#Him as a father...? I certainly wonder how that would go 🤔
Would it be weird to say that I would want to breed with Bubba Sawyer? Like… No lie, would love to become the mama of his kids. He’s just so hot… and he’s a good dad type, too. The setup is perfect there. 😮‍💨🥰
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bestworstcase · 4 months
So, Taiyangs arc will end with him acknowledging that he was not the best father and husband/partner. Then, to and reestablish a healthy relationship with all parties involved in as much as he can.
Im just wondering how Taiyang will get there. We haven't seen his reaction to the news that Yang and Ruby "died" yet. So that could be his turning point.
But if it isn't, I don't know what could be a bigger wake-up call than your kids died and you weren't there to help. Yang and Ruby's wagon trip to find their mother part two, perhaps?
(Could everything that Yang and Ruby have done so far be considered wagon trip part two?)
if he’s been trying to like power of love coax summer back to the Good Side this whole time then summer um
not wavering after salem razes vale
would certainly be a wake-up call, i think. of the "oh. laughs nervously. i’m in danger" kind—not that i think summer particularly wants to hurt him and salem is obviously disinclined to kill summer’s friends/family (<- "you disappoint me" after tyrian claims to have killed qrow, "he might be on our list of people we’d very much like dead" says watts but salem conspicuously hasn’t lifted a finger to try making that happen even when she assassinated qrow’s. entire mistrali spy network. etc) but Tai Won’t Know That. and of course cinder is both a wild card and the limit of salem’s tolerance in that if it came to a choice between cinder and ruby or yang i think salem would pancake summer’s girls without blinking.
even before that he’d also—given that global comms are down—be learning about ruby and yangs apparent deaths from salem, whether directly or indirectly through summer. and that’s fun.
in general i think as soon as salem Turns Up at beacon with cinder and two relics in hand then whatever wishful thinking situation is going on with tai and summer is probably gonna crumble real fucking fast. bc like… it’s one thing to tell himself summer is just brainwashed or misguided or too afraid to leave while salem is a distant abstract monster somewhere Out There, quite another to do it while salem is Here and summer’s like looking back and forth between salem and cinder and going oh you want to raze vale to force the sword into play? sure ok i’ll get my axe about it.
i won’t entirely Rule Out the possibility that summer might betray salem at this juncture strictly on the basis of the ozian allusion (glinda and jinjur are opposed in the book, mombi’s illusory rose, etc) BUT i don’t think it’s very likely given rwby’s narrative setup and the truth-is-hard-to-come-by storyteller themes 🤔 this is a version of the story where glinda is not Universally Beloved and jinjur is her general; if we read the god of light as mombi, then summer’s silver eyes—incorrectly supposed to be a gift from light—are intuitively the illusory rose and i think it makes more sense to anticipate the deception/illusion to be this idea everyone has of the Heroic Martyred Paragon. glinda’s the one who sees through the illusion and reveals the truth. etc.
it’s also—laughs helplessly—congruent with the wonderland (musical) stuff they did in v9 with ruby as the child-looking-for-her-lost-mother mirror image. perfect writer/perfect mother/perfect wife -> perfect huntress/perfect mother/perfect wife. it um. well im rotating it in my mind all the time. the lost mother is the hatter. get it?
(<- "get it?" i say about smth that will basically only make sense to me bfrgscbk sorry you’ll just have to trust me on this one)
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twilight-deviant · 8 months
Fisk in Echo
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Wanted to make a long post detailing my personal thoughts on Fisk's representation in the Echo series. I won't comment a lot on the series as a whole. It was good. Not gonna call it my new favorite show or say it breathed new life into an MCU that seems like it wants to die. But a good watch. Even if I did hope it would break more of the MCU mold with its MA rating.
But Fisk! Put Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Grant Fisk on my screen, and I'm there, bells on.
This is just... a dumb long post I had to write for me. You can read it or parts of it if you want.
Willie on Willie Violence
They're never gonna tells us why MCU Fisk had Ronin kill Maya's dad. Stop asking. They're not gonna say. No, they're not gonna tell us why Clint did what Fisk asked either. I said stop asking.
They really reduced what could have been an important relationship between Fisk and Willie into literally nothing. Per the comics, he was Fisk's first friend ever, his enforcer. Nothing? NOTHING?! Also they changed his last name from Lincoln to Lopez. (Apparently, heroes can only be born from a married, two-parent household? Didn't know the MCU was Catholic.) "How much agency can you remove from one man?" MCU asks and answers.
I'm not saying the comics knock it out of the park with motive. The reason Fisk kills him is still vague. (Meaning the MCU had the chance to pick up the slack but just left it there.) Vague is still better than ignoring it entirely.
I assume comic Fisk was betrayed by him in some way. And while it doesn't take much provocation for him to kill his employees, I like to assume the motive was a little more substantial for a friend.
This is why these series need to be treated like television (instead of long movies) and given more than a handful of episodes.
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Maya vs Daredevil
A pretty good fight scene, definitely. Even if it is intercut with special effects instead of practical effects. I've seen people make that complaint, and it's valid. I can't decide if the inclusion of a fight between them is meant to be a bone thrown to Daredevil fans, a nod to their fight in the DD comics with Echo's origin, or both. 🤔 But since this is a post about Fisk and I'm a Fisk/Matt shipper, moving on.
Ehehehehehehe~ 😈
"None of my men have ever held their own with him like that. You did better than even I expected."
So... in preparation for DD: Born Again, I have been (and honestly, still am) unsure of where the canon will be coming from. Disney recently pushed the Netflix-verse as legitimate, but I know it has to have a point where that will break off. There's no way it can be a 1:1 continuation. So while we can be a little more bold injecting DD canon into the MCU, I'm not getting carried away yet.
Anyway, the uncertainty of Born Again has made my shipper heart wonder where/when Fisk and Matt's relationship will be. Until Echo, I questioned if it would be scorched earth, start all over, meet for the first time again. But Fisk's line establishes he is at least aware of Daredevil. They have some form of history. I'm interested and anxiously waiting for specifics to unfold. ✪ω✪
In the meantime, it's nice having confirmation that both Fisk and Matt survived Thanos's Snap and existed in those 5 years. 😈 Not only does that play into the hand of my current fanfic, it doesn't outright contradict it either. In fact, it's kind of fun imagining an AU where Matt works with Fisk and then laying it over this Echo scene. Daredevil just so happens to be at a location stalking Fisk's competition? On the same night Fisk sends in his daughter*? Hm. Suspect. Certainly he's not ensuring her safety by sending no-kill boy. 🤔🧐 Ignore me. I'm making an AU of my AU over here. 😂
*[I actually have a hard time letting go of Fisk's role as an adoptive father in the comics versus "uncle" in the shows. I can't let this go. Maybe even... won't let this go?]
So here's a very small nod that even I missed at first. In Maya's 2007 past (in Hawkeye and Echo), she is attending a regular, non-deaf school. Her dad says it's because they can't afford better. (Surely there are programs with grants? Whatever.) Now cut to 2008. Fisk picks her up from school, showing that she is on his radar and he is taking a more active role in her life. A testament to that? Maya is now wearing the uniform (with crest) of a private school.
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Fisk isn't the best at love, and there's no denying that. (Look at Richard's life.) But it also can't be denied that he immediately took an interest in Maya and improving her situation. He loves in his own way.
Anyway... so this scene confirmed with its "2008" that Fisk has been active in New York for yeeeears. Literally since the beginning of the MCU itself. I won't say it changes a lot since DD 1x01 mentions the Chitauri Invasion of 2012 and how Fisk grew parts of his empire with construction companies rebuilding from it. But confirmation is nice, ya know. And it shows that even though Fisk's name was unspoken in 2015, he had already been in some form of power for at least 7 years.
And then, of course, the whole "beat up the ice cream man" thing. 🍿 I mean, again, Fisk's methods are not always right, but he will protect those he cares about and punish those who hurt them. And he will be excessive about it. RIP Anatoly. 💐
I see people, even writers, make excuses for Maya's action in this scene, for kicking the man. "Children watch and copy everything." Sometimes, yes, but children know the difference between right and wrong. Children don't just mimic bad actions. What I'm saying is I'm not going to pretend Maya didn't have a touch of dark side in her with or without Fisk.
There's no denying she is much darker and more ruthless than her comic counterpart. My mouth was quite agape to see her hurt the woodpecker and then lie about it. (There's a certain classification of people who hurt animals as children. 🤔) Not even Fisk was prepared for that part of her. Calling for another jacket, telling her not to be afraid. He thought of how other children would react and got it wrong. He wasn't wrong to think she would have an aptitude for bloodshed in her adult life.
I love Fisk calling her out in this episode, that she always knew what he was and that she killed for him without compunction. There was no remorse in the flashbacks. Per Fisk's own words: "You knew what you were part of at every turn. All the people you killed for me, did you plead for their lives?" There was no disgust towards Fisk until she found out he had her father killed. One of the (I think) producers of the show says he considers Maya a villain. Aight. I think she's more of an anti-hero now, but I wouldn't call MCU Maya an outright hero, I don't think. Remains to be seen what she does with herself.
Me watching the interpreter taken away: "Not the plastic hallway!" 🙈😂
DD S3 Fisk really found an MO he could live with. lol. No one else can but...
This old man is adorable wanting to have weekly dinners with his daughter. (✿◠‿◠) You definitely leave a girl wondering where Vanessa (even a recast Vanessa) is, but okay. Now invite your other three kids on Sunday. Pfft.
I can't believe the MCU made Fisk switch out his beloved Bach for Schubert's Ständchen. 🤣🎧 (That's okay. I actually like it more. Shh.)
The Man in Red
Is it such a silly stupid thing for me to grin about the fact that the first time we "officially" see Fisk in the series, he is wearing red? Yes it is silly and stupid. Imma grin anyway. 🙃
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Sir, that is... that is Daredevil's color. Sir. Sir! 😆 (Fisk said, "Daredevil wore white in the comics. Something must be done.")
Fisk Not Learning ASL
Okay so...
I think this is one of my two big sticking points in Echo's writing for him. I've already ranted to my friend about it over several texts. Fisk spoke more sign language in Hawkeye than he did in this series, and it's not like the why is some big mystery. It's sloppy writing, right? Right. It's a shortcut to contrast Maya's family in Fisk versus her biological family. Writers were like, "What's a quick, easy way we can show Maya's family does care for her more than Fisk even though they abandoned her after her mother and father died and offer nothing for it but an, 'I'm sorry'? Ooh, I know!"
Chula hated Willie enough to blame him for Taloa's death and cast him out at the cost of losing her granddaughter. "I'm sorry." Henry left her in NYC after Willie was killed, even knowing he was leaving her with Fisk. "I'm sorry." But everyone still speaks fluent sign language after 20 years, so they're better than Fisk. Did you get that? We want to make it very, very clear so you get that. 🙄
I have trouble conveying my frustration with this writing choice in words. At the very least, it's "tell, don't show." I don't need it spelled out that ordinary people are better than a serial murder crime boss. Neon sign flashing "Duh!" No one needed that spelled out!
And It was bad enough how blatant they were being, okay, but when they had Maya mention it outright at the end, word-for-word conclusion, oof. It's so... novice league. I almost get secondhand embarrassment from their ham-fisted delivery. Geez.
This man speaks Mandarin, Japanese, and some Spanish. For personal interest. He could learn ASL. You can believe the absolute worst in him and still believe he'd learn it as a method of manipulation, to make Maya think he cared. You actually have a larger burden of proof coming up with any reason why he wouldn't learn. "He doesn't care enough about her." Where's that judging cat picture saying "Pathetic"? I mean, I can sit here all day pointing over and over again at the fact he spoke more ASL in Hawkeye. So he... regressed... between series because he cares... less for her now?
Wait... he suffered a gunshot to the head. You don't think... *gasp* Maya hit the exact spot of his brain that held sign language? It's all coming together.
Uuuuuuuuuuuugh. We all have those bad writing moments we just ignore, and this is one of mine. Echo wanted a villain but they were too afraid of humanizing the one they yoinked from Daredevil. Get on their level, you cowards.
No one will ever touch your perfection, DD S1, my beloved.
Sunday Thursday Dinner
Do not let this man into your home. 🚫 He will look at your family photos and identify all of your weak spots.
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jk I do very much enjoy Fisk's wide wandering eyes as he walks around the house, observing. It's so good. It reminds me (if anyone else knows the overlap here) of Vincent's character in Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Goren goes into a room and immediately studies any picture or book or object he can, learning everything about a person. It's exactly what Fisk was doing here, even if for reasons less than wholesome. I love when you can see the wheels turning in a character's brain.
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I can appreciate a subtle flipping of authority between dinners. Fisk at the head of the table with Maya to his right and then the reverse of that. Nice.
Before this, if you said, "Yeah, I think Wilson Fisk would have a floral print picnic basket," you were LYING! No one could have predicted this bag. No one! You might counter with, "Yeah, but he didn't pick it out. A goon just put everything in there and handed it to him." Would you do that? Would you risk your life handing the Kingpin of all crime up the east coast a floral bag? You are so brave. You will be missed.
So there actually are a few bits of the show that make me think, "Okay, maybe Echo writers did watch Daredevil." It's The Little Things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ When he brought wine, then Maya poured it out and he asked, "What happened to the Lafite?" I was ready to go "Rawr nooo. Fisk's character is supposed to be almost wine illiterate as a nod to his poor, uncultured origin." But wow, they saved it with his very next line being, "It came highly recommended." Okay, Echo. Echo, okay. For this, you get a point.
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Handing the knife to Maya, so... mwah. 💋 It's arrogant, sure, and I'd be lying to say I hated that. But more than that, Fisk really is good at reading and predicting people. Forget muscle strength, THAT is his greatest asset. And he's not wrong. Maya doesn't (then or later) hurt or try to kill him again. He knows what it's like to let emotion take hold in the moment. That's why he understands and dismisses Maya shooting him. But he also knows she has a clearer head now. He feels no danger from her, knows she doesn't really want him dead. And he's right.
"I can't remember a time... when I haven't loved you like a daughter."
I'm glad someone finally said it. Boo on the uncle/niece bit. Not to mention how many motifs of this series hit better and harder with a father/daughter relationship. Tsk tsk.
An interesting exchange here...
Maya: "You isolated me. Told me you were the only one I could trust. But it was all a lie. Even with these contacts, you got them because you didn't care enough to learn to sign." Fisk: "I was there for you!"
✨He is not wrong.✨ Obligatory groan at the ASL mention and... He's not wrong. Like I mentioned earlier, Maya's family abandoned her. Literally the only person who tried to keep up with her was Bonnie (angel), and Maya shunned her. (Which wasn't Fisk's influence because we see her ignoring Bonnie's texts before Fisk had a hand in swaying her one way or the other.) Maya was isolated because her family abandoned her or she cut them off. And Fisk. was. there. for. her. Without him, she seemed intent on ruining her life and getting arrested.
Granted, you'd be justified saying she wouldn't have been in that particular spiral without Fisk killing her father. (Too bad we'll never know why he did it.) But Willie could have died in a manner completely unrelated to Fisk, and her family would have reacted in the same way, not reaching out or being ignored when they do. Do you see what I'm saying? Fisk legitimately was the only person in Maya's life besides her father.
I think about... the people Fisk has told the story of his father's death to, speaking as if this is a true continuation of Daredevil. That would be Wesley (not shown but a given). Vanessa when he wants her to understand him and his past. And Dex, as he pulls the man back from the brink in an effort to make Dex see their similarity and how no one else could understand him like Fisk. (Other people know about it, of course, but I'm concerned with those whom he trusted to tell.)
It seems like the motivation swings between intimate trust and manipulation. Or it could be both with Dex. Honestly, who can read Fisk's mind with absolute clarity? Either way, it's a very small group. It's not insignificant that he tells Maya.
Love Fisk doubling down on "Maya won't kill me." Tripling down? First the knife. Then leaving himself completely unguarded with the door open while she has a gun. Then giving her the hammer and daring her. It feels less arrogant than with the knife though. He still knows she won't kill him, but it also feels less... certain here. But I like him using it as a challenge, as a "Now or never." Kill him already, or stop threatening it every five minutes. Very Fisk of him. 👌
I can't... articulate what his choice of words means to me, but they clutch at my chest as he says, "Free me!" Killing him will not only free Maya to move forward in her life, it will free him. Babygirl, how much do you hate this life you're in? ಥ_ಥ
I think I need to make another Daredevil/Echo gifset. With Fisk here saying, "Free me!" against him daring Matt in 3x13, "Come on, kill me!" (Wilson, do we need to put you on a watch?)
The Little Things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I like confirmation that Fisk has a jet in the MCU. There's tiny mention of it in Daredevil 1x11. I want to see the jet. Yes, thank you. I don't know what I'll do with this, but I like having it.
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Post Office
I'm sooooooooo normal about that old man. Really I am.
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I like this scene. No real reason. But it is nice to watch socially handicapped Wilson try and conduct conversation like a normal person. Helping Chula pick up the mail.
I am VERY interested in a blink-and-you-miss-it line from him here. After Chula mentions losing her daughter.
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"Yes, I've lost someone who I loved. It's the kind of pain you never quite get over."
I am gnawing at my keyboard. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Is it referencing something we should already know? Is it a nod to something yet to come, something Born Again will expand on? Is he just talking about how he "lost" Maya? Is it about his father? Is Vanessa dead in this universe??? What does it meeeeeeean?!?!?!?!
["Tell me!" Loki gif]
Attempted Murder Spree
My second big beef.
I'm not gonna argue whether Fisk would kill people unconnected to his criminal underworld in order to hurt the ones that are. No, I think they got that part pretty accurate. Evidence abounds in comics and Netflix-verse. If he wants to kill Chula and Bonnie to punish Maya, I'd only ask why he didn't go ahead and round up Henry. This plan totally plays. (Actually, if we used only existing Hawkeye content for this MCU Fisk, it would be... less likely. He didn't threaten or go after Kate at all to get at Eleanor.)
What I find ridiculous is the notion he would attempt a massacre of the entire festival. Uh... what? Someone find me a single instance (comic or screen) where Fisk attempts such widespread death and destruction of innocents. By that, I mean with innocents as the intended target and not collateral damage.
When he bombed the Russians in DD 1x05, people were hurt, but from fallout, not intent. Though there are injuries, I'm trying to think if we get more than one confirmation of death. I don't doubt there may have been more, but... And you may want to point at the attack on The Bulletin, but, though terrifying, only three people died. And I'd posit the extra two were most likely to obfuscate that Jasper Evans was the real target. Unless we want to say Bullseye (Bulls-eye) missed a dozen times.
Anyway, I think this over-the-top plot point is us witnessing an MCU-ification of Fisk. Something they need to quash NOW. It's like... gah, they admit they want his character and want him to be a smaller scale villain, a "street-level Thanos," but they still want the high stakes of "aliens are killing citizens en masse." Well, no. You don't get it both ways. And it shouldn't be that way. Smaller scale means a smaller scale. Reduce everything but write it well enough that you still get that same feeling of anxiety and dread.
The episode plays exactly the same without that bit of OOC overreach. (All it did was give Henry and Biscuits something to do in the climax.) Like... literally. You can cut those scenes without affecting anything. Does that sound like good writing? No. Just like with the ASL bit, I think the burden lies on writers explaining WHY he would do this instead of acting like it's obvious and natural. And just because Maya turned him down? He'll massacre dozens of people? I, for one, am not convinced.
The Trauma of It All
I already talked a bit about Fisk's experience being "healed" by Maya in this post. (By the way, was I the only one expecting it to heal his eye too? Ah well.) I could talk more on my annoyance of super powers that just do whatever the writers want them to in any given situation. But I breathe, center myself, and appreciate what I have been given.
I was pretty disappointed in Fisk's writing the whole episode (see point directly above) until this point. They got me back on board. They made a good decision with this final conflict and NOT having it be a physical one. While it makes Echo's writing feel all over the board, dehumanizing Fisk and the humanizing him again, looking at this one aspect feels so good for his character, for anyone who enjoyed his character before this series. Echo, you get... two points.
Visually, I love it so much. Except for the part where I want to take in every single detail of Fisk's childhood bedroom, but they cranked the fog machine too high. I see he is a Yankees fan (But what about those Mets, Spider-Man?) There's a toy helicopter in the window, a toy airplane on the chest of drawers, and a picture of a plane. Was anyone going to tell me little Wilson likes aircrafts or... There's a jar of marbles, jar of little animals. Very normal, cute room for a boy. Despite the disrepair and decay in the walls. This feels like it leans so much closer to Fisk's outright childhood poverty in the comics than just being lower class in DD.
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OBVIOUSLY, I *chef's kiss* at the wonderful homage to the white wall/painting. High school English teachers could have a field day examining the symbolism. In DD 1x03, Fisk says the painting makes him feel "alone," and that emotion is perfectly captured here. We hear his parents on the other side of the wall, in the other room, but Wilson is alone in his bedroom, wanting it to stop.
I hate/love the despair and pain Fisk has being back here. I would never trauma dump on the internet. I'll just say Wilson Fisk continues to be a very relatable character for me. He is, all joking aside, very special to me, personally. And moments like this only strengthen the love I have for him. Also makes me want to slap around Fisk haters who refuse to take the time to understand him. Bah.
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A small thing I like is that Fisk seems able to fully understand Maya in here. Whether because he just, ya know, understands ASL (she unlocked the sign language he forgot since Hawkeye ◉o◉), or because thought transcends speech inside his head, you decide.
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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I could speak for thousands of words and never finish conveying how much I love this scene. It was a very good call to go this route.
I Am Petting the Loyal Henchman
The guy who helps Fisk, who points a gun at Maya, pulls him away, and puts him in a car before the police arrive?
This guy?
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Give him a raise. He's very important to me, I decided. I'm going to call him Carl.
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What are you about, Carl? Are you in it for the paycheck, or are you loyal to the boss? There is a Wesley-shaped hole in my heart that will never fill.
Mayor Fisk
Obviously excited for Mayor Fisk arc. There are a couple comic plots I've wanted to see Daredevil explore, and that's probably at the top of the list. (There is also Fisk and Matt working together in prison, but I'm less than hopeful we'll ever see it on screen.) I have so many questions about Fisk being mayor.
Do you think he'll still offer the job of Deputy Mayor to Matt??? Can he win honestly, or will he cheat? Can they show Fisk stealing an election without referencing ANY current events in the real world? Will the election be at the start of the series or mid-point, or will they save it (hopefully not) for a finale? Will they use this to set up future plots with Fisk?
I'm all abuzz with anticipation.
Only... over a year to Daredevil: Born Again! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
On the very off chance you read all of this post or skimmed it and didn't see me address something you're curious of my opinion on, idk, just let me know. I'll ramble all day. Clearly.
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nevalizona · 1 year
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
🌴- Who is this oc's favorite person?(Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
🌾- How does this oc get along with people they just met?
💧- What is this oc most passionate about?
:3 ♡
I included Rosaylie because I've been thinking about her a lot lately🩷 I know you won't mind so🩷✨️ thank you, these were SO much fun sksksksk
🌼- What's your favorite thing about this oc?
Ivy Nicole- OHMYGOD so much!!!! I just love her. She's so. I don't know how to word it. But she makes my brain feel very similar to how my brain feels about Rosaylie which is the highest compliment I can give any oc especially oc that is for a piece of media sksksksk. But if I had to try to pinpoint one thing, it would be her compassion and love for other people. She tries so hard to love others and be loved back but the world is very cruel to her.
Genevieve- I like that's she's a loser. I have tried to expand upon this idea for some ocs for my own work but nothing compares to her.
Rosaylie- My dear sweet Rosaylie. My daughter. My best friend. My favorite thing about her is her perseverance. She will never give up, to a fault.
🌴- Who is this oc's favorite person?(Can be another oc, a fictional character, a celebrity, anyone)
Ivy Nicole- this is a tough one🤔 it would have been Ellis. Still is for a very long time. She tends to put people up on pedestals, and he is no different. She loves loves loves Marilyn Monroe.
Genevieve- (I almost forgot her ohmygod) Not to be redundant but Aldridge. He's her entire world. She loves him so much it makes her head spin. She wasn't quite sure she knew who she was before him, but she certainly knows, after him :)
Rosaylie- as sick and twisted as it is, her favorite person is Tellio. It will always be Tellio.
🌾- How does this oc get along with people they just met?
Ivy Nicole- She is too much, too quick! She is overwhelming! She's always going going going. If someone can handle that, they get along fine. If not, they do not gel very much.
Genevieve- She is VERY shy, so she often doesn't talk much beyond the first introduction. It can be hard for her to make friends. So I'm going to say she doesn't get along well with people she just met.
Rosaylie- She got her Father's charisma. She has a wonderful, welcoming smile. She makes connections very easy. She practically charms people at first handshake.
💧- What is this oc most passionate about?
Ivy Nicole- Religion. She tries to act like she isn't, but it's still her entire world. She's still very devoted and it tears her apart.
Genevieve- She's passionate about being a good therapist for her clients. She wants them to really trust her, so she can help them to the best of her ability.
Rosaylie- She is most passionate about family.
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vendettapandav · 2 years
hi!! i've been closely following your readings of the damned fics and i've been loving each and every chapter of them so far!! i have had one question pop up every time i read it, though: how would lisa and father garcia react to john joining the cult? surely, garcia would still go on to try and stop the profane sabbath, right? even if john isn't there to help him? and i'm sure lisa would be worried about him too!!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the fics!! I’m really pouring all of my heart and my hyperfixative energy into them sjdjdjkd-
Good question! So good it makes me wonder if I accidentally leaked the docs link to my current draft for chapter 2 of The Lovers 🤔
In all seriousness though, their reactions are something I do plan on exploring eventually. One sooner than the other. I’ll try to explain it as best I can without spoiling anything.
Where Garcia is concerned, we’ve seen that he’s a very determined and unrelenting force in his mission to stop the Profane Sabbath and cleanse the world of demons. He’s a lot more steadfast and resistant towards the forces of the UNSPEAKABLE and Gary than John is. Being so much older and having much more experience with conflict has given him a resilience. (Though as we’ve seen with John, even those with the strongest of faith can fall to the forces of the Devil.) He’s also hellbent on saving anyone that he can, as evidence by the whole ordeal with Michael, the desperation to find the twins, and even going as far to follow John into the darkness to help him. Suffice to say, he’s already gone after John once when he sensed something was wrong. Who’s to say he wouldn’t do it again?
And who’s to say he won’t fail again, even if he does so unknowingly?
As for Lisa… Lisa’s tougher than she knows or gives herself credit for. But being tough only gets you so far when you’re living in a den of wolves. She still has a soft heart and a susceptible soul. She might not trust anybody in the building after what she’s experienced with the cult, but she does trust John. He’s her oldest and dearest friend after all! Her first love! The one person she feels she can turn to no matter what and always depend upon, especially now that they’re older and life has only gotten stranger and more complicated. He’s her hero! They’re each other’s rock and safe space. Home is wherever they are together. So finding out he’s joined the cult will certainly give her mixed feelings. Sure, it’s Gary’s Cult… but it’s also John. He could be Charon leading her across the River Styx and Lisa would only ever see him as Moses parting the Red Sea and leading her to the Promised Land.
How that story ends is truly anyone’s guess. :3c
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spiritofmultitudes · 5 years
(2/2) What’s also making me believe in the boys more than ever is the fact that their PR management is the worst. Everything is so weird, their absence on SM, E who’s documenting their life and making up all kind of stuff that are WAY TOO picture perfect to be believable... they’re trying to fool us. And that’s suspicious. So yeah, I’m gonna continue to believe in them. But boy, sometimes it really fucks with my head to think about it 🤔
So continuing on my soapbox, I want to know who pays for the publicity?
Do Armie and his wife have the same agents?
Do they have the same publicists?
Hopefully they have different lawyers?
Because his publicists should be working to create a different brand for him. He doesn’t need to be a superlative husband or father.
To fulfil his ambitions (& he is ambitious) he needs creative challenges. He needs to be tested. He isn’t risk averse and he needs to be in movies that take risks. His past flops have been risk averse pieces that try to make him Everyman. He couldn’t be happy as the biggest movie star on the planet. He needs growth and challenges. And I’m just referencing his own interviews. He is authentically likeable when he’s being himself. People are constantly charmed.
Her brand...well..I’m not going to dedicate any more words to that. Their publicists are like servants with two masters. The lack of honesty in some of their posts- ridiculously amateur. Factchecking takes a minute. So why would they post inaccurate bullshit? Could they be instructed to do it by one of their clients?
What a nightmare for them. They are probably hard working and very nice people btw.
No wonder Team Panda protect T so carefully. His brand doesn’t need to be instagrammed to the white first world Christian masses. His appeal is so much broader than that. It’s effortless and authentic too.
But then they share the same PR!
What a clusterfuck!
So yes, dear. Between the images and the false press releases (bakery in Colorado, 1st house purchase ever) there are some thorny issues.
Your gut, heart and head all tell you something. Listen to them esp if they are conflicted. What information are they responding to?
Time may tell. I suspect we will never know. A highly evangelical 1st son whose parents established a Christian school. Whose school frowned on premarital kissing. Whose father donated millions to his wife’s families Christian charities at the expense of their traditional family charities. How would he ever explore his sexuality? How would he ever come out?
I don’t know that he ever would. But I hope that Timmy , who is such an avid supporter of LGBTIQ causes might speak openly about his orientation or experiences one day. I certainly hope he doesn’t beard (?again). I mean his agent is gay and married. But Darren Criss, Rami Malik, Leonardo Di Caprio, George Clooney, Bradley Cooper....sigh...rumours only. If he wants an Oscar he’s going to have to beard some more....
Thanks for question. Sorry for the rambling.
All the best. Take care.
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