#Her hair is magificent
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 1 year
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So desperate for more Laura DeMille that I’m giffing Michelle’s NDA-taunting clip from Doom Patrol’s video assist monitor.
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silverfrostheart · 4 years
Ok so proper bio time!
This is the picrew for how he looks. (I'll do a proper ref for him soon I swear....)
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Name-Yuya Matsui
True name-Asura
Adeptus name-Lightning Breaker
Species-Adeptus (in hiding)
Adeptus form-a black and pink horned 3 tailed leopard
Weapon-Starry Storm (book)
Home-Dawn Winery
Occupation-Co-Librarian of the Knights of favonius
Lisa-Freinds (kind of sibling relationship)
Kaeya and Diluc-lovers
Venti-self proclaimed son to dote on
Rex Lapis-Father
Albedo-?????????? (Possibly crush)
History and personality-only diluc, venti, kaeya and Lisa are aware that this grumpy pink haired librarian is not only an adeptus but the child of the geo archon. Yuya doesn't like to make it public because back in the war, he was one of the many adepti who lost themself. (He didn't know he had lost himself at first. Xiao reveals the truth later)
Rex Lapis, Despairing, did not wish to kill his child, so instead he sealed him away. Many years later, Yuya broke free. After many years he regained himself, throwing himself back into books and knowledge as he did when he was just a cub.
Eventually one day after falling off a cliff, running from 3 mitachurls. He was badly injured when diluc found him. The wine owner took him in and after awhile, the winery became Yuyas home. Kaeya met him the day after when he came to bother his step brother as usual.
And After a year and a very dangerous investigation of an abyss order hold, everyone's true feelings came out.
Yuya loves his boyfriends very much. Despite how huffy he gets. He would protect diluc and kaeya with tooth and claw and lightning.
He also heavily argues and clashes with albedo due to....many reasons Yuya gives. They've caused alot of property damage that diluc just usually pays for. Some think though that there's more to the two
About diluc-"a kind soul is hidden by that stern face. I suppose in a way the same could apply to me though. He has quite the hard head though. I wish he would rest more. But I owe diluc much. He's a very wonderful man. And very sweet too."
About kaeya- "a flirty cheeky bastard who seems to have no regard for privacy....(sighs) But...(smiles) he never fails to make my day entertaining. Just as I owe diluc much, I owe kaeya just as equally. He's..equally wonderful."
About Lisa- "I adore her. She's fun to have tea with and stock up on potions. BUT...i do wish she would stop asking for details of my....private activities...."
About venti- "a darling brave boy who's smile never fails to make my day bright. (Traveler talking) "am I aware he's the anemo archon? Well of course. And no. That does not change my point of view."
About yuya's dreams and hobbies- "I enjoy history. Literature. Just overall learning. I may be older than most but I do not know everything. One day I wish to create the biggest most magificent library in Taevat."
Ballad of father and son----(poem I made up to explain the story. I imagine venti wrote it)
Long ago in the lands of Liyue, Bright
Did the archon, Rex Lapis cast his sight
Upon a family so pure and sweet
It was then the archon knew he was not complete
He saw the bond between father and child
And how sweetly the family smiled
It was then he decided, he would create a life
A child of his own with a smile free of strife
Flying back to his home in the sky
Did Rex lapis's golden eyes spy
A storm abit aways, flashing and loud.
Ah yes!
Picrew credit again to--https://twitter.com/ryukaku_rpg
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lavalampelfchild · 7 years
The Magnificent Wardens
I’ve got it.  If I take all six of my OCs in DAO, make my Cousland an official Warden, and make sure to include Alistair, then I can have the Wardens-as-Magificent-Seven AU I’ve always wanted.
It starts in the quiet but hardy town of Old Denerim. One day the greedy head of B.L.I.G.H.T. Oil, Mr. Archibald DeMonn, roles into town and demands that the mayor sell him the land and town because, of course, it’s sitting on a wealth of untapped oil reserves.  The mayor, a naïve but generally well-meaning young man named Cailan, refuses and is killed in a move that some suspect was allowed by Sheriff Loghain.  Mr. DeMonn declares that the people of Old Denerim have only three weeks to pack their things and scoot on out of town before he returns to remove them…
By any means necessary.
Rather than take this lying down, the mayor’s wife, the good lady Anora, goes off to recruit whomever she can find to help save her town.  And whom does she find?  None other than the famed outlaw group, the Grey Wardens, known detractors and enemies of B.L.I.G.H.T., in the midst of doing some recruiting themselves…
Will they be able to come together in time to save Old Denerim as Anora hopes?  Or will their differences divide them forever, dooming the poor town to certain destruction?
Only one way to find out.
Our heroes:  
Ila Tabris is wanted by the law for killing a man and his cronies after they came waltzing into her town and started abducting and harassing women there just because the women were elves.  It was the last mistake those men ever made.  Rumor has it, Ila fled justice in the back of a merchant’s wagon.
Aja Amell is a saloon girl on the run who ends up killing a patron after he gets too rough with her.  Witnesses claim that she had a gun in a garter holster that she produced almost as if by magic. She fled just before the sheriff arrived, using the bar brawl that broke out as a distraction, and disappeared seemingly without a trace. 
Velyn Mahariel is the mysterious member of a native Dalish tribe that everyone is initially wary of, who has been sent off by his Keeper to find his way in the world.  The reality is more complex than that, but Velyn doesn’t speak of it to anyone.  Everyone’s surprised when they discover that he already knows how to use guns.  He is, in fact, the quickest draw of all of them.
Alistair’s a card shark.  He’s great at hustling because no one expects someone with a face that doofy to be good at anything.  He enjoys playing the idiot to get a reaction (and money) out of people.  Wherever his mentor goes, he goes.  he also gets terrible hat hair, so he usually just forgoes the hat.
Gazza Cousland is the Thedosian equivalent of a southern belle who comes from good money and is on the warpath because of bad blood between her father and a family friend; bad blood which led to her father’s death.  She is also a terror with twin pistols, courtesy of her father’s lessons as a child.
Tristan Brosca is an outlaw, scamming the rich folk in all the big hustling towns, and robbing ‘em blind.  He’s an accomplished pickpocket and can give just about anyone the slip.  He gives the majority of his ill-gotten gains to his sister back home.  Though many have tried, no one has discovered exactly where “home” is.
Gundhram Aeducan is one of the most famous (or infamous, depending on who you ask) bounty hunters in all Ferelden.  No one knows where he came from, but there are rumors abound that he was exiled from his dwarven home.  He and Tristan have run into each other before, and Tristan is one of the few outlaws that Gundhram has been consistently unable to bring in.
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thorne93 · 8 years
The Reason
Prompt: (Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spoilers) Based on the imagine: Imagine if you had powers to save Gwen Stacy - @imagine-marvelous-things 
Word Count: 1791
Warning: angst, language (maybe), death
Notes: (Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spoilers) This picks up right at the end of Amazing Spider-Man 2 when electrode is killed, right in the middle of the action. The reader has the ability to fly and see the future/visions/psychic. Her vision is in italics.
Beta’d by the fabulous, amazing, magificent @like-a-bag-of-potatoes as well as @amarvelouswritings Couldn’t have done it without yall!
This was all going swimmingly well until Harry showed up. Gwen arrived on time to help Peter while you knocked Electrode around a bit. Quickly, he caught on that you were just a distraction though. Soon, he left you and all of his attention was on Peter, which was just as well because then you could kick him and hurt him but then you let him get blasted by his own power, restoring power to the city.
Then...Harry came…
You were checking on Peter right as Gwen exited the building.
“Gwen, stay there,” Peter instructed as Harry flew between the two.
“Harry,” you started cautiously, stepping forward.
“Peter, when you said Spider-Man said ‘no’ you meant you said no.”
Your stomach lurched into your throat. Oh no, this can’t be happening…
“Harry...what did you do?” Peter asked, concern and worry thick in his voice as he took a step toward the mangled, broken creature that was once Harry Osborn.
“What you made me do. You were my friend, and you betrayed me!”
“No, I was trying to protect you!”
“Look at me!”
“Hey it’s going to be okay. This is going to be alright.”
“You don't give people hope, you take it away! I’m going to take away yours!” Harry vowed callously as he spun on his glider.
“No! Gwen, run!” Peter instructed.
Your heart had never beat faster than in that moment. Gwen was Peter’s life. He couldn’t lose her.
Harry grabbed Gwen and Peter and you followed him immediately.
“Harry! Harry put her down!” Peter begged, racing after his new foe.
“Please, Harry, stop this!” you tried as you flew beside Peter, trying to catch up to Harry but he was weaving and dipping so unpredictably you couldn’t keep up.
Peter was stopped on the top of the clock tower where he attempted launching his web at Harry but it never caught. You tried to catch him but he threw a pumpkin bomb at you, exploding on impact, the white hot flash engulfing your senses. Before you knew it, you’d hit the ground with a hard thud, your skull slamming into the broken concrete.
“Y/N!” Peter shouted as he knelt on the glass above, but you gave him a thumbs up and his attention went back to Gwen as you tried to get up, but the pain was too much, landing so hard from so high really busted you up. “Harry, stop this! This isn’t you! Harry, put her down!”
Gwen’s voice drifted to you as well, her voice chastising him.
“Harry, this is between you and me! You wanna fight? Fight me! Let her go!” Peter challenged, trying anything to get Gwen away from Harry.
Harry did just that - he let her go, forcing Peter to launch off the top of the building and catch her midair. Your insides twisted with fear as you watched them slam into the ceiling. You limped inside to make sure they were okay. They had landed on a metal catwalk. A pumpkin bomb fell off of Gwen and it exploded, causing debris to fall all around you. Peter put her down on a gear and she stayed put as you watched Harry and Peter fly and dodge one another.
Peter and Harry were quarreling on the gears as he was struggling to keep Gwen safe. She was gasping, her eyes wide. She trusted Peter entirely but Harry was relentless. Flying up and meeting both of them, you were doing your best to stop Harry but he was throwing you off at every pass. Strength wasn’t on your side like it was on Peter’s. No, your job as Peter’s sidekick was usually to fly and help citizens, but this was turning ugly very fast.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Gwen trying to get to safer ground when Harry’s glider slammed into the gears Gwen was standing on and she began to fall. Peter swung into action and shot his web at her, effectively catching her. Harry got up and tried to go back after Peter as he tried to secure the web he had on Gwen but you jumped up and attacked him, but his rage was too consuming and he stabbed you with a strange knife in the stomach. But that wasn’t going to stop you. You continued to fight, but he stabbed you again in the side.
“Give it up, Y/N, he’s mine!”
You tried to push him away, but he shoved you back roughly, causing your head to smack into the wall behind you. Between your gushing stomach wounds and two slams to the head, you weren’t doing very well…
Harry jumped from you as you were otherwise incapacitated down to Peter. Every atom in you was screaming no.
They were fighting fist to fist, one punch after another as Peter strangled Harry - it was the only choice he had. The web keeping Gwen in the air was close to being snapped, the only thing stopping it was Peter’s foot. The gears couldn’t take the pressure and they moved, effectively severing the web and time stopped.
All time stopped and you saw the future as you always did, (your only other talent - psychic ability of visions) flashes of a life that was soon to come assaulted your mind. In less than five seconds, Gwen Stacy would be dead, and Peter would find her at the bottom of this tower. His pain would ring out as he screamed her name and you slowly flew down to meet him, trying to offer comfort but all he would do was scream. This was a pain you never ever wanted Peter to experience in your midst.
Her funeral would be in a week, the death of her shattering your best friend and love of your life. Did he know this? No, Peter Parker never knew that you were in love with him. You kept it a secret, because you knew where his heart belonged. You were his sidekick, his best friend.
Images flickered rapidly as you saw Peter at her grave almost every day, sun, rain, snow, sleet...It didn’t matter, he was there, plagued and haunted by her memory, by what could never be. All he did was blame himself. He knew he should’ve stayed away from her but dammit he loved her.
As if on fast forward, your mind jumped six years into the future and it was you and Peter, but you were together, laughing, carrying on...And Peter kissed you. Peter Parker actually kissed you - it was a dream come true. You had harped over him for four years now. This was going to be a memory of yours. You two were cooking in an apartment you owned together. It was a very happy memory indeed.
One year later, and you were at your wedding day with your parents, and Peter’s Aunt May there...It was a beautiful day, the weather was perfect, your friends were there, Peter looked so handsome that it almost hurt to look at him.
Even more flashes entered your mind, children with Peter’s eyes and your hair ran around your feet as Peter, their father, was out saving the city as usual. These children were happy and carefree and smart. Images of intimate moments between you and Peter flashed in your mind, moments between you as you two saved the city together over and over, images of happy dates, picnics, every time you went into labor.
How happy you would be to be with Peter, you had dreamed of it for four years now. You wanted him more than anything. He was your best friend, and you saw all the good in him, all the kindness in him, all the generosity in him. You couldn’t deny you thought of him in every possible romantic and intimate way. You’d never advance on him though, make his feelings complicated. He loved Gwen and so long as he was happy, you were happy. Yet, for the briefest second, you welcomed the sensations that the potential memories gave you...warmth, love, caring, caresses from Peter at night, tenderness, laughter, joy. For that tiny moment, you were selfish.
But all of these blissful memories had a dark shadow over them, the looming knowledge that Gwen Stacy was his true love. The grief was still evident in his eyes in these memories too, no matter how long time gave him. The knowledge that the only reason this happiness was your reality was that another girl had to die for you to get it.
This vision took but a fraction of a second for you to sift and sort and receive all of it.
The gears exploded below you, Gwen gasping Peter’s name as she began falling, her face a mask of horror and fear. Without thinking twice, you launched off from where you were, flying down to Gwen. Peter had pushed off too, but frankly, he was too slow, you knew this path if Peter were to try and save her.
As you flew down the fastest your body would carry you, pushing yourself to the absolute maximum. Your body felt like a bullet as your limbs were pointed straight behind you, the wind coming at your face so hard it hurt, you realized you’d never flown this fast in your life. You pushed Peter out of the way and grabbed Gwen in your arms and she held onto you for dear life as you lowered her down and out of the way of all of the falling debris.
Landing safely on the floor below, you sat Gwen up and checked to see if she was alright. Peter swung his way down and met you two.
“Gwen! Gwen! You’re alright!” he said happily as he ripped off his mask and began crying. His hands flew to her hair as they kissed and you turned away to give them privacy.
You started to walk away before a hand touched your shoulder.
“Y/N,” Peter said softly. “Thank you,” he breathed, as his eyes searched yours. He grabbed you in a tight embrace and you couldn’t help but let the tears fall as you gripped him back.
The memories of a life that you would never lead now, tormented your brain. To be with Peter would be an absolute joy, a blessing from God Himself, but if it meant he had to be hurt tremendously in the process, you wanted nothing to do with that.
Alas, even if you never found a love as true as it was for Peter,  even if you never found love at all, you could live your days happily knowing that Gwen Stacy, Peter’s reason for being, was alive.
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