fourswords · 24 days
if i could make links from across time meet each other i would just make it the four sword links (hero of the minish, hero of the four sword, fs link, hero of light) because:
a) i want mc link to be the youngest so the other three look at him like "THIS pipsqueak is the one who made the four sword???" and yes he is still the only one of them who has the four sword because he still had it after his adventure ended. and he hits them with his energy beams about it
b) i want them to get in a fight over knights (fs link, fsa link) vs. non-knights (mc link & hero of the four sword). i know fs link isn't canonically said to be one or the other but i think that since his zelda called him to the four sword shrine the same way fsa zelda called fsa link to look at the four sword sanctuary, it would make sense to Assume he's a knight
c) out of the four of them, i think fs link would be the living personification of the charlie brown "i got a rock" meme. he is also the oldest out of all of them (i would think like 15 or so) and the best with teamwork after the hero of the four sword
d) i only ever see mc link & fsa link in links meet AUs and i want them ALL to meet each other (and it'd be funny because the hero of the four sword would be looking at mc link like "is this for real my ancestor" like hyrule historia teases)
e) i want the other three to look directly at fsa link and go "who's ganon?"
f) using the manga version of fsa link here it would be funny as hell if shadow was still stuck as his literal shadow and he was just being as un-shadow-like as possible
g) i think it'd be hilarious for mc link to find out how the four sword splits the other three. like damn y'all didn't change the sword the sword changed you? sounds like a skill issue.
h) i think the hero of the four sword would be the cockiest one there. according to the manual he as a young boy literally happened upon vaati wreaking havoc and said nothing but "i'm gonna kick this guy's ass" and then went and did exactly that. he's cocky because he's got mad skills (and the best control over totally splitting out of the three of them that can do it) and he knows it
i) no princess zelda is never mentioned in the hero of the four sword's story and i also think it'd be funny if he was born into an era without a zelda (like an adventure of link situation where there's some prince in line for the throne instead) and the other links are like "wdym you don't have a zelda."
j) unsurprisingly considering his game & his independence within said game, i think mc link would be absolutely godawful at teamwork. fs link keeps trying to nicely give him tips to no avail, the hero of the four sword keeps eyeing him weirdly (the whole ancestor thing again), and fsa link is having flashbacks to himself sucking bad at teamwork. shadow is laughing at him from the ground
i could keep going with this but you see my point. i want to put them all in a room together and watch them go at it
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twisting-echo · 6 months
SonallyNShadamy4Ever has returned... Again!
(Please click on pictures for better quality!)
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SonallyNShadamy4Ever, later known as Sonally4LifeReborn, now going by FinalBossSonally has returned and is harassing me and others once again.
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I don't even have words right now. My stomach honestly feels sick from dread. Once I start feeling better, this parasite shows up and ruins my day. The comment he left on my Alice Tsukagami x Brad Hawk moodboard made me emotionally relapse. This guy is taunting me about my bisexual identity and that I ship Roupaz. I've reported this guy many times, and he keeps coming back and harassing me and others. But let's get this over with.
"Let's be real." (Considering that biology was one of my favorite subjects and still is.)
Incest and asexual reproduction are not the same. Asexual reproduction involves a single parent, resulting in offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. Incest refers to sexual activity or marriage between close blood relatives, such as siblings, parents, or cousins. Incest involves sexual reproduction; it is not equivalent to asexual reproduction. Incest does not lead to genetically identical offspring; instead, it introduces genetic diversity (albeit with potential risks such as recessive genetic disorders).
So basically, asexual reproduction produces clones, while incest involves sexual reproduction with close relatives. The two processes serve different purposes and have distinct genetic outcomes.
Yes, it is confirmed that Knuckles and Julie Su are distant relatives.
When distant relatives, such as cousins, enter into a romantic relationship, it does not necessarily constitute incest. While forming a relationship with distant relatives is not inherently incestuous, it’s essential to consider both the genetic risks and the legal and cultural context.
There is a difference between being a distant relative and a direct relative. Direct relatives are closely related and share a higher percentage of genetic material; distant relatives have more distant connections within the family tree.
Knuckles and Julie Su are extremely distant cousins—their shared ancestor was several generations ago; they didn’t meet until they were older; and they didn’t learn about their relation until even later.
I don't ship Knuckles and Julie Su because I'm an "incest lover." I liked their relationship because of their interactions with each other and because I thought they made a cute couple. I liked them way before it was revealed that they were distant relatives. That came out way later. I can't control that. I honestly wish that they could've left that part out of the canon entirely. But what can I honestly do about it? It's canon; thanks, Ken Penders.
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FinalBossSonally didn't “innocently inquire” about my Sonic the Hedgehog ship memes; he interrogated me about them, demanding to know why I ship them, forcing his own ships on me, and insisting that he was “simply correcting my shipping tastes.”
This guy literally told me—a bisexual woman, that he was “disgusted” by the fact that Roupaz almost became canon, by the fact that they’re an interspecies relationship, and by the fact that Rouge is bisexual. But Sonelise is A-OK because it’s “straight.”
He claims that he's not homophobic/biphobic, but I have cold, hard proof that he is.
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Here he is insulting Kanohi-Zeo for having LGBT headcanons for STH characters and openly admitting that he HATES LGBTQ+. He also ropes in that being a "lesbian" is on the same level as being a pedophile, or something that is illegal. And then he continues to complain as to why they didn't make Knuckles a "female-leaning bisexual," so at least he could be attracted to females because Knuckles' species needs straight male echidnas to repopulate. And then he finishes by calling Kanohi-Zeo disgusting for having these headcanons. If that's not homophobic, then I don't know what is. Aside from it being offensively uneducated stupidity, of course.
So, I didn't respond to his toxic, childish comment, and I blocked him, again.
And as for FinalBossSonally being "my master," FinalBossSonally, you are not the master of anyone; you are a stalking, batshit, psycho, toxic, homophobic, parasite with some serious mental issues. Go touch grass and get some help. I'll be here, having fun in my bisexual hell with my friends~
This link below is the post about my first encounter with SonallyNShadamy4Ever and the full contents of my callout post.
This link below is the post about my second encounter with SonallyNShadamy4Ever as Sonally4LifeReborn and the full contents of that.
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fluffymuffincentral · 4 months
Apologies if this isn’t the correct blog to send this to— the crackship meme with my Mew “Dusk” and the number 7 perhaps?
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You picked number 7 which means The Ancestor! I had a lot of fun making these! :D
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I’ve discovered I love doing crackships because it gives me the opportunity to design cool ocs
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townofcadence · 2 months
28. your first muse
Topic Meme
HMM well in the format of writing rp stuff, Artair was, though I've talked about that not too long ago, so instead I'll talk about one of my first characters I ever wrote XD
So I had a character named Syrisar, and he was probably the first one I ever really wrote about in depth. I don't remember the whole of his story, except that he was a half-elf (I was REALLY into D&D growing up) from the edition where they were shunned by society. He had some kind of spirit guardian who had been tasked by a goddess with nudging him towards "Embracing the darkness already in his heart". When he's young, him and his adopted father are killed in their home, and she visits him in a vision to impart that to him. She brings him to life, and he ends up becoming a 'good-hearted' assassin, to embrace it while not letting himself fail to be kind when it is warranted.
And just like intended, that 'darkness' his craft imbued him with protects him in part from a spell that went off over the whole of his country. As far as I knew, he was the only survivor, due to how he'd tapped into the his abilities he'd been born with (due to heritage stuff with an original race of beings that were basically elves but cooler to young me lol). He lost his memories in exchange for his life, though. So all he knew was his name and what he had on him at the time, and kinda became a wandering swordsman, who had a cloud of darkness around his chest where he'd died as a kid, and nightmares of a past he was never able to grasp and could only move on from.
I had seven chapters I wrote out for his origin story, and a 200 page prequel book following two of his ancestors. And a collection of saved internet art of which many were anime guys that i thought looked similar to how he was in my head lol. 10-12 year old me was very determined to be a writer.
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tortoisesshells · 6 months
1, 3 and 4 for the writing excerpt meme? :D
1. ... that makes me smile:
Customs doesn't usually have much for anyone to smile about, and they're five minutes away from an extraordinarily loaded conversation about justice, but for now, Nellie thinks Ursa Minor looks like a goose:
“Well, your education was likely significantly more comprehensive on this score than mine, Commodore.” “Undoubtedly. But Nellie, I really cannot see a goose.” She sighed, and glanced up at him. “If you are determined to laugh at me –” “I am not laughing –” “James.” “I am not laughing now,” he amended, “I am curious. What you see is what you see. I cannot tell you that you are wrong there.” “If you promise,” she said, and raised a hand to gesture at the sky, again. “There, the North Star. That’s the head. Those little stars arcing behind it are the long neck. The little box – the one with the other bright star in the lot, I don’t know it’s name but you see it, there? – that’s the body of the thing. I suppose I’ve been imagining that its wings are folded in – that it’s paddling about on some mill pond in the sky.” When described in this way, it did resemble a goose peering into the shallows for food. James said so, and Nellie, limited by the darkness as his perception of her was, fairly preened.
3. ... that encompasses my style:
Answered here, but: I don't usually do kid/adolescent narrators, but this passage from had you not better make One of us does have my usual belaboring of historical detail for characterization, and a character playing chicken and losing with their own emotions and memory. Also, I do think this one of my better attempts at Elizabeth from POTC at any age:
She frowned at this – why on earth would a man not want to travel? Instead of being stuck in a great dreary northern place which (Elizabeth glanced over at her father’s prized globe, finding this Massachusetts Bay by the great ungainly sweep of a cape that always put her in mind of a prize-fighter’s arm) probably had bears and snow. She had not seen the latter in some two years, and did not miss it at all – she had never seen a bear, though, since Papa had a weak constitution and tended to faint at the sight of blood, which meant for all her pleading she’d never seen the baiting-pits in Paris Garden in London – or anywhere else, besides. She had seen a bear skull once, in one of her father’s friend’s curio-cabinets, between curious-looking coins of long-dead Roman emperors and rocks that man had (in a superior tone which immediately made Elizabeth lose interest) called glossopetrae. Someone later told her that those hand-sized rocks they were ancient shark-teeth, which had set her to staring at the inscrutable waves with fear and fascination. But she was ignoring the conversation, which she ought not to do – she was something like the lady of the house, even though she was too young for the position she’d inherited when Mama had – “Then your family is in Massachusetts Bay?” she asked quickly, to stem the unwelcome thoughts she’d just had.
4. ... with dialogue I'm proud of:
Answered here, but! Love a character who says outrageous things with a smile. From another shoreline, in another life:
Roger snorted. “It’s the fire for us, Vicki. You might as well find your comfort where you can.” She glanced at him, chewing at her lip for a half-moment. “Ought I to – take one of the other rooms?” “Don’t be ridiculous. Take advantage of the foresight of our ancestors and stay by the stove.” “I’d like to lie down.” He looked at her, unsure at first, and then – entertained. “And you would rather a door be between us? You are taking this journey into the past very seriously. It’s not 1866.” Vicki demurred, feeling as though she had to explain herself, but not finding the words for what she meant to say. She was his sister’s employee – his son’s tutor – she’d need another job after this one, whenever that was. None of it was very articulate, and she watched miserably as Roger add another log to the stove. “If it distresses you that much,” he said, looking over his shoulder at her, with an expression she could not have parsed even in the frank light of day, “I will take one of the other rooms. Though – I’m not enough of a gentleman not to ask for your coat.”
send me a number and I'll share an excerpt of my writing!
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auraspheres · 7 months
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an INDIE. SELECTIVE. CANON DIV. AURA GUARDIAN RILEY from POKEMON D/P/PT + ancestor verse ft. Sir Aaron written by leche! Multiverse, crossover, and oc friendly. please read rules under cut before following!
✧ Very canon divergent. A lot of history, headcanons, and even in-game events are explored differently here. While in some realm canon complimenting this iteration greatly diverges from the norm.
✧Triggering content containing NSFW both sexual and intensive themes. I do write smut but all of the above is put under a read more and tagged accordingly. Please be 18+ to interact.
✧ Selective, crossover/oc friendly, mutuals only etc etc. I only interact with mutuals and wait to be followed first before following back if I can see our characters and writing meshing well. This is just so I can have an active dashboard that I can freely interact with.
✧ You do not need a verse to interact with my muse. If anything I prefer general crossover to see how they interact in their various worlds.
✧ While open to shipping and discussing possible connections with my muses I will not insta-ship. It’ll have to be chemistry and interaction based with buildup and note the blog is not ship-focused.
✧ Please like any ask or starter I answered for you! Tumblr as always has its faults in its notifications. It’ll save me a lot of anxiety if you do! Thanks a bunch!
✧ I don’t do mains or exclusives in any way. While I do have close mutuals I’ll interact with a lot because of comfort there are no central characters or plots otherwise besides my own. If a muse wants to get involved in some exclusive way please come by me to see if we can plot something out.
✧ I’m not interested in poly-shipping. Nothing wrong with it ofcourse but Im only really comfortable shipping with friends or mutuals I know and on the same space as I’m in. I’d ask for a single-verse for my muse or we can go through a platonic route if your muse is exclusively poly, but as with anything please come talk to me for anything.
✧ You dont have to ask to reply to an ask. Please do! If anything I ask if possible to follow through on a meme or ask you’ve sent be turned into an interaction unless the point is moot or its a drabble. Not required of course, it just helps start and build interactions!
✧ Note the plot is centralized to my characters and canons put under the v. main tag. Dash events, rpc happenings and the whathavs unless I say so otherwise are not canon and often put under the crack tag or untagged. Please dont assume anything from my muse or expect them to engage either as sadly I have to step away from the dash often and cant catch up. I prefer to have control over my narrative and if you want something outside included please plot with me!
✧ Think I missed you when ya followed? Just like my pinned post and Ill check you out but please dont harass me or ask to be mutuals following that. Sometimes there’s just no clear way for our writing, content or characters to interact and asking me to be mutuals puts me in an uncomfortable spot.
✧ The rules above are the most prominent but THE REST FALL UNDER GENERAL RP ETIQUETTE. Anything not listed but known should be adhered. But if you have any questions please feel free to send me an ask for clarification!
templates: header ,
PSD: spun sugar
icons: x
And hello! Im Leche, 30, Mexican Latinx, and first generation American. Im tired, gay, transmac but can’t stop rp'ing as a fun hobby
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valkyricarts · 1 year
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I currently have three TTRPG player characters. They are this meme.
Reese's Puffs: Daigo Stone. Hypothetical Steven Stone ancestor in a PLA styled D&D, he's an artificer. All trainers in this setting have distinguishable eyes that match their pokemon's types. I have a Beldum, of course.
Misery: Song. Tiefling warlock, my oc Ty being repurposed as his Patron demon being the avatar of Wrath. Misses his dead wife.
CPR: Mordred. Dhampir Paladin, worships the Warhammer 40k chaos pantheon. Human half is not immune to Slaanesh's influence. Also I rolled the "I am constantly tempted by carnal desires/pleasures" boon lmao. Only one not drawn in his normal equipment here.
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@serethespider's aubrey propaganda post #3: worldbuilding and species info
(heyy so i know i said i'd put worldbuilding and backstory here but i forgot how much information this is so i'm splitting it up XD anyway-)
do you like cool aliens? do you like dimension travel? do you like telepaths? do you like unconventional ecologies? if you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be interested in learning about worldwalkers!
worldwalkers (no in-universe name) are what happens when you give me too much creative power slightly eldritch dimension-hopping telepaths who basically exist as massive (as in, warehouse-sized) ever-shifting manifestations of pure thought, tethered to a body that lets them interact with the physical world. they're also overpowered. for example, in my original scifi universe, telepaths are ranked on a scale from D to A, with A being the highest-power class.
worldwalkers are class S. or they would be, if anyone really knew they existed.
...maybe i should back up and start from the beginning.
a baby worldwalker's life begins when their parent shapes them a body and drops them off with a surrogate family of whatever the dominant species happens to be. and for the first 100 years or so, things are mostly normal. sure, they don't age physically past young adulthood, and they're constantly emitting an aoe charm effect that makes people want to take care of them and that they're unaware of and can't conciously control, but overall they aren't too different from any other member of their assumed species.
and then the first molt happens.
see, worldwalkers have about 4 life stages, each marked by a kind of ascension or metamorphosis. their mental 'bodies' become too small for their growing powers and crack open and fall away to reveal a new, bigger, stronger form. like a shake shedding its skin, except in this case the skin is their mind.
it's not exactly a fun experience.
especially the first time, which along with more refined powers that they can actually control, also dumps the knowledge of what they are and the memories of their ancestors into their head all at once. i wonder how aubrey reacted to this happening to them?
anyway, this second stage lasts about 500-600 years, and is considered the 'adolescent' stage. their telepathy and the size of their true form grow throughout, until they've become too big for their 'skin' again. aubrey is at the very tail end of this right now.
the third stage of life is marked by another molt and marks both full maturity and the above-mentioned class-of-its-own level of telepathic power. this stage can last indefinitely if the worldwalker in question doesn't have kids.
if they do decide to have kids, they can deliberately trigger their fourth and final, incredibly short, stage of life. in this stage, their powers grow enough to cross the boundary between thought and reality and they become god-damn reality benders and use this power to open portals to other dimensions and yeet their children across the interdimensional interstate to their new adoptive homes, forming them physical bodies as they do so.
this process also fucking kills them.
the amount of sheer power a fourth-stage worldwalker has is too much for their fragile physical bodies to handle, and they burn away as their mental forms expand and expand and expand until they, too, reach their limits and explode. a worldwalker dies like a supernova.
and the cycle begins anew, in a new world, with a new body.
tl;dr aubrey miller is an elder god k thx bye
coming next: MEMES
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van-zieksy · 2 years
"...My learned Nipponese friend is obviously in training to be a clown, the way he regales us with such witticisms."
Barok just.... I mean I am still correct in what I'm saying, but damn, how do you even come back from that one?? Ryunosuke is going to need therapy for that statement alone.
Also I'm soooooo upset the games aren't fully voice acted, I would've loved to hear that!!
The more I play DGS the more I want a separate anime just for this whole era. I'm not even asking much. Just the cases and-
Okay wait I just clicked on my switch screen to prevent it from shutting down and he follows up with a toast to "my future career in the circus"???? Holy fuck, this man!!
Soooo I suppose you can definitely count me in for the Barok van Zieks Simp Club. I feel like I owe him my soul and part of my income.
Such an iconic statement that it even transcends timelines. Barok must be Edgeworth's ancestor, right? (Yeah, I know, the "you're the entire circus" thing is just a meme).
I can understand his thoughts, though. Think about it from Barok's perspective for a moment. You are the most celebrated Crown prosecutor in the country who only takes on high-profile cases, not that you care about your own status, but you do want to make sure that the good name of the British judicial system doesn't get sullied. This nobody from a different country who did not even properly study law and who does not have any real world experience whatsoever shows up in court to pretend to do real attorney work. This wannabe also makes his debut defending one of the most notorious individuals in town, who you definitely know to be shady (let's leave it at that, okay?). Surely this kid can't be trusted, right? What's he up to?
The youngster goes on to disrespect court procedures because he's not familiar with them, accuses people without any shred of evidence, bluffs, puts forward hypotheses merely based on ideas or feelings, disregards many of the protocols. Of course the prosecution is frustrated. Wouldn't we all be if we were part of the game? What makes Ryunosuke charming to us as the audience, makes him bothersome to the characters in the game that are involved in all of this. :D
I'm actually surprised that prosecutor Van Zieks just goes along with it, when he would have had grounds to ask this learned friend to be removed from the courtroom due to being unfit for court. Barok is very patient and even helps Ryunosuke quite a bit/mentors him, as well as cooperates with him when he technically doesn't have to, because in the end, this prosecutor only cares about justice. (Gosh, there's more I want to say, but I will refuse to use any spoilers because I know you haven't finished the game yet, so let's end it here).
You absolutely speak my mind! A well-made anime in the world of DGS would be so very amazing. Hearing our beloved characters speak (as you've mentioned), seeing them move. The character design is superb, the world is beautiful. I adore the whole franchise (some games/characters more than others), but this cast is my favourite. From Ryunosuke to Barok to Susato to Iris etc., I love them all! I am not the same since I have finished this duology. Barok is my favourite character in the franchise (surprise, I know), with Ryunosuke coming in second and Susato coming in third, which is quite the achievement against such all-time-greats as Edgeworth, Phoenix and Maya. :)
Enjoy the rest of the game(s)! 😊
Edit/P.S.: In case you read my blog here, I can only recommend you filter out the tags "tgaa spoilers" and "dgs spoilers", as that's how I tag my spoilery posts and reblogs. Other people may use the same or other tags.
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bloodydumpsterrp · 1 year
1 and 3 on the fantroll ask meme :3
𝟭. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹, 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝘂𝘀𝘂𝘀?
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|| Bugs. : re^lly l:ke them, spec:f:c^lly ^nyth:ng th^t looks cool or squ:shy. W^spsmonsters, cent:be^sts, bumblestingers. ||
|| :'ve seen some cool se^dwell:ng lus:: but the ones th^t :nterest me ^re the RE^LLY deep stuff. Not m^ny p:ctures of them nor ^ny ^round to see from the surf^ce. ||
[𝐨𝐨𝐜] In other words she likes invertebrates such as centipedes, wasps, deep-sea jellies, and isopods. Used to be a dog-person but has swayed towards things that are creepy-crawly. Cats are very cute to her but hasn't interacted with any in person to turn her into a cat-person.
𝟯. 𝗪𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁?
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For some time the troll stands there, awkwardly fidgeting as sharp nails picking at one other as she tries to organize the tangled thoughts.
|| umm.... I guess k:smes:ss:tude. :ron:c^lly :ts been my most st^ble qu^dr^nt, even :f : don't h^ve many long term rel^t:onsh:ps. ||
|| ^dm:ttedly : don't usu^lly h^ve qu^dr^nts f:lled, so h^rd to g:ve you ^ good ^nswer ^bout th:s ||
[𝐨𝐨𝐜] Akasha, as much as she wants to fill her red quadrants, is fearful of her flush and pale quadrants. Enough matesprites and moirails have died in unlucky and messy ways to where she's convinced those two quadrants are cursed. She doesn't know it, but she has her ancestor to thank for this. :' D Matespritship would be her favorite if it weren't for the curse connected to it. But as it stands, Kismesissitude is her fav.
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thegodwhocums · 2 years
polythiest asks: 19, 11
Oh my gosh! I meant to reblog @flamingkorybante 's responses but you're right, I posted an ask meme! Ok let's do this.
19. How have your Gods affected your life?
Hoooooo… more than I can say. When I was about 13 and just getting into Wicca, which was all I could find (it was like 2001), I tried plugging into the Celtic pantheon and Brigid in particular and it just never clicked. I made some futile efforts towards Artemis when I was older, and Athena, and Apollo, all Strong or Logical or Independent or Rational gods that look like white people in the picture books, and nothing clicked. Dead air, no signal. Closed that chapter, moved on.
In 2007, I became a professional drag king and started describing myself as transgender and genderqueer. In 2011, I started thinking about Dionysos. I found that strange, internally, bc what does the party god have to do with my uptight, basically straightedge ass? Drunken debauchery? No thank you. Then I read Hermaphrodeities by Raven Kaldera (I'll let someone else explain who that is). That book described a Dionysos I could relate to - queer, mixed divinity, mixed race, an outsider, mad; someone with the freedom that I in my Spartan anhedonia craved. In February 2012, my partner channeled the god and he spoke to me. I still have the exchange.
Since then I would say that Dionysos has been instrumental in me taking steps to become more comfortable in my skin, my brain, and my heart. I have made friends, built relationships, and been places that never would have occurred if not for the shared enthusiasm for D. (Some good, some bad, of course, but all definitely influential.) He was with me as I prepared for surgery, and his mentor Cybele was there to receive our blood offerings when Rocket and I had healed. He was with me onstage, in the doctor's office, in forests and mountains and fields, as I mythologized my suffering and found a way through. He was with me when my mental health bottomed out and he was with me on the hotline when I begged for help not dying. He was with me as I went onto head meds, and then he was quiet, and when I went back off head meds he was there waiting for me. I think my heart has opened, I have become kinder, and my spirit has become freer with the help of Dionysos. I am still learning to love and enjoy my body, and he is still there helping me to do so.
There are other deities but he has always been at the center of my practice, and in many ways of my world.
I have an ancestral practice as well, so if we want to include those spirits as "deities," they have helped me buy a house for my chosen family (and the house next door as we grew!), find financial stability, keep my family safe, and quiet those who would do us harm. Seriously, if I were to embed one piece of advice in this response, it would be that your ancestors want you to thrive, let them help you.
11. Do you pray? If so, what do your prayers look like?
For a while I had a daily devotional practice, but at this point in my life prayers are more for special occasions. I don't usually need to ask the gods for anything - and usually I know what they want me to work on or bring them, so the only purpose in communicating is to say thank you. When I do that, the format is usually:
light a candle particular to that deity
burn some incense
purify myself some way (it varies)
invoke them by name and with a series of epithets
read or sing a prayer or hymn (orphic, etc), or a poem
say what I need to say
sit quietly for a while
say "thank you"
put out the candle
The one regular practice I do have is that every week I change out the water in all the offering glasses on both altars (personal deity altar and house ancestor altar), and when I do that I do invoke each entity or family line and say thank you. I usually dust and reset or redecorate the altars monthly.
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levymcgarden55 · 2 years
I got tagged by @caprisun-overlord to do 10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags :D
I didn’t have to do the little blurb but since the point is to get to know me, why not? Here are my blorbos, arranged in no particular order (but psst my favorite is 10)
1. Frisk (undertale, when the game was really popular I dressed up as Frisk for Halloween and was surprised to find my best friend as Chara and two acquaintances as Alphys and Sans. God that was a great Halloween.)
2. Roserade (pokemon, I love the design and the gay flair. Plus queer flower fems are very good. [holding budew, roselia, and roserade in my hand] I just think they’re neat.)
3. Fae (Fire Emblem Heroes, god I love this baby, but she gets 0 recognition bc her og game was a Japan-only release. Yes she’s a thousand year old dragon who looks and acts like a little girl but look I just want to give her a juice box and a plushie)
4. Angus McDonald (the adventure zone balance. God I love my boy!! For a good while my icon was various images of him in the “do it for them” meme format. It’s still my icon on discord bc I LOVE joining a server and having people flip their shit over My Boy. Once someone went “Angus Mcdonald?!” And I went “yes that’s my christian name.”)
5. Natsu (Fairy tail, it was the first anime I really got into. I looooved it and Natsu specially was my first fictional crush that I wrote fanfic for. I watched fairy tail up to the 190s where I kinda… drifted off of it. Years later I rewatched it and can say with a certainty that it is Not As Good, with a lot of problematic bs. But I’ll always have a soft spot for Natsu.)
6: Zelda (breath of the wild. She’s a trans icon. Also I played the game before and after I left the cult, and GOD does her story hit different. “You’ve been trained your whole life to forge your connection with the divine, just as your ancestors did before you. You’re trying and trying and trying, pouring your whole heart into it. And it’s… not working. Everyone’s expectations are crushing you. If they could just let you do what you’re good at, you might be able to thrive! But all your parent can say is try harder.” . . . Of course I love this poor doomed princess.)
7: Ralsei (Deltarune. Yes, blush when Kris is too close!! Hug the combat dummy!! Shield by wrapping yourself up completely in your scarf!! God I love them. Also even though the ch 2 sprite debunks it, my headcanon is that the heart on Ralsei’s dress is actually a chest cutout so it’s black fur, not fabric.)
8. Flayn (fire emblem three houses. She’s adorable and sweet with a cutesy design and soft mannerisms. Not great in combat so I made her my dancer. I desperately wish they had varied the body types on the girl characters so they weren’t all mannequin doll perfect— Flayn deserves better, and give my buff girls muscles, cowards! Honorary mention to Petra from the same game, who I love and is one of the aforementioned girls who deserve huge watermelon-splitting thighs, goddamnit!!)
9. Yoosung (mystic messenger, ik 707 was all the rage but Yoosung was my first route and will always have a special place in my heart.)
10. Garty O’Brien (dimension 20’s fantasy high. I adore every part of them. They’re a nonbinary aasimar half orc who runs a tavern on a moving pirate city made of lashed together ships. They have top scars and cool as hell sacred geometric & floral tattoos. They’re strong and muscular and on top of all that they’re classy & chill beyond belief.)
I am gently setting them in your hands
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I have so much gender envy for them my god
[id: an image of Garty O’Brien. They’re standing at ease, one palm up and the other at their side. They’re facing forwards and looking at the viewer with a friendly expression. Besides the other features mentioned above when describing Garty, they have medium green skin, golden tattoos, and their eyes are a black sclera with a hollow gold ring for the iris. They are shirtless with gray pants that have a wraparound shawl on the torso. They are wearing plain boots, lots of dangly gold jewelry, silver makeup, and have short black hair with an undercut on both sides.]
Bonus 11th: Master Firbolg (adventure zone graduation. He’s not really a blorbo but he’s very good and I love him. After I listened to this, one of my druids (who already spoke broken common) just totally took on his speaking cadence?? Also Justin really did go “yeah there’s huge hype around my character name so I’m just Not Gonna Name Him, fuck you.” Gotta respect it.)
Hope y’all enjoyed getting to know me a little (:
Tagging @lol-who-is-this-guy @ratbastarddotfuck @quinnception @in-bituin-the-stars @photosinthesisforthewinthesis @axiomofhope @zeta999 @tallsa and anyone who sees this and wants to do it too (:
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windmilltothestars · 2 years
15 Questions Meme!
Not really tagged by @magnetocerebro but it’s been a while and I’m in the mood, so why not?
1. Are you named after anyone?
Sort of?  I apparently had an ancestor named Malinda Minerva Spanigal!  Is that not the coolest name ever??  My parents also found ‘Malina’ in a name book or something and decided they liked the sound and meaning of it and it could also honor the ancestor but just knock of the ‘d’!
2. What was the last time you cried?
It’s actually not too recently, oddly enough!  I’ve been a little on edge for hormonal reasons the past few days, and the good ol’ dissatisfaction with my current place in the world, but I’ll cite the funniest example.  I watched an episode of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys where the people tried to put Herc on trial for inspiring people to endanger themselves by trying to be ‘heroes’ and how ‘heroes’ had no place in a civilized society.  But in the end he gave a passionate speech about what it means to be a hero and if that’s wrong in the modern world, he’ll gladly go to prison for it, and then all his friends stood up and did the “I am Spartacus” thing to stand by him, and I’m not gonna lie, I got a little choked up.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope!  This is unusual among my high school classmates, but normal among my college friends.  I do have two cats that I unload my motherly feelings on, though, along with some of my friends’ kids, to whom I am an honorary auntie.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
I’ve come around to being mostly irony-free and earnest!  However, I feel being around my brother brings out my sarcastic side.  And sometimes I will try to use sarcasm for good, ie. sarcastically complaining about my friends’ qualities that are clearly false and the opposite of their best qualities, to demonstrate how absurd their own self-criticism is to me.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I mean, obviously just seeing them I’ll notice what they look like, but I feel I am also very attuned to the kind of energy people project, and shy away from certain kinds of energy and gravitate toward others.  I don’t mean anything weird and spiritual by this, I just mean the vibes and emotions I pick up from the way people talk, carry themselves, respond to others, etc.
6. What’s your eye color?
It’s a dull greyish shade of green or blue that looks greener or bluer or brighter depending on what I’m wearing.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I mean, for sure happy endings!  There’s certain brands of ‘horror’ that aren’t too rough for me and have elements I do enjoy, but often that milder horror will have a happy ending, too!
8. Any special talents?
Well, if I’m honest, I have no false modesty about my singing voice.  In fact, I have been known (to my shame) to get a little vain or show-offy about it.  But so many people tell me it’s nice, and I take great joy in singing, and I like the sound of it, too, and I have a special pride when I am able to lead people in song because my voice is on-pitch and strong and confident.
9. Where were you born?
Billings, Montana!
10. What are you hobbies?
At the moment?  I’m trying to get back into drawing and writing fanfics.  But I have not achieved massive success so far!  I’ve had more success reading through my third biography of Lafayette, and writing weird meta-essays comparing fandom stuff . . . When I’m with like-minded friends, we always sing folk-songs or hymns together, and that’s always a wonderful time!  Occasionally I enjoy playing my guitar alone or cross-stitching as well . . .  To simplify, my hobbies are everything and nothing!!
11. Do you have any pets?
Cats!  My two girls I adopted in Korea, Kartoshka (Toshka for short) and Dulcinea (Dulcie for short) have now joined their venerable old uncle Phoenix, whom I got in high school and who stayed with my parents while I was in Korea.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to play softball in middle school, and I took a summer course in Mixed Martial Arts once.  When I was a little girl, I took ballet.  But I’m not super-athletic by nature, so I haven’t played in quite a while.
13. How tall are you?
5′3′‘-5′4′‘ I think.
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Choir, Art (specifically loved my sculpture class; my teacher was amazing!) and Acting in high school.  Really loved my Philosophy class and Classical Mythology class when I got to college, but my FAVORITE class of my college career was Screenwriting!
15. Dream job?
Well, as you can see by my favorite subjects and favorite hobbies, my interests are very wide across the spectrum of the arts!  Do I wanna be a musical theatre actress?  A folk/filk singer?  A stage or film director, or actress?  A screenwriter?  An author of fiction or an author of comparative literature criticism?  A comic book writer/illustrator?  A sculptor?  An English teacher or college lecturer who just gets to monologue about my favorite books and themes as a living?  A youtuber who does the same?  All of the above and more? 
But also, my career experience so far has been in International ESL Education, and I do love working with kids!  I specifically loved working closer with individual kids in a tutoring capacity, while also experiencing new cultures!  So I was looking into au pair/governess stuff . . .
Following in the footsteps of my esteemed forebear, I won’t tag anyone specifically, but welcome anyone who sees this (especially if we know each other!) to participate, if they feel so inclined! :)
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koolkitty9 · 5 months
For the writers procrastinating WIP(s) ask game =D: 🦈 🖍 🤔
(ask meme)
🦈- It's for my current AU fic but it's Chapter 10: Realm of Love
🖍- Iwao smiled brightly, “Sage of Love, we’ve known each other a long time...I can’t believe you never realized you have seen your ancestor here!”
🤔- Umm I've always wanted to make an au of my au where it's darker and Yumoto fails but ajdlkga I never do! I also wanted to write a potential Boueibu Love s3. I ALSO want to write another fic to my Life is Strange, Linked Universe series
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shadowsong26fic · 1 year
No update for Papa and Javert... this week because RL has been. A Lot, haha. I’ll do a proper Coming Attractions on Monday as always, but a few quick things:
- The podfic I did for SWBB is now complete! As is the text, which was a lot of fun to read! - Galactica Big Bang and Mini Bang officially opens up this weekend! :D Still going back and forth on whether I’m going to sign up as a writer in addition to running it, but I’ve more or less settled on what I’m going to do if I do write for it, so there’s that. - I have a couple more Les Mis fics in the pipeline (possibly it should have its own tag at this point, rather than living under ‘shadowsong writes other fandoms,’ lol...) One of which is a companion to Papa and Javert..., covering some things that Ari won’t be able to learn for various reasons. The other is a Groundhog Day AU; I’ve got a few repetitions worked out and am tossing a couple title ideas back and forth in my head, so once I have some text down on that it’ll probably get posted. Provenance (working title for the other one) will probably be posted as a one-shot after P&J finishes. - I’m giving myself an extra week for the June OTP meme fills because...again, RL has been a Lot. - I’m also doing pod_together again, and working on plotting out what I’m doing for it, which is going to be A Lot of fun, I think! Challenging, but the good kind of challenging.
Behind the cut, because Why Not, there’s a couple bits of Trivia for P&J. Most of these will come up later (either in the main fic or in Provenance) so. Sneak peak!
(also, I’ll be around if anyone wants to hang out for an Open Question Night. again, because Why Not)
1. So, the titular painting was completed in late August of 1834. Cosette’s eldest son was born October 1 of the same year. This is probably at least 30% of the reason why Valjean actually agreed to the whole thing.
2. When Phil was working as a translator in college, his languages were English and French.
3. One of Cosette’s Souvenir/Memory paintings is a double-portrait of her and one of her granddaughters in their respective wedding dresses, because sixty years later Giant Sleeves were back in fashion and she thought that was hilarious. It is titled Souvenir de soixante ans (Memory of sixty years)
4. The five kids are, in order: Jean (born October 1, 1834) Thierry and Hélène (twins; born spring of 1837) Juliette (always called Soleil; born in 1840) René (Phil’s ancestor, born in 1844)
5. The two months Cosette spent in Calais are extremely relevant to Ari’s research.
6. While Ari doesn’t uncover any more paintings, there are a few other heirlooms that turn up: the candlesticks (because Of Course); a pocketwatch; a piece of hair jewelry...
7. Javert also has a Wikipedia page.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
A little early for that w/ Todoroki, Shinsou and Bakugou
Request: hii can i req a hc of todo, shinsou, and bakugou seeing y/n taking care of eri then they’ll be like “i want a baby with you” :D - anonymous
Don’t get me started on the latest BNHA chapter. I just don’t want to talk about it. I’ll try to make a double upload today so maybe expect a song fic after this one Love ya.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff
Todoroki Shoto 
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-It was during Eri’s visit during christmas that it hit Todo. 
-You were dressed in a Santa costume just like everyone else with Eri gripping your hand as you took her around the room explaining all about Christmas celebrations. 
-It was a very mundane moment if you think about it. 
-You were being kind and caring to a child who had suffered immensely at the hands of Overhaul and you wanted to show her what the holiday was all about. 
-Now that he thinks of it, it shouldn’t have struck him like it did. 
-His chest became warm and fuzzy, his cheeks heating up a bit as he stared at you and Eri. 
-Then you kneeled down and brought Eri into a hug, raising her into the air so she could place an ornament on the class’s tree and it was game over for him. 
-He prides himself in being a rather collected person but at that moment he lost all sense of control over his emotions. 
-His mouth hung open and his chest started to squeeze, knocking the breath out of him. 
-He couldn’t help the thoughts of the both of  you owning a house somewhere not very far from Tokyo, waking up to you every morning , making breakfast with you and enjoying all the moments you shared. 
-Then other images flooded his mind. 
-Sitting in the living room as you steadied your toddler, a perfect mix of the two of you, helping them waddle towards him. 
-Him helping them place the ornament at the very top of your Christmas tree every time you decorated.
-He could see your smile so vividly he almost thought it was real. 
-It was a ridiculous thought for a 16 year old to have and he knew it but in that moment he let himself imagine it. 
-Before he knew it you were standing next to him, Eri running off to Aizawa excited to share what she just learned about christmas,  arms crossed over your chest as you let out a happy sigh. 
- “My santa work is done for the day.”
- “You would make a great mom” 
- *pikachu meme*
-He sensed your confusion *and so did your dead ancestors*
- “I want to be next to you when that happens.” 
-Girl you got whiplash from this whole conversation. 
-You couldn’t decide if you were soft and giddy since he basically said that he wants to start a family with you or if you were terrified because he said he wants to start A FAMILY WITH YOU WHEN YOU’RE BARELY 16. 
-In his defense he didn’t say he wanted to start now. 
-So you kinda calmed down. 
- “I-um thank you Sho. I think you would make a great father too.”
-Blushy blushy baby after that one. 
-Some denial sprinkled on top because trauma but blushy blushy boy. 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Okay now third year Shinsou is a stressed Shinsou. 
-A third year you is a stressed you. 
-And a field day with your now ten year old somewhat trauma free adopted by your homeroom teacher child was what you both needed. 
-Shinsou is like a big brother to Eri at this point. 
-He has babysat her one too many times to not be considered at least a stable figure in her life. 
-You had decided to take a stroll in the park, the autumn air and all the pretty leaves making it a sight to behold. 
-Plus it had a pond with ducks. 
-And you love ducks. 
-Shinsou had brought some bread crumbs so you could feed them and that’s what you were doing when it hit him. 
-That weird domesticity. 
-You were crouched down on Eri’s height, one arm wrapped securely around her small waist so she wouldn’t fall into the pond and the other was outstretched with a piece of bread, motioning to the ducks to approach you. 
-It was a nice scene, picture perfect if you asked him and it did something to his heart strings. 
-Just like Todo he imagined walking home with you after a tiring day at your agency, your hands intertwined, matching golden bands circling your ring fingers. 
-He imagined a little Y/N being next to you and not Eri. 
-Vibrant purple hair sticking out at every which direction as they would throw bread at the ducks maybe even calling him over when one got too close. 
-He was so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed you standing in front of him, waving your hand over his eyes so you could get his attention. 
- “Earth to Toshi!” 
-You giggled when he shook his head, his eyes wide as he stared at your smiling features. 
- “Eri is hungry-” “You are hungry Y/N-chan!!!” “- and she wanted to go get some good old onigiri from that new shop that opened down the street.” “Lies…”
-You side-eyed the little girl who outed you, her own eyes staring right back in accusation as you let out a sigh saying under your breath “I’m hungry”
-He couldn’t control his laughter as it bubbled from his lips, ruffling Eri’s hair while giving you a kiss on the lips as he circled his arm around your waist and took Eri’s with his other one. 
- “Can’t say no to my girls now, can I?” 
-It was later that night when he voiced his thoughts. 
-You were asleep in his dorm, laying basically on him with your head tucked in his neck as you breathed evenly. 
- “It’s a little early to think of kids but I can’t wait to have one with you.” 
-And with that he fell asleep his dreams being filled with images of you.
Bakugou Katsuki 
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-You managed to get him to say that???
-Mister tough as balls?
-Mister imma roundhouse kick you if you look at me with affection in your eyes?
-Someone get this girl a medal. 
-But in all seriousness it was a very motherly move. 
-You were in your second year, the events of the war with the villains still haunting all of you so everyone was keeping an eye on their loved ones and their classmates. 
-Bakugou was no exception .
-Seeing people getting hurt severely, seeing himself so defeated and hurt during those battles had rattled him and he would always linger close to you, a slight paranoia having taken his place in his heart the past few months. 
-You understood why he did it, why he hovered next to you most of the time and if you were being honest it didn’t really bother you * except from that one time you went to the bathroom and he called you three times in a row bc he couldn’t see you and panicked*
-Eri was running around with Kaminari and Sero, the three of them playing tag with the one brain cell they all shared at the moment. 
-Suddenly, Eri tripped and fell, scraping her knee on the pavement, small tears forming in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall. 
-In a flash you were next to her, a hand massaging her knee around the area of the wound while the other one was cupping her cheek, your thumb making small circles on the girl’s cheekbones. 
- “It’s just a scratch. See? It’s not that bad.”
-Bakugou was just staring at the scene unfolding in front of him, his immediate thoughts being that you looked so motherly in that moment. 
-The concern and the reassurance reminded him of his mother when she would calm him down after he got hurt, before she became a pain in the ass *as he likes to say*.
-Without him even realizing it he made a mental image of your shared family. 
-A house in the outskirts, with a yard, maybe a dog running around. 
-But most importantly a little demon that looked like you, climbing onto your shared bed on his day off, nestling in between you two as it went back asleep.
-You making breakfast while having them in your arms. 
-He really wished he could see that now. 
-But he’s a little young and you wouldn’t really like having a baby before finishing high school sooo he kinda buried it. 
-He told you about it when you both were in his dorm getting ready for a movie night. 
-It was a more aggressive approach but you got the point of his little rant. 
- “I want to spend my life with you too Katsu.” 
- “OI!”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @luluwiie​ @threeamwriting​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​
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