#High Dive
gifs-of-puppets · 3 months
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Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock (2022-Present)
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skybrushus · 1 month
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Maud Pie's slipped beneath the water with the slightest of splashes. Her momentum slowed quickly but she still reached the bottom at the 10ft end of the pool. Slowly she rotated and placed her hooves on the pool floor. Gently she pushed off and floated back to the surface.
      Continuing my series of drawings inspired by moments in my Anthro MLP dreamscape. In that setting Maud Pie is not just geologist but she's also enjoys 20m high board diving as a hobby.
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sweepseven · 2 months
Half an hour of O footage!! Catch it before Cirque snatches it down! Here you can see a few of the critiques I've mentioned lately, namely the shortened cadre act (and what I think is a pretty choppy new arrangement of Ephra, and when did Philemon stop being part of this act?) and missed opportunities for innovation (those blank white sheet backdrops, Cirque, I'm begging you...). We also see a technical difficulty with the big lift towards the end of cerceaux! I wonder if this is the same performance or if they've just been struggling with it recently. Interesting to see them work through it on the fly.
On the other hand we get to hear stunning work as ever from Marjana Sobol (Debbie! Svecounia!!!!), the haunting transition to contortion, and Le Vieux stumping around the stage, which is always a treat. And ahhhh that finale <333 Some interesting new choreography for cerceaux too... maybe they're training a new teammate? The intro was promising but overall it looked weaker than usual.
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amycvdh · 1 month
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off to work (via adski-kafeteri)
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I was tagged by @watersofthewilderness to put my music player on shuffle and post the first 5 songs:
The War on Drugs - Under the Pressure
Tinariwen - Chet Boghassa
High Dive - Tennessee
Robyn - Dancing on my Own
This Town Needs Guns - Baboon
I’ll tag @toddtomorrow @goodyprostate @dizzolving
@shoren18 @mi-ciudad @funeralopolis666 @ryguy5382 and @electricswamp
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americankitsch1 · 1 year
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High Dive
Seattle, Washington
(a bar located in the Fremont district)
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thedaveandkimmershow · 2 months
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The moment was at the door to her room. At least that's how I remember it. We're standing in the hall, she's just inside her room playing us a song.
She's got her acoustic guitar in hand and she's playing us a song on that guitar, she's singing us a song over that guitar, she's performing a song for us that she wrote.
That she wrote.
If such things were possible, this would be like discovering someone you've known their whole life has a superpower, a straight-up superpower. Like they can fly or lift cars or become invisible.
Or they can write songs. 
They can craft lyrics and melody over guitar or piano into something that moves you. That absolutely moves you.
We were gobsmacked. Not proud. Not joyful. Not impressed.
More like looking at your spouse and going
Did you know she could do this???
Seriously. We did not.
She is a musician, of course. An accomplished vocalist. A lyricist. A talent who can craft songs to order. A live performer who can handle a full plate and then some of technical logistical complexity on the fly in real-time and still manage to vibe perfectly with bandmates. An arranger orchestrator. A producer with vision and game. A creative technician with full command of digital sound mixing who can fill a club with beats, a radio with pop, a stage with soundscape. A person who wields her craft with astonishing technical and emotional precision.
She's a writer. A Creative with a capital C. And Dream Patrol is the canvas on which she creates with impressionistic style, deep subterranean emotion, bright hues of vitality and life, unexpected moments that are intensely small and ones that jump out at you with full-throated abandon.
Dream Patrol is an adventure, if you will, as much as it's performance. With roots in the practice of raw imagination we used to indulge before bedtime when she was a child, Dream Patrol is now a public exercise of raw imagination from center stage with a production crew in the wings.
So yeah.
Absolutely Linzy continues to surprise us. The missus 'n I are still befuddled by where all this came from back in early 2011 when Linzy was thirteen playing us her first song at the door of her bedroom and Dream Patrol was somehow a dream somewhere in the mists of her future. A future that unveils itself in a few days.
We're excited, of course. We can't wait to see what she's conjuring into the midst of the local music scene. And we're still looking at each other going
Did you know she could do this???
We did not.
But we're getting our first peek this Thursday at the High Dive. There's some room left so now's a good time to pull the trigger on tickets.
See you there. 
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falconshow · 6 months
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gifs-of-puppets · 1 year
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Wilkins Coffe Commericals (1957-1961)
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fashionsforlovers · 7 months
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Example of a large trendy tile and rectangular pool house design An illustration of a large, modern pool house with rectangular tiles
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spacevixenmusic · 7 months
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Source: Kämpfer [2009]
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wolvesatbayct · 9 months
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Pool Atlanta Sources of design ideas for a sizable contemporary tile renovation of a rectangular pool house
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rodionovclub · 10 months
Фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода» 2023 пройдет в Москве 27 августа
Фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода» 2023 пройдет в Москве 27 августа
Куда сходить в Москве на выходных 26 – 27 августа 2023?
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Фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода» пройдет в Крылатском 27 августа
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Что такое Фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода»?
27 августа 2023 в Москве во второй раз пройдет Фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода». Больше можно прочитать здесь
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27 августа 2023 года на Гребном канале Москвы пройдет ежегодный фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая вода». Яркое спортивное событие объединит любителей активного отдыха. Гостей ожидают большие спортивные соревнования, водные шоу и множество площадок с развлечениями на любой вкус. Больше можно прочитать здесь
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Во время этого фестиваля спорта также состоятся:
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Празднование 50-летнего юбилея Гребного канала Москвы
Также, в рамках Фестиваля водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода» в Крылатском  пройдет торжественная церемония празднования 50-летнего юбилея Гребного канала Москва. Больше можно прочитать здесь
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Фестиваль «Открытая вода» будет радовать зрителей масштабными статусными соревнованиями. Одним из самых ярких и ожидаемых событий этого дня станет Международный фестиваль по хай-дайвингу, который второй раз в истории пройдет в Москве. Больше можно прочитать здесь
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Место проведения Фестиваля водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода»:
Фестиваль пройдет в Гребного канала Москвы
Адрес: Гребной канал, ул. Крылатская, 2
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Когда пройдет Фестиваль водных видов спорта «Открытая Вода»??
Фестиваль пройдет в воскресенье 27 августа 2023
Начало в 12:00. Больше можно прочитать здесь
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gainesvillelivemusic · 11 months
Kyle Keller performs The Great American Highway (Talkin' Blues) at High Dive
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zainspank · 1 year
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Contemporary Pool in Atlanta Ideas for a substantial contemporary tile renovation of a rectangular pool house
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nehistripesseattle · 1 year
LIstening to Chris Cornell and Soundgarden was like taking an advanced course in grunge.
Read the lyrics of almost any Soundgarden song, and the internal battles in Chris Cornell‘s head will become very evident. And what a band it was to back up and give chorus to those lyrics! The songs were catchy. They had hooks. Brazing them to Cornell’s words gave the songs legendary and unmatched swagger. Together they represented equal levels of curiosity and creativity. A Soundgarden song…
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