#Hetalia Timurid Empire
irithnova · 1 year
Mongolia: I have no idea who the hell you are
Mongolia: Leave my bathroom
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eruverse · 1 year
Height headcanons
Not reflective of average height in the population for the most part. I guess. I don’t really care tbh
From shortest to tallest:
Golden Horde 165
Indonesia 167
Yuan 170
Ilkhanate 172
Mongolia 174
Timurid Empire 175
Kyrgyzstan 176
Kazakhstan 177
Gokturk Empire 177
(Blue Horde) 178
Uzbekistan 180
Chagatai (Khanate) 180
Turkey 181
Serbia 182
Netherlands 185
Russia bear size
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irithnova · 1 year
Why Mongolia and his children should be shot:
>teen dad
>shit with emotions and making his children get along
>femboy addiction
>emotionally dependant on Ilkhanate
>somewhat oblivious to his children's fight for his attention
>too busy uhh patronising the arts and doing other important stuff like watching stage plays than to send letters to his kids
Golden horde:
>Eldest daughter syndrome
>Bullied by his own brothers
>Oedipus complex
>Not like other girls™️
>Hates everyone
>unpopular with his brothers when he was alive
>ended with the most talked about legacy out of all of them so it's a win I guess
>kissless handholdless eyecontactless failboy virgin nerd
>he's a fucking nerd did I mention that
>and really artsy
>father was emotionally dependant on him
>lowkey hated him for it
>died first
Chagatai Khanate:
>probably the most normal out of all of them
>was still a huge bully to golden horde
>won't shut the fuck up
>hot headed
>probs snitched a lot on his brothers when they were younger for Mongolia's approval
Oh and they're all alcoholics
Honorable mentions (not Mongolia's kids):
Blue horde
>Not as much as a people hater
>Weird relationship with golden horde (who was originally white horde)
>le sacrificed himself™️ (Jesus moment)
>young as hell when he died wtf
>more extroverted than Golden Horde and probably had a similar personality to what Golden Horde could have had if he wasn't fucking bullied
Timurid Empire:
>Certified LARPer
>Fucking crazy
>Genghis Khan biggest fan
>Probably sent embarrassing borderline harassing fan mail to Mongolia
>"Trust me, I am Chinggisid 🤓"
>Also a certified LARPer
>Mr Mongolia biggest fan!
>Writes the absolute worst fucking poetry
>Recites it to people
>Says he is a nomad
>Is a sedentarycel
>Sanrio 🤒
>"Guys I am so scholarly and civilised" 🤓
>Literally wears fake glasses just so he can look more similar to Mongolia
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eruverse · 2 years
More headcanons on Mongol Empire-Post Mongol Empire era:
I LOVE depicting Mongolia as a father and grandpa of many offpsring, and he did have many. So there were Golden Horde/Jochid Ulus (which was actually a combined force of Blue Horde and White Horde given to Jochi’s sons Batu and Orda, because Jochi died before Golden Horde was consolidated), Chagatai Khanate (of Chagatayids), Ilkhanate (of Hulagu), and Yuan (of Kublai). Now, rather than going with ‘Mongolia = Yuan’ like I used to, I decided to give Yuan its own personification. Why tho? For one, while Yuan’s territory did comprise of Mongolia proper and Kublai as its founder presented his state as core Mongol Empire (or, simply Mongol Empire) with his grandfather Chinggis Khan as its founder, sketchy things surrounded Kublai’s ascension as a Khagan; he was enthroned during a quriltai that was held not in Karakorum but in his own city Kaiping (in China), and it was without the votes of all four Chinggisid branches who at the time supported Kublai’s youngest brother Ariq Boke as a Khagan. All of this made his ascension illegal. What’s more, Kublai who was pretty much an usurper proclaimed himself as a ruler in a distinctly Chinese style and Yuan dynasty was established with all the legitimacy of a Chinese dynasty. Yuan therefore looked more like a breakaway/successor state just like the other Khanates than simply a continuation of the Mongol Empire that Chinggis Khan built. It stands to reason for me that I should make a distinction between Yuan and Mongolia then, since Mongolia the dude in my head represents the core of Mongols so he should be purely Mongolian with pure Mongol/nomadic characteristics. For legitimacy with the Mongolian side, Yuan would latch onto Mongolia and they would rule both China and Mongolia together. The link below is an interesting read of which I based my theory off on the separation between personifications of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty:
Besides, I just want funny family moments between Mongolia and his kids and grandkids, and the more the merrier!!
Golden Horde is a Hater and he’s so valid for it. He hates people and nothing he likes more than going to his mancave (of wide steppe) and ignoring all other kinds of existence including his own siblings by Mongolia, though he of course is loyal to his princes and princesses and would do everything for them. His rivalry with Chagatai (Khanate) reflects Jochi’s with Chagatai. Also despises Ilkhanate bc they have feuds over territories and trades. Only slightly more okay with Yuan bc Yuan is really far away and cannot bother him much though he still doesn’t want to acknowledge him because why should he. Perpetual virgin until he met chaotic deranged dumbass Timurid. Anyway, he’s a child between Mongolia and Polovtsy/Qipchak. The Polovtsy were Turkic nomads whom the Jochids subjugated and entered into their ranks (or got scattered all over the area as they fled the Mongols). They had a confederate before the Mongols came.
Mongolia: “Horde, now be good and have dinner together with me and your brothers!”
Horde: “Fuck you all now let me go back to my mancave.”
Mongolia: *spanks Horde*
Maybe I should give Blue Horde and White Horde personifications too and they are the ones who do the actual ruling while the most Golden Horde does is frolicking around, bullying little hare Russia, or being fussed over by his princesses. Anyway, they love to braid his long hair like a maiden and put beads and rings on it.
Russia sometimes mistakes Horde as a Mongol Princess because of it and Horde is so NOT amused. Cue Horde chasing Russia around.
Russia and Horde coincidentally bond over not liking studying and reading, and as kids they were illiterate. Their princes/advisors were this 👌 close to giving up teaching them to read. Horde says he’s an all powerful warrior of the steppe and he already has everything he wants and needs so why should he even study?? Meh.
At some point Horde also tried to shoot Russia’s cat because he was curious if it tasted good and that was the first time Russia smacked him. Horde was secretly impressed because apparently little hare could pack up a good punch.
Chagatai is rivals with Horde and he’s salty because his desire to make daddy Mongolia happy by besting that fucker-with-his illegitimate-Khans Horde results in Mongolia disinheriting their respective khans from the throne of Khagan altogether through Chinggis Khan. Eventually, Chagatai becomes estranged much like Horde did. His personality is serious and ruthless to a fault. Chagatai is a child of Mongolia and Qara-Khitai, who was a Khitan-ruled state in Central Asia. Khitans were a nomadic group related to Mongols as they were all similarly descended from Xianbei. Qara-Khitai however wasn’t purely Khitan because most of its subjects were Central Asian Turco-Persian Muslims under Karakhanids who then became vassal to the Khitans. Therefore by characteristics Chagatai was very much Central Asian and not Khitan… maybe Karakhanid was his actual second dad? Only Mongolia knows.
Ilkhanate is the child of Mongolia and Khwarazmian Empire (another Turco-Persian state, also both Karakhanid and Khwarezmia were descendants of Gokturks). His relationship to Mongolia is second to best, but even in time he’s more concerned with his own gains than being a filial son to Mongolia. He’s an excitable dude who’s also a wildman.
Yuan (Monchu love(hate)child) is possibly Mongolia’s favorite kid because he’s best behaved to him (including paying homage to him unlike his other hopeless brats). Has an ultra high self esteem because he’s most favored by Mongolia and because he lords over the mighty China. Lots wholesome moments between daddy Mongolia and Yuan with China totally NOT having a good time.
Yuan: “I am Great Yuan, bow down to me and my Father!!”
Horde, Chagatai, Ilkhanate: *leave*
Yuan: “No, come back here!!!!”
Except for China, Mongolia obliterated his kids’ second dads they are no more 💔 maybe he tried to do that to China too (like with Song whom Kublai subjugated) but too bad for him, China is eternal.
Yes, basically the other dads of Mongolia’s brats were the countries he subjugated and took over. He killed their personifications and gave the territories to his own.
I decided to not make Timurid a direct descendant of Mongolia, however he kinda larps as Mongol Empire following Tamerlane’s massive ambition (lol good luck). He also got important territory off Chagatai and he did it by cannibalizing parts of him (!!!). Timurid is a simpleton brute with singleminded focus who’s also a poet of many vulgar poems depicting his lover Horde. Also, I guess by the time Moghulistan happened there would be another personification in place (which means Chagatai would be dead by then) but idk yet.
Initially Horde and Timurid had it SO good but Horde had to betray him following the orders of his prince Tokhtamysh, and it made Timurid so livid he got batshit insane as if possessed. He chased after Horde and burnt his important cities when he couldn’t find him, further weakening Horde when he was already weakened from civil war and conflicts. They met one last time shortly before Horde’s death, though Horde’s death wasn’t actually by Timurid’s hands.
Mongolia finds it quite tragic that he lives on while his kids and many descendants couldn’t, but such is fate. He wouldn’t actually want to switch places with them tho (for nationverses, only one’s own survival really matters), but it would be nice to have his large family around him. He would love having his dining table brimming full with his offspring and relatives during Tsagaan Sar. Mongolia misses them sometimes even though their relationship wasn’t always so good.
Mongolia himself isn’t always a good father, and while he’s pretty attentive to his kids (the ones he had in the past or the ones he has had pretty recently) he’s an emotionally independent person and likes to encourage his brats to be independent sooner. Therefore, sometimes he can be quite neglectful, and it is even more the case these days though part of it is because he himself cannot support them much in many ways. Not saying he’s a 100% chill parent though, because like any kind of patriarch he expects and could demand proper filial piety from his brats, but these days perhaps following the pattern of chill urbanized fathers who are more of good friends to their kids than just reigning patriarchs, Mongolia is much more chill (in an egalitarian sense) with his remaining kids and relatives. Spanking your kids is bad, so he no longer does it.
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eruverse · 2 years
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Upper row: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Middle row: Golden Horde, Mongolia, Turkey
Lower row: Timurid Empire, Russia, Göktürk Empire
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eruverse · 10 months
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Golden Horde — Timurid Empire
Golden Horde was a male in my old designs, but I decided to change the gender into female. Basically there is no difference between male and female Golden Horde; she is a warrior and doesn’t care about anything except the prosperity and independence of Golden Horde. Effectively a tomboy as she doesn’t wear women clothes, and her braid is a single braid, that is, neither multiple braids of a single woman nor twin braids of a married woman. This fashion style is just what she’s decided on, and no one is able to make her do what she doesn’t want to do. As she is comfortable in more masculine clothes, many people refer to her as a dude, and she doesn’t care to correct them most of the time. No other reason than it just not being important to her.
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eruverse · 2 years
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Golden Horde and Timurid Empire
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eruverse · 2 years
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Golden Horde and Timurid Empire
They were lovers ❤️
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eruverse · 1 year
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Timurid is a cannibal canon
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eruverse · 2 years
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Timurid and Golden Horde btw
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eruverse · 2 years
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Timurid and Uzbekistan, father and son.
Today’s Uzbeks are descendants of nomadic Uzbeks from Qipchaq steppe (now Kazakhstan) who were pushed away by Kazakhs and settled in what’s now Uzbekistan as they took important territories off Timurid Empire and beat Timurids in the process, then mixed with Turkic-Tajik local population at that time. Also from what I read, starting from independence from Soviet Union, the Uzbeks turned to Tamerlane and hailed him a national hero as he was born in now-Uzbekistan and his former seat of power was also in Uzbekistan. It might be a curious phenomenon because the Uzbeks were enemies with Timurids, but here we are. Power to Uzbeks tho!!
In my personal Hetalia lore, Uzbekistan (Uzbek states) is a child between Golden Horde and Timurid. Before the Uzbeks and Timurids were enemies, the latter was allied with the Shibanids (Uzbeks’ Golden Horde era forefathers) and then Uzbeks anw, so they weren’t total enemies!! Timurid was fond of baby Uzbekistan and in his weakened state was secretly glad it was Uzbekistan who inherited his important cities and not anybody else.
(Uzbekistan has almost completely forgotten Golden Horde today, lol)
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