#Herman Cain award
liberalsarecool · 2 years
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'Ivermectin influencer' collects his Darwin Award.
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mitchipedia · 2 years
I’m listening to this podcast now, “We Were Three.” It’s a series of long interviews with a woman who lost her father and adult brother to Covid. The two men were anti-vaxxers, and bought into a slew of other Covid-related conspiracy theories.
If I’d come on their story in another channel, I might have felt schadenfreude, and made edgy jokes about evolution in action, and Herman Cain awards. I’m not proud of that. But this podcast reminds me they were people, and their deaths are just sad.
I’ve listened to two episodes, and plan to listen to the third and final tomorrow.
The podcast is from the producers of “Serial,” and may be just as good.
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z34l0t · 2 years
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odinsblog · 2 years
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thingstrumperssay · 2 years
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So some anti-vax MAGA person who would spread hoaxes about COVID nicknamed “Diamond” died from COVID because she did nothing to prevent herself from getting it or to protect herself against dying from it and her family is trying to profit from her death.
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Only paranoid idiots wear face diapers. Survival of the fittest.
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Lmao bro when you die from covid complications; please be sure to tell me how much your trash eugenics helped you from beyond the grave, Shit Ass.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
I'm confused about your argument, if you don't think degrees should exist as a barrier for participating a particular profession then how you do believe a standard should be maintained? I'm getting an impression you've got all this experience and credentials in academia and are now basically coming out and saying it's all bullshit. And when we're talking about "cheating", do we mean like using accommodations that bend the rules or just not bothering to do the work at all?
ok you might want to read my last few reblogs, which go into some more depth on this. like ave said earlier, the university as it exists now doesn't exist to spread knowledge but to restrict it. so the idea that a degree granted in this system is primarily a means of ensuring 'qualification' is an idealist fiction. again and like i said earlier, a degree doesn't necessarily even line up with what job a person ends up getting---which should tell us a lot about what a degree actually communicates and the way 'being educated' is evaluated independently of the extent to which a person's degree actually taught them anything of value to a given profession. what a degree mostly signifies in actuality is that a person succeeded at being in school; there are many different ways this can happen (even at the advanced level---any academic can tell you, MAs and PhDs do get awarded to people all the time who are incompetent or produce shitty work). there are people with degrees whom i respect immensely, but i don't assume that an academic credential means a person is 'smart' or that their work is high-quality. like, ted cruz went to harvard and herman cain had an md; credentialled experts have fucked up the covid pandemic, produced the industry-funded work that justifies medical fatphobia, etc etc. none of this critique is a new position on my part.
fundamentally idgaf about cheating because i don't think it's unjust to cheat a system that is itself unjust. i don't think it's wrong morally to view a degree as a hoop you need to jump through in order to access certain jobs, and to do what you need to do in order to get through that hoop. in practice cheating is very often the result of students who desperately need eg to pass a class in order to keep a scholarship, who do not have the financial wiggle room to fail and are not being given options or support by profs or the institution. but tbc there is no way to crack down on cheating that only targets 'less sympathetic' cases!
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
And y’all wondering why people will say to this day that Killmonger is right
Seriously sorry Nunya
Is there ANY reason why so many progressives millennials and zoomers think committing GENOCIDE is good?
“They oppressed us so revenge!” Strange how no one with abusive female relatives can do the same to women (obviously it still bad)
No wonder pop culture stuff is shit, we got irl villains running the scene
Why am I more mentally mature than these people? I got autism and depression
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Average Five Enjoyer must be new
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Is there ANY reason why so many progressives millennials and zoomers think committing GENOCIDE is good?
They're only talking about the mass death of the bad™ people, so all they have to do is convince themselves that X group is irredeemably bad and then the only solution is the obvious one, massacre and genocide till all the bad people are gone
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damn kulaks had the audacity to have 2 whole cows, off to the gulag with you
Why am I more mentally mature than these people? I got autism and depression
That may be working in your favor.
If sociologists learned anything from the covid pandemic I hope it's that there's a whole lot of people out there dedicated to preformative actions who's only goal is to make themselves look good by exploiting the misery of others.
The "Herman Cain awards" subreddit would be a good place to start the cataloguing of cases of people like that, the week or so after that one was on various news reports where you'd get the occasional comment from someone who would say something along the lines of 'I miss my empathy' will make for a good reinforcement of the main point because if you were going through it then it was still glaringly obvious that the people dancing on the graves of the deceased were still only looking for ways to make them look better than others.
The people making cracks about possible vaccine related deaths are just as bad too.
The people seeking some kind of absolution for being jackasses can still go sit in a corner and think about what they did for a while longer.
That's fine, but you shouldn't cheer death even if it means you were right. Doesn't do anyone any good other than a momentary flash of self satisfaction.
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nwonitro · 11 months
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This would be hilarious, if it wasn't so damn sad.
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deargodsno · 1 year
Congratulations to my fellow, still breathing, pro-vaxxers.
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gone2soon-rip · 1 year
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WILLIAM FRIEDKIN (1935-Died August 7th 2023,at 87.Heart failure & pneumonia) BELATED ENTRY.
American film and television director, producer, and screenwriter who was closely identified with the "New Hollywood" movement of the 1970s.Beginning his career in documentaries in the early 1960s, he directed the crime thriller film The French Connection (1971), which won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Director. He then directed the iconic cult horror classic film The Exorcist (1973), which earned him another Academy Award nomination for Best Director.
His other films included the drama The Boys in the Band (1970), the thriller Sorcerer (1977), the crime comedy drama The Brink's Job (1978), the crime thriller Cruising (1980),[3][4] the neo-noir thriller To Live and Die in L.A. (1985), the psychological horror film Bug (2006), and the black comedy Killer Joe (2011). Friedkin had just completed his last film,The Caine Mutiny Court Martial,based upon Herman Wouk's acclaimed novel of the same name,which premiered posthumously,on September 3rd 2023,at the Venice Film Festival. William Friedkin - Wikipedia
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squishymagee · 2 years
Cracks knuckles....stretch shoulders, strokes thick beard...thinking about other ways to provide readers a notion that I'm about to get my thought process in order and put pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard.
I could start by using a comma.
So 2022 has been fun. We had two years of a global pandemic and then we collectively thought we are done with combatting this viral inconvenience. It's not like the Herman Cain awards have stopped .
Meh, that's too depressing a subject. Let's talk about politics.
Nope, that doesn't work either.
Self reflection. Yes, let's talk about within the meta itself, fourth wall breaking, extremely uncomfortable subject: self reflection. A quarter of the year into the new millennium, things are statistically looking different. Fertility rates are down, fascism is becoming more popular, the general distrust between sexes is on the rise. "Queens", "Kings", Incels, Femcels and political polarization abound! Don't worry, we can change this timeline by simply pushing the red button for nuclear war. It's always fun when senior citizens with dementia have the power to ensure mutually assured destruction. Good times my friends.
More to come? Not sure, gotta go pick up that chinese take out I ordered.
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half1house · 3 years
Meghalt Csollány Szilveszter
http://hvg.hu/sport/20220124_meghalt_Csollany_Szilveszter HVG Android alkalmazásából megosztva.
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isaacsapphire · 3 years
It probably makes me a bit of an outlier around here, but I am a little sad that Colin Powell is dead. I read his autobiography when I was pretty young, iirc I hadn't reached my full hight yet so it must have been before Jr high, and that was my big introduction to a more granular description of race in America. The book is almost 400 pages (iirc I was like, "it's the same length as a Redwall book") and it's probably not worth your time, but anyways, was influential to me, and I still reference some of the stuff in it, in parts because I like to use references from the in-group of the person I'm trying to convince when possible.
It makes me sad that all these older Black Republican men are the ones literally dying for their party's shit, and I know that covid is statistically more likely to kill old Black men so it's not shocking that Powell and Kane were the specific individuals who ended up Paying The Ultimate Price for the Republican party's covid approach, and Donald Trump's personal choices in how White House events were run, and it wasn't exactly specifically because of racism by the Republicans that big name Black Republican men are dead, and being honored old Republican statesmen wasn't enough for these Black men to be protected by their party from a literal threat to their lives. But it's pretty damn close. And of course, it's not like these dead Black Republicans weren't Republicans and didn't do some shitty stuff themselves, just... It feels like despite that, they were betrayed by the Republican party, and it's hard for me to not feel a little pissed about that.
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odinsblog · 2 years
So I see Lynette Hardaway (aka “Diamond” of Diamond & Silk) has finally earned herself a Herman Cain Award
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fully-folly · 3 years
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