#Hiei is worried
beillus · 8 months
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Scene from a fanfic I'm working on.
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karasu-hieis-dragon · 9 months
The chokehold that Kanata Hongo/Hiei have on me is so, so good.
I thought Kanata was the perfect Hiei, from the attitude, the down head/up eyes looks he gave to the way he personified himself into Hiei.
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crewdlydrawn · 2 months
Oh nothing, just my tiny feisty demon boy and his hellish flamey dragon pet. ^-^
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Hiei using jaou ensatsu kokurhyuuha, the Dragon of the Darkness Flame, vs Bui in episode 4.
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rouge-the-bat · 2 months
need kurama to be gay yearning and staying up way too late doing homework bc he spent too much time with hiei (knew he was managing his time badly but decided it was totally worth the lack of sleep so he could have fun with his crush. he can allow himself a normal teenager moment sometimes).
and in his sleepy delirious gay longing he becomes fixated on hiei taking his last name once theyre together. and cant get it out of his head. so he allows himself another stereotypical teenager moment and writes "hiei minamino" and their names together surrounded by a bunch of hearts over and over in his notebook. before he proceeds to pass out on his desk. with said notebook with obvious gay writings still open.
luckily for him, hiei didnt show back up in the middle of the night and see it.
but- his mom wakes up in the middle of the night, and decides to go check on him since she knows he was staying up late working by the time she went to bed. and when she finds her poor son has overworked himself and fell asleep on his desk (again), of COURSE shes going to come over to usher him to bed. and when the desk light is perfectly illuminating his notebook covered in hearts right beside his head, its hard to not take notice of it, or that it clearly reveals her son has a crush on his little friend he spends so much time with
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anime-chick · 10 months
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is that eye liner and 2. is that the dragon on his arm
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
babysnake has been pretty reclusive for the past few days, so i haven't really seen him much (this is normal for him when he's preparing to shed). anyway i fed him and, sure enough, he's about as pale as he can get
cw: dead mouse visible in first 2 images. it's not bloody and you can't see its face
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for reference this is his normal coloring:
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
Obscure, for Yu Yu Hakusho!
It's not a D word!
"I can't see..."
"Just a minute, just a minute..."
Hiei was literally shushed, as something damp and cold fell on his stinging and singed eyes. Unexpectedly gentle hands patted Hiei's burning face with a cool cloth, and Kuwabara's thumb skidded across his cheek, "Hold still... hold still. Stop flinching... it's just me."
"Do you even know what you're doing?" Hiei snorted, flinching as Kuwabara withdrew the cloth, presumably dipped it into clean water, and wiped Hiei's eyes again.
"No... but I'm doing my best. I've seen Kurama do something like this before..." Kuwabara admitted, voice quiet and full of concentration.
Hiei glared at the blurry colors in front of him, the pale splotch, presumably Kuwabara's face, "Where is Kurama? Get him. I want him."
Kuwabara put a hand on Hiei's chest, his palm and fingers cupping Hiei's racing heartbeat, "I don't know where Kurama is... he went to the same side as Urameshi, and I don't know where that is. I lost sight of both of them."
Hiei growled in irritation.
Something, a drop of warm, wet, something, fell on Hiei's chin.
Then the cool rag was back on his eyes.
"I know I'm not Kurama, but can you please trust me, just this once. You're really hurt," Kuwabara pleaded, his voice strained but still soft.
Hiei frowned, silently, stewing angrily over Kuwabara's plea.
"I trust you!" Hiei growled at the splotch of colors when it bent closer to him again.
Hiei felt Kuwabara's smile.
Kuwabara sniffed, "Good... good."
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sadisticyouko · 2 years
this is a totally random psa but !! one thing to keep in mind about me is that im always gonna support ur guys’ selfships and ocs and regular ships and etc !! I love to see yyh content in general and I love to see how u guys interact with the world too ♡
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 5 months
Yusuke 1000% feeds Hiei every time he sees him bc that guy is just too damn small and skinny, sure he KNOWS exactly how tough he is but damn it he wants to make sure the guy is eating enough...
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
Hiei Courting Headcannons
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In honor of the Live Action series (Even though I don't Have High Hopes For It)
Now, we all know Hiei is a very stubborn demon. Especially when it comes to his feelings. When he realized he liked you and didn't just tolerate your presence, he fought hard to deny it.
So what if he spent most of his time with you? Who cares that the first place he goes to after coming back from the demon world is your house? It didn't matter that his eyes seemed to soften whenever you were around.
No not one bit.
But the second Kurama threatened to court you himself, well Hiei couldn't just sit down and let that happen. Didn't that fox understand he shouldn't touch what wasn't his.
1. Showing off to see if you're interested
Hiei may be a demon, but he has some semblance of manners. His pride wouldn't allow him to claim you until you accepted his advances. Any creature who dared force themselves onto another was the lowest of the lowest.
So, his first step is showing off during fights.
Letting the enemy bloody him up more to show that injury didn't affect him.
Using more spirit energy than was needed to end another demon with just one blow
Stopping you from fighting because he'll "take care of it. You humans are too fragile."
He'll also use his Jagan more frequently.
You lost something?
Well look no further, he can track it down precisely and easily.
Praise him even once or say in passing he's really strong, and he'll take that as you being interested.
Even if you're just trying to be nice.
2. Wearing Richer Colors
I firmly believe Hiei courts more like a crow than the usual beast. He's sleek like one anyways.
Now if you didn't know, most birds attract mates with their bright feathers.
In Hiei's case, he'll start to wear dark, yet rich colors to get your attention.
Strength is one thing. Any low-class demon can demonstrate strength and be happy about it.
What Hiei is looking for is to see if you're attracted to him. If you find him visually appealing.
Though he's not a vain creature, he still yearns for the confirmation that him and him alone captivates you.
He'll start with darker blues. Maybe change up his cloak a little.
And when that doesn't work, he moves onto purples. Getting teased by Kurama for 'changing up his style.' But he stays determined.
Eventually moving onto a burgundy. And the way you were immediately drawn to him then made it worth it.
Relishing in your compliments on how 'the color really suits him' and 'it matches his eyes perfectly.'
Letting you grab at the fabric and inspect it until he asks why you like it so much.
"Well I always thought your eyes were pretty. It's nice to see something that reminds me of them."
He's a prideful smug bastard after that. Not even comments from Yusuke can tick him off that day.
3. Bringing You Shiny Objects
Once again, he courts like a crow.
Now that you've shown interest in him, it's time to properly start showing his affections.
Hiei isn't one for flirting or compliments. He's more prone to showing rather than telling. And in this case the way to do that is to bring you little trinkets that catch his eye.
Usually, it'll be small gems he stumbles across in demon world.
Rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. All things he knows where to find thanks to his prior occupation as a thief.
He's not trying to buy your affection. He knows you're not that vain judging by the pushback you always give when he presents you with a jewel.
No, rather he's trying to show that he can provide for you. That you'd never have to worry about scrounging around to survive as long as he was with you.
A protector and a provider.
He also notices how you treasure the less valuable items with as much fondness and care as the others.
He had asked you why you slept with a chunk of pyrite on your bedside one time. And your response let him know he wouldn't give up on pursuing you anytime soon.
"Because it was one of the first things you gave me. Don't you remember? You said something along the lines of fool's gold for a fool's heart. I think it's sweet you even got me something at all."
You didn't care about what he brought you. All that mattered was that it came from him.
If that didn't mean you accepted his advances, then he didn't know what would.
4. Scenting
Ah, yes. Back to the classics
Once you've accepted the gifts he's continuously given you, Hiei takes it as you liking him back.
He's aware human and demon courting processes are very different from one another.
But he's exactly not human, is he?
When it comes to demons, once you've accepted their advances, your mates.
In a sense, it's like dating. Only except a dissatisfied partner will kill the other in most cases.
With this in mind, Hiei happily accepts the fact you're his and immediately moves onto the final stage of courting.
Scenting you so that other demons know to back off.
Think of it as your last out if you realize what's happening and actually don't have feelings for him.
The scenting process will start with Hiei showing up to your place of residence and staying with you.
Not yet following you around, but making sure to spend time in each room.
If he has to leave somewhere, he'll leave either an article of clothing or his sword.
It confuses you at first and you think maybe he just trusts you.
But you start to think otherwise when he starts getting touchy.
Laying in your lap and ordering you to stay still, only to find out he's fallen asleep on you.
Or letting his face rest against the crook of your neck. Which you didn't mind all that much.
It was quite funny to see someone as tough as Hiei become completely docile around you.
You weren't too worried until he followed you out when you went to buy groceries.
"You don't like being around people. Don't you wanna stay home until I get back?" You asked him.
"I've already shown you that you're a very fragile creature compared to me. It's best I accompany you so you don't hurt yourself."
Usually you would have argued back, but it was clear something was off with him.
These past few months had been strange with him either trying to get your attention or trying to stay directly next to you.
You wouldn't figure out what it was until your other three friends showed up.
Kuwabara wanting to have a movie night and you offering your home to do it.
When the three of them arrived, you noticed Kurama and Yusuke hesitate by the entrance.
"Something wrong?" You questioned.
" I can't put my finger on it, but something's telling me I shouldn't go in." Yusuke responded.
Unawares it was Hiei's scent warding him off.
But Kurama knew. He'd known since you opened the door.
It seems Hiei had staked his claim on you.
Yet judging by your calm demeanor, you didn't know that yet.
"Have you noticed Hiei acting strange lately?" Kurama asked.
"Yes! I thought I was the only one. He's been really clingy. I mean at first it was odd he kept bringing me stuff like gems, but then he started following me around like a house cat. It's endearing, but honestly what's going on with him?" You ranted. Prompting a laugh from the redhead.
"I see. Good luck on your new relationship."
Before you could question him about what he meant, a gentle grip around your waist stopped you.
"What're you doing inviting these fools to our home. You know how long it took me to get rid of their scent the first time? It's like you want me to start the whole courting process all over again."
You couldn't say you minded now that you knew what was actually going on.
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anime-fan-05 · 7 months
love your writing. youre awesome. you don't have to but if if you could could you make yuyu hakusho characters x reader who's into cute dresses, make up, skin and haircare routines, stuffed animals collections and girly things. would they be accepting of her, find her annoying, join her or what do you think? plz
Yu Yu Hakusho ~With a very feminine reader~
Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Thank you very much for the compliment! I personally didn't know which characters you meant exactly, so I created the headcanon with the main 4 and Koenma. If you also want someone else, write to me privately and I'll include them.
U. Yusuke
He thinks you're very adorable, but he'll never join you in hair and skin care
However, he really enjoys putting on your makeup, even if he often messes up your face
When you come back from the hairdresser with your hair cut or from the beautician with your nails done, he's always playing dumb that doesn't notice anything; however, after seeing you were offended, he compliments you ("I noticed it, (Y/N). You look great.")
Whenever he can, he buys you cute stuffed animals or accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets or rubber bands and hair clips
He also gives you nice clothes if he can buy them for you, and, if you wear them, he'll blush deeply and turn his head away so you can't see his huge blush
K. Kazuma
He's probably the person who accepts you the most
Are you wearing a nice outfit? "You're so cute, (Y/N)!" Have you groomed or cut your hair? "You look great, darling!" Did you wear makeup? "You're so gorgeous! You look great without makeup, but you're beautiful even like that!"
He goes to the game room a lot of times to win stuffed animals for you; when he wins nothing, he sulks all day ("Sorry, I won nothing..." "Kazuma, you don't have to give me a stuffed animal a day, don't worry!")
You two often do skin care together, but don't tell Yusuke this or he'll make fun of Kazuma for life
To give you gifts, he often asks Keiko for advice, as he considers his sister to be one of the least feminine women in existence (Shizuru always gets angry when he points this out to her)
He finds it very cute you always get dressed up, but he often tells you you're beautiful, even without accessories or luxurious clothes
He always, always notices when you do something different to your hair, nails or face ("Have you done anything to your hair/nails/face? You're very beautiful, (Y/N).")
Probably, you two do hair care together: you're the only person wh's allowed to care for his hair
When you wear cute clothes, he blushes slightly and looks at you affectionately and meanwhile Youko stirs inside him
He sometimes lets you find cute stuffed animals or accessories on your bed, and then he pretends he didn't put them there ("That? No, I didn't give it to you.")
He doesn't understand you: he can't understand why you care yourself so much, and he refuses to join you if you ask him this
Despite this, one day, after seeing his sister getting her hair done by Kazuma (Hiei wanted to kill him), he decided he would do the same to you: so, he combs your hair every morning
For a while, he never gave you accessories or stuffed animals, since he thought they were useless; however, everything changed when, one day, he gave you a hair clip he had found during a mission, and he saw your happiness born from that small gesture
"I found it lying around and I thought only a person like you could wear that horror."
This is what he says every time he gives you something to wear, but it's clear he does it because he loves seeing you smile and seeing you with what he steals buys
Like Kazuma, he also compliments you when you change your appearance, changing your hairstyle or wearing different and nice clothes every time
You two do skin treatment together: he always claims your hands have the power to make his skin soft ("Only (Y/N) can touch my face! Only she has magic hands!")
He gives you everything you want: have you seen a nice hairpin? You'll find it in your room. Have you expressed your desire for a dress? It'll be yours immediately
He forces his subordinates to have their hair or make-up done whenever you want poor Jorge
When he can (once a day), he gives you a stuffed animal
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hamspamandjamsandwich · 2 months
getting absolutely tortured by karasu is probably the most pain kurama has felt in a long time. given how youko was, i doubt he was out there getting maimed all the time.
i think that kurama gets injured in fights and why hiei thinks he waits too long to take action instead of analyzing his opponent. its because kurama isn't used to fighting as a human and doesn't really know how much he can handle. underestimates just how much his fragile human body hurts from injuries. i think he's using the same strategies he always has, but is still adjusting. he gets better about it.
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it's always cute to see his boyfriend Hiei get all worried and worked up about him when he gets hurt though.
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tfw you're about to lose your fucking mind because your boyfriend got the shit beaten out of him
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semidea7 · 6 months
Calm Kurama: Hiei, can we talk? Just wanted to ask something
Angry Kurama: love, sweetheart, baby, can you come here a second? No, no, I don't wanna do anything don't worry
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three-eyed-shrimp · 1 month
Hey everyone! OP here popping in to shamelessly self plug and say if you like this blog and what I do here with our favorite gremlin, I do have a PayPal for this account specifically if anyone wants to show support! I’m considering making keychains and stickers here soon too. :> I also take commissions as well! Times are hard for all so definitely only if ye can spare the coin to this humble artist. Regardless, love seeing the Yu Yu fandom alive and thriving! ;;; Warms my heart. (And Hiei’s too)
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anime-chick · 11 months
@ the new YYH netflix promo poster - IT'S FINE.
i understand the negative reaction to it (yes, okay, i admit hiei's hair could be better and kurama's needs a blowout), but h o n e s t l y ?
it's fine. amazing shows have less-than-encouraging promo posters all the time (i'm thinking about hannibal and, boy, i tell ya, those pre-s1 posters were rough).
what i'm getting at is, i'm not going to judge the show based off of a bad poster. the trailer should be dropping next week and that's going to tell us a lot more than an awkward photo ever will.
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
mannnn ok i've been waiting for the yyh fixation cycle to put me back on (!!!!!!!) rather than (thing i am so normal about but it's dormant) and it's taken a little longer than i expected and i was worried it was going away but i am happy to announce that WE ARE SO BACK BABYYY
#like giggling in The most girly lovestruck unbecoming way at eeevery line outta Anyone's mouth it's soooo sickening#god i love this show. oh my god it's so. jdgdhsmbssjjdhdkvbjbvvdn#im such a sucker for the four saint beasts arc. did you know that? it's so good to me#love to see my boys together at last#and the rando arc is always better than i think until it gets to the rando fight and then it kinda blows#x2 speed privileges unlocked by having seen this pt of the show like 7 times#same with the suzaku fight. you slow down when it cuts to botan/keiko or kurama/hiei/kuwabara but the rest is x2. begone with ye#and it's soooo fucking funny and the voice acting mmmmwah i keep replaying lines and giggling bc like the choices are so scrunchy#starting to think i might just have a thing for voices or something#sighing longingly as we speak#i think yyh is my comfort show if i had to pick one it's just so..... <33#ptutu is probably up there as well but it's a very different vibe and has its place on the fixation track#yyh is the show i want to pick me up and spin me around in a flowery meadow. if that makes sense#like it's not just that i love it it's that im in love with it. i guess? idk why. kinda besotted atm though#a bit worried bc the transition from yukina to dark tournament is always a little bumpy for me and it's where im most likely to drop off#historically speaking. i think it's the shift in pacing? going from 3-5 ep arcs to a 40 ep arc is like. whoof#(thats part of why i prefer chapter black to dark tournament tbh <3 BUT i love dark tourny i get it believe me)#but i think this round's pretty secure bc the spell this shit has me under. wheewwwww#nyarla dni#just realized that i mightve kept snappy kuwabara as my banner for so long not just bc it's fun and cute#but also as a way of holding on to yyh as part of my online presence and identity. like the yyh pt of my heart saying im still here!! :D#esp after i changed my pfp from hiei. snappy kuwabara + yukina was my last holdout OMG MY DOG'S HOWLING#SHE NEVER DOES THAT HOLD ON
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