#Hibiki Kazama
venomomega196 · 5 months
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Tekken 8 - Shotos
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hershuargames · 2 years
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Pocky Day School Girls
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suzakucastle · 2 months
Pronunciation Guide for Fighting Games
A lot of people tend to say words and names wrong. For those who care, this guide should help with proper pronunciation. In particular, what syllables are stressed, proper spelling, and so on. This'll help you not look and sound like ignorant gaijin (gai-jeen) when talking to Asian players.
Again, if this doesn't bother you (and I acknowledge that for the vast majority of the FGC it doesn't), feel free to ignore this guide. Just don't get on everyone else's case, please. Also, don't use this guide to act smug towards your peers.
In short, this is to help people who want to be helped. That's all. Please understand. If there are any mistakes, let me know.
Note: Unfortunately, Mortal Kombat will be ignored for this guide, as saying Japanese words wrong is a franchise tradition, so it'd be a lost cause even trying. If you see any familiar words from that series, just bear in mind the proper pronunciation for everywhere else.
Letters/syllables in bold are sounds to be stressed when saying that word or name, if necessary.
Ryu = Rh-Yoo (See Shoryuken below)
Hadoken = Ha-Dou-Keh-N
Shoryuken = Sho-Rh-Yoo-Keh-N
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku = Tah-Tsu-Mah-Ki Se-N-Poo-Kh-Yah-Koo
Jin = Jeen
Bushinryu = Bu-Shee-N-Rh-Yoo
Kazuya = Kah-Zoo-Ya
Mishima = Mee-Shee-Mah
Kazama = Kah-Zah-Mah
Iori = Eee-Oh-Ree
Sakura = Sah-Kuu-Rah
Akuma = Ah-Kuu-Mah
Gouki = Goh-Uu-Kee
Kasumi = Kah-Suu-Mee
Raiden = Rah-Ee-Deh-N
Ryo = Rh-Yoh
Heihachi = Heh-Eee-Hah-Chee
Jun = Juu-N
Akira = Ah-Kee-Rah
Fujin = Fuu-Jee-N
Ayame = Ah-Yah-Meh
Mugen = Moo-Geh-N
Tenshin = Teh-N-Shee-N
Zangief = Zah-N-Gee-Eh-Voo
Yuri = Yoo-Ree
Chun-Li = Choo-N-Lee
Chizuru = Chee-Zuu-Ruu
Sasuke = Sah-Suu-Keh
Denjin = Deh-N-Jee-N
Shin = Sh-Ee-N
Kyo = Kh-Yoh
Shippu = Shee-Puu
Bounge = Poh-N-Geh
Koehan = Koh-Ah-N
Kaphwan =
Hwoarang = Wah-Rah-N
Raijin = Rah-Eee-Jee-N
Karaoke = Kah-Rah-Oh-Keh
Kazuma = Kah-Zoo-Mah
Kiryu = Kee-Ree-Yoo
Hayate = Hah-Yah-Teh
Shiranui = Shee-Rah-Noo-Eee
Yashiro = Yah-Shee-Roh
Shun = Shh-Uhh-N
Goku = Goh-Kuu
Satsu = Sah-Tsu
Ansatsuken = Ah-N-Sah-Tsu-Keh-N
Asura = Ah-Soo-Rah
Senku = Se-N-Kuu
Naruto = Nah-Ruu-Toh
Boruto = Boh-Ruu-Toh
Kaioken = Kah-Eee-Oh-Keh-N
Kikosho = Kee-Koh-U-Sho
Kyokugen = Kh-Yo-Kuu-Geh-N
Gouken = Goh-U-Keh-N
Saikyo = Sah-Eee-Kh-Yoh
Hibiki = Hee-Bee-Kee
Takane = Tah-Kah-Ne
Sento = Seh-N-Toh
Yakuza = Yah-Kuu-Zah
Sagat = Sah-Gah-Tt
Adon = Ah-Dah-N
Hinata = Hee-Nah-Tah
Makoto = Mah-Koh-Toh
Ibuki = Eee-Buu-Kee
Kolin = Koh-Lee-Eh-N
Messatsu = Meh-Sah-Tsu
Shichisei = Shee-Chee-Seh-Eee
Tensei = Teh-N-Seh-Eee
Ranka = Rah-N-Kah
Tensho = Teh-N-Sho
Senretsu = Seh-N-Reh-Tsu
Asuka = Ah-Soo-Kah
Tekken = Teh-Keh-N
Izuna = Eee-Zoo-Nah
Otoshi = Oh-Toh-Shee
Pokémon = Poh-Keh-Mo-N
Pokkén = Poh-Keh-N
Ayane = Ah-Yah-Neh
Ryoko = Rh-Yoh-Koh
Hattori = Hah-Toh-Ree
Haohmaru = Hah-Oh-Mah-Ruu
Mitsurugi = Mee-Tsu-Ruu-Gee
Nakoruru = Nah-Koh-Ruu-Ruu
Yagami = Yah-Gah-Mee
Daidoji = Dah-Eee-Doh-U-Jee
Hinoka = Hee-Noh-Kah
Karin = Kah-Ree-N
Kanzuki = Kah-N-Zuu-Kee
Konoha = Koh-Noh-Hah
Zaibatsu = Zah-Eee-Bah-Tsu
Xiaoyu = Sha-Oh-Yoo
Mizuki = Mee-Zoo-Kee
Orochi = Oh-Roh-Chee
Karate = Kah-Rah-Teh
Shinku = Shee-N-Kuu
Jinrai = Jee-N-Rah-Eee
Guren = Guu-Reh-N
Kakashi = Kah-Kah-Shee
Sukuna = Soo-Koo-Nah
Tanjiro = Tah-N-Jee-Roh
Hitomi = Hee-Toh-Mee
Raiko = Rah-Eee-Koh
Kuruoshiki = Koo-Roo-Oh-Shee-Kee
Kagenaru = Kah-Geh-Nah-Roo
Mono = Moh-Noh
Kamehameha = Kah-Meh-Hah-Meh-Hah
Hazan = Hah-Zah-N
Kuzuryu = Koo-Zoo-Rh-Yoo
Tenma = Teh-N-Mah
Sie = Sheh
Hashogeki = Hah-Sho-Geh-Kee
Kagura = Kah-Goo-Rah
Yasakani = Yah-Sah-Kah-Nee
Kusanagi = Koo-Sah-Nah-Gee
Yamada = Yah-Mah-Dah
Suzaku = Soo-Zah-Koo
Omake = Oh-Mah-Keh
Ukemi = Ooo-Keh-Mee
Kisaragi = Kee-Sah-Rah-Gee
Shishigami = Shee-Shee-Gah-Mee
Tachibana = Tah-Chee-Bah-Nah
Kaede = Kah-Eh-Deh
Raidou = Rah-Eee-Doh-U
Jotaro = Joh-Tah-Roh
Takeda = Tah-Keh-Dah
Nobara = Noh-Bah-Rah
Honaka = Hoh-Nah-Kah
Kamikaze = Kah-Mee-Kah-Zeh
Decapre = Dee-Kah-Br
That's it for now. I'm always going to be adding to/correcting this guide, so please check back for updates. Again, feel free to correct me if I've made any mistakes. Just don't be a prick about it, please.
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rggdriptournament · 1 year
#001: tsuyoshi nagumo vs yuta usami
#002: mikiko sadamoto vs kaoru sayama
#003: takayuki yagami vs masayoshi tanimura
#004: nick ogata vs christina
#005: shintaro kazama vs osamu kashiwagi
#006: keiji shibusawa vs koichi adachi
#007: saori shirosaki vs makoto makimura
#008: makoto date vs makoto tsukumo
#009: joon-gi han (y6) vs fumiya sugiura
#010: daisaku kuze vs hiroki awano
#011: shusuke kenmochi vs seong-hui
#012: daisaku minami vs rikiya shimabukuro
#013: saeko mukoda vs eri kamataki
#014: masaharu kaito vs yuya
#015: yasuko saejima vs jin kuwana
#016: kazuki vs tetsu tachibana
#017: tashiro vs daigo dojima (y2)
#018: naoki katsuya vs the lingerie thief
#019: satoshi shioya vs masaru watase
#020: dd vs mitsuru kuroiwa
#021: hana vs yuki
#022: producer kiryu vs american boy mitsuo
#023: yoshitaka mine vs akira mabuchi
#024: jun sadamoto vs yu nanba
#025: ai uehera vs hibiki otsuki
#026: chika arimura vs saki hatsumi
#027: the areshi brothers vs etsuko
#028: toru higashi vs shun akiyama
#029: shinada vs shrimpnada
#030: ryuji goda vs daimu akutsu
#031: sohei dojima vs masumi arakawa
#032: reina vs yayoi dojima
#033: ryo aoki vs hiroaki arai
#034: jo sawashiro vs jun oda
#035: futoshi shimano vs akira nishikiyama (y1)
#036: masaru sera vs tsukasa sagawa
#037: shigeki baba vs joon-gi han (y7)
#038: shinji tanaka vs takeshi kido
#039: nishida vs taiga saejima
#040: tesso vs akira nishikiyama (y0)
#041: goh hamazaki vs wen hai lee
#042: homare nishitani vs sosuke komaki
#043: miss tatsu vs mirei park
#044: bacchus vs sotaro komaki
#045: ono michio vs kamulop
#046: haruka sawamura vs kyoko amasawa
#047: goro majima vs the florist
#048: toranosuke sengoku vs kazuma kiryu
#049: yoko sawa vs yumi sawamura
#050: gary "buster" holmes vs andre richardson
#051: tianyou zhao vs takumi someya
#052: ichiban kasuga vs daigo dojima (post y2)
#053: masato arakawa vs masato aizawa
BONUS ROUND: dead souls costumes
BONUS ROUND: wildcard qualifier
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melisham · 1 year
full name. eiji akero ( real name: hibiki kazama ) .
age. 28.
height. 5'10.
gender. cis man ( he / him ) .
species. human.
notable physical characteristics & features. chin-length shaggy white/gray hair. dark gray eyes. bags under his eyes. lithe body, lanky. burn scar up his left calf & on his left shoulder-blade.
misc appearance. wears prescription glasses. bluetooth headphones usually around his neck.
current residence. originally from olivine city, now based in goldenrod, as that was the residence of the real professor akero.
occupation. pokémon professor specialized in steel type pokémon study ( real occupation: freelance coder ) .
team. main partner is a porygon, with a secondary rotom. "inherited" akero's pokémon of beldum, magnemite, klinklang.
lore. hibiki was mistaken for professor akero a number of times throughout his visiting other johto cities, & eventually decided to play along & actively pretend to be the professor for the benefits this gave him ( popularity, special sales, access to restricted areas, the like ) . however, a few months ago, he ran into the real eiji akero sneaking around in what hibiki had assumed was a regular tech auction. the auction ended in a fire in which eiji was crushed under debris & rubble, mutilated beyond recognition, while hibiki hastily grabbed whatever items he could find on the body & ran out burned but more than half-alive. he attempted to explain to authorities & emts that he wasn't eiji akero, but his two years of forging efforts & possession of eiji's belongings told them otherwise, & he was assumed to have simply suffered partial amnesia as result of head trauma & smoke inhalation. hibiki has given up trying to tell people the truth. he continues to exist as hibiki kazama only in digital format.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 11 months
Good Night World English Voice Actors 2
Let's do the side characters now.
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Anne Yatco as Aya Arima in Good Night World
BNA - Gran Grandma, Lisa
Jujutsu Kaisen - Nobara Kugisaki
Good Night World - Ruruga, Seishiro, The Black Bird
High Rise Invasion - China Mask, Uzuki
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Ben Diskin as Sasumta in Good Night World
BNA - Shiro Ogami
Bungo Stray Dogs - Michizou Tachihara, Karl, Kyouka's Dad, Orphanage Man 1, Sergeant Sugimoto
Cells At Work -Pneumococcus
Demon Slayer - Temple Demon
Erased - Satoru Fujinuma
Hunter X Hunter - Knuckle Bine
Kuroko's Basketball - Daiki Aomine, Jitsuzen No. 10, Player, Spectator
My Hero Academia - Skeptic/Tomoyasu Chikazoku
One Punch Man - Ground Dragon, Paradaiser, Super Custom YO649Z Mk. II
Sirius The Jaeger - Yevgraf
The Seven Deadly Sins - Ban
B: The Beginning - Kamui
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Carrie Keranen as Hana Kamuro in Good Night World
Bungo Stray Dogs - Ichiyou Higuchi, Elise, Gran, Mizuki Tsujimura
Erased - Akemi Hinazuki
Great Pretender - Dyshana
Hunter X Hunter - Baise, Female Operator, PC Voice
The Seven Deadly Sins - Guila
Toradora! - Yuri Koigakubo, Sakura Kano
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Jeannie Tirado as Pico/Hinako in Good Night World
Assassination Classroom - Okuno
Cells At Work - Kouhai Red Blood Cell
Demon Slayer - Kotetsu
Hunter X Hunter - Cluck, Kasuga
Jujutsu Kaisen - Misato Kuroi
My Hero Academia - Saiko Intelli
One Punch Man - Tareo
The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K - Kanazawa, Miiko
The Promised Neverland - Norman
Bubble - Young Hibiki
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Ray Chase as Shiga/Shigatera in Good Night World
Attack on Titan - Eren Kruger
Bungo Stray Dogs - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Cells At Work - Helper T Cell
Demon Slayer - Tengen Uzui, Rokuro
Edens Zero - Weisz Steiner
Hunter X Hunter - Hanzo, Geretta, Squala
Jujutsu Kaisen - Choso, Ryoumen Sukuna
Kuroko's Basketball - Shogo Haizaki
My Hero Academia - David Shield
One Punch Man - Puri-Puri Prisoner, Dr. Genus
Sirius The Jaeger - Willard
The Seven Deadly Sins - Howzer
B: The Beginning - Keith Kazama Flick, Heath Kazama Flick
The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K: Reawakened - Metori Saiko
The Orbital Children - Mayor Sagami
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Todd Haberkorn as Leon in Good Night World
Attack On Titan - Marlo Freudenburg
BNA - Fumio Mimura, Tanaka
Bungo Sray Dogs - Edgar Allen Poe
Hunter X Hunter - Genthru
My Hero Academia - Hiroshi Tameda
One Punch Man - Drive Knight, Charanko
Ouran High School Host Club - Hikaru Hitachin
Pretty Boy Detective Club - Lai Fudatsuki
B: The Beginning - Jonathan, Quinn
And this is just some of their roles!
I'm glad I split these up or else I would have been here forever.
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kanzakls · 6 years
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shsl survivors’ society aesthetics: hibiki kazama; former shsl voice actor, victim
”this...this is a joke, right?”
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hero-in-high-tops · 3 years
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punnysher · 3 years
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Akira and Daigo Kazama, in sprite form!
Please reblog and follow for more sprites!
Its wonderful to see Rival Schools represented again. RS3 when? Your move, capcom.
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earluydx · 3 years
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Legion of Heroes
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streetfightersource · 4 years
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Street Fighter V: Champion Edition Season V Roadmap
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hershuargames · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Sakura!
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demifiendrsa · 4 years
Street Fighter V: Champion Edition - Summer Update 2020
Dan Hibiki Developer Footage
Dan Hibiki, Rose, Oro, and Akira Kazama from Rival Schools have been revealed as four of the five planned additional fighters for Street Fighter V: Champion Edition‘s fifth and final season. The final character will launch in fall 2021 and be announced at a later date. 
Season 5 fighters:
Dan Hibiki (Winter 2020)
A mainstay from the Street Fighter Alpha series and last appearing in Street Fighter IV, Dan Hibiki will be bringing his (over) confidence and iconic “Taunt” to Street Fighter V. A training partner of Ryu and Ken, Dan considers himself well-equipped to “school” other players with his unique Saikyo-ryu (“Strongest Style”) fighting style.
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Rose (Spring 2021)
Rose is a fortune telling fan-favorite character who also previously starred in the Alpha series and Street Fighter IV. Using her tarot cards, Rose will arrive armed with a variety of unique special moves and plans to channel all of her Soul Power energy into Street Fighter V.
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Oro (Summer 2021)
Last appearing in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike, Oro is an ancient martial arts master who exists as an immortal hermit. He restricts one of his arms from use in order to give his opponents an advantage, but that won’t stop Oro from being one of the most well-trained and powerful fighters in Street Fighter V.
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Akira Kazama from Rival Schools (Summer 2021)
First introduced in Capcom’s 1997 fighting game Rival Schools: United by Fate, Akira Kazama is preparing to make her Street Fighter debut. As an acquaintance of Sakura, Akira has previous ties to the Street Fighter universe and is gearing up to bring her biker style look and clever gimmicks to Street Fighter V.
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Full roadmap for Street Fighter V: Champion Edition‘s final season:
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tsukkinode · 7 years
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Selling my extra Ensemble Stars Extra Stage! Judge of Knights trading bromides!
PHP125 each
Shipping from the Philippines. Buyer will shoulder the shipping fee.
Paypal only. Buyer will shoulder the Paypal fees as well.
Please send me a message if you are interested in adopting these children!
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melisham · 1 year
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#𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦. ( independent / selective / mutuals exclusive ) . POKÉMON OC. primarily based in anime canon with influences from game / pokespé canon. written by edward ( 23, he / they / it ) . sideblog, follows back from @meistoshi. using beta editor.
EIJI AKERO, a johtoan pokémon professor, specializing in the study of steel type pokémon … has been dead for a few months, nearly half a year. the man currently known as eiji akero, formerly known as hibiki kazama, through a series of convoluted lies & coincidences & failed attempts at resolving a number of misunderstandings, has taken place of the professor in every feasible manner of definition bar the physical. this is a mistake two years in the making. ... oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ??
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temporary bio, blog is a wip, see this gdoc re rules for now.
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Whenever commie is no longer busy and have time (and ofc would want to write it), would you be willing to make a complete list of those who would kabedon; and the list of "who would and would not say the f/curse word"?
Oh man, you want a complete list? Well, ok, let’s go show by show here, I’m gonna get really lengthy with it. Like, I can’t go through every character in every show, but I’ll hit what I think are the major points.
Fair warning before you mash the read-more: I did, in fact, go through nearly every show I’ve seen. This post is long.
We will start with Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider 1号: I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me you heard my grandpa say a cuss. Go on. I dare you.
Godai Yusuke: is capable of saying fuck, but does not, because he’s too polite. He might kabedon, but not for any romantic or sexual reasons, just because he likes to be close to people and he gets excited about stuff.
Ichijo Kaoru: says fuck on a regular basis. I think he would kabedon unironically but only in the heat of the moment.
Ra-Baruba-De: doesn’t cuss because it’s beneath her. She’d kabedon Ichijo, but would follow this up with an attempt to kill him.
Tsugami Shouichi: does not swear and cannot kabedon, although someone else might do it to him.
Hikawa Makoto: might say fuck in a moment of stress, but rarely swears otherwise. He could and would kabedon, but only in situations where doing so would get a comedic result related to his strength and clumsiness.
Ashihara Ryou, the sexiest man in the world: probably swears like a sailor and would absolutely kabedon. The very thought makes me go weak at the knees.
Kino Kaoru: definitely says “fuck,” but I don’t think he does fuck, and he certainly doesn’t kabedon.
Ozawa Sumiko, however: both says “fuck” and does it. She will kabedon, and she will stand on Omuro’s shoulders to get enough height for it.
Kido Shinji: always wants to swear, but doesn’t actually do it. He could kabedon, but only in anger; the thought of doing so in a romantic or sexual context would make him blush and stammer.
Akiyama Ren: can and will say “fuck” at a moment’s notice. You know he kabedons.
Kitaoka Shuichi: says “fuck” quietly, when no one can hear him except maybe Goro. He would kabedon gently and think himself very sexy.
Yura Goro: is a sweet, sweet man who neither swears nor kabedons.
Asakura Takeshi: is saying “fuck” at this very moment. He would only kabedon as a prelude to stabbing.
Tezuka Miyuki: is on this list because I love him, but he does not say “fuck” and could not be induced to. He could be kabedon’ed.
555 (we haven’t finished this one so I can’t guarantee that all characters will be included)
Inui Takumi: I’m pretty sure he could say “fuck” but I don’t think he’s actually inclined to. Kabedon’ing requires a level of investment in whatever situation that I don’t think he’d want to admit to.
Kusaka Masato: oh, absolutely.
Sonoda Mari: swears all the time. Doesn’t kabedon because she expects someone to do it to her.
Keitaro Kikuchi: is a very nice boy who does neither of these things.
Kiba Yuji: contains vast lakes of suppressed rage, and if he says “fuck” even once it might all come out. Does not kabedon for the same reason.
Osada Yuka: says “fuck,” but only in her heart. Does not kabedon.
Kaido Naoya: says “fuck,” but only when he can’t find a more ridiculous option. Absolutely kabedons at a moment’s notice.
Smart Lady: does not say “fuck.” Will definitely kabedon you, and moreover she’ll do it with her leg to make sure that the situation is just, uncomfortably sexual.
Kenzaki Kazuma: is breathtakingly earnest but nevertheless does, on occasion, say “fuck.” Doesn’t kabedon because he’s too sad.
Aikawa Hajime: has neither the inclination nor the desire to say “fuck” or to kabedon.
Tachibana Sakuya: can say “fuck,” but mostly doesn’t. Also too sad to kabedon.
Kamijou Mutsuki: would say “fuck” to get someone’s attention. He wishes he could kabedon.
Kurihara Amane: is in so much trouble with her mother for saying “fuck.”
Hibiki/Hidaka Hitoshi: is An Dad, and thus is theoretically capable of saying “fuck,” but if he does then it means the situation’s gotten pretty serious. (Or he’s hit his thumb with a hammer.) He can definitely kabedon, but we’ll never see him do it, because that means the situation’s gotten a different kind of serious.
Ibuki: has too much self-control and dignity to say “fuck,” but said it when he was younger. Doesn’t kabedon because it’s just...not the right vibe for him.
Todoroki: has considered saying “fuck,” but the prospect makes him blush. Cannot kabedon to save his life but desperately wishes that he could.
Zanki: comfortable with the word “fuck” but uses it sparingly. Doesn’t seem like a kabedon type.
The Children: Asumu, Kyosuke, and Akira can all definitely say “fuck” just by dint of being high schoolers brimming with all kinds of messy emotions. Kyosuke would definitely attempt to kabedon someone, although he might not do it well.
The Tachibana Sisters: anyone who runs a restaurant can say “fuck.”
Kabuki: like Miyuki, above, is included because I adore him, even though he’s a movie-exclusive character. Definitely says “fuck.” Might kabedon in the process of tricking someone, but wouldn’t do it seriously.
Tendou Souji: feels that saying “fuck” is beneath him. Wouldn’t kabedon so much as he’d very gently brace himself against the wall and lean in, which, let’s be real, is much sexier.
Tendou Juka: you know that comic that people have done all those redraws of? I think this one is the original? This is an accurate representation of what would happen to someone, possibly Kagami, if Juka said “fuck.”
Kagami Arata: is all the time saying “fuck,” at least in his head, but doesn’t often say it out loud because it would draw the wrong kind of attention. Would kabedon Souji, probably, who would be surprised and then quietly delighted.
Kusakabe Hiyori: unlikely to say “fuck,” and if she did I suspect Tendou would take it badly (see above entry for Juka). Might be kabedon’ed, but would definitely knee the perpetrator in the groin.
Kamishiro Tsurugi: my beautiful son does not know what the word “fuck” means, but would definitely kabedon because he’s excitable.
Yaguruma Sou and Kageyama Shun: get one line because they do things together--imagine, if you will, Yaguruma saying “fuck” and Kageyama echoing him quietly a moment later. They would also kabedon together.
Kazama Daisuke: would say “fuck” very quietly. Does not kabedon.
Nogami Ryotaro: cannot say any swear words without suffering a potentially fatal nosebleed. May have kabedon’ed once in a dream, but the thought of him attempting it in real life is actually laughable.
Hana: says “fuck” as an adult. As a child, says it more. Does not kabedon, because why bother?
Naomi: can do whatever she likes and I will support her.
Momotaros: says “fuck” regularly and with gusto. Kabedons as a greeting.
Urataros: does not use any curse words because women find them off-putting--unless the woman he’s with swears, in which case he does too. Will kabedon if it is situationally appropriate for getting laid.
Ryuutaros: see, again, this comic, but this time the person doing the shocked face and then later the punching is me. He does not know what a kabedon is.
Kintaros: is probably asleep. Believes that excessive swearing is unmanly. Doesn’t see the point of kabedon.
Sieg: believes that excessive swearing is unfit for a prince, but will very occasionally say “fuck” if it’ll get every eye in the room on him. Unaware of kabedon.
Kurenai Wataru: does not.
Kurenai Otoya: does both, vigorously.
Asou Megumi: says “fuck,” doesn’t kabedon. Would encourage someone else to kabedon her though.
Asou Yuri: absolutely says “fuck” all the time, might kabedon Otoya to shut him up.
Jirou: I actually don’t think he swears? Definitely kabedons though.
Nago Keisuke: says “fuck,” but feels bad about it afterwards. Might kabedon from anger, or if induced to by Megumi.
Nobori Taiga: is far too polite to say “fuck,” but occasionally thinks it. Does not kabedon.
Kadoya Tsukasa: there is no question that he says “fuck” all the time. Not the romantic kabedon type, much to Daiki’s disappointment. May kabedon in other situations, though.
Kaitou Daiki: says “fuck” only occasionally, but with feeling. Would like Tsukasa to kabedon him.
Hikari Natsumi: says “fuck” regularly and energetically. Will sit on Yuusuke’s shoulders to kabedon Tsukasa.
Onodera Yuusuke: does not say “fuck” at all. Cannot kabedon because he is too busy giving Natsumi a boost.
Hidari Shoutaro: believes that saying “fuck” is unbecoming of a true man, but still says it if he stubs his toe. Kabedons unintentionally and then blushes when he realizes what he’s done.
Philip: has said “fuck” a total of once and then went down a rabbit hole looking into its etymology. Kabedons intentionally and with forethought, and then completely loses the thread of things as soon as Shoutaro starts blushing.
Narumi Akiko: says “fuck” just to shock Shoutaro. Definitely kabedon’ed Terui at least once, which he was unspeakably charmed by.
Terui Ryuu: is not open to questions about whether or not he says “fuck.” Only kabedons out of frustration.
Hino Eiji: neither says “fuck” nor kabedons.
Ankh: both says “fuck” and kabedons, and both are generally directed at Eiji. In fact, since he is only a hand, kabedon is an important part of his physical vocabulary.
Izumi Hina: does not say “fuck.” Would break a wall if she kabedon’ed, and thus it’s fortunate that she isn’t inclined to anyway.
Gotou Shintarou: would blush terribly if he ever said “fuck,” or for that matter if he attempted to kabedon.
Satonaka Erika: considers the word “fuck” an important part of her vocabulary, to be used sparingly. Kabedons Gotou, and at least once Date.
Date Akira: says “fuck,” but not in, like, an aggressive way? Just as an expression of mild distress. It does not occur to him to kabedon.
Kisaragi Gentarou: is not legally allowed to say rude words. Would kabedon out of an excess of enthusiasm and then be deeply confused if the recipient blushed.
Sakuta Ryuusei: says “fuck” sparingly and only when it’ll have an impact. Does not kabedon.
Utahoshi Kengo: says “fuck” frequently and with enthusiasm. Doesn’t see the point of kabedon.
Jojima Yuuki: like Gentarou, is not legally permitted to curse. Kabedon would not occur to her unless it could be some way related to space.
Kazashiro Miu: says “fuck” occasionally. Kabedons when appropriate, which is rarely.
Daimonji Shun: wishes he could say “fuck,” but can’t quite bring himself to.  Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but he used to.
JK: only says “fuck” deniably. Strictly a receiver of kabedon.
Nozama Tomoko: doesn’t use curse words, she uses curses. Doesn’t kabedon, but appreciates it when she sees others do it.
Souma Haruto: definitely says “fuck” sometimes. Prefers a flirtatious lean against a convenient wall over kabedon.
Nitoh Kosuke: says "fuck," but only if his grandma can't hear him--unless there's a notable archeological discovery in the offing, in which case all bets are off. Thinks he's too slick to kabedon, but he's not.
Fueki Koyomi: no.
Nara Shunpei: absolutely not.
Daimon Rinko: has said "fuck" on occasion and would certainly do it again. I can't imagine a kabedon from her though.
Kazuraba Kouta: seems like he secretly swears kind of a lot. Does not kabedon because he is, at base, a deeply non-aggressive individual.
Kumon Kaito: says "fuck" at least once a day. Absolutely kabedons, but mainly because he's annoyed and slapping a person seems tactically unsound.
Kureshima Mitsuzane (Micchi): says "fuck" to sound edgy. Would like to kabedon but no one would take it seriously.
Kureshima Takatora: will use the word "fuck" sparingly, and only to indicate that The Situation Has Gotten Bad Indeed. Does not know what kabedon is.
Sengoku Ryouma: says "fuck" occasionally, and with malicious good cheer. Does not kabedon, but if he would like to give it a shot, I am available.
Takatsukasa Mai: says "fuck" quietly but with frequency. Doesn't see a good reason to kabedon anyone.
Oren Pierre Alfonso: only swears in French. Dismisses kabedon as a thing for callow youths, but despite this he did once have a heated dream of doing it to Takatora.
Tomari Shinnosuke: says "fuck" if he's hit his leg on a table or something, but in more serious situations he does not curse. I cannot possibly imagine him trying to kabedon, it's impossible.
Shijima Kiriko: doesn't swear as much as one might think; "fuck" is for special occasions. Will use a kabedon to get someone's attention.
Shijima Gou: says "fuck" all the time. Would like to kabedon, but hasn't found the right person yet.
Chase: does not swear. Does not kabedon--he's interested in human behavior but that's just nonsense.
Sawagami Rinna: is a professional engineer and thus uses the word “fuck” as punctuation. Might kabedon, but it’s unlikely.
Mr. Belt/Krim Steinbelt: mutters “fuck” quietly when Shinnosuke isn’t paying attention. Does not have arms.
Heart: has said "fuck" experimentally but didn't like the mouthfeel. Delighted by the very concept of kabedon but hasn't done it yet.
Brain: believes that swearing is a sign that you have nothing constructive, intelligent, or amusing to say. Provided Heart with the comics from which they both learned about kabedon, and since then the thought of Heart doing it to him has occupied his every waking moment.
Medic: has thought about saying "fuck" but isn't sure that she really wants to. Stole those comics from Brain and now she, too, would like Heart to kabedon.
Tenkuuji Takeru: the thought of saying “fuck” has genuinely never entered his head. More someone who is kabedon’ed than someone who does it himself.
Fukami Makoto: can theoretically say “fuck,” but mostly doesn’t. Would maybe kabedon if the moment seemed appropriate.
Alain: thinks saying “fuck” is sort of uncouth but does it anyway. Wants to know what kabedon is, please tell him about it.
Tsukimura Akari: does not get enough sleep or lab time for anyone to be able to stop her from saying “fuck.” Has kabedon’ed out of excitement, but never for romantic reasons.
Yamanouchi Onari: tries not to say “fuck” because he’s supposed to be setting a good example, but sometimes it just slips out. Definitely doesn’t kabedon, but that’s more out of cowardice than a sense of restraint.
Fukami Kanon: see the comic previously linked to for reference for what would happen if Makoto found out that someone had taught Kanon how to say “fuck.” Reads comics in which there is the occasional kabedon, kind of wishes Alain would do it.
Hojo Emu: doesn’t say “fuck” because he works with children. Doesn’t kabedon because it’s not his style.
Parad: absolutely says “fuck,” if only to see Emu drop something in surprise. Thinks kabedon looks fun.
Kagami Hiiro: is too uptight to say “fuck” and too shy to kabedon.
Kujou Kiriya: uses “fuck” as an expression of low-key dismay. Does his best flirting from across the room, but might kabedon if it seemed like the reaction would be entertaining.
Hanaya Taiga: barely even thinks of “fuck” as a word, it’s just a noise he makes when he’s annoyed. Kabedon’ing would require him to get much closer to people than he wants to.
Dan Kuroto: definitely says “fuck,” are you kidding? Even before he was a cackling supervillain he was, at least partially, a software engineer. Does not kabedon.
Poppy Pipopapo: no.
Saiba Nico: says “fuck” all the time as long as Taiga’s not looking. Will not admit to reading the kind of comics where a kabedon might occur, but definitely does.
Graphite: thinks all of this is human nonsense and yet is, despite himself, intrigued.
Kiryuu Sento: probably says “fuck” more than any other main Rider. Yes, even Tsukasa. Is kabedon’ed.
Banjou Ryuuga: says “fuck” because MMA guys have foul mouths, although he did clean up his language a bit when Kasumi was still alive. Kabedons.
Isurugi Misora: if Misora says “fuck” then something terrible is about to happen. Would laugh at anyone who asked if she knew how to kabedon. Would knee anyone who tried it on her in the groin. Kazumi knows this well.
Takigawa Sawa: considers the word “fuck” an essential part of her vocabulary, to be used frequently and sometimes at a great volume. Knows how to kabedon due to spy training but does not use it in her personal life.
Sawatari Kazumi: says “fuck” all the time, unless Misora is paying attention to him. Thinks that kabedon is very sexy and that he’s very good at it; mileage may vary on whether this is actually true.
Himuro Gentoku: says “fuck” softly and solemnly when something really bad has happened. Maybe he kabedons, I’m genuinely not sure.
Evolt: probably does both, but I’m not getting close enough to check.
Tokiwa Sougo: doesn’t swear because it’s not kingly. Does not kabedon.
Myoukouin Geiz: surprisingly, does not tend to curse. Definitely kabedons, not always romantically.
Woz: doesn’t say “fuck,” because there are more roundabout ways to express his frustration. Kabedons, sometimes for romantic reasons and sometimes just to be weird about things.
Tsukuyomi: specifically uses the word “fuck” to indicate that things have gotten serious. If Geiz isn’t going to get around to kabedon’ing her, she’s going to do it to him.
Hiden Aruto: look obviously I can’t really comment on these characters because I haven’t watched that show yet but just from the clips I’ve seen I think Aruto would spontaneously combust if he said “fuck.”
Kamiyama Touma: says “fuck” sometimes, especially if he’s very tired. Thinks kabedon is kind of a tired plot device.
Sudou Mei: doesn’t think saying “fuck” is that big of a deal, uses it to express irritation. Agrees with Touma that kabedon is overused as a plot device, but likes it nonetheless.
Shindo Rintarou: oh my god no, definitely not.
Fukamiya Kento: uses the word “fuck” the way other people might use the word “moist”--it’s not a word he likes to say, but it has its place. Not generally aggressive enough to kabedon, but might if it seemed useful.
Akamichi Ren: is a teen edgelord and thus says “fuck” a lot. Talks a big game, but is secretly too shy for a successful kabedon.
Ogami Ryo: has tried to clean up his language since becoming a dad and been pretty successful with it. Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but did once.
Daishinji Tetsuo: says “fuck” when he’s working on things. Kabedon generally involves prolonged eye contact, so no.
Sophia: good heavens no, can you imagine?
Tassel: might be a divinity of some kind, can swear if he wants although he’d probably do it in French, but if he kabedons then I’m a walrus. I love Tassel.
All right, that’s Kamen Rider done! Now on to...
Super Sentai
AkaRed: if AkaRed ever said “fuck” I think something in the multiverse would be profoundly damaged--oh, hell, this is how Zenkaiger happens, isn’t it?
Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star: doesn’t say “fuck,” but you might when you taste his gyoza. They’re the best in the world, you know. It has never occurred to him to kabedon.
Daigo of the Heavenly Illusion Star: is too gentle to say “fuck,” or for that matter to kabedon. (Besides, anyone who tries to kabedon Kujaku is going to be in for some difficulty.)
Bullet Shoji, Warrior of Love: used to say “fuck,” because he used to be in a gang, but doesn’t anymore. Doesn’t kabedon because he tries not to intimidate people.
Kazu of the Heavenly Time Star: doesn’t say “fuck,” he just kinda makes a hiss noise if he’s irritated. Doesn’t object to kabedon in theory but not interested in doing it himself.
Rin of the Heavenly Wind Star: does sometimes say “fuck,” much to her uncle’s dismay. Does not kabedon.
Kou of the Howling New Star: is a horrible child and says “fuck” regularly. Too immature to be allowed to kabedon.
Tsuruhime: does not say “fuck,” because if she’s mad she can just smack someone. She is fairly sure that people don’t actually kabedon in real life.
Sasuke: has said “fuck” once or twice but mostly tries not to. Too friendly to kabedon.
Saizou and Seikai: get one line because they’re attached at the hip. They are too goofy to say “fuck,” and would only ever manage to kabedon each other.
Jiraiya: not only does he say “fuck,” he will actually be saying “fuck” and not a Japanese equivalent, because he is more comfortable speaking English. I cannot imagine this man attempting to kabedon.
Ninjaman: is tremendously excited to learn about modern cursing, but never actually uses the words he’s learned because his teachers would be mad at him. Naturally too large to practice safe kabedon.
Please know that I’m not very far into this series yet, so this is based on fairly early impressions.
Shiina Yousuke: does not say “fuck” but often wants to. Doesn’t kabedon because it seems really aggressive, especially if you’re trying to kiss someone.
Nono Nanami: sometimes thinks the word “fuck” but doesn’t say it. While she’s read a few comics which contain kabedon, the thought of putting the concept into practice has never occurred to her.
Bitou Kouta: would never say “fuck” because children might hear him. Doesn’t kabedon because he’s a gentle soul.
Kasumi Ikkou and Kasumi Isshu: I just met these boys last night but I know in my heart that they both say “fuck,” and moreover they mean it. They also definitely kabedon.
Furabijo and Wendinu: can call me, please, I’m apocalyptically in love with you both.
Same as Hurricaneger--I’m not that far in, we don’t even have the extra guys yet, but I sure do have some thoughts about the folks we’ve got so far.
Kando Jan: doesn’t even know the word “fuck,” probably has some cute repetitive term for sex that he uses instead. Doesn’t know what a kabedon is either.
Uzaki Ran: may say “fuck” very occasionally if she sustains an injury during training. Not inclined to kabedon.
Fukami Retsu: will pretend that he’s too in control of himself to swear, but does on occasion say “fuck.” Sees no reason to kabedon.
Mele: says “fuck,” but never when Leo can hear her. Doesn’t kabedon, would like someone else (*coughcoughLeocoughcough*) to do so though.
Leo: says “fuck” like he’s chewing on something and spitting it out. Definitely kabedons, but has no idea that this might have romantic or sexual implications.
Shiba Takeru: does not say “fuck” anymore, because once he said it in front of Jii, who lost his mind. Could kabedon, he’s capable of it, but he’s a little too wound up in himself.
Ikenami Ryunosuke: would never say “fuck.” Not a kabedon type because it seems rude.
Shiraishi Mako: used to work with children, and thus didn’t say “fuck” for years, but now does occasionally--mainly while cooking. Doesn’t kabedon because she has other ways of getting in your face.
Tani Chiaki: is a Gamer and thus definitely says “fuck.” Nonetheless, respects women too much to kabedon them and the only men he might kabedon he is slightly afraid of.
Hanaori Kotoha: is a sweet, precious girl, very dear to my heart, who certainly does not swear or kabedon.
Umemori Genta: only says “fuck” if he cuts himself while preparing fish, or while arguing with fish vendors. Might kabedon to be goofy, but never seriously.
Kusakabe Hikoma/Jii: definitely had kind of a wild youth. Takeru once heard him say “fuck” to a kuroko while working on the clan accounts and has never recovered from the shock. Doesn’t kabedon anymore, but he did once.
Shiba Kaoru: doesn’t actually know the word “fuck” or anything about kabedon, and isn’t going to learn if Tanba has anything to say about it.
Gokaiger--one of the ones I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for
Captain Marvelous: I think we all know that the answer is yes on both counts.
Joe Gibken: says “fuck” quietly in serious situations, and loudly if Marvelous is deliberately getting on his nerves. Does not typically kabedon.
Luka Millfy: uses “fuck” as a general intensifier. Likes guys she can intimidate a little, so she does kabedon, but she mainly does it to Doc and Gai.
Don Dogoier/Doc: if you hear Doc say “fuck” it’s probably the middle of the night and he’s repairing an engine problem. Certainly does not kabedon.
Ahim de Famille: cursing is unladylike--not that she always tries to be ladylike, but she just doesn’t see the point there. Doesn’t kabedon.
Ikari Gai: probably uses some sort of goofy minced oath like “fudge” unless in the actual throes of passion. Doesn’t really have the poise to kabedon.
Basco ta Jolokia: only says “fuck” when no one is listening, because otherwise he might seem less than poised. Would kabedon Marvelous to get a rise out of him.
Sakurada Hiromu: seems like he’d probably drop the occasional “fuck.” I’m of two minds on the kabedon thing; I think that he could, but I’m not sure that he would.
Iwasaki Ryuji: says “fuck” if he’s working late on some problem. Doesn’t kabedon because he doesn’t want to scare people.
Usami Youko: says “fuck” specifically because it gets Ryuji to make a shocked face at her. Might kabedon if she found someone short enough. She will never find someone short enough.
Nick, Gorisaki, and Usada: no, definitely not.
Masato Jin: says “fuck” with the casual manner of a man who has definitely not just dropped a wrench on his foot. Doesn’t kabedon, but has joked about doing so.
Beet J. Stag (the “J” stands for “Jueki”): says “fuck,” but doesn’t know what it means. Who would he even kabedon?
Enter: only swears in French. Would kabedon with one of his creepy tentacles.
Kiryuu Daigo “King”: is a ludicrously perfect shoujo manga love interest, and thus does not say “fuck” but does kabedon in a sexy way.
Ian Yorkland: says “fuck” on dig sites but not in polite company. Might kabedon if it’d make the girl in question smile, does not kabedon men.
Udo Nobuharu: used to say “fuck” sometimes, but doesn’t now that he’s helping to raise Rika. Too busy and tired to kabedon.
Rippukan Souji: is too uptight to do either.
Amy Yuzuki: doesn’t say “fuck,” just makes irritated noises. Might kabedon if it would get someone to stop screwing around and pay attention to her.
Utsusemimaru: is familiar with neither the word “fuck” nor the concept of kabedon, although he might learn about the latter from some of Amy’s manga.
Yayoi Ulshade: says “fuck” when she’s working. Perpetually disappointed that she will never get Daigo to kabedon her.
Candelira and Luckyuro: my beautiful wife and her adorable son have no knowledge of these things.
Right, Tokacchi, Mio, Hikari, and Kagura: are all children and thus are barred from engaging with these things. Although I suppose now they’re all fifteen or sixteen, so maybe some of them have started cussing, but I refuse to contemplate it.
Nijino Akira: doesn’t know the word “fuck,” but if he did he’d use it. Doesn’t know about kabedon either, and wouldn’t use it if he did, because that involves getting way too close to people.
Wagon: much like Smart Lady, would kabedon with her leg, but in her case she’s trying to be cute and fun, not creepy. Does not say “fuck.”
Emperor Zett: can in theory say “fuck,” but hasn’t found an occasion to do so. Would kabedon to intimidate, I think he’d kinda puff up like a little angry wren.
Kazakiri Yamato: will only say “fuck” if he’s just been bitten by an animal he’s taking care of, and even then only if it really hurts. Doesn’t kabedon.
Sera: doesn’t say “fuck” because there’s always something more cutting available. Would bite anyone who kabedon’ed her.
Leo: says “fuck” as long as there are no girls listening. Has been bitten by Sera at least once as punishment for kabedon crimes.
Tusk: says “fuck” about paper cuts, but nothing else. Doesn’t kabedon.
Amu: doesn’t say “fuck” because there are cuter ways to get mad. Doesn’t kabedon herself, but will take any kabedon from someone else as an opportunity to get them to do something for her.
Mondou Misao: says “fuck” sometimes, always apologizes directly afterward. Far too nervous to kabedon.
Bard: says “fuck” at least once a week. Isn’t clear on what kabedon is.
Uncle Mario: you leave Uncle Mario alone.
Lucky: does not say “fuck.” Might kabedon in a moment of high spirits.
Garu: is a polite man who neither says “fuck” nor kabedons.
Stinger: says “fuck” frequently. Kabedons with his tail.
Hame: says “fuck” quietly but often. Doesn’t kabedon, and would just vanish if someone did it to her.
Raptor-283: says “fuck” very rarely, but at great volume. Dreams of being kabedon’ed, this is canonical.
Champ: doesn’t curse, and thinks kabedon looks dangerous.
Spada: only says “fuck” in the kitchen, where he can say whatever he pleases, grazie. Could be kabedon’ed.
Balance: says “fuck” if he’s panicking, but only then. Might kabedon for fun.
Naaga Rei: doesn’t do either, and would be terribly puzzled if someone kabedon’ed him.
Shou Ronpou: said “fuck” once when he got his finger caught in the Kyuulette. Isn’t familiar with kabedon, but thinks it looks fun.
Kotaro: is ten years old.
Ootori Tsurugi: doesn’t say “fuck” because it’s not grandiose enough. Definitely kabedons, we see him do it at least once in the show.
LupinRanger Vs. PatRanger
Asaka Keiichiro:  might say “fuck” if he’s really angry, but would feel bad about it. Would blush if he kabedon’ed Kairi, but would still do it.
Yano Kairi: has been saying “fuck” on the reg since he was twelve. Would kabedon to make Keiichiro squirm.
Hikawa Sakuya: might say “shit” on occasion, but never “fuck.” Wishes he was the kind of guy who could kabedon.
Yoimachi Tooma: doesn’t say “fuck,” but does think it loudly. Too reserved to kabedon.
Myoujin Tsukasa: could potentially say “fuck,” but chooses not to. Not a kabedon type.
Hayami Umika: mostly has pretty clean language, but will say “fuck” when she’s sewing, especially if she’s just stuck a needle into her finger, which hurts like a bitch. Doesn’t kabedon herself, might giggle if someone did it to her.
Takao Noël: only swears in French, but does so in extensive and exacting detail. Kabedons, but in a chill way.
Zamigo Delma: thinks the word “fuck” is extremely funny. Would kabedon Kairi to make him uncomfortable, but if Kairi’s unavailable then he’s welcome to look me up.
Koh: has never said a swear in his entire life. Doesn’t kabedon.
Melto: says “fuck” often, but quietly, so that the others don’t hear him. Seems kabedon’able to me.
Asuna: doesn’t actually know the word “fuck.” Wouldn’t kabedon, like, on purpose? But she’d definitely do it unintentionally, please see this comic for reference.
Towa: will say “fuck” sometimes if his brother won’t catch him at it. Overconfident enough to kabedon, but I don’t think it’d occur to him.
Banba: says “fuck” if things have gotten very bad. Kabedons only rarely, when he needs to be very serious about something. Yes, sometimes that something is “I think about kissing you with such frequency that it’s interfering with my ability to focus.”
Canalo: doesn’t say “fuck” because Mosa Rex would be disappointed in him. Would never kabedon, if he even knows what that is, due to his overpowering Respect for Women. (It has never occurred to him that one might kabedon anyone but a woman.)
Oto: might say “fuck,” and if she did then Canalo would specifically blame Melto.
Nada: uses “fuck” as an expression of dismay, like, “well, fuck.” Not into the whole kabedon thing.
Tatsui Ui: might have said “fuck” once, but then was so embarrassed that she got a case of hysterical giggles. Absolutely does not kabedon.
Super Sentai is done! That was exhausting! Wow! On to...
Ultra Series
I have seen very few Ultra shows, so this section’s gonna be short.
Kurenai Gai: doesn’t say “fuck,” does curse in some kind of alien language. Doesn’t kabedon, I bet it’d make him blush, although mostly he doesn’t seem like the blushing type either.
Jugglus Juggler: says “fuck” regularly and with relish. Was once described by someone very wise as having “big kabedon energy,” which is to say, of course he does.
Yumeno Naomi: definitely says “fuck” and doesn’t care who hears her. Will kabedon Gai and Juggler simultaneously, one with each hand, and they will both be impressed and maybe a little turned on.
Hayami Jetta: says “fuck” sometimes, but not as frequently as he’d like people to think. Might try to kabedon, although he wouldn’t necessarily succeed at it.
Matsudo Shin: does neither of these things, as they have no relevance to science.
I can’t really say much about Geed, since we’re not even ten episodes in, but what I can say for certain is:
Asakura Riku: is too nice a boy to say “fuck” and not intense enough to kabedon.
Toba Laiha: definitely says “fuck” on occasion. Would kabedon with her sword.
Pega: is a child.
Igaguri Leito: does neither of these things, he is a sweet man. And I think Zero would disapprove.
Fukuide Kei: says “fuck” with frequency. I think he would, theoretically, kabedon, but there’s no one on Earth he’d do it to.
Belial: I haven’t actually, like, met Belial, but I’m fairly sure his existence is a concentrated dose of the word “fuck,” in the sense of, “oh, fuck, it’s Belial.” If he kabedon’ed he could destroy the planet, please do not let him.
I’m even less far into R/B, since I’m watching it by myself.
Minato Katsumi and Minato Isami: they do not.
Aizen Makoto: is too weird to do either of these things.
All right, we’re done with the brief foray into the Ultras. Now, last but very much not least, we have...
Of which I have only watched the original continuity, none of the Ryuuga stuff yet, so it’s a slightly limited take. However, I love all of these characters dearly, so here we go!
Saejima Kouga: is way too upright (and uptight) to say “fuck.” Doesn’t know what kabedon is, wouldn’t do it if he did.
Suzumura Rei: is a man who swears colorfully and at length and uses “fuck” to add a little bit of pep to things. Definitely kabedons, with varying levels of success depending on who he’s trying it on.
Fudou Leo: is a soft-spoken man, but nevertheless does occasionally mutter “fuck” quietly when he’s working on a Madou device. Blushes and stammers at the very suggestion of kabedon.
Mitsuki Kaoru: might say “fuck,” but only in the absolute heights of fury, which are rare for her. Not inclined to kabedon, but even if she was, who could she even do it to? The shortest person she might kabedon is Rei, who is seven inches taller than her, and it only gets worse from there. She’d need a boost to reach, and my dude Gonza’s back is not good enough for that.
Jabi: believes too strongly in the value of language well-used to say “fuck” except when absolutely necessary. Could kabedon with her leg, probably, and would if she thought it’d be useful.
Rekka: says “fuck” sometimes, mostly to express irritation. Most likely to kabedon with a knife or something.
Saejima Raiga, Mayuri, and Crow: I only barely know these kids but I adore them. None of them are allowed to do any cursing. They do not kabedon.
Madou Ring Zaruba: is a ring, so obviously he can’t kabedon, but he can say “fuck,” and I think sometimes he does.
The Moral Of This Story Is: never ask me for a comprehensive list of anything, because I cannot be trusted to do anything but go completely overboard.
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