hexentanzenigma · 5 months
I wish to drown in my pain, alone, just like a moth dancing to its death in the flame - Cazador / Astarion pre-canon fanfiction
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Summary: at the Szarr Palace, every single creature living under its roof is busy preparing the incoming event: an especially important ball, important enough to set the Great Hall up, in the Upper City wing. For this reason, Cazador summons Astarion, needing something from him. In Astarion's mind, it's the dreadful moment when he will know how he will be asked to entertain the guests.
But this time things are not as he thought.
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redstone-sun · 1 year
hey zain, i blanked out for two days i think, and tumblr didn't send me notifs, can i still do the ask game thing? 28, 30, 36 pwease,?
yes of course!! i love ask game you could ask me in ten years and if i could still find the post i’d 100% do it
28: Favorite side character: for flau i’m gonna go with hex because i hate him but i love him but i fucking hate him. for s&h tho it’s gotta be dillon bc You Know
30: Favorite idea you haven’t started on yet: mmmmfuck. hm. usually i at least get SOMETHING down for my ideas even if it’s a couple sentences so it’s hard to come up with anything i haven’t technically started yet.
36: Last sentence you wrote: for s&h it’s ‘They didn’t speak until they got back to Dillon’s.’ but for those of y’all who don’t give a shit here’s something from Hex’s Fun Zee Adventure More Like Grian and Mumbo’s TORMENTOUS NIGHTMARE: ‘He dashed away, chittering.’ sorry they’re not more fun and interesting lol
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Me: Man, I’m gonna have to take a break from the Hex fic. Idk why tho I’m having so much fun with it and I know what happens next =(
HexFic: You’ve written over 11000 sad, angsty childhood touyaxyou trauma words nonstop for like a month 
Me: Oh lol that’s why 
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hexentanzenigma · 6 months
Time moves slowly, but passes quickly - Cazador / Astarion pre-canon fanfiction
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Summary: apparently it's just another monotonous night in the Szarr family palace. After finishing with his “guest” , Astarion is trying to take a little time for himself and take a bath. However, all too soon, someone knocks on the bathroom door and shatters that one wish he had.
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hexentanzenigma · 6 months
Time moves slowly, but passes quickly - Cazador / Astarion pre-canon fanfiction
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Summary: Cazador rang his bell twice and sent Astarion to the kennels for Godey's skillful skeletal hands to take care of him. Astarion is in despair and hopes to get out soon but beyond the door familiar steps are approaching.
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hexentanzenigma · 2 months
Blackwater - Chapter 4 [BG3 canon-divergence fanfic]
Chapter 4: We all have parts of ourselves that we hide, that we don't want the world to see
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Summary: Astarion has spent a very boring few days trying to understand the routine of Blackwater, searching for something strange, something that might give him even just a glimpse of what might happen there. Unfortunately to no avail. Or rather, it's all so normal that it seems strange and it's so evasive that it's like trying to grasp water. However, at a certain point he discovers that Father Solimano is used to give audiences to the people. How can he ever avoid taking advantage of it?
This is the transposition of the *first arc* of our D&D dark erotic semi-original campaign my partner created for me to roleplay Astarion.
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hexentanzenigma · 4 months
Blackwater - Chapter 2 [BG3 canon-divergence fanfic]
Chapter 2: A knight with a shining armor is a man who never tested its metal
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Summary: After fleeing Argante's camp and his fury, Astarion ran until, exhausted, collapsed to the ground. On the verge of death for either the lack of blood or the scorching kiss of the sun that will soon cook him, Astarion doesn't know that luck is still spinning in his direction. But for how much longer?
This is the transposition of the *first arc* of our D&D dark erotic semi-original campaign my partner created for me to roleplay Astarion.
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hexentanzenigma · 5 months
I'm part of the Cazador Nation, mainly active on Twitter. My interest around the fandom is about BG3/D&D vampire/Szarr lore :D
You can find me here:
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/HexentanzEnigma AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Hexentanz_Enigma Bsky (low-activity): hexentanzenigma.bsky.social
My Fanfictions:
Tag: #HexFics
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Time move slowly, but passes quickly
Tumblr link Twitter link
● Chapter 1: How did it get so late so soon? ● Chapter 2: If somebody never gets enough of you, they will always want more
I wish to drown in my pain, alone, just like a moth dancing to its death in the flame
Tumblr link Twitter link
● Chapter 1: To watch us dance is to hear our hearts break
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Tumblr link Twitter link
● [Chapter 1] - There's no trust without honesty. There's no betrayal without trust
● [Chapter 2] - A knight with a shining armor is a man that never tested its metal - [Tumblr link]
● [Chapter 3] - You can't take back the past, but you can fight for the future - [Tumblr link]
● [Chapter 4] - We all have parts of ourselves that we hide, that we don't want the world to see - [Tumblr link]
● [Chapter 5] - [WIP] Paused for working on the CazStar Big Bang on Twitter. Will resume soon! Thanks for your patience :3
My Analysis:
Tag: #HexAnalysis
● Astarion's Name - Meaning - LOTR Elven languages (Quenya/Sindarin)
● Astarion's Age - About the Headstone _____________________________________________
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hexentanzenigma · 5 months
Chapter 1: There's no trust without honesty. There's no betrayal without trust.
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Summary: what if Astarion was forced to flee from the party at the beginning of their incredible adventure, to survive the terrible reaction after discovering he was a vampire?
This is the transposition of the *first arc* of our D&D dark erotic semi-original campaign my partner created for me to roleplay Astarion.
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hexentanzenigma · 3 months
Blackwater - Chapter 3 [BG3 canon-divergence fanfic]
Chapter 3: You can't take back the past, but you can fight for the future
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Summary: After fleeing (again) Meromen's place and a whole tenday of travelling, scared and alone, Astarion reaches Blackwater. He needs to find a way and a place to stay, as many information as he can collect in order to find a reason to get closer to Solimano. What stands before his eyes, however, is not exactly what he thought he would find there, not in the people, not in the happenings, leaving him with more questions than answers.
This is the transposition of the *first arc* of our D&D dark erotic semi-original campaign my partner created for me to roleplay Astarion.
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hexterah · 7 years
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  Goodnight -- written: 2007.06.06
"Love, it's all for the good of the galaxy." His eyes were pleading with her to understand him, and moments after she continued to just stare in shock, her eyebrows furrowed, and he grew stern. "I'm doing it for us. For you. For--"
They could hear Allana squeaking down the hallway towards them, yelling after the vrenfur.
"I'm doing it for her."
Tenel Ka said nothing, her eyes shooting to the corridor Allana was about to emerge from, Jacen spinning towards it as well, a furry little thing jumping out first and scurrying away. Allana arrived mere moments later, chasing it towards Jacen, who effortlessly stooped down and picked the tiny creature up. Their daughter meandered over to him as he knelt down and they began talking back and forth, quite animatedly, about the little ball of fur in his hand.
His back was to her, and the Queen Mother's eyes were lost in his mop of shaggy brown hair. She was still processing everything she had seen.
He had killed Mara Jade Skywalker. A Master, a friend, a mentor.
A Mother.
Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends ⇝ Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka, Allana Djo Solo
Notes: “hey heather you like tenel ka and jacen and wanted them to be happy right?”
yes ofc
“are you sure”
.....................yes, why
“ ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) ”
(I swear there will be happy Jacen/Tenel Ka stories soon I SWEAR -- I was in a phase here. :|)
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hexterah · 7 years
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   Friction -- written: 2006.12.18
"You're not seeing things. Come out here." The man's eyes were still closed, but he spoke. And Jacen recognized that voice. It was his own, except deeper.
His mind told him to turn and run, but his feet were carrying him forward, out into the clearing with this man. Finally, the man opened his eyes, which were a deep shade of brown, and leaned forward, pushing his messy head of brown hair off of the tree. "Hi there."
Jacen could only stand there, jaw dropped, eyes narrowed. It couldn't be -- no, was it? It was him against that tree. He was older. The man sighed.
"How I remember days like these..." He was speaking more to himself than to Jacen, who now had his hands balled into fists by his side. What was this, some kind of joke? The man pushed himself to his feet and stepped forward, placing his hand on Jacen's forehead.
He could feel his body getting light, his joints going limp. The next thing he knew, he was tumbling to the ground and hearing the words, "Don't mess this up."
Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends ⇝ Tenel Ka, Jacen Solo
Notes: were u looking for something pervy because here you go. Let me just share the notes on the story:
“I REALLY wish I could remember what ridiculous conversation spawned this story. I'm sure it was a group chat of perversion and ridiculousness and this is one of the things that came from it. More perversion and ridiculousness. I'm pretty sure it had to do with us joking about Jacen and his crystal snake. Also, add this to the "Joiner King One Night" list of stories I have going in my collection, hehe.” 
Jacen and his crystal snake spawned this madness.
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hexterah · 7 years
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  A Picture Of -- written: 2007.02.13
She stood casually, from her seat, trying to look as calm as possible; her mind reeling around sudden ways to escape this confrontation. Usually she never minded things of the sort, but the look in the man's eyes that she caught for the moments their gazes were joined; it unsettled her slightly.
He stopped in front of her, his left hand in his pocket and his right setting a glass down on the table beside him. He bowed gently, which calmed her the smallest bit. "Your Majesty." He pulled a coin out, a coin Tenel Ka hadn't seen in years. It was a credit coin, the two different sides glinting in the dim light as he turned it over in his hand. "Heads -- we're dancing."
And with that, he threw it into the air and caught it, flipping it over onto the back of his opposite hand.
"Aren't you the bold one?" She stated flatly more than asked.
"Not usually. But you looked bored. And I am bored."
"These things usually make you that way," Tenel Ka said, finishing off her last sip of wine.
Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends ⇝ Tenel Ka, Jacen Solo
Notes: So this fic was inspired by a song from 1989 by Kate Bush called Heads We’re Dancing. It’s about a woman who dances with a man at a party and finds out the next morning that he’s an absolute monster. There’s a link to the song up there at the AO3 link to the story. I basically used that same idea and wrote a Jacen & Tenel Ka story where they never knew each other and this was the first time they met. There’s more rambles about that also in the story notes at the AO3 link.
And did I use gifs from The Fall for this banner? MAYBE YES. Do I regret it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NEVER.
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hexterah · 7 years
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  Nursing Wounds -- written: 2006.11.21
Throwing her Force presence back to the bed, it took almost all of her concentration to hold it there, hoping Jacen couldn't see through that trick. Padding across the carpet to the nursery door, Tenel Ka grabbed her lightsaber off of the ornate dresser on the way. Her mind raced and all she could picture was him standing over Allana's lifeless form -- and then turning and doing the same thing to her. Killing them both within a span of seconds for some damn fool's crusade he told himself he had to perform to save the universe. Her eyes welled with tears once she finally stopped in the door frame.
The knot in her stomach, it unraveled.
Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends ⇝ Tenel Ka, Jacen Solo, Allana Djo Solo
Notes: This was just before Tempest came out -- so Allana is around that age. Here, she knows Jacen is her dad, whereas in Tempest, he still is just ~JEDI JACEN~ to her. MORE ANGST MY BAD I’M SORRY
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hexterah · 8 years
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   Breathless -- written: 2006.09.29
There was something in his eyes. She could usually identify and read everything about him. His expressions, his movements, his thoughts. That something in his eyes though, she didn't know what it meant. But she didn't let it get to her. What mattered was that he was here. Padding out of the refresher and drying her hair from the quick shower she had taken, she stopped when she saw him. He was standing with his back to her, staring out the tall picture windows that stretched across her quarters, his eyes following the moons and stars above Hapes. He had on a pair of nondescript black pants that only hung to below his knees and his hands were clasped behind his back, which was bare. She could see his shoulder blades shifting slightly as he sensed her and began to turn to face her.
She came in the room to face him, sliding around the corner and stopping mid-step. Her hair hung in sweaty strands that brushed against her cheeks, while the fingers of her right hand wrapped around the rough handle of her lightsaber. He was perched atop a table that ran along the conference rooms massive transparisteel window, down on his haunches, his eyes following the passing lanes of Coruscant traffic. She saw his head tilt to the side slightly -- she knew he sensed her. And as he shifted to face her, she spoke out, only able to say his name.
Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends ⇝ Jacen Solo, basically his douchy evil twin Darth Caedus even though this was written before he took the name Darth Caedus, Tenel Ka
Notes: One time (I believe it was when this was originally posted on TFN!) a person left a comment on this story along the lines of, “This is gonna sound off the wall but I totally love the phallic imagery here between these two events.”
And I was like, “.................. THANK YOU I WISH I COULD SAY I MEANT TO DO THAT?????? ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ”
I don’t think I meant to do it when writing it. Although, I mean, maybe I did subconsciously.
Also, goodness gracious geez louise, I had a shitton of fun with the original version of this banner. I had it saved for at least a month and a half waiting to get to this story. I ended up having to chop it up cause of gif limit size but I’ll post the original  that I wish I could have posted with this at some point -- maybe on the revamp of my J/TK fanwork site??? (I have also had the banner done/saved for the Jacen/Zekk story and that’s EXACTLY 25 STORIES AWAY FROM THIS ONE.)
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hexterah · 8 years
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  Understood & Forgiven -- written: 2006.06.02
He could still feel bits of her skin under his nails.
By the only door to the chamber, the light on the panel blinked and he watched as a lone soul entered the room. A small girl. His daughter. Their daughter. She moved forward slowly, her bare feet padding through blood that slid through the cracks in the stone floor.
Jacen felt himself struggle with the sudden urge to throw up.
The girl froze, her wide eyes finally adjusted to the light and landed on the body of her mother, which laid at Jacen Solo's feet.
Star Wars: Expanded Universe/Legends ⇝ Jacen Solo, Tenel Ka, Allana
Notes: Another day, another gif of Jared as Jacen and/or Caedus being a feckin’ angst machine (BLESS U SPN, FOR PROVIDING ME WITH ALL OF THIS GOOD MATERIAL aaaaand BLESS U NETFLIX FOR HAVING P. MUCH ALL OF SPN). Basically, this was written right around/shortly after the first book in the Legacy of the Force series was released. So Jacen’s path already looked a little slippery and I just RAN WITH IT.
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