#Herd Bellasara
queensharotto · 1 year
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Bella Sara “This user is a member of Herd ___” userboxes (Part 1)
Free to use!!
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bellasaracardchive · 2 years
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bellasaraeternal · 9 months
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Bella Sara Userboxes
Free to use!!
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theherds · 2 years
Herd Bellasara
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Territory: All of North of North. However, in the herd territory map it is shown to only cover a small area.
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Castle: Rolandsgarrd Castle
Royal Family:
King: Bello (Black Stallion)
Queen: Bella (White Mare)
Prince: Bellisimo (Grey Colt)
Princess: Bellissa (White Filly)
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Other Titles:
Noblewoman: Carmina (Brown Mare with Red Mane)
Debutante: Bryda (Brown Filly)
Squire: River (Brown & White Unicorn)
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Quote: “With wisdom and love above all”
Info: Herd Bellasara is considered to be the first herd as all horses of North of North are descended from it. The herd is named after the special bond Bella and Sara share. Bella grants the order of Bella to those whose minds are as match their loving hearts.
Herd Bellasara is in a way a stand-alone herd. It’s not considered a legendary or lost herd like others. Canonically it has some of the fewest members. This makes sense as it seems like this is in a way the top herd. The herd is said to be filled with important horses.
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rolandsgaard-castle · 11 months
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hydrasluncheon · 1 year
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"Perseverance and passion carry you to success!"
Dumpling, a pony from Herd Bellasara!
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north-of-north · 8 months
Locations in North of North
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Trail's End
Home of Herd Bellasara and Herd Airistos
Settlements on the ground include Canter Downs (home to the region's largest stables), Canter Hollow (home to Bagatella Row and Artisan's Way, split by a river and connected by the Fountain Plaza), Rolandsgaard Outskirts (connecting Canter Hollow and the Castle), Rolandsgaard Castle, and Darkcomb Hedge
Settlements in the sky include Windhome Skylands floating over Naastrand Sound and Overgaard Skylands floating over the land. Airistos Castle sits on the largest island in Windhome Skylands.
Other man-made points of interest include Roland's Hold Arena, the Bazaar, Starguide Lighthouse, Stonelory, and the Bookends
Other natural points of interest include Drasilmare, the Goddesswall, and Darkcomb Forest (home to Boda's Cave and the Wolf Den)
The main freshwaterway of Trail's End is Frostfroth Falls, birthing Lake Riddlemere, which runs into Fastalon River and ends in Fastalon Drift. The second freshwaterway is the Comb Stream running into the Fastalon West River and. South of Trail's End lies Naastrand Sound, connecting to Stonelory via Horseshoe Bay.
Midwinter Mountains
Home of Herd Valeryk
Settlements include Valeryk Castle on an island in Lake Riddlemere and Hestheim floating over Thunder's Peak
Other points of interest include the Whitemantle Mountains, with the highest peak in North of North, Mount Whitemantle, and Thunder's Peak, a volcanic crater in the center of the Midwinter Mountains.
The waters of the Midwinter Mountains include Lake Wintermere, running into Whitemantle Glacier, which ends in Icewater Bay, connecting to Naastrand Sound.
Ochre Mountains
Frequent (though not permanent) home of Herd Mustang and Wildscape Castle
Runs into grassland to the west and desert on the east
Eastern part turns into the Pinto Mesas in which sits the Valley of Legends
Bordered by the Hope River to the west
Autumn Sands Desert
Home of Herd Shahazar and Shahazar Castle
The sand changes color with the seasons, white in winter, green in spring, blue in summer, and red in autumn
Home to various human settlements, including those of the Desirée, a group of wolf-taming horse-hunters
Bordered by the Hope River to the east. Only other major source of water is the Aria Oasis
Bordered by the Rose Valley to the south and the Bow Mountains to the east
The Rose Valley connects to the Desert Cave, a cave full of forgotten treasures
Emerildian Wilds
Deep mystical forest, home to the fairies and Underhill
North sits the Isle of Isluv, a place permeated by fairy magic and home to Herd Moonfairy and Feywind Castle.
Daybreak Mountains
Home of Herd Starlight
Highest point is Starlights Bell, on which sits Dawnstar Castle
Grass Sea
Herdless land, home to settlers as well as nomads
Separated from the Emeraldian Wilds by the Bluegrass Narrows
Landscape is grass steppe, interspersed with enormous emerald cloud trees and the grass lakes, connecting to each other in a vast underground freshwater sea
Equinesian Seas - tropical clear and shallow
The Celestial Deep - dark with mysterious lights and enormous creatures
The Withers Sea - Cold and ferocious
The Ocean of Lights - Bright and full of bright glowing life
Other locations
Brighttree Jungle, a vast jungle connecting to Trail's End via the Coral Causeway
Esotara, home of Herd Elemyn and the Ice Castle
Islands of Equinesia, tropical volcanic islands around which Herd Islandar make their home
Jasmine Forest, home to Herd Sunflower and Petalhome, protected by the Rose Maze
Horsehead Peninsula, home of Herd Pantheon and Parthamane Castle
The Borderlands, a harsh volcanic landscape frequented by Wolfriders and rarely visited by horses
Styginmoor, home of the Wolfriders and Styginmoor Castle
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Then and Now
summary: Mistral remembers her journey from filly to mare, and how she came to find herself.
word count: 2020
a/n: I love Mistral so much! this is a gift to a lovely friend of mine in the BESA community for a trade we’re doing :) iingezo, I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it! If anyone is interested in joining the Bella Sara Discord, you can do that here! If you’d like to join the Bella Sara Amino, that’s right here!
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The sun rises, and Mistral yawns as she’s woken up by its warm rays. She remembers this feeling. When she was a tiny filly, taking her first steps and keeping up with her parents only hours later, and when she was a yearling, trying to discover herself. It was always in the summertime. She grazes next to her parents, whickering to them in greeting, just like she does every morning. Her siblings have already taken to the skies to go on their own adventures, but Mistral likes to linger behind to really wake up and get extra time with her parents before joining her siblings.
Her mother and father each come and nuzzle her with their velvety noses, and she sighs happily. She may not be a filly anymore, but she still needs her parents. Not for everything — just for love and comfort.
She decides that her stomach is full from a hearty breakfast of grass and clover and blooms, and whinnies to let her parents know she’s leaving. Today, Mistral’s in the mood for some reminiscing. When she takes off, she goes in the opposite direction of her siblings. This is a journey best made alone. She flies up into the sky, her body floating higher and higher. When she reaches the clouds, all is quiet. They’re golden from the shining sun, and it looks like a snowy field in the golden hour of winter. She can hear her own breathing, and nothing else. She jumps from cloud to cloud, giddy with the weightlessness of everything, and thinks to herself: This is why I come up here every day. But it wasn’t always like that.
She dips down and sees the land below, spotting her desired location. She touches down just outside of the Rolandsgaard Castle, giving her magic a break. She trots down the path that leads past Rolandsgaard and to the Bazaar. Mistral intends to trade something for a nice gift for her mom, since her birthday is coming up. She’s not sure exactly what, but people without magical horses usually ask for some kind of magic to assist them in a laborious task, so she figures her own magic will compensate.
She trips over a jagged rock that sits in the middle of the road, but doesn’t lose her footing. She snorts in irritation, whipping around and kicking the rock off of the path, noting that somebody could get really hurt by it. She remembers her first time walking down this path. She tripped then, too.
She was still a young filly, and was eager to make friends from Herd Bellasara. Her coat was sleek and shimmering, her mane silky smooth, fluttering out behind her in shiny waves. She was so excited, she didn’t notice another rock sitting there just like the recent offender had! She tripped over the rock and fell right on her haunches, and some foals passing by saw everything!
She shakes her head to herself, thinking how silly it is now that she was so embarrassed then. Confidence is key, really — if you do what you mean to do, even in unexpected situations, everything turns out fine.
But the Mistral from that day didn’t know any better. She was so worked up because of tripping and falling that she didn’t even think to brush it off or wait for the foals to see if she was okay — she just turned tail and ran. Ran far, far away, all the way back to her home in the Daybreak Mountains. She was so scared of being recognized for her fall, that she changed her colors from her typical gold and white to black and blue, convinced that no one would recognize her and laugh at her for that mistake ever again. From that day on, for what felt like an eternity, she spent her time doing whatever she could to hide her mistakes.
Mistral sighs to herself as she reflects on that time of her life. She was so insecure then, and all because of what? A little fall that anyone could have had? She feels sorry for the young filly she used to be, and thankful for her mother’s undying love and support during that time. She was so patient, and didn’t try to force her into playing a role she didn’t want. Mistral was lucky, in that regard.
As she nears the Bazaar, she picks up her pace in excitement. She’s almost halfway done with her mission! She increases her speed to a canter, and when she hears the hustle and bustle of the local crowd, she starts scanning the Bazaar for familiar faces. Bryda! She neighs, getting her friend’s attention. A chocolate brown mare looks in Mistral’s direction, throwing her head back in greeting and trotting over to her. Mistral! After greeting each other, Mistral and Bryda walk side by side, checking out the stalls and the different items for sale. Funnily enough, Bryda was one of the foals she saw that day, all those years ago. She was accompanied by Iceprince and Amia, two other foals that Mistral is also now fast friends with in adulthood.
Mistral thought that surely, she would never see those foals again, but she thought wrong, because she met them again when she was a yearling. Her mother had gotten sick, and the only medicine that could cure her ailments was sold in the Bazaar. Mistral took on the journey since her siblings were too young to go by themselves and her father was busy protecting Herd Starlight under authority of the King and Queen. She’d planned to get in and out quickly, but when Amia recognized her, she froze in shock. She hadn’t anticipated running into them ever again, nor had she anticipated someone seeing through her disguise.
Through the telepathy powers all horses in North of North have, Amia asked her why she changed her colors, stating that the white and gold from all that time ago had suited her so well. Flustered, Mistral had confessed that she’d embarrassed herself so badly she’d wanted to hide, and Amia had told her that she always tripped along that road because so many rocks would get kicked up from daily traffic, and not to worry about it — that road was notorious for making humans and horses alike lose their footing. It had comforted Mistral to hear she wasn’t alone, and before she knew it, she had found the medicine her mother needed as well as three new friends!
Mistral finds a stall selling pretty hair clips and finds one decorated in pearls and opals – a perfect complement to her mother’s coat. She sends an image to the mind of the trader, asking what he would like for it, and he smiles at her. “My daughter is here today because her mother’s a bit worn out. Could you show her something magical?”
Mistral nods, and out from behind the trader walks a little girl, no older than two. “Horsie!” She squeals in excitement, running up to Mistral. “Pretty hair!” Mistral nickers at her, lowering her head so the child can grab ahold of her silky locks and run her fingers through them. When the child is focused on examining her hair, Mistral changes the shade to a soft pink, then a purple, then a green. “Woah!” The toddler exclaims, “Magic! More!” She looks up at Mistral with pleading eyes, and Mistral can’t help but think how adorable this child is. She changes her hair to an orange, a blue, and then a soft brown. “More! More!” The child shouts, but her father picks her up, holding her in his arms.
“Alright, honey, I think the pretty horse has a long journey ahead to get home. Why don’t we say goodbye for now?” The child pouts, but the trader says, “Maybe she’ll come back another time. You never know!” And then the child beams with hope.
“Bye-bye horsie!” The little girl waves goodbye with her cute chubby arms, and Mistral whinnies at her to say goodbye. Her and Bryda soon leave, parting ways along the path as Bryda turns to go home. Bryda lives in the territory of Herd Bellasara, so she doesn’t have to travel nearly as far as Mistral does.
As Mistral takes to the sky once more, she admires the colors of the sky, painted rosy by the setting sun. A slight breeze blows flower petals through the air, and they swirl around Mistral. She decides to change a few strands of her mane to match the soft pink cast over the land by the sun, just to test it out. She reaches the border of Herd Starlight’s territory, and as the world turns to dusk, she lands where she spots her mother. Colour looks up at her daughter and smiles, her deep violet eyes looking from the gift to Mistral’s changed hair in interest. New hair?
Mistral walks up to her, rubbing her head against her mother’s cheek in greeting. Just trying it out for a bit. The sky inspired me. Mistral grabs the hair clip, placing it in her mother’s hair and nickering. She sends an image to her. Your birthday gift.
What did you trade for it? Her mother tilts her head.
Mistral shifts through several colors for a few seconds to illustrate, then she sends an image of her memory of the little girl holding her hair, eyes wide with wonder at the display of magic. Her mother smiles, nodding in understanding. Human children are so precious and full of joy – always marveling at the world around them. The horses in North of North often have close relationships with humans of their choosing, lasting a lifetime.
Mistral’s journey home with her mother’s medicine had been a freeing one. For the first time since she’d tripped as a filly, the sky had felt lighter, and Mistral hadn’t felt so heavy. When she got home, her mother had noticed the shift in Mistral’s demeanor. Mistral had recounted her story with enthusiasm, and her mother had questioned her. So, do you want to stay the colors you are?
Mistral had been confused. What do you mean? She looked down at her coat, jet black, and at her billowing mane, midnight blue.
Her mother had explained while taking the medicine. I just don’t want you to live in the past without realizing it. Do what you mean to do. Colour rubbed her head against her daughter’s cheek. I’ll love you just as much either way.
Oh. What her mother said had given Mistral pause, then. Do what you mean to do. Mistral hadn’t thought about how muted her colors were, designed to make her forgettable to everyone she encountered. That day, even after receiving the validation and comfort of her new friends, she still was making an effort to hide herself from the world, even though she didn’t need to. Her friends had already liked her for who she was – she’d never needed to change in the first place. The next day, Mistral woke up and decided to change her colors back to her signature look, and hadn’t let anything shake her sense of self ever since.
Colour whinnies at her daughter, who seems to be deep in thought. When Mistral looks up at her, she tilts her head. What?
What’s wrong? Colour questions.
Mistral shakes her head. Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about my teenage years. I’m glad you loved me through them. She settles in, grazing next to her mother.
Her mother nudges her shoulder lovingly. She shares an image – Mistral as a newborn foal, as a young filly, as a spry yearling, and as the grown mare she is now. The message is clear – I’ve loved you at every stage, my sweet child.
Mistral glances at the hair clip in her mother’s mane. The perfect accessory. She sends her mother an image of the two of them cuddling together when she was tiny, and them doing the same now. So have I, mother.
After all, it’s her mother’s words that inspire her to always do what she means to do.
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blackandblueraven · 4 years
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I started to work on this horse to learn how does the app works and I’m just happy how it turned out. And it’s not even finished yet.
For those who don’t know her, this is supposed to be Calyx from Bella Sara. I’m using her card as reference.
We can climb mountains together.
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bellasaraarchivist · 4 years
Bella Sara Headcanons Pt. 2
You asked for more, so here you go!
In my head, Candlebright is literally the size of a candle. Can you imagine how precious?????
Tyri is secretly a disgraced/banished Valkyrie. This is why she suddenly appears after Emma’s return even though canon clearly states there is only one Valkyrie per world, and each Valkyrie has their own realm to protect. Tyri did something in her own realm that caused her to be banished, and now her sentence is teaching Emma to be a better Valkyrie then she was. (I can’t decide if she’s permanently banished or just temporarily though. I’ll leave that one up to your imagination.)
Colm’s parents secretly didn’t treat him very well. (Not abusive, but more absent parents.) This is why he is so eager to travel with Emma to North of North and never seems to care about the people and world he left behind.
There are many more evil or at least dangerous creatures than just wolves and spiders in North of North. There’s no way the only creatures are all happy and kind. 
Canon states multiple times that there are many more active wolf riders then Ivenna, but we never see them. Why? Because they actually have all passed away. Ivenna knows this, but keeps up the mystery because it makes people fear her more if they think she could call for backup at any moment.
All the herds are secretly a little resentful of Herd Bellasara. I mean, it’s confirmed their territory is literally ALL OF NORTH OF NORTH. What herd wouldn’t be a little jealous that “their” lands are actually being rented out from the supreme horse herd.
The only reason Tiff is helping at the Ballroom in adventures is North of North’s equivalent of community service. No one can convince me that Tiff “I only care about myself, winning, and won’t hesitate to sabotage Marta and Nike in the middle of a race” Miltondotter was suddenly volunteering her time out of the goodness or her heart, or that she was given any kind of position of authority. No, that girl did something and got in trouble, and now she has to do menial labor. 
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hapalopus · 4 years
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Just remembered I made this a while ago - environment headcanons for Starlight Territory!
What is canon: The Starlight territory does not have defined borders because Herd Starlight is one of the Lost Herds, and thus has been hidden for decades, if not centuries.
The Northwestern waters are part of the Withers Sea, which stretches around NoN, starting at the northernmost part of Islandar, going past the Moonfairy, Shahazar, Pantheon, and Wolf Rider territories, and ending at Starlight. To the West and South is the Sea of Lights, which stretches from Starlight to the southernmost part of Islandar territory, going past Airistos and Sunflower territories.
The woodland covering Starlight Territory is known as the Brighttree Jungle. The mountain range way out East is the High Pass, which separates the Starlight and Bellasara territories. The mountains to the West are the Daybreak Mountains whose tallest peak (on which Dawnstar Castle stands) is called is called Starlight's Bell.
Number 19 on the map is the Coral Causeway, which connects Trails End to the Brighttree Jungle, crossing over the Fastalon River and under the Goddess Wall and Worldtree Mesa.
To the North, where the jungles end, the Wolf Rider territory begins.
My headcanon: Since the Daybreak Mountains are always covered in snow I like to imagine the jungle getting more and more temperate the further West you go, ending up being a temperate rainforest that often gets snow (1, 2, 3, 4).
I interpret the shore as basalt columns (6, 7) which become white cliffs to the North (5), before becoming a rocky temperate forest (24). To the south the basalt columns turn into subtropical rocky shores (8, 9)before becoming sandy and tropical (10). As you move towards Bellasara territory the ground becomes less rocky and more fine and clay-like and the humidity and temperatures rise, turning the landscape into a mangrove (12) and swamp (13) by the shore.
Further inland the swamp water flows into slow canals (14). As you move towards the High Pass, rocks from the mountains have made the ground more solid and uneven, sometimes letting the streams form waterfalls (18).
On the western side of the river, the ground is more rocky which allows clear bright pools to form (16). The humidity is also less extreme here.
Way North the leafy greens of the jungle intermingle with conifers before thinning out and being replaced by plains.
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autumn-cr1sp · 5 years
Equinby follows a zodiac more akin to the Chinese Zodiac than the Greek Zodiac. There are eight signs that loop around every year. The signs are as follows: Bellasara, Moonfairy, Sunflower, Pantheon, Valeryk, Starlight, Shahazar and Islandar, after the great herds of North’o’North.
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bellasaracardchive · 2 years
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bellasaraeternal · 9 months
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“Keep moving forward. You will get where you are going.”
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theherds · 1 year
Horses: Karna
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Karna is a regular adult stallion. He does not have an official herd but is thought to be in herd Bellasara. His creator is Lotte Krogkaer.
Karna has a dapple grey coat. His knees and muzzle have a darker color. His mane and tail are brown.
Mahābhārata, one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India has a major character named Karna.
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Karna’s stable is a regular stable. While most of his stable art matches him well the mane is a bit off. The portrait uses the art from the Gold series.
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Quote: “I am your from, both when your in your joy and sadness.”
(Fun fact: The quote uses “your” incorrectly in the second half of the quote. It should be “you’re”.)
Karna is a Danish exclusive card as he only appears in the Gold series.
Opinions: Karna could’ve been beautiful. I like the more bulky body and his coat isn’t one that’s super common. He has a beautiful tail and the from mane piece looks good but ugh, the rest of it just looks like stringy bits and it looks so bad. They is especially apparent in his stable art.
- Honestly I’m not sure about the herd Bellasara placing but to be fair I’m unsure where else to place him.
- For some reason I see him as the simple but very sweet and friendly type.
- He’s not super smart but he’s not dumb either. He prefers the simple way of life.
- He’s a big guy so most of what he does is pulling.
- While he may not be the most intelligent or creative of the horses he is very sweet. He’s loyalty is unwavering as he sticks with his friends no matter what.
- He even surprises others with a surprisingly deep piece of advice which makes some thinks he has a lot more wisdom than he lets on.
- He’s an older horse and love to take care of and teach young foals.
- He believes it’s important to slow down sometimes and appreciate the simplistic things in life and take the time to enjoy them.
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theherds · 1 year
Horses: Inupiat
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Inupiat is an adult male unicorn. He is officially part of herd Mustang. His animal friend is a polar bear. Inupiat was created by Jennifer L. Meyer.
Inupiat is a pure black stallion. His coat, hooves, mane, tail, and horn are entirely black. He has a long mane and tail with a long horn and feathering around his hooves. Part of his tail is bound by a brown/grey strap and he wears a brown harness around his neck with white feathering and beads.
Inupiat is named after the Inuit people, a tribe found in Northwest Alaska and the Bearing Strait. The name “Inuit” means “real people”.
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Like most others Inupiat’s stable art follows the original art well even having a slight green shade on parts of him despite the fact under different lighting this shade would not appear. Inupiat had a regular stable which uses the Native Lights card art for the portrait.
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Quote: “You have the strength and spirit to face any challenge”
Inupiat makes 2 appearances in the card series. He appears in Native Lights as a promo card in the North American release and as a base set card in the International release. Inupiat appears again in the Best of Bella Sara series using the same card art.
Bellow is the magazine Inupiat could be found in.
(This is such a mid 2000s girl magazine. The headband, side ponytails, flower necklaces. The magazine telling you how to be more likable and the girl advice. Not to mention the quizzes and best friends theming)
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Other appearances:
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Inupiat appears as a mini figurine for series 1 and appears in the Bellapedia.
Opinions: Inupiat makes the top 10 as one of my favorite horses. Jennifer L. Meyer makes such gorgeous horses especially unicorns. His beautiful figure coupled with the pure black is amazing. Pure unicorns are already not super common in the Bella Sara world so Inupiat being the only pure black makes him even more special.
- Like the rest of hers Mustang he does not stay in one area.
- He however typically sticks to colder areas.
- He loves to travel around and help people always reassuring them that they are strong.
- He is huge
- He himself is very strong both physically and spiritually as well as magically.
- He has been invited to herd Bellasara but declined to stay with Mustang.
- His magic can summon the spirit of a polar bear and can even control the lights in the sky
- He is well known throughout all of North of North
- Some consider him a myth for how quickly he appears and disappears.
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