#Here's your cinnamon roll corruption ♥️
108garys · 1 month
Jeff Whitman as...
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1917's Carver double. His name might not fit but I can work around that(Carver descendant, adopted by loving stepfather), he is approximately the right age to be C for the era, beautifully illustrated in @delurkr's 1917 little hope artworks(T/D/J/M/A-f/A-m) which didn't include a carver double at the time and since the addition of tdim Jeff has been worked into the reincarnation cycle lore.
(lore and close more undercut)
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In this timeline Jeff lives but loses Marie which is in line with Carver lossing Madeline and that being the starting point for the descent into villainy, recall that it's only two years since and Reverend Carver had been a much more gracious man, even evidently being fully behind "He who is without sin cast the first stone" and that the lose of his wife was the catalyst for the man he'd become and this "evil Jeff" is more or less following the pattern as an "what would have happened had fate not been subverted" and because fate was subverted C was Shattered in the cycle and this is why there's a lot of him from the Midcentury era on, the powers that be made Carson but also Abe White and private Cooper who are the same age despite being shown at an earlier point(the back ups died basically)
Marie's necklace as a very visible attachment to her memory, especially given that they were married for one day and he's lived longer without her. It shows a deep inability to let go and how being hardened by time rather than healed leads to his callousness that he could not have imagined before with this speculative villain arc, all in all dying at the same time in this context would prevent his negative character arc that would occur over the following decades
There's is consideration for how things play out differently but for now I will leave you with some early progress sketches and the fact that this idea has been in the back of my mind for a good year at this point
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@kassiekole22 @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @kindheartedgummybears @qusok @ctrvpani @unhingedlesbear @tinynightmarewoman @eframschweigersskincells @wacem @hannahhook7744 (I'm putting this in the little hope tags due to the nature of the au and it's framing)
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