Melanin-Infused #SightSaver Computer Glasses protect against the harmful #bluelight rays generated from the hours and hours we spend in front of electronic devices.
How harmful is HEV (blue light)?
HEV (blue light) rays are as harmful as the better-known UVA and UVB rays we protect ourselves from by wearing sunglasses when we go outdoors.
The HEV or blue light has been linked to many potential dangers.
Advanced macular degeneration and cataracts - the rays are so small that these rays are not stopped by the lenses in our eyes. Instead they can reach to the very back of the eye and cause permanent damage.
Sleep deprivation and melatonin suppression - Blue light throws our circadian rhythm into an unbalanced state. Melatonin production is suppressed which tricks your body into thinking it should be awake when it should be asleep. Melatonin is an important hormone that helps to balance sleep messages in our brain. It also affects other processes in the form of regulating other body processes that protect us from conditions such as cancer, depression, and diabetes. 
Cancer (breast and prostrate) increased by 7-fold with lack of sleep, the body's own repair system is cheated and lacks the time it takes to fully recover and protect our long-term health. 
Depression - is also significantly affected by lack of sleep
Diabetes - the lack of sleep is also a secondary cause of diabetes
How do you know if your are experiencing Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)?
The symptoms include: 
Eye fatigue
Eye strain
Blurred vision
Dry or irritated eyes
Loss of sleep 
So what is the likelihood that we can avoid CVS?
Obviously one thing that would help is to never watch a tv, smartphone, or handheld device ever again. Haaaah! That is funny! Not going to happen, right? Not for me at least...look at what I am doing now! I am writing a great article that teaches you about CVS and warns you agains reading it on your computer screen! And what are you doing?
But we are turning a blind eye (the pun is intended) to the problem. You must fight this silent, insidious, unrelenting attack on your irreplaceable eyes and help them survive the digital age.
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Why are these new SightSaver Computer Glasses the state-of-the-art  Professional Protection you need?
Now, you can protect yourself against it in other ways. #kulaBrands is now backing a fledging company that has developed the answer to all of our CVS problems. It is called #SightSaver and it uses an advanced technology that addresses these blue rays face on. 
These lenses are infused with a scientifically proven, proprietary synthetic melanin called Melaneye. Synthetic melanin was first created in the labs at Yale Medical Research Center. Natural melanin is the body’s protection against harmful rays. In addition to our skin, it is also found in the retina of our eyes – but we lose it as we age. Use of synthetic melanin can counteract this loss.
The Melaneye infused into SightSaver lenses is what sets them apart from ordinary, colored computer glasses.  
Our stylish frames are made from TR-90 – which is a high-end material usually found only in designer eyewear costing $200 to $300 and more. This material is more attractive and durable than ordinary materials.
The frames are intentionally a “wrap-around” style.  This provides maximum protection by keeping out more ambient, unfiltered light that would otherwise try to reach your eyes from around the edge of the frames.
We have a detachable inner frame that fits inside the larger frame. Those needing prescription lenses can detach this frame, take it to their optician, and have their prescription lenses placed in this frame. Then simply re-attach this smaller frame. If you don’t need the smaller, inner frame, simply detach it. 
Our eyewear is designed to be for everyone.
MAKE ROYALTIES ON THIS PROJECT BY CONTACTING a kulaBrands member now. If you are going to crowdfund it, you may as well make inheritable royalties on it too.
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karen-406-blog · 7 years
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kulatimes · 7 years
#HiTekSpeks see what people are saying about these speks, protect your eyes while on your devices https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2012741505612517&id=1757024704517533
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