cocaine, a man who could have anything in the world at the snap of his fingers. You, a couple of years younger, elusive writer from the Los Angeles scene, enigmatic partier– naïve, obviously getting taken for a ride.
It never occurred to any of them that a man like Eddie Roundtree could be truly, inescapably gone for you. Why devote yourself to one girl when you could have as many as you wanted at any time? People had been asking that question about Billy Dunne for the Six’s entire career, and they couldn’t believe another band member was making the same ‘mistake’. Fame should mean freedom. As if getting to give your all to someone and receive their all in return wasn’t a kind of freedom in of itself.  
Let them talk. What difference did it make to you? 
When you stepped onto the tour bus, the afterparty was already in full swing. You hadn’t been able to catch the show because your flight had gotten in too late, but it didn’t matter; you’d be joining Eddie on tour for the next few months, so you had plenty of shows in your future. All you cared about was getting to your man. You located him sitting on the far corner of the couch, squished in with Graham and Warren and Warren’s girl of the night. You had spotted him before he spotted you, and you took a moment to take in the face you hadn’t been able to see since the tour started. His warm brown eyes crinkled in laughter, the sweep of his burnt sugar hair over his forehead. He was so beautiful it made your breath catch every time you allowed yourself to drink him in like that. 
“(y/n)!” Warren shouted, being the one to notice you first in the fray of the party, pointing to you with one long finger as if the shout wasn’t enough. Eddie’s head whipped around, and his mouth stretched into the widest grin at the sight of you. You returned the smile with your own, squeezing through the small, packed crowd until you landed right in his lap. 
Eddie’s arms instantly went around your waist, hands settling warm and solid on your lower back. Yours went loosely around his shoulders, your head dipping down to a well-received kiss. His eyes were bloodshot and he was half gone to whatever booze and drugs he’d done already, but even through the haze of inebriation they were settled on you. 
“You’re here, I can breathe again,” he said, voice lazy. He was leaned all the way back, head resting on the window behind him, like it was the first time his body had been able to relax in weeks. You lifted your palm to his cheek, rubbing your thumb gently along his lower lip, curved up in that little smirk of his. 
You bent your face close to him so that only he could hear you. “Missed you, too, baby boy.”
Eddie leaned over the side of the couch, and when he came back up he was holding his lighter– red, engraved with his name in gold, a gift from you shortly after you had started dating– and a joint. He lifted the joint and you took it in your lips, he grabbed your chin and held your face gently with his guitar-calloused fingers as he lit it for you. You took a long drag, exhaling only after the joint was between Eddie’s lips. 
Eddie’s hands went back to your waist, skimming up beneath your shirt and skating across your spine. The whole time he’d been away and you’d been stuck in Los Angeles without him, you’d felt unmoored, but you hadn’t realized the extent of it until you were finally back in his arms, back with your anchor. This was where you were meant to be, and Eddie felt that just as much as you did. 
The next night, you stood in the wings with Rod watching the band play. They were all mesmerizing in their own ways, especially, of course, Daisy and Billy singing together, but your eyes never left Eddie. He always exuded confidence, but never more so than when he was onstage, and it was intoxicating to see. He wore that cocky smirk on his face, the one that either made you want to smack him or kiss him and nothing in between, his body moving as one with the bass. He’d never wanted to play the instrument, you knew, but god did he play it like it had been made specifically for him. 
Any chance he got, his eyes were on you, even onstage, even in the middle of a song. As the song came to an end, he caught your eye for the hundredth time that night, bringing his hand to his mouth and blowing a kiss into the wings for you. You laughed, pretending to catch it and press it to your heart, making him grin before he had to turn away and start playing the next song. 
“That guy’s got it fuckin’ bad for you, huh,” Rod observed, and you snorted. 
“Mm, he better,” you nodded. 
Eddie made a beeline for you as soon as the show was over, shedding his bass on the way and scooping you up in his arms. You squeezed him tightly, laughing as he picked you up off the floor and spun you around. When he set you back down on the ground, you grabbed his face and kissed him, skin warm from the lights and exertion everywhere you touched, hair sweaty where your fingers tangled with it at the nape of his neck. 
“You were enthralling,” you told him once you had pulled away. 
“That was my best show so far,” he said, “Had to pull out all the stops because I knew my girl was watching.”
“Well, you really blew me away,” you laughed. “But you blow me away every time, you always will.” 
You two skipped the afterparty that night, instead heading straight to Eddie’s hotel room. You needed just each other, alone, away from the hecticness of tour. You wanted Eddie all to yourself, you always did, and Eddie would give you as much of himself as he could at every chance, just as you did for him. That’s why you found him so easy to love; he knew what you needed from him, and was nearly tripping over himself to give it to you. 
The next morning, you were in a diner with Eddie catching a quick breakfast before the buses had to leave. Your eyes scanned the newspaper rack in boredom as you waited for your food, and your mouth drew up into a smirk as you spotted something familiar. 
You grabbed the tabloid and turned, showing it to Eddie. On the front was a photo of him on stage from the night before, eyes turned towards the wings, hand extended mid-gesture as he blew you a kiss. A smaller photo was superimposed in the corner, catching the two of you walking out of the venue later that night, your arm looped through the crook of his elbow as you walked back to the hotel. The headline was something invasive and completely false about your relationship, but you ignored it. 
“They love to talk about us,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“These pictures are pretty good, actually,” Eddie said, grabbing the tabloid to get a better look. “I should get in touch with them and ask if I can have some copies of ‘em.”
tag list: @eonnyx
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neptunes-curse · 1 year
How They All Found Out || ER
You and Eddie were doing a good job of sneaking around with your realationship. But slowly, as you two start to fall more and more in love, it gets harder to hide your feelings from the band.
pairings: Eddie Roundtree x Fem!reader
warnings: me messing with the timeline for the fic’s sake, cussing, talks of kids in the future, allusions to sex
authors note: Djats is my new favorite thing. Let me know if you guys have any other requests, i’d be happy to write them.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You and Eddie starting seeing eachother on the break of the SevenEightNine tour. It was perfect timing, you didn’t have to hide, since it was always just the two of you. You got along so well, It felt like you were the only people in the world. Nothing else mattered. The two of you would lie in bed all day, no worries but eachother. It was all perfect. That was, until, Billy got out of Rehab and the band got together again. Then everything got hard.
Eddie Roundtree (Rhythm Guitarist): That first month or two, man, those were the days. Just me and my girl, nothing else to worry about. It was all so easy. And don’t get me wrong, when we [the band] got back together, I was thrilled. It just meant things would get harder for Y/n and me.
You and Eddie were lying in bed together one morning, the sun shining through the windows of your now shared bedroom. Your head was lying on his chest while his hand rested on your lower back. The only thing you were wearing was (his) a tshirt and your underwear. It was a perfect, peaceful scene. But, inside your head, everything was the opposite. Billy had just gotten out of Rehab. Which would normally be good, but all it did was make things more complicated. The band would start practicing again. And you didn’t want what you had with Eddie to just stop. You hadn’t talked about what you were, but you were sure he would want to stay together. He acted like your boyfriend. And that was all the mattered, right?
“Eddie, what do you think will happen when we start practicing again?” You asked, tentatively. You had been thinking about asking this question for a while. If Eddie was going to end it, you wanted it over with. Rip the band-aid off, right? He turned his head toward you and smiled slightly. “Well, what do you want to do?” He started, “I mean, I dont want to stop this. I like you, a whole lot.” You felt your face heat up. You felt like a 13-year-old girl with her first crush, but you didn’t care. Eddie had that effect on you. You replied, “Me too. It’s just- Would you mind if we don’t tell the others? Just for a while.”
Y/N L/N (Bassist): When you’re a woman in a band, people say a lot of shitty things to you. They’ll question your ability to play, say others are better than you. Back then, what other people thought meant a lot to me. I didn’t want to be “Eddie Roundtree’s Girlfriend.” I wanted to be known as me.
You could see his smile falter. You didn’t want this, but it was for the best. The best for you, atleast. You’d still have lots of time together, right? Everything would be the same. That’s what you kept telling yourself.
“Yeah, sure. As long as I get to keep kissing you.” Eddie said. You were glad he was taking it well. He puts a smirk on leans over to kiss you. You laugh and put both your hands on the side of his face to pull him in. He adjusts himself to be on top of you.
Maybe this would work out better than you thought.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Practice with the band has been going great. It was four months after Billy had gotten back. He was doing a lot better, and you were proud of him. You guys were playing more than ever, just trying to make up for lost time. That meant waking up early and staying in the studio til the late hours of the night.
The downside of this was that you and Eddie got less and less time together. You could see his longing glances across the studio, when the rest of the band was there. He just wanted to be together, which you could understand. You would take every opportunity possible to sneak into his room, most times just to talk. You wanted to be near him, to hear his voice and feel his touch. It was getting increasingly harder to not do so in front of others.
One night, after a long practice, you were struggling to sleep. It had been happening for nights and nights in a row. You weren’t sure why, most likely due to all the stress of the rehearsals. You had tried everything from counting sheep, flipping yor pillow, you even smoked a cigarette or two. But nothing helped. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, you decided you would head into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
You slowly rolled out of your bed, your feet touching the cold floor beneath you as you walked to your door. You quietly opened the door, slipping out of your bedroom. The last thing you wanted was to wake the whole house up at this hour. Quickly, you scurried into the kitchen. You stuck your hands out to feel around for the cabinet holding the cups. But, instead of your hands finding a knob, you felt a mop of soft, blonde hair.
“What the hell,” Eddie quickly turned around to face you, loudly shutting the cabinet holding the glassware. “Eddie!” You scolded him for being so loud. You placed a hand over his mouth, symbolizing for him to be quiet. He tried to stifle a laugh as he grabbed the hand in front of his mouth, encasing it in his much larger hand. “Funny seeing you here, baby.” Eddie smirked as he placed one hand firmly on your hip, still holding one of your hands. You laughed quietly, a smile reserved only for him starting to appear on your face. He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “I’ve missed you.” Eddie said. You laughed quietly, quickly responding, “I saw you five hours ago, remember?” He rolls his eyes at you. “Not like that. I miss being alone with you.” He says suggestively. He slowly starts tracing patterns on your hand with his thumb.
“Well, we have alone time right now… why not make good use of it?” You smirk. Eddie leaned down to kiss your jaw, moving down until he reached your neck. Your wrapped your hands around his neck, slightly turning your head to give him better access. You were fully wrapped up in the kisses before you realized where you were. He was kissing you in the middle of the kitchen! Anyone could walk in! “Eddie,” you started, but he ignored your call. “Eddie!” you said it much louder this time, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. He stopped his trail of kisses, leaning his forehead against yours. He was so close to your lips, if he leaned in any further they would touch.
“We shouldn’t be doing this right now. Atleast not here.” You said. You bit your lip immediately after, pulling back your words. You knew it wasn’t right, but you missed him so much you couldn’t help it. “I know you don’t mean that.” Eddie said, tauntingly. He pulled a hand up to your lip, untucking it from under your teeth. “You bite your lip when you lie, sweetheart. You’re not very good at it.” He whispers to you. What happens next, you couldn’t control. You crashed your lips into his, hungrily looking for more.
Eddie places his hands under your thighs, and you jump up, wrapping your legs around him. His hands trace circles on your bare skin, making your heart jump. While your lips are still on his, he carries you to the counter, placing you down in front of him. His body is between your legs. Eddie is kissing down your neck, leaving light hickeys wherever he wants too. Those will be a problem for tomorrow. But right now, you’re fully in the moment. His hands are now under your shirt, and you can feel your heartbeat rising.
You’d been waiting for this forever. At this point, you’d forgotten you were in the middle of the kitchen. You needed him, and he needed you. The last time you were able to be together like this was weeks ago. All the pent-up tension between the two of you was being released with each kiss. Eddie grabs the end of your shirt, signalling for you to take it off. You do, and he kisses your shoulders and chest. But all the sudden, he stops. You look down at him, confused.
“Eddie? Eddie what happen-“
“Woah.” Warren says, startling you.
You turn your head, your face displaying total shock. Of course, someone would walk in! Just your luck. You quickly pull your shirt over your head and hop off the counter. This would take some explaining.
“You guys? You guys are hooking up?” Warren continues. His mouth is wide open. He’s laughing, rather loudly too. “I would’ve never guessed, man!”
The three of you stand there, all in total shock, for about a minute.
Warren Rojas (Drummer): It was crazy. I mean, we all knew they [Y/n and Eddie] had something. But I would’ve never known they’d been fucking. I always wondered why they didn’t tell anyone.
“So,” Eddie said. He looked at you for guidance.
“Please don’t tell anybody, Warren. Please.” You were practically begging him. You looked at him with your best puppy dog eyes and pleading smile. You could feel Eddie brushing his fingers against yours, almost for comfort.
“You guys don’t have to worry about me. I‘ll keep your secret.” He said. “I better be best man at the wedding, though.” Warren laughed.
“It’s not-“ Eddie said.
“Yeah, yeah. Can I atleast get some food though?” He said motioning to where you guys were standing, blocking the fridge.
You both nodded and scooted over very akwardly. You looked up at Eddie and all you could do was laugh, leaning into him. You placed your head on his chest, and he reached his hand up to cradle the back of your head. You were both laughing quietly. The situation was really ridiculous. You had been so careful, you never thought you would get caught. But it’s only one person who knows, right? And Warren wouldn’t dare tell anybody.
When Warren finished with whatever he was getting from the fridge, he started to walk away. When he was almost to his door, he turned to face you and Eddie. He looked like he wanted to say something but decided against it. He settled with an akward wave. With that, Warren was gone.
“So, where were we…” Eddie said, slowly starting to kiss yor jaw. You put your hands out, putting space between the two of you.
“I’d rather not have the entire band walk in on us, Eds.” You say. Your decision still stands, about not wanting the whole world to know of you and Eddie’s realationship. If you could even call it that, really. “But, maybe if we went to one of our bedrooms…” You trail off. Eddie doesn’t have to hear anymore. He is dragging you off to his room.
Eddie Roundtree: That was a good night for me. For us. I think it really made me realize what I wanted for us. Y/n still didn’t want to come out in the open with our realationship, which I understood. But that didn’t mean we couldn’t have something just between us. So I asked her to be my girlfriend that night. And she said yes. *smiles*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
About two months or so after the Warren incident, the band was back in the studio recording. You were working with Teddy Price again. It was a miracle he let you back, considering how terribly the last tour ended. He suggested you bring in a new voice, someone who could bring more traction to the band. He suggested Daisy Jones. So, the band got to work on your new song Aurora, with the help of the wonderful Daisy.
One late night, the whole band was out with Daisy at Chateau Marmont. It was one of her many parties, which were always marvelous. You were wearing a short black skirt, matched with a white halter top with red floral detailing. You put together this outfit especially for a lipstick you wanted to wear, that was gifted to you by Karen, for your birthday. It was a gorgeous deep red color that complimented your skin perfectly.
You arrived at the Chateau a little later than everyone else, and you quickly found who you were looking for. Eddie. You made your way across the room to him. His face lit up with an all too familiar boyish smile. Eddie was standing alone next to the drinks, nursing a beer. He reached down to the cooler and grabbed you one, popping it open for you.
“Here you go, Y/n.” Eddie said while holding out his hand with the open beer. You took it with a smile.
“I’ve been looking for you all night, baby. Where have you been?” said Eddie. He takes a quick sip of his beer, admiring you. You can see his eyes flick up and down, from your legs up to your face. You could tell they lingered on your chest, which was exactly what you wanted. “I like this shirt.” He says, winking. You scan the room, making sure nobody is watching. You slowly take his hand and place a sloppy kiss on his lips. You start to lead him into a close bathroom.
“Are you sure Y/n? I mean we just got here, and you said you still wanted to keep us a secret.” Eddie says, looking at you concerningly. But you can tell, by how Eddie is looking at you and how he’s standing, with one hand holding yours and the other tight on your ass, that he really wants to sneak into the bathroom aswell. He was looking out for you, which was always something you admired about him. He was always considerate.
“It’ll be quick.” You smirk. You both make it into the restroom. You turn and lock the door behind you.
Around 30 minutes later, Eddie emerges from the bathroom. You both decided he would go first, just in case someone you two knew was by the door. This way nobody would become suspicious. He walks out back into the party, which has gained guests and volume while the two of you were away. He navigates through the crowd to find another beer. While searching for that, he finds two people from the band. Karen and Daisy were standing in the corner together. They wave Eddie over and he walks towards them.
“Hey Eddie, where have you been?” Says Karen. Daisy and Karen both smile at him, whilst exchanging looks. Eddie doesn’t catch it at first. He starts a conversation with them. But soon, after a while, Karen and Daisy burst out into a fit of laughter.
“What, what is it?” Eddie says, irriatated. Are they laughing at him? He hasn’t done anything embarrassing. Karen and Daisy don’t answer his question, they just continue to giggle.
“What’s funny?” Eddie restates himself. Now, he is just as much confused as he is annoyed. Did Billy tell them something? At this point, he was ready to leave and find somebody else to talk to. He was just about to walk away when Daisy grabs his hand.
“No, Eddie, wait,” She says between laughs, “We’ll tell you what’s funny.”
So, he turns backs around and crosses his arms. He could be doing much better things than being laughed at by two band mates. He looks around the room, impatiently waiting for their answer.
“Did you realize you have lipstick on your face, Eddie? Red lipstick?” Daisy says.
That’s what they were laughing at.
“And it looks an awful lot like the one I got Y/n for her birthday.” Karen adds.
Karen Sirko (keyboardist): Oh my God! It was hilarious! Eddie comes out, and he has lipstick everywhere. His lips, his neck. And at first I was like, “Oh, good for him.” but then I realized that it was Y/n’s lipstick! The one i got her for her birthday, even. God, that was the highlight of my week.
Eddie reaches a hand up to his lips, and sure enough, deep, red lipstick residue is on his hands. The trail goes down his neck, too. He keeps trying to rub it off to the best of his ability. He laughs akwardly, looking down. Daisy senses the akwardness and tries to comfort him.
“Hey, i’m really happy for you guys. You two will be a great match, i’m sure.” She smiles, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
Eddie looks up, smiling back at her. “Would it be okay if you guys didn’t tell anybody for now? We aren’t ready to tell everyone yet.” He says.
Daisy Jones (vocals): Eddie and Y/n? They were adorable. You could just tell that he was in love with her. When he would play, the only person his eyes went to was Y/n. As for Y/n, she was the same. When he walked into the room, you could see her smile. If I wanted my future to be like anyone’s, It would probably be their’s.
Karen and Daisy both nod. Eddie felt really bad about them finding out. Y/n had asked him to keep it a secret and he was dumb and messed it up. But, hey, Warren already knows. So two more people shouldn’t be so bad? And Eddie trusts Karen. He wasn’t sure about Daisy yet, but Y/n seemed to love her. He’d have to tell Y/n soon.
Y/n L/n: I wasn’t mad at all. It was really my fault for not noticing the lipstick. I helped him wipe it off after that, and I have to admit, he looked really silly. I can’t believe he left the bathroom looking like that.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It was Julia’s first birthday. Camila had put together a celebration with balloons, banners, and an adorable little pink cake. It was all out together in their new house’s backyard. They had a housewarming party a while ago. It was one of the best parties you’d ever been too. Being surrounded by friends who loved you always made you feel better.
At Julia’s party, you and Eddie were playing with her. She had brought a couple Barbies outside and was acting out a scene with them. You and Eddie were doing it with her, going along with whatever she says. “We go swim!” Julia moves her Barbie over to a nearby puddle, grabbing both your hands and making you move yours over too. “Weeeeee!” Julia makes the Barbies jump up and down in the puddle. While they were jumping, she moves them around wildly in your direction and they splash your sundress.
“Woah! Julia!” You say, holding her hand to settle her down. “You got me all wet!” You joke, fake scolding. She giggles, apologizing, “I’m sorry Aunt Y/n!” You smile at her. How could you be mad at such a cute face? You grab Julia’s hand while standing up, and point in her dad’s direction. “It’s okay, Jules. Why don’t you go find your dad while I go clean up?” She follows your directions and runs over to her father, Billy.
You stand up, swiftly brushing the dirt and grime off your hands and dress.
“You’re really good with Julia, Y/n” Eddie says.
You smile widely at him, laughing happily. “You think so? I always imagined myself with kids when I was younger.”
“It just got me thinking. We could do that one day.” Eddie says, looking down at you fondly.
“Have kids?” You ask. It was true, you always thought you’d have a family. Two, even three kids. Maybe a dog, too. But that was all back in Pittsburgh. You weren’t sure if that life would fit into your life style now.
“Yeah. Big house, white picket fence. Some kids running around. Wouldn’t you like that, Y/n?” He says. You two were dangerously close, in the middle of Billy and Camila’s yard. Everyone you knew was there. But at the moment, it only felt you and Eddie were present. It was like the world closed in on you, and it was just him and you left. You liked the close, intimate feel. Even though you had been dating for around a year, you had never talked about your future outside of being in the band.
“Yeah, I think I would like that.” You say happily. You liked this side of Eddie. The warm, inviting side. You really were beginning to see a future with the blonde. The two of you stood, in the middle of the yard, just looking into each other’s eyes. Words didn’t need to be spoken. It was a silent “I love you”.
Eddie Roundtree: Yeah, I remember that day. She just looked so beautiful, playing with Jules. She was so kind, always was. You couldn’t help but love her. *smiles*
You are quickly snapped out of the moment by Camila calling to you.
“Hey, Y/n!” Camila says. She walks up to you and frowns. “I heard about your dress. I’m so sorry, i’ll talk to Jules after the party.” She apologizes.
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just wash it when I get home.” You respond. You look down at your blue sundress, taking a look at all the muddy spots. “I think i’ll go inside and try to find a washcloth. I’ll try to get some of the mud out.” You say. Camila nods.
“I’ll come with you!” She exclaims. You flash Eddie a sweet smile goodbye, and he winks in return. Eddie turns to go talk to Graham as you go inside with Camila. As soon as you shut the door, Camila starts to smile suspiciously.
“You and Eddie, hm?” She questions. You freeze, simply in shock. You were going to have to dig yourself out of a big hole. Plus, you were never good at lying, especially to Camila. It was like she could see through people. You always envied it about her.
“What do you mean, Cami?” You ask. You begin to make you way to the sink, avoiding her eyes.
“Don’t try to fool me. I see the way he looks at you, Y/n. It’s like you hung the stars and put the moon in the sky. He loves you.” Camila smiles. She digs through the drawers of her kitchen before handing you a white washcloth.
“I don’t,” You start. The question had totally caught you off guard. Was it love? Had you fallen in love with Eddie Roundtree? “I don’t know how he feels.” You stutter. Guess there is no hiding it now.
You begin to wet the washcloth, but your mind is anywhere besides this room. Is Camila right? You always knew you had something special with Eddie. But you’d never thought about it this much to be honest. With the baby conversation today and Camila’s conversation with you right now, you are seriously considering it. Things between you and the blonde wasn’t just hooking up anymore and it hasn’t been for a long time. It felt as if things were suddenly gettin for serious, and you were not going to say no to it.
“Well I think I know how you feel.” The girl says, poking you in the side. You laugh with her, moving your hip out of her reach. You shake your head in response, but the radiant smile on your face tells otherwise.
When you recover from the laughter fit, you begin to blot the muddy fabric of your dress with the cloth. Cami settles down as well. She peeks out the window and smiles, “Looks like everyone is about to sing happy birthday. I better go get the candles. Come out in a second, yeah?” She says. You nod, waving her goodbye.
Just before she is about to walk out the door, she turns around and teases, “Oh, and Eddie will be out there, too. You might want to hurry.” She winks at you mischievously before shutting the door and hurrying over to where Julia and Billy were.
Camila Dunne: Oh, Gosh, they were an amazing couple. I would’ve never known, but once I did, it just felt so obvious. They were perfect together, and I mean it. You could just tell by the way they looked at eachother. As soon as his eyes fell on Y/n, they turned into hearts. And vice versa.
Normally, you would be freaking out. You just gave away the secret of your realationship to yet another person. But right now you were on cloud 9. Eddie Roundtree might love you. And you might love him back.
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When Aurora was finally finished, the entire band was thrilled. Everyone had working together, and it turned out perfectly. You could feel it was about to be a big hit. The single, Look At Us Now, was already topping the charts. You had Daisy’s and Billy’s perfect vocal chemistry to thank for that.
Everybody was getting ready for the album cover shoot. It had been scheduled for weeks. After much bickering from Daisy and Billy, they decided on a desert shoot. The whole band was wearing tan, blue, and brown costumes, some more extravagant than others.
You and Eddie, though, had different plans. You snuck into his room late the night before. Everyone was staying in a hotel, as the photo shoot location was about 3 hours out of town and nobody wanted to drive that far so early. So, while everyone was getting ready, you and Eddie were lying in bed together, enjoying the solitude of the morning.
You were brushing stray hairs out of his face, to make sure you could see his beautiful eyes. Atleast you always thought they were beautiful. He was looking right back at you, with a dopey grin on his face. “I love you, Y/n.” He whispered. And you whispered it back.
After ten more minutes of this lovesick haze, you sat up, grabbing your watch that layed onnthe bedside table. Your face froze with shock.
“Shit, Shit, Shit! Eddie, it’s already 9:30. We were supposed to be down five minuetes ago!” With those words, the two of you flew out of bed, hurrily throwing on coats and blouses and brushing knotted hair from last night’s activities.
Meanwhile, downstairs, everyone was waiting on you two. Daisy, Karen, Warren, Camila, Billy, even Julia, all sat downstairs around a couple tables. They had finished breakfast a while ago, as it was now 9:45.
“Okay, where the fuck are they?” Billy said, tapping his foot. Karen and Daisy shared a look, Warren snickered, and Camila avoided his gaze. But Graham was clueless.
“I’ll go get them. I’m done eating anyway.” The younger Dunne brother said, hopping out of his seat next to Karen. He walks up to the elavator and steps inside, pressing the button of the band’s floor.
Meanwhile, you and Eddie were still frantically trying to get ready. You were applying a nude lipstick while Eddie buttoned up his shirt. You were no where near ready and you figured time was running out.
Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. You both freeze, making eye contact in the mirror.
“Probably just maintenance.” You reason.
“Yeah, just maintenance.” He agrees.
But you both quickly found out you were wrong when Graham’s voice sounded from the other side of the door. “Eddie, man, get up! You’re already thirty minutes late for photos.”
Oh, so it wasn’t maintenance. It was Graham. And Graham didn’t know. You and Eddie had started to consider telling everyone for good, but it had been so easy how it already was. You had settled into a routine of secrecy. It would just be so much harder to stop.
Graham knocks again, sounding impatient. You quickly pull out a curling iron to atleast get half your hair done while Eddie rushes to the door.
“Hey, just give me five more minutes.” He says before shutting the door in his face. Your boyfriend quickly rushes over to you in the bedroom, as you had given up on the hair curling idea after the front two pieces.
“What are we going to do, Ed?” you ask. He places a reassuring hand on your cheek, brushing a piece of hair away from your face.
“I’ll go out first. I’ll talk to Graham for a little before moving on downstairs. Then, he’ll go to your room next door and knock. You’ll slip out of here and try to walk a little ways down the hall so he doesn’t notice you came out of my room. Just pretend you were getting ice or something.” He says. You nod, trying hard to listen to exactly what he says.
When Eddie finishes speaking, you place a gentle kiss on his cheek. “For good luck.” you say. He smiles and embraces you quickly before heading for the door, motioning for you to hide on the other side of the room.
“Sorry about that Graham. Woke up late.” You can hear Eddie say from the other side of the wall. You press your ear up against the wallpaper trying to listen to more.
“I get it. I’m going to knock on Y/n’s door too. She must’ve overslept as well.” He pats Eddie on the shoulder before moving on to your door down the hall. You hear the steps of boots which you assume means he’s far enough away. You make your way to the door and open it very slowly. You manage to squeeze out of the half opened door. Now, you shut the door quietly before walking a little ways down the hall, like Eddie said.
“Hey, Y/n!” Graham calls out, and you stop in your tracks. “Where’d you come from?” He asks.
“I was just getting ice. Down the hall. At the ice machine.” You manages to sputter out. You’d never describe yourself as a nervous person, but right now, the nerves where like butterflies floating in your stomach, in your brain, and throughout your whole body. Graham furrows his brows at you, not very convinced by your efforts.
“I’m going to go ahead and get some breakfast.” You say quickly, speedwalking down the hallway. You thought you handled that pretty well.
Graham Dunne (Lead Guitar): She had come out of Eddie’s room. It was very obvious. Y/n was also always a terrible liar. I knew they were hooking up way before that ever even happened.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Karen Sirko: I think everyone knew they were in a realationship by that point. Daisy and I had a bet on when they would tell us.
Daisy Jones: It eventually came out when we were on tour, so Karen won technically. But they were just so shit at keeping secrets we all figured out a long time ago.
Warren Rojas: I was actually best man at Eddie’s and Y/n’s wedding. It was probably the best wedding i’ve ever been to. But don’t tell Lisa that. *winks*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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elsaqueenofstress · 2 years
the daisy jones and the six series changing the interviews to be 20 years later instead of closer to 40 years feels like such a weird, superficially aesthetic choice, where they get to keep the young, attractive actors (how did none of them age a day except graham??) instead of committing to the fact that these people are only able to reflect on these events because there's so much distance from them and they have perspective now (though it also means that memories are contradictory, contributing to the lack of reliability). it also does a massive disservice to camila, who instead of getting to live a long, happy life with her husband who stated that he always loved her and would always choose her, is basically turned into the second coming of the mother from how i met your mother – a pit stop to give the main, important man some kids to tell a story to before dying so he can be with his real soulmate before they're too old for it to be sexy
i feel like too many people (mainly daisybilly shippers) are conflating the "unreliable narrator" aspect of the book with "oh, no one told the truth about anything so we can make up our own completely different story and have it be canon!" instead of understanding that while there were probably times that the interviewees lied, a lot of what jumbles up their memories is the time that has passed, the weed that was smoked, and their personal feelings toward certain events (why you get daisy and billy gushing over the aurora cover that highlights only them while everyone else talks about how much the shoot sucked) (oh and the fact that reviews are mentioning that the rest of the band rarely appears in scenes w/o daisy or billy?? meaning that the series did what the characters in the book were constantly complaining about and relegated them to backup?? i must laugh to keep from crying) (also if they weren't even going to focus on everyone, why the fuck didn't they keep pete?)
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i-hate-people-1 · 2 years
I noticed that there is a very little amount of DJATS fanfic so I wrote this in like an hour so it’s pretty short but I might write for it more
Warren Rojas X Fem Reader
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Y/N "It all started out very simply; all I did was find the cheapest place that was available for rent."
Warren "Man, that day was wild. It was three weeks after the first tour went up in flames. Me and the guys saw her moving in and decided to help her."
Eddie "I mean, she was hot as hell, so of course we were going to help her."
Karen: "The guys wanted to help her because she was hot, but I just wanted another girlfriend because there was entirely too much testosterone around me and she was awesome."
"What on earth are you guys doing?" Karen asked the boys who were all huddled by the window.
"Shhhh," Graham shushed her, not bothering to look at her.
"Why does she have to be quiet?" It’s not like the hot girl can hear us." Warren asked.
"Yeah, if anything, she’s going to see us and think we are creeps," Eddie added, not looking away from the window despite his statement.
"You are creeps" Karen said joining the boys. Looking out the window to see a girl struggling to carry a car full of boxes inside the house next door, "we should help her." Karen paused, looking at the boys who looked confused, "Come on, it doesn’t look like she has any."
"Yeah we should" warren said "yeah" Eddie agreed. Graham just nodded as they started walking to the front door.
"Dibs!" Warren yelled, taking off running toward the house. "What no fair !" Eddie yelled, chasing after him. Graham and Karen just laughed, slowly running after their friends.
You were on your way back to the car halfway down the steps when a guy with black curly hair ran in front of the steps, making you jump back. "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you." The guy was cut off when a blonde guy tackled him to the ground. Two more people ran up after him, a brunette boy and a blonde girl.
"I am so sorry about them," she exclaimed.
"Get off of me, you ass!" the black haired boy pushed the blonde off of him quickly jumping to his feet "I’m Warren" he said casually, sticking his hand out for you to shake.
"Y/N," you answer confused, but shake his hand anyway.
"I’m Karen," the blonde woman introduced herself, "and that’s Eddie, and this is Graham." She added, pointing to them individually, "we saw you moving in and figured you could use some help."
"Y’all really don’t have to do that" you say quickly worried they were just asking to be "nice" .
"Oh, no, we want to," Eddie replied, turning around and walking towards her car. Karen and Graham following him.
"I really don’t want to inconvenience you," you said, still trying to fight this and not wanting to burden them.
"Stop being difficult," Warren told you, slinging his arm around your shoulders and flashing you a kind, genuine smile. You could tell because of the way it reached his eye that the brown orbs were shining brightly. "Look, man, I know they didn’t tell you this in the lease agreement thingy, but this place comes with six crazy neighbors and a baby," Warren told you simply.
"Is that so?" You questioned.
"Oh yeah, you are in for a real treat; we’re kind of awesome," he shrugged. "Well, I look forward to getting to know y’all and your awesomeness," you laughed, which was something you hadn’t done in a while, and it felt nice.
"Hey dipshit you gonna come help us or what!" Graham yelled from the car.
"Yeah, yeah, we’re coming. Don’t cream your pants." Warren yelled back, removing the arm from your shoulders (a feeling you oddly missed) and walking to your car. You giggled again, shaking your head, as you joined the group.
This was going to be interesting…
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the-other-art-blog · 10 months
Julia Quinn wrote the Rokesby series 10 years after Bridgerton and it shows.
I have only read half of it (GeorgexBillie and EdwardxCecilia), but already these men are simply superior. There's no toxicity, the men are honorable. They have strong personalities, but they would have never blackmailed, hurt physically, pressured a woman to consummate the marriage, or seduced a woman to take advantage of their honor and marry her. And I think we all know of the BIG issues with consent and SA in The Duke and I, and Sir Philip with Love.
I'm glad Julia moved on from those awful plot points and wrote actual gentlemen from beginning to end.
For all those who claim that what the Bridgerton men did was historically accurate and part of the genre, this proves it isn't. A jerk is a jerk, no matter the century.
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porkchop200324 · 4 months
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Some stills from DJATS episode 9. (Imgbox downloaded into my phone.)
@mzannthropy @jesstasticvoyage @andreabaideas
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kawaiisdisaster · 1 year
Heyyy, are you guys ready to hear about an Animaniacs and Pinky And The Brain Swap AU idea i came up with? Yes? Okay so basically in this AU, everything in Animaniacs is almost the same... Except all the characters are replaced with PATB ones!
The only exception would be the Pinky and Brain segment itself which instead of them, it would be starring... Minerva Mink and Hello Nurse! Yeah that's right, it's MY AU so i can do whatever i want hehe! /hj Anywho, here are all the character roles:
Darky (Dark Pinky) as Yakko Warner
Pinks (OG Pinky) as Wakko Warner
Suavy (Pinky Suavo) as Dot Warner
The Brain as Hello Nurse and viceversa
Minerva Mink as Pinky
Billie as Minerva Mink
Floyd Nesbitt (that rude guy from the "Fly" episode) as Thaddeus Plotz
Julia as Nora Rita Norita (I'm thinking of making her be with Billie in this, altought I don't ship Minerva with Nora. Nothing against anyone that those, tho!)
Snowball as Dr. Scratchansniff
Larry as Ralph T. Guard
Egwind as Ralph's wife
Cupcake (Snowball's sister) as Jürgen Scratchansniff
Dark Brain as Nurse Doom (he's Brain's twin brother in this)
Precious as Mindy
Bobby-Bob Yokel as Buttons
All three versions of Pinky are triplets in this and everyone has their original age, including them!
Still figuring out roles for the other characters and i might change some of the already chosen ones, but here's the plot:
Pinks, Darky and Suavy were first created with the purpose of being the new toon stars but as they came to life, they brought nothing but chaos to the studio.
Darky was an extreme trouble-maker and would cause mayhem just to get a laugh out of it, Suavy was considereted to be too sensual as he had way too many people swooning over him on a daily basis, and Pinks was too dump as he would unintetionally cause a few messes here and there aswell as annoying a handful of the producers.
Technically speaking Darky should have been the only one to get locked up, but we're talking about the same people who willingly locked up three literal children in the original show... so all three of them were sent to the tower. That, or perhaps Pinks and Suavy didn't wanna leave their brother alone which is why they joined him inside the WB Water Tower.
Anyways you know how the rest goes: after a few years the Pinkies escape the Water Tower and brought chaos back to their world. So Mr. Nesbitt orders for Dr. Snowball to get them to behave themselves or make them act more "normal", which Snowball is very mad about but has no choice but to do it as it his job.
Incase that doesn't work, Nesbitt orders Larry to chase the Pinkies around to catch them and get them locked back in the tower. Meanwhile Pinks and Suavy take an interest in Hello Brainy, the studio medic and Dr. Snowball's assistant, whom Darky dislikes for some reason. After a few years pass Nesbitt retires and Julia takes his place as CEO.
There's more but i still need to figure it out! In the mean time, here's a drawing of Hello Brainy:
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
He was an idiot.
And he had fallen in love with Billie Bridgerton.
There it was. Plain as day. He almost laughed. He would have laughed, if the joke wasn't on him.
-George Rokesby
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mzannthropy · 1 month
After learning about the deleted Camibilly argument takes, I need some fluff. What do you think Camibilly would do on a roller skating date?
I wish I knew. I have no idea what a roller skating date would entail. But roller skating is something I see Julia getting into. She gets a pair of roller skates for bday or Christmas from her parents. And she gets to be quite good at it!
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screamm1996 · 9 months
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Rare archive of Billy giving Stu some affection :^)
Speed paint under cut ⬇️
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coneyislandbabey · 1 year
she's a rainbow. -> w.rojas
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WARNINGS: profanities, pining lol
SYNOPSIS: Warren's got it bad for Camila's childhood best friend. word count: 2,008
NOTES: Written for this request!
You dragged your paintbrush across the canvas, a trail of plum purple in its wake. You were sitting on your deck, the sky a cloudless blue, the morning filled with birdsong and a soft breeze only making itself known through the occasional soft rustle of your hair and clothes. June was a ripe peach in your hands, pink, perfect, fleeting. 
“What are you painting today, Picasso?” Warren’s clear voice rang out through the morning air. He was standing on the deck of his own house next door, forearms resting lazily on the railing as he gazed over at you. You glanced up from your work to send a smile his way. 
“Shocked to see you up this early,” you called by way of greeting. “If you wanna see what I’m painting, come over and look.” 
At your words, he disappeared back into the house, and you knew that in a minute he would be opening the sliding door and stepping out onto your own deck. You did this almost every day, ever since you followed your childhood best friend Camila across the country, moving into the house next to hers and her boyfriend’s band in Laurel Canyon. 
In the months since you arrived, you’ve gotten incredibly close with all of Camila’s housemates. Whenever you weren’t doing a shift for your part-time job at a coffee shop or at your own place working on your art, you were at their house. You and Camila spent a lot of time one-on-one, getting together for wine or lunch or anything else while the band was working, but the band loved you so much that you found yourself hanging out with them almost even more than with her, especially since Warren started inviting you to their recording sessions down at the studio. 
You had become so absorbed in your painting that you didn’t realize Warren had arrived on your deck until his hands were on the back of your chair and he was leaning over your shoulder to get a good look at the canvas. 
“Oh, it’s our street at night,” he observed, taking in the deep purples and night blues that the familiar street was rendered in. “It’s beautiful. Looks like a place I’d wanna be.”
You rolled your eyes. “It already is a place you wanna be, Warren. You live there.” 
Though you couldn’t see it, Warren grinned, swooping down to press a kiss to your cheek. “I only wanna be here so much ‘cause it’s where you are, mama.” 
You scoffed, sending a rueful smile his way as he sat in the chair next to yours. He pulled a joint out of his pocket, lit it, and offered it. You took it between your lips and inhaled before sending it back his way. For a while, the two of you sat in a comfortable silence, Warren merely observing you as you painted. He had told you once, the two of you high as kites while hanging out late one night, that he loved to watch you paint. He said watching you paint was as intricate a thing as watching a musician play their instrument, that it was captivating. You had hung onto his words even through the drug-induced haze, had thought about them for weeks on end. 
“You’ll come over for dinner tonight, right?” he asked after a while. “Camila saw me leaving to come over here and made me promise to get you to come.”
“Man, I don’t even buy groceries over here anymore ‘cause I’m always just eating at yours,” you laughed. “Course I’ll come. Can’t beat the company.”
“Good,” he said, standing. “I gotta get back to the house; shockingly, I actually have responsibilities to see to today.”
“Oh, well color me impressed,” you responded, happily accepting his parting kiss on the cheek. 
Eddie watched, amused, as Warren got up for the dozenth time in the last half hour, drifting back over to the windows and peering outside, toward your house. Dinner was set for twenty minutes from now, and you were expected to come. Though some, clearly, were expecting you more than others. 
“Man, can you chill the fuck out? You’re making me antsy,” he said, after watching Warren pace the room for a few minutes while still pretending to look casual. 
“I am chill! I’m totally chill!” Warren said, having the gall to look incensed at his best friend’s words. 
Eddie leveled him with an unimpressed look. “Do you think you’ll finally just tell her how you feel so you can stop being such a fuckin’ freak every time she comes over?” 
Warren sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall. “Don’t you think if she was into me she would’ve said something by now? I’m not going to embarrass myself or ruin our friendship. I know when I’m gonna strike out.”
“Clearly you don’t, idiot,” Eddie retorted. “First of all, she could say the same about you because you haven’t made any moves either, man. All of what you just said means nothing.” 
“She’s definitely into you, anyway,” Graham said, joining the conversation as he walked into the room. 
“What makes you think that?” Warren asked, ignoring Eddie’s comments, which were clearly too logical for him. 
“Why else do you think she hangs around here so often? I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’re all friends, but everyone knows it's different with you two. Most of the time she’s here for you,” Graham explained. 
“Yeah, and don’t forget that she comes to our recording sessions because you asked her to,” Eddie chimed in, a smirk growing on his face as Warren’s cheeks grew redder. He didn’t have the chance to answer before someone knocked on the door. 
“You wanna go get that?” Eddie asked, raising a teasing eyebrow. 
Warren made his way to the door, shaking his head as if to physically rid himself of the conversation that had just happened. He had never felt the way he did about you before, not about any woman he had ever met. When you first met, things had been flirty between you, at least more flirty than you were with any of the other guys, and he almost plucked up the courage to ask you out in the first week of knowing you. But then the two of you got high together one night, and you got him talking about his hopes for the band, and you told him about all of your ambitions when it comes to your art, and he could feel himself falling in love a little. He had real, undeniable feelings for you, and that made it all too scary. So, he’d convinced himself that there was no way you could have feelings for him too, because thinking he had no chance with you was easier, more comfortable, than pining after you. 
He put a valiant effort into feigning nonchalance when he opened the door, all of these thoughts still a monsoon in his mind. You stood on the other side of the threshold, a bottle of wine in one hand and a covered plate of chocolate chip cookies in the other. 
“I baked ‘em!” you said proudly, holding up the plate and smiling widely at him. For a minute, his mind blanked, and all he could think about was the way your eyes sparkled in the porchlight, the way your dress fell perfectly on your figure. You knocked him dead every time he set eyes on you. Snapping out of it, he unburdened you of the bottle of wine and the cookies, widening his arms so he could take you in a hug. 
“Are they cookies? Or are they cookies,” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes and smacking him playfully on the shoulder. “They’re just cookies, Rojas. This is a family dinner, not a late night recording session.” 
“Family dinner?” 
“Yeah,” you shrugged as you walked through the door. “This is a family, isn’t it?” 
“Guess it is,” he responded, because you were right and because he would agree with any statement you made ever for the rest of your lives. 
“Honey, you made it!” Camila shouted, coming over to hug you as you walked in. You greeted her warmly, and then did the same for everyone else standing around the kitchen helping to make dinner (or, really, getting in the way of Camila and Graham, who were the only ones actually cooking). 
Dinner was, as usual, the highlight of Warren’s day. After listening to Billy get grouchy and boss everyone around in the studio all day, getting to come home and actually unwind was a godsend. Plus, he got to see you, warm and pliant with wine and good food and good company. You were so effortlessly funny and charismatic, easily commanding the attention of the room with your stories and jokes without ever trying to. He could listen to you talk for the rest of his life. He could stand to do a lot of things with you for the rest of his life. 
After dinner, the group of you took the cookies you made and moved to the living room, settling in to watch a movie. You snuggled with Warren under a blanket on the loveseat, Eddie, Karen, Graham, and Camila squished into the old couch. Billy had retired to his room prior to the movie, citing that he needed to get some writing done. Graham had already fallen asleep, and Karen and Eddie were providing a running commentary of how bad the movie was. 
Warren nudged your side, and when you turned to look at him, he took a joint out of his pocket and tilted his head toward the door to the deck, a silent question. You nodded and he stood, you following close behind after wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. You didn’t see the exaggerated wink Eddie shot Warren’s way as you left the room, or the way Warren mimed slitting his throat in response, sending Eddie into a fit of laughter that he desperately tried to stifle. 
Outside, you settled into your usual chair, Warren pulling one up close to you before sitting down. You turned your body towards him, leaning your head on the back of the chair and gazing at him affectionately as he lit up the joint, and, as usual, offered it to you before himself. You took a hit before handing it back to him, settling back into your position of observing him as the joint went to his own mouth. 
“What are you lookin’ at, mama?” he asked, a mixture of curiosity and amusement gracing his face. 
You hummed, shrugging your shoulders noncommittally. “You should let me paint you sometime.” 
“Paint me? Why?” he asked, brows raising. 
“Because you’re pretty,” you said bluntly, Warren’s heart stumbled over itself. “You’d make a good muse.” 
Warren laughed, trying to steady himself. “You think I’m pretty?” 
You leaned toward him a bit more, a small, private smile on your face. “Of course I do, Warren. I’m sure dozens of other people have told you as much.”
“Not like this, no,” he said, shaking his head with a smile. “And it wouldn’t mean anything coming from any but you, anyway.” Your brows raised, mouth dropping into a small, understanding ‘o’. Then you were smiling at him again, the corners of your eyes crinkling in a way that made his heart overflow. 
“Are you finally going to kiss me now?” you asked, and Warren choked, smoke emitting from his nose and mouth. 
“I- uh, yeah. Yeah, I am,” he stammered, shaking his head as vigorously as he could in his buzzed state. 
“Good,” you said, leaning over the arm of your chair. Warren crossed the rest of the distance himself, connecting his lips to yours. You led the kiss, firm and gentle, your thumb stroking reassuringly against his cheek. 
“So, about me painting you,” you said breathlessly once you pulled away. 
“Anything for you.I’d be honored to be your muse,” he grinned.
tag list: @xleiaorgana @neptunes-curse
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