#Her daughter *should* be more like her.
we can debate characterization all day long but we all need to agree that Francisco Morales is a proud girl dad to a weirdly feral 6 year old cause little girls are fucking odd creatures 
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doves-wing · 2 years
leafpool should’ve been the fourth cat. it starts with her getitng told by starclan that squirrel and bramble were meant to be together. something they only did because they knew about her eventual kits with crowfeather.
it’s established that starclan uses her for their bidding. she’s even named after the place where starclan communes with them. so why wouldn’t they make her be the fourth? she is where it began so she must be the end.
she would essentially replace firestar’s whole role in po3 and oots. she is given the prophecy of the three instead of him. although she immediately understands why starclan told her the prophecy. so she could make them as strong as powerful. so instead she tries to play down their powers as much as possible, just wanting lion and jay to be normal kids.
but she’d know that holly wasn’t the third. she knows her daughter is not a dove. she is an owl. she is silent, and watching. waiting. for her moment. when it’s finally confirmed that holly is powerless her heart breaks for her and desperately wishes to comfort her but knows she cannot. 
she loathes starclan for what they’ve done to her. for what they stole from her. and now making her the fourth cat? why couldn’t they do that for holly? 
when she goes to starclan. be it through the moonpool or in her death she lets loose on them. there’s nothing she can do at that point but she doesn’t care. she’s infuriated at being a pawn in their game. she is alive. she has a family. how dare they treat her like a toy to be played with and thrown away when bored. 
she forsakes them and chooses to wander the world as a ghost, watching over the futrue generations. desperate to warm them about starclans ways and to not trust them under any circumstance. starclan cares for no one.
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gutter--trash · 2 years
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heart of gold
Nancy from Oliver Twist my beloved
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hazmatmaid · 2 years
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Some more doodles of my favorite Big Shot and his Little Darling
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ghostlyheart · 2 years
I was talking to my mom about ofmd because it's one of the shows we watch on our own and then discuss, and she was talking about how much she LOVED Spanish Jackie not only because Leslie Jones is hilarious (agreed) but also because she was an example of a middle aged woman being powerful and commanding respect, which is not something she felt like was represented in a lot of media. Like she just got to be cool, badass, and complex without it being a huge deal. And it really got me thinking about how I appreciate the way ofmd portrays its women characters (even though they're few and far between). I was also VERY impressed with how they handled Mary, I loved how she wasn't just pushed to the sidelines as an obstacle to Stede following his bliss or whatever. She raises legitimate points and her side of the story is JUST as interesting. She speaks her mind, has agency, and in the end she gets to be free!!
Jim's Nana is another great example I almost forgot!! She's another woman who has her own agenda, taking a role not traditionally associated with a whole lot of action and crafting it into something powerful. She's righteous but still has a sense of humor, she's flawed but you can understand why she pushed Jim in the direction that she did. Overall I just really like the way ofmd acknowledges the constraints on women given the time period while still letting them be dynamic and capable. now give us some lesbian pirates in season 2 please and thank you
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henryhas2moms · 2 years
ouat’s reluctance to validate regina’s anger is something i could go on and on about but i’m gonna try to only talk about one specific thing: they always always always use “vengeance” or “revenge”, words associated with “villains” and “evil”, to talk about regina’s war against snow and never “justice”, which has a more positive/neutral connotation, even from regina’s perspective. many of regina’s actions would still be wrong, but their complete lack of trust in the audience to read her as an unreliable narrator (especially when the book itself is an unreliable narrator) is… weird.
#there’s SO. SO much more i have to say about this— the flashbacks repeatedly try to make regina unreasonable to make snow more sympathetic#and the first time they do show snow as being clearly in the wrong in the millers daughter— the other heroes contemplate preemptive murder?#and she is treated as the villain even though she is the one who makes the right choice both at the well and at her own doorstep#the show seems like it wants to examine ‘i am not all good and you are not all evil’ but it won’t shed that grey light onto the original war#like yes snow was a kid and cora was manipulative but snow decided she knew what regina needed from cora better than regina did and#if snow and the king (as much as i hate grouping them together- they are connected in this) hadn’t felt entitled to regina at one point then#coras plan wouldn’t have worked at all. and the speech about the bowing little horse eq gives in s6 hits this so perfectly#and it goes all the way back to the stable boy with lana struggling to understand reginas anger with this child and the writers telling her#‘just figure it out’ and i’m glad they did bc lana arrived at the same place i just described (this happened bc snow wanted regina as her#mother) (this is from interviews) which is surely better than anything the writers would’ve come up with BUT shows an extreme reluctance to#let snow white be anything other than pure and innocent which is ANOTHER thing i can go on and on about because it’s SO weird#and the standards are drastically different for regina and snow#like charming jumping in front of an arrow to keep snow from killing regina but it’s pushing for her execution? like it’s fine to have her k#for the charmings to have her ​killed as long as snow didn’t fire the arrow? but the same never holds true for regina (as it shouldn’t)#the narrative (and snow) holds her just as culpable- if not moreso- as the genie for getting him to kill the king. as it should (and good fo#good for her anyway) snow and the narrative hold her exclusively culpable for all the people she has her knights kill in the evil queen (whi#(which btw is one example of making regina look unreasonable to make snow’s withdrawal of forgiveness look reasonable— why else would you#raise the body count of a character you’re trying to redeem by at least 100???) but she is responsible for that. fine. BUT why is snow speci#special???? again in the queen is dead charming agrees with snow that cora needs to die but ‘not at snow’s hand’ which on top of this weird#purity thing is pretty infantalizing as well. but if snow AGREES and CONTRIBUTES to a plan to kill cora HOW is she still pure as the driven#snow as long as she doesn’t get her hands dirty?? (the fact that in the end she gets reginas hands dirty as well further complicates matters#okay i said i was just going to talk about diction but i. lied. whoops!#sorry#sorry but ​if you’re on this blog you should know me as a regina warrior hashtag team regina!#text#tag essay#i don’t think this is anti snow white i love her as a complicated and flawed character but im certainly holding more fire to her than the#narrative does
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thedupshadove · 2 years
*Shoving Claudia Vampirechronicles behind a curtain while I brainstorm a VtM character* I'm so original.
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covertblizzard · 2 years
genuine questions with the secret “true blood” “real” sons that dc heroes keep having, are there like daughters equivalent to this? 
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theamazingannie · 3 years
Lisa every time Jack says something borderline psychopathic
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myearts-uwu · 2 years
I will never understand why people are suddenly shipping Jennette with Jeremy from The Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother because... it doesn’t make sense?
I know it’s normal to have crossover ships.
But Jennette? With Jeremy? I dropped the manhwa he’s from and I know he’s a cool dude and a lot of people love him but I’m not sure if Jennette would love to be around someone like him.
I’m staying away from any content involving this pairing because I’m part of the Jennette is asexual agenda who has a loving girlfriend. 
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blasfumi · 3 years
ignoring the argument that he grew up to be a reluctant war criminal, it’s honestly fascinating for me, a chinese woman, to see so many excuses on why wwx’s childhood is toooootally not a prime example of domestic abuse, 
ranging from the honestly kind of racist “it’s ancient chinese culture and therefore forgivable because cultural nuance” 
to the problematic “madam yu is a girlboss, who cares if she verbally and physically whips teenagers her marriage is sad” 
to the just plain weird “if your dad praises your sibling more than you it is PERFECTLY fine to completely disregard that sibling’s emotional well-being”
#mdzs#quick explanation on the chinese nuance one#while mdzs is set in a fictional ancient china it is still very much so written by a modern chinese woman#and if you read mxtx's other works you will see that her novels generally don't follow cultural norms and aren't constrained by them#if we REALLY wanted to be accurate to ancient china there would be like. a lot more concubines.#and jiang yanli would've never been able to take a step outside of her home's gates because noble daughters can't leave their house#until married#that is all a tangent to say#don't bring in 'it's another culture therefore not problematic since madam yu is a product on her time period' as an argument#because 1. we don't KNOW her time period OR her culture. like i as an asian don't know the fucking culture of magic china#and 2. abuse is abuse no matter what. you think your husband loved the mother of his ward more than you? cool backstory but it's still abuse#also i recommend watching more period cdramas because you'll understand that the general way to view these things is#to actually take a modern perspective on most issues#you as the audience are almost always meant to have 21st centery sensibilities and should rightfully criticize the practices of old#and usually you are meant to dislike the traditionalist characters because more often than not they're very problematic#ending this long rant with did you know it was perfectly fine for an emperor to have his concubines buried alive with him when he dies?#is that also just the nuance of time and different culture? and therefore should we lower our standards for morality because it's china?#since china is oh-so obviously a land of heathens and sycophants whose society we can't hope to understand with our modern brains#i'm sorry this ended up being a little targeted lol ugh\
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kuvopal · 2 years
Maybe this will get me jail time but Kuvy x Lin-
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f13nd15h · 2 years
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mr. character-design-is-my-passion eleven years running
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memecatwings · 2 years
omg first kill is trending in the top 3. didnt realize tumblr was This Aware of it. anyways read victoria schwabs 2013 novel Vicious
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brynhildrromantia · 2 years
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aslaug.... music inso....
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jedie · 2 years
i find it so funny that whenever vader has any interaction with luke it’s always met with joy, affection, and love. but whenever vader interacts with leia it is always kill kill bite bite dont feed after midnight.
Vader used the force to telepathically call out to his son from the executor, 
“Luke” Father, Luke called back. “Son” Vader and felt a thrill as he realized Luke had accepted the truth.
For a moment, Vader allowed himself to imagine a future with his son. He imagined Luke as his apprentice - I would teach him everything - and as his partner - he would keep me strong! There would be no rivalry or secrets between them. With their bond of blood and shared power, they would be the greatest of Sith Lords.
Soon, Vader was breathing hard through his respirator. I can't let Luke defeat me, Vader thought. I won't let the Emperor have him!
Vader had no doubt that Luke was about to die. His son screamed. Not just my son . . . The Emperor unleashed another round of lightning. . . . or Padme's son . . . Luke screamed louder. . . . but my son . . . who loves me.
there was an electric hum from behind Vader, then a spherical black interrogator droid hovered slowly into the cell...Leia's eyes went wide at the sight of the droid. Vader could practically taste her terror. She said, "Keep it away from me!”
Growing impatient, Vader used his own psychic powers to make Leia believe she was in excruciating pain, but after several minutes, he ended the interrogation. He sensed that her inborn willpower was not only formidable but must have been augmented with certain physical and mental disciplines. She would not be broken easily.
Tarkin scowled at Vader. "Terminate her ... immediately!" Vader moved across the conference room to a communications console. With his helmet facing the comlink, he said, "Detention Area Security. Schedule the prisoner in cell 3187 for execution in one standard hour.“
Turning his attention to the Princess, Vader said, "I expect no such difficulty in restraining myself (in killing her) where you are concerned, Leia Organa. In several ways, you are responsible for my setbacks much more than this simple boy."
#「  REFLECT.  」  i have felt it.#「  LUKE.  」  the sun.#「  LEIA.  」  the moon.#he would die 4 luke and die b4 breathing in leia's direction#shame we never got a chance to see vader develop a relationship with leia outside anakin saying 'my b' in legends#luke was so important in his return to anakin (i have that written already on carrd but ill say it 500 more times bc its about FAMILY)#i find it odd vader never had any connection to leia despite her force powered super will and stubbornness#which he attributed to augmentation and training lmao like what senator would undergo torture training#and go so far as to alter their mental and physical state in such an unlikely event#especially when they were never even a high level target?#vader really thought leia (knowing next to nothing about her except that she came from aristocracy of all origins)#would be that hardcore at 19 years of age like she was training with the space see ai ay#though i will say his relationship with her wouldve been really important to see#bloodline did a good job in comparing them in their anger and drive for justice#anyway i dont think anakin expected forgiveness nor would he believe it would come or even come easy#but it mattered that he'd offer his regret and apology he had to put it out there and try#its not like he could say 'hey dont hold on to ur anger for me bc im sorry :( suffering leads to hate leads to fart w/e#he had no business telling her she should forgive or understand him but he did need to ask for it knowing it wouldnt come#he better than anyone would understand her feeling towards him 100%#its a guilt that couldnt let go bc he did all that to his daughter#anakin is at peace in and with the force but certainly not with all his actions as vader#his fulfilling the prophecy was what saved him bc thats why he was born lol#so the 'not being able to let go doesnt preserve your spirit in the force' does not apply#going off legends if just for this: when anakin came to leia it was out of making amends but motivated by guilt#guilt for what he did and guilt that if he didnt he wouldnt do right by his children
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